MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL REPORT FOR RESOLUTION REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE DATE 26th JULY 2006 SUBJECT REGIONAL CASINO REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE PURPOSE OF REPORT To update the Executive on the City Council’s submission to the Government’s independent Casino Advisory Panel for the ability to licence a regional casino. RECOMMENDATIONS The Executive is recommended to: 1. Note the contents of this report and welcome the Panel’s decision to shortlist Manchester’s bid as one of eight shortlisted locations for a single pilot regional casino. 2. Delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Executive and the Executive Member for Planning and the Environment, to agree the City Council’s next stage submission to the Government’s Independent Advisory Panel on Casinos. 3. Approve the approach for developing a social responsibility framework for casinos and other forms of gambling for report back to the Executive with detailed proposals later in the year. 4. Note that there is a report to the Executive elsewhere on this agenda on the implications of the Gambling Act 2005 for the City Council as licensing authority. FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR THE REVENUE BUDGET None from this report FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR THE CAPITAL BUDGET None from this report.. CONTACT OFFICERS Howard Bernstein Chief Executive 234 3006
[email protected] Tom Russell Chief Executive, New East Manchester 223 1155
[email protected] Jane Deane Project Director, New East Manchester 223 1155
[email protected] Ian McCormack New East Manchester 223 1155
[email protected] BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS 1.