A print media awareness campaign to protect mangrove habitats in the

of mangrove ecosystems means they are widely undervalued. With better environmental awareness these threats could be managed. By using different forms of highly visible print media, it should be possible to educate people and thereby relieve some of the pressure on mangrove habitats. A media campaign could also influence government to formulate and implement stronger policies to protect and sustainably manage not just mangroves, but also natural resources generally. The long-term goal of this project, there- fore, was to ensure that the Maldives’ man- groves are maintained as healthy ecosys- tems through stronger, more effective public

Print media awareness campaign, Maldives © MFF Print media awareness campaign, awareness and policies.

3.5 Objectives Target beneficiaries Ú 3.5 The objectives of this project were: Local communities and NGOs on the target Ú islands.  to collect reference materials on man- grove habitats in the Maldives; Outputs Ú3.5  Compilation of reference materials on  to visit selected islands to determine the mangroves, including field guides, books, extent of their mangroves, identify the study reports, trip reports, assessments threats to these forests, assess how local and web-based materials and photo- MALDIVES people use mangroves, and share knowl- graphs. edge;  Organization of several field visits to 3.5  to hold meetings with key government assess the extent of remaining man- 3.5 Ú Ú stakeholders to identify policies on pro- groves on the target islands, the threats LOCATION tecting, conserving and managing man- to and uses of those mangroves, and Island, Haa Alifu Atoll, and grove habitats; and local people’s opinions on protecting Maakandoodhoo Island, , Upper North Province; important habitats. Island, , North Central  to develop awareness materials and dis- Province; and Island, seminate them to island residents.  Organization of several stakeholder meet- , and Island, Seenu Atoll, South Province, Maldives ings on public policy trends in protect- Background ing, conserving and managing mangrove PRIORITY POWS The mangrove forests of the Maldives play forests. These meetings also sought to • Knowledge for Management a vital role in sustaining coastal and island build support for restoring and rehabilitat- DURATION ecosystems. Yet they have come under great ing mangroves by involving communities Five months pressure from population growth and devel- and island associations.

MFF GRANT AMOUNT opment, in some cases being seen as little US$31,500 more than waste dumps and nuisances. A  Production and dissemination of various general lack of awareness of the importance printed materials, including posters on the importance of mangroves and the the target islands, and the extent to which need for their protection. local people value their continued existence. Lastly the stakeholder meetings identified a Accomplishments and clear and comprehensive direction for public challenges policy on protecting, conserving and man- The mangrove awareness materials pro- aging mangroves, and gained much-needed duced by the project gave the MFF country support from communities for efforts to office, UNDP, other NGOs and the Environ- restore mangroves. ment Ministry relevant information to share with their stakeholders. All of the printed Challenges materials were distributed to the target These included a lack of published scientific islands to raise awareness of the importance data and information on the mangroves of the of mangroves and the urgent need for their Maldives, the limited time and availability of conservation and restoration. some key stakeholders, and a lack of aware- The project carried out the first extensive ness in the target islands of the importance study of mangroves in the target islands, and of mangrove ecosystems. was able to put together an extensive col- lection of reference materials on mangroves Contributions to cross-cutting in the Maldives. These include field guides, themes books, study reports, trip reports, web- Communications based materials, and a collection of photos. The project produced various communica- The project’s field work helped to iden- tions materials such as field guides, books tify the threats to and uses of mangroves in and reference materials.


HC Maldives Maldives

Tel: +960 7808574 Email: [email protected]

www mangrovesforthefuture.org Produced by MFF with the financial support of Norad and Sida