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3 | 2018 Megatrend Revija C M Y K 3 18 Vol. 15 (3) 2018 • UDK 33 • ISSN 1820-3159 | MEGATREND MEGATREND REVIJA REVIEW MEGATREND REVIEW 3 | 2018 MEGATREND REVIJA www.megatrend.edu.rs BEOGRAD, 2018. C M Y K Vol. 15, № 3, 2018. MEGATREND REVIJA MEGATREND REVIEW 3/2018 Megatrend univerzitet, Beograd Megatrend University, Belgrade Megatrend revija • Megatrend review № 3/2018 Izdavački savet / Publishing Council: Predsednik / President: Professor Mića JOVANOVIĆ, PhD Članovi iz inostranstva / International Members: Yossef BODANSKY – Director of Research, The International Strategic Studies Associations, USA; Director of Global panel America (Global panel foundation) Professor Jean-Jacques CHanaron, PhD – Grenoble Ecole de Management, France Academician Vlado Kambovski – Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, FYR Macedonia Professor Žarko LAZarević, PhD – Institute for Contemporary History, Ljubljana, Slovenia Professor Norbert Pap, PhD – University of Pécs, Hungary Professor Sung Jo Park, PhD – Free University, Berlin, Germany Članovi iz Srbije / Members from Serbia: Professor Miljojko BAZIĆ, PhD – Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Emeritus Oskar Kovač, PhD – Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Emeritus Momčilo Milisavljević, PhD, Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Dragan NIKODIJEVIĆ, PhD – Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Milivoje PAVLOVIĆ, PhD – Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Vladimir PRVULOVIĆ, PhD – Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Milan STAMATOVIĆ, PhD – Metropolitan University, Belgrade Professor Slobodan STAMENKOVIĆ, PhD – Megatrend University, Belgrade Izdaje / Published by: Megatrend univerzitet, Beograd / Megatrend University, Belgrade Štampa / Printed by: Tercija DOO, Bor ISSN 1820-3159 Adresa redakcije / Editorial Address: Megatrend revija / Megatrend Review UDK / UDC 33 Bulevar maršala Tolbuhina 8 Svi članci su recenzirani od strane dva recenzenta. 11070 Novi Beograd, Srbija All papers have been reviewed by two reviewers. Tel.: (381 11) 220 31 50 Fax: (381 11) 220 30 47 E-mail: [email protected] http://megatrendreview.naisbitt.edu.rs Redakcija / Editorial Board: Glavni urednik / Editor-in-chief: Professor Biljana STOJANOvić, PhD Članovi iz inostranstva / International Members: Doc. dr Zijad BEĆIREVIĆ, IFIMES, Ljubljana, Slovenia Professor Igor BOGDANOFF, PhD, University of Burgundy, France Professor Grichka BOGDANOFF, PhD, University of Burgundy, France Professor Vladimir DAVIDOV, PhD – Institute for Latin America, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Dr. Christophe de JAEGER, Institute de Jaeger, France Professor Vladimir S. KOMISSAROV, PhD – Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Associate Researcher Yury V. KULINTSEV, PhD – North-East Asian Strategic Issues and SCO Center, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Professor Jana LENGHARDTOVÁ, PhD – The University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia Professor Maria de MONSERRAT LLAIRÓ, PhD – Faculty of Economic Sciences, Buenos Aires University, Argentina Research Professor Domenico MORRONE, PhD – LUM Jean Monnet University, Bari – Casamassima, Italy Professor Kevin V. OZGERCIN, PhD – Department of Politics, Economics & Law, The State University of New York, USA Research Fellow & Centre Coordinator Jagannath P. PANDA, PhD – East Asia Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India Professor Valeria PERGIGLI, PhD – Faculty of Law, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Članovi iz Srbije: / Members from Serbia: Professor Tatjana Cvetkovski, PhD – Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend University, Belgrade Associate Professor Uroš ĆEMALOVIĆ, PhD – Faculty of Law, Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Vladimir GRBIĆ, PhD – Faculty of International Economy, Megatrend University, Belgrade Associate Professor Marijana JOKSIMOVIĆ, PhD, Graduate school of Business Studies, Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Božidar LEKOVIĆ, PhD, The Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Novi Sad Assistant Professor Ratko LJUBOJEVIĆ, PhD, The Faculty of Law, Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Emeritus Mijat DAMJANOVIĆ, PhD, Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Slobodan PAJOVIĆ, PhD, Faculty of Geoeconomics, Megatrend University, Belgrade Professor Vladan Pavlović, PhD – Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica, University of Priština Professor Beba Rakić, PhD – Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend University, Belgrade Direktor izdavačke delatnosti / Publishing Director: Branimir TROšić Lektor za srpski jezik / Proofreader for Serbian language: Dr Maja Radonić Lektor za engleski jezik / Proofreader for English language: Mirjana TOPIĆ Ksenija MALTEZ Tehnički urednik / Technical Editor: Ana DopuđA Pomoćnik glavnog urednika/ Assitant to the Editor in Chief: Mirjana TOPIĆ “Megatrend Review” is the leading scholarly journal of national importance, according to the classification M51, classified by the Ministry of Science, of Republic of Serbia. *** “Megatrend Review” is registered in The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) produced by the London School of Economics and Political Science – Pro Quest Michigan USA. *** “Megatrend Review” is registered and published in EBSCO's (EBSCO Publishing Inc.) Database "Business Source Complete": http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/bth-journals.xls *** “Megatrend Review” is registered in GESIS "Knowledge Base SSEE", Leibniz Institute for the Social Science: http://www.cee-socialscience.net/journals/ The Library of Congress Catalog Megatrend review: the international review of applied economics. LC Control No.: 2007201331 Type of Material: Serial (Periodical) Uniform Title: Megatrend Revija. English. Main Title: Megatrend review : the international review of applied economics. Published/Created: Belgrade : ill. ; 24 cm. Description: v. : Megatrend University of Applied Sciences, [2004]- Year 1, no. 1 (’04)- ISSN: 1820-4570 CALL NUMBER: HB1 .M44 CIP – Каталогизaција у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 33 MEGATREND revija = Megatrend Review / glavni urednik Biljana Stojanović. - God. 1, br. 1 (2004)- . - Beograd : Megatrend univerzitet, 2004- (Bor : Tercija). - 24 cm Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Dostupno i na: http://megatrendreview.naisbitt.edu.rs.- Drugo izdanje na drugom medijumu: Megatrend revija (Online) = ISSN 2560-3329. - Ima izdanje na drugom jeziku: Megatrend review = ISSN 1820-4570 ISSN 1820-3159 = Megatrend revija COBISS.SR-ID 116780812 Sadržaj – Contents Ekonomija – Economics Milutin Mrkša Tamara Gajić Aleksandra Vujko ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPORTANCE OF AGRITOURISM THROUGH THE PERCEPTION OF THE LOCAL POPULATION IN MIDDLE BANAT 1 Svjetlana Janković šoja REPREZENTATIVAN UZORAK ZA POTREBE FADN ISTRAŽIVANJA U SRBIJI 17 Vladan D. Pavlović Isidora Lj. Ljumović Milenko đ. Macura SPECIFIČNOSTI BILANSIRANJA, STICANJA I IZVEŠTAVANJA O TRANSAKCIJAMA SA SOPSTVENIM AKCIJAMA U REPUBLICI SRPSKOJ 33 Goran Kvrgić ZNAČAJ TERITORIJALNOG KAPITALA ZA RURALNI RAZVOJ U EkoNomIJI ZNANJA 55 Ivana Božić Miljković DEVElopmENT AND SEcuRITY - GEopolITICAL AspECTS of DEmoGRAphIC CHANGES IN SouTH-EASTERN SERBIA 69 Milan R. Milanović Andrija Blanuša Milorad šolević ENERGETSKI REGIONALIZAM: NOVI POGLED NA HIDROENERGETSKE RESURSE STARE HERCEGOVINE 85 Politika i bezbednost – Politics and Security Milan Kankaraš Nenad Kapor Dalibor Petrović Aleksandar Simić ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF AIRSPACE CONTROL AND PROTECTION 99 Ivica Lj. đorđević Ratko Ljubojević EKONOMSKI ASPEKTI KORPORATIVNE BEZBEDNOSTI 113 Vol. 15, № 3, 2018: i-ii ii Sadržaj – Contents Menadžment i marketing – Management and Marketing Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović Darko Bogdanović YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SERBIA 129 Međunarodni odnosi – International Relations Ljubica Vasić ThE ImpACT of THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES of AmERICA AND RussIAN FEDERATION ON SERBIA’S EU AccEssION 145 Informaciono društvo – Information Society Borivoje Baltezarević Radoslav Baltezarević Vesna Baltezarević AKTIVNOSTI STARIJIH OSOBA NA ONLAJN DRUŠTVENIM MREŽAMA 157 Specijalna rubrika „Kina i svet u 21 veku“ – Special Topic "China and the world in 21st century" Carola Ramon-Berjano ThE BELT AND RoAD INITIATIVE: INFRASTRucTURE, INVESTMENTS ANd OppoRTUNITIES foR LATIN AmERICA 173 Yuri V. Kulintsev THE FIRST foREIGN polIcy ouTcomES of ImplEMENTING THE CHINESE BELT AND RoAD INITIATIVE IN EuRASIA 193 Francisco José Leandro CombINING THe “BELT” wITH THE ROADS AT THE HEART of EuRopE: GEopolITIcs of THE BBSP coRRIDOR 207 Stručni radovi – Expert Articles Tatjana Živković ULOGA GRAĐEVINSKE INSPEKCIJE U POSTUPKU OZAKONJENJA NEZAKONITO IZGRAĐENIH OBJEKATA PRIMENOM ZAKONA O OZAKONJENJU 225 Vesna Aleksić RAZLOZI KOJI SU DOVELI DO FISKALNE DECENTRALIZACIJE U REPUBLICI SRBIJI 241 Megatrend revija ~ Megatrend Review Milutin Mrkša*1 UDC 338.48-53:63(497.113Banat) Tamara Gajić**2 Aleksandra Vujko***3 Original scientific paper Received 22.08.2017. Approved 09.03.2018. ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPORTANCE OF AGRITOURISM THROUGH THE PERCEPTION OF THE LOCAL POPULATION IN MIDDLE BANAT Generally tourism as a business has never had an enviable position on the market in comparison to other branches of the economy. Serbia is a country of rural space, but this form of tourism is not in the expansion. A poor economic and political situation in the last years of the 20th century contributed to a large extent to the bad condition of tourist activity. The authors of the paper conducted a field research in the area of ​​ Middle Banat in order to discover the perception
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    ISSN (Print) 2466-3549 ISSN (Online) 2466-3581 Serbian Journal of Geosciences Volume 2, Number 1, 2016 ___________________________________________________________ Editorial board Ivan M. Filipović Branislav Đurđev Blagoja Markoski Mila Pavlović Dragica Živković Boban Milojković Imre Nađ Aleksandar Radivojević Rajko Gnjato Milan Radovanović Published by University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Niš, Serbia EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR IN CHIEF: Ivan M. Filipović: Cartography, Tematic cartography Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, 18000 Niš, Serbia [email protected] TECHNICAL EDITOR: Milan Đorđević, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš SECTION EDITORS: Branislav Đurđev, Social geography Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,University of Novi Sad,Serbia Blagoja Markoski: Cartography Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,University of Skopje, Macedonia Mila Pavlović: Regional geography Geographical faculty, University of Belgrade , Serbia Dragica Živković: Cartography Geographical faculty, University of Belgrade , Serbia Boban Milojković, Police topography Police Academy in Belgrade,Serbia Imre Nađ, Social geography Faculty of Economics, University of Kaposcshvar,Hungary Aleksandar Radivojević: Regional geography Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,University of Niš, Serbia Rajko Gnjato: Regional geography Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Hercegovina) Milan Radovanović, phisical geography Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SANU, Belgrade, Serbia SERBIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES DESCRIPTION Serbian Journal of Geosciences is the release of the Department of Geography at the Natural Science and Mathematics, University of Niš. The journal is dedicated to publishing papers in the field of geosciences, namely: - physical geography - human geography - regional geography - cartography - spatial planning - tourism - environmental protection - geochemistry - geophysics and other related fields of geoscience.
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