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[email protected] sserviceervice ppersonnelersonnel aandnd vveteranseterans SSeeee ppageage 7 & 1144 SSeeee ppageage 3 Go to: [click on the VisitBritain Shop logo] discount code UJNEWS Vol. 28 No. 7 October 2010 Woolas, who has served as a lawmaker THE HEADLINES since 1997, was re-elected to his district Vatican Declares Pope’s Visit To Britain A Success in Oldham East and Saddleworth, in By Nicole Winfield northern England, following two re- Hague Denies Any Truth In counts. He had a majority of 103 votes. THE VATICAN declared Pope Benedict XVI’s ‘Gay’ Rumours Helen Mountfi eld, lawyer for Watkins, four-day visit to Britain a “great success” last FOREIGN Secretary told a specially convened election court month, saying the pontiff was able to reach out William Hague is the that Woolas and his team used mislead- to a nation wary of his message and angry at his latest politician to fall ing campaign materials, which wrongly church’s sex abuse scandal.