CONGREGATION BETH EL ATERETH ISRAEL High Holiday Guide Table of Contents Rabbi's Message

ON ROSH HASHANAH, the shofar is intended Rabbi’s Message...... 3 to awaken us to focus on what is really important in life. During the rest of the year we often get caught up Schedule of Services...... 4 in the details of daily living and are distracted from concentrating on what is truly significant in our lives. Customs for Rosh Hashanah - Simanim...... 5 This past year, many have already begun that process due to the Covid health crisis that has taken over Suggested Readings ...... 6 the world. The frailty of human existence echoed During the Yomim Noraim in the Unesana Tokef prayer has been brought home too starkly, as we all know individuals who have Rosh Hashanah Ritual Guide...... 7 been struck with this illness, and some who have succumbed. Yom Kippur Ritual Guide...... 9 We have developed a heightened sense of obligation Customs for Erev Yom Kippur to behave in a responsible and safe manner while — Blessing sons and daughters...... 10 maintaining a close connection with family, friends and community members. Having to distance — Kapparot...... 11 ourselves from each other to one degree or another has given us a deeper appreciation of how important Sukkot...... 12 connecting to each other means to us. We often take — The Four Species things for granted until they are taken from us. — Succah Building Reminders Through the Yomim Noraim we ask Hashem to — and Yom Tov Candles in the Succah remember us for "chayim," for life, and to write us in the book of "chayim," of life.

The Hebrew word "chaim" technically is a plural form of the word "chay" which means life in the singular. Why, when we pray as individuals, do we pray for life in the plural? Perhaps because living life without being able to share it with others is not really living at all. We all feel that sentiment so profoundly this year.

May we be blessed this year not only with life, but with "Chayim" the privilege of being able to share life with each other in a full and meaningful way.

Kesiva V’chasima Tovah שנה טובה Rabbi Gershon Segal

HIGH HOLIDAY GUIDE / 3 HIGH HOLY DAYS - 5782 Schedule of Services Erev Sukkot - Monday, September 20 August 28 11:00 pm Candle Lighting 6:26 pm August 29-Sept 2 7:35 pm September 5 7:30 am / 6:40 pm September 6 7:00 am Sukkot- First Day - Tuesday, September 21 September 9 6:30 am/7:30 pm 7:30 am & 9:00 am September 12 7:30 am/7:20 pm September 13 7:20 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:35 pm September 15 7:00 am Candle Lighting after 7:27 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah—Monday, September 6 Sukkot - Second Day– Wednesday, September 22 Morning Selichot 7:00 am Shacharit 7:30 am & 9:00 am Candle Lighting 6:51 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:35 pm Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:00 pm Havdallah after 7:25 pm Rosh Hashanah—Tuesday & Wednesday, Sept 7 & 8 Chol Hamoed– Thursday, September 23 Shacharit Outdoor/Indoor 8:00 am/8:30 am Shacharit 6:45 am Outdoor/Indoor 9:00 am/9:30 am Mincha /Maariv 6:35 pm Shofar Outdoor/Indoor 9:30 am/10:00 am Erev Shabbat Chol Hamoed –Friday, September 24 Shofar Only Session RH Day 1 Outdoor 1:00/4:30 pm Shacharit 6:45 am Shofar Only Session RH Day 2 Outdoor 1:00 pm Tashlich (Only Tuesday afternoon) Candle Lighting before 6:19 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:20 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:35 pm Candle Lighting (Tuesday) after 7:52 pm Shabbat Chol Hamoed– Saturday, September 25 Havdallah (Wednesday) after 7:50 pm Shacharit 7:30 am/9:00 am Tzom Gedaliah—Thursday, September 9 Mincha/Maariv 6:10 pm Fast Begins 4:52 am Havdallah 7:20 pm Morning Selichot/Shacharit 6:30 am Chol Hamoed– Sunday, September 26 Mincha /Maariv 6:40 pm Shacharit 8:00 am Fast Ends 7:33 pm Selichot 7:30 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:30 pm Shabbat Shuva - Saturday, September 11 Hoshana Rabbah - Monday, September 27 Shacharit 7:30/9:00 am Shacharit 6:30 am Mincha 6:35 pm Candle Lighting 6:14 pm Shabbat Shuva Drasha 7:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:25 pm Maariv 7:35 pm Shemini Atzeret - Tuesday, September 28 Havdallah 7:45 pm Shacharit 7:30 am / 9:00 am Erev Yom Kippur—Wednesday, September 15 Yizkor Selichot 7:00 am Mincha 2:30 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:25 pm Candle Lighting before 6:35 pm Simchat Torah Hakafot 7:00 pm Kol Nidrei 6:45 pm Candle Lighting after 7:15 pm Yom Kippur — Thursday, September 16 Simchat Torah - Wednesday, September 29 Shacharit Indoor/Outdoor 8:30 am Shacharit 7:30 am & 9:15 am Torah Reading 9:30 am Simchat Torah Hakafot Yizkor 10:00 am Mincha/Maariv 6:25 pm Mincha 5:30 pm Havdallah 7:13 pm Neilah 6:30 pm after Maariv 7:36 pm Fast Over/Havdallah 7:36 pm

4 / CONGREGATION BETH EL ATERETH ISRAEL CUSTOMS FOR ROSH HASHANA – EVENING MEALS Simanim During the evening meals of Rosh Hashana there are several customs. Choose from your tradition.

DATES: A blessing of “Boray Pree Ha’etz” is recited (having in mind all the tree fruit that you intend to eat during the meal) after which dates are eaten then say: ְי ִהי ָרצוֹ ן ִ)מ ְּל ָפ ֶני ָך, ה׳ ֱא ֵלֹק ּינו ֵוא ֵלֹקי ֲאבוֹ ֵת ּנו,( ׁ ֶשִי ּ ַת ּמו שׂוֹ ְנ ֵא ּינו. Yehee ratzon sheyitamu sonaynu v’oyvenu. “May it be Thy will that our adversaries be eradicated.” This is a phonemic symbol. The Hebrew word temarim dates sounds similar to the yitamo (to eradicate).

POMEGRANATES: One then eats the pomegranates and before eating recites: ְי ִהי ָרצוֹ ן ִ)מ ְּל ָפ ֶני ָך, ה׳ ֱא ֵלֹק ּינו ֵוא ֵלֹקי ֲאבוֹ ֵת ּנו,( ׁ ֶש ִנְר ֶּבה ְּזכֻיוֹ ת ְּכִר ּמוֹ ן. Yehee ratzon shenarbeh zchuyos k’rimon. “May it be Thy will that we have a multitude of merits like (the seeds of) the pomegranate.”

APPLE IN HONEY: An apple is dipped into the honey and before eating the following is recited: ְי ִהי ָרצוֹ ן ִ)מ ְּל ָפ ֶני ָך, ה׳ ֱא ֵלק ֹּינו ֵוא ֵלקֹי ֲאבוֹ ֵת ּנו‚( שׁ ּ ְת ַחֵדשׁ ָע ֵל ּינו ׁ ָש ָנה טוֹ ָבה ּו ְמ ּתו ָקה. Yehee ratzon shetchadesh olaynu shana tova umesuka. “May it be Thy will to usher in upon us a good and sweet year.”

FISH: Before eating fish the following is recited: ְי ִהי ָרצוֹ ן ִ)מ ְּל ָפ ֶני ָך, ה׳ ֱא ֵלֹק ּינו ֵוא ֵלֹקי ֲאבוֹ ֵת ּנו,( ׁ ֶש ִנ ְפֶרה ְו ִנְר ֶּבה ְּכָד ִגים. Yehee ratzon shenifreh v’nirbeh k’dogim. “May it be Thy will that we be fruitful and multiply like fish.”

FISH HEAD: Before tasting the fish head the following is recited: ְי ִהי ָרצוֹ ן ְּ)מל ָפ ֶני ָך, ה׳ ֱא ֵלֹק ּינו ֵוא ֵלֹקי ֲאבוֹ ֵת ּנו,( ׁ ֶש ִנ ְהֶיה ְלרֹאשׁ ְולֹא ְל ָזנ ָב. Yehee ratzon shehneeyeh l’rosh vlo I’zonov. “May it be Thy will that we be likened to the head. not to the tail.”

CARROTS: Before eating carrot tzimmes the following is recited: ְי ִהי ָרצוֹ ן ִ)מ ְּל ָפ ֶני ָך, ה׳ ֱא ֵלֹק ּינו ֵוא ֵלֹקי ֲאבוֹ ֵת ּנו,( ׁ ֶשִיְר ּב ּו ְז ֻּכיוֹ ֵת ּנו. Yehee ratzon sheyirbu zechuyosenu. “May it be Your will that our merits increase. “ The Yiddish word for carrots ‘mehren’ is similar to the Yiddish word mehr which means more. NEW FRUIT: On the second evening of Rosh Hashana it is customary to eat a new fruit—one which had not been eaten since last Rosh Hashana. Since there is some question as to whether or not the blessing of Shehecheyanu should be said at kiddush on the second night of Rosh Hashana … when the Shecheyanu is recited one should also have in mind the new fruit. Even if one does not have a new fruit, Shehecheyanu is recited in the kiddush. The new fruit is eaten after the Hamotzie and eating of the Challah.

NUTS: There is a custom to refrain from eating nuts on Rosh Hashana. The Hebrew word for nut is ‘egoz’ which has the same numerical value as the Hebrew word ‘chet’ which means sins.

HIGH HOLIDAY GUIDE / 5 SUGGESTED READINGS DURING THE YOMIM NORAIM Since davening time in shul will be reduced due to Covid safety concerns, we will have an opportuni- ty to spend more time in study and reflection at home. Below are a few suggested titles one can easily obtain before the chag. If you are looking for more suggested reading material on a specific topic, don’t hesitate to contact Rabbi Segal at [email protected]

The Koren Sacks Rosh HaShana Mahzor pactashkenaz The Koren Sacks Yom Kippur Mahzor tashkenaz Machzor Mesoras HaRav – Yom Kippur with commentary adapted from the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Machzor Mesoras HaRav – Rosh Hashana with commentary adapted from the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik A variety of Artscroll Machzorim Machzor The Artscroll Children's Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur On Repentance Author: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Return and Renewal Reflections on Teshuva and Spiritual Growth Author: Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein Ceremony & Celebration: Introduction to the Holidays Author: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks tion-to-the-holidayshardcover Teshuvah A Guide for the Newly Observant Jew Author: Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz Change & Renewal The Essence of the , Festivals & Days of Remembrance Author: Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz In His Mercy Understanding the Thirteen Midot Author: Rabbi Ezra Bick


Erev Rosh Hashanah First Day of Rosh Hashanah | Tuesday Morning • Morning Selichot: (Selichot can be recited without a minyan with the exception of the 13 • Shir HaMa’alos is recited after . midot (Hashem, Hashem, Kel Rachum Vchanun • Shacharis for Rosh Hashanah etc.) An individual may recite the 13 midot with • Avinu Malkenu Torah trope. • The Torah reading for the first day is Parshas • Weekday Mincha: No Vayeira (Genesis: 21:1-34), and Parshas Pinchas (Numbers 29:1-6). The Haftorah is read from Samuel I: 1:1-2:10 First Day of Rosh Hashanah | Monday • Shofar and Musaf for Rosh Hashana Night • If one is davening at home and can blow one’s own shofar, one should just blow the first thirty sounds • Candle lighting should take place before 6:51 pm. before . The second thirty sounds should .not be blown during the silent Amidah שהחיינו and להדליק נר של יום טוב The Brachot of are recited. • L’ David Hashem at the end of Musaf • followed by Ma’ariv for Rosh Hashan. • Kiddush including VShamru, Tiku Shofar and • We recite tiku shofar before the Amidah. Hagefen • In every Shemonah Esrei for Rosh HaShanah we add • Traditionally Tashlich is recited on Rosh Hashanah and we say afternoon (not on Shabbos) next to a body of ,בספר and וכתוב ,מי כמוך ,זכרנו, Hamelech HaKadosh instead of HaKel Hakadosh. water. If this cannot be performed with proper • L’ David Hashem after social distancing measures, one can recite it any • Kiddush for Rosh Hashana with Shehechiyanu time until Yom Kippur. If it was not done before Yom Kippur, there is still some benefit in reciting Simanei Milsa it until Hoshana Rabba. • After Hamotzie, challah is dipped in honey. • Then various foods are eaten accompanied by Mincha- Amidah for Rosh Hashanah and Avinu supplications (Yehi Ratzon) to Hashem for a good Malkenu year. A list of these foods and accompanying • Preparations for the second day may not begin supplications can be found in this guide on page 5. until candle lighting time • The bracha of borei pri haetz needs to be recited before partaking of fruit as the Hamotzie only covers foods typically eaten with bread at a meal. Second Day of Rosh Hashanah | Tuesday After reciting the bracha of borei pri haetz eat a Night small piece of the fruit before reciting the Yehi Ratzon. • Ma’ariv Amidah • with Ya’ale Vayavo for Rosh • L’David Hashem Hashanah (Yom Hazikaron) • Candle lighting should take place after 7:52 pm.

HIGH HOLIDAY GUIDE / 7 ROSH HASHANAH RITUAL GUIDE and Haftorah from Jeremiah 31:1-19 (להדליק נר של יום טוב)The Brachot of • are recited • Mussaf for Rosh Hashana, including shofar שהחיינו • There is a custom to wear new article of blowing. clothing during candle lighting and having it in • L’ David Hashem after Aleinu • .שהחיינו mind when reciting • Kiddush for the second night of Rosh Hashana. • Kiddush including Tiku Shofar and Hagefen The bracha of is recited at the end of Seudat Yom Tov • שהחיינו kiddush keeping in mind the new fruit that will be eaten later in the meal. • Mincha for Rosh Hashana. • The custom to eat a new fruit stems from the fact that there is a rabbinic controversy as to should be said on the Motzei Rosh Hashana שהחיינו whether or not second night of Rosh Hashanah. In order to satisfy all opinions, a new fruit is eaten on the • Weekday Amidah in Maariv should be recited second night of Rosh Hashanah to ensure there including Atah Chonantanu. is a justification for saying the bracha according • In every Shemonah Esrei for the ten days of (בספר and וכתוב ,מי כמוך ,זכרנו ) to all opinions. teshuva we add • Simanei Milsa as on the first night with the we say Hamelech HaKadosh instead of HaKel addition of a new fruit. Hakadosh and on weekdays we say Hamelech • Birkat Hamazon with Ya’ale Vayavo for Rosh Hamishpat Hashanah (Yom Hazikaron) • L’ David Hashem after Alenu • is after 7:50 pm only the brachot of HaGefen and HaMavdil are recited. Second Day of Rosh Hashanah | Wednesday Morning and Afternoon

• Shir HaMa’alos is recited after Yishtabach. .(המאיר לארץ) Birchos Kerias Sh’ma for weekday • • Shacharis Amidah for Rosh Hashana • Avinu Malkenu is recited • The Torah reading for the second day is that we read again from Parshas Vayeira continuing from Genesis 22:1-24 and Numbers 29:1- 6.

8 / CONGREGATION BETH EL ATERETH ISRAEL YOM KIPPUR RITUAL GUIDE Erev Yom Kippur permitting, we must abstain from the following: all eating and drinking, any washing (even to dip a finger in cold water for pleasure is prohibited), the application of oils and creams to the SHACHARIT body, wearing leather footwear and marital relations. Hands that • A short Selichot is recited on Erev Yom Kippur before Shacharit are soiled may be washed in cold water. Also, Covid related (minyan required for 13 midot section only). washing and disinfecting is permissible as well. • There is no Mizmor L’Sodah, Avinu Malkenu, Tachanun or • Upon waking up in the morning, one should wash each hand, Lamnatzeach alternately, up to the end of the knuckles, three times. Washing MIKVAH the face is not permitted. However, while one’s hands are still • There is a minhag for men to immerse in Mikvah on Erev Yom somewhat moist, one may wipe them over his eyes. We make Kippur. Standing under the shower continuously for 10 the Bracha over the washing of hands as well as the other usual minutes is a secondary alternative (for this minhag only), morning Brachot. which is a particularly appropriate option this year due to KITEL social distancing safety recommendations. • There is a custom for men to wear a Kittel on Yom Kippur MINCHA during davening. • Ashamnu and Al Chet are recited at the end of the silent Amidah. YOM KIPPUR TEFILLOT Can be recited without a minyan. • The 13 middot require a minyan for recitation. An individual may BLESSING THE CHILDREN recite these verses only if read with the Torah trope. • There is a beautiful minhag to bless one’s children on Erev Yom • Vidui including Ashamnu and Al Cheit may be recited without a Kippur. See page 10 of this guide. minyan and are among the most important tefillot of the day KAPAROT • Avinu Malkenu may be recited without a minyan as well. • Some families have this minhag. See page 11 of this guide. is said out loud on ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד ,In the Shema • MECHILA Yom Kippur. • It is appropriate to ask forgiveness on Erev Yom Kippur from YIZKOR anyone that you may have slighted during the year. There is a • Yizkor may be recited without a minyan. custom to recite the Tefillah Zaka that is found at the beginning of many Yom Kippur Machzorim to express forgiveness to others. MUSAF • Individuals davening without a minyan should recite Musaf only YAHRTZEIT CANDLES after the third halachic hour of the day which is at 9:40am. • There is a minhag to light yahrzeit candles in memory of loved ones before Yom Kippur. Some also light a candle that lasts NEILAH longer than 24 hours to be available to light the Havdalah • Neilah should not begin until after Plag Hamincha which is at candle from after Yom Kippur. See Havdalah below. 5:34 pm but should begin before sunset which is at 6:53 pm. Neilah may be concluded before sunset but the observance of YOM KIPPUR CANDLE LIGHTING BEFORE 6:35 PM Yom Kippur will still not be over until 7:14 pm .להדליק נר של יום הכפורים and ”שהחיינו“ • • Shofar: One who is davening at home is not required to hear ”שהחיינו“ ,If not accepting Yom Kippur at Candle Lighting • the Shofar to conclude Yom Kippur. should not be said at that time, rather it should be said later before Maariv. MAARIV • Maariv should include Ata Chanantanu. KOL NIDRE HAVDALAH (AFTER 7:36 PM) • Kol Nidre can be recited before Yom Kippur begins. However, • Havdalah begins with Borei Pri Hagafen. There is no Borei Minei reciting Shehechiyanu and Maariv brings on Yom Kippur even if Besamim. recited earlier than sunset • Borei Morei Haesh should be done with a fire that is lit from a Yom Kippur candle that was burning on Yom Kippur or on an incandescent bulb that was lit over Yom Kippur. YOM KIPPUR RESTRICTIONS • All activities that are forbidden on Shabbos are forbidden on Yom • If one has not yet recited Kiddush Levana, Motzei Yom Kippur is Kippur as well, including, carrying outside an Eruv. Health a propitious time to do so.


Throughout the Scriptures we find that our Patriarchs often rendered blessings upon their children (ie. the last chapters of Genesis primarily deal with Jacob’s blessing of his twelve children). It is, therefore, not surprising that blessing one’s children has found a special place in Jewish custom and tradition. On Erev Yom Kippur, the day before every individual’s fate is sealed for the following year, it has become a tradition that parents bless their children before leaving for Kol Nidre. In order to assist you in carrying out this beautiful custom, we have provided the traditional text for such blessings. Often, the parent’s hand is placed on the child’s head as the blessing is said over each child.


 I attempt to articulate my most67 fervent / EREV wishes YOM KIPPURand aspirations for my children, BLESSING OF THE CHILDREN namely that they live a virtuous and successful life with the Torah as their guide. ♥ BLESSING OF THE CHILDREN ♦ BLESSING BESTOWED ON A SON: IT IS CUSTOMARY FOR PARENTS TO BLESS THEIR CHILDREN INDIVIDUALLY — YOUNG AND ָ Y’SIM’CHO Elo¯him .AFTER ְ THE FINAL EREV YOM KIPPUR MEAL י שִׂ מְ ֿ ך ֱ אל ֹ SYNAGOGUE הִקTHE יםOLD — BEFORE LEAVING FOR כְּ אֶ פְ ר ִ�ים ְ וכִ מְ � נ שֶּׁ ה. .k’efra-yim v’chim-na-she  I attempt to articulate my most fervent wishes and aspirations for my children, *.May God make you like Ephraim and Menashe 68 / ברכת הבנים .life with the Torah as their guide 68 / ערב successful יום and כפור namely that they live a virtuous ברכת הבניםערב יום כפור 68 / ערבָ יום יהוה כפור וְיִשְׁמְ ֿ ר ��ך. .Ado¯noy v’yish-m’recho ברכת Y’VORECH’CHOהבנים ְ י ָ ב רֶ ְ ֿ כ ך :BLESSING BESTOWED ON A DAUGHTER: BLESSING BESTOWED ON A DAUGHTER May HASHEM bless you* and safeguard you.BLESSING BESTOWED ON A SON: ָ ְ ֱ אלֹהִ קים Elo¯himBLESSING BESTOWEDY’SIM’CHO ON A DAUGHTER:Elohim יְשִׂמֵ Y’SI-MAYCH ְך ֱ אלֹהִ ים Y’SI-MAYCH Elo¯him ְ י שִׂ מְ ֿ ך ֱ אל ֹ הִ ים י�אֵ יְשִׂמֵ ר ְךיהוה פּ� נ� יו ֵ אל� י � ך וִ י ¯חֻ נּ�ךּ�. .Yo-ayr Ado¯noy ponov aylecho vi-chuneko יְשִׂמֵ ך ֱ אלֹהִ ים .k’soro rivko rochayl v’layo. Y’SI-MAYCHk’soro rivko Elorochayl¯him v’layo כְּ אֶ פְ ר ִ�ים ְ וכִ מְ � נ שֶּׁ ה. כְּשׂ�ר�.to youה ִ רבְק� הgracious � רbeחֵ ל andו ְלֵא� v’ ה. May HASHEM illuminate His countenance k’efra-yim for כְּשׂ�ר� ה ִ רבְק� ה � רחֵ ל וְלֵא� ה. כְּשׂ�ר� ה* ִ רבְק�.Leah ה � רand חֵ ל וRachelְלֵא� ה.,May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.* k’soro rivkoMay God rochayl make v’ like Sarah, Rebecca *.and Menashe יִשּׂ� Ephraim א like יהוה youפּ� נ� יו ֵ makeא ל� �יךYiso Ado¯noy ponov aylecho May ,God May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel� and Leah.* ָ .Y’VORECH’CHO Ado¯ASHEMnoy v’yish-m’recho ָ � ָ � יְבָרֶ כְֿ ך .v’yish-m’recho יהוה noy¯וְיִשְׁמְ to Ado ֿyou ר�ך. May H Y’VORECH’CHO turn His countenance יְבָרֶ כְֿ ך יהוה וְיִשְׁמְ ֿ ר�ך. .Y’VORECH’CHO Ado¯noy v’yish-m’recho ְ י ָ ב רֶ ְ ֿ כ ך יהוה וְיִשְׁמְ ֿ ר�ך. ָ .Y’VORECH’CHOMay Ado HASHEM¯noy v’yish-m’recho. bless you* and safeguard� you יְבָרֶ כְֿ �ך ה׳יהוה וְיִשְׁמְ ֿ ר�ך. .May HASHEM bless you* and safeguard you. v’yosaym l’cho sholo¯m .safeguard you וְ and � י *שֵׂ םyou לְך bless� שׁלוֹם.May HASHEM י�אֵ ר יהוה פּ� נ� יו אֵל�.you �יך וִיחֻ .youנּ � �ךּYo-ayr Ado¯noy ponovMay HaylechoASHEMand establish bless vi-chuneko. you peace* and for.safeguard � .Yo-ayr Ado¯noy ponov� aylecho vi-chuneko י�אֵ ר יהוה פּ� נ� יו אֵל� �יך וִיחֻ נּ � �ךּ. .Yo-ayr Ado¯noy ponov aylecho vi-chuneko י�אֵ ר יהוה פּ� נ� יו ֵ אל� י ך וִ י חֻ נּ�ךּ�. י�אֵ ר .you ה׳to יהוה פּ� נ� .UNDERSTANDS יו ONEgracious אֵל� be יך and וִיחֻ LANGUAGE נּyou � �ךּ.Yo-ayrITMay IS PREFERABLE Ad Ho¯ASHEMnoy ponov TO illuminate SAY THE aylecho FOLLOWING His countenancevi-chuneko. PRAYER IN for THE May HASHEM illuminate His countenance for you and be gracious to you. May HASHEM illuminate His countenance for you and be gracious to you. וִ יִשּׂ�י הִ אי ר� .to you צוֹןיהוה פּ�מִ נ� לִּפְ יונֵ יgracious אֵל� be א�ב� �יךינוּand שֶׁ בּ� you שּׁ� for מ ִ �ים, YisoMay ayAdo it¯ H noybeASHEM theponov willilluminate aylechoof our HisFather , countenance in Yiso Ado¯noy ponov aylecho � YisoMheaven, Adonoy that ponov He instill aylecho in yourYiso heart Adonoy ponov �aylecho� � יִשּׂ� א יהוה פּ� נ� יו ֵ אל� יך, יִשּׂ� א שֶׁ ִ יּ ה׳תֵּיהוהן פּ� ְ נ� בּלִ בְּ יוֿ ך אֵל� � אyouהֲ יךב�to תוֹ וְיִרְ א� countenanceתוֹ.¯ love ¯and reverence.May May HASHEM the , fear turn of Hisיִשּׂ� Hisא יהוה פּ� נ� יו אֵל� יך, May HASHEM turn His countenance to you ASHEM � � to you ְ ו countenanceתִ וְי�שֵׂהְ ֶי םHis ה ְילִרְ �ךא� turn �תשׁ לוֹם.ASHEMיהוה ע�H לyou � פּtoנ� Mayי ך �כּל �ימ� י ךv’yosaymHASHEM be uponl’cho your sholoMay face¯m. Hall your days,in turn His ,countenance � שֶׁ וְי�שֵׂלּ ֹאם ֶ ְלת �חֱ ך ט� � שׁא. ִ וי לוֹם.הִ י .m ֶ חשְׁ קְ ֿ �sholoך .you �בl’cho � for תּוֹרה that you l’cho not sin.sholo May¯m. your and craving establishv’yosaym be peace וְי�שׂv’yosaymorderֵם ְ ל �ך �שׁלוֹם. .v’yosaym l’cho sholo¯m וְ � י שֵׂ ם לְך � שׁלוֹם. ¯ .for the Torah and the commandments and establish peace for you. IT IS PREFERABLE TO SAY THE FOLLOWINGand establish PRAYER peace� IN forTHE you. LANGUAGE ONE UNDERSTANDS.� .for you � וּבמִּ peace צְ ו ֹת. עֵינ� establish יך andלְנֹֽ כ� ח י�בּ� יטוּ; פּ� י ך May your eyes gaze toward truth; may your IT IS PREFERABLE TO SAY THE FOLLOWING PRAYER IN THE LANGUAGE ONE UNDERSTANDS. .IN THE LANGUAGE ONE UNDERSTANDS ְ י ד� בֵּוִיהִ רי PRAYER ר� ח� כְ צוֹן מִ מוֹת; לִּפְ נֵ FOLLOWING י �וְלִבְּֿךTHE א�ב� ֶ יהֱ SAYגֶינוּ הTO אֵ שֶׁבּ�שּׁ� מ ִ �יימוֹת;ם, IT IS PREFERABLE TO SAY THE FOLLOWING PRAYER IN THE LANGUAGE ONE UNDERSTANDS.mouthay itspeak be thewisdom; will ofmay our yourFather heartIT in IS PREFERABLE � י ד� יוִיהִ �ך י � ר�יinע� סְצוֹן קוּמִ ְ Fatherבמִ לִּפְ נֵ צְ ְי ֹו heaven, ourת; א�ב� in� of ר ְ ינוּג ל� willי � ך Fatherשֶׁבּ�שּׁ� יthe�רֽ מ ִ our�י be וּצוּofם, ay it be the will of our Father in Mmeditateheaven,ay it withbe that the awe; Hewill mayinstill MAYof yourour in IT yourFatherhands BE heartthe en-inay will it וִ י הִ י ר� צוֹן מִ לִּפְ נֵ י א�ב� ינוּ שֶׁ בּ� שּׁ� מ ִ �ים, שֶׁ יִּתֵּ ן בְּלִבֵּ ך א�הֲב� תוֹ וְיִרְ א� תוֹ. loveheaven, in the and commandments; that reverence. He instill May inmay theyour your fear heart feet of וִיהִ gageיHis ר� צוֹן מִ לִּפְ נֵ י א�ב� ינוּ שֶׁבּ�שּׁ� מ ִ �ים, heaven, that He instill in your heart M heaven,�ְ that Heְ instill in�ְ your heart � ל�עֲ וְתִהְ יֶ השֶׁ שׂוֹתיִרְ רְיִּתֵּ א� ן צוֹןת א�ב� בְּלִבֵּ andיהוהךיך ע� ֶ שׁאלבּ� love � שּׁ�פּ�הֲב� נִ �ימHis�יךתוֹ �כִּם. ִ ילוְיִרְ תֵּ �יא� heartמ ִ�ילךְךתוֹ.,ן M ְ HHisrunASHEM loveto do be andthe upon will reverence. your of your facethat FatherMay all He your the ininstill days,inheaven.Mfear inof your שֶׁ ִ יּ תֵּ ן ְ בּלִ בְּ ֿ ך � אהֲ ב� תוֹ וְיִרְ א� תוֹ. His love andְ reverence.ְ May the fear of שֶׁ יִּתֵּ ן בְּלִבֵּ ך א�הֲב� תוֹ וְיִרְ א� תוֹ. His love and reverence. May the fear of בּ�נִ וְתִהְ יֶים ה יִרְ וּב� א� ת נוֹת, יהוהupon ע�צ�דִּיקִ beל � יםפּ נִ �יך ְ �כּלוְצִדְק� HASHEM�ינִ מ ִ of�י ךיּוֹת,, orderHMayASHEM thatHe be yougrant upon not youryou sin. Mayrighteousfacereverence. allyour your cravingsons Maydays,in and thebe fear ה׳ � �שֶׁ לֹּא תֶחֱט�אִ days,in י. your וִיהִ יface all חֶשְׁקֵ ך your �בּ � upon תּוֹרהHASHEM be ה׳ ְ ְ HASHEM be upon your face all your days,in ְ ו תִ הְ ֶי ה יִרְ א� ת יהוה ע� ל � פּנ� י ך �כּל �ימ� י ך, ְ ְ ְ the that Torah you who not and engage sin. the May incommandments. yourthe Torahcraving and beוְתִהְ יfororderdaughtersֶה יִרְ א� ת יהוה ע� ל � פּנִ �יך �כּל �ימ ִ �יך, � שֶׁ וּב�מִּ עוֹסְֿקִ צְלֹּא be יםוֹת. בּ�עֵ תֶחֱט�אִ �ינִ �יתּוֹרי.craving ךה not ְ וִיהִוּבלְנֽמִ יyour ֹכ� youצְ ֹו ח Mayת thatחֶשְׁקֵכּ� י�בּ�ךל.sin �בּיטוּ;not order יְמֵיהֶ פִּ� in תּוֹרyou ם.היך ,order that you not sin. May your craving be the commandments allyour their facedays. all Mayorder your the that days שֶׁ לּ ֹא ֶ תחֱ ט� א. ִ וי הִ י ֶ חשְׁ קְ ֿ ך �ב � תּוֹרה � ְ ְ � �ְ Torah eyes gaze and toward the commandments. truth; may your שֶׁ the your לֹּאMayfor תֶחֱט�אִ י. וִיהִ י חֶשְׁקֵ ְך �בּ �תּוֹרה � וִ יְד� �י וּבהִ�מִּבֵּ יצְ רְ מח� וֹת.ְ כְ קוֹרעֵ ֿך � בינִ �ימוֹת; ך theרוּך. ְ ולוְלִבֵּ � ְנֽי ְ ז ְֹכ�andמִך.commandments חייןֶהֱ theגֶ לי�בּ� Torahְך ה � פּרְ אֵ andthe יטוּ; � נ ס� forפִּ תְ beֿ ךיךימוֹת; for the Torah and the commandments. mouthMaysource your ofspeak youreyes gaze posteritywisdom; towardsin. bemay blessed.truth; May your yourmay Mayfor heart your craving theHe Torah � וּבמִּ צְ ו ֹת. עֵינ� יך ְ לנֽ ֹ כ� ח י�בּ� יטוּ; פּ� י ך your livelihood for you inMay a per- your eyes gaze toward ְ truth; may your וּב�מִּ צְ arrangeוֹת. עֵ ינִ �י ְך לְנֽ ֹכ� ח י�בּ� יטוּ; פִּ ְיך י� בְּ יְד�דהֶ ִבֵּ �יתְֵּךר ריח� כְ�ע�סְ בְּנ ��חקוּ ת מוֹת; בְמִ צְ וּבוְלִבֵּ ְר� �וtowardך וֹת; ח,יר� ֶהֱ גְ גֶ gazeמ ל ִ הִתּ�י � ְך�חאֵ eyes תי�רֽ י� your דוֹימוֹת;וּצוּ May your eyes gaze toward truth; may your meditatemouth speak with wisdom;awe; maycommandments. may your yourhands heart en- May ְ י ד� בֵּ ר ח� כְ מוֹת; �וְלִבְּֿך ֶ יהֱ גֶ ה ֵ אימוֹת; ְ the way,with commandments; withawe; contentmentmay your may hands andyourmouth with feeten- speak wisdom;ְ may your heart יְד� in בֵּ missibleרgagemeditate ח� כְ מוֹת; וְלִבֵּ ְך יֶהֱ גֶ ה אֵ ימוֹת; mouth speak wisdom; may your heart י� ה� רְ דל�עֲִ ֿ �יח� ך �ב ישׂוֹת ה,�ע�סְרְ ְ וקוּלֹ צוֹןא בְמִע� א�בִ צְ mayל ְ ְייךדֵ וֹת; יר� שׁ � גְ מתְּ ֶבּ�שּׁ�ֿ ;wisdomל ִ ��ינ מ ִ ך�ית ים.�רֽ � speakבּ שׂ� יִתֵּ רוּצוּן relief, from beneath Histruth; generous may yourhand, mouth � � -meditate with awe; may your hands en- ְ rungageְ to in do the the commandments; will of your Father may in your heaven.meditate feet with awe; may yourְ hands en � י ד� י ך � יע� סְ קוּ ְ במִ צְ ֹו ת; � ר ְ ג ל� י ך י�רֽ � ו ד�ל�עֲ וּצוְּ ם; � פּרְ שׂוֹת feet � רְנ ס� ה צוֹןyour ֶ שׁתִּ א�בִ הְ yourmay ֶ י יך ה פ� mayשׁ ֶבּ�שּׁ� נוּי מ;aweִ �י ם. ל�עֲבוֹד� withיִתֵּ ;commandments תן thegrantthrough will you of theyour righteous yourgifts Father ofheart insonsflesh heaven.gage meditateandand in the י� Henot do דto ִ �יךMayrun andי�ע�סְ קוּ בְמִ צְ וֹת; ר� גְ ל ִ �יך י�רֽ וּצוּ ל� ך בּ�נִ ים וּב� נוֹת, צ�דִּיקִ ים וְצִדְק� נִ יּוֹת, gage in the commandments; may your feet blood; a livelihood that will free you to ל�עֲ שׂוֹת רְ צוֹן א�ב� �יך ֶ שׁבּ� שּׁ� מ�יִם. ִ יתֵּ ן ל �ְךְ יהוה. ְ ותִ כּ� תֵ.heaven ב ְ וin תֵ ח� תFatherֵם ְ לח� yourִיּ ofים טוֹבִ will יםdaughtersMay He grant who engageyou righteous in the Torah sonsrun and to do the ְ ל� ך עוֹסְֿקִ בּ�נִ ים ים בּ�וּב� � תּוֹרה נוֹת, mayוּב ְמִ צְצ�דִּיקִ וֹתים כּ� ל וְצִדְק� נִ יְמֵיהֶ ;commandments יּוֹת,ם. HASHEM. And mayhands you beengage inscribed in the ל�עֲ serveשׂוֹת רְ צוֹן א�בִ יך שֶׁבּ�שּׁ� מ ִ �ים. יִתֵּ ן .run to do the will of your Father in heaven ְ thedaughters commandments who engage all their in the days. Torah May and the ו�אֲ רוּכִ andים, בְּ sons תוֹך � כּל � צדִּ י righteousקֵ י ִ יyouשְׂ ר� אֵ ל May He grant you righteous sons and andְ sealed for a good, long life, amongMay all He .grant בּ�נִ ים וּב� נוֹת, צ�דִּיקִ ים וְצִדְק� נִ יּוֹת,וִיהִ י עוֹסְֿקִ ְמים ֵבּ�קוֹר ְך � �בּ תּוֹרה in ְ רוּך. ווּבְמִ ְי�זְמִצְ Father ין וֹתל� כּ� ְךyour לפּ �רofְ יְמֵיהֶ נ�ס�תֵ will ְם.ך of your posterity all yourtheirbe blessed. days.feet run May to theHe do the ל�commandmentsך בּsourcethe�נִ ים וּב� נוֹת, צ�דִּיקִ ים וְצִדְק� נִ יּוֹת, א� מֵ ן . daughters who engage in the Torah and the righteous of Israel.Amen. daughters ְ who engageְ in the ְ Torahְ and עוֹסְֿקִ ים בּ� �תּוֹרה ְ וּבמִ צְ ֹו ת כּ� ל יְמֵיהֶ ם.וִיהִ יבְּהֶתֵּ ְמר theֵ בְּ קוֹרנך� �ח� Mayבּ ת רוּך. andְוּב .daysו ר� �וְי�זְמִ sons ח,their ין ל�מִ all ך תּ � פּ�רְ �חrighteousת י� נ�ס�תyouֵ ךדוֹ of youryour posteritylivelihood for blessed. you May in Maythe a He per- commandments He grant עוֹסְֿקִ arrangesourceים בּ� �תּוֹרה וּבְמִ צְ וֹת כּ� ל יְמֵיהֶ ם. the commandments all their days. May the missible♠ Blessing way, of withthe Children contentment and with the blessing, both hands should be placed upon וִ י הִ י ְמ ְ קוֹר �ֿך � ב ְרוּך. ְ ו � י ְ ז מִ ין ל �ְך � פּרְ � נ ס� תְ ֿ �ך בְּהֶתֵּ ר He בְּ נ ��חMay ת theְ וּב ר� �ו.and blessed ח,be מִ תּTorah � �חתposteritythe י� in דוֹarrange your livelihooddaughters for you in whosource a per- engage of your ְ ְ ְ ְ ה�רְ ֿח�ב� blessing ה,the וְ that לֹא ע� לto signify יְדֵ י child מ�תְּ the ֿנ� of ת head בּ�שׂ� theר fromflow way, ofbeneath Divinewith contentmentbeneficence His generous and and blessinghand, with וִיהTheִי relief,missibleְמ ֵ קוֹרך � בּרוּך. וְי�זְמִ ין ל� ך פּ�רְ נ�ס�תֵ ך source of your posterity be blessed. May He arrange youris conveyed livelihood with complete for you generosity in a per- of spirit. בְּ הֶ תֵּ ר בְּנ ��חת וּבְר� �וח, מִתּ � �חת � יו�ד� ה�רְ דוֹ ם; ֿח�ב� פּ�רְ ה, נ�ס�וְ ה לֹא ע� שֶׁתִּהְ ל יִ sourceי יְדֵ פְ י the נוּי� מ�תְּ הֿנ� May ת .daysל�עֲבוֹד� בּ�שׂ� רת arrange your livelihood for you in a per- andrelief,which not fromcomes through beneathwith the the onsetHis commandmentsgifts generousof thisof flesh sacred hand, and day all their and— May with God make ְ י שִׂ מְ �ך ֱ אל ֹ הִ ים ְ כּאֶ ְ contentmentפ ר� ִי ם ְ וכִ withמְ � נ שֶּׁ ה,it a particularly auspicious timemissible for such way בְּהֶתֵּ makesר בְּ נ ��חת ְ וּבר� �וח, מִ תּ � �חת י� דוֹ ו�ד� the ם;is פּ�רְ Thisנ�ס� .ה Menasheשֶׁתִּהְ יִ יarrange andפְ נוּי� He ה like MayEphraim ל�עֲבוֹד� youת .missible way, with contentment and with blood;andblessings. not a livelihoodthrough When the the parentthat ofgifts willyourrecites of free posterityflesh the you text and to of be blessed ה� רְ ֿ ח� �ב ה, ְ ולֹא ע� ל ְ ידֵ י � מתְּ ֿ �נ ת � בּשׂ� ר יהוה. וְתִ ,hand כּ�תְ ֿבִ י generous וְתֵח�תְ Hisֿמִ י לְח� יּbeneathִ ים relief, from H aASHEM livelihood. And maythat youwill befree inscribed you to ה�רְ ;servebloodֿח�ב� ה, וְ לֹא ע� ל יְדֵ י מ�תְּ ֿנ� ת בּ�שׂ� ר ,relief, from beneath His generous hand יהוה. andוְתִ כּ�תְ ֿבִ fleshי gifts way,of ְוְתֵח�תְ ֿמִ יa permissible the לְח� יּthrough inִים your livelihoodand fornot you � ו ד� ם; � פּרְ � נ ס� ה ֶ שׁתִּ הְ ֶי ה � פנוּי ל�עֲבוֹד� ת ִ טוֹבים .Machzor ו�אֲ רוּכִ ים, Transliteratedבְּ תוֹךEdition � כּSeif ל the צ�דִּיקֵ from י and not through the gifts of flesh and andserve© 2013 sealed H MESORAHASHEM for .a And good, PUBLICATIONS may long you life, be among LTD.inscribed excerpted all blood; a livelihood thatְ will free you to ו�ד� ם; פּ�רְ נ�ס� ה שֶׁתִּהְ יִ י פְ נוּי� ה ל�עֲבוֹד� ת יהוה. ְ ותִ כּ� תֵ ב ְ ותֵ ח� תֵ ם ְ לח� ִיּ ים ִ טוֹבים ִיִשְׂר� טוֹבאֵ ים ל. ו�אֲ א�מֵ ן.רוּכִ ים, fromבְּ תוֹך ,relief � כּ ל with צ�דִּיקֵ יblood; a livelihood that will free you to theand righteous sealed for of a Israel.Amen. good, longwith life, contentment among all and righteous of Israel.Amen. serve HASHEM. And may you be inscribed יהוה.the וְתִ כּ�תְ ֿבִ י וְתֵח�תְ ֿמִ י לְח� יִּ ים ְ יִשְׂר� אֵ ל. א�מֵ ן. serve HASHEM. And may you be inscribed beneath His generous hand, and not through ו�אֲ רוּכִ ים, בְּ תוֹך � כּל � צדִּ י קֵ י ִ ישְׂ ר� אֵ ל . blessing that the Patriarch Jacob conferredand upon sealedScriptural for a good, quote. long However, life, amongit is logical all to wish ְ grandchildren, ִ the two sons of Joseph. They Jewish girls that they emulate the Matriarchs טוֹבhisים ו�אֲ רוּכִ ים, בְּ תוֹך � כּל צ�דִּיקֵ י and sealed for a good, long life, among all blessing that the Patriarchthe Jacob gifts conferred of theflesh upon righteous and Scripturalblood; of Israel.Amen. a quote.livelihood However, that it is logical to wish א� מֵ ן . -the righteous of Israel.Amen. grewhis grandchildren, to be sources the of twopride sons to ofthe Joseph. Patriarch, They whoJewish grew girls up that in alienthey emulatesurroundings the Matriarchs and sur -to having be sources been ofraised pridewill in to Pharaoh’sfree the you Patriarch, to court serve HASHEM.mountedwho grew the up And hardshipin alien may surroundingsof you infertility and and other sur יִשְׂר� אֵ despitegrewל. א�מֵ ן. ♠ Blessing of the Children the blessing, both hands should be placed upon atdespite a time having when beenthere raised was no in JewishPharaoh’s religious court distressmounted to the become hardship the mothers of infertility of the andnation. other blessing that the Patriarch Jacob conferred upon Scriptural quote. However, it is logical tolife wish in Egypt except for the beintimacy inscribed of their andThe own flowsealed of forDivine a good, beneficence long life, and blessing the head of the child to signify that the blessing at a time when there was no Jewish religious distress� —to becomeMay HASHEM the mothers bless you. of the These nation. verses .is conveyed with complete generosity of spirit יְב�רֶ כְ ך ה’ his grandchildren, the two sons of Joseph. They Jewish girls that they emulate the Matriarchsfamily. Jacob himself indicated that this blessing life in Egypt except for the amongintimacy all of theirthewhich righteous own comescomprise ofwith Israel. Bircasthe onsetAmen. Kohanim of this [the sacred Priestly day Blessings]. May HASHEM bless you. These verses — יְב�רֶ כְ �ך ה’ grew to be sources of pride to the Patriarch, who grew up in alien surroundings andshould sur- be given by Jewish parents to their children May God make — ְ י שִׂ מְ �ך ֱ אל ֹ הִ ים ְ כּאֶ ְ פ ר� ִי ם ְ וכִ מְ � נ שֶּׁ הfamily. Jacob himself indicated that this blessingmakes it a Theparticularly Kohanim auspiciouswere designated time for as suchthe conduit throughout history. comprise Bircas Kohanim [the Priestly Blessings]. despite having been raised in Pharaoh’s court mounted the hardship of infertility andshould other be given by Jewish parents to their blessings.children Whenthrough the which parent God recitesallows His the blessing text of to restyou like Ephraim and Menashe. This is the at a time when there was no Jewish religious distress to become the mothers of the nation. The Kohanim were designated as the conduit May God upon Israel. Similarly, parents in their own families — יְשִׂמֵ ְך ֱ אלֹהִ ים כְּשׂ�ר� ה רִ בְק� .history ה ר� חֵ ל וְלֵא� throughoutה life in Egypt except for the intimacy of their own through which God allows His blessing to rest May HASHEM bless you. Thesemake verses you like Sarah, Rebecca,ְ Rachel— May Godand serveupon Israel. as agents Similarly, to bestow parents God’s in their blessing own families upon — � .MESORAH PUBLICATIONS LTD. excerpted from the Seif Edition Transliterated Machzor 2013 © יְשִׂמֵ ך ֱ אלֹהִ ים כְּשׂ�ר� ה רִ בְק� ה ר� חֵ ל ISRAEL וְלֵא� הBETH EL ATERETH יְב�רֶ כְ ך ה’family. Jacob himself indicated that this blessing10 CONGREGATION / comprise Bircas Kohanim [the Priestly Blessings].Leah.make Unlikeyou like that Sarah, of sons, Rebecca, this blessing Rachel is notand a theirserve children. as agents to bestow God’s blessing upon should be given by Jewish parents to their children The Kohanim were designated as the conduitLeah. Unlike that of sons, this blessing is not a their children. throughout history. © 2013 MESORAH PUBLICATIONS LTD. excerpted from the Seif Edition Transliterated Machzor. through which God allows His blessing to rest .May God upon Israel. Similarly, parents in their own families© 2013 MESORAH PUBLICATIONS LTD. excerpted from the Seif Edition Transliterated Machzor — יְשִׂמֵ ְך ֱ אלֹהִ ים כְּשׂ�ר� ה רִ בְק� ה ר� חֵ ל וְלֵא� ה make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and serve as agents to bestow God’s blessing upon Leah. Unlike that of sons, this blessing is not a their children.

© 2013 MESORAH PUBLICATIONS LTD. excerpted from the Seif Edition Transliterated Machzor. CUSTOMS FOR EREV YOM KIPPUR – KAPPAROT כפרת There are many families that have the practice on Erev Yom Kippur to perform the ritual of Kapparot by designating some money for tzedakah and waving that money around one's head during the recitation of the phrases indicated below. During our tefillot for the High Holidays we say that Teshuvah, Tefillah and Tzedaka removes the evil decree which undoubtedly is the source for this custom. For those who have this custom in their families, we pro- vide the text below as a convenience.

בְּנֵי אָדָם, ׁ ְיֹש ֵבי ׁ ֶחֹש ְך ְו ַצ ְל ָמֶות, ֲא ִס ֵירי ֳע ִני Children of man who sit in the darkness and ְ the shadow of death, bound in misery and in iron ּו ַבְר ֶזל: יוֹ ִצ ֵיאם ֵמ ׁ ֶחֹשך ְו ַצ ְל ָמֶות, ּומוֹ ְסרוֹ ֵת ֶיהם chains.1 He will bring them out of darkness and ְי ַנ ּ ֵתק: ֱאִו ִלים ִמֶ ּדֶר ְך ִּפׁ ְש ָעם, ּו ֵמ ֲעו ֵֹנֹת ֶיהם the shadow of death, and will break their bonds asunder. Foolish ones, terribly afflicted because ִי ְת ַע ּנ ּו: ָּכל ֶאֹכל ּ ְת ַת ֵעב ַנ ְפׁ ָשם, ַוַּי ִּג ּיעו ַעד ׁ ַש ֲעֵרי of their sinful ways and their wrongdoings; their soul despises all manner of food, and they draw ָמֶות: ַוִּי ְז ֲע ּקו ֶאל ְיָי ַּב ַּצר ָל ֶהם, ִמ ְּמ ֻצקוֹ ֵת ֶיהם -near to the gates of death. They cry out to HASH יוֹ ׁ ִש ֵיעם: ִיׁ ְש ַלח ְ ּד ָברוֹ ְוִיְר ָּפ ֵאם, ִו ַימ ֵּלט EM in their trouble; He saves them from their distresses. He delivers them from their graves. ִמׁ ְּש ִחיתוֹ ָתם: יוֹ ּדו ַלְיָי ַח ְס ּדוֹ , ְו ִנ ְפ ְלאוֹ ָתיו Let them thank HASHEM for His mercy, and ְ .proclaim] His wonders to the children of man] ִל ְב ֵני ָאָדם: ִאם ֵישׁ ָע ָליו, ַמ ְל ָאך ֵמ ִליץ, ֶא ָחד If there be for him an angel, an intercessor, one ִמ ִּני ָא ֶלף: ְל ַה ִּגיד ְל ָאָדם ָיׁ ְשרוֹ : ְי ֻח ֶּנ ּנ ּו ַו ּיֹ ֶאמר: -among a thousand, to vouch for a man's upright ness on his behalf, then He will be gracious to ְּפָד ֵע ּהו ֵמֶרֶדת ׁ ָש ַחת; ָמ ָצ ִאתי ֶכֹפר: him and say: Redeem him from going down to the grave; I have found expiation [for him].

Second, we recite this following paragraph. While holding the money in hand, waving it in a circle each time you read the words in bold red:

Transliteration Men זֶ ה חֲלִיפָתִ י, זֶ ה תְּמוּרָתִ י, זֶ ה כַּפָּרָתִ י. Zeh chalifati, Zeh temurati, Zeh kaparti זֶה הַכֶּסֶ ף ְיֵלֵך לִצְדָקָה, וַאֲנִי ְאֵלֵך לְחַיִּים טוֹבִ ים Zeh kesef yei'leych li'tzedakah, va'ani ei'ley'ch l'chai'im אֲרוּכִ ים וּלְשָׁלוֹם: .tov'im aruch'im ule'shalom

Women זאת חֲלִיפָתִ י, זאת תְּמוּרָתִ י, זאת כַּפָּרָתִ י. Z0t chalifati, Zot temurati, Zot kaparti זֶה הַכֶּסֶ ף ְיֵלֵך לִצְדָקָה, וַאֲנִי ְאֵלֵך לְחַיִּים טוֹבִ ים Zeh kesef yei'leych li'tzedakah, va'ani ei'ley'ch l'chai'im אֲרוּכִ ים וּלְשָׁלוֹם: .tov'im aruch'im ule'shalom

Translation This is my exchange, this is my substitute, this is my expiation. This money shall go to charity, and I will go on to a good life and peace.

Repeat the ritual again, starting from the first paragraph Children of man. Reciting the entire order twice more, for a total of three (3) recitations. Finally, placing the money in the tzedakah box.


The Four Species Lulav “And ye shall take.... the fruit of goodly trees, branches of palm trees and boughs of thick trees, and willow of the brook and ye shall re- joice before the Lord your G-d seven days” (Lev. 23:40).

On Succot we are commanded to “take the four species”—An etrog (citron), Arovot hadasim (myrtle twigs), the lulav (palm branch) and aravot (willow). Hadasim We arrange the lulav as follows: 1. Arrange the thick middle stem (spine) of the lulav so that it faces the individual. 2. Place three hadasim in the holder on the right side of the lulav. Pittum 3. Place two aravot in the holder on the left side of the lulav. 4. The hadasim should be higher than the aravot. The lulav should be held in the right hand with the middle stemfacing the individual. The etrog should be held in the left hand. While blessing/s are being recited, the etrog is held against the lulav with the pittum pointing downwards. Immediately upon the completion of the blessing/s the etrog is to be turned so the pittun is pointing upwards and held firm against the aravot or aravot holder on the lulav. Care should be taken that the etrog should not be held against a low point of the aravot holder where the aravot might not reach. The lulav and etrog, held together, should then be shaken in all directions, front, side, other side, up and down. This symbolizes G-d’s presence in all Etrog directions. Two blessings are recited on the first day of Succot and one blessing on the renaming seven days of Succot. The blessings can be found in the . Reminder: We do not take the Lulav and Etrog on Shabbat the first day of Succot.

Succah Building Reminders sechach. If this cannot be done, consult with Rabbi Segal as to 1. When constructing a succah, the sechach covering should not parameters involved in maintaining a valid succah. be placed on the succah until the walls of the succah are set up 5. Enough sechach should be placed on the top of the succah to and firmly secured. cover the majority of the roof area and should provide shade for 2. Before one builds a succah one should examine the area above the majority of the floor of the succah. the intended location of the succah to determine if anything (i.e. If you have any questions regarding the building of a succah, do tree branches) will be hanging over the top of the succah. If such not hesitate to contact Rabbi Segal. is the case, consult with Rabbi Segal as to how this might affect the validity of the succah. Shabbat and Yom Tov Candles in the Succah 3. If the walls of your succah are made out of canvas or cloth, be While there is a practice to light Shabbat and Yom Tov candles sure to tie down such material tightly against the frame. in the Succah, it is perfectly acceptable to light those candles in 4. Succah decorations that are hung beneath the sechach of our home in a living space that will be use by people at any time the succah should preferably be placed within one foot of the while the candles are burning.

12 / CONGREGATION BETH EL ATERETH ISRAEL congregation beth el atereth israel 561 Ward Street Newton Center, MA 02459

617 244 7233 [email protected]