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7'1te EVERGREENEWS A .~Veigh6orlworl AetPspoper Sponsored 6y Vollintine- Evergreen Community Action Association the city of Memphis as a whole. And it is time for Memphis to come together as a whole and stop dividing itself off. 2. I do plan to involve the whole community and community groups Political Poop in the process. MARY JANE BURT, WILLIAM M. LARSHA, and J. 0. PAT This fall marks the start of a new political season. In ad TERSON (incumbent) - No Response. dition to numerous City Councilmen, school board members, mayoral candidates and judges VECCA residents will be voting for a County Mayor for the first time on October 9th. At-Large Position 1 To introduce the at-large and VECCA district candidates for City Council The Evergreen News circulated a question BONNY MARTIN naire which asked the following: Background: Board of Directors, LeDonhcur Hospital; Com 1. What is the single most important problem facing mid missioner, Memphis Park Commission; Shelhy Farms Plan town and how would you solve it? ning Board. 2. Do you plan to involve neighborhood groups in the City's Positions: 1. I would be willing to listen to responsible groups planning process? representing this area who can identify the problems and work lie re is a summary of the answers we received. toward solutions. 2. Yes, by listening to responsible groups. City Council BETTY BOUTON SMITH District 5 Positions: 1. Retain the good and improve the not so good. Clean up repair and maintain services, good street lighting JIM FIELDS and public safety. Do these things and then increase civic pride Background: Discjockey, advertising executive. by educatingandinvolvingasmany people as possible. 2. Be Positions: 1. Crime. To curb crime we must have a better fore any concrete plans arc made there should be many public line of communication between the City Council and the police meetings to inform and obtain ideas and recommendations. department. 2. In order to have neighborhood involvement ROSCOEDIXON,JR. ,HOBERT GLISSON, WAYNE MINK, Sll,.. we must establish a communication line and make the City KY SULLIVAN, RUTH TROTTER, and PAT VANDERSCHAAF Council representative of the people. (incumbent) - No Response. JACK GillSON At Large Position 2 Background: Master of Regional Planning; Ph. D. candidate; Peace Corps; City Planner; professor (planning); Planning TOM TODD Consultant. Background: Member, Memphis Cotton Exchange; Director, Positions: 1. Lad:: of neighborhood identity. Area planning First Federal Savings and Loan Association; served two terms committees should be formed to stabilize home values, pro in the State Senate, Chairman of the City Council. mote race relations, and better public education. 2. Yes. Positions: 1. Midtown's most important problem is tlw deter N 'ghborhood committees should participate in all phases of ioration of downtown. The present downtown redevelopment the planning process. They should be the biggest supporters will have a desirable effect on Midtown. 2. Create sense of of our city's cleanliness, quality educational opportunities and pride in the city, our ncighbo:-llOocl and homes. public safety. I have worked conscientiously with neighbor hood groups all over the country and believe in their success. SAM DATTEL Background: Law Degree; 24yearsexperience in real estate. District 7 Positions: 1. Decay of downtown has effect of filtering to the midtown area. A viable downtown would stabilizr' mirltown's PEGGY CLAY potential problems. 2. Yes. ,'\11 neighborhood groups should Positions: 1. The problems that involve midtown also involve be involved in the planning of their area as it relates to streets, schools and community centers. \' C\\!-' Political candidates will have a chance lo \'l. ,. \'""- debate the issues and answer questions \..-\ ·" '"\·· KEN THOMAS. No Responsii~r,:-t~ . • ,, ;Y, . , • Z. at the neighborhood rally to be held Mon a\\\~:,,\ , ' ·i \ ,. ~ ·','c\}.!. day, Sept. 22 at 7:30p.m. at the chapel ("" \_..J - ~ C)\\ ' .. <:,'·:,~ . -<~~ d .. f:.. ,'" -~ .-.o".::.<-::- of McLean Baptist Church. City and coun At Large Posthon\l \\>'t·· .\ .;;,,. ty mayoral candidates, aspiring judges and r ·>'•Q\'- . \"'':>•· city c0uncil and schoo1 board candidates ED WILLIAMS ~V'•~\) '. have all been invited. Background: Consu~ing Engineer and Vice President of con- Memphis, Tennessee 8 September, 1975 Volume V, Number 9 Circulation: 5750 Special Election Issue NOT TO BE PLACED IN MAILBOXES IRVIN OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ATKINS' HOME AND SAC HRITZ HAIRDRESSER NEEDED BUILDING CARE 76l-l8l0 or 276-6216 PARKWAY HOUSE MAJOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE REPAIR II BEAUTY SHOP NEW YORK Ll FE Stoves, Ovens, Cook Tops, Air 272-9686 Conditioning & Refrigeration INSURANCE COMPANY GROUND fLOOR 276-6442 Charles Atkins 323-6851 8 9 9 Sheridan 1960 N. P/IRKW !\ Y suiting firm; three terms in Tennessee General Assembly; At-Large Position 4 member, Mayor's Downtown Historical Task Force; Board of Trustees, Pink Palace Museum. PAT HALLORAN Positions: 1. Maintenance of neighborhood stability. City Background: Former University Dean, chief executive, Pi Council should not allow zoning and public construction pro Kappa Alpha National Fraternity; past president, Big Brothers jects which will upset the balance of midtown residence. Neigh of Memphis; vice president, Memphis Junior Chamber of Com borhood groups should have voice in both decisions which af merce; member, City of Memphis Housing Rehab i 1 i tation fect them directly and the City as a whole. Board. Positions: 1. Better police and school services. Increase stability by keeping a close watch on zoning, and making people JOE DAVID CASEY feel they have the ear of local government. Doesn't support Background: Diploma from U. T.; Employee, Sears Roebuck proposed N. Parkway expressway route because of negative & Company. impact on neighborhoods. 2. Yes. By working together to Positions: 1. Crime. Hiring more policemen to form walking eliminate the type of government that stifles progress and patrols of midtown. Vandalism of Overton Park and Overton openness. Square is another problem. 2. Yes. NULL ADAMS DAN EVANS Background: Graduate from American Press Institute Seminar; Background: Leave of Absence from WREG to run for office; Newspaper Guild for 38 years (covered City Hall); director, involved with Urban League, NAACP, PUSH, Boy's Club, Cynthia Milk Fund. Coalition of Black Youth. Positions: 1. Give more attention and direct more funds to Positions: 1. Crime resulting from unemployment which causes solve needs. Non-political survey is needed. Downtown and residents to flee and brings about a new downtown situation midtown must be restored to have a great city. 2. Yes. It is to midtown. 2. Yes. Put neighborhood groups and City Fathers essential to a well planned city. together for good and equal representation and progressive laws. ROBERT LIVINGSTON ROSCOE McWILLIAMS, Sr. Background: Lawyer. Background: Librarian, Memphis City Schools. Positions: 1. Lack of new homes. I would lilw to study the Positions: 1. The ineffective leadership of the City Council as possibility of converting Overton Park into a beautiful resi a whole. lfeel I have what is needed to help solve most of the dential area. I believe this would breathe "new life" into the problems of all the people of this city. 2. Yes. Organize bi midtown area. Also would put I-<10 through the park and ~->:1vc racial groups of all ages to seck advice and be evaluated. N. Parkway as a beautiful residential street. OSCAR EDMONDS, Jr. -No Response. JIM MARTY - No Response. At-Large Position G staff: editors: rick thomas, george bradfute I news: hershel lipow, marty thomas /art-copy: brad mcmillan /typing: geo ANDY ALISSANDRATOS rge bradfute, jr., sallcc bruhwiler, kendy kallaher /circu Background: Incumbent Councilm:m. lation;}ean bradfute/business: shirley johnson/printing: cour Positions: 1. In my opinion several problems in midtown de tesy southwestern at memphis serve attention. lf I had to choose one, I would say t:rimc, but Episcopal ITALIAN & Church of the AMERICAN FOOD Good Shepherd PLATE LUNCHES 1971 Jackson Ave. (at University) DINO'S Sunday Services 7:30A.M. -Mass Southwestern 10:30 A.M. - Choral Communion, Sermon with Sunday School. Grill Wednesday Service 10:00 A.M. - Mnss and Bible Study 454 N. Bingham 324-1221 Just east of The Park off Broad EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 pm For the Total Child OPEN DOOR BIBLE CHURCH PLANNED CURRICULUM 1792 N. Parkwc,. HOT LUNCHES Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. ®CD®©@ Daily and Weekly Rates Morning Service - 10:45 a.m. lf,.M.- r, P.\1. MOND!'Y-fR!D['Y AT LITTLE FLOWER SCHUUL Evening Service- 7:00p.m. 1\GES 2-6 274-9440 $$ CAPH PRIZES $$ "If ti's the Hihle you want, MINIMUM $515 WEEKLY Me LEAN BAPTIST CHURCH vou want The H1hle Church'' followed closely with necessity to stabilize the area. I have worked hard to cunb crime and get to its causes and to stabil Continuing Ed ize midtown and downtown. I plan to continue my efforts to With September Southwestern's Center for Continuing Edu ward these goals. cation cranks up its program anew. Through the Center a wide variety of opportunities for civic education has been made NEIL MASNER available to Memphians and Mid- Southerners in the region Positions: 1. Crime. Solicit help of community leaders. Gain during the last thirty years. Cooperation with national organ community respect for lawful authority. Involve the schools, izations as well as with a number oflocal civic groups has en encourage law enforcement. 2. Yes. abled a small staff with limited resources to make a signifi cant contribution to the life and thought of the region. WAYNE CHASTAIN and PAT JOYNER- No Response. This Fall's offerings would please anyone with an interest in literature. Discussion groups - the backbone ofthe Center's At-Large Position 6 program - will focus on many topics of interest. Dean GRAN VILLE DAVIS and Dr. JAMES ROPER will lead one group on MIKE CODY "Literature as Personal Revelation" while Dr.