MAY 5, 2013

Curren Price in City Council District 9

His experience and connections suggest that he’s better prepared for the enormous challenges the 9th presents.

Price’s experience as a councilman in Inglewood, a state legislator and a small businessman, suggest that he’s better prepared for the enormous challenges that the 9th presents. He is strongly supported by advocates of small businesses, which are the district’s lifeblood.

Price has a reputation for pragmatism and has shown he can work with others to get things done.

Voters of the 9th should give Price the chance to show what he can accomplish.

READ THE FULL ENDORSEMENT AT WWW.LATIMES.COM Paid for by Curren Price for City Council 2013 – General PRST STD 4707 S. Broadway, LA, CA 90037 US POSTAGE PAID Additional information is available at IPD

Vote Tuesday, May 21st CP7GCC

We Support Curren Price for Council

“I strongly endorse Senator Curren Price for . He is a champion for working people, quality education, small business and public safety. He believes deeply in effective, responsive government. The City of Los Angeles would really bene t from his leadership.”

Governor Jerry Brown

“As State Senator, Curren Price helped champion the Dream Act that expanded access to college for students, he helped protect funding for neighborhood schools and for anti-gang programs, and he successfully expanded health care coverage for all families.”

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

“I believe Curren has a strong track record for supporting business development in our state and the region and understands what it takes to continue economic investment to that brings jobs and greater opportunities to the people who need them the most.”


Endorsed by L.A.’s firefighters, police officers, teachers, nurses, and the Democratic Party