Putnam Aeronautical 1967 Unbuilt projects are fully treated, complete lists to date of type designations, all Shorts’ 1967 constructor’s numbers, serials and registration marks and all variants are covered. nd 67/1 Shorts aircraft since 1900. C.H. [2] 2 edition 1989: Barnes C.H. Barnes. Revised by Derek N. James pp. [vi] vii-x 1-532. 408 photos, 78 g.a. An imprint of Conway Maritime Press. pp. [vi] drawings, 2 diags. Blue photog. [Short S.30, vii-xi [xii] blank 1-560. 424 photos, 81 g.a. Charles E. Brown photo] illus. d.j. Index drawings, 1 diag. Col. painting [wrap-round] on Printers: Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd, d.j. by Keith Woodcock [Sunderland M.R.5 Bungay RN273 of 201 Sqn. taking off at Sullom Voe, Price: 84s. Shetland, September 1953] Dedication: In tribute to Horace Leonard Short, Printers: Typeset by Hope Services, Abingdon; 1872-1917; Albert Eustace Short, 1875-1932; printed and bound by Richard Clay Ltd, Bungay Hugh Oswald Short, b.16 January 1883, the first Price: £28 aircraft manufacturers in the world, coupled with ISBN: 0 85177 819 4 the name of John Lankester Parker, 1896-1965 Frontis.: Manx Airlines’ Shorts 360 G-ISLE at Introduction: Origins and History of the Luton International Airport in November 1985 Company. while operating night mail services (Gordon Appendices: A: Construction for other Roberts) manufacturers. B: Airships (1910-21). C: F.K. Notes: New section [p.xi]: The First Torpedo McLean’s fleet list (1910-14). D: Design Index Drop, by J.M. Bruce US ed. published by The Naval Institute Press (1922-66). E: Preliminary Designs (1947-66). F: nd Constructor’s numbers - Eastchurch and [3] 2 edition reprinted 1997: Rochester (1910-48). G: Constructor’s numbers - [not held] Belfast (1936-66). H: Conversion numbers - Belfast (1945-50). J: Short Bros. Aircraft built 67/2 The British bomber since 1914: fifty by Other Manufacturers years of design and development. Peter Lewis Frontis.: The Calcutta moored on the Thames Putnam, London; Aero Publishers Inc, USA. pp. opposite the Houses of Parliament, on 1 August [x] 11-418. 305 photos, 103 g.a. drawings. 1928 Index. Yellow photog. illus. [TSR.2] d.j. Notes: Also published by Aero Books (USA) Printers: Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd, [p.ix] Although the author was never employed Bungay by Short Brothers, his admiration for their Price: 63s. products began during his early school days at Dedication: To Gorge Rudolph Volkert, in Felixstowe ... So, although this book has been appreciation of his significant contribution to the actually written in less than two years’ spare evolution of the British bomber time, it contains the essence of more than 45 Frontis.: The Vulcan B. Mk.2 displays its years of intermittent personal contact with Short striking delta form at high altitude (Avro photo) Brothers’ aircraft ... since no single volume of Notes: companion vol. to item 65/2. Superseded reasonable size could do justice to the full by item 94/1 biographical, commercial and technical aspects [p.ix] … outlines the increasingly complex of the company’s history, it was agreed to pattern of evolution of a class of aircraft in the concentrate on the aircraft themselves, arrayed creation of which British designers and engineers against a background of people and places soon became pre-eminent … A procedure similar concerned with their evolution and operation. to that employed for The British Fighter since Reviews: [T.J. Air Pic., Jan. 1968, p.36] In the 1912 has therefore been adopted … to record 510 closely-packed pages of this expensively chronologically a total of over five hundred and produced book, interwoven with fine technical sixty diverse aircraft types, including those descriptions of their aircraft, is the story of the constructed, their variants and many relinquished magnificent achievements of the three Short projects brothers … Reviews: [Humphrey Wynn. Flight Int., 20 July [cat. 1973] From the first spherical balloons 1967, p.111] … a solid work, describing and made by Eustace and Oswald Short in 1900, the illustrating aircraft in this category over the past author describes in great detail the many 50 years and including a useful analysis of wondrous designs of this great aircraft firm. developments and trends in addition to listing all fascinating class of British aeroplane. With the the types involved – a formidable catalogue. exceptions of the fighter-bomber and the flying- [G.J. Christopher Paul. Air Pic., July 1967, boat, all types capable of carrying bombs or p.253] Those who are already familiar with Peter torpedoes are described, including military and Lewis’s previous books … will not be naval landplanes and floatplanes, general disappointed in this excellent production. The purpose aircraft, dive-bombers and coastal amount of painstaking research that has been defence patrol machines, from the beginnings in done is evident from the mass of material the days of the R.F.C. and R.N.A.S. through to gathered together, and its accuracy. … The book the immensely powerful strike-force of the is, however, much more than a catalogue of R.A.F. and the F.A.A. of today. interesting aircraft. It includes the reasons for [3] 3rd edition 1980: their existence, the factors which governed their [s.t.] sixty-five years of design and development specification, appearance, and success or failure; pp. [x] 11-440. 343 photos, 109 g.a. drawings. and the effect which they in turn had on the types Index. Yellow photog. [Avro Vulcan] illus. d.j. which followed in succession. It is therefore both Printers: Fletcher & Son Ltd, Norwich a reference book, and also a very readable book. Price: £10 [cat. 1973] Over 560 different types are recorded ISBN: 0 370 30265 6 in this analytical and comprehensive narrative. Dedication, Contents, Appendix, Frontis.: as for With the exception of the fighter-bomber and the 1st ed.. flying-boat, all types capable of carrying bombs Notes: p.[ix] ... to record chronologically a total or torpedoes are described. Extensive data tables of of over five hundred and sixty diverse aircraft included. types, including those constructed, their variants [2] 2nd edition 1974: and many relinquished projects. [s.t.] sixty years of design and development p.[x] ... originated to record the evolution of pp. [x] 11-420. 306 photos, 104 g.a. drawings. bomber and torpedo-bomber aircraft of Index. Olive and white photog. illus. [H.P. intrinsically British design throughout, but ... any Victor] d.j. such activity which may be disclosed ceased Printers: Fletcher & Son, Norwich with the perfidious and calamitous extinction of Price: £4.50 TSR.2. Involuntarily, therefore, this revised ISBN: 0 370 10040 9 edition relates British involvement in the interim Dedication: as 1st ed. with collaborative ventures and export projects, Contents: The seed is sown. Birth of the bomber. and the establishment of the helicopter for strike Projects, prototypes and parsimony. Singles and duties over land and sea twins. Murmurings of monoplanes. Spurred to survive. Harbingers of hell. Metamorphosis. 67/3 British aviation: the pioneer years Final fling. Swan song 1903-1914. Harald Penrose Appendix: Data tables Putnam, London; Aero Publishers Inc, USA Frontis.: The Avro Vulcan B. Mk.2 displays its [Fallbrook, Cal.]. pp. [vi] 7-607. 275 photos, 16 striking delta form at high altitude (Avro diags. Index. Orange photog. [ photograph) No.1] d.j. Notes: [p.x] During the seven years which have Printers: Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd, passed since the first edition … there has been, Bungay as was to be expected since the deplorable Price: 84s. cancellation of TSR-2, little to encourage the ISBN: 0 370 00122 2 [allocated retrospectively] designers and constructors responsible until 1967 Dedication: Dedicated in Tribute to John for the traditional British bomber concept … the Lawrence Pritchard, CBE, Hon. FAIAA, Hon. opportunity has been taken to provide up-to-date FRAeS, MRI, Author, Mathematician, Historian, information and illustrations for the Hawker Secretary of the Royal Aeronautical Society Siddeley Nimrod. Included also are details of the 1925-1951 Panavia 2000 MRCA … Contents: 1903 The stage is made ready. 1904 A [cat. 1974-75] Sixty years of design and soldier sees the significance. 1905 Ways and development of over 560 different types are means. 1906 The Wrights fail to gain favour. recorded in this analytical and comprehensive 1907 Farnborough takes the lead. 1908 British narrative, accompanied by photographs and wings are tied. 1909 The beginnings of an three-view drawings, which have been selected industry. 1910 The opening vista. 1911 The to give as complete a story as possible of this pressure mounts. 1912 The stimulus of competition. 1913 An increasing scientific biplane. His first ‘joy-ride’ was with Alan approach. 1914 Build up to war Cobham in 1919, flying an Avro 504K. Three Appendix: Patents of significance on aerial years later he began studying aeronautical machines 1842-1914; Selected brief biographies engineering at London University and, during Frontis.: Unobstructed view for Cody in his the course, two periods of six months were at the second aeroplane after rebuilding for the British respective factories of and Empire Michelin Cup Contest (Flight photo) Westland. He subsequently permanently joined Notes: for subsequent volumes in the Putnam the latter in 1926, initially as a fitter, then series cf. 69/2, 73/5. The series was eventually draughtsman on the first military tail-less design, completed with publication for the Royal Air learnt to fly in the RAF Reserve, and afterwards Force Museum by HMSO, London: British became manager of Westland Civil Aircraft aviation: widening horizons 1930-1934 (1979); Department and also began to test and and British aviation: the ominous skies 1935- demonstrate his productions which led to 1939 (1980) demonstrating military machines abroad. In [p.vii] So I prefer to call this book a saga ... for it 1931, still contributing to design matters, he was relates the disappointments, disasters, hopes and appointed chief test pilot and flew many types of successes of the pioneer British aircraft British and foreign aircraft (including early constructors against the background of their rotorcraft) until 1953 when he became Group times. Though only a shadow picture can be Sales Manager, retiring in 1967. A sailor, as well given of what was epic, I saw many of the as a countryman with an interest in ornithology participating aircraft, and subsequent long and ecology, he also practised as a naval association with the aircraft industry enabled me architect and owned several yacht-yards, to meet most of the twentieth-century pioneers resulting in the construction of nearly one mentioned in this record - obtaining much of the thousand boats and yachts. However, his major material at first hand. ... It is a kind of mental interest has always been aeronautical history. archaeology; a pursuit into the scattered [cat. 1973; 1974-75] Records in great detail the discontinuous record of the past, and the works, struggles and achievements of British reassembly of a particular sequence of dreams aviation pioneers from 1903 to 1914 - A.V. Roe, and struggles towards flight. Many other matters Cody, Handley Page, de Havilland, Sopwith, are told for the first time … For the authenticity Maxim, George White, Blackburn, Mervyn of much comment I have relied on wide reading, O’Gorman, Capper, etc. Many photos never research at the Public Record and Patent Offices, before published. and specialised knowledge based on earlier [2] revised edition 1980: training in aerodynamics and stressing, London: Cassell. Double-col. landscape format, supplemented by practical experience in design, 21.5 x 26.5cm: pp. [vi] vii-viii 1-308. 315 works management, and a lifetime of flying. photos, 9 drawings. Index. Col. photog. [Roe Reviews: [Humphrey Wynn. Flight Int., 30 Triplane replica] illus. d.j. March 1967, p.475] … he has done a great deal Printers: Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd, of digging and come up with a veritable Bungay compendium of information – which would have Price: £19.95 been almost unreadable were he not such a good Notes: [p.viii] Space limitations in the first writer … has delineated the strands of edition of this book necessitated abridgement of achievement, tragedy, endeavour, a portion of the material in the original disappointment and idealism which run through manuscript. Some of this has been restored in them, and the characters of the men who set the this new edition, together with re-assessments pattern for British aviation in the future … here and new information gradually garnered in the the events and the men come alive with intervening thirteen years ... astonishing vividness … Harald Penrose. Has experienced the whole 67/4 The British fighter since 1912: Fifty development of aviation from the time of years of design and development. Peter Lewis Blériot’s cross-channel flight in 1909, and first 2nd ed. became ‘airborne’ in a giant Cody kite at the age See: 65/2[2] of six. In pre-Great War days he witnessed many notable aeroplanes in flight, and met some of the SJ. 28.8.04, edited 13.3.05 pilots of whom Hamel was his hero and inspired his devotion to monoplanes in the era of the