Useful Information For local and national public 27, 27A, 27B transport information call the 27, 27A, Traveline on 0871 2002233 Operated by Vale Travel (GHA Coaches) using low floor easyaccess vehicles 27B open 7 days a week 8am to 8pm Buggy and Wheelchair accessible Follow us on twitter at 27, 27A, 27B Macclesfield – Chelford – Knutsford 27, 27A, 27B Knutsford - Chelford - Macclesfield Bus Timetable Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Macclesfield – Find out more at (except Bank Holidays) 27 27A 27 27B 27 27B 27 27B 27A 27 (except Bank Holidays) 27A 27 27B 27 27B 27 27B 27 27A 27 Chelford – Knutsford Macclesfield Bus Station 0645 0825 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1600 1745 Queensway - - 1011 - 1211 - 1411 - - - Churchill Way 0648 0828 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1603 1748 Knutsford Bus Station 0725 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1645 1820 Revised 27th October 2014. Macclesfield General Hospital 0653 0833 0937 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 1607 1752 Knutsford Railway Station 0727 0917 - 1117 - 1317 - 1517 1647 1822 Timetable revised with an improved Macclesfield, Broken Cross 0656 0836 0939 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1609 1754 Beggermans Lane - - 1022 - 1222 - 1422 - - - hourly service. Monks Heath, Traffic Lights 0700 0840 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 1613 1758 Ollerton, Post Office 0732 0922 - 1122 - 1322 - 1522 1652 1827 , AstraZeneca - 0845 ------1618 - Whipping Stocks Inn 0735 0925 1025 1125 1225 1325 - 1525 - - Monks Heath, Traffic Lights - 0850 ------1624 - Over Peover, Gate Inn 0737 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 - 1527 - - Chelford, Station Road 0704 0854 0947 1047 1147 1247 1347 1447 1628 1802 Chelford, Station Road 0743 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1427 1533 1657 1832 Over Peover, Gate Inn 0708 0858 0951 1051 1151 1251 1351 1451 - 1806 Monks Heath, Traffic Lights 0747 0937 1037 1137 1237 1337 1431 1537 1701 1836 Whipping Stocks Inn 0710 0900 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 1453 - 1808 Alderley Park, AstraZeneca 0752 ------1706 - D&G Little Bus Bus Fares: Ollerton, Post Office 0715 0905 0958 - 1158 - 1358 - 1632 1813 Monks Heath, Traffic Lights 0757 ------1712 - Beggermans Lane - - - 1058 - 1258 - 1458 - - Macclesfield, Broken Cross 0801 0941 1041 1141 1241 1341 1435 1541 1716 1840 – East GHA/Vale Day Ticket: Knutsford Rail Station 0719 0910 1003 - 1203 - 1403 - 1637 1816 Macclesfield General Hospital 0805 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1437 1543 1718 1842 Knutsford Bus Station 0720 0911 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1640 1819 Churchill Way 0813 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1444 1550 1726 1846 Flexible Transport Adult £5.00 Queensway - - 1008 - 1208 - 1408 - - - Macclesfield Bus Station 0815 0954 1054 1154 1254 1354 1448 1554 1735 1850 Service Child £3.30 Flexible transport is a ‘demand responsive’ transport solution Saturdays 27 27B 27 27B 27 27B 27 27 27 27 Saturdays 27 27B 27 27B 27 27B 27 27 27 27 GHA/Vale Weekly which provides an alternative Macclesfield Bus Station 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Queensway - 0941 - 1141 - 1341 - 1541 - - means of travel for older and Ticket: Churchill Way 0803 0903 1003 1103 1203 1303 1403 1503 1603 1703 Knutsford Bus Station 0845 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1645 1730 disabled people. All journeys must Adult £18.00 Macclesfield General Hospital 0807 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1707 Knutsford Railway Station 0847 - 1047 - 1247 - 1447 - 1647 1732 be pre-booked. If you wish to start Macclesfield, Broken Cross 0809 0909 1009 1109 1209 1309 1409 1509 1609 1709 Beggermans Lane - 0952 - 1152 - 1352 - 1552 - - using the service, please call Child £9.00 Monks Heath, Traffic Lights 0813 0913 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 Ollerton, Post Office 0852 - 1052 - 1252 - 1452 - 1652 1737 D&G Little Bus on the booking Chelford, Station Road 0817 0917 1017 1117 1217 1317 1417 1517 1617 1717 Whipping Stocks Inn 0855 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1655 - line number 0845 077 9110 Prices correct at time of print October 2014. Over Peover, Gate Inn 0821 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 - Over Peover, Gate Inn 0857 0957 1057 1157 1257 1357 1457 1557 1657 - (09:30am–12:30pm Monday to Whipping Stocks Inn 0823 0923 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 - Chelford, Station Road 0903 1003 1103 1203 1303 1403 1503 1603 1703 1742 Friday) to register your details. Ollerton, Post Office 0828 - 1028 - 1228 - 1428 - 1628 1722 Monks Heath, Traffic Lights 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1707 1746 Beggermans Lane - 0928 - 1128 - 1328 - 1528 - - Macclesfield, Broken Cross 0911 1011 1111 1211 1311 1411 1511 1611 1711 1750 Knutsford Rail Station 0833 - 1033 - 1233 - 1433 - 1633 1727 Macclesfield General Hospital 0913 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 1752 Knutsford Bus Station 0834 0934 1034 1134 1234 1334 1434 1534 1634 1728 Churchill Way 0920 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1620 1720 1759 PLUSBUS Queensway - 0938 - 1138 - 1338 - 1538 - - Macclesfield Bus Station 0924 1024 1124 1224 1324 1424 1524 1624 1724 1803 If you travel by bus and rail to/from , Macclesfield or stations why not try PLUSBUS and save too. It gives you unlimited bus and tram travel (on participating operators services) around the whole urban area of participating towns. Use PLUSBUS to start your journey (to get to a rail station) and/or to end your journey (from station to your destination). Find out more at

104620.001 CEC 27, 27A, 27B Macc-Knuts Timetable(FIN1).indd 1 15/10/2014 10:46 27, 27A, 27B Macclesfield – Chelford – Knutsford

Lost Property Contact Details: Legend N Vale Travel/GHA Coaches Unit 11 Bus route: Vauxhall Industrial Estate Ruabon Railway station: Wrexham 27, 27A, 27B LL14 6UY Rail line: Telephone: 01978 820 820 Queensway Knutford

Bus Station Knutsford Railway Station 27, 27A

Beggarman ’s 27 Lane Ollerton 27B 27, 27A 27A Alderley Park 27, 27A Astra Zeneca Macclesfield Radbroke Hall Chelford Railway Over Station Peover 27, 27A, 27B 27, 27A, 27B Railway Station Henbury Monks H Heath Broken Cross Hospital

and Town Centre Route Description: Macclesfield Bus Station via Mill Street, Park Street, Churchill Way, King Edward Street, Road, Cumberland Street, Prestbury Road, Victoria Road, Macclesfield Hospital (out), Victoria Road, Fallibroome Road, Broken Cross, Chelford Road, A537, Pepper Street, Mill Lane, Well Bank Lane, Over Peover, Whipping Stocks, A50 Road, Seven Sisters Lane, Ollerton, A537 Chelford Road, Brook Street, Adams Hill, Stanley Road, Road to Knutsford Bus Station. Return via reverse of outward route to Victoria Road, Prestbury Road, Cumberland Street, Chestergate, Churchill Way, Park Street, Sunderland Street, Street to Macclesfield Bus Station. Certain journeys operate direct via A537 Chelford Road between Broken Cross and Ollerton. Certain journeys operate via Alderley Park (AstraZeneca), normal route to Monks Heath then via A34, Alderley Park, A34 back to Monks Heath and normal route to Knutsford. Certain journeys operate via Beggarman’s Lane, normal route to A50, Toft Road, Beggarman’s Lane, Bexton Road to Knutsford Bus Station. ©Crown Copyright and Certain journeys extend to Queensway, from Knutsford Bus Station via Road, Tabley Road, Queensway. Returning via Manchester Database Rights 2014 Road, Stanley Road, Bexton Road to Knutsford Bus Station. Ordnance Survey 100049045

104620.001 CEC 27, 27A, 27B Macc-Knuts Timetable(FIN1).indd 2 15/10/2014 10:46