ACTING UP ANNUAL 2021 Welcome to Acting Up’s Annual for 2021!

2020 and the start of 2021 is most certainly a time that we won’t be forgetting in a hurry.

There have been so many ups and downs and changes that we have all had to adapt to.

Overall, most of have stayed focused and made the most of a very difficult time.

Thank goodness that here at Herts Inclusive Theatre we managed to transfer most of our weekly and holiday workshops online and we have produced some great work together.

Acting Up were keen to document their experience over lockdown so far and suggested making an annual.

So we would like to present this special Covid 19 edition that we have created together.



Personal Profiles

Interviews with Members of the Community & Watford Football Players

Film reviews

Poems by Watford Children & Youth Theatre

Games & Puzzles

Photo’s of Lockdown Fun

ܽ Personal Profile

We'd like you to get to know some of the members in Acting Up a little more so here's some fun fact about them....

Name Alex Dunson Age 26

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown I did lots of singing through lockdown, I really like Shawn Mendes. I’m also really good at art so I drew lots of superhero characters over lockdown How I felt during Lockdown I felt sad and scared when lockdown had started and I didn’t know what was going on. It was a little hard not seeing my whole family. Interesting Fact about Myself I can lift a really heavy weight 8kg’s and I am at a very high level on a Spiderman computer game Favourite Drama Game 4 Corners Splat

Name Alexandra White Age 39

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown I really enjoy singing. Through lockdown I sang Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman and I learnt how to put sign language to the chorus How I felt during Lockdown I felt scared through lockdown but I got through it by connecting with people through Zoom. I chatted with people, did some dance classes and I took part in the HIT Musical The Show Must Go Online. This made me feel happy as I was taking part in something and I could focus on a performance. I learnt new acting and singing skills. Interesting Fact about Myself I was in Eastenders and I met Pat Favourite Drama Game Four Corners

Name Gemma Fletcher Age 27

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown I practised singing my favourite song Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked. I also spent my time doing lots of colouring in. How I felt during Lockdown Weird. Tried to help others understand what was going on and that we are all going through the same thing. Interesting Fact about Myself I can balance a teaspoon on my nose. I have also visited the BBC Television Studios Favourite Drama Game I like playing ‘What are you doing’. I like this game because of the way people do the actions and what people say it really makes me laugh

Name Matthew Snell Age 49

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown I Wrote a story & took photos when I went out for walks. I lost 3 stone in weight. I recorded a song with my choir it’s called Gin & Tonic How I felt during Lockdown I felt a bit strange at first because I didn’t know what was going on. I moved in with my brother and he taught me how to cook, I lost 3 stone in weight. I walked for an hour a day and found that this helped me take my mind off things and I listened to music. This also helped. Alexa, my new friend also helped me by saying positive things through the speaker throughout the day. Interesting Fact about Myself I am a volunteer at the Dungeons. Every year at halloween I dress up as a zombie and scare people. Favourite Drama Game Anyone Who? I like it because you find things out about people Name Nick Brown Age 35

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown I Played Guitar, I like playing country music. I practise so I can play at my mum’s and friends house at Christmas time. How I felt during Lockdown I don’t have much to say about how I felt. I saw my Mum online but not many other people Interesting Fact about Myself I like playing pranks on all my friends Favourite Drama Game I like them all

Name Rik-Star Age 30

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown I decorated lots of my own t-shirts throughout the lockdown. My favourite was the one I did for the NHS, it had a big rainbow on the front. I also baked lots of cakes and shared them with my neighbours How I felt during Lockdown I was sad during lockdown as I missed Acting Up andall my friends at HIT.I enjoyed making cakes for my neighbours and I did loads of other stuff for the community. I made art stuff and decorated my front garden and sang for my neighbours, this helped me feel more happy and gave me something to focus on Interesting Fact about Myself I am Watford Football Club's biggest fan. I am alsovery good at accents, especially Boris Johnson Favourite Drama Game 4 Corners

Name Saskia Herdman Age 29

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown Singing, drama, storytelling, walks -How I felt during Lockdown Happy as got to see lots of people on zoom, in my garden and got to spend lots of time with my Mum Interesting Fact about Myself One Christmas I helped Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall decorate her Christmas Tree at Clarence House Favourite Drama Game Anything where we have to pull a funny face

Name Zara Little Age 30

What I got up to through Covid 19 Lockdown I watched lots of films and I watched my favourite film The Lion KIng. It has my favourite actor in it Beyonce, she plays the character Nala. How I felt during Lockdown I felt a bit weird. I don't like wearing masks. I got to go to Tesco, that made me feel a bit better but mainly uncomfortable when I left the house. But no I’m feeling ok now. Interesting Fact about Myself I was born in Norfolk, that’s where my dad lives. I visit him sometimes, I can’t remember the last time I saw him. My sister lives there as well. When I go there I watch TV and go for walks. Favourite Drama Game Musical chairs, because I like moving around

Interviews with Members of the Community

We wanted to find out how other members of the community coped with lockdown so we approached a policeman, doctor, musican & a person that works at a theatre to ask..


Question 1 - What has your experience been and how have you felt throughout the Covid 19 Pandemic? I have spent the majority of the time working during the initial lockdown and then managing the response in my police role to ensure public safety. Not a lot changed for myself as I could not work from home, but it was strange at first wearing face masks and keeping a safe distance from others. It was a concerning time but the seeing the general publics’ overwhelming support for the public services made the whole experience a lot easier to get through.

Question 2 - What achievement are you most proud of in 2020? I am most proud of the achievement of my team and the challenges they faced during CV19 and how impressively well they kept a positive response to policing the Government’s strategic response.

Question 3 - What headline would you like to see in the newspaper in a year's time? COVID19 IS OVER!!!!!!!!!

Question 4 -Herts Inclusive Theatre is a theatre group and we have all missed going to the theatre. What area of the arts world are you missing the most? My wife and I love attending London to watch the Theatre and we cannot wait to book a hotel, lovely dinner and see a show.

Question 5 - Do you have a party trick or secret talent? Sadly not, I try and play golf but that is about it


Question 1 - What has your experience been and how have you felt throughout the Covid 19 Pandemic? It’s been surreal. With almost all my live work cancelled I’ve been at home trying to stay sane (not sure I am succeeding) !

Question 2 - What achievement are you most proud of in 2020? To quote Stephen Sondheim ‘I’m still here’ . . . oh and I manage to squeak out a single with my Jazz project, Algorisms, right before the first lockdown started. The last band gig I did was the only live promotion we managed to do for its release. Not the best timing LOL.

Question 3 - What headline would you like to see in the newspaper in a year's time?“ COVID-19 Defeated, lookout climate change, you’re next!”

Question 4 - Herts Inclusive Theatre is a theatre group and we have all missed going to the theatre. What area of the arts world are you missing the most? All of them! Ballet and contemporary dance, classical music and modern plays. Musicals, youth theatre and everything in between. I love going to the theatre, whether to see lavish, big budget productions or those smaller independent, experimental shows that run for only a few weeks (or even days). So many of my friends have had their productions cancelled, with no end in sight to the misery, it breaks my heart.

Question 5- Do you have a party trick or secret talent? No tricks but I love a good party.

Beth Baker, Box Office Assistant at Harrow Arts Centre

Question 1 - What has your experience been and how have you felt throughout the Covid 19 Pandemic? For the first time in years Harrow Arts Centre (HAC) has been quiet…it’s very strange working from home and not seeing the ‘regulars’ every day! Still, somehow the Team at HAC feels closer than ever and we have developed in a lot of positive ways. Fingers crossed there will be many new & innovative ideas coming into fruition very soon!

Question 2 - What achievement are you most proud of in 2020? For HAC as a whole, we are extremely proud to say we have powered through this strange year. In this unprecedented time when many are struggling, we pledged to support both our communities and the artists we work with, many of whom have had their livelihoods snatched from them. We are therefore very proud to have commissioned group of artists, art companies and creatives of all disciplines to create new pieces of work for our brand new #HACFromHome 2020 seasons. These seasons comprise of a mixture of online performances, workshops and other socially distanced events.

Question 3 - What headline would you like to see in the newspaper in a year's time? Coronavirus Eradicated: The Shows WILL Go on!

Question 4 - Herts Inclusive Theatre is a theatre group and we have all missed going to the theatre. What area of the arts world are you missing the most? Personally, I miss performing & welcoming others to performances. All of us at HAC can’t wait to put smiles on people’s faces again.

Question 5 - Do you have a party trick or secret talent? Everyone at HAC has something fun they do: I sing, act & draw caricatures, others make soap, produce music, bake and some have even formed bands!

Dr Jonny Moses

Question 1 - What has your experience been and how have you felt throughout the Covid 19 Pandemic? I was redeployed to work on the frontline as a doctor looking after patients with COVID-19 at Watford General Hospital. At first it was scary, I wasn’t sure if my skills would be enough to help, or if I would catch COVID-19 and pass it on to someone else like my family, but I also felt very privileged to be able to help care for people during the pandemic and work alongside so many great people. I was really grateful for all the hard work that everyone in the public was doing by helping to keep us safe, and the kind support that Watford FC gave us too. Although there were challenges it was a very rewarding time for me. There’s something special about caring for others, especially in a time of need. It was also a time for personal reflection, to be grateful for all the beautiful things I have in my life that can often be taken for granted.

Question 2 - What achievement are you most proud of in 2020? I met a very upset stranger on Christmas eve, they felt hopeless and had given up on life. I did my best to listen to their problems and talk with them. They changed their mind about life, which is something that has really resonated with me. It is definitely one of my greatest achievements.

Question 3 - What headline would you like to see in the newspaper in a year's time? Peace in the Middle East! All countries of the world come together to tackle Climate Change! The end of inequality, poverty, famine and homelessness! Almost forgot - the end of the COVID pandemic of course…

Question 4 - Herts Inclusive Theatre is a theatre group and we have all missed going to the theatre. What area of the arts world are you missing the most? Good question!! I’ve really been missing theatre too – my adult nephews are very involved in theatre and I’ve been so used to seeing their performances and productions over the years that without it feels like something big is missing. I miss art galleries, and museum exhibitions too. Most of all I miss going to listen (and dance) to live music events!

Question 5 - Do you have a party trick or secret talent? Of course, but that would be telling… ;)

William Troost-Ekong Watford Football Club Player

Question 1: What has your experience been and how have you felt throughout the Covid-19 pandemic? William Troost-Ekong: I've never experienced something like this in my life, I think the main thing has been it's emphasised the important things in life and being able to spend time with my family and our loved ones. That's been massive for me. I think I have been one of the lucky ones still being able to carry on working and do what I wanted to do, which is playing football, even though we had a short break. It's made me realise just how important it is to spend time with your family.

Question 2:What achievement are you most proud of in 2020? William Troost-Ekong: That would be coming to Watford. That has been the key moment for me this year. There have been quite a ot of lows for everyone so for me to get a move to where I wanted to go was my best achievement.

Question 3: What headline would you like to see in the newspaper in a year's time? William Troost-Ekong: Watford has made it back to the Premier League!

Question 4: What area of the arts world are you missing the most? William Troost-Ekong: I'm quite a visual person so I enjoy going to the theatre and the cinema so that's been probably the tow biggest things, two nice evenings out with the family and friends that I have missed - the social part of going to see a show or film with friends and family.

Question 5: Do you have a party trick or secret talent? William Troost-Ekong: I am very good at downing drinks!! Non-alcoholic of course! Christian Kabasele Watford Football Club Player

Question 1: What has your experience been and how have you felt throughout the Covid-19 pandemic? Christian Kabasele: It has been tough mentally. Personally my parents and the parents of my wife are in Belgium so we haven't seen them for a long time now. But I think I am quite lucky as well because I didn't lose my job, I didn't have these kinds of difficulties so yes it has been difficult for me but I think it has been much more difficult for other people.

Question 2:What achievement are you most proud of in 2020? Christian Kabasele: Probably cooking more than usual!! Otherwise it wasn't particularly a good year for me or the club.

Question 3: What headline would you like to see in the newspaper in a year's time? Christian Kabasele: 100,000 people were gathered together for the New Year fireworks in Central London. That would mean we have beaten the virus

Question 4: What area of the arts world are you missing the most? Christian Kabasele: Cinema for me, I used to go several times. Now it is impossible to go, I miss that a lot because it is a nice atmosphere as well

Question 5: Do you have a party trick or secret talent? Christian Kabasele: I am getting quite good at cooking...!

Ken Sema Watford Football Club Player

Question 1: What has your experience been and how have you felt throughout the Covid-19 pandemic? Ken Sema: It has been a strange feeling of course because of it being all around the world. For me, I am still able to come here and work, I still train, I still play games. It's more after I go home that I eat dinner at home instead of going out to eat and go shopping and things like that. Staying healthy, washing your hands all the time is now the normal too of course.

Question 2:What achievement are you most proud of in 2020? Ken Sema: I've been playing a lot and I think I've done quite well so far. Now we have to move forward as a group, as ateam because it's a big season for us and we want to play in the Premier Leaguenext season. We have to fight for it.

Question 3: What headline would you like to see in the newspaper in a year's time? Ken Sema: Everything is safe, you can go out and have fun. But be aware of the world.

Question 4: What area of the arts world are you missing the most? Ken Sema: Everything is safe, you can go out and have fun. But be aware of the world!

Question 5: Do you have a party trick or secret talent? Ken Sema: I have a few!!! I can dance, I can sing - I'm quite alright you know. Not a proper singer obviously but I'm not bad. I can do a bit of both actually!

Acting Up Film Recommendations and Reviews.... nt I we ear ow is y rts Sh d th sta rror an film Ho ngs The s cky thi ilm. ride Ro oky w F e b t spo ho s th o ge do re S che de t e to ictu cat eci r at I lik r P eis rs d sso en orro t W ajo rofe owe y H ane d M a p ar all ock re J Bra ott, eir c At H e R he cé t Sc th a e th g w fian ret ay from se ddin er ve he w elp to we nd h r. E n t et h nd t a e a ee D s. O o g nta a a . Sh o s ew o t ge er uet t of t od n ey g f Ma furt ouq se go d th Ra kin b nd the an iff ran lot ied a sity orm by R r. F e a arr iver n st ted et D e ar r. m un rai ree me her e.D heir in a re g en f. T ddi t wn y a y th es o d E s do he The oth alle y. ak tle. T in. t cl ne c ock bre as ited r we g o d R ia. ky c inv hei din alle mb poo re ke t nclu re c olu y s ia a o ta e i atu ed C art umb m t ous cre nci ig p Col the he h d a e fa a b e ells n t ate e h had om o t sts i cre aus ey re s wh ue ad ec d th we ird g ter h die b y an ere et we fur Ed ock .Th we of nkin lled d R day is S Fra r ki rrie irth rite yed urte ma ’s b vou pla rd kinf en cky y fa urry icha ran r th Ro d m C d R F urte nd an .Tim an rite kinf ing a ilm nia cky ou ran dd he f ylva Ro fav F we in t ns yed . My en I r the ngs Tra pla aff wh fo t so rom ood iff R film e rea ite f dw d R the g th g est Hin laye aw ein nsv ter p st s se r Tra , Pe film .I fir rd to fo rter the rry wa t of 5 infu rote Cu for ou nk o w Tim king m 5 Fra wh as loo e fil rian ilm w am d th O’B he f nd I war in t g a .I a t. tor oun day men ac ry y one tain s ve w w nter wa sho e tage GREASE s My favourite part in the film was th e final scene where Danny and Sandy danced together at the fairground. If you were to change a nything what would change in the film I would change the scene at the Hig h School dance so Danny and Sandy won the competition. What was your least favourite part of the film My least favourite part in the film wa s when Danny denied meeting Sandy in the summer vacation to his friends. Who was the best actor in the film The best actor in the film was Sandy. Please add anything else you you w ould like to add that you think people would like to know about the film Great music and dancing, a feel good film. Hitch My favourite part in the film was when the guy was showing of his moves. If you were to change anything what would - I would like it to change more fun. What was your least favourite part of the film I liked it when the guy took all the tissue paper down onto the floor which was funny. Who was the best actor in the film Will smith.

Poem Written By Watford Childrens Theatre


I Believe in the ancient celts, The ancient Egyptian The tudors and the jesters, My aunt, my baby brother And my tv star. I believe in my secret friend And my friends at school I believe when I'm dreaming, In a calm place In a spa In my school. I believe in me.

I believe my dad because he looks after me I believe in maths because its my favourite lesson I believe in my grandad because he is a great man I believe in my brother because I can never live without him. I can believe in a field because it's calm. I can believe in the morning because it's before busy things happen.

I believe in magic,Otherwise it would be tragic, I believe in the sunshine in the morning,After all the snoring, I believe in my mum,Because she is great fun.

I believe in exploring cities with my cousin who is the person I most believe in We both dream about these adventures when we are bored When I need hope I believe in fairies, santa claus and my very fluffy cat called Pegasus. We jump in puddles and laugh a lot I believe in the creativity of poet, when there is a problem that needs to be solved I read many rhymes whilst cuddling my teddy bears I need to believe in myself when running a race I need to believe in myself whilst on stage with my theatre group I need to believe in inclusivity & equality

I need to believe

I believe

Poem Written By Watford Youth Theatre

I Hope

I hope I get to visit Colnbrook school when this virus has been sorted I really wish i could see my grandad and also hope he is looking down on me for ever and ever I hope Joe Biden doesn’t show himself up

What I hope for My Grandad Who I hope for Joe Biden How I hope With love When I hope When I I’m feeling down Where I hope Whilst with my Dad

What I hope for To eat lots of sweets Who I hope for My sister Hannah How I hope By believing When I hope When doing my school work Where I hope Where my friends are

What I hope for Cuddles with Jess Who I hope for My friend Zach How I hope With Encouragement When I hope When I want to be happy Where I hope Whilst in my garden

I hope to go on train rides I hopes for Youtubers I hopes By Clapping I hope when I want to be happy I feel hope in my belly

I hope for to go Back to school I hopes for my friend Sophie I hope when I'm dreaming I hopes when Im safe at home I feel hope in my heart

I hope for Big Smiles I hope for My family I hope when I am happy I hope when I am I crying I feel hope in my heart

Games and Quizes

Soap Opera Quiz

1.In Emerdale which 2 names makes up the couple name Vanity?

2.In Emerdale when is Belle Dingles Birthday?

3.What is Emerdales orginal name?

4.In who owns the factory at the moment in 2021?

5.In Eastenders who runs the at the moment in 2021?

6.In Eastenders who own the pub at the moment in 2021?

e l a e B n a I . 6 s i n n e D n o r a h s . 5 r e n n o C a l r a C d n a t t a l P h a r a S . 4

m r a F e l a d r e m m E . 3 y a D s a m t s i r h C . 2 y t i r a h C d n a a s s e n a V .

Answers 1

Guess the Musical 1.Old Indian town with hopeful wishes. 2.Boy with many coloured coat. 3.Christmas baby who was special. 4.Education with seaside sweet.

5.Australian magician. .

4.School of Rock 5. Wizard of Oz of Wizard 5. Rock of 4.School 3. Jesus Christ Super Star Super Christ Jesus 3.

Answers 2.Joseph and the Technicolour Dream Coat Dream Technicolour the and 2.Joseph