JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LUTHERAN CHURCH MUSICIANS VOL 21, NO 1 | March 2013 Rejoicing in the VOL 21, NO 1 | MaRch 2013 JOURNaL OF ThE aSSOcIaTION OF LUThERaN CHURCH MUSIcIaNS CrossACCent is published three times per year by the association of Lutheran TakENOTE church Musicians. Subscription is included with membership in aLcM. Libraries may 2 Looking Forward to Worship at the subscribe at $50 per annum by contacting ALCM Biennial Conference—Jim Honig the Business Office.c opyright © 2013 by the association of Lutheran church Musicians. PRELUDE The views expressed on the pages of the journal are those of the authors, and do 3 Editorial Comment —Jennifer Ollikainen not reflect official positions of the editorial board of the Journal or of the association CHORUS of Lutheran church Musicians. 4 Jack of All Trades? Musings on Baseball, Church Music, This periodical is indexed in the ATLA and Appliance Repair—Jennifer Baker-Trinity Religion Database®, a product of the american Theological Library association, cOUNTERpOINT 300 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2100, chicago, IL Rejoicing with the Angels: Martin Luther on 60606, USa. e-mail:
[email protected], www. 6 the Incarnation—Timothy Wengert ISSN NUMBER 2151–1772 Swayin’, Sprinklin’, and Swappin’: Worship Is Always Editor: Jennifer Phelps Ollikainen 20 Embodied Worship—Deborah Geweke Music Editor: Jean Boehler Book Editor: Paul Grime 26 God’s Melody of Truth—Scott E. Schul Copy Editor: anne-Marie Bogdan Designer: Dee Birkey, Design Directions BOOkREVIEwS Ad Manager: cheryl Dieter 28 Christian Music: A Global History by Tim Dowley Editorial Office —Victor E. Gebauer Jennifer Phelps Ollikainen 1127 Magazine Road 30 Rivals or a Team? Clergy—Musician Relationships in Green Lane, Pa 18054 the Twenty-First Century by Eileen Guenther
[email protected] —Linda Kempke Editorial Board Victor Gebauer 31 The Stations of the Cross: Photographs and Meditations Nancy Raabe by Eileen Guenther—Paul E.