8-4.6 Visual and Aesthetic Conditions
Visual and Aesthetic Conditions 8-4.6 VISUAL AND AESTHETIC CONDITIONS This section analyzes visual and aesthetic conditions along the three Rapid Bus alternatives: RB- 3, RB-5, and RB-Network. 8-4.6.1 Setting 8- Methodology Generally, there are two types of physical features that characterize the visual environment of an area: • Built environment features including development patterns, buildings, structures, parking areas and roads, utilities, and signs; and, • Natural features such as hills, vegetation, rock outcroppings, drainages, and soils. The study area is defined to include local and distinct views as seen from within the immediate vicinity of potential RB stops. As no construction occurs except at RB stops, views along the alignment are not discussed in detail. Local views include immediate landscapes, and distinct views include mountains, hills and ridgelines up to five miles away. The setting is defined in terms of views. The corridors for the three Rapid Bus alternatives are subdivided into “visual assessment units” within which the views are discussed. Also included is an assessment of existing trees, lighting, and glare. a. Views The following terms are used to analyze and rank the overall quality of views in the study area, and are presented in the tables to follow: • Visual quality refers to the general aesthetics of a view. This analysis attempts to assess the quality of a view in an objective fashion through the use of the following descriptive categories: vividness, intactness, and unity. Vividness is the visual power or memorability of landscape components as they combine in striking and distinctive patterns; intactness is the visual integrity of the natural and built landscape and its freedom from encroaching elements; and unity is the visual coherence and compositional harmony of the landscape considered as a whole.
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