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Proceedings of the 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992

pp.7-22 Ciencias cia Terra(UNL) Lisboa NP12 1993 ( 7 figs. J

The of

M. Telles Antunes & Joao Pais

Centro de Estratigrafia e Paleobiologia da UNL, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Quinta da Torre, P-2825 Monte de , Portugal.

ABSTRACT Key words: Neogene; Portugal.

Aftera briefhistorical introduction, this paper deals with the main concerned geotectonic units: the Lower Tagus and basins, the Western and Southern borders, and their infillings. Most of the Neogene events and record concern areas South of the Iberian Central Chain, a nearly inverse situation as that of Paleogene times. In the most important of these units, the Lower Tagus basin, there are quite thick detrital series, mostly marine in its distal part near Lisboa (albeit with several continental intercalations), and mainly continental in its inner part. Sedimentological record is almost complete since Lowermost to Upper . The richness ofdata (paleontology, isotope chronology, paleoclimate, etc.) it gives and the possibility of direct marine-continental correlations render this basin one of the more interesting ones in Western Europe. Alvalade basin is separated from the previous one by a barrier ofPaleozoic rocks. Two transgressions events (UpperTortonian and in age) are recorded. Active sedimentation may be correlated to Late Miocene tectonics events. In , chiefly marine units from Lower to Upper Miocene are well developped. The Lower unit (Lagos-Portimao Formation) is best exposed in Western Algarve, but desappears eastwards. is not as well known, whereas Upper Miocene main outcrops are in Eastern Algarve. Cacela Formation is remarquable for its beautiful fossils. Sedimentation as a whole refletcts the tectonic activity and in special the evolution of the Algarve flexures. There is scant evidence of post-Lower Miocene volcanism, the latest known in Portugal. has not been recognized there beyond doubt. . Miocene sediments are much less important to the North of the Central Iberian Chain. Continental beds near that yielded the well-known "Hisp anotherium fauna" are lower Middle Miocene. Pliocene corresponds to dramatic changes in paleogeography. At Setiibal Peninsula there is some evidence of a minor Lower Pliocene transgression. Continental detrital sediments, often coarse, occupy rather large areas. In Western Portugal between the Seta hal Peninsulaand Pombal there is good evidence of a marine Upper Pliocene transgression, followed up by dune sands overlain by marsh clays, diatomites, lignites and boghead levels that can be partly Pleistocene in age.

FOREWORD Eschwege, Alexandre Vandelli, Daniel Sharpe and a few others followed. Meanwhile, there was a considerable After years of research dedicated to the Mediterranean development in investigations with the second Geological Neogene (Project N'tZfi, lUGS-UNESCO), there has been Commission (1857-1867), mainly due to the field works a considerable development in activities concerning the of Carlos Ribeiro and the important contributions of Atlantic Neogene. Francisco Pereira da Costa. Within this framework, the hinge-like situation of After being abandoned for a while, the studies were Portugal is quite interesting, considering the fact that the vigorously restarted at the Geological Survey with Jorge Neogene units here are well represented and complete. Candido Berkeley Cotter, towards the end of the century. This is particularly true for the Tagus basin, that has a Lithostratigraphic classification, now considered classical very rich record. but still used in the Lisboa Miocene, is due to him. At the beginning of the XIX century, research has been Some of the most remarkable paleontologists at the time, conducted by the remarkablemineralogist (and politician) such as Oswald Heer, F. Fontannes, Perceval de Loriol, Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva (1763-1838). Towards Frederic Roman and Gustave Dollfus gave important the 30's and 40's, the contributions due to Baron Von contributions.

7 Ciencias da Terra (UNL). 12

After a long eclipse, there was a remarkable resumption speaking,the Mioceneformationsare particularly important of Neogene studies due to Portuguese geologists or to the South ofthe Central Mountain Range and the Nazare foreign geologists at the service of Portugal. G. fault in the continent as well as in the continental shelfas Zbyszewski deserves a special reference for his work. far as Algarve. Special reference is made to the Mioceneof Finally, we have tried to develop and coordinate efforts the terminal part of the Lower Tagus basin due to its to reach the knowledge that, in spite of the amount of data remarkable importance in the frame ofWestern Europe. It already obtained, is far from being complete. This justifies will be followed up by references to the Miocene in the the follow-up of researches that are frequently done with inner (Ribatejo) part of the same basin; to the southern the collaboration of colleagues from other countries. basins where Miocene units are better developped; and finally to Miocene or supposedly Miocene units to the North of the Iberian Central Chain. THE NEOGENE The Pliocene, whose paleogeography is quite different, mainly corresponds to a band that basically stretches The Neogene is widely represented in Portugal. However, along the shore line. The importance of the inland itsgeographical distribution isnot homogeneous. Generally Pliocene deposits is quite limited.


{j /l:o

MQridional border o Basins rn Borderlands and moderately deformed chains I;::'""·"1 Alpine chain 150Km o Hercynian basement

Fig. 1 - Morphostructural units of the Iberian Peninsula (Lautensach in Ribeiro et al., 1979, modified).

THE MIOCENE OF THE TAGUS BASIN Generally, several marine ingressions and the same amount of intercalated regressions were situated at the The Neogene of the lower Tagus basin is remarkable in terminal region ofthe basin; one may enumerate several several ways: its geographical position, in the limits of the sedimentary cycles framed by transgression and the Mediterranean and Atlantic domains; the very complete following regression, seven for the Miocene and one or representations of nearly all stages, from the Lower two for the Pliocene. Subsidence was intensive and was up to the Pliocene; the richness of the data compensated by active sedimentation. The continental provided; the possibilities of geological correlations and debris arrived in large quantities mainly during the their economical importance. orogenic movements which reactivated old hercynian In Lisboa, the thickness of the Miocene does not exceed faults. 300 meters, and the Pliocene is hardly represented; to the South, the thickness of the whole Neogene increases to The Miocene in the western region of the Tagus basin about 1200 meters (results obtained from deep boreholes) whereas the outcropping Pliocene reaches the thickness The Oligocene-Miocene boundary is a problem in the of 50 meters or more. Tagus basin as well as in other basins where the

8 Proceedings of the 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992

~ q: IJJ o 0 0 Quaternary ~ Tertiary o ES]...... I- [?Z2d Z

Silurian and

Cambrian CIl Q;) []]] Precambrian c :J ...c m;]+++ Igneous rocks ~

III Main faults ...E 'Ill --- u, eli 0 50 Km Q;) CJ

Fig. 2 - Simplified geological map of Portugal.

9 Ciencias cia Terra (UNL), 12

climate changes. Changes are important in marine fauna: tropical conditions were predominant, at least since the genesis of the coralline barrier reefs of the Aquitanian; maximum sea temperatures, comparable to the present day Gulf of Guinea, were reached at the Upper Burdigalianand . Later, the prevailingconditions were closer to those existing at the present day in the moroccan coastwith a slightincrease in MiddleTortonian; however temperature never reached again the earlier maximum.

Z The fauna and vegetationofthe continentindicate humid -0: periods alternating with relatively dry ones, leading to u forestal environments rather than savannah or steppe. <:> Transgressions and regressions also had palaeogeographical consequences (Fig. 5; Fig. 6): limited I­ Z ingression forming a narrow gulf (TO); aquitanian gulf -0: spread out to the hinterland up to the region of Almeirim

I­ (Tl); similarcircunstances for (T2) in the great Aquitanian « transgression and for the ; at the late Burdigalian-early Langhian two briefoscillations (T3 and T4) gave rise to important changes with the submergence ofthe Sadobasin and the coastNorth ofthe Serra de ; at the apogee of the transgression (T5) the Serra de Sintra-Canecas anticline probably became an island while the maximal progression inland was responsible for the establishment of the Tejo/Sado basin beyond Santarem (these indications allow one to correlate the continental deposits of Ribatejo with the marine formations); lastly,the gulf has clearly shrunk during the Lower . Fig. 3 - Main Tertiary deposits ofPortugal. The fundamental lithological characteristics are indicated as a whole in the given scheme (Fig. 4). The Pliocene formations, or supposed as such, are more Aquitanian does not grade down to a marine Chattian. reduced and not as well known. Firstly, a series of feldspathic Thus, the lower layers which correspond to.the first sediments, mostly coarse and of continental facies, have sedimentarycycle, have suppliedapparently archaic fossils never been properly dated. They overlie the marine lower (certain ostracods, pollens, etc.), suggesting an Oligocene Upper Miocene. However, as the last well dated layers are age. Another important fact is the presence ofglauconite not later than Lower Tortonian, there is a considerable dated by K-Ar to 24±1 Ma and 21,1±O,5 Ma. As far as poorly defined gap (Messinian or ?). These accuracy is concerned, the method used is subject to errors sedimentsshow the setting upor the renewal of an important that are not always controllable. The date in question hydrographic network. The mouth couldbe situatedfurther seems to overtake the 22.5 Ma limit accepted by some to the South, near Fonte da Telha. authors. Otherauthors, in fact, place the Oligocene-Miocene Thepreceding series is overlaid by marinelayers that are limit at 24 or even 25 Ma. more or less coarse, mostly sandy, with a mollusc fauna In some places, the Aquitanian overlays unconformally reported to the Piazencian, and some plants (dealt with older units. Elsewhere, there is a continuous passage later in this paper). evidencing the development of the first miocene The Pliocenegulfwas not well developed to the East. On transgression. the other hand, the deposits related to the Pliocene The region between Lisbon and the Arrabida chain is transgression stretch from the North of Portugal to the important. In the presentstate ofknowledge, seven miocene Algarve. This is limited to the costal region that is more or cycles (marked TOto T6) and at least a cycle belonging to less reached by marine erosion. the Pliocene (Fig. 5) have been identified. One has to note the considerable wealth of these facies as well as paleontological information. The positions of the levels containing are easily referred in relation to the The Miocene of Ribatejo marine formations. These allow the possibility of doing direct correlations of the first order between marine and On the contrary to the region of Lisbon, the MIocene of continental horizons, at leastfor the lowerMioceneand the Ribatejo is essentially continental. However a few first stagesofthe MiddleMiocene. One may also recognize intercalated brackish or even marine beds are known.

10 Proceedings of the 1" R.C-A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992

The oldest formations are as follows: The Miocene of the Alvalade basin - the Serra de Almerim Aquitanian, the only outcropping marine formation of this age. It is equivalent To the South of the Tagus basin, in an area corresponding to part of the layers with Venus ribeiroi, occurring in to the present day hydrographic Sado basin, another basin Lisboa and its surroundings; (the Alvalade basin) was formed. This basin is separated. - poorly known marine layers, drilled to a certain from the Tagusbasin by a horstofpaleozoic rocks (Senhor depth by boreholes (fagus right bank, Coruche map); das Chagas-Valverde), and was only crossed by the River -detrital assemblageofAmeiro and Ota, comprising Sado in Quaternary times. Formerly, its identity was not intercalations of oysters in its upper part. recognized; all the corresponding area and the geologic This heterogeneous last unit is poorly defined. It is often units of its infilling were regarded as a part ofone Tagus­ admitted that it may comprise palaeogene layers, Sado basin. Indeed the Senhor das Chagas-Valverde horst exceeding a burdigalian age (up to an "helvetian" one). acts as a barrier. Shallow marine, mainly sandy beds were However, one may recognize that the majority of the deposited at both sides of this barrier. No one clearly outcrops are more modem. On the rightbankofthe Tagus, doubted that the corresponding transgressive events were one may have a precise view ofthe stratigraphy and age of correlative; they were instead treated together. However most ofthe series, which corresponds mainly to the upper accurate dating was possible on the basis of small part of the Middle Miocene and to the lower part ofUpper mammals; marine beds to the North and West of Senhor Miocene (continental stages: Astaracian and ). das Chagas - Valverde dated from Late Serravallian and This is due to the recent discovery and reinterpretation of perhapsLowerTortonianwere,for the first time, recognized a certain number of mammalian localities. There is as certainly not correlative of the much later southern initially a predominance ofsandsand clays with carbonate ones, recognized as Upper Tortonian and Messinian levels as well as lignites; above this there are some (Antunes et al., 1986). Henceboth sides ofthe barrierhad important limestonelayers, speciallyarCartaxo-Almoster­ independent geologic histories and must be regarded as Santarem, with some intercalated sandy beds. We are now distinct entities - the northern partbeingjusta partofthe able to date these limestones as Upper Vallesian and can Tagus basin, the southern part an independent basin, that consequently recognize that its deposition occurred we named Alvalade basin. Its shallow marine sediments during a quite short time span and does not seem to attain filled in a SW-NE through (then a gulf) between Paleozoic Uppermost Miocene (Turolian). blocks, a western one more or less corresponding to the The lack or paucity of available information has made extant Cereal and Grandola serras, and eastewards the difficultthe wholeinterpretation for the Mioceneofthe left "Sui Portuguesa" zone of the Hesperic massif. Evidence bankofthe Tagus , where the upper limestone horizons are points to a marine ingression from the Southwest through absent. the - S. Teotonio region. Recent hydrogeologic On the other hand, the argillaceous layers outcrop in data concerning subsurface draining pattern show that it large outspreading extensions (mainly in the valleys) and corresponds to the dual basin former situation; it thus stretch to the Sado basin. Their age corresponds more or corroborates our viewpoints about it (Ribeiro & Costa, less to the second halfofthe Middle Miocene and/or to the 1992). lower part of Upper Miocene. In places, these deposits overlie oyster deposits, which seem to represent the apogee ofthe Serravallian transgression. The argillaceous THE MIOCENE OF ALGARVE layers are covered by arkosic sands with beds with gravel and pebbles, probably of Pliocene age. Most Neogene in Algarve is of Miocene age. The Neogene infilling of the Tagus basin corresponds, No unit was ascribed to or dated as Pliocene, which docs with minute variations, to the mean-water bed and the not mean that deposits of this age do not occur. Those of flood plain ofa river and its tributaries, carrying materials Morgadinho (Antunes et al., 1986b) are probably (at least from the "Hesperic Massif' or from the limestone massif in part) Pliocene in age. to the West. Later on, in an environment characterized by The Cenozoic units of Algarve are shown in the fig. 6, advanced reliefleveling, with extensive zones subject to a and will be discussed by age order from the earliest one. lacustrine regime and a certain aridity, the carbonate sedimentation was predominant. At Ribatejo, the last Miocene layers are overlain, with a clear contrast, by generally coarse - grained detrital Lagos- Portimao Formation deposits which correspond to a fluvial sedimentation. These deposits cover erosion surfaces. The most This unit overlies ,Jurassic, Cretaceous and important layers ascribed to the Pliocene are the ones that possibly Paleogene units. In some places a very clear made up the infilling of the Rio Maior graben basin (and angular unconformity can be observed, whereas in other also to a lesser degree that of Vale de Santarem graben). places stratigraphical hiatuses or paraconformities are These consist of a rather thick succession ofindustrially recognizable. exploited white sands, overlain by diatomites and This unit comprises yellow or pink massive and very important layers of lignite and some boghead coal. fossiliferous biocalcarenites. At its lower part Molluscs

11 z > TAGUS BASIN Environmental conditions - :I: a: EVENTS ~ Q. LITHOLOGY ~en_~1 I C Continental Marine a: W z el elel:o- 8l Temperature Moisture Temperature i=;:-i;( ..: u MAIN "tl ffl~enffl:: ~ C '"u Xl .. :;: ~ elln;:tz:g:J s e 'E ..: ;:01-'°:1: ..:.- 0° s LOCALITIES MAMMAL FAUNAS TECTONICS (l)mzNt: -~ C ..,'"w W Gl ~ ~CI) ww~;i....l ~lo- I-' 1-'. E c ~:I: ZZi=:O..l In ..: z :;; o In w :;20 g I-'U !!l _..I Gl e "24°e a:a:z:o": en :::l ~ 0": g ..I a: ..: °!!lw :O:OU:O..l..:..: +cold +warml+dry +wetI21-22°C 27°C

Intra Piazencian

? ? ~-...... -----...... --.t t t t ? ?




11 )



'a:w ~ I~ II ~ ..II-­ 22 I-' e. :5 E! '23 .Z L2 ... s '~ - ~ 4 24-4!:2 t., W -§ ..J ~ ., o .S;

~ Fig. 4 - Lithological, chronostratigraphical, environmental conditions and main events table from Tagus basin. N Proceedings of the 1,( R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992 areabundant. An Aquitanian age cannotbe excluded for it. These deposits are unknown elsewhere in Portugal, but As for the top, there are many sea-urchins, Bryozoa, closely similar ones are widespread in the Mediterranean pectinids and fishes. Foraminiferapointout to a Burdigal ian periphery. They were accumulated in a trough related to or Lower Langhian age (Antunes et al., 1981). tectonic events. This Formation is the most spectacular Miocene unit in The rock is essentially composed ofsponge spicules. It western Algarve. It makes up a considerable portion ofthe contains many Foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton, costal sea cliffs. diatoms and fish remnants. Planktic Foraminifera allow the reporting of these deposits to Globorotalia acostaensis, N16 Blow zone, Calcareous sandstones with pebbles Tortonian. The calcareous nannoplankton show the arrival ofcold waters by upwelling (Antunes et al., 1981) This is an assemblage of poorly exposed carbonate rocks rich in detrital material. It was formed after the Lagos ­ Portimao Formation, which it overlies with a distinct erosion surface (Praia da Rocha). Glauconitic silts The lower part of this unit consists of sandy limestones with sand-wave type structures (OlhosdeAgua), Theseare At Praia da Gale, this unit is separated through an erosion followed by very fossiliferous limestones rich in quartz surface from the Lagos-Portimao Formation. pebbles. Pectinids are most frequent among the fossils. Glauconite-rich silts allowed K-Ar dating: at Praia da Oyster banks are also known. Gale, near the base, 1O.l±0.25 Ma, lower Tortonian; at These deposits correspond to a shore line facies. Galvanas,near the top, 6.9l±0.81 Ma,uppermostTortonian Orbulina indicates a postLower Miocene age. Relative (Antunes et al., 1984). This unit may be more or less position shows that this unit is older than the glauconite correlative to the Mem Moniz spongoliths. silts at Praia daGale, K-Ardated (1O.l±0.25 Ma), Thebest outcrops are the highest partofPraia da Rocha cliffs (near . ) and the beach near Olhos de Agua, Cacela Formation

The upper and uppermost Miocene deposits are well Olhos de Agua sands represented in eastern Algarve but they also outcrop in the Lagos region. At CaccIa, the type locality, these deposits Near Olhos de Agua, there is an outcrop of a thick sand lie directly over the ; at Galvanas, over the series between the calcareous sandstones with pebbles glauconiferous silts at Campina de Faro. unit and the Faro-Quarteira sands. This unit comprises mainly yellow, orange,or green silts This succession starts by alternating sandy and pelitic (the latter being rich in glauconite). One exception is the layers (flaser facies) overlain by cross-bedded brownish spectacular Galvanas conglomerate,with blocks exceeding sands and followed by feldspathic white sands. Over these one meter interbedded in the glauconiferous silts (K-Ar sands there are beach sands and conglomerates with age, 6.n±0.17Ma) (Antunesat al., 1984). Conglomerates oysters, pectinids and remnants of abraded aquatic are related to strong tectonic instability and were probably Vertebrata. Mollusks indicate estuarine environments formed in the sub-marine slopes associated to the and brackish waters. southern Algarve flexure. The majority ofthe fishes are marine, frequently ofvery The lower conglomerates at Cacela and overlying silts large size (Carcharocles megalodon,lsurus hastalis). The yielded the richest mollusk fauna of the portuguese' degree of abrasion of the vertebrate remnants suggests Miocene. This fauna was described by F. A. Pereira da that they were rolled by waves in shallow, sandy bottoms Costa (1866, 1867) and by Dollfusetal. (1903, 1904), and ara beach. The Sirenians point out to shallow seashore revised by Chavan (1940). Planktic Foraminifera indicate environments, rich in aquatic vegetation. The presence of N16 - 17 of Blow, Globorotalia humerosa zone, Upper fish like Lates, as well as that of feldspathic sands seems Tortonian. to show the existence of a large river whose mouth was The middle and upper members ofthe CaccIaFormation, close by. The presence oflarge crocodilians as Tomistoma also silty, correspond to confined marine facies with a cf. lusitanica corroborates these views and indicates sub­ scarce and poorly preserved impoverished mollusk fauna tropical conditions. and a few plant remnants. Mollusks do not seem time characteristic enough. These sub-units are related to the Messinian crisis. Vertebrata are compatible with a post-Langhian age but are certainly pre-Pliocene. Volcanism Mem Moniz spongoliths Although evidence of older volcanism is plentiful in Overlying the Cretaceous ofinner Algarve there are white Algarve, there are only scant data about Miocene igneous spongoliths. activity. Someearlier references to it could notbeverified;

13 Ciencias da Terra (UNL), 12

...... \ I I

:I I ...... I -- , I \ \ \, \, \~-4 5 \ \ " \ " I I 6, I ,, I >-- Syncline \ , \, o_Chattian?- - L. Aquitanian \, ,I 1- Aquitanian , I I 2- L. Burdigalian

-- Fault

~UPlift.d zones

• Coral reefs

.. Strain

--2 + + --

~~ chettten - Aquit6ni6n

Q- Quaternary P- Pliocene p, -Lower pz· Upper a,b,c - Paleovalley

Fig. 5 - The three main phases of the paleogeographic evolution of the (fagus basin) (Coppier & Mougenot, 1982, modified). Maps: inland transgressions borders after Antunes (1979, modified); offshore: AR - Arrabida chain; BE - Ericeira basin; CC - canyon; CL - Lisboa canyon; CS - Seuibal canyon; GR - Grandola massif; Tagus lineation; MC - Camoes mountain; PA - Albuquerque platform; S - Sintra massif. Schematic geological sections corresponding to the three paleogeographical phases; 1 - relative sea level change; 2 - transgressions or regressions; 3 - tectonic movement.

14 Proceedings of the 1" R.C-A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992

the only occurrence which could be recognized is that ofa of two different biotopes, although contemporary. One of basanite outcrop that cuts and contact metamorphoses them corresponds to fluvial sedimentation, the other to a Lower Miocene, Lagos-Portimao Formation at Figueira marsh with many amphibian and freshwater fish (Mexilhoeira Grande). Alteration did not allow reliable K­ remnants. The mammalian fauna indicates the beginning Ar dating. This is the last volcanic event so far known in ofMiddle Miocene, Langhian MN5 mammal unit ofMein Portugal. like the V-b ofLisboa with " fauna". The fossiliferous horizon seems to correspond to a very limited time span although the area where the formation outcrops is ratherextensive, reaching MonteReal (clays with Helix, MIOCENE (?) AND OTHER NEOGENE TO THE Planorbis, Unionids and some rodents as Cricetodonts) NORTH OF THE CENTRAL MOUNTAIN CHAIN and further more northwards; at Carvide, layers which could be more or less correlative have produced, besides TheNeogenedeposits to the North of the Central Mountain Helix and Chara, Cerithium and Gobius (teleost fish) Chain and their extensions to the Nazaregreatfractures are which may indicate slightly brackish waters maybe poorly known or absent. The only exceptions are marine communicating with the sea. The supply of detrital Pliocene sandy deposits well represented at S. Pedro de material, namely bipyramidal quartz issued from Lower Muel, Monte Real, Leiria and Pombal, as well as the Liasmarls, show that the nearby diapir was movedduring continental beds with lignites, clays and diatomites which the neo-castillan phase. This miocene series seems to be overlie them. We will return to this point in the chapter represented northwards till Pombal region. However it is about Pliocene. poorly exposed there among outcrops from earlier units. There are other deposits (sands and clays with some lignite layers) in the region ofLeiria-Alencarce and Fonte da Moura, from where plant macroremains, the only fossils collected so far, do not allow any accurate dating The Miocene around Alcobaca, Leiria and even if they have been regarded as Miocene.

In this rather extensive area there are outcrops of sandy­ argillaceous sediments which, according to their stratigraphicposition, were ascribed (according to Choffat) Possible Miocene in Beira Alta either to the Oligocene or to the Miocene. In fact, to the West of Pombal they are covered by well dated marine Amongthe units that overliethe Beira Alta basement, there Pliocene formations; on the other hand, they clearly are essentially argillaceous sediments derived from the overlie late Cretaceous and Eocene detrital continental Beira pre-ordovician slates and graywackes. Shale clasts series. Dating was, however, uncertain, or at least not of variable sizes form the bulk of these sediments which accurate, until the discovery of fossil mammals at Amor; generally evolve to greenish and often reddish clays. this partly cleared the situation. Other important components are cobbles of vein quartz, However, the well dated part is limited to the region whereas the contribution from granites is rather limited. westward of the Leiriadiapir; elsewhere, the interpretation Several small outcrops spared by erosion witness their of these deposits, mostly of fluvial facies (sometimes former vast extension. Their origin is certainly related to marshy or swampy), is problematic due to the absence of rejuvenation ofthe shale and granite relief. It is known that any direct proof of age. such deposits are later than the Ludian (Upper Eocene) However, there are some indications ofmarine deposits, arkoses from Coja. On the otherhand, they are covered by even if their characterization is rather uncertain: blocks and other coarse grained sediments, more or less - at Casal Verde, 2 Km to the North-East of Paiao, equivalent to the ranas described in and elsewhere Figueira da Foz, siliceous rocks surprisingly contain in Portugal, possiblyofVillafranchian age. Theseoccur to Foraminiferasuch as Globigerina and Miliolids; there has the South-East of the Caramulo Mountain, at Arganil, been intensive diagenetic, secondary silification, probably Folques, and elsewhere. after limestones with clastic elements deposited in Hence, a Miocene age is possible but far from being marine environments, their age being uncertain; proved. In Spain, always North ofthe Central Chain in the - boreholesdrilled in the region ofMarinhaGrande, Douro basin, the Miocene is largely represented to the West of Leiria, cut through clays and greenish grey EastofToro. Remarkable deposits at Palencia, Valladolid, marls with Foraminifera(Ammobaculiles,etc.), Ostracoda, etc., are ascribed to the Middle Miocene; others are Characeae and Pelecypoda ascribed to the Miocene; no reported to the Upper Miocene. outcrops are known. Older Miocene deposits are not known; the The deposits at Amor are most interesting, for they are "Hispanotherium fauna" has never been found. These the only ones to the North of the Nazare fault that allow facts could suggest the upper part of the Middle Miocene accurate dating. An initial survey at three points yielded as a possible age for certain sedimentary mantles ofBeira. large and small mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish, Without decisive evidence, the problem remains open to as well as gastropods. It is interesting to note the existence discussion.

15 Ciencias da Terra (UNL), 12

::!: w ::!: :I: III ::!: III W w~ !« w w o Z II: l- o « Cl'"«~ w ii: 0 LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY BIOSTRATIGRAPHY KIAr AGE TECTONICS III w ~ ..J ,..,...,. o > III (Mammal units MN" ' Main phases ..J III III III V 0 :::l Planktic foram. zones N. "J Subsidence > CIl Uplifting 1\

Z' Alluvial deposits and dunar sands a: ~ <, Terraces and calc. tuff. w I-' ~.... :/...... ~ N-S Compression Ul L.·.·~·\."':-·:. 1\ 1 ~ iii Faro I Quartelra sands E-W (?) :::J oJ ...... 'io==:: Slits .Q: Q. Clayey limestones ~ 2 IILlgnltes with vertebrates from MN 20 c.5 I-_-_-_ -_-2.-_-_ w Z Marls Morgadlnho and Z w .. .. . 3 W «N o a:: Sands Q .... V 4 ..J U n. «Z 5 N _? ? z " .. .. " .. iii '-' IN 16-N 171 I Ul ~ ES:!:> ~ CACELA FORMATION 6 w ei!> "V~ I ..~.~'"' I K/Ar 6,12tO,17 Mal V ~ . Galvanas conglomerate 7 '-', ,-,6.. . I KIAr 6,91 t 0,18 Mal I " Q " ~ ~ " .. I G.. .. N-S Compression 8- II: " I W Z ...... Camplna de Faro o, " ...... « .. .. glauconite slits Distension I 9 n. Z " " :::l 0 """" I I- " .. " ? a: .. ? I 10 0 ...... '~ [.': IK/AR 10,1t0,25 Mal I- ...... !.!:i"i:! ~ ? '~"mt'7.'""1 .:; Mem Moniz •• ~L..,; ~ 11 ~" .. t'~".~. Spongollths t .. 12 ?~?,' ? w ..;,..; V Z " .Sands and N-S Compression ~~~ ~," >w Calcareous >conqtornera- 13 II:Cl oJ . ~'. «0 ~ 'I~' sandstones tes W'ith ma- -W w ?' ••• z: < 1\ W ..J « ,,,,~\ with "sand rlne fossils Olhos de AQua ? 14 Z a: :i:z C a: waves and ? White felds, sands W W C w :~.~~.< t V I- c Ul .. limestones ') pat. sands 15 0 ::!: ~ ~ d ~ ,','5--,y with quartz ( • Brown sands s Z pebbles ... 16 « ~ t V oJ ,-:' ":4? ~ .. -...... ,.". .,.. ~ 17 ~ .. .. v .. '"' .. ,..., v .." V V .. ,...... Z v v v v v '"' 18 « .. .. ,..., " .. ::; ..'"'.. v .. .. « ~ ,..., .. ,..., .. E-W and N-S 19 o ...... '"' .. v v .. v ~ Distension 0 .. PORTIMAO a: .. " ,.., " v LAGOS :::J ,..., v v .. .. 20 II: III " W v .. .. v v .. v v ...... FORMATION ~ 3: " r" V .. 21 0 v .. .." .. v .. ..J - " v ,... " i .. v r-" .. v v 22 « v " l- v 5 . . 0 ? 23 « z "E w ';; 24 o O? 0 0 °etb0ooo· 0 0 00 ~ ."... w Conglomerates oJ _£.cb"o':?~ Gula com?fsslon ,; 26 ~ o"

Fig. 6 - The Cenozoic of Algarve.

16 Proceedings of the 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992

PLIOCENE Uppermost units regarded as Pliocene comprise fine sands with rounded pebble layers, clays and diatomites. According to current ideas, during the Pliocene there was The sands no doubt show eolian transport representing a succession ofevents comprising a marine transgression the progression of coastal dunes further inland. A followed by a regressive phase and finally a new stratigraphic revision has to be done, for the relationships transgression. Thelatter has beenascribed to the Calabrian; betweencertainclay layers, gypsum,diatomitesand lignites the Calabrian stage, being included in the Pleistocene, is are still not clear. As for their age, different authors, not dealt with in this text. Also avoided, are formations as lacking decisive proofs, tentatively ascribed them to the interesting as the highest raised terrace covers (about 120 Pliocene, but a Pleistocene age was also possible. On to 190 meters). Their remnants in the coastal morphology accountofthe UpperPliocene age ofthe underlying layers are evident from the northern coasts down to Algarve. and the importance of this series, it can be entirely In the present state ofour knowledge, Pliocene deposits Quaternary or nearly so. comprise: a) - fossiliferous sands and conglomerates The assemblage of lignites, as well as the levels with between the Arrabida chain in the South and the region marine fossils that follow them, are overlain in some of Pombal; b) - arkosic sands developed mainly to the localities by the Belverde conglomeratesand yieldedarchaic South of the Tagus river: non marine gravels, sands and lithic industries. clays in depressions such as in Rio Maior and Vale de Santarcrn, the Tagus basin at Cartaxo, Serra de Almerim, etc. and maybe even further North at Pampilhosa; c) ­ Inland detrital residual soil related to the Pliocene clay deposits with diatomite and lignite, particularly important near Leiria, Obidos, Rio Maior and Vale de On the right bank of the Tagus river, a few remnants of Santarem. sands and clays (sometimes with lignites) are preserved at Summing up, the study of the Portuguese Pliocene is in Azambuja, Cruz do Campo, the surroundings of Santarcrn, part rather restricted by the lack of updated stratigraphy as well as the lack of accurate dating. etc. On the other hand, to the South of the river Tagus there The Pliocene in the Tagus basin are far more extensive outcrops of arkosic sands with pebble bands (mainly towards the top): these are fluvial Setubal Peninsula depositscorresponding to a predominantly south-southwest drainage pattern. Pliocene layers are well represented to the South of the The sands of Rio Maior should be referred for its Miocene outcrops between and , in the economic importance. These may represent the left bank ofthe Tagus River. They follow the axial part of progression of dunes further inland between the a syncline,limited southwards by the Arrabida Chain and Candeeiros and Montejunto Hills, starting from a broad by the costal cliffs of Fonte da Telha and Adica and littoral abrasion platform which is today at about a 200 further inland towards and Montijo. metres level. They seem to be correlated to the fine sands Over the last Miocene layers, one can see coarse layers ofCoina in the Seuibal Peninsula; if this is so, those sands of conglomerates and arkosic sands. These correspond to were formed after the marine levels ofAlfeiteand Fonte da a sedimentation that proceeded under the double Telha with an UpperPliocene fauna. Hence the diatomites influence of high energy sea and rivers. Some rather and lignites that at Rio Maior and Obidos overlie those poorly preserved molluscs were collected in this series at sands may be Quaternary, at least in part. Alfeite. Other known fossils are land plants which provide ecological information but are not useful for age determination. Indirect reasons lead to the assumption that Pliocene in Estremadura they may represent the Tabianian (Lower Pliocene) with a modest transgression followed by a regression shown In the region of the diapir and further to by layers with plant fossils. the North until Leiria and Pombal, a well characterized High above them are sands and gravels with clay Pliocene transgression is responsjble for the deposition of intercalations that have produced a varied malacological fossiliferous conglomeratesand sandson Mioceneor older fauna with a costal marine character regarded as Astian. formations. These sediments are overlain by continental They may be ascribed to the Upper Pliocene (Piazencian), diatomites and lignites (Obidos, Barracao, etc.) and these according to earlier interpretations (Piazencian according ones by marine or fluviomarine deposits without fossils to Dollfus & Cotter, 1909; Piazencian - Astian according that may be Calabrian in age. to Zbyszewski, 1959) corroborated by the interpretation Most authors ascribed a Lower Pliocene age for the of Brebion (1971) after his detailed revision of the earlier marine beds, mainly because Piazencian was gastropods. No doubt there was a new sea ingression, formerly regarded as Lower (and not Upper) Pliocene. more important than that ofthe Lower Pliocene, even if its This seems contradictory to theacknowlcdged correlation inland progression did not exceed about 25Km from the with the Alfeite deposits (upper layers), Fonte da Telha, present coast. etc. considered as Astian; however this is a matter of

17 CHRONOST. TEJOBASIN ALVALADE BASIN ALGARVE (Lisboa/ region) r-: • ("/.l Faro-Quarteirasands ..... Clays, sands,conglomerates Sands,sandstones and ~ lignites and diatomites conglomerates s: Morgadinhodeposits ~ ffi I U Alfeitebeds MaratecaFormation 0 ~ Zanclean Messinian Esbarrondadoiro Formation IGalvanas-, Cacela Formation Ico,!&!omerat~ Tortonian --=------Glaucooiti~ilts~m Mem Monizspongolithes J;amQirlade Faro_ ------r- Serravallian I Olhos de Agua sands 1 -- ~ • Z Calcareous sandstones and ~ Quinta das Conchas limestone limestoneswithpebbles g..... I Langhian Vale de Chelassands :::E Musgueiralimestone Sands withPlacuna miocenica I I ------Casal Vistosolimestone Burdigalian Quinta do Bacalhau sands Blue clays from Lagos-Portimao Formation "BancoReal" Estefaniasands I I ------Aquitanian Clays and limestones N..... I I I with Venus ribeiroi I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::~:~:::::::Ii~:I::::::::::::i:::::::::::~::::::i::li:::::::::::i:::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~:::I:: ~ '·0 :::i I@~ "BenficaComplex" Guiaconglomerates '-- , ...~ ~ -§ ...51

@ 00 Fig. 7 - Main neogene lithological units from Tejo and Alvalade basins, and from Algarve (southern Portugal). Proceedings oCtile 1" R.C-A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992 different facies, not a chronologie one. Brebion, also been flooded then. A larger abrasion platform was correlated the gastropod fauna to the Upper Pliocene. developped. It may be related to the Calabrian Recent data on calcareous nannoplankton assemblages transgression in several places. Further inland this may indicate Martini's NN16, or Okada & Burky CNl2a platform is limited by beautiful fossil cliffs. Its surfaces correlated to the Lower Piazencian and thus compatible are frequently covered by rather thin detrital, quaternary with former dating. Furthermore, all other available data layers where no fossils have been found. indicates an Upper Pliocene age. Taking into account the small span of the Pliocene (about 3Ma), this practically means that at least part of the diatom and lignite beds Pliocene (?) and/or Pleistocene in Algarve must be Pleistocene in age, although the chronological limits are still not accurate enough. Morgadinho and Algoz deposits For stronger reason the transgression which follows it, well marked in the geomorphology of coastal regions This unit comprises thick sandy deposits in association from the extreme North down to the Algarve, has to be (towards the top) with marls, lignite clays, lacustrine treated as Pleistocene. limestone and a silty calcareous crust. As elsewherein Europe, the Pliocenepalaeogeographies At Morgadinho and Luz de Tavira these sands overlie are ratherdifferent from the Mioceneones - the so-called the Cacela Formation and are overlain by the Faro­ "Pliocene revolution". Even if the data concerning Quarteira sands, as at Algoz (where the substractum is Pliocene are incomplete and not always accurate, we may not known). suppose that in the Senibal Peninsula there was a very At Morgadinho, the lignite clays yielded a few small limited marine ingression followed by another regression mammals, fish, gastropods, fresh waterOstracoda, pollens (Fig. 5;Fig. 6). This small transgression corresponds to the and spores (Antunes et al., 1986b). The mammalian fauna lower layers ofAlfeite. Its age has been regarded as Lower indicates an age span between the Upper Pliocene and the Pliocene (Zanclean) according to its position and without lower Middle Pleistocene, MN 17 to MN 20 mammal good direct dating evidence. units. Later on, a new and more important transgression much In the present state of knowledge, we may think that enlarged the small former gulf at the Setiibal Peninsula. Morgadinho and Algoz deposits are correlated. The The region between Pombal and Caldas da Rainha has Algoz mammalian fauna is dated from about 1 Ma (Antunes et al., 1986a).


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