February 1983

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February 1983 FEBRUARY 1983 This Nursery Guarantees to Make You A Better Gardener The commitment in our headline is -A staff horticulturist is available to answer neither hubris nor public relations blather. It questions by phone or mail at no charge. He is true, and these are the facts. will also assist in locating plants we don't -Full-color spring and fall catalogues offer. describe over 1,200 items offered and -In Litchfield, we operate a nursery store provide proper botanical names (with plus 10 acres of display gardens and almost pronunciation), hardiness ratings, detailed 40 acres of production blocks which are cultural instructions, and thousands of open to the public. Our retail staff are words of how-to-garden information dis­ trained horticulturists who can intelli­ tilled from 32 years of nursery experience. gently assist in your selections. -Plants are selected on the basis of extensive -This nursery is owned and operated by the trials, propagated and grown by us to undersigned. Our standards of quality and stringent standards, and finally graded, service do not come out of a corporate policy stor'ld, and shipped using traditional manual. They reflect the considered English techniques which are superb, judgement of an experienced and com­ though costly. Every plant we offer is mitted staff. We are accountable to these guaranteed to he true to variety, of standards in every respect. blooming size, and in prime condition for That is our complete sales pitch. Superb growing. Plants of this grade, fresh from plants backed up with service to match. If you the grower, can't eliminate losses entirely, find it persuasive, the first step is a but do reduce the risk substantially-a fact subscription to our catalogues, known col­ which is appreciated by experts but is lectively as The Garden Book. The fee is $5 actually, most beneficial to beginners. which includes all of the above plus a $5 -Every plant shipped is accompanied by credit good on any purchase over $25. It is dif­ planting instructions and a pre-printed ficult to imagine a more rewarding purchase. garden label. Sincerely, Amos Pettingill White flower farm Plantsmen Litcafield 7718, Connecticut 06759-0050 RICAN VOLUME 62 NUMBER 2 -ORTICULTlIRIST This month we are pleased to introduce to you 25 "new" plants for the garden. Among them are Rhododendron macgregoriae X R. lochae (left); Chrysopsis vil/osa 'Golden Sunshine' (top); and Astrantia 'Margery Fish '. Guest Editorial: AHS Programs: Looking Ahead by Elizabeth D. Hume 2 Aristolochia by Tovah Martin 4 Book Reviews by Gilbert S. Daniels 8 Strange Relatives: The Dogbane Family by Jane Steffey 10 New Plants for '83 by The Staff of American Horticulturist 15 Fantasy Plants 20 The Tradescant Trust by Josephine Robertson 23 A Favorite Honeysuckle Text and Photography by Pamela Harper 26 Stamp Gardens-Text and Photography by Claire Sawyers 28 Moss and Lichen Gardens by Michael B. Trimble 30 A Catalogue Review by Peter Loewer 33 Sources 37 Pronunciation Guide 38 The Design Page: Vistas Text and Photography by Margaret Hensel 41 Gardener's Marketplace 42 ON THE COVER: Winter scene in rural Virginia. Photograph by Hollen Johnson. American Horticulturist GUEST EDITORIAL Judy Powell EDITOR Rebecca K. McClimans ART DIRECTOR AHS PROGRAMS: Barbara W. Ellis ASSOCIATE EDITOR looKING AHFAo Steven H. Davis Jane Steffey EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS turists on a variety of gardening topics of Irene Polansky your choice. Many of the plants grown in PRODUCTION ASSISTANT the Carolina coastal area, both native and H. Marc Cathey introduced, can be grown in other parts Gilbert S. Daniels of the country. We will make it a point to HORTICULTURAL CONSULTANTS sort those out for your interest. Plans are also well under way for the Gilbert S. Daniels Fall Annual Congress in Philadelphia next BOOK EDITOR September 14-18. Many exciting things have been happening in the garden world Louise Baughn of the Delaware Valley during the past few Cindy Weakland ASSIST ANTS TO THE EDITOR years, and we will look with a fresh view at some private gardens turned public May Lin Roscoe (Longwood and the Morris Arboretum), BUSINESS MANAGER as well as a number of very special private gardens. Elizabeth Hume It may seem to some of you that in 1983 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AHS is concentrating on the East Coast. DIRECTOR s your new director of horticul­ Never fear- we are headed West, South tural education, I have been spend­ and North in '84-'86. We are eager to hear Connie Clark MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION Aing the past two months "getting from you about superior gardens in your SERVICE my bearings" in the job. Shifting from one own part of the country. plant-growing zone to another is always One aspect of my job is to help you find John Simmons an expansive experience for me, and this each other and coordinate your enthusi­ Chromagraphics Inc. September's move meant leaving black-eyed asm into regional groups in the years to COLOR SEPARATIONS Susan and goldenrod in the fields and come, so that regional seminars, work­ meadows around Philadelphia to find the shops and even conferences can be put to­ C. Lynn Coy Associates, Inc. Virginia meadow behind my new abode gether in less garden-endowed areas. If you 55 Forest Street Stamford, CT 06902 carpeted with masses of golden groundsel. are enthusiastic about organizing such a (203) 327-4626 As fall proceeded, the striking scarlets of regional group and can dedicate some time, ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE sweet gum and rich yellows of oak and energy and friends' volunteer efforts, please tulip tree against the blue sky and the dark let me hear from you. The Society is as Potomac seemed more individual and cris­ strong as its membership makes it. We of Replacement Issues of AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST are available at a cost of $2.50 per copy. per- in fact, I'm becoming a confirmed the staff of AHS recognize that there are Virginian already. many more ways in which we may be of The opinions expressed in the articles th at appear in AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST are those of the I have not spent all of my working hours help to the amateur gardener. I hope to authors and are not necessarily those of the Society . They gazing out the window, or on lunch breaks enrich your membership benefits by bring­ 3re presented as contributions to contemporary thought. Manuscripts, art work and photographs sent for possible by the river, however. Plans for our Spring ing expanded programs to many areas of publication will be returned if they are accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Symposium (March 19-22) take us to the the country on a more financially reason­ gracious walled gardens of Charleston and able basis than our large meetings have AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST is the official its nearby romantic plantations on the been in the past. To do this is going to publication of The American Horticultural Society, 7931 East Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22308, (703) Ashley and Cooper Rivers. We will ex­ take money, time and in-put from you, our 768-5700, and is issued monthl" . Membership in the amine these Carolina lowlands in their his­ members. I am looking forward to hearing Society includes a subscription to AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST. Membership dues start at $20.00 a toric context, learning about the adapta­ from you and meeting you in the months year, $12.00 of which is designated fo r AMERICAN HO RTICULTURIST. Copyright © 1983 by The tion of city gardens to historic restoration, and years ahead. American Horticultural Society. [SSN 0096-441 7. Second­ and of rice plantations to more contem­ class postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send Form porary horticultural attractions. There will 3579 to AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST, Moun'. be plenty of time to explore Charleston's Vernon, Virginia 22121. galleries, antique shops and historic houses Member of Society of National Association Publications on your own, or to become involved in Elizabeth D. Hume discussions over breakfast with horticul- Director, Education 2 February 1983 THE INDOOR GARDENER ARIs IOlOCHIA limbing nimbly over the em­ bankment to my front door is a C curious, heart-leaved vine whose inconspicuous flowers appear in late sum­ mer. I would scarcely notice the vine since there is plenty to arrest my eye at that time of year were it not Aristolochia. Although the blossom is seemingly insignificant, closer inspection reveals a very complex struc­ ture. It exhibits the same strange form present throllghout Aristolochiaceae-a long tube leading to a plump pouch. Ar­ istolochia flowers are often likened to a bird's gracefully bent neck and bill, caus­ ing it to acquire such nicknames as the pelican flower: or swan flower. The blossom's unique shape is not purely accidental; it is absolutely necessary for the plant's survival. Aristolochias are not self-pollinated. Flies are lured into its "par­ lor" by a fetid odor many species exude and the fleshy, carrion-like coloration of the flowers. Once an insect has gained en­ try into the tube, it easily slides down the flower's hairy throat, for all hairs point distributed throughout the tropics and downward. After it has pollinated the re­ subtropics. The largest distribution is in ceptive stigma, the fly prepares to take its Brazil and the island of Hispaniola. North leave only to find itself imprisoned. The America claims only four native species: hairs that facilitated the fly's entry now A. serpentaria, A. californica, A. tomen­ point sharply toward it like so many bran­ tosa and A . durior. The best known of dished swords. The insect has no choice these is A.
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