Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11763-1 — the Cambridge History of Ireland Edited by Jane Ohlmeyer Index More Information 751
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11763-1 — The Cambridge History of Ireland Edited by Jane Ohlmeyer Index More Information 751 Index A Bhanba is feasach dham do scéala (‘Banba, I Act to Prevent the Further Growth of know your history’, Mac Cruitín), 452 Popery, 146 A f hir ghlacas an ghalldacht ’ (‘O man Adair, Patrick, 234 who follows English ways’, Mac an Addison, Joseph, 459 , 480 Bhaird), 397 Adrian IV, Pope, 513 Abbott, Daniel, Colonel, 600 adventurers Abercorn estate, 548 colonial interests, 604 – 05 Abhorrence, or, Protestant observations in committee, 596 Dublin, upon the principles and practices lottery, 596 – 97 of the Protestants at London, The wealth of, 604 (Dublin, 1689), 473 Adventurers’ Act (1642), 9 , 75 , 77 , 91 , 103 , Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden), 115 516 , 587 , 588 absolutism, 517 – 21 , 524 – 25 , 527 Aeneid VI (Virgil), 447 abstenteeism, 155 – 57 Aesop’s Fables , 423 Act for coni rming the Articles of Africa, Irish contact with, 395 – 97 Limerick (1697), 123 agricultural gifts, 533 – 34 Act for English order, habit and language agricultural practices (1537), 208 e f ect of environmental and climatic Act for free diocesan grammar schools conditions on, 612 – 13 (1570), 208 English, 8 , 570 , 612 Act for Satisfaction of Soldiers and Agricultural Revolution, 6 Adventurers (1653), 593 agricultural trade, 547 – 48 Act of Attainder (1688), 117 – 18 Aibidil Gaoidheilge agus Caiticiosma Act of Explanation (1665), 103 , 108 , 603 , 604 (Ó Cearnaigh, 1571), 444 Act of Pardon and Indemnity (1660), 602 Aiste Dháibhí
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