vu QUANG NAM Truang Dgi hgc Ldm nghiip

Hp Ngpc Ian (Magnoliaceae) li mgt trong nhimg nhdm thuc vat cd hoa (flowering ) sdm nhit vi ddng vai trd then chdt trong viec hinh thinh cic khai niem vl hoa trong nganh thirc vgt Hat kin (Angiospermae). Hp cd khoing tren 300 loii, phan bd chi yeu d cic viing nhiet ddi vi dn ddi cua Ddng Nam Chau A (4/5) vi phan cdn Iai thupc ve Chau My Latinh (1/5) (Xia va ddng ldc gid, 2008; Dandy, 1971; Thome, 1993). Hg dugc die trung bdi cic dgc diem nguyen thuy nhu bao hoa chua phan hda hay phin hda chua rd ring, sd lugng nhieu vi rdi, nhi va nhyy hoa nhieu, rdi va sip xep thanh hinh xoan dc tren de hoa hinh ndn thudn dii. Cac loai trong hp Ngpc Ian cd dgng thin gd hoic byi, thudng xanh, cd tan la dep, hoa cd kich co Ion, da dgng ve miu sac, huang rat tham, gd tham va mjn, hat nhidu loii cd thi diing Iam gia vj vi Iam thudc. Vdi nhihig linh chat quan irpng tren, hp Nggc lan da va dang dugc nhieu nha khoa hgc Irong cac ITnh VlTC khac nhau nhu hinh thai, tl bio, cd sinh vat, phan tu, he thong, canh quan... quan tam nghien cuu. Tren phuang dien ve khoa hpc he thdng, ke tu khi dugc ra ddi d giai doan diu vdi ten Ii do Carolus Linnaeus khdi sudng trong tac phim 'Genera Plantarum V 62: 456.1737' va sau niy chinh thuc dudi ten Magnoliaceae do A. L. de Jussieu thilt lip nam 1789 trong cong trinh 'Genera Plantarum: 280' thi cho den nay su sip xip thu bge cua cac nhdm, die biet la su tdn tgi cua cic chi () trong cac he thdng phan logi vin cdn dang li vin dk bin cai do tuy thugc vio hoan canh lich sir vi quan diem cung nhu each tiep can cua tung trudng phai phan loai d cac nhdm nude khic nhau. Bai viet nham cung cip mpt buc tranh tdng thi vl he thong va phan loai hgc ciia hp Nggc lan dua tren cac tu lieu mi tic gii nghien cuu vi cd dugc cho tdi nay.

I. DOI TU'gfNG VA PHUONG PHAP NGHIEN CUtJ 1. Doi tupng Ddi tugng la cac cdng trinh nghien cuu vl he thong phan Ioai cd lien quan din hg Nggc lan d Viet Nam va tren the gidi.

2. Phutmg phap Tim hieu ve Iy thuyet cic quan niem ve phin loai vi cac he thdng phan loai cd lien quan den ITnh vuc nghien cuu. Nghien cuu cac tieu ban khd cua cic loii trong hg tren cac phdng tieu ban th^rc cua Trudng Dgi hgc Lam nghiep (VNF), Vien Sinh thai va Tai nguyen sinh vgt (HN), Vien Sinh hpc nhiet ddi Tp. Hd Chi Minh (VNM), Bio ling Tu nhien Paris, Phip (P), Vudn Thuc vat Kew, Anh (K) va ciia Vudn Thuc vit Nam Trung Hoa (IBSC). Dilu tra th\rc dja dugc tien hanh tir nam 2008 tdi nay nhim thu thap miu vat vi quan sat trang thii tir nhien ciia Ioai, tii dd cd the minh chung cho Iy thuylt vl he thdng va phan loai hpc.

II. KET QUA NGHIEN ClTU Nam 1703, Charles Plumier (1646-1704) da cdng bo mot loii mdi {Magnoliaplumierii) is mien Tay An (West Indian species) tren "Plantarum Americanarum Genera 38" dl ehi nhgn nhO-ng cdng lao khoa hpc cho nhi thuc vit hgc n^udi Phap-Pierre Magno! (1638- 1715), mpt giao su vl ciy thudc, dong thdi Iam giam ddc vudn thuc vgt d Montpellier HnirjGHI KHOA HQC TOAN QUOC V£ SINH THAI VA TAl NGUYgN SINH VAT LAN THij 5

Ui TSn Magnolia sau dd dugc nha thuc vgt hgc ngudi Thuy Dien Carolus Linnaeus Tr ^ Ii Linnaei) (1707-1788) su dung trong tic pham 'Genera Plantarum i, 1937' dl md ti h loai thuc vat d Bic My {Magnolia glauca) sau nay dugc chuan hda vdi ten Magnolia '^. jjjiana L. Do Ii su xuit hien va ra ddi chinh thuc cua ten Magnolia va sau niy chinh la Jin cua hg Ngpc lan-MagnoIiaceae. Tiep sau dd, Linnaeus (1753) trong tac phim 'Species Plantarum' da dl cgp tdi 8 Ioai thupc 3 chi, do la: Liriodenron L. (I. lulipifera L.), Magnolia L. (M virginiana L., M. glauca L., \tf foetida L., M grisea L., M iripetala L., M. acuminata L.) vi Michelia L. {M. chamaca L.). Joannis de Loureiro (1790) tiep tuc md ti 3 loii mdi tir Ma Cao, Trung Qudc trong 'Flora Cochichinensis': Liriodendron liliifera, L.figo va L. coco. Aug. Pyramo De Candolle (1824) trong cdng trinh 'Prodromus Systematis Naturalis' da dua ra hp tiling cho Magnoliaceae vdi 2 tdng, 9 chi nhu sau: Ord. III. Magnoliaceae Tribe I. Illicieae 1. lllicium L. 2. Temiis Molina 3. Drimys J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Sect. I. Eudrymis DC. Sect. 11. WinleraDC. 4. Tasmannia R. Br. ex DC. Tribe II. Magnoliaeae 5. Mayna Aubl. 6. Michelia L. (M champaca. M. kisopa. M. dollsopa, M. Isiampaca. M. velutina. M. rufinervis, M parviflora). 7. Magnolia L. Sect. 1. Magnolia.slrum DC. (A/, grandlflora. M. mexigana. M. glauca, M. umbrella. M. auriculata. M. pyramldata. M. macrophylla. M. cordala) Sect. 11. Gwillimia Rottler ex DC. (M yulan, M. kohiis. M. obovata. M.fuscala. M. piimila. M. inodora. M?. coco. M'^.figo). 8. Talauma Juss. {T. plumieri (Sw.) DC). 9. Liriodendron L. {L lulipifera) Spach (1839) trong cdng trinh "Histoire Naturelle Vegetau.\: Phanerogames Vll" da de xuit h? thdng mdi cho Magnoliaceae, trong dd cd 4 chi mdi {Lirianlhe, Liriopsis. Tiilipaslrum, Yulan ia) nh\s sau: Magnoliaceae I. Tribe Illicieae DC, Section I. (Subtribe) Winterineae Spach Section 11. (Subtribe) lllicineae Spach !!. Tribe Magnolieae DC. Section 1. (Subtribe) Magnolineae Spach HQl NGHj KHOA HQC TOAN QUOC Vg SINH THAI VA TAI NGUYgN SINH VAT LAN THlfj,^

1. Talauma Juss. Sect. I. Hilariana Spach Sect. 11. Blumiana Spach 2. Aromadenron BI u me 3. Manglietia Blume 4. Michelia L. 5. Liriopsis Spach 6. Yulanla Spach Sect. I Theorhodon Spach Sect. II. Aromanlhe Spach Sect. III. Rytidospermum Spach Sect. IV. Tuliparia Spach 7. Magnolia L 8. Tulipastrum Spach 9. Lirianlhe Spach Section II. (Subtribe) Liriodendrineae Spach 10. Liriodendron (L.) DC. ' Sau dd.SieboId&Zuccarinii (1845) thilt lap them chi 5uerger/a Siebold & Zucc. Bentham] and Hooker (1862) trong 'Gehera Plantarum' da tiep tuc sii dung he thdng vdi cac chi truyen | thdng nhu sau: Ordo IV. Magnoliaceae Tribe I. Wintereae ;. Drimys J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. 2. Ilicium L. Trible 11. Magnolieae 3. Talauma iuss. (Biiergeria,Aromadendren. Blumea) 4. Magnolia L. (Liriopsis, Yulanla, Tulipastrum. and Lirianthe- Sphenocarpus) 5. Manglielia Blume 6. Michelia L. 7. Liriodendron L. Tribe III. Schizandreae 5. Schizandra Desf. {Sphaeroslema) 9. Kadsura i\iss. D. H. Baillon (1866) trong 'Recueil periodique D'observations Botaniques: Menoire sur la Famille des Magnolicees' cho ring cic diu hieu dl tach biet cac chi Magnolia. Manglielia, Michelia va Talauma la qui ylu va dng da dl xuit he thdng rut ggn gdm 02 chi nhu sau:


\. Magnolia L. Sect. Eumagnolia {Yulania. Lirianlhe, Tulipastrum) Sect. Talauma (Blumea. Buergeria, Aromadendren) Sect. Manglielia Sect. Liriopsis (Micheliopsis) Sect. Michelia :. '^ 2. Liriodendron L. if6||w;|p sau niy, cd mgt sd cac tic gii cung da de cap den he thdng hgc ciia hg Magnoliaceae, trone do cung cd mgt vai sai khac trong viec su dung vj tri ciia cac chi hay nhinh trong h? thdng /[yliquel, 1868; George King, 1891; Paul Parmentier, 1895). '^•\Nam 1927, trong cdng trinh 'The Genera of Magnolieae' (Kew Bull. 7. 257-264), Jame Edgar Dandy, nhi thuc vat hpc xuit chung ngudi Anh da Ian dau tien phat hien ra cac die trung doi Igp d mpt vii taxa, dua tren cic die diem truyen thdng cCia cac chi da bilt trudc la Talauma /qui cd kieu md dgc biet, hog diu cinh). Magnolia fhai noin/Ia noan, hoa diu canh), Manglietia /tren 4 noin/Ii noin, hoa dau canh) va Michelia (hoa mgc d nach la), da cdng bd them 4 chi mdi • do li: Alcimandra (vi tri hoa diu canh gidng Magnolia, nhung nhyy Igi cd cudng gidng 'Michelia), Pachylarnax (qui md dac biet gidng Talauma, sd noan gidng Manglielia), Eimerrillia (vi tri hoa d nich Ii gidng Michelia, nhung nhuy Igi khdng cd cudng nhu Magnolia) vk'Kmeria (hoa dan tinh khac gdc va tam bi md bung) va gidi thieu he thdng 10 chi dua tren he thong 4 chi cua Bentham vi Hooker (1862). Sau nay. Dandy (1964, 1974) da chip nhan them mpt s6 chi ciia cac tic gii khic nhu Aromadendren Blume (1825) (qua dgng Talauma, nhung li .kem lis'i), Paramichelia H.H. Hu (1940) and Tsoongiodendron W.Y. Chun (1963) (hoa d nach Ii 'giong Michelia, qui ty die biet) de cho ra he thdng mdi vdi 12 chi. Day ciing la he thdng dugc nhieu nha th^c vgt chip nhin va sir dung trong thdi gian kha dii. Ciing vdi thdi dai cua Dandy la sy md ti them mgt sd chi mdi nhu Hu et W. C. Cheng (1951) vdi Paramanglietia. G. Lozano-Contreras vdi Dugandiodendron Lozano (1975), Yu Hu Liu (Vuh Wu Law) vdi Manglieliaslrum Law (1979) vi Woonyoungia Law (1997) hay Z. X. Yu (1994) vdi SInomanglietia.

Sau niy, Hans P. Nooteboom (1985) trong 'Notes on Magnoliaceae* da nit gpn Igi he thong ciia Dandy (1927, 1964, 1974), theo dd dng ggp 4 chi: Talauma Juss., Aromadendron Blume, Dugandiodendron Lozano, Manglieliaslrum Law vao Magnolia L.; gdp cac chi Paramichelia Hu, Tsoongiodendron Chun va Alcimandra Dandy vio Michelia L. Theo cich nay phin hp Magnolioideae chi cdn 6 chi. Richard B. Figlar va Nooteboom (2004) trong cdng trinh 'Notes on Magnoliaceae IV di de xuat mpt h? thdng mdi cho Magnoliaceae, trong dd 2 dug da gdp tat cac chi trong phin hp Magnolioideae vao mdt chi duy nhat Magnolia, vdi 3 phan chi. 1) Magnolia (8 sections va 7 subsections); 2) Yulania (2 sections va 6 subsections); \a 3) Gynopodium (2 sections). Tuy nhien, hien den nay hp thdng rut ggn nay vin chua nhan dugc sy thdng nhat hoan toan giO'a cac nhi phin logi va hp thong hgc. XiaNian-He (2012) da de xuat mgt he thdng mdi cho Magnoliaceae dua vio nhieu din lieu phan ti> va hinh thai khac nhau. Trong he thong nay, tic gii da phan chia thanh 16 chi trong pnan hg Magnolioideae. Chi Manglielia Blume bao gom 2 phin chi la Manglietia va Sinomanglietia (Z.X. Yu & Q.Y. Zheng) N.H. Xia (vdi 2 sections: Manglietia va Coniferae N.H. Xia) (Chi tiet mot sd he thdng phin Ioai hgc tieu bieu cua Magnoliaceae). HQl NGHI KHOA HQC TOAN QUOC VE SINH THAI VA TAI NGUY£N SINH VAT LAN THtJ'J^

Dandy (1964, 1974): 1. Tribe Magnolieae: I. Manglielia. 2. Magnolia (incl. Parakmena), 3. Talauma. 4. Alcimandra, 5. Aromadendron, 6. Pachylarnax. 7. Kmeria. 8 Elmerri la, 9. Michelia. JO. Paramichelia, il. Tsoongiodendron; II Tribe Liriodendreae. Law (1984): Subfamily Magnolioideae, I. Tribe Magnolieae, Subtribe Maghetnnae, /. Manglielia, 2. Manglieliaslrum, 3. Pachylarnax, Subtribe Magnoliinae, 4. Magnolia, 5. Talauma, 6. Dugandiodendron. 7. Aromadendron. 8. , 9. Kmeria, 10. Alcimandra, II. Tribe Michelieae. Subtribe Emerrilliinae, //. Emerrillia, Subtribe Micheliinae, 12. Michelia, 13. Paramichelia. 14. Tsoongiodendron, Subfamily Liriodendroideae. Law (2000): Subfamily Magnolioideae: 1. Tribe Magnolieae, Subtribe Maglietiinae, 1. Manglietia. 2. Manglieliaslrum. 3. Pachylarma, Subtribe Magnoliinae, 4. Magnolia, 5. Talauma. 6. Dugandiodendron, 7. Aromadendron, 8. Parakmeria. 9. Kmeria. 10. Woonyoungia, Subtribe Alcimandriinae, 11. Alcimandra II. Tribe Michelieae, Subtribe Emerrilliinae. 12. Emerrillia, Subtribe Micheliinae, 13. Michelia, 14. Paramichelia. 15. Tsoongiodendron, Subfamily Liriodendroideae. Law. Lo & Wu (1996): 1. Tribe Magnolieae, Subtribe Maglietiinae, I. Manglietia, 2. ManglieiiaMrum, Subtribe Magnoliinae, 3. Magnolia, Subg. Magnolia, Sect. Gwillimia, Sect. Ryiklospermum, Sect. Oyama, Sect. Theorhodon, Subg. Yulania, Sect. Yulania. Sect. Buergeria, Sect. Tulipa.striim, 4. Talauma, 5. Parakmeria, 6. Kmeria, Subtribe Alcimandriinae, 7. Alcimandra, Subtribe Micheliinae, S. Michelia. Subg. Michelia, Sect. Michelia. Sect. Micheliopsis, Subg. Metamichelia, Sect. Dichlamys, Sect. Anisochlamys, 9. Paramichelia, 10. Tsoongiodendron, Liriodendon, 11. Tribe Illicieae, III. Tribe Schisandreae. Nooteboom (1985): Subfamily Magnolioideae, I. Tribe Magnolieae, /. Magnolia. Subg. Magnolia, Sect. Magnolia. Sect. Gwillimia, Sect. Lirianlhe, Sect. Rylidospermum, Sect. Oyama, Sect. Theorhodon. Sect. Gynopodium, Sect. Maingola, Sect. Alcimandra. Subg. Yulania, Sect Yulania, Sect. Buergeria, Sect. Tulipastrum, Subg. Talauma, Sect. Talauma, Sect. Blumiana. Sect. Aromadendron. Sect. Manglieliaslrum. 2. Manglietia. 3. Pachylarnax, 4. Kmeria II. Tribe Michelieae, 5. Eimerrillia. 6. Michelia. Subfamily Liriodendroideae. Chen & Nooteboom (1993): Subfamily Magnolioideae, 1. Tribe Magnolieae, I. Magnolia, Subg. Magnolia, Sect. Gwillimia, Sect. Rytidospermum. Sect. Oyama. Sect. Gynopodium (incl Parakmeria & Micheliopsis), Sect. Alcimandra, Subg. Yulania, Sect, yulania. Sect, Buergeria, Sect. Tulipastrum, Subg. Talauma. Sect. Blumiana. 2. Kmeria. 3. Manglielia, Sect. Manglietia. Sect. Manglieliaslrum. II Tribe Michelieae, 4. Michelia, Sect. Michelia. Sect. Anisochlamys, Sect. Dichlamys, Sect. Micheliopsis, Sect. Tsoongiodendron. Sect. Paramichelia. Subfamily: Liriodendron. Nooteboom (2000): Subfamily, Magnolioideae, /. Pachylanax. 2. Magnolia, Subg. Magnolia, Sect. Splendenles, Sect. Gwillimia, Subsect. Gwillimia. Subsect. Blumiana, Sect. Lirianlhe, Sect. Talauma. Sect. Rylidospermum, Sect. Kmeria. Sect. Oyama. Sect. Gynopodium. Sect. Maingola, Sect. Magnolia. Sect. Theorodon, Subsect. Theorodon, Subsect Aromadendron Subsect. Dugandiodendron. Sect. Alcimandra, Sect. Manglielia, Subsect. Manglielia, Subsect. Manglietiaslrum, Subg. Yulania, Sect. Yulania. Sect. Buergeria. Subsect. Buergeria. Subsect. Cylindrica, Sect. Tulipastrum, Subg. Michelia, Sect. Michelia. Sect. Anisochlamys, Sect. Dichlamys, Sect. Micheliopsis, Sect. Tsoongiodendron, Sect. Paramichelia, Sect. Eimerrillia, Subfamily Liriodendroideae. Figlar & Nooteboom (2004): Subfamily Magnolioideae, /. Magnolia. Subg. Magnolia. Sect. Magnolia (incl. sect. Theorhodon), Sect. Gwillimia, Subsect. Gwillimia. Subsect. Blumiana, Nrn NGH! KHQA HQC TOAN QUOC V£ SINH THAI VA TAI NGUYEN SINH VAT LAN THLy 5

Talauma. Subsect. Talauma. Subsect. Dugandiodendron, Subsect. Spendenles, Sect »/*^ lietia, Sect. Kmeria, Sect. Rytidospermum, Subsect. Rytidospermum, Subsect. Oyama. Wt Auriculala. Sect. Macrophylla, Subg. Yulania. Sect. Yulania, Subsect. Yulania find. sect, reeria), Subsect. Tulipastrum. Sect. Michelia, Subsect. Michelia, Subsect. Eimerrillia, sect. ydimola (sect. Maingola), Subsect. Acromadendron, Subg. Gynopodium, Sect. Gynopodium. Cfct Manglieliaslrum (Incl. Pachylamax, Manglietiaslrum), Subfamily Liriodendroideae. Xia (2012): Subfamily: Magnolioideae, I. Tribe Magnolieae, 1. Manglielia Blume, Subg. Mrmslietio, Sect. Manglielia, Sect. Coniferae, Subg. Sinomanglietia, 2. Magnolia, 3 Lirianlhe, 4 Houpoea, 5- Dugandiodendron, 6. Talauma. 7. Oyama, 8. Kmeria. 9. Woonyongia, io Pachylarnax, I J. Parakmeria, 11. Tribe Michelieae, 12. Alcimandra. 13 Aromadendron, 14 Yulania, Sect. Yulania, Sect. TuUpaslrum (incl. sect. Buergeria), 15 Elmerrrillia, 16. Michelia, Subg. Michelia, Sect. Michelia, Sect. Micheliopsis, Sect. Dichlamys, Subg. Unisochlamys, Subfamily Liriodendroideae. Ndi tdm Igi, cac tic gia ciia cic he thdng khac nhau deu dong y ve su phan tach giira 2 phan hprdring trong Magnoliaceae, dd la: (1) Liriodendroideae va (2) Magnolioideae; trongdd phan hg Liriodendroideae, chi vdi hai loai la L. lulipiera L. va L chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg., cd su khic bi?tndi bat vdi Magnolioideae bdi cac die diem nhu: Phien la phan thanh 2-10 thiiy, bao phan md hudng ngoai, sdm rung, qui cd canh, khdng md khi chin Nhung nghien ciiu ve phan tti gan day (Chase el al., 1993; Quy el al, 1993; Ueda el al., 2000) cung diu khing dinh su tach rdi ciia hai phan hp nay. Phan hp Magnolioideae van tdn tai nhieu quan diem he thdng khac nhau vi vay can cd su nghien cu'u tiep theo ve phan tu va hinh thai de co nhiJng khing dinh chac chin hem ve vj tri cua cic taxon trong loat bac ke tiep.

in. KET LU^N Da nghien ciru va tdng hgp lai dugc mdt sd he thdng phan loai ca ban cua hp Nggc ian tren the gidi, trong dd ndi ro dugc ve ngudn gdc ciia ten gpi Magnolia va each xir ly he thdng ciia mpt sd tac gia cd uy tin ndi bat. Khang dinh su phan tach ro rang gitra hai phin hg la Magnolioideae va Liriodendroideae bang cac dan lieu ve hinh thai va phan tir. Cd 2 chieu hudng trong he thdng phan loai hg Nggc lan, Chieu hirdng thu nhat cd xu the tach nhd vi phan chia ra nhieu taxon d bac chi ddi vdi phan hp Magnolioideae, chieu hudng thir hai cd xu the ngay cang cpng gdp va giiini bdt ddi vdi taxon tren trong phan hg Magnolioideae. Lai cdm an: Tde gid .\in chdn thdnh cam on cdc phung tieu bdn thuc veil trung vd ngodi mrdc. cdc khu bdo tdn, vudn cpioc gia dd giup dd vd chu phep Idc gid dugc nghien ci'ni mdu vdl vd Irien khai thirc dja. Nghien cim ndy dirge ldi Irg bdi Quy Phdi Irien Khoa hoc vd Cdng nghe Qudc gia (NAFOSTED) trong di ldi md sd 106 11-2012.82. Tde gid rcil Iran irgng vd cdm an sir tdi Irg quy bdu ndy

TAI LIEU THAM KHAO 1. Baillon H. E., 1866, Memoire sur family des Magnoliacees. Adaiisonia, 7: 65-69. 2. Chen B.L., & H. P. Nooteboom, 1993. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard 80: 999-i 104. 3. Dandy J.E., 1927 Kew Bull. 7: 257-264. 4 Figlar R. B., H. P. Nooteboom, 2004. Blumea. 49: 1-14. 5. Law v., H. Lo & Y. Wu, 1996. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Science Press, Beijing, tomus30(i). 6. Nooteboom H. P. In Y. H. Law, H.m. Fan, Z. V. Chen, Q. G. Wu, Q. W. Zeng (eds.), 2000. Proc, Internal. Symp. of Family Magnoliaceae. Science Press, Beijing, p 26-38.


7. Spach E., 1839, Histoire Naturelle des Vegetaux 7. Librairie encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, p. 429-490. 8. Xia N. H. etal., In: Z. V. Wu and P. H. Raven (eds.), 2008. Flora of China Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, USA, vol. 48-91. 9. Xia N. H. In: N. H. Xia el ai (eds.), 2012. Proceeding ofthe 2"^ Intemational symposium on the family Magnoliaceae. Guangzhou, p. 012-038. 10. Vu Quang Nam and Xia Nianhe In: N. H. Xia el ai (eds.), 2012. Proceeding of the 2"" Intemational symposium on the family Magnoliaceae, Guangzhou, p. 095-115,




The family Magnoliaceae is one of the most primitive family of Angiosperms and play a key role in forming concepts of the first flowers. Nowadays, it consists of ca more than 300 species, distributed in tropical and temperate regions of Southeast Asia and Latin America Many species are using for multi- purposes. Despite the Magnoliaceae's role in science and reality, taxonomic treatment in the family, especially in subfamily Magnolioideae has been controversial regarding the disposition of tnbes, genera, and sections. This paper is compiled to show a view on systematic and taxanomic Magnoliaceae. According to the research. tJlagnolia was named to honor the French botanist Pierre Magnol (1638-1715) and ca. 20 literatures related to the systematics of Magnoliaceae are listed and analyzed. It is clear that two subfamilies Magnolioideae and Liriodendroideae should be separated. Two trends in systematics of the Magnolioideae are that (1) Magnolioideae is divided into numbers of genera and that (2) all previous genera of Magnolioideae are immersed into one genus fi/lagnolia.