Is Ellipura Monophyletic? a Combined Analysis of Basal Hexapod

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Is Ellipura Monophyletic? a Combined Analysis of Basal Hexapod ARTICLE IN PRESS Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 4 (2004) 319–340 Is Ellipura monophyletic? A combined analysis of basal hexapod relationships with emphasis on the origin of insects Gonzalo Giribeta,Ã, Gregory D.Edgecombe b, James M.Carpenter c, Cyrille A.D’Haese d, Ward C.Wheeler c aDepartment of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA bAustralian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia cDivision of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024, USA dFRE 2695 CNRS, De´partement Syste´matique et Evolution, Muse´um National d’Histoire Naturelle, 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France Received 27 February 2004; accepted 18 May 2004 Abstract Hexapoda includes 33 commonly recognized orders, most of them insects.Ongoing controversy concerns the grouping of Protura and Collembola as a taxon Ellipura, the monophyly of Diplura, a single or multiple origins of entognathy, and the monophyly or paraphyly of the silverfish (Lepidotrichidae and Zygentoma s.s.) with respect to other dicondylous insects.Here we analyze relationships among basal hexapod orders via a cladistic analysis of sequence data for five molecular markers and 189 morphological characters in a simultaneous analysis framework using myriapod and crustacean outgroups.Using a sensitivity analysis approach and testing for stability, the most congruent parameters resolve Tricholepidion as sister group to the remaining Dicondylia, whereas most suboptimal parameter sets group Tricholepidion with Zygentoma.Stable hypotheses include the monophyly of Diplura, and a sister group relationship between Diplura and Protura, contradicting the Ellipura hypothesis.Hexapod monophyly is contradicted by an alliance between Collembola, Crustacea and Ectognatha (i.e., exclusive of Diplura and Protura) in molecular and combined analyses. r 2004 Elsevier GmbH.All rights reserved. Keywords: Protura; Diplura; Zygentoma; Tricholepidion; Phylogeny; Insect evolution Introduction that of insects.Due to the great interest in insects, most of the major lineages of the group have long been The origin and evolution of insects have long described or identified, and currently 33 orders of captivated biologists, perhaps because insects constitute hexapods are commonly recognized (Naumann 1991; the largest group of organisms.Indeed, no other animal Klass et al.2002 ).Hexapod relationships have been clade has recorded diversity remotely comparable to studied using an array of different techniques, and several phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological ÃCorresponding author. cladistic (non-numerical) analyses have been proposed E-mail address: (G. Giribet). (e.g., Hennig 1969; Kristensen 1975, 1981, 1991, 1995, 1439-6092/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier GmbH.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ode.2004.05.001 ARTICLE IN PRESS 320 G.Giribet et al./ Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 4 (2004) 319–340 1998; Kukalova´ -Peck 1991).The incorporation of the first two issues listed above.No sequence data for explicit numerical analyses (Whiting et al.1997 ; Bitsch the zygentoman families Lepidotrichidae and Nicoletii- and Bitsch 1998, 2000; Carpenter and Wheeler 1999; dae, or the archaeognathan family Meinertellidae were Beutel and Gorb 2001; Wheeler et al.2001 ), and of included in those studies. Nardi et al.(2003) included sources of data other than morphology (Whiting et al. data for Tricholepedion in their analysis of hexapod 1997; Carpenter and Wheeler 1999; Carapelli et al.2000 ; relationships based on mitochondrial genomes. Luan et Wheeler et al.2001 ; D’Haese 2002a; Hovmo¨ ller et al. al.(2003) analyzed 18S and 28S rRNA sequence data of 2002; Whiting 2002; Luan et al.2003 ; Ogden and several basal hexapods and found monophyly of Whiting 2003), have yielded more testable hypotheses. Diplura as well as monophyly of Diplura+Protura However, the relationships among the sister groups of (see also D’Haese 2002b).Other recent work has used insects, or ‘basal’ hexapods, have received little attention molecular data to investigate basal hexapod relation- from the perspective of molecular data. ships to a certain extent, although in the context of True insects (Ectognatha sensu Hennig or Insecta collembolan evolution (D’Haese 2002a), or higher sensu Kristensen) contain about two dozen orders of arthropod relationships (Wheeler 1998; Edgecombe et winged insects (Pterygota) and two orders of primitively al.2000 ; Giribet and Ribera 2000; Giribet et al.2001 ). wingless insects, Archaeognatha (also called Microcor- ‘‘In spite of their great morphological differences, yphia) and Zygentoma.Zygentoma is the putative sister Protura and Collembola have been put together by group of the pterygote insects; these two together many authors in a particular clade, the so-called forming the clade Dicondylia, with Archaeognatha as ‘Ellipura’ (=Parainsecta)’’ (Bitsch and Bitsch 1998, p. its sister group.Non-insect hexapods (the so-called 356).In fact, most authors have recognized this group Entognatha) comprise the orders Protura, Collembola, based on morphology (Hennig 1953, 1981; Kristensen and Diplura.Relationships among the entognathous 1975, 1981, 1995, 1998; Boudreaux 1979a; Kukalova´ - hexapods, however, are not agreed upon (see reviews in Peck 1987, 1991; Stys and Bilinski 1990; Stys et al.1993 ; Stys and Zrzavy 1994; Bitsch and Bitsch 2000). Kraus and Kraus 1994; Stys and Zrzavy 1994; Koch Among basal hexapod relationships, four issues 1997; Kraus 1998, 2001; Ax 1999; Carpenter and remain problematic: (1) the monophyly or paraphyly Wheeler 1999; Edgecombe et al.2000 ; Wheeler et al. of the entognathous forms; (2) the monophyly of the so- 2001).Morphologically, Ellipura finds its most compel- called Ellipura or Parainsecta (Protura+Collembola); ling support in a distinctive style of entognathy (3) the monophyly of the Diplura and the relationships involving a linea ventralis on the underside of the head among the dipluran families; and (4) the monophyly and capsule (Koch 1997).Other characters cited as ellipuran relationships among the zygentoman families, especially apomorphies (e.g., loss of cerci or terminal filaments: with regard to the Lepidotrichidae,1 a taxon based on Kraus 1998; reduction of antennae, compound eyes and the Baltic amber species Lepidotrix1 pilifera Menge and tracheae; unpaired pretarsal claws: Ax 1999) are less represented in the extant fauna by the single species obviously straightforward in their interpretation, and Tricholepidion gertschi Wygodzinsky, 1961.These issues Bitsch and Bitsch (1998, 2000) did not find unambig- have recently been investigated by Bitsch and Bitsch uous support for Ellipura in parsimony analyses of (1998, 2000), who used a set of detailed and explicit internal anatomical and external morphological char- morphological character matrices in a parsimony frame- acters. work. Carapelli et al.(2000) published the first well- The monophyly of Diplura has also been disputed sampled molecular analysis of the ‘apterygotes’ using (for a review of alternative hypotheses see Stys and sequence data of the nuclear encoding gene elongation Zrzavy 1994).The traditional union of Campodeoidea factor-1a and the mitochondrial ribosomal 12S rRNA and Japygoidea as a clade, Diplura, has recently been (see also Zhang et al.2001 ), though neither the families defended on morphological (Koch 1997; Kristensen Lepidotrichidae nor Nicoletiidae were included in the 1998), developmental (Ikeda and Machida 1998), and analyses.To a lesser extent, Wheeler et al.(2001) molecular grounds (Carapelli et al.2000 ; Giribet and explored basal hexapod relationships by a combined Ribera 2000; Giribet and Wheeler 2001; D’Haese 2002b; analysis of morphological and molecular (18S and 28S Luan et al.2003 ).The alternative resolution of Diplura rRNA) data in their study of the hexapod orders, testing as a grade involves Campodeoidea as being more closely related to Ellipura than to Japygoidea (Stys and Bilinski 1The family-group name was first published as ‘‘Lepidothricinae’’ by 1990; Stys et al.1993 ), based on ovary structure. Silvestri (1912), based on the genus spelled ‘‘Lepidothrix’’. Carpenter The monophyly of the Zygentoma (families Lepido- (1992) indicated that the latter emendation of Lepidotrix Menge was trichidae, Nicoletiidae, Maindroniidae and Lepismati- unjustified, and the valid family name becomes Lepidotrichidae under dae [Atelurinae is given familial status by certain the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Article 29.3 (ICZN 1999). Lepidotrix, based on L. pilifera Menge, 1854, is the authors, while others include it within the Nicoletiidae]) senior synonym of Lepidion Menge, 1854, Klebsia Olfers, 1907, and is also debated.The sole extant representative of Micropa Olfers, 1907, also from Baltic amber. the Lepidotrichidae, Tricholepidion gertschi, has some ARTICLE IN PRESS G.Giribet et al./ Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 4 (2004) 319–340 321 putative primitive characters not found in other Hexapoda, the Atelocerata (Kraus 1998, 2001)and zygentomans (including large abdominal sterna with Tetraconata (Dohle 2001; Richter 2002) hypotheses, posteriorly attached coxopodites, a large number of respectively.In addition to Lithobiomorpha and Sym- pregenital styles and eversible sacs; Kristensen 1991). phyla, the myriapod outgroups of Bitsch and Bitsch Tricholepidion also has retained
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    Proc. Proc. Ar thropod. Ernbryo l. Soc. ]pn. 38 , 13-17 (2003) 13 。2003 Ar伽 opodan Ernbryological Society of ]apan ISSN ISSN 1341-1527 Embryonic Development of a Proturan Baculentulus Baculentulus densus (Imadate): Reference to Some Developmental Stages (Hexapoda: Protura ,Acerentomidae) Ryuichiro Ryuichiro MACHIDA and Ichiro TAKAHASHI Institute Institute of Biological Sciences ,University of Ts ukuba ,Ts ukuba ,lbaraki 305-8572 , Japan Current Current address: Sugadaira Montane Research Cente r, Universi 砂of Ts ukuba ,Sanada ,Nagano 386-2201 , Japan E- 例。 il: (RM) Absiract Absiract Improving Improving rearing techniques ,we succeeded in obtaining six eggs of a proturan Baculentulus de 悶sus ,different in developmental developmental stage , under rearing conditions. By exfernal observations of these eggs ,we presented several features of of the egg structure and embryogenesis. The egg is snow-white in colo r, nearly spherical with a Iong diameter of about 130μm , and furnished with numerous ,various-sized and -shaped protub 巴rances on its surface. The newly formed blastoderm blastoderm is extraordinarily thick. On the inner side of the blastoderm at the ventral side ,a pair of cellular aggregations , which may be involved in the mesoderm segregation , is formed. The differentiated germ band is long enough to almost occupy the egg circumference. The blastokinesis is a simple flection of the embryo. The egg period is speculated speculated to be about two months. The extraordinarily thick ,early blastoderm and manner of mesoderm segregation shown in this species may be unique in Hexapoda. The long germ band and simple blastokinesis are features common to to those of other entognathans.
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