City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works Publications and Research John Jay College of Criminal Justice 2006 The Riddim Method: Aesthetics, Practice, and Ownership in Jamaican Dancehall Peter L. Manuel CUNY Graduate Center Wayne Marshall How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: Discover additional works at: This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact:
[email protected] . .,_' ' '· . :~ l',•1111/w M lls1'· (20116) Vnlt11nL' 25/1 . Cnpy riglll V 2llll6 l'.11nbridgL " Uni \' L"rsil)' l'rc s, . pp . H 7- .J7ll d<>i: Ill. Ill 17/ S02h I l.Jl01l600ll~97 l'rilllL'd in lilL' U11i1L-dKingdnm The riddim method: aesthetics, practice, and ownership in Jamaican dancehall 1 PETER MANUELt and WAYNE MARSHALL+ tJ 27 Park Ave, Le,mia, NJ 07605, USA tBB Holwort/1y Strecl, Col}/l,ridge,MA 02/313,LISI\ Abstract T/11:J1111111irn11 syste111 of recvrdi11g 1111dper/ilrn11111u', }1-0,11 t/Je ·1950s to t/1e prcsc11t, co11stit11tes11 distinctive 11pproach to nutio11s of cp111positio11, origi1111/ity 1111dmu11£·rshiJ', £111ergi11g fro111 a tmditio11 of live pe1fomin11ccpnict ice 111edi11tcd/1y ( n11di11Ji>n11i11g) sm111d recordings , the relative 1111to110111yof riddi111s 1111d voici11ss i11tht! /1111111irn11,ystc111 c/111/le11gcs co11 ve11tio1111l.ide11s11bo11/ the i11tcgrily of 11 so11g 1111dt/1c dcsn·i' to ,11l1ic/1 i11t,·m11tiP1111Icopyri:,:111 1ml' applies lo /owl rn11<'C/'lio11,, 11,c11shri11ed i11 d1't'11dcs ,>f111 ·octicc. o( 11111,icol11111/cri11ls 11s /ilil1/it' do11111i11.'vVit/J t/1 e sprcnd o( Ilic 'riddi111 111c//ipd'IP //1c site, ,>f/1111111irn11 11111, , 111i,1;mtio11.rb cuid1•11ccd /1y si111ilar opproncltcs i11l1ip lwp , rcsgat'/011, rlru111'11'/J11s,11111/ />lin11gm , n·x:.:11c's01,stlll'tic systc111/111s(o1111d udlu:n·11ts 11111011g11rli,1,; 1111d 1111dic·11r, ,, ou/.,idc ,v]1111rn irn.