Report of a Tour in Eastern Rajputana in 1871-72 and 1872-73
c^^‘£lt^0^agic^^;l gurbeg of Inbm. EEPORT OF A TOUR m EASTERN RAJPUTANA ' • IN 1871-72 AND 1872-7 3. jcOMPlIME^TARri BY A. C. L. CAELLEYLE, ABSISTAKT, AECHHOMSICAI. SUKVEr, S. BNDEE THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF MAJOE-aENEEAL A. GUEEIEGHAAI, O.S.I.', C.I.E., PIEECTOE-GENEEAI> AEOH^OLOGIOAE BUEVEl’, VOLUME VI. •‘What is aimed at is an aocnrate description, illustrated by plans, measurements, drawines or photographs, and by copies of insorlptiona, of such remains as most deserve notice, with the history of them so far as it may be trace- able, and a record of the traditions that are preserved regarding them,"—Lonn CANirmo. "What the learned rvorid demand of ns in India is to be quite certain of onr dafa, to place tho mounmcntol record before them exactly as it now exists, and to interpret it faithfully and literally.'*—Jambs Pbiksep. Sengal AsCaiic Soeieig'i JaurnaJ, 1838, p. 227. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1878. CONTENTS OE VOLUME VI. PAGE. 1. Mountain Eangea of Eajputana 1 2 Achnera 5 3. ]Ihera 13 4^Eupbas 16 5. Jagnei' ..... 24 Satmas v/ .... _33 Baiana V . • . 40 ' Santipur, or Tijayaraandargarh. 64 9. Sikandra .... 74 10. MacLMi, or SanckMd 77 Baiiat 91 12. Deosa ..... 104 13. Nain, or Nai .... 109 . 14 Cliatsu . ^ .... 116 . 15. Shivdungr .... 12l' 16. Thoda, or There 124 17. Bagliera or Yyaghra — — 136 18 Vigalpirs- < . 152 19. Dhaud, or Ghar 160 20. Nagar, or Karkota Nagara 162 21. ITagari, or Tambavati Nagari . 196 22. Mora ..... 227 23. Bijoli 234 PLATES. I. Map of Eastern Eajputana, II.
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