List of Clergy and English Missionaries
JULY, 1921. QUARTERLY PAPER - OP THE Rangoon Diocuan Jlssoclation. AFFILIATE.D TO S.P.G. Price SIXPENCE. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION AND POSTAGE, 2/· To be obtained of the Geneml Secretary, Rev. P. H. Cooke, l ckleton Vicaraqe, Great Chesterford, Essex. SEE OF RA~GOON. List of Clergy and English Missionaries. (Note.-The date given is that of an·ival in tlu Mission of English MissionaTies, of 01·dination of Native Clergy.) (Tlu address given is sufficient with the addition of "B1-1,rma "-except for Dagshai, Punjab, India.) Bishop. The Right Rev. R. S. FYFFE, D.D. 1904 Bishop's Court, Rangoon. (Consecrated on January 17th, 1910.) Bishop's Chaplain. A. 0. N. LEE, M.A., Cambridge and C.T.S. (on leave) 1916 Bishop's Court, Rangoon, and Insein Diocesan Secr-etary. J. W. SwiNNERTON WESTON, EsQ. 1921 S. P. G. Burmese Mission. Rev. D. C. ATWOOL, B.A., Worcester College, Oxford-(on furlough) 1909 Rev. A. H. BLENCOWE, B.A., Christ's College, Cambridge-B. John's College, Rangoon . 1913 Rev. E. H. Cox, M.A., S. Edmund Hall, Oxford, and Cuddesdon- S. Barnabas, and Syriam 1907 Rev. T. W. HOGARTH-Moulmein 1921 Rev. W. H. JAcKSON, B .A.-Blind School, Kemmendine 1917 Rev. W. C. B. PuRSER, M.A., S. John's Coll~ge, Cambridge- B. Michael, Kemmendine . 1904 Rev. C. R. PuRSER, Cambridge Clergy Training School-(?n furlough) 1910 Rev. D. Po SAH-Kyaiklat 1901 Rev. S. Po TIIE'r-Kemmendine 1901 Rev. H. M. STOCKINGS, S. Augustine's College, Canterbury-Shwebo 1886 Rev. G. WHITEHEAD, B.A., London-(on furlough) 1888 Rev.
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