I I ,I ü ;K rl(, What does the alpine skiing This exhibit presents the mean for today's people? beginni rrgs. development. A healthy passion? equipmerrts. connections and A spectacular and hard results of the alpirre skiing struggling sport? using postal issues and Spectacle of the wonderful services belongirrg to surroundings? plrilate11,. An expensive but much giving back spor1? Yes, these can be told about A felr rure tlrlctttttcttís this marvellous sport, tttctrket] R ^1 t,rl7.1 ell Ferettc Helbittg \ \ILlll1p,/cligil íltur tltc (l1,Il\t al,€LlTltl ctr rlte tir.-t ski strtttt1l tll rlte ltr,lrltl ,]9)5, \\-hen \íatlrias Zdarski l]l.l]lilt-d the i:r>t Ji,,,i:t:lt]. ill l Sqi. on a sltrI]e in Lilienr!]d rr ith his t)\\,n ski-te.htlrque ln.j >l-, lla]l,, a,_-,:]a * -,a,..".]1]]a]]: ilc JiJ tl..t e\ !-Il kllrr\\ that he trp.lled J 1le\\ cil.rFte r :rl :il: ,. _. ," ...:] . , - _.] ,- J >|, _]] :. i-rlle.i alpine skilng /tpl loú rí:á ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR WINTER SPORTS ALPINE SKIING Sheets TITLE L 0. PLAN 2 1. HERoIc AGES oF SKIING AND TIIE BIRTH oF ALPINE SKIING 3-9 1.1. When, why and where was skiing invented? 1.2. The first significant ski club and expedition 1.3. The story of the first ski-postman 1.4 .The pioneer of alpine skiing 1.5. An earlier organized form of ski education 1.6. An example of the central support of skiing 2.
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