Aimee Carter | 395 pages | 31 Jul 2012 | Harlequin Teen | 9780373210756 | English | Ontario, Canada Goddess Test / Goddess Interrupted / The Goddess Legacy / The Goddess Inheritance by Aimee Carter

They were our gods. But after ten years of rebellion and war in an effort to protect humanity from our father's twisted games, we were the gods now. Still in our infancy compared to our creators, my siblings and I now ruled over the world and all her inhabitants. And as I stared out across the great expanse that was our domain only minutes after our battle had ended, I felt something I thought would end with the war: I felt fear. It was unnatural. What did we, the captors of Titans, the new generation of gods, have to be afraid of? But the more I tried to picture the future, the clearer it became to me. We hadn't inherited just the Titans' thrones. We'd inherited their responsibilities, as well. And whether or not we were ready for it, the world was waiting for us. Humanity was depending on us to get it right. Lightning lit up the sky, followed by a symphony of thunder, and I snapped out of my reverie. My youngest brother let out a giant whoop that echoed for miles. Poseidon scoffed. Watch this. Rushing forward, the waves crashed against the cliff we stood on, shaking the very earth. If humanity was depending on us to get it right, they were in for several eons of disappointment. She stood beside me, a smile playing on her lips as she watched our brothers wrestle. How she could find amusement in their lack of maturity baffled me. Order and help in establishing a life without the Titans' tyranny. Our brothers are not fit to rule. Both of my sisters watched them with their heads held high, and they looked every inch the queens the world needed. Zeus and Poseidon will grow up soon enough, I suspect. He offered me a small smile, and his eyes glittered with intelligence. Something our other brothers sorely lacked. If it hadn't been for you, we would've never succeeded. I knew as well as he did that by breaking the bonds of the Titans' loyalty to one another, I'd cinched our victory. But the war was over now, and the six of us were a unit that not even I could break. United we had proven to be stronger than even our father, and if we were to have any chance of success, we had to remain that She started writing fan fiction at eleven, began her first original story four years later, and hasn't stopped writing since. Besides writing and reading, she enjoys seeing movies, playing with her puppies, and wrestling with the puzzles in the paper each morning. More titles may be available to you. Sign in now to see your library's full collection. Visit your Checkouts page to manage your titles. Want to go to your Checkouts? You've reached the maximum number of titles you can recommend at this time. You can recommend up to 5 titles every 7 day s. Sign in to recommend this title. Once playback starts, you have hours to view the title. The OverDrive Read format of this eBook has professional narration that plays while you read in your browser. Learn more here. Some format options have been disabled. You may see additional download options outside of this network. MP3 audiobooks are only supported on macOS Learn more about MP3 audiobook support on Macs. Please update to the latest version of the OverDrive app to stream videos. To make room for more checkouts, you may be able to return titles from your Checkouts page. There have been too many titles checked out and returned by your account within a short period of time. Try again in several days. If you are still not able to check out titles after 7 days, please contact Support. You have already checked out this title. To access it, return to your Checkouts page. This title is not available for your card type. If you think this is an error contact support. If this problem persists, please contact support. There are no copies of this issue left to borrow. Please try to borrow this title again when a new issue is released. You should only have to sign into your NOOK account once to link it to your library account. Don't show this message again. We are making necessary security upgrades that will end this device's access to the digital library on October 30, Continue to the digital library. This site uses cookies. Learn more about cookies. Main Nav Subject Navigation. Featured Collections. Audiobook Fiction. Speechless Hannah Harrington. Intertwined Gena Showalter. Alice in Zombieland Gena Showalter. Inside Out Maria V Snyder. Fallen Angel Heather Terrell. When It's Real Erin Watt. Let's Get Lost Adi Alsaid. Twisted Gena Showalter. Take Me on Katie Mcgarry. Crash Into You Katie Mcgarry. The Problem with Forever Jennifer L. Grim Julie Kagawa. About Aimee Carter Aimee Carter was born in and raised in Michigan, where she currently resides. She started writing fan fiction at eleven, began her first original story four years later, and hasn t stopped writing since. Besides writing and reading, she enjoys seeing movies, playing with her puppies, and wrestling with the puzzles in the paper each morning. Aimee Carter was born in and raised in Michigan, where she currently resides. Rating details. Our customer reviews An intriguing and exciting read which leads the reader to understand the motivations that move the other characters in the story. Characterized with sweet recollections of the gods of Olympus and bitter pasts. A must read for anyone who liked the main series! The Goddess Legacy is a book of 5 novella's giving us some history on the gods and their love lives before we meet them in The Goddess Test. I loved the first two books in this series and was really looking forward to reading this. She doesn't get treated very well by anyone, especially Zeus and this gives us some understanding as to the person she is presently. But I could not muster up much empathy for her. She was power hungry from the moment they defeated the titans, and most of what she seemed to do, was to be the most powerful, although seeing as they couldn't have beaten the titans without her, she really already was. But Zeus did not want a woman to be more powerful than him, and nobody would stand up for her. She is just a sweetie and hard not to like, even when not particularly liking her actions. Her problem is that she has so much love that she cannot just share it with one person, and needs a husband who will allow her to spread her "love" through constant affairs. This really opened my eyes to the reasons why Henry acts the way he does with Kate. He is badly treated by Persephone for centuries and I just couldn't bring myself to empathise with her even though she was forced into an arranged marriage at My heart just broke for Henry throughout this one. This was really nice, but also, sad. We learn in this one why the gods decided to take on more modern, human names. Hades has decided that he wants to fade, that he no longer wants to live his lonely, painful existence. He offers his brothers and sisters a century in which to train someone in to fill his shoes and they in turn, want to use that century to try to find someone for him to share his life with. And so begins the search. And after the mysterious deaths of 11 girls, Kate is next. And from the first moment Henry sees Kate, he is mesmerised by her. This is so sweet and made me just want to pick up The Goddess Test again and start reading it straight away. I can't wait for book 3, The Goddess Inheritance. I just love this world and the characters that Aimee has created. Book ratings by Goodreads. Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book. Close X. Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter. Sign up now. Follow us. Coronavirus delivery updates. The Goddess Legacy (Goddess Test, #) by Aimee Carter

Main Nav Subject Navigation. Featured Collections. Audiobook Fiction. Audiobook Nonfiction. Streaming Video. Main Content. The Goddess Legacy. The Goddess Test. For millennia we've caught only glimpses of the lives and loves of the gods and goddesses on Olympus. Persephone was urged to marry one man, yet longed for another But meeting Kate Winters gave him a new hope Edition -. Languages: - English. Copies - Available:. Library copies:. Levels - ATOS:. Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available. Recommended for you. The Grass Is Always Greener. Options for Old Magic by Marianne Curley. Old Magic. A Posse of Princesses. Options for Neverfall by Brodi Ashton. Options for Requiem by Lauren Oliver. Shadows in the Silence. Excerpts - From the book In all the years I'd existed, I'd never expected to be free. Kindle Book. File size:. OverDrive Read. EPUB eBook. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content. Sign In More titles may be available to you. The new OverDrive is coming soon! Preview it now. You've reached your checkout limit. You already have this title checked out. Recommendation Limit Reached. Recommend your library consider adding this title to the Digital Collection. Enhanced Details. Limited availability Availability can change throughout the month based on the library's budget. Holds Total holds:. Legacy is just one example. She is like this the entire book, with no development or change from this in either her personality or her "change" into a goddess, save for having one hot hand and one cold hand. Like, wtf. Adin, Legacy's boyfriend, is stuffily overprotective for no reason, domineering, yet so weak willed in the relationship with Legacy. If I were her, I would be worried about being near him, because he seems so unstable. First of all, having a boy all of a sudden do a and ask you out out of the blue when you've not talked to him more than twice is creepy as hell, not stomach fluttering. Second, their relationship has no basis whatsoever for appeal to readers. It's so fake, and the writing seems like it's trying too hard. No more. I can't continue to think about how these characters are so unappealing. There's this confusing as hell Greek gods remake how they can create beings vertically via offspring and horizontally via a "likeness" being made with their similar powers, which I did understand that all these characters are these likenesses and they're supposed to redo their Greek counterpart's story into a "better" ending. It's just Muse is basically trying to get these people to go through their Greek story but with a different ending. Didn't need such a complicated story to back it. We figure out Legacy is Persephone, and she has to try to not get taken by Hades this time. Except, we never see Hades, and instead get a stupid love triangle between River, who is one of Medusa and Poseidon's sons and supposedly one of the minor gods who tried to woo Persephone before she was dragged off to hell and is prophesied to end up with Legacy if Adin lives, and Adin, who is Adonis who y'know, is Persephone's FRIEND or is he? They spend the whole book bouncing back and forth these stupid nonexistent, unrealistic relationships. I'm also a teen. The weather may be unpredictable, but nowhere to the levels of what this book says. Tornado warnings aren't taken as seriously as, say, the midwest. Even if a god could just make one POOF appear, there has to be some semblance to reality to make readers understand. The best magical ideas are always steeped in reality because otherwise, you lose the readership. And that is not my quote; someone more credible than me said that. And seriously? Legacy doesn't know anything about the Greek gods? I spent my freshman year of high school reading The Odyssey, the Illiad, etc. Shakespeare is always talked about in high school education - and he loves using allusions to Greek mythology. I went to a public school to boot, too! How the hell could she not know who Aphrodite is or recognize her Roman counterpart name, Venus or know the story of Persephone??? Do I recommend? I've been reading so much YA in the past three years that my standards for quality reading has increased with each decent to good book I've read, and this book just fails dismally in that department. But hey - it's free! Maybe if you want to torture someone you could gift it ha. But no, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. View all 3 comments. Mar 18, Cat rated it it was ok. Unfortunately this book is geared towards those who have little to no knowledge of Greek myths OR their gods and goddesses. Because the main character is practically the only one who lacks the aforementioned knowledge, any characters she meets that have any ties to said myths are spelled out. The author was attempting a 3rd person POV but ended up with some truly awkward sentences, combined with the serious overuse of the pronoun 'she'. Here are a few examples: "Calli and she stood Although I liked the chemistry between Legacy and Adin, and I thought the love triangle was believable, I didn't connect to any of the characters. I also didn't think the speech patterns were realistic. They're teenagers in the 21st century, using cell phones, lap tops, etc and yet they all pretty much speak like 50 year olds - very proper, few contractions, no slang. With editing this book has a lot of potential. The romance between Legacy and Adin was written in detail, from every little gesture to literally explaining how they feel about each other though the wrapping of Legacy's hands around Adin's neck got a bit repetitive IMHO. View 1 comment. Mar 22, Erin rated it liked it Shelves: for-blog-review. This was a sweet take on Greek mythology mixed in with teen love. Legacy lived her life like the typical high school girl, right down to the mad crush on long-time friend and local hottie Adin. She was completely in the dark about who she really is and what fate has in store for her. That is, until her seventeenth birthday rolled around and suddenly her guardian Lissa was talking gods and goddesses like it's everyday conversation. Thus began the whirlwind discovery of secrets and truths for Lega This was a sweet take on Greek mythology mixed in with teen love. Thus began the whirlwind discovery of secrets and truths for Legacy, whether she was ready for them or not. She would have a year to prepare for her eighteenth birthday, at which point she will ascend and become a goddess herself, and the powers she would have left her vulnerable to enemies who wanted them for their own. Thankfully Adin, who was a bit self-conscious but completely swoon-worthy, and River, the mysterious new boy in town, had her back along the way. Her relationship with Adin was really sweet, I loved that they had known each other for years but neither of them knew their true feelings. It was a bit far-fetched how it came to light, but I went with it because I really liked Adin and Legacy together. With a prophecy that clearly means relationship trials for their future, though, it remains to be seen if Adin will get the girl. When River came into the picture, I cringed because I really loathe love triangles. He comes across as a bit of a stalker anyway, and despite the bond he seems to share with Legacy and his own ties with the gods, I wasn't sold. The dialogue between Adin and Legacy was a bit unrealistic for teenagers, with rather proper speech and not much use of slang, but Adin and Legacy share some really tender moments together and their relationship was well-developed. I was surprised how much I really felt Adin's distress during the emotional scenes, they were very well-written and touching. The mythology aspect of the story was interesting; I liked that with Muse's spin on gods and goddesses they could be 'reborn', so to speak, and could rewrite their destinies. The reader gets a sometimes information-heavy lesson in Greek myths, but the concept was something different and I appreciated the originality. Not much happens with Legacy in terms of her ascension in this first book of the series, and I'm left curious as to what exactly is in store for her beyond her turmoil of the heart. There looks to be some pretty intense heartbreak in the future for everyone involved, and with Legacy's enemies yet to really come to light there should be a captivating sequel coming up! Though it could be cleaned up a bit, Goddess Legacy was an enjoyable story, and I think with a target audience of teens or younger adults it would be a big hit. Feb 26, Elsa Carrion rated it it was amazing. The characters were great. Heck the overall descriptions of the scenes were great. In fact, I could clearly see the scenes. I could feel the butterflies, the overall feeling the two were having on their first date. It brought back memories of the way I felt on my first date. It felt like I was feeling them throughout their date. So why mention it? I could feel the feelings, the bond she felt and the struggle she had but in the end I loved the mature decision she makes. I recommend this story to all, but especially to those that like reading about Greek mythology. You will definitely love this story. It was a very sweet, innocent, coming of age, love story that is to be continued! I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion and review. Title: Legacy Author: M. Aug 10, Aki rated it did not like it Shelves: who-the-hell-was-stupid-enough-this , never-going-back-or-re-reading. To be honest, it's a really good thing this book was free. I really think goodreads needs to update the site and allow for zero stars, too, but what do I know? This book wasn't just bad, it was horrendous. I don't think I got fifty pages in before I deleted this from every device that has a nook app or is my nook. Let's start with the girl's name. The author couldn't give her a more normal, and please believe me, I use that word stringently, name? Madison, maybe? A To be honest, it's a really good thing this book was free. I mean even Destiny or hells fucking bells, Trinity would have been better. Especially, because if you think about it, the name Legacy is so obvious that there's something behind it. Something to do with, oh, let's just say it: a legacy? See, I can be witty, too! Apparently, the author thought she was being clever. Well, failure. Absolute failure. But what seriously made me delete this piece of shit book was the fact the author had to make up her own damned goddess. For the love of God and all that's holy, there are enough Greek deities that the author could have chosen one and used that one. But that would make a terrible kind of sense. Instead, the author gave us some sort of clone of Demeter and called it Dora. I know. It's beyond appalling. Read at your own sad risk. You have been warned. May 13, Cydamarie Pedersen rated it it was ok. This series is about a girl who finds out she is Persephone and all her other friends find out secrets about themselves related to Greek mythology. At least, that's what the blurb said. In fact this book promotes rape culture, teenage sex, and pornography. It is extremely graphic. This girl is in high school. The language and the descriptions encourage the rape problems we see all over. The girl has no mind of her own and spends all her time fawning over boys. Both the boys describe in detail what they want to do sexually to her. She has a limited vocabulary. And she obviously has done little to no research on Greek mythology. In short, I would stay as far away from these books they are a self-published series and the author as possible. Jun 03, Yianna Yiannacou rated it it was ok Recommends it for: No one. Shelves: review-didnt-finish-will-try-again. I had to stop reading this book because it was just I don't even know. I love the mention of Greek Gods in books but this one took it way over the top and confused the hell out of me. The plot was basically a girl, Legacy, stuck in a love triangle. Her childhood sweetheart finally asked her out but there is always the other guy who loves her. On Legacy's seventeenth birthday, her guardian told her that her mother was alive. She thought her parents died in a car crash. Also, her mother is a Gr I had to stop reading this book because it was just Also, her mother is a Greek Goddess. And now when Legacy turns eighteen, she will turn into a Goddess as well. There were too many dream sequences in this book that I didn't really care for. She dwelled too much on them. I understand they were part of the plot, but I got over them quickly. I realized this was a series and had to stop. I couldn't take much more of it. That's all. May 10, Staisha rated it it was ok. While the plot was interesting, the main character was just like Bella in Twilight; unable to do anything but mope unless she had her man around. Infact, this novel was alot like Twilight, except for Greek Mythology. Aug 04, Haley Keller rated it did not like it. I'm going to preface the rest of this review by saying that I didn't finish this book. I made it to the 56 percent mark before completely giving up on it. It was a hard decision as I hate giving up on books, but I had been struggling through the entire thing. The problem is that even if I have a large problem with a book, I can typically make it through it. However, I had multiple major problems with this book, and they all piled on top of each other and became too much. Let's start with what's t I'm going to preface the rest of this review by saying that I didn't finish this book. Let's start with what's the most obvious when you start reading. This book was horribly edited. Every few pages or so the wrong pronoun would be used, and it was extremely ridiculous how many times that happened. Once or twice for book, I can let that slide, but I can't tell you how many times characters accidentally talked about themselves in third person. There were other editing mistakes as well, but those were the biggest ones that I really feel should have been caught before this book was published. So much of the book also seemed extremely unrealistic. Legacy's reaction to being a Greek goddess wasn't believable, which is odd considering she doesn't believe it at first as I'm sure most wouldn't, but the way it's played out isn't believable. None of the characters are really all that believable. They don't act like real people, especially teenagers. My biggest problem, however, as far as characters were concerned was Legacy and Aiden's relationship. Now, I didn't finish the book, so I'm not sure how it develops, but there were multiple times were I just had to stop and go, "No. I don't like this. Which is why I was unsurprised to figure out that the author has an adult book that has been criticized for portraying an unhealthy relationship. There's one point in the book were Aiden becomes visibly annoyed when Legacy gets out of the car without letting Aiden open the door for her and help her out. Now, there's nothing wrong with wanting to "be a gentleman" and help a girl out of a car, but getting annoyed when she gets out herself, especially when she doesn't know you're planning to help her out? That's a little ridiculous. And Aiden did things like that consistently that bothered me. It was obvious that the author was going to love triangle route though, and River seemed like a much better guy as far as I was concerned. Who knows how that would have turned out had I kept reading the series. I really didn't care for the characters enough to care though. Maybe she would have stayed with Aiden and their relationship would get better. Maybe she'd go with River and they'd have a good relationship. I don't know, but I didn't like the beginning enough to stick around to see if I'd be satisfied with the end. I honestly think this is the most negative review I've ever written, but this was one of my least favorite books I've ever read. I noticed several negative reveiws of this book and therefore was tempted not to get it. However, I so much enjoyed the first two books in the series I thought it was worth a chance. Glad I did! Fascinating story. Certainly not plagiarism The references to Indiana Jones are tonque in cheek; and the author makes this clear. This is a book about treasure hunters, but not the old-fashioned kind of treasure hunters. The author is a great writer. The story moved along fast, never boring. The main characters are not your standard action heroes and that even makes it more interesting. I am ready and waiting for the next volume in the series! This is the third in the Drake Ramsey series and takes place only days after the conclusion of the second novel. Treasure hunting is a tough business. But this novel is less about treasure hunting and more about avoiding getting arrested in the mostly slums of India. The crew is in Delhi India for most of the book and avoiding the authorities because Spenser is suspected of murder. Throw in shady government operatives, lots of sketchy locals, and the usual -what the heck is going on here - attitude by the main characters, and you get an idea of the book. There is conspicuously less actual treasure hunting and more sneaking around than typical in this series, and personally, I think the story suffers a bit for it. The book is the third in a trilogy so far anyway. Not sure if that is meant as an end point or not, but there is ample space for another chapter to the team's story. I personally found this to be the least of the three novels, but still a decent listen. If there is another volume added, I believe I will be getting that to see where things proceed. A marginal recommendation. I'm a fan of this series, and Ray Porter is one of my favorite narrators. Unfortunately, this time the story was a big departure from the previous books. The story just Doesn't flow well and I couldn't get past the fact that these people seemed to struggle with very basic tasks. There is a scene where they are trying to read sandscrit letters and are actually in an Internet cafe yet they can't seem to figure out how to translate them. The real problem is that this book is a poor rewrite of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. One character is even named Indiana Singh. I was just waiting for them to pick up an Indian street kid named "short round". I just couldn't get over how much this matched the movie. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but not in this case. This book was OK, but not nearly as good as the first two. I would definitely read or listen to the first book in the series again, but would have no interest in listening to this one again. I recommend you follow up with this as the third book in the series. I found my interest decreasing significantly with each book in the series. Her character became increasingly whiny and ridiculously bratty and obstinate. It dulled it down for me. I ended up FF a lot of the 2nd half. I truly enjoyed this entire series. I look forward to reading more of Russell Blake's books! Ray Porter has preformed flawlessly as the narrator for the entire series. I appreciate a series so much more when the narrator is retained throughout, and why wouldn't they? Porter is by far one of the best narrator's Audible has! I will be looking into his other works just because I know how incredible he is. I highly recommend this series!!! A great story and story teller, my only wish is to have many more stories to be able to binge listen to these adventures by this writer and this story teller. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the story and can't wait for the next one. A good narrator too. I would recommend. Bit of a meh type story. The Goddess Legacy. Narrated by: Ray Porter. Series: Drake Ramsey , Book 3. Length: 8 hrs and 32 mins. Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wishlist failed. Adding to library failed. Please try again. Follow podcast failed. Unfollow podcast failed. Free with a day trial. Stream or download thousands of included titles. No default payment method selected. The Goddess Legacy (Goddess Test, book ) by Aimée Carter

More titles may be available to you. Sign in now to see your library's full collection. Visit your Checkouts page to manage your titles. Want to go to your Checkouts? You've reached the maximum number of titles you can recommend at this time. You can recommend up to 5 titles every 7 day s. Sign in to recommend this title. Once playback starts, you have hours to view the title. The OverDrive Read format of this eBook has professional narration that plays while you read in your browser. Learn more here. Some format options have been disabled. You may see additional download options outside of this network. MP3 audiobooks are only supported on macOS Learn more about MP3 audiobook support on Macs. Please update to the latest version of the OverDrive app to stream videos. To make room for more checkouts, you may be able to return titles from your Checkouts page. There have been too many titles checked out and returned by your account within a short period of time. Try again in several days. If you are still not able to check out titles after 7 days, please contact Support. You have already checked out this title. To access it, return to your Checkouts page. This title is not available for your card type. If you think this is an error contact support. If this problem persists, please contact support. There are no copies of this issue left to borrow. Please try to borrow this title again when a new issue is released. You should only have to sign into your NOOK account once to link it to your library account. Don't show this message again. We are making necessary security upgrades that will end this device's access to the digital library on October 30, Continue to the digital library. This site uses cookies. Learn more about cookies. Main Nav Subject Navigation. Featured Collections. Audiobook Fiction. Audiobook Nonfiction. Streaming Video. Main Content. The Goddess Legacy. The Goddess Test. For millennia we've caught only glimpses of the lives and loves of the gods and goddesses on Olympus. Persephone was urged to marry one man, yet longed for another But meeting Kate Winters gave him a new hope Edition -. Languages: - English. Copies - Available:. Library copies:. Levels - ATOS:. Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available. Recommended for you. The Grass Is Always Greener. Options for Old Magic by Marianne Curley. Old Magic. A Posse of Princesses. Options for Neverfall by Brodi Ashton. Options for Requiem by Lauren Oliver. Shadows in the Silence. Excerpts - From the book In all the years I'd existed, I'd never expected to be free. Kindle Book. File size:. OverDrive Read. EPUB eBook. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content. Legacy's reaction to being a Greek goddess wasn't believable, which is odd considering she doesn't believe it at first as I'm sure most wouldn't, but the way it's played out isn't believable. None of the characters are really all that believable. They don't act like real people, especially teenagers. My biggest problem, however, as far as characters were concerned was Legacy and Aiden's relationship. Now, I didn't finish the book, so I'm not sure how it develops, but there were multiple times were I just had to stop and go, "No. I don't like this. Which is why I was unsurprised to figure out that the author has an adult book that has been criticized for portraying an unhealthy relationship. There's one point in the book were Aiden becomes visibly annoyed when Legacy gets out of the car without letting Aiden open the door for her and help her out. Now, there's nothing wrong with wanting to "be a gentleman" and help a girl out of a car, but getting annoyed when she gets out herself, especially when she doesn't know you're planning to help her out? That's a little ridiculous. And Aiden did things like that consistently that bothered me. It was obvious that the author was going to love triangle route though, and River seemed like a much better guy as far as I was concerned. Who knows how that would have turned out had I kept reading the series. I really didn't care for the characters enough to care though. Maybe she would have stayed with Aiden and their relationship would get better. Maybe she'd go with River and they'd have a good relationship. I don't know, but I didn't like the beginning enough to stick around to see if I'd be satisfied with the end. I honestly think this is the most negative review I've ever written, but this was one of my least favorite books I've ever read. The only positive thing I can see is that it had an interesting premise. I love Greek mythology, and that's what drew me to this book. However, there are a ton of books based on Greek mythology, and I've read much better. I really wish this book had met it's potential. I think if it had been edited better and gone through a lot of revision, it really did have the potential to be so much better than it was. View all 4 comments. Aug 14, Graham rated it liked it. The book is a very good idea, based on Greek mythology, unfortunately the character are extremely annoying with the main character, Legacy, being extremely so. A brief outline of the story is Legacy is a seventeen year old girl who until her birthday believed her parents had been killed in a car accident when she was young, Lissa is her guardian who has brought her up alongside her adopted daughter Olivia. River and Adin are both also ascended from Greek gods and River is also going through the change. During the story Legacy has dreams that give her hints and warnings about what is happening, although everyone else seems to already know. The main characters are: Legacy, Spoiled brat who thinks the world rotates around her and she can do what she like. Believes he is perfect and Legacy thinks so too. River, believes he is bound to one day be with legacy. Will do anything for her and always being blamed for every illogical decision made by legacy. River would the apologise and agree that he was wrong for having his face on the end of his neck. Lissa, very rare that Lissa is around, go knows what she does but it involves lots of working away from home. Medusa, Legacy believes she is trying to kill her, even though there are no attempts ever she still believes this in later books. Honestly this is pages of nothing happening apart from a moaning annoying girl thinking about how much she likes kissing her boyfriend. Feb 13, Chelsea rated it liked it Shelves: gods-and-godesses , paranormal-urban-fantasy , jaw- dropping-moments , mythology-fairytales , liked , i-totally-saw-that-coming , i-didnt-see-that-coming , shakes-main-character-furiously , love- triangle , forbiden-love. It's a neat little package of love and mystery. What I didn't like so much So what I didn't like where the characters, by themselves they are OK kind of 2 dimensional and transparent but I guess you could say that they have admirable traits They have pretty much perfect personalities execept for a bit of stubborness and temper here and there. The thing that I disliked the most was the character interactions, the romance didn't quite feel believable or plausible. I didn't really care for the love triangle, it wasn't bad but wasn't all that great in my opinion. A thing I noticed was unatural conversation and to me at times it sounded a bit robotic or rehearsed, not in the moment, you know what I mean? I understand how you feel, and I'll agree to not working at the store and to taking other steps necessary for my safety. Is there no sense of your own capibility? You can take care of yourself Legacy! I think that I am being really picky. I really liked how Ms. Muse changed the myth and created a haze of mystery around it so you had to kind of connect the dots and pick out the clues. I very happy with her adaption of 'said myth' so far. It was great how you had to try and match characters to their godly entity. Ohhh and the cliffe at the end just suprised me, I am embarrassed to say I didn't seee it coming. Overall I didn't like Goddess Legacy but I didn't hate it either. If you like Greek Mythology, love triangles, and romance then this might be for you. Mar 09, Franjessca rated it really liked it Shelves: books- read-in , mythology , genre-young-adult , first-book-in-series , genre-ya-fantasy , series-goddess , author-m-w-muse. Muse tells the story of a girl named Legacy, whose life is changed the minute her guardian tells her the truth about her parents and what is going to happen to her when she turns She does not believe her at first until she starts having strange dreams. I give this book 3. I hope I find out a little bit more about Legacy and what is happening to her, Adin, and River. For some reason, I have strong feelings for River more than I do Adin. I am not sure why though. Maybe it is because I feel terrible for him. You will have to read this book to find out why and come up with your assumptions and who you like best. I was excited to read this book after reading the premise. I absolutely love Greek mythology so I sat down hoping I'd found a gem. The story was okay, it was hard to buy her guardian 'casually' telling her the mother she thought was dead was actually alive and that she was to become a goddess on her 18th birthday. Then she upped and disappeared!! I also couldn't quite get into the fact ALL of the characters were so super perfect. Granted Greek Gods in my opinion are all perfect but it took away f I was excited to read this book after reading the premise. Granted Greek Gods in my opinion are all perfect but it took away from the fact we are not perfect and it was distracting. I also didn't like the way she wrote the interactions of Adin and Legacy when they were together, it was repetitive and at best a little boring. Overall however the story was readable, it was also not the run of the mill teen love but it was missing something all the way through the book Aug 28, Sabrina rated it liked it. That is all. I got really fed up with this book, even though I liked it. Then at the end she figures it allllll out. What annoyed me the most was that most of the time, Adin was sweet and amazing, but in the end he kept it all from Legacy. And he was telling h Omfg. And he was telling her not to listen or trust River! And it didn't seem as they developed much, any of the characters. Apr 01, Emilie Mcdonald rated it did not like it Shelves: not-worth-reading. Ugh this book was so hard to get through that I wasn't even able to finish it! The author spent way too much tie focusing on the clothing choices of the teenagers along with the immature style of the "sexual scenes" that never really got farther than caressing each other's legs under clothing and how it took Adin all day to "calm down". Granted, things might have heated up in the last half of the book but it was just painful to read and made me feel dumber for reading it than when I started. Sep 13, Regina Beckford rated it really liked it. Great storyline. Something for people that are fascinated with Greek Mythology to enjoy. Jun 03, Linda Hamonou rated it it was ok. This book could have been awesome except it wasn't! I have to say I had to force myself to finish reading it, because I hate letting things unfinished and I was expecting something, anything to happen, it didn't. It started "nicely", a girl on her seventeenth birthday discovers that she is to be a goddess and ascent on her 18th birthday aka she has a year to prepare, which I would call total parental failure. Yes, this is just one more book where the parents hide their child any knowledge about w This book could have been awesome except it wasn't! In this book it goes as far as the said parents abandoning their daughter as a baby to a guardian who is as useless at preparing her for what she is about to face as they are. Said guardian can't say anything before consulting with others I guess the real mother but in the end says nothing at all. Ok, that's done for the bad parenting, now let's get into the real stuff. If you were to believe that you are to be a Greek mythology related goddess what would be the first thing you do? Well, I know I'll be on my computer googling or at the library crossing references. But I guess that's just personal preference because Legacy spends most of her time with her rich and perfect friend, preparing to date with her perfect looking boyfriend. There is a great length of description of every details about the outfit and make up and even more about the blushing, the heart racing, and every little touch and thought about touch between her and said boyfriend for pages and pages. A little bit is ok but after a while it becomes quite disgusting. I'm all for having normal live still going on, you can't bang your head on the problem all the time but maybe looking at it once in a while and thinking might have helped. The characters have no interests what so ever about anything except Legacy's problems. They are all over her and rush at her first discomfort to be near her and be supportive. Because they are not only rich and beautiful and perfect but they are such great persons I'm not convinced. It's also super easy to read them because they just have to look at each other to know everything that's wrong with the others. Great, can't keep a single thought for yourself maybe developing a mind reading power isn't even a necessity. The only character who was not shallow and seemed to have some interest out of Legacy is her best friend Calli but even that was a very surface part of the story because every attention when Calli did something remotely interesting came back to Legacy. And seriously I have no idea why Calli was even Legacy's best friend seeing how bitchy Legacy could be, she would have been better of with Karen and Ellen at least they wouldn't have been so disapproving and judgmental. Of course, there is a love triangle. I'm not even sure I want to get into that too much because falling in love with a long term childhood friend, I can understand but having a guy, also gorgeous falling for you in a split second because he knows of a prophecy and playing with his feelings because you need his help is not really my cup of tea. Especially that her best friend was crushing on the guy but no, Legacy had to keep the attention for herself, obviously. I feel sorry for River, really he would better be of dating Calli. So what is it about the Greek mythology and Legacy ascending? Well, not much, I mean everybody on the planet probably knows more about the Greek gods than Legacy. I mean, she is right in the middle of it all, she doesn't know anything the poor girl can't link Venus to Aphrodite before anyone spell it out for her , won't do any research by herself she checked once instead she prefers to have people tell her the truth, "please please you have to tell me, I want to know". If you are distracted while reading, don't fear because most everything is repeated three times. Even if the character who confides in Legacy tell her that she should keep it a secret she will repeat it to everyone until everyone knows. And of course Legacy trust everything everyone tells her because despite having Medusa and Hades as enemies, well everyone around is her to protect her and do everything for her own good even when they withdraw important information which could get her kill obviously. And by the way the said enemy could just be Legacy being paranoid because we really don't see much of them. We are also very lucky that everything happens in chronological order because the time frame and days are all over the place. Seriously don't try to figure out what day it is because you can be on Thursday have three days passing but you are still on Friday only. There were also some other inconsistencies, especially about Adin's story. The guy is a liar, liar once always a liar but seriously I'd rather have River get with Calli than Legacy, duh! And a lot of pronouns were totally off, like Adin using "her" instead of "my" in dialogue and Legacy saying "she" instead of "I". If you want some very graphic romance where people are taking it slow, you might give this one a try. If you expect anything else, get a different book. Jul 02, Kristi Davis rated it liked it. The names. The silliness. All the longing looks and craziness. I read the whole thing but didn't love it. Interesting premise though. Aug 08, Celeste rated it it was amazing. Goddess Legacy keeps you on your toes throughout the whole book. It keeps you interested without seeming obvious and it makes you want to grab the second book right away!! Jul 16, kalee pope rated it really liked it. Interesting The story had plenty of twist and turns. It was times even a bit confusing in regard to myths and legends being entertwined with same deities but all in all a good read. Aug 17, Roberta rated it did not like it. Feb 21, Leah added it. I received this book free in return for an honest review. I did not like this book at all. The idea of having a girl find out that she was the daughter of a Greek goddess sounded really interesting, like a female heroine version of The Lightning Thief , Percy Jackson series, but it was nothing like it. Mostly the book is about the main girl Legacy liking the boy Aiden, although I don't know why a I received this book free in return for an honest review. Mostly the book is about the main girl Legacy liking the boy Aiden, although I don't know why as he isn't developed and controlling. Mostly just about them liking each other and their relationship is really only physical. No other reason why they like each other or what a real relationship should consist of. In fact I liked the character of River better, as at least the characters talk. Pretty much I would just pass this book. It was pretty boring and hard to plow through with its lack of depth. Apr 25, Erin Koiso rated it really liked it Shelves: greek-mythology. High school is over for the summer and Legacy Kore is wondering if and when she will see her high school crush, newly graduated Adin Shepard again. Until he shows up at her surprise seventeenth birthday party - acting very friendly. It's then that she realizes that he may feel more for her than just friends. Her excitement is short lived when after the party her guardian, Lissa informs her that her mother that she thought had died years ago, was actually still alive and in fact a Greek Goddess. And that Legacy will possibly herself ascend into a Greek Goddess on her eighteenth birthday. Emotionally wrought and exhausted from the days events Legacy goes to sleep where she begins to have vivid dreams of storms, snakes and tornado's. Seeking solace in her best friend Calli Rhodes, Legacy confides in her what she has learned about her mother and herself. Just when she thought her life couldn't get any stranger Adin asks her out on a date - and for a brief moment in time Legacy tries to forget everything else and live in the moment that is unfolding in front of her. Could it possible that what she has wanted for so long, is about to become her reality? Could her dream of a relationship with Adin come true? Just as this is about to happen she meets an alarming handsome young man named River Rysaor. Turns out River knows a lot more than Legacy could imagine, and opens a whole new world to her. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the Greek Mythology aspect of it. The relationship between Legacy and Adin is romantic and flirty. Although at times I found Adin to be a bit annoying at how slow he wanted to take the relationship, but in the end I respected the reasoning why and found him completely endearing. River adds an almost evil aspect to the story - yet you can't quite figure out if he himself if evil or good? I enjoyed the friendship between Calli and Legacy - it brought back memories of myself with my best friend at that age. Their relationship was real and believable. Although I don't think we know everything that there is to know about Calli yet. The only part of the story that I had an issue with was Legacy's dreams. At times they were monotonous and unnecessary. I found myself at one point putting the book down because I just could not possibly read another dream scene. With that being said and overlooked - I loved the book and can not wait for the second in the series. There are so many unanswered questions and so many things left unknown. Erin The Reading Cafe May 08, Adrienne rated it liked it. I'm really disappointed with this book. I really hated starting my review this way. What I don't understand is how an author who says they are award winning, can publish a book with so many grammatical errors. The "she said this and then she said that" was too much. I was so confused by which female was talking that I gave up most of the time and just continued to read along hoping I picked the right character for the sentence. Okay now that was my biggest issue and took 1 stars away just for that I'm really disappointed with this book. Okay now that was my biggest issue and took 1 stars away just for that. The story itself was interesting. The love triangle wasn't really so much of a love triangle. I felt myself secretly hoping River would stop holding back and swoop in for the kill. I'd like to see Legacy with River I like him better. Who doesn't like the dark and dangerous boys who make us swoon. Adin is sweet and good looking. But he's sticky sweet like a taffy. He gets stuck in your teeth and you spend the rest of the day trying to get him out. I didn't feel the connection with Legacy and Adin. It was just too much all at once. Too many "you are beautiful" comments. I got it after the first 10 times. He thinks she's beautiful. But then in the end turns out he was lying by omission the entire time. Come on!!! River is looking better and better by the minute. I took another star away for believability. No I think that's great. My problem was with how accepted it was by everyone. I mean come on a 17 year old girl is told her mother is in fact not dead and she's going to ascend by her 18th birthday unless she's killed and that doesn't bother her? That doesn't send the 17 year old girl into a panic of tears and overly emotional responses? Then she tells her bff and she doesn't panic either? In fact no one panics or gets worried or upset? I love fiction. I love stories. I never complain about the crazy plots I read. I however want to believe the characters I read. I want to feel like I can relate to them somehow. I want to feel like I'm inside their head or at least right along with them. I just didn't feel that connection with this book. I'm hoping to read the next installment. I would like to give the author another chance. Jun 07, Ally rated it liked it. May 12, Emily Ellison rated it really liked it. Pretty good goddess book. I am really into god and goddess books. I have read most of not all of the big Greek god series including Percy Jackson. This book is pretty good. More like a 3. I will read the next book in the series for sure. There are a few things that became somewhat boring. There were some parts that seemed to drag on. I would be pretty upset if I were Legacy because no one would tell her what was going on! I really liked the Adi Pretty good goddess book. I really liked the Adin surprise towards the end. Some of the details on how gods formed was a little confusing though. I think one of my favorite parts of the series is how quickly they are released. I just found this book released in January and there are 5 more already out, with another one coming out June! That is my mind of author! Overall I would recommend this book to my friends, and I will purchase and read the rest of the series of each book is as good as this one. In everything I have read on M. Muse it states that she is an award winning author of adult books under a different name. I cannot find her other name or any other books she had written. I would read her other stuff too if I could figure out who she is. If anyone knows I would be very interested to know. If you are a big fan of Greek mythology, then you should like this book. I am excited to read the next one! Thank you M. You are very talented! I would love to read more! Feb 25, Laura rated it it was amazing. It's not often I will give up my sleep for reading, being the dedicated bookworm that I am I still love a good night's sleep more, but I could NOT put this book down. I absolutely, positively could not resist it. I was up until 2am finishing it. The character, relationship, and plot development are a nearly perfect balance of mystery and satisfying a bit of your curiosity at the same time to keep you entertained and wanting more. The romantic interests and developments there are so endearing and the "love triangle" is quite intriguing. The author does need just a little bit of work on tenses in the copy I read. Switching between first and third person, between the characters speaking in quotes and the author's narration outside of that, there were some minor grammar issues there I noticed.

The Goddess Legacy Quotes by Aimee Carter

Hermes also has his own story in which he learns more about the mortals and explains to the other gods why they should take on new modern names. Combined, the five novellas tell one big story, with five different point of views. The flow from story to story is perfect and allows the reader to enter a new story without any problems. One theme that is dominant in each story is love. Apr 17, Brittany Risko rated it liked it. I am giving this book 3 stars because I really enjoyed some parts of it. I liked hearing the stories and the backgrounds of the various gods. I will say Jame's story took me the longest to get through mainly because there really wasn't much action until you reached the end. I don't think I am going to continue this series, at least not right now, but I did appreciate this book. Here are my reviews from each book: view spoiler [ The Goddess Queen: Y'all I can finally understand why Calliope act I am giving this book 3 stars because I really enjoyed some parts of it. Here are my reviews from each book: view spoiler [ The Goddess Queen: Y'all I can finally understand why Calliope acted the way she did. I felt sooo bad for her though this entire novella she was treated horribly by Zeus and basically ignored by Henry. If only he felt the same way about her. The Love Struck Goddess: I really enjoyed this story. I liked finding out why she was married to Hephaestus and the events leading up to that. I honestly just like her personality as a whole, she is one of my favorite gods. Goddess of the Underworld: I really liked getting to hear about Persephone's story and hearing her prospective on the Adonis issue. I hated that she felt the way she did about her arrangement with Henry, but was glad she eventually ended up happy. God of Thieves: This story was so freaking difficult to get though. I feel like it was a bunch of James feeling sorry for himself. I never even heard of Tuck so I was really surprised when she entered the picture. God of Darkness: This was one story I actually enjoyed reading. I am really glad to see how things played out before Kate entered the picture. I also liked hearing Henry's feelings because I feel that's something that he doesn't express very well. I also though this book in particular was weirdly formal, but I understood why at the end. Henry finally started to see hope in his future for happiness, and wanted to give James that too by letting him see Tuck in the Underworld. Mar 02, Samantha Ivy SundressSecrets rated it it was amazing. This is the last one of the series. This is technically the second novella and it follows the second book in the series, but I read this last and I still caught up. I really do recommend this series. Five stars. A lovely novella with the background stories on some of the Greek gods following the whole goddess test. After reading it I did understand more where certain characters came from and their background and even hatred towards one another. Maybe not nessesary but a nice read. Jul 22, roxtao rated it it was amazing. This novel was flawless! I already knew that the novel was going to show 5 stories of some of the characters. These 5 stories are pr This novel was flawless! These 5 stories are presented in chronological order, starting with the one that represents the origin of the Council and finishing with the period before the adventures from the first volume, The Goddess Test. I liked the fact that the story is told in a very detached manner, and at some point, you almost forget that she is responsible for most of the problems that the main characters of the series have to deal with later. You are able to understand her involuntary transformation, determined by a joylessness existence, full of degradation, pride, pain, humiliation and shattered dreams. Only that she proves herself to be more that you see on the first sight. You discover a deeper perspective than you were expecting and the final choice she makes is wise, influenced by a lot of aspects and not just by a blind passion. I disliked her in the first book, but I finally got to like her in the second volume, Goddess Interrupted. Despite all the so called attempts to make everything work, I had the sensation that she clenched to all the affairs she could, totally ignoring the way she was hurting others. I know that in the book we read again and again that she knew that her betrayals were hurting others and that she was sorry for the way she found her happiness. Similar to the first story, this chapter dedicated to Hermes has a double meaning. On one hand, we find out his love story and on the other hand, we get to know the way the gods managed to reinvent themselves, in order not to fade forever. Furthermore, we also find out the meaning of some of the new names that the gods had chosen and are using in the other books. We have again a more detailed and a deeper portrait than the one we saw in the previous volumes. At some point, you realize that your attitude regarding some of the characters is changing from a story to another and your feelings for them are very different from a moment to other. For example, if in the first story you actually like Hera, in another one you wish she never existed. Cons: - The pride wars between the gods and the way they live their eternal lives are a little to similar to the human ones. Indeed, some of their decisions are admirable, but unfortunately most of their decrees are influenced in a negative way by their own feelings. Dec 20, Hannah Nyamweya rated it it was amazing. The Goddess Legacy gives readers background information on what really happens in this trilogy. Jun 02, Jenna rated it did not like it. A completely unnecessary addition to the series that is so difficult to read as the gods behave like high school students as opposed to all-powerful, immortal deities. Feb 09, Chev E rated it it was amazing. I appreciated Legacy so much more because I was able to connect the characters' actions and development to who they are in the later books. The Goddess Legacy tells about the lives of five of the gods and goddesses in The Goddess Test before Kate Winters made her grand entrance. The first story is Hera's, or Calliope, as she is called in the other novels and later stories. Hera takes us back to the time right after she and her siblings defeated their father, Kronus. Headstrong and loyal, Hera is stuck in a marriage to the unfaithful king of the gods, Zeus, who controls her life, while she pines for someone else. Hera's story nearly left me crying. Both were married to men who treated them horribly, both were forced to take in their husband's daughters, both were in love with other men, both had tragic endings. It was also horrifying to read about how power-hungry Zeus Walter was. At first I was shocked that he was so bad, and even when I understood his character better though only from afar I still couldn't connect the desperate man who will do anything to stay in charge and get his way with the quiet and stately Walter in the other books. Instead of the five stories being totally different entities, I was pleasantly surprised to find all five flowing into each other. Although each story had genuine endings, it was interesting to see what happened after the endings and how the events at the end of each story effected all the characters. In the other books then Ava, the goddess of love, dallied with several of the gods but she also made it clear that she loved her own husband, Hephaestus, the most. I loved reading about how their love played out and it provided insight into what is probably the most open marriage ever. It was also beautiful to read about Ava's love of love, which is her greatest weakness. Persephone got the third story, which told us from her perspective about her time with Hades and her love for Adonis. I didn't particularly love this story, and it was a little hard to think of her as the same self-absorbed Persephone as in Goddess Interrupted, but it was still good nonetheless. It also finally explained why she and Ava were fighting over James when it was pretty obvious that neither of them were currently in love with him. In Goddess Interrupted I took Ava's side in the fight, but after reading about Persephone and James, I saw that Ava was being her selfish old self and that Persephone is actually in the right. I found it interesting that neither Ava nor Persephone seemed selfish in their own stories, but that both were totally egocentric in the other books, yet only Persephone was extremely disliked and judged for it. And although I understand why-she treated Hades horribly-she was still forced into marriage at 16 to a guy she didn't love. It was good but I didn't think it provided insight like the other stories did. What James' story did provide was an explanation for the name changes. There was also a goddess named Iris in his story who I am extremely curious about. Where did she come from and is she in the other books and I just don't remember? Or was she invented for only this story? I know she wasn't invented because she's part of Greek mythology, I'm just wondering about her presence in this series. Henry's story finished up the bunch. His only told of the time leading up to Kate's arrival and didn't tell a story as much as the others did. Henry's tale was more of a tiny introduction to The Goddess Test. I highly recommend this book to anyone who read The Goddess Test and Goddess Interrupted and enjoyed them. The stories in Legacy are supplementary to the novels and can increase your appreciation for them by showing you how each god and goddess developed into their unique and seemingly random personas in The Goddess Test. Jun 19, Leigh Herondale rated it really liked it Shelves: books-i- own. It tells about her journey a long, long time ago. I actually liked getting to know her. It tells about how and why she is the way she is right now. I think Zeus had a lot to do with regards to why his wife is the way she is. I actually liked her back story. Yes, she was petty and overly dramatic at some point but I still liked her. Somehow I think I spoiled her story in some way. Well, anyway those are my thoughts with regards to her storyline. Third is the story of Persephone. She seriously annoyed me. She was selfish, immature, a pain in the ass and she was a complete and total brat. She was soooooo petty. I seriously wanted to hurl the book while I read. She was just so selfish. All she thought about was me, me, me. I do get her. Hades was simply too nice for her and Persephone was just plain annoying. I really enjoyed his back story. His storyline was funny and touching at the same time. I felt for him. Everyone blamed him. Everyone ignored him. I just wanted to give him a hug. I think his back story is the most heartbreaking out of the five. I really liked his story as well. Probably because of the fact that it was Persephone who broke his heart and to be honest I wanted to hurl Persephone out the window. He did not deserve to be treated the way Persephone treated him. He definitely deserved someone better. Anyway, it did make me love Hades a bit more. Going through 11 deaths is unimaginable. The five stories are actually connected in more ways than one. And I liked the fact that the novellas were actually close to the myths with a few twists of course. Overall, I enjoyed reading the book. More on the dramatic side though. May 10, Julia rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adult , mythology , series-in-progress. Rating: 4. Greed, lust, infidelity, injustice, inequality, cruelty, violence, grudges — you would think the gods would be better behaved. But they are not. I looooooooved The Goddess Legacy. And I love it even more than I would have loved it because now everything makes so much more sense. And now I understand the pain that Hades experienced before Kate. And honestly? Eve Rating: 4. Everyone else? This story flows through Greek mythology but focusing on a different god for each part the god most impacted, essentially. We learn what drove her to become the Calliope that Kate meets in the series. Aphrodite Ava : Now, Aphrodite does not really seem bad at all — though she is the queen of love, lust, and sex, in her segment of the story she seems almost inspired just wait until Persephone…. She broke Hades heart, and he was so hung up on her he was afraid to love Kate. After reading her story, I kind of hate her even more. You will understand why she hurt Hades so much, but you will also see that she understood the consequences of her actions. She made some very selfish decisions, and eternally damned one of the only decent gods in the process. Plus, he is a major catalyst for what is to come, and for what happens in the other books. Hades Henry : Ahh. I kinda love Hades. Hades is the one who was alone in the underworld while all of the other gods enjoyed Olympus, and because of that, he evaded a lot of the corruption that the others experienced. And now, you are going to be even more impatient for the next book because more than anything you are going to want to read it. And probably, re-read the other ones. I think this book would have been great to be 0. And, fun side note, I love the cover of every book of this series. Originally published at Winged Reviews. I am always hopeful perhaps naively so about the Goddess Test books, because I love mythology retellings. However, the first two books were disappointing due to poor characterisation and predictable plots. The latest offering, The Goddess Legacy , includes five short stories from the point of view of the other gods and goddesses and delves deeper into their histories and character. The first story was about Hera Calliope , her love for Hades Henry and how she reluctantly ended up married to Zeus Walter instead. It was predictable, falling for a man who committed to change himself but didn't, but I really sympathised with Hera, who only wanted to rule on her own terms as a daughter of Titans should. In fact, I liked her much more here as opposed to the outline of a villain that she was in the first two books. It was nice to see her as a strong personality who stood up for her ideals, instead of being motivated purely by unrequited love. One small detail did bother me, which was the fact that everyone seemed aware of her feelings for Henry, yet we're supposed to believe no one was suspicious of her as the culprit in the first book? You would think immortals have longer memory spans than that. Both Aphrodite Ava and Hermes James were also portrayed well in their stories. Aphrodite learned something about the different types of love offered to her, caught in a love triangle with Ares and Hephaestus. Hermes, who hurt Hades by cheating with Persephone, learned about love and the pain of loss. Again, I expected a little more about the revelation, but it was another case of the concept being more interesting than the execution. On the other hand, the other two stories were perfect example of why the series frustrates me—characters like Persephone and Hades Henry. Persephone was whiny, self-righteous and utterly selfish. She judged Hermes and Aphrodite for 'cheating' on her, but seemed to forget that she did the same to Hades. Her immaturity and hypocritical behaviour not unlike Kate was unbearable and my distaste for her grew from the last book. On the opposite end of the scale was Hades, who, for a powerful god and ruler has absolutely no backbone. He is a coward, for choosing the easy way out and being unable to move on from Persephone. Man up Henry, get on with your reponsibilities and have some courage to try to find love, instead of fading and being a simpering idiot. So all in all, I rated it slightly higher than the first two books because I liked some of the characters better as a result of these stories and probably because of the lack of Kate. A great read for fans of the series, but for those that didn't like it you could probably do without. Jul 23, Angela ReadingCave rated it really liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I received this book via the publishers through NetGalley. That in no way influenced my review. Never before have, I read a collection of novellas so beautifully intertwined. The Goddess Legacy is a collection of five novellas centered on members of the Olympic council. It is to serve as a prequel to the Goddess Test as well as the Goddess Interrupted. Any book that makes you want to cry for someone who you have previously thought of as evil is a best seller. The re-telling of the Greek Gods stories from another perspective really does give the reader insight into their actions. If your heart does not break for Hera is in book than you are made of stone. Hera, who knows that Zeus is not the man for her, continues to fight his suit. She only wants a true partnership in marriage and Zeus tricks her into believing that she can have that with him. No wonder she is bitter, for her own husband cannot give her what he promised her. The goddess of love is unable to commit to a relationship because she loves too much and too many. Most loved of all her siblings by her father Zeus, she often comes off as a spoiled brat. In the end she does redeem herself, choosing stability over passion. Persephone is a young goddess that has been groomed all her life to love Hades. Too bad her mother forgot about passion as well. She marries Hades thinking that passion shall follow- when it does not she breaks his heart. She falls passionately in love with her best friend. Only to have her own heartbroken while spying on him. Then she does the unthinkable, falls for a mortal willingly giving up her place as queen of the Underworld. Her story made me resent her even more than I already did. Although, her story also made me love Hades even more. Hades story is heartbreaking as well. So many times did he love, to have that love thrown back into his face. While he insured that those he loved were happy, his happiness withered away. It seemed unfair. Will he ever be happy? When will he stop putting others happiness before his own? I recommend you follow up with this as the third book in the series. I found my interest decreasing significantly with each book in the series. Her character became increasingly whiny and ridiculously bratty and obstinate. It dulled it down for me. I ended up FF a lot of the 2nd half. I truly enjoyed this entire series. I look forward to reading more of Russell Blake's books! Ray Porter has preformed flawlessly as the narrator for the entire series. I appreciate a series so much more when the narrator is retained throughout, and why wouldn't they? Porter is by far one of the best narrator's Audible has! I will be looking into his other works just because I know how incredible he is. I highly recommend this series!!! A great story and story teller, my only wish is to have many more stories to be able to binge listen to these adventures by this writer and this story teller. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the story and can't wait for the next one. A good narrator too. I would recommend. Bit of a meh type story. The Goddess Legacy. Narrated by: Ray Porter. Series: Drake Ramsey , Book 3. Length: 8 hrs and 32 mins. Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wishlist failed. Adding to library failed. Please try again. Follow podcast failed. Unfollow podcast failed. Free with a day trial. Stream or download thousands of included titles. No default payment method selected. Add payment method. Switch payment method. We are sorry. We are not allowed to sell this product with the selected payment method. Pay using card ending in. Taxes where applicable. Listeners also enjoyed Bray Length: 29 hrs and 19 mins Unabridged Overall. Bray Length: 10 hrs and 7 mins Unabridged Overall. Publisher's Summary When Drake Ramsey gets an invitation he can't refuse to embark on a treasure hunt in India, little does he know that it will be a headlong rush into danger that will require all his wits to survive. What listeners say about The Goddess Legacy. Reviews - Please select the tabs below to change the source of reviews. Amazon Reviews. Sort by:. Most Helpful Most Recent. Filter by:. All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 star only 2 star only 1 star only. Allison A surprisingly unoriginal offering. Duane K. Laflin Extremely well written and fun! Richard S. Swol Drake Ramsey and company go after another treasure This is the third in the Drake Ramsey series and takes place only days after the conclusion of the second novel. Sean Can't get over the plagiarism Anonymous User Not as good as the first two. Maki Carol Least fave of series so far I found my interest decreasing significantly with each book in the series. Amazon Customer Oct 09, Claire rated it liked it Shelves: first-reads. This is a review of the first book only. I will edit as I read the rest of the books. I received a copy of this book free through the Goodreads first-reads giveaway program. Overall, I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed the beginning, where we get to know the different characters and the plot begins to unfold. The plot itself is a fun twist on an old genre. However, as the book wore on, the main character started to grate on me, wit This is a review of the first book only. However, as the book wore on, the main character started to grate on me, with her disbelief of what was happening around her, her failure to pick up on some pretty heavy-handed foreshadowing, and, well, something else that I can't quite put my finger on. It might, perhaps have been a result of her age, as I'm not exactly a young adult anymore and I probably can't completely put myself in that mindset. Maybe that she wasn't more careful or leery of others? I'm not sure. I will also say that I was able to figure out some of the plot twists ahead of time, which is usually not my forte. As I said above, there was some pretty heavy-handed foreshadowing. At the same time, though I feared that I had figured out all the plot twists, I shouldn't have worried at all. The ending still caught me off-guards in several ways. And it was exciting enough and interesting enough to make me want to jump into the second book right away. Overall, I found it an enjoyable read with some slow points towards the middle of the book. Oct 08, Diamond Hawley rated it it was amazing. In the book "The Goddess Test" you could find yourself in a whirl of emotions for each character. In my opinion, "The Goddess Test" is a book that is like a mix of mystery, comedy, and romance. It is a little bit informal though with the fact of it having some Greek Myths added into it. I personally love this book. It made me have loads of emotions. I was happy a lot, and laughed a little bit, there came a point in the book where I was just a little bit upset but thats okay. She is upset not knowing how long her mother has left but all of that starts to not matter as much when she meets Henery, the boy who has a very interesting claim as to who he is. I would happily hand this book over to another person who is in the 8th grade or higher. On a scale of id have to rade it an 8. I loved how funny it got and how the characters feelings, in a way, connected with my feelings. With all of the funny parts, the happy parts, the shocking parts, and even one or two of the sad parts. It hit each and every feels that ive had while reading this amazing book! If your wanting to read this book, are you up to this challenge? Find out if your willing to read "The Goddess Test. I liked the original story, and continued on, but after the third book I was done. Kate's character seriously began to annoy the crap out of me. Also, the rest of the characters began grating on my nerves too. It started out as a cute story, and I was willing to forgive a few of the character's flaws at first, but they just carried over to the extreme. Yes, I am familiar with Mythology, but these were supposedly ancient beings running around with the functional capacity of about year olds. I like it, at first, and then it became annoying. The first book - 4 star. The rest Jan 17, Victoria rated it it was amazing. I cannot express how much I adore Aimee Carter and love this series! I finished reading all 4 in a span of 2 days and I am completely satisfied on how it ended. Every book series seem hard to finish on a high note and even popular ones suffer due to the author's desire to please their readers and instead make everything a happily ever after when every story does not have to endure literary breakdown when it isn't meant to. I am glad the Goddess series ended with enough of a punch to conclude and I cannot express how much I adore Aimee Carter and love this series! I am glad the Goddess series ended with enough of a punch to conclude and tie what's left. I really liked Kate and Henry, although I hate Peresephone. I liked how Aimee Cartier captured the image of the underworld and Hades home. This series was awesome and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys YA books! May 16, Valari rated it it was amazing. May 24, Natasha rated it it was amazing. I loved this series I just wish it would said more about what happens later on!! Aug 29, Aisha Oaktree added it.