Present: Councillor Jon Collins – /EMC Councillor Simon Spencer - Derbyshire County Council Councillor Kay Cutts – County Council Councillor Tricia Gilby – Chesterfield Borough Council Councillor Richard Jackson – Broxtowe Borough Council Councillor Mick Barker – Derby City Council Councillor Christine Radford – Leicestershire County Council Councillor Carol Hart – Erewash Borough Council Sajeeda Rose – D2N2 Jon Bottomley – East Midlands Airport Chris Hobson – EM Chamber of Commerce

In attendance: Adrian Smith – Nottinghamshire County Council Ken Harrison – Nottinghamshire County Council Chris Deas – Nottingham City Council Steve Tough - Nottingham City Council Jeremy Jarozek – Erewash Borough Council Michael Rich – Chesterfield Borough Council Steffan Saunders – Broxtowe Borough Council Joe Battye – Derbyshire County Council Ann Carruthers – Leicestershire County Council Stuart Young – East Midlands Councils Andrew Pritchard – East Midlands Councils

Apologies: Councillor Christopher Poulter – Derby City Council Elizabeth Fagan – D2N2 Kevin Harris – LLEP

ACTION 1. Apologies and Introductions

1.1 Cllr Jon Collins asked Members to introduce themselves.

1.2 Apologies noted as above.

2. Terms of Reference & Membership

2.1 Andrew Pritchard confirmed that the terms of reference for the Executive Board were as agreed by the Strategic Board on the 23rd July 2018, but that it was now proposed to add North West Leicestershire District Council to the membership as the Local Planning Authority covering East Midlands Airport and the East Midlands Gateway Freight Interchange (Roxhill).

ACTION 2.2 Members agreed to add NW Leicestershire DC to the Membership of the East Midlands EMC HS2 Executive Board 3. Growth Strategy Delivery

3.1 Andrew Pritchard introduced this item and took Members through the Growth Strategy Tracker update. Overall good progress was being made on the implementation of the Growth Strategy, but four areas were currently flagged as ‘red’ - meaning only limited progress and a lack of clarity over next steps:

• Skills & Employment Framework • Land issues (non-compliant planning permission at Lime Rise) • Access to the Hub Station and Innovation Campus from the Strategic Road Network (A52/M1J25) • Designation of Staveley as a construction base for HS2 Phase 2b

3.2 Sajeeda Rose confirmed that discussions were ongoing with the Chamber of Commerce D2N2 and Derbyshire Council on the Skills and Supply Chain agenda, and offered to bring a paper

to the next meeting of the Executive Board setting out a way forward.

3.3 Adrian Smith confirmed that discussions with land-owners and developers at Lime Rise were ongoing in the context of the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) bid and hoped that substantive progress could be made by the end of 2018. An update would be made to the Notts CC next meeting of the Executive Board.

3.4 In terms of the SRN Access, it was noted that there will be a number of opportunities over

the coming weeks for collective lobbying to persuade Highways England and DfT to include A52/M1 access as a development priority for RIS2, including the next meeting of the All Midlands Connect Strategic Board (now re-arranged for the 4th December 2018), which the Chief Executive of Highways England generally attends.

3.5 Michael Rich confirmed that it remained unclear if HS2 would require a main construction base for HS2, or if Staveley would meet the locational criteria for such a site. It was agreed CBC to keep this issue under review and make further reports as appropriate.

3.6 Andrew Pritchard introduced a draft HS2 ‘Elevator Pitch’ document aimed particularly at MPs in the run up to the Hybrid Bill submission given the current political uncertainty.

3.7 Members supported the concept behind the document but wanted sharper messaging and EMC/

two versions - one leading on the Hub Station at Toton the other on Chesterfield/Staveley. Nottm Cllr Collins offered in-house graphics support from Nottingham City Council to develop City revised version(s) for further consideration.

3.8 Ken Harrison introduced the Toton Planning & Delivery Route map, which was discussed at the Toton Hub Station Delivery Board on the 8th October 2018.

3.9 Whilst Section 7 required some re-wording to add clarity and link more clearly to the Notts CC Growth Strategy, Members where content that the document provided a generally sound basis for the work of the Delivery Board and the allocation of resources.

ACTION 4. Presentation on East Midlands Gateways Connectivity Study

4.1 Steve Tough made a presentation detailing progress on the Study which will be crucial in realising the wider economic benefits of the East Midlands Hub Station at Toton. Steve confirmed that the first stage of the project to develop a sub-regional multi-model transport model was complete, and the work was now starting on options testing, with a view to

producing a final report by the end of March 2019.

4.2 Cllr Cutts asked about the ‘long list’ of schemes and the involvement of Leicestershire County Council. It was confirmed that the long list had been developed with officer input from all the relevant local transport authorities and that Leicestershire CC will be increasing its level LCC of involvement as the study moves towards the options testing phase.

4.3 Cllr Collins wanted reassurance that the Study would address connectivity to East Midlands Nottm Airport by both public transport and road. Chris Deas confirmed that this would be the case, and that options would be reported to the next meeting of the Executive Board. City

5. Resources

5.1 Andrew Pritchard set out proposals to make use of remaining Growth Strategy funding previously allocated to the East Midlands:

• Up to £120k to be made available to support the Mitigation Agenda, specifically to develop more detailed proposals for the ‘Tier 1’ locations identified by the Mitigation DCC Scoping Study previously discussed by the Strategic Board, to a remit agreed by the Mitigation Board chaired by Cllr Simon Spencer.

• £10k to be matched by £10k from Sheffield City Region towards a joint study to develop

a business case for a second stop per hour at Chesterfield Station, to inform the CBC development of the HS2 ITSS – to be overseen by the Chesterfield & Staveley Delivery Board chaired by Cllr Tricia Gilby.

• £5k to support regional communications activity, including the proposed ‘Elevator Pitch’ EMC document previously discussed.

• £5k to be matched by £5k from Leeds City Council to support further communications activity for the HS2 East partnership to make the case for the Eastern Leg of HS2 and high EMC speed connectivity to Scotland – to be overseen by the Executive Board chaired by Cllr Jon Collins.

• The remaining (just under 40k) to be held as contingency.

5.2 Cllr Gilby was concerned about the lack of financial support for Skills and Supply Chain activity. Sajeeda Rose confirmed that resources would be covered in the paper to be presented at the next meeting of the Executive Board discussed under Item 3. D2N2

5.3 Andrew Pritchard and Ken Harrison introduced the revised Commissioning Framework for the first tranche of the additional £1.8 million made available by DfT to develop the Toton

proposition, based on the Toton Planning & Delivery Route Map previously discussed.

ACTION 5.4 It was confirmed that procurement and management of each work stream would be consistent with normal local authority procedures and signed off by a relevant Section 151 officer, making use of competitive tendering arrangements and where appropriate established framework contracts such as the Midlands Highways Alliance, and will have a named project manager. All funding will be monitored and managed by D2N2 in line with its existing assurance framework with Government. The Toton Hub Station Delivery Board will make regular reports on progress and spend to the Delivery Board. Notts CC

5.5 Members of the Executive Board:

• agreed the proposals for using the remaining Growth Strategy funding set out above;

• agreed the Commissioning Framework for the first tranche of the additional funding for Toton set out in Appendix 1 of the report, to delegate delivery of the Commissioning Framework to the Toton Hub Station Delivery Board, and to ask for regular reports on progress and spend to be made to the Executive Board.

6. Delivery Board Updates

6.1 Toton Hub Station Delivery Board: Councillor Kay Cutts gave a brief update on the meeting which took place on the 8th October 2018.

6.2 Chesterfield & Staveley Delivery Board: Cllr Tricia Gilby tabled a short written update, and highlighted the potential of securing a major foreign direct investment (Spanish train maker Talgo) into Staveley.

6.3 Mitigation Board: Cllr Simon Spencer highlighted the importance of the Working Draft Environmental Statement Consultation which will conclude on the 21st December 2018 and confirmed that the Mitigation Board would meet to consider a draft consultation response on the 28th November 2018. Cllr Collins hoped that the timings would allow a final response to be endorsed by the Executive Board.

7. Any Other Business

Andrew Pritchard reported that the new Chair of HS2 Sir Terry Morgan used his first public appearance at the HS2 East Meeting in Newcastle to highlight the importance of the Phase 2b and in particular the eastern leg of HS2 to the business case for the whole project. http://www.emcouncils.gov.uk/Press-releases/hs2-eastern-leg-essential-to- projects-success-says-new-chair-

8. Date of next Meeting

Friday 14th December 2018 @ 2.00pm to 4.00pm