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51.1248' (Douglas 98) .



Prepared for:


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July31, 1998

Wyoming Water Development Commission Herschler Building Cheyenne, WY 82002

Commission Members and Staff:

The Sear-Brown Group, Inc. is pleased to present the enclosed Level 1 Water System Master Plan to the Wyoming Water Development Commission. We would like to thank everyone who has provided assistance in the preparation of this Master Plan. We believe this plan will provide a firm foundation for future decisions related to system growth and water supply, treatment, transmission, distribution and storage for the City of Douglas and neighboring developments.

This project has been a rewarding experience for our staff and we look forward to providing further professional services for the Wyoming Water Development Commission.

Sincerely, The Sear-Brown Group

1 ~{G lJohn lark, P .E. l'rOJ ect Manager



SECTION PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION ••.•••..•••••.•••.•••••.•.•••••.•..•••••..•..•.•...•...•.....•.••.....•...... ••.••••••••...•.•.•..•••.••..•••••.•.••••.••••••••.•••..•••••••. 1 A. BACKGROUND ...... 1 B. SCOPE OF SERVICES ...... 2 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •••••••••••••.••••••••.••..•..•..•.•..•••..•.•.••....••.••••••••.•.•.••••.•••••...••..•••.•••.•.•....••••.••••••••••••••.•.•.•. 3 A. GENERAL ...... 3 B. HISTORICAL CONSUMPTION ...... 3 c. FUTURE CONSUMPTION ...... 5 D. WATER SUPPLY ...... 6 E. WATER TREATMENT ...... 8 F. WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ...... 8 G. PRESSlJRE ZONES ...... 10 H. FIRE PROTECTION...... 11 I. WATER STORAGE ...... 12 J. PUMP STATIONS ...... 13 K. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ...... 14 L. COST SUMMARY ...... 14 3. DESIGN CRITERIA••....•••••••.•.•••.•••••..••••.••••...... •....•....•....••.•.•.•...••••....••••••..••••••.•...•.•.•••••..••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 A. LANDUSE ...... 17 B. WATER SUPPLY ...... 19 C. WATER QUALITY AND TREATMENT ...... 19 D. WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ...... 20 E. PRESSlJRE ZONES ...... 20 F. FIRE PROTECTION ...... 20 G. WATER STORAGE...... 21 H. PUMP STATIONS ...... 22 4. SERVICE AREA AND WATER DEMANDS ..•...... •...... •.•...•.•••.••••••.•••.•••.•••••.•...•.•.•.•.•..••••••..•••••••••••• 23 A. SERVICE AREA ...... 23 B. GROWTH PROJECTIONS ...... 23 C. WATER DEMANDS ...... 29 1. HISTORICAL CONSUMPTION ...... 29 2. FUTURE CONSUMPTION ...... 30 5. EXISTING SYSTEM ANALYSIS •.••...•.•.••••.••.••••.•.....•..•.•••.•...... •...•.•••••.•....•••.•...•.•••.•.•.•.•.•.•..•..•••.••••••••••••••• 33 A. GENERAL ...... 33 B. WATER SUPPLY ...... 35 C. WATER QUALITY ...... 43 D. WATER TREATMENT ...... 49 E. WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ...... 55 F. PRESSlJRE ZONES ...... 62 G. FIRE PROTECTION ...... 65 H. WATER STORAGE ...... 67 I. PUMP STATIONS ...... 69 6. FUTURE SYSTEM ANALYSIS .••••••.•.•••.••••..•.•.•..•..•.....•.••••..••.•...•.••.•.•...••••.•.•.•••••.••..•.••..•••.•••••.••••••.•••••••••••. 72 A. GENERAL ...... 72 B. WATER SUPPLY ...... 72

City of Douglas The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 c. WATER QUALITY ...... 75 D. WATER TREATMENT ...... 75 E. WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ...... 76 F. PRESSURE ZONES ...... 77 G. FIRE PROTECTION ...... 79 H. WATER STORAGE ...... 79 I. PUMP STATIONS ...... 80 7. RECOl\'.ll\tlENDED SYSTEM IMPROVEl\fENTS .•••••••••..••.••••••••••••.••••...•••....••..•.•••••••••..•••••.•.••.•••.•••••••••••.• 83 A. GENERAL ...... 83 B. WATER SUPPLY ...... 83 c. WATER QUALITY ...... 85 D. WATER TREATMENT ...... 86 E. WATER DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION ...... 86 F. PRESSURE ZONES ...... 88 G. FIRE PROTECTION ...... 88 H. WATER STORAGE ...... 89 I. PUMP STATIONS ...... 90 J. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ...... 91 8. ECONOMIC ANAL YIS AND PROJECT FINANCING •..••••••.•.•••.•••••••••••.•••....•.•••.••..•••••••••••.•••••.•.•••••..•... 92 A. INTRODUCTION ...... 92 B. DIRECT PROJECT BENEFITS ...... 92 c. BASELINE FINANCIAL CONDITIONS ...... 93 D. RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ...... 94 E. PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL PLAN ...... 96 F. FORECASTED CASH FLOWS ...... 98 G. REQUIRED RATE INCREASES ...... 100 H. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 102 REFERENCES .••.•...•...••..•••..••.••.••.••.•••.••..•.•.•.•••..•.••.••••••••••••••••.••••••.••.••••..•••••••.•.•••••••.•••••••.•••..•.•.•••.•••••••.•••....•••••••. 104






City of Douglas 11 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 LIST OF TABLES

SECTION PAGE TABLE 2-1: HISTORICAL DEMANDS •.•••••.••.•.••••••.•••••..•..•••••••..••.....•...... •••.•.•.•••••••••.•.....•.••..••..••.•.•.•.••••.•..•.•••.•• 3

TABLE 2-2: HISTORICAL MULTIPLIERS ••••.•••••••.•••••••.••••••••.•.•...•....•..•.•.•.•.•.•.••••••••.•.••..•••..•..•••••.••••••••••••.•••.••• 5


TABLE 2-4: EXISTING AND FUTURE CONDITIONS COMPARISON ••...•.•...••••••••••••••••••.•.•••.•.•.•.•.•.••••..•••••• 5

TABLE 2-5: WATER RIGHTS SUMMARY ••••••.••.•••••.•••••.•••.•••..•.....•....••••..••.•.•.....••••••.•••••..••••.•••••.•.....•.•...•.•••.•••• 6



TABLE 3-1: FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORIES ••••...•••.•.•..•••...•..••.•...•..••.••..•.•.••••••.•••.••••..•••.•.•••.•.•.•.•••.••..••.••• 19

TABLE 3-2: FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS ••••••••••.••••••..•...•••••.••.....•...•...•.....•...... •••...••••••..•••.•...•.•.•.•.•••.•....••••• 21

TABLE 4-1: GROWTH PROJECTION SUMMARY ..••...•.•.••.•.•...... •.•..••...•....••••.•••.••••..••••.•.•••.•.•.•.•...•.•.•..••• 23

TABLE 4-2: PROJECTED SERVICE PER ZONE •••••.•.•...•••.•••...... •.•.....•....•...... •.••.•••••.•.•.....••.••....•••..•.•••.•.••.....• 25

TABLE 4-3: PROJECTED SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ••.•••..•••...... ••...•...•...... ••••••••.•..•....••..••.•...•..••.•.....•••• 27

TABLE 4-4: HISTORICAL DEMANDS ••••••.••••..•••.•.•.•.•...•...•.••••...... •..••..••...... •••....•....•....•...... •.••.....••• 29

TABLE 4-5: HISTORICAL MULTIPLIERS .•.•.•.••••••.•..••..•...•.•...•••...... •.•...•....•...... ••••..•....•••...•.•...•.•••••.••..•••• 29

TABLE 4-6: GROWTH PROJECTION AND DEMAND SUM1\1ARY •....••.•.•..•..••••••••••••...••.....••.•.•.•.•.•..•••.••••. 31

TABLE 4-7: GROWTH PROJECTION AND PEAK DAY DEMANDS ....•.•.•.•.•.••••••...•.••..•.•.••....•.•.•.•...... •.••.• 32

TABLE 5-1: MAXIMUM DIVERSION SUMMARY ••...••..•....••....•..•...... •.•.•.••..•••..•••••...•••••..•••...... ••..•••.•.••.•..•• 35

TABLE 5-2: WATER PRODUCTION DATA BY SOURCE - ANNUAL TOTALS •••.••.•••.•.•.•.•..•••••..•••...•..•...• 37

TABLE 5-3: SUMMARY OF CITY OF DOUGLAS WATER RIGHTS •...•...•..••..•.•••...•.•••...•.•.•.....••••••••••••..•••• 38

TABLE 5-4: RAW WATER QUALITY DATA - CITY OF DOUGLAS ••..•••..••••.•••..••.•••.•.....•••.•.....•..••••.••••••.••• 45

TABLE 5-5: WATER TREATMENT CHEl\flCAL SYSTEMS •...•....•....•.•...••..••••.•.•••••.•.•••.•••.•.•...•...•.••....•..•.••. 53

TABLE 5-6: AIR/VACUUM STATIONS •••••••••••••.•••••••.•.•..•••...•.•.•.•.•.•.••...... •.•.•.•.••••...... ••.•.....••..•.•...•.••..•••••..•...••• 55

TABLE 5-7: CURRENT TANK ELEVATIONS •••••••.•••••...••..••••...... •..•.•.•••...•.••.•••...••.••••••..•....•••...•.•...••••••...••. 64

TABLE 5-8: FIRE FLOW CORRECTIONS •••••••••••.•.•...•.••.••..••••.••.••..••..•.....•.•.••.•....•••.•••.••••..•••...... ••••••••.•.••• 65

TABLE 5-9: CURRENT STORAGE CALCULATIONS •••.•.••••••••.•••.•...•.....•.•.••.•••.•••••••••••••.•.••..•.•.•.••..••••••••.•.••• 67

City of Douglas 111 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 TABLE 5-10: PlJMP STATION STATISTICS •••••••.••..••••..••..•••••••••••••••••.••••••••.••••••••••.••••••••.••.••••••••••••••..••••••••••••• 70

TABLE 6-1: CURRENT AND FUTURE PRESSURE ZONES ••••••.•••••.•••.•••••.•..•.••.••••••.•••••••••.•.•...•••.•..•••••••••••••. 79

TABLE 6-2: FUTURE STORAGE CALCULATIONS ••••.••.•..••••••••••••••.•••.•.•••.•...•••.••••••••.•••••••.•...••••••.•••••••••.••••.. 80

TABLE 6-3: BUILD-OUT CONDITIONS FOR PUMP STATIONS ..••..••••••.••••••••.••....••••..•.••••••••..••••.•.•••••••.•••• 81

TABLE 8-1: PREL11\11NARY FUNDING SUMMARY ••.•••••.•••••••••••••••.•••.•••.•.••.•••..••.••••...••••.•••••••••.•••..•••••••••••••• 96

TABLE 8-2: PREL11\11NARY SOURCES OF EXTERNAL FUNDING •••••••.••••••••••..•••..•••.•.•••••••.•.•....•••••••••••••• 97

TABLE 8-3: FORECASTED DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE ••.•••••••••••..•••••••••••••.••.••..••..•.••••.•.•.....•••.....••••••••••••• 99

TABLE 8-4: FORECASTED CASH FLOWS ...••....••••••.•••..•.•.•••••••••••••••.••••.•.••..•.•..•.•••.••••.•••••••.•.•••.••..•...••••••••.•• 101

TABLE 8-5: SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS .•.•.•.•....•..•.•.•••••••••••••....••.•..••.....••.•.••.••••••••••••.•.••••.•.••••••••.••••••• 103

City of Douglas IV The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 LIST OF FIGURES

SECTION PAGE FIGURE 2-1: RECOMl\fENDED IMPROVEMENTS •••.••....•..••••••.•.•.•..••..•..•...... •..••••••••••••...•..••....•.••.. 4

FIGURE 3-1: DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES ••...•...•.•••••••••..•.•..•••••.•...... •..•...... •..••...•••...... •..•...•.•.••••..•.•••...•....•. 18

FIGURE 4-1: SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY •••...•.•••••••••••...... •••.•••.••.••.••..•...... •...... ••.•••••.••••••••••••.•.....•••. 24

FIGURE 4-2: FUTURE PRESSURE ZONES •••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••••••••••••...•..•.••..••..••.•.•...... ••.••.•.•..••.•••••••.•.•.••••. 26

FIGURE 4-3: GRAPH OF LINEAR GROWTH RATE •..•.•..•.....••...•..•••..•...... •...... •.....•.....•••.•.•.•.•.....•••...••.•...•. 28

FIGURE 5-1: EXISTING FACILITIES .•...•.•••.....•.•.•.•.•.••••••.•••.•.••••..•••.•.••..•...... •.•...•.•.•.•..•.•..••••.•.....•... 34

FIGURE 5-2: EXISTING WATER SOURCES ..••••.•...•.•..••.•....•.•••••.•••.•.•...•...•...••...•.•.....•...... •..••..•••..••••...... •.•. 36

FIGURE 5-3: GRAPH OF SNOW-WATER EQUIVALENT RECORDS ...... •..•...•...•.•.•.•.•.•.•••.•••.•••.•••••••....•.•. 42

FIGURE 5-4: COMPARISON GRAPH OF SPRING USAGE VS. SNOW PACK ..•••.•.•...•...•••.•••••.•.•••••••.•..•... 44

FIGURE 5-5: WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS FLOW SCHEMATIC ...•.•.••...••••.•••.•.••..•....•.....•... 50

FIGURE 5-6: DOUGLAS PIPELINE NO. 1 PROFILE •.•••.....•.•.•.•...•.•.•...... •....••...•.•.....•.•...... •..•...... 56

FIGURE 5-7: FUTURE CONNECTIONS .•.•.•.•.•.•••••.••••••..•.••••...•••.....•....••.•...... •.....•.•.•...•..••...... •..••••.•...... ••. 58

FIGURE 5-8: EXISTING SYSTEM LINE SIZES .•••.••••••••••.•.•.•••••.•.•.•••.•.••...••...••..••...•.•...... •.••..•.•...••....••...•.....•. 60

FIGURE 5-9: NEW ORPHA TANK SCHEMATIC ••••••••••••••••••.•••...•••.•••••.•.•.•....•..••.•...•.•.•.•.•••••.•.•••..••...... •.•...•... 61

FIGURE 5-10: EXISTING PRESSURE ZONES ...•••••.•••.••.•••••••.•••.•••••.•••••.....•...... ••.•...•...•.•.....•••.•••••••...... ••...... 63

FIGURE 5-11: EXISTING FIRE FLOW CONCERNS •..••••••••...••.••..•.••.•....•...... •.•...••••...•...... ••...•.•. 66

FIGURE 6-1: FUTURE SYSTEM MODEL ••••.•.•.•••.••••••.•...... ••••...... ••.•...••...... •...... •...••••••••.•...•..••...... 73

FIGURE 6-2: FUTURE PRESSURE ZONES •.••••.••.•••••••••••••.••••••••••••.•.•.•••.....•.•.•....•...•.•...•.•••.•.•.•••..•..•..•....••..•.••• 78

FIGURE 7-1: RECOMl\fENDED SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ••.•••.••.•.•.•..•.•....•..•••...... •.•.••••..•.•.•.•.••.•..•.••...•••. 84

City of Douglas v The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 ...::::s ""I: 0 Q. c s·2. ::::s 1. INTRODUCTION


The City of Douglas, Wyoming, the project sponsor, is located in the eastern part of central Wyoming and is the County seat of Converse County. The City is situated along the North Platte River and Interstate 25, in the southeast comer of Converse County. The existing City Limits cover approximately 5 .3 square miles with an estimated population of approximately 5,200. The topography of the City and surrounding area consists of rolling terrain, with mountainous terrain extending to the southwest toward Laramie Peak. Th.e base elevation of the City is 4,815 feet with_ elevations extending to about 5,100 feet.

In June of 1997, the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC), responding to a request and application by the City of Douglas and approval of the Wyoming Legislature, authorized this Master Plan. As a part of the water resource planning program, the WWDC provides assistance to communities for planning, design, and construction of water system improvements. This commissioned Master Plan assists in accomplishing that end by providing the framework for analyzing the entire water system, correcting any existing system deficiencies and providing planning direction for future growth in the areas surrounding the City of Douglas.

The preceding Table of Contents outlines the text of this report. The hydraulic computer model is on file in the Fort Collins office of the Sear-Brown Group and in the office of the City Engineer, City of Douglas. The hydraulic model used in the preparation of this report was Cybemet Ver. 2.18, a merging of KY-Pipe and AutoCAD Rl2.

Personnel involved in the preparation of this report are as follows:

The Sear-Brown Group, Inc.:

John Clark, P .E. Project Manager, Water Supply, Water Quality and Treatment Cort Nickel, P.E. Project Manager, Overall Coordination, and Quality Assurance Rich Thornton, E.I.T. Hydraulic Analysis, Existing Concerns, Report Preparation Serena Gentry, E.I.T. Hydraulic Analysis, Future Needs, Report Preparation

Environmental Financial Group:

Scott Harder Economic Analysis and Project Financing

City of Douglas 1 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 WWDC:

Mike Carnevale Project Manager

City of Douglas:

Bobbe Fitzhugh City Manager Scott Payne City Engineer Steve Bennett Director of Public Works Bill Back Chief Operator WT/WWT Plants Tony Reynolds Collection & Distribution System Supervisor


The Scope of Services for this project is on file with the WWDC and the City of Douglas. The general title of the tasks are written below; however, the Scope follows the general concept of water planning which can be summarized as: 1) where are you at now? 2) what are the ultimate system requirements? and 3) how do you get there? The Scope of Services for this Master Plan consists of the following:

Task 1 - Project meetings Task 2 - Identification of service area and demand projections Task 3 - Evaluation of existing water supply capital components Task 4 - Evaluation of system operations Task 5 - Identification of alternatives Task 6 - Preparation of preliminary cost estimates Task 7 - Selection of preferred alternatives for construction Task 8 - Concept level cost estimates Task 9 - System operating plan Task 10 - Economic analysis and project financing Task 11-Identification of Permits Task 12-Preparation of Master Plan Task 13-Project Reports

City of Douglas 2 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 !'> m >< C1> () c -~- (/) c 3 3 m ~ 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


This report presents our evaluation and recommended improvements for the raw water supply, transmission, distribution, and storage systems of the City of Douglas, WY. The executive summary provides a general overview of all work within the Master Plan. The reader is directed to the body of the report for more in-depth explanations of the major points within the executive summary. Figure 2-1 displays the recommended improvement locations.


Historical consumption figures were based on water treatment plant (WTP) production, storage tank records, Sheep Mountain Well production, Little Box Elder Spring records, and population and tap data supplied by the City of Douglas. This information was used to develop consumption values on a single family equivalent (SFE) basis. A SFE is a direct comparison of water consumption of any class of user to a three bedroom, two bathroom residence (single family or duplex home). Table 2-1 summarizes the historical consumption figures using a 95 percent confidence interval. It is important to note that each respective demand type (average day, peak day, and peak hour) has a separate function in master planning. For example, average day demands are used primarily for water resource planning. Peak day demands, including fire flows, are used to size distribution lines, sources (wells, treatment plants, and springs), transmission mains, pump stations, and storage facilities. Peak hour demands are used to size pump stations and pipelines on systems without storage tanks. Since the City of Douglas water system has storage tanks, peak day figures will be used for planning.

Table 2-1: Historical Demands

Demand Usage Usage Usage Total System Type (gal/month/SFE) (gal/day/SFE) (gal/minute/SFE) Usage (MGD) Average Day 24,610 810 0.56 1.7 Demand Peak Day NIA 2,200 1.53 4.6 Demand Peak Hour NIA NIA 2.30 NIA Demand

All future demand projections stated in this Master Plan are based on the figures in Table 2-1. The City currently serves approximately 5,200 people or 2,079 SFEs.

City of Douglas 3 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN

LEGEND SYMBOLS ___!____ _ 1- ·--·--·-,-·--·--·-r·- WATER STORAGE TANK ; j 1 I f!I I l i ! I i i i I PUMP STATION ! ! I I I l 27 1 ! I PIPELINE

i , .... ., I#

32 NORTH (j



-I I I I I FIGURE 5-1 i - ~~--t---~~~--1- CITY OF DOUGLAS, WY I SHEEP MOUNTAIN l EXISTING FACILITIES I WELL I i I i - SCALE 1"=5000' I I 10000 t i i ; · I i l l - --·5000 I -j-I -- I -- I-! - I -- I -- I-!- I -- I -- I - 1111 ... _ ---- 0.1 MG SHEEP MOUNTAIN WELL TANK HGL=5198 FT In addition, peaking factors were determined for peak day to average day relationships and peak hour to peak day relationships. The peak day and peak hour multipliers use the data provided in Table 2-1. Table 2-2 displays the resulting numbers. These numbers are within the range of typical City water distribution systems.

Table 2-2: Historical Multipliers

Formula Multiplier Peak Day Multiplier Peak Day Use/ Average Day Use 2.7 Peak Hour Multiplier Peak Hour Use/ Peak Day Use 1.5


Future consumption is directly related to the proposed type of development and the corresponding area. With input from the WWDC, Converse County, and the City of Douglas, this study defined a proposed service area or planning area boundary encompassing approximately 43.2 square miles. Table 2-3 summarizes the projected build-out population, number of SFEs, and corresponding average day and peak day demands within the proposed service boundary. Figure 3-1 shows the proposed planning area.

Table 2-3: Growth Projection and Demand Summary- Build Out Conditions

Population Build-out Average Day Peak Day SFEs Demand Demand (MGD) (MGD) Within Existing City Limits 9,640 3,762 3.0 8.2 Outside Existing City Limits 2,590 1,004 0.8 2.2 Industrial/Commercial NIA 750 0.6 1.6 Total Service Area 12,230 5,516 4.4 12.0

Table 2-4 displays the Total Service Area information from Table 2-3 with existing population and demand data shown for comparison. As shown, the City is presently at about 40 percent of build-out conditions.

Table 2-4: Existing and Future Conditions Comparison

Population SFEs I Average Day Peak Day Demand l Demand (MGD) (MGD) Existing Service Area I 5,200 r 2,079 I 1.7 I 4.6 I Future Service Area I 12,230 I 5,516 I 4.4 I 12.0 II

City of Douglas 5 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 D. WATER SUPPLY

In general, water supply investigations focus only on the source of the water - not the transmission pipeline(s). The City has three principal water sources of municipal water supply including the Little Box Elder Spring, the North Platte River, and the Sheep Mountain Well. Currently, the existing system can deliver a peak daily (summer) flow of approximately 5.8 MGD, or 2,636 SFEs. Table 4-3, in Chapter 4, "Service Area and Water Demands'', projects that the City will reach a population of 2,636 SFEs by the year 2003.

Water Rights The maximum legal peak flow rate, totaling all water rights, is 8.52 MGD. This is summarized below in Table 2-5. This peak flow rate equates to a maximum of 3,873 SFEs that the existing water rights package can serve. As shown in Table 4-3, the City of Douglas will reach 3,873 SFEs around the year 2015. Therefore, the projected number of SFEs at build-out (5,516) exceeds the existing legal water supply by 1,643 SFEs.

One possibility for decreasing the amount of water needed for both current and future use is implementing a water conservation program. Information regarding different water conservation programs is readily available from other governmental agencies such as Water in Denver, CO. The results of such a program may include decrease costs by the use of less water.

Table 2-5: Water Rights Summary

Source Flow Rate Flow Rate (MGD) (cfs) Little Box Elder Spring 4.13 2.67 North Platte River Diversions 5.73 3.70 Sheep Mountain Well 3.34 2.15 - ·- - ··- ·-· --· Maiimum Diversion Rate (sUmni~r) ,. . I - 13.2 .. 8.52

Each of the above supply sources was investigated hydraulically and operationally to determine performance factors. Following is a synopsis of those findings:

Little Box Elder Spring The Little Box Elder Spring is the most cost effective water supply source the City of Douglas has. Therefore, every action should be taken to ensure its long term viability. Our analysis revealed the following:

1) Water from the spring is not disinfected until it reaches the City "Orpha" storage tanks. We recommend the installation of a disinfection system at the spring.

City of Douglas 6 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 2) Water from the spring is not metered at the source or at the connection to the City. Therefore, the City has no way to measure losses between the spring and the City. We recommend the installation of flow measuring and recording systems at the spring and at the connection to the City at the Orpha tanks.

3) The pipeline between the spring and the City has no reliable means to control the flow rate. We recommend the installation control devices that can be remotely operated, such as a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.

4) The existing Spring House is in need of structural repairs to the roof and redesign of access to the building to minimize possible contamination. We recommend these repairs be made a high priority.

North Platte River Diversions According to the City Public Works staff, ample water is available from the river during high summer demand periods when the water treatment plant (WTP) is operated. However, the City has not tested the diversion structure for the maximum legal rate of 5.73 cfs (3.7 MGD). We recommend analyzing and testing the capacity of the diversion structure on the North Platte River to make sure the maximum legal diversion rate is obtainable through the structure.

Sheep Mountain Well The following are recommendations for the Sheep Mountain Well:

• The location of the Sheep Mountain Well makes it vulnerable to lighting strikes. The well system does not function properly after these strikes, resulting in the possible draining of the 100,000 gallon water storage tank - the supply source for the Sheep Mountain pressure zone. A lightning protection system is recommended for the tank level transducers.

• Minor piping changes are recommended in the well house for better chlorine sampling and total flow measurement. Currently, the chlorine sampling location is too close to the chlorine feed.

Water Quality A complete review of water quality records was completed during this study. Based upon operator interviews, review of operational logs, review of City records and knowledge of current water quality regulations, our findings indicate that overall, the City of Douglas has excellent water quality. However, we make the following recommendations:

• In consideration of probable future regulations for turbidity and disinfection by­ products (trihalomethanes and HAAs), we recommend regular testing for these parameters in finished water after all disinfection points in the system.

City of Douglas 7 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 • Disinfection of water to outside customers along Douglas Pipeline No. 1 deserves high priority.


Based upon a preliminary Comprehensive Plant Evaluation (CPE) analysis of the WTP process elements, we recommend the following actions: • Filter performance: Review turbidity removal rates. Consider inspection of the media and testing of the filters.

• Pilot program: Consider an evaluation of various polymer chemicals, including the monitoring of filter performance. As a minimum, include data collection, turbidity removal, total organic carbon removal (TOC) and disinfection by-products.

• Chlorine disinfection: Conduct further CT analysis of the contact basin using tracer studies. Such data could determine the need for changes in the disinfection process or modification or expansion of the contact basin.


Water Transmission Transmission mains deliver large quanttt1es of water between supply sources and distribution systems. The City has two transmission mains, Douglas Pipeline No. 1 and the Sheep Mountain Well pipeline. Although both pipelines have a few connected taps, the lines shall be considered transmission mains in this study. Our analysis focused on the hydraulic and operational limitations of each pipeline.

Douglas Pipeline No. 1 A vacuum, or negative pressure, in a municipal water line is to be avoided at all costs. Although uncommon, a vacuum exists whenever the elevation of the pipe is above the hydraulic grade line (HGL) of the system. In simpler terms, as more water flows through a pipe, the water flow consumes energy (read as elevation or "hydraulic grade line") to the point where the pipeline suffers from negative pressure. If a break in the pipeline occurs during a negative-pressure situation, the pressure in the line will equalize by pulling whatever is near the break into the pipe. This could include mud, dirt, and cattle ponds, among other possibilities, which will contaminate the line. Such a potential condition for negative pressures and possible contamination exists on Douglas Pipeline No. 1. The line is known to have insufficient cover, thus increasing the possibility of a break.

The maximum legal rate that the City can divert from the Little Box Elder Spring is 2.67 MGD. Although the current pipeline capacity is unknown, historically, the pipeline has

City of Douglas 8 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 delivered up to 2 MGD by gravity flow to the City- not including use by the customers along the pipeline. Therefore, along with the concern of negative pressures in the pipeline, we recommend conducting a pipeline study. This study should focus on checking the topography and pipeline location at the stations mentioned in Table 5-6, checking the pipeline capacity from the Little Box Elder Spring, evaluating records from the metered customers, potholing to evaluate pipeline integrity and depth, and analyzing the cost/benefit ratios of possible improvements. Please note that the study is not limited to the above recommended actions.

Realignment of the pipe may be necessary to eliminate the negative pressures. A possible solution is constructing a pump station at the spring. Since the physical condition of the transmission line is unknown, however, the study should also focus on whether the pipeline can handle the increased pressure provided by a pump station by conducting pressure tests. A profile of Douglas Pipeline No. 1 is shoWn in Figure 5-6.

The valves on Douglas Pipeline No. 1 need regular exercising to stay in proper operating condition. Poorly maintained valves often fail when they are most needed. Therefore, a regular valve-exercising program along with a regular maintenance and inspection program is recommended.

Sheev Mountain Well Transmission Main Overall, the Sheep Mountain Well Transmission line is in good condition. The only hydraulic limitation is at station 196+00. If the flow increases to approximately 1250 gpm, the HGL could drop below the physical elevation of the pipeline, creating another negative pressure situation. We recommend investigating possibilities to correct the limitation.

As with the Douglas Pipeline No. I, we recommend a regular valve-exercising program for the Sheep Mountain Well transmission main. Exercising the valves at least twice a year will keep them in good operating condition.

Water Distribution The ability of water distribution systems to meet demands is a function of many parameters including; size and number of pipes, pumping and storage capacity and Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs). Therefore, the reader is cautioned that discussion of a single system component is often difficult without discussion of the relationship to other system components; that is, performance of each element is linked to all other elements in the system.

The primary water distribution concern noted by the City of Douglas was that water was held too long in the 3 MG Orpha - raising water quality concerns. The reason for the tank not "cycling" was unknown to City staff and thus an element of focus for this study. Our study found that a check valve had been placed in the pipeline leading from the tank to the distribution system. Since both the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 and the Sheep Mountain Well pipeline have the ability to fill the 3 MG Orpha tank, the valve would feel a constant

City of Douglas 9 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 downstream pressure against it, thus "isolating" the 3 MG Orpha tank

We recommend removing the existing 18-inch check valve parts and placing a check valve on the 12-inch line between the 3 MG Orpha tank and the connection to the City distribution system from the Sheep Mountain Well line. (Refer to Figure 2-1) This check valve will force water from the Sheep Mountain Well through the City distribution system - enabling the 3 MG Orpha tank to effectively cycle without compromising the fire protection capabilities of the existing system. Figure 5-9 displays the proposed new operation of the 3 MG Orpha tank piping.

The Ridgewater development, currently outside of the ex1stmg City limits, has distribution lines that are too small to deliver the City standard fire flow of 1000 gpm. We recommend that the Ridgewater community upsize the distribution lines to provide the required fire flow before the City approves annexation.

The capacity of the 6-inch and 4-inch lines in the location of the old Prisoner of War (POW) camp (Figure 2-1) will be exceeded as development in the area increases. We recommend continuation of the 12-inch line in Wind River Drive to provide looping. This connection may again expose the 3 MG Orpha tank to short cycling. Therefore, this new connection may also require construction of a check valve. As discussed above, this configuration will not compromise the fire flow capacity of the distribution system. The recommended connection provides for commercial fire flows and decreases the demand on the 6-inch and 4-inch lines.

We recommend construction of a 12-inch pipeline from the Clearfield pressure zone to serve Fairway Estates. This pipeline will connect into the existing Fairway Estates piping from a bore under Interstate Highway 25. This new pipeline will start at Mesa Drive.


Water systems are designed around generally accepted pressure ranges; high pressures are hard on system components and difficult to manage. Low pressures result in customer complaints. In general, pressure zones are designed between the range of 40 psi and 100 psi.

Existing: Pressure Zones The City currently has three existing pressure zones: the City zone, the Sheep Mountain Well zone, and the Clearfield zone. The City zone is fed from the 3 MG Orpha tank and the Cemetery tank, the Clearfield zone is fed from the Clearfield tank, and the Sheep Mountain Well zone is fed from the Sheep Mountain Well tank. Figure 5-7 displays the current pressure zones.

Our concerns with the current pressure zones are related to two low pressure areas. Riverbend, a development on the northwest side of the City, and Fairview, a development

City of Douglas 10 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 on the east side of the City, experience pressures below 40 psi.

To remedy the low pressure in the Riverbend area, three alternatives were considered: (I) utilizing the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy (WLEA) pump station, (2) connecting into the 1 MG Orpha tank, or (3) connecting into the Sheep Mountain Well pressure zone. The WLEA pump station was eliminated due to objections from WLEA. Although the connection to the 1 MG Orpha tank is viable, it is only marginally effective and, most importantly, would require significant improvements to the 1 MG Orpha tank As discussed in the following section related to storage tanks, we have recommended eliminating this tank. The best solution to this problem is a connection between Riverbend and the Sheep Mountain Well zone. Although this will require a substantial pipeline investment to improve service to a relatively few number of customers, this project w!ll open up the area west of the old POW camp for development. In addition, the City will not have to spend capital on the 1 MG· Orpha tank, which we have recommended removing. The connection would need a PRY to decrease the new pressures in Riverbend to acceptable levels.

The Fairview development, which also experiences low pressure, is served from the City pressure zone. Since the Clearfield pressure zone is higher and near the Fairview development, a pipeline connection between the Clearfield zone and the Fairview development would solve this low-pressure problem. Unfortunately, this project is hard to justify due to the terrain between the two areas and the needed length of pipe. A pump station was considered. However, the size of the served area was determined to be too small when compared to the possible cost, operation, and maintenance of the station. Therefore, we recommend creating a connection between the Fairview development and the Clearfield zone as development progresses in the area.

Prooosed Pressure Zones For build-out conditions within the proposed service boundary, our analysis recommends the addition of three more pressure zones. The new zones include the Airport zone, containing the county airport, the Windmill zone, near the build-out Clearfield zone boundaries, and the Riverbend zone. The proposed pressure zones are displayed in Figure 6-2.


The City of Douglas Fire Department requires that the distribution system provide 1000 gallons per minute (gpm) for 2 hours with a residual pressure of20 psi in residential areas and 2500 gpm for 3 hours with a residual pressure of 20 psi in commerc.ial/indnstrial areas. Our analysis indicates that a few hydrants situated at the end of dead-end lines cannot supply the required fire flow. Figure 5-11, entitled "Existing Fire Flow Concerns'', displays these areas. The solutions to solve these deficiencies range from upsizing lines to connecting to another pressure zone.

City of Douglas 11 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 For providing fire flow in build-out conditions, we recommend installing 12-inch pipe along section lines. Although 6-inch and 8-inch lines are adequate for the internal systems of subdivisions, the 12-inch pipes are essentially transmission mains and are necessary to deliver the required fire flow to these areas. These larger mains ensure adequate residual pressures to account for losses within the internal developments. Refer to Figure 6-1.


K~ti11!r Conditions The City currently has five tanks: the 1 MG Orpha Tank, 3 MG Orpha tank, 2 MG Cemetery tank, 1 MG Clearfield tank, and 0.10 MG Sheep Mountain Well tank. All of the storage tanks with the exception of the Sheep Mountain Well tank, provide their respective zones with a surplus of storage under existing conditions. The tank locations are shown on Figure 6-2.

The only zone with a storage deficit is the Sheep Mountain Well zone. The deficit in that zone equals about 0.20 MG and is based on calculations for providing service and fire flow to the Ridgewater development. Note: The Ridgewater development distribution system is not capable ofmeetingfireflows even i(there was adequate storage.

Each storage tank, with the exception of the 0.10 MG Sheep Mountain Well tank was fully investigated. The investigation revealed that the interiors of the four main tanks need recoating due to chipping, bubbling, and peeling of the paint. The 3 MG Orpha tank also needs the exterior of the roof recoated. The four tanks also need structural, site grading, and miscellaneous improvements.

Paint samples from the four main tanks were delivered to Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc. for analysis. The analysis showed a high lead content in the paints on both the 3 MG Orpha and the Clearfield tanks. We recommend recoating only the 3 MG Orpha tank and, for reasons explained in detail below, complete replacement of the Clearfield tank. Recoating the 3 MG Orpha tank will solve the problem of high lead content in the current paint. The deformations of the 3 MG Orpha tank need further investigation for comparison with industry tolerances. Reports by our structural subconsultant, SDG, Inc. and Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc. are located in the Appendices.

The wooden columns in the Cemetery tank were observed to be close to buckling failure. If the columns fail in this tank, the roof will collapse. To increase tank integrity, we recommend the wooden columns of the Cemetery tank be replaced by steel beams and the roof be reconstructed. We recommend these improvements be made as soon as possible. The Clearfield tank has experienced localized buckling around the entire perimeter wall.

City of Douglas 12 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 This buckling is the result of an interior support system, which traps water. This trapped water freezes. The shell of the tank has buckled as a result. The reason for the shell deformation is that none of the shell plates meets the minimum thickness requirements of the American Water Works Association. Any potential remedy is more expensive than complete removal of the existing tank and construction of a new tank. To provide capacity in both the Clearfield and the City zones, we recommend replacing the 1 MG steel Clearfield tank with a 1.5 MG concrete tank in the same location. Concrete has a lower life cycle cost. Placing the new tank in the same location means the in-place piping, easements, and operational facilities are available - saving time and reducing capital outlay. We recommend these improvements be made as soon as possible.

As discussed above, the 1 MG Orpha tank could be used in an interim condition to improve operating pressures to Riverbend. However, this tank is reaching the end of its useful life and would require substantial improvements to bring it up to standards. Also, the tank is vertically located between pressure zones - in many ways making it more of a liability than an asset. Therefore, we recommend removing the 1 MG Orpha tank.

Future Conditions As development progresses into the area west and southwest of the Riverbend area, and as Ridgewater Estates improves their internal distribution system to meet fire flows, the City of Douglas will need to provide fire flow storage in this zone. We have recommended construction of a 1.5 MG storage tank for this zone.

Construction of the Airport and Windmill tanks are recommended as development progresses into these zones. The recommended size of the Airport and Windmill tanks, using build-out densities, is 1.5 MG and 0.5 MG, respectively. The tank locations are shown on Figure 6-2.


In addition to the high service pumps at the WTP, three pump stations operate within the City distribution system. They are: WLEA, Clearfield, and Sheep Mountain Well Booster. Of the three pump stations, our analysis shows that only the WLEA station is of concern. Our concerns are related to the flooding potential of the station, not the functionality. The station is located such that it floods every few years - requiring costly replacement of major equipment. As a short-term solution, we recommend placing a berm around the station to act as a dam. In the long-term, once an adequately sized connecting pipeline is provided from the WLEA to the Sheep Mountain Well zone, the WLEA will have adequate pressures and fire flow capabilities - without the WLEA pump station.

As development continues, additional capacity will be needed at the Clearfield and Sheep Mountain Well Booster pump stations. The Clearfield pump station has a current

City of Douglas 13 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 capacity of 560 gpm while the Sheep Mountain Well Booster pump station has a capacity of 125 gpm. These pump stations are adequate for existing conditions.

Pump stations for the Windmill and Airport pressure zones will be required as development progresses.


The required construction permit for any of the proposed improvements is the Permit to Construct by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. Receipt of this permit means the application meets the minimum applicable state construction and design standards'.. Easement agreements for any water lines not located within public rights-of­ way will also be necessary before construction begins.

Additionally, funding agencies add other requirements of technical and administrative nature. Review by the funding agencies may be required. Federal funding requires an environmental assessment of the impacts of the proposed improvements as a condition of issuing funds.

Crossings of other utilities, petroleum pipelines, and railroads often require a lengthy permitting process. All possible permitting requirements should be identified during the preliminary design phase of the improvement project.


A cost estimate is defined by the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) as an evaluation of all the cost of the elements of a project or effort with an agreed-upon scope. Of the three types of estimates, the ones presented below are considered Order-of­ Magnitude estimates. Order-of Magnitude estimates have an expected accuracy of 50 percent more than or 30 percent less than the actual construction cost. These estimates are generally based upon cost-capacity curves or cost-capacity ratios and do not require preliminary design. These are used for feasibility studies, selection of alternative designs, selection among alternative investments, budgeting and/or construction forecasting.

Tables 2-6a and 2-6b summarize our concept level estimated construction costs of the current recommended system improvements for the City of Douglas, WY.

City of Douglas 14 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Table 2-6a: Concept Level Estimated Construction Costs for Douglas, WY

CONCEPTUAL COST SUMMARY FOR CITY OF DOUGLAS, WYOMING 7/30/98 Project No. 677-003 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING I CONTINGENCY CONSTRUCTION CATEGORY ITEM IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT I QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 10% COSTS I COST (10%) I SUBTOTAL COST (15%) COSTS ~.~Water Supp!.¥._ ___,_,._ ...... _____ a Boxelder Spring with shed LS 1 $30,000 00 $30,000 00 .. ·oo $33,000.00 $3,300 00 $36,300 00 sS.445.00 ---~--$41)45.00 ...... ~~'?~ (2-~~~~!?l_:ystem - . ·----·-· ·-·-~· .. - ··-· Flow monitoring and Control .(2 Fisher & Porter ...... · -·-··· Recorders & 1 motor-ope~ated butterily valve) LS 1 sTs.000.00 $15,000 00 $1 ,500.00 $16,500.00 S1 ,650 00 $18,15000 $2,722.50 $20,872.50 Spring House Improvements LS 1 $30,--0-··-00.00 $30,000.00 $3,000--,00 $33,000.00 $3,300.00 $36,300 00 SS,445.00 $41,745.00 -b. sheep MMtain weu Lightening Protection LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $500.00 $5,500.00 $550.00 $6,050.00 $907.50 $6,957.50 2. Transmission ··-- - -- a. Douglas Pipeli ~~i:!.?.· 1 Level Tw~PipelineRecon ~~·ruction ~>tudy --· ---EA-LS 1 ~$20,000.00 $20,000.00 $2,000.00 $22~000 . 00 $2,200.00 $24,200.00 $3,630.00 $27,830.00 b. 3 MG Orpha Circul~.~~ Add one 12• Check Valve 1 $6,000,00 $6,000.00 $600.00 -:.s6.60'01lo $660.00 $7,260.00 $1,089.00 ··-- $8,349.00 c. Fairway Estates 1500 LF 12" D. I. Pipe LF 1500 $45.00 $67,500.00 $6,750.00 $74,250_00 $7,425.00 $81,675--·.00 $12,251 .25 $93,926.25 600 FT Bore - LF 600 $250_00 $150,000.00 $15,000.00 $165,000 00 $16,500.00 $181 ,500 00 $27.225.00 $208. 725.00 3. Pressure Zones a. Downtown Riverbend 11 500 LF 12" D. I. Pipe LF 11500 $45 00 $517,500.00 $51 ,75000 $569,250 00 $56,925.00 $626.175_00 $93,926.25 $720, 101.25 - . Pressure Reducing Valve EA 1 $10,000.00 . $10.000,00 $1 ,000.00 $1 1,000.00 $1,100.00 $12,100.00 $1,815.00 $13,915.00 Pressure Sustaining Valve EA 1 $10,000.00-- $10,000.00 $1,000 00 S11,00000 $1 , 100.00 $12,100 00 $1 ,815.00 $13,915.00 4. Storage ··--·· -- a:-:i"'MG o"fpti3.9D.7';oTA-·-·--.. Removal and Disposal - LS 1 -·-s-:107,500.00 S107,500.00 s:rn:no.oo s118 .250 oo s11 .a:i5 oo $130,075.00·- -· $19,511 -25 $149,586.25 b 3 MG Orpha. 130' DiA-~ S~ura l I N~w lnierior & Exterior Roof Coating LS 1 $229,000.00 $229,000.00 $22,900.00 $251,900.00 $25.190.oo $277,090.00 $41,563.50 $318,653.50 ~- c. 2 MG Cemetery. 130' DIA Structural I New Interior Coating LS 1 $226,400.00 $226,400.00 $22,6--40.-00 $249,040,00 - $24,904,00 $273,944,00 - $41,091 .60 $315,035.60 d. 1 MG Clearfield, 60' DIA Removal and Disposal LS 1 $111 ,000.00 $111,000.00 $11 ,100.00 $122.100 00 $12.210 00 $134.310.00 $20,146.50 $1 54,455-50 -···e. New 1.5 MG Clearfte. ld Tank Furnish & Installation Cone. Tank EA 1 - $700,000.00 $700,000.00 S70.000 oo S770,000.00 $77,000 00 $847.000.00 S127,050 00 $974,050.00 --~---·-----i-----··---·---- ·-·-·- --· ...... - -· - 5. Future lmpr~~..!D.~~·· · · ·- ·· ··· · J .-· ~--$ 77. 000 00 ··s 91.(o ·sa:oi.i a. New 1 5 MG SheeP..~Tank Furnish & Installation- Cone. Tank ...... EA 1 -- $700,000.00 $70,000 00 $847,000.00 s127,050.001 5500 LF 12" D. I. Pipe -- LF 5500 $45.00 $247,500.00 $24--·,750 .00 $272.250 00 $27.225 00 $299,475 00 S44,921 .25 $344,396 25 I I I I

Table 1s continued on next page.

City of Douglas 15 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Table 2-6b: Concept Level Estimated Construction Costs for Douglas, \VY


7/30198 FINAL DES.& Project No 677-003 CATEGORY I ITEM IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION I SUBTOTAL SPECS. (10%) SUBTOTAL I PERMITS I SURVEY LEGAL TOTAL LEVEL RATIO I INWDC I City of Douglas I Fairway Estates 1. Raw Water Supply I I a. Box Elder Spring Chlorinator (2·2.5MGD) system with shed $41 ,745 00 $4,174.50 S45,919.50 $500.00 $1,000.00 $15,000 00 $62.419.50 3 50150 $31,209.75 $31 .209.75 - NIA .,_" Flow monitoring and Control (2. Fisher & Porter - ·- --·····-·······-·-·········- ~- Recorders & 1 motor-operated butterfly valve) $20,872.50 $2,087.25 $22,959.75 $C.OO so.oo u$500.00 $23,459··.-75 · 3 50150 $11,729.88 NIA - $11 .729 881 Spring House Improvements $41 ,745 00 $4,174 50 $45,919.50 $50C.OO S0.00 $500.00 $46,919.50 3 - 50150 $23,459.75 $23,459. 751 NIA b. Sheep Mountain Well lightening Protectio~-· $6,957 50 $695 75 $7,653.25 $500.00 S0.00 $50000 $8.653.25 2 50/50 $4,326.63 $4,326 63 NIA 2. Transmission .. a. Douglas Pipeiine No. 1 Level Two - Pipeline lm~ent Study $27,830 00 $2,783 00 $30,613.00 S0.00 $20,000 00 $0.00 $50,613.00 2 10010 $50,613.00 $0.00 NIA b. 3 MG Orpha Circulation Add one 12" Check Valve $8,349 00 $834.90 $9,183.90 SC.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9, 183,90 ·-3 50150 $4,591.95 $4,591.95 NIA c. Faiiway Estates 1500 LF 12" D. 1.• •Pipe ... $93,926._.25 ,... $9,392.63 $103,318.88 $3,00C.OO $2,000 00 $5,000.00 $113,318.88 3• - 60140 $67,991.33 so.oo $45,327.55 600 FT Bore $208,725.00 $20,872.50 $229,597.50 $000 -·-so.oo $0.00 $229,597.50 -- 3• 60140 $137,758.50 $0.00 $91,839.00 3. Pressure Zones a. Downtown Riverbend 11500 LF 12" D. I. Pipe $720,101.25 $72,010,13 $792, 111.38 $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $804.111.38 3 60140 $482.466.83 $321 ,644.55 NIA Pressure Reducing Valve $13,915 00 $1,391.50 $15,306.50 sc.oo $0.00 $200.00 $15,506-·.50- '"" 3 60140 $9,303 90 $6,202.60 NIA Pressure §ustaining Valve $13,915 00 $1.391 50 $15,306 50 so_oo $1,000.00 $200.00 $16,506 50 3 60140 $9,903.90 $6,602.60 NIA 4. Storage a. 1 MG Orpha, 90.7' DIA Removal and Disposal S149,5S6.25 $14,958 63 $1$4,544 88 S50C.OO -- $0.00 $500.00 $ 165,544 88 3 50150 $82,772.44 $82,772.44 NIA b. 3 MG Orpha. 130' DIA Structural I New___ Interi_or.. ,_ & Exterior Roof Coating $318,653.50 $31,865.35 $350,518.85 $500.00 S0.00 $500 00 $351,518 85 2 50150 $175,759.43 $175.759.43 N/A c. 2 MG Cemetery, 130' DIA Structural I New Interior Coating $315,035.60 $31 ,503.56 $346,539 16 $50C .OO $0.00 $500.00 $347,539.16 2 50150 s173,769 .58 $173,769.58 NIA d. 1 MG Clearfield, 60' DIA Removal and Disposal $154,456.50 $15,445.65 $169,902.15 $1,50C.OO $1,000 00 $2,500.00 $174,902 -- --.15·· 3 60140 $104,941.29 $69,960.86 NIA . e. New 1.5 MG--- Clearfield Tank Furnish & Installation Cone. Tank $974,050 00 $97,405.00 $1,071.455.00 S1,50C.OO $1,000 00 $2,500.00 $1 ,076,455.00 3 60140 $645,873.00 $430.582.00 NIA ...., __ __. _ Tu1als. S.Z.Q1Q.~Z1. 13 S.1.3.d.Z. IZtZ..QQ S.13.ZtP.6..~5 ------~------~·--~-- ~---.....------·

I :~;~-lmp~=~ents r · .....__ _ __ NIA a. New 1.5 MG Sheep Mtn. Tank Furnish & Installation Cone. Tank $974.050 00 $97,405.00 s1.071,455.00 $3,00C·.OO- ----$1 ,000 00 $15,000 00 $1,090,455 00 NIA . 60140 - · $654,273.00 $436.182.00·- ...... "' __ ...,,,_...... -._. 5500 LF 12" D. I. Pipe $344,396 25 $34,439.63 $378,835.88 $3,00C 00 $2,000.00 -·-~$5,000--- 00 $388.835.88 N--IA 60/40 $233,301 53 $155,534.35 NIA I Tu1als. S.8.8.Z. 5.Z4, ~J S.591 Z1~3.~ 1Q.QQ

•Level three design contingent upon Fair.vay Estates decision regarding annexation. Fairway Estates will subsidize !lie connection_

City of Douglas 16 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 3. DESIGN CRITERIA


To determine future demands and where demand-generating .development will occur, the Sear-Brown Group, in conjunction with the City of Douglas Planning staff and Converse County planning criteria, completed an informal planning study for the future service area. The purpose of the planning study was to determine development densities for the Water System Master Plan. Please note - the Water System Master Plan is not intended to guide development for future growth.

An important note is that planning studies are an_attempt to predict the future based on limited information. Trends prevalent today may cease, and others may arise in the future that cannot be reasonably predicted. Therefore, the predictions ofgrowth made in this document, and the recommendations based thereon, will need revising as circumstances warrant. The recommendations herein are based on the numbers generated from the City ofDouglas and the Converse County planning staff

In this report, a unit represents a water demand figure referred to as a single family equivalent (SFE). An SFE is a direct comparison of water consumption of any class of user to that of a three bedroom, two bathroom residence (single family or duplex home).

To aid in demand prediction for future conditions, the Sear-Brown Group, in conjunction with the City and the WWDC, estimated a future service boundary of approximately 43.2 square miles. Using City and County planning criteria, the different types of development were defined using five categories: Industrial, Commercial, Urban Residential, Transitional Suburban Residential, and Rural Residential. Areas within the proposed service boundary were designated one of the five categories according to plats, zoning plans, and City staff determination. Figure 3-1 displays these areas.

For the purpose of this study, industrial and commercial development is expected in certain downtown areas and in most of the new Airport pressure zone north of the existing City limits. Urban residential includes those areas within the City limits that are already platted. Transitional suburban are areas outside the City limits that are also platted. Areas outside the City limits, unplatted but available for development, are categorized under rural residential.

For determination of water demand, each of the five development types was assigned a number of single family equivalents (SFEs) per acre. These numbers are representative of typical water use for each particular development type. This number times the assigned area equals the total SFEs for each development type. The five types of development along with the assigned number of single family equivalents (SFEs) per acre, number of acres, and number of future SFEs are shown in Table 3-1.

City of Douglas 17 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN

· ~------,------.----....-..- t...... ,_ ..._ - _ ,...., - LEGEND





RURAL RESIDENTIAL I- (1 DU/40 AC) ..... \ l

-I I 'I •

f 1 I I I I I FIGURE 3-1 .L, CITY OF DOUGLAS, WY DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES ~ I SCALE 1"=5000' I 10000 ~ _,,,,,. -0•' -- --!= sooo---- Table 3-1: Future Land Use Categories

Development Type Assigned SFE/AC Acres SFEs Industrial 0.210 3,200 672 Commercial 0.210 370 78 Urban Residential 3.000 600 1,800 Transitional Suburban Residential 0.500 915 458 Rural Residential 0.025 17,170 429 Total NIA 22,255 3,437


Water supply issues concentrate on ensuring that the City of Douglas has adequate water rights to meet future demands. Water rights are considered on an existing, future, physical, and legal condition basis. That is, are the water rights sufficient for current demands? Are the rights sufficient for proposed future demands? What are the physical limitations of the water source for the right? Can the water be used legally for domestic or other type of consumption?

Another part of the investigation process of the system is providing the full water right. For example, a well permit may allow 500 gpm for consumption. However, the well pump may be able to provide only 250 gpm. Another case may be that the transmission line supplying the water to the customers may need a pump to reach full capacity. These situations are investigated to ensure that the water right is being fully utilized.


Quality of the raw water and treated water governs the appropriate treatment technologies and the economics of a water treatment system. Quality characteristics for both the raw water and finished water change frequently. Effective water system planning for water quality should therefore include strategies for protection of the water sources as well as anticipation of changes in the drinking water regulations. Drinking water quality regulations are issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as Congress continues to assess the risks to the public health associated with declining raw water quality nationwide.

This water system study focused on the existing quality of the raw water sources as well as existing and possible future finished water quality standards. Appropriate treatment technologies are considered based on the data analysis. Criteria for the assessment of technologies are effectiveness, first cost, operating cost and overall system performance.

City of Douglas 19 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 D. WATER TRANSMISSION and DISTRIBUTION

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) recommends that water transmission mains be sized to keep maximum velocities under peak day demands less than 2 feet per second (fps) and less than 5 fps under a fire condition. Furthermore, the A WWA recommends that water transmission mains be sized to convey peak hour flow with headloss of less than 2ft/1,000ft. The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) states that minimum size water lines for providing fire flow are 8 inches and 6 inches. The 8-inch line is required for fire flow from one direction. If the line length is 250 feet or less, however, a 6-inch line is acceptable (WDEQ, 1985). Also, six-inch lines are acceptable if the flow comes from two directions. Mains smaller than 6 inches must be justified by a hydraulic analysis and future use.

In general, we believe the guidelines promulgated by the WDEQ are open to considerable interpretation and can result in serious consequences. Our philosophy focuses on ensuring that each system be fully analyzed and evaluated and reconm!endations be made on a case by case basis. Other considerations for water transmission and distribution systems include avoiding negative pressure situations, water hammer, line and valve maintenance, etc.


Achieving a reasonable range in pressures for all users is one of the primary functions of any water utility. A water distribution system must be designed to supply peak hour demands and peak day plus fire flow demands at acceptable pressures. The WDEQ states that normal working pressures in the distribution system be greater than 35 psi (WDEQ, 1985). A minimum pressure of 20 psi is required in the system under all conditions of flow, including fire flows. The WDEQ also states that all water mains, including those not designed to provide fire protection, be sized after a hydraulic analysis based on flow demands and pressure requirements.

The City staff has a general rule that the distribution system supplies peak day and peak hour demands at a minimum operating pressure of 40 psi. and a maximum operating pressure of 100 psi. Currently, the City has no written standards regarding acceptable water pressures.


Fire flow requirements for this Master Plan are based on the City of Douglas planning codes. Table 3-2 lists the requirements for both residential and commercial areas. Pressure within the entire distribution system, not just at the hydrant, must be 20 psi or above during fire flows. All users within the City of Douglas, whether existing or future,

City of Douglas 20 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 must meet these requirements.

Table 3-2: Fire Flow Requirements

Minimum Residual Duration Fire Flow Pressure (gpm) (psi) (hours) - Residential(~ 3600 sq. ft.) 1,000 20 2 Commercial/lndustriai 2,500 20 3


According to the WDEQ, the finished water storage requirements for communities in Wyoming vary according to the design average daily demand. To quote Section 13 of the WDEQ Rules and Regulations, 1985:

(i) Sizing: Storage facilities shall have the capacity to meet domestic demands, and where required, fire protection storage.

(A) Water systems serving less than 50,000 gallons (189 m3) on the design average daily demand shall provide clearwell and system storage capacity equal to the average daily demand.

(B) Water systems serving from 50,000 to 500,000 gallons (189- 1,892 m3) on the design average daily demand shall provide clearwell and system storage capacity equal to the average daily demand plus fire storage, based on recommendations established by the State Fire Marshall or local fire agency.

(C) Water systems serving in excess of500,000 gallons (1,892 m3) on the design average daily demand shall provide clearwell and system storage capacity equal to 25 percent of the design maximum daily demand, plus added fire storage based on recommendations established by the State Fire Marshall or local fire agency.

Again, we feel these recommendations are too general to adequately address all of the variables and components related to storage. Recently, storage has been reevaluated in terms of water quality concerns. Excessive storage time raises numerous water quality concerns. However, historically, storage has been calculated in relation to average day or maximum day demands plus fire flow plus equalization storage. The City of Douglas falls into category C of the WDEQ standards with an average daily demand of 1.7 MG.

City of Douglas 21 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Therefore, according to WDEQ, the requirement for storage is only 25 percent of maximum day demand plus fire flow. In determining storage requirements, this study assumed that each zone must supply the maximum fire flow within the zone plus equalization volume at full build-out of the zone plus emergency volume equal to one average day. Lower pressure zones can receive credit from upper pressure zones equal to the emergency volume. Emergency storage provides time for staff to respond to system failures (broken pipes, pump station or power failures, etc) while ensuring adequate storage to respond to fire flows.

Fire flow storage refers to the water required to meet fire flow requirements. These requirements are typically set by a frre protection District, or other government agency, and depend on the type of structure (i.e. apartments, single-family homes, etc.) served by the storage facility. The required rate of flow must be sustainable for a particular duration. The rate and duration of flow yield the required volume. For example, the commercial fire flow requirement for the City is 2500 gpm for three hours. Therefore, the needed storage is 2500 gpm times 180 minutes (three hours) or 450,000 gallons. The calculated volume of fire flow for a pressure zone must be available at all times.

Equalization storage allows the spring, well, or treatment facility to supply water at a rate equal to the average daily demand. Equalization storage satisfies the difference between supply and demand when the demand for water exceeds the rate of supply. Conversely, when demands fall, the supply exceeds demands and the water sources replenish the equalization storage.


The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality states that pump stations shall have at least two pumping units. In addition, pump stations must be designed to supply the peak system demand with the largest pump out of service (WDEQ, 1985). These design criteria provide system backup that allows for servicing the pumps while still being able to meet peak system demands.

Another important aspect of pump stations is backup power supply, i.e. an emergency generator. If the pumps supply fire flows to an area, having a fail- safe method of operation is vital. Unfortunately, electric power is not 100 percent reliable. Therefore, pump stations are usually equipped with a backup power supply.

City of Douglas 22 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 4. SERVICE AREA and WATER DEMANDS


The City of Douglas encompasses approximately 5.3 square miles. The City is bordered on the south by Interstate 25 while the North Platte River flows by some of the northern City border. Bluffs and rangeland fit snugly against the eastern and western City limits. The region has moderate topographic relief with elevations ranging from 4,815 to about 5,100 feet.

Currently, the City serves about 5,200 people or 2,079 SFEs. A SFE, as explained in previous ~hapters, is a direct comparison of water consumption of any class of user to a three bedroom, two bathroom residence (single family or duplex home). The 2,079 SFEs include residential, industrial, and commercial customers. Three sources, the Little Box Elder Spring, the Sheep Mountain Well, and the North Platte River, provide the raw water supply to the existing service area.

For build-out projections, the proposed service area boundary encompasses approximately 43.2 square miles. Most of the development expected within the expanded area is rural residential. Both the existing and proposed service area boundaries are shown on Figure 4-1, entitled "Service Area Boundary".


Developable portions of the future City limits were assigned densities according to planning projections. In this report, unit figures or equivalent residential taps are listed which represent two distinct situations: present development and ultimate or build-out development. Table 4-1 displays the current and projected SFEs for the service area.

Table 4-1: Growth Projection Summary

Existing SFEs Potential No. of Build-Out Future SFEs SFEs - I Within Existing City Limits 2,079 1,683 3,762

f Outside Existing City Limits NIA 1,004 1,004 Industrial/Commercial NIA 750 750 Total 2,079 3,437 5,516

For purposes of this Master Plan, build-out of the proposed service area is assumed to occur in the year 2033. However, due to the volatile nature of growth rates, this plan details the estimated growth numbers to only the year 2023. The growth rate used in this study is taken from the 1997 Community Development Plan for the City of Douglas.

City of Douglas 23 The Sear-Brov.-n Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN







- -I' l


l FIGURE 4-1 CITY OF DOUGLAS, WY J SERVICE AREA BOlftfDARY _)... , SCALE 1"=5000' li-liJ[!!} '~ t ...... , _ . , __ 0 5000 10000 I ''--.,..... --·--· ..·-·-·· 1lii iiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ~ According to the City of Douglas 1997 Community Development Plan report, the current City limits will reach an ideal development population of 7,500 by the year 2015 at a growth rate of 2% per year.

The proposed total development may occur within six possible pressure zones: Airport zone, City zone~ Clearfield zone, Windmill zone, Sheep Mountain Well zone, and Riverbend zone. The physical locations of these zones are shown in Figure 4-2. Table 4- 2 lists the SFE numbers for the future pressure zones shown in Figure 4-2.

Table 4-2: Projected Service Per Zone

Pressure Zone Build-out SFEs

Airport Zone .. 701 City Zone 3050 ' Clearfield Zone I 732 Windmill Zone 60 Sheep Mountain Well Zone 516 Possible Riverbend Zone 457 Total 5,516

Although this Master Plan assumes a linear gro'Wth rate to build-out, actual growth occurs sporadically and may exceed or fall below 2%. Obviously, water treatment and transmission and distribution facilities must be in place to meet sporadic gro'Wth needs. Therefore, for planning purposes on the construction side, using a growth rate slightly higher than expected would be advisable. However, on the other side, to ensure adequate capital, planners might use a growth rate slightly less than expected - thus providing funding for needed improvements in advance of system needs. The basis for this is capital improvement revenues are based largely on fees for new connections. The lower than expected gro'Wth rate allows time for financial revenues to build and provide a substantial base for funding of needed improvements.

In reality, improvements necessary for supporting gro'Wth must be designed and constructed just before being needed. Consequently, actual water demand and /or actual number of SFEs serve as the indicator for implementing improvements noted in the Master Plan. Table 4-3 displays the projected service requirements in SFEs for the City on a yearly basis through the year 2023. The SFEs include industrial and commercial taps that may not indicate an increase in population. Figure 4-3 shows the graphical representation of the data in Table 4-3.

City of Douglas 25 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN











SCALE 1"=5000'

o1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iijsooo 10000 iimlllmi SHEEP MOUNTAIN WELL AND 0.1 MG TANK HGL = 5198 FT

.~.9... . Table 4-3: Projected Service Requirements

Year Total New SFEs Total SFEs Year Average Total SFEs Year End 1998 100 2129 2179 1999 100 2229 2279 2000 100 2329 2379 I 2001 100 2429 2479 2002 100 2529 2579 2003 100 2629 2679 2004 100 2729 2779 2005 100 2829 2879 2006 100 2929 2979 2007 100 3029 .. 3079 2008 100 3129 3179 2009 100 3229 3279 2010 100 3329 3379 2011 100 3429 3479 2012 100 3529 3579 2013 100 3629 3679 2014 100 3729 3779 2015 100 3829 3879 2016 100 3929 3979 2017 100 4029 4079 2018 100 4129 4179 2019 100 4229 4279 2020 100 4329 4379 2021 100 4429 4479 2022 100 4529 4579 2023 100 4629 4679

City of Douglas 27 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Figure 4-3: Graph of Linear Growth Rate

SFE Growth City of Douglas, WY

5000 ' ...... _ ·------.--·------~ ·-----··· --· ·- - ·- / "' 4500 L • '


~ 4000 . ------. . -· -· ·····-· ... --· ...... ·- ·-- -· -· ·------·--·----:-·· ·-~ ·-. w -- --- _L_

-~ 3500 --4------Q) ..a - . --j- --- ' ·-· - . ·-·- ··- --·-- -~ ·---·- ----· ----· ·------f-. E I J_ -·-· ...• ... ·- ·- . __,..__ ::J 3000 - --t--r- --l ~ -- ~ ' ' _I...... r . .. -- _:_------~- -- -,-·- .. - --~ -- -. - ·- ·-· ' ...-" ! ' 2500 - ·I-----<-- -'--7--'-""---'------'-·-·--··.. -·------·"···•.. ------. ------· - ·--- - -! - -- --·-·r···- ~---· ~ - -

/ ).,.' ___ _ _~ ___ :' ------~ ... ··------·------~ -- - -- ·--- ~ ·- - .. - I, '¥"....- ' ' ; ' 2000 -. -~------'---~-----'---- 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Year

., Number of SFEs C. WATER DEMANDS


Historical consumption figures were based on production of the water treatment plant (WTP), Little Box Elder Spring, and Sheep Mountain Well; storage tank fluctuations; population; and tap data supplied by the City of Douglas. This information was used to develop average day, peak day, and peak hour consumption values on a SFE basis. In addition, peaking factors were determined for peak day/average day and peak hour/peak day multipliers from this historical data.

Table 4-4 summarizes the historical consumption figures. These figures are the basis for all future demand projections stated in this Master Plan.

Table 4-4: Historical Demands

Demand Type Usage Usage Usage (gal/month/SFE) (gal/day/SFE) (gpm/SFE) Average Day Demand 24,610 810 0.56 Peak Day Demand NIA 2,200 1.53 Peak Hour Demand NIA NIA 2.30

The peak day and peak hour multipliers use the data provided in Table 4-4. The peak day multiplier equals the peak day use divided by the average day use. The peak hour multiplier equals the peak hour use divided by the maximum day use. Table 4-5 displays the resulting numbers.

Table 4-5: Historical Multipliers

JI Formula Multiplier I Peak Day Multiplier Peak Day Use/ Average Day Use 2.7 Peak Hour Multiplier Peak Hour Use/ Average Day Use 1.5

The City currently serves approximately 5,200 people equaling 2,079 SFEs. The corresponding calculated average day and peak day total demands are 1. 7 million gallons per day (MGD) and 4.6 MGD, respectively.

City of Douglas 29 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 2. FUTURE CONSUMPTION

Part of this Master Plan included developing a service area or planning area boundary to aid in regionalization. The service area boundary was developed with input from The Sear-Brown Group, the WWDC and the City of Douglas. The proposed service boundary is shown on Figure 4-1, entitled "Service Area Boundary". The future service boundary for the City encompasses approximately 43.2 square miles of potential development in the form of rural residential, sub­ urban residential and commerciaVmdustrial lands.

As the City population grows, development may occur outside the existing City limits. At present, individual property owners outside the existing City limits and w~thin the service boundary may request City water after complying with certain conditions. The Douglas City Council approved and adopted these conditions as Resolution Number 644 on May 12, 1997. The conditions in Resolution Number 644 are as follows verbatim:

1. The property is located directly adjacent to either the Sheep Mountain Well line or the Spring Line Transmission Main and is not contiguous to the city limits. Said property shall be required to annex when and if such property becomes contiguous to the city limits.

2. Ifcontiguous to the city limits, property desiring city water service may not connect unless and until said property is annexed to the city limits. Property owners desiring to annex should contact the Community Development Department at Douglas City Hall.

3. Property owners located outside the city limits not directly adjacent to the water transmission line may become part of a Rural Improvement and Service District and petition city for services under those regulations.

Furthermore, if City service is provided to a development or property owner outside the City Limits, the development must meet City code, design and construction criteria including all fire flow criteria. This resolution and policy is attached in the Appendices.

Table 4-6 summarizes the projected population, number of SFEs and corresponding average day and peak day demands. For comparison purposes, the information is divided into two categories: within the existing City limits and outside the existing City limits. In reality, as contiguous properties connect to City water, those properties will annex to the City and thereby revise the City limit boundary.

City of Douglas 30 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Table 4-6: Growth Projection and Demand Summary

Population Build-out Average Day Peak Day SFEs Demand Demand (MGD) (MGD) Within Existing C-ity Limits 9,640 I 3,762 3.0 8.2 Outside Existing City Limits 2,590 1,004 0.8 2.2 Industrial/Commercial NIA 750 0.6 1.6 Total Service Area 12,230 5,516 4.4 12.0

Although the build-out calculations are useful, planning strategies require a yearly estimate of water use. Table 4-7 lists the projected peak day demands according to estimated population and industrial/commercial growth on a yearly basis.

City of Douglas 31 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Table 4-7: Growth Projection and Peak Day Demands

Year Total SFEs · Average Day Demand (MGD) Peak Day Demand (MGD) 1998 2179 1.76 4.74 -- 1999 2279 1.84 4.96 2000 2379 1.92 5.18 - 2001 2479 2.00 5.40

2002 2579 2.08 I 5.62 2003 2679 2.16 5.83 2004 2779 2.24 6.05 2005 2879 2.32 6.27 2006 2979 2.40 6.49 2007 3079 2.48 6.70 2008 3179 2.56 6.92 -- 2009 3279 2.64 7.14 2010 3379 2.72 7.36 - 2011 3479 2.81 7.57 2012 3579 2.89 7.79 I - 2013 3679 2.97 8.01

"' I 2014 3779 3.05 8.23 2015 3879 3.13 8.45 201 6 3979 3.21 8.66 2017 4079 3.29 8.88 201 8 4179 3.37 9.10 2019 4279 3.45 9.32 2020 4379 3.53 9.53 - - 2021 4479 3.61 9.75 2022 4579 3.69 9.97 2023 4679 3.77 10.19 2024 4779 3. 85 10.41 I 2025 4879 3.93 10.62 2026 4979 4.02 10.84 I I 2027 5079 4.10 11.06 ! 2028 51 79 4.18 11.28 2029 5279 4.26 11.49 2030 5379 4.34 11.71 2031 5429 4.38 11.82 2032 5479 4.42 11.93 2033 5516 4.45 12.01

City of Douglas 32 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 5. EXISTING SYSTEM ANALYSIS


The analysis of the existing system included the construction and use of a computer model of the City of Douglas water distribution system. The model was created in Cybernet Ver. 2.18, a computer modeling package designed specifically for water distribution systems, in conjunction with AutoCAD Ver. 12. Compilation of information from the City water system, maps, observation data from City personnel, topographic data from Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute quadrant maps, and aerial photographs yielded necessary contents of the hydraulic model. System components included in the model are water sources, transmis~ion lines, storage tanks, pump stations, PRVs and pipelines. The existing system is displayed in Figure 5-1, entitled "Existing Facilities". The following paragraphs briefly describe the system operation.

The City of Douglas is fortunate enough to have three water sources. The first water source is the Little Box Elder Spring located about 16.2 miles west of the City. Water from the spring flows by gravity through a 12-inch transmission main. At the City limits, the water is chlorinated and supplies two storage tanks: the 1 MG Orpha tank and the 3 MG Orpha tank. The water then flows into the City distribution system. Being the most economical water source for the City, the Little Box Elder Spring water is used year round.

The second source of water is the Sheep Mountain Well. The well is located on the southwest side of the City. The water is pumped from the well to a 0.10 MG storage tank. Water from the tank then supplies a 12-inch transmission main and flows by gravity to the City as well as feeding certain developments outside the City limits. At the City limits, the water pressure is decreased by a PRV before the water flows into the City distribution system. The Sheep Mountain Well Pump Station, a booster pump station for the Sheep Mountain Well zone, is turned off during the winter months due to operating cost and low demand. The pump station "backfeeds" the Sheep Mountain transmission main, thus supplying developments adjacent to the pipeline and the 0.10 MG storage tank with Little Box Elder Spring water when the Sheep Mountain Well is off-line.

The third source of water is the North Platte River. A diversion sends river water into the water treatment plant (WTP). The WTP, with a rated capacity of 2.5 MGD, treats the water before supplying the distribution system. The WTP is a peaking plant, meaning the plant runs during only the peak summer days.

Water from all three sources directly feed the City pressure zone through three storage tanks; 1 MG Orpha, the 3 MG Orpha and the 2 MG Cemetery tank. Water from all three sources supply the Clearfield tank, located on the east side of Douglas. The Clearfield tank provides service to areas, which would receive inadequate pressure from the City

City of Douglas 33 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN




2.0 MG CEMETE Y TANK ··--·-,HGL=4981 FT



RV I I ' I ' - i I FIGURE 5-1 1 -I SHEEP MOUNTAIN !t-----;-----"..l..~~ 1..:~-----1r-----{-;(_~f\\----t-~----,1------jl: ·· CITY OF DOUGLASJ WY EXISTING FACILITIES WELL J .. ,, I)) SCALE 1"=5000' 0 "\_- ...... ,.. • .... ,.. I I ri , l I ... --,'!"-. --...,- .-- .- ,y-. --.- -.- ,-.--. -- .- -.-- .- -.- • 0.1 MG SHEEP MOUNTAIN WELL TANK HGL=5198 FT zone. As a result, water must be pumped to the Clearfield tank.

The Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy (WLEA) in located near the 1 MG Orpha and the 3 MG Orpha tanks. Due the elevation and location of the academy, the existing system piping and zoning prevent the WLEA from receiving adequate service. Therefore, the WLEA pump station is solely dedicated to providing those needs.


The City has several water rights associated with three principal water supply sources. The rights to these are: 1.) territorial and subsequent water rights in Little Box Elder Spring some 16 miles west of Douglas, 2.) direct diversion water rights to the North Platte River near the water treatment plant, and 3 .) a well permit to the Sheep Mountain Well located about 5 miles southwest of Douglas. These water sources are shown on the map in Figure 5-2 and described below. This section identifies the City water rights, describes each water source, and discusses the yield of the water supply. The water rights are tabulated in Table 5-3 on page 38.

Water Rights

Our analysis included collection and review of the documentation of the City water rights records and comparison of those records with the records on file at the State Engineer's Office. Without considering delivery and treatment factors, the maximum diversion rate in millions of gallons per day (MGD) for each source is shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1: Maximum Diversion Summary

Source Flow Rate Flow Rate (MGD) (cfs) Little Box Elder Spring 4.13 2.67 North Platte River Diversions 5.73 3.70 Sheep Mountain Well 3.34 2.15 Maximum Diversion Rate (summer) 13.2 8.52

Table 5-2 presents fifteen years of water production data from these sources.

City of Douglas 35 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Highway Numbers W Interstate 0 us Q State

NRailroads 1\1 County boundary , · \/ Rivers and streams Pipeline D Water bodies $ Water sources

Map data derived from enhanced US Bureau 5 0 5 Miles of the Census TIGER files. Digital map data ~5iiiiii~~~~ projected, clipped, and composed using 5 0 5 1 0 Kilometers ARC/INFO and Arc View GIS software.

This map is for display purposes only, the Sear-Brown Group holds no Liability for loss © 1998. Digital cartography and layout by: or damage resulting from the use of this map. .9 THE SEAR-BROWN GROUP Table 5-2: Water Production Data by Source - Annual Totals

Year Little Box Elder Sheep N. Platte River Total Total Spg(MG) Mountain Well (MG) Production Production (MG) (MG) (AF) 1981 421.06 0.00 176.58 597.64 1,834.1 1982 391.04 0.00 136.54 527.58 1,619.1 1983 606.37 0.00 73.47 679.84 2,086.3 1984 625.62 0.00 73.36 698.98 2,145.1 1985 594.35 0.00 119.21 713.56 2,189.8 1986 585.18 0.00 83.97 669.15 2,053.5 1987 501.47 0.00 115.14 616.62 1,892.3 1988 409.70 0.00 185.26 594.95 1,825.8 1989 356.06 0.00 159.12 515.18 1,581.0 1990 334.63 0.00 151.28 485.91 1,491.2 1991 379.58 0.00 85.18 464.76 1,426.3 1992 368.09 0.00 115.65 483.74 1,484.5 1993 365.48 0.00 83.88 449.35 1,379.0 1994 416.31 82.27 80.69 579.26 1,777.7 1995 394.45 69.44 4.59 468.48 1,437.7 1996 434.52 102.37 28.82 565.71 1,736.1

Avg Prod 449.0 84.7 104.5 569.4 1,747.5 Avg (AF) 1,377.9 259.9 320.8 1,747.5 1,747.5 Max(AF) 1,920.0 314.2 568.5 2,189.8 2,189.8 Source: City of Douglas records.

City of Douglas 37 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 A generalized unofficial summary of the City's water rights package is shown in Table 5- 3. Included in Table 5-3 is an additional water right used for irrigation of the City golf course. Because the right is for irrigation and not available directly for domestic water uses, further discussion is irrelevant. The data in Table 5-3 aided in developing an estimate of the legal water supply divertable for municipal and industrial uses.

Table 5-3: Summary of City of Douglas Water Rights

Source Permit Priority Date Flow Rate Remark

N. Platte River 6101 7/7/1904 1.23 cfs Annual yield (May 1 -.Sept 30) 263.52 af TotheWTP

N. Platte River 9903 6/15/1910 4.5 cfs To the WTP Mun and Ind

L. Box Elder Spring No.4 Terr Spring 1885 0.87 cfs Mun

Enlargement 2335E 4/20/1910 0.08 cfs Mun L. Box Elder Spring No. 4 Brownfield

Enlargement 2335E 4/20/1910 0.12 cfs Mun L. Box Elder Spring No. 4 Green Valley

L. Box Elder Creek Terr 1879 1.10 cfs Mun To Douglas E.S. No 1 Johnson pipeline

L. Box Elder Creek Terr 1879 0.36 cfs Mun To Douglas E.S. No2 Johnson pipeline

L. Box Elder Creek Terr 5/20/1885 1.60 cfs I, S To Douglas Carey L. Box Elder No.1 Carey, et al pipeline

N. Platte River 22594 5/26/1965 1.24 cfs 87.2 ac.Irrigation

Sheep Mountain Well Well 4/17/1990 3.34 cfs Annual yield permit (1500gpm) 1939.5 af. 97415 Mun and misc

Douglas Pipeline No. 1 16937 8/20/1923 S.S., Ind and Mun All L. Box Elder spring and Creek water rights

Reference: City of Douglas records and State Engineer Office, 1997.

City of Douglas 38 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Legal, capacity, and hydrologic factors exist in delivering treated water to the system. Regarding capacity, the existing WTP has a peak rate of approximately 2.5 MGD, 90 days/yr. Existing pumping capacity of the Sheep Mountain Well is approximately 910 gpm (1.3 MGD), 330 days/yr. Recorded maximum delivery of Douglas Pipeline No. 1, using existing records, is about 2.0 MGD. Additionally, dry years could affect the surface water sources. These effects cannot be determined at this time, as explained starting on page 41 in section "Yield of Water Supply" of this report. Note, however, that a limitation by the State Hydrologist on the City water rights has never occurred in the 10-year experience of the operations staff. Thus, existing average daily summer delivery capacity of the existing system is about 5.8 MGD.

Little Box Elder Spring The Little Box Elder Spring source has historically been the City's primary water supply in all months of the year. In total, it is composed of six (6) water rights. The Spring has been a high quality source, supplied to the distribution system by gravity, and, thus, is the City's most economical municipal water source. Located in the SE 114 of Section 3, Township 32 North, Range 74 West, about 16 miles west of the City, the spring is an artesian, flowing over a sill in the enclosing concrete foundation and into a pipeline. Overflow not entering the pipeline goes to av-notch weir, into a covered concrete outfall box, and on to the creek.

Records are nonexistent for the total flow at the Spring House and withdrawals of the several domestic taps to rural customers along the delivery transmission line. Therefore, total flow of the spring is unknown. To aid in future system analysis and understanding, we recommend beginning a routine flow data acquisition program, such as installing a reliable Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, at the spring.

The water services on the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 receive no disinfection from the City. Downstream of these services, the water receives chlorination at the chlorination facility located near the Orpha Tank at the west edge of the City. Therefore, for the spring, we recommend installing a disinfection system. The disinfection would decrease possible contamination problems. Also, installing a chlorine monitor or other water quality monitoring instrumentation near the connection to the City distribution system (i.e. Orpha tanks) is ideal for determining decreases in chlorine residual.

A site visit was conducted on August 8, 1997 and included the observation of several conditions deserving detailed assessment and further investigation. The Spring House needs a new roof and improvements in sanitation protection. In addition, the existing interior walkways encourage contamination of the source water and need removal. The batteries above the spring also may contaminate the source water and need relocating. The batteries are for a non-working flow monitoring device. The building otherwise appears sound and functional.

City of Douglas 39 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Douglas Pipeline No. I An enlargement of the Douglas Pipeline No. 1, which conveys the spring water, was permitted by the State Engineer's Office in January 1996 under permit number P7179E. A map prepared by John Lambert, former City Engineer, and filed with the permit application presents the pipeline route, the capacity data, and the legal "area of use" attributed to the pipeline. The approximate line length from the spring to the 1 MG Orpha Tank is 16.2 miles. This transmission line crosses the Barber Ranch in an easement. Banner Associates designed a 12-inch asbestos-cement line as a replacement for the wood-stave pipeline in the 1950's.

In 1992, the City staff detected a decrease in flow. Banner Associates conducted significant investigations before discovery that a tree root growing in the pipe about 200 yards dO\ynstream of the spring limited the flow. City personnel estimate clearing this problem on January 20, 1994. The capacity of the pipeline is currently unknown. However, City records show a maximum delivery of approximately 2.0 MGD. When using records to estimate yield of the spring for water supply and water rights purposes, however, the decreased capacity of the pipeline through 1994 needs consideration.

North Platte River Diversions According to the City Public Works staff, ample water is available from the river during high summer demand periods when the water treatment plant (WTP) is operated. The capacity of the diversion structure was not included in the Scope of Services of this project. However, due to the pumping capacity at the WTP, the City has not recorded diverting the legal rate of 5.73 cfs (3.7 MGD). A 24-inch raw water pipe serves as the influent line from the diversion structure to the WTP.

Sheep Mountain Well The ground water source known as Sheep Mountain Well No. 1, is part of the Ridgewater Estates Improvement District water supply project. The well is located in the NE 114 of the SE 1/4 of Section 33, Township 32 North, Range 72 West, Converse County. The original application for a permit to appropriate ground water established a priority date of April 17, 1990. The well is cased with 12-inch steel pipe and concrete to 471 feet. The total depth is 1165 feet, drawing its water from the Casper Formation. The well was placed on-line for the Douglas water supply in 1994.

The current rated (appropriated) capacity is 1500 gpm or 1939.5 acre-feet per year. The pump test produced a yield of 1001 gpm in 182 hours with a drawdown of 21.8 feet. The 200 HP pump is rated for 910 gpm, has a 8-5/8 inch discharge pipe and has a setting of 452 feet. The pump is fitted with two polyethylene sensor lines to allow testing of static and drawdown levels. The static surface in December 1994 was 365 feet. Elevation of the wellhead is approximately 5112 feet [Permit No. UW97415]. According to the State Engineer's Office, this well is not yet adjudicated for the permitted capacity and withdrawal flow rate.

City of Douglas 40 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 A site visit was conducted on August 8, 1997. The well is located in a 80 ft by 100 ft fenced enclosure adjacent to a 16 ft by 26 ft precast concrete building. The wellhead consists of a pitless adapter unit with buried 8-inch discharge pipe into the building. The building contains telemetry and metering, a surge tank, and a separate space for a 100 pound gaseous chlorine feed system. The treated water goes to a nearby 100,000 gallon glass-lined steel storage tank. The tank is about 700 feet from the building, has 18 feet side-wall height and an overflow elevation of 5198 feet.

Because the tank has an 8-inch bypass line, the Sheep Mountain water supply can continue to operate if the tank is shut down for emergency repairs or periodic maintenance. This altered mode of operation requires reconfiguration of the control logic. In automatic control mode, the static surface of the storage tank controls the operation_ of the well pump. The facility appears to function as designed. (Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc., 1995)

This site is fully telemetered for pump control, chlorine usage, storage tank level and alarm conditions. The Pressure Reducing/Booster Building near Esterbrook Highway and Interstate 25 is included in the telemetry system. Signals are received at the operations center in the water treatment plant.

As to operations and maintenance considerations, the operator reports losing three (3) level pressure transducer units at the base of the storage tank, one in the fall of 1996 and two in the spring of 1997, presumably due to lightning damage. These units cost about $700-$800 each. Damage of electronics due to lightning is a common problem for water systems and often requires detailed study by an electrical engineering specialist to find a solution.

In the well house, the valve for water sampling is located on the discharge elbow where the water leaves the well building for the storage tank. The chlorine solution water bypasses the meter. The operators reported that the 12-inch transmission line from the storage tank to City had not been inspected recently for function of inline air-release, isolation valves and blowoff assemblies.

Yield of Water Supply

The attempted yield analysis for Little Box Elder Spring included reviewing precipitation data from three gauge sites within 24 miles of the spring. Additionally, data from four snow pack sites in the south and southwest of the spring along with data from the Box Elder snowtel site were collected and reviewed. The three snow pack data sites judged most useful are shown on Figure 5-2, entitled "Existing Water Sources". The site known as Box Elder Creek has 48 years of data. The records of the April snow­ water-equivalent (SWE) of each of the three sites are plotted in Figure 5-3. The x-axis shows the year while the y-axis shows the SWE amount. The data in Figure 5-3 appear

City of Douglas 41 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Figure 5-3: Graph of Snow-Water Equivalent Records

April now Water qui alen Combined Stations: 1960~ 1996

25 - iI

l: i i I ,-..20 -----)- -- -+---~-- ___ ;__ -- <----+--+---~------:------!---~---~- ---{------+- Cl) ! : i i I i l i Q) . : I ; I I I : : : I ..c . I ' (.) i c I :::::.- 15 ------1-i --- 1 c I 0 I +:i I ' ' ! ! ~ 10 ------1--- --t------( ·----,--- 0. 1 (.) I Q) ~ I a.. 5 ------i--·----:-----: I ---i----:---I --- :I --- - i I . I • : I ' I t ! i 0 --[ ---~--~------~---...;---~------~ 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 Years

- • - LaPrele Cr-April SnoPack -Y- Buck Cr-April SnoPack ----.-- BoxElder -April SnoPack consistent and usable. The data from the Box Elder snowtel site were selected for analysis. A three-year moving average was computed to smooth the data.

Due to the inconsistency of pipeline flow and the lack of total flow records, data from the Little Box Elder Spring is less usable than the other data. A comparative plot of the annual records of April snow pack and spring usage from Table 5-1 is shown in Figure 5- 4. Statistical methods such as regression analysis and ranking were applied to the limited data of spring production, however, the spring flow record is inadequate to carry the analysis to a conclusion. Therefore, no estimate of the dry-year reliable yield of the spring can be made at this time. A reliable estimate may be possible in the future with several years of collected total flow data from the spring. At this stage of_ planning, the averages of divertable water and deliverable water presented earlier must be used for water supply purposes until statistically useful data, is available.


The USEP A has established criteria for drinking water quality. The limits for contaminants in drinking water may change in the future. Consideration of the possible impacts on treatment and the cost to meet anticipated regulations is important. Therefore, the quality of the water supply determines the level of treatment required. The current and anticipated drinking water quality regulations are briefly covered in this section. Water quality for the three water supplies are characterized in Table 5-4.

The Douglas Water Treatment Plant (WTP) comes under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEP A). The state handles operations and construction matters while the USEP A, through the Region 8 office in Denver, administers Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) matters. USEPA conducted an audit and inspection of the WTP in September 1996. The inspection included taking samples of raw water and finished water, interviewing the operators, and checking plant records and monitoring instrument systems. In summary, the WTP was found satisfactory with regard to being able to consistently meet the existing USEP A water quality standards. The fact that the WTP is used as a peaking source of treated water, operating only in the summer months of July and August, was noted.

City of Douglas 43 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Figure 5-4: Comparison Graph of Spring Usage vs. Snow Pack

ox Ider pring U e v (I no ac Annual data 1981-1996

00 12 Q) .!: (.) c ~10 ...... ,Cl) c Q) co > :J o- w ~ rn Q) ::J ...... , c cu c 5 <( ~ 0 enc ·c 0. <(


- • -- BoxEld Cr - 3yr Avg - AprSnoPack ~- L.BoxEld Sprg - AnnUse Table 5-4: Raw Water Quality Data - City of Douglas

Classification of EPA N. Platte River Little Sheep Contaminants (1) Std Box Mountain (3) Elder Well Spring

Date of Sample 9-13-93 6-8-94 9-23-96 2-16-94 10-21-96

Primary Inorganics: Nitrates (mg/I) 10.0 <0.05 <0.1 0.26 0.94 0.91

Fluoride (mg/I) 2.0 0.4 0.31 0.35 0.36 0.54

Other (mg/I) <2.0 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10

Secondary Inorganics (mg/I) (Sulfates) 250 147 151 45.6 83.3


Gross alpha (pCi/l) 15.0 9.3 +/- 3.4 Gross beta None 6.2 +/- 3.0 Radiurn-226/228 (pCi/l) 5.0 1.0 +/- 0.7

Regulated Synthetic Organics: VOCs, pesticides, PBCs Min and herbicides ( ug/l) 2.0 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

Trihalomethanes (THMs) (four compounds)(ug/l) (2) 100 25.88 26.8 4.0

Monitored unregulated synthetic organics ( ug/l) n/a <0.5 <0.5

Asbestos (106 fibers/liter) 1128/97 (pipeline) 7.0 1.56

Note: (1) Milligrams per liter= mg/I; micrograms per liter= ug/l (2) Treated water. (3) As prepared by USEPA, Region 8, November 1995; summarized for presentation. n/a means no current regulation for the parameter.

City of Douglas 45 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) and Water Quality Requirements

The current standards, known as National Primary Drinking Water Regulations - Region VIII, November 1995, for finished water quality for conventional and direct filtration WTPs are generally as follows:

Microbiological total coliforms 0 turbidity <5 .0 NTU at all times <0.5 NTU 95% of all samples

Inorganic contaminants Several maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)

Synthetic organic chemicals Many maximtim contaminant levels (MCLs) Secondary Contaminant Levels Recommended levels (SMCLs) Unregulated Contaminants Pending

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) amendments of 1986 resulted in new regulations being proposed or promulgated from 1988 through 1994. More recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEP A) has slowed down regulation development, due in part to resource limitations and also in anticipation of the SDWA authorization. On August 6, 1996, the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 were signed into law. The new law focuses water program spending on the contaminants that pose the greatest risk to human health and that are most likely to occur in a given water system. Rather than requiring USEP A to focus on certain contaminants, the law gives it more authority to select which contaminants to regulate, but requires USEP A to use the best available scientific information and objective practices when proposing drinking water standards. USEP A will select at least five new contaminants to consider for regulation every five years. Regulations must be aimed at contaminants posing the greatest health risks.

The 1996 amendment makes extensive changes to current drinking water requirements, and some that could affect the City water system operation include:

(1) Radon - USEPA must withdraw its proposed rule and is now directed to promulgate a new regulation for radon oased on a risk assessment and health risk reduction cost analysis by the National Academy of Sciences. Two Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) are to be set; one based on the new standard setting process using cost-benefit analysis. USEPA has 30 months from enactment to seek comment on risk reduction benefits and cost analysis for potential radon standards, six more months to propose a radon standard, and another year to adopt a standard.

(2) Lead - The current ban on lead is extended and bans the use of lead pipes, solder, and flux in the fixtures and fitting of public water systems and residential City of Douglas 46 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 plumbing.

(3) Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule, Groundwater Disinfection Rule - USEPA has 180 days to conduct toxicological, epidemiological, and dose-response studies to support the development and implementation of the enhanced surface water treatment, disinfection by-products, and groundwater disinfection rules.

(4) Public Notification - Public water systems will be required by USEPA to provide customers with annual "consumer confidence reports" in newspapers and by direct mail. The reports must list levels of regulated contaminants along with Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs) and MCLs and plainly worded definitions of bo!h. A plainly worded statement of the health concerns must be included for any contaminant for which there has been a violation. the sources of drinking water for the utility and information on unregulated contaminants for which monitoring is required, including Cryptosporidium and radon, must be provided. USEPA must establish a toll-free hot line for customers to call to get additional information. Governors may exempt systems serving fewer than 10,000 people from the mailing requirement, and systems serving 500 or fewer persons may be given other options for providing the report to customers.

( 5) Water System Operators - The law requires water system operators to be certified by the State and directs USEPA to issue minimum certification standards for operators. Grants will be provided to states to reimburse the costs of training for operators of systems serving 3,300 or fewer persons.

( 6) State Revolving Loan Fund (SRLF) - A new SRLF is established to provide loans to public water systems to comply with the SDWA requirements. It authorizes $1 billion per year through 2003 for capitalization grants to primacy states. States must allocate 15% of the SRLF to systems serving 10,000 or fewer people.

(7) Technologies for Small Systems - USEPA is required to identify technologies that are affordable for small systems to comply with drinking water regulations. Technical assistance funds are authorized to enable small systems to comply with drinking water regulations, as well as provide technical assistance to meet the training and technical needs of small systems. In addition, states are authorized to grant variances for compliance with drinking water regulations for systems serving 3,300 or fewer persons (except microbials, microbial indicators, disinfectants, and disinfection and corrosion by-products).

Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium and can be found in high concentrations in soils and rocks containing uranium, granite, shale, gneiss, phosphate and coal. Radon is most harmful when inhaled and has been estimated to cause between 5,000 to 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year. Of these deaths, approximately 800 are attributed to the effect of radon from groundwater. The USEP A has proposed MCLs for City of Douglas 47 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 radon at 300 pCi/L up to 3,000 pCi/L, however, no MCL has yet been set. According to USEPA, the average radon concentration in public water systems is within the range of 200 to 600 pCi/L. Radon is also most likely to be present in water from private wells or from community water systems serving fewer than 500 people. This is due to the fact that larger systems usually provide some kind of water treatment that removes the radon. Because of the cost to public water systems to meet a radon MCL of 300 pCi/L, the SDWA Amendments of 1996 require USEPA to develop a new MCL based on a benefit­ cost analysis. The levels of radon in the City water supply have not been sampled and are not known at this time.

The Lead and Copper Rule was promulgated by the USEPA in 1991. The rule requires that public water systems ensure lead and copper levels in consumer tap water be below acceptabl~ levels (1.3 mg/L for copper and 0.015 mg/L fo~ lead). Lead and copper occur in drinking water primarily as a result of the corrosion of pipes, solder, and other plumbing materials in the home. Lead is a highly toxic metal. Monitoring of consumer tap samples is required. A corrosion control treatment strategy must be implemented if ten percent or more of the samples contain more than 0.015 mg/L of lead or 1.3 mg/L of copper. On December 11, 1996, the City surveyed and sampled several homes. All were reported below detection limits; the highest values in the survey were 0.39 mg/L for copper and 0.005 mg/L for lead. This does not appear to be a problem in Douglas at this time.

Turbidity and Microorganisms are also important. A turbidity level above 1.0 nepheloturbidity units (NTU) can interfere with disinfection. Microorganisms can cling to particulate material and be shielded against disinfectants. Most water systems strive to achieve a turbidity level of less than 0.1 NTU. A limit of 0.1 NTU by the year 2000 has been suggested as a future regulation by the USEP A. There is a direct correlation between elevated turbidity levels and the potential for Cryptosporidium contamination, should this protozoan be present in the source water. The presence of microorganisms is unlikely in ground water sources such as the Little Box Elder Spring and the Sheep Mountain Well. No known problem exists with turbidity outside the current standards at the WTP. However, the City delivers raw spring water from the Douglas Pipeline No.1 to several residents in rural Converse County. Although these services are not monitored and not treated, problems with turbidity from this source are unlikely. Recommendations for improvements to the Little Box Elder Spring are made elsewhere in this report. These improvements are intended to lower the risk of turbidity and microorganisms entering the spring from human sources.

City of Douglas 48 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 D. Water Treatment


This section describes a preliminary-level review of the WTP. Data were obtained from the following sources: the Operation Manual (HDR, 1980), the project record drawings (HDR, 1982), interviews with the chief operator, a site visit and review ofWTP operating log sheets. The standardized method of WTP review is called a Comprehensive Plant Evaluation or CPE (USEPA, 1991). A CPE generally evaluates the WTP in four areas: design, operations, maintenance, and administrative support. It includes investigation of the unit processes of water treatment and the supporting systems such as instrumentation and chemical feed systems. The goal of the CPE is to identify performance limiting factors which, if found significant, would require more cletailed review and correction. The Sear-Brown Group completed the CPE for the City of Douglas WTP. Refer to Figure 5-5 for a schematic diagram of the WTP process train.

Performance History of the Water Treatment Plant

The Douglas WTP has a rated capacity of 2.5 million gallons per day (MGD) and was placed in operation in 1981. The maximum production of record was 2.986 MGD on June 8, 1988. The daily WTP operating records for three years from January 4, 1994 to September 3, 1996 covering 124 days of operation were reviewed. The WTP is generally used as a peaking facility in summer but January 1994 is an exception. Winter operations were necessary because the raw water pipeline from the Little Box Elder Spring was under repair. As a result, the City diverted water from the North Platte River. Significant effort included operating long hours and overcoming icing conditions. Diversion of water from the North Platte is difficult in the wintertime due to these icing conditions. Despite these situations, the WTP performed well. Performing a probability analysis on the finished water turbidity data, the mean turbidity was 0.18 NTU and the turbidity of the finished water was under 0.34 NTU [95 percent of the time]. These statistics need comparing with the USEPA maximum of 0.5 NTU [95 percent of the time] and 5.0 NTU an absolute maximum.

Evaluation of Major Unit Processes and Performance Limiting Factors

Preliminary evaluation was performed on the following unit processes:

Low-head raw water pumps - Three electric pumping units rated at 900 gpm draw water from the river diversion structure through a 24-inch raw water line. The water is lifted 20.6 feet through an 18-inch line to the inlet chamber. A polymer coagulant can be added at the pump suction side for mixing. The pumps have 8-inch discharge piping. The design allows for the addition of a fourth pump. The operating data shows that two pumps running produces an average flow rate of 1670 gpm or 2.4 MGD. The third pump is on standby. This produces a velocity of 2.4 ft/sec in the 18-inch pipe. Adding a third

City of Douglas 49 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR.. BROWN


' z 0 F m:::> ~ DECANT SLUDGE ~ - SETTLING ~ (/) ~ (/) BASINS 0 RAW WATER FROM NORTH PLATTE RIVER ~ ...... ,. ____ ---,



FIGURE 5-5 pump on-line would provide approximately 2500 gpm or 3.6 MGD. Pipe velocities are not excessive at 3.6 ft/sec. The measured pump curve does not directly compare with the pumping capacity curve in Figure III-3 of the Operation Manual (HDR, 1980). If one of two pumps is lagged, pumping only on demand of the rate control valve and the level in the sedimentation basin, then actual performance may be consistent with the pumping curve. The pump capacities and hydraulic pipe capacities of this part of the WTP may be conservatively rated at 2.9 MGD. Therefore, these pumps do not appear to limit plant performance.

Rapid mixing - A selection of chemicals including sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), alum, powdered carbon and chlorine can be added at the inlet chamber and mixed in a hydraulic turbulence channel (a hydraulic jump) prior to entering the flocculation units. Perform~ce of chemical reactants is inversely related to water temperature. Worthy of note is the operation of the WTP in January 1994. The record shows water temperatures of 6°C to 12°C (43°F to 52°F) which is about 25°F below the summer average. Operating at about 2.0 MGD, the WTP produced finished water turbidities between 0.2-0.4 NTU, comparable to summer operating performance. These results indicate adequate chemical performance under severe conditions. Hydraulic constraints may exist in mixing channel or in the size of the floe basin inlet ports. Also, mechanical rapid mixing is used in preference to channel mixing (such as a hydraulic jump) in many water treatment plants. See Gravity filters and Chemical Feed Systems. If performance of chemical reactants is questionable at some future date, the remarks in this paragraph may be given further consideration. Chemical delivery and mixing appears adequate, according to the operations staff.

Flocculation basins - After the chemical reactions of coagulation take place, flocculation particles form to attract and hold turbidity particles in the raw water. Each flocculation basin is divided into three stages and has a rated detention time of 60 minutes at 2.5 MGD and a flow velocity of 0.5 feet per minute. Standards for detention vary from 10 to 40 minutes. Water temperature is a consideration for good floe formation. This results in a possible flocculation/coagulation capacity of 3.7 MGD with velocity not to exceed 1.5 ft/min. The agitation of the variable-speed paddle assemblies is adequate at 0.5 to 2.0 ft/sec tip speed. The flocculation process appears not to limit plant performance.

Sedimentation basins - The two settling basins are continuations of the floe basins. Overall length is 120 feet long but effective length is 110 feet. At 2.5 MGD, overflow rate is 0.40 gpm/sf; standards vary from 0.5 to 0.7 gpm/sf. Detention time is approximately 3. 7 hours, slightly less than adequate. Computed flow velocity is at the maximum standard of 0.5 ft/min. The operations staff takes turbidity data on the settled water, a very good practice for process monitoring. Comparing raw water and settled water turbidity data, removal rates vary from 78 to 97 percent, excluding very cold, clear winter waters. The warm weather average is 87 percent. This is satisfactory performance for the sedimentation process under the present flow rates and raw water conditions. If raw water quality deteriorates, adjusting the chemical addition may be adequate to handle the changes. If flow rates are increased, inlet and outlet hydraulic analysis as well as City of Douglas 51 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 settling studies should be performed.

Gravity filters - The WTP has four concrete gravity filter boxes. Each box is 12 feet (L} x 14 feet (W) x 8.5 feet (D). At 2.5 MGD with one filter in backwash mode, loading rate is 3 .44 gpm/sf. Average rate with four filters is 2.6 gpm/sf. The constant-rate control system regulates the filter effluent valves to a maximum average loading rate of about 4.0 gpm/sf. This is well within the rule-of-thumb of 5.0 gpm/sf maximum loading rate. A rate of 4.0 gpm/sfx 168 sfx 3 filters yields 2.9 MGD.

Elements not observed on the filter units are the surface wash system, the backwash control system, backwash efficiency, the wash water collection troughs, media loss rate and the condition of the filter media. The backwash sequence may be initiated by effluent tuJ"bidity or by a loss-of-head sensor. The WTP design allows for the addition of four more filters and a doubling of the clearwell capacity to the north side of the building. The key parameter in a detailed study of the filters is effluent quality. Finished water turbidities averaged 0.2 NTU and range to 0.8 NTU for a peak daily average in 1994 through 1996. These turbidities are currently borderline acceptable. However, the USEP A may lower the turbidity standard from 0.5 NTU to either 0.1 or 0.2 NTU by the year 2000. This means that the City must improve the filter performance to about 0.05 NTU or 98 percent removal for compliance with this new possible standard. This may be attainable in the short term by experimenting with filter-aid chemical addition. See Chemical feed systems. The next step in WTP assessment may require making a detailed assessment of the filter materials and filter operations.

Disinfection - The process of disinfection includes chemical addition, mixmg, and detention under known conditions. For a chlorination system, water temperature, pH, and the required free chlorine residual determine the holding time required. This is computed from tabular values of CT or concentration x time in minutes, mg/l - min. For example, assume the following from the operating data:

water temperature = 7C (conservative, January data) pH = 7.5 (conservative, finished water) Free chlorine residual = 2.5 mg/l

From the tabular values of CT given the above data: CT= 95.4 mg/I-min; detention time= 95.4/2.5 = 38 minutes.

Volume of the clearwell = (16+16) x 60 x 10 deep or 143,000 gal gross volume Deduct 50, 000 gal for one backwash and derate by 0. 6 for short circuiting. Maximum flow rate= 1470 gpm or 2.1 MGD in the present configuration.

These preliminary calculations indicate that the chlorine contact basin may be a performance-limiting factor. One way to estimate detention time directly is to do a tracer study of the clearwell. Because the WTP is out of service most of the year, a tracer study could easily be accomplished. The results may be useful in improving overall efficiency City of Douglas 52 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 of the disinfection process.

Chemical feed systems - Chemicals are used for particle removal, adjusting water chemistry and disinfection. Refer to Table 5-5 for a listing of the chemical feed systems. Current practice involves mixing four 50-pound bags of alum in a 100-gallon solution tank. At the feed-rate settings and WTP flow rate of 2.4 MGD reported by the operators, the average dosage of alum coagulant computes to about 38-40 mg/L. This dosage is in the normal range. Concerning the chlorine feed system, under peak usage conditions,

Table 5-5: Water Treatment Chemical Systems

System and Maximum Storage Operations and Application Purpose Capacity

Aluminum Sulfate: 11 gph of Solid in 50 A liquid alum system is in place solution or 41 lb bags; 3 but not used. Bags are cut open Coagulation mg/I at 4.0 MGD. 2000 gal and emptied into batch tanlc The tanks for solution is fed into the rapid mix liquid. point.

Polyelectrolyte: Coagulant aid: 250 gal batch Two points of feed. Enhanced settling 11 gph tank; 250 gal Enhanced filtration Filter aid: 3. 7 gph feed tank. [Not used at this time.]

Powdered carbon: Varies w/timer 75-100 bags; Two points of feed. Taste/odor control and pulley 450 lb Color removal selection. hopper [Not used at this time.]

Sodium Hydroxide: 3.66 gph of 50% 3-2000 gal May only be needed intermittently (caustic soda) solution; or 17 tanks. as a pH adjustment for alum. Very pH adjustment mg/I at 4.0 MGD sensitive to cool temperatures. [Not in use at this time]

Chlorine: 800 lbs per day Seven 1-ton Two scales. Four points of feed. Disinfection cylinders.

Refer to Operations manual, HDR, 1980.

June 1994 data shows a usage of 720 pounds of chlorine or 43 pounds per 24 hours of operation. This results in an average dosage of 2.1 mg/I. These data are normal. Since the existing capacity can supply a maximum of 800 pounds per day, the system is oversized and not a limiting factor.

Because of the flexibility and relatively complete configuration of batching, pumping and piping equipment available, the existing chemical feed systems are not considered a limiting factor to performance of the WTP. A research program to document the City of Douglas 53 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 performance of various polymer coagulant-aid and filter-aid chemicals could be carried out by the operations personnel. The resulting data, combined with the WTP performance data routinely obtained may reveal the potential to increase filter flow rates and/or improve finished water turbidity. The data gained from such research will be very useful to overall WTP optimization. Such a program could lead to improved performance without making costly changes to piping and other hydraulic components of the WTP. The existing polymer feed system is already configured for feeding such chemicals. The Operations manual discusses polymer handling and feed practices can be used as a starting point for designing the research project.

Sludge Treatment and Disposal - Controls/Instrumentation/Metering System - Laboratory facilities - Electrical and Stand-by Power System - These systems and processes__ were not included in our Scope of Services and therefore not reviewed. The sludge settling system produces no discharge at this time; ·sludge is dried by evaporation. The operators reported no specific problem areas. Therefore, no areas are considered performance-limiting under the peaking-mode method of operation.

Performance Limiting Factors and Recommendations for Future Study

Based upon the preliminary analysis of the process elements above, the following are probable performance-limiting factors:

1. Filter performance: Turbidity removal rates need review. Inspection of the media and testing of the filter could be considered.

2. Pilot testing: An evaluation program of various polymer chemicals could result in indications of improved filter performance. Linked to this study would be the monitoring of turbidity, total organic carbon removal {TOC) and disinfection by-products in the finished water.

3. Chlorine disinfection: Further CT analysis of the contact basin is recommended. Tracer studies of the contact basin could be considered. Such data could be used to determine any need for changes in the disinfection process or the need for modification or expansion of the contact basin.

Utility Technical Services, Inc., tested the meter at the WTP for accuracy on September 8, 1997. According to the report by Utility Technical Services, Inc., due to the equipment usability confinement, which can be corrected in future tests, the meter tested outside of the industry standard of ±3 %. A copy of the report is in the Appendices.

City of Douglas 54 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 E. WATER TRANSMISSION and DISTRIBUTION

Water Transmission

Douglas Pipeline No. 1 The Douglas Pipeline No.1, also known as the Spring Line, conveys water from the Little Box Elder Spring to the City of Douglas. The approximate length of this pipeline from the spring to the 1 MG Orpha storage tank is 16.2 miles. The pipeline is a 12-inch asbestos cement (AC) line and was constructed in the 1950's. City records show a maximum delivery of approximately 2.0 MGD.

Currently, certain points along the pipeline are close to and sometimes below the hydraulic--grade line (HGL). The HGL is a physical representation of the pressure in a system. In areas where the HGL falls below the pipeline, the result is negative pressures. Negative pressures can, and do, allow contaminants into a pipeline. In one instance, according to City staff, the pipeline did break and siphoned a water trough for cattle into the line. With the existing conditions, the City is vulnerable to water supply contamination from such situations. Also, the line is shallow increasing the possibility of breakage because of insufficient protective cover.

In addition, if the line is shut down, the City crew must "restart" the flow by tending all the upstream air release valves to eliminate air and fully opening all downstream valves to increase velocity. This operation takes considerable time and effort.

Table 5-6 lists the stations along the pipeline that need attention. Conducting a pipeline study and checking the topography, pipeline location, and valve operation at these stations is recommended. Realignment of the pipe may be necessary to decrease the possibility of negative pressures at these stations. Another possibility is placing a pump station at the Spring House. Before pump station placement, however, the physical condition of the pipeline must be checked to make sure the pipeline can handle the increased pressure. A profile of the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 is shown in Figure 5-6.

Table 5-6: AirNacuum Stations

Location Spring AJV* AJV AN AN AJV AN& AJV& Item House Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve 12" Valve 12" Valve Station 0+00 11+13 14+94 23+76 48+12 173+00 225+00 452+00 * AJV = Air/ Vacuum Valve

The reliability of the flow meter on Douglas Pipeline No. 1 meter is in such serious question that the operators want to replace it. Utility Technical Services, Inc., tried to test this meter in September of 1997. Unfortunately, the pipeline did not have a tap, a corporation stop, or test ports near the meter. As a result, the meter could not be tested.

City of Douglas 55 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 (A

... OI OI OI OI OI OI OI •CD •CD .,• ., 0 0 ..& I\) I\) 6) 6) ~ 0 OI 0 OI OI 0 OI °'0 OI 0 OI • 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ~ 2

g c ....&i) CD> "II .,,]! Q m 9 .... m mz OI mI ~ ,,..& :IJ .,.0 ..m

~· 8~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---+~~ •8

en OI OI CD...... 0 OI 0 OI 0 •0 § 0"° 0"° The Douglas Pipeline No. 1 has several taps between the Little Box Elder Spring House and the splitter box at the City limits. The water that flows through these taps to customers is not disinfected. Currently, however, the City does have standards or policies in regards to these customers and their water use. All of these customers have meters thus allowing the City to carefully monitor the amount of Little Box Elder Spring water used.

Finally, the valves on the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 are not regularly exercised. Valves need regular exercising to stay in good operating condition. Valves that are not exercised are prone to corrosion and accelerated physical deterioration. Corroded valves may fail during an emergency when the valves are most needed. Therefore, a regular valve­ exercising program along with a regular maintenance and inspection program is recomme~ded to keep these valves in good operating condition.

Sheep Mountain Well Transmission Main The Sheep Mountain Well transmission main conveys water from the Sheep Mountain Well 100,000-gallon storage tank to the City system. The 12-inch PVC pipeline, constructed in 1994, is approximately 28,000 feet in length. The only hydraulic limitation, as noted in the 1995 Operations and Maintenance Manual by the Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc., is at station 196+00. If the flow increases to approximately 1250 gpm, the HGL may drop below the physical elevation of the pipeline, creating a negative pressure situation. We recommend researching ways to keep the HGL above the physical elevation of the pipeline.

Utility Technical ServiCes, Inc. tested the flow meters on the two meters at the well house on September 8, 1997. According to the report by Utility Technical Services, Inc., both meters were within industry standards of ±3%. A copy of the report is located in the Appendices.

Overall, the Sheep Mountain Well Transmission line is in good condition. As with the Douglas Pipeline No. I, a valve-exercising program is recommended. Exercising the valves at least twice a year keeps them in good condition for dependability during an emergency. A regular valve-exercising program along with a regular inspection and maintenance program is recommended for the Sheep Mountain Well Transmission Line. Flushing the, line before placing it back in service for the summer is also recommended. The Operations and Maintenance Manual (Civil Engineering Professionals, 1995) describes the procedure for flushing lines.

Some of connections recommended for improvements to other system areas fall into the Transmission category due to the needed size of pipe and reason for installation. These connections are shown in Figure 5-7. A pipeline between Riverbend and Sheep Mountain Well zone, a pipeline between Fairview and the Clearfield zone, extension of the 12-inch line from the old POW camp to where the Sheep Mountain Well transmission line connects to the City system, and a 12-inch pipeline to Fairway Estates are included in

City of Douglas 57 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN








GOLF COURSE FIGURE 5-7 CITY OF DOUGLAS, WY 1 - NCH EXTENSION FOR FUTURE CONNECTIONS D C EASED HEADLOSSES CHECK VALVE SCALE 1"=2000' NO TE: -.-2000 4000 SHEEP MOUNTAIN ITALICS FOR ORIENTAnON ONLY __ ,... ---- (______L______:WEi:::LL:_:Ll~N:E ______.i,i. ______.L.,.'------L..l...------r------.~ these connections. Reasons for these connections are related to issues such as pressure and headloss, which are discussed in the Water Distribution section below.

Water Distribution

Water distribution systems supply water to residential and commercial units. Circulation of the water, avoidance of dead end lines, and prevention of excessive detention time in storage tanks are all critical aspect of water quality.

The distribution system for the City of Douglas is comprised of 4-inch through 14-inch water lines (Figure 5-8). To meet system demands, water is supplied through these lines from the Spring Line, the Sheep Mountain Well line, and, during peak periods, the WTP. The Spring Line supplies water to two storage tarn,

The Sheep Mountain Well transmission main, which also supplies the City distribution system, runs only when system demands exceed the spring line supply. The Sheep Mountain Well feeds water directly to a 0.1 MG tank by the well. Water from the tank then flows by gravity through a 12-inch main to the City. The Ridgewater development is fed off of this transmission main before the main reaches the City limits. At the City limits, the water pressure is decreased by a PRV before the water enters the main distribution system.

Water from the North Platte River is diverted into the WTP. After treatment, the water is pumped directly into the City distribution system.

The main concern of City staff related to the water distribution system is that water can be held in the 3 MG Orpha tank for extended periods of time. Presently, water from both the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 and the Sheep Mountain Well line can fill the 3 MG Orpha tank. However, the existing piping configuration allows water from the Sheep Mountain Well line to "block" water trying to exit the 3 MG Orpha tank. Currently, City staff manually operate the system valving to circulate water in both the 1 MG Orpha and 3 MG Orpha tanks.

As an alternative to manually operating system valving to provide tank circulation, we recommend placing a check valve on the Sheep Mountain Well line just north of the tie to the City system as shown on Figure 2-1. The placement of the check valve will force water from the Sheep Mountain Well through the City distribution system and allow water from the 3 MG Orpha tank to exit into the system independent of the operation of the Sheep Mountain Well line. Figure 5-9 displays the proposed new operation of the 3 MG Orpha piping.

City of Douglas 59 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN



1500 3000 I ' SEAR-BROWN


(REMOVED 1 MG ORPHA) \ \ \ \ 3 MG SCAD A \ORPHA \ CONNECTION \ VAULT 12" w /.:12" w CHLORINE HOUSE/ SPLITTER BOX SHEEP MOUNTAIN WELL LINE SPRING LINE NEW ORPHA TANK SCHEMATIC NOT TO SCALE L------.• FIGURE 5-9 The City staff raised a concern as to whether pressures from the Cemetery tank will again "block" water trying to exit the 3 MG Orpha tank-once the check valve is operational. Whenever there is more than one tank on a zone, "balancing" the flows to each tank, or the rate at which each tank fills is, by nature, problematic. Since water flows through the path of least resistance, the problem is dynamic. The key is to have a reliable SCADA system that allows remote control of the system. Once operational, control valves that control the feed rate into each tank can be placed on the feed lines to each tank.

Another issue is the incorporation of outside communities into the City system. Ridgewater Estates is a community outside of the existing City limits that receives City water and wishes to incorporate into the City boundaries. (See Figure 5-1) The distribution lines in this community range from 2 inches to 4 inches. These size lines are adequate to handle domestic demands. However, these lines are inadequately sized to handle fire flows of 1000 gpm. We recommend that the Ridgewater community upsize the distribution lines to provide the required fire flow - before the City approves annexation.

Energy loss, or available pressure loss expressed as "headloss", in distribution systems is also a concern. The distribution system in the location of the old Prisoner of War camp contains 6-inch and 4-inch lines. As development continues south of this area, the capacity of these small lines will be exceeded, creating high headloss. Therefore, continuation of the 12-inch line on Wind River Road south to the 14-inch line is recommended. (See Figure 5-7) The new 12-inch connection provides for commercial fire flows and decreases the demand on the 6-inch and 4-inch lines.


Generally, a pressure zone is configured such that the pressure head from storage tanks will provide acceptable operating pressures in the distribution system. Recommended operating pressures for water distribution systems according to A WWA are between 40 psi and 100 psi or as mandated by the governing agency. For example, the WDEQ states that normal working pressures in distribution systems be no less than 35 psi (WDEQ, 1985).

The City currently has three existing pressure zones: the City zone, the Sheep Mountain Well zone, and the Clearfield zone. The City zone is served directly by the Orpha tanks and the Cemetery tank. The Clearfield tank directly serves the Clearfield zone and the Sheep Mountain Well tank directly serves the Sheep Mountain Well zone. The Sheep Mountain Well tank indirectly serves the City zone through a PRV. The Clearfield tank is isolated from the City zone at the Clearfield pump station. However, ifthe need arises, the Clearfield tank could serve the City zone through minor system valving changes. Table 5-7 shows the tank elevations of the zones. Figure 5-10 displays the current pressure zones.

City of Douglas 62 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN LEGEND EXISTING PRESSURE ZONES


1 I i i I ~~ I I CITY ZONE I ; I I I i CLEARFIELD ZONE f------' - ,..,.------' 1 i I #' I i ~.... I ....'*i · SYMBOLS l 35 ( ! i ~ ! I i ~ WATER STORAGE TANK ! I I l - ;------1 0 PUMP STATION 3 PIPELINE d] ~ 2.0 MG CEMl TERY TANK ; HGL=4981 ~T l • I i I • • " I -r ••l••tili•t••1•i 1.0 MG CLEARFIELD TANK l HGL=5099 FT l


SCALE 1"=5000' 0 5000 10000 0.1 MG SHEEP -- WELL TANK HGL=5198 FT .. ···:•• Table 5-7: Current Tank Elevations

Zone City Zone Clearfield Zone Sheep Mountain Well Zone* Tank 3 MG Orpha Cemetery Clearfield Sheep Mountain Well Overflow Elevation 4980.5 ft 4981 ft 5099 ft 5198 ft Base Elevation 4948.5 ft 4960 ft 5051 ft 5184 ft Highest Operating 4860 ft 4960 ft 5092 ft Elevation (40 psi) Lowest Operating 4749.5 ft 4860 ft 4960 ft* Elevation (100 psi)

* The Sheep Mountain Well zone currently contains elevations for two possible pressure zones. Due to the location of current development, however, this is not a problem.

Concerns within the current pressure zones are primarily related to low pressure areas. Low pressures can mean inadequate service pressures, fire flows, inadequate pressure to flush lines, and, in extreme cases, possibility of backsiphonage and contamination of the distribution system.

Two areas, the Riverbend development and the Fairview development, currently experience low pressures. One means to increase pressures in the Riverbend development is to transfer the development to another pressure zone - the Sheep Mountain Well zone. A pipeline from Riverbend to the Sheep Mountain Well line would accomplish this proposed connection. Due to the elevations in Riverbend, however, a PRV is necessary to decrease the pressure. One option is to place the PRV on the Sheep Mountain Well line with a bypass so that the booster pump station can backfeed water to the Ridgewater Estates development when necessary. The PRV would be placed around the 4960 foot contour and is shown in the approximate proposed location on Figure 2-1, "Recommended Improvements".

The Fairview development, near the east side of the City, is currently in the City pressure zone. Since the Clearfield zone, a higher pressure zone, is close to the low pressure area, a connection between the Clearfield zone and the Fairview development is ideal. Unfortunately, the rugged terrain between Fairview and the Clearfield zone greatly increases the price of a pipeline installation. The possible cost of installing this pipeline for the sole purpose of raising pressure is questionable. Development between the possible connection points would defray this cost. Therefore, we recommend creating a connection between the Fairview development and the Clearfield zone as development in the area progresses (See Figure 5-7).

City of Douglas 64 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 G. FIRE PROTECTION

Adequate fire protection is vital in the City's water distribution system. Water is needed to fight fires in both residential and commercial structures. The distribution system pipes must be adequately sized to meet the required fire flows.

The City requires that the distribution system provide 1000 gpm for 2 hours in residential areas and 2500 gpm for 3 hours in commercial/industrial areas. The analysis used these flows with a residual pressure of 20 psi and a minimum system pressure of 20 psi for both residential and commercial situations.

A few hydrants within the current distribution system cannot supply the required flow. Figure 5-11, entitled "Existing Fire Flow Concerns", displays these areas. All of the lines with inadequate fire flow are dead ends. Table 5-8 displays the suggested solutions according to the numbered areas on Figure 5-11. Since the pipes are existing and within the distribution system area, improvements to these pipes fall under the distribution category according to WWDC.

Table 5-8: Fire Flow Corrections

Numbered Current Solution Length of Estimated Cost* Fire Flow Section Fire Flow Pipe (ft) with Solution (gpm) (gpm) 1. 964 Connect to 160 With Riverbend 1500 Sheep Mountain Improvements Well Zone (Table 2a-b) 2. 724 Connect to 324 With Riverbend 1224 Sheep Mountain Improvements Well Zone (Table 2a-b) 3. 815 Upsize to 8" pipe 122 $6,162.40 1005 4. 256 Upsize to 8" pipe 369 $18,638.73 1023 and add looping 5. 971 Upsize to 8" pipe 360 $18,184.12 1423 6. 0.0 Connect to 528 $26,670.05 3445 Clearfield zone 7. 884 Add 8" for 310 $15,658.55 1092 looping 8. 851 Upsize to 8" pipe 1282 $64,755.68 1698 9. 993 Upsize to 8" pipe 1282** With number 8 1958 Improvement

* Estimated cost includes costs for mobilization (10%), engineering (10%), contingency (15%), and fmal design/specifications (10%). The chart with the cost break down is in the Appendices under Fire Flow Analysis. * * Upsizing the pipe specified in Section 8 will also improve the fire flow in Section 9.

City of Douglas 65 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN LEGEND



CEMETERY -- TANK ------3. UPSIZE TO 8" ------4. ------4. UPSIZE TO 8" AND ADD LOOPING PIPE I ------5. \"' ...... __ / I-..-.. 9 . ..._ 8. & 9. -.. "' / / - "...... _r 5. UPSIZE TO 8" UPSIZE TO 8" OR I \ EXTEND 12" FOR ...... -.. CLEARFIELD TANK LOOPING ( )~ ...... -.. -.. 6. \'- I ...... __ / ...... / -- ...... ".. '\ I \ /-/ 6. CONNECT ( \I I TO CLEARFIELD I \ ZONE I PS -.. 7. I "' I I I I I FIGURE 5-11 I CITY OF DOUGLAS, WY -...l ".. EXISTING FIRE FLOW CONCERNS \ \---;----- 7. ADD 8" SCALE 1"=2500' I FOR LOOPING ~ 5000 '- I ...... -- / ' I '------;------.• Determining the need for implementation of these solutions is related to City and fire department responsibilities, boundaries of private systems, flows from other hydrants in the area, and future planning.


The City currently has five tanks: 1 MG Orpha Tank, 3 MG Orpha tank, 2 MG Cemetery tank, 1 MG Clearfield tank, and 0.10 MG Sheep Mountain Well tank. The 3 MG Orpha tank and the 1 MG Orpha tank are fed directly from the Spring line. The 0.1 MG Sheep Mountain Well tank is fed directly from the Sheep Mountain Well. The remaining tanks, the Cemetery and Clearfield tanks, receive water from all three sources through the distribution system. The tank locations are shown on Figure 5-1. Table 5-9 displays the required storage calculations. An upper zone may lend storage "credits" to a lower zone, meaning the water in the upper zone storage tank may be used to supply the lower zone. Credit amounts are defined as the total storage minus the fire flow and 50 percent of the equalization storage. Deficits are highlighted within Table 5-9.

Table 5-9: Current Storage Calculations

Zone City Clearfield Sheep Mountain Well 1 Avg Day (MG) 1.44 0.10 0.13 Equalization (MG) 0.36 0.03 0.03 Fire Flow (MG) 0.45 0.45 0.12 Total Storage Required (MG) 2.25 0.58 0.28

Storage Tanks (MG) 5.00* 1.00 0.10 Credit Available from This Zone (MG) 0.00 0.54 0.00 Credit Available to This Zone (MG) 0.54 0.00 0.00 Available Storage (MG) 5.54 1.00 0.10 Surplus/Deficit (MG) 3.29 0.42 * Assumes the 1 MG Orpha tank is removed.

For existing conditions, all of the storage tanks, with the exception of the Sheep Mountain Well tank, provide their respective zones with a surplus of storage. The only zone showing a deficit is the Sheep Mountain Well zone. The deficit in that zone equals about 0.20 MG and is based on calculations for the Ridgewater development population. According to City staff, however, the Ridgewater development contains 2-inch and 4- inch distribution lines - too small to handle the required residential fire flows.

Since Ridgewater cannot handle the current fire flows and the booster pump station is available to provide water to the Ridgewater development in the case of an emergency, the provision of additional storage at this time is premature. We recommend that

City of Douglas 67 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Ridgewater upsize the distribution lines within the development at the same time that the City provides additional storage in the Sheep Mountain Well zone.

The Master Plan included an inspection of the storage tank structures. . SDG, Inc., a structural sub-consultant conducted the investigations and wrote a synopsis of each of the four main tanks: the 1 MG Orpha tank, the 3 MG Orpha tank, the Clearfield tank, and the Cemetery tank. According to the investigation by SDG, Inc., the interiors of the four main tanks need recoating due to chipping, bubbling, and peeling of the paint. Additionally, the coatings show rust spots and scratches. Additional deficiencies are detailed below with each tank description. A copy of the report by SDG, Inc. is located in the Appendices.

The 1 M(J Orpha steel tank was manufactured between 1930 and 1950. Around 1979, the tank was relocated to its current site in the northwest area of Douglas, north of Orpha Road. Tank construction consists of a riveted steel floor and walls with a timber roof supported by steel and timber columns (SDG, 1997). The tank has a diameter of 90. 7 feet and a liquid level height of 28 feet. The base elevation of the tank is 4996 feet and the overflow elevation is 5014 feet. According to SDG, Inc., the interior of this tank needs recoating. Primary concerns include the undermining of the gravel foundation material below the wall plate at the north and east quadrants. Also, the wall is backfilled part way up on the south and west quadrants. The base of the tank wall is rusting. The tank has two leaks, evidence of previous severe pitting of the interior wall surface, and effective loss of plate thickness (SDG, 1997). We recommend the ultimate demolition of this tank by the year 2001 due to the structural and operational concerns.

The 3 MG Orpha steel tank, located near the 1 MG Orpha tank, was built about 1979. Tank construction consists of welded steel walls, floor, and roof. The tank supports are steel pipe columns. The tank has a diameter of 130 feet and a liquid level height of 32 feet. The base elevation of the tank is 4948.5 feet and the overflow elevation is 4980.5 feet. The 3 MG Orpha tank needs the entire interior of the tank and the exterior of the roof recoated. In addition, the tank wall plates are warped and buckled in large areas and out of plane by as much as 6 inches in some areas. In addition to the recoating mentioned earlier, we recommend further measurement of the warping and buckling of the tank plates for comparison with industry tolerances. If the deformations are outside of industry tolerances, particular structural improvements may be suggested depending on the degree of deformation.

The 2 MG Cemetery tank, manufactured between 1930 and 1950 and located in the northeast part of Douglas, consists of a welded steel floor and riveted steel walls with a timber roof. Timber columns support the tank. The tank has a diameter of 130 feet and a liquid level height of 21 feet. Base elevation of the tank is 4960 feet and the overflow elevation is 4981 feet. SDG, Inc. states that the center roof column and adjacent column in the northeast quadrant have partially failed by crushing/buckling. The roof loads have redistributed some, but the columns are close to complete buckling failure, which could result in the roof collapsing. SDG, Inc. noticed the roof sagging in the area over the City of Douglas 68 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 columns. This is a recurring problem in this tank, as stated by City staff, since the wooden beams are constantly expanding and shrinking with the absorption and evaporation of water within the timbers. To increase tank integrity, we recommend the wooden columns of the Cemetery tank be replaced by steel beams and the roof be reconstructed as soon as possible.

The existing 1 MG Clearfield tank, installed in about 1979, is located in the east part of Douglas. The tank construction consists of welded steel walls, floor, and roof-supported by steel perimeter columns. The tank diameter is 60 feet and the liquid level height is 48 feet. The base elevation of the tank is 5051 feet and the overflow elevation is 5099 feet. Warping and buckling of the Clearfield tank results in water leakage and requires continual repairs. According to SDG, Inc., the tank wall has buckled at a stiffener ring at mid-heig~t of the tank, resulting in the steel tearing and water leaking. The buckled plate projects 1 inch away from the tank wall surface in some areas. Due to the magnitude of problems with the tank, we recommend replacing the tank in the same location in lieu of a repair attempt.

SDG, Inc. took paint samples from these four tanks for analysis at Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc. The analysis showed a high lead content in the paints on both the 3 MG Orpha and the Clearfield tanks. According to the report, the percentage of lead in the interior coating of the 3 MG Orpha tank ranged from 12 percent to 14.6 percent. The interior coating of the 3 MG Orpha tank ranged from 4.7 percent at the wall interior to 14.2 percent on the roof interior. The coatings for both the Cemetery tank and the 1.0 MG Orpha tank contained 1.5 percent or less of lead. The report from Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc. is located in the Appendices.


Three pump stations operate within the City distribution system; Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy (WLEA), Clearfield, and Ridgewater Booster. These pump stations were evaluated for their capability to meet existing demands. Table 5-10 displays the capacities of each station.

The WLEA was built in 1983 and contains two 15-hp pumps, one 20-hp pump, and one fire flow pump, all by Aurora. With the largest pump out of service, the station can supply about 300 gpm at a dynamic head of 194 feet. Past usage records of the WLEA indicate that this is more than adequate for supplying the WLEA demands.

At one point in this analysis, the WLEA pump station was considered for providing domestic and fire flow demands in the Riverbend development. Using the WLEA pump station to meet demands was presented in 1983 and again in 1985 - according to a December 9, 1997 letter from Michael Grinstead, the Facility Operations Manager of the WLEA. Again during this project, WLEA expressed concern that adding more customers

City of Douglas 69 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Table 5-10: Pump Station Statistics

Pumps* Capacity without the Current SFEs Possible No. of Dynamic Largest Pump (gpm) Served (gpm) Total SFEs Head (ft) Served (gpm) WLEA 2 15-hp 300 20 (31) 197 (300) 194 1 20-hp Clearfield 2 15-hp 560 130 (198) 370 (560) 185 1 40-hp Sheep 2 15-hp 125 162 (245) 83** (125) 255 Mountain Well Booster *Does not include fire pumps **Peak day usage

to the WLEA pump station would decrease operating pressures at the WLEA. Although these concerns could be addressed, a connection to the Sheep Mountain Well zone can provide the needed operating pressures to the Riverbend development. Accordingly, using the WLEA pump station was discarded as a solution in this analysis.

The main problem with the WLEA pump station is the physical location. The pump station sits by a drainage ditch at the bottom of a hill. Every few years, the amount of water in the drainage ditch exceeds the ditch capacity, filling the station. As a result, water damages the electronics and other equipment. Since the City pays for maintenance of the pump station, the City is responsible for replacing the damaged equipment. To prevent future flooding of the station, we considered constructing an earth berm around the pump station to dam the incoming water. City staff has indicated that this may require an extension of the easement around the station. Due to the desired short timeline of the Riverbend connection to the Sheep Mountain Well zone, which will improve pressures and make the pump station unnecessary, the berm improvement was discarded.

The Clearfield pump station has two 15-hp Aurora pumps and one 40-hp Aurora pump. The system is capable of supplying 560 gpm at 185 feet total dynamic head without the 40-hp pump running. At present, the Clearfield zone has 130 SFEs with a maximum day demand of about 200 gpm. Therefore, the pump station is more than capable of meeting the demand with adequate operating pressures. This station can serve a maximum of 3 70 SFEs before another pump is needed.

The Sheep Mountain Well Booster Station, built in 1994 and located on the Southwest side of Douglas, contains two 15-hp Grundfos multi-stage pumps. These pumps were designed to supply the needs of the area by providing 125 gpm at 255 feet of total dynamic head. There are currently 162 SFEs in this area (Figure 5-1 ). According to the demands per SFE found in this report, the average day demands for Ridgewater is 91 gpm. However, peak day demands for Ridgewater, according to the demands per SFE in

City of Douglas 70 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 this report, is 245 gpm. This is close to the total station capacity with both pumps runmng.

We recommend adding pumps to the Clearfield pump station as development occurs. The pumping capacity needed for build-out conditions is discussed in Chapter 6 under "Pump Stations".

City of Douglas 71 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998



The analysis of the future system used the same approach as the existing system analysis. The future system model was constructed using Cybemet Ver. 2.18, a computer modeling package for water distribution systems, in conjunction with AutoCAD Ver. 12. Compilation of information from the City water system maps, observation data from City personnel, aerial photographs, and topographic elevations from United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7 .5 minute quadrant maps yielded necessary contents of the hydraulic model. System components included in the model are water sources, transmission lines, storage tanks, pump stations, pressure regulation valves (PRV s ), and pipelines. Figure 6- 1 displays the future model.

System components were added to the model as the need arose. For example, the future system model for the City of Douglas added 12-inch pipelines along the section lines to the existing model. Demands for future nodes used the average and maximum water use per SFE times the number of SFEs per section according to planned land use. Tank locations for future pressure zones were based according to topography. The following paragraphs explain limitations the existing system will experience in supplying future demands and the required infrastructure improvements necessary to meet those demands.


The most important aspect of the water supply is ensuring the current capability and possibly expanding to deliver treated water to the system. The existing total system capacity is comprised of the WTP capacity, the Sheep Mountain Well pumping capacity, and the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 hydraulic capacity. Although the current supply is more than adequate for existing conditions, as development and subsequent demands increase, these supply capacities will be exceeded.

The existing system can supply a daily summer delivery of approximately 5.8 MGD or 2,636 SFEs. As the City approaches build-out, the estimated future maximum day demand is 12 MGD. Obtaining water rights is historically known to be a long, legal process. Therefore, having a plan in place for acquiring water rights from developers as development progresses is recommended.

Water Rights

The maximum legal peak flow rate is 8.52 MGD and is summarized in Table 5-1 in Chapter 5, "Existing System Analysis". This peak flow rate equates to a maximum of 3,873 SFEs that the existing water rights package can serve. Note that the projected

City of Douglas 72 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN







SCALE 1"=7000' * ALONG SECTION LINES 0 7000 14000 ''---,..~~ I ·:• . number of SFEs at build-out (5,516) exceeds the existing legal water supply by 1,643 SFEs. Build-out is predicted by the year 2033.

As development grows, demands will increase. Therefore, the City must consider obtaining additional water rights to fulfill future needs. The three most common options are: (1) developers turn over water rights to the City as a part of the development agreement, (2) developers pay raw water fees for the City to purchase water rights as a part of the development agreement, or (3) the City acquires water rights to accommodate future growth through the enterprise fund. Before purchase or acceptance of raw water rights, the City needs to consider the usability of any raw water right for domestic consumption, including physical and legal constraints. We recommend investigation into expanding water rights to the Sheep Mountain Well and the North Platte River. Conversa~ions with City staff indicate expanding rights to the Little Box Elder Spring is a possibility, but is highly unlikely. ·

One possibility for decreasing the amount of water needed for both current and future use is implementing a water conservation program. Information regarding different water conservation programs is readily available from other governmental agencies such as Denver Water in Denver, CO. The results of such a program may include decrease costs by the use of less water.

Little Box Elder Spring The Little Box Elder Spring source has historically been the primary water supply for the City in all months of the year. The spring is a high quality source and is conveyed to the distribution system by gravity. Thus, the spring is the most economical municipal water source for the City.

The City water right for the spring totals 2.67 MGD. Historically, the pipeline has produced 2.0, however, the true capacity of the pipeline is unknown. Investigation into determining the capacity of the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 to ensure obtainment of the entitled amount is recommended. Recommended options include realigning the pipe to prevent air pockets or adding a pump station at the Spring House or a combination of the two.

North Platte River Diversions A 24-inch raw water pipe serves as the influent line from the diversion structure to the WTP. The capacity of the diversion structure is unknown. The City staff needs to research the amount that the diversion structure can actually divert. We recommend investigating the expansion of the water rights to the North Platte River diversion in preparation for future development.

Sheep Mountain Well The ground water source known as the Sheep Mountain Well No.1 was placed on line for the City of Douglas water supply in 1994. The current rated (appropriated) capacity is 1500 gpm or 1939.5 acre-feet per year. However, the pump test produced a yield of 1001 City of Douglas 74 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 gpm. As development increases, we recommend the following: increasing the current yield rate of the well by replacing the current well pump, researching expanding the well permit for more water, and/or adding another well. We also recommend investigating either lowering the pipeline at the hydraulic restriction, installing a pump station, or installing a parallel pipeline to increase the capacity for obtaining the entitled amount.


Based upon interviews of the operators, review of operational logs and City records, and knowledge of current and future possible water quality regulations, our findings are summarized as follows:

• The City samples and tests its raw water sources for U~EP A-controlled contaminants. Of the water quality data reviewed, no discrepancies were found. However, the City needs to conduct some additional testing to determine current water quality conditions. Consult Table 5-4 on page 45. In consideration of probable future regulations for turbidity and disinfection by-products (trihalomethanes and HAAs), regular testing for these parameters in finished water after all disinfection points in the system is recommended.


The WTP is generally used as a peaking facility in summer. The WTP was reviewed using the standardized method, the Comprehensive Plant Evaluation (CPE). The goal of the CPE is to identify 'performance limiting factors' which, if found to be significant, would require more detailed review and correction.

Based upon the CPE analysis of the WTP process elements, the following are probable performance limiting factors:

• Filter performance: Turbidity removal rates need review. Inspection of the media and pilot testing of the filter needs consideration. An evaluation program of various polymer chemicals could result in indications of improved filter performance. Linked to this study would be the monitoring of turbidity, total organic carbon removal (TOC), and disinfection by-products in the finished water.

• Chlorine disinfection: Further CT analysis of the contact basin is recommended. Tracer studies of the contact basin could be considered. Such data could determine the need for changes in the disinfection process or modification or expansion of the contact basin.

• Capacity: Currently, the WTP capacity is 2.5 MGD which is less than the legal divertable rate from the North Platte River of 3.7 MGD. As demands dictate, we recommend investigation into expanding the plant capacity.

City of Douglas 75 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 E. WATER TRANSMISSION and DISTRIBUTION

Water Transmission

Douglas Pipeline No. 1 As stated in the existing conditions section, certain points along the pipeline are close to, and sometimes below, the hydraulic grade line (HGL). At these points, the pipeline is in danger of contamination by backsiphonage. Investigation into realigning or lowering the pipeline at these points is recommended. The investigation needs to include the possibility of expanding the pipeline capacity along with checking current physical factors (pipe material strength, pipe condition, amount of cover, etc.). As demands increase, ensuring and possibly increasing this water right is important to the City of Douglas since this is the water source with the lowest operation cost to the City. Recommended solutions include realigning the pipe for prevention of air pockets (which can decrease capacity) and negative pressures or adding a pump station at the Spring House.

Sheep Mountain Well Transmission Main Overall, the Sheep Mountain Well Transmission line is in good condition. For build-out conditions, however, the hydraulic restriction at station 196+00 (Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc., 1995) raises concern. The restriction may make obtaining the full­ rated pumping capacity of the Sheep Mountain Well difficult. As development increases, the City needs to investigate the capability of increasing the amount of water delivered, assuming more water rights are obtained.

To fulfill increasing demands, we recommend investigating the elimination of the hydraulic restriction on the current line, increasing the well permit capacity, drilling a new well, and installing a new pipeline. These actions will increase the volume of water delivered to the City from the Sheep Mountain Well and provide some redundancy in the water supply.

Water Distribution

The water distribution system, once current problems are solved, appears adequate for build-out conditions. Recommendations for City acceptance of future development include:

• Pipelines of 12 inches in diameter be constructed along section lines to provide adequate fire flows

• Pipelines within all developments be 8 inches or greater in diameter. Again, this size provides capacity to meet minimum fire flow requirements.

City of Douglas 76 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 F. PRESSURE ZONES

For build-out conditions within the proposed service boundary, we recommend the City add three more pressure zones. The new zones include the Airport zone, the Windmill zone, and the Riverbend zone.

The Airport zone is in the area north of the current City zone. The Airport zone is primarily industrial and commercial. The zone has the same operating elevations as the Clearfield zone. However, due to the physical distance between the two zones, this zone will require a separate tartlc We recommend the City obtain the legal title to the proposed future tank location.

The second zone, termed the Windmill zone (due to the mu;nber of windmills in the area), is on the southeast side of the proposed build-out boundaries. The elevation of the area is too high to obtain adequate pressures from the Clearfield zone. Fortunately, one specific area within this proposed zone has a sufficient elevation for a storage tank. The tank is located close to the southeast boundary of the build-out service area. We recommend the City obtain the legal title to the proposed future tank location.

To improve the low pressures in the Riverbend development, we recommend connecting Riverbend to the Sheep Mountain Well zone. However, the elevations in Riverbend are such that once the connection is made, the pressures in Riverbend would be above 13 5 psi. Pressures in excess of 100 psi can result in increased maintenance for both the line and household water pipes. Therefore, we recommend placing a PRV on the connection at the elevation of 4960 ft. The Sheep Mountain Well booster station can operate at the same dynamic head because the water going to Riverbend would flow through the PRV on the connection and allow the Sheep Mountain Well line to continue with the current operating procedures. Since this would create a new pressure zone, the pressure zone for the report is termed the Riverbend zone.

At the present time, the Sheep Mountain Well zone does not have the required storage to provide for fire flows to Riverbend. Therefore, to close off Riverbend from the City zone, we recommend installing two check valves. The two check valves will allow for the fire flows to be satisfied by having the valves open and provide water to Riverbend from the City zone when necessary. Once the new Sheep Mountain Well tank is in place, the check valves can be replaced with isolation valves. Locations of the future zones are shown in Figure 6-2. Table 6-1 displays the operating elevations of current and future pressure zones.

City of Douglas 77 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 SEAR-BROWN LEGEND FUTURE PRESSURE ZONES





SCALE 1H =5000' 5000 10000 Table 6-1: Current and Future Pressure Zones

Zone Highest Operating Lowest Operating Tank(s) Base Tank(s) Overflow Elevation (40 psi) Elevation (100 psi) Elevation Elevation Airport 4960 ft 4860 ft 5051 ft 5099 ft City 4860 ft 4749 ft 4948.5 ft 4981 ft Clearfield 4960 ft 4860 ft 5051 ft 5099 ft Sheep Mountain 5092 ft 4960 ft 5184 ft 5198 ft Well Riverbend 4960 ft 4860 ft 5051 ft 5099 ft Windmill 5091 ft 4960 ft 5184 ft 5198 ft


Provision of fire flows is a primary concern for subdivision developments, particularly for those outside the existing service area. Conventionally sized single feed pipelines (i.e. 8" pipes) are inadequately sized to deliver fire flows. Therefore, we recommend the installation of 12-inch pipe along section lines. Although 6-inch and 8-inch lines would comprise the subdivisions, the 12-inch pipes will provide the fire flow to these areas.


As development proceeds into areas without storage, the City will be faced with the capital costs associated with construction of storage tanks. We recommend that tank construction coincide with development such that development finances the storage improvements. We strongly urge against approving "closed loop" pump stations (stations that pump to a zone but not to storage). These "temporary" solutions often become permanent operational problems for City staff (i.e.- WLEA pump station). Storage calculations for each zone are listed in Table 6-2. The calculations include one average day demand, equalization demand, and fire flow demand. Storage credits from a higher pressure zone to a lower pressure zone are also included in the calculations. Credits equal the total storage minus the fire flow storage and 50 percent of the equalization storage.

Although the City zone will receive more storage in the form of credits from the other zones, the City has more than enough storage without these credits according to Table 6- 2. Therefore, no additional tanks are needed.

Although the Clearfield zone is not currently encountering rapid growth, the Clearfield tank is physically unstable. We recommend replacing the Clearfield tank with a 1.5 MG concrete tank in the same location as the current tank. Concrete has a longer life span and reduced maintenance cost. Additionally, placing the new tank in the same location means the in-place piping, easements, and operational facilities are available - saving time and money. Depending on physical location constraints, the concrete tank elevation may

City of Douglas 79 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 allow for operational pressures in the current Clearfield zone and elimination of the current Clearfield PRV. Increasing the tank size prepares the Clearfield zone for build­ out conditions.

We recommend constructing a 1.5 MG tank in the Sheep Mountain Well zone at the same time that Ridgewater redesigns their distribution system for compliance with City ordinances. The Airport and Windmill tanks will need to be constructed as development progresses in those areas. Locations of the new tanks are shown on Figure 6-2.

Table 6-2: Future Storage Calculations

Zone Airport City Clearfield Sheep Mountain Well Windmill and Riverbend Build-Out SFEs 701 3050 732 973 60 1 Avg Day (MG) 0.57 2.46 0.59 0.78 0.05 Equalization (MG) 0.14 0.61 0.15 0.20 0.01 Fire Flow (MG) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.12 0.12 Total Need (MG) 1.16 3.52 1.19 1.10 0.18

Current Tanks (MG) 0.00 5.00* 0.00* 0.10 0.00 New Tanks (MG) 1.50 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.50 Credit Available from 0.00 0.00 0.98 1.28 0.00 This Zone (MG) Credit Available to This 0.00 2.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zone(MG) Available Storage (MG) 1.50 7.81 1.50 1.60 0.50

Surplus/Deficit (MG) 0.34 4.29 0.31 0.50 0.32 *Assumes the 1 MG Orpha is removed and the Clearfield tank is replaced.


For build-out conditions, the existing pump stations were evaluated for their ability to meet maximum day demands. In addition, pumps were sized for build-out conditions of future pressure zones. Since all zones have or are proposed to have adequate storage, the pump stations are designed to supply the maximum day demand. Calculations for the specific pump station needs for each zone used the proposed number of SFEs for demands and the proposed or current tank locations for the dynamic head.

For the existing and proposed pump stations, Table 6-3 shows the proposed number of SFEs for build-out, the dynamic head, maximum day demand, needed horsepower, and current capacity. Calculations assumed an efficiency of 60 percent and the largest current

City of Douglas 80 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Table 6-3: Build-Out Conditions for Pump Stations

Pump Station Dynamic Proposed Maximum Current Total Current Head (ft) SFEs Day Demand Capacity Horsepower Horsepower (gpm) (gpm) Required Required Airport 150 701 1065 0 75 0 Clearfield 150 732 1113 560 75 30 Sheep Mountain 255 973 1479 125 160 15 Well Booster Windmill 155 60 91 0 7 0

pump (of an existing pump station) out of service. A discussion of each pump station follows.

For build-out conditions, we recommend joining the WLEA to the Sheep Mountain Well zone via the new Riverbend connection. Once an adequately sized connecting pipeline is provided from the WLEA to the Sheep Mountain Well zone, the WLEA will have adequate pressures and fire flow capabilities - without the WLEA pump station. The result is reduced operations and maintenance cost of the station for both the City and WLEA.

As development increases in the Sheep Mountain Well zone, the Booster pump station will need modifications. The current capacity is 125 gpm at a pressure head of 255 ft with one pump running. According to the planning criteria, this area may see an increase in SFEs to a total of 973.

One of the recommendations is to connect the Riverbend development to the Sheep Mountain Well zone for increased pressures. The Riverbend development has approximately 120 SFEs. This puts the demand on the Sheep Mountain Well Booster Station at 150 gpm for an average day. While the Booster Station can handle this demand with two pumps, the addition of the Riverbend development to the Sheep Mountain Well zone exceeds the current Booster Station capacity. Therefore, when the Sheep Mountain Well zone is connected with Riverbend, the Sheep Mountain Well Booster station will need additional pumps. To ensure service when the Sheep Mountain Well is off-line, the capacity of this station must meet maximum day demands of the Sheep Mountain Well zone and the Riverbend zone.

The Clearfield zone may see a total of 732 SFEs in build-out conditions. This equals a maximum day demand of 1113 gpm. This requires about 70-hp. The current pump station has two 15-hp pumps and one 40-hp pump. The station can supply a total of 560 gpm with the largest pump out of service. With all three pumps running, the station can supply 1100 gpm. Therefore, this pump station would only need another 40-hp pump for build-out conditions. We recommend adding the 40-hp pump when the maximum daily demand in Clearfield reaches the current station capacity of 560 gpm.

City of Douglas 81 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Approximately 701 SFEs are planned for the Airport zone. Using maximum day demands, the pump station for this zone would need about 75-hp to supply about 1065 gpm.

The Windmill zone is expected to have about 60 SFEs or a maximum day demand of 91 gpm at build-out conditions. To supply this, about 7-hp is needed. Therefore, the Windmill pump station would need two 7-hp pumps.

City of Douglas 82 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 CJ) "< ....UJ """" CD :x:J 3 CD -o 3 0 -ca 3a < CD CD ~ 3 a. CD CD ~ a. ...UJ 7. RECOMMENDED SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS


Although the current water system of the City of Douglas operates well, the system has locations where minor improvements could significantly increase system efficiency, reliability, and safety. To recap the intent of this Master Plan, a summary of existing operational problems, system deficiencies, and City concerns discussed within this report is as follows:

1. Circulation of the 3 million gallon (MG) Orpha storage tank. 2. Suction pressures in Douglas Pipeline No. 1. 3. Low pressures in the Riverbend development area. 4. Low pressures in the Frontier Drive area. 5. Structural condition of existing water storage tanks. 6. Current fire flow capacities. 7. Future growth and water system regionalization.

Recommended solutions to system concerns are discussed in the sections below and are shown in Figure 7-1. A conceptual cost analysis of recommended improvements follows in Chapter 8.


Little Box Elder Spring Recommended improvements at Little Box Elder Spring include: rehabilitation of the pipeline flow control valve, new or reconditioned flow measuring and recording devices at the Spring House, roof repair to the building and redesign of access to the building to minimize possible contamination.

Currently, recording of flow data at the Little Box Elder Spring is sporadic. To aid in future system analysis and understanding, we recommend beginning a routine flow data acquisition program at the spring. A Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system would improve obtainment of spring flow records.

For the spring and the pipeline, we recommend installing a disinfection system. The disinfection would decrease possible contamination problems. Also, installing a chlorine monitor or other water quality monitoring instrumentation near the current 1 MG Orpha tank where the water enters the distribution system is ideal for determining decreases in chlorine residual.






SCALE 1"=4000' '4000 8000 SHEEP MOUNTAIN NOTE: WELL AND TANK ITALICS FOR ORIENTA noN ONL y -- The Spring House needs a new roof and improvements in sanitation protection. A standing-seam metal roof is recommended. The City could consider weatherproof thermal-pane skylights mounted in the roof near the base plate. These would emit light into the building and allow the operators to observe the condition of the spring from outside the building. However, emitting light into the enclosure may encourage the growth of algae in the spring. In addition, the existing interior walkways encourage contamination of the source water and need removal. The batteries above the spring, for a currently non-functioning recorder, also may contaminate the source water and need relocating. The building otherwise appears sound and functional.

Sheep Mountain Well Recommendations for the Sheep Mountain Well include a lightening protection system for the tank level transducers, considering minor piping changes in the well house to provide better water sampling, and measuring total system output including the chlorine solution water. In the well house, the valve for water sampling is located on the discharge elbow where the water leaves the well building for the storage tank. This location is too close to the chlorine solution feed point and needs relocating to obtain a more representative water sample. The chlorine solution water bypasses the meter and is not measured currently. Minor piping changes are recommended in the well house to provide better water sampling and to measure total system output to include the chlorine solution water.

Level of the storage tank is key to controlling this side of the water supply system. We recommend a protection system for the tank level transducers.


Based upon the operator interviews, review of operational logs, scanning of City records and knowledge of current water quality regulations, findings are summarized as follows:

• The City water treatment and distribution systems have had a USEP A Sanitary Survey in the recent past and officials found no major discrepancies. Similarly, The Sear Brown Group has found no major discrepancies. The water system appears to be operated in a professional manner.

• The City samples and tests its raw water sources for USEPA-controlled contaminants. Of the water quality data reviewed, no discrepancies were found. However, some additional testing needs to be conducted to ensure the water quality data is current. Refer to Table 5-3. In consideration of probable future regulations for turbidity and disinfection by-products (trihalomethanes and HAAs), regular testing for these parameters in finished water after all disinfection points in the system is recommended.

City of Douglas 85 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 • The City serves raw water to customers outside its service area. The raw water is used for domestic consumption along the Douglas Pipeline No. 1. Service of raw water versus disinfected water to these customers may warrant further consideration.


Recommendations for the water treatment plant include:

• Filter performance: The turbidity removal rates need review. Inspection of the media and testing of the filter need consideration.

• Pilot program: Consider a program of evaluation of various polymer chemicals, including the monitoring of filter performance. As a minimum, turbidity, total organic carbon removal (TOC) and disinfection by-products need inclusion.

• Chlorine disinfection: Further CT analysis of the contact basin is recommended. Tracer studies of the contact basin are a consideration.


Douglas Pipeline No. 1 As mentioned before, the Douglas Pipeline No. l has locations where the pipeline elevation is above the hydraulic grade line (HGL), resulting in negative pressure. We recommend conducting a pipeline study to check the topography and pipeline location. A focus item for the study is increasing the amount of ground cover over the pipe for protection while eliminating the negative pressure locations. Realignment of the pipe may be necessary to decrease the possibility of negative pressures. A possible solution is adding a pump station at the Spring House with the chlorination facility addition, depending on the integrity of the pipeline.

Due to the questionable operation of the current flow meter near the 1 MG Orpha tank, we recommend replacing the meter. In addition, we recommend installing test ports and valves to isolate the meter to allow for future testing and calibration of the flow meter.

The Douglas Pipeline No. 1 has several taps between the Little Box Elder Spring House and the splitter box at the City limits. These customers are receiving water without disinfection. Currently, the City does have standards or policies in regards to these customers and their water use. All customers have meters that allow the City to carefully monitor the amount of Little Box Elder Spring water used. We recommend analyzing the amount of spring water used through these taps and compare that amount with the flow measurements at the spring and at the City limits.

City of Douglas 86 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Finally, the valves on the Douglas Pipeline No. 1 need regular exercising to stay in good operating condition. Valves that are not exercised are prone to corrosion and accelerated physical deterioration. Valves in poor condition tend to break during an emergency when the valves are most needed. Therefore, a regular valve-exercising program along with a regular maintenance and inspection program is recommended.

Sheep Mountain Well Transmission Main Overall, the Sheep Mountain Well Transmission line is in good condition. The main concern is, again, a regular valve-exercising program. Exercising keeps the valves in good condition for dependability during an emergency. A regular valve-exercising program along with a regular inspection and maintenance program is recommended for the Sheep Mountain Well Transmission Line. Flushing the line before placing it back in service for the summer is recommended. The Operations and Maintenance Manual for the Sheep Mountain Well line (Civil Engineering Professionals, 1995) describes the procedure for flushing.

For build-out conditions, however, the hydraulic restriction at station 196+00 as noted in the 1995 Operations and Maintenance Manual by the Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc., raises concern. Once the flow increases to approximately 1250 gpm, the HGL may drop below the physical elevation of the pipeline, creating a negative pressure situation. We recommend investigating a solution to the possible negative pressure situation, such as a realignment of the pipe or adding pumps.

Water Distribution We recommend placing a check valve on the 12-inch line between the 3 MG Orpha tank and the connection to the City distribution system from the Sheep Mountain Well line. This will allow circulation in the 3 MG Orpha tank (Figure 7-1 ). This check valve will force water from the Sheep Mountain Well through the City distribution system - enabling the 3 MG Orpha tank to effectively cycle without encumbering the fire protection capabilities of the existing system. In addition, we recommend removing the parts from the existing 18-inch check valve at the 3 MG Orpha tank

For Ridgewater, we recommend that the community upsize the lines to provide the required fire flow - before the City approves annexation. Currently, the distribution lines in the Ridgewater community range from 2 inches to 4 inches. These size lines handle domestic demands, however, are too small to deliver the City ordained fire flow of 1000 gpm.

The capacity of the 6-inch and 4-inch lines in the location of the old Prisoner of War camp (Figure 7-1) will be exceeded as development in the area increases. We recommend continuing the 12-inch line in Wind River Drive south to eventually provide looping. This connection may again expose the 3 MG Orpha tank to short cycling. Therefore, this new connection may also require construction of a check valve. As discussed above, this configuration will not encumber the fire flow capacity of the distribution system. The connection provides for commercial fire flows and decreases the City of Douglas 87 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 demand on the 6-inch and 4-inch lines.

We recommend construction of a 12" pipeline from the Clearfield pressure zone to serve Fainvay Estates. This pipeline will connect into the existing Fainvay Estates piping from a bore under I-25. This new pipe will start at Mesa Drive.


Existing Pressure Zones Concerns within the current pressure zones concentrated on low pressure areas. Both Riverbend, a development on the northwest side of the City, and Fairview, a development on the east side of the City, experience low pressures.

To increase pressures in the Riverbend area, we recommend a connection between Riverbend and the Sheep Mountain Well zone. This will prevent the City from spending capital on the 1 MG Orpha tank, which we have recommended removing. This connection will require a PRV. However, it will open up the area west of the old POW camp area for development.

The City pressure zone currently serves the Fairview development. Since the Clearfield zone is higher and near the Fairview development, a connection between the Clearfield zone and the Fairview development would solve this low pressure problem. Unfortunately, this project is hard to justify due to the terrain between the two areas and the needed length of pipe. Therefore, we recommend creating a connection between the Fairview development and the Clearfield zone as development progresses in the area.

Proposed Pressure Zones For build-out conditions within the proposed service boundary, the analysis shows the addition of three more pressure zones. The new zones include the Airport zone, containing the county airport, the Windmill zone, near the build-out Clearfield zone boundaries, and the Riverbend zone. The proposed pressure zones are displayed in Figure 6-2.


The City requires that the distribution system provide 1000 gpm for 2 hours in residential areas with a residual pressure of 20 psi and 2500 gpm for 3 hours in commercial/industrial areas with a residual pressure of 20 psi. Our analysis indicates that a few hydrants situated at the end of dead-end lines cannot supply the required fl.ow. Figure 5-11, entitled "Existing Fire Flow Concerns", displays these areas. The solutions range from upsizing lines to connecting to another pressure zone.

City of Douglas 88 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 For providing fire flows at build-out conditions, we recommend installing 12-inch pipe along section lines. Although 6-inch and 8-inch lines are adequate for the internal systems of subdivisions, the 12-inch pipes are necessary to provide the required fire flow to these areas. The developers could use a "pay-back" plan for those tying into 12-inch pipes paid by previous developments.


Existing Conditions The City currently has five tanks: 1 MG Orpha Tank, 3 MG Orpha tank, 2 MG Cemetery tank, 1 MG Clearfield tank, and 0.10 MG Sheep Mountain Well tank. All of the storage tanks with. the Sheep Mountain Well tank, provide their respective zones with a surplus of storage under existing conditions. The tank locations are shown on Figure 6-2.

The only zone with a storage deficit is the Sheep Mountain Well zone. The deficit in that zone equals about 0.20 MG and is based on calculations for providing service and fire flow to the Ridgewater development. Note: The existing Ridgewater distribution system is not capable ofmeeting fire flows even ifthere was adequate storage.

SDG, Inc., conducted an inspection and wrote a synopsis for findings for each of the four main tanks: the 1 MG Orpha tank, the 3 MG Orpha tank, the Clearfield tank, and the Cemetery tank. According to the investigation by SDG, Inc., the interiors of the four main tanks need recoating due to chipping, bubbling, and peeling of the paint. Additionally, the coatings show rust spots and scratches. The 3 MG Orpha tank needs the exterior of the roof recoated also, according to SDG, Inc. The four tanks also need varying degrees of structural, site grading, and miscellaneous improvements.

SDG, Inc. took paint samples from the four main tanks for analysis at Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc. The analysis showed a high lead content in the paints on both the 3 MG Orpha and the Clearfield tanks. We recommend recoating the 3 MG Orpha tank and, for reasons explained in detail below, complete replacement of the Clearfield tank. Recoating the 3 MG Orpha tank will solve the problem of high lead content in the current paint. · Copies of the reports by our structural subconsultant, SDG, Inc. and Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc. are located in the Appendices.

The wooden columns in the Cemetery tank were observed closed to buckling failure. If the columns fail in this tank, the roof will collapse. To increase tank integrity, we recommend the wooden columns of the Cemetery tank be replaced by steel beams and the roof be reconstructed.

The Clearfield tank has experienced localized buckling around the entire perimeter wall. This buckling is the result of an interior support system, which traps water. This trapped water, allowed to freeze, has buckled the shell of the tank. Arguably, the reason for the

City of Douglas 89 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 shell deformation is that none of the shell plates meets the mm1mum thickness requirements of the American Water Works Association. Any potential remedy is more expensive than complete removal of the existing tank and construction of a new tank. To provide capacity in both the Clearfield and the City zones, we recommend replacing the 1 MG steel Clearfield tank with a 1.5 MG concrete tank in the same location. Concrete has a lower life cycle cost. Placing the new tank in the same location means the in-place piping, easements, and operational facilities are available - saving time and reducing capital outlay.

As discussed above, the 1 MG Orpha tank could be used in an interim condition to improve operating pressures to Riverbend. However, this tank is reaching the end of its design life and would require substantial improvements to bring it up to standards. Also, the tank is vertically located between pressure zones - in many ways making it more of a liability than an asset. Therefore, we recommend removing the 1 MG Orpha tank.

Future Conditions As development progresses into the area west and southwest of the Riverbend area, and as Ridgewater Estates improves their internal distribution system to meet fire flows, the City of Douglas will need to provide fire flow storage in this zone. We have recommended construction of a 1.5 MG storage tank for the Sheep Mountain Well zone.

Construction of the Airport and Windmill tanks are recommended as development progresses into these zones. The recommended size of the Airport and Windmill tanks, using build-out densities, is 1.5 MG and 0.5 MG, respectively. The tank locations are shown on Figure 6-2.


Three pump stations operate within the City distribution system: Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy (WLEA), Clearfield, and Sheep Mountain Booster. Of the three pump stations, only the WLEA is of concern. Unfortunately, due to the location, the station frequently floods requiring replacement of the equipment. As a short-term solution to the -flooding, we recommend placing a land berm around the station. The berm will act as a dam or barrier for water coming downhill towards the station.

In the long-term, once an adequately sized pipeline from the WLEA is provided to the Sheep Mountain Well zone, the WLEA will have adequate pressures and fire flow capabilities - without the WLEA pump station.

As development continues, additional capacity will be needed at the Clearfield and the Sheep Mountain Well Booster pump stations. The Clearfield pump station has a current capacity of 560 gpm while the Sheep Mountain Well Booster pump station has a capacity of 125 gpm. These pumps are adequate for existing conditions.

City of Douglas 90 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Pump stations for the Windmill and Airport pressure zones will be required as development progresses.


The required construction permit for any of the proposed improvements requmng construction is the Permit to Construct by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. Presentation of this permit means the application meets the minimum applicable construction and design standards. The permit does not guarantee that the permitted facility will meet applicable discharge permit conditions or other effluent or operational requirements (Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc.).

Easements for any water lines are also necessary before construction begins.

City of Douglas 91 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 D.> CD ::J • c. m .,., (') ""'t 0 0 ::J -·· 0 ~ 3 ,...,. -· -r1 (') s· l> D> ::J :'I e!. (') '< -·· t/) :'l -· Ul 0 8. ECONOMIC ANAL YIS AND PROJECT FINANCING


This section of the report presents a recommended financing plan and related program of water user fees to support planned capital improvement program ("CIP") and ongoing water system operations. The projects considered within this plan are listed in Table 2- 6a-b in the "Executive Summary". The financial plan assumes the availability of funding from the Wyoming Water Development Commission ("WWDC") and other agencies. This plan, however, does not constitute a commitment of funds from the WWDC or any other agency.

As part of this financial plan, a review was undertaken of the City's Water Fund to determine its financial well-being and ability to adequately support future capital projects. This review confirmed that the Water Fund is in good financial condition. The planned CIP, however, includes several large projects and presents a significant undertaking and commitment of financial resources. Continued diligence is warranted to ensure that rates, fees and charges continue to provide adequate funding for the water operation.

This financial plan should be considered preliminary pending more detailed planning and approval by funding agencies and the Wyoming Legislature. It does not serve as an audit of the Water Fund, nor does it address specific details of the City's rate structure or tap fees. It also does not serve as a cost of service study, which normally examines the equity of a rate structure for various defined classes of customers. This plan should be considered preliminary pending consultation with the City's bond counsel regarding the issuance of revenue bonds and any additional requirements that funding sources might entail.


It is anticipated that the projects will result in several economic benefits to the City of Douglas. First, defining the extent of possible improvements on the Douglas Pipeline No. I will allow the City to determine the best improvement path in providing water from the spring to the citizens. Second, replacing the 1 MG Clearfield tank with a 1.5 MG concrete tank increases the longevity of the tank. Currently, money and time are spent on "band-aid" solutions for leakage problems in the steel tank. A concrete tank, once in place, would basically eliminate maintenance issues for the City staff. Structural improvements to the other tanks increase their life expectancy. Other improvements mentioned in the report allow for circulation in the 3 MG Orpha tank for fresh drinking water, additional pipeline connections, additional tanks for future development, and flow monitoring devices for checking source capacity and making sure the City receives its full entitlement of water. In general, all of the projects provide improvement to the quality and reliability of potable water to the City.

City of Douglas 92 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 C. BASELINE FINANCIAL CONDITIONS

The City of Douglas ("City") presently owns and operates a water supply, treatment and distribution system that serves approximately 2,079 taps. The City accounts for the revenues and expenses of the water system in a separate water enterprise fund that operates on a fiscal year beginning on July 1. In 1996-97, the City reported $718,013 in water user fees and total operating revenues of $761,360 including tap fees and other available revenues. Non-operating revenues included a General Fund transfer of $10,000 and investment income of $6,900. Revenues were sufficient in 1996-97 to fully fund depreciation expenses of approximately $151,599.

Based on a review of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the past two years, it appears as though the Water Fund is in good fin~cial condition. Net income from operations was $73,375 in 1996 and increased to $129,898 in 1997. In 1997, depreciation of $151,599 was fully funded from operations. This is a standard measure of a utility's well-being. However, depreciation reflects original costs, not replacement costs, and eventual replacement of facilities may require additional funding. Many utilities are funding additional reserves through rates, fees and charges to pay for the eventual replacement of facilities on a pay-as-you-go basis to reduce long-term borrowing needs.

The Water Fund is financially sound as measured by three standard measures of financial well-being: 1) the current ratio, 2) the debt-to-asset ratio, and 3) the times-interest-earned ratio. The 1997 current ratio, defined as current assets divided by current liabilities, was 8.14x. The 1997 debt-to-asset ratio, defined as total debt outstanding divided by total assets, was 0.18. And the 1997 times-interest-earned ratio, defined as net income divided by interest costs, was 7.55. Together, these indicators suggest good financial performance when compared with other similar water operations. The financial well­ being of the Water Fund is an indication that the City is prepared to continue to make the necessary capital improvements to operate and maintain the system in the coming years. Water rates, fees and charges should be periodically reviewed to confirm that they are sufficient to recover the costs of providing water service.

The Total Water Fund operating expenses in 1997 were $486,763, excluding depreciation. Operating expenses are categorized as treatment, distribution, customer service, and administration. Administrative expenses accounted for 28 percent of operating expenses. Principal and interest on debt in 1996-97 was $38,358 for an outstanding WWDC loan. These debt service payments are expected to continue through the planning period.

Based on this analysis, it appears as though the City is financially able to begin the large capital program contemplated in this report.

City of Douglas 93 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 D. RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS

This plan recommends that the City embark on a $5.1 million, six-year CIP (reported here in escalated dollars). This represents an average annual capital investment of $850,000 through 2005. This level of capital investment is higher than previously attempted by the City. The City will not be able to finance this CIP entirely from net income, tap fees, and existing cash reserves. The City should, in addition to continued work with the WWDC, begin to secure other sources of funding for the improvements. The WWDC is only able to provide $2,676,900 in grant funds, comprising just under 53 percent of the total $5,091,300 CIP.

The projects comprising the capital improvement program, including associated costs and anticipated funding sources, are described below.

Raw Water Supplv This project involves renovation of the Little Box Elder Spring pump house at an estimated cost of $132,800 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. It also includes the study of lightening protection at the Sheep Mountain Well at a cost of $8,700 (1998$). Both projects are expected to be completed in 1999- 2000. Expected funding for both projects includes a 50 percent grant from the WWDC, or $70,800. The balance is planned to be funded through low-interest loans.

Transmission These projects include a pipeline study at an estimated cost of $50,600 (1998$) including survey work. Expected funding is a 100 percent grant from the WWDC. This project also involves installation of a 12-inch check valve on the 3 MG Orpha tank at an estimated cost of $9,200 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. Expected funding for this portion of the project includes a 50 percent grant from the WWDC. The balance is planned to come from a low-interest loan.

The project also involves a 600 linear foot bore in the Fairway Estates area at a cost of $229 ,600 ( 1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. Expected funding for this portion of the project is a 60 percent grant from the WWDC. The balance is planned to come from Fairway Estates. The project also includes installation of 1,500 linear feet of ductile iron pipe in the Fairway Estates area at an estimated cost of $113,300 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. Expected funding for this portion of the project is a 60 percent grant from the WWDC. The balance is planned to come from Fairway Estates.

Pressure Zones These projects involve modification of existing pressure zones in the Downtown Riverbend area at an estimated cost of $836,100 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. The project involves installation of 11,500 linear feet of pipeline plus installation of pressure reducing and sustaining valves. Expected funding

City of Douglas 94 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 for these projects includes a 60 percent grant from the WWDC. Total WWDC grant funding is estimated to be $501,700. The balance of all external funding is expected to be low-interest loans.

Storage These projects involve a complete renovation and replacement of the City's water storage facilities over the next three years. Plans include renovation of the existing 2 MG Cemetery tank at an estimated cost of $347,500 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. The 3 MG Orpha tank is also planned to be renovated at a cost of $351,600 (1998$). Expected funding includes a 50 percent grant from the WWDC. The balance of all external funding is expected to be low-interest loans.

The 1 MG Clearfield tank is also planned to be demolished at an estimated cost of $174,900 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. Expected funding for this portion of the project includes a 60 percent grant from the WWDC. It is planned to be replaced by a 1.5 MG tank at the same location at an estimated cost of $1,076,500 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. Expected funding for this portion of the project includes a 60 percent grant from the WWDC. Finally, the 1 MG Orpha tank is planned to be demolished at a cost of $165,600 (1998$). Expected funding for this project includes a 50 percent grant from the WWDC. The balance of all funding is expected to be low-interest loans.

As a note for future consideration, a new 1.5 MG Sheep Mountain Well tank is planned to be constructed at an estimated cost of $1,090,500 (1998$) including engineering, design, and other contingencies. Funding for this project has not been planned since the timing of this project is undetermined.

Table 8-1 presents a summary of the funding plan. Total capital improvements over the next five years are $3,496,400 (1998$). Assuming continued reasonable rates of inflation in construction labor and materials over the next few years, it is assumed that these cost estimates are reasonable during the 1999-2000 construction period. Total WWDC grant funds are estimated to be $2,016,600. Total external funding from other sources is estimated to be $1,479,800.

City of Douglas 95 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Table 8-1: Preliminary Funding Summary

Project Cost Anticipated WWDC Grant Other Loans 1. Raw Water Supply $ 141,500 $ 70,800 $ 70,700 2. Transmission* 402,700 260,900 141,800 3. Pressure Zones 836,100 501,700 334,400 4. Storage 221162100 121832200 9322900

TOTALS $ 3,496,400 $ 2,016,600 $ 1,479,800 *Assumes Fairway Estates will contribute $137,200 towards transmission projects that will directly benefit Fairway Estates.


This section addresses the need to increase user charges to support: 1) debt service payments; 2) any changes in operating expenses due to recommended capital improvements; and 3) the effects of inflation.

Preliminary financial plans for the Project assume that WWDC will provide grant funding for a portion of each project which is eligible for WWDC funding. Table 8-2 presents a preliminary plan for external funding of the projects. The projects are planned to be funded through a single funding request to WWDC in 1999. It is assumed that this funding request will be for grant funds.

The balance of the external funding is planned to be provided by low-interest loans available through the Wyoming state revolving loan program, the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC), and/or the USDA - Rural Utility Service. USDA interest rates are currently 5 .25 percent. Higher rates, 7 .25 percent, may also be secured through the Wyoming Loan and Investment Board. It is reasonable to expect that some low-interest loans may be available to the City, however, diligence will be required over the next twelve months to secure such funds. For planning purposes, all loan terms are assumed to be 20-year bonds at an average bond rate of 5 .25 percent.

City of Douglas 96 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 TABLE 8-2 CITY OF DOUGLAS WATER FUND PRELIMINARY SOURCES OF EXTERNAL FUNDING

Pent Pent (Calendar Year Basis) Funded Loan 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

WWDC-Grant Funded Projects (Calendar Year Basis) 1. Raw Water Supply 0% 70,800 2. Transmission 0% 260,900 3. Pressure Zones 0% 501,700 4. Storage 0% 1,183,200 TOTAL WWDC FUNDS 2,016,600 TOTAL WWDC GRANTS 2,016,600 TOTAL WWDC LOANS Other Sources of Funding (Calendar Year Basis) 1. Raw Water Supply 100% 70,700 2. Transmission 100% 4,600 3. Pressure Zones 100% 334,400 4. Storage 100% 932,900 TOTAL 1,342,600 TOTAL OTHER GRANTS TOTAL OTHER LOANS 1,342,600 TOTAL FROM FAIRWAY ESTATES 137,200


To support this financial plan, forecasted cash flows have been developed which take into account changes in operating costs and debt service payment schedules. To estimate cash flows, the timing of income from project funding must be anticipated. The WWDC operates on a calendar year basis. Appropriations requests must be prepared by WWDC up to 12 months in advance of project planning. The City operates on a fiscal year beginning July 1. It is assumed that grant loan funds obtained through WWDC would be available to the City in May 1999. Other funds are assumed to be available shortly after the beginning of the City's fiscal year in July 1999. Once WWDC funds are available for the project, it is assumed that design (Level III) would begin and construction would proceed through the next construction season with all projects being completed within a single season. ·

For loans planned for this study, it was assumed that debt service payments would begin in December two years following the year the funds were originally appropriated. For instance, funds for those Level II projects planned to be constructed during fiscal year 1999-2000 (the 1999 WWDC funding cycle) would be available in May 1999. Debt service payments were assumed to begin in 2001-02 (December of 2001 ). Table 8-3 shows the debt service schedule.

Operating Revenues Operating revenues are assumed to include water user fees and other revenues. Water user fees are assumed to increase as a result of 0.3 percent annual growth in the number of taps plus any rate increases that are implemented. During the forecast period, average usage is assumed to be constant. The delinquency rate among on-line customers is assumed to be constant over the forecast period and any reduction in usage in response to rate increases has been ignored.

Operating revenues do not include tap fees. Tap fees, in accordance with standard utility management practice, should not be used to determine the adequacy of user charges or used to pay operating expenses. Tap fees should be accounted for in a segregated account and used only for capital projects.

Operating Expenses Operating expenses are assumed to include treatment, distribution, customer service, and administration. These costs are itemized in categories similar to those used in the City's accounting system. It is expected that over the long-term operating expenses will increase with the consumer price index. This is assumed to be 3.0 percent per year during the forecast period.

City of Douglas 98 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 ~ D. TABLE 8-3 a~ CITY OF DOUGLAS WATER FUND ~ 0 FORECASTED DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE VJ I-+) ~ tJ (Fiscal Year Basis) {/) 0 ...... ~ s ca 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 ~~ ~ OUTSIDE FUNDING Cll ...... Grant Proceeds ~ 3 '"'d WWDC 2,016,600 Funds from Fairway Estatesb §- 137,200 SUBTOTAL 2,153,800

Loan Proceeds WWDC Loan Proceeds3 Other Loan Proceeds (5.25%/20yrst 1,342,600 SUBTOTAL 1,342,600


\0 \0 Annual Debt Service Existingb 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358

110,029 110,029 110,029 110,029 110,029 110,029

TOTAL 38,358 38,358 38,358 38,358 148,387 148,387 148,387 148,387 148,387 148,387

a For financial planning purposes only. This does not constitute a commitment of WWDC funds for future projects. b The City will need to secure these funds within the next 12 months. c Assumes a low-interest loan from the USDA- RUS. WLIB and other market-based interest rates may be higher. Water Fund Reserves Depreciation is a non-cash expense but is a measure of the ability of current revenues to fund ongoing renewal and replacement of facilities. Depreciation reserves are available to pay for renewal and rehabilitation projects. Based on 1997 financial reports, the City's Water Fund had a balance of $310,338. It is assumed for this analysis that this is the beginning balance in the Water Fund that is available for capital projects.

Reserves Assumptions The City is undertaking several large capital projects in the coming years. While these projects are expected to improve water system operations, it will also create a substantial debt obligation for the next twenty to thirty years. This obligation will require that the City maintain sufficient reserves to accommodate potential minor changes in projected O&M an~ capital costs. Reserves address both operating and capital cost contingencies including drought and other emergency situations. These. reserves also address renewal and replacement of facilities and emergency repairs in response to main breaks and other events. For purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that the City's water user fees should be sufficient to provide a minimum of $50,000 in coverage over and above normal operating costs and debt service obligations.

Other Internally Funded Projects Internally funded projects include those to support administration, lines and pumps, transmission and distribution, meters, buildings and grounds, water rights, and equipment purchases. While the City has not developed a formal capital improvements program, continued funding of such projects is assumed to be required. For purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that lines and pumps, water line crossings, and water meter projects will continue at a total of $150,000 per year plus inflation during the planning period. The forecasted cash flows presented in Table 8-4 rely on actual 1996-97 revenues and expenses as a baseline.


Monthly user charges are projected to increase by 10 percent in 2001-02, by another 5 percent in 2003-04 and finally by an additional 5 percent in 2005-06. (Refer to Table 8- 4.) These increases are related to the additional debt service payments required to support the CIP plus accommodation for anticipated inflation effects. These increases assume biennial increases sufficient to meet minimum reserve and coverage requirements as described above. These increases are projected to provide sufficient revenue to support both debt service payments associated with proposed improvements and changes in operating expenses due to inflation and other factors. Beyond 2005-06 the need for additional increases cannot be determined since little is known about the capital improvements that may need to be completed.

City of Douglas 100 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 TABLE 8-4 CITY OF DOUGLAS WATER FUND FORECASTED CASH FLOWS

1996-97 1997-98 1998-99

Water Taps 2,079 2,096 2,113 2,130 2,147 2,164 2,181 2,198 2,216 2,234 2,252

Operating Revenues Water User Feesa,b 718,013 720,200 722,400 724,600 726,800 801,900 804,300 847,000 849,500 894,700 897,400 Other 26,597 27.400 28,200 29,000 29,900 30,800 31,700 32,700 33,700 34,700 35,700 TOTAL 744,610 747,600 750,600 753,600 756,700 832,700 836,000 879,700 883,200 929,400 933,100

Operating Expensesc Treatment 102,951 106,000 109,200 112,500 115,900 119,400 123,000 126,700 130,500 134,400 138,400 Distribution 175,036 180,300 185,700 191,300 197,000 202,900 209,000 215,300 221,800 228,500 235,400 Customer Service 72,123 74,300 76,500 78,800 81,200 83,600 86,100 88,700 91,400 94,100 96,900 Administration 136,653 140,800 145,000 149,400 153,900 158,500 163,300 168,200 173,200 178,400 183,800 Other TOTAL 486,763 501,400 516,400 532,000 548,000 564,400 581,400 598,900 616,900 635,400 654,500 Operating Income (Loss) Exel Depcn 257,847 246,200 234,200 221,600 208,700 268,300 254,600 280,800 266,300 294,000 278,600

Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses\ Principal and Interest (38,358) (38,358) (38,358) (38,358) (148,387) (148,387) (148,387) (148,387) (148,387) (148,387) Investment Income 6,900 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Transfer from General Fund 10,000 10,000 Other TOTAL 16,900 (21,358) (31,358) (31,358) (31,358) (141,387) (141,387) (141,387) (141,387) (141,387) (141,387)

Total Available for Capital 274,747 224,842 202,842 190,242 177,342 126,913 113,213 139,413 124,913 152,613 137,213 a Annual Customer Base Growth 0.3% b Trial Rate Increases 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0%·' 5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% c Annual Budget Increases 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% H. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

• The City should consider establishing a goal to fund renewal and replacement of existing facilities by at least 3 percent of net asset value each year. This fund would be used to finance ongoing replacement and rehabilitation projects. Tables 8-2 through 8-5 reflect such a policy. Table 8-5 shows the sources and uses of funds. On-line customers should pay, through their user charges, for the loss in economic value of the utility system they are using. In accounting terms, such gradual loss of economic value over a facility's useful life is defined as an "allowance for depreciation". The cash equivalent of depreciation is renewal and replacement funds designed to finance rehabilitation on a pay-as-you-go basis through user rates. The City is embarking on an ambitious capital investment program and should plan ahead for funding of continued rehabilitation of its aging system facilities.

• In determining appropriate user rate increases and borrowing needs to fund the CIP, a minimum $300,000 cash reserve requirement was assumed. There are several reasons to establish such a minimum requirement. First, operating reserves of 2 to 5 percent of O&M costs are prudent to cover any operating contingencies that may arise. Second, since the recommended CIP is comprised of several different projects, a capital contingency is prudent to cover any unexpected cost overruns. And third, a contingency is often prudent to cover any shortfall due to a slow-down in local growth. Taking these three contingencies together supports a $300,000 minimum cash reserve policy.

• Consider developing a ten-year capital improvement program. This will significantly aid in planning future rate increases.

• Consider increasing tap fees. Higher connection fees will reduce long-term rate increases charged to on-line customers and will reflect the cost of providing service to new customers.

• Re-evaluate financial plans prior to beginning debt service payments. Many cost assumptions may change between now and when the first debt service payments are due.

City of Douglas 102 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 TABLE 8-5 CITY OF DOUGLAS WATER FUND SOURCESANDUSESOFFUNDS

1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

Source of Funds Net Income from Operations 224,842 202,842 190,242 177,342 126,913 113,213 139,413 124,913 152,613 137,213 Water Tap Fees 17,300 17,800 18,300 18,800 19,400 20,000 20,600 21,200 21,800 22,500 WWDC Loan Proceeds WWDCGrants 2,016,600 Other Loan Proceeds 1,342,600 Other Grant Proceeds 137,200 Total Sources 242,142 220,642 3,704,942 196,142 146,313 133,213 160,013 146,113 174,413 159,713

Use of Funds lCapjtal Projects) On-going R&R 150,000 154,500 159,100 163,900 168,800 173,900 179,100 184,500 190,000 195,700

1. Raw Water Supply 141,500 2. Transmission 402,700 3. Pressure Zones 836,100 4. Storage 2,116,100 Other Total Uses 150,000 154,500 3,655,500 163,900 168,800 173,900 179,100 184,500 190,000 195,700

Beginning Balance 310,338 402,480 468,622 518,064 550,306 527,819 487,132 468,045 429,657 414,070 Increase (Decrease) 92,142 66,142 49,442 32,242 (22,487) (40,687) (19,087) (38,387) (15,587) (35,987) Ending Balance 402,480 468,622 518,064 550,306 527,819 487,132 468,045 429,657 414,070 378,083 References

Operations and Maintenance Manual - Sheep Mountain Well Water Supply Project. Revision, 1995. Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc. Casper, Wyoming. January.

Application for Permit to Appropriate Ground Water (Form UW-5). Permit No. UW97415. Sheep Mountain Well No. 1 - City of Douglas. 1994. State of Wyoming. [And attached Statement of Completion and Description of Well or Spring (Form UW-6)].

Henningson, Durham and Richardson, Inc. (HDR) Operation Manual for the Douglas Water Treatment Plant. 1980. Denver, Colorado.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEP A) Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction Program. 1991. EPA/625/6-911027. February.

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ), Water Quality Rules and Regulations. Chapter 12, 1985.

City of Douglas 104 The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998


City of Douglas The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 RESOLUTION NO. h q 1


WHEREAS, the City of Douglas receives requests from individuals interested in connecting to existing sewer collection lines or water transmission lines; and

WHEREAS, the City wishes to establish a policy detailing the provisions limiting and regulating the connection to City water or sewer for users outside the City limits.

Now;· THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DOUGLAS, WYOMING, that the attached "Policy for Connection to the City Sanitary Sewer System for Individual Users Outside the City Limits of the City of Douglas" and the attached "Policy for Connection to the City Water System for Individual Users Outside the City Limits of the City of Douglas" are hereby adopted.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that previously adopted resolutions numbered 545, 603 and 632, relating to policies on connection to city water and sewer for users outside the city limits, are hereby repealed.

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED TIDS /01> tM~· day of ,4'/'1 ,. U z1tf' , 1997.


City Clerk


A. Criteria for Connection

Individual property owners outside the city limits of the City of Douglas who wish to connect to the City water system may do so under the following conditions only:

1. The property is located directly adjacent to the either the Sheep Mountain Well line or the Spring Line Transmission Line and is not contiguous to the city limits. Said property shall be required to annex when and if such property becomes contiguous to the city limits. 2. If.contiguous to the city limits, property desiring c~ty water service may not connect unless and until said property is annexed to the city limits. Property owners desiring to annex should contact the Community Development Department at Douglas City Hall. 3. Property owners located outside the city limits not directly adjacent to the water transmission line may become part of a Rural Improvement and Service District and petition city for services under those regulations.


B. The City of Douglas requires that all City Code and Policy Provisions be followed in the installation and connection of an individual service line to the City transmission line in the County.

C. Any property owner wishing to connect to the City of Douglas Water System must first contact the Public Works Director to verify that their property is located adjacent to said water system line. General information will be provided concerning the operation of said transmission line, including possible pressure and volume fluctuations.

D. Each building shall ~ve a separate and independent water line connected directly to the city main.

E. It is the responsibility of the individual property owner to have any necessary engineering analysis performed to detennine if water pressure to property will necessitate either-- a pressure reducing station or a pressure pump. The cost of the engineering analysis and the .-.-4 .-..-.n.-a. ra.1y11)'lttnn Pll11inmPnt ic thP rPC:OOncihilitv f\f thf" lnOlVlChrnl OTOnP.rtV OWnP.f p1.\..r.:>.:Ju1.'-" .a.""5uaut..a.&.ab "''1 ...... ,t' •••...., .... ·- ...... --r-·-·-····J ------. ----· .. - c- -c -·- ·.1 - F. If, after meeting with the City Administrator and/or Public Works Director, and performing an engineering analysis, the property owner is interested in connection to the City Water System, the property owner will need to go to the Community Development Department at City Hall to complete an Application for Water Service.

G. The applicant must provide the City with a plat showing their property in relationship to the City Water Transmission line.

H. The Application for Water Service will be reviewed by City Staff for compliance with policies and regulations.

I. Upon approval of the Application for Water Service, the applicant must contact the Community Development Department at City Hall to complete a City of Douglas Water Tap Form. At .that time, the applicant will be required to pay the water tap fee. No water service will be activated until tap fees have been paid in full.

1. The standard connection for residential use is a *" tap. The cost of a *" tap for users outside the City limits is $1,500.00. A 1" (one inch) tap would cost the individual $1,800.00 in tap fees. If the individual wishes to connect to the transmission line using a larger tap, the individual will be responsible for payment of double the in-town tap fee for said service line.

2. The tap fee is assessed to cover replacement of existing of infrastructure costs. A copy of the User Charge and Tap Fee Schedule is attached to this Policy.

J. A copy of the tap fee receipt will be forwarded to the Public Works Director. No tap will be made until verification is received from the City that said individual has paid the tap fee in full.

K. The applicant is responsible for the cost of all materials and installation of tap, service line, vault, meter and appurtenances. A contractor licensed in the City of Douglas must perform any contracted work and all work must be constructed in accordance with City specifications. Specifications for meter pit and service line incorporations are attached to this policy.

L. The City of Douglas requires that all water service lines installed in the County for individual users have a meter pit or vault installed inside the property line of the user.

M. Upon completion of the service line and meter appurtenances, the City will inspect the line to verify that said line has been installed according to City specifications. Users are not allowed to make cross connections to existing wells on their property.

N. Upon approval of inspection of the installation and connection to the city water transmission line by the City Utility Department, the applicant must go to the Finance Department at City Hall to complete a Utility Service and Billing Account Application to have the water service ~cconnt activated. 0. Upon completion of the Utility Service and Billing Account Application by the applicant, the Utility Department will open the tap and the account will be activated.

P. City of Douglas Municipal Code, Section 13.04, outlines the general requirements and information for the City of Douglas water system, including the user charge system for billing purposes. The meter servicing the individual's property will be read by City of Douglas personnel on a regular basis. Bills shall reflect the residential rates routinely charged to the residential water customers within the City limits as amended from time to time by the City.

Q. The City will provide potable water to individual users in whatever volumes are required to the extent that said water service is available from the City and subject to limitations and reductions as are necessary to satisfy the needs of the incorporated areas of the City. Water service is limited for purposes of and to uses normally and reasonably construed as residential uses.

Attachment: Specifications for Connection to City Water


A. Criteria for Connection

Individual property owners outside the city limits of the City of Douglas who wish to connect to the City sanitary sewer system may do so under the following conditions only:

1. The property is located directly adjacent to the city sanitary sewer collection main and is not contiguous to the city limits. Said property shall be required to annex when and if such property becomes contiguous to the city limits. 2. If contiguous to the city limits, property desiring city sanitary sewer service may not connect unless and until said property is annexed to the city limits. Property owners desiring to annex should contact the Community Development Department at Douglas City Hall. 3. Property owners located outside the city limits not directly adjacent to the sanitary sewer line may become part of a Rural Improvement and Service District and petition city for services under those regulations.


B. The City of Douglas requires that all City Code and Policy Provisions be followed in the installation and connection of an individual service line to the City Sanitary Sewer System in the County.

C. Any property owner wishing to connect to the City of Douglas Sanitary Sewer System must first contact the Public Works Director to verify that their property is located adjacent to said sanitary sewer line.

D. Each building shall have a separate and independent sewer service line connected directly to the city main.

E. It is the responsibility of the individual property owner to have any necessary engineering analysis performed to determine the proper grade and flow to the City Sanitary Sewer line. The cost of the engineering analysis is the responsibility of the property owner.

F. If, after meeting with the Public Works Director and performing an engineering analysis, the property owner is interested in connection to the City Sanitary Sewer System, the property owner will need to go to the Community Development Department at City Hall to complete an Application for Sewer Service.

G. The applicant must provide the City with a plat showing their property in relationship to the f""itu ~-:in1t-:lru ~PUtPr linP. ""-'&~J ...., ...... &..& ...... J ..., ...... -· ···--. H. The Application for Sewer Service will be reviewed by City Staff for compliance with policies and regulations.

I. Upon approval of the Application for Sewer Service, the applicant must contact the Community Development Department at City Hall to complete a City of Douglas Sewer Tap Form. At that time, the applicant will be required to pay the sanitary sewer tap fee. No sewer service will be activated until tap fees have been paid.

J. The applicant is responsible for the cost of all materials and installation of service line, gate valve, and valve box. A contractor licensed in the City of Douglas must perfonn any contracted work.

K. The applicant must comply with the following policy, set by the City of Douglas, for installation of required materials.

1. ·-Mueller Resilient Wedge Gate Valve A-2360-20; mechanical joint by mechanical joint.

2. Tyler Cast Iron Valve Box 6850 Series 668-S.

3. Tyler Cast Iron Valve Box 5~ locking lid.

L. The Mueller Gate Valve must be installed on the applicant's sanitary sewer service line within 10 to 15 feet of the City Sanitary Sewer line. A solid concrete block, 4 inches by 8 inches by 16 inches, must be placed under the gate valve.

1. The Tyler Valve Box is to be placed in accordance to the gate valve location. 2. The Tyler Valve Box locking lid is to be placed in accordance to the valve box and secured.

M. Upon inspection of the gate valve, valve box, and valve box locking lid by the City Utility Department, the applicant must go to the Finance Department at City Hall to complete a Utility Service and Billing Account Application to have the sewer service account activated.

N. Upon completion of the Utility Service and Billing Account Application by the applicant, the Utility Department will open the gate valve and the account will be activated.

0. The Utility Department will then set the valve box locking lid and secure it in place.

P. City of Douglas Municipal Code, Section 13.44.035, provides the Fee Structure for Users not Served by the City Water System:

1. Any user served by the wastewater (sanitary sewer) system of the City who is not served by the water system of the City shall install a City-approved water meter on the user's private water well in accordance with the provisions of Section 13.28.040(C) of this code. This meter shall be installed prior to connection to City wastewater system except as provided in subsection (B) of this section. Said meter shall be read on a monthly basis to determine volume charge for the purposes of billing for wastewater contribution to the City's system. The fee structure shall be in accordance with Section 13 .44.030 of this code. 2. In the event a user with an established utility account has connected to the City wastewater system and no meter has been installed due to adverse weather or other factors, user shall install meter as soon as is practicable as directed by the City Administrator. Until a meter has been installed, user shall be billed a flat monthly rate as determined by the City Administrator. Failure to install meter by the date specified shall result in discontinuance of service. {Ord. 526 (part), 1994} f:\wp5 I\wpadmin\utility\sewcr\outuser .pol )> "C "C CD :s c.. ;c· tJJ APPENDIX B: TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION

Utility Technical Services, Inc. Existing Peak Day Input & Output* Future Peak Day Input & Output*

*Please note that the input and output files correspond with the provided computer file for node and pipe identification correlation.

City of Douglas The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 UTILllV TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC.

P.O. Box 3613 • Englewood, Colorado 80155 • 303-773-2808

April 24, 1998

Ms. Serena Jentrim The Sear-Brown Group 209 South Meldrum Fort Collins, CO 80521-2603

Reference: Meter Test Performed for the City of Douglas, WY Location: Cemetery- Mfg.: Sensus - Model/Size: W-2000 I 6"

Dear Ms. Jentrim:

I am writing this letter in response to your telephone call of April 13, 1998. On September 9, 1997, we attempted to perform a meter test for the City of Douglas, WY at the above referenced location.

On July 7, 1997, Utility Technical Services mailed a Water Meter Testing Proposal to Cort Nickel of Sear Brown Engineering. The proposal stated the following:

"Meter should have test plugs or test ports with valves installed. The city will arrange any bypassing or scheduling of shut down as needed, as well as orderly routing of the meters to be tested.

Meters are not testable if: • there is no way to connect a test meter to the waterline in question, or • there is not adequate flew from the existing pipe!ine. Meters muzt then be made testable or removed. It is the responsibility of the client to make arrangements for installing proper test ports or removing the meter for testing purposes."

Our technician was unable to test this meter because it needed an adequate test port. There was no charge for attempting to test this meter.

If you have any' further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.


U.· !fi.\TY TECHNIC?JERVICES, INC . ./ flr_,j If ~chh~ DUt'B.Anderson, President METER TEST REPORT


Sear Brown Engineering

September 1997

Prepared By


P.O. BOX 3613



P.O. Box 3613 • Englewood, Colorado 80155 • 303-773-2808

September 18, 1997

Cort Nickel Sear Brown Engineering 209 S Meldrum Ft. Collins, CO 80521

Dear Cort:

On September 8, 1997, UTILITY TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. conducted a water meter field test for Sear Brown Engineering. The purpose was to test meters for general accuracy.

The testing was carried out by the use of a calibrated field test meter. This meter is used in the field by locating it near the existing meter. Water flow is directed through both meters and a general analysis of the existing meter accuracy is obtained. This is done with the removal of the meter and is not intended to replace bench testing with calibrated tanks.

These tests are accurate if the downstream valve is completely closed with no leakage. Precautions are taken to try and assure that this is not occurring during the testing. Downstream usage before the meter valve will also affect the test results.

The field test meter was recently tested on state certified calibrated tanks. The test meter was within the industry standards at ±3%.

Three (3) meters were tested at this time. One (1) meter was not within industry standards of ±3%.

If we can be of any further assistance or if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for letting us be of service to you. UTILITY TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC.

P~O. Box 3613 * Englewood, Colorado 80155-3613 * 303-773-2808







P.O. Box 3613 * Englewood, Colorado 80155-3613 * 303-773-2808






P.O. Box 3613 * Englewood, Colorado 80155-3613 * 303-773-2808





TEST: $ REPAIR: PARTS: TEST#3 TOTAL: $ ************************************************ SUMMARY 0 F 0 R I G I N A L DAT A ************************************************ ~yberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc. (un Description: Max Day (Summer)- lMG Orpha Closed Drawing: DGLS-EXS



PRV-1 125 145 4980.00 FCV-2 10 20 1390.00 PRV-1 2570 3440 5067.00



PIPE NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS BND-HGL NUMBER #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. COEFF. (ft) ------10-BN 10 0 7378.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5305.00 20-RV 10 20 77149.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 30 20 30 409.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 35-XXBN 30 0 20.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5008.00 40 40 30 866.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 50-CV 40 50 25.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 60-CV 50 60 134.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 70-BN 0 50 20.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4978.00 80 70 40 100.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 90-CV 60 70 100.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 100 70 80 2132.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 105-XX 100 105 894.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 110 60 90 3863.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 120 100 90 2903.0 1.4. 0 130.00 0.00 130 110 105 1538.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 135 2860 100 1282.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 140 110 120 1135.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 145-RV 125 120 10.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 155 130 125 10.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 160 130 140 4429.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 170 140 150 2944.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 180 155 150 20502.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 185 160 155 402.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 190-BN 165 0 537.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5165.00 195-XX 165 160 231. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 200 160 166 246.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 205-BN 166 0 250.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4978.00 210 170 115 1068.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 215 110 115 2153.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 220 170 180 687.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 230 190 170 3875.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 240 200 190 1754.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 250 190 210 755.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 260 210 220 335.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 270 220 230 1027.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 280 210 240 1339.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 290 250 220 701. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 300 230 250 331. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 310 260 230 324.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 320 260 270 341. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 330 240 280 906.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 340 250 290 1358.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 345 290 360 83.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 350 300 230 1356.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 355 370 300 135.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 360 260 310 683.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 370 240 320 719.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 375 320 ··350 84.0 12.0 130 .-00 0.00 380 310 330 676.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 390 340 310 1058.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 395 400 340 69.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 400 280 320 200.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 410 320 290 327.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 420 290 300 333.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 430 300 330 325.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 440 330 340 383.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 450 340 380 1538.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 460 350 390 888.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 470 360 350 325.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 480 370 360 413.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 490 400 370 630.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 500 410 400 335.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 510 420 410 333.0 12. 0 130.00 0.00 520 430 420 330.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 530 440 430 193.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 540 450 440 317.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 550 460 450 336.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 560 470 460 342.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 570 480 470 318.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 580 490 350 505.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 590 360 500 530.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 600 500 490 380.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 610 490 390 382.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 620 390 510 993.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 630 510 520 375.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 640 520 530 989.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 650 510 540 983.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 660 550 490 991.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 670 560 550 999.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 680 500 570 486.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 690 570 580 507.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 700 580 550 378.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 710 540 530 383.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 720 560 540 377.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 730 590 560 392.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 740 580 590 993.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 750 530 600 342.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 760 610 600 993.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 770 530 620 503.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 780 620 630 49S.O .4. 0 130.00 0.00 790 540 640 1006.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 80{) 6SO 560 999.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 810 590 660 999.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 820 670 590 302.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 830 670 680 360.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 840 670 690 49S.O 2.0 130.00 0.00 850 700 670 1069.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 860 700 580 378.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 870 710 700 200.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 880 720 700 sos.a 6.0 130.00 0.00 890 570 720 373.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 900 720 730 496.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 910 730 370 490.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 920 740 730 690.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 930 740 710 499.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 940 7SO 740 411. 0 4.0 130.00 0.00 950 760 750 339.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 960 770 ··760 32S.O 4.0 130 .. 00 0.00 970 780 770 331. 0 4.0 130.00 0.00 980 790 780 188.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 990 800 710 393.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1000 820 800 337.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1010 830 820 349.0 12. 0 130.00 0.00 1020 840 830 330.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1030 8SO 840 181. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1040 400 750 991. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 lOSO 760 765 498.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 105S 410 765 498.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1060 420 775 499.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1065 770 775 499.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1070 780 430 997.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1080 790 440 990.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1090 710 860 698.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1100 800 860 662.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1110 860 690 S40.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1120 690 870 547.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1130 870 880 266.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1140 890 880 201. 0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1150 880 900 98.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1160 900 910 2S7.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1170 870 920 178.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1180 900 920 271. 0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1190 930 920 537.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1200 940 930 2171. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1210 9SO 940 880.0 1.4. 0 130.00 0.00 1220 940 960 283.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1230 960 850 3S3.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1240 750 800 SlO.O 12.0 130.00 0.00 1250 820 760 Sl2.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1260 770 830 513.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1270 840 780 SlS.O 4.0 130.00 0.00 1280 8SO 790 Sl9.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1290 970 950 460.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1300 980 970 247.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1310 9SO 980 134.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1320 970 990 200.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1330 1000 970 461. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1340 1010 1000 7SO.O 14.0 130.00 0.00 13SO 480 1010 943.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1360 1010 1020 360.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1370 1020 1030 325.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 138'0 1030 1040 337.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1390 1040 790 383.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1400 1050 960 659.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1410 1060 1050 794.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1420 1070 1060 276.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1430 1070 850 300.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1440 1070 1040 532.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1450 1040 450 926.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1460 1080 1070 384.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1470 1090 1080 329.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1480 1000 1090 117.0 .6. 0 130.00 0.00 1490 1080 1030 514.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1500 1030 460 941.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1510 1090 1020 507.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1520 1020 470 938.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1530 1100 830 679.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1540 820 1100 404.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1550 930 1110 1.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1560 660 1110 1930.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1570 1110 1120 656.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1580-BN 1110 0 1. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 4978.00 1590 660 1130 199.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1600 650 660 385.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1610 640 650 406.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1620 630 640 378.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1630 610 630 345.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1640 1140 650 547.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1650 640 1150 511.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1655 1150 1200 52.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1660 630 1160 512.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1665 1160 1190 55.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1670 1170 610 509.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1675 1180 1170 53.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1680 1200 1190 380.0 12. 0 130.00 0.00 1685 1150 1160 381.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1690 1190 1180 344.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1695 1160 1170 341.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1700 1180 1210 983.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1710 1220 1210 337.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1720 1230 1220 413.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1730 1240 1230 390.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1740 1140 1200 415.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1750 1250 1240 372.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1760 1260 1140 390.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1770 1190 1220 978.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1780 1230 1200 981.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1790 1240 1140 990.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1800 1260 1270 484.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1810 1270 1250 503.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1820 1280 1250 391.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1830 1290 1270 359.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1840 1260 1120 950.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1850 1300 1290 602.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1860 1290 1310 154.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1870 1320 1280 205.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1880 1330 1320 391.0 1.4. 0 130.00 0.00 1890 1330 1300 391. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1900 1300 1120 463.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1910 1330 1340 161.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1915 1340 1370 414.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 192·0 1340 1350 160.0 4 .0 130.00 0.00 1925 1380 1350 415.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1930 1350 1360 174.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1940 1300 1370 162.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1950 1370 1380 161. 0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1960 1380 1390 171.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1970 1120 1400 166.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1975 1370 1400 462.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1980 1400 1410 166.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1985 1410 1380 464.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1990 1410 1420 122.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2000 1320 1430 713.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2010 1430 1440 382.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2020 1440 1450 845.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2030 1450 1460 395.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2040 1460 1470 398.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2050 1470 1480 312.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2060 1430 1280 509.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2070 1250 1440 508.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2080 1450 1240 980.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2090 1460 1230 978.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2100 1220 1470 980.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2110 1210 1490 816.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2120 1480 1490 167.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2130 1480 1500 686.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2140 1460 1510 1029.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2150 1510 1520 513.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2160 1530 1510 350.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2170 1530 1540 425.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2180 1540 1550 388.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2190 1560 1550 368.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2200 1570 1560 576.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2210 1560 1570 1186.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2220 1550 1580 426.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2230 1580 1530 369.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2240 1590 1580 204.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2250 1600 1590 555.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2260 1600 1610 380.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2270 1580 1610 380.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2280 1610 1620 370.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2290 1620 1530 383.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2300 1450 1620 611.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2310 1630 1490 570.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2320 1640 1630 890.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2330 1650 1640 315.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2340 1670 1650 775.0 1·2. 0 130.00 0.00 2355 1655 1650 137.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2360 1680 1640 434.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2370 1680 1690 397.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2380 1700 1680 406.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2390 1170 1710 364.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2400 1710 1720 362.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2410 1720 1730 400.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2420 1730 1740 97.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2430 1730 1750 154.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2440 1750 1760 1005.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 2450 1750 1700 646.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2460 1700 1670 260.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2470 1710 1780 1073.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2480 1720 1790 1431. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2490 1670 1800 1662.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2500 1800 1810 654.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2510 1810 1820 246.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2520 1810 1830 372.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2530 1830 1840 435.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2540 1850 1820 304.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2550 1820 1860 419.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2560 1860 1840 518.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2570 1860 1870 286.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2580 1870 1880 273.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2590 1870 1890 234.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2600 1890 1900 687.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2610 1900 1910 199.0 .8. o 130.00 0.00 2620 1900 1920 871. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2630 1920 1930 541. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2635 1930 1940 78.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2640 1930 1950 282.0 8.0 130 .-00 0.00 2650 1960 1950 216.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2660 1940 1960 593.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2670 1970 1960 512.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2680 1980 1950 595.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2690 1990 1980 739.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2700 1890 1990 166.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2710 1990 2000 251. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2720 2000 1970 234.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2730 1970 2010 160.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2740 2020 2000 848.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2750 2030 2020 275.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2760 2030 1840 383.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2770 2040 2020 669.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2780 2050 2040 324.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2790 2040 2060 474.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2800 2060 1940 766.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2810 2070 2030 326.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2820 2080 2070 509.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2830 2080 2090 292.0 ·5. 0 130.00 0.00 2840 2100 2080 169.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2850 2110 2070 237.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2860 2110 2100 467.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2865 2150 2110 146.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2870 2120 2110 516.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2880 1800 2120 607.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2890 2120 2130 315.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2900 2100 2140 736.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2910 2140 80 283.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2920 2150 2160 764.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2930 2170 2150 872.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2940 2170 2160 878.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2945 2160 2165 413.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2950 2160 2180 548.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2960 2190 2180 507.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2970 2200 2190 760.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2980 2210 2200 169.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2990 2220 2200 242.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3000 2230 2220 274.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3010 2220 2240 508.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3020 2240 2250 401. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3030 2250 2230 1188.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3040 2250 2260 257.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3050 2260 2180 436.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3060 2270 2260 404.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3070 2280 2270 355.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3080 2290 2280 912.0 •6. 0 130.00 0.00 3090 2290 2230 268.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3100 2300 2290 402.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3110 2280 2300 967.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3120 2310 2300 127.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3130 2200 2320 368.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3140 2320 2330 366.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3150 2320 2340 301.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3160 2350 2330 298.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3170 2340 2350 371.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3180 2350 2360 204.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3190 2360 2370 277.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3200 2360 2390 323.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3210 2390 2400 359.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3220 2400 2410 519.0 8.0 130 .. 00 0.00 3230 2410 90 571.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3240 2420 2410 355.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3250 2420 2390 523.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3260 2430 2420 325.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3270 2430 2360 526.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3280 2440 2430 385.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3290 2450 2440 193.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3300 2190 2450 282.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3310 2450 2460 277.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3320 2460 2340 252.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3330 2460 2470 173.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3340 90 2480 435.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3350 2490 480 726.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3360 2500 2490 498.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3370-PU 2500 2510 264.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3380 2520 2510 776.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3390 2530 2520 386.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3400 2520 2540 411.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3410 2550 2530 1654.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3420-BN 0 2550 180.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 5083.00 3430 2570 2530 109.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3440-RV 2570 2580 109.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3450 2580 2590 639.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3460 2590 2600 693.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3470 2610 2580 588.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3480 2620 2610 320.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3490 2620 2630 320.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3500 2600 2620 323.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3510-CV 2640 2600 312.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3520 2650 2610 291.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3530 2650 2660 492.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3540 2660 2670 371.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3550 2680 2650 311.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3560 2690 2680 380.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3570 2680 2700 462.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3580 2690 2710 169.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3590-CV 2720 2670 458.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3600 2730 2670 432.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3610 2730 2690 133.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3620 2740 2730 226.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3630 2750 2740 829.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3640 2760 2740 702.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3650 2760 2770 293.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 366·0 2760 2780 649.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3670-XX 2780 2790 181. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3680 2790 480 1447.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3690 2800 2490 765.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3700 2810 2800 740.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3710 2820 2810 630.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3720 2820 2800 300.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3730 2720 2820 399.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3740 2720 2640 165.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3750 2830 2640 1062.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3760 2490 2830 795.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3770 2830 2840 528.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3780-PU 80 2850 317.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 3790 2870 2860 514.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3800 2870 2880 868.0 1·2. 0 130.00 0.00 3810 2850 2890 1770.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 3820 2900 2890 2122.0 8.0 130.-00 0.00 3830 2890 2900 780.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3840 2900 2910 1139.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3870-BNPU 0 1655 195.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 4800.00

n U M p DAT A

.L'HERE IS A PUMP IN LINE 3370 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOWRATE (ft) (gpm) ------203.00 0.00 180.00 560.00 160.00 720.00

'T'HERE IS A PUMP IN LINE 3780 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOWRATE (ft) (gpm} ------210.00 0.00 194.00 520.00 160.00 620.00

HERE IS A PUMP IN LINE 3870 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOWRATE (ft) (gpm) ------185.00 0.00 175.00 1000.00 150.00 1750.00

U N C T I 0 N N 0 DE DAT A


10-1 Spring Line 0.00 5200.00 10 20 20-1 SPLIITER BOX 0.00 5010.00 20 30 30-1 0.00 5000.00 30 35 40 40-1 0.00 4950.00 40 50 80 50-1 0.00 4950.00 50 60 70 60-1 0.00 4950.00 60 90 110 70-1 0.00 4950.00 80 90 100 80-1 WLEA P/S 0.00 4871. 00 100 2910 3780 90-1 FH 8.00 4848.00 110 120 3230 3340 100-1 8.00 4815.00 105 120 135 105-1 0.00 4815.00 105 130 110-1 0.00 4815.00 130 140 215 115-1 0.00 4805.00 210 215 120-1 0.00 4865.00 140 145 125-1 SHEEP MTN BY 0.00 4865.00 145 155 130-1 0.00 4865.00 155 160 140-1 RIDGEWATER M 59.50 4978.00 160 170 150-1 0.00 5006.00 170 180 155-1 0.00 5150.00 180 185 160-1 0.00 5150.00 185 195 200 165-1 0.00 5150.00 190 195 166-1 Sheeo Mtn We 0.00 5150.00 200 205 170-1 0.00 4797.00 210 220 230 180-1 FH @ WWTP 18.25 4800.00 220 190-1 8.00 4822.00 230 240 250 200-1 8.00 4866.00 240 210-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 250 260 280 220-1 8.00 4828.00 260 270 290 230-1 FH 8.00 4830.00 270 300 310 350 240-1 FH 8.00 4821.00 280 330 370 250-1 FH 8.00 4828.00 290 300 340 260-1 FH 86.75 4833.00 310 320 360 270-1 8.00 4832.00 320 280-1 FH 8.00 4818.00 330 400 290-1 8.00 4821.00 340 345 410 420 300-1 8.00 4822.00 350 355 420 430 310-1 FH 13.00 4830.00 360 380 390 320-1 8.00 4820.00 370 375 400 410 330-1 8.00 4827.00 380 430 440 340-1 8.00 4831.00 390 395 440 450 350-1 FH 8.00 4820.00 375 460 470 580 360-1 8.00 4821.00 345 470 480 590 370-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 355 480 490 910 380-1 8.00 4854.00 450 390-1 FH 8.00 4822.00 460 610 620 400-1 FH 8.00 4827.33 395 490 500 1040 410-1 8.00 4827.25 500 510 1055 420-1 8.00 4827.18 510 520 1060 430-1 8.00 4827.07 520 530 1070 440-1 8.00 4835.05 530 540 1080 450-1 FH 8.00 4843.03 540 550 1450 460-1 FH 8.00 4849.77 550 560 1500 470-1 16.00 4849.58 560 570 1520 480-1 FH 8.00 4860.88 570 1350 3350 3680 490-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 580 600 610 660 500-1 FH 8.00 4829.00 590 600 680 510-1 8.00 4823.00 620 630 650 520-1 FH 8.00 4818.00 630 640 530-1 FH 8.00 4815.00 640 710 750 770 540-1 FH 8.00 4818.00 650 710 720 790 550-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 660 670 700 560-1 FH 8.00 4822.00 670 720 730 800 570-1 FH 8.00 4837.00 680 690 890 580-1 8.00 4837.00 690 700 740 860 590-1 FH 8.00 4837.00 730 740 810 820 600-1 8.00 4812.00 750 760 610-1 8.00 4815.00 760 1630 1670 620-1 FH 8.00 4816.00 770 780 630-1 8.00 4819.00 780 1620 1630 1660 640-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 790 1610 1620 1650 650-1 12.25 4839.00 800 1600 1610 1640 660-1 FH 8.00 4862.00 810 1560 1590 1600 670-1 8.00 4863.00 820 830 840 850 680-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 830 690-1 8.00 4885.00 840 1110 1120 700-1 FH 8.00 4843.00 850 860 870 880 710-1 8.00 4850.00 870 930 990 1090 720-1 8.00 4839.00 880 890 900 730-1 8.00 4834.00 900 910 920 740-1 FH 8.00 4844.00 920 930 940 750-1 8.00 4838.87 940 950 1040 1240 760-1 FH 8.00 4850.36 950 960 1050 1250 765-1 8.00 4838.80 1050 1055 770-1 8.00 4844.50 960 970 1065 1260 775-1 8.00 4838.70 1060 1065 780-1 FH 8.00 4838.65 970 980 1070 1270 790-1 8.00 4847.80 980 1080 1280 1390 800-1 FH 8.00 4838.85 990 1000 1100 1240 820-1 8.00 4850.34 1000 1010 1250 1540 830-1 FH 13.75 4838.75 1010 1020 1260 1530 840-1 8.00 4844.50 1020 1030 1270 850-1 FH 8.00 4850.22 1030 1230 1280 1430 860-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 1090 1100 1110 870-1 8.00 4893.00 1120 1130 1170 880-1 8.00 4900.00 1130 1140 1150 890-1 8.00 4902.00 1140 900-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 1150 1160 1180 910-1 8.00 4892.00 1160 920-1 8.00 4895.00 1170 1180 1190 930-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4930.00 1190 1200 1550 940-1 8.00 4867.00 1200 1210 1220 950-1 8.00 4904.50 1210 1290 1310 960-1 FH 8.00 4862.00 1220 1230 1400 970-1 8.00 4883.50 1290 1300 1320 1330 980-1 FH 8.00 4896.00 1300 1310 990-1 FH 8.00 4873.00 1320 1000-1 52.25 4861.20 1330 1340 1480 1010-1 FH 52.25 4849.66 1340 1350 1360 1020-1 8.00 4849.77 1360 1370 1510 1520 1030-1 FH 8.00 4849.88 1370 1380 1490 1500 1040-1 FH 8.00 4856.96 1380 1390 1440 1450 1050-1 FH 8.00 4866.32 1400 1410 1060-1 FH 8.00 4861. 64 1410 1420 1070-1 8.00 4861. 64 1420 1430 1440 1460 1080-1 FH 8.00 4861. 46 1460 1470 1490 1090-1 FH 8.00 4861.39 1470 1480 1510 1100-1 115.00 4862.34 1530 1540 1110-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4960.00 1550 1560 1570 1580 1120-1 FH 12.25 4888.00 1570 1840 1900 1970 1130-1 27.25 4862.00 1590 1140-1 FH 18.75 4842.00 1640 1740 1760 1790 1150-1 8.00 4825.00 1650 1655 1685 1160-1 8.00 4818.00 1660 1665 1685 1695 1170-1 8.00 4814.00 1670 1675 1695 2390 1180-1 FH 8.00 4814.00 1675 1690 1700 1190-1 8.00 4818.00 1665 1680 1690 1770 1200-1 FH 8.00 4825.00 1655 1680 1740 1780 1210-1 FH 19.50 4812.00 1700 1710 2110 1220-1 FH 8.00 4815.00 1710 1720 1770 2100 1230-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 1720 1730 1780 2090 1240-1 FH 8.00 4837.00 1730 1750 1790 2080 1250-1 FH 8.00 4842.00 1750 1810 1820 2070 1260-1 FH 12.25 4862.00 1760 1800 1840 1270-1 FH 8.00 4860.00 1800 1810 1830 1280-1 FH 8.00 4860.00 1820 1870 2060 1290-1 FH 8.00 4870.00 1830 1850 1860 1300-1 FH 8.00 4885.00 1850 1890 1900 1940 1310-1 8.00 4876.00 1860 1320-1 8.00 4875.00 1870 1880 2000 1330-1 FH 8.00 4884.00 1880 1890 1910 1340-1 8.00 4886.00 1910 1915 1920 1350-1 FH 8.00 4893.00 1920 1925 1930 1360-1 8.00 4895.00 1930 1370-1 8.00 4890.00 1915 1940 1950 1975 1380-1 8.00 4896.00 1925 1950 1960 1985 1390-1 8.00 4904.00 1960 1400-1 8.00 4895.00 1970 1975 1980 1410-1 8.00 4900.00 1980 1985 1990 1420-1 FH 8.00 4906.00 1990 1430-1 FH 8.00 4846.00 2000 2010 2060 1440-1 8.00 4840.00 2010 2020 2070 1450-1 FH 15.25 4796.00 2020 2030 2080 2300 1460-1 FH 8.00 4795.00 2030 2040 2090 2140 1470-1 FH 8.00 4795.00 2040 2050 2100 1480-1 17.50 4800.00 2050 2120 2130 1490-1 FH 8.00 4808.00 2110 2120 2310 1500-1 8.00 4802.00 2130 1510-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2140 2150 2160 1520-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2150 1530-1 FH 8.00 4820.00 2160 2170 2230 2290 1540-1 FH 8.00 4818.00 2170 2180 1550-1 FH 8.00 4836.00 2180 2190 2220 1560-1 8.00 4822.00 2190 2200 2210 1570-1 FH 8.00 4860.00 2200 2210 1580-1 8.00 4830.00 2220 2230 2240 2270 1590-1 FH 17.50 4837.00 2240 2250 1600-1 FH 8.00 4840.00 2250 2260 1610-1 FH 8.00 4832.00 2260 2270 2280 1620-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 2280 2290 2300 1630-1 FH 8.00 4798.00 2310 2320 1640-1 8.00 4798.00 2320 2330 2360 1650-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2330 2340 2355 1655-1 WTP 7.00 4800.00 2355 3870 1670-1 19.25 4800.00 2340 2460 2490 1680-1 8.00 4810.00 2360 2370 2380 1690-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2370 1700-1 FH 8.00 4812.00 2380 2450 2460 1710-1 8.00 4810.00 2390 2400 2470 1720-1 19.50 4808.00 2400 2410 2480 1730-1 8.00 4805.00 2410 2420 2430 1740-1 FH 8.00 4805.00 2420 1750-1 30.75 4804.00 2430 2440 2450 1760-1 35.75 4798.00 2440 '1780-1 8.00 4812.00 2470 1790-1 12.75 4808.00 2480 1800-1 FH 8.00 4815.00 2490 2500 2880 1810-1 FH 8.00 4830.00 2500 2510 2520 1820-1 8.00 4835.00 2510 2540 2550 1830-1 FH 8.00 4845.00 2520 2530 1840-1 8.00 4845.00 2530 2560 2760 1850-1 FH 8.00 4850.00 2540 1860-1 FH 8.00 4838.00 2550 2560 2570 1870-1 8.00 4840.00 2570 2580 2590 1880-1 FH 8.00 4864.00 2580 1890-1 FH 8.00 4840.00 2590 2600 2700 1900-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 2600 2610 2620 1910-1 8.00 4840.00 2610 1920-1 FH 8.00 4885.00 2620 2630 1930-1 0.00 4900.00 2630 2635 2640 1940-1 8.00 4900.00 2635 2660 2800 1950-1 FH 8.00 4890.00 2640 2650 2680 1960-1 8.00 4890.00 2650 2660 2670 1970-1 8.00 4890.00 2670 2720 2730 1980-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 2680 2690 1990-1 8.00 4860.00 2690 2700 2710 2000-1 FH 8.00 4878.00 2710 2720 2740 2010-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 2730 2020-1 8.00 4859.00 2740 2750 2770 2030-1 FH 8.00 4849.00 2750 2760 2810 2040-1 8.00 4890.00 2770 2780 2790 2050-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 2780 2060-1 FH 14.50 4903.00 2790 2800 2070-1 8.00 4839.00 2810 2820 2850 2080-1 FH 8.00 4848.00 2820 2830 2840 2090-1 44.50 4862.00 2830 2100-1 8.00 4841.00 2840 2860 2900 2110-1 8.00 4837.00 2850 2860 2865 2870 2120-1 8.00 4830.00 2870 2880 2890 2130-1 FH 30.75 4822.00 2890 2140-1 0.00 4868.00 2900 2910 2150-1 FH 13.00 4837.00 2865 2920 2930 2160-1 8.00 4827.00 2920 2940 2945 2950 2165-1 4.00 4820.00 2945 2170-1 FH 8.00 4839.00 2930 2940 2180-1 8.00 4823.00 2950 2960 3050 2190-1 FH 8.00 4821. 00 2960 2970 3300 2200-1 FH 8.00 4812.00 2970 2980 2990 3130 2210-1 8.00 4811.00 2980 2220-1 FH 8.00 4810.00 2990 3000 3010 2230-1 8.00 4806.00 3000 3030 3090 2240-1 FH 8.00 4817.00 3010 3020 2250-1 8.00 4817.00 3020 3030 3040 2260-1 FH 8.00 4817.00 3040 3050 3060 2270-1 8.00 4801.00 3060 3070 2280-1 FH 8.00 4803.00 3070 3080 3110 2290-1 FH 8.00 4803.00 3080 3090 3100 2300-1 FH 8.00 4798.00 3100 3110 3120 2310-1 8.00 4798.00 3120 2320-1 29.00 4818.00 3130 3140 3150 2330-1 24.50 4820.00 3140 3160 2340-1 8.00 4819.00 3150 3170 3320 2350-1 8.00 4823.00 3160 3170 3180 2360-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 3180 3190 3200 3270 2370-1 8.00 4826.00 3190 2390-1 8.00 4830.00 3200 3210 3250 2400-1 8.00 4835.00 3210 3220 2410-1 8.00 4840.00 3220 3230 3240 2420-1 FH 8.00 4838.00 3240 3250 3260 2430-1 8.00 4832.00 3260 3270 3280 2440-1 22.00 4828.00 3280 3290 2450-1 8.00 . 4825.00 3290 3300 3310 2460-1 8.00 4821.00 3310 3320 3330 2470-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 3330 2480-1 18.00 4839.00 3340 2490-1 FH 8.00 4871.00 3350 3360 3690 3760 2500-1 8.00 4879.00 3360 3370 2510-1 8.00 4880.00 3370 3380 2520-1 8.00 4912.00 3380 3390 3400 2530-1 8.00 4920.00 3390 3410 3430 2540-1 FH 8.00 4940.00 3400 2550-1 CLEARFILED T 0.00 5051.00 3410 3420 2570-1 CLEARFILED p 0.00 4910.00 3430 3440 2580-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 3440 3450 3470 2590-1 FH 8.00 4896.00 3450 3460 2600-1 10.75 4870.00 3460 3500 3510 2610-1 FH 8.00 4878.00 3470 3480 3520 2620-1 23.25 4874.00 3480 3490 3500 2630-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 3490 2640-1 19.25 4869.00 3510 3740 3750 2650-1 8.00 4898.00 3520 3530 3550 2660-1 FH 8.00 4889.00 3530 3540 2670-1 8.00 4883.00 3540 3590 3600 2680-1 8.00 4920.00 3550 3560 3570 2690-1 8.00 4911. 00 3560 3580 3610 2700-1 FH 8.00 4930.00 3570 2710-1 FH 8.00 4920.00 3580 2720-1 FH 18.75 4869.00 3590 3730 3740 2730-1 8.00 4912.00 3600 3610 3620 2740-1 FH 8.00 4905.00 3620 3630 3640 2750-1 FH 8.00 4985.00 3630 2760-1 8.00 4875.00 3640 3650 3660 2770-1 FH 17.00 4880.00 3650 2780-1 14.00 4864.00 3660 3670 2790-1 FH 8.00 4862.00 3670 3680 2800-1 FH 8.00 4867.00 3690 3700 3720 2810-1 FH 8.00 4876.00 3700 3710 2820-1 8.00 4868.00 3710 3720 3730 2830-1 FH 8.00 4884.00 3750 3760 3770 2840-1 FH 8.00 4920.00 3770 2850-1 0.00 4880.00 3780 3810 2860-1 FH 8.00 4806.00 135 3790 2870-1 54.00 4802.00 3790 3800 2880-1 FH 8.00 4799.00 3800 2890-1 5.50 4935.00 3810 3820 3830 2900-1 5.50 4935.00 3820 3830 3840 2910-1 5.50 4850.00 3840 +------+ MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS

Number of pipes ...... 1000 Number of pumps ...... 250 Number junction nodes ...... 1000 Flow meters ...... 2 5 O Boundary nodes ...... 1 OO Variable storage tanks ...... 250 Pressure switches ...... 250 Regulating Valves ...... 250 Items for limited output ...... 1000 limit for non-consecutive numbering .. 10260 +------+ Cybernet version 2.18. SN: 1132184082-1000

Extended Description:

Existing system with peak day demands. 1 MG Orpha Tank CLOSED and 3 MG Orpha Open. Summer Operation of Sheep Mtn Well (Well ON and flow bypassing Sheep Mtn Pumps @ P/S through PRV's) U N I T S S P E C I F I E D

FLOWRATE ...... = gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) ...... feet PRESSURE ...... = psig



y s TE M C 0 N F I GURA T I 0 N

NUMBER OF PIPES ...... ( p) 411 NUMBER OF JUNCTION NODES ...... ( j ) = 296 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...... ( 1) 108 NUMBER OF BOUNDARY NODES ...... ( f) = 8 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES ...... ( z ) = 1

************************************* S I M U L A T I 0 N R E S U L T S ************************************* ~he results are obtained after 9 trials with an accuracy 0.00002 The regulating valves required 1 adjustments.

~ I M U L A T I 0 N D E S C R I P T I 0 N

~yberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc. ~un Description: Max Day (Summer)- lMG Orpha Closed Drawing: DGLS-EXS

p I p E L I N E RE s u L T s


PIPE NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD PUMP MINOR LINE HL/ NUMBER #1 #2 LOSS HEAD LOSS VELO. 1000 (gpm) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/ft) ·------10-BN 10 0 -1390.00 34.43 0.00 0.00 3.94 4.67 20-RV 10 20 1390.00 3.94 30 20 30 1390.00 1.91 0.00 0.00 3.94 4.67 35-XXBN 30 0 40 40 30 -1390.00 4.04 0.00 0.00 3.94 4.67 50-CV 40 50 1061.66 0.07 0.00 0.00 3.01 2.83 60-CV 50 60 214.44 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.15 70-BN 0 50 -847.22 0.04 0.00 0.00 2.40 1.87 80 70 40 -328.34 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.32 90-XXCV 60 70 100 70 . 80 328.34 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.32 105-XX 100 105 110 60 90 214.44 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.07 120 100 90 -78.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 130 110 105 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135 2860 100 -70.00 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.54 140 110 120 -115.31 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.05 145-RV 125 120 115.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.05 155 130 125 115.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.05 160 130 140 -115.31 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.05 170 140 150 -174.81 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 180 155 150 174.81 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 185 160 155 174.81 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 190-BN 165 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195-XX 165 160 200 160 166 -174.81 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 205-BN 166 0 -174.81 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 210 170 115 -115.31 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.05 215 110 115 115.31 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.05 220 170 180 18.25 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 230 190 170 -97.06 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.03 240 200 190 -8.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.28 250 190 210 81. 06 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.02 260 210 220 159.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.08 270 220 230 133.09 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.06 280 210 240 -85.98 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.03 290 250 220 -17.94 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 300 230 250 -27.61 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.10 310 260 230 -163.79 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.09 320 260 270 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 330 240 280 -1. 52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 340 250 290 -17.66 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 345 290 360 -26.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.09 350 300 230 11. 09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 355 370 300 19.31 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 360 260 310 69.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 370 240 320 -92.46 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.03 375 320 350 -123.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.05 380 310 330 -0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 390 340 310 -56.69 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 395 400 340 -46.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 400 280 320 -9.52 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.10 410 320 290 13.44 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.18 420 290 300 13.91 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.19 430 300 330 14.13 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.20 440 330 340 5.47 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 450 340 380 8.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 460 350 390 -344.54 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.35 470 360 350 -236.22 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.18 480 370 360 -223.55 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.16 490 400 370 -205.97 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.14 500 410 400 -308.43 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.29 510 420 410 -297.52 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.27 520 430 420 -288.75 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.25 530 440 430 -300.20 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.27 540 450 440 -466.78 0.20 0.00 0.00 1.32 0.62 550 460 450 -488.72 0.23 0.00 0.00 1.39 0.67 560 470 460 -517.67 0.26 0.00 0.00 1.47 0.75 570 480 470 -552.20 0.27 0.00 0.00 1. 57 0.84 580 490 350 23.10 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.07 590 360 500 -21. 47 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.06 600 500 490 -36.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.16 610 490 390 -82.36 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.73 620 390 510 -434.90 0.54 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.54 630 510 520 -16.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 640 520 530 -24.03 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.54 650 510 540 -426.87 0.52 0.00 0.00 1.21 0.52 660 550 490 -15.22 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 670 560 550 112.06 1. 29 0.00 0.00 1. 27 1. 29 680 500 570 6.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 690 570 580 -13.43 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.03 700 580 550 -119.28 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.05 710 540 530 -23.77 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.07 720 560 540 -41. 64 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.21 730 590 560 -93.29 0.36 0.00 0.00 1. 06 0.92 740 580 590 -95.21 0.95 0.00 0.00 1. 08 0.95 750 530 600 -35.13 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.90 1. 08 760 610 600 43.13 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.22 770 530 620 -20.67 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.41 780 620 630 -28.67 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.73 0.74 790 540 640 -452.73 0.59 0.00 0.00 1.28 0.58 800 650 560 171. 71 0.70 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.70 810 590 660 -104.71 1.13 0.00 0.00 1.19 1.14 820 670 590 -94.80 0.29 0.00 0.00 1. 08 0.94 830 670 680 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 840 670 690 0.67 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 850 700 670 -78.13 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.66 860 700 580 -193.06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.12 870 710 700 -244.96 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.19 880 720 700 -18.23 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 890 570 720 12.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.15 900 720 730 22.24 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 910 730 370 9.73 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 920 740 730 -4.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 930 740 710 -16.88 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 940 750 740 -13.39 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.18 950 760 750 -17.60 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 .45 0.30 960 770 760 -14.77 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.22 970 780 770 -13.66 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.19 980 790 780 -4.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 990 800 710 -260.92 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.21 1000 820 800 -230.54 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.17 1010 830 820 -144.81 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.07 1020 840 830 -69.41 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 1030 850 840 -43.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 1040 400 750 -64.29 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.02 1050 760 765 5.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 1055 410 765 2.91 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 1060 420 775 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 1065 770 775 7.24 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.06 1070 780 430 19.45 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 1080 790 440 174.58 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 1090 710 860 -40.85 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.20 1100 800 860 -54.12 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.33 1110 860 690 -102.97 0.59 0.00 0.00 1.17 1.10 1120 690 870 -110.30 0.68 0.00 0.00 1. 25 1.25 1130 870 880 11.50 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.56 1140 890 880 -8.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.28 1150 880 900 -4.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.10 1160 900 910 8.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.28 1170 870 920 -129.80 0.30 0.00 0.00 1.47 1.69 1180 900 920 -20.50 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.62 1190 930 920 158.30 1. 31 0.00 0.00 1. 80 2.44 1200 940 930 -1061.58 2.90 0.00 0.00 2.21 1.34 1210 950 940 -621.10 0.44 0.00 0.00 1. 29 0.50 1220 940 960 432.48 0.15 0.00 0.00 1. 23 0.54 1230 960 850 374.59 0.15 0.00 0.00 1. 06 0.41 1240 750 800 -76.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.02 1250 820 760 10.26 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.11 1260 770 830 -14.12 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.20 1270 840 780 17.84 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.31 1280 850 790 321.88 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.31 1290 970 950 -543.22 0.18 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.39 1300 980 970 61.88 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.43 1310 950 980 69.88 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.54 1320 970 990 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 1330 1000 970 -589.10 0.21 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.45 1340 1010 1000 -518.27 0.27 0.00 0.00 1. 08 0.35 1350 480 1010 -584.70 0.42 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.44 1360 1010 1020 -118.68 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.35 1370 1020 1030 -129.67 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.42 1380 1030 1040 -146.04 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.52 1390 1040 790 -143.35 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.50 1400 1050 960 -49.89 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.29 1410 1060 1050 -41.89 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.21 1420 1070 1060 -33.89 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.14 1430 1070 850 -88.28 0.25 0.00 0.00 1. 00 0.83 1440 1070 1040 40.63 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.20 1450 1040 450 29.94 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.11 1460 1080 1070 -73.53 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.59 1470 1090 1080 -36.96 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.17 1480 1000 1090 18.58 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.05 1490 1080 1030 28.57 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.10 1500 1030 460 36.94 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.16 1510 1090 1020 47.54 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.26 1520 1020 470 50.53 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.29 1530 1100 830 -47.53 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.26 1540 820 1100 67.47 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.50 1550 930 1110 -1219.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.54 1.73 1560 660 1110 -392.94 0.87 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.45 1570 1110 1120 515.06 0.23 0.00 0.00 1. 07 0.35 1580-BN 1110 0 -2127.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.43 4.85 1590 660 1130 27.25 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.09 1600 650 660 -252.98 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.20 1610 640 650 -155.66 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.08 1620 630 640 92.10 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.03 1630 610 630 117.79 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.05 1640 1140 650 86.64 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.20 1650 640 1150 -212.97 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.14 1655 1150 1200 -215.27 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.15 1660 630 1160 -10.98 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.13 1665 1160 1190 -22.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.07 1670 1170 610 168.92 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.09 1675 1180 1170 69.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 1680 1200 1190 36.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 1685 1150 1160 -5.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 1690 1190 1180 41.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 1695 1160 1170 -2.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 170·0 1180 1210 -35.77 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.16 1710 1220 1210 6.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 1720 1230 1220 10.81 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 1730 1240 1230 19.85 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.05 1740 1140 1200 34.11 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.14 1750 1250 1240 60.01 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.40 1760 1260 1140 73.21 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.59 1770 1190 1220 -35.84 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.16 1780 1230 1200 225.29 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.16 1790 1240 1140 66.29 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.12 1800 1260 1270 -25.97 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.09 1810 1270 1250 1. 96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 1820 1280 1250 40.33 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.19 1830 1290 1270 35.93 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.16 1840 1260 1120 -59.49 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.40 1850 1300 1290 51. 93 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.31 1860 1290 ··1310 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 1870 1320 1280 51. 23 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.30 1880 1330 1320 303.39 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.13 1890 1330 1300 -311.37 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.14 1900 1300 1120 -384.19 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.20 1910 1330 1340 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1915 1340 1370 -7.64 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.06 1920 1340 1350 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 1925 1380 1350 16.38 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 1930 1350 1360 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 1940 1300 1370 12.89 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.17 1950 1370 1380 8.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.07 1960 1380 1390 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 1970 1120 1400 59.13 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.39 1975 1370 1400 -10.79 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.12 1980 1400 1410 40.34 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.19 1985 1410 1380 24.34 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.08 1990 1410 1420 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2000 1320 1430 244.16 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.09 2010 1430 1440 239.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.08 2020 1440 1450 205.34 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.06 2030 1450 1460 79.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 2040 1460 1470 -181. 79 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.05 2050 1470 1480 -229.28 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.08 2060 1430 1280 -2.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 2070 1250 1440 -25.71 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.08 2080 1450 1240 34.13 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.14 2090 1460 1230 224.25 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.16 2100 1220 1470 -39.49 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.19 2110 1210 1490 -48.81 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.28 2120 1480 1490 -254.78 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.10 2130 1480 1500 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2140 1460 1510 28.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 2150 1510 1520 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2160 1530 1510 -12.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 2170 1530 1540 39.20 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 2180 1540 1550 31. 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 2190 1560 1550 -16.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 2200 1570 1560 -4.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 2210 1560 1570 3.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 2220 1550 1580 7.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 2230 1580 1530 -16.57 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 2240 1590 1580 -15.18 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 2250 1600 1590 2.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 2260 1600 1610 -10.32 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 2270 1580 1610 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 2280 1610 1620 -17.73 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 2290 1620 1530 51.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 2300 1450 1620 76.90 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 2310 1630 1490 311. 59 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.14 2320 1640 1630 319.59 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.14 2330 1650 1640 399.11 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.22 2340 1670 1650 -436.32 0.42 0.00 0.00 1.24 0.55 2355 1655 1650 843.43 0.12 0.00 0.00 1. 76 0.87 2360 1680 1640 -71. 52 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.56 2370 1680 1690 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2380 1700 1680 -55.52 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.35 2390 1170 1710 -109.87 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.04 2400 1710 1720 -125.87 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.05 2410 1720 1730 -158.12 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.08 2420 1730 ··1740 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2430 1730 1750 -174.12 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.10 2440 1750 1760 35.75 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.91 1.12 2450 1750 1700 -240.62 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.18 2460 1700 1670 -193.10 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.12 2470 1710 1780 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2480 1720 1790 12.75 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 2490 1670 1800 223.97 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.16 2500 1800 1810 105.45 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.10 2510 1810 1820 80.71 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.06 2520 1810 1830 16.74 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 2530 1830 1840 8.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 2540 1850 1820 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2550 1820 1860 64.71 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 2560 1860 1840 -26.54 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 2570 1860 1870 83.24 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.06 2580 1870 1880 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2590 1870 1890 67.24 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.04 2600 1890 1900 30.84 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 2610 1900 1910 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 2620 1900 1920 14.84 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2630 1920 1930 6.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 2635 1930 1940 3.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2640 1930 1950 2.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2650 1960 1950 3.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2660 1940 1960 -1.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 2670 1970 1960 12.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 2680 1980 1950 1. 54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2690 1990 1980 9.54 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 2700 1890 1990 28.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.02 2710 1990 2000 10.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 2720 2000 1970 28.94 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.03 2730 1970 2010 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2740 2020 2000 26.08 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 2750 2030 2020 67.26 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.12 2760 2030 1840 25.79 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 2770 2040 2020 -33.17 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.03 2780 2050 2040 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2790 2040 2060 17.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 2800 2060 1940 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2810 2070 2030 101.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.09 2820 2080 2070 45.52 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.06 2830 2080 2090 44.50 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.23 2840 2100 2080 98.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.25 285·0 2110 2070 63.53 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 2860 2110 2100 -205.82 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.14 2865 2150 2110 -206.06 0.58 0.00 0.00 2.34 3.98 2870 2120 2110 71.77 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 2880 1800 2120 110.52 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.04 2890 2120 2130 30.75 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 2900 2100 2140 -311. 84 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.29 2910 2140 80 -311. 84 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.29 2920 2150 2160 171. 70 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.10 2930 2170 2150 -21. 36 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.06 2940 2170 2160 13.36 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.03 2945 2160 2165 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 2950 2160 2180 173.06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.10 2960 2190 2180 -123.31 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.05 2970 2200 2190 -86.37 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.03 2980 2210 2200 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2990 2220 ··2200 -38.25 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.18 3000 2230 2220 -20.81 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.06 3010 2220 2240 9.44 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 3020 2240 2250 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3030 2250 2230 6.90 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 3040 2250 2260 -13.46 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.03 3050 2260 2180 -41.75 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.21 3060 2270 2260 -20.29 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.05 3070 2280 2270 -12.29 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 3080 2290 2280 1. 67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3090 2290 2230 -19.71 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 3100 2300 2290 -10.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 3110 2280 2300 5.96 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 3120 2310 2300 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3130 2200 2320 32.12 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.13 3140 2320 2330 10.58 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 3150 2320 2340 -7.46 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.06 3160 2350 2330 13.92 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.19 3170 2340 2350 -9.21 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.09 3180 2350 2360 -31.13 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.87 3190 2360 2370 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3200 2360 2390 -39.40 0.43 0.00 0.00 1. 01 1.34 3210 2390 2400 -46.26 0.65 0.00 0.00 1.18 1.80 3220 2400 2410 -54.26 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.08 3230 2410 90 -110.44 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.31 3240 2420 2410 -48.18 0.69 0.00 0.00 1.23 1.94 3250 2420 2390 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 3260 2430 2420 -39.04 0.43 0.00 0.00 1. 00 1.32 3270 2430 2360 7.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3280 2440 2430 -23.31 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.51 3290 2450 2440 -1. 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 3300 2190 2450 28.94 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.10 3310 2450 2460 22.25 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 3320 2460 2340 6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 3330 2460 2470 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3340 90 2480 18.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 3350 2490 480 -1120.90 1. 07 0.00 0.00 2.34 1.48 3360 2500 2490 -1034.90 0.64 0.00 0.00 2.16 1.28 'HE PUMP IN LINE 3370 IS OPERATING OUT OF RANGE 3370-PU 2500 2510 1026.90 0.33 114.37 0.00 2.14 1. 26 3380 2520 2510 -1018.90 0.96 0.00 0.00 2.12 1.24 3390 2530 2520 -1002.90 0.46 0.00 0.00 2.09 1.20 3400 2520 2540 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3410 2550 2530 -809.90 1.34 0.00 0.00 1. 69 0.81 3420-BN 0 2550 -809.90 0.15 0.00 0.00 1. 69 0.81 3430 2570 2530 -185.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.80 3440-RV 2570 2580 185.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.80 3450 2580 2590 43.72 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.23 3460 2590 2600 35.72 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.15 3470 2610 2580 -133.28 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.44 3480 2620 2610 -6.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 3490 2620 2630 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3500 2600 2620 24.97 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 3510-XXCV 2640 2600 3520 2650 2610 -119.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.35 3530 2650 2660 47.72 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.07 3540 2660 2670 39.72 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.05 3550 2680 2650 -63.28 0.03 0.00 0.00 0 .40 0.11 3560 2690 2680 -47.28 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.06 3570 2680 2700 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3580 2690 ·-2710 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3590-XXCV 2720 2670 3600 2730 2670 -31. 72 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 3610 2730 2690 -31. 28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 3620 2740 2730 -55.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.08 3630 2750 2740 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 3640 2760 2740 -39.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 3650 2760 2770 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 3660 2760 2780 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3670-XX 2780 2790 3680 2790 480 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 3690 2800 2490 -40.97 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.05 3700 2810 2800 -7.40 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 3710 2820 2810 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 3720 2820 2800 -25.57 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 3730 2720 2820 -16.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 3740 2720 2640 -1. 78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 3750 2830 2640 21.03 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 3760 2490 2830 37.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 3770 2830 2840 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3780-PU 80 2850 16.50 0.00 210.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 3790 2870 2860 -62.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.43 3800 2870 2880 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3810 2850 2890 16.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 3820 2900 2890 -4.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 3830 2890 2900 6.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 3840 2900 2910 5.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 3870-BNPU 0 1655 850.43 0.17 178.04 0.00 1. 77 0.89

- UN C T I 0 N N 0 D E R E s UL T s

JUNCTION JUNCTION EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC JUNCTION PRESSURE JUNCTION NUMBER TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE (gpm) (ft} (ft) (ft) (psi) ------10-1 Spring Line 0.00 5270.57 5200.00 70.57 30.58 20-1 SPLIITER BOX 0.00 4984.06 5010.00 -25.94 -11. 24 30-1 0.00 4982.15 5000.00 -17.85 -7.74 40-1 0.00 4978.11 4950.00 28.11 12.18 50-1 0.00 4978.04 4950.00 28.04 12.15 60-1 0.00 4978.02 4950.00 28.02 12.14 70-1 0.00 4978.08 4950.00 28.08 12.17 80-1 WLEA P/S 0.00 4977.39 4871. 00 106.39 46.10 90-1 FH 8.00 4977.75 4848.00 129.75 56.23 100-1 8.00 4977.72 4815.00 162.72 70.51 105-1 0.00 4975.30 4815.00 160.30 69.46 110-1 0.00 4975.30 4815.00 160.30 69.46 115-1 0.00 4975.20 4805.00 170.20 73.75 120-1 0.00 4975.35 4865.00 110.35 47.82 125-1 SHEEP MTN BY 0.00 4975.35 4865.00 110.35 47.82 130-1 0.00 4975.35 4865.00 110.35 47.82 140-1 RIDGEWATER M 59.50 4975.56 4978.00 -2.44 -1.06 150-1 0.00 4975.85 5006.00 -30.15 -13.06 155-1 0.00 4977.91 5150.00 -172.09 -74.57 160-1 0.00 4977.95 5150.00 -172.05 -74.55 165-1 0.00 5165.00 5150.00 15.00 6.50 166-1 Sheeo Mtn We 0.00 4977.98 5150.00 -172.02 -74.54 170-1 0.00 4975.15 4797.00 178.15 77.20 180-1 FH @ WWTP 18.25 4975.12 4800.00 175.12 75.88 190-1 8.00 4975.02 4822.00 153.02 66.31 200-1 8.00 4974.52 4866.00 108.52 47.03 210-1 FH 8.00 4975.00 4826.00 149.00 64.57 220-1 8.00 4974.97 4828.00 146.97 63.69 230-1 FH 8.00 4974.91 4830.00 144.91 62.79 240-1 FH 8.00 4975.04 4821.00 154.04 66.75 250-1 FH 8.00 4974.94 4828.00 146.94 63.67 260-1 FH 86.75 4974.88 4833.00 141.88 61. 48 270-1 8.00 4974.88 4832.00 142.88 61.91 280-1 FH 8.00 4975.04 4818.00 157.04 68.05 290-1 8.00 4975.00 4821.00 154.00 66.73 300-1 8.00 4974.93 4822.00 152.93 66.27 310-1 FH 13.00 4974.87 4830.00 144.87 62.78 320-1 8.00 4975.06 4820.00 155.06 67.19 330-1 8.00 4974.87 4827.00 147.87 64.08 340-1 8.00 4974.86 4831.00 143.86 62.34 350-1 FH 8.00 4975.06 4820.00 155.06 67.19 360-1 8.00 4975.01 4821.00 154.01 66.74 370-1 FH 8.00 4974.94 4824.00 150.94 65.41 380-1 8.00 4974.75 4854.00 120.75 52.32 390-1 FH 8.00 4975.38 4822.00 153.38 66.46 400-1 FH 8.00 4974.85 4827.33 147.52 63.93 410-1 8.00 4974.76 4827.25 147.51 63.92 420-1 8.00 4974.67 4827.18 147.49 63.91 430-1 8.00 4974.59 4827.07 147.52 63.92 440-1 8.00 4974.53 4835.05 139.48 60.44 450-1 FH 8.00 4974.34 4843.03 131.31 56.90 460-1 FH 8.00 4974.11 4849.77 124.34 53.88 470-1 16.00 4973.85 4849.58 124.27 53.85 480-1 FH 8.00 4973.59 4860.88 112.71 48.84 490-1 FH 8.00 4975.10 4824.00 151.10 65.48 500-1 FH 8.00 4975.04 4829.00 146.04 63.28 510-1 8.00 4975.92 4823.00 152.92 66.26 520-1 FH 8.00 4975.93 4818.00 157.93 68.44 530-1 FH 8.00 4976.46 4815.00 161. 46 69.97 540-1 FH 8.00 4976.43 4818.00 158.43 68.65 550-1 FH 8.00 4975.07 4824.00 151. 07 65.46 560-1 FH 8.00 4976.35 4822.00 154.35 66.89 570-1 FH 8.00 4975.04 4837.00 138.04 59.82 580-1 8.00 4975.05 4837.00 138.05 59.82 590-1 FH 8.00 4975.99 4837.00 138.99 60.23 600-1 8.00 4976.83 4812.00 164.83 71.43 610-1 8.00 4977.05 4815.00 162.05 70.22 620-1 FH 8.00 4976.66 4816.00 160.66 69.62 630-1 8.00 4977.03 4819.00 158.03 68.48 640-1 FH 8.00 4977.02 4826.00 151. 02 65.44 650-1 12.25 4977.05 4839.00 138.05 59.82 660-1 FH 8.00 4977.13 4862.00 115.13 49.89 670-1 8.00 4975.71 4863.00 112.71 48.84 680-1 FH 8.00 4975.70 4880.00 95.70 41.47 690-1 8.00 4975.70 4885.00 90.70 39.30 700-1 FH 8.00 4975.00 4843.00 132.00 57.20 710-1 8.00 4974.96 4850.00 124.96 54.15 720-1 8.00 4974.98 4839.00 135.98 58.92 730-1 8.00 4974.95 4834.00 140.95 61. 08 740-1 FH 8.00 4974.95 4844.00 130.95 56.74 750-1 8.00 4974.87 4838.87 136.00 58.93 760-1 FH 8.00 4974.77 4850.36 124.41 53.91 765-1 8.00 4974.75 4838.80 135.95 58.91 770-1 8.00 4974.70 4844.50 130.20 56.42 775-1 8.00 4974.67 4838.70 135.97 58.92 780-1 FH 8.00 4974.64 4838.65 135.99 58.93 790-1 8.00 4974.63 4847.80 126.83 54.96 800-1 FH 8.00 4974.88 4838.85 136.03 58.95 820-1 8.00 4974.83 4850.34 124.49 53.94 830-1 FH 13.75 4974.80 4838.75 136.05 58.96 840-1 8.00 4974.79 4844.50 130.29 56.46 850-1 FH 8.00 4974.79 4850.22 124.57 53.98 860-1 FH 8.00 4975.10 4880.00 95.10 41.21 870-1 8.00 4976.38 4893.00 83.38 36.13 880-1 8.00 4976.23 4900.00 76.23 33.03 890-1 8.00 4976.18 4902.00 74.18 32.14 900-1 FH 8.00 4976.24 4900.00 76.24 33.04 910-1 8.00 4976.17 4892.00 84.17 36.47 920-1 8.00 4976.68 4895.00 81. 68 35.40 930-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4977.99 4930.00 47.99 20.80 940-1 8.00 4975.09 4867.00 108.09 46.84 950-1 8.00 4974.65 4904.50 70.15 30.40 960-1 FH 8.00 4974.94 4862.00 112.94 48.94 970-1 8.00 4974.48 4883.50 90.98 39.42 980-1 FH 8.00 4974.58 4896.00 78.58 34.05 990-1 FH 8.00 4974.47 4873.00 101. 47 43.97 1000-1 52.25 4974.27 4861.20 113.07 49.00 1010-1 FH 52.25 4974.00 4849.66 124.34 53.88 1020-1 8.00 4974.13 4849.77 124.36 53.89 1030-1 FH 8.00 4974.27 4849.88 124.39 53.90 1040-1 FH 8.00 4974.44 4856.96 117.48 50.91 1050-1 FH 8.00 4974.75 4866.32 108.43 46.99 1060-1 FH 8.00 4974.58 4861.64 112.94 48.94 1070-1 8.00 4974.54 4861.64 112.90 48.93 1080-1 FH 8.00 4974.32 4861.46 112.86 48.91 1090-1 FH 8.00 4974.26 4861.39 112.87 48.91 1100-1 115.00 4974.62 4862.34 112.28 48.66 1110-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4978.00 4960.00 18.00 7.80 1120-1 FH 12.25 4977.77 4888.00 89.77 38.90 1130-1 27.25 4977.11 4862.00 115.11 49.88 1140-1 FH 18.75 4977.16 4842.00 135.16 58.57 1150-1 8.00 4977.09 4825.00 152.09 65.91 1160-1 8.00 4977.09 4818.00 159.09 68.94 1170-1 8.00 4977.09 4814.00 163.09 70.67 1180-1 FH 8.00 4977.10 4814.00 163.10 70.67 1190-1 8.00 4977.10 4818.00 159.10 68.94 1200-1 FH 8.00 4977.10 4825.00 152.10 65.91 1210-1 FH 19.50 4977.25 4812.00 165.25 71.61 1220-1 FH 8.00 4977.25 4815.00 162.25 70.31 1230-1 FH 8.00 4977.26 4826.00 151.26 65.54 1240-1 FH 8.00 4977.28 4837.00 140.28 60.79 1250-1 FH 8.00 4977.43 4842.00 135.43 58.69 1260-1 FH 12.25 4977.39 4862.00 115.39 50.00 1270-1 FH 8.00 4977.43 4860.00 117.43 50.89 1280-1 FH 8.00 4977.50 4860.00 117.50 50.92 1290-1 FH 8.00 4977.48 4870.00 107.48 46.58 1300-1 FH 8.00 4977.67 4885.00 92.67 40.16 1310-1 8.00 4977.47 4876.00 101.47 43.97 1320-1 8.00 4977.57 4875.00 102.57 44.45 1330-1 FH 8.00 4977.62 4884.00 93.62 40.57 1340-1 8.00 4977.62 4886.00 91.62 39.70 1350-1 FH 8.00 4977.62 4893.00 84.62 36.67 1360-1 8.00 4977.60 4895.00 82.60 35.80 1370-1 8.00 4977.64 4890.00 87.64 37.98 1380-1 8.00 4977.63 4896.00 81.63 35.37 1390-1 8.00 4977.62 4904.00 73.62 31. 90 1400-1 8.00 4977.70 4895.00 82.70 35.84 1410-1 8.00 4977.67 4900.00 77.67 33.66 1420-1 FH 8.00 4977.67 4906.00 71.67 31.06 1430-1 FH 8.00 4977.50 4846.00 131.50 56.98 1440-1 8.00 4977.47 4840.00 137.47 59.57 1450-1 FH 15.25 4977.42 4796.00 181.42 78.61 1460-1 FH 8.00 4977.41 4795.00 182.41 79.05 1470-1 FH 8.00 4977.43 4795.00 182.43 79.05 1480-1 17.50 4977.46 4800.00 177.46 76.90 1490-1 FH 8.00 4977.47 4808.00 169.47 73.44 1500-1 8.00 4977.45 4802.00 175.45 76.03 1510-1 FH 8.00 4977.41 4800.00 177.41 76.88 1520-1 FH 8.00 4977.41 4800.00 177.41 76.88 1530-1 FH 8.00 4977.41 4820.00 157.41 68.21 1540-1 FH 8.00 4977.40 4818.00 159.40 69.07 1550-1 FH 8.00 4977.40 4836.00 141.40 61. 27 1560-1 8.00 4977.39 4822.00 155.39 67.33 1570-1 FH 8.00 4977.38 4860.00 117.38 50.87 1580-1 8.00 4977.40 4830.00 147.40 63.87 1590-1 FH 17.50 4977.39 4837.00 140.39 60.84 1600-1 FH 8.00 4977.39 4840.00 137.39 59.54 1610-1 FH 8.00 4977.40 4832.00 145.40 63.00 1620-1 FH 8.00 4977.41 4826.00 151.41 65.61 1630-1 FH 8.00 4977.55 4798.00 179.55 77.81 1640-1 8.00 4977.68 4798.00 179.68 77.86 1650-1 FH 8.00 4977.75 4800.00 177.75 77.02 1655-1 WTP 7.00 4977.87 4800.00 177.87 77.08 1670-1 19.25 4977.33 4800.00 177.33 76.84 1680-1 8.00 4977.44 4810.00 167.44 72.56 1690-1 FH 8.00 4977.43 4800.00 177.43 76.89 1700-1 FH 8.00 4977.30 4812.00 165.30 71.63 1710-1 8.00 4977.11 4810.00 167.11 72.41 1720-1 19.50 4977.13 4808.00 169.13 73.29 1730-1 8.00 4977.16 4805.00 172.16 74.60 1740-1 FH 8.00 4977.16 4805.00 172.16 74.60 1750-1 30.75 4977.18 4804.00 173.18 75.04 1760-1 35.75 4976.05 4798.00 178.05 77.16 1780-1 8.00 4977.10 4812.00 165.10 71.54 1790-1 12.75 4977.10 4808.00 169.10 73.28 1800-1 FH 8.00 4977.06 4815.00 162.06 70.23 1810-1 FH 8.00 4977.00 4830.00 147.00 63.70 1'820-1 8.00 4976.99 4835.00 141.99 61. 53 1830-1 FH 8.00 4976.99 4845.00 131.99 57.19 1840-1 8.00 4976.98 4845.00 131.98 57.19 1850-1 FH 8.00 4976.98 4850.00 126.98 55.03 1860-1 FH 8.00 4976.97 4838.00 138.97 60.22 1870-1 8.00 4976.95 4840.00 136.95 59.35 1880-1 FH 8.00 4976.95 4864.00 112.95 48.95 1890-1 FH 8.00 4976.94 4840.00 136.94 59.34 1900-1 FH 8.00 4976.94 4880.00 96.94 42.01 1910-1 8.00 4976.94 4840.00 136.94 59.34 1920-1 FH 8.00 4976.93 4885.00 91.93 39.84 1930-1 0.00 4976.93 4900.00 76.93 33.34 1940-1 8.00 4976.93 4900.00 76.93 33.34 1950-1 FH 8.00 4976.93 4890.00 86.93 37.67 1960-1 8.00 4976.93 4890.00 86.93 37.67 1970-1 8.00 4976.93 4890.00 86.93 37.67 1980-1 FH 8.00 4976.93 4880.00 96.93 42.00 1990-1 8.00 4976.94 4860.00 116.94 50.67 2000-1 FH 8.00 4976.94 4878.00 98.94 42.87 2010-1 FH 8.00 4976.93 4900.00 76.93 33.34 2020-1 8.00 4976.96 4859.00 117.96 51.11 2030-1 FH 8.00 4976.99 4849.00 127.99 55.46 2040-1 8.00 4976.93 4890.00 86.93 37.67 2050-1 FH 8.00 4976.93 4900.00 76.93 33.34 2060-1 FH 14.50 4976.93 4903.00 73.93 32.04 2070-1 8.00 4977.02 4839.00 138.02 59.81 2080-1 FH 8.00 4977.05 4848.00 129.05 55.92 2090-1 44.50 4976.98 4862.00 114.98 49.82 2100-1 8.00 4977.09 4841. 00 136.09 58.97 2110-1 8.00 4977.03 4837.00 140.03 60.68 2120-1 8.00 4977.04 4830.00 147.04 63.72 2130-1 FH 30.75 4977.03 4822.00 155.03 67.18 2140-1 0.00 4977.31 4868.00 109.31 47.37 2150-1 FH 13.00 4976.45 4837.00 139.45 60.43 2160-1 8.00 4976.37 4827.00 149.37 64.73 2165-1 4.00 4976.37 4820.00 156.37 67.76 2170-1 FH 8.00 4976.39 4839.00 137.39 59.54 2180-1 8.00 4976.32 4823.00 153.32 66.44 2190-1 FH 8.00 4976.29 4821. 00 155.29 67.29 2200-1 FH 8.00 4976.27 4812.00 164.27 71.18 2210-1 8.00 4976.27 4811.00 165.27 71.62 2220-1 FH 8.00 4976.23 4810.00 166.23 72.03 2230-1 8.00 4976.21 4806.00 170.21 73.76 2240-1 FH 8.00 4976.22 4817.00 159.22 69.00 2250-1 8.00 4976.22 4817.00 159.22 69.00 2260-1 FH 8.00 4976.23 4817.00 159.23 69.00 2270-1 8.00 4976.21 4801.00 175.21 75.92 2280-1 FH 8.00 4976.20 4803.00 173.20 75.05 2290-1 FH 8.00 4976.20 4803.00 173.20 75.05 2300-1 FH 8.00 4976.19 4798.00 178.19 77.22 2310-1 8.00 4976.19 4798.00 178.19 77.22 2320-1 29.00 4976.22 4818.00 158.22 68.56 2330-1 24.50 4976.22 4820.00 156.22 67.69 2340-1 8.00 4976.24 4819.00 157.24 68.14 2350-1 8.00 4976.28 4823.00 153.28 66.42 2360-1 FH 8.00 4976.45 4826.00 150.45 65.20 2370-1 8.00 4976.45 4826.00 150.45 65.19 2390-1 8.00 4976.88 4830.00 146.88 63.65 2400-1 8.00 4977.53 4835.00 142.53 61.76 2410-1 8.00 4977.57 4840.00 137.57 59.62 2420-1 FH 8.00 4976.88 4838.00 138.88 60.18 2430-1 8.00 4976.46 4832.00 144.46 62.60 2440-1 22.00 4976.26 4828.00 148.26 64.25 2450-1 8.00 4976.26 4825.00 151. 26 65.55 2460-1 8.00 4976.24 4821.00 155.24 67.27 2470-1 FH 8.00 4976.24 4824.00 152.24 65.97 2480-1 18.00 4977.73 4839.00 138.73 60.12 2490-1 FH 8.00 4972.51 4871.00 101.51 43.99 2500-1 8.00 4971.88 4879.00 92.88 40.25 2510-1 8.00 5085.91 4880.00 205.91 89.23 2520-1 8.00 5084.95 4912.00 172.95 74.95 2530-1 8.00 5084.49 4920.00 164.49 71.28 2540-1 FH 8.00 5084.95 4940.00 144.95 62.81 2550-1 CLEARFILED T 0.00 5083.15 5051. 00 32.15 13.93 2570-1 CLEARFILED p 0.00 5084.40 4910.00 174.40 75.57 2580-1 FH 8.00 5066.91 4900.00 166.91 72.33 2590-1 FH 8.00 5066.77 4896.00 170.77 74.00 2600-1 10.75 5066.66 4870.00 196.66 85.22 2610-1 FH 8.00 5066.66 4878.00 188.66 81.75 2620-1 23.25 5066.65 4874.00 192.65 83.48 2630-1 FH 8.00 5066.65 4880.00 186.65 80.88 2640-1 19.25 4972.46 4869.00 103.46 44.83 2650-1 8.00 5066.55 4898.00 168.55 73.04 2660-1 FH 8.00 5066.52 4889.00 177.52 76.93 2670-1 8.00 5066.50 4883.00 183.50 79.52 2680-1 8.00 5066.52 4920.00 146.52 63.49 2690-1 8.00 5066.49 4911. 00 155.49 67.38 2700-1 FH 8.00 5066.51 4930.00 136.51 59.16 2710-1 FH 8.00 5066.49 4920.00 146.49 63.48 2720-1 FH 18.75 4972.46 4869.00 103.46 44.83 2730-1 8.00 5066.49 4912.00 154.49 66.95 2740-1 FH 8.00 5066.47 4905.00 161.47 69.97 2750-1 FH 8.00 5066.47 4985.00 81.47 35.30 2760-1 8.00 5066.44 4875.00 191. 44 82.96 2770-1 FH 17.00 5066.44 4880.00 186.44 80.79 2780-1 14.00 5066.43 4864.00 202.43 87.72 2790-1 FH 8.00 4973.58 4862.00 111. 58 48.35 2800-1 FH 8.00 4972.47 4867.00 105.47 45.71 2810-1 FH 8.00 4972.47 4876.00 96.47 41.80 2820-1 8.00 4972.47 4868.00 104.47 45.27 2830-1 FH 8.00 4972.48 4884.00 88.48 38.34 2840-1 FH 8.00 4972.47 4920.00 52.47 22.74 2850-1 0.00 5187.39 4880.00 307.39 133.20 2860-1 FH 8.00 4977.03 4806.00 171.03 74.11 2870-1 54.00 4976.81 4802.00 174.81 75.75 2880-1 FH 8.00 4976.81 4799.00 177.81 77.05 2890-1 5.50 5187.38 4935.00 252.38 109.37 2900-1 5.50 5187.38 4935.00 252.38 109.37 2910-1 5.50 5187.38 4850.00 337.38 146.20

_.._ E G U L A T I N G VALVE REPORT 'ALVE POSITION CONTROLLED VALVE VALVE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM THROUGH YPE NODE PIPE SETTING STATUS GRADE GRADE FLOW (ft or gpm) (ft) (ft) (gpm) J?RV-1 125 145 4980.00 WIDE OPEN 4975.35 4975.35 115.31 FCV-2 10 20 1390.00 THROTTLED 5270.57 4984.06 1390.00 ?RV-1 2570 3440 5067.00 THROTTLED 5084.40 5066.91 185.00

:>UM MARY 0 F I N F L 0 W S AND 0 U T F L 0 W S


PIPE FLOWRATE NUMBER (gpm) ------10 1390.00 70 -847.22 190 0.00 205 174.81 1580 2127.88 3420 -809.90 3870 850.43



DATE: 3/10/1998 -:'IME: 8:27:53 ************************************************ SUMMARY 0 F 0 R I G I N A L DAT A ************************************************ ;yberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc. ~un Description: Max Day (Summer)- 1MG Orpha Closed Drawing: DGLS-FT4



PRV-1 12S 14S 4980.00 FCV-2 10. 20 1390.00 PRV-1 2S70 3440 5_067.00 PRV-1 39SO 5340 4980.00 PRV-1 4090 S660 4960.00 PRV-1 4100 5690 4960.00



PIPE NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS BND-HGL NUMBER #1 #2 (ft) (in) COEFF. COEFF. (ft) ------10-BN 10 0 7378.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5305.00 30 30 20 409.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 40 30 35 448.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 45 3S 40 431.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 50-CV 40 50 25.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 60-CV so 60 134.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 70-BN 0 so 20.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4981.00 80 70 40 100.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 90-CV 60 70 100.0 1·2. 0 130.00 0.00 100 70 80 2132.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 105 100 10S 894.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 110 60 90 3863.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 120-XX 100 90 2903.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 130 110 10S 1538.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 135 2860 100 1282.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 140 110 120 1135.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 145-RV 125 120 10.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 155 130 125 10.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 160 130 140 4429.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 170 140 150 29S8.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 180 150 3830 1161.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 185 160 155 402.0 20.0 130.00 0.00 190-XXBN 16S 0 537.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 S205.00 195 16S 160 231.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 200 160 166 246.0 20.0 130.00 0.00 205-BN 166 0 338.0 20.0 130.00 0.00 S200.00 210 170 115 1068.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 215 110 115 2153.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 220 170 180 687.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 230 190 3620 1672.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 240 200 3550 1075.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 250 190 210 755.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 260 210 220 335.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 270 220 3460 322.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 280 210 240 1339.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 290 250 220 701. 0 -6. 0 130.00 0.00 300 230 250 331. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 310 260 230 324.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 320 260 270 341. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 330 240 280 906.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 340 250 290 1358.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 345 290 360 83.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 350 300 230 1356.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 355 370 300 135.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 360 260 ·310 683.0 12.0 130 .. oo 0.00 370 240 320 719.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 375 320 350 84.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 380 310 330 676.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 390 340 310 1058.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 395 400 340 69.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 400 280 320 200.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 410 320 290 327.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 420 290 300 333.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 430 300 330 325.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 440 330 340 383.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 450 340 380 1538.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 460 350 3440 379.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 470 360 350 325.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 480 370 360 413.0 f2. 0 130.00 0.00 490 400 370 630.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 500 410 400 335.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 510 420 410 333.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 520 430 420 330.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 530 440 430 193.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 540 450 440 317.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 550 460 450 336.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 560 470 460 342.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 570 480 470 318.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 580 490 350 505.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 590 360 500 530.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 600 500 490 380.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 610 490 390 382.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 620 390 510 993.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 630 510 520 375.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 640 520 530 989.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 650 510 540 983.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 660 550 490 991. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 670 560 550 999.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 680 500 570 486.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 690 570 580 507.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 700 580 550 378.0 1·2. 0 130.00 0.00 710 540 530 383.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 720 560 540 377.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 730 590 560 392.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 740 580 590 993.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 750 530 600 342.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 760 610 600 993.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 770 530 620 503.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 78-0 620 630 495.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 790 540 640 1006.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 800 650 560 999.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 810 590 660 999.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 820 670 590 302.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 830 670 680 360.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 840 670 690 495.0 2.0 130.00 0.00 850 700 670 1069.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 860 700 580 378.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 870 710 700 200.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 880 720 700 505.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 890 570 720 373.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 900 720 730 496.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 910 730 370 490.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 920 740 730 690.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 930 740 710 499.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 940 750 ··740 411. 0 4.0 130,00 0.00 950 760 750 339.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 960 770 760 325.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 970 780 770 331. 0 .4. 0 130.00 0.00 980 790 780 188.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 990 800 710 393.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1000 820 800 337.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1010 830 820 349.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1020 840 830 330.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1030 850 840 181.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1040 400 750 991. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1050 760 765 498.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1055 410 765 498.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1060 420 775 499.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1065 770 775 499.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1070 780 430 997.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1080 790 440 990.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1090 710 860 698.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1100 800 860 662.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1110 860 690 540.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1120 690 870 547.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1130 870 880 266.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1140 890 880 201. 0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1150 880 900 98.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1160 900 910 257.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 1170 870 920 178.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1180 900 920 271. 0 ·3. 0 130.00 0.00 1190 930 920 537.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1200 940 930 2171. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1210-CV 940 950 880.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1220 940 960 283.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1230 960 850 353.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1240 750 800 510.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1250 820 760 512.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1260 770 830 513.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1270 840 780 515.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1280 850 790 519.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1290 970 950 460.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1300 980 970 247.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1310 950 980 134.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1320 970 990 200.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1330-CV 1000 970 461. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1340 1010 1000 750.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1350 480 1010 943.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1360 1010 1020 360.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1370 1020 1030 325.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1380 1030 1040 337.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1390 1040 790 383.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1400 1050 960 659.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1410 1060 1050 794.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1420 1070 1060 276.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1430 1070 850 300.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1440 1070 1040 532.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1450 1040 450 926.0 •6. 0 130.00 0.00 1460 1080 1070 384.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1470 1090 1080 329.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1480 1000 1090 117.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1490 1080 1030 514.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1500 1030 460 941.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1510 1090 1020 507.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1520 1020 ·-470 938.0 6.0 130 .. oo 0.00 1530 1100 830 679.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1540 820 1100 404.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1550 930 1110 1. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1560 660 1110 1930.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1570 1110 1120 656.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1580-BN 1110 0 1. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 4978.00 1590 660 1130 199.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1600 650 660 385.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1610 640 650 406.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1620 630 640 378.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1630 610 630 345.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1640 1140 650 547.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1650 640 1150 511. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1655 1150 1200 52.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1660 630 1160 512.0 .4. 0 130.00 0.00 1665 1160 1190 55.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1670 1170 610 509.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1675 1180 1170 53.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1680 1200 1190 380.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1685 1150 1160 381. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1690 1190 1180 344.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1695 1160 1170 341. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1700 1180 1210 983.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1710 1220 1210 337.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1720 1230 1220 413.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1730 1240 1230 390.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1740 1140 1200 415.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1750 1250 1240 372.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1760 1260 1140 390.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1770 1190 1220 978.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1780 1230 1200 981. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 1790 1240 1140 990.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 1800 1260 1270 484.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1810 1270 1250 503.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1820 1280 1250 391. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1830 1290 1270 359.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1840 1260 1120 950.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1850 1300 1290 602.0 0 6. 0 130.00 0.00 1860 1290 1310 154.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1870 1320 1280 205.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1880 1330 1320 391. 0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1890 1330 1300 391.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 1900 1300 1120 463.0 1°4 . 0 130.00 0.00 1910 1330 1340 161. 0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1915 1340 1370 414.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1920 1340 1350 160.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1925 1380 1350 415.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1930 1350 1360 174.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1940 1300 1370 162.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1950 1370 1380 161.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1960 1380 1390 171.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1970 1120 1400 166.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1975 1370 1400 462.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 1980 1400 1410 166.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1985 1410 1380 464.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 1990 1410 1420 122.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2000 1320 3000 507.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2010 1430 1440 382.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2020 1440 1450 845.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2030 1450 1·460 395.0 14.0 130 .. oo 0.00 2040 1460 1470 398.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2050 1470 1480 312.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2060 1430 1280 509.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2070 1250 1440 508.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2080 1450 1240 980.0 -6. 0 130.00 0.00 2090 1460 1230 978.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2100 1220 1470 980.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2110 1210 1490 816.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2120 1480 1490 167.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2130 1480 1500 686.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2140 1460 1510 1029.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2150 1510 1520 513.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2160 1530 1510 350.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2170 1530 1540 425.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2180 1540 1550 388.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2190 1560 1550 368.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2200 1570 1560 576.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2220 1550 1580 426.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2230 1580 1530 369.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2240 1590 1580 204.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2250 1600 1590 555.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2260 1600 1610 380.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2270 1580 1610 380.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2280 1610 1620 370.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2290 1620 1530 383.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2300 1450 1620 611.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2310 1630 1490 570.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2320 1640 1630 890.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2330 1650 1640 315.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2340 1670 1650 775.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2355 1655 1650 137.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 2360 1680 1640 434.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2370 1680 1690 397.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2380 1700 1680 406.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2390 1170 1710 364.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2400 1710 1720 362.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2410 1720 1730 400.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2420 1730 1740 97.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2430 1730 1750 154.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2440 1750 1760 1005.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 2450 1750 1700 646.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2460 1700 1670 260.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2470 1710 1780 1073.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2480 1720 1790 1431. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2490 1670 1800 1662.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2500 1800 1810 654.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2510 1810 1820 246.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2520 1810 1830 372.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2530 1830 1840 435.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2540 1850 1820 304.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2550 1820 1860 419.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2560 1860 1840 518.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2570-XX 1860 1870 286.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2580 1870 1880 273.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2590 1870 1890 234.0 1·0. 0 130.00 0.00 2600 1890 1900 687.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2610 1900 1910 199.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2620 1900 1920 871. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2630 1920 1930 541. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2635 1930 1940 78.0 8.0 130.-00 0.00 2640 1930 1950 282.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2650 1960 1950 216.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2660 1940 1960 593.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2670 1970 1960 512.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2680 1980 1950 595.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2690 1990 1980 739.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2700 1890 1990 166.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2710 1990 2000 251. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2720 2000 1970 234.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2730 1970 2010 160.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2740 2020 2000 848.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2750-XX 2030 2020 275.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2760 2030 1840 383.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2770 2040 2020 669.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2780 2050 2040 324.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2790 2040 2060 474.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2800 2060 1940 766.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2810 2070 2030 326.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2820 2080 2070 509.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2830 2080 2090 292.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2840 2100 2080 169.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2850 2110 2070 237.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 2860 2110 2100 467.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2865 2150 2110 146.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2870 2120 2110 516.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2880 1800 2120 607.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2890 2120 2130 315.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 2900 2100 2140 736.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2910 2140 80 283.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2920 2150 2160 764.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2930 2170 2150 872.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2940 2170 2160 878.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2945 2160 2165 413.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 2950 2160 2180 548.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2960 2190 2180 507.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2970 2200 2190 760.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2980 2210 2200 169.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 2990 2220 2200 242.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3000 2230 2220 274.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3010 2220 2240 508.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3020 2240 2250 401. 0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3030 2250 2230 1188.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3040 2250 2260 257.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3050 2260 2180 436.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3060 2270 2260 404.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3070 2280 2270 355.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3080 2290 2280 912.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3090 2290 2230 268.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3100 2300 2290 402.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3110 2280 2300 967.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3120 2310 2300 127.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3130 2200 2320 368.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3140 2320 2330 366.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3150 2320 2340 301.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3160 2350 2330 298.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3170 2340 2350 371.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3180 2350 2360 204.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3190 2360 2370 277.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3200 2360 2390 323.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3210 2390 2400 359.0 4.0 130 .. 00 0.00 3220 2400 2410 519.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3230 2410 90 571.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3240 2420 2410 355.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3250 2420 2390 523.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3260 2430 2420 325.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3270 2430 2360 526.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3280 2440 2430 385.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3290 2450 2440 193.0 4.0 130.00 0.00 3300 2190 2450 282.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3310 2450 2460 277.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3320 2460 2340 252.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3330 2460 2470 173.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3340 90 2480 435.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3350 2490 480 726.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3360 2500 2490 498.0 14. 0 130.00 0.00 3370-PU 2500 2510 264.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3380 2520 2510 776.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3390 2530 2520 386.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3400 2520 2540 411.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3410 2550 2530 1654.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 3420-BN 0 2550 180.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 5067.00 3430 2570 2530 109.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3440-RV 2570 2580 109.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3450 25_80 2590 639.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3460 2590 2600 693.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3470 2610 2580 588.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3480 2620 2610 320.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3490 2620 2630 320.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3500 2600 2620 323.0 .8. 0 130.00 0.00 3510-CV 2640 2600 312.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3520 2650 2610 291.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3530 2650 2660 492.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3540 2660 2670 371.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3550 2680 2650 311.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3560 2690 2680 380.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3570 2680 2700 462.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3580 2690 2710 169.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3590-CV 2720 2670 458.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3600 2730 2670 432.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3610 2730 2690 133.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3620 2740 2730 226.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3630 2750 2740 829.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3640 2760 2740 702.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3650 2760 2770 293.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3660 2760 2780 649.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3670-XX 2780 2790 181. 0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3680 2790 480 1447.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3690 2800 2490 765.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3700 2810 2800 740.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3710 2820 2810 630.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3720 2820 2800 300.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3730 2720 2820 399.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3740 2720 2640 165.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3750 2830 2640 1062.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3760 2490 2830 795.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3770-XX 2830 2845 141.0 .6. 0 130.00 0.00 3780 80 2850 317.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 3790 2870 2860 514.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 3800 2870 2880 868.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 3810-XX 2850 3-260 991. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 3820 2900 2890 2122.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3830 2890 2900 780.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3840 2900 2910 1139.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3870-BNPU 0 1655 195.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 4800.00 3880 2840 2845 387.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3890 2840 2930 1052.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 3900 2930 990 1610.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3910 2930 2940 314.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 3920 2510 2845 147.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 3940 1630 2970 3604.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 3950 2960 2970 5354.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 3990 1430 3000 205.0 14.0 130.00 0.00 4000 3000 3010 2695.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 4010 2960 3010 3959.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4030 3040 3020 5730.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4050 3020 3060 2963.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4060 3150 3130 5302.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 4070 3080 3220 2955.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4080 3160 3140 5302.0 •6. 0 130.00 0.00 4090 3210 3140 5188.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 4110 3110 3160 5564.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4140 3060 3130 5236.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4150 3130 3140 5308.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4160 3080 3140 5236.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4180 3150 3160 5339.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4190 3040 3180 1709.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4200 3200 3230 2893.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4210 3200 3210 5239.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4220 3110 3210 3532.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4230 3060 3220 2353.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4240 3080 3230 2362.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4250-XX 3200 3240 1034.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4260 3250 3240 5256.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4270 2890 3260 779.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 4280 3900 3260 2268.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4300 3240 3330 5189.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4310 3330 3290 5371. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4330 3320 3340 5503.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4340 3250 3340 5179.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4350 3260 3330 3777.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4360 3330 3340 5272.0 12. 0 130.00 0.00 4370 3310 3340 5412.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4380 3320 3360 5069.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4400 3310 3360 5467.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4410 3310 3290 5350.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4450 3290 3380 2655.0 1·2. 0 130.00 0.00 4460 3370 3380 2702.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4470 3380 3390 846.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4490 3400 3350 1984.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4500 3370 3400 5367.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4510 3370 3410 3845.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4520-XX 3410 115 2818.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4530 1790 600 492.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 4540 1790 3420 13 01. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4550 520 3420 828.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 4560 3420 3430 1363.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4570 390 3440 509.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4580 3440 3430 1165.0 8.0 130.00 0.00 4590 170 3450 1930.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4600 3430 3450 2657.0 12.0 130 .. 00 0.00 4610 230 3460 705.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4620 3460 3470 1893.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4630 3470 380 1707.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4640 3470 2790 2156.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4660 3490 3480 1279.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4670 3490 3500 2498.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4680 3510 3490 5185.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4690 3520 3510 5420.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4700 3480 3530 4100.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4710 3520 3530 5232.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4720 3540 3530 5420.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4730 190 3550 679.0 3.0 130.00 0.00 4760 3530 3570 5296.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4770 3540 3580 6081. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4800 3450 3620 272.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4810 3610 3620 1244.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4820 3610 3630 5245.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4840 3580 3570 5344.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4880 3660 3650 5487.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4900 3570 3650 5614.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4910 3580 3660 5550.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4920 3630 3670 5559.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4940 3690 3680 5322.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4950 3920 3690 3214.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4960 3650 3680 4994.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4970 3660 3690 5170.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4980 3670 3910 5041. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 4990 3710 3630 5208.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5010 3730 4050 1596.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5020 3740 3730 1341. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5030 3710 3750 5712.0 1·2. 0 130.00 0.00 5040 3720 3760 5459.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5050 3730 3770 5328.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5070 3750 3670 5330.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5090 3770 3760 5631. 0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5110 3760 3800 5086.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5120 3770 3810 3796.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5130 3790 5130 3132.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5140 3800 3790 3796.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5150 3810 3800 5737.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5160 4030 3710 5032.0 6.0 130.00 0.00 5170 3370 3720 5379.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5180 3400 3890 3058.0 24.0 130.00 0.00 5200 155 3820 6457.0 20.0 130.00 0.00 5210 3830 4050 3309.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5230-XX 2210 3860 757.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5240 3860 2870 757.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5250 3870 2880 956.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5260 3870 110 947.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5300 3730 3890 2436.0 24.0 130.00 0.00 5320-XX 3230 3900 2923.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5330 3720 3940 3321.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5340-RV 3950 3750 3475.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5350 3960 3790 3926.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5370 3950 3760 277.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5400 3290 3970 1629.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5410 3980 2970 2200.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5420 3990 2960 2167.0 1.2. 0 130.00 0.00 5430-XX 3220 3980 190.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5450 2550 3·480 1657.0 12.0 130 .-00 0.00 5460 4000 190 3238.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5470 3630 4010 4755.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5480-XX 4000 3540 392.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5490 4020 3670 2921.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5500-XX 4020 3660 2099.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5510 3260 2060 619.0 10.0 130.00 0.00 5550 3820 4050 9575.0 20.0 130.00 0.00 5560 3720 4050 3917.0 16.0 130.00 0.00 5610 3200 4070 5835.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5620-PU 20 4070 754.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5630 20 10 77149.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 .5660-RV 4090 3990 95.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5670 3020 4090 95.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 3680 3410 4100 93.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5690-RV 4100 4030 79.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5710 3130 4120 2654.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5720 3150 4130 2646.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5730 4130 4150 2390.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 .5740 4150 4120 2911.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5750 4140 4150 869.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5760-BN 0 4140 308.0 1.2. 0 130.00 0.00 5095.00 3770 3310 4160 3059.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5780 4160 3400 2270.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5790-BN 4170 0 726.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5193.00 5800 4170 4160 1044.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 5810 4120 3040 2654.0 12.0 130.00 0.00 6000 2700 2750 310.0 6.0 130.00 0.00

- U M p DAT A

THERE IS A PUMP IN LINE 3370 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOWRATE (ft) (gpm) ------203.00 0.00 180.00 900.00 160.00 1060.00


18S.OO 0.00 17S.OO 1000.00 lS0.00 17SO.OO


lS0.00 0.00 100.00 1000.00 S0.00 lS00.00

i.J U N C T I 0 N N 0 D E DAT A

JUNCTION JUNCTION EXTERNAL JUNCTION NUMBER TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES (gpm} (ft} ------10-1 Spring Line 0.00 S200.00 10 S630 20-1 SPLIITER BOX 0.00 SOl0.00 30 S620 S630 30-1 0.00 S000.00 30 40 3S-1 0.00 497S.OO 40 4S 40-1 0.00 49SO.OO 4S so 80 S0-1 0.00 49SO.OO so 60 70 60-1 0.00 49SO.OO 60 90 110 70-1 0.00 49SO.OO 80 90 100 80-1 WLEA P/S 0.00 4871.00 100 2910 3780 90-1 FH 16.SO 4848.00 110 120 3230 3340 100-1 23.7S 481S.OO lOS 120 13S lOS-1 0.00 481S.OO lOS 130 110-1 0.00 481S.OO 130 140 21S S260 llS-1 0.00 480S.OO 210 21S 4S20 120-1 0.00 486S.OO 140 14S 12S-1 SHEEP MTN BY 0.00 486S.OO 14S lSS 130-1 0.00 486S.OO lSS 160 140-1 RIDGEWATER M S9.SO 4978.00 160 170 lS0-1 149.60 S006.00 170 180 lSS-1 0.00 SlS0.00 18S S200 160-1 0.00 SlS0.00 18S 19S 200 16S-1 0.00 SlS0.00 190 19S 166-1 Sheep Mtn We 0.00 SlS0.00 200 20S 170-1 0.00 4797.00 210 220 4S90 180-1 FH @ WWTP 18.2S 4800.00 220 190-1 8.00 4822.00 230 2SO 4730 S460 200-1 8.00 4866.00 240 210-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 2SO 260 280 220-1 8.00 4828.00 260 270 290 230-1 FH 8.00 4830.00 300 310 3SO 4610 240-1 FH 8.00 4821.00 280 330 370 2S0-1 FH 8.00 4828.00 290 300 340 260-1 FH 86.7S 4833.00 310 320 360 270-1 8.00 4832.00 320 280-1 FH 8.00 4818.00 330 400 290-1 8.00 4821.00 340 34S 410 420 300-1 8.00 4822.00 3SO 3SS 420 430 310-1 FH 13.00 4830.00 360 380 390 320-1 8.00 4820.00 370 375 400 410 330-1 8.00 4827.00 380 430 440 340-1 8.00 4831. 00 390 395 440 450 350-1 FH 8.00 4820.00 375 460 470 580 360-1 8.00 4821. 00 345 470 480 590 370-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 355 480 490 910 380-1 8.00 4854.00 450 4630 390-1 FH 8.00 4822.00 610 620 4570 400-1 FH 8.00 4827.33 395 490 500 1040 410-1 8.00 4827.25 500 510 1055 420-1 8.00 4827.18 510 520 1060 430-1 8.00 4827.07 520 530 1070 440-1 8.00 4835.05 530 540 1080 450-1 FH 8.00 4843.03 540 550 1450 460-1 FH 8.00 4849.77 550 560 1500 470-1 16.00 4849.58 560 570 1520 480-1 FH 8.00 4860.88 570 1350 3350 3680 490-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 -580 600 610 660 500-1 FH 8.00 4829.00 590 600 680 510-1 8.00 4823.00 620 630 650 520-1 FH 8.00 4818.00 630 640 4550 530-1 FH 8.00 4815.00 640 710 750 770 540-1 FH 8.00 4$18.00 650 710 720 790 550-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 660 670 700 560-1 FH 8.00 4822.00 670 720 730 800 570-1 FH 8.00 4837.00 680 690 890 580-1 8.00 4837.00 690 700 740 860 590-1 FH 8.00 4837.00 730 740 810 820 600-1 8.00 4812.00 750 760 4530 610-1 8.00 4815.00 760 1630 1670 620-1 FH 8.00 4816.00 770 780 630-1 8.00 4819.00 780 1620 1630 1660 640-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 790 1610 1620 1650 650-1 12.25 4839.00 800 1600 1610 1640 660-1 FH 8.00 4862.00 810 1560 1590 1600 670-1 8.00 4863.00 820 830 840 850 680-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 830 690-1 8.00 4885.00 840 1110 1120 700-1 FH 8.00 4843.00 850 860 870 880 710-1 8.00 4850.00 870 930 990 1090 720-1 8.00 4839.00 880 890 900 730-1 8.00 4834.00 900 910 920 740-1 FH 8.00 4844.00 920 930 940 750-1 8.00 4838.87 940 950 1040 1240 760-1 FH 8.00 4850.36 950 960 1050 1250 765-1 8.00 4838.80 1050 1055 770-1 8.00 4844.50 960 970 1065 1260 775-1 8.00 4838.70 1060 1065 780-1 FH 8.00 4838.65 970 980 1070 1270 790-1 8.00 4847.80 980 1080 1280 1390 800-1 FH 8.00 4838.85 990 1000 1100 1240 820-1 8.00 4850.34 1000 1010 1250 1540 830-1 FH 13.75 4838.75 1010 1020 1260 1530 840-1 8.00 4844.50 1020 1030 1270 850-1 FH 8.00 4850.22 1030 1230 1280 1430 860-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 1090 1100 1110 870-1 8.00 4893.00 1120 1130 1170 880-1 8.00 4900.00 1130 1140 1150 890-1 8.00 4902.00 1140 900-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 1150 1160 1180 910-1 8.00 4892.00 1160 920-1 8.00 4895.00 1170 1180 1190 930-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4930.00 1190 1200 1550 940-1 8.00 4867.00 1200 1210 1220 950-1 8.00 4904.50 1210 1290 1310 960-1 FH 8.00 4862.00 1220 1230 1400 970-1 8.00 4883.50 1290 1300 1320 1330 980-1 FH 8.00 4896.00 1300 1310 990-1 FH 8.00 4873.00 1320 3900 1000-1 52.25 4861.20 1330 1340 1480 1010-1 FH 52.25 4849.66 1340 1350 1360 1020-1 8.00 4849.77 1360 1370 1510 1520 1030-1 FH 8.00 4849.88 1370 1380 1490 1500 1040-1 FH 8.00 4856.96 1380 1390 1440 1450 1050-1 FH 8.00 4866.32 1400 1410 1060-1 FH 8.00 4861.64 1410 1420 1070-1 8.00 4861. 64 1420 1430 1440 1460 1080-1 FH 8.00 4861.46 1460 1470 1490 1090-1 FH 8.00 4861.39 1470 1480 1510 1100-1 115.00 4862.34 1530 1540 1110-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4960.00 1550 1560 1570 1580 1120-1 FH 12.25 4888.00 1570 1840 1900 1970 1130-1 27.25 4862.00 1590 1140-1 FH 18.75 4842.00 1640 1740 1760 1790 1150-1 8.00 4825.00 1650 1655 1685 1160-1 8.00 4818.00 1660 1665 1685 1695 1170-1 8.00 4814.00 1670 1675 1695 2390 1180-1 FH 8.00 4814.00 1675 1690 1700 1190-1 8.00 4818.00 1665 1680 1690 1770 1200-1 FH 8.00 4825.00 1655 1680 1740 1780 1210-1 FH 19.50 4812.00 1700 1710 2110 1220-1 FH 8.00 4815.00 1710 1720 1770 2100 1230-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 1720 1730 1780 2090 1240-1 FH 8.00 4837.00 1730 1750 1790 2080 1250-1 FH 8.00 4842.00 1750 1810 1820 2070 1260-1 FH 12.25 4862.00 1760 1800 1840 1270-1 FH 8.00 4860.00 1800 1810 1830 1280-1 FH 8.00 4860.00 1820 1870 2060 1290-1 FH 8.00 4870.00 1830 1850 1860 1300-1 FH 8.00 4885.00 1850 1890 1900 1940 1310-1 8.00 4876.00 1860 1320-1 8.00 4875.00 1870 1880 2000 1330-1 FH 8.00 48.84. 00 1880 1890 1910 1340-1 8.00 4886.00 1910 1915 1920 1350-1 FH 8.00 4893.00 1920 1925 1930 1360-1 8.00 4895.00 1930 1370-1 8.00 4890.00 1915 1940 1950 1975 J.380-1 8.00 4896.00 1925 1950 1960 1985 1390-1 8.00 4904.00 1960 1400-1 8.00 4895.00 1970 1975 1980 1410-1 8.00 4900.00 1980 1985 1990 1420-1 FH 8.00 4906.00 1990 1430-1 FH 8.00 4846.00 2010 2060 3990 1440-1 8.00 4840.00 2010 2020 2070 1450-1 FH 15.25 4796.00 2020 2030 2080 2300 1460-1 FH 8.00 4795.00 2030 2040 2090 2140 1470-1 FH 8.00 4795.00 2040 2050 2100 1480-1 17.50 4800.00 2050 2120 2130 1490-1 FH 8.00 4808.00 2110 2120 2310 1500-1 8.00 4802.00 2130 1510-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2140 2150 2160 1520-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2150 1530-1 FH 8.00 4820.00 2160 2170 2230 2290 1540-1 FH 8.00 4818.00 2170 2180 1550-1 FH 8.00 4836.00 2180 2190 2220 1560-1 8.00 4822.00 2190 2200 1570-1 FH 8.00 4860.00 2200 1580-1 8.00 4830.00 2220 2230 2240 2270 1590-1 FH 17.50 4837.00 2240 2250 1600-1 FH 8.00 4840.00 2250 2260 1610-1 FH 8.00 4832.00 2260 2270 2280 1620-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 2280 2290 2300 1630-1 FH 8.00 4798.00 2310 2320 3940 1640-1 8.00 4798.00 2320 2330 2360 1650-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2330 2340 2355 1655-1 WTP 7.00 4800.00 2355 3870 1670-1 19.25 4800.00 2340 2460 2490 1680-1 8.00 4810.00 2360 2370 2380 1690-1 FH 8.00 4800.00 2370 1700-1 FH 8.00 4812.00 2380 2450 2460 1710-1 8.00 4810.00 2390 2400 2470 1720-1 39.50 4808.00 2400 2410 2480 1730-1 8.00 4805.00 2410 2420 2430 1740-1 FH 8.00 4805.00 2420 1750-1 30.75 4804.00 2430 2440 2450 1760-1 35.75 4798.00 2440 1780-1 8.00 4812.00 2470 1790-1 12.75 4808.00 2480 4530 4540 1800-1 FH 8.00 4815.00 2490 2500 2880 1810-1 FH 8.00 4830.00 2500 2510 2520 1820-1 8.00 4835.00 2510 2540 2550 1830-1 FH 8.00 4845.00 2520 2530 1840-1 8.00 4845.00 2530 2560 2760 1850-1 FH 8.00 4850.00 2540 1860-1 FH 8.00 4838.00 2550 2560 2570 1870-1 8.00 4840.00 2570 2580 2590 1880-1 FH 8.00 4864.00 2580 1890-1 FH 8.00 4840.00 2590 2600 2700 1900-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 2600 2610 2620 1910-1 421. 25 4840.00 2610 1920-1 FH 8.00 4885.00 2620 2630 1930-1 0.00 4900.00 2630 2635 2640 1940-1 8.00 4900.00 2635 2660 2800 1950-1 FH 8.00 4890.00 2640 2650 2680 1960-1 8.00 4890.00 2650 2660 2670 1970-1 8.00 4890.00 2670 2720 2730 1980-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 2680 2690 J.990-1 8.00 4860.00 2690 2700 2710 2000-1 FH 8.00 4878.00 2710 2720 2740 2010-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 2730 2020-1 8.00 4859.00 2740 2750 2770 2030-1 FH 8.00 4849.00 2750 2760 2810 2040-1 8.00 4890.00 2770 2780 2790 2050-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 2780 2060-1 FH 14.50 4903.00 2790 2800 5510 2070-1 8.00 4839.00 2810 2820 2850 2080-1 FH 8.00 4848.00 2820 2830 2840 2090-1 44.50 4862.00 2830 2100-1 8.00 4841.00 2840 2860 2900 2110-1 8.00 4837.00 2850 2860 2865 2870 2120-1 8.00 4830.00 2870 2880 2890 2130-1 FH 30.75 4822.00 2890 2140-1 0.00 4868.00 2900 2910 2150-1 FH 13.00 4837.00 2865 2920 2930 2160-1 8.00 4827.00 2920 2940 2945 2950 2165-1 4.00 4820.00 2945 2170-1 FH 8.00 4839.00 2930 2940 2180-1 36.50 4823.00 2950 2960 3050 2190-1 FH 8.00 4821.00 2960 2970 3300 2200-1 FH 8.00 4812.00 2970 2980 2990 3130 2210-1 8.00 4811.00 2980 5230 2220-1 FH 8.00 4810.00 2990 3000 3010 2230-1 8.00 4806.00 3000 3030 3090 2240-1 FH 8.00 4817.00 3010 3020 2250-1 8.00 4817.00 3020 3030 3040 2260-1 FH 8.00 4817.00 3040 3050 3060 2270-1 8.00 4801.00 3060 3070 2280-1 FH 8.00 4803.00 3.070 3080 3110 2290-1 FH 8.00 4803.00 3080 3090 3100 2300-1 FH 8.00 4798.00 3100 3110 3120 2310-1 8.00 4798.00 3120 2320-1 29.00 4818.00 3130 3140 3150 2330-1 24.50 4820.00 3140 3160 2340-1 8.00 4819.00 3150 3170 3320 2350-1 8.00 4823.00 3160 3170 3180 2360-1 FH 8.00 4826.00 3180 3190 3200 3270 2370-1 8.00 4826.00 3190 2390-1 8.00 4830.00 3200 3210 3250 2400-1 8.00 4835.00 3210 3220 2410-1 8.00 4840.00 3220 3230 3240 2420-1 FH 8.00 4838.00 3240 3250 3260 2430-1 8.00 4832.00 3260 3270 3280 2440-1 22.00 4828.00 3280 3290 2450-1 8.00 4825.00 3290 3300 3310 2460-1 8.00 4821. 00 3310 3320 3330 2470-1 FH 8.00 4824.00 3330 2480-1 18.00 4839.00 3340 2490-1 FH 8.00 4871. 00 3350 3360 3690 3760 2500-1 8.00 4879.00 3360 3370 2510-1 8.00 4880.00 3370 3380 3920 2520-1 8.00 4912.00 3380 3390 3400 2530-1 8.00 4920.00 3390 3410 3430 2540-1 FH 8.00 4940.00 3400 2550-1 CLEARFILED T 0.00 5051.00 3410 3420 5450 2570-1 CLEARFILED p 0.00 4910.00 3430 3440 2580-1 FH 8.00 4900.00 3440 3450 3470 2590-1 FH 8.00 4896.00 3450 3460 2600-1 FH 10.75 4870.00 3460 3500 3510 2610-1 FH 8.00 4878.00 3470 3480 3520 2620-1 23.25 4874.00 3480 3490 3500 2630-1 FH 8.00 4880.00 3490 2640-1 19.25 4869.00 3510 3740 3750 2650-1 8.00 4898.00 3520 3530 3550 2660-1 FH 8.00 4889.00 3530 3540 2670-1 8.00 4883.00 3540 3590 3600 2680-1 8.00 4920.00 3550 3560 3570 2690-1 8.00 4911. 00 3560 3580 3610 2700-1 FH 8.00 4930.00 3570 6000 2710-1 FH 8.00 4920.00 3580 2720-1 FH 18.75 4869.00 3590 3730 3740 2730-1 8.00 4912.00 3600 3610 3620 2740-1 FH 8.00 4905.00 3620 3630 3640 2750-1 FH 8.00 4985.00 3630 6000 2760-1 8.00 4875.00 3640 3650 3660 2770-1 FH 17.00 4880.00 3650 2780-1 14.00 4864.00 3660 3670 2790-1 FH 8.00 4862.00 3670 3680 4640 2800-1 FH 8.00 4867.00 3690 3700 3720 2810-1 FH 8.00 4876.00 3700 3710 2820-1 8.00 4868.00 3710 3720 3730 2830-1 FH 8.00 4884.00 3750 3760 3770 2840-1 FH 8.00 4920.00 3880 3890 2845-1 0.00 4885.00 3770 3880 3920 2850-1 0.00 4880.00 3780 3810 2860-1 FH 8.00 4806.00 135 3790 2870-1 54.00 4802.00 3790 3800 5240 2880-1 FH 8.00 4799.00 3800 5250 2890-1 5.50 4935.00 3820 3830 4270 2900-1 5.50 4935.00 3820 3830 3840 2910-1 5.50 4850.00 3840 2930-1 0.00 4940.00 3890 3900 3910 2940-1 85.50 4945.00 3910 2960-1 31.25 4900.00 3950 4010 5420 2970-1 45.50 4840.00 3940 3950 5410 3000-1 0.00 4860.00 2000 3990 4000 3010-1 12.75 4860.00 4000 4010 3020-1 57.00 4845.00 4030 4050 5670 3040-1 88.25 4960.00 4030 4190 5810 3060-1 57.00 4858.00 4050 4140 4230 3080-1 64.25 4875.00 4070 4160 4240 3110-1 34.25 4800.00 4110 4220 3130-1 125.50 4930.00 4060 4140 4150 5710 3140-1 114.00 4936.00 4080 4090 4150 4160 3150-1 68.50 4927.00 4060 4180 5720 3160-1 51. 25 4863.00 4080 4110 4180 3180-1 24.25 4940.00 4190 3200-1 42.75 4820.00 4200 4210 4250 5610 3210-1 68.50 4805.00 4090 4210 4220 3220-1 37.00 4924.00 4070 4230 5430 3230-1 15.75 4844.00 4200 4240 5320 3240-1 11.50 4805.00 4250 4260 4300 3250-1 0.00 4997.00 4260 4340 3260-1 14.25 4917.00 3810 4270 4280 4350 5510 3290-1 12.82 4877.00 4310 4410 4450 5400 3310-1 21.38 5037.00 4370 4400 4410 5770 3320-1 15.75 4890.00 4330 4380 3330-1 18.50 5011. 00 4300 4310 4350 4360 3340-1 27.00 4897.00 4330 4340 4360 4370 3350-1 1.50 5070.00 4490 3360-1 7.25 5050.00 4380 4400 3370-1 10.00 5065.00 4460 4500 4510 5170 3380-1 0.00 4900.00 4450 4460 4470 3390-1 89.80 4920.00 4470 3400-1 5.75 5043.00 4490 4500 5180 5780 3410-1 6.38 4883.00 4510 4520 5680 3420-1 158.25 4810.00 4540 4550 4560 3430-1 85.50 4810.00 4560 4580 4600 3440-1 0.00 4810.00 460 4570 4580 3450-1 142.50 4810.00 4590 4600 4800 3460-1 0.00 4830.00 270 4610 4620 3470-1 585.75 4840.00 4620 4630 4640 3480-1 327.75 4900.00 4660 4700 5450 3490-1 20.00 4940.00 4660 4670 4680 3500-1 15.75 4935.00 4670 3510-1 10.00 4997.00 4680 4690 3520-1 10.00 4953.00 4690 4710 3530-1 37.00 4917.00 4700 4710 4720 4760 3540-1 296.50 4868.00 4720 4770 5480 3550-1 0.00 4820.00 240 4730 3570-1 20.00 4960.00 4760 4840 4900 3580-1 10.75 4885.00 4770 4840 4910 3610-1 10.00 4807.00 4810 4820 3620-1 0.00 4810.00 230 4800 4810 3630-1 18.50 4795.00 4820 4920 4990 5470 3650-1 25.75 4970.00 4880 4900 4960 3660-1 22.75 4844.00 4880 4910 4970 5500 3670-1 15.75 4785.00 4920 4980 5070 5490 3680-1 12.75 4899.00 4940 4960 3690-1 11. 50 4907.00 4940 4950 4970 3710-1 20.00 4859.00 4990 5030 5160 3720-1 20.00 5068.00 5040 5170 5330 5560 3730-1 18.50 5009.00 5010 5020 5050 5300 3740-1 7.25 50.55.00 5020 3750-1 18.50 4823.00 5030 5070 5340 3760-1 17.00 4853.00 5040 5090 5110 5370 3770-1 20.00 4938.00 5050 5090 5120 3790-1 10.00 5066.00 5130 5140 5350 3800-1 10.00 4901. 00 5110 5140 5150 3810-1 10.00 5020.00 5120 5150 3820-1 8.50 5000.00 5200 5550 3830-1 235.10 5060.00 180 5210 3860-1 320.75 4800.00 5230 5240 3870-1 327.75 4807.00 5250 5260 3890-1 0.00 5100.00 5180 5300 3900-1 0.00 4800.00 4280 5320 3910-1 3.80 4881.00 4980 3920-1 3.80 4860.00 4950 3940-1 0.00 4860.00 5330 3950-1 0.00 4860.00 5340 5370 3960-1 0.00 4860.00 5350 3970-1 0.00 4860.00 5400 3980-1 0.00 4860.00 5410 5430 3990-1 0.00 4860.00 5420 5660 4000-1 0.00 4860.00 5460 5480 4010-1 10.75 4860.00 5470 4020-1 0.00 4860.00 5490 5500 4030-1 6.38 4883.00 5160 5690 4050-1 0.00 4990.00 5010 5210 5550 5560 4070-1 0.00 5005.00 5610 5620 4090-1 0.00 4860.00 5660 5670 4100-1 0.00 4883.00 5680 5690 4120-1 62.75 5000.00 5710 5740 5810 4130-1 0.00 5000.00 5720 5730 4140-1 0.00 5070.00 5750 5760 4150-1 0.00 5040.00 5730 5740 5750 4160-1 0.00 5100.00 5770 5780 5800 4170-1 0.00 5170.00 5790 5800 5130-1 3.80 4860.00 5130 +------+ MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS

Number of pipes ...... 1000 Number of pumps ...... 250 Number junction nodes ...... 1000 Flow meters ...... 2 5 O Boundary nodes ...... 100 Variable storage tanks ...... 250 Pressure switches ...... 250 Regulating Valves ...... 250 Items for limited output ...... 1000 limit for non-consecutive numbering .. 10260 +------+ Cybernet version 2.18. SN: 1132184082-1000

Extended Description: x=-_\ ~ . -T-- - n Existing system with peak day demands. 1 MG Orpha Tank CLOSED and 3 MG Orpha Open. Summer Operation of Sheep Mtn Well (Well ON and flow bypassing Sheep Mtn Pumps @ P/S through PRV's) U N I T S S P E C I F I E D

FLOWRATE ...... =gallons/minute HEAD (HGL) ...... =feet PRESSURE ...... = psig



y s T E M c 0 N F I GURA T I 0 N

NUMBER OF PIPES ...... ( p) = 552 NUMBER OF JUNCTION NODES ...... ( j ) = 396 NUMBER OF PRIMARY LOOPS ...... ( 1) = 148 NUMBER OF BOUNDARY NODES ...... ( f) = 9 NUMBER OF SUPPLY ZONES . . . . • . . • . . . . ( z) 1

************************************* S I M U L A T I 0 N R E S U L T S ************************************* -he results are obtained after 14 trials with an accuracy= 0.00043 The regulating valves required 2 adjustments.

~ I M U L A T I 0 N D E S C R I P T I D N

yberNet Version 2.18. Copyright 1991,92 Haestad Methods Inc. un Description: Max Day (Summer)- lMG Orpha Closed Drawing: DGLS-FT4

p I P E L I N E R E s u L T S


PIPE NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD PUMP MINOR LINE HL/ NUMBER #1 #2 LOSS HEAD LOSS VELO. 1000 (gpm) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft/ft) ------10-BN 10 0 -2465.67 99.52 0.00 0.00 6.99 13.49 30 30 20 -387.92 0.18 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.44 40 30 35 387.92 0.20 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.44 45 35 40 387.92 0.19 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.44 50-XXCV 40 50 60-CV 50 60 366.38 0.05 0.00 0.00 1. 04 0.39 70-BN 0 50 366.38 0.01 0.00 0.00 1. 04 0.39 80 70 40 -387.92 0.04 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.44 90-CV 60 70 176.84 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 100 70 80 564.76 1. 88 0.00 0.00 1. 60 0.88 105 100 105 -264.43 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.10 110 60 90 189.54 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.06 120-XX 100 90 130 110 105 264.43 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.22 135 2860 100 -240.68 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.18 140 110 120 -1130.47 3.61 0.00 0.00 3.21 3.18 145-RV 125 120 1130.47 0.03 0.00 0.00 3.21 3.18 155 130 125 1130.47 0.03 0.00 0.00 3.21 3.18 160 130 140 -1130.47 14.10 0.00 0.00 3.21 3.18 170 140 150 -1189.97 10.35 0.00 0.00 3.38 3.50 180 150 3830 -1339.57 5.06 0.00 0.00 3.80 4.36 185 160 155 1985.29 0.30 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.75 190-XXBN 165 0 195 165 160 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 160 166 -1985.29 0.18 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.75 205-BN 166 0 -1985.29 0.25 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.75 210 170 115 -388.22 0.47 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.44 215 110 115 388.22 0.95 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.44 220 170 180 18.25 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 230 190 3620 -470.53 1. 05 0.00 0.00 1.33 0.63 240 200 3550 -8.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.28 250 190 210 454.53 0.44 0.00 0.00 1.29 0.59 260 210 220 601. 31 0.33 0.00 0.00 1. 71 0.99 270 220 3460 566.23 0.28 0.00 0.00 1. 61 0.88 280 210 240 -154.78 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.08 290 250 220 -27.09 0.07 0.00 0.00 0. 31 0.09 300 230 250 -67.91 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.51 310 260 230 41. 06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 320 260 270 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 330 240 280 -4.92 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 340 250 290 -48.83 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.28 345 290 360 -58.16 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.38 350 300 230 45.82 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.25 355 370 300 55.95 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.36 360 260 310 -135.81 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.06 370 240 320 -157.86 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.08 375 320 350 -203.73 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.13 380 310 330 -24.09 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.07 390 340 310 124.72 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.05 395 400 340 182.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.11 400 280 320 -12.92 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.17 410 320 290 24.95 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.57 420 290 300 26.29 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.63 430 300 330 28.42 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.73 0.73 440 330 340 -3.67 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 450 340 380 45.70 2.71 0.00 0.00 1.17 1.76 460 350 3440 -596.46 0.37 0.00 0.00 1. 69 0.97 470 360 350 -422.73 0.17 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.51 480 370 360 -402.79 0.19 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.47 490 400 370 -384.29 0.27 0.00 0.00 1. 09 0.43 500 410 400 -471.53 0.21 0.00 0.00 1.34 0.63 510 420 410 -475.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 1. 35 0.64 520 430 420 -480.11 0.22 0.00 0.00 1. 36 0.65 530 440 430 -523.34 0.15 0.00 0.00 1.48 0.76 540 450 440 -905.62 0.67 0.00 0.00 2.57 2.11 550 460 450 -944.46 0.77 0.00 0.00 2.68 2.28 560 470 460 -959.94 0.80 0.00 0.00 2.72 2.35 570 480 470 -962.54 0.75 0.00 0.00 2.73 2.36 580 490 350 38.01 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.17 590 360 500 -46.22 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.25 600 500 490 -53.12 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.32 610 490 390 -117.79 0.54 0.00 0.00 1.34 1.41 620 390 510 -545.05 0.82 0.00 0.00 1.55 0.82 630 510 520 27.37 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.09 640 520 530 -31. 50 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.88 650 510 540 -580.42 0.91 0.00 0.00 1.65 0.93 660 550 490 -18.65 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.05 670 560 550 151. 58 2.25 0.00 0.00 1.72 2.25 680 500 570 -1.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 690 570 580 -25.97 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.09 700 580 550 -162.23 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.09 710 540 530 39.46 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.19 720 560 540 -37.46 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.17 730 590 560 -120.11 0.57 0.00 0.00 1.36 1. 46 740 580 590 -131.09 1.71 0.00 0.00 1.49 1. 72 750 530 600 34.51 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.88 1. 05 760 610 600 129.81 1.68 0.00 0.00 1.47 1. 69 770 530 620 -34.55 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.88 1. 05 780 620 630 -42.55 0.76 0.00 0.00 1.09 1. 54 790 540 640 -665.34 1.20 0.00 0.00 1.89 1.19 800 650 560 242.22 1.32 0.00 0.00 1.55 1. 32 810 590 660 -143.10 2.02 0.00 0.00 1.62 2.02 820 670 590 -124.12 0.47 0.00 0.00 1.41 1. 56 830 670 680 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 840 670 690 -1. 37 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.08 850 700 670 -109.49 1.32 0.00 0.00 1.24 1. 23 860 700 580 -259.35 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.21 870 710 700 -327.57 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.32 880 720 700 -33.27 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.14 890 570 720 16.87 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.28 900 720 730 42.15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.21 910 730 370 45.46 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.24 920 740 730 11. 31 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 930 740 710 -40.17 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.19 940 750 740 -20.86 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.41 950 760 750 -25.07 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.58 960 770 760 -23.27 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.50 970 780 770 -26.39 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.64 980 790 780 -6.62 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.05 990 800 710 -340.20 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.34 1000 820 800 -119.62 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.05 1010 830 820 -20.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 1020 840 830 75.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 1030 850 840 122.48 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.05 104-0 400 750 -277.33 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.24 1050 760 765 19.47 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.36 1055 410 765 -11.47 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.14 1060 420 775 -13.11 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.17 1065 770 775 21.11 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.42 1070 780 430 51. 23 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.30 1080 790 440 390.28 0.44 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.44 1090 710 860 -60.81 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.41 1100 800 860 -76.96 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.64 1110 860 690 -145.76 1.13 0.00 0.00 1.65 2.10 1120 690 870 -155.13 1. 29 0.00 0.00 1.76 2.35 1130 870 880 8.51 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.32 1140 890 880 -8.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.28 1150 880 900 -7.49 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.25 1160 900 910 8.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.28 1170 870 920 -171.65 0.50 0.00 0.00 1. 95 2.84 1180 900 920 -23.49 0.56 0.00 0.00 1. 07 2.08 1190 930 920 203.13 2.08 0.00 0.00 2.30 3.87 1200 940 930 -1174.92 3.50 0.00 0.00 2.45 1.61 1210-XXCV 940 950 1220 940 960 1166.92 0.96 0.00 0.00 3.31 3.38 1230 960 850 1044.83 0.97 0.00 0.00 2.96 2.75 1240 750 800 -289.54 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.26 1250 820 760 25.67 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.61 1260 770 830 -32.23 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.92 1270 840 780 39.46 0.69 0.00 0.00 1. 01 1.34 1280 850 790 716.43 0.71 0.00 0.00 2.03 1.37 1290 970 950 12.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 1300 980 970 -3.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 1310 950 980 4.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 1320 970 990 -24.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.07 1330-XXCV 1000 970 1340 1010 1000 -155.31 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.04 1350 480 1010 -379.35 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.20 1360 1010 1020 -276.28 0.61 0.00 0.00 1. 76 1.69 1370 1020 1030 -345.10 0.83 0.00 0.00 2.20 2.55 1380 1030 1040 -361.75 0.94 0.00 0.00 2.31 2.78 1390 1040 790 -324.76 0.87 0.00 0.00 2.07 2.28 1400 1050 960 -114.09 0.88 0.00 0.00 1. 29 1.33 1410 1060 1050 -106.09 0.92 0.00 0.00 1.20 1.16 1420 1070 1060 -98.09 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.11 1.01 1430 1070 850 -197.92 1.11 0.00 0.00 2.25 3.69 1440 1070 1040 91.83 0.47 0.00 0.00 1. 04 0.89 1450 1040 450 46.84 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.26 1460 1080 1070 -196.17 1. 39 0.00 0.00 2.23 3.63 1470 1090 1080 -173.35 0.95 0.00 0.00 1. 97 2.89 1480 1000 1090 -207.56 0.47 0.00 0.00 2.36 4.03 1490 1080 1030 14.82 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 1500 1030 460 23.48 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.07 1510 1090 1020 -42.21 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.21 1520 1020 470 18.60 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.05 1530 1100 830 -49.44 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.28 1540 820 1100 65.56 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.48 1550 930 1110 -1378.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.87 2.17 1560 660 1110 -512.54 1.42 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.74 1570 1110 1120 621.40 0.33 0.00 0.00 1. 30 0.50 1580-BN 1110 0 -2511.98 0.01 0.00 0.00 5.24 6.59 1590 660 1130 27.25 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.09 1600 650 660 -334.18 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.33 1610 640 650 -210.58 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.14 162_0 630 640 126.19 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.05 1630 610 630 158.70 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.08 1640 1140 650 130.87 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.42 1650 640 1150 -336.57 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.34 1655 1150 1200 -331.24 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.33 1660 630 1160 -18.04 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.31 1665 1160 1190 -31.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.12 1670 1170 610 296.51 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.27 1675 1180 1170 78.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.02 1680 1200 1190 23.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 1685 1150 1160 -13.33 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.02 1690 1190 1180 35.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 1695 1160 1170 -8.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 1700 1180 1210 -50.94 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.30 1710 1220 1210 4.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 1720 1230 1220 9.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 1730 1240 1230 25.07 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.08 1740 1140 1200 45.15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.24 1750 1250 1240 80.14 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.69 1760 1260 1140 100.07 0.41 0.00 0.00 1.14 1. 04 1770 1190 1220 -51. 01 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.30 1780 1230 1200 317.82 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.30 1790 1240 1140 94.69 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.23 1800 1260 1270 -37.15 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.17 1810 1270 1250 2.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 1820 1280 1250 51. 26 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.30 1830 1290 1270 47.74 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.27 1840 1260 1120 -75.17 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.61 1850 1300 1290 63.74 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.45 1860 1290 1310 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 1870 1320 1280 63.52 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.72 0 .45 1880 1330 1320 382.24 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.20 1890 1330 1300 -382.77 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.20 1900 1300 1120 -467.23 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.29 1910 1330 1340 -7.47 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.06 1915 1340 1370 -9.84 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.10 1920 1340 1350 -5.63 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 1925 1380 1350 21. 63 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 1930 1350 1360 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 1940 1300 1370 12.72 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.17 1950 1370 1380 7.97 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 1960 1380 1390 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.07 1970 1120 1400 66.74 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.49 1975 1370 1400 -13.09 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.17 1980 1400 1410 45.66 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.24 1985 1410 1380 29.66 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.11 1990 1410 1420 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2000 1320 3000 310.72 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.14 2010 1430 1440 281. 80 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.11 2020 1440 1450 239.51 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.08 2030 1450 1460 95.88 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 2040 1460 1470 -247.11 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.09 2050 1470 1480 -308.99 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.14 2060 1430 1280 -4.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 2070 1250 1440 -34.29 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.14 2080 1450 1240 47.62 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.26 2090 1460 1230 310.25 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.29 2100 1220 1470 -53.89 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.33 2110 1210 1490 -66.07 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.48 2120 1480 1490 -334.49 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.16 2130 1480 1500 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2140 1460 1510 24.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 2150 1510 1520 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2160 1530 1510 -8.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2170 1530 1540 39.14 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 2180 1540 1550 31.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 2190 1560 1550 -16.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 2200 1570 1560 -8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2220 1550 1580 7.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 2230 1580 1530 -16.52 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 2240 1590 1580 -15.18 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 2250 1600 1590 2.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 2260 1600 1610 -10.32 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 2270 1580 1610 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 2280 1610 1620 -17.84 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 2290 1620 1530 54.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 2300 1450 1620 80.76 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.01 2310 1630 1490 408.57 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.23 2320 1640 1630 480.90 0.27 0.00 0.00 1. 00 0.31 2330 1650 1640 545.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.39 2340 1670 1650 -288.23 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.25 2355 1655 1650 841.23 0.12 0.00 0.00 1.75 0.87 2360 1680 1640 -56.11 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.36 2370 1680 1690 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2380 1700 1680 -40.11 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.19 2390 1170 1710 -234.20 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.17 2400 1710 1720 -250.20 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.19 2410 1720 1730 -414.14 0.20 0.00 0.00 1.17 0.50 2420 1730 1740 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2430 1730 1750 -430.14 0.08 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.53 2440 1750 ··1760 35.75 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.91 1.12 2450 1750 1700 -496.64 0.45 0.00 0.00 1.41 0.69 2460 1700 1670 -464.53 0.16 0.00 0.00 1. 32 0.61 2470 1710 1780 8.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2480 1720 1790 124.44 2.24 0.00 0.00 1.41 1. 56 2490 1670 1800 -195.55 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.12 2500 1800 1810 -30.82 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 2510 1810 1820 -23.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 2520 1810 1830 -15.12 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 2530 1830 1840 -23.12 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.07 2540 1850 1820 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2550 1820 1860 -39.70 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 2560 1860 1840 -47.70 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.07 2570-XX 1860 1870 2580 1870 1880 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2590 1870 1890 -16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 2600 1890 1900 255.23 0.34 0.00 0.00 1. 04 0.49 2610 1900 1910 421.25 0.73 0.00 0.00 2.69 3.68 2620 1900 1920 -174.02 0.62 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.72 2630 1920 1930 -182.02 0.42 0.00 0.00 1.16 0.78 2635 1930 1940 -233.04 0.10 0.00 0.00 1.49 1. 23 2640 1930 1950 51. 02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.07 2650 1960 1950 12.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 2660 1940 1960 86.19 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.20 2670 1970 1960 -65.78 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.12 2680 1980 1950 -55.43 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.35 2690 1990 1980 -47.43 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.26 2700 1890 1990 -279.23 0.29 0.00 0.00 1. 78 1. 72 2710 1990 2000 -239.79 0.33 0.00 0.00 1.53 1. 30 2720 2000 1970 -49.78 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.07 2730 1970 2010 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2740 2020 2000 198.02 0.77 0.00 0.00 1.26 0.91 2750-XX 2030 2020 2760 2030 1840 78.82 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.17 2770 2040 2020 206.02 0.66 0.00 0.00 1. 31 0.98 2780 2050 2040 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 2790 2040 2060 -222.02 0.53 0.00 0.00 1.42 1.13 2800 2060 1940 327.23 1.77 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.31 2810 2070 2030 86.82 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.07 2820 2080 2070 99.05 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.25 2830 2080 2090 44.50 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.23 2840 2100 2080 151.55 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.55 2850 2110 2070 -4.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2860 2110 2100 -405.21 0.22 0.00 0.00 1.15 0.48 2865 2150 2110 -189.96 0.50 0.00 0.00 2.16 3.42 2870 2120 2110 -211. 49 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.14 2880 1800 2120 -172.74 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.10 2890 2120 2130 30.75 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 2900 2100 2140 -564.76 0.65 0.00 0.00 1. 60 0.88 2910 2140 80 -564.76 0.25 0.00 0.00 1.60 0.88 2920 2150 2160 157.14 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.08 2930 2170 2150 -19.82 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 2940 2170 2160 11.82 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 2945 2160 2165 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 2950 2160 2180 156.96 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.08 2960 2190 2180 -81. 21 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.02 2970 2200 2190 -74.67 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 2980 2210 2200 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 2990 2220 2200 -40.75 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.20 3000 2230 2220 -21. 83 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 3010 2220 ·-2240 10.92 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 3020 2240 2250 2.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 3030 2250 2230 6.43 . 0. 01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 3040 2250 2260 -11. 51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 3050 2260 2180 -39.25 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.18 3060 2270 2260 -19.74 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 3070 2280 2270 -11.74 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 3080 2290 2280 2.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3090 2290 2230 -20.26 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.05 3100 2300 2290 -10.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.02 3110 2280 2300 5.87 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 3120 2310 2300 -8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3130 2200 2320 17.92 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 3140 2320 2330 -1.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3150 2320 2340 -9.20 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.09 3160 2350 2330 26.38 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.64 3170 2340 2350 -21. 58 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.44 3180 2350 2360 -55.96 0.52 0.00 0.00 1.43 2.56 3190 2360 2370 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3200 2360 2390 -61. 75 0.99 0.00 0.00 1.58 3.08 3210 2390 2400 -68.21 1. 33 0.00 0.00 1.74 3.70 3220 2400 2410 -76.21 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.16 3230 2410 90 -155.04 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.58 3240 2420 2410 -70.83 1.41 0.00 0.00 1.81 3.97 3250 2420 2390 1. 55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3260 2430 2420 -61. 29 0.99 0.00 0.00 1.56 3.03 3270 2430 2360 10.21 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 3280 2440 2430 -43.08 0.61 0.00 0.00 1.10 1.58 3290 2450 2440 -21. 08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.42 3300 2190 2450 -1.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3310 2450 2460 11.62 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 3320 2460 2340 -4.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 3330 2460 2470 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3340 90 2480 18.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 3350 2490 480 -1490.86 1. 82 0.00 0.00 3.11 2.51 3360 2500 2490 -1412.86 1.13 0.00 0.00 2.94 2.27 "'",HE PUMP IN LINE 3370 IS OPERATING OUT OF RANGE 3370-PU 2500 2510 1404.86 0.59 106.50 0.00 2.93 2.25 3380 2520 2510 -1271.36 1.45 0.00 0.00 2.65 1.87 3390 2530 2520 -1255.36 0.70 0.00 0.00 2.62 1.82 3400 2520 2540 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3410 2550 2530 -1062.36 2.21 0.00 0.00 2.21 1.34 3420-BN 0 2550 -238.06 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.08 3430 2570 2530 -185.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.80 344·0-RV 2570 2580 185.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.80 3450 2580 2590 43.72 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.23 3460 2590 2-600 35.72 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.15 3470 2610 2580 -133.28 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.44 3480 2620 2610 -6.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 3490 2620 2630 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3500 2600 2620 24.97 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 3510-XXCV 2640 2600 3520 2650 2610 -119.00 . 0 .10 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.35 3530 2650 2660 45.09 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.06 3540 2660 2670 37.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 3550 2680 2650 -65.91 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.12 3560 2690 2680 -38.11 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 3570 2680 2700 19.81 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.05 3580 2690 2710 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3590-XXCV 2720 2670 3600 2730 --2670 -29.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.03 3610 2730 2690 -22.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 3620 2740 2730 -43.19 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.05 3630 2750 2740 3.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 3640 2760 2740 -39.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 3650 2760 2770 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 3660 2760 2780 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3670-XX 2780 2790 3680 2790 480 156.97 0.86 0.00 0.00 1. 00 0.59 3690 2800 2490 -38.71 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 3700 2810 2800 -6.95 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 3710 2820 2810 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 3720 2820 2800 -23.76 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.02 3730 2720 2820 -14.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.01 3740 2720 2640 -4.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 3750 2830 2640 23.29 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.02 3760 2490 2830 31.29 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 3770-XX 2830 2845 3780 80 2850 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3790 2870 2860 -232.68 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.17 3800 2870 2880 -142.07 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.07 3810-XX 2850 3260 3820 2900 2890 -4.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 3830 2890 2900 6.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 3840 2900 2910 5.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 3870-BNPU 0 1655 848.23 0.17 178.08 0.00 1. 77 0.88 3880 2840 2845 -125.50 0.61 0.00 0.00 1.42 1. 59 3890 2840 2930 117.50 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.12 3900 2930 990 32.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 3910 2930 2940 85.50 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.06 3920 2510 2845 125.50 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.39 3940 1630 2970 64.33 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.02 3950 2960 2970 -18.83 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.05 3990 1430 3000 -285.55 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.12 4000 3000 3010 25.17 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.08 4010 2960 3010 -12.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 4030 3040 3020 -17.75 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 4050 3020 3060 -74.75 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 4060 3150 3130 22.70 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.07 4070 3080 3220 161.69 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.09 4080 3160 3140 22.01 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 4090 3210 3140 40.61 1. 02 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.20 4110 3110 3160 136.06 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.06 4140 3060 3130 -7.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 4150 3130 3140 -72.51 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 4160 3080 3140 123.89 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.05 4180 3150 3160 -62.80 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.02 4190 3040 3180 24.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 4200 3200 3230 365.58 1.14 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.39 4210 3200 3210 279.41 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.24 4220 3110 3210 -170.31 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.10 4230 3060 3220 -124.69 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.05 4240 3080 3230 -349.83 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.36 4250-XX 3200 3240 4260 3250 3240 120.99 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.05 4270 2890 3260 -16.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 4280 3900 3260 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4300 3240 3330 109.49 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.04 4310 3330 3290 -292.65 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.26 4330 3320 3340 119.83 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.05 4340 3250 3340 -120.99 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.05 4350 3260 3330 -594.50 3.66 0.00 0.00 1.69 0.97 4360 3330 3340 -210.86 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.14 4370 3310 3340 239.02 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.18 4380 3320 3360 -135.58 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.06 4400 3310 3360 142.83 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.07 4410 3310 3290 131. 85 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.06 4450 3290 3380 -173.63 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.10 4460 3370 3380 263.43 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.21 4470 3380 3390 89.80 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.03 4490 3400 3350 1. 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4500 3370 3400 -185.17 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.11 4510 3370 3410 6.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 4520-XX 3410 115 4530 1790 600 -156.32 0.29 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.59 4540 1790 3420 268.01 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.22 4550 520 3420 50.87 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.07 4560 3420 3430 160.63 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.09 4570 390 3440 419.27 0.26 0.00 0.00 1.19 0.51 4580 3440 3430 -177.19 0.86 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.74 4590 170 3450 369.97 0.78 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.40 4600 3430 3450 -102.05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.04 4610 230 3460 146.79 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.07 4620 3460 3470 713.02 2.57 0.00 0.00 2.02 1. 36 4630 3470 380 -37.70 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 4640 3470 2790 164.97 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.09 4660 3490 3480 -185.53 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.11 4670 3490 3500 15.75 . 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 4680 3510 3490 -149.78 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.08 4690 3520 3510 -139.78 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.07 4700 3480 3530 311.02 1. 20 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.29 4710 3520 3530 129.78 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.06 4720 3540 3530 -221. 48 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.16 4730 190 3550 8.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.28 4760 3530 3570 182.32 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.11 4770 3540 3580 -75.02 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 4800 3450 3620 125.42 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.05 4810 3610 3620 345.11 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.35 4820 3610 3630 -355.11 1. 95 0.00 0.00 1.01 0.37 4840 3580 3570 -85.04 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.03 4880 3660 3650 -26.70 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 4900 3570 3650 77.27 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.02 4910 3580 3660 -0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4920 3630 3670 -194.53 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.12 4940 3690 3680 -12.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 4950 3920 3690 -3.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 4960 3650 3680 24.83 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 4970 3660 3690 3.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 4980 3670 3910 3.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 4990 3710 3630 189.83 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.12 5010 3730 4050 -29.55 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 5020 3740 3730 -7.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 5030 3710 3750 -216.20 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.15 5040 3720 3760 257.93 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.73 0.21 5050 3730 3770 261.65 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.21 5070 3750 3670 214.08 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.15 5090 3770 3760 142.06 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.07 5110 3760 3800 -65.79 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.02 5120 3770 3810 99.59 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.04 5130 3790 5130 3.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 5140 3800 ·-3 790 13.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 5150 3810 3800 89.59 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.03 5160 4030 3710 -6.38 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 5170 3370 3720 -94.63 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.03 5180 3400 3890 257.84 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.01 5200 155 3820 1985.29 4.85 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.75 5210 3830 4050 -1574.67 19.45 0.00 0.00 4.47 5.88 5230-XX 2210 3860 5240 3860 2870 -320.75 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.31 5250 3870 2880 150.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.08 5260 3870 110 -477.82 0.61 0.00 0.00 1.36 0.65 5300 3730 3890 -257.84 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.01 5320-XX 3230 3900 5330 3720 3940 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5340-RV 3950 3750 448.78 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.27 0.58 5350 3960 3790 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5370 3950 3760 -448.78 0.16 0.00 0.00 1.27 0.58 5400 3290 3970 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5410 3980 2970 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5420 3990 2960 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5430-XX 3220 3980 5450 2550 3480 824.30 2.94 0.00 0.00 2.34 1. 77 5460 4000 190 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5470 3630 4010 10.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 5480-XX 4000 3540 5490 4020 3670 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5500-XX 4020 3660 5510 3260 2060 563.75 1.32 0.00 0.00 2.30 2.13 5550 3820 4050 1976.79 7.13 0.00 0.00 2.02 0.74 5560 3720 4050 -372.56 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.10 5610 3200 4070 -687.75 7.40 0.00 0.00 1. 95 1.27 5620-PU 20 4070 687.75 0.96 123.63 0.00 1. 95 1.27 5630 20 10 -1075.67 223.94 0.00 0.00 3.05 2.90 5660-XXRV 4090 3990 5670 3020 4090 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5680 3410 4100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5690-XXRV 4100 4030 5710 3130 4120 -37.35 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 5720 3150 4130 -28.40 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 5730 4130 4150 -28.40 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 5740 4150 4120 194.86 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.12 5750 4140 4150 223.25 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.16 5760-BN 0 4140 223.25 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.16 5770 3310 4160 -535.07 2.44 0.00 0.00 1.52 0.80 5780 4160 3400 450.27 1.31 0.00 0.00 1.28 0.58 5790-BN 4170 0 -985.34 1. 79 0.00 0.00 2.80 2.47 5800 4170 4160 985.34 2.58 0.00 0.00 2.80 2.47 5810 4120 3040 94.75 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.03 6000 2700 2750 11. 81 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02

u. UN CT I 0 N N 0 D E R E S U L T S

JUNCTION JUNCTION EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC JUNCTION PRESSURE JUNCTION NUMBER TITLE DEMAND GRADE ELEVATION HEAD PRESSURE (gpm) (ft) (ft) (ft) (psi) ------10-1 Spring Line 0.00 5205.48 5200.00 5.48 2.37 20-1 SPLIITER BOX 0.00 4981. 54 5010.00 -28.46 -12.33 30-1 0.00 4981.36 5000.00 -18.64 -8.08 35-1 0.00 4981.16 4975.00 6.16 2.67 40-1 0.00 4980.97 4950.00 30.97 13.42 50-1 0.00 4980.99 4950.00 30.99 13.43 60-1 0.00 4980.94 4950.00 30.94 13.41 70-1 0.00 4980.93 4950.00 30.93 13.40 80-1 WLEA P/S 0.00 4979·. 05 4871. 00 108.05 46.82 90-1 FH 16.50 4980.73 4848.00 132.73 57.52 100-1 23.75 4975.93 4815.00 160.93 69.74 105-1 0.00 4976.02 4815.00 161.02 69.78 110-1 0.00 4976.36 4815.00 161.36 69.92 115-1 0.00 4975.41 4805.00 170.41 73.84 120-1 0.00 4979.97 4865.00 114.97 49.82 125-1 SHEEP MTN BY 0.00 5138.29 4865.00 273.29 118.43 130-1 0.00 5138.33 4865.00 273.33 118.44 140-1 RIDGEWATER M 59.50 5152.42 4978.00 174.42 75.58 150-1 149.60 5162.77 5006.00 156.77 67.93 155-1 0.00 5199.26 5150.00 49.26 21. 35 160-1 0.00 5199.56 5150.00 49.56 21.48 165-1 0.00 5199.56 5150.00 49.56 21.48 166-1 Sheep Mtn We 0.00 5199.75 5150.00 49.75 21.56 170-1 0.00 4974.94 4797.00 177.94 77.11 180-1 FH @ WWTP 18.25 4974.91 4800.00 174.91 75.79 190-1 8.00 4973.10 4822.00 151.10 65.48 200-1 8.00 4972.60 4866.00 106.60 46.19 210-1 FH 8.00 4972.66 4826.00 146.66 63.55 220-1 8.00 4972.32 4828.00 144.32 62.54 230-1 FH 8.00 4972.09 4830.00 142.09 61.57 240-1 FH 8.00 4972.76 4821. 00 151.76 65.76 250-1 FH 8.00 4972.26 4828.00 144.26 62.51 260-1 FH 86.75 4972.09 4833.00 139.09 60.27 270-1 8.00 4972.09 4832.00 140.09 60.71 280-1 FH 8.00 4972.79 4818.00 154.79 67.07 290-1 8.00 4972.63 4821. 00 151.63 65.71 300-1 8.00 4972.42 4822.00 150.42 65.18 310-1 FH 13.00 4972.14 4830.00 142.14 61.59 320-1 8.00 4972.82 4820.00 152.82 66.22 330-1 8.00 4972.19 4827.00 145.19 62.91 340-1 8.00 4972.19 4831. 00 141.19 61.18 350-1 FH 8.00 4972.83 4820.00 152.83 66.23 360-1 8.00 4972.67 4821. 00 151.67 65.72 370-1 FH 8.00 4972.47 4824.00 148.47 64.34 380-1 8.00 4969.48 4854.00 115.48 50.04 390-1 FH 8.00 4973.46 4822.00 151.46 65.63 400-1 FH 8.00 4972.20 4827.33 144.87 62.78 410-1 8.00 4971.99 4827.25 144.74 62.72 420-1 8.00 4971.78 4827.18 144.60 62.66 430-1 8.00 4971.56 4827.07 144.49 62.61 440-1 8.00 4971.41 4835.05 136.36 59.09 450-1 FH 8.00 4970.75 4843.03 127.72 55.34 460-1 FH 8.00 4969.98 4849.77 120.21 52.09 470-1 16.00 4969.17 4849.58 119.59 51. 82 480-1 FH 8.00 4968.42 4860.88 107.54 46.60 490-1 FH 8.00 4972.92 4824.00 148.92 64.53 500-1 FH 8.00 4972.80 4829.00 143.80 62.31 510-1 8.00 4974.28 4823.00 151.28 65.55 520-1 FH 8.00 4974". 24 4818.00 156.24 67.71 530-1 FH 8.00 4975.12 4815.00 160.12 69.38 540-1 FH 8.00 4975.19 4818.00 157.19 68.12 550-1 FH 8.00 4972.87 4824.00 148.87 64.51 560-1 FH 8.00 4975.13 4822.00 153.13 66.35 570-1 FH 8.00 4972.80 4837.00 135.80 58.85 580-1 8.00 4972.84 4837.00 135.84 58.86 590-1 FH 8.00 4974.55 4837.00 137.55 59.61 600-1 8.00 4974.76 4812.00 162.76 70.53 610-1 8.00 4976.44 4815.00 161.44 69.96 620-1 FH 8.00 4975.65 4816.00 159.65 69.18 630-1 8.00 4976.41 4819.00 157.41 68.21 640-1 FH 8.00 4976.39 4826.00 150.39 65.17 650-1 12.25 4976.45 4839.00 137.45 59.56 660-1 FH 8.00 4976.57 4862.00 114.57 49.65 670-1 8.00 4974.08 4863.00 111.08 48.14 680-1 FH 8.00 4974.08 4880.00 94.08 40.77 690-1 8.00 4974.12 4885.00 89.12 38.62 700-1 FH 8.00 4972.76 4843.00 129.76 56.23 710-1 8.00 4972.70 4850.00 122.70 53.17 720-1 8.00 4972.69 4839.00 133.69 57.93 730-1 8.00 4972.59 4834.00 138.59 60.06 740-1 FH 8.00 4972.. 60 4844.00 128.60 55.73 750-1 8.00 4972.43 4838.87 133.56 57.88 760-1 FH 8.00 4972.24 4850.36 121.88 52.81 765-1 8.00 4972.06 4838.80 133.26 57.74 770-1 8.00 4972.07 4844.50 127.57 55.28 775-1 8.00 4971.86 4838.70 133.16 57.70 780-1 FH 8.00 4971.86 4838.65 133.21 57.73 790-1 8.00 4971.85 4847.80 124.05 53.76 800-1 FH 8.00 4972.56 4838.85 133.71 57.94 820-1 8.00 4972.55 4850.34 122.21 52.96 830-1 FH L3. 75 4972.55 4838.75 133.80 57.98 840-1 8.00 4972.55 4844.50 128.05 55.49 850-1 FH 8.00 4972.56 4850.22 122.34 53.02 860-1 FH 8.00 4972.99 4880.00 92.99 40.30 870-1 8.00 4975.41 4893.00 82.41 35.71 880-1 8.00 4975.32 4900.00 75.32 32.64 890-1 8.00 4975.26 4902.00 73.26 31. 75 900-1 FH 8.00 4975.35 4900.00 75.35 32.65 910-1 8.00 4975.27 4892.00 83.27 36.09 920-1 8.00 4975.91 4895.00 80.91 35.06 930-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4977.99 4930.00 47.99 20.80 940-1 8.00 4974.49 4867.00 107.49 46.58 950-1 8.00 5070.52 4904.50 166.02 71. 94 960-1 FH 8.00 4973·_53 4862.00 111.53 48.33 970-1 8.00 5070.52 4883.50 187.02 81.04 980-1 FH 8.00 5070.52 4896.00 174.52 75.63 990-1 FH 8.00 5070.54 4873.00 197.54 85.60 1000-1 52.25 4968.. 64 4861. 20 107.44 46.56 1010-1 FH 52.25 4968.61 4849.66 118.95 51.54 1020-1 8.00 4969.22 4849.77 119.45 51.76 1030-1 FH 8.00 4970.05 4849.88 120.17 52.07 1040-1 FH 8.00 4970.98 4856.96 114.02 49.41 1050-1 FH 8.00 4972.66 4866.32 106.34 46.08 1060-1 FH 8.00 4971.73 4861.64 110.09 47.71 1070-1 8.00 4971. 46 4861.64 109.82 47.59 1080-1 FH 8.00 4970.06 4861. 46 108.60 47.06 1090-1 FH 8.00 4969.11 4861. 39 107.72 46.68 1100-1 115.00 4972.35 4862.34 110.02 47.67 1110-1 CEMETARY TAN 0.00 4977.99 4960.00 17.99 7.80 1120-1 FH 12.25 4977.67 4888.00 89.67 38.86 1130-1 27.25 4976.56 4862.00 114.56 49.64 1140-1 FH 18.75 4976.68 4842.00 134.68 58.36 1150-1 8.00 4976.56 4825.00 151. 56 65.68 1160-1 8.00 4976.57 4818.00 158.57 68.71 1170-1 8.00 4976.57 4814.00 162.57 70.45 1180-1 FH 8.00 4976.58 4814.00 162.58 70.45 1190-1 8.00 4976.58 4818.00 158.58 68.72 1200-1 FH 8.00 4976.58 4825.00 151. 58 65.68 1210-1 FH 19.50 4976.87 4812.00 164.87 71.44 1220-1 FH 8.00 4976.87 4815.00 161. 87 70.14 1230-1 FH 8.00 4976·. 88 4826.00 150.88 65.38 1240-1 FH 8.00 4976.91 4837.00 139.91 60.63 1250-1 FH 8.00 4977.16 4842.00 135.16 58.57 1260-1 FH 12.25 4977.08 4862.00 115.08 49.87 1270-1 FH 8.00 4977.17 4860.00 117.17 50.77 1280-1 FH 8.00 4977.28 4860.00 117.28 50.82 1290-1 FH 8.00 4977.26 4870.00 107.26 46.48 1300-1 FH 8.00 4977.53 4885.00 92.53 40.10 1310-1 8.00 4977.25 4876.00 101. 25 43.88 1320-1 8.00 4977.38 4875.00 102.38 44.36 1330-1 FH 8.00 4977.45 4884.00 93.45 40.50 1340-1 8.00 4977.46 4886.00 91.46 39.63 1350-1 FH 8.00 4977.47 4893.00 84.47 36.60 1360-1 8.00 4977.46 4895.00 82.46 35.73 1370-1 8.00 4977.51 4890.00 87.51 37.92 1380-1 8.00 4977.50 4896.00 81. 50 35.31 1390-1 8.00 4977.48 4904.00 73.48 31.84 1400-1 8.00 4977.59 4895.00 82.59 35.79 1410-1 8.00 4977.55 4900.00 77.55 33.60 1420-1 FH 8.00 4977.54 4906.00 71. 54 31.00 1430-1 FH 8.00 4977.28 4846.00 131. 28 56.89 1440-1 8.00 4977.24 4840.00 137.24 59.47 1450-1 FH 15.25 4977.. 17 4796.00 181.1 7 78.51 1460-1 FH 8.00 4977.16 4795.00 182.16 78.94 1470-1 FH 8.00 4977.20 4795.00 182.20 78.95 1480-1 17.50 4977.24 4800.00 177.24 76.80 1490-1 FH 8.00 4977.26 4808.00 169.26 73.35 1500-1 8.00 4977.23 4802.00 175.23 75.93 1510-1 FH 8.00 4977.16 4800.00 177.16 76.77 1520-1 FH 8.00 4977.16 4800.00 177.16 76.77 1530-1 FH 8.00 4977.16 4820.00 157.16 68.10 1540-1 FH 8.00 4977.15 4818.00 159.15 68.97 1550-1 FH 8.00 4977.15 4836.00 141.15 61.16 1560-1 8.00 4977.13 4822.00 155.13 67.22 1570-1 FH 8.00 4977.13 4860.00 117.13 50.76 1580-1 8.00 4977.14 4830.00 147.14 63.76 1590-1 FH 17.50 4977.14 4837.00 140.14 60.73 1600-1 FH 8.00 4977.14 4840.00 137.14 59.43 1610-1 FH 8.00 4977.14 4832.00 145.14 62.90 1620-1 FH 8.00 4977.16 4826.00 151.16 65.50 1630-1 FH 8.00 4977.39 4798.00 179.39 77.74 1640-1 8.00 4977.67 4798.00 179.67 77.86 1650-1 FH 8.00 4977.79 4800.00 177.79 77.04 1655-1 WTP 7.00 4977.91 4800.00 177.91 77.09 1670-1 19.25 4977.59 4800.00 177.59 76.96 1680-1 8.00 4977.51 4810.00 167.51 72.59 1690-1 FH 8.00 4977.51 4800.00 177.51 76.92 1700-1 FH 8.00 4977.44 4812.00 165.44 71. 69 1710-1 8.00 4976.64 4810.00 166.64 72.21 1720-1 39.50 4976.71 4808.00 168.71 73.11 1730-1 8.00 4976.91 4805.00 171.91 74.49 1740-1 FH 8.00 4976.90 4805.00 171.90 74.49 1750-1 30.75 4976.99 4804.00 172.99 74.96 1760-1 35.75 4975.86 4798.00 177.86 77.07 1780-1 8.00 4976.63 4812.00 164.63 71.34 1790-1 12.75 4974.47 4808.00 166.47 72.14 1800-1 FH 8.00 4977.80 4815.00 162.80 70.55 1810-1 FH 8.00 4977.81 4830.00 147. 81 64.05 1820-1 8.00 4977.81 4835.00 142.81 61. 88 1830-1 FH 8.00 4977.82 4845.00 132.82 57.55 1840-1 8.00 4977.85 4845.00 132.85 57.57 1850-1 FH 8.00 4977.80 4850.00 127.80 55.38 1860-1 FH 8.00 4977.81 4838.00 139.81 60.59 1870-1 8.00 5176.93 4840.00 336.93 146.00 1880-1 FH 8.00 5176.93 4864.00 312.93 135.60 1890-1 FH 8.00 5176.93 4840.00 336.93 146.00 1900-1 FH 8.00 5176.59 4880.00 296.59 128.52 1910-1 421. 25 5175.86 4840.00 335.86 145.54 1920-1 FH 8.00 5177.22 4885.00 292.22 126.63 1930-1 0.00 5177.64 4900.00 277.64 120.31 1940-1 8.00 5177.74 4900.00 277.74 120.35 1950-1 FH 8.00 5177.62 4890.00 287.62 124.63 1960-1 8.00 51 77·. 62 4890.00 287.62 124.64 1970-1 8.00 5177.56 4890.00 287.56 124.61 1980-1 FH 8.00 5177.41 4880.00 297.41 128.88 1990-1 8.00 5177.22 4860.00 317.22 137.46 2000-1 FH 8.00 5177.54 4878.00 299.54 129.80 2010-1 FH 8.00 5177.56 4900.00 277.56 120.27 2020-1 8.00 5178.31 4859.00 319.31 138.37 2030-1 FH 8.00 4977.91 4849.00 128.91 55.86 2040-1 8.00 5178.97 4890.00 288.97 125.22 2050-1 FH 8.00 5178.97 4900.00 278.97 120.89 2060-1 FH 14.50 5179.50 4903.00 276.50 119.82 2070-1 8.00 4977.93 4839.00 138.93 60.20 2080-1 FH 8.00 4978.06 4848.00 130.06 56.36 2090-1 44.50 4977.99 4862.00 115.99 50.26 2100-1 8.00 4978.16 4841.00 137.16 59.43 2110-1 8.00 4977.93 4837.00 140.93 61. 07 2120-1 8.00 4977.86 4830.00 147.86 64.07 2130-1 FH 30.75 4977.85 4822.00 155.85 67.54 2140-1 0.00 4978.80 4868.00 110.80 48.01 2150-1 FH 13.00 4977.43 4837.00 140.43 60.85 2160-1 8.00 4977.37 4827.00 150.37 65.16 2165-1 4.00 4977.37 4820.00 157.37 68.19 2170-1 FH 8.00 4977.39 4839.00 138.39 59.97 2180-1 36.50 4977.33 4823.00 154.33 66.87 2190-1 FH 8.00 4977.31 4821.00 156.31 67.74 2200-1 FH 8.00 4977.30 4812.00 165.30 71. 63 2210-1 8.00 4977.30 4811. 00 166.30 72.06 2220-1 FH 8.00 4977·. 25 4810.00 167.25 72.47 2230-1 8.00 4977.23 4806.00 171. 23 74.20 2240-1 FH 8.00 4977.24 4817.00 160.24 69.44 2250-1 8.00 4977.24 4817.00 160.24 69.44 2260-1 FH 8.00 4977.25 4817.00 160.25 69.44 2270-1 8.00 4977.22 4801. 00 176.22 76.36 2280-1 FH 8.00 4977.22 4803.00 174.22 75.49 2290-1 FH 8.00 4977.22 4803.00 174.22 75.49 2300-1 FH 8.00 4977.21 4798.00 179.21 77.66 2310-1 8.00 4977.21 4798.00 179.21 77.66 2320-1 29.00 4977.28 4818.00 159.28 69.02 2330-1 24.50 4977.28 4820.00 157.28 68.16 2340-1 8.00 4977.31 4819.00 158.31 68.60 2350-1 8.00 4977.47 4823.00 154.47 66.94 2360-1 FH 8.00 4977.99 4826.00 151. 99 65.86 2370-1 8.00 4977.99 4826.00 151. 99 65.86 2390-1 8.00 4978.99 4830.00 148.99 64.56 2400-1 8.00 4980.32 4835.00 145.32 62.97 2410-1 8.00 4980.40 4840.00 140.40 60.84 2420-1 FH 8.00 4978.99 4838.00 140.99 61.10 2430-1 8.00 4978.00 4832.00 146.00 63.27 2440-1 22.00 4977.40 4828.00 149.40 64.74 2450-1 8.00 4977.31 4825.00 152.31 66.00 2460-1 8.00 4977°. 31 4821. 00 156.31 67.73 2470-1 FH 8.00 4977.31 4824.00 153.31 66.43 2480-1 18.00 4980.71 4839.00 141.71 61.41 2490-1 FH 8.00 4966.60 4871.00 95.60 41.43 2500-1 8.00 4965.47 4879.00 86.47 37.47 2510-1 8.00 5071. 38 4880.00 191. 38 82.93 2520-1 8.00 5069.93 4912.00 157.93 68.44 2530-1 8.00 5069.23 4920.00 149.23 64.67 2540-1 FH 8.00 5069.93 4940.00 129.93 56.30 2550-1 CLEARFILED T 0.00 5067.02 5051.00 16.02 6.94 2570-1 CLEARFILED p 0.00 5069.14 4910.00 159.14 68.96 2580-1 FH 8.00 5066.91 4900.00 166.91 72.33 2590-1 FH 8.00 5066.77 4896.00 170.77 74.00 2600-1 FH 10.75 5066.66 4870.00 196.66 85.22 2610-1 FH 8.00 5066.66 4878.00 188.66 81.75 2620-1 23.25 5066.65 4874.00 192.65 83.48 2630-1 FH 8.00 5066.65 4880.00 186.65 80.88 2640-1 19.25 4966.56 4869.00 97.56 42.28 2650-1 8.00 5066.55 4898.00 168.55 73.04 2660-1 FH 8.00 5066.52 4889.00 177.52 76.93 2670-1 8.00 5066.51 4883.00 183.51 79.52 2680-1 8.00 5066.52 4920.00 146.52 63.49 2690-1 8.00 5066·. 50 4911. 00 155.50 67.38 2700-1 FH 8.00 5066.49 4930.00 136.49 59.15 2710-1 FH 8.00 5066.50 4920.00 146.50 63.48 2720-1 FH 18.75 4966.56 4869.00 97.56 42.28 2730-1 8.00 5066.50 4912.00 154.50 66.95 2740-1 FH 8.00 5066.48 4905.00 161.48 69.98 2750-1 FH 8.00 5066.48 4985.00 81.48 35.31 2760-1 8.00 5066.45 4875.00 191.45 82.96 2770-1 FH 17.00 5066.45 4880.00 186.45 80.80 2780-1 14.00 5066.45 4864.00 202.45 87.73 2790-1 FH 8.00 4969.28 4862.00 107.28 46.49 2800-1 FH 8.00 4966.57 4867.00 99.57 43.15 2810-1 FH 8.00 4966.56 4876.00 90.56 39.24 2820-1 8.00 4966.56 4868.00 98.56 42.71 2830-1 FH 8.00 4966.58 4884.00 82.58 35.78 2840-1 FH 8.00 5070.71 4920.00 150.71 65.31 2845-1 0.00 5071.33 4885.00 186.33 80.74 2850-1 0.00 4979.05 4880.00 99.05 42.92 2860-1 FH 8.00 4975.70 4806.00 169.70 73.54 2870-1 54.00 4975.61 4802.00 173.61 75.23 2880-1 FH 8.00 4975.67 4799.00 176.67 76.56 2890-1 5.50 5180.82 4935.00 245.82 106.52 2900-1 5.50 5180.82 4935.00 245.82 106.52 2910-1 5.50 5180.81 4850.00 330.81 143.35 2930-1 0.00 5070.59 4940.00 130.59 56.59 2940-1 85.50 5070.57 4945.00 125.57 54.41 2960-1 31.25 4977.08 4900.00 77.08 33.40 2970-1 45.50 4977-. 34 4840.00 137.34 59.51 3000-1 0.00 4977.31 4860.00 117.31 50.83 3010-1 12.75 4977.09 4860.00 117.09 50.74 3020-1 57.00 5094.38 4845.00 249.38 108.06 3040-1 88.25 5094.37 4960.00 134.37 58.23 3060-1 57.00 5094.44 4858.00 236.44 102.46 3080-1 64.25 5094.82 4875.00 219.82 95.26 3110-1 34.25 5095.23 4800.00 295.23 127.93 3130-1 125.50 5094.44 4930.00 164.44 71.26 3140-1 114.00 5094.55 4936.00 158.55 68.70 3150-1 68.50 5094.80 4927.00 167.80 72.71 3160-1 51.25 5094.88 4863.00 231.88 100.48 3180-1 24.25 5094.37 4940.00 154.37 66.89 3200-1 42.75 5096.82 4820.00 276.82 119.95 3210-1 68.50 5095.57 4805.00 290.57 125.91 3220-1 37.00 5094.57 4924.00 170.57 73.91 3230-1 15.75 5095.68 4844.00 251. 68 109.06 3240-1 11.50 5184.70 4805.00 379.70 164.54 3250-1 0.00 5184.96 4997.00 187.96 81.45 3260-1 14.25 5180.82 4917.00 263.82 114.32 3290-1 12.82 5185:88 4877.00 308.88 133.85 3310-1 21. 38 5186.20 5037.00 149.20 64.65 3320-1 15.75 5185.50 4890.00 295.50 128.05 3330-1 18.50 5184·. 48 5011.00 173.48 75.17 3340-1 27.00 5185.23 4897.00 288.23 124.90 3350-1 1. 50 5187.32 5070.00 117.32 50.84 3360-1 7.25 5185.82 5050.00 135.82 58.85 3370-1 10.00 5186.72 5065.00 121.72 52.75 3380-1 0.00 5186.14 4900.00 286.14 123.99 3390-1 89.80 5186.12 4920.00 266.12 115.32 3400-1 5.75 5187.32 5043.00 144.32 62.54 3410-1 6.38 5186.72 4883.00 303.72 131.61 3420-1 158.25 4974.18 4810.00 164.18 71.15 3430-1 85.50 4974.06 4810.00 164.06 71.09 3440-1 0.00 4973.20 4810.00 163.20 70.72 3450-1 142.50 4974.16 4810.00 164.16 71.14 3460-1 0.00 4972.04 4830.00 142.04 61.55 3470-1 585.75 4969.47 4840.00 129.47 56.11 3480-1 327.75 5064.08 4900.00 164.08 71.10 3490-1 20.00 5063.93 4940.00 123.93 53.70 3500-1 15.75 5063.93 4935.00 128.93 55.87 3510-1 10.00 5063.54 4997.00 66.54 28.84 3520-1 10.00 5063.18 4953.00 110.18 47.75 3S30-l 37.00 S062.88 4917.00 14S.88 63.22 3S40-l 296.SO S062.04 4868.00 194.04 84.08 3SSO-l 0.00 4972.91 4820.00 1S2.91 66.26 3S70-l 20.00 S062.31 4960.00 102.31 44.33 3S80-l 10.7S S062.17 488S.OO 177.17 76.77 3610-1 10.00 4974.S9 4807.00 167.S9 72.62 3620-1 0.00 4974.lS 4810.00 164.lS 71.13 3630-1 18.SO 4976·. S4 479S.OO 181. S4 78.67 36S0-1 2S.7S S062.18 4970.00 92.18 39.9S 3660-1 22.7S S062.17 4844.00 218.17 94.S4 3670-1 1S.7S 4977.22 478S.OO 192.22 83.30 3680-1 12.7S S062.17 4899.00 163.17 70.71 3690-1 11.SO S062.17 4907.00 lSS.17 67.24 3710-1 20.00 4977.lS 48S9.00 118.lS Sl. 20 3720-1 20.00 S186.89 S068.00 118.89 Sl.S2 3730-1 18.SO S187.28 S009.00 178.28 77.2S 3740-1 7.2S S187.28 SOSS.00 132.28 S7.32 37S0-1 18.SO 4978.00 4823.00 lSS.00 67.17 3760-1 17.00 S18S.77 48S3.00 332.77 144.20 3770-1 20.00 S186.1S 4938.00 248.lS 107.S3 3790-1 10.00 S18S.8S S066.00 119.8S Sl. 93 3800-1 10.00 S18S.8S 4901.00 284.8S 123.44 3810-1 10.00 S186.02 S020.00 166.02 71.94 3820-1 8.SO S194.42 S000.00 194.42 84.2S 3830-1 23S.10 S167.83 S060.00 107.83 46.73 3860-1 320.7S 497S.38 4800.00 17S.38 76.00 3870-1 327.7S 497S.74 4807.00 168.74 73.12 3890-1 0.00 S187.30 Sl00.00 87.30 37.83 3900-1 0.00 S180.82 4800.00 380.82 16S.02 3910-1 3.80 4 977.. 22 4881.00 96.22 41. 70 3920-1 3.80 S062.17 4860.00 202.17 87.61 3940-1 0.00 S186.89 4860.00 326.89 141. 6S 39S0-1 0.00 S18S.61 4860.00 325.61 141.10 3960-1 0.00 S18S.8S 4860.00 325.8S 141.20 3970-1 0.00 S18S.88 4860.00 325.88 141. 21 3980-1 0.00 4977.34 4860.00 117.34 S0.8S 3990-1 0.00 4977.08 4860.00 117.08 S0.74 4000-1 0.00 4973:10 4860.00 113.10 49.01 4010-1 10.7S 4976.S4 4860.00 116.S4 4020-1 0.00 4977.22 4860.00 117.22 S0.80 4030-1 6.38 4977.12 4883.00 94.12 40.79 40S0-1 0.00 S187.29 4990.00 197.29 85.49 4070-1 0.00 S104.22 SOOS.CO 99.22 42.99 4090-1 0.00 S094.38 4860.00 234.38 101.S6 4100-1 0.00 S186.72 4883.00 303.72 131.61 4120-1 62.7S 5094.46 5000.00 94.46 40.93 4130-1 0.00 5094.81 S000.00 94.81 41.08 4140-1 0.00 S094.9S S070.00 24.9S 10.81 41S0-1 0.00 S094.81 S040.00 54.81 23.7S 4160-1 0.00 S188.63 Sl00.00 88.63 38.41 4170-1 0.00 S191. 21 S170.00 21.21 9.19 S130-1 3.80 S18S.8S 4860.00 325.8S 141.20

R E G U L A T I N G VALVE R E P 0 R T rlliVE POSITION CONTROLLED VALVE VALVE UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM THROUGH TYPE NODE PIPE SETTING STATUS GRADE GRADE FLOW (ft or gpm) (ft) (ft) (gpm) ------PRV-1 125 145 4980.00 THROTTLED 5138.29 4979.97 1130.47 CV-2 10 20 1390.00 THROTTLED 5205.48 -8.08 1390.00 RV-1 2570 3440 5067.00 THROTTLED 5069.14 5066.91 185.00 PRV-1 3950 5340 4980.00 THROTTLED 5185.61 4978.00 448.78 RV-1 4090 5660 4960.00 CLOSED 5094.38 4977.08 0.00 RV-1 4100 5690 4960.00 CLOSED 5186.72 4977.12 0.00

~UMMARY 0 F I N F L 0 W S AND 0 U T F L 0 W S


PIPE FLOWRATE NUMBER (gpm) ------10 2465.67 70 366.38 205 1985.29 1580 2511.98 3420 -238.06 3870 848.23 5760 223.25 5790 985.34 1'.fET SYSTEM INFLOW = 9386.15 NET SYSTEM OUTFLOW -238.06 ET SYSTEM DEMAND = 7758.10


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Fire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ·------1810 8.0 64.l 1 1008.0 3000.0 49.5 23.3 2060 1820 8.0 62.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 45.2 23.0 2060 1830 8.0 57.6 1 1008.0 2858.2 20.0 23.4 2060 1840 8.0 57.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.0 21. 4 2060 1850 8.0 55.5 1 10C3.0 1776.0 20.0 28.2 2060 1860 8.0 60.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 41. 6 22.7 2060 1870 8.0 59.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.0 17.5 2060 1880 8.0 49.4 1 1008.0 1662.8 20.0 26.7 2060 1890 8.0 59.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.7 16.3 1930 1900 8.0 42.5 1 1008.0 2728.1 20.0 17.7 1930 1910 8.0 59.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 21. 2 14.9 1930 1920 8.0 40.3 1 1008.0 2251. 6 20.0 19.8 1930 1930 0.0 33.8 1 1000.0 2036.2 20.0 20.5 1940 1940 8.0 33.8 1 1008.0 2026.2 20.0 20.6 1930 1950 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2319.4 20.0 17.7 1930 1960 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2367.4 20.0 17.5 1940 1970 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2387.1 20.0 15.7 2010 "'80 8.0 42.4 1 1008.0 1637.1 20.0 25.6 2060 .. 90 8.0 51.1 1 1008.0 3000.0 29.5 14.7 2010 2000 8.0 43.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 20.8 12.2 2010 2010 8.0 33.8 1 1008.0 1238.9 20.0 28.0 2060 2020 8.0 51. 6 1 1008.0 3000.0 32.1 14.9 2060 2030 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.6 22.4 2060 2040 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2102.3 20.0 15.7 2050 2050 8.0 33.8 1 1008.0 927.0* 20.0 28.5 2060 2060 14.5 32.5 1 1014.5 1640.5 20.0 23.8 2050 2850 0.0 127.9 5 1000.0 1369.7 33.8 10.0 2900 2890 5.5 104.1 5 1005.5 1202.6 20.0 20.0 2900 2900 5.5 104.1 5 1005.5 1170.1 20.0 23.6 2890 2910 5.5 140.9 5 1005.5 1104.6 20.0 27.6 2900 l>



City of Douglas The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 Project No.

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Fire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------1810 8.0 76.5 1 1008.0 3000.0 58.3 30.9 1420 1820 8.0 74.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 55 .4 30.9 1420 1830 8.0 70.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 25.7 30.9 1420 1840 8.0 70.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 49. 2 30.9 1420 1850 8.0 67.8 1 1008.0 1934.4 20.0 31.1 1420 1860 8.0 73.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 54.5 30.9 1420 1870 8.0 72.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 52.6 30.3 2010 1880 8.0 61. 8 1 1008.0 1846.4 20.0 31.1 1420 1890 8.0 72.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 52.3 29.4 2010 1900 8.0 54.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 28.3 28.7 1930 1910 8.0 72.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 33.6 28.3 1900 1920 8.0 52.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 20.9 26.2 1930 1930 0.0 46.2 1 1000.0 3000.0 23.1 24.5 1940 1940 8.0 46 .2 1 1008.0 3000.0 23.5 24.2 1930 1950 8.0 50.5 1 1008.0 3000.0 25.5 24.9 1930 1960 8.0 50.5 1 1008.0 3000.0 26.3 25.6 1930 1970 8.0 50.5 1 1008.0 3000.0 25.0 20.7 2010 80 8.0 54.8 1 1008.0 1944.3 20.0 31.1 1420 .d90 8.0 63.5 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.1 27.9 2010 2000 8.0 55.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 34.1 25.7 2010 2010 8.0 46.2 1 1008.0 1527.1 20.0 31.1 1420 2020 8.0 64.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 45.2 31. 0 1420 2030 8.0 68.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 51. 8 31. 0 1420 2040 8.0 50.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 26.5 22.1 2050 2050 8.0 46.3 1 1008.0 1224.4 20.0 31. 2 1420 2060 14.5 45.0 1 1014.5 3000.0 29.0 31. 0 2050 2070 8.0 72.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 57.1 31.0 1420 2080 8.0 68.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 49.7 31. 0 1420 2090 44.5 62.6 1 1044.5 1789.7 20.0 31.1 1420 Project No.

THE Checked: _____ SEAR-BROWN Sheet __ of ___ GROUP ~--~------~ ~------~

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;;z.~, /0 J l lcl ..:r- I c '60 · 8 Project: ------Project No. By: ______THE Checked: ------SEAR-BROWN Sheet ___ of ___ GROUP Date:------

Gv~>A_ t.P~~ ~ ck..c..~ 1 ~ f:'K- -Y~~~ 6_,~ G...hev0e- ~ G:.~ ~0~~ 6~ /ooa jPy\A..J _ w:+t-v

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~ -Cw e;, IS- - 4' ~s fu)-e..::lAj lz. J ~ p~ A ¢ G Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 12-02-1998 Description: Riverbend w/ PRV & Max Day D~~wing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\RIVER

Fire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) ( gpm) ( gpm) (psi) (psi)

1810 8.0 64.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 49.8 30.6 1420 1820 8.0 62.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 45.6 30.6 1420 1830 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 2873.7 20.0 30.6 1420 1840 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.5 30.6 1420 1850 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 1782.7 20.0 30.8 1420 1860 8.0 60.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.0 30.6 1420 1870 8.0 86.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 47.3 24.5 2010 1880 8.0 76.2 1 1008.0 1782.l 20.0 30.9 1420 1890 8.0 86.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 46.7 23.5 2010 1900 8.0 69.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 22.5 22.5 1930 1910 8.0 86.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 27.7 22.5 1900 1920 8.0 67.1 1 1008.0 2656.5 20.0 22.8 1930 1930 0.0 60.6 1 1000.0 2662.3 20.0 21. l 1940 1940 8.0 60.6 1 1008.0 2684.4 20.0 20.7 1930 1950 8.0 64.9 1 1008.0 2900.8 20.0 19.0 1930 1960 8.0 64.9 1 1008.0 2965.2 20.0 19.0 1930 1970 8.0 64.9 1 1008.0 2903.6 20.0 15.7 2010 '80 8.0 69.3 1 1008.0 1816.9 20.0 29.6 2010 _ _;90 8.0 77.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 36.2 21. 8 2010 2000 8.0 70.1 1 1008.0 3000.0 28.0 19.6 2010 2010 8.0 60.6 1 1008.0 1421. 2 20.0 30.9 1420 2020 8.0 78.4 1 1008.0 3000.0 39.1 25.1 2050 2030 8.0 56.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.9 30.6 1420 2040 8.0 65.0 1 1008.0 2898.9 20.0 15.7 2050 2050 8.0 60.6 1 1008.0 1176.8 20.0 31. 0 1420 5 2060 14.5 59.3 1 1014.5 2799.6 20.0 23.1 2050 3 2850 0.0 127.8 5 1000.0 1454.0 33.8 10.0 2900 : ~2890 5.5 103.9 5 1005.5 1156.2 20.0 20.0 2900 ~ 2900 5 J 5.5 103.9 1005.5 1127.9 20.0 23.3 2890 .- 2910 5.5 140.7 5 1005.5 1080.8 20.0 25.8 2900

' _L ~ rl_.A._:v\...v'\..._,\ ~ ~U

~~ ~-l +o-r 504~ ~. 2 5 7-(/) 27-S(/J . ()(\__, p~~~ $

I 0 II .o,i)-e__. ;.;l t,6 Ld:j> Lb f I Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 13-02-1998 Jescription: Riverbend w/ pipe 2795 & all pumps w/o PRV .J..,..-::i.wing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\RIVER

Fire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------1810 8.0 64.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 49.8 30.6 1420 1820 8.0 62.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 45.6 30.6 1420 1830 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 2873.7 20.0 30.6 1420 1840 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.5 30.6 1420 1850 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 1782.7 20.0 30.8 1420 1860 8.0 60.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.0 30.6 1420 1870 8.0 145.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 47. 3 24.5 2010 1880 8.0 134.6 1 1008.0 1782.1 20.0 30.9 1420 1890 8.0 145.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 46.7 23.5 2010 1900 8.0 127.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 22.5 22.5 1930 1910 8.0 145.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 27.7 22.5 1900 1920 8.0 125.5 1 1008.0 2656.5 20.0 22.8 1930 1930 0.0 119.0 1 1000.0 2662.3 20.0 21.1 1940 1940 8.0 119.0 1 1008.0 2684.5 20.0 20.7 1930 1950 8.0 123.3 1 1008.0 2900.8 20.0 19.0 1930 1960 8.0 123.3 1 1008.0 2965.2 20.0 19.0 1930 1970 8.0 123.3 1 1008.0 2903.6 20.0 15.7 2010 80 8.0 127.7 1 1008.0 1816.9 20.0 29.6 2010 _ _,90 8.0 136.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 36.2 21.8 2010 2000 8.0 128.5 1 1008.0 3000.0 28.0 19.6 2010 2010 8.0 119.0 1 1008.0 1421.2 20.0 30.9 1420 2020 8.0 136.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 39.1 25.1 2050 2030 8.0 56.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.9 30.6 1420 ~840 8.0 123.4 1 1008.0 2898.9 20.0 15.7 2050 :~050 8.0 119.0 1 1008.0 1176.8 20.0 31.0 1420 :; 1J60 14.5 117.7 1 1014.5 2799.6 20.0 23.1 2050 2850 0.0 127.8 5 1000.0 2344.9 33.8 10.0 2900 ~890 5.5 103.9 5 1005.5 1156.2 20.0 20.0 2900 2900 5.5 103.9 5 1005.5 1127.9 20.0 23.3 2890 2910 5.5 140. 7 5 1005.5 1080.8 20.0 25.8 2900 Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 13-02-1998 Description: Riverbend w/ pipe 2795 & two pumps w/o PRV Dr~wing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\RIVER

Fire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) ( gprn) ( gprn) (psi) (psi) ------1810 8.0 64.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 49.8 30.6 1420 1820 8.0 62.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 45.6 30.6 1420 1830 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 2873.7 20.0 30.6 1420 1840 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.5 30.6 1420 1850 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 1782.7 20.0 30.8 1420 1860 8.0 60.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.0 30.6 1420 1870 8.0 144.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 47.0 24.2 2010 1880 8.0 134.5 1 1008.0 1774.2 20.0 30.9 1420 1890 8.0 144.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 46.4 23.1 2010 1900 8.0 127.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 22.2 22.2 1930 1910 8.0 144.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 27.4 22.2 1930 1920 8.0 125.4 1 1008.0 2637.1 20.0 22.7 1930 1930 0.0 118.9 1 1000.0 2632.8 20.0 21.1 1940 1940 8.0 118.9 1 1008.0 2654.7 20.0 20.6 1930 :1_950 8.0 123.3 1 1008.0 2874.1 20.0 18.9 1930 1960 8.0 123.3 1 1008.0 2937.3 20.0 19.0 1930 1970 8.0 123.2 1 1008.0 2877.7 20.0 15.7 2010 ..... 80 8.0 127.6 1 1008.0 1801.1 20.0 29.3 2010 _,,90 8.0 136.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 35.9 21.4 2010 2COO 8.0 128.4 1 1008.0 3000.0 27.7 19.2 2010 2010 8.0 118.9 1 1008.0 1408.2 20.0 30.9 1420 2020 8.0 136.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 38.8 24.6 2050 ~030 8.0 56.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.9 30.6 1420 2040 8.0 123.3 1 1008.0 2864.2 20.0 15.7 2050 . 050 8.0 118.9 1 1008.0 1102.9 20.0 31.0 1420 2060 14.5 117.7 1 1014.5 2737.2 20.0 23.1 2050 ~rn5o 0.0 127.7 5 1000.0 2279.9 33.8 10.0 2900 2890 5.5 103.8 5 1005.5 1067.9 20.0 20.0 2900 2900 5.5 103.8 5 1005.5 1041. 4 20.0 22.9 2890 2910 5.5 140.7 5 1005.5 1025.1 20.0 21.9 2900 Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 12-02-1998 Description: Riverbend w/o pipe z11s--· D""""~wing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\RIVER

Fire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------1810 8.0 64.1 1 1008.0 3000.0 49.5 23.3 2060 1820 8.0 62.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 45.2 23.0 2060 1830 8.0 57.6 1 1008.0 2858.2 20.0 23.4 2060 1840 8.0 57.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.0 21.4 2060 1850 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 1776.0 20.0 28.2 2060 1860 8.0 60.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 41. 6 22.7 2060 1870 8.0 59.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.0 17.5 2060 1880 8.0 49 .4 1 1008.0 1662.8 20.0 26.7 2060 1890 8.0 59.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.7 16.3 1930 1900 8.0 42.5 1 1008.0 2728.1 20.0 17.7 1930 1910 8.0 59.8 1 1008.0 3000.0 21. 2 14.9 1930 1920 8.0 40.3 1 1008.0 2251.6 20.0 19.8 1930 1930 0.0 33.8 1 1000.0 2036.2 20.0 20.5 1940 1940 8.0 33.8 1 1008.0 2026.2 20.0 20.6 1930 1950 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2319.4 20.0 17.7 1930 1960 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2367.4 20.0 17.5 1940 1970 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2387.1 20.0 15.7 2010 '80 8.0 42.4 1 1008.0 1637.l 20.0 25.6 2060 _.J90 8.0 51.1 1 1008.0 3000.0 29.5 14.7 2010 2000 8.0 43.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 20.8 12.2 2010 2010 8.0 33.8 1 1008.0 1238.9 20.0 28.0 2060 2020 8.0 51. 6 1 1008.0 3000.0 32.1 14.9 2060 2030 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.6 22.4 2060 2040 8.0 38.1 1 1008.0 2102.3 20.0 15.7 2050 2050 8.0 33.8 1 1008.0 927.0* 20.0 28.5 2060 2060 14.5 32.5 1 1014.5 1640.5 20.0 23.8 2050 t 2850 0.0 127.9 5 1000.0 1454.0 33.8 10.0 2900 ~ ..... 2890 5.5 104.1 5 1005.5 1291.2 20.0 20.0 2900 ~ ) 2900 5.5 104.1 5 1005.5 1257.0 20.0 24.1 2890 ~(2910 5.5 140.9 5 1005.5 1161.7 20.0 31.9 2900

Uy\_,. @_ w L-e-f3c ~ ftl\ F-Y'A-f ~ Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 12-02-1998 Description: Riverbend w/ PRV, Max Day, 2 WLEA pumps ! wing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\RIVER

Fire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------·------1810 8.0 64.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 49.8 30.6 1420 1820 8.0 62.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 45. 6 30.6 1420 1830 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 2873.7 20.0 30.6 1420 1840 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 40. 5 30.6 1420 1850 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 1782.7 20.0 30.8 1420 1860 8.0 60.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.0 30.6 1420 1870 8.0 86.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 47.0 24.2 2010 1880 8.0 76.2 1 1008.0 1774.2 20.0 30.9 1420 1890 8.0 86.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 46 .4 23.l 2010 1900 8.0 69.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 22.2 22.2 1930 1910 8.0 86.6 1 1008.0 3000.0 27.4 22.2 1930 1920 8.0 67.1 1 1008.0 2637.1 20.0 22.7 1930 1930 0.0 60.6 1 1000.0 2632.8 20.0 21.1 1940 1940 8.0 60.6 1 1008.0 2654.7 20.0 20.6 1930 1950 8.0 64.9 1 1008.0 2874.1 20.0 18.9 1930 1960 8.0 64.9 1 1008.0 2937.3 20.0 19.0 1930 -. 970 8.0 64.9 1 1008.0 2877.8 20.0 15.7 2010 80 8.0 69.3 1 1008.0 1801.1 20.0 29.3 2010 J.990 8.0 77.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 35.9 21. 4 2010 2000 8.0 70.1 1 1008.0 3000.0 27.7 19.2 2010 2010 8.0 60.6 1 1008.0 1408.2 20.0 30.9 1420 2020 8.0 78.4 1 1008.0 3000.0 38.8 24.6 2050 2030 8.0 56.0 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.9 30.6 1420 2040 8.0 65.0 1 1008.0 2864.2 20.0 15.7 2050 2050 8.0 60.6 1 1008.0 1102.9 20.0 31. 0 1420 2060 14.5 59.3 1 1014.5 2737.1 20.0 23.1 2050 2850 0.0 127.7 5 1000.0 1369.7 33.8 10.0 2900 28SO 5.5 103.8 5 1005.5 1067.9 20.0 20.0 2900 2900 5.5 103.8 5 1005.5 1041.4 20.0 22.9 2890 2910 5.5 140.7 5 1005.5 1025.1 20.0 21. 9 2900 70 ?.S (_ .t<~P

~ybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 02-12-1997 )escription: RIVER BEND - MAX DAY + FF (EXIST COND) .1..' ..... =twing: D:\677-003\DGLS-EXS

;-ire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------90 8.0 56.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 41. 8 15.0 950 1800 8.0 70.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 61. 8 14.4 950 1810 8.0 63.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 50.1 14.5 950 1830 8.0 57.2 1 1008.0 1849.5 40.0 14.7 950 1860 8.0 60.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 44.6 14.5 950 1880 8.0 48.9 1 1008.0 844.3* 40.0 14.9 950 1890 8.0 59.3 1 1008.0 3000.0 40.2 14.5 950 1900 8.0 42.0 1 1008.0 605.1* 40.0 14.9 950 1920 8.0 39.8 1 1008.0 0.0* 39.9 15.0 950 1950 8.0 37.7 1 1008.0 2278.8 20.0 14.6 950 1980 8.0 42.0 1 1008.0 388.2* 40.0 15.0 950 2000 8.0 42.9 1 1008.0 835.7* 40. 0 14.9 950 2030 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.7 14.5 950 2050 8.0 33.3 1 1008.0 0.0* 33.4 15.0 950 2060 14.5 32.0 1 1014.5 0.0* 32.1 15.0 950 2080 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 3000.0 42.8 14.5 950 2130 30.8 67.2 1 1030.8 2909.1 40.0 14.5 950 50 13.0 60.4 1 1013.0 2165.5 40. 0 14.7 950 .... .J.. 70 8.0 59.5 1 1008.0 1215.6 40.0 14.9 950 2210 8.0 71.6 1 1008.0 2351.8 40. 0 14.7 950 2240 8.0 69.0 1 1008.0 1468.8 40.0 14.8 950 2260 8.0 69.0 1 1008.0 1719.0 40. 0 14.8 950 2280 8.0 75.1 1 1008.0 1505.6 40.0 14.8 950 2290 8.0 75.1 1 1008.0 1572.5 40. 0 14.8 950 2300 8.0 77.2 1 1008.0 1392.5 40. 0 14.8 950 2360 8.0 65.2 1 1008.0 1314.1 40.0 14.9 950 2420 8.0 60.2 1 1008.0 1194.1 40.0 14.9 950 2440 22.0 64.2 1 1022.0 951. 2 * 40.0 14.9 950 5"0~ ~· ~p

2ybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 02-12-1997 )escription: RIVER BEND - MAX DAY + FF (EXIST COND) .) ...... 1.wing: D:\677-003\DGLS-EXS

?ire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gprn) ( gprn) (psi) (psi) ------90 8.0 56.2 1 1008.0 1843.7 50.0 15.0 950 1800 8.0 70.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 61. 8 14.4 950 1810 8.0 63.7 1 1008.0 3000.0 50.1 14.5 950 1830 8.0 57.2 1 1008.0 1114.6 50.0 14.9 950 1860 8.0 60.2 1 1008.0 2319.2 50.0 14.6 950 1880 8.0 48.9 1 1008.0 0.0* 49.0 15.0 950 1890 8.0 59.3 1 1008.0 1945.0 50.0 14.7 950 1900 8.0 42.0 1 1008.0 0.0* 42.0 15.0 950 1920 8.0 39.8 1 1008.0 0.0* 39.9 15.0 950 1950 8.0 37.7 1 1008.0 0.0* 37.7 15.0 950 1980 8.0 42.0 1 1008.0 0.0* 42.0 15.0 950 2000 8.0 42.9 1 1008.0 0.0* 42.9 15.0 950 2030 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 1762.6 50.0 14.7 950 2050 8.0 33.3 1 1008.0 0.0* 33.4 15.0 950 2060 14.5 32.0 1 1014.5 0.0* 32.1 15.0 950 2080 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 1836.6 50.0 14.7 950 2130 30.8 67.2 1 1030.8 2236.8 50.0 14.6 950 50 13.0 60.4 1 1013.0 1424.6 50.0 14.8 950

-..i... 70 8.0 59.5 1 1008.0 794.6* 50.0 14.9 950 2210 8.0 71. 6 1 1008.0 1870.6 50. 0 14.8 950 2240 8.0 69.0 1 1008.0 1144.2 50.0 14.9 950 2260 8.0 69.0 1 1008.0 1335.0 50.0 14.9 950 2280 8.0 75.1 1 1008.0 1236.9 50.0 14.9 950 2290 8.0 75.1 1 1008.0 1291. 2 50.0 14.9 950 2300 8.0 77.2 1 1008.0 1161.1 50.0 14.9 950 2360 8.0 65.2 1 1008.0 979.2* 50.0 14.9 950 2420 8.0 60.2 1 1008.0 803.9* 50.0 15.0 950 2440 22.0 64.2 1 1022.0 697.4* 50.0 15.0 950 (00?>~ \2'f I

Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 02-12-1997 )escription: RIVER BEND - MAX DAY + FF (EXIST COND) )"""'1.Wing: D:\677-003\DGLS-EXS i:;iire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gprn) ( gprn) (psi) (psi) ------90 8.0 56.2 1 1008.0 0.0* 56.2 15.0 950 1800 8.0 70.2 1 1008.0 3000.0 61. 8 14.4 950 1810 8.0 63.7 1 1008.0 1321. 5 60.0 14.8 950 1830 8.0 57.2 1 1008.0 0.0* 57.2 15.0 950 1860 8.0 60.2 1 1008.0 143.0* 60.0 15.0 950 1880 8.0 48.9 1 1008.0 0.0* 49.0 15.0 950 1890 8.0 59.3 1 1008.0 0. O* . 59.4 15.0 950 1900 8.0 42.0 1 1008.0 0.0* 42.0 15.0 950 1920 8.0 39.8 1 1008.0 0.0* 39.9 15.0 950 1950 8.0 37.7 1 1008.0 0.0* 37.7 15.0 950 1980 8.0 42.0 1 1008.0 0.0* 42.0 15.0 950 2000 8.0 42.9 1 1008.0 0.0* 42.9 15.0 950 2030 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 0.0* 55.5 15.0 950 2050 8.0 33.3 1 1008.0 0.0* 33.4 15.0 950 2060 14.5 32.0 1 1014.5 0.0* 32.1 15.0 950 2080 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 0.0* 55.9 15.0 950 2130 30.8 67.2 1 1030.8 1340.9 60.0 14.8 950 50 13.0 60.4 1 1013.0 132.9* 60.0 15.0 950 .... J.. 70 8.0 59.5 1 1008.0 0.0* 59.6 15.0 950 2210 8.0 71. 6 1 1008.0 1272.8 60.0 14.9 950 2240 8.0 69.0 1 1008.0 726.2* 60.0 14.9 950 2260 8.0 69.0 1 1008.0 841. 2* 60.0 14.9 950 2280 8.0 75.1 1 1008.0 912.9* 60.0 14.9 950 2290 8.0 75.1 1 1008.0 951. 9* 60.0 14.9 950 :BOO 8.0 77.2 1 1008.0 886.2* 60.0 14. 9 950 2360 8.0 65.2 1 1008.0 513.2* 60.0 15.0 950 2-:20 8.0 60.2 1 1008.0 39.7* 60.0 15.0 950 2440 22.0 64.2 1 1022.0 334.1* 60.0 15.0 950 )> "C "C CD ::::s '2. )(" c APPENDIX D: FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS

Improvement Costs Existing Fire Flow Future Fire Flow

City of Douglas The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 City of Douglas, WY Fire Flow Improvement Cost

Numbered Section Solution Pipe Length Unit Cost Subtotal Cost Mobilization (10%) Subtotal 1 Connect to Sheep Mountain Well Zone 160 $33.00 $5,280.00 $528.00 $5,808.00 2 Connect to Sheep Mountain Well Zone 324 $33.00 $10,692.00 $1,069.20 $11,761.20 3 Upsize to 8" pipe 122 $33.00 $4,026.00 $402.60 $4,428.60 4 Upsize to 8" pipe and add looping 369 $33.00 $12, 177.00 $1,217.70 $13,394.70 5 Upsize to 8" pipe 360 $33.00 $11,880.00 $1,188.00 $13,068.00 6 Connect to Clearfield zone 528 $33.00 $17,424.00 $1,742.40 $19, 166.40 7 Add 8" for looping 310 $33.00 $10,230.00 $1,023.00 $11,253.00 8 Upsize to 8" pipe 1282 $33.00 $42,306.00 $4,230.60 $46,536.60 9** Upsize to 8" pipe** 1282** ** ** ** ** ** Upsizing the pipe specified in Section 8 will also improve the fire flow in Section 9. (page 1/3) City of Douglas, WY Fire Flow Improvement Cost

Numbered Section Solution Engineering (1 Oo/o) Subtotal Contingency (15%) Subtotal 1 Connect to Sheep Mountain Well Zone $580.80 $6,388.80 $958.32 $7,347.12 2 Connect to Sheep Mountain Well Zone $1,176.12 $12,937.32 $1,940.60 $14,877.92 3 Upsize to 8" pipe $442.86 $4,871.46 $730.72 $5,602"'.18 4 Upsize to 8" pipe and add looping $1,339.47 $14,734.17 $2,210.13 $1'6,944.30 5 Upsize to 8" pipe $1,306.80 $14,374.80 $2,156.22 $16,531.02 6 Connect to Clearfield zone $1,916.64 $21,083.04 $3,162.46 $24,245.50 7 Add 8" for looping $1, 125.30 $12,378.30 $1,856.75 $14,235.05 8 Upsize to 8" pipe $4,653.66 $51, 190.26 $7,678.54 $58,868.80 9** Upsize to 8" pipe** ** ** ** ** ** Upsizing the pipe specified in Section 8 will also improve the (page 2/3) City of Douglas, WY 7/30/98 Fire Flow Improvement Cost SG

Numbered Section Solution Final Design & Spec. (10%) Total 1 . Connect to Sheep Mountain Well Zone $734.71 $8,081.83 2 Connect to Sheep Mountain Well Zone $1,487.79 $16,365.71 3 Upsize to 8" pipe $560.22 $6,162.40 4 Upsize to 8" pipe and add looping $1,694.43 $18,638.73 5 Upsize to 8" pipe $1,653.10 $18, 184.12 6 Connect to Clearfield zone $2,424.55 $26,670.05 7 Add 8" for looping $1,423.50 $15,658.55 8 Upsize to 8" pipe $5,886.88 $64,755.68 9** Upsize to 8" pipe** ** ** ** Upsizing the pipe specified in Section 8 will also improve the (page 3/3) Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 23-03-1998 lescription: Max Day - FF - All Hydrants _..)rawing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\DGLS-EXS

~ire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------90 8.0 51.9 1 1008.0 4000.0 27.8 18.3 2840 180 18.3 71.6 1 1018.3 1425.3 20.0 16.8 2840 210 8.0 60.2 1 1008.0 4000.0 44.8 11. 3 2840 230 8.0 58.5 1 1008.0 4000.0 43.0 11.1 2840 240 8.0 62.4 1 1008.0 4000.0 48.0 11.3 2840 250 8.0 59.3 1 1008.0 3637.0 20.0 12.0 2840 260 86.8 57.1 1 1086.8 4000.0 41.5 11. 0 2840 280 8.0 63.7 1 1008.0 1348.3 20.0 16.6 2840 310 13.0 58.4 1 1013.0 4000.0 43.8 10.9 2840 350 8.0 62.9 1 1008.0 4000.0 52.2 11.4 2840 370 8.0 61.1 1 1008.0 4000.0 50.1 10.9 2840 390 8.0 62.1 1 1008.0 4000.0 50.7 12.1 2840 400 8.0 59.6 1 1008.0 4000.0 49.6 10.4 2840 450 8.0 52.6 1 1008.0 3259.6 43.3 10.0 2840 460 8.0 49.5 1 1008.0 3042.0 40.5 10.0 2840 480 8.0 44.5 1 1008.0 2688.3 36.0 10.0 2840 490 8.0 61.1 1 1008.0 4000.0 34.8 11.5 2840 500 8.0 59.0 1 1008.0 3982.8 20.0 11.3 2840 520 8.0 64.1 1 1008.0 2292.2 20.0 16.0 2840 530 8.0 65.6 1 1008.0 3282.1 20.0 15.6 2840 540 8.0 64.3 1 1008.0 4000.0 55.9 14.3 2840 550 8.0 61.1 1 1008.0 4000.0 46.0 11. 6 2840 560 8.0 62.6 1 1008.0 4000.0 43.9 14.4 2840 570 8.0 55.5 1 1008.0 3128.6 20.0 13.3 2840 590 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 4000.0 24.2 11. 6 680 620 8.0 65.3 1 1008.0 1168.7 20.0 17.8 2840 640 8.0 61.1 1 1008.0 4000.0 56.2 15.7 2840 660 8.0 45.6 1 1008.0 4000.0 39.7 16.1 2840 680 8.0 37.1 1 1008.0 970.9* 20.0 17.4 2840 700 8.0 52.9 1 1008.0 4000.0 41. 8 11.3 2840 740 8.0 52.4 1 1008.0 2807.1 20.0 13.8 2840 760 8.0 49.6 1 1008.0 1811. 0 20.0 15.6 2840 780 8.0 54.6 1 1008.0 2743.6 20.0 13.1 2840 800 8.0 54.6 1 1008.0 4000.0 44.6 10.8 2840 830 13.8 54.6 1 1013.8 4000.0 43.8 10.4 2840 850 8.0 49.6 1 1008.0 3972.5 40.1 10.0 2840 860 8.0 36.9 1 1008.0 2086.3 20.0 15.8 2840 900 8.0 28.7 1 1008.0 256.2* 20.0 18.2 2840 960 8.0 44.6 1 1008.0 4000.0 35.0 10.2 2840 980 8.0 29.7 1 1008.0 1935.3 20.0 14.5 2840 990 8.0 39.6 1 1008.0 1626.7 20.0 15.1 2840

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. -·'ire Flow Summary. Page 2

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) -·------1010 52.3 49.5 1 1052.3 2952.6 40.7 10.0 2840 1030 8.0 49.6 1 1008.0 3366.3 35.8 10.0 2840 1040 8.0 46.6 1 1008.0 3551. 8 32.4 10.0 2840 1050 8.0 42.7 1 1008.0 1676.4 20.0 15.6 2840 1060 8.0 44.6 1 1008.0 2071. 3 20.0 14.6 2840 1080 8.0 44.6 1 1008.0 3230.6 20.0 10.7 2840 1090 8.0 44.6 1 1008.0 3255.7 26.0 10.0 2840 1120 12.3 34.6 1 1012.3 4000.0 31.7 17.7 2840 1140 18.8 54.2 1 1018.8 4000.0 41.5 16.4 2840 1180 8.0 66.3 1 1008.0 4000.0 60.5 16.0 2840 1200 8.0 61. 6 1 1008.0 4000.0 56.4 16.0 2840 1210 19.5 67.3 1 1019.5 4000.0 26.0 16.4 2840 1220 8.0 66.0 1 1008.0 4000.0 40.4 16.4 2840 1230 8.0 61. 2 1 1008.0 4000.0 54.8 16.4 2840 1240 8.0 56.5 1 1008.0 4000.0 38.8 16.6 2840 1250 8.0 54.4 1 1008.0 4000.0 34.4 16.9 2840 1260 12.3 45.7 1 1012.3 3252.1 20.0 17.5 2840 1270 8.0 46.6 1 1008.0 3132.6 20.0 17.5 2840 1280 8.0 46.6 1 1008.0 4000.0 23.6 17.1 2840 1290 8.0 42.2 1 1008.0 2153.3 20.0 17.4 1310 1300 8.0 35.8 1 1008.0 4000.0 31.9 17.5 2840 1330 8.0 36.2 1 1008.0 4000.0 31.7 17.4 2840 1350 8.0 32.3 1 1008.0 1053.0 20.0 18.3 2840 1420 8.0 26.7 1 1008.0 814.8* 20.0 18.3 2840 1430 8.0 52.7 1 1008.0 4000.0 47.2 17.1 2840 1450 15.3 74.3 1 1015.3 4000.0 69.0 16.8 2840 1460 8.0 74.7 1 1008.0 4000.0 69.6 16.7 2840 1470 8.0 74.7 1 1008.0 4000.0 69.1 16.7 2840 1490 8.0 69.1 1 1008.0 4000.0 63.1 16.6 2840 1510 8.0 72.5 1 1008.0 4000.0 63.9 16.7 2840 1520 8.0 72.5 1 1008.0 4000.0 56.5 16.7 2840 1530 8.0 63.9 1 1008.0 4000.0 55.9 16.7 2840 1540 8.0 64.7 1 1008.0 4000.0 46.5 16.7 2840 1550 8.0 56.9 1 1008.0 4000.0 32.1 16.8 2840 1570 8.0 46.5 1 1008.0 1116.4 20.0 18.1 2840 1590 17.5 56.5 1 1017.5 2707.9 20.0 17.5 2840 1600 8.0 55.2 1 1008.0 2349.2 20.0 17.7 2840 1610 8.0 58.7 1 1008.0 3662.7 20.0 17.0 2840 1620 8.0 61.3 1 1008.0 4000.0 54.0 16.8 2840 1630 8.0 73.5 1 1008.0 4000.0 67.1 16.7 2840

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. -·'ire Flow Summary. Page 3

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------1650 8.0 72.7 1 1008.0 4000.0 66.8 16.8 2840 1690 8.0 72.6 1 1008.0 1828.5 20.0 17.9 2840 1700 8.0 67.3 1 1008.0 4000.0 59.9 16.8 2840 1740 8.0 70.3 1 1008.0 4000.0 20.7 16.5 2840 1800 8.0 65.9 1 1008.0 4000.0 52.6 15.2 2060 1810 8.0 59.4 1 1008.0 3981. 8 37.5 10.0 2060 1830 8.0 52.9 1 1008.0 2672.1 20.0 17.9 2840 1850 8.0 50.7 1 1008.0 1652.6 20.0 18.1 2840 1860 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 3551. 8 35.1 10.0 2060 1880 8.0 44.6 1 1008.0 1501. 9 20.0 18.2 2840 1890 8.0 55.0 1 1008.0 3140.8 34.3 10.0 1930 1900 8.0 37.7 1 1008.0 2365.7 20.0 16.1 2060 1920 8.0 35.5 1 1008.0 1919.4 20.0 18.l 2840 1950 8.0 33.3 1 1008.0 1929.1 20.0 17.1 1930 1980 8.0 37.7 1 1008.0 1424.6 20.0 18.2 2840 2000 8.0 38.5 1 1008.0 2671. 2 20.0 11. 2 2010 2010 8.0 29.0 1 1008.0 963.7* 20.0 18.3 2840 2030 8.0 51.1 1 1008.0 3776.8 32.4 10.0 2060 2050 8.0 29.0 1 1008.0 723.9* 20.0 18.3 2840 2060 14.5 27.7 1 1014.5 1223.5 20.0 18.2 2840 2080 8.0 51. 6 1 1008.0 4000.0 30.2 14.6 2060 2130 30.8 62.8 1 1030.8 3763.4 20.0 16.3 2060 2150 13.0 56.1 1 1013.0 3047.0 20.0 17.9 2840 2170 8.0 55.2 1 1008.0 1708.3 20.0 18.2 2840 2190 8.0 63.0 1 1008.0 2997.4 20.0 18.0 2840 2200 8.0 66.9 1 1008.0 3020.1 20.0 18.0 2840 2220 8.0 67.7 1 1008.0 2402.0 20.0 18.1 2840 2240 8.0 64.7 1 1008.0 18B7.5 20.0 18.2 2840 2260 8.0 64.7 1 1008.0 2214.5 20.0 18.l 2840 2280 8.0 70.7 1 1008.0 1863.9 20.0 18.2 2840 2290 8.0 70.7 1 1008.0 1947.7 20.0 18.1 2840 2300 8.0 72.9 1 1008.0 1704.0 20.0 18.2 2840 2360 8.0 60.9 1 1008.0 1733.2 20.0 18.2 2840 2420 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 1654.2 20.0 18.3 2840 2470 8.0 61. 6 1 1008.0 1580.2 20.0 18.2 2840 2490 8.0 39.7 1 1008.0 2071.5 31. 2 10.0 2840 2540 8.0 58.5 2 1008.0 1730.1 20.0 65.5 2530 2580 8.0 72.3 3 1008.0 3720.8 47.0 10.0 2750 2590 8.0 74.0 3 1008.0 2607.4 20.0 16.2 2750 2610 8.0 81. 8 3 1008.0 2357.0 56.4 10.0 2750

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. _'ire Flow Summary. Page 4

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------2630 8.0 80.9 3 1008.0 2024.4 20.0 17.9 2750 2660 8.0 76.9 3 1008.0 1796.7 49.2 10.0 2750 2700 8.0 59.2 3 1008.0 1306.4 20.0 21.3 2750 2710 8.0 63.5 3 1008.0 1693.5 23.2 10.0 2750 2720 18.8 40.5 1 1018.8 1445.3 27.5 10.0 2840 2740 8.0 70.0 3 1008.0 1519.2 44.7 10.0 2750 2750 8.0 35.3 3 1008.0 883.8* 20.0 52.0 2700 2770 17.0 80.8 3 1017.0 1519.2 37.7 10.0 2750 2790 8.0 44.0 1 1008.0 1361.1 20.0 14.9 2840 2800 8.0 41.4 1 1008.0 1610.7 28.1 10.0 2840 2810 8.0 37.5 1 1008.0 1219.3 20.0 12.6 2840 2830 8.0 34.0 1 1008.0 1190.2 25.6 10.0 2840 2840 8.0 18.4 1 1008.0 0.0* 18.4 26.1 950 2860 8.0 69.8 1 1008.0 992.8* 20.0 18.4 2840 2880 8.0 72.7 1 1008.0 850.7* 20.0 18.4 2840 Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 30-04-1998 iescription: Fire Flow - Existing Nodes - Future Model _Jrawing: M: \VAULT\ 6 7 7 - 0 0 3 \ CYBERNET\DGLS-FT4

1 - ire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) ( gpm) ( gpm) (psi) (psi)

90 16.5 57.5 1 1016.5 3500.0 38.9 30.9 1420 180 18.3 75.8 1 1018.3 1568.1 20.0 30.9 1420 210 8.0 63.6 1 1008.0 3500.0 53.7 29.2 2830 230 8.0 61. 6 1 1008.0 3500.0 50.1 28.6 2830 240 8.0 65.8 1 1008.0 3500.0 55.1 29.3 2830 250 8.0 62.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 26.8 28.8 2830 260 86.8 60.3 1 1086.8 3500.0 48.4 28.6 2830 280 8.0 67.1 1 1008.0 1403.0 20.0 30.9 1420 310 13.0 61. 6 1 1013.0 3500.0 50.0 28.6 2830 350 8.0 66.2 1 1008.0 3500.0 58.3 29.5 890 370 8.0 64.3 1 1008.0 3500.0 55.6 29.0 2830 390 8.0 65.6 1 1008.0 3500.0 57.1 29.7 890 400 8.0 62.8 1 1008.0 3500.0 54.3 28.5 2830 450 8.0 55.3 1 1008.0 3500.0 42.7 24.3 2830 460 8.0 52.1 1 1008.0 3500.0 37.9 22.5 2830 480 8.0 46.6 1 1008.0 3412.7 30.6 20.0 2830 490 8.0 64.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 44.0 29.3 890 500 8.0 62.3 1 1008.0 3500.0 31.5 29.2 890 520 8.0 67.7 1 1008.0 3500.0 39.2 30.1 890 530 8.0 69.4 1 1008.0 3500.0 20.6 30.3 890 540 8.0 68.1 1 1008.0 3500.0 61.4 30.2 890 550 8.0 64.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 52.3 28.9 890 560 8.0 66.4 1 1008.0 3500.0 51.3 30.0 890 570 8.0 58.8 1 1008.0 3296.0 20.0 29.2 890 590 8.0 59.6 1 1008.0 3500.0 34.3 20.3 680 620 8.0 69.2 1 1008.0 1222.2 20.0 30.8 1420 640 8.0 65.2 1 1008.0 3500.0 60.8 30.1 1420 660 8.0 49.6 1 1008.0 3500.0 44.5 30.3 1420 680 8.0 40.8 1 1008.0 1074.7 20.0 30.9 1420 700 8.0 56.2 1 1008. O· 3500.0 47.1 28.7 890 740 8.0 55.7 1 1008.0 2961.8 20.0 29.4 890 760 8.0 52.8 1 1008.0 1912.2 20.0 30.5 890 780 8.0 57.7 1 1008.0 2857.8 20.0 29.6 2830 800 8.0 57.9 1 1008.0 3500.0 49.7 28.8 890 830 13.8 58.0 1 1013.8 3500.0 48.9 28.9 2830 850 8.0 53.0 1 1008.0 3500.0 44.8 28.5 2830 860 8.0 40.3 1 1008.0 2313.2 20.0 24.1 890 900 8.0 32.7 1 1008.0 317.1* 20.0 21. 7 890 960 8.0 48.3 1 1008.0 3500.0 40.5 29.4 2830 980 8.0 75.6 2 1008.0 2686.1 20.0 26.2 950 990 8.0 85.6 2 1008.0 2723.3 28.7 20.0 2940

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. _ire Flow Summary. Page 2

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number (gpm) (psi) (gpm) {gpm) {psi) {psi) ------1010 52.3 51.5 1 1052.3 3500.0 33.9 20.1 2830 1030 8.0 52.1 1 1008.0 3500.0 34.2 23.0 2830 1040 8.0 49.4 1 1008.0 3500.0 33.7 24.8 2830 1050 8.0 46.1 1 1008.0 1802.9 20.0 30.7 890 1060 8.0 47.7 1 1008.0 2196.3 20.0 30.4 890 1080 8.0 47.1 1 1008.0 3206.0 20.0 24.6 2830 1090 8.0 46.7 1 1008.0 3500.0 20.1 21.4 2830 1120 12.3 38.9 1 1012.3 3500.0 36.4 28.6 1420 1140 18.8 58.4 1 1018.8 3500.0 47.9 29.8 1420 1180 8.0 70.4 1 1008.0 3500.0 65.4 30.1 1420 1200 8.0 65.7 1 1008.0 3500.0 61. 0 30.0 1420 1210 19.5 71.4 1 1019.5 3500.0 38.7 29.8 1420 1220 8.0 70.1 1 1008.0 3500.0 49.6 29.8 1420 1230 8.0 65.4 1 1008.0 3500.0 59.8 29.8 1420 1240 8.0 60.6 1 1008·. o 3500.0 46.4 29.6 1420 1250 8.0 58.6 1 1008.0 3500.0 42.5 29.3 1420 1260 12.3 49.9 1 1012.3 3500.0 20.3 29.2 1420 1270 8.0 50.8 1 1008.0 3385.3 20.0 23.6 1310 1280 8.0 50.8 1 1008.0 3500.0 32.5 29.1 1420 1290 8.0 46.5 1 1008.0 2231.4 22.6 20.0 1310 1300 8.0 40.1 1 1008.0 3500.0 36.8 28.5 1420 1330 8.0 40.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 36.7 28.6 1420 1350 8.0 36.6 1 1008.0 1204.3 20.9 20.0 1360 1420 8.0 31.0 1 1008.0 1072.0 20.0 27.1 1410 1430 8.0 56.9 1 1008.0 3500.0 52.3 29.1 1420 1450 15.3 78.5 1 1015.3 3500.0 73.9 29.5 1420 1460 8.0 78.9 1 1008.0 3500.0 74.5 29.6 1420 1470 8.0 79.0 1 1008.0 3500.0 74.1 29.7 1420 1490 8.0 73.3 1 1008.0 3500.0 68.2 29.8 1420 1510 8.0 76.8 1 1008.0 3500.0 69.5 29.6 1420 1520 8.0 76.8 1 1008.0 3500.0 63.8 29.6 1420 1530 8.0 68.1 1 1008.0 3500.0 61.4 29.6 1420 1540 8.0 69.0 1 1008.0 3500.0 54.2 29.6 1420 1550 8.0 61.2 1 1008.0 3500.0 41.2 29.6 1420 1570 8.0 50.8 1 1008.0 954.3* 20.0 30.7 1420 1590 17.5 60.7 1 1017.5 2867.3 20.0 29.9 1420 1600 8.0 59.4 1 1008.0 2492.9 20.0 30.1 1420 1610 8.0 62.9 1 1008.0 3500.0 26.9 29.1 1600 1620 8.0 65.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 59.3 29.6 1420 1630 8.0 77.7 1 1008.0 3500.0 72.3 29.8 1420

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. _'ire Flow Summary. Page 3

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number {gpm) {psi) {gpm) {gpm) {psi) {psi) ------·------1650 8.0 77.0 1 1008.0 3500.0 72.1 30.0 1420 1690 8.0 76.9 1 1008.0 1905.8 20.0 30.5 1420 1700 8.0 71.7 1 1008.0 3500.0 65.6 30.0 1420 1740 8.0 74.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 35.6 30.0 1420 1800 8.0 70.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 60.0 30.3 1420 1810 8.0 64.0 1 1008.0 3500.0 45.3 30.3 1420 1830 8.0 57.6 1 1008.0 2867.2 20.0 30.4 1420 1850 8.0 55 .4 1 1008.0 1778.5 20.0 30.7 1420 1860 8.0 60.6 1 1008.0 3500.0 36.1 30.3 1420 1880 8.0 135.6 1 1008.0 2070.6 20.0 31.0 1420 1890 8.0 146.0 1 1008. 0. 2554.0 36.7 20.0 1900 1900 8.0 128.5 1 1008.0 2492.2 20.0 25.0 2010 1920 8.0 126.6 1 1008.0 2496.7 20.0 24.8 1930 1950 8.0 124.6 1 1008.0 2578.2 21.2 20.0 1930 1980 8.0 128.9 1 1008.0 2245.3 20.0 31.0 1420 2000 8.0 129.8 1 1008.0 2550.2 28.2 20.0 2010 2010 8.0 120.3 1 1008.0 2140.3 20.0 31.0 1420 2030 8.0 55.9 1 1008.0 3500.0 38.8 30.3 1420 2050 8.0 120.9 1 1008.0 2001.8 20.0 31.0 1420 2060 14.5 119.8 1 1014.5 2990.5 20.0 20.4 2010 2080 8.0 56.4 1 1008.0 3500.0 39.4 30.4 1420 2130 30.8 67.5 1 1030.8 3500.0 30.2 30.3 1420 2150 13.0 60.9 1 1013.0 3225.8 20.8 20.0 2170 2170 8.0 60.0 1 1008.0 1834.1 20.0 30.7 1420 2190 8.0 67.7 1 1008.0 3164.5 20.2 20.0 2450 2200 8.0 71.6 1 1008.0 3158.0 20.7 20.0 2450 2220 8.0 72.5 1 1008.0 2522.0 20.3 20.0 2240 2240 8.0 69.4 1 1008.0 1996.9 20.0 30.7 1420 2260 8.0 69.4 1 1008.0 2342.4 20.0 24.3 2250 2280 8.0 75.5 1 1008.0 1959.1 20.0 29.2 2310 2290 8.0 75.5 1 1008.0 2047.2 20.0 23.8 2310 2300 8.0 77.7 1 1008.0 1787.4 20.0 20.0 2310 2360 8.0 65.9 1 1008.0 1849.6 20.0 20.0 2370 2420 8.0 61.1 1 1008. ff 1785.1 20.0 30.8 1420 2470 8.0 66.4 1 1008.0 1679.7 20.0 30.7 1420 2490 8.0 41.4 1 1008.0 2738.6 25.6 20.0 2830 2540 8.0 56.3 2 1008.0 1673.2 19.9 52.6 2940 2580 8.0 72.3 3 1008.0 2754.1 57.0 20.0 2750 2590 8.0 74.0 3 1008.0 2177.0 33.7 20.0 2750 2600 10.8 85.2 3 1010.8 1811.0 62.2 20.0 2750

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. .ire Flow Summary. Page 4

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------2610 8.0 81. 8 3 1008. o· 1700.9 66.4 20.0 2750 2630 8.0 80.9 3 1008.0 1760.1 31. 9 20.0 2750 2660 8.0 76.9 3 1008.0 1300.9 60.0 20.0 2750 2700 8.0 59.1 3 1008.0 1117.4 40.8 20.0 2750 2710 8.0 63.5 3 1008.0 1233.7 39.5 20.0 2750 2720 18.8 42.3 1 1018.8 1890.5 20.0 21. 0 2640 2740 8.0 70.0 3 1008.0 1165.1 54.1 20.0 2750 2750 8.0 35.3 3 1008.0 1036.4 20.0 45.6 2700 2770 17.0 80.8 3 1017.0 1165.0 54.0 20.0 2750 2790 8.0 46.5 1 1008.0 3244.3 20.0 26.4 2830 2800 8.0 43.1 1 1008.0 1896.9 23.5 20.0 2810 2810 8.0 39.2 1 1008.0 1229.4 20.0 28.4 2830 2830 8.0 35.8 1 1008.0 1640.5 20.0 28.1 2810 2840 8.0 65.3 1 1008.0 2110.4 20.0 31. 0 1420 2860 8.0 73.5 1 1008.0 3500.0 43.1 30.7 890 2880 8.0 76.6 1 1008.0 3500.0 47.6 30.7 890 Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 30-04-1998 escription: Fire Flow - Nodes 900 .& 1570 w/ Improvements _rawing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\DGLS-FT4 ire Flow Summary. Page 1 JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi)

900 8.0 32.9 1 1008.0 1108.2 20.9 20.0 890 1570 8.0 50.8 1 1008.0 1139.4 20.0 30.6 1420

~1 Cybernet Version: 2.18 SN: 1132184082 01-05-1998 1escription: Fire Flow - Future Nodes _.1rawing: M:\VAULT\677-003\CYBERNET\DGLS-FT4

ire Flow Summary. Page 1

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure No. (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------2890 5.5 106.5 5 1005.5 2747.6 20.0 20.0 2900 2900 5.5 106.5 5 1005.5 2456.1 20.0 34.0 2890 2910 5.5 143.4 5 1005.5 1539.3 20.0 42.9 2850 2930 0.0 56.6 2 1000. O· 1327.8 22.2 20.0 2940 2940 85.5 54.4 2 1085.5 1291.1 20.0 23.7 2930 2960 31.3 33.4 9 1031. 3 2164.0 20.0 28.8 3510 2970 45.5 59.5 9 1045.5 3103.1 28.7 20.0 3980 3000 0.0 50.8 9 1000.0 3500.0 46.3 28.8 3510 3010 12.8 50.7 9 1012.8 2334.5 24.1 20.0 2960 3020 57.0 108.l 1 1057.0 3500.0 60.9 26.6 4070 3040 88.3 58.2 9 1088.3 2931. 2 26.3 20.0 4120 3060 57.0 102.5 9 1057.0 3066.2 71. 2 20.0 4120 3080 64.3 95.3 9 1064.3 3270.4 62.2 20.0 4120 3110 34.3 127.9 9 1034.3 3500.0 75.8 21. 9 4120 3130 125.5 71.3 9 1125.5 3043.9 44.5 20.0 4120 3140 114.0 68.7 9 1114.0 3201. 9 32.5 20.0 4120 3150 68.5 72.7 9 1068.5 3297.2 40.3 20.0 4130 3160 51. 3 100.5 9 1051.3 3500.0 53.8 22.0 4130 3180 24.3 66.9 9 1024.3 2931. 3 21. 0 20.0 4120 3200 42.8 120.0 9 1042.8 3500.0 82.9 21. 7 4120 3210 68.5 125.9 9 1068.5 3500.0 77.9 21. 6 4120 3220 37.0 73.9 9 1037.0 3132.9 39.3 20.0 4120 3230 15.8 109.1 9 1015.8 3453.1 70.1 20.0 4120 3240 11.5 164.5 9 lOli.5 3500.0 96.5 23.6 3360 3250 0.0 81.5 9 1000.0 3314.5 20.0 25.9 3360 3260 14.3 114.3 9 1014.3 3242.8 20.0 27.0 3890 3290 12.8 133.8 9 1012.8 3500.0 98.0 25.7 3890 3310 21.4 64.7 9 1021.4 3500.0 32.3 25.9 3890 3320 15.8 128.1 9 1015.8 3141.7 77.9 20.0 3360 3330 18.5 75.2 9 1018.5 3500.0 23.6 24.5 3360 3340 27.0 124.9 9 1027.0 3500.0 78.8 22.7 3360 3350 1. 5 50.8 9 1001. 5 3068.1 20.0 24.5 3890 3360 7.3 58.9 9 1007.3 2768.9 20.0 28.8 3510 3370 10.0 52.7 9 1010.0 3500.0 28.3 24.5 3890 3380 0.0 124.0 9 1000.0 3500.0 90.5 25.3 3890 3390 89.8 115.3 9 1089.8 3500.0 71. 9 25.3 3890 3400 5.8 62.5 9 1005.8 3500.0 46.4 21. 9 3890 3410 6.4 131.6 9 1006.4 3500.0 64.0 24.5 3890 3420 158.3 71.1 9 1158.3 3500.0 57.5 28.8 3510 3430 85.5 71.1 9 1085.5 3500.0 59.2 28.8 3510 3440 0.0 70.7 9 1000.0 3500.0 62.6 28.8 3510

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. -'ire Flow Summary. Page 2

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number (gpm) (psi) (gpm} (gpm} (psi} (psi)


3450 142.5 71.1 9 1142.5 3500.0 62.3 28.8 3510 3460 0.0 61. 6 9 1000.0 3500.0 50.4 28.8 3510 3470 585.8 56.1 9 1585.8 3500.0 32.7 28.8 3510 3480 327.8 71.1 9 1327.8 1676.5 62.2 20.0 3510 3490 20.0 53.7 9 1020.0 1410.5 44.5 20.0 3510 3500 15.8 55.9 9 1015.8 1410.4 41.4 20.0 3510 3510 10.0 28.8 9 1010.0 1074.6 20.0 32.9 3650 3520 10.0 47.7 9 1010.0 1204.4 36.3 20.0 3510 3530 37.0 63.2 9 1037.0 1343.0 50.7 20.0 3510 3540 296.5 84.1 9 1296.5 1342.7 65.4 20.0 3510 3570 20.0 44.3 9 1020.0 1342.6 26.4 20.0 3510 3580 10.8 76.8 9 1010.8 1342.6 58.0 20.0 3510 3610 10.0 72.6 9 1010.0 3500.0 57.8 28.8 3510 3620 0.0 71.1 9 1000.0 3500.0 62.2 28.8 3510 3630 18.5 78.7 9 1018.5 3500.0 57.2 25.4 3910 3650 25.8 39.9 9 1025.8 1278.2 20.0 20.6 3510 3660 22.8 94.5 9 1022.8 1320.3 73.5 20.0 3650 3670 15.8 83.3 9 1015. 8. 2780.5 61.6 20.0 3910 3680 12.8 70.7 9 1012.8 1296.3 47.3 20.0 3650 3690 11.5 67.2 9 1011.5 1300.8 43.6 20.0 3650 3710 20.0 51.2 9 1020.0 3500.0 22.8 27.5 3910 3720 20.0 51. 5 9 1020.0 3500.0 32.3 24.1 3890 3730 18.5 77.3 9 1018.5 3500.0 60.9 21. 8 3890 3740 7.3 57.3 9 1007.3 3500.0 25.9 21. 8 3890 3750 18.5 67.2 9 1018.5 3500.0 49.8 26.6 3910 3760 17.0 144.2 9 1017.0 3129.4 110.1 20.0 3790 3770 20.0 107.5 9 1020.0 3251. 3 73.0 20.0 3790 3790 10.0 51. 9 9 1010.0 1775.4 20.0 28.8 3510 3800 10.0 123.4 9 1010.0 2423.7 91.5 20.0 3790 3810 10.0 71.9 9 1010.0 2805.1 33.4 20.0 3790 3820 8.5 84.2 9 1008.5 3500.0 75.1 28.8 3510 3830 235.1 46.7 9 1235.1 1548.5 20.0 28.8 3510 3860 320.8 76.0 9 1320.8 2884.6 49.8 20.0 3830 3870 327.8 73.1 9 1327.8 2884.6 57.6 20.0 3830 3890 0.0 37.8 9 1000.0 3500.0 21.6 28.4 4160 3900 0.0 165.0 9 1000.0 3242.8 48.7 20.0 3260 3910 3.8 41. 7 9 1003.8 1588~1 20.0 28.8 3510 3920 3.8 87.6 9 1003.8 1300.8 58.2 20.0 3650 3940 0.0 141. 7 9 1000.0 3500.0 85.3 24.1 3890 3950 0.0 141.1 9 1000.0 3129.1 103.8 20.0 3790

* Needed Fire Flow not attained. _ire Flow Summary. Page 3

JCT Max. Day Max. Day Zone Needed Available @Residual Min. Zone @JCT No. Demand Pressure No. Fire Flow Fire Flow Pressure Pressure Number (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (psi) (psi) ------3960 0.0 141.2 9 1000.0 1775.2 96.8 20.0 3790 3970 0.0 141.2 9 1000.0 3500.0 87.1 25.7 3890 3980 0.0 50.8 9 1000.0 2341.2 20.0 26.0 2960 3990 0.0 50.7 9 1000.0 3399.8 42.5 20.0 4120 4000 0.0 49.0 9 1000.0 2648.3 20.0 28.8 3510 4010 10.8 50.5 9 1010.8 2103.3 20.0 28.8 3510 4020 0.0 50.8 9 1000.0 2297.2 20.0 25.9 3910 4030 6.4 40.8 9 1006. 4· 3500.0 32.6 24.8 3890 4050 0.0 85.5 9 1000.0 3500.0 70.9 24.6 3890 4070 0.0 43.0 1 1000.0 2244.6 20.0 31. 0 1420 4120 62.8 40.9 9 1062.8 2869.5 20.0 28.8 3510 4130 0.0 41.1 9 1000.0 2993.9 20.0 28.8 3510 4160 0.0 38.4 9 1000.0 3500.0 25.0 26.4 3890 5130 3.8 141.2 9 1003.8 1775.2 99.3 20.0 3790 l> "O "O CD ::J Q. )(" m APPENDIX E: WATER STORAGE TANK REPORTS

SDG, Inc. Wyoming Analytical Laboratories

City of Douglas The Sear-Brown Group Water System Master Plan July 1998 12/03/1997 11:10 3037814286 SDG INC PAGE 01

SDG Incorporated 333 W. Hampden Ave., #700 Englewood, CO 80110-2337 PHONE (303) 781-7070 FAX (303) 781-4286 FAX TRANSMITIAL

PAGES TO FOLLOW COVER SHEET: 1 Hard copy to follow: No If you do not receive all pages, please call.

DATE: December 2, 1997

TO: A ITENTION Rich Thornton & Cort Nickel COMPANY The Sear-Brown Group FAX NUMBER 970-482-6368

FROM: Gene Schaefer

RE: Douglas, Wyoming Tank Evaluations SDG Reference No. 97058.0

MESSAGE: Rich & Cort,

At your request, I have observed the structural conditions of the interior and exterior of the following four water storage ta.nks on the dates noted. These observations were coordinated with Bill Back and the operating personnel at the City of Douglas. It was necessary to make two trips to Douglas in order to take only two tanks out of service at a time. Here is a quick briefmg,. for your meeting tomorrow, on the general conditions and primary concerns encountered for each tank.

1.0 Mjllion Gallon Clearfield Dnk

Type of Construction: Welded steel floor, wall & roof supported by steel perimeter columns- Constructed about 1979 Dates of Observations: November 5-6, 1997 Primary Concerns: Tank wall has buckled at stiffener ring at mid-height of tank, resulting in tearing of steel and water leakage. This is an ongoing problem, having been repaired a couple of times already and still leaking, and threatens the structural integrity and water tightness of the tank. Buckled plate projects I-inch from tank wall surface in some areas. General Conditions: Tank has had icing problems Tank wall is warped/buckled in several large areas in addition to stiffener ring location Exterior coating faded but reasonable condition - chips in coating and rusting at rewelds at stiffener. Interior coatings peeling and rusting, especially at stiffener ring and perimeter column flanges next to wall plate, but also on floor and roof plates One of column flanges has warped/buckled in same area as exterior wall plate Floor unlevel Hatch doors at wall base rusting severely around perimeter

3.0 Million Gallon Orpha Tank

Type of Construction: Welded steel floor, wall and roof supported by steel pipe columns - Constructed about 1979 Date of Observations: November 6~ 1997 Primary Concerns: Tank wall plates are warped/budded in large areas, out of plane by as much as 6 inches in some areas Severe de lamination and peeling of interior roof coating General Conditions: Exterior coating faded but reasonable condition ~ localized areas with surface damage and rust Interior wall & floor coatings have localized bubbling and rusting, otherwise in reasonable condition Interior columns are rusting above warer line An additional 20-inch outlet pipe has been added later with no apparent increase in vent size Bottom of steel wall at perimeter is covered with soil near valve vault 12/03/1997 11:10 3037814285 SDG INC PAGE 02 SDG Fax Transmittal December 2, 1997 Page 2 of2

1.0 MiJJion Gallon Orpha Tank

Type of Construction: Riveted steel floor and wall with timber roof supported by steel and timber columns • Estimated to be over 40 years old Dates of Observations: November 12-13, 1997 Primary Concerns: Undermining of gravel foundation material below wall plate at nonh and east quadrants and wall backfilled part way up on the south and west quadrants. Base of wall rusting. Two leaks; previous severe pitting of interior wall surface evident w/ effective loss of plate thickness Interior wall coatings have nJ.!)°'t patterns starting at plate joints, patterns of bubbling (primarily bottom two plare panel rows) and rusting/pitting General Conditions: Tank was apparently relocated ro this site Gravel/dirt foundation below tank wall Previous floor plate patching at the northwest quadrant. Also evidence of previous pitting in other areas, bubbling of coatings, and new rusting and pitting Floor unlevel and several areas where plate is not bearing on gravel material below Exterior coating peeling off in areas and rusting wall and some scratches in surface Center redwood column has had angles added around waterline:, apparent deterioration in this area Piping concerns at exterior vaults Asphalt roll roofing is pulling loose in some areas Roof vent wood is rotting severely Wood at perimeter vent is rotting and flashing is falling· down in some areas

2.0 MUUon Gallon Cemetery Tank

Type of Construction: Welded steel floor and riveted steel wall with timber roof supported by timber columns - Estimated to be over 40 years old Dates of Observations: November 12-13, 1997 Primary Concerns: Center roof column and adjacent column in northeast quadrant have partially failed by crushing/buckling. Roof loads have redistributed some, but columns are close to complete buckling failure, which could result in roof collapse. Roof is currently sagging in area over

these columm. Upon discovery7 City was notified of unsafe condition of roof and a local construction contractor was called in within the hour to plan the installation of temporary shoring and replacement of these two columns. City preferred to work directly with this contractor and did not require additional services of SDG for these temporary shoring provisions and repairs. Possible leakage through relatively new floor as ground was wet around outside of north and west quadrants (downhill side) of tank General Conditions: Tar and gravel roof with ballast apparently added later. Possible overload situation for timber framing Gravel foundation below tank wall with soil above base of tank wall in some areas Exterior coaling in reasonable condition w/ localized chipping, rusting & peeling; repainted 1984-85? New welded steel floor was installed in 1984-85?; paint in pretty good condition. Floor is unlevel, apparently partially due to infilling of a sand layer between the original & the new floor plates. Interior wall coatings in pretty good condition due to repainting in 1984·85? Just starting to rust in localized areas at plate joints. Evidence of prior severe pitting in some areas.

The most severe concern by far was the partially failed columns at the 2.0 Million Gallon Cemetery Tanlc. As indicated above, the City was in the process of taking action in this matter when I left the site. We called to offer assistance again after returning to the office) but Bill Back indicated that they had the siruation under control: and the contractor was in the process of installing the shoring system and the new columns were to be delivered soon. Bill indicated that now that they had more light in the tank, another column was noted to be split, which may also require replacement.

We also took paint samples while at the site and are prepared to have tests run on the samples to check for lead if desired. We also took niany pictures and have additional items and more details regarding the above concerns. We will plan to prepare a more comprehensive report to you. Please call after your meeting to discuss the scope of this report. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to call if you have questions or clarifications. 03/23/1998 14:57 3037814285 SDG INC PAGE 02


1511 Washington Ave. (303) 278-2446 Golden, CO 80401 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: (303) 278-2439

March 16, 1998

Mr. Eugene M. Schaefer SDG Incorporated 333 W. Hampden Ave. Englewood, CO 80110-2337

RE: Denver Div. # 98041 Dougla~, Wyo. Tanks

Analytical Report

Sixteen paint chip samples were analyzed for lead by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). The samples were then taken to DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. for asbestos analysis. A copy of the report from DCM along with a copy of the sample location coding is attached. Total SAMPLE ID Lead, Wt. I% Asbestos, % 2.0 M.G. Clearfield Tank #1 Interior Col Near Base-West 14.2 0.0 #2 Int. Top & Bot Coat-South Quad 14.6 0.0 #3 Int. Top Coat-West Quad 12.0 0.0 #4 Ext. Wall-Full Coat 2.0 0.0

3.0 M.G. Orpha Tank #5 wall Ext.-Top Coat 5.9 o.o #6 Wall Ext.-Full Coat 3.1 0.0 #7 Top of Roof-Full Coat 12.4 0.0 #8 Wall ·rnt.-Top Coat 4.7 0.0 #9 Roof Interior 14.2 o.o #10 At Roof-Just Inside of Hatch 12.3 0.0

2.0 M.G. Cemetary Tank #11 E~t. Full Coat w/ Some Steel <0.01 0.0 #12 Ext. Top Coat <0.01 0.0 #13 Int. Wall Coating (on rivets) <0.01 0.0

L 0 Orpha Tank #14 Ext. Wall Coating 1.5 0.0 #15 I~t. Floor Coating <0.01 0.0 #16 Int. Wall Coating <0.01 0.0

DivisionC4i~~{u:1 Mana 8 ER ACIL 03/23/1998 14:57 3037814286 SDG INC PAGE 03




DCM LAB NO.: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 SAMPLE DATE: * * * * * t OF SAMPLE: 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% CLIENT NO.: 98041-l 98041-2 98041-3 98041-4 98041-5 ASBESTIFORM MINERAL FIBERS: CHRYSO!ILE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A..'\fOSITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 GROCIDOLITE-- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TREMOLITE-ACTINOLITE a.a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 &':THO PHYLLI 'IE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

TOTAL ASBESTOS; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SAMPLE 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%


NON-FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0






DCM LAB NO.: -6 -7 -8-A -8-B SAMPLE DATE: * * % OF SAMPLE: 100.0%* 100.oi 1.0% 93.0% CLIENT NO.: 98041-6 98041-7 98041-8 98041-8 ASBESTIFORM MINERAL FIBERS: CHRYSOTILE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AMOS I TE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCIDOLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TRE~OLITE-ACTINOLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ANTl-iOPh"YLLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

TOTA!. ASBESTOS: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0



NON-FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0



DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. 12477 W. Cedar Drive Lakewood, CO 80228

DCM Project No.: WAL 3 Cfient Job No.: NONE GIVEN

Bulk Sample Analysis


DCM Science Laboratory, Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the McCrone Research lnstitL;te and in compliance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93/116, July, 1993).

Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 1OX-80X stereo microscope in a he pa filter hood which prnvides a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 1OOX. When the sample consists of more than one !ayer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified by the characterization of optical properties including color and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. ln·house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Journal of Sedimentary Petrology'\ (Volume 24, pp. 229·234, 1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangements are made by the client.


DCMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our accreditation number is 305. DCMSL was accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, 1989). Our NVLAP Lab Code is 101258.


The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

This test report relates.only to the items tested. This report may not be. reproduced except in .ful!, witliout the written approval of the laboratory. The analysis was perfomed by :

!fu _y -tl4f/l/io- ANALYST ~3~·ANALYST fVHCH1~EL J. r~~!iRTf N JOHN SILVER~~AN

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1..ABORATORY DIRECTOR SDG INC PAGE 06 03/23/1998 14:57 3037814285 'Cl/t.j r.ll.:I ~KUM Wyo ~na~vt ~enver j~j ll~ L~j~ Uj-tJ-:t l!~lrM IU Jdli,~O



DCM I.6..5 NO. : -l -2 -3 -4 SAMPLE DATE: * * * * % OF SAMPLE; 100.0, 100.0t lOO.O.\ 100.0~ CLIENT. NO. : 980~1-9 98041-10 98041-ll 980~1-12 ASBESTIFORM MINERAL FIBERS; CHRYSOTILE 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 AMOSlTE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCIDOLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TRZMOLITE-ACTINOLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ANTHOPHYLLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

TOTAL AS.BESTOS! 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0



NON-FIS~ous CONSTITUENTS 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

TOTAL PERCENTAGE IDENTIFIED MATERIALS 100.0 100.0 100,0 100.0 NOTES: SAMPLES NO. l AND 2 ARE MULTICOLORED FAINT/BROWN RUST (INSEPARA.BLE). SAMPLE NC. 3 IS WHITE PAINT/SlLVER METAL/SROiJN RUST (INSEPARABLE). SAMPLE NO. 4 IS ~I!E IA!NT. PAGE 07 03/23/1998 14:57. 3037814285 SDG INC "J./t..j r.t..t:> ~j-,j-~O J.:~J.rn IU /UJ.~'~o r~uM wyo Hna1yi ue~ver j~j ''~ ''J~


DCM LAB. NO.: -S·A ·S-B -6 -7 ·B SAMPLE DATE: * * * • i OF SAMPLE: 40.0\ 60~0~ 100.0, 100.oi* 100.0, CLIENT NO.: 98041-13 98041-13 98041-14 98041-15 ASBESTIFORM MINERAL FIBERS: 98041-16 CHRYSOTILE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AMOS!TE 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 CROC!DOLI!E 0.0 0. 0. o.o 0.0 0.0 l'REXOLI'rE .. A·cn ~oLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ANTHO~HYLLITE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

TOTAL ASBESTOS: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL ASBESTOS CONTENT OF SA.~PLE 0.0% O.Oi o.oi O.Ow


NONwFIBROUS CONSTITUENTS ioo.o 100.0 l.00.0 100.0 100.0


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DCM Science Laboratory, Inc.

12~77 W. Cedar Drive Lakewood, CO 80228

DCM Project No.: WAL. 4- Client Job No.: NONE GIVEN Bulk Sample Analysis

·:..l.. '/. BULK SAMPLE ANAL YS!S PROCEDURES: Page 2 of -:2.. DCM Science Laboratory. Inc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by tha Mccrone Research rnstitute arid in compliance wfth guidelines established by the Environmef'llal Protection Agency (EPA·600/R-93/116, July, 1993).

Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 1OX-SOX stereo microscope in a he pa filter hood which provider; a contamination-free environment. The sample is then analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) at 1OOX. When the sample consists of more than one layer, each layer rs prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are Identified by the cheracterization of optical properties including co:or and pleochrorism, form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, tv.tinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features. Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestos, other fibers and non-fibrous constituents are calculated from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standerds as well as a chart prepared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for "The Journal of Sedimentary Petrology'', (Volume 24, pp. 229-234, 1955) provide a guide for estimating percentages. All samples are archived for six months unless other arrangemen:s are made by the client.


DCM SL is accredited by the AIHA (since 1986). Our accreditation numb~r is 305. DCM SL was accredited by NVLAP (since April 1, 1969). Our NVLAP Lab Code is 101258.

~NOORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The al'\alysis was perfomed by:


3-;,.~- qg ANALYST DATE

LABO RA iORY Dl~ECTOR 03/23/1998 14:57 3037814286 SDG INC PAGE 09

Subject 1°1t-i(n-S1tirte C'e-i>o.1~ Page I ot _I_LJ Project ;e:?1/" ~, Wf°,7(;...b Date ----- Cllenl------Job No. ----­ Designed--- Drown --- Checked -----

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