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Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-16-1909 Carlsbad Current, 07-16-1909 Carlsbad Printing Co.

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t.-- r uní I I ll I I Tl .. 1HHEE0EATIIS BY WIND. :lw ii ii lli A UXAS AND TEXAN S. i ll :. V It t II.'. I Ull'l .II I i U. I III Happening nf Interett Related , Mr-it- . Man Named Doxvell, VVite and Tlir! I'n-ie- Df""-- Pmi" Terribly Lacerate l.i'tle One's In Way, ;ii' ii iifW !:t,f ni' :i!,i tr:ir.--:i- i.l ! - ,. V,."'i luí' lu. t,,- ! I niir,.-ui-h m Child Killed. Face, Hand and I ega MarnhRll hH II t I riiin.'l v ut' ;ill!'."st a'ts fix.,' a nil prifi' tl,;tt .i t uv I'.l - ' ' .' "' Hull .Inn ( ii- -i l,i v Rlt : lini' ; i 4) ' ' ' tn fiininl ii. Our irictiv iz'inrafi ft'i II r. A S l i .1 .' I II. til- . V In ii"i ut ir: IS DEMOLISHED II- - si.:."I li i " : n ill. I till In .il nu JJWELLING flilel MOTHER FIGHTS FELINE. ll.lllUK thMI' iii.'Ii'Ih Sniijay rr I mini i U l'4 dv ' ' ,s P'g ' hreveport Itny Sled, r 'Ii o a Zk Star ph.utiucv Another Llttla Daughter Sustains St f!lre it NiiT-he-r "iitiK itiiiii, owned The Vicious Made a puní S'p V MX. ' I t I" T'"- I'. n a tnar It litlnMI'1 riout Injurie, Whon Cries Attracted of Leips at the Fac of the Woman, aaaajaaaaaaBajaiaaaBaMcaaBBaai HI llllllL . W.IH At ! Attention of Neighbor Second Tor- 'It'e'tt Kill hie IIhII a n In iv drowaeil ! I ni l.s II' I as She Approached Witn a Broom la llnffaln !ia. 'I Rl IftlllHlllll nado Visits Sam County In Hrr Hand. o At Dnllna a iintew rusting 111,00 -y Ceorj'a Oct Funrt Hnvtler, T- . .Inly 12 -- I Throe miles f R In s v le. Tax . July W w In lie riinsti ti'il nf mili u t.' AUiinl.i. .' I !ii' ! ll 1 I ! :h In iliit,' n' 'or nf i in k ii . ihlit (Scurry) conn ' Hurt h Tin' lain hollín Rlfl mi . iiit v liruUi'." Int fun n lesiillriK aliuul twelve iil'i.'H built ri . t l ly. urn n particle uf the. of - IirII.ih III lir hv S.-i- I tnur arnun ttii wmld MiLi'natlu'n Iih rcHld"nce Ihi w ith n ili'fli II nf mi l $ .nn nun til thin ill). I.'lli nf :i 1' iri .IHii'tHi anri. I l VVIMi l -- iiiM,l, I i W It K.w.-l- i an The fniii hlld K O ..rt standing hv a nuil ti. turn Imwii hi. tin ii'ii'.i'it Ill" Ii.iHI,' Mini vein-l- rlai. llf pillRIRItl iln Cur nf fu nf hU lli' ii two Cnnk, - uriiHiln I titinti fur I'ni'l or I ' .ii nun SlmiiM n'Ki lira ry ,i hil'ne jn npititvit reslilttm him- miles frnai Olnev Krlrlny Mr Huwcll, ble wife! ini tmliv hint wjili a, IiIk in. ni I K II N. K house . whh htfien hv u laitlennake. IVaiti 'Ukr and daughter were the nf I'Mt fall liuil in Ihf At Slnrniar ill iinu.lainm nf l.ijimi teiivcamhl killed thi-ii- i at renullKil a few iis a It illil thi".vi-n- v in iann' I'nti'iit Ulna In lir, i t anil daughter, mint Imtii neri'ii-- y sit i s hihiiIht fourteen year will hi- - llSii.niiO nmre aided In the' Til.' Inliv girl un playing In tli'i filed Kitrlna: the l.iirnlnK of dwell ni ni olil. lunllv Mr three luluiod Howell's nock f $'H.i)imi a r.i-n- is t..rin,-ri- I shortage, making h total ym, na (.. KH I.Ik i y lnir at tientK.' Kane uní' e in iy was I, token A nun plowing In a H. Kleventh 1V ii avail huid IIm an ir field - ... "-'- "" Jlniilh wliii was In n r rle'l niitri ipp.ii.iti. teiisiil m.i. h h I,.,. ,., the yaitl ami spritia Rt mía reunion vu H, siiiplnir in.un nf one of nem was nut hurt - ' ral the tin-Ill- mi tne nqiini- mi rovi'iiin- triim illKS w.ih Imrneit tn death .it I Ni'lchlmrM I tai i hilil III tnriinrly iiii.mii. t. will lie in found the mirvlvltig lit r nimiuiitu tn ( .MH.iniO. ettil llt'lnit she mi rearh the Sl illt. e ,'verv tM".,uy I n.'iir liif .( In an iilierrailnu ni linlla Jnhn niel sntiir l.iv (Ir under the wreckage; I )enie ViiMlilntiin nun hit alan the will )ul ahnnt pay the ntillnni1!iiit i hilil the rut hil Ii v lai'HRii"l Wt l.uld'ker Kh"t al'l'TM' hlitlll'R In the head at I'- nlsim ami nf whs twite, snmi dying hill anil RRlarieM nf p(lslntnm the e Itiiintn anil nf the i"livd An wan I I tie In hie i aiied made i,i,'k,., w4i Another in mi Ji i nn Siiinul.iv did anil I iHA-TI- IA ami Rtatw nflreiv fm Ihw ilimlil Mil', anil then atlRfkeil the II ll lis RtamliiiK In I (t V niiirli iliinmKM hi I). urn IIiik- when shut nuinlh i Clainli' k. a yniiim maa nf he a'iriiiii-he- win, a Innnui h l -- ReVernl ImlllfH m-- r'lllv inmiertii mi f nun, m In I'tiiiHhnrn. dr.. while hnthlnic A I I tlrtttii tar initil' several lirttis In n i I 'iKNKV LAW Tli i loud rnme rrntii I hi' I h twn iii'i-ii- tats pa s,i thmiiKli A lit hi in anil Top of Head Blown Off Hi fai e nf anil f Iteil river the the woman iiieneil en I 'V nf ink. lilm kni'MH I'll,' lilllle tn (Hint nintm T r .i., n ni. wis Tin mill win T'-- IIH I W III I i if H M.. i.n Rnnnnkii. . July II Vnn tei lll mill h hi'l llllllillt iiiiki i'kiiI Inn St IMwaul Calli ,losi.-- . i heavy muí l.'isii'il mi wi.'il minutes rntii! me in he inn in.. n't, hut was eui h tune ki "'I in He' nllr Ii, n will i a $:ii,"UU ' Zatnlt, Hm'tl twi'iitv Ihr" whs luniaiit it ly A inwn tn he the inulitv Is IM.SHAI' NK.W MI'.X In n muí Mm ÍIiik Ii il will. hiuiMe if wors seal. ly kllli'il i" Iihii slintL'iin n .if Kt'iuinl. e.i.ti" I'l In" sljt i. , il'si Iiri Iilnwliii! the ton nut ii Hita'i h flnm the I Itesliletn a UNUSUAL FATALITY. ii"i. i' tillleiils at Shei liliin M'. St... k tort I' wi.'. of nf hie hi'iirt Vim limit Iri l I'ml the trlKhien. il wnii an Kial nf It K iv.iilev nff Suiltli lined at $.'').iiiiii, were A , II II WW r I III" la'e lute Instl f Ihe S.I ri'luitnil fi'itn a huriliic i her li.ihv ti tlimw ti tit. I iteitli'Veil In- Vic-ti- ii en i. lnuil-- v. i Gravel Enter Limb While wli'-- 'i:t ami f Inn i Hi' Un Rim nn miti the tat liiiuli alinlu.-- a' ll- i Aim. iweh - smith nf KiiRk, Illllllel I ii It II lr.11'1 il i mi Ii K an wis inline. ir,(it.-- la a Bny. he 'ni'i'il he as npi'iilm T'lr- flit Iiiiik lis hiiM ' II ' I In. ni Mii.r i Hv iiml "h i -I this .ti I. , 'I fell ills III. II le.limi'il lis WlHi III" 'HUI residen, in Toxarkniiri July 10 A tin tn tlt" urininit ami .n llht i a Tex, I.' tuiiii oft I,. il rlniiK'il. ll liinl n' hut nwav lii'iiu b! il.l .. t Int., i h. linn r. lost. in ,,i f. i r m toe Ulii' k. iiKi- -l olrhl ili 'il ill i' ll J K I ui. a loin? .- r t Vth XII the lipl'er fl-- llliili"s l Rill Hint i 'ii'" i ilinil iila tiine i- t: .. ,'i, I) 'I'" i -- a in- uí I n Id. Sulpl 'ta I I loin! iim iai nun who. h fat-'- I I I' it ti i - I it l fniii i'K Is rider n. he ,1a ii, t ... ü A - i ' i Hllll"! CnlllK III thine Week all'1 "' W'll k 4, U ll"le ..I .i, I tl'lltlnolt -- . lli'V! i. I'Ai.l lli Mil M S I'.. e Iks i i ih'alh tin In ii mi' !. Lady Ridly Injured I ,' ' Ms A' ,,- -s ciri miiis'iiiii I,- HuiL'- -f i H. i ll- - .lulv I" W! - help ' U'lli li In- ;i ,,,v ai " II A .. . t . wis fi.iiit.ell ' 'i- - i. ll' H IliK l"'i l"' fe" liiinili .ni I... ' I, Vi'l I'" II . mi "lllllf ni :ilii i .Veil Ml- - V- -. U I. '. i v I' I w -- I t 'll- l In - If I -" business for M VI wet-dr- n in i ll A - he small otutes iv en hllll hv - ope in. We are Un- f h i.r i. i., iiv.-- i ii ii.. tlie av iiinin i nn ii- -i l in ! I I l'1-l- ' ,. kt :i"d a"' ii i - v.. te mil - lian o i.C' i tin' :' ' mm .1 I, ni rilluw i . , . i , h he ll v ,V li.'l VOI R HEALTH n nl in aim ii' i'. 4 fl'-l- III.' II ,,, ll- I at 'I III .1. i II' I ut HUJAC HMICt tttt't utllltlll he'"i tie o" ' i !: know n ni II:.- ll:e I'l ml e.iilr. i'l" . In 1'iat t'l'V "'i'l Vi I I I ' ...... I. an c .it had i n. li. tied i!,, ,. :i,!i '.in '.i 'h-- .' t.i'r ill) ir. is jw, I, .1 1, Tin I 'lid .1 ..''i it . ' . Net r- -, I il i'l . "I ' t Headquarter lur Druijiv, Jcwi a "'e n ti i; I., Mnre . 'I.. ll, l . j .,,' Hi, j ' 'lot- in im In' on m e'V V'.ll. ,' l !l Sjortm(j nntl Musival Good Hi Hal vv H . a- I lee-- .1 ,i- I'll' III" , ,. I antii-if.i- l .' ; tn hv ll un i 1. i'i. I al I'.i le Auenl for l Kotl.ik.s t. nd jplies ' mi h i ' v I't !' "r .'. i l 'Ii '. a. .1 Ill," lie '...,,,' I'll l iiii.i. ' ' ' 'I i l.- ol in- I -i v It,. ,!,.,, - ll I" I" i ' v - f'll'd 1.1 ','! I ., .IV s '.. p l' , ..I l ,., , .' 1.1 Mi I ' ' !..'!. Ill i ',v r V I'l . I' ,,, , t,, ik I' .1: in iiril.e i.i.i, .a' lulily DrujLj v I ,. , , , Company it V eiad'ial eeltl une I'ot I e 1. . le'll' .i'i, ni ' In tlilo Wain T1 I' ll'-- i ... . in,- - ., ,,.. t . "O "I e p, " I'l. el! r REASONABLE RFLIABLK KLSI'ONSIBLK '.' ,...,'. , ii:;ii ..i- - i lii -- i i Kan o ',1, '. "r I'll I' l I hh-- d pill, - It. l. e. s Thi Gti its Pt I (. le. llie-- l i t!lt , r . l, '.in, ' t s lulv - ' " i' "I Pasilud ' e tn s.. l !" itl MADSON'S MANY MATINGS TI'.- lintel Illkll'ivVi .."s.,n t .t t i. ..ii- - and sin'" ,'.n'it ' i "I I' I I y n ii i '&&y& v. ,1 . trl lo.'i" i.t yy& yyyy hut h'ca . .'i . I.l- a- -. M n Mi I' i,i-i- IIO- -I I . arrie Ten Women, F.ngagerl 'el "ll,, I t we 111 ' VV ,, ,'. $1 lion, ,l ,i M i i ll a k i r.,i lo Fnurteea ft,i vol f in field it. W e, I. J .',' "i."- -i Oiher. . - n mild-En- ds li" is lia - .soii- i- I t.inr- t ami hu III , . Sat. iali. n lulv ,1, i, ,, A II " .. H i . ' Is.. hen lie ti.l Hi. .Illls I t I. ' ". Ill non I ii . i wauled hlKilin. in .. Mortil III I, w ,. In -- I I v Career and 'he I I. I n o,. .. ',r,.e ' . , -- iii a.Ki- iity in Ai ma anil ni.tiiv sma'i lio mo. v .linlw- I" W'tll'ain tin,? ll 11 t II ha ire '."I si,,., iiu-- ... , i I . I "U ..ii r--r r -- i ' i m ,, , ., , , ,. - it II I., hod. Ill till l.ll' a d ,,, . ,. ea ones. i,. hands the snni ended his home a' Hnii" I Ml i ,. ii. ' ii.ii fix hv Ml ' I n h things .'i Ii miles ft, till lliietn". shin. I","1 niel ts mud" lo ll.f 11 ' u Iieie Ihe ii in. s lllive On th ' I inlitlill.'i In-- vvl,-!- t lilt -- I lilniM. II wlt'i a II nu -i on ml l- i- ' hlnl lies d If ed lie. i in-- -n I h Mi tl linn in women nml t;t li-- l.l I'M 'l' I.T -- his in v In Hie al mnl r.n i I. .es II i .elf i tn I an.- I I -- his i.l and piissihl- - nun t liive lie was llflv ', ai.. I a ',, lt,l ii' " oil III 'II think three in loiei Clothing and Cash ll r - ! '" h .,V Al -- III ll. i ,.: nl lor, t Hll.' tn tl'lllleeli oil. IS live n. Tex r't-i- l-' I k '"I lot ine I'll' k iek. ik!n full- I" I v i I ' II - ',t t, a a i i u waa Km Ii of 'v i I'l. tin font numen fan-- ih h i itv t.r M- i- m, Charged i of '.is nu" r'o l, hi. ,i alii- -i of .. i i ii- .- aft l . Neqret Vurder The Way of G rlv. Mllllsoll me said hv pull. iiiii-H- 'h-- I the I ra... is I" .11 ill. V. n, II I'ea.-- I I i . Is x . Plnk-ie- v al nl' t. ii d de. I' shu! ,t' ' h i.- In t -,s I' ll T. lo'v ho rr s,,eaU til III! girl - ti .ii nn. i- i- !' nit- 1 T'-- v. - t lull-- .. at et 'ion .vi- A .1 I l.-n--i ,1 ItroWtl. II lleyess. llVIIIK five it, al al II Xlll'll! iw h. i tlitiiiiiAli him Th- - lie hv -- ansa aiununi fir- - I iff lost ,1 eoiiiliwt'Hl Iim The his Ihe l ife, - ., V ' ohiiil I wan frtiin Mm Mliuliet of this eltv. was lodm'tl I, polio' II hat It'll. nn me III ll .', ,.', 1m .loth' lis and nhnul f lu in moiiey I '. mi a i omnia ni hei with' Ihe na it.l uf W llnw I ,,, I' H ' .I Jm kNiui ii lulu. K li it . from whom I iIirikI'ik el ell I'euil ,,iiiilnlv lust wall tit. he '' ili.-i- . the inii'd-- r of lue it vnutiu ne I i i I, la Hiilil he yol l pin Mis links, u Conductor Killed. With line.' wnuiidh in M ii.'ck .ii.l tl' lilm nml I sha. I tell him r . ml .' o', "i .it wliii was livlni: mi.l Brakeman Injured 1... !v hvb he ilitl mil mm iv Mailsnii. hut. nl'h hei. head Ihe i.t J C K'lllei I I'll n,. I 'hif.iK'i New wtni illi'tl vi it liiilhari ex . lulv :i ('uiid'u ti. adinirs he rut L' null nun hei Iiiiiii siiip,.s-- tar l 'm iesu!, ii ,,t Heiiinii w i, t.iumi t,. ., RiiMn( Mtt. te.f Runda hnlie in d Henri lleiuklii was killed nntiiKhl miit t, Iiisteul nf -- row luK Rt Ule "lienafls; AlnoiiK tl". wniin ii tn he wan pies. iinine Ilai w '.' ' ll. h.,,,.d ft uhtiiti Itiiikeinan I'liiKruis pruhahlv vil i Onrsi' I i i dav." tr. Hie aoitthliii; jstwer nf , enaiiKi'd or mat led was one In Hi .a M kvv .In. " i ' i .i fnliiMv minted tn Ihe Islnnri ioiiv at ,,.', " ,,i tie nude linro, Ark MmlKuti Is Die "rom Biokrn Back. Hoik A InR laisy. There Is like tl litlny said In have t. Ke w I'ot us wn i'l. Ii II, ,1 .,..1 .1.11-- It-- fieinlil k at twenty v ni ti iiv i. i llV ' . Inlv 111 II M rniuern. mili ,', bf Rerted eiifh of llii'He women a tile T ri Kui'l. I p- -n day lo repair the ra ni go nf rnie'i within miulli (lf fivu y. ' li .. 1- - I'alhart The ret k wa , i " -. ' -1 i t few liuum lifter mni rlnne The t l aim.. SI" en nl.' t Ihe V.uil i; It in who aetil- - witrilr-h- e or - it. li up In Im-- k let-te- ..'i' ir t.irsx rauseil hy a broken : i I . ,. , I intui-- 'l I w! luake heiim Thi li i r hlMtorv of Madsnn. who nn nK-- d isi fniuaii t'. tiiivel'n 1. i. ii... ii.i.a i...... Will a tlegtn stint I v Itit.-- i - nian ihIimiiIi over onlv a few froni l.o ksonvill" ., I dl'"l '""'I on .HKIII"ei llfll linn ' ni .mu ' i"- 4a nuuiihs ble Sam Ciahb of K tins- - .l h I The clrl wfei itilllvnle cntllk ha- em-pii- II lilok-- n hn.-l- llnlinuit in the past the fm p. Almost with, nit im ihe frnil: a wid dan utilms Wlltle 1V lij to PHI tn 1.1 I tred of I'lIlK wet luaea a big nw I wn hi I.l i . n Un'. d.ed at l npfior have heen widows or ilinut-e- women ami k . Fatally Shot by firnesh, timlfy I" liiiprnve her nntiplex Inn. A Ol middle ll K fitepon Hand Cut Off HdiIr Isá .lulv It A M.uwcll rnntliien'al Kliile hank nf llnvrl I, s walk In ihe ruin la not only nn antl-di.t- e I t a lumlMT was fatallyf hi- - liollll.d .in tn Inhiotiei It f.,r Idiien. hut Ix n wunilerful Intil" A Millionaire' Ha h y STABBED MAN TIMES Atnka Ol, n . .Iu!v I'l A pern W mail shnl hv Iovh il y R'epaiiu Ifenry Ku hiii atcetu the plan uf hai.k tn tlie skin C ' 'Inii, man was mu i i.v i for sink asi'hsiueiit a' Iiv 'li .ir u I Iniliy guaraní v i.'i...'. Mi'he -- lint the I sic.-:J,i- J S Lamb Dead am' Hi Eldest Son w lii 'i in; I e In Hi" 't j, en K.iu-.- latter' tmtther with a huit he' lion out the wlmlow everv flra ' tie' lie i. "I t slon. duiitiK u -l W Under Bond. at, I T.-- ii, i"ls at Ami.. i His iw uuair- Winn,li.i, Jnhii llradv. inunty a'inrmv of minutes f- -r sliil.t ,.f the mm nor a, ti ni ti iw- -l il- in Oil, K IT ur I ri'iiioiisiraied Maxwell him Travla m , Me- K- hnne as hruken at. ..lie hand slunk airuini.diili'J bv Mis your faintly with Ihe pseii-- " hnii V" r h.ihv I'll ÜIV,' tl Maimfleld July - At his ill' whine. 'iir' leu. Itn Inn dson crnlihed a sIiiiIkuii fliadv has I ( re- nlf fired tone on a visit ta the Pa It I ii I'.al.. 'il'xir J H Ijimh. a pnunlm-n- t wish wmii. ili'itr" The hii never iiurrha home furmer at ranite. hlnwlna "(f his Htep run ct, est 'I. an 1 a, deran eini'iil-- . ,,f alini.e f..r wlshliig. and are tint seniarv llin recrlved knife wniinilR whlih M father a head He has em rendered .toinaell or ImWI'ls 'rt, Father' Awf ttU The hodv of a white maa ;, so ll..l.i..,..ul I,.- - tii.t- - i' unit rfk:. M.I ll K'fclv I . bla deitth hefnre a phvltlitn arrived Oalluii. O Jiilt I'i M ii.ik iii h's liadly ma i i; h it aa to he inn e, ugin.;i '"le o Fatal Brain Hemorrhage -- ' I Atxiiit fifteen wmnnla were Inflletetl little son. Ile'hert. sl eft old fin llu was fnuiid oa I lie ikilioad link A' ''"' 'itl, h. ear. who d'.'ii two of litem heliiK thrnimh the henrt a burilar. Kr-- d Klot n -- hoi u ,i killed Aiielln. July 11- Jnhn liregKle. i ear Stniiiiui think I nut 'Ins morning v yearn JuatU-- S.nllh relea. d Jim Ijiinh tke bov, witn was wa'kiii; In tils aieep rar(ienier aluint alitv five nl The ft K Rheely drug snd Jeweltt ."'' '"""I gneealng fur me, old II-- A ace died at I twenty thre. yeara uf Rue. eldest mm the Sentn Irifiimnry atore at wan ruhhet) of f 'm: man in r it her tired " I'ttn h Dollar Saved 0. the dead ninn. on "..nno bond tn Wets Wm. found In hla room at ?uu Wesi worth nf wutchea and otbrr Jewulrj ' Musical bimut. Hlith street In a dying tomtilion In await he nf the Kinnd Jury Brlatol. Va , July - Itv Ihlrty and I2 In h liuiihi, a monk of Aie.m, In Tus II lwn R S rtlaKiuu.e, Pnmeatle Irmitile I hlniiied fur thai majurlly the tirave th" tase r. " 1,1 A- '"ventor mi irnlnh lumlH'a ear Duiliir. June 'here were In . " Isa Dollar t I Int-a- l Iieoionhaae of the brain He ha miii killing ried tke option elertlua. Tke ÍM blrtha a, cording Ta. "f ' gumma "tit." or gamut, and tarnd a nnlilent of Auetln for many vein ta thn atate Imurd. .. raiitpaicu was an eirltni naa of health a vital Manatíes' bulletin the six unte ", r,M .,). fH HUSBAND HANGS HIMSELF. 1 eyllahlea were Aged Woman's Body Found and .47 denth "aol." "la" These ' C. K IMIHiN taken fmm the llrt three verse nf Ilia Man F'est Cut Hi Throat Find Underground Rlvee. rnrpu fhrlMtl. Te July U - tniie the bait You ifaa known traveling ruin In died' hy u f St Jnhn the llnptlst, 't Hill dUdys vv nunr Badly Injured Jark Pniltli who Uvea two mllen bodv of Mr June McKlnrle. aueil , Teias. Wife t llnnham He ram to Taiaa from queant luxla," etc Without the use ol - abova Brnwnw.ieJ, rlilma tn havti nnty even. who wandered nwav from by Warn, July II After he had ml Vlrglala In 174. entild nut In a lit-- Ji'dllnq with It you made a dlatovery which will men her home at Nuet ealnwn twelve nulei. tbe gamut a person Jnme W hanaed Mayor hi throat. Parker much In that city While opealna up from Corpus Chrlill was found In n Sweeim f KI Pao and Mr tie time heroine perfis t maaler nl himself ta a tren He climbed to a (in a travel pit on his place he taya he det r endition hy h- -r aon Kieanor Humphrira, also nf thai. rlfy. plain song liuliln any. In a letter trul. limb, plaii'd the nmise around his found river Tbei wn Indit allnna nf play were married at -- anta Moult, neat whlrh be wrote. "I hope they wlin, leaped feet III ha larte iiiiitnrrniiiid Beck and flret nerk of a pure water a la found an !ua Angeles, rat eonva ua will not fnrgttt to ,ry waa Ill wn badly beat after broken. wife where, aparlty nf which la large Woman I Acquitted One shipment if by we a being; Rhe the rreata received for oa, for make iierfart ninater a, ber skull laid barn noiiKh supply any Hire city thn Acme (lalnnavllla The n to The f,reahe(k. Te July ID In th cnai.ry at of alnglng In a year or two, when is Old RHiMe may recover I'm ker deed ara aa 1. uuderaround current waa found al idltr, I cniirt May llelle Miller, a wliii.. welgbed 00 pi. id and teilad 3 till ti ov a ierarin could arare attain arrlbed to menial aberration or twentyseven par depth feet, and !,wonian. wa. ai'inl-- il hy n Jury he rent im'ter 'at thla e ice, eren Inuierfertly, In ten Is ut thf sume ' stand that aid lo be aUteen fuel hclow the bed , wn , Insana Over Cat' Death. in. J nu ihe i'iuine of kill in lief Jamas la.ra a peg rn aff Helad with " The gamut la tha II rat note, h was ywirn f th bayou kahy tubarmiloiiih. wnlli on hla way U 7ar a'i. ami New irk. July 11 - Charlotte Yhan tin bat oftener taken a at(rnlflng the will hi thiTt wht'ti ( Baa Antontn city Imapltal, you waa a voluntary r Jumped from whole wale nf ninalc or aertea if. tl, who prleoner Qln ettroyed by Flra. n i: ... n. Vlon For Moitana a nrtng" 'n ih a want rlothi's Ynrkvllle pollt-- roiirt. I now In aound. rising or falling toward acute-llea- company, Vv 4aa Kverybod Dm and Mill Terrell, Ten . July n Mra II UtaSID' KICsWII) UK MxM It) Ml fan" In llellevn hnepllal When ehe rnr rai herty and daughter or grarlt)' from an giran pit' U aonsltlng bnlldlnra machinery i tn the hospital h adniued triads nf watei tiielone ims, d Hi" Mlm - and Miss Marv llmiainu ftrat tame rued at Thick aeha. Ok la. T , or tana. a kitten Th cat died (rain, etc.. Midland imlway hound It III have i" "i.". tu in, em ii from j little reemii Th loa la tipioilmately $?i,.UU0 llliga J4C0U J. SMIIh and Ihe wuman irlevi'J uvor th Dial Mollt .o.s-- (,t:u:s. ciKht miles south up the const,! THE final act in the negotiations The Carlsbad Current 'for here the coast line is wry, for thr building of the bridge A trip to tin I 'i--i fir i'"H :,.riH,kiMlanl in íoinKi'u!halonií!acrotthe Peto at Carlsbsd and, Seminole Auto Co. Cor.'fm 'Hrintmq Co., tihiihtr Midland 4 would riot complete without HH(h ,, jH really proceed- - across Biack river at Malaga weaj m II Mullein-- . IV. winy n Angeles ami vicinity. ní j,)War, iMt. north, for yesttrday, when aj I Mon- which includes n half au yu Kir-draf- t wa received by the Cars leave Palace Hotel at 7 a. m. (...1.1 i.l N. M Inday July lb. IWÍ t, M,(S abruptly at I'oint Firstj trios in various directions, from lr ,n.,. frim c ,..i,. National Üank of Carltbad for the days, Wednesdays and Fridays, for Pearl, I M iV 1 1 An-!..- .i ' lit rnt la Nt,r-- ami around lit city. is tfov .riim-n- t i 27.384 oo, which amount I ML' )'.( Mm i"i Miirt tMt"ht Mat IWi.'. there a " or-- ' con- It i r.nntitBltt HrlMlM it ire les is a tourist's imrail'M fr! luyht house located. We were hat beta placed to the credit of the Lovington, Knowles and Seminole a bridge building fund of Eddy Ottkld I'dptt of tdJy (iiunty. livin Is rheap atid i'sal of all! shown over the lijfht house by necting with cars for Shafter Lake and kinds to be had reasonably.; the entlemarily keejnr who county. The contracto! will com- Ollkidl I'dM'fol Ihe City v1 íüdsU mence work aa toon the mater- Midland. Returning leave Seminole at 8 Tin re are hundreds and een 01 ens it to visitors for two hours at I I'S- - IHI1 lu t In annum ial arrivea for the bridge, and it) kt 01 piar es to Mop i three to live eat h Tuesday Lovington for dinner arriving at Jl.. .1-- -. .I..' a. m. hundreds of ways to the and Thursday. There is a unique !... - " or 11 Carlsbad 5 T. Mil Ft' I'OISTFUS. time pleasantly. Hut there i,m ,,n the toast a few miles year 1910 usnerea in, tnsi at p. m. , including Mr. Wersell, on this picture iH,-h- Na-th- e ptopl, the A lb debate huH been tiirav also shadows lr ÁnvL culled Soul In rn Par tie and other milk man on the east tide, will be If you want an enjoyable trip oí 200 mile which tiaveres to the w inds. M.s wm.r jt proim-e.- l to use have secured . crossing on the first concrete bridge Kiant mono.lies r(). m., a m VN lu.rt. ,.,,. the of EaMern Mexico, and the Plain of l ' best portions New Ihe land Mil in a linWifl j to span the Pecos. The successful ,I1H11V natural advantages and pie use gondolas and small Ismts product as far as the siwrs ,.,,,, ,. tht. to pay disposition of the bonds and the Texas, try a trip. I I(,urts to iro from house to house. Then that an fix it. final solution of the problem of get- - tw ice as much as formerly to ee there are other towns, Ocean ting the bridges is due to the ef-- 1 - other laau-tifu- All amendments in the inter- Catalina islands and siirhts f one of the most l. 1'ark forts of Messrs. Bujac & Brice, Midland & Seminole Auto G. ist of a simare leal for the peo- - Last na-so- the fare on small may - seen in Tourists who found a buyer at a premium pie haw- met a common fate mud launches to to the islands was beach, idckinir ki droves nlonif the of nearly three thousand dollars' are junk in the scrap pile. only $l.2."i from lonjr Hcnch. but xuttun stones and ahells, and we been r after the bonds had turned tliis enr it is S2..r0 from Son uru .... .,v...i.t i.n W.-r- 1 nut Tin machine yantt led by Ald-r- i ' IVdro. This is caused from a j Ur that mon y has f' Uw7e" h et al have fixed what the i in Chicago probably knew succeedi"d m by less Co. not company bavin upon the people FinlayPrait tidwe. bill tun do fur the dear . n ... i :.. . r about bonds than they claimed to inu iuii i (uririK ....01 me au- - . and aid w hat the tariff kill rominx nnni ii control natural.1 The bouus of $3,000 is a ... ..r . .1... . . I.l I... nw. ..1.,1,..,u'-i- i l.u must lo to help the trusts rob mili ("i aninue me hiuiiii iMiuni strong contrast on these bonds of county know n as Catalina Island much betler. An it is there are the $14,500 to only $400 on the issue Hay and the people of the county w ho war that "ROYAL" Presses. nine months of "very lot $30,000 voted by the town of The conference committees paid in taxation for improvinir is by foir or "DliERINQ" Mowers and Rakes the sun obwured Carlsbad to sewers. That are machine men and know what island and built the roads summer the. "Olil-RINO- " Harvesters the clouds while even in thohe bonds were sold too cheap is drain is mauled uf tliein and are ready es not even land a and hrid. dare real sun shine days are as very evident, for no of "JOHN )l:lRüM Plows and Cultivators iii li w r t he jfiMsl.-i- . othei town to row boat on the shores of the is R " scarce as hens teeth. This the sire of Carlsbad ever was "Ptm-- SCHUTTLI-R- Wajjon A in lund. This wa-- t brought about H" miles wraui'le will take place alonir the coast for known to give away bonds at so "R. T. PRASII:RM Pueblo Saddles tlx iMi-4- - ilav to by tin- Mannings purchasing jn summer are utirii iiiniii from ,.H u. ,avs low a premium. This towu should Guilders Hardware and Paint. is owners all the lauds da while the bill in the hands from oilier W1;rn.r than in Carlsbad, have had at least $3,500 for those by some j plen-- , of the r.infeitw-- but the senate of the island and then Oíanles are cheap and bonds as a bonus. aim minimis w ill la- - accepted smooth work convincintr the i tfu everywhere, basi ls con-an- d if clianirud will lie made to county Uuird that they ( the lían-- ! jn fr,,m fifteen to twenty! ,ln THE town board is to be com- Hdwe. Co. help the trust net a slice nitiK) would save the county )fw larin ones sellinir at a ipiar FinlayPratt i mended for the effort making r juhuitlam. much if the roads were luriu-- do not near at t.r ()rai)Ks Kow of IIh-iii- . present to compel a number over tj thuti the coast, the nearest if roves le-in- ir TI (sople a'4'pted the hue the property owners to build who have public w Ll.iiout a place Jo land alauit thirty niik-- s east, ail i r of the republicans that defied the law and public sentiment on tlie island. Then the com- in some sMts they are tin tariff m 11 t lie by its thouirh for the past three or four years in pany Htat1d a line of row n (aNÍ land friend and ibr reiiblican lejtd-- It closer. orante refusing to build concrete walks in PHONE 66 Ixiat to Dm- - ioUuul ami chartreil the eiirhth year rs baw fixisl up a bill that trives produces after front of their property. It is a rnoiioMily priciiv. for tbr duy d from plantinK. and is sold from tin truUjtU llwy hial tbe nrrve name mai people were uui , tiie italoeiah-ii- t kipK-r is over , i iucc a-- $100 acre where there no U k for. r ,o bJW theif wlk M 'hi. 'Jj- - alalina trip in coiisal ,...,,... waier riKiu ami w. ,he ,, fir WMe ,,. The Groves Lumber Co. l'ainr-AUrii- h bill 'Die lialkmn trip which is $2,- - I Hie tarill cred. must he de(.ended upon to lgue(j poor eoc0uragement i'ikmI by stm-e- l car fnan the center of ove is as as enact) ami the 000 per acre where a Ki iHlorthoiie wn0 ,re imbue1 with w ho have done I la- - revis- - town to lie loiklo. thence up in friends prMlucinir. Oraniren are ripe enuusD of lotll pauiotism to im-- ! Building Material U- - atony U-nc- - ion turn out to the trusts and the P Santa Monica and March and th- prove the town, to see a lot of other priviU'i' iirabla-rs- . and through the SoUliers' Home orange that ripens in Valencia rgt and knockers get off with as aacnaocaaocBxxia&ocMaxCKooaooo re-H- I aiul Saw telle back to town, may remain on the tree re-- K I'lililu an uutchiiie leaders March uxiit punishment as those who j u i res alsiut hours and is until NovcinWr and improve in'fUktdto Iim e piihMsl up all camiiaiirn build their walks have dinance, and shall fail to to builil worth thi money. A yuUle nc-- ! each - unlity. sweeter BUueeded in doiug. ui-- thirty days .inl-- i to tU- alai yiw-- I'lttinir siilewalk within alter companies the car and en plain.--. However, tl.i Krvu-- of a nota-- so to liuilii. and tin mi than other tarilf day. irrower sliall lull to complete Ihe snine within lili lí lr of interest. The na- s everlhifiK erally finds satisfactory market 41 dny et U' h notice; lulli-- thus the political lubla-r- Ordinance No aftr tional home for soldiers is well early in the season and sells his the board ol truateea ol the lown 01 of fnuiteen slates shape the tar- An ordinance K'vh'K nntice to the ( arlabad ahall have all aurh aidewalka worth seeinip. Thi re are at most remarkable in aasesa the coat thereol ilf lull so as to lay all the rest of crop. The owner or ieraiina ciiarire of certain built and ahall present about 'J.MlO old sohlii rs lota lo tmild aidewalka anioiniiiK aia-- aainst aaid irowrtv and the owner or feature in this country where ( the lountrv under tribute to lots, and ren-ulini- ordinnme No. 77. owiiera thereof aa provided by luw. in the home, and the place is one fruits and (lowers thrive so well He it ordained by the board of trus--I Section A. That ordinances No 76 their trade anil money irralibers. ot the wn of and () dinance No. 80 are i.erebv re-- 'of the ino-- t comfortable and the is a in oats teca t Carlabad: Ib do you like it '.' the immense it aire Sec. I That in the opinion of the pealed. 'climate the most salubrious of Carls-- . Proposed thia 9th day of July W and barley hay. Probably nine Imard of trumee of the Town of l'H, hat interest have you in a puliliiih-wulk- a any on the Coast. Near here is of bad. it ia neceaaary that concrete side- - read the hrt time and ordeietl to he helptd to rob you and tenths of the acreavv alotiK certain atreeU fiarla ed in Ihe t arlibad Current. trust for-- the home of A. J. Kryant. a j is up to jrrowinir ol atreila 11 the lown or I arlsliud, aa our in '.' iriven i'lilHr r to ter tie Imilt im Carlsbad painter and hay. summers are very dry - n Noticefor Publication. The trusts and syndicates put The 'l lierelore, iiolirt- is iiivi-- to. j whom a short visit was paid. Mr. and pasturage is scarce, and wa- ihe owneraor iem(in 111 charao of the ItapartiiMnt of Ihr Intrrlor. II. f. Ind Otfliv, up millions to lead you to the side-l- k N. M , May. . Kryant family ornovrty lot or lot ailjoininK the al H..HI and seem well irrigation scarce, but hrri-maftv- r ! F. mry, Itry-a- n ter for decribil, lo build or Nmir Wrli aivn that Hll ImiIIs and vote you '. M-- airaiust arUbad, well may In causa to tie limit aurh and fmilr HlSi K. l'lllrUn, uf 'contented and they crop can lie in the on . IV 1, nia.l llo,na.tad this irrown - Auau.l Ihe miyht not yet M.ikulm BW--- that trusts lli- arc ooi to build the ame. nlry K.W Smll N... ;. I. SKI Sa) Thi 9i)'))n;.it for he has an acre of the most irrigation. This I U. NWI 4 NKI-- aini NKI-- I W winter without ot, or with the materials and of t' e 4MM8r. - hurt I 4. Km TownahiB M:,h M lie diai-rile- l ill No. llun MrralUu. firt soil on earth. lb has hay sells at from $l to pir Ordinaiic ha ftbtt nutlca of liilaiilMHi to malio Kinal loa of the The are not hurt, but 74, ias-e- d by thin Imkril ol on 'It-a- lait.1 trusts li trustee I'rtHif, toaalabliah claim to th abuvo banana, orange and mon trees ton every season for there is an the .Ird day of Aoril. l'Juo, emit led it'Mnlioil, bad. A. H. O yuiuh. Criiliblo Clora i.u are bad; anil who is to N M., II .A - hurt mun-ne- r Khüy o., at hl ottloo In Carl bad. on Iho under which the Irish potatoes "An ordinance providii K fur Ihe , IfKM. '.' immense quantity used in the "thilay ol Soplan. Ke..i.M7,ion blau e nú. onlv you. of lotiHtriii'tinii kioewalkii in the 1 loiniaiit nam aa wilnoaaoa: Julian Smllh, t.. t yrowiiiK I -- are to perfection. He cities. Heans are also yrown in Town of Catlxhad and irearrihiiiK a B.arh. W A. K01. Kami, Doan Mmilh. all of ue ' bad. N M is th Hi. toiv ol tlie West, Kast-ei- has a black U'ir patch, a fri- - torn violation. T I'. Ttlkl..n. The Central and laiye acreatre, the ham and I! Maid no See Thai or Hniialor. liting Ma l ine stales haw- - had warm waves strev h. d and hundreds of iole y'rowintf in llhundance w ith- - dered lo be iHinsliurted are aa follows...... 1 1 1 vn: iiniM-i- l dilfcrint kinds of truck, .... , (íinmI well that much suttVrini; and irarden ,0111 irrivaimnaiiii mince uo.. ,ilit. llf fanyon sireet private Isiard and Our New Model, 10 lie a te- i3 block furnished airy roomH, with or made the sections like watils the I'lound with per acre and sell adjoinm- ln ; li. and in Jl. I tenement fifteen hundred and I now ready hove tliu; On the east aide ol Canyon street, without board, cent ally located, lllito a I est house. New Mexico fed from iron pine per If at four dollars hundred. .o,,,,,,,,,. i, 4 m bl.s.k 74. t'an not accommodate invalids. Mixiel 10 anil the Southwest these da are laid all around the place it ui-i-- tint fur tiatronmntf that On the aide of Canyon street ...... I...., A li M 1'J IJ tn .IT. Knquire at Current olliice. !r-a- With all the comforts Mr. MHIUU-ri- l .... . V S-- l arc n l'. my a siihii ef what a 'fcianl monopoly, the Ma. ai., ,.i i uin,,i, Riie.-I- ail- - ith Colonic . f ü ir hot wave do when it has not fully recover d from ' Pacific, would be a and 4 in blis-- . Model 11 can v'ts the coast lt ( , , . (In the went stile of anyon atreet, Did you want water w hen X l'tilll-tl- . I home sicklies-.- he "aid : ever I'll rtllllllCOf b T! I'al he if !a.t w eck for rmsl place to Visit eery summer Uilj..ii.ii.e M- - R. L and urn bU-- H7. he wind didn't blow? Come Rrminglnn lyi v.ri:r balearoomt and Mniul:i h.indid nut the real "This is a splendid climate ami a couple of months, but de- - ' V' SfnyL1'" "lr'"' look a first engine .for ailjoininK I and in and at class K'M-- soil and we can do well pump-jac- k E. B. tbinr mu h as Imrn Kaunas ami lii T US from the fojr and lams ,,11 the e- -t aide ot Canyon street. and at the Ohnemus REPPERT I here, Carls-ha- d of adjumna lm 17 ib i.iwk ti shops. N ui-k- .i ml. a ill, mid rum, but but we miss our old ami consequent rheumatism l'loHieloi - at Carhbad with plct'lv of water people very much, for no !the winter. . rtK'SA''1- 349 Main Stlrel - 1 W.M. II. On ti 'Hie of Canal airee1, ad will m courte- Texas- the Up land Insists the matter where ynu ko you will Ml'I.I.ANh. r.asl You tret the st Dallas, "aired juiiiuiK luis 14 and It in blis-- 27. ous treatment at Shelby's. crop-- , into a more vigorous ieer Unit in all the world a Hie auulh side of Mermisl slwt, A woman with a lentpt r must' .. , . , jn h)(K.k 4U, y row th community with as many ps! . . r U' a warm numuer these sunny On the aotilli side of Koa atreel, ail- A Vnientea.. woman people as Carlsbad." bu k iuiiiinu 10I a a. bhs-- 14 - ia Hlwaya in same houae with A protracted warm wave 'James and family wre visilin- - llrts- On the Hurt h aide of Stevens treet, found the PnrlcKnij Fnrflíf HTft Crt aiil' ltniiS lots V.i and II in blis-- 27 Halard's Hia.w Liniment. Il keepi umiii'U hriutrs a ram. If Mr. ai d Mrs. Kryant and Kurt As it is not as you like it. thus 0lhlHrln ,, , M(Kl,v street evejy member of the famiiy free from . IMaiid 14 in I'l'vk 2 achea hea hurna, 1 I I yoed 1 ailm ninir lota and pains, it i I t the rule holds this district Pat a former draxinan of is the weather. cu'. - l AK WS uk. Sectoii. i ' he recorder of Ihe Town and and cure r eumatiam neu- h will be well soaked ele many Carbbad, a tu-a- neighbor, Cm. shall, as an thia r Itnnb ko. and all muscular aure- - was of isliad aism ralKia. . These hot days a doi: wears . tsk-- SI a ' das. A Mineral ram would so Carlsbad was well represent (litiuin-- taaea tfTect, issue and the nos and stiffness 2i.c and R. M. THORNE his pants. Ii.kii iiiHi nliul aeive, uinui eat h bottle, Nild by Kddy Druir Co. LICCN6CO CMBALMtR on aw-tel'- i- i mean lutier piotuni'i iamb id at Saw telle that i'a. 11I the tiwm-- ol (.eiiM.fia in "'f 11. li uf lota abut-tu.- rancc lai d- -. ion I tilt Ml r U IIII'II I . uf the loia and paila and is practically a port of IH Ihe aaid iroMi-- OSTEOPATH l M'l I.'-- ' I ll un and adj" mini; Ilum lira Si . Telephone 70 a it is only t a c! builil Ihe sume aa here- in Carls- Anreles, for III ulllKinl ilillllka toi I" KUa Kay Hicks arrival I lea l.i delnt-riiii- i lr . ot t I j Ib't .in di il is and has ,. - in 1.1 del id, liy lo each .Monday nia-h- from leaver Con. Ml of i II t tieiiltl .111:1111 III ll.u- il..n'. .''! bad miles the center the a:uil a 1 tía onnn ullii-e- a mourn t II. I WL Illl II II III I. lit. I oi k true cev she will open aa "'ii us bien Ihe sivcl.d cutMriii of al ; ,dmo-- I Hue.-- il the o of any lot r aiiiil will im-e- l t east an. only iiiiili" ,. ;.'. k i.. 'it. itli, c:i. .il'li ami tier rMt) iMurttt t) srluii to il- - .1 v hh ,'. Il - hits a.lloihii.K wl.uh unewalks MH.le i'f the . I' v anil ki-- I acqilHint lailii t 1 . u fc.l',;..ll II a tun!; the t. l..: u.u.i 1 half au hour on ci ar hereby d lo be built, I a noli ,. n.iti.-- e will lucaliun Carlsbad Dairy d-- t - " I 11" .MUI orden Uter irive the rivrnt 11. crop con- Ik ;ul oiilllt .xarv tu t - a cniiun the ' ..... ' ol and has n.. atf.-n- residua- Bnj ph.iiie No. reach from an port Mi-- 11 .. reauleiil .1 Tlil an i ,... ditions. The man wl 'i well witnintne ii i .hfiwi, mmm d'i A li s. .1. kicuie a Urol class ionby in the miatl 1 ni ahall beiliven M"tititc on sprinkling til' IC at I" tliuii coal and on prem- the I.'-'ii- I i " conspicw" ua place upm the said S. P. KEYNON i The ci! of 4 l'aitl-- a out Pur Jersey Milk be can ise a copy of said notice. The town I - heaens harvests -j .. Dwllv- twenty miles south ol 's A 111 well to wire 01 addrea llil marshal shall make a return in writuiK Horte Dentist. 4nd Cream at-t- . The man who use a water' tor fmllier iartl. ular all of and contains aland .''1,0 0 iai shoamtc how he served aunl notice. Many food Kwaamrs faott and oalor throa Umoa rd to part) üeles K. iurchaar4 the s..-ii..- w J MilHinalit baa . That in case in owner s day and Mill wondor vay inoir aoraa woaa oau. thoolty. in with hands dow a. addl-ikm- , rla'ht iple, b.:.U" '''' Vtidrrw IN ay la fowar a of any lot, or Iota A l t Ik. avmiiluma aro; Waak roa. aubjoet n'l le nr In charle lb- - t aoWvaya iiuin.iti.. will It wttb aa addi- ...... I .l...llino lo o4a. mhan... aM.n aud Unorova "Tí . b-'- .h.kWu.n xil. Is it t ' f r you How of tourist.o and Bmds run .i.e.- bh. tion to ta hoiia. a well anal fruit on rilewslkti hereby ordered to t .ypkona J? bodlurih. riAKI- - . . na the w-- low Moa. I O. Wersell, Proprietor much iiivit. ii ,vi sU'd? every hour to San Tetlro, orne Uro. built, ahall fail to comply with this

1 LINEMAN ATTACKED E Y 1 . FLOCK OF IRATE CROWS Some of the Best Things Written IGMT THEM OFF ANO 19 GLAD Meny Moments by the Acknowl- WHEN TASK IS FINISHED AND edged Masters. HE DESCENDS TO CROUNO. Sine I,, Vii'i Han y Svlv.-ster- . liii'iiiiu .( the I xooMtion tro muís, With has .'lile mu I. iris loi h: tin v about Humorists ! II. e !,' ;iul .nihil"- - o ill, MS 111 ' ' it ' I, Is mil k he io in, I him "If tl.e i.n'ir of .i IV ;n tu ti lor a big II o, k oi i m, and N ), t haunted by tic i i.f , i.u ion,, open beaks liked ber birlbdsy present I Ile was hi i ni tunr. his eyes and They met at the by In How Joggins Lost a Legacy ilimr Aunt .lane herself, attacked him mnnly and In pans, and who hastily fumlllar-lookln- By Will S. G'dley. shoved a lis this h.ip pemil le, above panel an envelope ll' the Young and Into bis hands, ground h" s.ns be loKsltm lolui Henry .log The one to bis limit ran as follows' lth the remark: lilt .ievei , -- l.i tl be b n k tli Ins of Huh, kl ti has a t .,r Aunt .tune W illi this I s, n,l Vm.i .is oil lei i.i tn.i , eff,-rlli- I'-- "There's your birthday offering, we.ilthv aunt imm I i be has been I. rlli, lav hi,, i'Uii Svlve lir as tllHKllii; lie Kile i 'i t tie- l i young man. aud the Insulting bn. i ii ,1 " u-- expei tit'K a blK xx iiiitla'l one of these .,ft',,'r in.."! ,tii ",i lale note f.,i b;,t,L" u i,M, .. ii, iHiiiil.'y t unit i n i,, It will came along It I - , iIm.'i. tint bis bright hopes haxe been that with may need h.i'.n.'i ,1,1 Hie ii .1 .. ' ' I, a a he cup. but If I I ,,. . ciexi ei ii '; iixl eriieby imj cd In niiislai do don't let .ii, il, Hall, e: '.hi! k you n Hie bud and nil tl.ioiiiji un nlifor r,'iiiire to tell f It, nor to buv It l.ll'iile li.iM:il,e ut ;il eilber ATei tlotiale ceplietv, f I'll nffei yon T' i i Is the ,,v !t L.tppcned 'eh? tlonaie broomstick f if I ev, r i H xou .b kit .' .iM I V I'ii'lil.ii came along ati around bets . v. ' iigain!" 'i. tine i,iii il.ij hir-- t week. I I A ' a i l.iii.i i.f l.ii'Kiet happened to -- 'II hut. made a mistake. tint '' Í..Í . . . i i - i. 3 i.r.. a i,L" R lib I I !:ii. btilhitnv cue ut at'oet (he i i .v - jf i line; stainmet'eil .lotgitw. hut e, be as II ut I y- 1 tl'l loi tiis t!ioii:bt he eiiiiH'ed tn llliish the i oi. hi briiiii ili.x a two I, lili one e i, ,il ,. e, u a. i ijiien, m io Hpeak. by "You're tight, young man, you never ' nrel,.iMr u - the lilrtbi'm plesellts made a bo r- r mistake In your life! 'o'li nl the siiiu' anil dispatch- Iion't von A lint Jane me'" she shouted C I' cm on the Hllliie il.lle lie lie excitedly. ' All you've got tn do Is oi dniL-l- illd so For the eiilthv to keep your hat on and travel! I've .'Hit be IioiikIiI n beautiful gold mount seen and heard all I want to of you id lorgnette ibis aunt as very fond for one spell! Come, get out of in of the Hi, ai, T and would naturally sight or I'll- - I'll " I. Ml such a gift xcry u efnli. aud for And not knowing what Aunt .lane JS10A ASILO Is. i hum li pnn-tiiiM- ' it an elegant might be led to do In the violence of nft t , u s n he enp her anger, .logglns complied with her St l dashed to pieces hv the surf, wblrh I'llMlliK III, si ititfi futicy plush 1W git's was running request by hurriedly betaking himself blgh, ss the men of iit. sains si re l.iggins care. jumped ashore. 'ees out of her sight Nelson's arm was ',illy wrapped them up: then pick-n- by In a month or so when his wralhy shattered a cannon ball as he ,1 III Carefully ni tl.e one ii i.'iiil. fur aunt. "Jojgini Wrsppsd Them relative bus cooled down a trifle Jug- stepped on the Jetty, and lie was rnr Up." is lie slliioed be lote her Halite gins Is going mound sgaln and en- rlcl back to his ship by tho men. r I'lnl aiiilies on It. addiess' il Ihe othi-- deavor to explain but In in- ' ..,nr apprmal. I, mutters; the In a glass rase on each side the I., ),i a Imiii.. and vei l Minn i,:t by spe-;..- nn.l l'oit r. tune o' ' It urn wl'l meantime be III gladly dispose of bis . thlnh 4i i.f the aliar In the parish III,-:- iles-iu- , church of tho Con to then tepe, (ve ,1" Y,i ir ulT.-- 11. .lint.- n,.,li, prospective chances for a legacy from ceptlon muy also bo s. tin. J seen two flaas nl time dpatch iii:miv ,,iil,INM A nil Jane at bat gain counter rates which were obtained on that night c noli- I i o h ol lb" pintles for I. , tins went around to Aunt .lane's for spot cash. Happily Ktigland's .1 hill li e II, lelilí, I an so (.lie for prestige, they tun I.' lening nr later to see how ii ,,,vribl. by w. i! l liai iiian I were not taken by the eiiomy. They I" ero lost when tho boats went down, TencrifTc! orado. ". regretted and were sulnirueutly washed nahore i:.l:ar 'When Jim They Attjrked Him Simjly anil in YVh.-i-t delightful memories crowd lu- lias some Ju t nil for and us trophies. There Is had Biglow's Wolf Hens conn' hoiuu Inu Pain. " lo ti mili. I ii h tha f on the iptlet minie a storv to the effect that when a I'rlt By Hugh Pen. eter. Hi:ii Kput In tlui fHtiiirlt-.-- . Tur "Well.'' dubiiiusii i i In n e I ra, was c.iiv.l mi in climb fwn the Ish mail nr n i i , - of visited the fort few i. riii'oM .non. s t s f - lili- l e. (ill, el Inn (i( Fix Week I i.ri.,ii.' in him in, woiob r the stefT Is worth a that III be a problein int ti. wbbh tot in p ut i th,- the year ' sniiin' It's iiko. some midshipmen landed "'I n it ., - t tt.t- a spent there III always lie an abiding .i Itnl '.II Ib.,r- to the man who ton bud you nil) t ii. .pialnt.-- out west. tear Willi of Hie st.l...- I'.i nn,. ill and going to the hi-- ' museum where the Ii. i ol ' il.i'e l. tin 1'iits It iMI the inaik,'t." these. ., iltlv up lull Ii, lie,! me li h me. tings in added You sec, .Inn s bins ant so rabid he in- lb. alia, ere then exhibited, actually x.. I'M .1 '.i'i,'i ht.' .nun tie ran I.i .is IMcir ma le .urgliiig soiiml i I bH I'ope Without III tu. ll ex- oculated 'out lili sheep a us a llltctti tt'lice. In cnuipalgnliiK mi" naturally succeeded In getting them away. He tl ' .Mi. nroii';bl .lei, t, nine, to be rid Ihloal Sou see. Jim tlevif counter Irritant ami the olí hile from Ihe oilier ti.-- fuitlier pects things awry. Iml , to a when fore the ship left the port. - llH"-- I', 1,1 W Iinweter. III- "III lie. eolM." all "i hi of ii k II dust used It on got - ill, II Hie In, a I'm k i ev- lal to chaidiig tin- f.hi'1'i, line, of lows linllihiy making une demands Unit the loss was v, " t.rihs discovered and the rep. IMe-- t'ie Jl 41 II XilK Vl.tlllUU to tas' tl hens llll'llllgll systems caw, ,! at him, the ton, of the i ' their till the Hllfep buds erything go smoothly. n y ' ' I símil roentiitlve of the Spanish authori- Hull II i. to t bit ter , nei le .' In ii I a kciiiis to tbo bead t.lktllg oil evety Hill, tiltil nf allgel. go mo- - cm boll le of dial retreated and the for ii.!' nil illil well from the ties went on hoard und explained i '.t i (ni- pi-i- the " "- ttnif norms in chiiMnir up Im i i l u i muí t In i .,1 I by hiuI position in. no to it pleaded 'cm caused ment went tho London to the captain. He ut once "Ti e hen-- ot oril-- ' II, II tb' einmiti are I' ure v be lllpteil to etul Ho' 1 .1 Ills eves Kli.llliina a arli presi nti the brain ami tin all altl asi North Western's fiiuioim 5:T,0 to Issued an order that, the lints were on 'II ll!l I':,- Kol.l I, ere.' ,il) n " 'died Jim sweat's- bell never buv atiy sel nuil Ih litt le was at tllst cull until I disembarked from tha to bo forthwith n ,'- i - a post 'li'l'e's IS ais sloull llllllline.l restored. This liisli coMI'llng In mure, t i i ,1m. "You w nr slei natliiii aiuinig the hut tins Simla C'rux. where I a done, H - I:-- COO1 tan ill till Jin, glls a uruiner at while the captain expressed hlatl. t'f'l- tl emitlll') loses II ' I 1)1 r, soon , )( ,lh lo he buss it nver Ills lameness eblltilit to si leains as be Ileal, mot by in y friend Adatnuon. repre- mauy regrets at tbo occurrom-e- . d ' b hatch and i' lili bun, nr luetic iiil'lmn iliiiis mn ear ' by luinn," ihe Urn liuibs iiiohiid they 1 .1 nut lii 'i, lora, lo lotiioirer pamilotiately nu which senting .Messrs. Ilainlltuu. Thus i'Xi J buv Iíi. x :i cu ti s Close to tha chapel In which the and ot'i.t' silted Kdgar Wi le clnling, over lllll feel til. I hell-- lint I I km, almte set foot on tlio Kortuuste Island of "V it.l imivv. In Ii It k that tilt don amo he In Cnl .1111.1 flans are kept Is another, over which n ,! ml. I. t.y V. tl. I'll, imiii, ii I tl. nuiicnts, those Isles whose vv i' It ,' ot the hanga a cross enclosed In n glass ir.atn it inlie,! tritlihm Ihe Is about t .' In , case , llee feet Ir beauty brought to them the mime to, ". Itll! a'l lll-l- l b , with a descriptivo tablet beneath re- nuil. i in ami Silv, Hiifi'ty originally tn a lim.l Unit as but I. op stirs cording "Hero Is alhl clnel.'gl.ii' itioo' belt had In , n n that: enclosed the ' , Kirth liv I- - A myth-tl- ie Kiirtunaln IuIhihIh, ' " i i loi I Mill! Hill II II II Adventures in Discontentment cross placed by the otniieror ot Ten-erlff- .eiliaiit using some n II wile s he eiillbl o( r lUppy Inlands, s By tha Hon Alonso Ferniunlei ile,' lie has fl '. lili S," I' Strickland W. Cillllait liiil lilti h up the wire as handily as I, I Hi't la tba umitii, un III 'It le In l.imn s ..bin e It II Ii bin I wHtrn on cele-brate- have bad tbe imisl evl II : i be .old a the altar before which be ' retelltll vcpt int self Fhnueil nf being i. bell, his pionnss was of lilrt-- t Hill lie Mi. ..i . i, di I hi nl, I sinlis lilrh tha iüu1í tha mass ah. bit- i'il v. ni nl i.inihti nú.,,, muí III ,. low Ihe lint,, of the holy Hacramtint for ., deep tlntui'1,1 ,,st erows lb a at him, are mnila Imppy. Ati .1 vrry Rlail .Ill, a little all-- .1 b.,,e ipilet velum lit III p. i t II , k , the llrst time on the shore of Anaza ilnhl. in. of In Ib,. lililí;.- I slop , n ha, living lo pe, .It Ills ev, s ,i, hoiii.s I of the charm Mill lli.'ike bis l 111 II lu- , it i, l , wu that on tho "rd of May, 1491." I'm nisi. in, it ml n,.i n nnin.-d- I '10" be li.ld ,;h, II,,-,,- ,,fj m, Anazn Is I tleiilli in, ii. nm really wasting ' of placa Is not a great now an It ll, lilt! lindel' Kheie can ii ni'i-- i I , the tha ancient name given by origi- .tely h oi s..l, the lllliothv In, your tune shan,, fully In both hand-- while I,,, ,,m t.pike t the It il (be. frivolity, ,i,K was when men of of Cull agnll in,-- I the the 'iniii the bottoin i, low sliinit.l I i I, 'b P Inio th, bat k I , nal Inhabitants of the Islnnd to the and an si that in sonn lie complete, IllralU-o- As III' tllSsbl i:,.,,.. I ni me Carthajtrt, uiuler fuuml them leaped !. h liad l.l-.- w portion of tha shore on which Santa ive the llli.ih. ,' lien lili tn hint your In buns and l,.ble, you nf his HI, dull, ,,tv ho dullchtful, and duacrlbej them In the nr. ni. I, i and .1. I.., ,1 .nniiihl tl, iiirry nut tlie pail u Cms stands. tlial as eviiletitlv Inteiesi in your wink Now I will bn Sylvester i. mbl mil see any ttests aen-aie- . cm l. Ainu,-- h, men Klowing Unguaao, that the el ' .le. in, UK .Vptititl nl In ti hie llils mal little It.ui with ,i,in I mi, .crl-ct- l) abiivi ni ni tin ti. e, and is at a Historical Interest and beauty of e n I mi., hiss fearing a general exodus from ,li.eal cr,ni. l.i in. 1.1 drama And I n,,t lot ' 'bo.ibl the oild the bortiigs we In In understand what i situation and climate In- have tbe cine lull,, amused the nnil auy to are sooner or tlieln b,lKN. e,l ..lllpplnn l., , t'ai'thae, forbade visit tba nave ih .uppii'iiu ibe kindly gentle pasteboard hoi you tv nt lb,, birds, mil. ss- bn later bound to pall on tho holiday-make- r, a an It that so luckily was ties lalands on palu of d'ath, e'litir tntnn iii! ad's triml man tm inniplt-inentei- Fortunata snhfcht mi. nut and t haiiced to have passing nil Itl l Is "1 I I..-- II with you of k I, soloe sin led l.t ciillllC'l unless ho able to obtain pen ,tt aie - setting many HoulJ be less nil I've t,v t I luat, tbeni, in,. pei'lnit ing me to par pure gnld Otherwise you would hav Ii. lllll,. i, I Ih.. Ii .ilheii.,1 tlllii s Men that material comfort In his tempor- "I III lint go to "' k , I tompted to stay on theiu. to la ,ii Ir.l.l iielpnte lii their deal and then so boii-- i, nt ary habitation which gives him, as bis eyes In some oUW part of tho brick al the niihimlM snv I this par- llnhtin iiniuisli seiirvlly ahaiiilitiied Hie 1 Apropos of of tka ' and their en am willing to ticular always the healthiness Is I admit this and con li,e shelters number tho sawing "A borne from home." The Nnl Ii, a mini eli. ,11, .'ven If th i rllniHic, I may on Us equnblo rprlse tliiiio tba deal. la my o CIOW remark Oraud hotel Qulslnna Is situated soma inns iisi.'t latne slay Her wad of during whole year jniid tiere an It was Just ss I had come In from money. Just nature, for the i!a-- .' i baud ovr the wholu four hundred foet above the level of fllhel Wllllnl' II ti 'rilii it Kdg'll i In- - maximum tiiniperuture was 84 deg. iiiasjHgiiig hursts and serving brick and I will trade even " HIS CHICKENS GET DRUNK. tha sea, and commands a beautiful It . id gave a paiiiniiil'iie nf l , t; u tn minimum CS deg. their bint tienu and was about to alt At they slopped I, AiiKuxt. aud tba view .1 .. this and Hiked at of tha harbor, and of tho famous lib snnie ieep elm ,i mill then down In ni y os n frugal repast of u February and March, while there peak me. then went spurt aud held n few New Jersey Farmer Discovers a Barn, which Is to the Island almos' Illlike Inrtll "t'n.lthleli, nr fin collll plr-kl- i siring and d pork and hot 1 la never any rapid rise and fall of the , ' minutes' conversation. could see "Blind Tifjer" what Fuji Is to Japan. loll, '. I'll tell Villi. inn- raid Which Made In r many bread thai welldressud persons something I rinomi-tc- to produce so ot l lo that was annoying them. Hent Orciyj,. Charming as the hotel and ar- tee some A II Tl III id at the Illnesses which are due to this In called mi front door could not Imagine what It was, us rangements aro. Ibera uro. however, The taller of me causa lit homo. Ihe two men took Livingston, I l.iinii ,,, certain Improvements, which ml-li- t be iiitn a corner aud whispered long San-ti- t and I. nf this place, is seeking a gold Many Une of Hteaniora call at Introduced. One ot these It a lift, inner rneslly In me about the terrible , , I.eii-- i so the pleasure sei-ki- e lor bis be I'hlitv fly Cruz, that Its absence Is duo to tho tac t that the leill, anient In which the other geu Hints almost iih easy of ao-es- s Ill lim U III his 11 m il, I hnte lii" Tcuerllto onner did not want to eiicourau- - the Heman found himself lit that time aa any of near cuntlnmital Ilielil iti s ami lei Is II bis the presence of Invalids, ho oiil.i, ml), Having been entru-noi- by the owners con- dl. I' t III ll. Ill cities, while, so pleuffaut are the erwlse, be temple, to pal rout.,, with laig- the the ciiHiulv id a - blink of I, . I w. ng,, nns ..,. t il an obi ditions of the vnyaKe that It tnlKut hotel on account of tlio excellence i,r l'. ild, brb k shaped tie hml started ensl w inky I, ,n 1n . Kin,, eitxily be regarded us a yachting trip. llio nl nti ml kid cuisine, for he that with It The Siwash ludían, lio war , Is one ot the moat out in an i n p o i. ,,- the ben Santa Crux Itself healthy people do not care to IUm. ii member of the Joint slock ciuiipniiy. s a in 't.-i In, a Inn xx Itli delightful places In which anyone can Illness bioimhl prominently had been so t.Uk,l of to their mui bin hite I l ' I. I holiday, II Is :i l.l ol In hi, - H it had u desire to H'i'iid a for notice at nil times. So bow-ever- , partiiciH that he tiiilil not lei Kreal, the bat. hi d out I, In l, ti.,, I,, MrliircHipie, full of haudume b.ilcon-l- e go i' i.,,,, are the demuinls for brick out of bis s ubi and hart , Krisnr , ,,llie lint I h i, ii I , !,, h, I,.,, and quaint nooks uud corners, convenience that, I was told before ome with them It, n, liu k a point ' : I'd w I'b In f I Vlli i a l, ,,n s- while the ' vie towers" placed on the I left, it U Intended to extend the 0 near my pin, e. be l,ii!.-- anil t,. ( Til I'lins, IVt'li that I'Vt'lv i lili ki II III roiifn prevent uniformity In the ar- hotel on a largo scale, and to fused to )n oil tn Ibe big cilb s nf Hie Install hl'l b.llllVIIld set ini'il (n be III a half chitecture. This beautiful towu tins lifts, hile biitiguloH will he erected palefaces lih the whl an unit ihe NSs' even the yniiiig i bu ks Tim been the capital of the Canaries In ground prof lolls hutileli II,. binind tn go the for the accommodation tiiusters went iibie it the vaid since 1831, and this year celébrales of Invalids, ho will not hack to the tei pees of his futheis und rmillliK therefore mix in bici iiuchy wa ami tin- In n i Its jubilee as a city. Were I dis- ordinary other lelatlves Then tin Willie hi, ill I with the visitors. Another lllll kill ill bnat se, tiuies posed to do so, I could wrltu wlt'i en- and tills oilier per "on .piiki si,, drawback, which Is, however, proof llnv in , v i i J i in was pii..ied. and In- i all, In thusiasm of the churches, situares, ot who ailuiltliil belur an at tin ) i bail the popularity of the house. Is that Y. u xeiei iiiar Ian who in gardens, many publto build- endeavineil lii but Ibe In n k and the tbe tourists who land at Hunts Crux teilili'bl H ( spet teil tips and imiud iioHiiiih ings, to say nothing of the pleasure I from hi in by off, t inn bun a roml pi lie r- i for tho day nn go to (juIhIsiuia for - ll ll ,1 III i'i. W'lotlg. 'I lie eX.imllh 'he battel excursions which may bo mudo by luncbeoi, or fn ior his sha It but be would Hot " " dinner Invariably llnd Let Them Dure it title lllllrr III the .ill "I 111,- Intel I. II ell electric-tramwa- sell All his .ll.i.i si ilbiiiil means of the or oth- that there is no room for them. When, "Chastd s Cow Out of 'filial tniess of got the Vara st aro.-t- s ,, linne them bad a leb gram fnun igbl, lied him modes conveyance. I to tin. u fa ml I.IVell there er ot bow ever, the hot. Is extended, Netting any ' I: a new Tims." body sime we bad met, and win 'I be I ..I ll i, Ilk Mel Th 111, II ex, b.1114, , iiin-.- city many dining Is to st glam s I Tha contains matters of room be provided for erlaluly plating Hie gallic In rill Slllll. 'I tl le exp to If'M terms bul In. Wi'l.,11,, t., while I I;, 11., It, i II, lilt, (ley p hi lilntorlcal Interest to tho KnglUhniaii. these visitors, while a large hull room tlatli.glv Hint tho w hl"k b e .. 1.1. ti bait II" i;oi i ,., h., tl, , I lick i me for III y tl In ul.d One ot tbo most striking Is undoubt- Is also tn be added, together with ei I.u Ion Uti.illy nm- - i,r a d , ll.n all w Hiter , lb in v ni!(: iial ticen In imp , tlllllllog filie III lb, in I In I I. aim bai k soon, i i ban I I H le,; I edly thnt counerted with Nelson, who llttln suites of bi'd rooms, dressing-rooms- Hit. n,k, - b Ii .mi, in came in un- and skid, i on In en alt. t, d Ii il. wbli COW nut of tin- i.i-.- at tiohlllli; lolllld t belli Intikiun I V ti II attacked the city In July 1797, end Mid bathrooms, the bed- tilín' linn ai. eiiling . un. ii t of It In-.- his ii wlih ililtlcully: brnlinht tin ah "bol If a man coul hut up a iiuari nr it hey w I. l tn gn a w in met with the only defeat recorded In rooms being built wlih balconies ao Sit my fr i tut Is mg I Ih- b, II k, d at tint he Could siipplv un. 1,1 do 'hai Is coin, me in all Tile lllilile it w II s tlial I Ms career. Banta t'rus remark- that It will be posslhlo to sit on tl" led a Ibis 'Itie Indian Is wood Ills! musí have i tiliiliiiili., ateil hens In Hie nt,t I also. Inclined tu And giic. In, wink nl art I bs.k. i al bin, i ful able, too, for the fart that It was them and enjoy the view, which Is a at, follow his la, lili ttlhl nr t h If ynu will H e sci 1,1 to Hie "'I ei low Is. and lb ittilv u:. i.., of Wiihsiii wb.ii Iv. him here that Nelson's arm was shattered nover falling of delight, for the ,Iii,,iJ uliei., bin paint was le;,,. II, em with me ll 111.- In Il.e tun II) I Inr a iiioiueiil In Vl.l'ols aid . tnnw s he s, en uin-ve- i 'v . cannon-ball- pel ami Ii. il bn., ,, b ' by a Having anchored harbor Is as full ot animation as tha There was n bailing In Ins ilk' il "Why, tor Ui". s''' g,,t. voice, so pi soma two miles off the town on July land Is full of plctutesijucnuyi Me. tie Jewelel in the liclnhbol lug Village I left till-Il- l a lew mill, .I, s Rdgar ' Mn t I' Ii,, k- I bappein tl was av tin, K"liniK It, ha mado a taint to draw the gar- tou Irlor. to as biirliigi Iriitn the I could nnibing nf theiu, Deluge of Fih oi Stifet peak of lia ks '' n he iltlv win). k At and only sway from the fort, and at mid- hrli thlh they all Ksv.. a great some v.. rv del, "f llsh 111 l rison I Hacks, far apart, I' the bat it. in is i bis inri " leading seven In Hint aud again showed signa of beat kt 11 o, I III w night some hundred men American Residents of Foreign Birth. toward Ihe railway uilou. I I. II b ill ' f h.'ll elll "It was made from ili binn.l of H , lug it und, ad nf tin-- i-- nl-'- ,1, I boats were directed against tha Mole, for- letreat lint So all 1 could plow.-- of the 'pin incut staii. The total number of persons of tiouutaln mi, I nn, 1,1 do was to bank rny mi stuck to them, with a tenacity . ,1 where they arrived within halt a gun- eign In that inoni-v- which I did , , ,i i I, all o,t the tire ll nil birth llvlnr the I'nlicd State IVilhani bv a relation in Io j with a deep algh. before tba enemy discovered Colina. worried theiu gieatly. and alter e legrett'.iig llaiidr, ds ni small pi , aum shot In 1900 was 10.480.000, forming ITT - thai the adventure ll till oleninly explained liad You gin- a 'had halfheartedly bnred Hie hule (I had nut thein. per cent of tha total population, while turned out us I bad ao often beard of mil illd lloullili red abnlll III the until,, Irop to a lien In water aud Inside ol let Hi bote It, for I I opened sin told thein them. I wouder If I while nf i Ii i lil t ii who had Forty suns at once fire. In 1890 tha persons ot foreign birth 14 hours she'll lick In played the game i,,nps her weight j didn't know width the gold spot) containing hun- 14 cent, too eagerly for theuiT 1 In i ll iiiliug in the nn nm set ami, Tha cutter, soma two formed I per of the total popu- snd go begging for something away we went to a have always Jeweler's Nothing been a libuiil g.itleriiig up the tie Ii Inking dred men and several boats, was sunk, lation; In 1880. 13. J per cent- - and la lifflrult to wallop. I enthusiastic ta fault. was said on tbe way, but everybody i, aud many ot tbe other boats war 1850. I T per cenb tCoarnght. Ue by W. o, Chsajnaa) tlix-u- aw lu pails uud Jar. CARLSBAD CURRENT To Make Tea Cloth MORE tat cam Ptnim.f orMT. rMHan CAlll.fAI, NBW MKXHO PIMHAM TATTLING TEA LEAVES. Hlnw (hat dfi' li fil (line when erring CURES Atilntiv wahdi-i'- sfirr a IlKliI Imellit llialm SUfpl. Inn blond" linn IHMl Bud the lli I l.i.llif if dntliestlf! ITIRtl t GUARDS PRESIDENT'S LIFE Added to tbe Long List dm II ni ii k I' naiiiii'il. li"i'HT, Unit An tnti) ruiUuns: fif I tu lesvea, fine Remedy. sfie 11 This Famous Thn r ha rea In otTlrlaldotn at thn national rap-Itn- l to In' nullum Mi hiiiM as sadly that follod tlm InaiiKiiratlon nf William II Camden, N.J. "It Ii with tileatrar All limn' mini' l.'i dun' I n il ii lc (I In Tuft na prfldint citniidi'd nvnn to tkn imraxr.ntl that I add my testimonial to your I he up lliiii lii i i limn been luir t.f that anrkn rorpa liar-- d lth pro-If- . already long list honinrr that It mar to themsclTC In Unir (! in latum limn that New inn ttic pt rtton of the rlilrf maRlatrato of thn Induro other avail of ( tbla Tamable medL. Yuik lii iii ilii t ii i nil) in i iim'il (if non mi Ion clnn.LydiaE.lTnk. It la not h mil by a ife rvpeit In Uin ri'iul atraniH that ra. ircldnnt ahnulil Iiam'a Vegetable-Conipound- . prffir tu Mnrclan rlrlrlly lila pnraonal prnfnr itif-fer- ii. K nf iiRiltiK ni Tim vl I ed 'inn. rn t a n Him mi . ni. hi Umt tli guilty rriardlna: thn anrrnt ninn dntallrd from terrible) 11 a hi pnraotial narort, for very few official! of htMulnchea, pakn Id mii-ti- hiMiil,i in iitt.i.r Uiiiii high fir low di arn morn cltianly or morn run my bark and right a l h r nniKi rnr iiiiiir liir ttniioiiHly lMtnil c alan, wat tired aid naaoi with thn hli'f eiwutl f ' ..II. r 1 In V Vv,, - M'l in Ihivi' than Ihcan prolt- - plain rlotht' I'rnal3nnt i nervous, and so lora la I fl'iil.-- i IclililtiK ii'M Hill house. In' I weak could hnrd! aft a an'ni tlon for thn poat of prim Ipul body Lydia K. linii'il llii- - il'H.r .iKnlimt III subtle wa Ki I.. C. tand. Ruard Kfrret rvli e Operativa Whnnler Itikh-n- V Vegeta feminine lilllf, thn Washington and It all ramn ahout In thl wlan. ble Compound re- I'ost. V In H'Iiimiii tsnie the airing of From tlm vnrr day that Taft wa rlwtnd prna stored me to health tlifmi thlnra that most unselisl Idnnt. four month! In advanrn of thn data on which hn waa InaiiRuriiterl, tbn aud nuwle me feel like fa new person. a n.l If hall attt'iivn tolva vn nrnlsji llVtl 'if persons till' lo nl magistrate chief of tlm anrrrt at rlrn, t onaldrrlna that JmlRn Taft wa a pnraonajin ' wlioa wnll brlnn wa of van! Import to nation- - two nf hi Mrs. W. 1. Valkntinb, Sua Lincoln n lowbrow who would nut thn detailed bnat Caintlcii, opcratlkc to Rimrd thn prnaldnnt elnct. Mr U'heeler wa one of timan man Acniin, X. J. Iih ti nt iii.'in jr nl n i up 'turned Ihrmi tiardlner, Alo. w.11 ft gmat and lm accompanied Ilia Tafia avnrywlmrn tiny want to Cincinnati; to Hot "I inf. I k slowly lili It'll." I'll brilll' ferer from a female dlAaae. The doo. Hprliina, Va ; to Aunuata, (ia , and to thn 1'aiiamn ranal, with "aldn trip" to tor said I would have to go to the iiliil lili tlm iiihii, iif muran. Tin' ahlotnn. I'hlladalplila, New lia rn. New York and other point. Thn hospital for an operation, but J.ydla K result m lil'X il by mn li a dlaiiensatlnu gualltlna which Mr. Whnnler dUplarnd tliinna; thl atrnnuou aeaaon made ilnkham'a Veguttble Compound com. if justice la iml uní' tu do desired. Thn a moat faroratila Impraialon upon Urn new prvaldenl and ha naked that Mr. pletely cured me in three months." 1C domestic, war lina subsided lo H Whnnlar l mad lila principal whin hu waa Inatalltd In the Wblta Mrs. a A. Williams, Ho. 14, bodnard Uoi (lartllner Me. i i. feigned jk-i- n Hrinnrl u lluua. 8, soft of ni lincauan your case Is a difficult one, trallty Hm Ii well founded suspicion Now wlmn I'rnaldent Taft walk, rldea. drive or rnoior ahrond In the doctors having done you no good, III never dliv 'I In' mily t hi rite proved itrnala of Wahtn(lon or in thn aiilnnh Hncrrt Hervlen Aitnnt Wlieelnr la do not continue to Buffer without Inanparahla pecret by It la (hut nun III hang Ingotlicr, hla ahadow. Tliu ronacleiilloiia aervlco man ararrnljr let giving Lydia K. Ilnkham'a Vegetable Iba dlallngiilahnd olijert of lit out of lila hi waklliR Compounda trial. surely has cured unless It In' Unit them life tlionn lio attention llit durlnR It hour. If thn prcildnit pluya Rolf, Id fulllifiil Wheeler I (loan liy to ward many case of female ills, such as in should I.Mr liolimg front (tin liumn off Inquisitiva or tupición peraon. If Mr. Taft occitplr a boi at thn flammallon, ulceration, displacements, alnral; 11 Ubroid tumors, irregularities, perlodlo Ian ahnllicr thnater hla Involuntary eacort I uot fur away, perhnp alicllered by thn bitckarhn, that bearing-dow- n curtain of thn hot If thn chief iiiNRlatrain I rolla to church on Hunday (tains, luilignstion, dizzliiesa, and nor-vo- us Thn imwaristilshln rnllrlam (if Ihr morning thn an ret ai rrlm man will k a a ahort dlatancn behind. I'rnaldnnt proatratiun. It cost but a trille tus nf Norfolk lili h unían In tune l.lucoln alwaya InaUted that hla botlyRiiard ahotild walk by bla aid and Dtalgn In Outl In Old Bin en Or y Linen, with Fashionable Darned to try it, and the renult Is worth mil. quartet lii'ti It na nnnoiinird Unit chat llh hi in a though lm wern an Intltuatn friend. Nona of our later Background. Uous to mauy suflcnng womuu. lia liad (lit lila llullii'ln - prealdc lit bavn puriued Unit comae, iiIUioukIi under thn Taft rt'Rlma there tea on thn porch I I grayish linen with outline atltrh In Qm-r- nf I n ha been Introduced an innovation In Unit tlm aecret aervlcn men who areoin Decollete. imrtralt of Christina ArTKIlNOON must pleasant features dark old blue, darning lu lighter biue, par.y thn prealdent to cliiin It wear frock coal and "Ilk tint and could not Wn Ting Pang, at a dance In Wash mark nd that Uní painting would go possible on a summer day, and It and the lace matching darker tin dlatliiRulahed by tint unknowing ouea from faahlonahln club men latin-niln- tbe Ington, criticised tbe built ml f tvfiglsnd. la linw silenced. Thn la essential thn appolntmnotH of tnodurn omi leisurely and apparently itiicniiceriied behind thn proalder.i. that shade. belle. criticism nnw ai i anted becauan he tea table should be In keeping tine motif for thn border and one-hal- Wbenler, llkn lo th other ani ret service tin-- on duly at tba Wkltn "Uke the ancient Ilrltnn, h lia picture tu thn iliikii nuil with thn coolni's of the porch, of the corner are given, M be llnuae, I iibout 30 yrai of UK" lln Is of ullili'Mc build and keep hlinsnlf dresed In blun wond," be suld, "tlx Uní muí nn for thl cloth, simple, design and traced on tlm linen by mean of car- lia liad flviii Nuil. In thn beat of condition ,v dmly Ian. All thean act ret aervlcn guarda belle's Idea of a mimnlllcent tollel eien mutnrlal of a rather rustic tnxturo bon paper and a bard lead pencil. A nitliin un It M. h na imt n'il. Rn well armed, Imt tlm eupons are carefully slowed away out nf sight and sci'ins to bn plenty of paint and very urn Uin moat effective, such as hmnn-"pu- n plain, two Inch hem I put lu, w ith a any Ilia Tiny 'Uiiii i It nppcarslliiit 'her I nothing In either Uní dies or manner of t licué, men to Indícala little clothing." thalr linen, lltmti hurkabiirk and crash. row of flvo tlm purchaser of thn II..II.0I11 la not nn jfflt n. outline itltch luche anove Among thn most attractive of the It. ami another row five lucho from American, lint a (crinan, mid lint the For Headache Try Hicks' Capudln lea cloths arn those with the ilnslr.n this, which form the top of the bur price paid la $ ion ikid. Very wi'll, tlm Whether fr.nn, Ilest, Htonmrh 01 mil llni'.l and tbo background Ailed In di r. Then tho motif are placed be- Nervous iroulilis. the srn apeedlly 1 by duk received a figure, which with ilarnliiK Mitch. Ku h a onn In tween the two row, outlined, and the relieved OhiiiiIIiih. H'a t.lriuld lvas-snt NEW INDIAN COMMISSIONER to tukn KfTui is linmsdlalvly, JU, a ould liavn tempted inuny another shown In thn sketch. The wnter Illy background filled In. and sue at Lrug Htores. man lo psit IUi a si lap of riiimia ..isIrii I nutlliied wild dark grim Tlm cloth lien completed shotial ba Itolint (1.1, Ion Valentina, thn nnwly appointed It Is right to look our life accounts Ilia action of tlm ilnkn lili lí hull Cosa, and thu background filled In one )ur.l aunare, with a two-Inc- edge Indian rommiKslnner, I only 34, a which bravnly In tbn fuce now and then, Ilia liiiinllia of l.ln critics la lila (lit of fart with it lighter alindo t.f gruun a of lure for a finish. It I advisable to ai lead Rome tnaverent member of the elder con settle thciu honestly. llronte. a paik tu tlm rlly of Hhcrniild. 'Ilia leafy, silvery shade like uno u good grade of floss, ao that It tliigent tn remark Unit thn chorus at Washing unn (ullage. la property Cu acre and I tlm Thu material natural will not fade, and In waahlng It la well T.nwls' rotéis ton In full of siunb and all thn leading men ar color ('limy Pinuln Hinder cinss. Orijrinsl In cishIi. and the litre edgn to put a Rood handful of tubln suit la Tin Kml Htuukcr 1'sckige. Tak no sub-titul-e. only paik In Ilia rlly It la worth mum luM'iillea. Nc vcrtliclcH, Mr Valentine. I ao well Is flyed to matrh thu tlurker green In the water to ant thu color. The cloth (Ii a 11 II. duk i' iti d fur tliu pit tin In Ion. Ii with the ufluira of tlm Indian nil bttrriu '.Iih t'lnhroldery. U quickly and easily 11m, In, uuj tut that he ,14 the pcraoiiul choice of retiring i Separating nn easy mark from his Another eiiiully prelly color arbeinu result sure tu be ploa-slu- Tlm tottunn of .. .iiiiii.ii.hi lili lí was r I t ' pt for Urn stici eaainn. money I nothing to boast of. acijulrcd .y rhilstopln-- Mugen, pollll ulciitlnt a kliowli'ili'n of tint Indian :ta nni.tly gull. 1.. I k In rliin and m wnpiipt r publisher of I'lita hm MuHKiicliiiHclla. whern Uin BLUE SERGE COSTUME. NOVELTY IN HOME AQUARIUM only leu. 111 uin Uiot.ii hn nloiu; ih I.111K, uli. n..'..l nwny . nuil )i':u ciilnc the tin .11. li e i lin.VH Hut hn knows l.o, lici nuce hn aK'.i, Inia l.i'i-- 1'lrim.'tl l.y lila til' One That la Made with a knows Un' r hitn men pretty well. Al t, Picture tli'iiUi ami III ii'.w ' t.i Hi" 11 11 n Frame Front and Intended to QBEGfe New l:tl.'l:lli. p. tutu vvli.i pride tliellisili a l.v Hang on Wall. .int f..r lililí It u.i iI.'VIhi'.I 1.11 follow Iiik cold Ice cold Tin Is rather lli.iit the lla a. . iinniliitiii Un. f. tun. lull. ill nnd lutny 1111. M'litlutf utiil tliioty believe ihcy kno A novelty In bu'niirpil or malnti-iiiiii- i of n l.i.t' ltr iinn'ii I weak liiiiiinii iiiiiutti 'I l.e t liir liiilhin Willi the red blanket uud aelfait. .. taming bomn nitialriutiia la 1 ha la In In iir tl.t iiiiiiik of Illll ictr leiiiliii m il the beur tiiolli net kluca III not b In favor with niudn lo hang up on thn n WJQQ& III. 11 wall llko picture . I II Ii t I till' ll Illll.. i.iiinm any mine tlm hn wn lili Hit. i.r illtig tlm Iralnii.l t in. Un r, Sli l.cut.n Tho la iil n. I11 lank oblonir, nnrrow nt the bot- ! iilt inn Inula Unit n runnier' ccrtillcatn. the ktniitm line i.f l.ulniia III a vt tom, but wider at thn top. The ' tin. i.te of rniuli.cua Lo 1 nu have to clunk hi fcaihera, put on over- side to ili'partim ..r In go I nt i.iiitn diHiuai I against thn wall vertical, a", u hi. km) shut, k rali a mid gel to A I while . ai. slnucl work with thu other uní un I plo-tur- lni am In 1. .'ii.. 10 trt'iil nl nl I ho front slopes up outward, a a e un he Indian of f.iuiniicn and l.eatl.pratockliig donan't look 11 gnod 10 all tlm. a nn. .u nnkt'd tin hang, and thl outer la t,.i.'Uiiia uleiiiliui ua tlm liiillan with bis crop all cultivated and hi farm wink aide In "I'hrla'' Muiiin did not rarnp alniip iji to ilute. fuel surrounded with a picture frame, Thu back and ends of thl rrlllrlnin whlln allvx, I. lit run tin Alter K'uiliinlliig f 0111 llnrvnid Vnlrntlnn ns a tnacher, a bnnk clerk aquarium 11 are Inclosed In a metallic moat tin i tri at.' of th111.11 luí i'rn hu nnd tin a iieuspupvr liter. 1 be hitter Job led to hi political preferment bolder, with hongs at Hie top by which It may I11IIII111I iiii'inita iimat admit Urn be bung, and at the bark between tbla of tlm (in at plirpuax In lil. li rollrnri. metallic holder and the back wall of tin aaw III In npply Ma 111111117. COMPELLED TO BORROW the glass tank I Inserted picture, a SICK HEADACHE landscape having at the bottom In tbe foreground a Positively ll.a April flia loss lu tl.a t'nlted Henry M rlaglcr. thn Standard Oil mngniiif. brook. cured by The bottom of the these Little Flute and t'linnila auuMiiitc.l In SI'., who la populaily suppiteed lo carry thn lntn nl tank la covered PMI. with gravel, and set In I I al 3i:. inn. miikit k an ni'i''n of .'.', I'lot I.I.I uro. mil in 1. 1 poi keta, has been compelled the water ftwaa Tlir rrllfTS nia suitable eegetittlou aufTlrlciit L Uin'., 7tM f..i 11,.. fit ft ipiaitcr of 1 'O.i to ill. an, I., i, o nn nf Mi dearest iimliiUnii and un to please JITTLC "afruui l)yaiila,l). the eye and to keep the wntcr 'I'K'aiiooniulTiMi llrarty t'oinpiiicil lili Uin two yens IuhI lumia e a bon Ipmic fur the rallload hn la build aerated, II A and then of course aro II IVfLKltEn K'il. trrficl rrin Inf. flout ti e lualiil iml 1..111I In . there the fishes, s fur Iniilursa, Naif mi I II. is iIiikii it In tu r ítala nl ncroKa the Is tc II nil f I and when you have It . ImisMlnrss, Had Kcv p to (lain thu i'l.iili in. u I I111- - tbtn tockcl II riLLOs tliliiya, It Is luí..!, in. iv con ct mi. you bang I CI 'itoiirliillisMiiiilb.CuaSi . 11 Ii 1: thl aquarium up nn 3 i 01 it H the wull more unt.ui lu way II11 ""!-'"- I 111 'I l.e I., h lln. foul than Lmm21m- I I'iiIii In Hi ni' fue t"l tllt to have the effect of a picture -J I t.ulioa.l of ..i"i miles r'lagli r lias been cont.tru. Willi ulils, lull I'll) ., inn. Us nf I'.i'H aa I'm i. ."i, un. I (libe awlmmliig In IL Ttary tlm t'l 1111; It nun h as a man would build n Hlalile. lu- around rreuluta lluwrla. furmy Vrvrtnbl. fur ll.e l.ii,: .'I I'tuT 111 lu, uiafi liiiii'i. of tlu work I.cIiik iiullniiii',1 SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. iHtt.U'li " Water. ia to rtpi iiie uud ntilv Imlitid l.i liiake (he road .1 Are you foigett'iiK i; ..i.l niu' It has I. ecu Hauler' pet lilt a thai hec lo drink the Genuine Must Bear . proper amount of water every carters Fac-Jimi- An eld ili.i. ol an tin. Mine tl eroud K oin pit ft .1 It fliould be illniiit a pi m day? Signature - Do you drink two gluaic N't w Y" I. in'' 'I " '"' hud In vi nf llulchli illit-f- ol botlowed mnlii'V Nn note before lflVER . breakiaat? the rouli-- ol r.'' III. ... 11 uti lu.r bouila tier other evidences of i.tiliiiiiliiti et It 1,1 You should. pile Iii lot e I. II I11 11 ,1, ad I. Hill III in In l.n lu lis tei.udH. as show that the Pit Hut by Hint I livgleiile Unci, pii' 1111 all do uot REFUSE t ti 1. Py .cur funnel' lil.h lunl built lutlela at mpiime nf itn.i. SUBSTITUTES. Slrct wl.i he wti' her, will take your water your un I iuui eiiu. una i iiiiil to luicliiiR nil bills for tliu rniistrui tloii of a run uiiiii mouth has tlm hill II l.'i.l III.' lo II I. he l.t ..let. .ol even am Ii a luilinud na Una been rinsed with un antiseptic and Sll told Hie Who I. .1.) utten.1. , .l"'l"l I 101,11, r your teeth Ihoroughly cleansed. he am eniriil. innite lie o'lu ill), that a lintul Issun Is In bn ptii I Klie IuhI I.. . 11 III ll Itlue serge very useful fur Co bur tliul lu lllld lul' .1 I'coplu who know tell us that an tl.i s tti.,1 Hi Kiagler fnilune lis not at all pulula c.jiiul to the clin r tutne of thl description. The skirt LAZY LIUER sect! rlatali Hnlfe ef II, e tillllia n III ve poor acid forma during (ho night lu (hn i.v Mill i.olioilv belli Unit the romuilssloiiii arn likely t, la quite plum, la finished . w and at thu d 11 n .1 not . 111 mouth nnd around thu teeth This "I Bud Cascaret ao good I thn apct in would iuuiic mil d upon Mr Hitslcr'11 bel.nlf for some time )ct Next to John ! by acid that would foot a single row of stitching will decay not be without I era Willi tier illi.'ln', el the .. kel. I'ei Is ll.e laiKifl Individual stockholder In the Slun.lard (HI Co the teeth, therefore com- them. troublrd s If White clolh Is used for thn collar and I great deal with torpid , mon senre tell u It not good liver and hesdache. was a poor boy. 1 lei king In a country befóte he beard the rapping for cuff of tbe semi titling coat, which the stomsch; It Now since U king Cascareis Cathar 1'he truib is Hm imiiiic man win oppoitiiiiiiy on llif door Hut bu let go bis bundle, snllu-- out and go certainly should not I feci fasten down center of (runt by throe be tic very much better. I shall cer. g it Ni Imui luí k 011 the rapprr belofu the et huea had died away. washed doan there deliberately tainlv Said tba education lm at Yale war hall targe liiokr pearl button. anyway. rrcommriul them lo my friend as a ' Inn nl ' to Mill ill, lu t an t w the best medicine I have ever seen." dell get Hat of draw, trimmed ith wreath Hut a cold bath for tbe average 1 lm ft of two Anna Ranm t, them. "deti liueiit" ram nil flower and quill. tninach I a aa la (or Osborn serge toulc Just it tbe Mill No. s, Kiver, Mass, fiHillug auy bla tima at Y ala luiteail Material required: Hli yard body. Try IL GERMAN RAILWAY MINISTER PWatant. of doing Vain work. 41 luche wide, yard wide pslstahls. Potent, Tsst Otvxt lio ifKiil Nrvrr hu-sr- Wssksn cloth, three button, four yards lln aoc. nrl.rlns. Von a To Improve th Neck. bfc.rv. Nsmrsol t la b.iis. Thssrau-b- Ilerr llrnltniibarh, minister of publU Ing lsbs.1 atsmpr.1 C C C. lilisrspfssd Wa trust thu tomiug anruplatn I for cost. to that work and tallwaya In the 1'russlsc government, To fatten the neck masaage with aw at tout uuasy swea. 4 nf will learn lo a puuuc-owne- ciiiuiurii nuil pral !Ss? r.ra.i 01 in railroad aya warm olive oil. A good cold cream I i Jr' 2 Cravat with Double liar oolss than "llonkl" t? ''"' tir,J' h owned her railroad for End. eicellent. but the lest result are ob- M number of year and they are managed by an If you have a atrip of brown Ilk. tained with the olive oil. To apply A l It I'lltsbuig uiau who thinks he u especially capable and taffeta or nmsssllne, and little allk In thl first the j-tu- J-r-jf conservative body of offl waih neck with warm TillsFREE!Itrsiillful -r atril n4 olb- great painter been usinlued b) 1 pretty contrasting color, aucb a ecru, water and a mild, pur oap, Still than f. irtritih,., IS.rl. j ,., I I.f ho la rrary lieport Just received from delicate green or blue, make one of tbe rinse carefully and apply a 1 .u, altruists. dncldod that be tbe eiperta wbc cloth or r!lrr si lu - k No Olbar pruple wbu think ttiy are grva' have been studying th situation there declare new cravat with double enda. The flannel wrung out of h"t water and I steiirv. lust a...i ...... L la various llnna of aodnavor should g hewever, that the plan I not a aucceaa. lo re cut like man a atrlpg tie, but folded several time. This compre inspect both to with a difference. A perfectly plain Is kept on until It begins to M..,ííMrH,,, ' uud or rover before tbe alienists the eervlra received and thi cool, and ., 4., a...,, f- -. fold of lb allk la to go puuuce thciu ftiianeisl resulta publlo ownership In Germany Ii bla used then another Is supplied, but do not uiin duclated be a loug way lound the neck, but where It prolong more s lt srrs lr.,1 f Or..,. Isn us lo from aatlafactory. At meeii the treatment than ten 1 tM'tiin lint mao.-- Ih. Ill.m S.njuanar!. A Xllrbiguu tbe pfesent moment ilerr Von llrelteubacn baa I In front each end brancbea off Into minute. This sultnns tbe akin and nll.n.ia. rila I..I IKANa, AIXjT oiuuu toiuiultted aul 111 M i.Bulla . sss Sutusiu,!.! contemplation several t hang of Importance two parta, giving four enda In all. opens tbe pore. The ..I. Tssss. ride because ber husband didti I klsi Is oil. slightly the method of Tbeee end are all lined with allk of warmed, chould be In, .t. by hla department which look rubbed giving al'lalTE.-- 1, rorat-ss- bar good when l.e eot tu work ...Kir.l Hn.ll- - b.iVIh- - ll. I .. - . . . . cootraatmg color. .aland,, la . ma. an4 iiiv !... The effect when especial attention to tbe hollows, VIM. then again are some iuhivii laitiuaci oust USMUKUU. lbs erUMsar, t.?, Ul. And there wooier ness profitable to Hie Rovrruiimnt r MlUfatlory to tbe public, If elisor w tied l very pretty Tbe cravat mual which should be massaged wlü a firm Ja Wbo would drop dead If their bu bvla asea can be brought abuuL ot be Its than a yard In leoftb. rotaiy nioUoav kavada did. PATENTS ""'T, J

NEW SENSATION FOR DOBBIN TIRED ALL THE TIME. Another Step Needed. "1 like tuy homo all right." said PUP IS WARD OF Luschtnsn, for one thing. 1 Com to Think of It, Ho Would Havt languor, llatlessness, dullness of "except . guess you'll have to tlx Funny Sitting In tho spirits are often due to kidney disor- that." Ftlt Is It?" asked the Position Indicated. ders, rain and weakness In the back, "What architect side and hips, headaches, dlxiloess, "Several times littcly I've nearly CHICKLESS HEN broken my reaching for The family hnrae, who rejoiced In urinary disorders are sure signs that neck another step at bead of the atnlra when t the eminently proper equine name of the kidneys need Immediate attention. the Delay Is dangerous. got home late, so I guess you'd better Tor HiChildren. uy lone, Infant and Dobbin, had earned a f''. put step Catholic service, waa accordingly tent Alonxo Adams, Os- another there." T. LOUIS FOWL ADOPTS YOUNO and Standard nsd Times. away to the country to spend hit de- ceola, Iowa, says: SCOTCH COLLIE AND IS REAR- The Kind You llavo clining years In the broad matures of "My kidneys fulled Laundry home would be ING IT work at AS HER OWN. a farmer friend of bis owner. The me, 1 suffered aw- much more aatlsfactory If the right dlnlancu being somewhat excessive ful pain and was so Starch were used. In order to get the Bought I could not . Alvays for his rhemiiHtlc legs, he was shipped weak desired stiffness, It Is usually neces- ALCOHOL-- 3 had n P1R CENT CLUCKS AND OFFERS WORMS to his new home by rail. work, and often sary to use so much starch that the Awtrksbet Prrpertlion for to to bed. I Little Kdna, the family take beauty and fineness of the fabric la ñVFoulandRptfula-llr- n waa dutt and exhausted nearly all the viewed the panning of Dobbin with un hidden behind a paste of varying ita Stomachs and Uoweis of Bears tho feigned sorrow. sat for a long iime. I conaulted doctors and used only Reptil All Advanctt of Visiting An. 8he thlckncts, which not destroys the time gating disconsolately out of the medicines,, but only Doan'a Kidney appearance, but also effects wear- and Jealously Dog, the malt Guard! window. At last, after a deep sigh, rills helped me. Soon I waa perma ing quality of goods. This trou- Signature Who the Slttpt Under Protect- ahe turned with a more cheerful ex nently cured." ble can bo entirely overcome by using Promoif 3 Dtcstion.Clwerrul-ntssan1R(5- l M M 11 ing Wlngt at Night pression, and snld: Remember the name Doan'a. For Defiance Starch, aa It ran be applied Conlains nt Ithrr "Did old Dobbin go on the cboo- - sale by all dealers. 60 cents a box. much more thinly because of Its great- Opwrn.Morphine nor Mirwrnl .A HI. !,niln. Down In Smith Ht. lentils choo cora, mamma?" Foster Milburu Co., Buffalo., N. Y. er strength than other makes. a i hlrkli-a- s hen has adopted a puppy, "Yes, dear," answered her mother. Not Narcotic tt'.iee eeks old, and H Isn't even t A broad, grin spread over the little WELL DEFINED. Royal Crest Greet Orsndmother. 4kev evw arSAniurmt bird diK- thinking," The birth of a son to the youthful girl's face. "I was Just she STaMa A Tli remarkable hen and the iinfur said, "bow funny he tiiust feel sitting duke and duchess of Hudermanla gives lutiatn puppy belong Ui Clemens Itent-Ii- t up on the pliiHh ciiHhlons." Woman's to royal Kurope what It hat not bad of 714 Marlon street, .hiato rear Koine Companion. for inore than ten years, namely, a yjZiinnáiJU I In yard la now an attraction fur amateur great great grandmother. The ady to coma Is nuturiillsts, rurloiia person, and In DREADFUL DANDRUFF. whom this honor has the credulous ones willing to cry "nature Urand Huchees ConaUntlne Nlcolale-vltc- h marriage, AperffílRínwdy Tor Con I Ips- fake" until convinced. Girl's Hesd Encrusted Fesred Lose J ho whs. before ber Use At night era w la box of Saxe AlUoburg. ilon , Sour Slomat the hen into the f All Her Hair Baby Hsd Milk-Cru- Prim cs Alexandra which hHa provided at the Missionary's Wife Made imps quarter, and spreads her lima They Should LosSOf SLEEP. M honest conviction, based upon For Over over him na If he were the prettiest Two Perfect Cures by Cutlcura. mid diilnllcHl chick ever hatched. All nip my own experience and that of tuy Tc Simile 8inatMftef nlKht lona the keepa wlnga be friend. Is that Hunt's Cure' will cure her "For several yeara my husband Qulx your Idea of the tween the pup nnd the rod, damp air, Pe What's a lurgcr per cent, of skin troubles Was a tnisKlonnry In the Southwest. difference between optimism and pes- itching Company Thirty Years w especially of an variety, than CesTAUW hile he aleepa. Round nnd secure. Every one In that high and dry at- Tmi None hut or inembera of hit simism? any oilier remedy. Certainly those af llentler mosphere has more or less trouble De O! optimist says It Is NKW YORK. f iimlly dace approach the pup while Whit the flicted U)i any form of Itcti should with dandruff and my daughter's scalp spring when It pessimist the hen la near. A reporter for the Isn't snd the try 1L' became ao encrusted whh It thst I says It Isn't when It Is. É I'ovt DiFpatch, desiring to prove the lose J. O. Monroe, 1.- was alarmed for fear she would Atchison, bond of affection between the little various rem- Kat all her hair. After trying Not "Just as Good" It's the Beet Aiiarantreil Ifvi FoodssjJ dog mid ita prntectreaa, waa menaced despera) Ion I bought a cake under edies. In One box of Hunt's Cure Is unfailing- Her Dilemma. savagely, with ruffled feathera and of Cutlcura Soap anil a box of Cutl- ly, unqualifiedly abaolntely guar- (sad Copy oí Wrapper. a mmw eaaa ttn. mucous and fiedle Oh, Mabel! I am In an smM eaan clulter. cura Ointment. They left tho scalp anteed to cure nny form of skin dls- - Iloth pup the hen Klfta awful dilemma. I've ipiiirreled with the and are beautifully clean ami free from esse. It Is particularly active In prompt- to gave hi the Harry, and ho wants mu to aciid bla llentler. Ilia brother in dandruff, and 1 am happy to say that ly relieving nnd permanently curing hen a year ago. weeka ago one ring kick. Three the Cutlcura Hemedlea were a com- till forms of Itching known. of IiIh woman to whom Mabel That's loo bail. customer a plete auccesa. I have nUo used suc- Kczemn, Totter, Klngwnrm anil all FOOT-EAS- E hi dellvera Ice naked him to take the lie sle Hut that Isn't the point. I've ALLEN'S cessfully the Cutlcura Hemedlea for --$ similar troubles are relieved by onu forget which la hla ring. yit.A Shake Into Your Shoes puppy It. When 'nillk-cniK- .o and drown llentler so called f on baby's hesd. application; cured by ono box. aMai)'d at home with the running Cutlcura Is a blessing. Mrs. J. A. Allen's FooteFasa, a powder lor the I eel. It lakrvn painful, i Rough on Rati, unbeatable exterminator little bit or dngflcHh. hit children Darling. 310 Fifth St, Carthage, Ohio. Teach Cart of Home and Family. ainnrting, nervoii-- e. t. sml inil.oitly t.ikea the Ming oul ol enrns be- RoukIi on Hen I. Ice, Nest Powder. 2&p. dm over y el the sge. hcggiil for Ita life. Next they Jan. 20. 1!08." An interesting experiment Is being ii.l l.uinonv It's the gresie! riimlwl sought their to keep the little Rough on lledbugs, I'owderor Llq'd. IjO. Alien mikes t nht lining or new sleien l re?. It it a father Potior Drug Caws. Oars, Bol True., made In education of wom- t . a the hleher ti..M f n ingruwi.'g na-- rspn nig, c.illou-- and hot. Hied, iiiIiiihI fur a pet. nuunA....t.y un- rL'i... w n.--i vn i.iijuiu,I....I.I ie.- leri.i n hel en at King's college, London. Tho ir.., ys lor uw Patent Shoes The Hint ilny puppy put In üc. ai long It ii in deiiund in the wat Sex In Cromwelli. Idea Ik Hint there la Juxt aa much !lom:hon.tloarhcs. I'ow'd, l!r.,Llq'd,2 I're.iliing in New Shoes. We have over leninMini.ils. IiIh box in the yard ben showed and lor v.i the Of colimo with the sexes on a foot educational value In a careful study Rough on Moth and Ants, I'owder, 25c. 'I KY IT TODAY. Sold by all lretrist J- - ' " her yearning for ii n object of motherly lug of eipinllty na regarded opportu of the principles of managing the Rough on ekeeters, ngreeable touse.J&e. any Substitute. Sent by nuil lor Jjc. in i.on. love mid devotion. 8be thrust her nity, It not be long until a fe- home and young children as In the would E. 8. Wells. Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. "la t shirk, TRIAL PACKAiJK aenl y mail Address male Cromwell mnde her appearanre con r ne UHiiiilly read for the taking of w tilra e FREE ALLEN S. OI.MS1 LI). I K ROY, N. Y. and. having mnde her nppeiiriince, waa a degree. Hard to Convince Him. taal taic.' gelling her portrait painted. "So you're going to many old Cot-ro- The painter, once more a fawn- Beet In Existence daughter, Well, you know things con eh? ing, courtly fellow, would hnvo the "I sincerely believe, all two live cheaper than one." sidered, Lightning Oil is the all picture a tlnltery; but she rebuked Hunt's "I know, but I can t convince bcr HAVE YOU A BOY vuluable household ill in In words that tícenme hlatorlc! moat useful and falh r uf that fact." "1'nlnt In the hipa!" alio command- remedy In existence For Cuts, Hums, TO EDUCATE? no i Idtng a school ed, sternly, Khowiiig thut she could Sprains and Insect Hites It hat Attend to Your Liver Itrfoie ilf on my goes." do not full to iibiuin the be more rigidly devoted to the truth equal ao far as experience No organ In the human body rnn U. K. Huntington, lineal dialogue of t tin it Oliver himself. I'uck. giro aa many different kinds of tronido túfala, Ala. as the liver when It Is not right. Sim- HOLY TRINITY COLLEGE Hospitals a Benefit to Property. mons' l.lver I'urlllcr makes It right Stalre. UK Mho National moioclHtion for the Caste Below keeps It so. DALLAS lip In and si "Are Hiero degrees of runk the Study nnd I'reventlim of Tuberculosis Catulngue srnl for the siting. lutllT" I Iiiim recently concluded " Investiga- servants' True i loqueiice tiuil to be none but sure. Maids who have tion, which allows Hint l'.7. ft per cent. "To bo the sci Ions and le al ty love of truth COLLEGE, Dept. M cluirge of dog Hssocluto with Addross HOLYTRINITY id the tiihct ruhmlH sanatoria ami hos won't llil.l. OAK LAWN, DALLAS, TEXAS IIh wlio take cure of children " pitals of the l ulled State bino been lint n lieiii'llt to the property aim neiiuu rittsburg I'ost. W. N. U.. DALLAS. NO. of the III which they are G2 located. Ill Hie case nf inure than I - 1 per cenl. of the sanatoria the presence iiamsiiimiir ; ' of tho Institution has helped to In Dainty, Crisp, Dressy crease tin- - assessed value ol Minouiid 'b&ffl. . Ititf propi-riy- Crime. WRIGLHTtfS! Summer She I can't hind myself until I'm sure, (live tun time to decide, and If. six months henee I feel aa I do now, 1 - Skirts w III be yours. BJD-n4.I- RI She Skirmishes for a Bug or a Worm. aturrit Ardent Adorer I could never wall A I are a delight tolhe refineil wom.nnever. , long, darling. Itesldi-s- the courta Mlllnie. Ill Older to gel lili rMlt M- bend into the box and clucked softly. that NWP have decided dealing In futures, NkP thai the n, ia giMMl, llul il la ul la flntl advances terrorised the pup, that Ntf" Her without the actual delivery of the W the Utrol loi.hiou and use as her benevolent designs grew mil--lio- ns but goods, Is gambling pure and simple. Millions erf leaves make nirtiilfi Ht to the pup he began making I'uck. mil-Hio- ns Journeys about the yard In her com- of drops-t- o flavor pany, occasionally stopping to take a ORIGIN lisp In the protection of her wings. Of a Famous Human Food. of sticks of delicious Defiance Mince llentler hits had the hen sho luía been without chickens. Her owner The story of the great discoveries believes that the maternal Instinct or Inventions Is always of Interest having been denied Its tisiiul colime An active brain worker who found Starch Inn pioinpted the ben to adopt tho himself hampered by lack of bodily pup. not carry strength and vigor and could in th tannery. All ihr pup Is a Scotch collie, hardly as líiintrnr The out the plans nud enterprises he knew JUJL tin las! ly n (11, Ita wealth tml ii nlvtiilt big aa n man's double how to conduct, was led to study va h'iiy. No ffi.tifcr h'w finn lint it hite nnd black huir when It curia rious foods nnd their effects upon the or now tjauiii'y in.utt bad st iff h anj in a corner of Ha box gives It hoiiio-wha- t human system. In other words, bo-fo- xnr l.uimliy v.jik will hmh lli crlit the appearance of u chicken. ho could carry out bis plans be m ainl ruin Un) i 0vh. I I I IAN( K In the three weeka that the ben has bad to find a food that would carry S A lv II U purr, will mi rot I Ik liott.i tli k. m . liter .uiMj in to i f'h It at i.-- n bcMoMlhg In r maternal attention him along and renew his physical and Put 'Em Down. The Facts. 1 Mt pt bring a huti rn uuiiiff U.l' rvrrvwhrra. on the pup In her all lo him menial strength. "I think luncy lioso should bo pro "Do poets ever niilly slrnve?" )tln r Motrin mm h intfriui,m ;tt too doghood, oho him wns a s to healthy, happy Ha knew that a food which hlhlted becauBu they promote bud "Well, maybn not. Hut we seldom lw lv nuil tteii-- itvt ln-- i l on of thrice saved him from the ntlacks brain and nervu bulldei (rather than manners." ever get u chain e to overeat. " K' initK I'M lAM'E bl'AUi II kuJ lx cat and two dog. a mere fat maker) was universally WÍ mru of ruaulta. un envinan "WIiul's the answer?" A strange cut which apat vcniuiioiiK needed. He know that mt-n-t with the TteMrr than enl.l - l.ilxe it in r'dor w "They encourage the great Ameri- o, -t - ly at the hen a ward was chased Into average man does not accntnplUU the up Hnnilni Wi.irl of a!l rein- can habit of sticking feet on desks, ediee t t. A dog belonging to .Mrs the for snd the street. desired results. He knew that (huirá, porc.1 jNihts, etc." Kuubua pain, koii'iicaa aicl nill.iiiiiii.if ou. Defiance Starch (5 yard II. ruff strayed Into Uentler's toft gray suhstanco In brain and City Times. und tried to scrape acquaintance with nerve centers Is made from Albumen The good tiiiii'8 we long lor will not Company, his Utile brother. Ho waa put to flight and rhoHphats of I'oIuhIi obtained For Colds snd Grlpp Capudlnt. coinu lu the guise of I s i i iit watches by vicious "pecka" on the nose. (rom fooú. Then he started to tolva The retm-d- fr IMip snd Celda I Cecilia's, ter- Un kh' l'spiiilliK-- Iti'lh'Via llio .Mes nn l mii FM Next day Mrs. A. rat the problem. 1'ilp-- tlt f!ltll-Hi- l .'!, Tie. nmniI I'Mii'h. rvtnrtMIVfil'ii. fe- ll rciio-il- f..r iliNif ., ' ii i "I i o huaui ! Omaha, Nebraska. next to see the also, s l.eiul-l-KIT- i liiimtxlmuiiy-l- u, ni. In. '"J raino from door Careful and extensive experiments li Oi-- ai'bu-i!'- - m . : auU Mu. rier We lJrug more wuaiUiA.ul. lliu pup and wst driven yelping to his own evolved Crape Nuts, the now famous A and at angry It wouldn't lie a bad lih I to acquire prcmlKCt by tho foster mother. food. It contains the brain and nerve It takes a woman to swallow tier old the pup the habit of dodging pi Whenever the hen hears building fond elementa In condition medicino with a pleased on whining she runs to lit side and clucks easy digestion. .. for la compelled to en anii-lun- g In DAISY FLY KILLER nr. k IV "X" ?f Siinnflrffl pot her face when ttee There's t rich, quality llé.til llrln reassuringly. Then lo his mind at The result of eating GrapeNutt I found ;i n - T Ke.l.l tertain an undesirable guesL Iwia' Sumle Hinder ht la u l...... r,.lr .1... neel lt rt J entire ease she skirmishes for a bug dally Is easily seen In a marked tturdl-nes- a other fic cigar. rJ"I or a worm. This delicacy she drops and marked activity of the brain Dr. Blggtrt Huckleberry Cordial a l more by feigning The softer a man the e. V of him and to eat and nervous system, making It a When lieginning uf M - aa In front taken lit the Stenmrh 'AT-1Vrj- A1J ...... - Till lnirrh(M-s- , la to butt In. A II IimiuiIMi hm tiiv It herself, essays to tempt him to de- pleasure for one to carry on the dally Troubles never f.tile to cine he Inclined tit WtnuiHLiTii.a Dyu-nler- ' ' (iret.finfArr It. fatigue or exhaustion. Kbit, (hddren Teething, ele. ruanuf suinn'r tf 'ni SHtl vour duties without 6Uc Hyrnp, )'f tttrs At DrutguU 'ióa snd per bottle. Mr. Wtnloft fKlhlnff le ta,, flet lrnnifi Grape-Nut- s food la In no sense a Ti hUlrm tlltlii. 4v(eu iha Kin, tf tWtjwttf. sVejei Itkrft. Long Snske Among Turkeys. but Is limply food which money comfort, and letVOl, l WfM Uati cwllt. Mt swUa Swaf-ford- . stimulant We lose and Ind. Mrs. Catherine n...- -i rw em Milton. renewt and replaces the dally watte even temper sometimes by not learn- The daughters dulugs have he' n iiiiNNni rKiMia wavir i a a r noiscvJl U O M , ,. IntMeiiiwuirsri,mI w.rvl living on a farm about five miles i. mnil It i a ilu r .i i'.t"iiMr ,iMir ul l. liti.rtli m.laia iimiiu(i U at of brain and nerves. ing to be more careful. Dickens. the inothi-r'- ai ta. h.a w. I Ul,a. I a . rM. alauhM, WuS K. Al ua a con it Ion Mlaru P.rtir II II ullthhH jnlt, sout h of here, heard flavour It charming and being turkeys In the orchard. On Itt among the fully and thoroughly cooked at the found a long black Investigating she factory It torvod Instantly with out In the way. Sh It snake stretched cream. a rail near by and hit the rep took up The ilgnature of the brain worker tile on the back, thus disabling It, anf on girl tpoken of. C. W. Tost. It to be teen with the assistance of her . then, each genuine package of Grtpe-Nula- It. The snake measured sl killed In pkgs. famous little eight Inches long, and was aboul Ixiok for the feet "The Iload to Wellvllle." igbt luches sruuud lis body. book. mus of Iftoejt ugly, srlwly, gr rtalr, U LA CHIOLK" MAIH RiSTONKR.ii PRICK, Sl.OO, retail. Tbtrt't a reason."

i r n. The Affair of the Uptowners 11 COLONEL tv - fiWPAPñ' ? By Edmund Vance Cooke

'IT tCnp rtulit, by J. 11. I.lpplucult Co.) "Tho rooma are alt that we eontd ahly aa two healthy and hnrd worklni; ink," anld .loai't'h Marmuluke, apeak y on tin men ahoiild. und quito dl na! to Mm. Ikadntone, hut unron-icloual- nilaaed the affair of the uptownercj allow lux hla naze to reat upon Irom their mlinU The callera woulu V i ier daiiKhler. "Mr. Kerney and I are be vanlxhed lona; before their return 8 AUTHOR'S NOTE X Jiore than aatlffled We were Juxl aud probably would never rroaa th"lr nylUK I hut the atiuoaphcre aiiKXealed path again. íh matinal ft t in th koine rather than a boarding houae." ttory of Cirr.ijTistantiAl vidrnc A .Mra. iK'HiNfone'a fm-- went flnhhy The HtiKciJim rarrluKe, wllh liveried' f (ífíwn frr.m an actual r- 0 t X the wiird. The network allowed driver and footman, whoao horxca t'ifdd f mly tur.h r.hanyt IT rs. .1 iriiund her cyca, and two deep xlowly loitered up and down the atreei f fr?if i 'I t" el color ji"n 0 ' j reaaea drooped from the contera of lo keep thiiiiiiir.hliri il blood atlr rr ifld a a ' vp t hrrrt f ' , n n their 3 lor mouth. "Mr Mm uuilnke.'' hIih xhoiild have waiiicil Ihe youtiK th ' i i f rr 0 ilnit. ('! aid wlih irrciit dignity, "while you ini n, but tliey no heed. Sleepily I., t' fin;n M the 8 nave md Mr. Kcin y with ph ase re i h y h ' Of t? aie u. h hi ended the uUtotic xicix. I ' CVIlifn.f, 0 Ie -- nu ll, r liml you te n icMm, tint ili lll, It III.", (.nnl. Ii .l Hie 1. ail t Hi(J. O ,'lnli Ii i hrrr. not leiai .l. .' sin- Rat" ittioihcr Hill,. stone Im k, mnl then tin n tin y wee V 'XT - - il " TT s 'Iriilih i' ul (he tt m and continued In I In hull, lili Mis. I lemlsione nun ' ; "inn tt hut lit To he mho, wn imt toward lln in. t. lliv p.ilc I'll" ' i if i-- hall he nuipi llcil io accept a er r tl com i .. i liliiin coloi and luaxx butioii:. ii .i, i ,,i .i. iln r iitiirii tor our were clihiT occupied cltewhere or, .1". .1 . i ' v ll f..r Hi. u i i i I you li tu ll you- - i r ll you more piol , h id buck to the SC. Mi ll I llll-tl- l koii" U T) o i lil - " OBliihll-iliiii- i in fi uní which lln ) had LI Me Id I fOII.C EL VTTThi, 'If you nuil, I help iih with our conic The loll. Mini; catilai;i. wax l'ii Lull'., i.rovct iioii pilou, iiiainina no aim, It will draw lita up to I lie leinlxtoiie curb. in Mi l 'VI. i n II.. ni 4. ' I J ln-- n one the pioverldtil pride of the Ili ad ullltiK off leiiieii, Mil I t' whlrh hml fnrmf, rclrent. icnl tcdi' I. Ii, V UK tin j In his pul In I Hadi-tnli- I 1. to ilollet.." the ilnuKhlcr. I'lllle tlciiieli," Kaxpid Mra Musi In. mi i in n 'nl I '.taln lilniM'ir ii.nii lirr fiitlmr tnr IiIh N the only herllllKe we lian left, mid lin y are Jiint m Iiik." She Kave all H tin II .1 - hutli IiimiiIHiik wuriln ft. heir fioin ii'lt-i- il a a i ., hut llily iinliandy llilnn to keep iiKimlziil k l.i in up (he atalr, tovtiinl IMiiaki , . I ami for tlin (truth nr til own ,arnnt kIh. II III! I II Ml. II t hoiiNC on." I II liml where llin .low lor and Ihe Hat per III I II. ll . rut off n fHirtlnn (if hor htilr I:, "I' cvl.lclli. Jinl,-!- ' .My " v Mltiitacs " while Nlin ulrpt anil illi,i'i It In Die ilenr Vlolclte cxpoxiulnted were picxuiuiilil ailJ'isiliiK wrapa and Vira I'l'Mwt Intnl.. I HeiidHloiie. Ihnl a Imt ipille what huta, ami added, tih, what will ilicy JlMtl.c St , a of a to hail alito iilnlc-- I ii r ii.iiii uf ctltt I wax any. I )l0Stl ii .1 MimhI pli-- i fg nf al,mil lo am aure the ill ink'.'" tl K. Ill I v Lucí ..II,.., ovit hir dnnn. 'ntlciiiin are xi i.i Hie xliiia A moment more and the faille Ih kii,I I, IIh' hntrlii't wit ..UMlly prncureii. tlinxur Ion. Vour oulHpokciiiicxa la poxlllve I'lK'Hn he hml pliiri.d In tho cuvo dnr-ini-! volco of Mlxa Harper and the oilier ly you Col. - luiitiil. If were not the ilaunh tonca of .Mra. Jim Ier aaKKexted the "M Hi, .r one of I'nrrnr'x niitncroiii hu- ii,. Ier of ii laadnioiie and a Clinton I xhIhi! ilrcxxliiK Ihey give ftn ti'iirrn from tho hi and ihi'ie nlno could thla Mlnaoini ,, aliould ll I." I ml hlitiHcif i rail nlmoxt yuliiar. We lire scandal, aa ilict came tiiikllna down In I ,, iniilc.l ihn luoaim I. Hot ijlille , whlrh (nut hi.i n riilniiil to exlromliy the htnliwiit liiil. !" KioHlied Mia. kll-.l- l hi, I ll,, , rl. IIt would I, my ilnuKhlcr nxu rtx." xhc coniludcd. Hrudnlnuc. 111" love of , ave hlx .l(il For heaven, UOMll ,,, J i'itrrli'it thriiil!h i urnlKK lo the hide'" Hil I ii ,. '.i the end hut that Iho culoiii.) .li a hi, I .i- "Oil, no. Mix w furitlvciii'KM tin-"- icadxlone," nil There ax no oppoi lunli y to object. I, .i .,, ut tlin ;alluwn ' .'" i.i' Mr. : I VI'll lilm. wcred Mai innluki "we under- Mix, lanidxtoiie hail pushed Mr. HI Ml ... II i ' '.Hid h your .i I'hln. iniiri.pon riin.le hoi dclliney mid your buck of the porlbrca, which lie Inn I,, i, i, , win partly ilnimhici h i hnriiilni! They i' lint plaro of cm-ril- l an, I candor. do siTcch-'- Hie door IciiIIiik to the little In. II... ,ii i , inn pardjf ' i. pin hoih ciiual hoiiiir ' ill aw " fcr .i.i ,;i. iviinl In the Jail An hoihi iih II Iiik n.j'ii. and hall Ihriixt Mr mi t i,, .i i i' Kerxey , rli'iir llinl l.i it- - Inin a low and xeldoui uaed l.ii-ii- i .i i ,, .. nun' hiuie hml an i ., i A a t '. '. i w ., Hlu-rlt- lh" ilat n losci under Iho they Isai.iU ,1 i, ,., ,,, tiini ;.niaiil Kluii'tin iil in make tlin ho'li i;.iteinen xialr. There .'., ,. i.i .i I..H..I i . ,i u, lili " i.i-'- In i nl, in, I OIlKt.llillati ll lh. Iiihi Itex on lliclr xtiHid and aipiuitcd. not tint Inn lu r mili.., i,, i, ,, ,, i., ii - ti' l.i lake Hie ,. . i v I.. i .1 li.-- i it i a Hove, while the uplowncra , ''iii kl nf di h in, in Inn hi.a.l Kar luai lcrx. und the "kit Interview mude their killer i i - i. ... . , I.i.-.-- iiiiiiIih"! hcluein Mr Kctxiy and lila hnatex ililcl inlnalile tai-,- ella, Hie in,. I,, , ,, ., ,,,,,, l,,, '.ii ..iiin ii. v,i ht all it luí went In ef ' ""I l".l him I', .Hi M'ponrcil to "Aa , , , , liiill. nl upon the wiihIh i.f l.i'iisiiie, lnU axMiilUe i,e Kounded lor thoae two youtiK men," Mra 'I.,,, ,,h M tin i '' I. I., i , ,il of Mi x I m ' ,, ''I I'M Ii. unit Into a Hluliiu hie icailxloint lo con, o lowler wua en) inn. "I hi Burn that ft I.. II... ,.,. ., ,,,, , hiIiih. The ft: !,,, ' 'i.'iu liim tti.i, a iii'm.. un. I. ih.-iif- up i,, hi,,, I. III. i one of I lie in lias some bruedliiu; and '" " Mi, i Mi',., ,,,( lais.d " 'I. Ill Im,. I I ii ii. tt. h m ii.ii'i in i, Hi" Mark rap He wan iti'inl. one nfieriioon, ae orilme to cua-in- , am iilnnmt ante Unit he would khow "' " ' ' i ',. ,i,l r... in '. ..i.i LiMsiiro wiiK liiiiiirillalily afier tin lr daily lal. In I'nlon aomu brnlna, under liotiual coiidl-liona.- s a In i i mi n, .iir(J "l .i,.:' Vi.' 1;inl V npiai" were ended, the two frlenda ml nnl ii,i,. ,,,i ,,,,,. i,lm ,, iliinili. ,M " t Ii I i liiil mu iravcli'd home loacther. "Iioine." of "I'lidor normal comlltioiia?" ipiciied '"'III Il.l II III, , ., 11,11 1,1 ,1.1 ir Ifcc losl ..,.... l" ' I'l I ..Ll I I, Mill I.I .l,. ,(T. I.'ll rouine. bclnir iimlcrwtood to be the Mlxa wholly iinrompre i I 'i ii.. , ii all 1, t ,,, i i milk icadxlone xtorlca of bi ownxtone and hendliiK her moiln r a nervouxneaa, for Km I ..i I, nun, I,, ,,,, ,, , I II il.i I,, i .i,ii lu bk which did their little beat to she had becu nboveatulra with their liul i.ii.. iIhhi'Iii, r i ; ,, ,, ,., I, litlnc Iii lull Hi" nf Hit il.i li lilí-- i " uphold the tradlilon of n past genera- gui'Hla. Mil llf ,1.. I , ,,( ' In Hi II Hk Mill lio kllli',1 t tion lia boardilla; honxo blighted "th, don't pretend to tiilxninler-Ftiiiul- . mo t.llin ri,i,n un) h, n , ,v,.,. f ' I Aa i'l.i i u dir I.i - hi u vi. nelKhborhood. they reached thla I'erhnpa you 'cun t aee It, id mlll,., .., .,, 1S Ill' hclim .!,!, I rexldciiie they were Imprcxxed by I'll. ,illi II..- l ,, ,, I, I. V an lu Ihe aalue bci louded your J.arlln ,i,,,l .,,,. na,,,., ,,i n,,. i,,.,., ,,f i,iin t,,, condl'lon I .... unwonted of licad-.ton- gaa, ,,, I. I,',',ni-- -t l.f ,l.. null! II, Illll! waxie xi If. hm If your nio'hcr Ixn l In dan rm ,.,n,(. ii,i, (i ,,,, a a ' I I I I mnl they mounled the xtcpa of I , I" Ii nl I. II their Eer IokIiik a ilaiiKhter. never aaw lf fi'll ni II,, II i i i,,,,, , i toil ' ., aurprlae wax by ' ll Imt t ,., ,,1,1, , l iiiorcaxed the flying 'he ay mptoiiiH " fc ! I. .I.ixii :., I,,,,,. .,(,1,1, ,,( r I ,,. open of the triuil door mid the appear-anr- " I un ulii "I'll, my dear anld per- ' II... til .1 k lu. 'ili it.'..i' t,,u imiiii riora." Ihe ' of a ' ' i I l !, licuro boy In plum colored I ' .tu turbed Mra l IMf ll,.,, ,,, I,, ll , , ,., I laadxtone, with an ,..!,,,. ,,f i, coat und hrnxa I, nil, nix. II II t I I, ' .,,, I , Such whh IiiiikIi, "you were nlwiiya 'In in i in ii., i', I,. I I,,., n, , llll ,' their they xurli 1" . nuiiireiiient acurre could a liiimoi Ixl." II I III 1. . , nl .ui. .lan-- ' I. ,,,, lur give It iilterMltee, nor they pro- .. Ml I .. II .1 k could ' l: I. , III,, ,,' I,, Well, let ua hope thai you II find ll ,.i i i i ceed upxIali'H or ' , decide what diplo ' i i W.I I .. I, ,, I.I...MHI,. humorous," put In Misa 'i ii: ni hi,, in,, i illll,. macy Harper. Kor wua due the Interloper in plum- my III' ll.. II', I',. 1,1 1,1, Ill IllVtll llfll'1 Il.l, ,,,, M,,H ,U. purl. If you'll pardon my auylng rolor mid hrnxa. I I '1 1,1 1. xo. was not impii axed by ' ll ...ll" ,11 11,11 ,.l...ll 1,,' ''! ni I..' ....i iiit m, i. in Ihe com ' Idd we conic up the ttiotii telln ,.f , , .iii.I I. i ,, 1,,, a lit Mr Marmuluke keepa " (Ml Inl III I ft, I ,. i" ,i,n inilo I Mi'ii.tltn: din hil, o I .mm i re mmfú Isn't thla Mix I 'enlistone ipicrlcd Hi f I.,,, i,. I.,,,, f , ... ii.-- tt a i Kor ihe i til In d. cabined und eon iir ,,i ,,( i I.iIiim'iI 'Yniiiii; iiinn. I have wrmiii".! loe weakly. Ii. il ' . , I ,. M . i, M. u .... ,,. ,,, ., 'l.ll' t.kt .ltd I IllH u I tnied Keracy. who iiiiild iilmoxi have .IIIHIIP. ami have no wIhIi to leave tl.,1 "YiixhhII' Vo' t d, huh'.' Hil-it- l,. hi answered hod ' I' i .liff. li nl S 1,1 .íiiIi Kin ii i, .m her where she alood, und who liin,f ulilill inith wlih the III win f anv iau. the plum-colo- and hraxx '" " ' '" I ii.l " ' 'I i'l .- I. ll I t"l' Iciupicd to do ni, Hila wax Im ill, hut ll'.l" HlllinH nik your fniKlvi'iieaa for atnmliiut '' rcpcaicil I,, ,.. ,,, (, ,,, ii I r,ii-,,i- t'urd liarht. ai an' h,, n ii. iii iiii.iM i.m ii it. iir I I t'.iin aiirei'ahl". liei.e.n oi my poor child an, ly aa If he I .1, , ,1 . had net or heard of thai lial you nn-n- " ,!' ll. S..III, ,lll,l i ,n I.,. !!!! to fur Hie of your I do by symptomx I,,,. father whlrh uaeful art U ! of lilcnilMcailou .'.Ill.l' III..I I I',- ,., hi,-- w i,, i, i.,, . 1, ..skcil Misa Heailstonc, Ihll i.,,. l,',,H.t "': !" i. ' a i.,k l.ill.'ieil to in o Hue of duty I. suddenly 'Yaxxnh. oi what name, ilit-in,- I"' 'I ll 'INI. kit I .11, ll . I'i hml in 'I In. i, .i, iIh i, .n- - o- win. I my country.' xuh'" 'Why, that a one nl l,niKli"ti I HI. Hi .,1. I, t ,1'Hl ,:. ho I, ii, I ,, ' I 'Name?'' repeated .too. ulth im e Mix. .low i '''I' I,, iii I,.,, i,,, lanar all n t reiiililed vlolcnlly hut ill. I Iir TreaxiirliiK an uiilm , , celleiil llnllntlnli ol Darhy'x ,'iliMll' ,1, I ' '' '" tint reply blank iniiiaut reiniii'k about your beloved " '" '!.' ihltiit. or ibIhi IiIh ctea. !.e you " I.I .... I, . ,f , ,,,, ,,, 111" IIKl hi'. .1.1.1, I, I,. II ,1, I,. IV. .1.1 . under arrest lie Mew lila brama out lieaa. "Hut tie und koIiik back lo It. Amu t,l. ''It 'll'l'll '' u II...i,- - ,.,,,,,,. t'lMlllllllfll- her one la , I, . . I. ,11 I, I ., i n I ll..- I. i . In roll nl';ht will) a plxlol Hefore his alow tongue l, h ,, i,, i.,. i,. ..Ll, ..ii.'i ,i, not iii put y wna f In vupiNirt the Ii.l hit that unwound 'Imt )ou enloy bcliia tcuacd about hlni. I" I I '"I I . I, ,,. i ' tirocuied, no ,ni. how. I.nolle Ihe minia, i hcie wax a III He In ,, ,(,,,. ..uní ' I" had put I' tl'ii: fm in .,f f'a, rar While the ,ih,.. iít knew ruxtic lioodllexx' ' ' '''' triiKcily, iidjoiiiina ' I.i I. I.i.l, I .,,,,,, ii.i i ' i' h, s, Mm., look u.llllHli'd the k ,,. l'l,.. ,t.. went mad on li' tiilni; of tho the diattiiiK loom'' aa Mra Aa hi loic remarked. Ihe atalr closet I. I ' ll- ll" I, .1 i i i .1. wax I'cadsloue mi i allium It. wax Utile ., n i n, h i,, ai i.isi ,i ttiin, , hería n,.,p,., ,a, k and llll wan In and contlncd M'tito time In an and used and consequently l I I Ihe Indv of Ihe house, tthn-- " cara liad . Ii. I'. ll i"t" ttt'.. i. iiii i, i i a in1, i hi. i'iiii nena for the ax,tum. She teii.tercd mid ended luir iliixit. Mr Kersey luid sirniKl"it ll' final word win u I ' I n nl on i soutiil l nil- Ill' " '"' ' "; I.. I.HIU" pinna forwaid dat a In it conn tit. ml. i. nt appcaii-i- bul the aua bad. he could '" und cried In 111 .1 ' " i h; pcl soll, K"tt lied, I'l.ttdelcit. aud not keep iihsoluiiii ,, " un ii, ,in, ,,i hi..,, an iii:,.i,i (i, (.' ', un In my atory." il.i. and Ihe ienil, ii, lot ll .11 " i a.1 I litniteil Mis ,lls s l.i'" 'list would moiiiii lino his none " i'" irs Slop! nlone am futltt I Thorn wan a of chalrn and l... The . miiiliiK broke Into h a ot tt I. t' .' ; '.. i I, il, n.. Ii lleii-- alune'' sin siniie clcuii" sail, a ancce. ii II. Iiilui; plpi g I. f.ciieial of whhh had lllat Iho ii, i in i t'llikli d Mix " " " " a.l. .! an in 'The nlhVera nf Hie law ca!l", hi oiil"l osl tiers pcrspirnig coldly "' in hi I ' ,1 en allowed to tin out In ho rupt and i iiicki il. inin h n the ten nil oi.-- pore, mail.- .i" i .it. i ,,l 'in, a i ii ay f.'i ai an,) i,.inainli'd an hi ctciy a Ian effort, look h. I ' "' ' il"i 1, ail.'tiilmi that prcvalli'd while Ju.lua mnl Is ionic) line, iti .t a ll'l. lll.oilfh Hie tlltlilow of '' l:' "I Ihi pi. in II" land ut I, in lln ttan not ilea I tl,c Uolir f i Ullllell nt I'l til" ,i l.lill.- Win, in " 'i.i., Hi' ' had tun off and licet Sioaki j tai hiM akliiK, when JaJi;e What handsome t,,n have, I , -- II It I li I Mr M;: ' Mi ' ' In litower und in..Ink" ainl 'ora' No wonder you use Mien, '' " 'ii" the uiaiili'.l and lili wile wan then lltn,,' aiime aid: ' ii, ,, i i Kcisct" she M lana. il. "This Is so I you '' " " "" ""'I a i it iilliir "i un ini mi nl In st l,ouU. for "I bellote I voice tho aenltmciita of ittienor hull do your moloi car r .1. ,.' I..-- ' lln- t;oiiit o ton. mnl tiiiiiiim sx lias lis own nd w lini peril i i act ..i '"" Mil'.'.l lln iel'if wiaih of hi r father and lin'i Ihn i In!) lu cxicnilliii thatika to wiiiis'" .ii Jude reward in this , a im will meet 11," ell un .ii "" '"'" r" i of a ili'"-n- . a '"' ""iM k. itl.i no hit nrTalia mi Stoaki " t.ii lint ii.UIii hate been I ' lin-inl- i,.i I. ' ' , Iny ileaicst Ytolctle. li'i a. ' 'id un ' -'- i..i t. loi kn I"1" her Ilut he had not d I.. anille atcd. had not the dust sihl act", I as ilivuliii ly I.,.. ,li l. I In- 1,1 , I'l. you will l'i.iiI in Mrs I.I .,1.1 I'm. hall I. ,11, In I tti'l, ,,., I. ,''.t'.il litrinix sic. I'licinly us old Scinch anuiT In Mr may I I,. II" "'''i'l un, I ll,,- hall ttii" c.iHllt loftier, pi,s.i,i Mr Matinalnko Keisey'a iiosti llx At Hie set und ei ll-- s i ,1 .. and Mr iilosion i.', ut,. a. I,, mu. k i,, .iii,, i,,, Kcisct nit Mrs. .loftier xieiied aside Mr ." i . ... " 'I' h.ll"iu l a the ptopcily ,,f BOTH STRENGTH AND Irlcinls. Kcisct. Mr Mannuluke Ini'HIy into the curtain and could BEAUTY 1 Ti -- . ...i, ii.. I , .... 'I. I'i , llll"l. ant auie you hnte cat lieaiil me iBit-el, icprexx a xereiuii M,h (U1. I . ,,,... of ol tin, I i " i,. l 'Ah"l I 1,11,1 Kill, ,h,. ,,, hi, speak all to.i mini) is" ' a cyca Klilien d and her uoae ttcin tl.-- I ,11, Pioper Rcaplratlon Adda to But Mr a aa It i - i.: ..r i.,- kl, I, l.ll ,, h" IK .lilt l.lllitcd Each, Ri tlv.i by il.'. p Inhalatlona. thiia ; Kcisct outward ii.aiuji sta ip sliltlliia m Inn M.. lieud .1 la Too Undtr-atood- . tiolix w.-r- ol pure pteaitirc u it an Il.l llllll It,, I'" ma l" no illicit .Ii nial I. nl ininiticd Little the icnnion of iiucinployed mem-ber- i. ami hot x'niic unfelLin dly asionb In d. ly " ,.ii. itn.i ir Ii" ai, I n i il Ilk" u i Iii 1.1 Inn ma Hm The perHlatent mid ri Kular tira proper, 1ml iiiuiei Ins t.cHtli he Mr. Muru.iilukc iiueigi'd fiin,, bi, i nil ii, .i ii, i 'iii.I hat loiiottcil o n, iincl Hiiiuiiiil I Ico of hi ealllln eterclne wlli not nun niiiri'il mi loiii ama' lla, t.l.iiiKleiueiil wlih Hi.,, , l w Mis nn ,.i. lit i, "i i,i hIi.iI wa-- it.iiii; on llnie will be f i cr tlat chcHted only do Ihm. but will kIio I'olao and ha' thi' iipiott mrs arc mi our ftu.'K'' .loftier "Hunt be almincd, Mrs ' I M,-- 1, I Hlllf COIllldcUl'O. You II stay, won you. their ....i tttll M.l'iilt Ho i, ii, tin null and miiili lena rervuua ptoxlin Mr Mar lowler." he said. Ii.l. lit , Ihe evplan I. .'.1 I w ... maliike? And you, Mr Kersey"' a' ill Ix simple I i.. i...k in ,la Would I,.. I.. at Ii to ,.', ,t ,, i ..ii h. n ptoper attention in k'vuii: The inoiciuetita of leaplratton aland loo. itiouh. bale lh,, il , .1 I ,,, h ,i i l a t .. ti- In a aaid Miss llcailsiol'c l' Juat 11 honor to bo the ol Mis .i.i" ,ili, ,i i'iiip.oi ilcll. II Imt .nu- to 1i l k an double relation to the n.llor loletlc hi; eti Inn. I ,.f ' .1 hud yinl il!d xo i U',1 ami ll." hot In Hun,.. HmiM It I, i aii'in. belnu rciiulrcd to Introduce li' cvpctled mini lo sat i,K,il ntk,i' i and an there nhoithl ' , l we I o li I " ,1 I i i,n I.i no, .. I a ti ,n, "Xtacn Into ilui blood, till, ckcl"il si t replied her ni cune bat k kill moro i I i i ll r, which takes up - nn'h the fii idoiu in I i t ,i ., .I.i I. .1 i I ' Mr. Kcrsev jauiiill). iiiid Ihe l.n.g'i knew II"- .i.i ft ti h ni. MMti.e I. a, on the i', Una .the utK"ll, lllld fleclna: Itaelf of the exclaimed m,h ,uwe, im i.ii'i.ii and Ii.i I.mi la In.: d ett-r- ll 'III ti m,.l he i ... tatlioiiic mid tt romanía, u In. h Inl',. .tt. In. nlo t.oily Iccl inn. placated by her ti .in ii'.'iticl to ,,f tu, iiii . I l,t I. ai nil. ( n,.,. . the latter luuiih. ,.. lo inn In Mr. " , i,.,, l.i . , 1 Ihi i. 1 , ,,,, g tima hi la aa a powerful tlcl Mm iiuiltike! i l..h,icd l,. it'll' and lineal i.n... nt will, lit il.'i .. ,..ii and tit alluiulua to h,, - Tho illnncr passed olT tonto plc.ta-- girl. t, Ultml II." ,' in it a. an il '.,- ilk, mi,. i n t.,,1,,!,. , i 1, the luna; H. a l.i. "...'t la Ii it "111 the I Inn .o i,' i at i t in in rti ix y might hot li w Hat a . lli.-- bhoiild tlinn have cited, the use In alt lit inii It lint loinul llili ici.i,l of ti y il. an. I upon Hie delicti o Il.i,. i'iiii remeiiiber lo avoid col- - per . MM- but Joe found oppoitunliy ioi.remark the l.l.fcl, I, sls'cd man ''tl,, l.l f,lt ai.O upon Ilieili'u.h iiialit tli'ptltda i tpaliMion. lai bono liienlliiiiK, to cultivate the I't'ttet to Darby ihe strain wax telling Mra. t'lil Jllll III lilHAtl I.I IiIiimIi r It'll hl Hi" ol , ,i , , ti laiaed aud that npcind her A. lln. ret lillnli It ai Ill nrili-- to t out "1 one a tt t t ea one atuvo cheat, and to fíalo mouth ao Mr Kciaey If imu.-hii- i Ii .l l.i ii III III, I, I ' 'it i ontiol of the iliaphraiiui on him. InxUicd on the lis lu prniesi. Mr ti, wiih ol tallar rotitliuicd la a tóale iinixt lealtl to i one'd luvoltin in order to I ' uet'caalty of their leaving 'to to add "And - lit l..l lh i,,iin he .r,, ,'l, .I a to. nl t"l ll Innciiiil.liitt Hut taty muni l. a liuve complete uiaatrry of hrealhlnj latihilike wltli i.,,,i- n...,i. aie iliadnat:iii Ihe Vernon " i r a ! " It irtinj i la lnht two for Mount roiisent In Ibut riinumi lieu the !,', iff i amo lo tiad t tit the In ai t and Hi.. ti l on i mee. Hy It not tiereaaary to take lung, I Iir ll- - "W hut la H now?" hu asked, when Mra. I'cii.lsini,,., tliruunli iirliliita ul la ili a'h waiiaul lie touni ,t and l.i i ih i ply t, Hreaoiim trip t. aouie ufiald lo deny and i,lining uihum mnl i m lulling one a far aay idace they on the at ugulu. "The. unwilling Ii, llir AIUHiiI.iv r' lil I in viere net to approtc. Kav hall-groa- hand tu lieaveu. ni. I'lcaih and ao :in i aniiR ouc'a luna order to be taiycht lu rare fur a I Her?" aud toppled toare-- Ihn rolmicl ll., oulii " lirl. na my maker I I tliu oneself for itnture will back, juaf In ,. ivnir itiat rnpat Ity, heart a. (ton la tltiiulat route lu one t I -- ' , n "Oh, I anppoae ao, but wish could to reach tho arma tut duKl,li r inartled una ,t llin am riillili-- of my itillda death' I'd and Ihta anppilra - id wiili alacrity la one nl Mr Kp.. ,n r.triii bihii ai i m , ' lave had Ihe privilege of entering my that gentleman ai .j'ii.- nrked anaiill, of tnji country I In led him to the allolil and Willi lic.n IiI.hhI. ai'tt the nertve art well aa auotber. rambled out - n . am room anu tnanging uiy ciutnea. cioaei. ,14 alar I'' Hti haul on the Im .! Mi It in ui .ii the in imt I, and Ilia biuiti upon Hut knowlidce la not my i.n the only thing "Mustn't premune too much on tor- "Appenranrea may iM i.'ii ol iKtit mt i i itarit wl.o aa ali hlna ih like a the licit, n and luiiai Icl. requited. be agalnat me." It Ua appllratloo that al al frlenda. thankful your In- ! our lu a ilamtl, .In) far-m- lie for aid liarhy, "hut while N.w tji'i ier of laaiiuated by a anake Col. i Id uidcr uut to have my waate of cunóte, announcementa ' aad tbla meant iieadfaal to dinner," laughed Ihirby. In I u.. I rapuaiad thy to itiation are order. wish io itate that I am ana" ahailS alop, aa nana lone, lb vlitel al.ould be ktj.t enjoy- - Tor put la Um eveoliaij a not betrothed lo Mra. UeadatoueJ" Meet them at Shelbyd, every-Isid- y enotooKtoooúoaoooDOoooooooc 'i The CITY LIVERY FEED. STABLE NKWs. EDITORS ANDHREMEN .''ini iStTSt trades there. and i grand stand 'rin the haseliall park. c ir. w. s. it. mi rem 4. prop limit-mak- Fire-ma- L, Ramnz, er Press Gang and Territorial ns Miss Fttiria Heard and aunt. the Carlsbad is ami Tl i Stable is located near on Mermod To- Mrs. Heard, of Pecos, in elling his ill fió Hotel Schlitz Loooaoo Association Meet tame $12. OOOOOOOC tioots at tf Ma-nmi- gether Here in September last night on the auto from Street east of Hall and Carlsbad Furn. I'o. Rum Hull muí Wesley McAillstet Knowles. wagon camp-hous- e came In on luraiUy i nulo. Fine yard and C. M. Haw les and con. .1. I. at Uhnemus shop. He can Wiley Welch wait In f rum his ram li A meeting of the members of The best of horses that are guaranteed M Jordan came in from fix it. to tand a near T X lial(iiHrtcrn Wednesday. the Carlsbad Commercial Club 0. reasonable day's drive at all times and no others kept oati nnxt'iu, ica3, iim iiik,ih. i. Tr, passenger rihI two nulo lelt was held Wednesday night at look up a location. (IihhI furnished room for rent e Tine Rig Always on left Wednesday momma fur the Know-l- the club rooms to consider the by day, week, or month at Right-wa- v Hand. country. proper steps to lie taken by the "Farmer" Smith, of Pearl. wan Hotel. June 18. tf. in town today. He will bid fur I Mil h l.ttsk. llulley lU'tiHiiii miu club in connection with the ter- Churu y Valor wen In fiinii the I. X the mail contract from Pearl to J. F. Farrell Hurt Small Quartr For Mo. Proclamation rim It Tuesday. ritorial hremens tournament and Roberts, three times a week. Ii..iimIiI I foml of llll.le slorl.a 111 Wedneüd ty night young Far- auntie wan relnilng to hliu the lory uf Win virtue of on Vet uf the Mtsa litígame, a friend of Mm. .1. V. the meeting of the Pecos Valley Mum- - In the liasket of l,ei(iluture of the Territory of New (aniel, tarried Sunday route to Presa Association, both of which, rell rode into town with the linlruhe. Mexico, hcing Ijiwa hi are visiting relatives 'in San When he earnently I niiil ml t'hsptel lli'iuf the Texas from lloswi II. , tt news that bis father had been of tho :Cith Assemlily, are scheduled to meet in Carl-- Angelo. Mr "IHil he ever row tu I a man?" I.eKislutive a On his return seriously injured by falling petition askuiK fur the aniiexutiun of Mr. mill Mm. Khiiiihlnugh 8 if In bad some time in September, Hewitt is to take charge of the work "I'm." lie wa tulit certain rotitiiuoua territory of the town Chliago. They In enjoy from aloud of ha while at "A Ida tic ureal man?" j f t'arlshail was presented to Hoard listening explana- - j Uraper ranch, 45 the fur hImiiiIHta liiiinth. After to an on his ranch miles southwest - lake lireze Ve" , of 1 ruste- uf saul town, signed liy tion by Chief Ohnetnuj of the Roswell, of Dr. W'hicher started iNinalil remarkit lncreiluloulT, Mr. I.. I.. Kuoss came In on Tues- J, H. Henning. of an ton. majority uf the taxpayers resident in Walk-ritnri- al immediately in such liy sur- vIkii local fire department of the Ter- -' old boyhood friend of J. I). for the ranch the "Well. I'll V tlioiiaht linl 'a' linnil territory, ai a day' mito. after a two week "- - vey anil plat car, reaching there the hssket liolltiealur. ' uf saul coiitiKUous tern at their rum h thirty in en eaat. Aaaociation and er, and formerly, years airo, of Duncan at Piromuna - tory aoiiKht to he annexed, the same . Ttnvna u-a- in the morning. He foun- . Mtonttin Pitu in fiiU'n three i licit. : . M. .... -t- k descrihed us follows, to wit I. Curtis, fin nit rly of Monument, theohjects oMhatUKly)t ((f Mr. Farrell badly shaken but bis Changtd at Nor;h Km mailt a t r to I'ero Tuesday. II wasith.w he Mr Lt. I'arlsliuil, Vista, recti's ' ne nan A bnli hor In n m ili way of IiikIiico Highland to heroine a residí nt uf tin me unanimous opinion oi me U oibr spine nroKen, as Addition to the town of Carls i'lTtH in- - w In the Inildl of scintilla hi mi tiad s Know leu country shortly. members of the Commercial Club feared. After treating his and Tower Addition to the Town F.B. Parsons, who ow ns a farm juries the physician rerumed. ill with n Bimill Imp to ilellver or j of t'arlshail, us -- howii liy the respec- - who were present that immedi live plats uf saul north t'arlsliail. Km The Carlshad 1'iojnt Ih keeping south of town, was a visitor at j making trip back in less dem The Iml wn a careles ilrlver. the i Vista, large force at work on the ditch. Tues-da- ate steps be Uken to insure the anil one ilav he km ket down an old lireen' lliililanils addilion to the hull Wednesday, wm e here ap- - night a c rew worked till midnight than three hours. lady. The Inevlliilile lawmilt followed, the Town uf 1'arlsliad, as tho same meeting Carlsbad and a com-- 1 lilt-- getting moos out of the syphon. at he called in at the Current office nnd t!ie luiiclier to pay utain the in the olllre uf the had heay iridíate clerk of r.dilv New mittee comixiied of Dick Thorne and subscribed for the best cour-- 1 Mcljenathe- n- Insurance. dnmane cuutilv. Thi auto company will roininenie ty Paper so as to keep abreast of ex ico, hiiiI all that portion uf section to carry mall from ami after August J. C. Maxwell and Fred Dear- - Shortly after this the son wu the n. township Roiith, raiiuo V? east, N. t,me9- - of w lili Ii luul M, 'i 12. thr contract having bel n hIkiih.I borne, were appointed to solicit ,tne Vl Hh.W ITEMS. raue another ai chlent. M. I'. and tho northeast ipiarter uf ' a slnilliir iinforlumile result, iiml the the northeast of ?. uf ami txmil acci pled hy I'nile Sum. McMillan, There was a dance at Mr. ipiarter section funds and make all arrangemen-- I Jim the carpenter. drain i n the luiti her s resoun the same loansliip iiml raiiK'. riot now II. II. Coleman mine in Saturday ts. It was understood that the received a very pamful bruise. Thayer's house in Dark Canyon lirouirhl him to the verve of ruin. Contained within the present coiporulu night going up to I too limit ut tho Town ol Carls', Hrl ami all fitun Ktniwlc. yV.wi"f?d!?y!:.. .if,l,.nK.. .L",m. a A few data after the second i nP I towni.ledge given in lIy had well on laml husltitss Monday, ritiiiu-- Hitohe In- - In that Nirtioii of section 5, ranic town . vjiiumiivv r ... had ln'cii settled wn sluing hN . ii K Tui'Hiliiy ami going home on the s.nituiU nice 'y ship ami rutiKi-- inir north ami ut' prizes at the tournament and the u.. Albei time. shop t hi nk lie over his luinl f:ite when cist liuto Wednesday. fwtf wme at t line drawn as follows totume lirini lit. a lieU'lilsir i time rnslilni In I. rear hies - committee is expected to raise Smith s new residence near the Mrs. . II. Wilson, who lives a pvtnl on tin.- nvctioti line tin- - I- Misses .lullii Cook ami Mu i y Mill this amount. A co nmittee c.n- - Methodist church, near (Juren, has been very sick with information Hint the lull. section .' .uní !. townsliip JJ south, County TrcHstiier Men haul ter' wife luul Leen run nor In the raiiKi- - L'7 cusí N M P. M.. I leet Mullane, W. fur the i ist week. passed through from Koswill while sisting of Wm. H. G0. Tracy departed this morn-T- . careless ilrlier of private .arrlato north uf section corner cominon to sec they visited MIh I. y Sray. en route Ij I .'i. il, 7 nnd h hi Reed and A. M. Hove was then ing for his ranch in the (iuadal-o- n and she wits Inn In the hospital with 'on in township S south. Mr. Lie Middleton. who gol - I to their liinne In Alnli lie. a crushed lei: r.uiKi- ii" ni I; thence north I decrees motion appointed solicit jupes. accompanied by Chas, 1:1 to his wrist badly hurt last week "I'liank wisslues:" elelaliued the minutes cast throu(h tin northwest Mrn. Sil Kyle iiml sun. SIiI. Jr.. Scott, who freighted out Mr. is to be again. ipmrler uf the southwest quarter ami from a visit with her parents. lunds and make arrangements able out hut. her. a If (really relieved. "My i racy s i the west hull uf the northwest ipi.irter Mr. ami Mm. ti. M. Mi Otiuuglll. were holding press asso- nousenoiu éneos, ir. luck i hanited at last"' for the of the Tuik and Mrs. Tracy leave this Dr. Hhike. who has la-e- down ol the saul section Ii to a (hiiiiI inter passenger on TueHiluy'H auto i n route ciation meeting at the same time sect inn the tnw line liel ween tow n lo their Kyle ranch near rerun. afternoon for the mountains, iut Mr. Thayers for about two ships VI 'S 'J7 A Town' fratparilv. and south, raiiKo cast, as the firemen's tournament. weeks, now has returned to aid intersiH-tio- licmg I is n i feet V. Memph ÍS, a I alsiut (Ii. Nelson, the IiIk liurNe ami Mr. B. C. Froman, of v, The irua-rlt- uf town not 'east of the section corner common to ow of wan In tow n The committees have received It man Seven Klver. Tenn., arrived last Friday fromi (tiled liy the wesllh of Inhabi- sections :i I and 1.'. township '.'I south, Tueaday anil ratling el-f- maile his anil much encouragement and at pre- Rockport, Tex., where he is tern- - Mr. Reagan Middleton of the tant. Lilt hy the unformlty with which range 27 east, and aei tuina A ami li. Ion certain hy ileHmltliiK 'he tued-fu- l they pull together wbeu any linMirtnt township south, range Ü7 oast, aa t two yearn sent it looks as if the town of porarily located. After spending Guardloop left last Wednesday i for of Current new. andertkln( I to lie iTotiiillshed. plat hereto attached. Carlsbad is sure to be a lively threeydays with his brother, J. A. i morning for Crow Flat. Whereas, the saul Is.aril of trustees, fir. Ileal up il I the must ami Froraan, he left Tuesday evening hy resolution duly passed and appruveil, in d iIim lor of ill ntalertsurgery In place in September. ' ThoroufhbrW Dairy Cow. pros-- 1 Mr- - - wu', n tu the ul said i on New Mi Ico. departed Weduesila) lor the Pacific coast on a llk ' Hut every farmer I by consented annexation 'HHt Saturday morning for 1 if uuiia ti rritory. and niornliiK for Chicago, w in re lie will pectin g trip. rare to make hreedor Baker-Glasscoc- urreful Whereas, said wtitturi, survey and take a ihjsI graduate course In hi k but any who keep cow raa frnier , plat, with aaid resolution, waa News has been received here, i totother profession, expecting to turn within J. H. Bakr, of Monument, arado up and Improve hi herd by duly tiled in tho ufltrc of the prolmto by i Every In sly has had a nice rain a couple of month. friends, of the engagement rarofully nole- - tlni; a nod hull that baa clerk and recorder of the and Miss Myrtle Glasscock of - of Miss Benita Killough, of Cen- 'on the mountains and cattle are boon thnroiinhly woll hred alone dairy I county of Kddy, the county in which Will Merchant slates that In the ' Artesia were married at the Tex, Mr. M. D. mending. Unos (Irado require llttlo said town uf t'nrlshad is situated, anil course of a husliiess letter lit i usu- ter Point. to stork ally aakeil Tom lllaikinore of Arlenla home of the brides parents Dix, of Waco. Miss Killough is! ., ,..... moro raro than aeruh Hoi k. Tho oda-ratio- j thereiiMin the mayor uf said tuwn of how r conducting B. T. Killiugh. A.l e. urrd a rn. lt Inipruvomont t'arlshail. within sixty day thereafter, the weatiit wait at 6 p m Wednesday, July, the daughter of m.""."' J L dur- - published an election proclamation in In Arteala. Tom answered say- formerly engineer a ns lakoa plaeo irradually tit tbo roa a to resident of 1 the t'arlsliail Turret t. a new simper pule ing. "Owing to the iMistal regulations 14. Rev. J. Allen Ray officiating. ,,ur,h .b,mI M,HU',, m' h,,l took after thoroughbred. the Pecos Irrigation Co in' tn,f lished in the tuwn uf I'arlsl-ail- . fur a Ite- I decline Ki discuss Arteaia weather The grisim is one of the suc- la really nice time. ms! uf thirty day licfure date tixeil fur Just now EVILS OF POOR ROADS. cessful ranchmen residing four Miss Jimmie Kate Dublin. . the said elecliun.tixitiK the date fur la-e-n Mr- - ,,iir Al,les ,f ref-ula- r K who . . i; to the iletcrminHi ton of the S Sotante ha Icaaeil the In i M has visiting her cousin. .ra"K1' miles east of on u met it and has ,H Coot Hauling Cut In Half by Om s lliifi niloif Inrin uear Oil". including Miss Camille (irantharn, left visiting the mountains t.i.s vuters, residents ami taxpan-r- uf Highway. slilil colli the ipieslloli the noises, rows, clili keiiH. ami Mil been deputy sheriff and const-- I - luimos territori, Thursday for a short stay wtth!ww'k- - or not Mr. Mm t. Tho avoraire not uf rarrylu- a to as lo whether cuutiKUoua tool, iu.pluiMil. u. alii some for pre-leinc- abie for time that ner nrotner tv- I shoulil lie annexed Sprang will reside on the larin u.iu at Artesia. Miss - Rh.! Tniw hiw ir,. t,. of itmmIs a mile In lak elf tit lenlh territory 1 Whereas on the iríüh ilav of Julie, taki a rent froin hotel life while lea-lii- Miss (Jlasscock taught Dublin made many warm friends of a mill and liy rati 7 IS mill Tho visit Mrs. C. A. Kzell of Carls I'joti hy virtue of aaid an hotel ami to Home a in town who all with hern pleas roar of carry In v a ton of ood furniture the Monument school the winter bad. She will return in iiUnit Terao elect inn was held in acenriliitiee there- from Hoswell. ant visit and a speetly return. a mile on first rlas roads I said In tw '07-- 8 which ac- ten days. with; nml said election having heen of at time the T cent and on ' MIkh l.ydla Kp cnmtiion ruunirv road duly canvas-ei- l in coinpliance with the Vocihor. of worth A from F. Tracy, 2fi A Itrlght-on- , quaintance was formed which letter d. at cent tut ules regulating the returns ami III., Mis Milt Mi llonmiiu of Long Beach, Calif., to Tena., anil MIkh Haltle Uyhe ol has since consumed in a nappy his T. W. Crow, of Kivertnn Ala . Tho latoat reM.rt miado hy tho do canvassing uf votes cast at said elec- brother, Ceorge, in city partmont uf asrl-iiliur- tion, mid majority of the vote cast Mliauiiiugtou. III., came in Inst Tiuira manner. The Current joins this this will arrive next week to t tke n for Imn iluy night ami went out to Know le week, thar he and his how 'J IM r.7's miles of pnldl. roinli-I- heen found in favor of annexation. states of the W. K. Rogers place I, M. on auto ai ted hy W. (1. thier many friends in wishing the t'lilteil of which T pet Therefore. James Iye, llihlor the complin party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. recently State, II t h in La Huerta which he of the town of hi Isluiil, hy virtue of Soerner, 'I In youiiK linht a have eai Jose-ph'n- e, rout wen Improved In old populen them a long and prosperous life. Tracy anil little daughter, be- the power vested ni me a such inn Nor, Died on ..I'll hi rea of I'nile Sama purchased lor .$14.000, there h a Mr. and Mr. Miles Stone, and rl Hiato, sin h New York do herehy roi luini lliat the aid con anil will mine garih n hush ami ing eighty acres with improve-merit- s, are having a splendid vacation. I'entisi Ivnnla. Illinois and Mlrhlirun Itguoiis lei rilory is a purl of the town chickens fur the low iiieli. THE FAMOUS MOTHF1 valued at about $S.0OO or Itiipr. MMnents wore riportel on lea of I'HrUhuil I" nil in cuts nnd purpose S10.IHK. Mr. Crow ill be ac- fhan a-- r rho originally a aiuil There la no iui llon ahout the Carls-ha- HUBBARD BALL GAME Horace Wilson, who has 80 l' rout of nulir ruml as if purl uf town. by his brothe- Alimwl every pound of orí Witness my luiiiil at t ari-lui- d thin il ujt l furnishing lilcllt.v of w.i acres in sw potatoes ta companied sister and freluhl 'et and I I'.at ter for Irrigating the laml uiuli r tin Thursday, p. r-in-law, also his Instills Um.ii or ilestlmil to a farm Ith day of July. Next week, at 3 west of Otis, was bitten on father aid M (irojec L Kew fiiriuera have usen move over a country It Jamkh )yk. of the m., will occur the most celebrat- by uncle. They will occupy all the road, tuost uf Mayor the allotment anil have a the neck a centipede while .vrer a acreaai irrigating his buildings on the place ami possi- "cunimnn" country rnd at a Attest: aurnlua of mi vt ral Im hea oiiiIiik II ed ball game ever known in the in fields Sunday. roat Mi bly some threo time a III. a It II. lUliVrY. Se er:n He se- erect more. Mr. and Mrs - J. hetileii Inter in the Heanoli. Pecos valley, the line up being came hastily to town and would In- If the ruad were first rlaa In aiii-- Rogers will go Pacific const, Kecunler. new wi'ier rlKlit have in ni cured antiseptics and by his the Kuincllmes tho ihm.iI pay no i!uuhl wil as follows: An- artually anil the water u,i:ity prompt action escaied the ser- and visit the towns from litis hoailer toll for few tulle' furria amount to a much .u ri .iji-- ' to Yellow-jowston- Mcl-natlu-- - laixr American League: Pitcher, a geles to Seattle, also ll e e ween stiiiio-.- . Insurant e. he lirouRl't umler the ilitch. ious consetiuenct usually attend- lel rnllruad and farm Killiam; catcher. Schmidt; 1st ant on such a wound. Park and Salt Lake rhan for all the remainder uf the Jour- Audrey lilst waa In town Momlay City. Juge Rogers retains con- ney. ! base. R.issman; 2nd base, Schae-fe- r; Notice ami rtielvctl a imaaMK luat hi w ft W. A. Finlay and family mov siderable interests in and around The nil l ro ds themselves sMnd mil Mary waa 3rd base. Moriarity; latir. Mr. lluine. verj short. ed into their fine new home on Carlsbad and will return in t h lions to clip off I or 2 i er cent from The I'nited Sons of Rest, a low at Hay lor hoHntal in San Antonio. 40-ac- Bush; right field. Cobb; field. re adjoining i permitía opcee here ami there, and I - Texas. Auluey at left their tract just fal' pmhahlv to renai-- in Carls- fast amaieiir iim- ball team of stalled nine, alxiui If farmer were presented a Mclntire; center field, Crawford. town on the west last week. The bad, i'er he al av expects have with fea y riKl.t I' in., ami drovi all aim 'o llde s. heme the city, betel. t hallenges tho t sUhii-- t ili-e- s for rciurlti; their mil o next on .i Joyce-Pru- houe on the ground occu- - until in:. u, statiiiiK it Sluggers: Pitcher, interests here and not in of tin- game be played I I t m mini frel his, even one Ihey winner to ii' ui n iip with U if' ii i ii i noon pied by their home that was de- tend to kvrve t'orgmcl, Is'ing well iiunrtor. MathewHon; catcher, Bresnahan; would feel Mint there Imleeil wa a Tiicmiiiv ami arrlvuiK at l:.'ii a. tu.. stroyed by fire about two years pleased with his Thursday, July 22, for a matched W iiinl mIhIi r. Mis. investments liurnlti'4 Issue eiliii sdny. Mr, liist 1st base, Konetchy; 2nd base. ago and was known as Mrn. game, to liepl.tM-- the following Mullhhi lift . edni'H.lay mnriiuiK fui thedreen here, and Im'h Roi'cr and llond Improvement receive Inuib Evers; 3rd base, Steinfeldt; home i lace during Kan Aiiiiuiiu. wlo n they will r mu ll the ;arlyiiays the judge do not wish to liv more mteuiloii t tin it formerly, hut Sunday. Address all communi- until Mrs. la.iiiis. who I. us In in III fot short. Tinker; right field, of Carlsbad. elsewhere than am iiii th-- - pooiili much less than It deserroa cations to, nine weiku with typai.ld fever, ri le-- t .whom ihey field, Thirty-si- x of among I Schulle; Sheckard: hundredths of .ImiN . iiniik or liei umeH wurse. an have manv friends. 8ingl, Vat Mamad. Canthki.i. center, Moran. inch of rain fell between ten ami t'aniusser Are single' This year will gu down to history joii Manager. will close p. eleven o'clock last night in Carls-ba- d Mull ui the I loor es as iliyesl CarlMlia The stores at 3 Mclit-nather- the ever knoAii lo i - - Insurance. "Whj, tin- Mnple me anil Immediiiti- liuuiy. tm-r- liema and from all appearance the neat iloor tnld For m., and a grand parade will ou " Sale hlK loads of solid mill couiiiik In rain was heavier to the cortil were miirrli'il form Hotel I feirt the lows. This I the liittst sotui at the Schlitz at that and east of town. The weather fO' IRT E f N DROWN "Su Hill." $70 canvas glove outfit fur $.'((. that waa ever rut fur fecil uere au.i hour and march to the ball is still very sultry and cloudy and "Vet oit tolil me Just now you wen Knoblauch Land Ollice. I After Colliding " the miriiiiHo h tnul It still line feed ground where a most exciting it would seem as if the great With Another Vruri llilile for there Iiuh been tic rain to start Staamer John B Cola Rink es; su I did " Mel, emit lien - Insurance. young sappy u;na will drouth was broken, however, no- -- a ami ittunili iiml usual- ensue. Hiiull Hie Milne. Moh j Well, whii Is the matter w ith yuiit' ly ihyliK ami soiiii-tln- klllK thing but a soaking rain of six .v tattle Thru- - afi.-- "Noihlni:. sir My inline Is Single them. inches be any lulnnti s iho steel sie.iitier For Sale: can of benefit for Isaiu M I , .1, ml I'm iinirrled IJ.h.iI ilny. ThouKli country an., Scull nm n c,,,. ,,, sir" dm illuck river the ground is too hot and dry for llileil Hie Team mules, weigh 1 too each, south fur mile Is a wheat latter went i.ihi, uilh foui km" Evt ry bhareholtler of Pecos a half an inch to have any effect teen uf her rent mlmls nri- - fat and will work any where. lli ld and rain ha fiilU u on Ijhh Tru-ani- l cicw will; others only on Itoi key as well an in tin moun- Water Use rs' Association should whatever wishes tier ton n I To ver 1. .1. W. Nn iiii,.s. tains West of tl.l Hiss lllillll. tl.l make it a point to attend the Indax to Horta'a Charaetar. Jun .1 tf. R R No. t, Carlsbad. cniimry fur fifteen or miles a., Aceorillng In the lloyal t'ollrg uf around t urlMiad Is stilll'htdiy and meeting July 2 ), 1Ü0.I, at 1:001 The bent line of Fresh Crocer- - Surueons. Kiivluml tho I Terribly . Toruno rinhei mi- -i Scalded til he the )i-l- I l.i t.n t 'U'A foil nil s is r.w.d hlcvoui. nnil dl.vtst o't lot k P. M., in the ollice of the "ro lo at Shelby's. horse fmo tmict tu his - the other : l.el. To going to I ... ,,. is soiuelhim- " In :u ..I nUnit ev liiuim tor i eu w ill mil slay down mr. ti-- iiiil rhtirie If there Is a crncriil curvo -- Association in Carlsbad. The l.s ke, ll,.. In, k ,(, hid eiy diy of our Im- - limos lt d cuida has leKlsteiid lili f i.ii inly and u.i McIiUialhen Insurance, to the protlle and ill the the key I s;ime time the , '" " t hot hit n Inure! is anxious to have the Ills mother re.r-.e.- h , m ,r '" '""'"l tilKhlH were ton to rp. wmi ar uro p.limed nnd seiiHlHvo, ll Is '''' is i ki i pliiu al ni tt.M t on ni i vit vv.s of the sllill i l.uulei s on sev- ' Plenty first-clas- s n'1' ríe" fHa- - the mil I us ;entle of fresh inn -;- ...:,1dr ..,,,..!;:!:,:'s' eral iniii.irtant tpu stiuns. Tlte iv.T.ey v.i ti;:- - Ski;;:--.- . 'mil ni the smiiH time hlvli iil'THwiil III' II llloi'l III", Oh; ulilicl ' i t" vm!I on (he o'!:,-- Iut ,v M uTz, Iiiini iii.iiid meet in the foicnouii tf. ml the horse luis i ' bliurihulik-r- ol the IVcos W..UT "' .ether." l' sleil '1 .10 IN.V I., ..,.., i and transact so The must facilities lent In the inldille of h!s nose ho I 'll f r inline business, lie ..ed w lien- - Um'tis Asmn'iatitm on Tiii'silay, - ' ci en win ilidn't he that the aftci fitmn may be de- toi keeping fresh v tables ailtl ,lkr,T lo iron heron- i ,: i .. ' ' " i. s, h.-r- iation to . M. i i at the assia oltiivs groceries at Shelle, A horse tlml his i " ,." Insi.r proponed voted to the strtreholtlers' meet- h the advance in ing. luxy a wi a rt, c,u maintenance of The largest and complete líiog Runa. Shelby has what .Sou want' in charles roil TH a CM.I I I .1" v I 'and under the project, recently blacksmith outfit I n the Pecos 'I' Inif runs iiml tins I. just 'phone No. 'JO. nut lulrrfero with wiilklng ui fe'.llht tal n " hIoi. It h:ts spun you Valley. Ohnemus fix -- announced by the Secretary of If want the best Saddles can it. i -- i- i r- but tho ui..- ii - a lien) ciiuiigh Ihretid It cull .e ulven McLenatiien - -t ce. the Interior. Shareholders are made, get the R. T. Frazier. We do all kinds of Plumbing, fore easll n tils the prua r slsteiiey. even though , earnestly requested to be pres. Come in and look at them at Fin-ley-Pr- Finley Pratt I v ('a. Jumping, .i..-- i'i !r' I' it la d 'ill to the white uf an egg, hy stand Your butter and cln v will bo ent and take part in the meeti- alio a ti ,i g i i Kp,.jr tu uurulr Ing mi tho atuvo Hdw. Co. McLciialhi'l: nn an uslieatu plat ice cold and firm if at ng'. '.ranee. rattla and Iwlng atlrred couatantly until II i i i í Shelbys. ' begin lo lUTea COTTON BELl'5 FUNS, over NO. SB7 iwemy killed. K A M Women ( by J..l,x llMHIi O ' A . Honored I l t i"i Carriages r, r l' x.l.l.-- In Funeral Pro- When mi ii speaks of her r uuy l wo ivi Ilion Hundred cession Blown Awajr. silent tctrrt uferinf (ha IruM you. Milliun hava ha 1 HniinlioM I ! a Thcus nd Doila f),J.i! Mine than limad thi mark ol confi- The i Bank iii-ii- .1 I First National ni i tmiiih kill, In a tnr- ' dence on Dr. K. V. I'ierce, Cariatbarl. Nawv J rVJiUUjJ '. r Moneo .. I I very-whe- h,iii aw. ' -- liulTalo, N. Y. TO DE KXPENDED '" r'.r'M.Ttij r ITT I IA Capital BYPOAD nirlii.ii (if l"it there are wimien who Á and Surplus, wiindrr-i(irkint- $125,000. bear ritnexx lo !ie f. e Mi!n hi ;il Id ," I Hll-- it if lili- V 'mi ih rn.l' ti.l'f.J ail In' lit "nit- i,r y t urinif.tMiwrr nf 1 tr-- .Mix I il lr. . Larye SbtiiIi In. w.i i hi, 'i I I - I," I I,. I . . ... Part rf 5im Goes vil I'ierve'a i. ..i H.'l- t H. ', In! 4 Tord I JMinle Jr " wild Hp fin i in i., i i.i Ininll " I w "ii il j l 111 Baiiii,ny I Dol I'uh i,im l'ie ikffrrin( lt".",t'll III ,il rd t'fj' Thous.n t . trt lit. in ly h r, I.!' 'i., i . i il .. n fnm an J niicvrofnlly i'f V1 l.ii Will Be Fot to I", I -- i , ,,, .... i iii. l m , . . . . a!d teot muí Inn II mi ii Ii a...... ,.,.. Be Eire. ltd jl Teatlana Mil 'if lii. iiiim . I,., , la' ,1 neMva and Hult,rm ' ;i ,v . . , i , i .r ,, r .1 M .i v . . . . i ,. MM i.. nil i.i.i .ll" Jl, I U Ih I HI II Mil" I I IT MAKI75 Wi:.K W()1f:N STK'ONd r"n.-- ' ii ii. .ii i .i.,. i i: it . .'v i. ,l X II l.ll T II-- t . I, I II, IT HAKHS 5ICK r- -i i. ni ti .if Hi.. muí womln m:lu Chclllational ilSanh of CiiitiMi i: lMi An-'- No Cailsbai ii' i i.ii'i-- tiirf wjii ti. woman's appenl wan err misdirected or her con Y (Idenre misplaced l i t VAN I'TISONF O. when hr wrote fur advice, to il "J.I mi Ii.: mii In 1 In 1, . for 'I r ü( New the Woai.ii't l)isrrNAv Mhiihm ssik:iaiiim, lr. .IV rdfly County and .tory I ' '"I x ,n 1, i in, In,.,. ,, .. Mrln ''in in. nl ruinhrr ct pfrnn f"..,...M i (, R. V. I'irrc, I'reAidenl, HulTalo, N. . l .1,11 'I, Un. ,.1,(1 , Dr. Pm-- t N-- ( WhuM mllé mnvwment t il'ior to Hunt Oflli .it.nq Ir r rram Ptlltn lmm aaitira knwtl aitia a és. tilth HI'N. Ili"li tlilf. 'ti n Ii, ni, II, A'lnrdt-- " ' II vi I . I.-- ,., ' I T, x lul . !. Al II.I...I. I f Hi" ':il.Mi im.H mail" In Hit. ii,,,,.,. vii"n ii'i i l.ii iii- I'll! ll,. ('..I'.ll, 1. i.,isi i ,,i.i a :i' l.''il i i" it, ,i f;,t- I ' ' iitiisliihlial Hunt nt II I'll h II sin-!"- ill i I I ' fOR GOOD RIGS ANO I liilill nf I.1 H'iii iiiiii A ' null. iv (lll'S III V I'll l . I, it it ,:ii nf f I, in will vu l,i hill.'iMiliu i nf Ii' '! ji!i. nil lu.'i,l iii'imli- - ,. viill ,, Hill kivIiic I llti. l.lil l PROMI .IIION Hrll.lha mi Hi..l,i. il.ipiit A ii,si ll""l sick S.HHI h'I' i I. t 1, v.aa A HOME INDUSTRY r.ilili. ihiiIiiiii Ik in I,.. iHkIiih , "'"(l miiivnf Hi" i, n,l" luin.rl l Ml"1 ( . rdrl Wnilti mi an i li nniiiii i,f n... mifri s. i. .1 w'1" Phone 7S. or Opposite Hotel. let iiiIuhIh and li Iiikiii k thi I", ,, n,.il idiviii I.iiih In i.iil."Vn foil. Rightly (il. Midi H lli'HMT III" llllKllll'NH Kllll. ill llf r''''' '""M ""'y H1"' in I' (I II. ' II, t i IU the piUti'llt worn vl Hli." nl ilii".?m Al Hi in Ihmiühl In t.m , I . i ; , Mine Ih" Cnllnn Unit 14 un l"'"l'iK. "i, Club Livery ! ( ( i Stable PLAIN ICI: PACTS: d hninl i aii mi Knit Wiiilh In " i.ii.i ' "f 'I"' " rcim fi. i i g ln" fur - nf Ihc r.'iiinix himii,,ii nf !h lent.. i. tlx ""' niii.- limo and bThe J. D. MeANINCM. Praa Ih- - . f and Ih ii ""' ,,,,"' "him-iI- iinn IhMiiii In pli n a iH. Hi.iii' faliill ií V I llc llvlr. raatt Does ice you - are r the tfettiiiK In In lli-- riiiiiitr lih rivnl In," Whltpshnrii, run- Utiiii! i,r Imh f , i - ... loti Ihi- I'.inlhi-- i Cilv In, ninlhPi Hid finir ii. wen- pencil like ini-iil- r shatter into nl olhi-- ihiIiiIh an nlrtn in hi- - Xil(iii"d h "ruina hum" in.n, i I' Knr M Uní,- - ni iiii ih fragments when you try to ! ( u ii t (in l Two Wreck Faljlitiet. ( 1 ROUND TRIP 9AUR PASSES AWAY chip off a piece? A h" i.l "ml i iilh iiiin m run. I nn the Htilllviin H inf. I iliiiln--r i , EXCURSION FARES: Do you know such ml tini.n One of the Founder nf New Rraun a that y K 1 - ice Ii n iinliiiiiil n In unit mili- ii. Hi Irla And IndtAn rinMer it NaidrM killliiK I I, Shi - lost a large percentage of IV. s.i'i A ii in intv ti i'ii.iiiti r p To Pacific Coant and Eastern Summer Retort at has ami Mi W'.ttniti. a .. iiiiinn fm. m Sum HK"i .Util ,i.iix ,, ( greatly reduced rate; effective June 1. For partic- iind ii Minil Inlm m its cooling properties? IiiIhiIiik 'lie nf , n 111 nuil, I ill. il ular apply to the undersigned. u ninl tilit'h'U In iiik finir nihil, - re- in :it III" hullii- nf his iliui;li"i is Kin Our Pullman for the East is open for occupancy Our product is in your Kii, Vi wuli i 1 ii i nl.. mi t ta II Sh"in,ii) (:ii I nn Sun Ail after 10 P. M. Get a comfortable night's sleep, and Il.'lll lil. l HHs ,,. l"l.ll",l ,ih, In U'ln-i- i In- - va don't worry missing an hour or i.',' Ixnii n . about your train. within I t frigerator - IIIIM" Ih.ili An (mi, ix A ' II I'llCI 1,1., 'l I"li- li'im ,,i, i;, ... ,, I). I.. t,. C. A.. H Ko.r, I..KJ Agrnl. I li - - ; .. I I. f. ft II ml- I.i ii In hl'l hi- - Hi In ('.mini iii.i,tv being from - Amatillu, Te ClatMiad. N. M two taken Mm In in, mi- alter ii,i .ml II" il I ,,.. ", ,l", s, "i Ifl V I, a, I m-- t nn Ih.- - Inn-I- ,'ih.t ,; I "f I'nlnill tinil.ti, iitiil pllll lit no il,. Inn ,' .i i ,1 he freezing tank, and has mi tin ii lull mi in. it'iinv Iiiii'j.i ih" lirllant M i if in- i n i ,. i i 'III- - ( iff ii. mi ii in ll II' III" "i II II III- f,,llll..,l I Hll' t, I 1,1 I. II Ii opportunity to deteriorate. Mil" i f, t tl. ,ti. it,,..,, nf manila,, lii'-- - w i.iii'i,.- ,, i if i. ami i" il. i fin I ' t t .1 t .. 1.. ;. , i , i It ' " "I i N it,, ' Ii r , II.- i , util- S!,n a ,i u II I, ii, ,ii i, II Non get the maximum hi l'i ii"-- '.' m- i .uní i iii- ,i( h .1 1,1 i, li en in ,n in n tin i 1I n '..i Lit 1 ya il,. u I ,i., ' .', 'l .1, ii l ;i . i , ''he of ice the same inn '" ' V t '. y i t - an, I Saloon, ity the and at n,ni,i, I vl :, I, in u ,,li 11" th'i I w ,l an. I,,,,, "I, . Bank price as the other kind. .i t ii i I i, 1, i. i,il Drop n In. ir Mm.- Per it up Ciinr. nr.m, in when town II - i i ...H I am Inn,, o 'l ! lull." Ma i . i K il.- I I - "i, luh l.v we you ' i ; : i, :i i va and will hi. ' - ' convince ) ..' .i - " r I M i "I .1 t .1,1. Illll.. ' .1 , . ,., - a t. i ,.: i, ;1, I I., I. ,1,1 It.l.l r I. A I' r i, i . i : I i i I I Ii' un .... N""l;n BEST Factory v, WcKeep Ice 'ii , H a . Carlsbad i On .line Van-- a (,ii I'fi-- t r I iiln in Hi h nf I "I I. 'I. in . A .1 I i.- ..'Inn- i in -- h.-- i.i, (i1 'i" I ilni ir mi I.." .i " ,'..' ii II 'I" .1 i.i. I,. i... . A . I",', WINES, ,' '. " .,,' ii,',, LIQUORS. CIGARS. I. AT REASONABLE KATES Simpscn cV Co. Proprietors. - - 'Phone 14 I ,lnnr P.-- Is In Prm.-inr- l "I Vi "V ii,lii,ll'-- i i - i i . til l ii i is HiI ,1 ,il, , . , " . HI !. 1, II, ,1,1 ,' aIP2v ti.'tn I. V,., ll.-- II I I t II 1,1 i'" l'i" II. I,' ' ,." r,.t ,.. II, I Ll ll" I'll till llllil' I II 'I l ', .1 . vv .!'" II.IV i.i l.'Vt Invt . I. II . ,1 III. t. t ..til ll.t I. n mi.- in Ih" ii i ll. ll, Hit -- al I H h I III II I ' I II','. .' II IK , t . .Ill, 'llll 111 I,, . III Illll ..I Corn fed BEEF l Ii l'i - "!!, - nn .i' ,i, : ...'.r,. h. lltiinl I ii moil In' I am. MiTTt'N f.!r i; 114 S: t. ,l will, n,i sl. ',.1'iiu: a.. I.irlh Ml I I rrc nl AIWII ill nl '',(- - w,'it ami t ill hi., .ml l.v I uní' n in i .lai" I i.f ' in , - ,' lit n Ii.i' Ii ami iv," ii tt tat ii 'III PORK, SAUSAGE, III. Illlti.lil-- ' lit I" In. n a. III I invt. r - . - jlTIUI ANO Lt i i - . III :im 1,1 III "I II IaIIUVA I, 1 hi- IX fl.ll'. t' ' ,1 I.I II, it ii ant nth"! tit' nu t vv ,, fr.nn 'I,,. I.I if, ( I. l tin--'- i - ,, " i (In mm a ill lli.ll..' i ,1, Inaihtl i.f Ilia Mr ,,,i , l,ll'llll t"l-ih- tnf itnx IN I. Nil II .i a a I ii.ih fill r SH and OYSTERS m Saaaaa ton. Illll' Ill Ui, new tvni hi W Buffalo Rohr JOHN LOW I'rop ' It.,. in, ,ii,. A hit" I. nil, ilii litlii- I II ft mil II 'n- - t A .. i i.i i. Ii. nt .,.i ,i hull. ill that ttiis killri! nn , . t I I II. ii ii,.' i i ," i a t lit. i x nl '""i l.-- t t.l X II, l VII In- tli nl n"- Mmil'i t II, I. I a l.l.iii hit ill xiiiii" Ihli i.ii4 i .K',:: I V List your int.- 4 . .ii l,.,, Ii. M.tnai. nnd nn Hrrinni' land with the OLD RELIABLE i v ih- - ll- - v i il .i t lit - vi alnl. - I' itt II I' V nil tin .I'm- Hi ii ihi- xiaio iniv ilai nl $'. """ ' I. t.'v 'III lllii. ,l. III milt .ill" III ,V-- t 'it I t ! :tn ' I I id in "til xl,all nn I.' hi'i li tnltl thai an 'I " i.n " FARMERS LAND LEAGUE I I x .1 I l.l lill.'.l ,i .. I, llnlill mi M.." hi S'a'" ' rm-vni- i- m- - vt'l .,1 rt,,t in in .a-- Intuí in ... :: t$ '! I'nlt-i'i.- I I ' K i a- " I vt it' HI III. III. ..Un ml niail.'i annilifin a- i I I H hiiinl - lad In t bringing ' I I, i al We A pros f .1I.1111: are I. It t '.I IX " i. '' hundreds of 1 a In a "I . ii In In "i" '' , I. ., ..I 1,1. .ft" " "ti III" VAtl'.-- t - l'i pective buyers to the Valley. ll- I. It,, .l.ll- I'll III. i I I liM'lv ' -- I I in- it. iiliniiiliiii! llf Mlillti"' trt. n, A I, I, Ik ill I I i h nl w ii,,,, hli. I villi.- "Ii" t.niir nf II. Mlnillni I'. ,, ii , .,11 nn ll 1 nf Ih. tlu iii.lil.' ' it i a x xi. !";. ,,v xi, t E. T. CARTER, Field Manager, Un- - ieiiitlt ' l i. i.i- t X IX fivlic mitt ilium. a ,1 n .mil Ih.- - uf the illx fn TO Kl:l:l Headquarters! Hotel New r Schlitx. Carlsbad. Mex. llli i nl x'liiine Hi In n l eu' A. i indi". tu! A ., ll t n K l'i K' ,,t il,,- in In lit il I" '" the in ni . .' .... i In, til t . t 4 4 i, ii., ni ix-- i nt it. t'i. i., i ami i ,, I, II,., An mi ii(iililt ll'"' Intel" ' " mili in .i ,i I. Cool ' Perfectly tilK-- luiK.'O " "' lllii' nf A ., i ,i i , i i,t. x tut tren , .,ii i. Hi. v. I ,1,. am,, il c.-iit- mt aiiHl I" I ftn l.ll .t.t 'lltiitt .IP m.w 1 I lamí til li atlmiiiii I''1 r,,' Inn-- i. ,,.. ., , I ll. in till Ii K I t a. ' lor exiaiin-- l" I.I,. h. i....tldliK ll" i Let us keep the houst - ' ix cm, ll till N tiini.t nf a c i.ital llM i'd i'""" re...- M.xlilu , ,t itix-il -, An.lln in a.i..l all alal , i well MUiili'. with our YOUR llll' 1,11, ,i fc i.tx da- in .1 WIFE I..I.X n,.r,.n... , - ' " ' I'll" ,ll M.I ll. 1.11.1111 it.M... .Llll-- .l - a t.. ... u ...... hi. , I d n..l I" ..hllxh.,., r.n.., ali,.h .a., nl , ,, ,'i .'n.'.h".' nrtm ,, a'alM." m (he 8e.'Hla.' r..e. Clean Crvstal Ice I ittli bu h U II m,d ..imlnal nf rr,m,a. d.x l' (if . 1 ,h. ,prnt. r,', Hlit ...,ll,-i...- in the nil .o.ltU "I ' 1 Fivxl can then be kept trt.t enuil ' l.iilvrtttn and nam ,,,,,,1 n.i..ii..i c Might stay at home this ri latr mt ir itc ' ' m nt . in iNTfect ondition ai t ' n Farce ct HakK rirx-- u t I mm inatiiiip ''"'V . '..!. A ran X man mi ix a ,li ie l I and c.xln drinka can Atienda to Chlfktna .nt l he H ...1, ...... II..1 . IImIIXXX III BulldOQ Ba tin when haa nf summer if she had ' ' ' , 11 b'l.tV.. X ...... X I . be made any time. an ' It. l.ily x--a .1.. .1.. . - at and nalt-- I.) et.-- t ntnix nr ailmlnla M ,1,1 atiiiif" 7 " Ilf ra'r' be aa In i.llier i llatliina fc, !,.r, i.f tl.a rlrcnll mini nl This ice in free from I Ilia . a ax'Hia went ilatt .ilui lu teim mmy. ia lha imaacaaei of oim is electric fan and flat aif Firstv'JuHs i'HrrÍHe an.l siirn all impurities. It iron. l p... n. ni.n na. x.. As act prnla. Un italalea under up or a i """i-"- . 1 1. 'ecllnn and htlniitii anuar 1'hiiuiiik inr clear as crystal and 000 o aa In Ilia aaiua Ituiu iiiuniiu iirrvrnl el niciihali ihlckeiia aad la dmn lie Hit tx it. elli( l mrd murt CO nliftli hi ( raaafnllv t Ike aiinixeiiii-ii-' solid as rock. Will lull .enii-d.'liii- i and chaBglni t.. Ike .til .f K. n. r f'teuda xvi it-- Wedding In the same, (Ixk and rf Golden be deli . ertil everyday TRY IT ONCE ha laaa ti lallu ilili kena ai" fed tha d tucka theiit ntaler niiiiiiilaxU.iiaia ali-n- u lived to eipedliln about hliu and e lu incalía ttiat man anil wife have on any of our wagon An act i tmlilmi fur the a uixxt uhl aw am iixuniuly hava t h c xuf the Itlal caaxa la athli rltalu.a d u.a ICna-laii- and America e nearly a" kept healthy. The at lo kp routes in any quantity a puklli upua Ika 4a v had atiua In Turkey, healthy latoaeethat y r. u r a r d.wa vt tb llcrl.x, made alter 10 Iba., ifettdant ....utiti, llinrlca ara - lTiJL?ii from upwards 1l,e t.t'l ISS.OOO la ea ..,.,..a.. ,f -- sainri'atlnt tuaiilmi'MIMt T???1.? L.V.V .! THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY vnnr Hit laaa nl the alai. I'iu lu lif!t ""Vllcrlnne in the houxe ami take it when en ilwl iu te ua d lor tha racoier ol ever ..ur liver -- ets inactiva. 60 rants VI I t llrCill iV I ÍHl aw kixil lauda (ter U'tlle. Hold liy i'ru v.a. inwnivuvu wimv !3r.3rír3JriríS