FAS Newsletter Federation of Astronomical Societies http://www.fedastro.org.uk

Jodrell Bank Future Secure The Universe – Yours to Discover n 2009 the world will celebrate the International Year of - but at what cost? I Astronomy to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Galileo's use of a telescope to study the night sky. Within the UK, to celebrate any of you will have joined the e-protest to Downing this historical anniversary, a constellation of events and activities will Street earlier in the year, when Jodrell Bank was run throughout the year, allowing everyone to engage with the M threatened with closure. Universe, and to rediscover their place within it. The petition can be summarised as: Beginning in 1609 Galileo, observing from Italy, saw things that “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to reverse no-one had ever seen before: the phases of Venus; the moons of Gov’t Plans and Save Jodrell Bank Observatory From Jupiter; the rings of Saturn; and the mountainous and cratered imperfect surface of the Moon. These observations overturned the Closure.” ……. world order and established our place on Earth amidst a much wider “recently it has been reported that the government plans to cosmos. stop its funding of Jodrell Bank Observatory, which would There is a second major anniversary happening in 2009: the 40th undoubtedly cause its closure. This petition is to prevent this anniversary of Apollo 11 when Neil Armstrong became the first man happening and keep Jodrell at the forefront of the Merlin to set foot on the Moon on 20th July 1969 project and British space exploration.” One of the main aims during 2009 will be to get as many people Well recently, Downing Street responded to all the e-petitioners as possible to see what Galileo saw, and to begin to ask questions with the following email: about their place in the Universe. There are many different projects, events and activities planned “The University of and the Science and Technology in the UK for IYA2009, from those being run by local astronomy Facilities Council have agreed a way forward for funding e-MERLIN enthusiasts in your nearest town, to regional and national activities which should ensure that Jodrell Bank remains as a global centre of happening around the country. These will occur throughout the research excellence in radio astronomy. The UK has an year, but some specific dates have been established to focus activities: acknowledged international leading position in the development of Spring MoonWatch (28 March to 05 April 2009), Autumn radio astronomy facilities and science and the Government has no MoonWatch (24 October to 01 November 2009) and Schools intention of letting that slip. Autumn Moonwatch (19 – 29 November 2009). The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and its To give an idea of just some IYA2009 projects, the Society for predecessor Research Councils, has provided grant funding for Popular Astronomy are running “Telescopes for Schools”, an Jodrell Bank to carry out a number of research projects over the ambitious programme where 1000 telescopes will be provided to years. 1000 secondary schools, along with a DVD showing how to set up The STFC has recently carried out a review of all its and use the telescope, and contact with a local astronomer who can programmes, including the e-MERLIN project which is run by help set up a school astronomy club. Jodrell Bank and involves a network of seven UK radio telescopes. Other major projects which the UK are participating in include: This review, which involved advice from independent scientists, has Dark Skies Awareness, encouraging people to travel out of the towns been used to help set investment priorities for this spending review and cities to see a dark sky, as well as educating about the problem of period (2008/9 – 2010/11). While the Government sets the light pollution and the effect that has on the UK’s heritage of dark overarching strategy, the research community itself, the Research skies; From Earth to the Universe, a touring exhibition of stunning Councils and researchers, set priorities and distribute funds through astronomical photographs; She is an Astronomer, engaging with women and encouraging young women to consider science and a process of peer review in line with the long-established Haldane astronomy as a career. principle. STFC released the results of its Programmatic Review on These projects are just a small selection of the myriad of 3 July and announced a three year £1.9 billion investment activities that will happen in 2009. The UK website programme which keeps the UK at the forefront of scientific (www.astronomy2009.co.uk) has an interactive map and calendar excellence. Details of the results of the Programmatic Review can be which will allow you to find out what’s happening in your area and found on STFC’s website (www.scitech.ac.uk). around the UK during 2009. STFC made clear the strategic importance of e-MERLIN to the Steve Owens in the UK Co-ordinator for the International Year future of UK radio astronomy. It stated that it would continue of Astronomy 2009 contact him at: [email protected] working with the facility owners - the University of Manchester, and other stakeholders to find a solution for the financial support of e- MERLIN operations in the medium term on a shared cost basis. As (Continued on page 2)

President Treasurer Secretary Newsletter Editor Richard Sargent Peter Cooke Shaun O’Dell Frank Johns 4 Bache Drive, Upton, Haven Cottage, Frithville, 147 Queen St, Swinton, 38 Chester Road, Newquay, Chester. CH2 2JB Boston, Lincs, PE22 7DS Mexborough, S Yorkshire. Cornwall. TR7 2RH [email protected] 01205 750868 S64 6NG 01637 878020 [email protected] 0121 288 4373 [email protected] Issue 89 Winter 2008 [email protected]

Published by the Federation of Astronomical Societies ISSN 1361 - 4126 30

Presidents Spot 25 he first thing I’d like to say as the new someone else is bound to, 20 President of the FAS is that I consider they won’t! Your FAS will T 15 it an honour to be able to serve the member need you to help, think about societies of the FAS in this post. I shall do it, please. 10 my best together with fellow Council That’s enough about No. of Societies members to maintain and improve the myself and the FAS let me 5 quality of the services and value for money now say a bit about you the provided by the FAS. I have served on the member societies of the FAS. 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 FAS Council for 4 years, as Minutes Using the links on the FAS £ Secretary and the NWGAS Regional Rep website I took a quick look at and also for the last two years as Vice over 100 member society websites. At least FAS operates a Yahoo group for its member President. I have been a keen amateur 92% of societies in the FAS have a presence societies to use to exchange information on- astronomer for 40 years, on the committee on the World Wide Web. I did find 14 dead line? At the moment the group has 75 of Chester AS for about the last 16 years, links so please make sure you tell us when members so a significant number of societies and I was the secretary to the NWGAS your society’s website address is changed. It in the FAS might not be aware of this regional group for 8 years. was very interesting to see the different facility. For more details go to the FAS To be honest when I first started website designs and how societies present website. attending FAS Council meetings I didn’t themselves on the web. I recommend Some 15% of societies were registered know much about the FAS, and I wouldn’t anyone seeking to redesign their society charities but this may be an underestimate have volunteered to serve on it’s Council website to do a survey of others via the FAS as it was usually not easy to spot this status had not Ron Kelley badgered me for a long links to pick up some good ideas. on society websites. The IYA 2009 logo and time to take over the NWGAS rep role from I gathered some interesting stats from link was commonly found on many websites him! I was busy with home, family and work my survey. The graph plots the number of but at the time of my survey in early August commitments and any spare societies against annual there were understandably few if any details time I had for astronomy was ‘I did find 14 dead links membership fees charged; of what special events individual societies taken up by the hobby itself so please make sure some 70% of societies have might be planning for IYA 2009. As Callum and by local astronomical you tell us when your annual subs between ten and explained in the Summer newsletter the society duties. So I was like society’s website twenty pounds with the most FAS is keen to hear from your society if most of you reading this in address is changed!’ common subs being £15 per there is something you want us to try and so far as giving up my annum. A very small help you with for IYA 2009 or that you want valuable time and effort for a national percentage also charged a meeting to share with other societies. Don’t forget astronomy organisation I didn’t know much attendance fee. Two societies offered life the FAS website provides diary and events about was pretty unthinkable. membership for a single one off payment of pages which member societies can use to Hence I quite understand why it is so approximately 10 times the normal annual publicise their meetings and activities, and difficult to get people like you in the subs. Obviously the graph does not include in the printed Handbook you will find the member societies of the FAS to put the 27% of societies who did not give any list of speakers who give talks to societies. If yourselves forward to serve on the FAS annual subs information on their websites. you are intending to organise a public or Council. And yet YOU should consider Some 45% of societies owned and private star party may I suggest you take a such service for without people like yourself operated their own observatory, and most if look at the Health & Safety article in the putting themselves forward, the FAS would not all societies indicated that they arranged handbook section of the FAS website. not be able to function and that would observing sessions for their members. About Well that’s enough from me for now but deprive its member societies, including 16% of societies also seemed to operate I wish you all a successful IYA 2009 and yours of some very good services. Don’t restricted access pages on their website or hope that all your observing events public or decide against putting yourself forward for a Yahoo group type arrangements for their society will be blessed with clear skies! couple of year’s service on Council because members only to use. Did you know that the Richard Sargent

(Continued from page 1) South Africa, and represents the future of regional ALMA centre will provide the key a first stage in this process STFC has radio astronomy. The Government is focus for the UK community in the use of this confirmed that it will continue its current determined that UK researchers should world-leading development utilising the skills contributions to the operating cost of e- maintain their leading role in the SKA of researchers and academics at Jodrell Bank MERLIN for the next 2 years. project, which in time will support world class and the University.” The Jodrell Bank Observatory is involved research. Jodrell Bank already heads the So that’s OK then, isn’t it? in a number of other radio astronomy global design office, and the Government has Well no it isn't. The funding situation activities in addition to e- indicated that it is willing to invest some of (and some would say a complete cock-up!!) is MERLIN. Researchers at Jodrell Bank and in the capital proceeds from the forthcoming that there is no additional money to use for Manchester are leading the consortium in auction of analogue TV spectrum to ensure Jodrell Bank. This inevitably that monies will Europe to design the Square Kilometre Array continued UK leadership in pathfinder have to be taken from other aspects of the (SKA) radio astronomy facility. The proposed projects for the Square Kilometre Array. overall physics budget, meaning the UK will Square Kilometre Array will be a telescope Manchester will also host the UK’s fall farther and farther behind—and more of array with unprecedented sensitivity, but it Atacama Large Millimetric Array (ALMA) our graduates will have to look overseas to will need to be sited in a remote radio-quiet support centre, with support provided by further their careers - and now the ‘Credit location for uninterrupted observations, and STFC. ALMA is a multi-million Euro Crunch’. away from densely populated areas with telescope project under construction at a The future for ‘Technical Britain’ seems significant radio interference, such as most of remote site in Chile, to which the UK bleak indeed. the UK. The Square Kilometre Array will be a contributes via its membership of the global project, likely to be built in Australia or European Southern Observatory (ESO). The

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 2 Winter 2008 REVIEWS Atlas of the Messier Objects - Highlights of the Deep Sky by Ronald Stoyan Cambridge University Press Hardback: ISBN-13: 9780521895545: £35.00

s Editor I receive quite a number of and telescope observing of A books for review, almost all of which I the object. pass on to colleagues and friends to review. All this you might say, is However occasionally a book of particular what you would expect from appeal or merit catches my attention and so a catalogue of objects like the I snaffle it for myself. The Atlas of the Messier set. However this Messier Objects is such a book. book contains much more. At first sight the description ’coffee For a start every object is table’ - often a rather derogatory term—seems shown in photographic form to apply. This initial impression quickly and often as sketches. The evaporates once the book is delved into. photos, as would be The principal subjects of the book—the expected, are stunning, and 110 Messier Objects are covered is the listing at the back of the exceptional detail. There is of course the book gives the photographic basic ephemeris data, but this is backed up detail—telescope, camera, with much other interesting material. This location, etc. includes the history, the Astrophysics and The first 70 or so pages Observation. covers much of the history of The History covers the time and details Messier himself and of the of the discovery of the object together with discoverers of the many interesting facts, such as comments made by objects. For example, Bode’s Messier and others. Catalogue is listed in detail. The Astrophysics deals with the physical A section of particular and chemical details of the object. Its interest to those who try location, structure, distance and much other (mostly in vain!!) to emulate relevant information. these wonderful Observation, perhaps the most useful, photographs, includes a table on the A great book, well researched and explains what you can expect to see and how preferred telescope focal length for a couple superbly produced. best to see it. It covers naked eye, binocular of photographic formats—very useful. Frank Johns

Stars – A journey through stellar birth, life and death by Prof. Raman Prinja New Holland Publishing ISBN 978-1-84773-063-3 RRP: £29.99 (see below)

niversity College professor of The book provides a U astrophysics Raman Prinja, tells the great introduction to the story of the Universe in this new book from Universe, with images to publishers New Holland. First impressions of back up the text. I'm pleased this book for myself were - “oh no, not to say that the book has another picture book”. Don't get me wrong I something to offer to even love looking at fantastic images of the the most seasoned of Universe but I've seen far too many books astronomer. Prof Prinja has present astronomical pictures badly, using low done an excellent job of not resolution images, bad print and at worst only covering the incorrect (often with very little) text. background science (and Thankfully, this is not one of those books. historical developments) but When first opening this book I was “wowed”, also presenting the key topics like I normally am when I see pictures of the of current research. Universe, by the fantastic images on offer. I In short, this is a book had to quickly look through all the images for all (easily accessible for without reading the text. most ages), it would make an With almost complete arrogance (I'm an interesting read for any astronomer I know all this stuff !!) I astronomer and provide a completely missed out the best part of this great introduction to any book. When I got over my fever to see all the new comer to the field. images (and count how many I recognised, approximately 60% if you were interested) I Samuel George got around to what you should do with this book – read it. The text is very well written, describing the Universe with such captivating words is very hard, especially when you are The book costs £29.99 but the publishers have offered a t £4 discount to all FAS distracted by the marvellous images on offer. members, to get this please ring 01476 541080 with the offer code, NHSTARAS.

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 3 Winter 2008 FAS Annual Convention 2008 - A Successful Return to Cambridge he FAS Annual Convention returned easy, but we all know that he is the master— about this strange phenomenon - I know I T to Cambridge after a couple of years at and the rest of us struggle!! was. Birmingham, and this proved to be a great A highlight of this presentation was a The traders seemed to be reasonably success. It is rather strange - if you don’t live beautifully put together short movie, mainly happy with their attendance and so another in the Southeast, Cambridge is not the of around Las Palmas, with a haunting successful convention was brought to a close easiest place to get to, yet the attendance at audio accompaniment. just after 5 pm. Cambridge is good. During the lunch break, members of We would be interested in receiving the Cambridge AS conducted delegates around views of members on this. Perhaps it is the the Observatory and the historic telescopes. Telescope Tour, or the excellent way the For many this is the highlight of the day, Cambridge AS look after us with where they get the opportunity to see the Important Notice refreshments, or maybe something else. We old telescopes including the one used by It’s to your advantage would like to know. George Biddel Airey and James Challis in Once again Stan Waterman gathered an the search for Neptune. he FAS Council is planning to hold an excellent array of speakers to entertain and Also during the lunch period Steve T Extraordinary General Meeting on inform. As Stan was standing down from Owens gave a presentation on the plans for March 7th, 2009 at Burlington House, this position at the AGM, he was thanked IYA2009. Of great interest to many were the London – formal notices and invitations will warmly for his past efforts. Sam George, the details related to grant funding that may be be mailed to Member Societies nearer the incoming Meetings Organiser has a lot to available for projects that meet the criteria as time. The meeting is being called to consider live up to. part of the Year of Astronomy. For more changes which Council are proposing that The traders had set up by the time most information go the the IYA2009 website: would align the Subscription year with of the 140 or so delegates had arrived and www.astronom2009.co.uk/. the FAS financial year and simplify the over a cuppa, many had an opportunity to Immediately after the lunch break came management of PLI. browse. AGM. The normal business related to The practical effects of the proposals would After the opening remarks by President annual meetings was conducted in be to extend the current 2008/9 Callum Potter, the first lecture was given by reasonably short time and some changes subscription year to the end of March 2010 Professor Andy Fabian. ‘The Power of Black were made to Council—see panel on this – a six month extension in membership and Holes’. This was the first of two talks in the page for the full listing of council members. PLI (for those Societies who are part of the programme covering Black Holes. It might The first session after the lunch break is scheme) which would be free of charge seem that this would be overkill, but whilst often called the ‘graveyard shift’ where to existing member Societies. The full details the overall subject was essentially the same, delegates who imbibed too much at lunch of Constitution changes and approval from the content of each was substantially fail to stay awake. Fortunately for the HMRC are still being worked out and we’ll different. speaker in this slot, Professor Barrie Jones, be mailing all members with details in the The talk immediately before the lunch the catering at Cambridge was non-existent, New Year. In the meantime, should you break was ‘Photographing the Night Sky’ so the ‘casualty rate’ was low. Anyone who have any questions or concerns please given by Nik Szymanek. Nik has kindly did nod off would have missed a very contact the Secretary or another member of submitted a synopsis of his talk and this is informative and entertaining talk entitled Council. reproduced on page 8 of the electronic ‘Life beyond the Solar System’. Barrie version of this Newsletter (the electronic examined the factors sustaining forms of life Note! It is hoped that we will be able to use Proxy version is sent to every member society—so if you on Earth and also examined what ‘signature’ votes for those societies who are unable to send a want access to it, chase your society secretary). In the Earth would be displaying to those far representative. Full details will be sent out to all this synopsis Nik opens by stating ’It is easy off examining it using similar instruments to member societies in due course. to get started in skyshooting’. Whilst those that we use. He then covered the pedantically this is true, the implication is activities of SETI and the searches for that ‘skyshooting’ is easy. I would certainly exoplanets and the type of technologies New Council for 2009 agree that Nik makes it seem ridiculously suitable for assessing signs of life on them. At the Annual General Meeting the new The final Council of the Federation as elected is: presentation President: Richard Sargent entitled "Einstein's Vice President: Callum Potter outrageous legacy- Treasurer: Peter Cooke black holes, cosmic Secretary: Shaun O'Dell illusions and dark Newsletter Editor: Frank Johns energy" was given by Dr. Somak Membership Secretary: John Axtell Raychaudhury. Publications Distribution Here Somak went & PLI Secretary: Eric Hutton through how and Meetings Secretary: Samuel George why Black Holes Webmaster: Gary Gawthrope were found to exist Regional Reps (not elected at the AGM): and expounded on SAGAS Rep: Keith Brackenborough current thinking in Midlands FAS Rep: Dave Evetts relation to them. I Yorkshire Group Rep: Paul Harper think that all in Chilterns A welcome break! attendance were & Thames Valley Rep: Steve Williams better informed

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 4 Winter 2008 Images of the 2008 FAS Convention

n haudhury - a Somak Rayc on Black excellent talk Holes

Callum Potter and the Eric Zucker Award to Clive Down (who was not able to attend)

ng Barrie Jones givi nd his talk ‘Life beyo

the Solar System

Steve Owens explaining Now! - What would she say if I bought that one? IYA2009

Members of Cambridge AS providing the most essential service at the Convention - the refreshments

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 5 Winter 2008 …….and yet more images

Eric Hutton and Peter Cooke obviously enjoying taking the money!!

Richard Sargent (towards the back). Perhaps drumming up support fo be elected President? If so - he was successful.

Nik Szymanek preparing for "Photographing the Night Sky"

The incoming Meetings Organiser and President (Sam George and Richard Sargent) - Cooking something up?

A novel Dobsonian design

The outgoing Meetings Organiser and President (Stan Waterman & Callum Potter)

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 6 Winter 2008 Sky at Night Star Party Saturday 20th September 2008 Mark & Leanne Irving - Worthing AS

few weeks previously, we were invited A to join a star party hosted by Sir Patrick Moore at his home in Selsey. The event was organised by the Sky at Night team, for the filming of their October program, to celebrate the autumnal equinox. People arrived early in the afternoon and began to set up their equipment and tents. It seemed that as soon as someone set up a everyone pointed their telescopes towards it It was wonderful to have the telescope, someone else set up a larger one for a bit of lunar observing. opportunity to talk with Patrick and to get next to it! The same applied to tents; we The night's clear sky provided us with some hints and tips from the experts. We thought we had a nice spot until we our first really successful night of imaging. would recommend attending any star party; returned to the campsite to find a canvas Since buying our scope a year ago, we have the atmosphere was fantastic. Everyone was palace on our doorstep... had many challenges; finally it all came keen to share their telescopes and their It was a beautiful clear day, so those together with a little help from a few friends! experience, and a fun evening was had by all. with solar equipment spent most of the The result was images of M57 (Ring Nebula), afternoon observing and imaging solar M27 (Dumbbell Nebula), and our first flares, and were happy for everybody else to Moon mosaic. take a peek. Although there was no sunspot With a laptop full of images waiting to CLACTON @ 40!! activity to be seen, one major prominence be processed, and slowly developing was visible, and we were able to watch as it frostbite, we called it a night at 3:30am. We Clacton & District Astronomical changed throughout the afternoon. crawled into the tent for a couple of hours' Association (CDAA), on the Essex coast, As darkness fell, we discovered that sleep, leaving only a handful of die-hard celebrates its 40th anniversary this January. Patrick had also arranged for clear skies for enthusiasts to see it through to dawn. This will include an anniversary dinner the whole night. Filming continued, and for members and guests and an while Patrick recorded the introduction and anniversary lecture by a founder member first interview, we all had to pretend to do Colin John on “40 Years of CDAA”. The some astronomy in the background. We say society formed in January 1969 initially as 'pretend' because this was under the glare of a result of interest in the Apollo moon the TV crew's flood lights, but after an hour missions. However, its aims were soon or so they switched to infra-red lighting and widened to furthering the understanding cameras. We could then start to enjoy views of the Universe and promoting a general of some DSO's in a particularly dark sky. As interest in Astronomy in a friendly and the moon rose later, illuminating the sky, informal environment. Although a small society of about two dozen members, there is always a good turn out at its monthly meetings held at 7.30pm on the first Thursday of each month (except August) at the Friends Meeting House, Granville Road, Clacton- on-Sea. The Meeting Programme always includes a good selection of guest and in- house speakers, plus quizzes and monthly outline of the night sky for observers. Some members have their own telescopes and a couple even have their own back garden observatory for CCD imaging. There is also group observing when there are particular celestial events such as the transit of Venus in 2004, meteor watches etc. Members of all ages, ranging from complete beginners to those with more advanced interests are always welcomed and catered for. Membership fees are £15 per year (£6 juniors) and £2 per evening for visitors. Further details are available at CDAA’s web site www, clactonastronomy.co.uk, including the meeting programme, or from the secretary David Pugh tel.01255 429849. A photo opportunity with the great man!

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 7 Winter 2008 Photographing the Night Sky by Nik Szymanek

t’s easy to get started in skyshooting. release. Deep sky images I Modern digital cameras do a great job and are then aligned and allow the results to be analysed immediately. stacked using the above Traditional targets include the planets, the software. It’s possible to Moon, sunsets, bright comets, aurorae, purchase specially noctilucent clouds etc. Whilst these targets modified DSLR cameras produce great pictures, things are even better that are much more if foreground objects such as trees and sensitive to hydrogen photogenic buildings are included. Star trail alpha wavelengths making photography is quite easy and works them suitable for imaging particularly well with film as, if the sky is free gaseous nebulae such as from light pollution, long single images can M42 and the North be taken. Digital cameras can also be used but America Nebula but then multiple images will have to be blended expect to pay quite a bit using graphics software. Good results come more for this type of from pointing the camera at Polaris to camera. Lumenera and DMK webcams that, for a produce circular star trails. For planetary and high resolution lunar higher outlay, will produce outstanding Things get better when the camera is and solar work the webcam reigns supreme. results. placed on an accurately- Solar imaging is now very aligned equatorial mount. popular. Not so long ago, There are many to choose this equipment would be from these days and good beyond the budget of most examples are the SkyWatcher amateur astronomers but HEQ5 and EQ6 Pro mounts happily now we have a great and the Vixen range. A very choice. Good entry-level solar nice new drive is the scopes are the Coronado PST AstroTrac TT320X, which is and CaK models (for placed on a photo tripod and Hydrogen Alpha and can accurately track lenses Calcium wavelength imaging and small telescopes for up to respectively). A recent 2 hours. Highly addition to the astro- recommended! Of course, marketplace is the range of film shots work well from solar telescopes from USA- dark sites but many based company Lunt. astrophotographers now use For deep sky work, the very DSLR cameras. Great shots best results come from using of the Milky Way can be dedicated astronomical CCD taken using 3-5 minute exposures with 28- Good entry-level models, such as those made cameras. Unlike the early days of CCD 75mm lenses which can then be accurately by Philip’s, are available for High Street imaging we are treated to a superb range of stacked and aligned using free software like stores. With these you can shoot movie high quality cameras to suit most budgets. Deep Sky Stacker. streams which are analysed mathematically Most amateurs prefer the flexibility of using DSLRs can also be attached to telescopes using superb free software like Registax. The monochrome cameras with a selection of using commercial adapters. For this you’ll software will select the best frames which can filters to produce colour images. Standard need to purchase an additional electronic then be aligned and stacked to produce RGB filters can be used on galaxies and cable release as most DSLRs will only allow marvellous high resolution images. Recent nebulae and for this it’s necessary to take 30 second exposures without the cable additions to the marketplace are the multiple exposures through each of the filters to build up strong images. Most amateurs tend to take fairly short exposures (typically 5- 10 minutes) that can be co-added together to build up the signal quality. In this way any sub-exposures lost through bad tracking, aircraft trails etc. can be discarded. Stacking short sub-exposures will produce a final image almost equal to that of a much longer exposure, particularly if cameras with low noise levels are used. A very useful addition to the imager’s arsenal is a set of narrowband filters. Typically comprising of Hydrogen Alpha, Oxygen III and Hydrogen Beta (or Sulphur II) these filters can produce stunning deep sky images of emission nebulae and are remarkable as they really inhibit the effects of light pollution. In this way great images of nebulae can be taken even from heavily light- polluted urban locations and when the Moon would normally be obtrusive enough to affect standard RGB imaging.

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 8 Winter 2008 Amateur Telescope Making by Brendan Martin hilst browsing Dave Thompson’s web page on the remake of the 30” TRO - see the following link: W (http://datscope.wikispaces.com/30+inch+TRO+telescope) I came across what can only be described as a work of art. acques Civetta has tried and succeeded in J making a lightweight and sturdy telescope using composite epoxy/fibre .The particular scope which caught my eye is the 460mm binocular telescope. He went down the bino route after making 4 truss type dobs, and working out shape and technical principles that suited him, he wanted to grab more photons, but moving to a 600mm would provide him with a whole new set of problems, so doubling the mirrors was the only solution. Certain criteria had to be met for the bino’s to work: 1. Two mirrors with identical size and focal ratio (+or – 1/5000 tolerance) or you could end up with a screaming headache as your brain cannot deal with the 2 images. 2. You should be able to independently adjust each focuser and be able to adjust the IDP (interpupillary distance) 3. You should be able to adjust each primary mirror independently in X and Y whilst looking through the focuser to make the fusion of the two images possible. 4. To make it easy to disassemble, transport and reassemble on your own.

I think you will agree Jacques has made a very good job of overcoming these problems and you can find out more @ http://www.astrosurf.com/altaz/460_bino_e.htm

Courtesy: L.A.S. News Circular - Liverpool Astronomical Society

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 9 Winter 2008 Precious Gems Discovered on Mars Hopes Dashed for iscovery of a water-based mineral on spacecraft orbiting Mars. Clay-like Ice on Moon D Mars by the spectrometer on board phyllosilicates formed more than 3.5 billion the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter suggests years ago where igneous rock came into liquid water remained on the planet's long-term contact with water. During the surface a billion years later than was next several hundred million years, until previously thought, and it likely played an approximately 3 billion years ago, hydrated important role in shaping the planet's sulfates formed from the evaporation of salty surface and possibly hosting life. Hydrated and sometimes acidic water. silica, commonly known as opal, has been The newly discovered opaline silicates found across large region of Mars. "This is are the youngest of the three types of an exciting discovery because it extends the hydrated minerals. They formed where time range for liquid water on Mars, and the liquid water altered materials created by places where it might have supported life," volcanic activity or meteorite impact on the By Andrea Thomson said Scott Murchie, the Martian surface. One such Senior Writer principal investigator for Want to Get Rich? - location noted by scientists posted: 23 October 2008 02:01 pm ET the Compact is the large Martian canyon you’ll find the trip will be permanently shadowed crater at the Reconnaissance Imaging system called Valles expensive though!! A moon's south pole has long been Spectrometer for Mars Marineris. suspected of harboring water ice deposits (CRISM) at the Johns These types of minerals were that might be used by future lunar Hopkins University Applied Physics also recently found in Gusev Crater by colonists. No such luck, a new study Laboratory in Laurel, Md. "The NASA's Mars rover Spirit, are widespread suggests. identification of opaline silica tells us that and occur in relatively young terrains. Scientists have debated whether or not water may have existed as recently as 2 In some locations, the orbiter's these cold craters, constantly shielded from billion years ago." spectrometer observed opaline silica with sunlight, could contain water ice, which The water-based mineral deposits are iron sulfate minerals, either in or around could be melted for drinking water and telltale signs of where and when water was dry river channels. This indicates the acidic potentially converted into rocket fuel. present on ancient Mars. On Earth, opals water remained on the Martian surface for NASA's Lunar Prospectro mission consist of at least 3-10% water, and Precious an extended period of time. Milliken and (1998–1999) recorded an enhanced signal Opal, the variety used most often in jewelry, his colleagues believe that in these areas, of hydrogen in these features. Some have pockets of spheres that diffract light at low-temperature acidic water was involved in scientists contend that this hydrogen is in various wavelengths, creating colors and a forming the opal. In areas where there is no the form of water ice. beautiful, if not valuable look. Opal is found clear evidence that the water was acidic, The Pentagon's Clementine lunar in Australia, England and the western US. deposits may have formed under a wide orbiter (1994) gave positive indications of On Mars, the hydrated silica has been range of conditions. water ice in one of the cold depressions found around Mars "Grand Canyon". "We "What's important is that the longer called Shackleton crater, some scientists see numerous outcrops of opal-like minerals, liquid water existed on Mars, the longer the think. Others have disputed this commonly in thin layers extending for very window during which Mars may have interpretation because Earth-based radar of long distances around the rim of Valles supported life," says Milliken. "The opaline that area reflected a signal more indicative Marineris and sometimes within the canyon silica deposits would be good places to of rock than ice. system itself," said Ralph Milliken of explore to assess the potential for New images of Shackleton taken by the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in habitability on Mars, especially in these Japanese lunar explorer satellite KAGUYA Pasadena, Calif. younger terrains." (SELENE) support the view that there likely Until now, only two major groups of aren't any exposed water ice deposits in the hydrated minerals, phyllosilicates and Source: universetoday.com crater. hydrated sulfates, had been observed by The images were made during lunar mid-summer, when enough sunlight is scattered off the upper inner wall of the crater to provide faint illumination of the inside of the crater. Junichi Haruyama of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and his team analyzed the images and data. They suggest that temperatures in the crater are less than -297 degrees Fahrenheit (-183 degrees Celsius), certainly cold enough to hold ice. But the images reveal no conspicuous brightness that would indicate a patch of pure water ice. This new analysis, detailed in the Oct. 24 issue of the journal Science, could mean that there is no water ice present at all in Shackleton crater, or that any ice that exists is mixed into the lunar dirt in low amounts, Haruyama and his team concluded.

Source: space.com

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 10 Winter 2008


targazers at Galway Astronomy Club viewing and as Bonus attendees will get a have every reason to look skyward as tour of the "state of the art" NUI Galway S the city prepares to play host to Observatory. Astronomy Capital of Ireland in 2009. The The city is home to some of the darkest city's University campus is to become the skies in western Europe and as with other main hub of activity in the country during Irish counties is steeped in astronomical International Year of Astronomy and those in history including an Englishman who the club have again organized a superb discovered the a recurring nova T Coronae Astronomy Festival to add to the celebrations. Borealis in 1866 and researcher at the then The event now in its sixth year runs from Queen's College Galway being the first Friday January 30th to Saturday night person to suggest the existence of black January 31st at the 4* Westwood House Hotel holes way back in 1885. with no less than nine talks with topics Visitors from the UK are especially ranging from Gamma Ray to Infrared welcome with direct flights available to and Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Pulsars, from the city. For more info on how to attend Mars and a new search for Radio Emission the from Hot Jupiter type Extra solar Planets. Galway Astronomy Festival go to Entry is a very reasonable €25 and includes www.galwayastronomyclub.ie workshops, information stands, Dark sky http://galwayastronomyclub.blogspot.com/

Ronan Newman

Right: General views at the 2008 event

Left: Niall Griffin, Fred Valencia and Tim McInerney at the 2008 event

A claret-coloured cloud with a massive heart A small cluster of stars has been found to be the home of one of the most massive double-star systems known to astronomers. new image released by the European most massive double-star systems known to intriguing object. Westerlund 2 is very A Space Observatory (ESO) shows the astronomers. young, too, at 1-2 million years old. amazing intricacies of a vast stellar nursery Gum 29 is a huge region of hydrogen Previous observations have shown that named Gum 29. In the center, a small gas. The intense radiation of the hot young two stars to the bottom right of the cluster cluster of stars — called Westerlund 2 — has stars at its center has stripped the region of are true leviathans. Together they form what been found to be the home of one of the its electrons. Astronomers call this an HII is known as a double system. The two stars (pronounced "H-two") region, and this have masses of 82 and 83 times that of our particularly stunning example stretches out Sun and rotate around each other in across space for more than 200 light-years. approximately 3.7 days. They are among the The object is the 29th entry in the catalogue most massive stars known to astronomers. published by Australian astronomer Colin Detailed observations of this intriguing Stanley Gum in 1955. pair also have shown that they are both Embedded deep within the huge, Wolf-Rayet stars. These are massive stars nebulous expanse of Gum 29, the relatively nearing the end of their lives, expelling vast little known cluster of Westerlund 2 is seen quantities of material as their final clearly in the center of this image. The latest swansong. Observations made in Xrays have measurements indicate that it lies at a shown that streams of material from each distance of some 6,000 light-years from star continually collide and create a blaze of Earth, placing it towards the outside edge of X-ray radiation. the Milky Way's Carina spiral. The cluster's distance has been the subject of intense ESO, Garching, Germany scrutiny in the past as it is one of the For more information: astronomy.com parameters needed to understand this Stellar nursery Gum 29. ESO

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 11 Winter 2008 MULTI-WAVELENGTH OBSERVING - THE FUTURE by Brian Finney

ur electromagnetic wavelength moving along the spectrum we reach the varying degrees to the differing wavelengths O detectors – eyes to you and me - are infrared region, with its shorter wavelength so the ability to observe from above the only sensitised to light in the visible part of and therefore higher energy. Our eyes atmospheric shield provides with a wealth of the electromagnetic spectrum. Whilst I have cannot detect infrared wavelength but our new observing opportunities. a great respect for nature and its ability to skin can feel the heat or infrared radiation These new observing opportunities have even develop the eye, a magnificent piece of from a warm body e.g. a piece of charcoal or been seized and are producing results; equipment, it has extreme limitations for coal that has been heated but no longer examples include the Hubble Space the purposes of astronomy. glows. All bodies with a temperature above Telescope observing in visible and infrared The diagram below shows that visible absolute zero emit detectable infrared wavelengths; Sptizer observing in the light forms a very small part of the full radiation to some extent. infrared; Chandra observing in the X-ray spectrum of electromagnetic radiation; when Moving further along the spectrum past wavelengths; and GLAST, the recently we, using our eyes, observe astronomical the visible light wavelengths we reach the launched Gamma Ray Large Area Space objects we are only seeing a part of what is ultra violet region with its ability to burn Telescope. And not to forget our very own there because we are only using the visible unprotected skin (sunburn); further along is Jodrell Bank observing in the radio wavelengths of the electromagnetic the X-ray and Gamma ray regions – we really wavelengths. spectrum. do not want to be here – very short All of the above space telescopes have Waves in the electromagnetic spectrum wavelength and therefore very high energy websites where you can view their images. vary in size from very long radio waves the with the potential to permanently damage One particularly good site is Cool size of buildings, to very short gamma-rays human tissue. Cosmos The Multiwavelength Astronomy smaller than the size of the nucleus of an For centuries man has observed in the Gallery where you can view, with atom. visible light wavelengths, about 50 years ago explanations, a range of astronomical Because of the mathematical we started to observe in the Radio spectrum objects each in various wavelengths. relationship between the wavelength, e.g. Jodrell Bank and more recently with the http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ frequency and energy we know that the ability to observe from above the earth’s cosmic_classroom/multiwavelength_astronomy/ shorter the wavelength the higher the atmosphere we now observe in the infrared, multiwavelength_museum/index.html energy. Radio waves with a long wavelength visible, ultra violet, X-ray and Gamma ray Courtesy L.A.S. News Circular have a low energy and are safe to the wavelengths from space. The earth’s Liverpool Astronomical Society human, they surround us in our daily life, atmosphere, as we all know, acts as a filter to

by Nik Szymanek Another superb image

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 12 Winter 2008 An Astronomers Guide to Writing a Blog by Samuel George snippets ith the International Year of Anything you like - just what you have W astronomy on our doorstep this is observed might be interesting, or even just Comet Hunter to visit a great time to promote astronomy and of what your society is doing / has done. I'd course in the technological world we live in always suggest using pictures when possible Birmingham this also means online. There are a large (but do remember copyright rules and give number of fascinating websites offering credit when appropriate). Don't expect to As part of their IYA 2009 celebrations, astronomical delights but few really have a get too many visitors to begin with - writing Birmingham AS hope to have a special personal touch. For IYA there is a global a popular blog doesn't happen overnight. Guest next year in the form of veteran project called “Cosmic Diaries” that will The essence of the blog stems from comet hunter and astronomer, David H involve a few professional astronomers journalling which means the blog is FOR writing about their daily lives (as a blog). YOU. Work it how you feel most Levy, most famous for his co-discovery Sounds interesting, but I'm a bit unsure appropriate but with multiple authors you with Gene Shoemaker in 1993 of Comet if this is entirely a good idea, for example will quickly amaze a range of interesting Shoemaker-Levy 9, which collided with will people be so open to tell us about their stuff. Since we are talking about writing a Jupiter in 1994. latest theory? I doubt it. Also professional scientific blog then I'd very much encourage The plan is for David to visit them for astronomers tend not to have a huge you to ensure that you try and explain every a few days in early March, staying in amount of time spare and don't really do term you use, or at the least create a link to Birmingham University accommodation, science that is readily accessible to the another website (wikipedia can normally do and giving lectures there, at Thinktank public. If I was to tell you about a double- the trick) that has more details - and and spending a special evening with us in double radio galaxy I'd discovered at 610 hopefully penetrable for all. Oh and don't their clubroom after a talk in the lecture MHz with the GMRT then I'd have to spend forget to tell people about it. Register it with theatre……They are very excited about an awful amount of space describing what blogging monitors like technorati.. and tell David’s visit and hope all members will this all meant. Now some might do that, but you friends! attend as many of these activities as I doubt all would. Just to give you an idea about a few blogs, possible. It will be a unique opportunity For those that know the stuff I'm sure it here are two I maintain www.krioma.net/ to meet and speak to David on a one-to- would be interesting, but for those that blog (my personal one) and don't they will just leave with an impression starrydude.tumblr.com/(my completely one basis. More news on this in due of astronomy being impenetrable. This, as astronomy one). I'd also suggest taking a course. you all know, is not true. Amateurs are the look at other peoples such as foot soldiers of the astronomical orbitingfrog.com/blog/ or community, you are the people who do this blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/ Worthing AS—back on track for fun... and make it fun for everyone else - you aren't the ones worrying about data After a period of turbulence at analysis (well you might be but probably not Worthing things seem to now be back of the astronomical kind) when you go to on an even keel. bed. At a recent AGM a new committee was Thus, I'm going to suggest that you formed and no doubt the Society looks Hi Frank, would be much better placed to run blogs forward to a period of consolidation and ast night (25/09/08) at our observing for IYA. You will be able to put over that success. session at INTECH, the group saw enthusiasm in a different way. So why not L The new committee elected is: run a blog as an astronomy society? With 10 what appears to be a bright object travelling Chairman: Ed Sampson of you blogging content will be easily slowly across the sky at high altitude, Vice-Chairman: Trevor Little produced and will vary nicely - making an leaving a long trail and it was breaking up. interesting read. The sighting lasted for 30-40 seconds. It Treasurer: Mark Irving So how do you write a blog? Well if you was somewhere between Mag 0 and -2. Membership Sec: Leanne Irving where to use a popular search engine you The direction was West to East at 20.56 Business Sec: Alex Blows will find countless documents on this, so I'd (UT) Universal Time or 21:56pm in the Meeting Sec: Graham Boots encourage you todo this.. but here are a few UK. Graham Green managed to capture an ideas. image which is now on our website. There At the time of publishing this The actual site - do I need my own is a little tripod shake but you can clearly Newsletter, their website was still not website? Personally I run my own webserver see the trail and the break up... attached is a operational. Let us hope this window on with Moveable Type installed (if you are that copy. the world will be running in the near way inclined then this is a rather simple Was it man-made? the ATV from the ISS future. isn't due to re-enter until the 29th Sept. Did installation) but if you are not or don't want the added cost of webspace then I'd suggest it fully break up? It was heading towards using one of the following (there are of Central Europe. course many others): Blogger.com, Did you see it? and where were you if you Bedford AS Open Day tumblr.com, livejournal.com, did as we are trying to build some data on freeopendiary.com, wordpress.com, what it was and where it originated from. Bedford AS is holding an Open Day at MuseCrafters.com, www.vox.com. For ease Some 1200 objects pass through the Earth's Eccleshill Library on: of use and setup Blogger and Tumblr can't atmosphere annually, and are seen by Saturday 17th January 2009. be beaten in my opinion (I've run blogs on individuals but rarely are they seen by Opening at 10.30am until 4.00pm. both). Be careful with your identity. groups of observers or even imaged. All Welcome - particularly beginners. Remember, you can be anonymous to On our first real night out at INTECH, most of your readers. This is one of the best we've done both. Please e-mail your sighting aspects of blogging. No one has to know to us and any info you may have. Planet who you are! Earth really is a Hard-Hat area… The content, what do we put on here? David Woods HantsAstro.org

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 13 Winter 2008 ‘Tea with the Scorpion’ - Jim's Stellar Corner Four o'clock in the afternoon. time left before it explodes as a is one of the most spectacular sights Ready for a break, you glide down the supernova. If it were to go tonight, the nature has to offer, with sheets of stars ecliptic to Sagittarius's Teapot. And destroyed star would shine in the sky seeming to cascade downward toward who do you find for company in the with the light of a gibbous Moon even the horizon like celestial waterfalls. By next chair to keep you company?A giant though 600 light years away. amazing coincidence, the Milky Way's scorpion. But fear not. Since ancient The rest of the constellation is center-line, the Galactic Equator, runs times, since the gods put him in the sky loaded with bright blue class B stars, almost exactly through both the winter after doing in Orion, he has harmed no many of which are related to each other and summer solstices. There is nothing one. Instead, Scorpius and Sagittarius through the Scorpius-Centaurus physical in the crossings; they are just (to the east) bring spectacular glory to Association, which includes Antares products of our times and the 26,000- northern summer, and even more if you and consists of at least three loose, year precession of the Earth's axis, can travel to southern climes. expanding subgroups. Take the B stars which has brought us a temporary Bright and beautiful, the two away, and the Scorpion would vanish. alignment. figures are abundant in informal Among the more asterisms. Not only does the Archer fascinating of them is pour his own tea from the fabled Dschubba (Delta Scorpii). Teapot, he provides the milk from his Normally shining at five-star, upside-down, Little Milk magnitude 2.3, in 2001- Dipper. Perhaps Scorpius is placid 2002 it developed a because Sagittarius's Bow and Arrow surrounding disk in part point right at him, ready to repel if as a result of rapid need be. The Scorpion provides his rotation, and turned itself own sub-patterns with the Arteries (Tau into a "B-emission" star and Sigma Sco) that surround his heart (the disk radiating bright (Antares) and the Stinger at the end of emissions at colors the graceful curve of his body, with characteristic of which he might threaten Sagittarius. hydrogen).By 2004, the Between the classic constellation star had reached nearly figures lies the Winter Solstice, which first magnitude, which passes at its most southerly rather changed the reach to mark the beginning of appearance of the northern winter and perhaps to take constellation. After a some hot tea himself. Though the couple years, Dschubba modern constellation boundaries give settled down, though it has yet to Set within the Milky Stream are the Solstice to Sagittarius, Scorpius return to normal, and may not for a hordes of clusters and both bright and actually extends farther to the south long time. Over on the other side of the dark nebulae, many of which are (the ecliptic passing rather well to the tea table, Sagittarius puts the lie to the glorious in small telescopes or even north of both classic patterns). The standard notion that the "Alpha" star is binoculars. Just to the west of Antares, farther you travel north of about 45 always the brightest in the constellation. and thus easy to find, is the pretty degrees north latitude, the more you Alpha Sgr (Rukbat), far to the south of globular cluster Messier 4. Containing will miss of the Scorpion's curved tail. the classic figure, is a miserable fourth maybe 200,000 or so stars, it shines at Scorpius is best known for its luminary, magnitude, while the luminary is bright roughly sixth magnitude even though first magnitude Antares, whose reddish second magnitude Epsilon (Kaus 5600 light years away. A few degrees color can confuse the beginner into Australis, the southern star of the Bow), north lies the grander globular Messier thinking that it's Mars (hence the name, followed by, of all things, Sigma 80. One of the densest of all such "Ant-Ares," Ares the Greek god of war). (Nunki, in the Dipper). Even the two ancient collections (which go back This magnificent red class M super Beta stars (Beta-1 and 2) are only fourth nearly to the time of the Galaxy's birth), giant is nominally the 15th brightest magnitude. the light from its nearly half-million star in the sky, though instability caused The true glory of the two stars is dimmed by a distance of 27,000 by huge size (three-fifths that of the constellations, however, is in their light years. orbit of Jupiter) and luminosity (some setting within the broadest and On the other side of the 60,000 Suns) can change its rank. brightest part of the Milky Way, the Scorpion, to the northeast of the Weighing in at 15 or more solar masses, combined light of the billions of stars Stinger, lies a fabulous splash of stars Antares began life only 10 million years that inhabit the disk of our Galaxy. over a degree across. Easily seen by eye ago as a hot, blue class O hydrogen- Sadly, for those living in moderate alone, the sprawling open cluster fusing main sequence dwarf. Now northern latitudes, the Earth's thick Messier7, 975 light years distant, is dying, most likely with a helium-fusing atmosphere dims this part of the Milky perfect for binoculars. To the northwest core (though the burning process could Circle. The view from the southern of M7isbright,young Messier be farther along), it does not have much hemisphere, with the Archer overhead, 6.Swinging eastward, Sagittarius

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 14 Winter 2008 contains one of the brightest of globular that leads to the center of the Galaxy, most productive molecule factory clusters, Messier 22, visible to the which lies just on the Sagittarius side of known in the Galaxy. Among a huge naked eye to the northeast of the the border with Scorpius. number of other molecules, it contains Dipper's handle and a startling sight The Galactic Center, at a distance of glycolaldehyde, an eight-atom molecule when happened upon with binoculars. 26,000 light years, is vastly farther than touted as a form of "sugar." "Only" 10,000 light years away, M 22 the stars of either constellation, and So when teatime comes around closes in on a million stars. In the more comparable to those of the again, Sagittarius may not only serve general neighborhood of Sagittarius and globular clusters. There is so much dust milk with your tea, but as you chat with Scorpius, and extending into in the line of sight that optical radiation the Scorpion, can sweeten it for you as southeastern Ophiuchus, is an immense is dimmed by 30 magnitudes: one ray of well (one hopes with the real thing), concentration of fainter globulars. light in a trillion gets through. The much as these constellations sweeten Sagittarius also tops out in Center was instead discovered by radio the sky of northern summer bright gaseous nebulae (made mostly of astronomers, radio waves easily FIG 1 A HKL colour composite of the glowing hydrogen lit up by nearby hot penetrating the dust. In the early days Galactic Centre region. The central stars). Foremost is the huge Lagoon of radio astronomy, no one knew how black hole is located in the centre of (Messier 8), an easy binocular object many discrete radio sources there were, the box which marks the area shown in roughly 5000 light years away and so they were at first named after their the images above and below FIG 2 centered on yet another young open constellations of residence. The first Stellar dynamics in the innermost cluster. Just to the northwest, and at about the same distance, lies the Trifid Nebula, Messier 20, which is cut by dark, dusty lanes and that, like the Lagoon, is set within dark clouds that are actively birthing stars. Vastly larger dark clouds thread their way through the Milky Way's background, the most prominent of which is the southern extension of the Great Rift, which to the south of central Cygnus splits the Milky Way in two. Some of the clouds are so dark and obvious, especially as seen from southern latitudes, that the Incas of Peru named them as "dark constellations." The Rift and associated features are made of myriad dusty clouds so opaque that they block out all light from the millions of stars in back of them, in a sense throwing their shadows toward the Earth. The dust keeps out heating starlight, and the darkest clouds are thus naturally cold, near absolute zero, source found in Sagittarius -- in the region. Time resolved astrometry over which allows the formation of direction of the Galactic Center -- was a time span of now already 12 years molecules and ultimately the collapse of thus called "Sagittarius A." Within this allows a description of the proper the gas to form stars. Well over 100 extended radio patch is a point source, motions of the Galactic Centre stars. such interstellar molecules have been "Sagittarius A*," which is without much The observations clearly show, that discovered, including molecular question the true center of the Galaxy some stars in the immediate vicinity of hydrogen (which dominates), water, itself. Measurements reveal it to be Sgr A* - i.e. in distances up to around ammonia, methanol, ethanol, and comparable to the size of the Solar 30 light days - move on Keplerian formaldehyde, as well as several not System, while the orbits of the stars that orbits around the central mass. From found on Earth. The current record is surround it (observed in the transparent the shape of these orbits, the distance one that contains 13 atoms, infrared) give a mass of more than three between earth and Sgr A* and the mass cyanodecapentayne (HC10CN). million Suns. Such conditions firmly of Sgr A* could be calculated. Among the most interesting are those, indicate the center of the Galaxy to be a such as acetic acid, that may lead to an "super massive black hole." While no understanding of the formation of life. light can escape from within the beast The ancients eerily seem to be calling itself, it glows around the outside with out to us, guiding our eye. Follow the radiation from a circulating gaseous Article courtesy: Lowestoft & Archer's arrow about four degrees (a bit disk. Just a few hundred light years Great Yarmouth Astronomical less than the separation between the Big from the Galaxy's center lies Sagittarius Society Dipper's bowl stars) southwest and you B, which divides in two as Sgr B1 and pass just two degrees south of the road B2. The northern part of Sgr B2 is the

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 15 Winter 2008 The Siberian Eclipse (or 140 go mad in Russia) - Paul Whiting FRAS

chance to ride on the Trans- Siberian Express as a means to First stop was Kazan, the Gateway to view the eclipse was not to be Siberia and the capital of Tartarstan (= missed, so six OASI members Moscow time). A quick tour here – a river plusA 3 other friends and partners set off trip round a garbage scowl and the sights of early on Monday 28th July from the several power stations and back ashore to notorious Heathrow Terminal 5, not visit a rather beautiful mosque we had just expecting to see our luggage again. However seen from the boat. The city itself was of we were delighted to be re-united with it two halves – old and rundown and a new, again in Moscow five hours later. Queues renovated sector. State funding was slowly seem to be the order of the day in Russia – rolling out to Siberia, but tourism was also orderly queues by the Brits and scrummages helping. by the rest! Passports, visas, entry forms and The Trans Siberian Express train - our home Second stop Yekaterinburg (Moscow customs declarations later, we got into the for 6 days time +2 hrs) and a visit to the church, airport arrivals hall. There we stayed for which marks the site of where the last over an hour - someone had lost a case in Over the six days we were to travel over Romanov Tsar and his family were killed in the airport. We then split into two coaches 5000 kilometres from Moscow to Irkutsk, 1918. The Russian Orthodox church has – one for couples and one for singles – an via the eclipse site at Novosibirsk, crossing been built in their honour, despite their odd split but hey. The first coach set off – the Urals from Europe to Asia. remains being buried in St. Petersburg. It followed 90 minutes later by the second. The average day on board consisted of was here the wife of one of our members The first coach used the Moscow orbital reveille at 7am, breakfast between 7 & 9am, (mentioning no names) lit a candle to ask motorway (Mski 25 ?) and was never seen train pulling into stopping station around for a clear sky for the eclipse the next day. again – at least not for 3 hours. The second 10-12, tour round city until 5pm and then The day ended as usual with an overcast coach went through the city centre and saw back to the train for dinner (in 2 sittings) downpour, followed by clear sunny weather. the sights, but still took several hours to between 6 & 8pm. The dulcet tones of our After our tour, back on the train, our cover the relatively short journey to the German train Manager, Angelika, kept us expert Dr Peter Cattermole presented a hotel. [note: despite not travelling with informed of what was happening and when. couple of lectures on what to do at the Ryanair, we still ended up miles outside As already mentioned, the food was quite eclipse one for novices and one for Moscow on the wrong side from the hotel] good. Salad, garlic and curried carrots, “experts”, although they were virtually the Finally we settled down to a fine buffet spiced aubergine, lumps of meat (various) same talk! Being a geologist, Peter had dinner at the Aerostar Hotel. Overall the and potatoes kept cropping up on the presented a talk on the geology of the Ural meals in Russia were of a very high menu, both on the train and elsewhere. mountains the day before. standard, but got very repetitive for the Occasional treats of hors d’ouvres such as I should point out at this point only vegetarians amongst us. caviar and olives also appeared. Having said about 30% of the train were eclipse chasers, all this, breakfast was a law unto itself. Hard the rest were holiday makers who mostly boiled egg, porridge (if you were lucky), thought that the eclipse was a gross cheese/ham/salami (2 inconvenience to their train small slices of each), fruit, “If I wanted to sit in a trip. For example one comment yogurt, chocolate éclairs, muddy field all day in overheard – “If I wanted to sit sweet cakes, butter (“only the dark, I could sit in in a muddy field all day in the for breakfast”), white and my garden at midnight” dark, I could sit in my garden at black bread, juice (“apple midnight”. or peach”) and tea or coffee (allegedly) all or some served in random order by two very Third stop Novosibirsk (Moscow time + hard working waitresses. One of these 3 hrs) – the day of the eclipse. The day resembled Pat from EastEnders started out OK – partly cloudy and some and the other a young graduate in railway sun. A quick breakfast and we were on our The ‘onion domes’ in Moscow engineering working during her final designated coaches (4 in total, 3 of us plus a vacation. There were other waitresses, but coach full of Danes who had joined our train at Moscow). The second day involved a tour of as we were constrained to the same dining Moscow – especially the Kremlin and its car, I didn’t get to meet the others. First we enjoyed a visit to a geology constituent churches. Unfortunately Red We were in coach 1. Dinner was in museum, which was excellent, including a Square was closed off as there was a civic coach 6. This meant that 30 doors had to large exhibit of meteorites. However the send-off for the Russian Olympic team. be opened and closed from our coach to group I was in overran and so we didn’t get Later, on the way to pick up the train, our our dining car. All the other of the Suffolk to visit the train museum that everyone else coach was pulled over by the police to allow contingent, I believe, had far fewer. This enjoyed. We were given the opportunity to Russian President Medvedev and his became the common unit of distance on take photographs through the locked gates cavalcade to pass at very high speed. the train. The bar was 42 doors away and in the darkness much later in the day (wow!). After lunch we all headed to the Finally we reached the train that was to the shower car 48 doors. The shower car eclipse site – fair drive out of Novosibirsk, become our home for the next six days. was something else. Eight double showers in a village called Sosnovka on Lake Ob. Fourteen carriages consisting of eight first with water that ran out often (despite being The weather was good – some high cloud class sleeping cars, one premium sleeping re-filled at least twice a day), that usually ran that should dissipate, however a lot of rain car (with wash basin), two restaurant cars, cold (they needed 90 minutes to heat up bearing cumulus suddenly appeared rapidly one bar/function car and a shower car. after a refill) and that usually dribbled out spreading in from the north-east. This was There was also a staff accommodation car. of the tap. But the shower gel and shampoo was provided! just as the pattern of the previous few days

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 16 Winter 2008 had promised. The chances of seeing all of became visible (Mercury and Venus) out of the eclipse were dropping rapidly. It was at the four possible that formed a nice little this point that our coach caught fire – or at line close to the sun (the other two being least smoke from a burnt out air- Saturn and Mars). conditioning unit flooded into the coach, A number of us bumped in to two of necessitating a mass evacuation. We were the three most successful eclipse chasers supposed to be awaiting a fleet of smaller alive today. All of these guys have been minibuses to take us beyond where normal under 27 total or annular eclipses. John coaches couldn’t pass, but of course there Beattie (25 clear) and Jay Pasachoff (26 was no sign. The eclipse and the cloud drew clear) were at Novosibirsk. John actually nearer. came up to have a look at the solarscope I Peter Cattermole suggested that we was using to project the sun’s image. should set up on the dirt road we were on, And so on to dinner back in session, we disembarked for the final time. given we were only about 5 km from where Novosibirsk and back to the train and bar It rained. We got wet, our bags (which went we were supposed to be. However the for the post eclipse celebration, and a sore on before us) got wet. Our day long coach minibuses eventually turned up, and the head for some the next day. “experts” who needed time to set up their tour of the city was a waste of time given Another hour forward and the next day kit were invited to travel on first. The that the windows were steamed up and it we headed for fourth stop Krasnoyarsk holiday makers would (perhaps) follow on. was raining so fast you couldn’t see much (Moscow time +4 hrs). But before we Luckily they did, the coach with the faulty anyway. The local tour guide (the best a/c was still able to go on, despite now being a mobile sauna. After a lot of driving around woods and fields trying to locate our advanced party, we arrived at the observation site – a field with low grass abutting Lake Ob. There was quite an on-shore breeze, with waves lashing the shingle beach, spray blowing onto our equipment (I knew that plastic bag would come in handy). The wind even blew my tripod over – I thought my video camera lenses were broken, but luckily the UV filter had acted as a sort of break fuse and no harm was done. But what of the cloud? It just disappeared – we had a virtually cloudless sky for the whole eclipse. The lighting of the candle at Yekaterinburg had worked – memo for next time. There were a lot of local people at the eclipse site, one person even had a telescope with a solar filter, but given the TAL telescope factory is in Novosibirsk I’m surprised there were not more about. There was even a cow. We came up with the idea of studying the effects of the eclipse on its behaviour. Perhaps it Venus and Mercury become visible during the eclipse would lie down or walk off to be milked or something, but unfortunately the farmer arrived, Pieter Morpurgo (a former producer English speaker to date) was quite intrepid. came to collect it an hour before the eclipse! of the Sky at Night programme) treated us We had paid for multiple walks around and So what of the eclipse. A wonderful 2 to a talk of anecdotes of working with so, deluge or not, we were going to have minutes and 20 seconds of totality, with the Patrick Moore on programme assignments these walks around. Some of us stood (or st th whole eclipse from 1 contact to 4 contact around the world. When we eventually rather sat) firm in the dry, but others went being cloud free. A standard solar minimum started our town tour - another Kremlin, on to take more photos of domed churches, corona (round, regular and tight-in) with more domed churches, more statues of statues of Lenin and another impressive some linear streamers. No shadow bands Lenin, more impressive railway stations (not railway station. Eventually they allowed us in were seen before or after. Two planets that I was getting a bit jaded by this time), to the former state controlled “InTourist” we were destined for a 45 minute cruise on hotel, which had apparently been recently the River Yenisseij. The first group set off renovated. On our floor that meant putting and didn’t come back – they broke down. new carpet over broken tiles or cobbles that Their cruise turned into a 90 minute ride of cracked as you walked over them. A woman about 400 metres. We in the second group sat at a desk by the lift on each floor, to were very uncertain whether we should have whom keys should be given when leaving a go, despite assurances that the boat was the hotel, from whom water and other now repaired. In the end we did and spent goodies could be purchased and through 45 minutes 100 metres off the pier keeping whom telephone calls could be made. At pace with the fast flowing tide, just in case ! least the water purchase option worked OK. Then back to the train and bar. The rooms here were OK, but you The final train destination was Irkutsk definitely had the feeling of microphones (Moscow time +5hrs). After a final breakfast First Contact and another “tipping everybody that moved” (Continued on page 18)

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 17 Winter 2008 (Continued from page 17) a relatively pleasant little café to while away being present in the lampshades. The our free time here. pillows were lumpy too ! However the great Legend had it that anyone who bathes redeeming feature was the London Bar, in the water of Lake Baikal will look 10 where copious quantities of London Stout years younger; I can tell you from experience and Newcastle Brown were consumed. it doesn’t work. There was even a miniature red telephone On the way home to Irkutsk we stopped box. for a badly kept secret folklore evening – a The second day at Irkutsk was spent in a dinner interspersed with local singers and coach ride to the shores of Lake Baikal and dancers. I hate these sorts of things – I a nice little village consisting mainly of usually get dragged out to join in, but I must dachas or holiday homes for the folk of admit these guys were quite good and it was Irkutsk. Here we had time to chill and shop not all too embarrassing. The restaurant was at the market. Hah. The market consisted of in the middle of a muddy, wooded trail and a house clearance table, twenty identical small zoological garden, although they only The Author -(now promoted to tables of the local tourist tat (animals made appeared to have a couple of deer. One local General?) from the local mineral, stackable dolls etc) told me that they had had a wild bear there filling. I also found time to sample some and a bar full of locals that stared at you if a few weeks before but it had gone away. On Turkmenistan dumplings and some caviar you dared to look in. We did, however, find the way back along the muddy trail to the sushi at Moscow Airport. coaches four of us spotted an easier method of transport – a Russian Troika or 3 horse A long day later (we started at 6 am pulled cart – great fun. (10pm BST); we arrived at Heathrow at 6pm (BST) after 20 hours of travelling. We then The next morning saw our long trek had to get home, which added another 3 or home. Firstly on a chartered Caucasus 4 hours on the day. At least the baggage Mineral Water Airways flight (Mineral didn’t get lost anywhere along the way. Water is actually a place in the Caucasus). This flight was late arriving (bearing in mind I haven’t made reference to the public it brought our tickets with it) so no panic toilets in Russia, quite deliberately – I’m here then about missing the connecting trying to forget. flight back from Moscow to London. Our dinner and city tour around Moscow were cancelled, not with too much regret as the The London in Irkutsk so called snack on each flight was very

Wycombe Astronomical Society hits its “Peak”

teven Paterson a Public Outreach with a “hands on” approach, including Since visiting us Steven has S employee from the National Optical CCD, Webcam and DSLR imaging. become an Honorary Member of Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) at Kitt Steven showed us his own backyard “set- our Society, and has promised to Peak in Tuscon Arizona, returned to the up” of equipment and some stunning visit us again on his next trip to U.K. in June 2008 on holiday with his wife photographs that he had taken. the U.K. after a 45 year absence. He used to live at We thanked him for an unexpected Jan Dell (Mrs) Naphill in Buckinghamshire, and contacted addition to our monthly lecture schedule, Publications Officer our Society kindly offering to give us and and for a most enjoyable and interesting www.wycombeastro.org.uk two other local Societies a talk about his evening. work. The Observatory was built in 1958 on a 13 acre Indian reservation site high up above the Sonoran Desert. It has the world’s largest collection of telescopes with 25 optical and 2 radio telescopes, and represents 8 astronomical research institutions. Steven gave us a slide show and talked about the huge McNath-Pierce solar telescope, the Mayall 4 metre, and the WIYN 3.5 metre telescope which has the most recently refined optics and is owned and operated by Wisconsin, Indiana and Yale Universities. He also talked about the Observatory relationship with the Indian people. Kitt Peak is famous for scientific discoveries on galaxy rotation curves, high redshift galaxies and distance scales. It also provides nightly, overnight and advanced Steven Paterson observing programmes for the public, all

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 18 Winter 2008 SAGAS Summer Meeting July 19th 2008 Cliddesden Primary School, Basingstoke. The meeting was hosted by Basingstoke Astronomical Society

he venue was just outside of At the end of a very T Basingstoke in a village nestled in enjoyable and successful idyllic farmland. It was remarked by many meeting thanks were attendees that this must afford excellent extended to the speakers, nigh-time views at Basingstoke meetings. Basingstoke Committee, The meeting was opened by Derrick for the organisation of Ward, Vice-Chairman of Basingstoke, and the day, and members, an official SAGAS welcome was then for their help during the extended by John Axtell, Secretary of the day, and to all visitors Working Group. The meeting was then who travelled to attend chaired by John Stapleton, Secretary of by John Axtell. The Speakers from left to right Peter Birtwhistle, Dave Shave-Wall & Guy Hurst Basingstoke and Working Group member. John Stapleton The meeting was attended by 54 persons representing nine SAGAS societies – Basingstoke, Cody, Crawley, Croydon, John Stapleton is the SAGAS Working Group member with responsibility for IYA2009, and also the organiser Farnham, Guildford, Hampshire AG, Vectis of the Basingstoke event, a society he helped to and Worthing. Visitors were also recorded found and is Secretary there. The pictures are from from BAA, HantsAstro, Richnond & Kew William Bottaci of Croydon AS. AS and The Astronomer, as well as the wider community. Speakers for the day were Dave Shave- Wall of Basingstoke who gave a very entertaining talk on the trials and tribulations of becoming an amateur Part of the display astronomer entitled “An Amateur’s Journey”, Peter Birtwhistle of Great Sherford Observatory who gave a detailed talk on his work tracking NEO’s in “Practical NEO work where Amateurs can still make a Contribution” which was a very inspiring talk by an amateur who is credited with several original discoveries and “The Search for Novae and Supernovae – From Visual to Laptop” by Guy Hurst, former President of the BAA and Honorary President of Basingstoke. The speaker is co- ordinator of the UK Nova Patrol and Editor Are you sitting comfortably? of The Astronomer magazine and was able to deliver another inspiring talk on another aspect of observational work in which the amateur can make a significant contribution. There were also refreshment breaks that Derrick Ward, Vice-Chairman presented ideal times for networking and to visit the attending trade stands, Aurora Books and Venturescopes. Unfortunately True Technology were unable to attend. Tea was provided using a local catering company and Basingstoke members looked after the needs of visitors. How much?

A cheerful delegate!

John Stapleton, outlining the day's programme John Axtell, welcoming people on behalf of SAGAS

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 19 Winter 2008 Total Eclipse Tour to China

n 27th July 2008, Sally and I Mao is still highly revered here, judging by drove down to Heathrow, to the number of images of him that were check in for our China there. Airways flight to Beijing. As the 2008 Olympics were due to begin in OThere we checked in using the new, speedy a few days’ time, it was perhaps not ticketless electronic system - this of course altogether surprising that there was a huge involved a 45-minute wait while three ‘One World, One Dream’ floral display different ladies who didn’t know the system dedicated to the Games. What was perhaps tried to work out what they were supposed more surprising was the intense to do… Marcus Rose, our Tour Manager commercialisation. It seemed that virtually Susan explained that Beijing had existed for from Ancient World Tours, moonlighting everywhere you went in China, Tiananmen 3,000 years, and had been the capital for the from his main job as a freelance Square included, it was almost impossible to photographer, kept an eye on the process to last 800 years. En route, she taught us a few go more than a few steps without someone make sure we got through OK. Chinese words: ni-how - hello; xia-xia trying to sell you some Olympic Mooching through the Duty-Free, we (pronounced she-she) - thank you; and ding ding how - brilliant! memorabilia or other. went to a perfumery, where I came across After freshening up at the hotel, we the Hermès stand. As editor of Hermes, the went on a rickshaw ride to the Hutongs. newsletter of the Shropshire Astronomical These are the original local neighbour-hoods Society, I felt duty-bound to buy Terre of the city, and comprise narrow alleys - d’Hermès. Given the amount of ground we hutongs - formed by lines of siheyuan, or were about to cover, it seemed doubly quadrangles, the traditional courtyard appropriate. homes of ordinary people. Hutong itself is a We then met Ian Morison of Jodrell corruption of the Mongolian word hottog, Bank, who was our official astronomical meaning ‘water well’. Many of the hutongs expert for the trip, and our fellow travellers have been demolished to make way for Bernard & Margaret Creedon, David & modern roads and skyscrapers, but a small The bright clothing people were wearing Linda Storey and Julie Davenport. Ancient number of the hutongs have been given dispelled another preconception, that World Tours had organised another Eclipse protected area status in order to preserve everyone would be in drab colours. It was as Tour, which was longer and visited more them. though Hong Kong had taken over China, sites of interest in China. Most people had rather than the other way round! Even the opted for the longer tour, but we all found Military and Police personnel - who were that having a small group meant it was much easier to get to know each other. ever-present but not intrusive – seemed to The distance from Heathrow to Beijing have uniforms designed by Jean-Paul is 8,161 kilometres, and the flight takes ten Gaultier or some other famous fashion hours. And because we were flying West to designer. East, and Beijing is seven hours ahead of the Naturally, we asked Susan about the UK, we left at 20.40 on Sunday evening and military response to the Tiananmen Square arrived at Beijing at 12.57 in the afternoon protests of 1989 which had resulted in the on Monday. It was interesting to see that we deaths of hundreds of civilians. But had to pass through a machine which Tuesday 29th July although she had been able to give us information about events that took place measured our temperature - anyone with a The next morning, Susan took us to hundreds of years ago, her diplomatic fever would not be allowed into the country. Tiananmen Square, where she cleared up response to this was “I was only five years old Predictably, the sky was grey with smog, the mystery of why Peking is now known as at the time, so I don’t know much about it”. We despite the efforts of the government to Beijing. The first Chinese to have contact didn’t press the point, as it was clear she was reduce pollution by shutting down factories with the West were Cantonese traders, in uncomfortable talking about anything and restricting the use of vehicles. whose language the city was called Peking. controversial. Meeting us there was our tour guide As the majority of the population speak Moving on from Tiananmen Square, we from China International Travel Assistance, Mandarin, it was sen-sible to make Beijing entered the Forbidden City, the Imperial Lang-Yen, whose ‘English’ name was Susan - the official name. Palace. This was built from 1406 to 1420 it seems that many Chinese who have Tiananmen means ‘heavenly gate of regular dealings with foreigners adopt an peace’, and is the main entrance to the English name to make life easier. Chinese Forbidden City in the centre of Beijing. At names have the family name first, followed the North end of the Square is the by the given name. Tiananmen Tower, built in 1417 during the Susan told us that Terminal 3 at Ming dynasty. Until 1911, only members of Beijing Airport was the largest in the world, and was built in the shape of a dragon, the Imperial family could enter the tower. while the car park was in the shape of a At the South side, is Mao Zedong Memorial turtle. During a 30-minute coach ride to the Hall, where the body of Chairman Mao lies Central Business District and Traders Hotel, in a crystal coffin. It’s clear that Chairman

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 20 Winter 2008 and took 230,000 skilled artisans and 1 but it is not wasted. In this case, the silk is million workers to complete. In 1987, it was stretched out in order to provide the fibre declared a World Heritage Site. It was for silk duvets or similar. originally designed to have 9,999 bays of After being shown how this was done by rooms (9 is the largest single odd number the staff, some of us had a go - we were not and is considered to be lucky in China). entirely successful! But I don’t think we did too badly for a first attempt. There is an Today it has 980 surviving buildings and enormous array of beautiful silk products 8,707 bays of rooms. for sale on three floors, and while we were As well as the main palaces, Susan all tempted, it was Julie who came away with Bernard quite quickly, Marcus and I rather showed us the self-contained courtyards a silk duvet to take home. less so! They were so steep that it was where the Emperors’ concubines and We then travelled 70km north-east to fortunate it was a beautifully dry and hot children lived. By the Qing dynasty, there lunch at Xin Shuang Quan restaurant at Mu sunny day; had it been raining, the steps were as many as 20,000 living there. Some Tian Yu, near the Great Wall of China. It’s would have become impossibly dangerous. of these became extremely rich, so there somewhat difficult to say exactly how long Getting down the side of the mountain waes intense competition for girls to the Great Wall is, because so many dynasties from the Wall involved a vast number of become a concubine of the Emperor. The built, re-built or extended it. The usual steps, no two of which were the same. downside is that on the death of the length quoted is over 6,000 km for the final By the time we reached the base, we emperor, it was expected (until about the construction which took place in the Ming were hot, bothered and willing to pay just 15th Century) that they be buried alive to dynasty. Other estimates put it at just 2,400 about any price for a bottle of water -with keep him company in the afterlife. km. Just to put this into perspective, the the exception of Marcus and Ian who both distance from London to Beijing is 8,161 displayed excellent price negotiation skills. km. More than a million people died in its After, that it was back to Traders Hotel construction. for a quick shower, and an evening meal at The Great Wall, as well as safe-guarding the Fu Xiang Lo Restaurant. the Silk Road, also facilitated transport and Wednesday 30th July the exchange of information - arguably the Wednesday morning was an early start. original information superhighway. Meeting in the lobby of the hotel at However, some information, such as how 06.00hrs, our coach driver Charlie drove us silk was produced, remained a closely- to the airport. Check-in here was very guarded secret for hundreds of years. straightforward, and at 08.27hrs, we took A consequence of the presence of the Incidentally, it’s a complete myth that off for Urumqi (pronounced urumchee), concubines was that all the administrators the Great Wall of China is the only man- the capital of Xinjian Uyghur Autonomous had to be eunuchs so that there could be no made structure visible from Space or even Region. Now, everyone ‘knows’ that China doubt over the bloodline of the heir. These the Moon, but somehow the idea has is ahuge country. But it’s not until you get eunuchs carried the mummified remains of entered the popular consciousness: onto an internal flight, that you realise just their testicles around with them, so that how big it is. From Beijing to Urumqi is they could be reunited in the afterlife. Many around 2,000 km. To put that into context, of these eunuch administrators (around it’s about a quarter of the way back to th 2,000 in the 19 Century) became very London, or about the same distance as wealthy and powerful as a result of their Shrewsbury to Ancona in Italy! position at the centre of the Empire. Arriving at Urumqi at 11.58hrs, it was After the Forbidden City, we visited the clear that this was a very different place Yuan Long Silk Shop, where we were shown from Beijing. Notably, most of the signs how silk was harvested from the cocoons of were dual-language Chinese and Arabic. the silkworms. Fed on a diet of Mulberry Also, the people looked different. 91.5% of leaves, the silkworms spin the cocoon to We arrived at the Mu Tian Yu section, the population of China as a whole are Han protect them while they pupate. The cocoon which is connected with Juyongguan Pass in Chinese, with the rest being comprised of a is then collected and dropped into boiling the West and Gubeikou Gateway to the further 55 ethnic groups. Xinjian’s majority water, and the thread is unwound. East. We had a cable-car ride up to the wall indigenous population is Uyghur, though it Often, the cocoons of two silkworms itself – except for Bernard, who’s super-fit contains 47 ethnic groups in total. will become entangled so that there are two and managed to run up the steps to get to According to the tour guide who met us, silkworms in one cocoon. This makes it where the cable-car dropped us off, without Rixat (pronounced ‘Richart’, and pictured impossible to unwind the silk into a thread, breaking a sweat. below centre), the Uyghur originated from The Great Wall itself follows the Turkey centuries ago, travelling along the contours of the mountains it traverses, Silk Road and finally settling in Xinjiang, which explains why the Wall is so long. At which is in the North-west of China, this section, it is interspersed at irregular bordering Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, intervals by twenty-two watchtowers. Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, The various contours of the Wall are Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Afghanistan, such that in many places you have to climb Pakistan and India. some very steep steps. Bernard, Marcus and Urumqi means ‘beautiful pasture’, and I climbed these steps as high as we could go according to Rixat, is known for ‘white, before the way was blocked by rubble; (Continued on page 22)

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 21 Winter 2008 (Continued from page 21) Hami is renowned for its melons, which black and red’ - cotton, oil and tomatoes’. are sold throughout China. There are Because of its position in central Asia, it has reputedly over 180 varieties of Hami melon, a desert climate and has long cold winters which are supposedly the ‘King of Melons’. and equally long but extremely hot As we neared the town, there were summers. Economically, it produces a lot of numerous stalls on the roadside selling the consumer goods, and many Russians come refreshing fruit. over the border to purchase them. Rixat said After our evening meal, Ian talked us that the Olympics were actually causing a lot through what we could expect the following of problems for the tourism industry in his sixteen local police were killed in the day, and then we went outside for an area, as most overseas visitors this year were Xinjiang region, with the East Turkistan observing session, which included Jupiter choosing to stay in Beijing for the Olympics, Islamic Movement believed to be and the Jovian moons as well as the rather than visit other parts of China. responsible. Of course, one man’s terrorist constellations, following which we went to He took us to visit the Urumqi is another’s freedom fighter… bed, as we still had a 400km round trip in museum, where we saw several mummies It was then time to go to the museum store to the eclipse site close to the which had been discovered since the 1980’s shop. Both Ian and I fell in love with a large Mongolian border the next day. in burial grounds in the shifting sands of piece of amber which contained insects and the Gobi Desert, preserved by the arid vegetation preserved from the age of the conditions. dinosaurs. However, we were not so enamoured by the asking price - the equivalent of £280. Eventually, the lady came down to £150, and Ian and I were seriously considering a time-share on it. But just as I told the her that my wife would kill me if I bought the piece, Sally arrived at the counter and told me I was quite right! But about five minutes later, she told me I could Photo above by Marcus Rose have it if I really wanted it. I went back and One of these, ‘Beauty of Loulan’ was haggled the assistant down to £110 and I estimated to be 4,000 years old. Another, was happy! Friday 1st August ‘Charchan Man’ was 3,000 years old. Both After the museum, we visited the bazaar We left Hami at 08.25, heading for Yiwu, looked as though they had only recently before returning to our hotel. According to also known as Aratürük (the Place of the passed away, and were still wearing their Marcus, who had visited Urumqi 15 years or Turks). We drove through deep mountain original clothing. Unlike Ancient Egyptian so ago, the city had been transformed out of gorges, winding our way through the steep mummies, they had not been prepared for all recognition, with its bright modern mountain gorges either side. The roads mummification in any way; the desert alone buildings, while the bazaar had changed were, if anything, even more bumpy than was able to preserve them. from being outside on a dusty track to being the day before. At intervals along the way, The burial sites where these were found totally enclosed. There was almost nothing in the Gobi Desert would have been police guards were stationed, many of whom he recognised from his previous visit. covered and uncovered by the shifting sands gave us a salute as we went past. many times over the millennia. They were Thursday 31st July indicated by a number of poles sticking up Today was the ‘Long March’ for our from the ground - a round pole indicating a intrepid band of travellers, as we had a female body, and a paddle-shaped one a 600km trek ahead of us in a minibus in male. order to get to Hami, the nearest large town The most striking thing about these to the observing site. Thankfully, the mummies was their features. They had minibus, although clearly designed for short obviously European features, not Chinese; trips around the city rather than cross- and one of them, country journeys, was air-conditioned. Yingpan Man, was two The roads were incredibly bumpy, to the metres in height! Unsur- At one point, we went past an ancient extent that we were sometimes literally prisingly, this has been watchtower for the Silk Road. We had a bumped out of our seats. The state of the seized upon by certain brief stop to stretch our legs by a sparkling roads is down to the huge 50° C. range in Uyghur militant stream at the roadside, with cattle on the temperature between Winter and Summer. separatists as proof that other side of a rickety bridge gazing at us We had left Urumqi at 08.50, finally their region should be a inquisitively. arriving at the Jon Yao Hotel, Hami at country in its own right, The surroundings became gradually 19.40, stopping briefly for lunch at 13.20. rather than being an greener as we progressed, with the The views of the desolate and at times snow- ‘autonomous region’ landscape often resembling the upland covered mountains were magnificent, but under the control of the moors of Scotland. We then drove through the attraction of hour after hour of Han Chinese. Indeed, a mountain grassland plain, 2,000 metres in magnificent desolation tended to pall after a two days after we height, grazed by sheep and goats, passing while. returned to the UK, Yurts along the way.

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 22 Winter 2008 The authorities had imposed strict time to set up our equipment before the limits on the numbers of people allowed to main event. This also allowed Mr Wong to go to the official viewing site, and only those park the minibus within easy walking with permits were allowed to go. Ancient distance of the portaloos - a very important World Tours had ensured we had all the consideration… necessary documentation. This was We were by no means the first to arrive, comforting when there was a passport and and already the gritty, sand desert site baggage check at 11.40hrs at Quanshan, sparsely populated by vegetation struggling to survive in the intense heat was being surveyed by the visitors, who were all keen to secure the best viewing position. However, there was more than enough room for all, as the authorities had laid out a grid of roads covering a large area, so we were able to find a good spot on a ridge which would allow us to see the eclipse shadow racing towards us. Ian had

Photo above by Marcus Rose persuaded the staff at the Jon Yao hotel to lend him a white sheet so he could spread it between Kowuk and Yiwu. A very smart Photo by Marcus Rose young Military Police Officer who spoke excellent English came aboard our minibus to check everything was in order. This took twenty minutes just for the nine of us, plus Rixart and Mr Wong, the driver. At this point we were even more thankful to be part of a small group! Everything was in order, so we carried on to Yiwu, where we had a short break, on the ground and use it to check for shadow bands - an unusual piece of astronomical equipment. Our choice of spot was vindicated when we spotted the NASA team who would be doing a live webcast of the eclipse camped nearby. While we were waiting, we took the opportunity to walk the 100 metres or so to before carrying on along extremely rugged the Astropark which had been built terrain to the Weizi Gorge, a high, stone- specially for the event. We were greeted by covered mountain plain between two the somewhat bizarre site of a bright green mountain ridges, with snow-capped peaks to area roped off with Police tape, which on our west reaching 3,700 metres. We arrived closer inspection turned out to be an at 14.00hrs in blistering temperatures astropark covered in astroturf -appropriate, I approaching 39°C. This gave us plenty of suppose. Upon this was a sundial, a mock-

3 Photos above by Sebastien Muller Photo above by Marcus Rose (Continued on page 24)

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 23 Winter 2008 (Continued from page 23) After waiting for nearly an hour, totality up of an observatory, a mini-stonehenge and itself seemed to arrive in an instant. There a plinth from which all of the many were virtually no Bailey’s Beads visible, as dignitaries and guests (or ‘Big Potatoes’ as the edge of the Moon presented this time Rixat called them) would view the event, was very smooth, with few irregularities watched by live TV cameras. Needless to through which light could sneak at the start of totality. say, entry to this hallowed ground was by But the Diamond Rings were beautiful, special invitation only, though only the both at the beginning and especially at the flimsy tape was in our way. end. And inbetween, was the utter There was also a motley collection of blackness where the Moon was precisely bright orange old-style VW Beetles and of the road. The traffic coming in the between us and the Sun. The chromosphere campervans which had been driven to opposite direction just kept on coming, with was beautifully symmetrical, with a pinkish China all the way from Holland by forty self- no-one willing to stop to allow opposing tinge, the corona as pearly white as a traffic through. Mind you, Ian did get out of styled ‘adventurers’. Hollywood actor’s teeth. The eclipse the minibus after a while, and bravely And unsurprisingly, there was the usual revealed a conjunction of Mercury, Venus, performed traffic duty - I decided I was on collection of stalls selling memorabilia Mars and Jupiter, which was captured by holiday and could get quite enough of that including the inevitable Eclipse tee-shirt - Marcus. sort of thing at home, thank you. We and more usefully, cold bottled water. There And then it was over! Just 1 minute and was also a stand from China Mobile, who eventually started moving again at 08.50. 58 seconds later, the Moon’s shadow raced seem intent on turning the entire country At 11.00, we had a brief stop at Xin away to the distant mountains. It was the into one large advertising hoarding for Xing Xia for a comfort stop. By now, we had most marvellous sight I have ever seen, and themselves. become used to fairly primitive toilet I can quite understand how some people Returning to the observing site, we had facilities in much of rural China. However, become totally obsessed with seeing them. an anxious wait for the eclipse to begin. We the ‘toilet’ here comprised an elevated We stayed until around 20.30hrs, giving a had been promised a 70% chance of good concrete building, inside which were three lift to Yiwu to three young people from visibility, but would the visibility be there rectangular holes. Below this, and effectively Taiwan who had become separated from when it really mattered? Despite the heat, in the open air, were piles of, err, material. there were a lot of good-sized clouds in the Unsurprisingly, several of us took the more sky which might well conspire to prevent favoured option of ‘nipping behind a our seeing the event. Some of the building while no-one’s looking’. inhabitants of the village nearby had joined us, including several small children, to join us for this special event. At 18.09.17, first contact began, with the tiniest of nibbles bitten from the disc of the Sun. As time went on, it was possible to see that more and more of the Sun’s surface their group, before continuing on our way was being eaten away by the Moon, as we along the bumpy track to Hami. The convoy viewed through the safety of special eclipse was given a Police escort because the road glasses, or through telescopes and cameras was so dark, narrow and dangerous, though protected by Baader film. For most of the this didn’t stop some drivers from fruitlessly eclipse, there seemed to be no visible effect, jockeying for position. We finally arrived though in the minutes before totality, the back at Hami at midnight, tired but elated. light took on an eerie, almost magical quality - it was as though the Sun were Saturday 2nd August trying to convey to us that it was being Another early start. After an alfresco stifled and would soon be extinguished. breakfast on the terrace (we’d actually got up As totality approached, we feared we before the staff had begun putting it out), might have come all this way for nothing. we set off at 07.25hrs for Dun Huang, about Three minutes before, a large cloud had 550km distant. There is an enormous virtually obscured the Sun - surely there was amount of work being carried out on no chance it would move in time? But just constructing new main roads traversing this thirty seconds beforehand, the cloud edged part of China, but most of them are not just far enough away that our view was as open yet, and formed no part of our clear as it possibly could be. And then at journey. The roads on which we travelled 19.07.45… totality! now were just as potholed as those we had This was my first total eclipse, and already endured, and every so often, we had although you can read in astronomy books to leave the tarmac altogether as work being about Bailey’s Beads, the Diamond Ring carried out forced us to take a short detour and the Corona which is normally drowned on earth tracks. out by the Sun’s brightness, nothing can Shortly afterwards, at 08.05hrs, there possibly prepare you for the event itself was a huge hold-up, where a truck had broken down, completely blocking its side

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 24 Winter 2008 example of this area of Buddhist devotion, Xinjiang province. We were very sorry to say although it is interesting to discover that goodbye. since the 2001 destruction of the Buddhas Check-in went smoothly, and we took of Bamyan by the Taliban in Afghanistan, off at 11.48, landing in Beijing smog, which fifty caves were revealed, twelve of which was in stark contrast to the bright blue sky contained wall paintings similar to those at we had left in Dun Huang. On arrival, we Mogao. The common theme is the Silk were met again by Susan and taken back to Road, which was a thread running through the Traders Hotel. many parts of our trip. After a rest and some free time, we were From there we went to the Crescent collected at 19.30 and taken to the most Moon Lake by Mingsha Shan, the Singing famous Peking Duck eating-house in Sand Mountain. Fed by a spring, the lake Beijing, the Quanjude Restaurant. Located appears fragile and beautifully incongruous at the edge of a lake not far from the next to the sand dunes, with its lush Forbidden City, on which were many small vegetation and impressive pavilions. It’s a boats lit by red lanterns, the restaurant dates very popular tourist attraction, there were lots of people scrabbling up the sand dunes in order to surf down again, camel rides and even a microlite buzzing around which would take you for a spin if you were brave enough. Then back to Dun Huang Inter-national Hotel for a rest and evening meal. The dishes served here were a little unusual, for along with the familiar pork, chicken and beef, we also had Camel’s Hoof, and back to 1864 Donkey. Once inside, there was an acrobatic We resumed along a road which was Later, Bernard & Margaret, and Sally floor show taking place as we were ushered perfectly straight (though only in the and I had a wander along the market stalls to our table. And of course when we sat horizontal plane!) on the outskirts of the nearby, before going back to the hotel to down, there was the familiar glass turntable Gobi Desert until we arrived at the Dun have a beer with David & Linda, and Ian in the centre, upon which the many dishes Huang International Hotel. This was sheer and also some others who had been in were placed, with the inevitable knocking heaven, and if anything, was even more China for the eclipse, including astronomer over of wineglasses as the turntable was sumptuous than the Traders Hotel in Neil Bone who had led one of the other revolved. The highlight of the meal was Beijing. Dun Huang means ‘Blazing Sun’, tours. when two Peking Ducks - with certificates - arrived at the table to be carved for us, then and it certainly lived up to its name, as the rd Sunday 3 August eaten in small pancakes. temperature was around 40°C. To Dun Huang Airport where we had to say As it was 15.00 by now, we didn’t delay, Monday 4th August goodbye to Mr. Wong and to Rixat. Mr. but went straight to the Mogao Grottoes, It was time to fly home. It had not been so Wong had done an amazing job of driving known as ‘Thousand Buddha Cave’, which much a holiday, as an adventure. We will us such huge distances in a vehicle which became a World Heritage Site in 1987. It is have so many fantastic memories of the had proved surprisingly worthy of the forbidden to take any camera into the caves, event, and we have made some wonderful challenge. We were very grateful to him. in case the flash causes damage to the new friends. Would we do it again? You bet! Rixat had been a wonderfully paintings inside. Between 366AD and Mark Wiggin knowledgeable, funny and gently subversive 1368AD, buddhist monks excavated caves companion and guide during our stay in from the soft stone and painted frescoes of the Buddha. The grottoes are also home to the fourth largest Buddhist statue in the world. Despite the ravages of weather and time, and also at times deliberate defacement of depictions of faces, many of the paintings remain intact. The Mogao Grottoes are the best

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 25 Winter 2008 SOCIETY ROUND UP ABINGDON AS www.abingdonastro.org.uk BRISTOL AS www.bristolastrosoc.org.uk EASTBOURNE AS www.EastbourneAS.org.uk 2nd Mon at Methodist Church Hall, Dorchester Every Fri at Bristol Grammar School, University Road Saturdays at the Willingdon Memorial Hall, Church Crescent, Abingdon Simon Smith, email: [email protected] Street, Willingdon p.m. Email: [email protected] CALLINGTON CAG www.callington-astro.org.uk Bob Cripps, tel. 01323 732067 Jun 9: t.b.a. Samuel George 1st & 3rd Sat (exc Aug), at Space Centre, Callington email [email protected] ALTRINCHAM & DISTRICT AS Community College. EAST RIDING ASTRONOMERS www.astroadas.org.uk Beccy Watson; callintona- www.eastridingastronomers.org.uk 1st Fri (exc Jul & Aug) at Scout’s Building on Park [email protected] 3rd Mon at the Friends Meeting House, Quaker Lane, Road, Timperley. Altrincham Jan 3: A History of the Speed of Light Tony Broxton Beverley. Geoff Flood 0161 980 1675 Feb 7: Star & Planet Formation Prof Tim Naylor Tony Scaife, email [email protected] email: [email protected] Mar 7: Double Bill Nick Tonkin/Frank Johns FALKIRK ASTRONOMERS www.astronomy- AS OF GLASGOW CARDIFF AS www.cardiff-astronomical-society.org falkirk.co.uk www.astronomicalsocietyofglasgow.org.uk/ Alt Thurs, Sep-Jul, at Dept Physics & Astronomy, 2nd Weds (exc June/July) at Old Peoples Welfare Hall, Meetings 3rd Thurs. at Room 345, Uni of Strathclyde Univ. of Wales, 5 The Parade. Laurieston, Falkirk. (Montrose St entrance) David Powell, 029 2055 1704. email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email [email protected] FARNHAM AS www.farnham-as.co.uk ANDOVER AS www.andoverastronomy.org.uk CAROLIAN AS www.carolianastro.org.uk Meet 2nd Tues at Willis Hall, Sandy Lane, Church 3rd Thur (exc Aug) at Grateley Village Hall. Contact: Chris Ashman 01562 743758. Cookham, Fleet e-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Barry Bellinger, tel. 07748766610 ASHFORD AS www.ashfordastro.org.uk CASTLE POINT AC www.cpac.org.uk [email protected] Last Mon (exc Bank Hols) 19.30 at Stanhope Rooms, Every Weds at St Michaels Church, St Michaels Rd, FLAMSTEED AS www.flamsteed.info Otterden Close, Ashford Daws Heath, Hadleigh. 1st Mon at Royal Observatory & National Maritime Drew Wagar e-mail: [email protected] 01702 434449. Email: [email protected] Museum, Greenwich. AYLESBURY AS www.aylesbury-astronomy.org.uk CHESTER AS www.cpac.org.uk Friends Office. tel. 020 8312 6678 1st Mon (exc Bank Hols) at the Scout Hut, Oakfield Last Weds (no meeting Aug & Dec) at Burley Memo- E-mail: [email protected] Road, Aylesbury. rial Hall, Waverton, Chester FURNESS & SOUTH LAKELAND AS Sue Macdonald [email protected] Tim Colegate-. Email: [email protected] www.furness-astrosociety.org.uk AYRSHIRE AS http:// CHIPPING NORTON AAG www.cnaag.com/ 1st Fri (exc Jul/Aug) at Trinity Church Centre, War- ayrastro.thesmallearth.com/ 3rd Mon Robin Smitten 07900-858690. wick St. Barrow-in-Furness 1st Tues at Ayr College Email: [email protected] Richard Alldridge, 01229 826864 email: [email protected] CLACTON AS www.clactonastronomy.co.uk Email: [email protected] May 19: How to Observe the Sun Lyn Smith 1st Thurs (exc Aug) at Quakers House, Granvile Road, GUERNSEY AS www.astronomy.org.gg BASINGSTOKE AS www.basingstokeas.org.uk/ Clacton-on-Sea. CO15 6BX Every Tues at the Observatory, Rue Lorier, St. Peters, 4th Thurs at Cliddesden Primary School David Pugh 01255 429849 e-mail [email protected] Guernsey. email: [email protected] CLEETHORPES AS Debby Quertier. 01481 725760 Email: [email protected] BASSETLAW AS http:// www.cleethorpesastronomy.co.uk beehive.thisisnottingham.co.uk/bassetlawastro Meetings held at the Beacon Hill Observatory, Clee- GUILDFORD AS www.guildfordas.org Meets at The Village Hall, Tylden Rd, Rhodesia, Notts. thorpes, start at 7.30pm. 1st Thurs at Guildford Institute, Ward Street, S80 3HL Paul Thompson 01472 233552 Guildford Andrew Patten email: [email protected] e-mail [email protected]. John Axtell. 01932 341036 [email protected] BATLEY & SPENDBOROUGH AS CLYDESDALE AS www.clydesdaleastro.org.uk HAMPSTEAD GARDEN SUBURB AS Every Thurs at Milner K Ford Observatory, Wilton 2nd Mon at Dunglass House, Ayr Road, ML11 9TU Last Wed at Free Church Hall, Northway, London Park, Batley Contact: Lyn Smith 07725 347711. e-mail: clydesdal- NW11. I Newsome 01924-443860 [email protected] Dianne Fishman 020 8458 4038 email: [email protected] CORNWALL AS www.CornwallAS.org.uk email: [email protected] BECKINGTON AS www.basnet.org.uk 2nd Tues & 4th Thurs at WI Hall, Mabe, Penryn.. HANTS ASTRO.ORG www.hantsastro.org 3rd Fri (exc Jul, Aug & Dec) at Beckington Baptist Robert Beeman (01326-341164 ) David Woods 023 9261 7092 Church Hall, Beckington, Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] OTSWOLD www.cotswoldas.org.uk C AS HARROGATE AS 2nd Sat at Millenium Hall, Bishop Road, Shurdington, BEDFORD AS www.bedsastro.org.uk Last Fri at The Green Hut, Harlow Community Cheltenham. Last Weds, Bedford School, Burnaby Road, Bedford, Centre, Harlow Ave. Duncan Willoughby (01452-416405 ) MK40 2TU Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] OVENTRY ARWICK http:// C & W AS HAVERING AS http://homepages.tesco.net/ uk.geocities.com/covwaras/ BIRMINGHAM AS www.birmingham- ~nik.szymanek/havering.htm 2nd Fri at Earlsdon Methodist Church Hall, Earlsdon astronomy.co.uk 3rd Wed at Cranham Community Centre, Ave South, Earlsdon Every Weds at Aston Uni. & Last Tues—lecture Marlborough Gardens, Cranham. Contact: Frances email: [email protected] Email: john.spittle.homecall.co.uk Ridgley 01708 227397 May 9: Pluto & Outer Solar System Dr Mike Leggett BLACKPOOL & DISTRICT AS HEART OF ENGLAND AS www.hoeas.co.uk RAWLEY http://uk.geocities.com/crawleyas/ www.blackpoolastronomy.org.uk C AS Last Thurs Furnace End Meeting Site, The Old Ex- 3rd Fri (exc July & Aug) at Ifield Community Centre. 1st Wed of month at St Kentigern’s Church Hall, change, Shustoke, Warwickshire 7.30 pm. Newton Drive, Blackpool email: [email protected] Jim Swift 01293-882560 Terry Devon Tel: 01253-625975 May 29: How to Build a Galaxy Prof M Merrifield email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] HEBDEN BRIDGE AS ROYDON www.croydonastro.org.uk BOLTON AS www.boltonastro.org.uk C AS Meetings at Hope Baptist Church Rooms at approx 4 2nd Fri during term time at Royal Russell School, 1st & 3rd Tues at Bolton TIC Centre on Minerva week intervals. Coombe Lane Road (nr Bolton Royal Hospital) Len Entwhistle (01422-378368) or visit FAS webpage. Peter Miskiw. Email: [email protected] Paul Harper email: [email protected] HEREFORD AS ERBY ISTRICT www.derbyastronomy.org BRADFORD AS www.bradfordastronomy.co.uk D & D AS Meet 1st Thurs at Kindle Centre, Hereford . 1st Fri (exc July) at 7.30 at Friends Meeting House, St Alt Mons in upstairs room at Eccleshill Library, Bolton Contact: Paul Olver (01432-761693) Helen’s St, Derby Road, Bradford, BD2 4SR email: [email protected]. Hilary on 01274 672570. john- Dave Selfe email: [email protected]/ HERSCHEL AS www.herschel-astrosoc.co.uk [email protected] Jan 9: Jupiter—Friend or Foe Dr Jonti Horner Email: [email protected] BRANNEL ASTRONOMY Mar 6: Music of the Heavens Chris Newsome www.brannelastronomy.com Apr 3: Photographing the Night Sky Nik Szymanek HIGHLANDS AS www.spacegazer.com 1st & 3rd Fri at Brannel School, St Stephens, May 5: Apollo: Tranquility & Beyond 1st Tues at The Green House, Beechwood Business Cornwall . Anthony Southwell Park North, Inverness. Frank Johns, 01637-878020 DONCASTER AS www.donastro.org.uk Eric Walker, Tel: 01349 863821 e-mail: [email protected] 2nd & 4th Thurs at Church House—behind St George email: [email protected] Minster, Doncanster. Jan 6: Mars –how did they get it so wrong? Bill Leslie BRECKLAND AA www.brecklandastro.org.uk/ Feb 3: Powering Satellites & Spaceships Arthur Milnes 2nd Fri at Recreation Centre, B1077 Watton Road, Mrs Lesley Hardware on 01302-743352 email: [email protected] Apr 7: AGM Great Ellingham May 5: Aurora Jim Wild Rod Crockford. Email: [email protected] DUMFRIES AS Society web-site www.astronomers.ukscientist.com HORSHAM AS www.horshamastronomy.co.uk BRIDGEND AS Monthly meetings at the St. George's Churchhall, 1st Wed at Christs Hospital School, Horsham, West www.bridgendastronomicalsociety.co.uk George Street, Dumfries Sussex. 2nd Fri (Sept-May) Parc Slip Nature Reserve, Aberken- Email: [email protected] or 01387 269762 Richard Griffith fig. email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 26 Winter 2008 HULL & EAST RIDING AS www.heras.org.uk MARCHES A G www.spaceguarduk.com/mag PETERBOROUGH AS www.pas-stargazer.co.uk 2nd Mon at Room S25, Wilberforce Bldg, Uni of Hull, 2nd Fri at Spaceguard Centre, Knighton, Powys. LD7 1st Tues at St Kingburgh Church Hall, Castor, Peter- Cottingham Road, Hull 1LW. borough. Mark Evans, Secretary. Michael Birch 01597 850010 [email protected] Gerry Holland 01733 769639 E-mail: [email protected] MELTON & DISTRICT AS Email: [email protected] HUDDERSFIELD A & P SOCIETY Meets: Monthly at Village Hall, Main Street, Gaddesby, PORT TALBOT AS www,huddersfieldastronomy.org.uk Leics. At 8.00pm 1st Tues—7.45pm at Mozart Drive Community Centre, Every Fri at 4A Railway Street. Tomy Pacey (Secretary) Sandfields, Port Talbot. Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] John Minopoli (secretary) - phone 01792 850919. Jan 9: Our Magical Cosmos Prof John Brown MEBOROUGH & SWINTON AS email: [email protected] uk ILKESTON & DISTRICT AS www.msas.org.uk RENFREWSHIRE AS 2nd Tuesdays at Hayloft Erewash Museum, Ilkeston, Every Thurs at Swinton Working Mens Club, 4 Station www.renfrewshireastro.co.uk Derbyshire Rd, Swinton. S64 8AU Meets every Fri 7.30pm at The Coats Observatory Mary McMulty, tel. 01298 78234 Shaun O’dell (Secretary) 01709-579529 Ian Anderson Tel: 0141 580 9852 email: [email protected] MID KENT AS www.mkas-site.co.uk/ email: [email protected] ISLE OF MAN AS www.iomastronomy.org 2nd and last Fri at The Bredhurst Village Hall, RUGBY & DISTRICT AS www.rugbyastro.co.uk 1st Thurs at the IOM Observatory, Foxdale. Hurstwood Road, Bredhurst, Kent 3rd Sun in Three Horseshoes Hotel, Sheep Street, James Martin e-mail: [email protected] email [email protected] Rugby. CV21 3BX JERSEY AC www.jerseyastronomyclub.org.je MILTON KEYNES AS www.mkas.org.uk Julian Lecki Tel: 01788-572152 Meets 2nd Mon at Sir Patrick Moore Astronomy Alt Fri at Rectory Cottages, Church Green Road, email: [email protected] Centre, Les Creux, St Brelade. Bletchley, Milton Keynes SALFORD AS www.salfordastro.org.uk Eileen Besnard. 01534-860802 Mike Leggett Tel: 01908 503692 1st Wed at The Observatory, Chaseley Road, Salford: e-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] John Pond KIELDER OBSERVATORY AS Jan 23: Rare Stars, Cosmic Mayhem Prof M Merrifield SCARBOROUGH & RYDALE AS www.kielderobservatory.org Mar 6: Images of the Universe Paul Money Apr 17: The Wing Dynasty Dr Mike Leggett www.scarborough-as.org.uk Lyn Henderson. Tel: 0191-4261708 3rd Fri (exc Aug & Dec) at East Ayton Village Hall, e-mail: [email protected] May 15: Historical Observations at Cambridge Mark Hurn Willson Lane, East Ayton KNOWLE AS www.knowleastro.org.uk MORAY AC, SIGMA www.sigma-astro.co.uk 01723 500389 1st Mon (exc Aug) at St George & St Theresa’s Parish email: [email protected] Centre, Dorridge, Solihull. 1st Fri at Birnie Village Hall, Thomshill, Elgin, Moray. Nigel Foster. Tel: 01676-535941 Ian Brantingham 01466 771371 SEKAS (SOUTH EAST KENT) www.sekas.co.uk e-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tony Bennet 01843-831079 NEWBURY AS www.newburyas.org.uk email: [email protected] LEEDS AS www.leedsastronomy.org.uk Jan 14: The latest observations Prof Michael D Smith 2nd & 4th Wed at The Friends Meeting House, Carl- 1st Fri (Sept-June) United Reformed Church Hall, ton Hill, 188 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds LS2 9DX—19.30 Cromwell Place, Newbury. SHETLAND AS Mailto: [email protected] or email: [email protected] Monthly, South Mainland, Shetland [email protected] Jan 9: The Ultimate Timeline Dr Franscisco Diego Peter Kelly Tel: 01957 733242 Feb 11: Cauldron in the Cosmos Dr David Jenkins Feb 6: Shield for Starship Enterprise Dr Ruth Bamford Email: [email protected] Mar 11: The LHC at CERN Dr Joe Foster May 6: Microquasars Sebastian Perez SHANNONSIDE AC http://go/to/sac Apr 8: The AMASE Project Dr Lianne Benning Jun 5: Mmmagma Dr Alison Rust 1st Wed at 8.00pm, Room 206, Mary Immaculate LEICESTER AS www.leicester-astronomical.co.uk NORMAN LOCKYER OBS SOC http:// College, Limerick Meets 2nd and 4th Tues 19:30. National Space Centre, www.ex.ac.uk/nlo/welcome.htm Tony O’Hanlon. 00353-65-6892221 Exploration Drive, Leicester Fris & 2nd Mon at Norman Lockyer Obs, Sidmouth e-mail: [email protected] Chris Gutteridge 0116 270 0596 Devon. EX10 0YQ SHROPSHIRE AS www.shropshire-astro.com email: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] 1st Sat at Rodington Village Hall Tel: 01395 512096 LETCHWORTH & DISTRICT AS Contact: Mark Wiggin. Meets last Wednesday of the month at Plinston Hall, NORTH ESSEX AS http://www.neas.me.uk e-mail: [email protected] Letchworth: 7:45pm 3rd Thurs (exc Aug & Dec) at Henry Dixon Hall, SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY Nick Ellis e.mail: [email protected] Rivenhall End, Witham. www.shastro.org.uk Neil Short e-mail: [email protected] LIVERPOOL AS www.liverpoolas.org Stuart Williams, [email protected] 3rd Fri at The Gibberd Room, The RC Metropolitan NORTH NORFOLK AS http://www.nnas.org SOLENT AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS Cathedral, Liverpool L3 5QW At General Townend Club (Royal British Legion), www.delscope.demon.co.uk email: [email protected] Cattle Market St, Fakenham. 3rd Tues. Room 8, Oaklands Centre, Fairisle Road, Email: [email protected] Lordshill, Southampton LOUGHTON AS www.las-astro.org.uk Jan 16: James Naysmyth Kevin Kilburn Every Thurs in the Scout Hall, Loughton Lane, They- Ken Medway. 02380-582204 don Bois, Essex. NORTH WALES & LLANDRILLO COLLEGE AS email: [email protected] Jerry Workman (0208-507-7568) www.manastro.co.uk/nwgas/llandrillo SOUTHAMPTON AS www.southampton- 2nd Tues at Lecture Hall, Llandrillo College astronomical-society.org.uk LOWESTOFT & GT YARMOUTH RA (LYRA) Jean Smith e.mail: [email protected] 2nd Tues at Waveney Gymnastics Centre (access Not- 2nd Thurs at Edmund Kell Unitarian Church Hall, ley Rd). NORTHANTS AA www.naastronomy.com Bellevue Road Richard Chilvers: 01502 57401 1st Tues at Church House, St Bodolphs Rd, Barton, Email: secretary@southampton-astronomical- email: [email protected] Seagrave, Kettering and on 3rd Tues at Newton Field society.org.uk Centre nr Geddington. SOUTH LINCS A & G S www.solags.co.uk LUTON AS www.lutonastrosoc.org.uk Steve Williams 01933 650331. Last Thurs at Putteridge Bury Campus, University of 3rd Frid (exc Jul/Aug) at St Mary’s Church Hall, Bedfordshire NORWICH AA Pinchbeck, Spalding. Geoff Mitchell. Email: [email protected] www.norwich.astronomicalsociety.org.uk/ Martin Anderson 01406-380003 3rd Fri at The Seething Observatory, Toad Lane, email: [email protected] MACCLESFIELD AS www.maccastro.com Thwaite St Mary 1st Tues (exc Jan) at Jodrell Bank Observatory &3rd SOUTH WEST HERTS AS www.swhas.org.uk David Balcombe 01953 602624. Tues at Goostrey Village Hall. [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] STAFFORD & DISTRICT AS www.freewebs.com/ Mar 17: Lights in the Sky Dr Jim Wild NOTTINHAM AS http:// philiphall/ Apr 21: My Astronomy Ken Irving beehive.thisisnottingham.co.uk/nottinghamastro 3rd Thurs at Weston Road High School, Stafford. 1st Thurs British Geological Survey, Nicker Hill, Key- May 19: Jodrell Bank-Tenerife, Lagrange 2 & Big Bang ST18 0YG Prof Rod Davies-worth, Notts. NG12 5GG. Paul Stocks. email: [email protected] Joe Jaworski, 0543 686043 MANCHESTER AS www.manastro.co.uk/ ST NEOTS AS 3rd Thurs Godlee Observatory, Sackville Building, ORWELL AS www.oasi.org.uk/ University of Manchester, Weds at Orwell Park Observatory, Nacton, Ipswich Meets 1st Mon 19.00hrs in the Citizenship Block, St Email: [email protected] IP10 0ER Neots Community College, Barford Road, Eynesbury. Roy Gooding (Secretary) 01473-462977 MAIDENHEAD AS www.maidenhead-astro.net David Roberts 01480-212960 email [email protected] 1st Fri (exc July & Aug) at Stubbings Church hall, email: [email protected] Maidenhead SL6 6QZ PAPWORTH ASTRONOMY CLUB STRATFORD UPON AVON AS www.astro.org.uk 1st Wed at Vinter Room, Vinter Close (off Elm Way), Tim Haymes 07796-164010 Home Guard Club, Tiddington, Stratford upon Avon. Papworth Everard MANSFIELD & SUTTON AS www.sherwood- Peter Sandford 01480 830729 Mike Whitecross 01789 731784 observatory.org.uk/ email [email protected] SUNDERLAND AS www.sunderlandastro.com Sherwood Observatory, Coxmoor Rd, Sutton-in- 2nd & 3rd Sunday Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Wash- Ashfield. NG17 5LF PLYMOUTH AS Cathy Beaumont 01623 552276 2nf Friday at GK Centre, Alfred Street (off Lockyer St), ington Email: [email protected]/ Plymouth Graham Darke 0191 415 2625 [email protected] Alan Penman (Chair) 01752-338491 email: [email protected] - (Continued on page 28)

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 27 Winter 2008 (Continued from page 27) WESSEX AS www.wessex-astro- (THE) WEBB SOCIETY SWANSEA AS www.swanastro.co.uk society.freeserve.co.uk www.webbsociety.freeserve.co.uk/ 2nd & 4th Thur at Lecture Theatre C, Science Block, First Tues - Allendale Centre, Wimborne, Dorset. Stephen Rayner Tel: 01189 817616 Uni of Wales, Swansea Alan Jefferis, e-mail [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] 01792-299311 WEST CORNWALL AS WHITE PEAK ASTRO OBS GROUP TAVISTOCK AS www.westcornwallastrosoc.org www.wpaog.co.uk/ The Physics Laboratory, Kelly College. First Wed at St Michaels Hotel, Falmouth, and Third Hopton Cottage, Hopton, Top Hopton, Derbyshire, Email: jewels on 07877-448117 Thur at the CPR Learning Centre, Camborne. DE4 4DF THE LEWES ASTRONOMERS Robin Wadding Robin Spencer. Tel: 01332-881912 www.lewesastro.org.uk email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 1st Wed at Southover Grange, Southover High St. WEST DIDSBURY AS WOLVERHAMPTON AS www.wolvas.org.uk Lewes. BN7 1TP. 2nd Mon (exc Aug) at William Hulme Grammar Alt Mon, between Sep & Apr Beckminster Methodist Alice Smol 01273-477441 email: [email protected] School, Springbridge Rd, Whalley Range. M16 8PR Church Hall, Birches. THURROCK AS www.thurrockastronomy.com Susie Metcalfe email: [email protected] Sydney Crump (tel 01299 871606) First Wed (exc Aug) at Methodist Hall, High Street, Feb 9: Astronomy in Flatland Colin Steele email [email protected] Horndon -on-the-Hill SS17 8LN Apr 13: Large Scope making The Liverpool Trio WORCESTER AS www.worcesteras.freeserve.co.uk Roy Hookway Tele;01375 676602 May 11: New Advances in Digital Astrophotography Meetings held 2nd Thurs 8-10pm at University College, email: [email protected] David Ratledge Oldbury Rd, Worcester May 7: Supernovae Tony Sizer WEST OF LONDON AS www.wolas.org.uk Michael Morris. Email: [email protected] TIVERTON AS ww.tivas.org.uk Second Mon (exc Aug) at: Christ Church Chapel, Jan 8: OJ+287—A Black Hole ‘tec Story Gary Poyner Fri at St Aubyn's School, Blundells Road, Tiverton. Redford Way, Uxbridge AND at St John’s Ambulance Feb 12: Geology of Mars Dr John Bridges Neil Purves 01884-277425 Hall, North Harrow (odd months) Mar 12: The Centre of our Galaxy TORBAY AS www.torbayastro.org Duncan J Radbourne. Prof Michael Merrifield 1st & 3rd Thurs - Sep to Apr at Torquay Boys Email: [email protected] Apr 9: Apollo—40 years Jerry Workman May 14: Dark Matter & Boulby Project Grammar School. WEST YORKSHIRE AS www.wyas.fsnet.co.uk Prof Tim Summer Dennis Humphreys on 01626 367280 Every Tues (exc Aug/BH’s) at ‘Rosse Observatory’, Carleton Rd, Carleton, Pontefract. James Boulton WORTHING AS UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM AS 0924-379376. Email: [email protected] Meet 3rd Mon (exc Aug) 7.30pm at Emmanuel United www.astrosoc.org.uk WEST NORFOLK AS www.wyas.fsnet.co.uk Reform Church, corner Heene Rd/St Michaels Rd. We are a University society but all are welcome. Graham Boots Kym Goss, email: [email protected] James Boulton 0924-379376. Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 01903 505346 USK AS www.uskastronomicalsociety.org.uk Feb 23: Galileo Dr Mick Weston 101 Ardingley Drive, Goring, Worthing West Sussex Email: [email protected] Mar 23: The Virgo Cluster & Some Gems BN12 4TW VECTIS AS (IoW) www.vectis-astro.org.uk Apr 27: In Search of the Winged Messenger WYCOMBE AS www.wycombeastro.org.uk 4th Fri of month (exc Dec) at Parish Hall, Town Lane, WEYMOUTH AC www.weymouthastronomy.co.uk Third Weds at Woodrow High House, between High Newport. Fourth Fri at The Old School Rooms, Upwey, DT3 Wycombe and Amersham. Sue Curd email: [email protected] 5QE (opposite Wishing Well) Jackie Harris. Email: www.wycombeastro.org.uk WADHURST AS www.wadhurst.org.uk/was/ Nigel Dalley 07968-115002 YORK AS www.yorkastro.co.uk Third Wed at the Methodist Church Upper Room, Email: [email protected] Denham Room, The Priory Street Centre, York, High Street, Wadhurst. WILTSHIRE AS www.wasnet.co.uk/ Martin Whillock on 01347 821849 G G Rathbone, 13 Brookfield, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Andrew Burns Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Kent. TN15 6SQ WIGTOWNSHIRE AS www.wigtownshire- WALSALL AS www.walsallastro.co.uk astro.org.uk Every Thurs at the Rushall Olympic Football Club, Second Wed Glenamour, Newton Stewart. Dales Lane, Walsall. Robin Bellerby 01671-404387 / 07966-413679 Alan Ledbury 01922 632624 email: Email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

NOTICES Note! to Society Secretary/ CCD Imaging Course. Treasurer December 20th 2008 Within your pack of Newsletters you should find the following inserts: Venue: Earlsdon Methodist Church Hall - Coventry 1. advertisment flyer for telescope/camera insurance

2. order form for astronomical image posters (up to 5 sets free per Time: 10.30am to 5pm society) Course Tutors: Ian King, Nik Szymanek Please contact Eric Hutton if you cannot locate them.

The course will comprise a series of 45 minute to 1 hour talks and demonstrations on the above topics, as well as provide an opportunity LIST OF OFFICERS 2007/2008 for course tutors to break off into smaller groups and address more specific areas driven by course members. President, Secretary, Treasurer & Newsletter Editor - See cover Vice President: Callum Potter: [email protected] A buffet lunch will be served and is included in the price. Hot and cold drinks will be available throughout the course. PLI & Distribution: Eric Hutton: [email protected] Membership Sec: John Axtell: [email protected] Price £35 per head. Minutes Sec: Sam George

Please call us on 01892 834004 or email at [email protected] Webmaster: Gary Gawthrope for further information or to book. Details of meetings mentioned in the Society Roundup should be confirmed before travelling. All programmes may be subject to change with no notice. The FAS can accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies. However if the details of your society are incorrect, or Deadlines for submission for the next newsletter: indeed if you aren’t included, please send details to the Editor. Spring 2009 — 27 March 2009 Please remember to send ALL items to the Editor, Frank Johns. Printed for the FAS by: P&J Print, Newquay, Cornwall Regrettably material can only be returned if supplied with a SAE. Copyright © The Federation of Astronomical Societies 2008

F.A.S. Newsletter 89 28 Winter 2008