Proposals by the Ad Hoc Committee concerning 9 Television Programming Services

Skopje, 14 November 2016 – Based on the written reports on the monitoring of the coverage of the elections by the Makedonska Radiotelevizija – Prv programski servis (MRT1); TV -M DOO Skopje; TV Alfa DOOEL Skopje; TV Sonce DOOEL Prilep; TV Nova DOOEL Skopje; TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje; TV Kompani 21-M DOOEL Skopje; TV Kanal Tri DOO Debar and TV Era DOO Skopje, the Ad-hoc Committee for Observing Media Coverage submitted Action Proposals to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.

The Ad Hoc Committee submitted proposals to initiate misdemeanour procedures, whereby the court would pronounce misdemeanor sanctions in the form of fines due to repetition of the violations, against TV Kompani 21-M DOOEL Skopje and TV Sonce DOOEL Prilep.

The Ad Hoc Committee also submitted proposals to initiate misdemeanour procedures, whereby the court would impose misdemeanor sanctions in the form of warnings, against Makedonska Radiotelevizija Skopje – Prv programski servis (MRT1); TV Alsat-M DOO Skopje; TV Alfa DOOEL Skopje; TV Nova DOOEL Skopje; TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje; TV Kanal Tri DOO Debar and TV Era DOO Skopje.

The proposals by the Ad-hoc Committee for Observing Media Coverage are available at the links given below:

Proposals to impose fines:

Proposal to impose measure – TV Kompani 21-M DOOEL Skopje Proposal to impose measure – TV Sonce DOOEL Prilep

Proposals to impose warnings:

Proposal to impose measure – Makedonska Radiotelevizija – First Programming Service (MRT1)

Proposal to impose measure – TV Alsat-M DOO Skopje

Proposal to impose measure – TV Alfa DOOEL Skopje

Proposal to impose measure – TV Nova DOOEL Skopje

Proposal to impose measure – TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje

Proposal to impose measure – TV Kanal Tri DOO Debar

Proposal to impose measure – TV Era DOO Skopje