Biographies of Participants

Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights Media Pluralism and Democracy

26-27 November 2018

Justice and Consumers The biographies were sent by the participants. The European Commission is not responsible for the content.

ACHEN Christopher H.

Chris Achen holds the Roger Williams Straus Chair of Social Sciences at . His primary research interests are public opinion, elections, and the realities of democratic politics. He is the author or co-author of six books, including Democracy for Realists (with Larry Bartels) in 2016, which has received widespread discussion and several awards. He has also published many articles. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has received fellowships from the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, the National Science Foundation, and Princeton's Center for the Study of Democratic Politics. He was the founding president of the Political Methodology Society, and he received the first career achievement award from The Political Methodology Section of The American Political Science Association in 2007. He has served on the top social science board at the American National Science Foundation, and he was the chair of the national Council for the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) from 2013-2015. He is also the recipient of awards from the University of Michigan for lifetime achievement in training graduate students and from Princeton University for graduate student mentoring.


Sonja Afanasjeva is policy officer in the Secretariat of the Young European Federalists (JEF ). Working closely with the Executive Board, she carries out advocacy work towards the European institutions and civil society, in Brussels and beyond, in order to further promote the idea of a free, united and democratic Europe. She is currently working on the topic of rule of law and shrinking space for civil society across the EU.

Justice and Consumers AIGRO Kristen

Kristen holds expertise on youth and political participation in both elections but also in society more broadly. A long time human rights activist and youth leader within civil society she has campaigned for lowering the voting age and youth turnout both in her native and on European level. The European Youth Forum fights for youth rights and represents tens of millions of young Europeans.


Alberto Alemanno is an academic, author and politic activist. He is internationally known for his scholarly and public interest work on the democratization of the , the use of law to advance the public interest, in areas such as risk regulation, public health, consumer rights and food policy as well as legal education reform. He has developed the theory of citizen lobbying to rethink representative democracy in the national and transnational space. Alberto Alemanno is Jean Monnet Professor in EU Law at HEC Paris since 2009, and also Global Clinical Professor of Law at School of Law and permanent Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo, School of Public Policy and at the .

Justice and Consumers ALLEN Steven

Steven Allen is Co-Executive Director of the Validity Foundation, which is an international non-governmental organisation which uses legal strategies to promote and protect the human rights of persons with mental disabilities worldwide. Mr. Allen leads Validity’s campaigns and advocacy initiatives, representing the organisation before international organisations including the (where Validity holds special consultative status at ECOSOC), (where Validity holds participatory status) and at the European Union. Mr. Allen has directed and contributed to a number of large-scale international projects. Recent examples include directing a major project on access to justice for children with mental disabilities in ten EU member states (2013-14); supervising the development of a human rights monitoring methodology focused on residential childcare institutions with Europe-wide applicability (2014-16); and serving on the scientific committee of a project on access to justice for persons with intellectual disabilities (2013-16). Mr. Allen holds an LLB (Hons.) from the University of London and is also pursuing postgraduate comparative research on the legal systems which restrict or deny legal agency to vulnerable sections of society.


Dia Anagnostou is Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics, Department of Public Administration, in Panteion University of Social Sciences, and Senior Research Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation of European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in Athens (from September 2004 until present). She has held research positions at Princeton University (1999-2000), and the European University Institute in Florence (2000-2001 as Jean Monnet Fellow; January-February 2009 as Fernand Braudel Fellow; and 2010-2012 as Marie Curie Research Fellow). Anagnostou is an expert on comparative politics, minorities and migrant integration, as well as on human rights and European governance institutions. She has extensive experience as coordinator or partner in several research projects funded by the European Commission Framework Programs (6th, 7th, and H2020). She is the editor and co- author of three books, and her articles have appeared in several book chapters and journals such as European Journal of International Law, Religion and Politics, Journal of Law and Society, West European Politics, Southeast European Politics, International Journal of Human Rights, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, and European Public Law, among others.

Justice and Consumers APPLEBAUM Anne

Anne Applebaum is a columnist for the Washington Post and a prize-winning historian with a particular expertise in the history of communist and post-communist Europe. She is also a Professor of Practice at the London School of Economics, where she runs ARENA, a research project on disinformation and 21st century propaganda. She is the author of several books, including Red Famine: Stalin’s War on ; Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe; and Gulag: A History, which won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction. Both Gulag and Iron Curtain were nominated for the National Book Award. Anne is a former member of the Washington Post editorial board, a former deputy editor of the Spectator magazine, and a former correspondent of The Economist. She has lectured at many universities, including Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge, Zurich and Humboldt. She writes regularly for the New York Review of Books, Foreign Affairs and many other publications.


Journalist, author and book publisher. My journalistic experience is mainly from the biggest daily morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter and a business magazine. My books focus on media, media logic and propaganda. The starting point of my writings today is my caring for the media’s very important role in a democratic society; I have expressed this in several opinion articles lately.

Justice and Consumers ASTOLA Ms

Since 1 February 2016, Ms Astola is Director-General for Justice and Consumers at the European Commission. The DG deals with civil justice, including contract and company law, criminal justice, fundamental rights, including data protection and free movement, equality and consumer law and policy.

Before joining the Commission, Ms Astola was Permanent Secretary of the Finnish Ministry of Justice, with overall responsibility for both international and domestic law matters, including courts and prisons. Prior to that, she headed units responsible for civil law and European law at the Department of Legislation of the Ministry and has also worked for the Finnish Ministry of Finance and the Finnish Foreign Trade Association.


Dr. Rosa Balfour is a Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the US (PhD in International Relations and MSc in European Studies London School of Economics, MA in History, Cambridge University). She has researched and published widely on European politics and foreign policy, and on the role of human rights and democracy in international relations. Current work focuses on the nexus between domestic politics and foreign policy, especially between Europe’s democracy and its global role.

Rosa is also a member of the Steering Committee of WIIS-Brussels (Women In International Security), an Associate Fellow at LSE Ideas, and a Senior Adviser to the European Policy Centre. In September 2018 she was awarded a non-resident fellowship on Europe’s Futures at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna.

Among her publications are What are think tanks for? Policy research in the age of anti-expertise, published by LSE Ideas in December 2017,, Europe’s Trouble- makers. The populist challenge to foreign policy, (, a volume published Ashgate in 2015 (co-edited with Caterina Carta and Kristi Raik), The European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries. Convergence or Divergence?, Human Rights and Democracy in EU Foreign Policy. The cases of Ukraine and Egypt published by Routledge in 2012, paperback in 2014.

Justice and Consumers BARNARD Catherine

Catherine Barnard MA (Cantab), LLM (EUI), PhD (Cantab) is Professor in and Employment Law at the University of Cambridge, and senior tutor and fellow of Trinity College. She specialises in EU law and employment law. She is author of EU Employment Law (Oxford, OUP, 2012, 5th ed.), The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, (Oxford, OUP, 2016, 5th ed), and (with Peers ed), European Union Law (Oxford, OUP, 2014). She advised the government on the Balance of Competence Review and has done a lot of work with the EU institutions.

Currently, Catherine is a Senior Fellow in the ESRC’s UK in a Changing Europe project where she is working with Dr Amy Ludlow on a project entitled: ‘“Honeypot Britain?” The Lived experience of working as an EU migrant in the UK’. She is looking particularly at the question of migrant workers’ access to benefits in the UK. Prior to the referendum much of her time was spent talking in town-halls across the UK, explaining in a non-partisan way what the EU was about, as well as doing media work offering similar explainers. She has also been active working with FullFact, a non-partisan, fact checking charity, fact checking claims about the EU.


Rainer Bauböck is part time professor in the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute. He is corresponding member Austrian Academy of Sciences and the chairs the Academy’s Commission on Migration and Integration Research.

In 2018/19 he is senior visiting fellow at the Lichtenberg Kolleg of the University of Göttingen. From 2007 to 2018 he held the chair in social and political theory at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of EUI. His research interests are in normative political theory and comparative research on democratic citizenship, , migration, nationalism and minority rights. Together with Jo Shaw (University of Edinburgh) and Maarten Vink (University of Maastricht), he coordinates GLOBALCIT, an online observatory on citizenship and voting rights. His most recent book is Democratic Inclusion. Rainer Bauböck in Dialogue, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2017.

Justice and Consumers BAYANI Rachel

Rachel Bayani is Representative of the Baha'i International Community’s Regional Office in Brussels, having joined the office in 2013. Since 2004, Ms. Bayani has worked as a justice and home affairs counselor for the Permanent Representation of to the European Union, dealing mainly with asylum and migration issues. Prior to that, she served in Bosnia-Herzegovina with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and with the peacekeeping mission there. Ms. Bayani has also served with the EU’s police mission to Bosnia-Herzegovina and with the UN good offices mission in , dealing with legal affairs. A citizen of Luxembourg, Ms. Bayani holds a law degree from the University of Sorbonne in Paris and a Master’s in international law from Cambridge University.


Rocco Bellanova is post-doctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He holds a double PhD in Political & Social Sciences and in Law, which has been awarded in 2014 by the Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Between 2013 and 2016 he has worked at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). His research mainly focuses on European data-driven security practices and the role played by data protection in their governance. He is part of the research team of the European Research Council-funded project FOLLOW: Following the Money from Transactions to Trial (, grant number: CoG – 682317, led by Prof. Dr. Marieke de Goede, UvA). His work sits at the intersection of politics, law and science & technology studies.

Justice and Consumers BELLIN Alexandra

Alexandra is currently doing a Master´s degree in International Relations at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Before joining the EU Office of International IDEA for her end-of-studies internship, she had previous experience in the European Institution´s environment. Indeed, she joined for six month as an intern the Political, Press and Information Service of the EU Delegation in Mauritius, and then the European Centre for Electoral Support in Brussels as a Junior Project Officer for a period of six month as well. Alexandra´s main fields of interests are regarding the EU Development policies, specifically about elections, gender, environment and democracy building.

BEUS Helena

Helena Beus is Head of Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs. She graduated Faculty of Philosophy - Pedagogical Sciences in Zagreb and previously has been working as a Head of Department for Youth in the City of Zagreb Office for Education, Culture and Sport. Her responsibilities included: - activities related to the development, monitoring and implementation of youth programs, encouragement of activities and monitoring of activities from the City Youth Program, preparation of expert backgrounds for the establishment and opening of youth/information centers, youth clubs and other forms of youth activities, analysis and expert materials from the scope of the Department - participation as a member of the working bodies of the Mayor and the parent committees at the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb - Participation in Commissions/Commission for Direct Granting of Funds to Associations and Other Civil Society Organizations, Commission for Public Call for One-Time Financial Support to Associations - participation in the drafting of strategic documents, the Youth City Program of the City of Zagreb from 2015 to 2018, urban policies and coordination at the drafting of the Competition at the level of city administrative bodies, and drafts of national strategic documents - correspondence and coordination with representatives of civil society organizations as well as with other state administration bodies - registration and participation in EU tenders as project leader as Head of Department for Youth of the City of Zagreb.

Justice and Consumers BISERKO Sonja

BA in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, 1970; Diplomatic Course

1995 Chairperson of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in . (Among the founders of the European Movement in Yugoslavia /1991/, the Center for Anti-war Action /1991/, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia /1994/ and the Forum for International Relations /1996/. Worked on a variety of civil and human rights programs /Helsinki Watch, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, UN Center for Human Rights, Mazowiecki's mission and the Tribunal in /. Participated in a number of international conferences focused on regional crises and conflicts /Verona Forum, Search for Common Ground, Washington, D.C., etc./. Organized the first opposition meeting in the former Yugoslavia /Geneva. 1991/.


Julie Bishop is Director of the UK Law Centres Network (LCN), a post that she has held for 10 years. The Law Centres Network is the national membership body for Law Centres. A Law Centre is an independent not-for- profit law practice. Law Centres want everyone to have equal access to justice. They target their services at the poorest and most disadvantaged people in their communities. Law Centres use their legal skills to tackle the root causes of poverty and disadvantage. Prior to LCN, Julie was Director of the National Association of Community Legal Centres in Australia for over 5 years and worked in the legal aid sector in Australia at community level for almost 20 years.

Julie’s professional training is in IT. It was as an IT consultant that Julie first worked in legal aid. Before IT, Julie studied and taught Philosophy at the University of Sydney.

Julie is a Board member of 3 Charities, was a Commissioner on the Bach Commission on Access to Justice, has sat on other Committees of Inquiry, and provides evidence to parliamentary committees.

Justice and Consumers BOULANGER Marie-Hélène

European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers Head of Unit – Union Citizenship rights and free movement

Marie-Hélène Boulanger started her career working 6 years in the field of data protection with Professor Poullet at the University of Namur. She then joined the Belgian Data Protection Authority where she spent more than 5 years, for 2 years of which she was the secretary of this authority. She subsequently joined Directorate-General Internal Market of the European Commission as a national expert with the data protection unit. Following that, she transferred to the unit responsible for large scale IT systems of the Directorate General of the European Commission in charge of Justice and Home affairs, where she has been responsible for the legal team of the unit and also specialised in the policy aspects of the Schengen Information System. Between September 2009 and June 2014, she was heading the data protection unit in charge among others of the reform of EU data protection law. Since July 2014, she is the head of the unit in charge of citizenship rights and free movement. Between October 2016 and Easter 2017, she was acting Director of the Equality and Union citizenship Directorate.


Emine Bozkurt is Chair of the Board of Advisers at International IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance). In her daily life she works as director human rights policy at Amnesty International in the . From 2004 till 2014 she represented the Netherlands as a Member of the European Parliament, where she worked on migration and asylum policies and civil rights, including women’s rights in , partly in view of its EU candidate membership. A passionate advocate of human rights, she was appointed chairperson of the cross party Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup of the European Parliament. She managed right before the World Cup in 2006 to get an influential resolution against racism in football voted by the European Parliament. Together with FC Barcelona, UNESCO, local authorities and young people, Bozkurt organized a project about youth and the fight against racism. In 2014 she was appointed by His Majesty the King of the Netherlands Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau.

Justice and Consumers BRICMAN Alina

Alina Bricman is the elected president of the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) since August 2017. She studied Political Science in the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in and at the Central European University in Budapest. She grew up in Bucharest, where she attended the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex and was one of the youth coordinators of the Bucharest Jewish community. She worked for the public relations department of the Representation of the European Commission in and for the Median Research Centre, a Romanian civil society NGO focused on civil engagement and combating xenophobia. Before taking over her current role, Alina volunteered and then served as EUJS Program Officer in the 2015-2017 period.


Elda Brogi is the Scientific Coordinator of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and EUI Research Fellow. She also teaches Communication Law at the University of Florence.

She holds a degree in Law (University of Florence), a Ph.D. in Public Law and Constitutional Law (University La Sapienza, Rome) and she is an Italian qualified lawyer.

She has recently served as a member of two expert committees at the Council of Europe: the Committee of experts on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership (MSI-MED) in 2016-2017 and the Committee of experts on protection of journalism and safety of journalists (MSI-JO) in 2014-2015.

At the CMPF she coordinates and supervises the implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor (

Justice and Consumers BROOME Julie

Julie Broome is Director of Ariadne, a network of European funders supporting social change and human rights. From 2009 to 2016, she worked at the Sigrid Rausing Trust, where she held a number of posts, including Head of Human Rights, before becoming Director of Programmes in 2014. Before joining the Trust she was Programme Director at the CEELI Institute in Prague, where she was responsible for conducting rule of law-related trainings for judges and lawyers from countries undergoing transition. Previously, she was a Programme Manager for Central and Eastern Europe with the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative, and a Programme Associate at the Henry M Jackson Foundation in Seattle.


Philip Buisseret is the Secretary General of the Council of Bars and Law Societies in Europe, the CCBE. After obtaining his law degree Philip started his career in the financial sector. He moved to the advocacy and lobbying world and has managed since 20 years representative organisations, at national as at European level, both professional organisations – notaries and lawyers - as industry organisations – in the alcohol sector as well as in packaging and construction materials. He is heading the CCBE secretariat for more than 3 years now.

Justice and Consumers BUQUICCHIO Gianni

He was awarded in Doctor of Law cum laude at Bari University in 1968 where he lectured in international public law until 1971.

He joined the Council of Europe in 1971. During his professional career (1971-2009), he was responsible for a number of intergovernmental committees dealing with administrative law, international law, free movement of persons, data protection, etc. He contributed to the harmonisation of European law by preparing a large number of international treaties and recommendations. He was also responsible for the Conferences of European Ministers of Justice and for the Legal Advisor and Treaty Office of the Council of Europe.

He contributed to the successful establishment (1990) and the development of the European Commission for Democracy through Law () by ensuring the conception and follow-up of projects concerning constitutional reforms and the setting up of democratic institutions within Europe and beyond.

At the end of 2009, he retired from the Council of Europe and was elected President of the Venice Commission.


Guido Caldarelli is Full Professor in Theoretical Physics. He got his degree in the University of Rome Sapienza and the PhD in SISSA Trieste. After postdoc in university of Manchester and TCM Group at Cavendish Laboratory in University of Cambridge he came back to in 1998. Expert of Complex Networks he published 3 books on the topic with Oxford University Press, coordinated three European Projects and wrote about 200 papers on the application of statistical physics to real-world cases as financial and social networks. He is presently working with the Commission on a preliminary observatory on fake news. More information and papers are available at:

Justice and Consumers CALDERARO Andrea

Dr. Andrea Calderaro is the director of the Centre for Internet and Global Politics, and a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Cardiff University. He holds his PhD in Political Sciences from the European University Institute. His work centres on Internet and International politics, with a particular focus on internet governance, cybersecurity, cyber capacity building, telecom reforms, and the role of the EU in the global internet policy debate. His publications are clustered around these issues, including the co-authored forthcoming book “Cybersecurity Policy and Governance in the European Union” (Routledge).

Dr. Calderaro serves as consultant for the European Commission, EU Parliament, Italian Parliament, UK House of Lords, UK Cabinet, German Government, UNESCO, and the OECD. In particular, he has served as Member of the Scientific Board of the Global Internet Policy Observatory (GIPO) for the EC/DGCNect, as Board Member of UNESCO’s “Internet Universality Indicators” Program, and as Member of the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council (CSISAC) at OECD. As a member of “EU Cyber Capacity Building Task Force” (DG DevCo/EUISS) Dr. Calderaro has contributed to design the "Operational Guidance for the EU’s international cooperation on cyber capacity building " (2018), setting the EU strategy for developing governance models of cyber strategies. Email: [email protected] Twitter: @AndreaCalderaro


Dr. Sergio Carrera is Senior Research Fellow and Head of Justice and Home Affairs Programme at CEPS. He is also Part-Time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) in the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence (Italy). Carrera is involved in the coordination of the EUCITZEN (European Citizenship) network of academic experts of the European Commission (DG Justice). Carrera is Visiting Professor at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po (), Associate Professor/Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Law in (The Netherlands), and Honorary Industry Professor at the School of Law in Queen Mary University of London (UK). His main research interests are on EU justice and home affairs (JHA) law and Area of Freedom, Security and Justice policy, with particular focus on migration, asylum, citizenship and Schengen policies. His areas of expertise also cover EU criminal justice law and police cooperation, and their impact on data protection/privacy and the rights of the defence.

Justice and Consumers CARUANA Katia

Katia Caruana is engaged in the Public Service and currently serving duties as Director (Justice) of the Department of Justice within the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government of Malta, since 2015. She previously served for 13 years at the Office of the Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal of Malta as Private Secretary, administering the Chief Justice’s Secretariat. She started her career in the Public Service at the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic. She has served, or serving, duties as Chairperson and as Member on various Government appointed Boards and Committees, whether ad hoc, or otherwise accordingly, and on Intra and Inter-Ministerial Task Forces set up for specific purposes. She graduated with a Bachelor with Honours in Communications Studies and Psychology from the University of Malta (UoM) in 2002, having previously delved into law for one year. She continued post graduate academic and professional training in Gestalt Psychotherapy and qualified as Gestalt Psychotherapist in 2012. She obtained a Master Degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy in 2016. While exploring other avenues, she had explored photography, which she took as a pastime and had produced some work for which she received a few awards and honours. Her main interest nowadays is the justice sector in a multi-disciplinary approach context.


Camille Champeaux a étudié la science-politique, à Paris et aux Etats-Unis et travaille depuis bientôt 7 ans au CRID (Centre de Recherche et d’Information pour le Développement). Dans ce cadre, elle a beaucoup travaillé sur la question des migrations internationales et se penche depuis plus récemment sur tout ce qui touche aux questions de criminalisation des mouvements sociaux, notamment via le collectif On Ne Se Taira Pas qui dénonce la pratique des poursuites-baillons.

Justice and Consumers CHARLIER Patrick

Work for Unia since 2001 (Center for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to racism which became in 2014 the Interfederal Equal Opportunities Center). Director since 1 February 2016 (member of direction with Els Keytsman) after several positions in the organization (coordinator, law advisor, …) Lawyer and Director at the Human Rights League – FR (Ligue des droits de l'Homme 1992-2001).

Mandates  Member of the Management board of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA 2010-2015)  Alternate member at the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI 2007-2017)  Member of the Management Board of Equinet since 2015

Lawyer – (UCL Louvain-la-Neuve 1991)

DE BUIS Ciairín

Ciairín de Buis is the CEO of Women for Election, a non- partisan independent organisation that inspires and equips women to succeed in political life. Women for Election wants to see a gender balanced political system and provides training and support for women interested in taking the next step in political life. Women for Election will be training 1,000 women in advance of the Local and European elections next year. Ciairín is a board member of Sonas (Freedom from Domestic Violence) and was previously a member of the Parole Board. Having joined Women for Election earlier this year, Ciairín previously headed up Start Strong, a children’s rights advocacy organisation focused on children’s early years and has a wide range of advocacy and policy experience.

Justice and Consumers CLARKE Pat

Pat Clarke is the Vice President of the European Disability Forum and President of European Down Syndrome Association. He is retired as Chief Executive of Down Syndrome Ireland and Past- President of Down Syndrome International. His son, David, aged 37 has Down syndrome. Pat is immediate past Chair of the Disability Federation of Ireland and has served on the boards of the Children Rights Alliance Ireland and on the governing body of the International Disability Alliance. He was a member of the Council of Europe Committee which investigated the involvement of persons with disabilities in political and public life. He has worked with the International Foundation on Electoral Systems (IFES) and the OSCE/ODIHR on issues relation to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in political life and the monitoring of this participation. His involvement with the European Disability Forum, the International Disability Alliance and the Disability Federation of Ireland gives him a pan disability perspective on all the issues. He has been a long-time advocate for the full inclusion of people with Down syndrome in particular and all people with disabilities in general in society at every level.

COICA Alexandru

Alexandru Coica possess a 12 years working in non-profit sector, donor institutions, public policies (including advocacy and external relations), social campaigns at national, European and global levels. Recently he spend 1,5 years in Asia working for a global organization and now is back to Europe where he works as Eastern Partnership Coordinator for European Association for Local Democracy. Alexandru’s career in CSO sector started by his active engagement in youth organisations. For about six years he was focused on lowering voting age to 16 years, promotion of Youth Right and advocated for the need of a Convention on Youth Rights.

Currently, Mr. Coica focuses his work on strengthening local democracy, local development and promotion of community engagement in seven countries from Caucasus and Eastern Europe.

Overall, Alexandru Coica has positive working experience in multi-cultural environments and multi-national teams gained while being an expat, but also during different missions in approximately 50 countries (mostly Europe, Middle East, Asia and USA). For more details, on Mr. Coica’s expertise, please visit

Justice and Consumers


Dr Evelyn Collins CBE has been Chief Executive of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland since March 2000. Evelyn is a law graduate of Sheffield University, and has Masters’ degrees from University of Toronto (Criminology) and Queen’s University Belfast (Human Rights and Discrimination Law). In July 2014, the University of Ulster awarded Evelyn the honorary degree of Doctor of Law (LLD) for her contribution to the promotion of equality and good relations.

Evelyn is currently Chair of the Board of Equinet, the European Network of Equality Bodies and a member of the European Commission’s Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities between Women and Men.


Ms. Constantinescu is a Romanian legal expert actively working for a more favourable environment for civil society organizations for over 20 years. She started as a lawyer and since 2011 served as Head of Development and Advocacy for Civil Society Development Foundation. She managed grant- making programmes involving more than 250 NGOs and has been engaged in major advocacy campaigns for improving the legislation. She led or was part of some dozens of working groups on legislative changes affecting the third sector, either as legal writer, researcher, spokesperson or advocate for change at Romanian and international level. Since 2018, Ms. Constantinescu is member of Expert Council on NGO Law, Council of Europe.

Justice and Consumers CRNJANSKI Vukosava

Vukosava Crnjanski is a founder and director of the NGO CRTA whose work focuses on the establishment of innovative and practical mechanisms and tools for citizen engagement in advocacy for an open, accountable and democratic government in Serbia.Vukosava has broad experience in supporting democracy through public education about accountability and empowering civic engagement in decision making. She acquired extensive knowledge, understanding and expertise in fostering democratization through successful leadership and management of CRTA’s advocacy initiatives focused on:  independent civic election observation of parliamentary, presidential and local elections in Serbia,  fact-checking, accountability journalism, media monitoring and disclosure of fake news and misinformation in media and digital sphere,  parliamentary oversight and advocacy for institutional accountability and openness. Vukosava received the international recognition for innovation, commitment and contribution to democracy through the W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award, awarded by the National Democratic Institute in 2013, and in the capacity of CRTA’s Director OSCE Democracy Defender Award for 2018.


Noel took up the role of Director General of the EBU in September 2017. Noel is the former DG, Managing Director of Television and Editor of Current Affairs of RTÉ, Ireland's national television and radio broadcaster. As Director General he successfully led RTÉ during one of of the most financially challenging and competitive periods in media history. A strong and long-time advocate of public service media, Curran is also an award winning investigative journalist and Producer. As an Editor and Producer, Noel's programming won numerous awards for journalism in Ireland and internationally. He was also Executive Producer on a range of live television events, including the in 1997, general election coverage, live entertainment series and factual programming. Noel attended Trinity College, , where he studied European Broadcasting Policy and graduated from Dublin City University In Communication Studies, specialising in national and international broadcasting policy and writing a thesis on the role of Public Service Broadcasting. He is currently Adjunct Professor of Journalism at Dublin City University. Noel is married to the singer and former Eurovision Song Contest winner Eimear Quinn and they have two daughters.

Justice and Consumers CZEŚNIK Mikołaj

Professor Mikołaj Cześnik is a sociologist and political scientist. He works at the SWPS University, Warsaw. He serves as Director of the Institute of Social Sciences, and Associate Dean for Academic Development (at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences). He is also a member of the Board of the Stefan Batory Foundation. His research interests include voting and political behaviour, public opinion, elections, democracy and democratic transitions. He is a member of the Polish National Election Study team. At the SWPS University he teaches political science, with the focus on elections, voting behaviour and democracy. He regularly appears in the media as a commentator of the political life in .

DADAK Agnieszka

Agnieszka Dadak, author and international projects manager (PMP Certificate by Project Management Institute). Over 10 years of experience at multi – partner, international projects co-financed from external funds (Norwegian Financial Mechanism; “Life Long Learning” Programme; EQUAL CI; Europe for Citizens; Rights, Equality, Citizenship; Erasmus+) in the fields of: building clusters, educational mobility, vocational development & re-training of mature workers, culture field initiatives supporting, empowering democracy. Author of several methodologies in HR management. 12 years of experience at designing curricula, organizing and leading trainings & workshops – workshop trainer recommended by Association of Psychological Help „Integracja” (recommendation no. 31). Has been working as vocational advisor and coach. Since 2002 cooperates with the 3rd sector organizations as a trainer, project coordinator, language teacher and adviser. Master of Psychology (The Jagiellonian University); has graduated from post – diploma studies „European Project Management” (The University of Economics in Katowice); has also graduated from post – diploma studies in (“Socialpedagogiskt ungdomsarbete”, Tollare folkhögskola) in the frame of The Swedish Institute scholarship – Visby Programme. 2011-2015: one of the founders and Board member of Baltic Network for Adult Learning. Founder and President of the Board of The Foundation of Alternative Educational Initiatives.

Justice and Consumers MARIĆ Darija

Darija Marić is a Government Advisor in Department of Strategic Planning, Programming and Informing of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs in Zagreb, with a degree in sociology and a previous long experience of working in NGO sector. Currently she is primarily working on creation, implementation and evaluation of National Strategy for the Creation of An Enabling Environment for the Civil Society Development and activities regarding Open Government Partnership (OGP) since the Government Office is a Contact Point of OGP in Croatia. She is a member of numerous expert working groups for drafting laws and policies as well as a member of evaluation committees for programs and projects financed from national public sources and EU funds. Sha also has experience of being a short-term expert in the Twinning Light Project which experts from the Government Office for Cooperation with NGO's are implementing with the General Secretariat of the Government in Macedonia.

DASTOLI Pier Virgilio

1. Professional Career  Journalist (1972) and Lawyer (1973)  Personal Assistant of Altiero Spinelli in the Italian Parliament (1977-1979) and in the EP (1977-1986)  Special Advisor of the Italian Government in the Dooge Committee (1984-1985)  Head of the EC Representation in Italy (2003-2009)  Special Advisor of the Italian Conference of Presidents of Regions for the European Affairs (2010)  Jean Monnet Professor in History of European Integration in the Italian Universities (1990-2003)  Professor of renown in International Law - University for Foreign Students “Dante Alighieri” (2016-2019)  President of the Master in European Politics - International University Uninettuno in Rome (2009-2019)  Senior Fellow of the School of Economic Policy- LUISS in Rome (2015-….)

2. Principal voluntary activities  General Secretary of the IEM (1995-2002)  President of the Italian Council of European Movement (2010-2021)  Member of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development and of the EU Steering  Group “Ambition 2030”  Member of the Spinelli Group Steering Committee

Justice and Consumers DCUNHA Christian

Christian is the Head of the Private Office of the European Data Protection Supervisor. He has led work on strengthening the links between the enforcement of privacy, competition and consumer as well as being responsible for EDPS opinions on a range of issues, including digital ethics and EU data protection reform. Whilst at the European Commission, Christian drafted and negotiated the EU’s first internal security strategy and evaluated and reviewed of the data retention directive. Previously, Christian was an advisor on senior judicial appointments in England and served for several years as private secretary several UK cabinet ministers.

DE GROOT Gerard René

Gerard René de Groot (25 August 1951 Stadskanaal (Onstwedde), Netherlands) is emeritus Professor of comparative law and private international law at Maastricht University (1988-2017) and Professor of private law of the University of Aruba (West Indies) (since 2007). He was visiting Professor in Tokyo () and Liège (Belgium). He is inter alia Co-director Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) (since 2014); Founding member of Dutch Association for the Study of Islamic law (RIMO) (since 1982); Board Member (1984) and Chair of the Dutch Association of Comparative Law (since 2014) and Board member (1982) and since 2001 chairperson of the Dutch- German Lawyers Association. He is Member of the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe monitoring the implementation of the European Charter for the protection of regional and minority languages (since 2016). He also acted as Consultant of the Council of Europe and the UNHCR in the field of nationality law and statelessness. He published more than 500 articles and books, inter alia in the field of international family law, comparative law, citizenship law and on the relationship between law and language.

Justice and Consumers DENES Balazs

Balazs Denes is a Hungarian lawyer and a human rights activist. In 1997 he joined the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU), the country’s leading civil liberties watchdog organization, and after holding various positions he served as its Executive Director from 2004 to 2012. From 2013 till 2016 he worked as the Director of the European Civil Liberties Project at the Open Society Foundations. From early 2017, he serves as the first Executive Director of the Civil Liberties Union for Europe, a new European human rights watchdog organization. He focuses on civil liberties, human rights, communication and new forms of civic advocacy and activism. Denes received his law degree in 1998 from ELTE University Budapest and he is a 2003-2004 Columbia University/PILnet Fellow.

DI LILLO Francesco

Francesco Di Lillo opened the European Union Office of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brussels, Belgium, on September 1, 2013. Prior to this assignment, he worked at the Church’s European headquarters as Assistant Area Director of Public Affairs. Before taking up these positions he gained some international experience in public affairs and public information in Cyprus with the Italian Embassy, the United Nations Development Program, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. With UNHCR, Francesco monitored evacuation operations of civilians through the Port of Larnaca, Cyprus, during the Israeli-Lebanese conflict of 2006. He graduated cum laude with a dissertation on the proactive use of media as tools for conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Francesco is married and is the father of four children.

Justice and Consumers DIVJAK Tina

Tina is the head of advocacy at CNVOS. She has been working on different issues of NGO development from 2003. She has been focusing on enabling environment for NGOs – legislation, public funding, public participation in policy- making, transparency and accountability of NGOs. She has authored or co-authored several analyses, studies and manuals in and abroad (Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries). She has worked as an expert for Council of Europe, Regional Cooperation Council, TACSO, different ministries, etc. In 2018, she authored the study, commissioned by EESC, “The future evolution of civil society in the European Union by 2030”.

DOGHI Dan Pavel

Dan Pavel Doghi was involved in human rights and civil society work since 1996, through Roma NGOs in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, Romania, among them some that he contributed to their establishment and development.

He helped developing and coordinating a Roma National Network of Roma organization while working in the Soros Foundation spin-off Resource Center for Roma Communities (2000-2003). Later on he was an Advocacy Fellow in the training and education programme of the Public Interest Law Initiative, a Budapest-based programme of Columbia University, where he worked on the issue of segregation in education of Roma children.

He then joined the OSCE as an officer in the ODIHR’s Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues (CPRSI), during the period of 2004-2011.

After that, he was the Higher Education Program Manager of Roma Education Fund (REF) in Budapest (2012-2017), managing the largest tertiary education scholarship program for Roma in the region, in 16 countries in Central and South- Eastern Europe. While at REF, Dan was also the National Director of REF Romania's Office, during 2013-2015.

During 2009-2016, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC).

Since March 2018, he re-joined the OSCE, as Chief of the CPRSI, Senior Adviser on Roma and Sinti Issues.

Dan studied social sciences at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca, and completed a postgraduate course in International Diplomacy at Malta University.

Justice and Consumers DOLAN Carl

Carl has worked at Transparency International EU since 2011 and became its director in 2013. He has previously worked in UK Research Councils, the European Commission and the European Foundation Centre. He holds degrees in economics and philosophy from University College Dublin (1991-97) and studied and taught political philosophy at the University of Bristol (1999-2002).


Tamás Dombos is an economist, sociologist and anthropologist. He graduated from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration (now Corvinus University of Budapest) in 2003 with an MA in International Relations and Economics. Tamás received an MA in Sociology and Social Anthropology in 2004 from the Central European University and is currently a PhD candidate in the same department. Between 2001 and 2011 he worked as a researcher at the Center for Policy Studies at the Central European University, conducting research on equal opportunity policies. From 2015-2017 he was a lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University teaching a course on sexual minorities. He has been working for Háttér Society since 2007, first as a volunteer, then as a paid staff member coordinating several research, training and advocacy projects. He is currently project coordinator at Háttér Society and the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, hate crime training expert at the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the National University of Public Service, and researcher at the Faculty of Law at the Eötvös Loránd University. Since 2012 Tamás has served on the board of the national umbrella organization, the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, and since 2013 he has been a board member at Háttér Society.

Justice and Consumers DRATWA Jim

Jim Dratwa’s research and publications address the interconnections between knowledge, values and action. He has served in several positions of great responsibility in that regard at the European Commission, as member of BEPA (the Bureau of European Policy Advisers to the President of the European Commission), at the EPSC (the European Political Strategy Centre), in the Directorate-General for Education and Culture and in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. He heads the team tasked with Ethics in Science and New Technologies at the European Commission, he is the Secretary-General of the EC International Dialogue on Bioethics and the EC representative in the international organisations dealing with the ethical implications of science and new technologies. Jim holds degrees in physics, philosophy, politics and the life sciences. He received the Fulbright Scholar Award, was Harvard Boas Fellow, Ramón y Cajal Scholar, and was pre- and post- doctoral Fellow at Harvard Law School and Harvard Kennedy School of Government, in the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and with the program on Science, Technology, and Society. He has taught at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Harvard University, and the universities of Brussels, where he is currently based. He is Invited Professor and Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.

DZSINICH Dr. Gergely (Greg)

Dr. Dzsinich is a lawyer and strategy professional in the fields of cyber, privacy and intellectual property rights. He serves as a board member of CyAN (Paris) and in this capacity, he is CyAN’s associated partner representative to ’s Cybercrime Directorate EC3 (The Hague). In 2018 he was selected to be a high-level expert group member of the European Commission (Brussels) regarding fake news/online misinformation. He has advised the Council of Europe regarding multiple countries. Greg holds an LL.M. in info-communication law, he is a Certified Information Privacy Professional for Europe and is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, IAPP (Portsmouth, USA), furthermore, the Budapest Bar Association. Greg is a regularly invited multi-lingual presenter and university lecturer in cyber, privacy and anti-counterfeiting.

Justice and Consumers ENWEREUZOR Udo C.

Udo C. Enwereuzor is a Senior Adviser on Migration, Minorities and Rights of Citizenship at COSPE [Cooperation for the Development of Emerging Countries], an Italian NGO engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights and international cooperation. With an academic background in the natural sciences, he has been engaged in research, consultancy and professional training on equality and organisational change since 1991. From 1998 to 2001, he served as an expert on the Commission for Integration Policies in the Department for Social Affairs, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy. He served also on the management board of the ENAR - European Network Against Racism, from its foundation in 1998 until the end of 2002. From 2001 to the end of 2014, he served as coordinator of the National Focal Point (NFP) for Italy of the RAXEN and FRANET networks, set up by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) and European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). He is one of the founding members of the Italia chapter of SOS Mediterranee, a European humanitarian organisation that works to save lives of migrants in distress at sea through search and rescue operations (SAR) in the Central Mediterranean, with the ship Aquarius.


Francisco Lupiañez-Villanueva is Professor at Open University of Catalonia and Open Evidence Director. His research field is concerned with the social, economic, cultural and policy issues associated with information and communication technologies, specially focussing on Innovative Technologies, Networked Citizens, eGovernment, eHealth, eInclusion and elearning. Since 2001, he has applied social science methods and techniques to a wide range of topics related to the Information Society. From 2001 to 2003, he was assistant coordinator of a multidisciplinary team of computer scientists, pedagogues, designers and authors to developing elearning projects. He worked as a researcher under the supervision of Prof. Castells. From 2010 till 2012 he was a Scientific and Project Officer at Information Society Unit -European Commission, DG Since 2013 as co-founder and Director of Open Evidence he has designed questionnaire and performed sophisticated multivariate statistic analysis on the data of the many multi-country surveys, laboratory experiments, and online experiments for several DGs. His most recent studies are Study on the benefits and drawbacks of remote voting solutions to support the preparation of a best practice guide for the use of digital tools to facilitate the exercise of EU citizens' political rights, Study on the impact of the internet and social media on youth participation and youth work, Media Literacy and Online Empowerment issues raised by Algorithm-Driven Media Services, Behavioural Study on the Transparency of Online Platforms.

Justice and Consumers FRANK Nicola

Nicola Frank joined the European Broadcasting Union in 1998. In January 2009 she became Head of Public Affairs, and managing director of the EBU Brussels office.

She started her career in the European Commission in 1990 where she was responsible for an information and communication programme towards the Mediterranean and the Near and Middle East. In 1996 she joined Media and Entertainment International, the international federation of media and entertainment trade unions, as Deputy General Secretary.

Nicola Frank was born in 1963. She took an M.A. in Islamic Studies, Modern History and French Literature. During her studies she worked as a radio free-lance journalist.

FRUTOS Cristina

Cristina Frutos is the Head of European Operations at the Elections Business Unit in Indra. She has more than 20 years of experience in the delivery of IT solutions for National Electoral Agencies in three continents. Cristina has been project director of a number of high profile elections processes delivered by Indra internationally, and has been very successful in providing innovative solutions for elections, for instance in the UK and . She led the development of the portfolio of products and services that the Elections Department at Indra currently offers to the market. In her current role as Head of European Operations, Cristina is providing creative leadership to the team developing the new portfolio of services to strength elections resilience. Her responsibilities involve an in-depth knowledge of the electoral ecosystem and a trustful liaison with a variety of Government agencies, groups, institutions and other stakeholders involved. Cristina Frutos has a BSc (Honors) in Physics (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) and a master’s degree on eBusiness (Instituto de Empresa, Madrid)

Justice and Consumers GALJUS Orhan

Vice President of the European Roma Union. Director of the Radio PATRIN Network, active in establishing Romani media outlets. Head of the of international Roma organisation and of the “Ian F. Hancock” Centre - Eurasian Roma Academic Network. Member of the Roma Delegation to India 2018. Kosovo-Indian Chamber of Commerce board member.

Worked for Partners for Democratic Change, Open Society Institute, INALCO University. He is interpreter from Romani to other languages. Key voice of the Roma on the international scene. Main actor of the Romani emancipation. Member of the Dutch Roma Working Group. Chair, Roma journalists Task Force Group EBU-Eurovision. Received “Phralipe” award (Italy), THANKS award from Roma World Congress and award Premio de Cultura Gitana 8 de Abril. Them Romano(Italy) prized Orhan as overall winner of the competition Amico Rom for his documentary film “Broken Silence”. On November 5th (The World Day of Romani Language) 2018, Orhan received Life Prize for the contribution to the Romani language. Orhan writes poetry, and makes seed initiative on bio matters and social business equality initiatives.


Executive Director of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee. Pepijn Gerrits joined the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) in January 2016. He has extensive international background in democratic governance, democracy assistance and development assistance around the globe. He has worked for international NGOs, international organisations and in consultancy and advisory roles. Before joining the NHC, Mr. Gerrits was the Director of Programmes at the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) between 2011 and 2015, overseeing NIMD’s programmatic development and implementation worldwide. Prior to that he held different other functions at NIMD, including Regional Director for Europe, Asia & America. From 2003 till 2005 he was responsible for the Democratic Governance Unit of the UNDP Country Office in the Dominican Republic. Mr. Gerrits started his career as an Institutional Development Advisor for DHV Consultants, a Dutch Consultants and Advisory firm. He holds a Masters degree from Utrecht University in Cultural Anthropology and Latin America Studies.

Justice and Consumers GIANNAKAKI Maria

Maria Giannakaki, born and raised in Piraeus, studied Classical Philology and Political Science at the University of Athens. She continued with her postgraduate studies in Paris (DEA in History of Art, University of Sorbonne, and DEUG in Cultural Management, Paris IX-Dauphine) and holds a Masters II degree in Human Rights from the Robert Schumann University in Strasbourg. In 2000, she was admitted to the National School of Public Administration, Department of Communication Advisers and Attachés and started her career in public administration. Served at the Permanent Delegation of to the Council of Europe and the European Parliament between 2004 and 2009, with responsibilities for press, communication and culture. From 2002 to 2012, she represented Greece in dozens of European Union and Council of Europe committees, with a focus freedom of speech, human rights and audiovisual media. Ms Giannakaki was elected MP in 2012. She has been a member of PACE and of its Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination, as well as General Rapporteur on combating racism and intolerance. In December 2016, she was appointed Secretary General for Transparency and Human Rights of the Hellenic Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights.


Kate Gilmore was appointed United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights on 1st December 2015. She brings to the position diverse and longstanding experience in strategic leadership and human rights advocacy with the United Nations, government and non-government organizations. Prior to joining OHCHR, Ms. Gilmore was Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director for Programmes with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Previously she was National Director of Amnesty International Australia and then Executive Deputy Secretary General of Amnesty International. Ms. Gilmore started her career as a social worker and government policy officer in Australia. She helped establish Australia’s first Centre Against Sexual Assault at Melbourne’s Royal Women’s Hospital and her work over a number of years focused on prevention of violence against women. In Australia, she was granted honorary appointments to provincial and national public policy and law reform processes, including membership of the country’s first National Committee on Violence Against Women. Ms. Gilmore holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of New England and postgraduate degrees in Social Work from the University of Melbourne and Community Development from RMIT. Download print-quality photo.

Justice and Consumers GONNELLA Patrizio

Patrizio Gonnella is from 2005 president of Antigone. Antigone is an association founded in 1991 with its national seat in Rome and branches in most Italian regions, which performs a monitoring and information activity in the penitentiary field, elaborates data and carries on research. From 2014 is also President of the newly founded Italian Coalition for Civil Rights and Liberties (CILD), a second level organization gathering 35 associations with the aim of strengthening the activities of advocacy and strategic litigation along the whole spectrum of human rights in Italy. He started his career as prison governor. He is professor of Sociology of law at University Rome Three. He is member of Npm Observatory and he was appointed expert of European Commettee for the Prevention of Torture. Since 1998 he has been regularly writing articles about prisons, human rights and justice for various newspapers. Since 2014 he has been keeping the blog “Civil liberties” for the news website From 2010 to the present he has been authoring and regularly intervening in the national radio program Jailhouse Rock on music and prisons. He wrote many books on human rights, criminal justice and prison issues.

GRABBE Heather

Heather Grabbe is director of the Open Society European Policy Institute in Brussels. From 2004 to 2009 she was senior advisor to then European Commissioner for Enlargement , responsible in his cabinet for the Balkans and Turkey. Before joining the commission, she was deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, the London-based think tank, where she published widely on EU enlargement and other European issues. Her writing has appeared in the , New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and , among others. Her academic career includes teaching at the London School of Economics, and research at Oxford and Birmingham universities, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House, London), and the European University Institute (Florence). Her publications include Defending EU Values in Poland and (with Stefan Lehne, 2017, Carnegie Europe), The Closing of the European Mind – and How to Re-Open It, Can the EU Survive Populism? and The EU's Transformative Power: Europeanisation through Conditionality in Central and Eastern Europe (2006, Palgrave).

Justice and Consumers GYLFASON Thorvaldur

Thorvaldur Gylfason is Professor of Economics at the University of and Research Fellow at CESifo (Center for Economic Studies) at the University of Munich. A Princeton Ph.D., he has worked at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, D.C., taught at Princeton, edited the European Economic Review, consulted for international organizations, and published some 200 scholarly articles and 20 books as well as 900 newspaper articles plus some 100 songs for voice, piano, and other instruments as well as mixed choir. He was one of 25 representatives in Iceland‘s Constitutional Council in session from 1 April to 29 July 2011, elected by the nation and appointed by parliament to revise Iceland’s constitution.

HAJJI Khalid

 President of Brussels Forum of Wisdom and World Peace  Dr. Hajji´s Ph.D. is in Anglo–American studies. Paris- Sorbonne: 1994  Dr. Hajji speaks Arabic, French, English, German. His fields of interest and research: « Renewal of Islamic Discours »; « Muslims in Europe »; « Art and Religion »; « Geo-politics and Geo-poetics ». He has supervised many researches on these themes.  Thinker and Writer. He has published dozens of Articles in various magazines, newspapers and scholarly journals. Co- Editor of Almunaataf (Quarterly scientific Arabic Magazine). Among his Books: o Khalid Hajji. Lawrence d´Arabie ou l´Arabie de Lawrence: geographie, politique, poetique, sagesse. (Paris: L´Harmattan, 2001)

o Khalid Hajji. Min maddaiiq al–Hadatha ila Fadai al–Ibdaa al–Islami wa al– Arabi. (From the Narrowness of Modernity towards a New Space of Islamo– Arabic Creativity) Arabic. (Beirut, Casablanca: Arab Cultural Institution, 2005)

o Khalid Hajji. Abderrahman wa al–Bahr (Abderrahman and the Sea). Novel in Arabic. (Beirut, Casablanca: Arab Cultural Institution, 2010). Translated in German.

o Khalid Hajji, Islam-Occident: décloisonons nos cultures (Paris: CERF, 2018)

Justice and Consumers HALVORSEN Audun

Work experience: 2017: State Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2013–2017: Political Adviser to Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide. Norwegian Ministry of Defence. 2008–2013: Political Adviser on defence policy and foreign affairs for the Conservative Party Parliamentary Group. 2007–2008: Political Adviser on defence policy, scrutiny and constitutional affairs for the Conservative Party Parliamentary Group. 2004–2007: Research assistant at the University of Oslo, Department of Political Science. Education: Mr. Halvorsen holds a Cand Mag. Degree in Political Science, Public Law and Private Law from the University of Oslo. Participant at the Norwegian Defence University College Information Course, 2011. Political background Mr. Halvorsen has held various party and elected positions for The Conservative Party (Høyre) in Oslo. Military service: Norwegian Army, Østfold Regiment, 1997–1998. Personal: Born 1978. Married, two children.

HEID Katherine

Cabinet member in charge of Culture, Youth and Social Affairs

After an initial post as an intercultural consultant for a research project in the Apuseni-mountains of Romania, Mrs Heid began her career at the Franco-German Youth Office in Paris. She then worked for the German Youth Ministry’s Department for International Youth Policy, for IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of , as well as for the Council of Europe. At the Council of Europe's Youth Directorate, Mrs Heid was responsible for “all different – all equal” campaign activities, in addition to organising conferences and workshops on refugees, diversity issues and inter-religious dialogue. She then spent six years as co-director of RESEO, the European Network for Opera and Dance Education. Formerly an elected member of Culture Action Europe’s Executive Committee, Katherine joined Culture Action Europe's team in 2015 as Head of political development and then became Acting Secretary General. In 2018, she joined the European Economic and Social Committee as Member of Cabinet. A German and British national, Mrs Heid holds a graduate degree in psychology and political sciences, specialising in intercultural and neuropsychology. She is a former professional dancer and her passion for culture and for re-thinking communities has driven her career in the arts, intercultural exchange, youth and European politics.

Justice and Consumers HELFFERICH Barbara

Barbara Helfferich has more than 25 years of experience in European policy making. She worked in the non- governmental sector as well as in the European Commission. As Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby she successfully helped to establish one of the biggest and most influential European NGOs in Brussels. In 1999, she joined the cabinet of the European Social Affairs Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou, a post she held for five years until she was appointed European spokesperson for the environment (2004-2010). She left the European Commission to become an independent consultant. Barbara set up GEBB in 2018 with Paula Franklin, to address the clear need to measure and implement gender equality actions in organisations. She holds a Ph.D. in political science from Columbia University in New York as well as a Master’s degree in journalism and international affairs.


Irene Hemelaar is self employed and a jack-of-all-trades. She speaks, sings, performs, writes, organizes small and big events. As a human rights advocate she strives for fundamental, equal rights for all and more specifically LGBTI people and women. She is a networking expert and connects civil society with politics, trade and industry in order to reach these goals.

In 2015, she was the Dutch Women's Representative to the UN. At the General Assembly she delivered a speech on gender equality for all women, thus including LBTI people. She was with Pride Amsterdam for 8 years until October 2016, the last 2,5 years as director LGBTI Emancipation.

In november 2016 the municipality of Amsterdam honored Irene with the Frans Banninck Cocq-penning for the excellent achievements she accomplished for the city.

She works as a trainer / advisor for trade union FNV (Diversity & Inclusion, local social domain). For the city of Amsterdam, she explored the correlation between LGBTI and loneliness and LGBTI and informal caregiving.

She is president at Doetank PEER, founder of and board member at OndersteBoven, Advisory Committee member of the Global Feminist LBQ Women*s Conference 2019 and board of control Chair at GALE.

Justice and Consumers HERRICK Liam

Liam Herrick was appointed to Executive Director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) in November 2016. Prior to his appointment, he worked as Advisor to President Michael D. Higgins for almost three years. Liam was Executive Director of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) between 2007 and 2014. He has also worked as the first head of legislation and policy at the former Irish Human Rights Commission and with the Law Reform Commission and the Department of Foreign Affairs. He is a former member of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), a former Board member of the Children’s Rights Alliance and the Minister for Justice and Equality’s Strategic Review Group on Penal Policy (2012-2014). Liam graduated from University College Cork with a BCL and LLM and from University College Dublin with a Diploma in Human Rights Law.

HOEFMANS Alexander

Alexander Hoefmans holds a law degree from Ghent University and postgraduate degrees in international relations and conflict management, and in Eastern European and Russian studies. In 2004 he joined the Belgian Ministry of Justice as a Human Rights Advisor. In that position he was national liaison officer to the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe as well as to the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union. He was also Co-Agent of the Belgian government to the European Court of Human Rights. From 2012 to mid-2013 he was an advisor to the Belgian Minister of Justice, followed by a secondment to DG JUST of the European Commission until end 2014. Currently he is head of the Unit Data Protection and Equal Opportunities at the Belgian Ministry of Justice. He is also affiliated to the Free University of Brussels (VUB) as a member of the Research Group on Fundamental Rights.

Justice and Consumers HOORENS Stijn

Stijn Hoorens is a researcher at RAND and director of RAND Europe's office in Brussels. Stijn has been with RAND for more than 15 years and has worked across different offices in Europe, the US and the Middle East. Stijn has extensive experience in designing and leading policy studies for a range of international governments and public sector organisations. His research interests are broad, but much of his work has revolved around new media and technologies, illicit markets and skills and employment. He is currently leading a study on the challenges associated with algorithm-driven platforms and media services. Stijn is a regular peer reviewer for academic journals, and has published widely himself. Prior to joining RAND, Hoorens held research positions at Delft University of Technology and at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). He received his M.Sc. and B.Sc. in systems engineering, policy analysis, and management from Delft University of Technology.

HÖRST Corinna

Corinna Hörst is senior fellow and deputy director of GMF’s Brussels office. She supports the executive director in all aspects of strategic planning, operations, personnel, management, and communication. In this capacity, she plays a central role in program planning, networking, and relationship building with the EU institutions, NATO and stakeholders from governments, media, business, as well as nongovernmental and think tank communities. She monitors and frequently comments on and European affairs and is engaged in various women leadership development and diversity activities. She is also president of the Brussels chapter of Women in International Security (WIIS) and co-founder of The Brussels Binder, an online database of female policy experts. Her recent book “Women Leading The Way in Brussels,” co-authored with Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha (John Harper Publishing, 2017).

Justice and Consumers HUBERT Agnes

Agnes Hubert is an experienced policy maker and a recognised author on EU gender equality policy and Social innovation in the EU. She is currently associate researcher with PRESAGE (Programme de Recherches et d’Enseignements des Savoirs sur le Genre) Science Po/OFCE Paris , visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges , founding member and president of the first European feminist think tank, and associate member of the international and European commission of the Haut Conseil de l’Egalité. Economist by training she was a journalist before joining the European Commission where she held senior advising functions dealing with gender equality and social innovation, contributing to raise these issues at the highest levels in European institutions. She has written books (L’Europe et les femmes, identités en mouvement 1998 ; democracy and information society in Europe 1997 and two major policy documents on Social innovation for the European Commission : “Empowering people, driving change: Social innovation in the European Union” 2010 and “Social innovation a decade of changes” 2014, and a number of peer reviewed academic articles and contributions in the fields of her expertise.

HULIN Adeline

Adeline HULIN works for the UNESCO Communication and Information Sector as a Project Officer based in the UNESCO Liaison Office in Brussels. Before, she works for the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media in Vienna. Her educational background includes a PhD in Political Science from the University Paris II Panthéon Assas, a Master Degree in Journalism from the University Paris Dauphine and a BA in Political Science from the Bordeaux Institut d'Etudes Politiques. She recently authored a RSC Working Paper for the European University Institute, Statutory media self-regulation: beneficial or detrimental for media freedom and wrote the monograph Autorégulation des médias en Europe: impact, perspectives et limites.

Justice and Consumers IVANOV Ivan

Ivan Ivanov is the Executive Director of the European Roma Information Office since 2005. Previously he worked as an Attorney for the European Roma Rights Centre in Budapest. He was involved for five years in research and building a legal strategy of ground-breaking civil rights cases filed in the European Court of Human Rights and the domestic courts of several countries in Central and Eastern Europe. For two years he was a legal adviser for the Human Rights Project in Sofia, , where he spearheaded the development of a number of strategic litigation cases and key advocacy initiatives. Ivan holds degrees in medicine and law. He was a visiting scholar at the Law School of Columbia University in New York, where he specialised in international human rights and anti-discrimination law. He published on issues related to discrimination and access to education and healthcare.


Luca Jahier has been elected President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 18 April 2018 for a period of two and a half years, until October 2020. He has been a member of the Committee since 2002. Within the EESC, he has worked extensively on the European Union's social and cohesion policies, as well as on international matters, first as vice-president of the Committee's Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship and then as president of the ACP-EU Follow-up Committee and president of the Permanent group on Immigration and Integration. In October 2011, he was elected president of Group III of the EESC, and was re-elected in January 2013 and in October 2015. In this capacity, he has been a member of the EESC's Bureau. Over the course of three terms in office as president, Group III carried out nine studies, and held 42 conferences in 17 EU countries attended by thousands of people and countless meetings with European civil society organisations. Before becoming a member of the Committee, Jahier was active in the field of international cooperation and development and acted as a founding member of the Italian Third Sector Forum. He served as President of FOCSIV, the Italian Federation of non-Governmental Organization for the International Voluntary Service, and he is the founding member of the Italian Third Sector. Luca has previously worked with the CISV and other Italian and European NGOs that are active in the field of international cooperation. He is also the former President of the National Council of ACLI (2008-2012), a Christian association of Italian workers. He is a former journalist and an international political analyst, and he has numerous years of experience in social advancement development programmes in developing countries, mainly in Africa.

Justice and Consumers JEFFERS Sam

Sam is the co-founder of Who Targets Me? software to help voters understand how political campaigns are chasing their vote using Facebook advertising. Over 10,000 people have installed Who Targets Me in more than 50 countries and ten languages. The project has tracked political advertising in 10 election campaigns to date, and is currently monitoring the Brazilian and US midterm election campaigns. Who Targets Me has been covered extensively in the media, including the BBC and New York Times. Before founding Who Targets Me in 2017, Sam spent 7 years at Blue State Digital (the agency that helped elect President Obama in 2008 and 2012) as UK Managing Director, then Executive Creative and Strategy Director. Sam led client engagements with Unilever, Mazda, Google, Lloyds, The Labour Party, Oxfam, Save the Children, Tate Gallery, British Museum, Manchester City Football Club and many more. He holds a First-Class degree in International Relations from LSE and a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

JELINEK Dr. Andrea

Professional Activities:  Since 5/2018 Chair of the European Data Protection Board (Additional to the Austrian DPA)  Since 2/2018 Chair WP 29 (Additional to the Austrian DPA)  Since 1/2014 Head of the European Data Protection Authority  1/2011 – 12/2013 Head of the Regional Police Department of the 3rd district in Vienna  10/2010 – 6/2011 temporarily entrusted with the management of the Foreign Police Office of the Federal Police Department in Vienna  12/2003 – 10/2010 Head of PK 03 of the Regional Police Department Vienna  1/1993 – 11/2013 Legal officer and from 1998 Head of Unit in the legal and legislative department of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (special fields: ECHR, constitutional law, security police law, foreign national law and asylum law)  11/1991 – 12/1992 Legal officer at the General Secretariat of the Austrian Rectors' Conference  1988 – 10/1991 Trainee Lawyer/Associate  1983-1987 Central services and consultant in the Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research FWF, various activities in the private sector such as public relations, sales management  1979-1984 Tuition in English, French, Latin and German during law studies

Personal record: Born 1961, studied law in Vienna, degree 1985, many additional educations in different fields (eg leadership trainer, coach and so on)

Justice and Consumers JERÓNIMO Patrícia

Patrícia Jerónimo is Associate Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho, in Braga, . She is currently Director of the Research Centre for Justice and Governance (JusGov), as well as Director of Studies of the Master Programme in Human Rights, at the University of Minho. She holds a Doctorate in Law from the European University Institute, in Florence, Italy. Her main topics of research in the field of fundamental rights are citizenship, migration, and minority rights.


Ms Věra Jourová is currently European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. In 2014, before coming to the European Commission, Ms Jourová held the position of Minister for Regional Development in the . Previous to this, from 2006 to 2013, she worked in her own company as an international consultant on European Union funding, and also was involved in consultancy activities in the Western Balkans relating to the European Union Accession. In 2003 Ms. Jourová was appointed Deputy Minister for Regional Development, a position which she held for three years. Previously she worked as Head of the Department of Regional Development in the Vysočina Region, from 2001, and before that as Secretary and Spokesperson of the Třebič Municipal Office, from 1995 to 2001. Ms Jourová holds a Degree in Law (Mgr.) from the Charles University, Prague and a Master's degree (Mgr.) in the Theory of Culture from the Charles University, Prague.

Justice and Consumers JOVANOVIC Zeljko

Zeljko Jovanovic is director of the Open Society Roma Initiatives Office, which supports the voices and leadership of Roma in making their power felt in the policy-making arena. Jovanovic comes from a family of Roma ethnic background which, through a belief in hard work, self-determination and education, moved from multigenerational extreme poverty to the middle class in Serbia. Before joining the Open Society Foundations in 2006, he worked for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe on elections and public policy and for Catholic Relief Services on civil society development. He also has established and led a local Roma organization and community radio; volunteered for Roma political parties and protested for democracy during the Milosevic regime in Serbia; trained and mentored non-profit managers, advocates, and leaders internationally. Jovanovic has degrees in law from the University of Belgrade and in public policy from the University of Oxford. He also completed the Executive Education Program on Strategic Management at the Harvard University. He is a member of the Aspen Institute network.

JURA Cristian

Education and academic qualifications 2000 – 2003, PhD, Law Faculty, Bucharest University Professional activities 1st of January 2018 – member of European Commission against Racism and Intolerance – ECRI of the Council of Europe in respect of Romania April 2011 – to date, Professor of Public International Law, Christian University „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Bucharest 2015 – Member of the Radicalization Awareness Network RAN an initiative financed by EU April 2010 – appointed by the Romanian Parliament for a 5 years mandate, mandate renewed on 2015, State Secretary, Member of the Steering Board, National Council for Combating Discrimination November 2003 – January 2005, State Secretary, Department for Interethnic Relations, Government of Romania August 2002 – November 2003, President, State Secretary, National Council for Combating Discrimination Publications More than 20 books on Public International Law, Human Rights, Combating Discrimination, Sports Law and more than 40 scientific articles published in Romania or abroad. Awards 1st of March 2018 – Special prize awarded by Legal Science Society for the project Legal Days 17th of December 2004 – Special prize awarded by Jurists Union of Romania and ”Titu Maiorescu” Society for the book International Terrorism; 19th of December 2003 – prize Vespasian V. Pella awarded by Jurists Union of Romania for the book The Role of Nongovernmental organizations at International Level

Justice and Consumers KÄSPER Kari

Kari Käsper founded the Estonian Human Rights Centre, an independent human rights advocacy NGO which he is currently leading as Executive Director. He holds Bachelor and Master degrees in law from Tallinn University of Technology. His doctoral studies in public administration at the Nurkse School of Tallinn University of Technology relate to how new technologies change society, and particularly the impact techno-economic paradigm shifts have on human rights protection. Mr Käsper has over ten years of experience in human rights: he has been the editor of the independent report “Human Rights in Estonia” since 2009. He has also worked as an expert for the European Commission and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Since 2014 he has been advising multinational ICT companies as a member of the Human Rights Stakeholder Advisory Group of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). He belongs to the Estonian Association of Lawyers, and has been elected multiple times to the Supervisory Council by the members of the association. In 2017 he was appointed by the Estonian Minister of the Interior as one of the NGO representatives to the Supervisory Board of the Estonian National Foundation of Civil Society.

KANEV Dr. Krassimir

Dr. Krassimir Kanev graduated in 1982 from Sofia University. Specialized at Columbia University in 1996-97. Taught courses in sociology, sociology of law, critical social theory, environmental studies and international human rights in a number of colleges and universities in Bulgaria and abroad. Started human rights work in 1988. Since 1994 – Director of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. In the period 1998-2007 – member of the Executive Committee of the International Helsinki Federation on Human Rights. In the period 2005 - 2011 – member of the Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for victims of Torture. In the period 2007-2010 – member of the Board of Trustees of the European Roma Rights Center. Since 2006 – member of the Board of the Association for the Prevention of Torture. Since 2007 – member of the Board of Trustees of Public Interest Law Network. Since 2015 – member of the Management Board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency. Has published four books and dozens of articles on a number of human rights topics. Helped individuals and human rights NGOs in bringing cases to the European Court of Human Rights and UN bodies.

Justice and Consumers KANKO Assita

Born in Burkina Faso, Assita Kanko later immigrated to Belgium and was elected town councillor in Ixelles from 2012 tot 2018, one of the largest districts of Brussels, serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Development Agency ENABEL and contributes as a columnist for flemish newspaper De Standaard. In her work, she argues forcefully for women’s empowerment. Her first book “Parce que tu es une fille, histoire d’une vie excisée” (Because you are a girl, story of a circumcised life) is a story of her personal and intellectual journey to freedom as a woman after undergoing FGM at age 5. In 2015, she published “La deuxième moitié, plaidoyer pour un nouveau féminisme” (The second half, advocacy for a new feminism) about the position of women worldwide. In 2018 Assita founded Polin, the political incubator, a cross party initiative to strenghten the position of women in politics. Kanko’s latest book "Leading ladies"published in september 2018 to help women take their seats at the tables that matter. Assita is fluent in French, Dutch and English. As a consultant she helps implement SDG's in organizations. Her goal is to empower women and end Female Genital Mutilation.


Ms. Assya Kavrakova is the Director of the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) - - an international non-profit organization, based in Brussels, with a pan-European membership and 28 years of experience in EU citizens’ rights enforcement and civic participation in the EU decision-making process. She is also a member of the Stakeholder group of the REFIT Platform for Better Regulation. Before joining ECAS, Ms. Kavrakova served as the Director of European Policies Program at the Open Society Institute (OSI-S) in Sofia, Bulgaria, where she was also leading the analytical and research activity of the European Policies Initiative. She personally authored the paper: “The Unfinished Business of the Fifth Enlargement Countries”. Assya Kavrakova has a master’s degree in Law and another Master’s degree in European Studies. She has worked as a Public Policies and Outreach Director at the Democracy Network Program (DemNet) of the USAID. She was also the Executive Director of the Bulgarian branch of Transparency International. Assya Kavrakova is a German Marshall Memorial Fellow.

Justice and Consumers KAZATCHKINE Natacha

Open Society European Policy Institute Natacha Kazatchkine is head of the EU internal policy team for the Open Society European Policy Institute, where she oversees policy development and EU advocacy. She is responsible for developing analysis and advocacy strategies on EU policies to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law within Europe. She joined the Open Society European Policy Institute in April 2015. Before joining the Open Society Foundations, Kazatchkine was senior executive officer at the European Office of Amnesty International in Brussels, responsible for advocacy on EU internal human rights policy, justice, nondiscrimination, and security. From September 2013, she coordinated the Human Rights and Democracy Network’s working group on the EU’s internal human rights policy. She also worked for the European Parliament, drafting its 2012 report on the CIA rendition and secret detention programs in Europe. Kazatchkine holds an MA in European law and criminal policy from Paris Sorbonne University and has held academic posts as a lecturer and researcher. She also worked as a legal adviser for asylum seekers in the and as program coordinator on prison reform in Africa at Penal Reform International.

KING Sir Julian

Sir Julian King was appointed Commissioner for Security Union on the 19th September 2016.

He joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 1985. He has held various positions, including: UK Ambassador to France (2016); Director General Economic & Consular (2014); DG of the Northern Ireland Office London and Belfast (2011); UK Ambassador to Ireland (2009); EU Commission Chef de Cabinet to Commissioner for Trade (2008); UK Representative on EU Political and Security Committee, (2004).

Sir Julian is a graduate of Oxford University. He was awarded the KCVO in 2014; CVO in 2011 and CMG in 2006.

Justice and Consumers KLANDORF Kai

Kai Klandorf is an executive director of Network of Estonian Non-profit Organizations (NENO). NENO is one of Estonia’s largest umbrella organization that focuses on advocacy. Kai is mission driven professional with a diverse background. She is an experienced project manager with a demonstrated history of working in civil society. Skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Critical Thinking, and Business Process Improvement. Strong program and project management professional with work experience from both governmental institution and civil society organization and a Master's Degree from Tartu University.

KOCH Tanit

Tanit Koch is a journalist, member of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity and a much sought-after speaker and commentator on current affairs. Until March 2018 Tanit Koch was editor in chief of the largest German newspaper BILD. Previously she held several positions within Axel Springer SE, among others as deputy editor BILD, bureau chief of BILD HAMBURG and senior editor within the editorial board of WELT Group. She started her career with a journalistic training at the politics/business desk of BILD and the Axel Springer Journalism School in 2005.

Tanit Koch holds degrees in law and political science. She is an Atlantik Brücke Young Leader, former scholar of Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, alumna of the British German Forum and the Stanford Executive Program. She serves on the board of the foundation Deutschlandstiftung Integration.

Justice and Consumers KRISTENSEN Thomas Myrup

As Managing Director for EU Affairs and Head of Facebook's Brussels office, Thomas Myrup Kristensen is responsible for Facebook's representation towards the European Institutions. Before returning to Brussels, Thomas spent the last few years representing Facebook in a number of member states as well as countries outside the EU as Director Public Policy, Nordics, Central & Eastern Europe and . Before coming to Facebook in 2011, Thomas spent several years in Brussels working for Microsoft and before that he was a special adviser in the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Thomas' career in tech stems from a life-long passion for how tech can both improve human interactions and shape society. A bit of a techie himself, he also owns a growing collection of outdated gadgets.


Ľuboš Kukliš studied at Law Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, where he also obtained PhD in Administrative law. Since 2006 he is a chief executive at the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission of .

He is the Council’s representative in European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA), where he serves as a Chair and also leads ERGA’s Subgroup on the Internal and External Plurality.

In 2016-2017 he chaired ERGA Subgroup on Protection of Minors that examined systems for protection of minors in EU media environment.

In the field of media and administrative law he is also active in lecturing and writing - most recently Electronic Media Regulation (Wolters Kluwer, 2015), Slovak Broadcasting Act – A Commentary (Wolters Kluwer, 2016).

Justice and Consumers LADMANOVÁ Monika

Monika Ladmanová is an Advisor and Member of the Cabinet of the EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality on the issues of gender equality, antidiscrimination and minorities and corporate responsibility. Monika studied Law at the Charles University in Prague and at the Columbia University in New York. She has extensive experience in non-profit sector and private sector, having worked for the Soros Foundation in Prague for 11 years and for IBM for more than 6 years. In addition, Monika founded several non-governmental, non- partisan initiatives on human rights and gender equality.


Karl-Heinz Lambertz was elected as President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in July 2017 after serving a two and a half year term as First Vice-President. He is also a member of the Belgian Senate representing the German-Speaking Community. Born on 4 June 1952 in Schoppen, Karl-Heinz's interest in politics came early in his career having served as President of the German-speaking Youth Council (1975-1980). After a number of functions linked to his academic background in law, he became Member of Parliament of the German- speaking Community in 1981. Between 1990 and 1999 he held numerous Ministerial posts in the German-speaking Community Government before being elected its Minister- President (1999-2014). He was then President of Parliament until 2016 before taking post as Senator. Karl-Heinz has been a CoR member since 2001 and was President of the CoR's PES Group (2011- 2015). Since 2000, he has been a Member of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in which he is currently Vice-President.

Justice and Consumers

LANGBAKK Virginija

Virginija Langbakk is currently the Director of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) in Vilnius, . EIGE is a regulatory agency of the European Union. It supports the EU and its Member States in promoting gender equality, fighting discrimination based on sex and raising awareness about gender issues. Previously, Ms Langbakk worked as Deputy Director at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of . In her capacity as a gender expert, she has been involved in bringing the gender perspective into the public sector at local, regional and national levels in numerous countries worldwide. At the helm of the European Institute for Gender Equality since 2009, she is responsible for the management of both the administrative and operational structures. Her leading role includes developing and implementing the Institute's strategic programmes of activities and budgets. She aims at positioning the Institute as the most important knowledge centre for gender equality in the EU.


Jo LEINEN has been a Member of the European Parliament (S&D) since 1999. He is well known for his environmental and foreign affairs activities, as well as for his support for a Federal Europe. He is chair of the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China, S&D-spokesperson in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), and member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). Mr Leinen is honorary president of both, the European Movement International (EMI) and the Union of European Federalist (UEF). The former minister for the Environment of Saarland recently co-authored the book "A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century". He holds law degrees from Bonn University and the College of Europe.

Justice and Consumers LEMPART

Leader of the Polish Women’s Strike, Poland She is a women’s rights and democracy activist. She started and has been the leader of the national support committee of the Polish Women’s Strike, a coalition of women that on 3 October 2016 – known as Black Monday – organized and led the “black protests” in over 150 cities in Poland that stopped Polish parliament from introducing a total abortion. She took active part in summer 2017 protests for judiciary independence in Poland, along with other PWS members, and is a participant of anti-fascist nonviolent street blockades. Her main aim is mainstreaming women’s rights as unconditional, core value in modern, democratic society; not something to be “discussed later” - idea described as #PolandForEveryone initiative. Since 2012 she runs a small construction company (family business) and lives in Wrocław - southwest Poland with her partner Natalia and two dogs Bajka and Fraszka. Motto: People don’t need to be lead the way, they need to be supported when they walk their own. That’s how we will all get there.


Vesna Lendić Kasalo is a legal expert with extensive experience in civil society and civil service. As the Deputy Head of the Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, where she is employed since 2008, she is responsible for coordination activities in creating and proposing new strategic, legislative and institutional framework for the non- profit sector activities in the Republic of Croatia. She is a member of numerous expert working groups for drafting laws and policies. She is editor of the annual reports and several publications in the field of financing programs and projects of NGOs from public sources, and in consultation with the interested public in law-drafting procedures. She is an experienced trainer of civil servants in these areas.

Justice and Consumers LETERME Yves

Yves Leterme, a Belgian national, is the Secretary-General of the Stockholm-based intergovernmental organization International IDEA. Prior to International IDEA, Leterme served as Prime Minister of Belgium (2007 to 2011) and then as Deputy Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris (2011 to 2014). Before serving as Prime Minister, Leterme held a variety of political posts in Belgium. After starting his career as an Alderman in his home town of Ypres, he became a Member of Parliament in the Chamber of Representatives, Group Chairman and leader of the opposition, Secretary-General and Chairman of the CD&V party, Minister-President and Minister for Agriculture of the Flemish Regional Government, Federal Senator, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Budget and Mobility, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. During Leterme’s tenure as Prime Minister, Belgium held the Presidency of the European Union. Leterme has also worked, inter alia, as a deputy auditor at the Belgian Court of Audit and as an administrator at the European Parliament. Leterme, who was born on 6 October 1960, has degrees in Law and in Political Sciences from the University of Ghent.

LUK Ngo Chun

Ngo Chun Luk is Researcher in the Justice and Home Affairs unit at CEPS. He obtained his PhD in Law at Maastricht University in December 2017, with a focus on diaspora, citizenship rights and quasi-citizenship. At CEPS, his research focuses on European citizenship, migration, asylum and fundamental rights. He is currently actively involved in the research activities of the Network of Academic Experts on Citizenship Rights (EU- CITZEN). The EU-CITZEN Network’s research activities in 2018 focus specifically on democratic and political participation in the EU, in particular the electoral participation of Union citizens. Prior to joining CEPS, he was involved in the development of the MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship dataset and the Involuntary Loss of European Citizenship (ILEC) project.

Justice and Consumers


Paul Maassen started working with the Open Government Partnership in June 2012. He is currently the Chief, Country Support (CCS). The CCS leads on the implementation of the strategy for OGPs engagement with and strategic support of all OGP stakeholders at the national and local level. His team with staff in over 10 locations supports global efforts of open government champions, primarily of government and civil society, in using Open Government Partnership to further their objectives on transparency, accountability and participation. Before assuming this role Paul was responsible for overseeing the OGP support to civil society across the globe. Paul has a long track record in the role technology and media can play in changing people's lives and the societies they live in. Prior to joining OGP Paul worked as Head of Finance and Partnerships for WWF International' Global Climate & Energy Initiative, working primarily with WWF offices in emerging economies to strengthen the design and sustainability of their programs. Before joining WWF Paul worked for 7 years with Dutch development organisation Hivos, as program manager for the global ICT & Media program. This is where he learned the ropes of being a funder and got a deep understanding of the complexities of realizing change in developing and repressive countries. Paul strongly believes in the potential of individuals to make a difference if they set their mind to it and get the tools – including technology – to realize their potential. He was also involved in the establishment of the East African citizen agency initiative Twaweza. Paul attained private sector experience with Dutch telecom company KPN. He holds an MSC in industrial engineering and management. Paul is based in Brussels. Paul can be reached at [email protected]


Adam Majó Director of the Office for Civil and Political Rights (Catalan Government) Born in Manresa (Catalonia) in 1968 Degree in Germanistik from the University of Barcelona (UB). International Trade Postgraduate by UAB and Master's Degree in Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities by the UB. Since 2016, he has been Commissioned for the historic center of the city of Manresa. He was a councilor in the same consistory between 2008 and 2015. He has developed his professional career in the public and private sectors, where he has worked as an interpreter, translator and teacher. Father of two, Plays Rugby since 1996 and is a founder member of Manresa Rugby Club.

Justice and Consumers MARKERT Thomas

Thomas Markert is a German lawyer born in 1955 who studied at the University of Tübingen, the College of Europe in Bruges and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Medford, Massachusetts, USA. He obtained a Doctorate of Law of Tübingen University in 1989. Following his work as a practising lawyer he joined the Council of Europe in 1989 and has worked for the Venice Commission as from 1992. He was appointed Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Venice Commission in 2002. Extensive experience in South Eastern Europe, inter alia as legal adviser of EU Special Envoy Petritsch at the Rambouillet Conference and of EU Special Representative Léotard at the negotiations of the Ohrid Framework Agreement; took part in the drafting of the Constitutional Framework for Kosovo, the Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement prepared by UN Special Representative Ahtisaari and the Constitution of Kosovo, the Constitution of , the Constitutional Charter of Serbia and , proposals to amend the Dayton Constitution in and the special law on the referendum on independence in Montenegro. In Eastern Europe involved in the preparation of Venice Commission opinions on the Ukrainian Constitution and attempts to revise it, on the constitutional referendum in Belarus proposed by President Lukachenko, constitutional reforms in , and the Constitution of the Chechen Republic. Took part in various efforts to settle the conflicts in Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. He was involved in preparing Venice Commission opinions on Turkey and took more recently part in a number of conferences and visits on constitutional issues in the Southern Mediterranean. He was appointed Secretary of the Venice Commission on 1 March 2010.


Joanna Maycock has been Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) since 2014. EWL represents the diversity of the women’s movement across Europe bringing an independent feminist voice and real women’s voices into the EU political arena. Founded in 1990, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest alliance of over 2,000 women’s non-governmental associations in the EU coming together to campaign for their common vision of a Feminist Europe. A lifelong feminist, Joanna has 20 years’ experience in leadership positions in Civil Society. She led ActionAid International’s work in Europe and was the first (and only) woman President of CONCORD, the European Confederation of Development NGOs. Prior to that she worked for the International Organisation for Migration focusing on rights of migrant women and women victims of trafficking. Since joining the EWL, Joanna has been leading work with the membership to define a dynamic new strategic vision for the women’s movement in Europe, to strengthen its joint vision and work towards a feminist Europe. Joanna is a leading figure in women’s networks discussing women in leadership and feminist leadership in Brussels and was named one of the most influential women in Brussels by Politico newspaper in 2016, which described her as “A powerhouse on the Brussels NGO and political scene, (she) is in the vanguard of Brussels feminists, with an open line to leaders across the city. According to one of her peers, “She exercises influence and change even within structures where she does not have the she has within the European Women’s Lobby.” In 2018, Joanna was recently named one of Apolitical’s Top 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy.

Justice and Consumers


Kersty McCourt is a senior advocacy advisor with the Open Society Justice Initiative based in Brussels where she leads on a range of advocacy work related to access to justice, civic space, and counter-terrorism, and is part of the managing- troika of the Brussels-based Human Rights and Democracy Network. Previously, Kersty led the Justice Initiative’s advocacy on the Global Campaign for Pretrial Justice.

Prior to joining Open Society, Kersty worked with the Danish Institute for Human Rights. From 2008 to 2009, she was program manager in Copenhagen, , and from 2005 was the institute's head of mission in Rwanda managing a post-genocide justice program. Kersty qualified as a lawyer in the United Kingdom and worked for a number of NGOs in The Gambia, Kenya, and Namibia. She holds a BSc (Hons) in biological sciences from Durham University, United Kingdom, a post graduate diploma in law from the College of Law, United Kingdom, and a European MA in human rights and democratization. She is a member of the Law Society of England and Wales.


Tarlach McGonagle (Ph.D., University of Amsterdam) is a senior researcher/lecturer at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam and co-chair of the Working Group on human rights in the digital age within the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research. He specialises in, and has published widely on, a broad range of topics relating to international and European human rights law, in particular freedom of expression and minority rights; media law and policy; media pluralism; journalism; digital media; online disinformation, and “hate speech”. He regularly does expert work for the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. He is a member of the Council of Europe’s Committee of experts on quality journalism in the digital age. He was previously Rapporteur of the Council of Europe’s Committees of experts on protection of journalism and safety of journalists (2014- 15) and on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership (2016-17).

Justice and Consumers MENAPACE Andrea

He is the founder and current executive director of and vice- president of the Civil Liberties Union for Europe. He previously worked for the Transparency & Accountability Initiative in London and was a researcher for Italy in the Open Government Partnership. Always active in the field of human rights, he began his career as a humanitarian worker before becoming a consultant and researcher for governments as well as non-governmental and international organizations. He is also founder and president of Diritto Di Sapere (Right To Know), the first Italian organization working on the right of access to information. He graduated in law from the University of Trento.


Joana Mendes is Professor of Comparative Administrative Law since 2016, where she teaches courses in Comparative Administrative Law and EU Law. She graduated in law and obtained a master’s degree in public law (2002) at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). She has a doctor degree from the European University Institute (Italy), awarded in 2009. Before joining the University of Luxembourg, she worked at the University of Amsterdam (2009-2016), where she was Associate Professor at the Department of International and EU Law, senior researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance and PhD Dean. She has been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School (2014). She has also taught as a guest lecturer at the University of Coimbra, the European University Institute, the LUISS Carlo Guidi School of Government (summer school), and the Legal and Judicial Training Centre of Macao. She is member of the Steering Committee of ReNEUAL (Research Network of European Administrative Law) and of the editorial board of the Journal of European Integration. Her recent research focuses on administrative discretion in the EU (Individual research grant (VENI), awarded by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), between 2013 and 2016); on international regulatory cooperation, in particular in the framework of mega- regional agreements; and on the allocation of authority in EU and international law (in collaboration with dr. Ingo Venzke). Her publications include Participation in EU Rulemaking. A Rights-based Approach (OUP, 2011) and articles published in the Common Market Law Review, the European Law Journal, and the International Journal of Constitutional Law.

Justice and Consumers MERCADÉ Christel

Christel Mercadé is a lawyer specialised in the protection of EU fundamental rights. She works for the European Commission’s Unit of fundamental rights policies within the Directorate General for Justice. She is in charge of mainstreaming fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression, within the work of the Commission, including the drafting of policy-related legal instruments in the area of whistleblowing. Her area of work focuses also on the enforcement of EU law combating racism and xenophobia, with a particular focus on the fight against hate speech online. Before joining the Commission she served as an external legal consultant for the Commission (2014), as Human Rights lawyer before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights at the Peruvian NGO APRODEH (2011-2012) and as labour lawyer at the Spanish Lawfirm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves, Pereira (2008- 2011). Her educational background includes a degree in Economics (2006) and a degree in Law (2009) at the University Pompeu Fabra () and University of Leicester (UK) and a Master of European Law (LL M) at the College of Europe, Bruges (2012). She is a member of the Barcelona Bar association.


Ann METTLER is a Director-General at the European Commission where she heads the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC), the in-house think tank which reports directly to President Juncker. In this capacity, Ann also serves as Chair of the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), an inter-institutional project aimed at strengthening the EU's foresight capacity and anticipatory governance. The EPSC was awarded 'Best New Think Tank 2016' by the Global Go To Think Tank Index.

Prior to assuming this position in December 2014, Ann was for eleven years Executive Director of the Lisbon Council, a Brussels-based think tank she co-founded in 2003. From 2000-2003, she worked at the World Economic Forum, where she last served as Director for Europe.

Ann holds Masters Degrees in political science and European law and economics, and graduated with distinction from the University of New , USA, and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn, Germany. She also completed the executive education course 'Innovative Technology Leader' at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, USA.

Justice and Consumers MIHALACHE Ms

Ms Mihalache has 15 years of professional experience working with IOs, national and local governments, equality bodies, judicial institutions and CSOs on social inclusion, fundamental rights and Roma in particular. She developed and managed regional programmes, grants and activities on policy and legislative developments regarding access to justice, education, children’s rights, trafficking in persons, domestic violence, social protection, anti-discrimination, housing rights and empowerment of Roma women. She developed and implemented non-discrimination training of lawyers, judiciary, prison staff, journalists, police, equality bodies. She was both a programme and project manager at the Council of Europe developing and managing a joint programme with the European Commission, DG JUST on the Access of Roma and Traveller Women to Justice in Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Romania (“JUSTROM Programme”) and coordinated activities on non- discrimination, Roma women, youth and children as well as contributing to the intergovernmental work of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues. Previously, Ms Mihalache was the Deputy Director of the European Roma Rights Centre and a Senior Programme Manager at the Open Society Foundations on Roma issues.

MONS Barend

Barend Mons (born 1957, The Hague) is a molecular biologist and biosemantics specialist. He is known for innovations in scholarly collaboration, especially nanopublications and the FAIR data initiative. Since 2012 he is a Professor in Bio- Semantics at the Department of Human Genetics at the Leiden University Medical Centre and he is also affiliated with the Erasmus Medical Centre, University of , both in The Netherlands. In 2015 Mons was appointed chair of the High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud. Since 2017 Barend is heading the International Support and Coordination office of the GO FAIR initiative, aimed at the creation of the Internet for Social Machines.

Justice and Consumers MOOZOVA Irena

Ms Irena Moozova is a Director at the European Commission for Equality and Union Citizenship in its department for Justice (DG JUST). She is a Czech national and joined the Commission in 2006 as Head of EU Representation in Prague. Between May 2010 and April 2017 she was heading the Unit in charge of supporting the Commission Representations, in the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM). From 1991 till 2006 she had been working at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Czech and Slovak/Czech Republic in various management positions, such as Head of the Department of Internal Administration (1993-1995), Deputy Director of the Department of the Human Rights (1999-2000) and as a team coordinator at the NATO Summit (2002). She had served as Czech Deputy Ambassador in Madrid (1995-1998), Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the OSCE in Vienna (2000-2004) and the Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UNESCO in Paris (2004-2006). Ms Moozova graduated at the Prague Charles University Faculty of Law and has completed postgraduate studies at Diplomatic Academy in Madrid. She is married and has two daughters.

MÓRA Veronika

Veronika Móra has been working with Ökotárs - Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation since 1997 and holds the position of the director since 2007. Earlier, she was the national consultant for the Dutch Foundation Milieukontakt Oosteuropa, but also worked for the eco-counselling office of Ecoservice Foundation. With HEPF and earlier, she’s been working on a variety of issues related to ecological consumption, gene technologies and public participation. Since 2003 she’s been leading HEPF’s Civil Partner program aiming to improve the legal- fiscal environment of civil society, but she also gained experience in managing and overseeing grant programs of various sizes, not least the Hungarian NGO Fund under the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Besides her full time occupation she also has voluntary positions in a number of NGOs, among them the chairmanship of the Hungarian Donors Forum, which works on developing the (corporate) philantropic culture in the country. She is a biologist (MSc) by education, but also has a MA degree in organisational psychology, and most recently gained a diploma in environmental law.

Justice and Consumers DIAZ Moreno

Jose Antonio Moreno Diaz is an attorney at law specialising in criminal law and international law, focussing on migration and asylum and human rights. He is equally the confederal legal advisor of the Spanish trade union "Comisiones Obreras" with matters pertaining to immigration. In this capacity he is a member of the tripartite immigration work commission of the Spanish Ministry of Labor and Immigration and a member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). He was a founder and former president of the Spanish NGO "S.O.S Racismo España".


John is an Emile Noël Global Fellow 2018-19 at New York University Law School’s Jean Monnet Center, where he studies what to learn from and do about sustained levels of support for populist politicians across the EU. He is a Dutch civil servant (now on leave of absence) and was the head of unit of the Ministry of the Interior at the Dutch Permanent Representation to the EU (2015-2018) and a senior human rights law adviser at the same Ministry. Since 2010 he has also held a part-time appointment as an assistant professor in European human rights law at the University of (Netherlands). John studied Dutch law (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands), EU law (College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium) and holds a PhD in international law from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy).

Justice and Consumers MOSER Dr. Josef

Dr. Josef Moser was born on 6 October 1955 in Lienz, East Tyrol, and was appointed Minister of Justice on 18 December 2017. Due to the reorganisation of the ministry's responsibilities, Josef Moser is Federal Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice, since 8 January 2018. The well-known expert on administrative law was president of the Austrian Court of Audit and Secretary General of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) from 2004 to 2016. Moser gained reputation for his numerous reform proposals. Moser, who holds a doctorate in law, was employed in various positions within the public administration. There he took over management functions within the financial administration of Carinthia and at the Austrian parliament. Josef Moser is married, with one daughter and lives in Vienna.


Advocacy officer at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Warsaw, Poland), one of the Europe's leading human rights NGOs. Since 2009, I have been one of the leading HFHR's lawyers and researchers, often partnering with, among others, the European Agency for Fundamental Rights on major research projects. My research and advocacy focu ses on issues of the independence of the judiciary, threats to the rule of law and democratic backsliding. I'm a member of the Warsaw Bar Association.

Justice and Consumers NAJMOWICZ Alexandrina

Alexandrina NAJMOWICZ has been working for over ten years in the third sector and not-for-profit organisations in France and Europe wise. She is currently Director of the European Civic Forum, a transnational network of over 100 associations across Europe, working to protect civic space, enable civic participation and build civil dialogue for more equality, solidarity and democracy in Europe. In this capacity, she leads different campaigns and initiatives aiming to strengthen the capacity and the role of civil society organisations to stand and act for these values, defend citizens’ rights and become influential in the decision making process. She represents the European Civic Forum in different stakeholders’ groups within the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee or the Council of Europe’s OING Conference.


Alice Neffe serves as legal counsel for ADF International in Belgium, advocating for religious freedom at the European Union. Prior to joining ADF International, Neffe worked in academic research in Helsinki, . She was the coordinator of the Finnish Center of Chinese Law and Chinese Legal Culture, where she developed research and academic cooperation on Chinese law internationally. She also gained experience in human rights when she worked as research assistant at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, and as a legal assistant with Parisian law firms. Neffe earned her Master degree in International and Comparative Law from the University of Helsinki. She also obtained a Master’s degree in International Law from Panthéon- Sorbonne University (Paris 1).

Justice and Consumers NEUNTEUFL Franz

Franz Neunteufl is an agriculturalist by education and has worked many years as a project manager and consultant in several African countries on behalf of Austrian development cooperation. From 2003 to 2011 he held the position of Executive Director of Médecins sans frontières (MSF) in .

In 2011, he became the Director of IGO, an interest group of currently over 50 national and international nonprofit- organizations in Austria. In that quality, Franz Neunteufl has been the driving force, since 2015, of the creation of an alliance of currently 18 Austrian umbrella organizations and networks, covering a wide range of public benefit activities and social services, in order to improve the exchange among them and to strengthen third sector representation in Austria.

NEVEN Marilyn

Marilyn Neven is Programme Manager in the Office of International IDEA to the European Union. The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization with a mandate to advance democratic processes worldwide. Marilyn’s main role is to reinforce International IDEA’s relations with the European institutions and Belgium, and to enhance the Institute’s profile and visibility at these levels, as well as with democracy actors in Brussels. She also contributes to increasing the EU focus on democratic governance, including in the implementation of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At programmatic level, Marilyn focuses on gender equality and women’s empowerment, democracy and youth participation, the implementation of the Agenda 2030 SDGs and on democracy in the EU. Marilyn has been special adviser to the Secretary-General of the Institute in 2015. Her previous work experience includes advisory positions to several Belgian Ministers during the period of 2008- 2014, including to the Prime Minister (2010-2011). She worked at the European Parliament and the European Commission during the period 2004-2008.

Justice and Consumers NIEDERMÜLLER Péter

Mr. Niedermüller earned his PhD at the University of Debrecen in Hungary. He is the author, and co-author of several papers and volumes on the field of cultural anthropology. Mr. Niedermüller previously worked as university professor, teaching ethnology and cultural anthropology at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Mr. Péter Niedermüller is currently Member of the European Parliament, Treasurer and Vice-President of the Progressive Alliance of Socialist and Democrats. He is a full member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), where he is engaged in issues of human rights, fundamental rights, rule of law and migration. He is also a member of the Delegation for relations with , and the Special Committee on Terrorism.


Ivan Novosel is a Director of Programs at Human Rights House Zagreb, Croatia where he coordinates research, monitoring and advocacy activates aimed to uphold and promote human rights standards and norms in Croatia, with a special focus on freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and protection of human rights defenders.

He is a member of Ombudsperson's Human Rights Council, and Government's Advisory Council on Civil Society Development.

Ivan holds an MA in Human Rights from the Central European University, Legal Studies Department, Hungary, and an MA in Political Science from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, Croatia. He was awarded Open Society Justice Initiative Fellowship in 2012/14.

Ivan's main fields of interests are human rights, rule of law, democratic institutions, national minorities and LGBTIQ issues.

Justice and Consumers NYS Herman

Herman Nys is emeritus professor in medical law (KU Leuven), editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Health Law and editor of the International Encyclopaedia of Medical Law. He has been member of the European Group on Ethics (2010-2016) and is first vice chair of the European Group on Ethics (2017-2019). He is co-founder (2008) and director (2008-2017) of the European Association of Health Law. He is president of the Institute for Care Research and Consultancy-Lucas of KU Leuven.


Ciara O'Brien has been the chair of COHOM (Council Working Party on Human Rights) based in the European External Action Service since 2015. A serving Irish diplomat, she previously worked for many years in Irish development policy focussing on both humanitarian aid and human rights policy and programming. She chaired the CODEV (development cooperation) working party during the Irish Presidency in 2013 and worked extensively on the 2030 Agenda negotiations in Brussels and New York. She has had previous postings in Paris, Brussels and Geneva.

Justice and Consumers O’CONNEL Noelle

Noelle was appointed Executive Director of European Movement Ireland in April 2011. European Movement Ireland is Ireland’s longest established NFP promoting and developing connections between Ireland and Europe through a range of communications, advocacy, education and training projects and programmes. Prior to leading European Movement Ireland, Noelle provided business development training, education and public affairs consultancy to a wide variety of both private and public sector clients. She held management consultancy positions in Accenture; headed up the Training, Education and Development function of the Construction Industry Federation of Ireland, and was formerly a Director on the Board of Skillnets.

Noelle also has significant experience in the co-operative and third-level sectors and holds an MSc in International & European Politics from the University of Edinburgh, a BA Hons in European Studies and Languages from University College Cork, Ireland. She is a Fellow of the Irish Institute of Training and Development, a member of the CIPD and the Institute of Directors of Ireland, and is also a member of the Board of Alliance Française.


Michael O'Flaherty is Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. Previously, he was Established Professor of Human Rights Law and Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland Galway, and served as Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission. From 2004-2012, he was a member of the United National Human Rights Committee, latterly as a Vice-Chairperson. He is currently adjunct Professor of Law at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. Michael O'Flaherty has held a number of senior posts at the United Nations, including the establishment of the UN human rights field missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sierra Leone. Prof. O'Flaherty came to NUI Galway from the University of Nottingham where he was Professor of Applied Human Rights and Co-director of the Human Rights Law Centre. His publications include volumes on the law and practice of human rights field operations, the professionalization of human rights field work and on human rights diplomacy.

Justice and Consumers O'REILLY Emily

Emily O'Reilly was elected as the in 2013. She is an author and former journalist and broadcaster who became Ireland's first female Ombudsman in 2003 and in 2007 she was also appointed Commissioner for Environmental Information and Freedom of Information Commissioner. As former political editor, broadcaster and author, her career attracted significant domestic and international recognition including a Harvard University Fellowship in 1988 and multiple national awards. She has written three critically acclaimed books on Irish politics and media and is a current member of the International Advisory Board of Harvard's Nieman Foundation for Journalism. Ms O'Reilly is a graduate of University College Dublin with a Degree in European Languages and Literature (1979) and holds a Graduate Diploma in Education from Trinity College Dublin (1980). She was conferred with an Honorary Doctorate in Laws by the National University in Ireland in 2008 for her work in promoting human rights throughout her career as a journalist and through her work as Ombudsman. In 2014 she was conferred a second time with an Honorary Doctorate of Law from University College Dublin in Ireland. In the course of her journalistic career, she won two awards: Journalist of the Year and Woman Journalist of the Year.


Jean O’Mahony is the Head of Strategic Engagement with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC). IHREC is Ireland’s national human rights institution and national equality body. As Head of Strategic Engagement, her areas of responsibility include external communications, public affairs, stakeholder engagement, and the implementation of Ireland’s Public Sector Human Rights and Equality Duty. Jean has previously served as a Special Adviser to the Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland) and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade between 2011 and 2014, and as a public policy specialist in one of Ireland’s largest financial institutions.

Justice and Consumers ÓMARSDÓTTIR Silja Bára

Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science at the . Her research mainly focuses on Icelandic society and politics, Iceland’s foreign and security policy and feminist international relations. She holds degrees in BA, MA and PhD degrees international relations from Lewis & Clark College, the University of Southern California, and University College Cork, as well as post-graduate certificates in methodology of social sciences and university teaching from the University of Iceland. She is engaged in numerous research projects on feminist foreign policy, peace studies, resilience and societal security. Dr. Ómarsdóttir has served on the boards of the Icelandic Feminist Association, The Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, the UNIFEM National Committee in Iceland, and the Icelandic Gender Equality Council. She was a delegate on Iceland’s Constitutional Council in 2011, where she chaired the committee addressing human rights and natural resources. Currently, she serves on the board of the Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland and the board of advisors of Höfði – Reykjavik Peace Centre, as well as the Icelandic Committee of the Red Cross. She is a member of the Icelandic chapter of the Nordic Women Mediator Network.


Ruurd Oosterwoud (1989) is the founder of DROG, an organisation that researches how to combat fake news and disinformation. DROG uses a playful approach to their campaigns, which turns out to be an effective way to achieve awareness. For one of their campaigns DROG developed the serious game 'Bad News', in which players are challenged to develop and spread fake news. Together with the University of Cambridge, DROG researches the effectiveness of this unconventional approach, based on inoculation theory. Ruurd has an MA in Russian and Eurasian Studies. He was the first student to specialise in Russian disinformation at Leiden University (2015). Still in University he set up recommendations for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on fake news, based on his research.

Justice and Consumers OSTLING Alina

Alina Ostling holds a PhD title in Political Sciences from the European University Institute. Alina has a long experience as both researcher and practitioner providing analytical support to the European Commission, to international organisations (UNDP, UNICEF, OSCE/ODIHR), and to civil society organisations (Transparency International, Open Government Partnership) in the areas of political participation, media, technology and equality.


Simon Panek is the co-founder and executive director of People in Need, a humanitarian organization based in Czech Republic. People in Need provides humanitarian aid and solidarity for human rights and civil society, principally in authoritarian or conflict-ridden states and zones, including Chechnya, the Balkans, Belarus, Ukraine, and Cuba. Panek's activism goes back to 1989, when as a student activist in the Velvet Revolution he was a leader of several anti-regime occupation strikes. Panek served as a foreign policy specialist on the Balkans and Human Rights issues in the presidential administration of Vaclav Havel. Simon is a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations (, and a founding member of the Board of the European Partnership for Democracy ( From 2004 to 2010, Simon was the Chairman of a Board of Czech NGOs development platform FoRS, ( From 2011 to 2013, Simon served as the Supervisory Council President of Alliance 2015, European NGO network ( Since last year, Simon has been the Chairman of the Board of a new institution working in former countries called the Prague Civil Society Centre ( Pánek is a recipient of the 2002 Czech State Medal of Merit and the 2003 European of the Year Award.

Justice and Consumers PARADIS Evelyne

Evelyne Paradis is the Executive Director of ILGA-Europe. She is responsible for providing overall leadership, strategic direction and management of the organisation. Evelyne joined ILGA-Europe in 2005. Before becoming ILGA-Europe's Executive Director, she held the position of Policy Director, coordinating the organisation's advocacy work with the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Among other things, she led ILGA-Europe's campaign and lobbying work on the new proposed EU anti-discrimination directive. Prior to joining ILGA-Europe, Evelyne worked with the UN High Commission for Human Rights, the Council of Europe and human rights NGOs in . She worked as a research assistant to the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and Special Representative for human rights defenders, as well as a member of the preparatory team of the World Conference Against Racism. She also led human rights education projects for an international NGO based in Canada for over two years. Originally from Canada, Evelyne holds post-graduate degrees in history, political science and European studies from Canadian and French universities. She completed a Master's thesis on racial discrimination and citizenship in Europe.

PARCU Pier Luigi

Pier Luigi Parcu is part-time Professor at the European University Institute (EUI) from 2010. He is currently Area Director of the FSR Communications & Media, Director of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom and Director of the Florence Competition Programme in Law and Economics. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). His research in the area of industrial organization and law and economics focuses on the interaction between regulation and antitrust in shaping firms’ behaviour. As regards research in the media and Internet areas, Professor Parcu’s interests focus on the effects of ownership concentration and internal governance of the media enterprise on pluralism and freedom of expression and on the influence of offline business models on new economic developments related to online platforms, smart cities and artificial intelligence.

Justice and Consumers PARDAVI Márta

Márta Pardavi is co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, a leading human rights non-governmental organisation based in Budapest, Hungary. A lawyer by training, she leads the organisation's work in the field of refugee protection and protecting civic space. She now also serves on the board of PILnet Hungary Foundation and of Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival; previous to that, she was a member of the board, and later vice-chair, of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles in 2003-2011.


Since 2002 Ms. is Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe, a network of 120 organisations representing 40 million seniors across Europe, in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and participatory status to the Council of Europe. AGE aims to promote older persons’ rights at EU and UN level and voice the interests of the 190 million inhabitants aged 50+ living in the EU. Ms. Parent represents AGE in the High Level Group on Pensions and sits in the Euro Retail Payment Board of the European Central Bank in which she is leading an informal group on accessibility of retail payments. She also chairs the Financial Services Users’ Group set up by the European Commission, and the Advisory Board of Assisted Ambient Living Joint Programme. She is a member of the Expert Group of the EU-UNECE Active Ageing Index project, and of the Advisory Board of the New Pact for Europe. In 2016, Mrs. Parent was elected Secretary General of the European Covenant on Demographic Change, a large network bringing together subnational public authorities, non-for-profit and profit actors who wish to join forces to promote age-friendly environments to support active and healthy ageing in cooperation with WHO.

Justice and Consumers PAST Liisa

Liisa Past is an Estonian cyber security and strategic communication expert participatin

g in the Next Generation Leaders program at the McCain Institute. Former Chief Research Officer at the cybersecurity branch of the Estonian Information System Authority, she is a cyber defense and strategic communication professional whose work has focused information security, and the social and political impact of technology, including risk and vulnerability management. In particular, Liisa designs, leads and carries out analysis related to cyber security, including threat and impact assessment. Liisa Past led a pan-European initiative to provide guidelines for cyber security of election technology. Recently, her comprehensive risk assessment of technology used in elections in Estonia was the basis of inter-agency cooperation on election security. Liisa’s previous assignments include Head of Communications for the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. Liisa has contributed to a number of non-profit causes, particularly in the areas of democratic education and human rights. Liisa Past holds a BA from Barnard College, Columbia University in Political Science and a MA (cum laude) in Media Research from Tartu University. She has taught courses in rhetoric, public relations and communication strategy, media and minorities and political culture at a number of universities and spent research time at the University of Oslo. As a Next Generation Leader at the McCain Institute for international Leadership, Past seeks to bolster long-term cyber defense planning in Estonia by developing multi-scenario strategic planning approaches, defining performance indicators, and advancing situational awareness tools.


Inita Pauloviča has more than twenty years of increasing responsibilities in development related jobs within the Government of (Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Culture and State Chancellery) and international institutions (UNDP) with the focus on setting up new institutional strucures, processes and policies at a national level. Inita has a substantive experience in policy analysis, development, monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning. Currenly her responsibilities include issues related to implementation of the Public Administration Reform in Latvia and development and of the Civil society consultation process.

Justice and Consumers PAZDERSKI Filip

A lawyer and sociologist after studies at University of Warsaw, he has also graduated from European Master’s Degree Program in Human Rights and Democratization (E.MA) in Venice. Currently he is finalising his dissertation as a PhD candidate at the Institute of Sociology and Philosophy of the Polish Academy of Science. Since 2010 Policy analyst and project manager in the Society and Democracy Program of the Institute of Public Affairs in Poland. He is working on civic engagement, public participation, quality of democracy and social enterprises development, being an author of numerous expert opinions and publications on these subjects. He has conducted several surveys on civic education and youth public engagement in Poland and coordinated civic monitoring of the election campaign financing transparency during 2014 local elections in Poland. Since 2003 he is active in civil society building, as well as promotion of human rights and democratic standards while cooperating with several different NGOs in Poland and abroad. One of the co- founders and since 2009 a president of the Association for the Podlasie Land DRUMLA. Co-author of the Long-term policy on volunteering development in Poland prepared within Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

PECH Laurent

Laurent Pech is Professor of European Law and Head of the Law and Politics Department at Middlesex University London. Laurent is also a Visiting Professor of Law at Bordeaux University. Professor Pech specialises in EU Public Law and has lectured in a variety of subjects including EU Constitutional Law, EU Internal Market Law and EU Fundamental Rights Law. Professor Pech is currently a member of the editorial board of the Hague Journal on the Rule of Law and a member of the H2020-funded RECONNECT project: His most recent scholarly publication focusing on the rule of law was co-authored with Professor Kim Scheppele and is entitled “Illiberalism Within: Rule of Law Backsliding in the EU” (2017) 19 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 3. Professor Pech was also the lead author of a research report commissioned by the European Parliament on the establishment of an EU mechanism on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights (PE 579.328, April 2016). He also regularly publishes on legal blogs such as the Verfassungblog:

Justice and Consumers PEDRESCHI Dino

Dino Pedreschi is a professor of computer science at the University of Pisa, and a pioneering scientist in data science. He co-leads the Pisa KDD Lab - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory, a joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and the Information Science and Technology Institute of the Italian National Research Council. His research focus is on big data analytics and mining, machine learning and AI, and their impact on society: human mobility and sustainable cities, social network analysis, complex social and economic systems, data ethics and privacy-preserving data analytics, . He is a founder of the Business Informatics MSc program at Univ. Pisa, a course targeted at the education of interdisciplinary data scientists, and of, the European H2020 Research Infrastructure "Big Data Analytics and Social Mining Ecosystem" He is the director of the interdisciplinary Data Science PhD program at Scuola Normale Superiore I Pisa, jointly with CNR, Univ. Pisa, Scuola Sant’Anna and Scuola IMT Lucca. Dino has been a visiting scientist at Barabasi Lab (Center for Complex Network Research) of Northeastern University, Boston, and earlier at the University of Texas at Austin, at CWI Amsterdam and at UCLA. In 2009, Dino received a Google Research Award for his research on privacy- preserving data mining.


Róisín Pillay is Director of the Europe and Central Asia Regional Programme at the International Commission of Jurists, where she is responsible for the ICJ’s work to advance the legal protection of human rights across the region. She has worked extensively on national implementation of international human rights law, on judicial independence and the rule of law, on protection of human rights in migration, and on human rights in counter- terrorism, and has overseen the ICJ’s programme of third party interventions at the European Court of Human Rights, as well as advocacy on human rights mechanisms and standards of the Council of Europe and European Union. Róisín previously worked for the Irish Law Reform Commission, for JUSTICE, the British section of the ICJ, and as an advisor to the UK Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, before joining the ICJ in 2006. She studied law at Trinity College Dublin and at the University of Cambridge and qualified as a barrister in Ireland.

Justice and Consumers PIRC MUSAR Nataša, PhD.

After graduating from the Faculty of Law of the University of , Slovenia in 1992, she passed the national bar examination in 1997. From 1989 until 1996 she was employed at the Slovenian national television station as a journalist and news presenter for the main news programme. From 1996 she worked for five years as a news presenter on “24 ur”, the primary information programme of the largest commercial television broadcaster in Slovenia, POP TV. In 2003 she became the Director of the Training and Communications Centre of the Supreme Court. From 2004 until 2014 Nataša has held the office of Information Commissioner. In 2009, Nataša Pirc Musar was elected Vice President of the Europol Joint Supervisory Body, and in 2013 President of the JSB Europol. In 2013 she was a member of the Ad hoc EU USA group of experts with the mandate to discuss the “Snowden” affair with USA. Nataša has her owm law firm since Janury 1, 2015. In November 2015 she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis at Vienna University titled How to strike the right balance between access to public information and personal data protection – using a public interest test.


After having obtained a master in philosophy and a doctorate in legal studies, Yves Poullet has created in 1979 and has been director of CRIDS (UNamur Research Center Computer Law and society) since its creation in 1979 until August 31, 2010, he conducted various researches in the field of Internet law notably in the context of European research projects. He conducted different studies on Internet Governance (notably in link with IGF) and developed publications (more than 300 hundred) on privacy issues, individual and public freedom, legal aspects of IPR and electronic commerce. Moreover, he was full professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Namur (UNamur) where I teaches different lessons like Comparative Law, Roman law, Commercial Law and Internet law. He has also be part time professor at the University of Liège. He has conducted as promotor or member of the jury) more than twenty-five doctoral researches, in different countries (Canada, Norway, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, UK and the Netherlands). He has been nominated as expert in different Belgian and t international organizations (notably, UNESCO, European Commission, Council of Europe) and chaired a lot of European and international associations in the field of his research. He is since 2009 member of the Belgian Royal Academy, he has been rector of the University of Namur from 2010 till 2017. He is now professor emeritus of the Faculty of law (Unamur), associate professor at the UC Lille. He is co-chairing the Namur Digital Institute (NADI which joins together more than 150 researchers from different disciplines (Computer Sciences, management, sociology, ethics, Law) working together on digital world..

Justice and Consumers PRADHAN Sanjay

Sanjay Pradhan joined the Open Government Partnership in May 2016 as Chief Executive Officer. In that capacity, Sanjay has led the support to the 75 countries, growing local governments and thousands of civil society organizations to make governments more open, participatory and less corrupt. He has led OGP’s policy dialogue with Heads of States, senior ministers and civil society organizations across the partnership, and served as OGP’s global spokesperson. Bringing a wealth of open government and innovation experience to the role, he previously served in three senior positions at the : as the Vice President for Leadership, Learning and Innovation, the Vice President of the World Bank Institute, and the Director for Governance. While at the World Bank, Mr. Pradhan tirelessly promoted open development. He led the World Bank’s Governance and Anticorruption Strategy, launched the Global Partnership for Social Accountability, incubated ICT-mediated citizen feedback to improve governance, initiated Open Contracting with Partners, and rolled out a flagship Collaborative Leadership for Development program to help government and civil society leaders undertake collaborative actions. During his tenure at the World Bank, Sanjay gained extensive experience working in Africa, South Asia, Europe and Central Asia. Mr. Pradhan is a global spokesperson and distinguished speaker on open governance and anticorruption issues, appearing in major world forums including the TED Global Conference, the UN General Assembly, the European Parliament, the BBC World Debate, South by Southwest (SXSW), London Anti-Corruption Summit, IACC, and OGP Global Summits in Europe, Asia and the Americas. He has published widely, and was a principal author of the 1997 World Development Report, The State in a Changing World. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy and a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard University.

RAVO Linda

Linda Ravo is a legal expert specialised in EU human rights law. Linda works as a legal and policy officer in Directorate General Justice in the European Commission as part of the "Fundamental Rights Policy" unit. She is responsible for issues related to the civil society space in the EU, access to justice and the implementation of EU policies and legislation on countering racism and xenophobia. She also is in charge of the mainstreaming of fundamental rights in a number of policy areas, including migration, internal security and counter-terrorism. Before joining the Commission, Linda has worked as a legal research assistant in the European Institutions Office of Amnesty International in Brussels and at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna, after having practiced as a lawyer in Italy for some years. She obtained a Ph.D. in EU law at the University of Trieste, Italy and has been focussing her academic research, lecturing and publications on EU human rights related issues, in particular in the field of access to justice, non- discrimination and asylum.

Justice and Consumers REIDY Dr Theresa

Dr Theresa Reidy is a political scientist in the Department of Government at University College Cork. Her research interests lie in the areas of party politics, political institutions and electoral behaviour and her recent work has been published in Electoral Studies, Parliamentary Affairs and Politics. She is currently leading a comparative project on voter facilitation and engagement practices and working on the most recent general election in Ireland. She has given expert evidence to parliamentary committees, the Constitutional Convention of Ireland and the Citizens’ Assembly of Ireland is also a regular contributor to national and international radio and tv, and the print media.

ROBLEDO Priscilla, LL.M.

Formerly an intellectual property lawyer, she joined the non- profit sector in 2015, working on various topics: environment, migrants and refugees, anti-corruption and transparency, civic engagement, digital democracy. She is an advocacy campaigner for civil and human rights, and manager, supervising Riparte il futuro's strategic projects and operations. Earlier in 2018 she has been awarded the IVLP scholarship from the US Department of State. She is currently responsible for the management and coordination of , a multilingual platform for citizens and CSOs involvement during the 2019 EU Elections co-financed by the EU Commission. The project (also called YouVoteEU) is being implemented by a Consortium of 5 European NGOs.

Justice and Consumers ROGER Christine

Since July 2015, Christine ROGER is Director General for Justice and Home Affairs for the Council of the European Union (Secretariat General), after having served two years as Director for Home Affairs in the Council. From 2009 to 2013, she was Director for Communication for the Council of the European Union and the European Council. Before joining the Council in 2009, Christine ROGER was France's Ambassador to the European Union's Political and Security Committee, responsible for Foreign Policy, Security and Defense issues. She was previously Head of European Commissioner Michel Barnier's private office when he was responsible for Regional Policy and Institutional Affairs (1999-2004) and Adviser to the President of the European Commission Jacques Santer (1996-1999). Christine ROGER is a graduate from the French business school Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) and from the Ecole nationale d'Administration (ENA).


Originally a teacher, Jean-Marc ROIRANT has served for almost 25 years (1993-2017) as Secretary General of the Ligue de l’Enseignement. Wishing to promote associative engagement and activism at regional and international levels, he held several political functions within different networks of organisations. Jean-Marc founded the European Civic Forum in 2005, together with dozens of NGOs from all over Europe. He now holds a position within the European Economic and Social Committee, where he is a member of the group III. He was also appointed Chair of Civil Society Europe, the European coordination body for civil society networks and an independent voice promoting a space for structured civil dialogue and citizen’s participation at all levels.

Justice and Consumers ROMERO Carmen

Carmen Romero was appointed NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy in October 2016. She joined NATO in May 2004 as Deputy Spokesperson and Head of Press and Media, a position she held for 12 years. She has also been Acting NATO Spokesperson, including during the Russia-Georgia war in August 2008. Prior to this, Carmen had a long career as the Foreign Affairs Correspondent for EFE News Agency based at the United Nations in Geneva, Moscow and Paris, covering events such as the revolution in Romania, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the war in Chechnya, the crisis in Kosovo, and the NATO campaign in the former Yugoslavia. From 2001 to 2004 she was the Defence and Foreign Affairs Correspondent for EFE News Agency to the European Union and NATO. During that period she was also special envoy to Iraq and Afghanistan. Carmen has a Master’s degree in Journalism and Information Science from the Universidad Complutense de Ciencias de la Informacion de Madrid. In 1996, she received an award for Young Journalists by the International Press Association in Madrid for her coverage of the war in Chechenia.


Ron is an Austrian citizen, speaking German and English fluently, with some basic French and Spanish language skills. He resides in Berlin, where he is the abbot of a Buddhist center. Ron is a practicing Buddhist for more than 30 years. He has been studying all major Mahayana Buddhist texts and Sutras for many years, as well as the main texts of the „Pali Canon“. Ron was elected president of the EBU in 2017. He also chaired the pan-European EBU Conference events „Buddhism in Action“ in Berlin, and „Wisdom and Compassion in European societies“ in Malaga in April 2018. Ron is also a professional film director, working mostly in Europe, but also in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. In his spare time, he likes to sail on the sea and play the Ukulele. About the EBU: The European Buddhist Union is the international umbrella association of Buddhist organizations and National Buddhist Unions in Europe. It represents roughly 5 million Buddhist across Europe. The EBU envisions a fellowship of European Buddhists bringing Buddhist ideas and principles into European society.

Justice and Consumers


Anna Rurka is President of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe. The Conference of INGOs is a political and collective Council of Europe body representing the INGOs enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe. Its role is to affirm the political role of civil society at the Council of Europe, strengthen the freedom of association and associated rights in the Member States and reinforcing NGO participation in decision-making processes. With a view to achieving its objectives, the Conference of INGOs work together with the other bodies of the Council of Europe and governmental and intergovernmental institutions.

Anna Rurka, is a Senior Lecturer at the University Paris Nanterre (France), Vice President of European Committee for Home-based Priority Action for the Child and the Family (EUROCEF, INGO with participatory status with the Council of Europe).


Advocacy officer at the Polish Society of Antidiscrimination Law. Final-year law student at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. Graduate of the British Law Center Diploma in English and European Law at the Warsaw University in cooperation with University of Cambridge. Scholarship recipient of the Humanity in Action Foundation - John Lewis Fellowship 2017 in Atlanta, focusing on the problem of restorative justice. Graduate of the OSCE LIVE Training on Preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalism, after which she created her own workshops focused on human rights education for minors placed in state-run institutions. Volunteer lecturer at "Constitutional Week", a Zbigniew Hołda Society conducted project. She completed the workshops "Innocence Project - Preventing wrongful convictions" at the University of Warsaw (in cooperation with Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights). She published on the topic of legal aspects of discrimination in Rzeczpospolita journal and Co- author of the FIDH/PSAL latest report on the situation of the civil society in Poland “All downhill from here: the rapid degradation of the rule of law in Poland: what it means for women’s sexual and reproductive rights, and LGBT+ persons’ rights”.

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SARTOR Giovanni

Giovanni Sartor is full professor in legal informatics at the University of Bologna. He also is part-time professor in Legal informatics and Legal Theory at the European University Institute of Florence. After graduating cum laude at the University of Bologna, he obtained a PhD at the European University Institute (Florence). He was researcher at the Italian National Council of Research (ITTIG, Florence), held the chair in Jurisprudence at Queen's University of Belfast, and was Marie-Curie professor at the European University of Florence. He has been President of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law and is co- director of the Artificial Intelligence and law journal. He has published widely in ICT law (data protection, ICT and human rights, intermediary liability, the regulation of AI, etc.), legal theory (logic, argumentation, legal concepts), computational logic (defeasible reasoning, modal, deontic, and action logic), artificial intelligence (formal argumentation, knowledge representation, multiagents systems), legislative technique, legal philosophy, law and technology.

SCHAAKE Marietje

Marietje Schaake has been serving as Member of European Parliament for D66/ALDE political group since 2009. She is Coordinator on the International Trade committee, where she is the ALDE spokesperson on transatlantic trade and digital trade. Schaake also serves on the committee on Foreign Affairs and the subcommittee on Human Rights. She is the Vice-President of the US Delegation and serves on the Iran Delegation and the Delegation for the Arab peninsula. Furthermore, Schaake is the founder of the European Parliament Intergroup on the Digital Agenda for Europe. In 2017 she was Chief of the European Union Election Observation Mission in Kenya. Since 2014, Schaake is a ‘Young Global Leader’ with the World Economic Forum and she was recently appointed as co-chair of the WEF Global Future Council on Agile Governance. Schaake is a Member of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity, the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace and chair of the CEPS Taskforce on Software Vulnerability Disclosure in Europe. Furthermore, she is a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and an advisor to the Center for Human Technology.

Justice and Consumers SCHNEIDER Hildegard

Hildegard Schneider studied Law, Political Sciences and Art History in Freiburg (Breisgau, Germany), London, Paris and Münster (Germany). She holds a professorship in European Law at the universities of Maastricht (The Netherlands) and Hasselt (Belgium) and a Jean Monnet Chair in European Migration Law. Between September 2011 and December 2017, she served as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Maastricht University (UM). During that period she was a member of the management team of Maastricht University and a member of the education board of the faculty of law in Hasselt (Belgium). As Dean of the law faculty at the UM she was actively involved in the setting up of the multidisciplinary research centres: ITEM - Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border and cooperation Mobility, MACIMIDE - the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development, CERiM Centre for European Research in Maastricht and the Maastricht Centre of Art and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH). During the last three decades, she has been working specifically in the area of European Internal Market Law and European Migration Law concentrating on the free movement of persons (including the mobility of professionals and students), the concept of European citizenship, the recognition of diplomas. She conducted various studies concerning the position of Third Country Nationals (family members of EU citizens, legal migration, high- skilled and circular migration, asylum). Furthermore, she has developed a keen research interest in the emerging area of art & law and the protection of cultural property. For her research efforts, she received the research award of the Faculty of Law in 2001. Furthermore, she received the prize of the University of Maastricht for outstanding educational achievements in 1997.


Katja Sergejeff is a young professional, with experience in international development and social affairs.

She holds a degree in Public Policy and Political Studies from the University of Helsinki, and in International Development at the Antwerp University Institute of Development Policy, including a focus on political economy analysis, civil society and the promotion of civil and political rights. Katja has also been doing field work on qualitative data collection in Tanzania and is currently writing an article based on that research.

Justice and Consumers ŠIMONOVIĆ EINWALTER mr. sc. Tena, MJur (Oxon)

Chair of the Executive Board of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and member of its Executive Boards since 2011. One of the drafters of the Croatian Anti- Discrimination Act in 2008, elected by the Parliament as Deputy Ombudswoman in 2013, focusing on anti- discrimination, freedom of expression and rights of national minorities. Member of the Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) and Alt. Management Board Member of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Delivers lectures and trainings and publishes on human rights, rights of national minorities and particularly non-discrimination and equality.


Marina Škrabalo is a director of SOLIDARNA – Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity, the first private foundation for human rights and solidarity iendeavour of the Croatian human rights community to enhance autonomy and sustainability of human rights activism in light of rising anti- liberal tendencies. Since 2013, Marina Škrabalo is a member of the European Economic and Social Committee where she represents Croatian democracy and human rights civil society organisations. Škrabalo holds MA in public administration from Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University and BA in ethnology and history from the University of Zagreb. She has extensive experience in non-profit management, policy analysis and advocacy, community-based peace- building - she has cooperated with numerous civil society organisations across the Western Balkans and has published research articles on issues related to reproductive rights policy, community mobilisation and peace-building, EU accession process and its impact on transparency of governance and the role of national parliaments and good governance in the non-profit and public sector. As social development, she has conducted numerous program and project evaluations in area of EU extrenal action focused on social development and human rights protection. Email: [email protected]

Justice and Consumers SLOBODNIKOVA Andrea

My name is Andrea Slobodnikova and I am Roma, originally from Slovakia. I received both my master’s degree in Science of Management (AACSB, accredited) and doctoral degree in Higher Education from Texas A&M University – Commerce, Texas, . I currently work at the Texas A&M University – Commerce as an Assistant Professor for the Competency Based Education Program (BAAS – Organizational Leadership) and collaborate with the Institute of Competency Based Institute established at the same university. This program awarded the Star Award by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. I am a member in nationally and internationally recognized associations such as National Society of Leadership and Success, Beta Gamma Sigma - The International Honor Society for College Schools of Business, Academy of Management, and Eurasian Network of Romani Scholars. I have authored, coauthored, and presented numerous scholarly articles of major significance in the field of organizational leadership, management, and minority higher education.


Eleanor Spaventa is Professor of European Law at the Bocconi Department of Legal Studies in Milan; she previously held positions in Durham, Birmingham and Cambridge (UK). Eleanor’s research focuses on both the constitutional and substantive law of the European Union, fields in which she has published widely. Eleanor is a recognized expert on EU fundamental rights, a filed in which she has been publishing for years; she has also written a report on Article 51 Charter at the request of the PETI Committee of the European Parliament as well as provide evidence to the House of Lords on EU fundamental rights. Currently, Eleanor is at the early stages of writing a monograph for OUP on EU fundamental rights. A full list of publications can be found at

Justice and Consumers SPITERI Dr Marlene

Dr Marlene Spiteri LLB, Dip Not, LLD, received her Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Malta in 2011. She was licensed to litigate in 2012. Between 2011 and 2016 she was engaged as a Law and Judicial Cooperation Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU in Brussels (Belgium) advising the Maltese Ambassador to the EU on Justice matters. She chaired several Council Working Party meetings during the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. She is currently engaged as the Assistant Director for Policy Development within the Maltese Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government.


Nathalie Stockwell graduated in law in Belgium (Université Catholique de Louvain) and specialised in European and international law in London (Master of Laws - LLM - Queen's College, King's College and LSE). She worked at the Brussels Bar as an "avocat" on commercial and European law issues before joining the Court of Justice of the European Union in 1999. She has been working at the European Commission since 2003 on issues pertaining to people’s rights.

Justice and Consumers STOLLMEYER Alice

Alice Stollmeyer, Executive Director of Defending Democracy, is a digital advocacy strategist. She has lived and worked in Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels, the heart of the European Union. With a solid background in social science, science studies and communication, in 2012 Alice founded her own consultancy @StollmeyerEU, which specialises in EU public affairs, political communications and digital advocacy. She has been ranked a top digital EU influencer ever since. In 2016 @StollmeyerEU broadened its portfolio: previously focused on energy and climate policies, now its focus is politics, digital developments and European values like democracy, human rights and rule of law. On 8 November 2017, Alice Stollmeyer founded Defending Democracy, an independent, nonpartisan initiative defending democracy from internal and external threats: illiberalism and hybrid war are two sides of the same coin. Defending Democracy has created several communities, two of which also meet offline: Defenders of Democracy defend Article 2 of the EU Treaty as the soul of the European Union; they organise monthly Democracy Drinks to grow and support a wider community of democracy defenders.


Georgi Stoytchev has more than 20 years of experience in professional journalism and media and NGO management. He has been executive director of Open Society Institute - Sofia (OSIS) since 2005. Before joining OSIS he worked at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague, Czech Republic, including as director of the RFE/RL’s Bulgarian department in the period 2002-2003. Since 2012 he has been serving as Manager of the Fund Operator of the Active Citizens Fund in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism. He started his professional career as a newscast anchor and editor at the Bulgarian National Television in 1992. Georgi Stoytchev holds a master’s degree in Philosophy from the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University.

Justice and Consumers SZKLANNA Dr Agnieszka

Ms Agnieszka Szklanna has worked as an administrator/legal officer in the Council of Europe since 2003. Since 2009, she has been Secretary to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), where she has been assisting PACE rapporteurs in drafting reports, resolutions and recommendations. Her work focuses on, inter alia, relations between the Council of Europe and the European Union, implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, protection of human rights defenders, preventing undue restrictions on NGOs, combating discrimination, protection of freedom of religion, of the rights of children and national minorities. Previously, in 2003-2004 and 2004-2009 she worked as a legal officer in the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights and then in the Department for the Execution of ECHR Judgments. Before joining the Council of Europe, between 1999 and 2003, she had worked as lawyer in the Karniol Małecki i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o. law firm in Warsaw and as an academic assistant at the Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration, International Law Institute. She holds a PhD and Magister (MA) in legal studies as well as Magister (MA) in applied linguistics from the University of Warsaw and had also studied at the Université Catholique de l’Ouest in Angers (France). She holds a Master of Arts in European Studies from the College of Europe – Natolin. She is qualified as an adwokat in the Warsaw bar and was a visiting lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, in 2012 and 2015.

TAMBINI Dr. Damian

Dr. Damian Tambini is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics. He is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), and at The Oxford Internet Institute. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and serves on the Advisory Groups of: The Oxford Media Convention, the Creative Archive License Group and Polis. From June 2002 - August 2006 Damian was Head of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University. Before that he was director of the IPPR media programme (1999-2002, at Nuffield College, Oxford (Postdoctoral Fellow, 1998) Humboldt University, Berlin (lecturer, 1997) and the European University Institute, Florence, Italy (PhD 1996). Dr. Tambini’s research interests include media and telecommunications policy and democratic communication. He co-edited 'Cyberdemocracy' (Routledge 1998) and 'Citizenship, Markets, and the State' (Oxford University Press 2000). Other recent and forthcoming publications include: ‘Nationalism in Italian Politics’ (Routledge 2001), 'New News: Impartial Broadcasting in the Digital Age' (edited by D. Tambini and J. Cowling, IPPR 2002) and 'Privacy and the Media' (with Clare Heyward, IPPR, December 2003). Damian’s most recent book, ‘Codifying Cyberspace’ (with Chris Marsden and Danilo Leonardi) was published in January 2008.

Justice and Consumers TAYLOR-EAST Claudia

CEO of SOS Malta, a Voluntary Organisation established in 1991. Has been engaged in promoting volunteering in Malta and overseas in her managing roles in the third sector. Was executive chairman of the Malta Hospice Movement spearheading the development of Palliative Care services in Malta. She has led various voluntary missions to Albania, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Uganda offering humanitarian assistance during emergency phase contributing to the enhancement of Malta’s reputation in the field of international solidarity. Her personal commitment to extensive community and philanthropic activities contributes and creates all kinds of partnerships that underlie a truly civil society.


Acting deputy head of Coordination and Operations department Head of MSB Counter Influence Task Force for Election 2018

Mr. Mikael Tofvesson has worked for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) since its beginning, in January 2009. As acting deputy head, he is responsible for coordinating MSB’s efforts to identify and counter influence campaigns and other hybrid threats. He has previously been head of operational analysis branch and head of the Global Monitoring and Analysis Section. During his years at the MSB, he has headed several crisis management task forces. During 2007 and in early 2008, he was Chief J2X at the EU Nordic Battle Group (F)HQ. Between 1989 and 2007, Mr. Tofvesson held various positions within the Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Directorate. He holds a bachelor's degree in Cultural Anthropology from Stockholm University.

Justice and Consumers TUBBING Niels

Niels Tubbing has a BA degree in Media & Culture, and a MA degree in Film & Philosophy. He has been working for the City of Amsterdam since 2009, mostly in the field of integration policies and adult education. He was the project leader of the Welcome Europe project (2015-2016), an international collaboration between six different European cities focusing on local welcoming policies for EU mobile citizens. The project demonstrated that cities have a key role to play in the inclusion of mobile EU citizens in the host community, since they are best placed to define the needs in their locality and put in place adequate policies to fill these needs.

Since 2017 Tubbing is also international coordinator of the City of Amsterdam working group ‘Citizenship, Inclusion and Education’, as well as an EU-ambassador of the City of Amsterdam. Through both these roles he aims to bring together local and European priorities on matters of citizenship participation.

TUDOR Marius

Marius Tudor is a Romanian Roma, who was born and raised in the Roma community of Marginenii de Jos. Marius joined EPHA in May 15, 2017, as the Roma Health and Early Childhood Development Project Manager, after 6 years as project manager for the association Center of Resources for Social Inclusion CRIS in Romania where he successfully organized four local Roma communities to better represent their interest in the relationship with policy and decision makers. Marius ensures EPHA's Roma actions grow to their full potential, alongside its members, including the efficient implementation of EPHA's projects. Marius holds a bachelor's degree in economics and one in Law and in May 2015, graduated from Harvard University, where he specialized in community organizing and leadership.

Justice and Consumers TURK Dr. Žiga

Dr. Žiga Turk (1962) is a professor of construction information technology and researcher in the field of design communication and internet science at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. As an academic he has published over 50 journal articles, he co-edits premier scientific journal of his field, was visiting professor in Ireland, Sweden, Turkey and Croatia and has participated in several EU framework projects. He is former Slovenian minister for development as well as for education, science, culture and sports. Between 2008 and 2010 he was Secretary General of the Reflection Group on the Future of Europe. He is active in a few High Level Expert Groups of the European Commission including on Fake News and European Science Cloud. He is member of the Academic Council of the Martens Center and author of the Center’s report on the Future of Work.

UMEK Urška

Urška Umek (1975) is the Head of Media Unit at the Council of Europe’s Information Society Department, responsible for developing standards in the area of media freedom. She previously worked as a lawyer at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights (2012 - 2016) and as a lawyer-linguist at the Court of Justice of the European Union (2008), after starting her career as a legal adviser at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, where she also headed the Research and International Cooperation Department from 2009 until 2012. She contributed to the 2011 “Commentary to the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia” and to the book “The Constitutional Reforms of the Constitutional Justice”.

Justice and Consumers VALCKE Dr Anthony

Dr Anthony Valcke is the founder and supervising solicitor of the EU Rights Clinic, the first law clinic to specialise in EU law which was set up by ECAS in collaboration with the University of Kent in Brussels. He has also been an advisor for Your Europe Advice for over twelve years. He is visiting lecturer at Kent where he teaches postgraduate courses on EU migration law and EU advocacy. He is also Adjunct Professor of Law at Vesalius College in Brussels where he teaches undergraduate courses on EU law relating to the single market and legal aspects of migration. He is qualified as a solicitor in England and is also a member of the Brussels and Palermo bars. He received his PhD in Comparative Law from the Università di Palermo (Italy) and holds degrees in English and French law as well as a postgraduate qualification in EU law.


Ajla van Heel Merdanovic is currently Adviser on Gender Equality at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). Her expertise includes promoting women’s political participation and strengthening national mechanisms for the advancement of women. While at ODIHR, she contributed to the development of the following publications: Gender Equality in Elected Office: A Six-Step Action Plan, Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, Comparative Study of Structures for Women MPs in the OSCE Region, Handbook on Promoting Women’s Participation in Political Parties, and Compendium of Good Practices for Advancing Women’s Political Participation in the OSCE Region. Prior to the OSCE, she worked with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), focusing on prevention of trafficking in women and girls in the Western Balkans. Ms. van Heel holds a bachelor degree in international affairs from Princeton University and a master’s degree in human rights from University of Bologna. Her efforts to promote peace and women’s rights were recognized through awards received from the British Royal Family, Rotary International, and Zonta International.

Justice and Consumers


Dan Van Raemdonck is a Doctor in Philosophy and Literature and a Professor of French Linguistics at both Free Universities of Brussels. After years as a militant with the Ligue des Droits de l’Homme (LDH, Frenchspeaking Belgium), he served as its president from 2000 to 2006. He focused on denouncing Belgian politicians guilty of discrimination in migration matters and economical and social rights. He created and chaired the European Association for the Defence of Human Rights (AEDH, 2000-2006). Since 2006, he has been Honorary President of LDH and AEDH. He has been Vice-President of the International Federation for human Rights (FIDH, 2007-2013) and is now Secretary General (2013- ). At FIDH, he specialized in issues relating to counter terrorism, SOGI rights and the Rule of Law.


Lydia Vicente is a Human rights lawyer and consultant. She is the Executive Director of Rights International Spain. She has working experience with International Organizations, including OSCE-ODIHR and as part of international peace- keeping missions in Kosovo and Timor-Leste in areas including justice sector reform, legal systems monitoring and analysis, international criminal law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law. She has also worked with international human rights NGOs and grass-roots organizations in Bolivia, Kenya, Brazil and India. She also has experience in conflict-affected areas in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Justice and Consumers VIDOVIĆ Lora

Lora Vidović was born in 1973 in Nova Gradiška. She finished her secondary education in Varaždin and graduated from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in 1997. In 2001, she obtained her Master's degree with the thesis „Ombudsman for children“ following post-graduate studies of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. In 2006, she passed the Bar Exam. She took over the duty of the Ombudsman on March 1st 2013, after the Parliament appointed her the commissioner responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms, for a term of eight years. Since March 2016 she has been the Chair of ENNHRI and a European Member of GANNHRI Bureau. She has been working in the field of human rights protection and promotion throughout her working career, especially from the perspective of public international law, as well as on establishing highest international human rights standards within the legal system of the Republic of Croatia. Prior to being appointed Ombudsman she worked as the Head of the UNICEF Office in Croatia and in the period from 2006 to 2010 she worked as a Deputy Ombudsman for Children. During that time, she had the opportunity to work on promoting the general knowledge on and improvement of children’s rights and interests in Croatia. She participated on numerous international seminars, conferences and meetings related to human rights and democratization. Also, she published a series of expert papers concerning the status of women in employment and on children’s status in society and family.


Katharina von Schnurbein was appointed the first European Commission Coordinator on combatting Antisemitism in December 2015. Prior to this, she worked for five years as advisor to EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on the dialogue with religions and non-confessional organisations.

Katharina started working for the European Commission in 2002 as press officer for the EU Delegation in Prague. With enlargement, she moved to Brussels as the spokesperson for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities under the responsibility of the Czech EU Commissioner Vladimir Špidla. Prior to these posts, Katharina worked for the Chairman of the European Affairs Committee at the German Bundestag in Berlin as well as a for an international crisis management consultancy.

Justice and Consumers VON REPPERT-BISMARCK Juliane

Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck is the founder of Lie Detectors, an independent journalist-led news-literacy campaign raising awareness of disinformation and media bias among European schoolchildren and their teachers. She directs Lie Detectors’ development and strategy. Juliane represents Lie Detectors within the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Digital Disinformation and Fake News and has advised politicians and lawmakers on anti-radicalisation in an age of media pluralism. An award-winning journalist, Juliane previously wrote for MLex, , Reuters, Newsweek, Spiegel Online, the Toronto Globe and Mail and others, reporting from Europe and the US as well as from sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Arctic. She is an alumnus of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism in New York.

VOOLMA Halliki

Halliki Voolma is a Policy Officer working in the gender equality unit of DG Justice of the European Commission. She gained her PhD from the University of Cambridge Department of Politics and International Relations where she researched domestic violence against women with insecure immigration status as a Gates Cambridge Scholar. She has published her research in Violence Against Women journal, the UN Women discussion paper series, and openDemocracy. Prior to joining the Commission she worked as the Founding Director of a national social norms development programme “Action-Metre” in Estonia.

Justice and Consumers VYAS Dr Lakshmi

Dr Lakshmi Vyas is the President of Hindu Forum of Europe, which is an umbrella organisation with more than 14 members from other European countries. Her main function is to lobby and liaise with European Parliament and Commission, on the recent challenging situations and pray for peaceful negotiations for the betterment of all faiths and convictions. HFE works with HFB our partner in UK, to achieve our aims and goals of mutual respect, peace and harmony. Dr Vyas is an Educationist cum Academician and served as Principal of one of the most reputed college- Elphinstone College in Mumbai. Currently works in the Educational Circle as Internal and External Quality Assurer.

Dr Vyas’s other responsibilities are

 Vice President & Chair of Education and Census coordinator - Hindu Forum of Britain,  Member of Religious Education Council, UK,  SACRE (Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education for Royal Borough of Greenwich,  Executive member of UKWOMEN Network and involved with several other charity work.  Executive member of ECRL - European council of Religiious leaders.

Dr vyas speaks seven languages and authored three books and published more than 30 papers in International magazines.


Né à Bruxelles en 1949 Enseignant Psychologue (travail et organisations). Inspecteur – directeur honoraire du département de l’Instruction publique - Schaerbeek. Secrétaire général fondateur de la Fédération Humaniste Européenne (1990 – 2000) Président de l’Initiative de dialogue interconvictionnel ‘Une âme pour l’Europe – éthique et spiritualité’(1995 – 2005). Président de l’asbl Pensée Libre Pour l’Europe depuis 2016.

Justice and Consumers WARREN Mark E.

Mark E. Warren holds the Harold and Dorrie Merilees Chair for the Study of Democracy at the University of British Columbia. He is especially interested in democratic innovations, civil society and democratic governance, and political corruption. He is currently working with an international team on a project entitled Participedia (, which uses a web-based platform to collect data about democratic innovation and participatory governance around the world.


Aidan White is the President of the Ethical Journalism Network, the global organisation of the world’s major media professional groups which promotes ethics, good governance and self-regulation of journalism across all media platforms. White is a journalist who has worked on numerous publications including The Guardian and the Financial Times and for 24 years was General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, during which time he helped create the world’s largest organisation of journalists with members in 126 countries. He founded the EJN in 2012. Today the Network has more than 60 members and supports programmes to strengthen journalism in the Middle East, South Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. It has provides leadership in strengthening ethics, good governance and self-regulation in journalism across all platforms of media. White is also founder of global networks and coalitions of media organisations and press freedom groups. In particular, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange, (1993) and news safety International News Safety Institute, (2003). For 30 years he has been an adviser to the intergovernmental organisations, including the United Nations and its major agencies, on ethical journalism and regulation of media. He has written extensively on media policy, journalism and human rights and has advised on international policy to combat hate-speech and intolerance in journalism. He currently works closely with media development groups in South East Europe, Turkey, the Middle East and China and has recently produced reports on the press freedom situation in Turkey (Censorship in the Park, 2014) and edited three extensive reports for the EJN (The Trust Factor: Self-Regulation in Journalism, 2015, and Untold Stories: How Corruption in Journalism, Politics and Business Stalks the Newsroom, 2015; and Moving Stories: Media Coverage of Migration, 2017).

Justice and Consumers WOOLLEY Simon

Simon Woolley is co–founder and Director for Operation Black Vote. An organisation that tackles persistent race inequality through Black and minority ethnic democratic engagement. Board memberships: Chair of No10 Downing St, Race Disparity Unit, advisory group , Police Now , Open society foundation: Global Drugs Policy project , Open Society Foundation: Roma Initiative Organisation

Past rolls:Commissioner at the EHRC responsibility for race 2008-2012 He has sat on two successful Government task forces: REACH which looks at why some Black youths are alienated, and Harriet Harman’s BME gender committee looking at ways to improve political representation for BME women. Simon has been a visiting lecture at Nottingham University in their Social Sciences Department for the past three years. In 2012 he received a honorary Doctrate for his work in equality and Human Rights by the University of Westminster Publication: How to achieve better BME political representation. Published by the Government Equalities Office. May 2008 Simon was voted onto the Grass roots Powerlist 2002 which was published by the Big Issue and has also been awarded the Men of Merit Award in 2003 and the Bernie Grant community award in 2005, Daily Telegraph most influential ‘Left’ thinkers 2009 and 2010. Evening Standard’s London’s 1000 most influential people 2010, and 2011, and the Black Powerlist 2012/13/14/15/16/17 Simon is a regular contributor to the Guardians Comment is Free web site and also writes for the Guardian, The Huffington post and the Independent newspapers He is a regular contributor for the African, Caribbean and Asian press. He regularly appears on national TV and radio programmes.

WOOPEN Christiane

Christiane Woopen is Professor for Ethics and Theory of Medicine at the University of Cologne. There she is Executive Director of the Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health (ceres). She is as well Head of Research Unit Ethics and vice dean for academic development and gender at University Medicine Cologne. She is coordinator and leader of several international and national research projects concerning ethical aspects of reproductive medicine, neuroethics, quality of life, aging, genome editing and digital health. She is former chair of the German Ethics Council and President of the 11th Global Summit of National Ethics/Bioethics Committees 2016. Amongst others she was member of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO until 2017. In 2017 she was appointed Chair of the European Group on Ethics of Science and New Technologies (EGE), which advises the European Commission. In July 2018 she was appointed as co-chair of the newly established Data Ethics Commission of the German Government.

Justice and Consumers WYLIE Christopher

Christopher Wylie is a social researcher and data scientist. He has served as a senior adviser in both the British and Canadian governments, and has extensive experience using technology to improve communication and citizen engagement. With an avid interest in cultural applications of technology, his postgraduate research focused on fashion trend forecasting. Christopher is the former Director of Research for Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group, which was a UK-based military contractor specialising in information warfare. He witnessed first hand how culture, information and algorithms were being weaponised by militaries, governments and companies to undermine elections around the world. In 2018, Christopher worked with The Guardian and New York Times as a whistleblower to expose how social media data was being exploited and turned against ordinary citizens. Time 100 nominated Christopher for his work revealing the risks posed by unfettered data misuse and the growing power of large technology companies. His testimonies at the United States Congress and British Parliament served as a wake up call for many and have quickly led to new legislative proposals in both countries. Christopher is a graduate of the London School of Economics and lives in London, UK.

YOUNGS Richard

Richard Youngs is senior fellow at Carnegie Europe. He is also professor of international relations at the University of Warwick. He is author of twelve books, including most recently Europe Reset: New Directions for the EU (Tauris, 2017). At Carnegie he coordinates the Reshaping European Democracy project.

Justice and Consumers ZACHARZEWSKI Anthony

Anthony Zacharzewski is trying to make European democracy work. After fourteen years in strategic roles in UK central and local government, he founded the Democratic Society to develop new approaches to democratic governance that are better suited to a networked world. Since 2010 he has grown the organisation to a team of 15 across three countries undertaking practical democracy projects and research with public bodies from village councils to the European Commission. Recent and current project partners include the European Commission’s DGs for Networks, Research and Communications, the Open Society Foundations, the Scottish Government, the Serbian government, the Council of Europe, and the Omidyar Network. He is involved in numerous European networks including the Club of Venice, SEECOM, and the World Forum for Democracy’s Democracy Incubator.

From 1996 to 2010, he worked for the Treasury, Cabinet Office, and Department of Health, and led the strategy team for the city of Brighton & Hove.


Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius is a researcher (Marie Curie fellow) at the LSTS Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is also a fellow of the Institute for Information law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam. He has published extensively on privacy, freedom of expression, and discrimination. He regularly presents his work to academics, policymakers, and other stakeholders around the world. He has presented at the leading international conferences in his field, and at the Dutch and European parliaments. At the request of the European Parliament, he wrote a report on the proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation in 2017. His 2014 PhD thesis focused on the regulation of behavioural targeting, a type of online advertising. The thesis was awarded the René Cassin Prize of the International Institute of Human Rights. An important theme of his research is protecting fairness and fundamental rights in the context of new technologies. In 2017 he received a EU Marie Curie grant, to conduct research into the risk of discrimination in the context of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Justice and Consumers