The Ithacan, 1981-09-10
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1981-82 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 9-10-1981 The thI acan, 1981-09-10 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1981-09-10" (1981). The Ithacan, 1981-82. 2. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1981-82 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. A Weekly Newspaper. Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca College Vol. 51/ No. 2 · · September 10, 1981 B-Building Blooms Borrowing Budgett Bombs by Juliet Bailey construction is going accor- maker tor cost, budget, time "More··room". "No more ding to schedule. The steel is schedule and effective elevators". "Easily ac- up an.g the walls are now being operation. cessible, Better -parking." worked on. If the weather The· ground floor of the "Classrooms closer together." . holds, a hopeful date of mid building will house nine These are some o·f the respon- November is being set for the classrooms. These will be used ses from staff, faculty and completion of the outer shell primarily by the Business and students when questioned , and brickwork. The total Allied Health departments, about the new building which completion date has been set but other departments will will be the new home for the as· spring of 1983, ·once again also use the classrooms. This school of Business and the depending on the weather and should help to decrease the school of Allied Health the labor situation. A definate present classroom crunch on Professions. price could not be quoted at campus. The second floor. will Tht: four story building was this time, but funding is being house the Allied Health designed by Larry Hoffman of negotiated by Matt Wall the clinics. These are prcsenuy Levatich and Hoffman. Ar- vice president of development dispersed between the Health chitects, a local firm. It .!is of college relations. Tom Center, Rowland Hall, Lyon being built by McGufre and Salm, -r vice president of Hall and one of the Garden Bennet of Ithaca. Ground Business Affairs is the project Apartments. All the labs for breaking ceremonies took d1rcctor and final decision the Physical Therapy depar place on May ·21st, and so far tment will now-be functionally related. There will be. a room specially designed for com Enforced Law§ puter readout and data collec ting. The Physical THerapy Jepartment will include three .Limiting Crowds exercise rooms, a size of exits, square footage of by Judy Green hydrotherapy laboratory, the place of assembly and What appears to be a recent research labs and enough structural modifications. "crackdown" on.. the enfor room on the same floor to Occupancy limits can be cement of occupancy limits in allow the clinical physical raised by the addition of struc local bars and restaurants is therapists to have their own tural modifications, such as not as sudden as it may seem, offices. The Ewing_ Clinic, doors or sprinkler systems. according to Ed Olmstead, which will almost double in But these can be expensive assistant fire chief of the 'size, will also be on this floor. changes, said Olmstead, and Ithaca Fire Department. The Mcdicar record lab, the owners must ask themselves if "It started about three years speech science lab, and the it will be cost effective. ago in late 1978 when we did audiology therapy rooms will "There shouldn't be any oc the measurements to obtain also take up their share of cupancy limits," said Dugout occupancy figures," said Olm floor space. Because it is built owner Thomas Kheel. "90 ~tcad. - into the side of a hill, the percent of the c-ause of a fire i, "Then in June of 198 I," he building will be .easily ac in the building. If a building ,, continued, "we sent letters to cessible to the handicapped. It in poor shape a fire will bar and tavern owners saying will be totally handicapped spread," he'continued. we would be enforcing (the oc equipped inclu.ding special size Kheel claimed the owner~ cupancy limits) soon." bathrooms. There is a good should be responsible for the For Ithaca bar owners and possibility the clinics will serve occupancy limits. ' . fire officials, "soon,,. has tur as a referral center. This will McCawbers owner Michael ned into· "now,'j and for the provide the students with more · LoPinto, Jr. echoed that past two weekends· fire, mar clinical experience before their claim. "We've been open four shalls have been closely sur Befor_e ... , senior or post-un.dergraduate years and we have always kcr veying the downtown.scene for years. The third floor will people out (when its gott,' overcrowding. provide twenty-six offices for crowded)," he said. · - Summons to a Sept. 8 the Allied Health staff and Since LoPinto works behim. hearing have been issued to the faculty. Wtien interviewed the bar much of the time, a owners of The Dugout, Mc about the new building Dean location fairly distant from thl 'Cawbers, The Pines Tavern Koustaal said he is very en exit, he said that for hi'> own and Ragmann 's for being in thusiastic about the project. safety he would not want to violation of the fire code, a He has pictures of the building see McCawbers become so er violation classified as a since its founding and intenc;Is ('Wded 3.S to endanger lifL misdemeanor. to keep up on his pictoral ~,1fet\'. "I think there _is a need for story. He feels the new school "I think it's unfortunate the complete reevaluation of will be able to provide students that I can't use my own occupancy limits. You can't with· a comprehensive, reasoning for the limits," he judge a small bar. on the same theoretical, and- practical ap said. · scale with · places with proaches close together.__,. He capacities of 500, ,,, said Pines One · question that bar says he intends to make his owners are raising is that of Tavern Owner Jim Verrichio. · clinics the best in- a radius of a why the occupancy limits Verrichio claimed that each hundred miles.- being so stringently enforced bar should be judged in The ,school of .Business \\'.ill at a time when all the student\ dividually as opposed to stan be housed entirely on the four arc returning to schoor and dard code regulations which tfi floor. There will be more downtown Ithaca· 1s most offices, a total _of . twenty the fire department fojlowed in determining the occupancy crowded. seven, more floor space, areas "There's no way we caJ) limits. for gathering, bulletin board facilitate· people overnight,'' • , They are determined in - space and wider corridors. said LoPinto. If fire official\ several ways, accor.ding to continued on page4 Olmstead. Among the factors continued ,m pugc· l'i · ·And· Aiter. StoryP~e 12 considcr~d are the number and Page2 THE ITHACAN-- September 10, 1981 ';' ~. '' . ' ... 'J:TIIACAN.,' ' ' INQUIRER.. - EDITORIAL In an effort to report campus affairs accurately What do you think of the new business building? and comprehensively "The Ithacan" staff tries to ERICPLICKERT be aware of all events of concern to the I. C. com- munity. " In the last issue of the Ithacan last spring, .a "Letter To the Editor" from an I. C. professor questioned a general lack of awareness regarding crime on campus. · _ He wrote the letter as a resuli offife alleged rape of on; of his students by 'three Ithaca College men . Very few people knew of the incident, he claimed, '~;;;;, although his student pressed charges against tfze ' .... ~ ... ·· :;_·."' ~ . men with the Ithaca police. ~ ··.-..:-.... In his letter, the professor wrote, "The members of a comm.unity ought to know what __ happens around them. " Among his charges of the ad David Drucker Mgmt. '84 Mark Young Business Mgmt. I think that the new building '84 ministration's, faculty's and students' lack of will be a great asset for the Being a business major it awareness he included the fact that "The Ithacan school and I wish I would still will make my classes more ac that week carried no word of it." 1 be here to use it. cessable. This is a very troubling and accurate claim again .st the Ithacan since this newspaper should have been quick to report the incident. The truth is~ The Ithacan had no knowledge of the rape -- if we had, it certainly would have been covered. .:t. One of our chief goals is·to let the members of our community know ·"what happens around them." The problem is that all too often we are not aware of important campus· occurances and affairs. It is with pride The Ithacan 's banner reads "A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca College. " We like to feel we are removed from the position of an ad ministration sounding board. But as Students we may sometimes have trouble Stac)· Freed Comm. Mgmt. Debbie Goller Psych '82 '83 I think that we need more - finding out about all that goes on. I suppose it is a good in- housing instead. of a new We, at the Ithacan request that you -- members ve~tmenr for the school and building. of our community -- help keep us informed. If you · will make things easier for know of news that needs to be heard, let us know busine~s 5tudents.