CHESHIRE. [ KELLY•S Inland Revenue Office, 4 Hibel Road, George C
352 MACCLE.:-FIELD. CHESHIRE. [ KELLY•S Inland Revenue Office, 4 Hibel road, George C. Brown, was built at a distance from the main building at a surveyor of taxes; Edwin .A.bbott, supervisor ; Sampson cost of about £1,200, & is available for about 6o patient.. Davenport Stevenson & Charles Harvey Colmar, officers In 1881 a general hospital, for 70 persons, was erected Lock-up, Town hall, Market pl. Saml. Stonehewer, keeper at a cost of about £6,ooo. In 1895 an isolation hospital Parkside County Lunatic Asylum, Chester road, Thomas was erected at a cost of £ r,2oo, containing four beds & Steele Sheldon M.B. medical superiptendent; Charles in 1891 new casual wards, for about 30 persons, were Frederick Laing M.B., C.M. assistant medical officer; built at a cost of £2,ooo; there is also accommodation Rev. Thomas W. Dix M . .A.. chaplain; Frank Tylecote, for 9 old men & 9 old women in the privileged wards, treasurer; A. C. Procter, clerk to visitors; John William a scheme which is· being tried here, and in which the Lees·, clerk; Mrs. Sarah Ann Millington, housekeeper inmates are not required to work nor to wear the Public Park, Prestbury road, George Roscoe, keeper uniform of the house ; J oseph E. Potts, master; Mrs. Theatre Royal, Catherine street, Mis·s Violet E. Greg, Hannah Potts, matron manageress & lessee . School Attendance Committee. Town Hall, Market place, Samuel Stonehewer, keeper Meets at the ·workhouse every tuesday in each month, at Macclesfield Union. 10.30 a.m . • Board day, tuesday fortnightly, at the Workhouse at Clerk, John Fred May, Church side, :Macclesfield rr o' clDck.
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