Dinosaur National Monument Geologic Resources Inventory GIS Data Explanation, April, 8, 2013
National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Geologic Resources Division Dinosaur National Monument Geologic Resources Inventory GIS Data Explanation, April, 8, 2013 Geologic-Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data related to Dinosaur National Monument is delivered in WinZip (zip) archive files. These data are a product of the NPS Geologic Resources Inventory (GRI) program which is funded by the Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Division, and administered by the NPS Geologic Resources Division (GRD). Geologic-GIS data for Dinosaur National Monument consist of a dedicated park map providing complete coverage of the park and surrounding area, as well as individual 7.5’ quadrangle component maps. Data files for the dedicated park map are named using the park four letter code (DINO) as a prefix. Component (7.5’ quadrangle) maps are identified by the following prefixes: CALN – Canyon of Lodore North Quadrangle, CALS – Canyon of Lodore South Quadrangle, CRRE – Crouse Reservoir Quadrangle, DIQU – Dinosaur Quarry Quadrangle, ELKN – northern Elk Springs 15’ Quadrangle (Cross Mountain Canyon Quadrangle and Twelvemile Mesa Quadrangle), HARO – Haystack Rock Quadrangle, HECA – Hells Canyon Quadrangle, HOMO – Hoy Mountain Quadrangle, INWC – Indian Water Canyon Quadrangle, ISPA – Island Park Quadrangle, JOHO – Jones Hole Quadrangle, MEHI – Mellen Hill Quadrangle, PLHR – Plug Hat Rock Quadrangle, SPMO – Split Mountain Quadrangle, STRE – Stuntz Reservoir Quadrangle, TAPE – Tanks Peak Quadrangle, and ZEPE – Zenobia Peak Quadrangle. Geologic-GIS data are provided in ESRI 10.0 file geodatabase format, and upon request in ESRI 10.0 shapefile format (contact Stephanie O’Meara, see contact information below, to acquire shapefile format data). The geologic-GIS data is also available in 2.2 KML/KMZ format for use with Google Earth software.
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