Medieval Authors Abbo of Fleury
Medieval Authors Abbo of Fleury (Floriacensis), c.945-1004 Abelard, Peter (Pierre), c.1079-1142 Adam of Bremen, c.1040-1081 Adam of Cobsam, fl.c.1462 Adam of Eynsham, fl.1196-1232 Adam of Perseigne, d.c.1208 Adela, Countess of Blois, Chartres, and Meaux, c.1062 -1137 Adelaide of Burgundy, Ottonian empress, 931-999 Adomnan of Iona, St., c.625-704 Adso of Montier-en-Der (Adso Deruensis), 10th cent. Aelfric Romanus, c. 955-1015 Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, c.955-1020 Aelred of Rievaulx, St., 1110-1167 Agnellus of Ravenna, St., c. 487-570 Agnes of Assisi, St., 1197-1253 Agnes of Poitiers, c.1020-1077 Agnes of Prague, St., 1200-1271 Al Hariri of Basrah, c.1054-1122 Alais, Trobairitz Alamanda, Trobairitz Alan of Lille (Alain de Lille, Alanus de Insulis), c.1120-1203 Alberta, Leon Battista, c.1404-1472 Albertano da Brescia, 13th cent. Albertus Magnus, St., c.1200-1280 Alcuin of York, c.730-804 Alexander III, Pope, 1105-1181 Alexander IV, Pope 1254-1261 Alexander of Telese, Abbot, 12th cent. Alexander V, Pope, c.1340-1410 Alexandre du Pont, 13th cent. Alfonsi, Petrus, c.1062-1110 Alfonso III the Great, c.838-911 Alfonso X the Learned, c.1221-1284 Alfred, King of England, 849-899 al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, c.1058-1111 Alix (Adela) Of Champagne, c.1140-1206 Almaric, Guirad Almucs de Castelnau, Trobairitz Alnwick, William, c.1270-1333 Amadeus of Lausanne, St., c.1110-1159 Amalarius, Archbishop of Lyon, c.775-850 Ambroise, fl.1196 Ambrose, St., c.340-397 Andreas of Bergamo (Bergomatis), 9th cent.
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