Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 2018 Vol. 143, No. 2, 325–359, ‘Obtained by peculiar favour, & much diiculty of the Singer’: Vincenzo Albrici and the Function of Charles II’s Italian Ensemble at the English Restoration Court ESTER LEBEDINSKI Posterity’s view of Charles II’s musical tastes has forever been coloured by Roger North’s claim that ‘during the irst years of Charles II all musick afected by the beau- mond run[s] into the French way’.1 Consequently, studies of English Restoration court music have named France as the chief source of musical inspiration at the English court in the 1660s and 1670s.2 While there can be no doubt about the efects of his French sojourn in the late 1640s and early 1650s on many of Charles’s tastes and habits, North’s explanation for the French fad reveals a more complex web of European musical exchanges: Because at that time the master of the Court musick in France, whose name was Baptista,3 (an Italian frenchifyed), had inluenced the French style by infusing a great portion of the Italian harmony into it, whereby the Ayre was exceedingly improved.4 Email:
[email protected] Several people have contributed to this article by reading drafts and discussing Albrici with me in all levels of detail. I am grateful to Lars Berglund, Samantha Blickhan, Mary Frandsen, Matthew Laube, Matteo Messori, Stephen Rose, Maria Schildt, Colin Timms and Jonathan Wainwright, and to the two anonymous reviewers of the journal, whose generous feedback has greatly improved the article.