Izabela Walkowiak performer clown living statue PERSONAL SUMMARY KEY SKILLS Very experienced stage and street theatre performer. Work contains over THEATRE & CIRCUS ten years of creative activity. Participant of international art festivals , street theatres and alternative theatres. Worked with several directors of theatre , Living statue clown theatre, and performances art projects as a actress, clown, singer, Clowning performer and rope walker. Also director of solo performances, artistic projects, Fool living statues and creative workshops for adults, teenagers and children . Stage improvisation Stage acting Able to work as a performer with professional theatre and circus groups, performance art and alternative art. Always looking for clowning projects and Butoh dance shows. Happy to participate in alternative performance art. Singing Pantomime Rope walking – slackrope Rope walking - slackline THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES Diobolo Swallowing fire Current Projects Fire dancing Poi dancing • Short Sharp Shock as a clown , performances with Isadora Vibes – Great Britain Bubble art Basic juggling Living statues (2004-present) • Parrot Queen ( 2013 – present) Living statue, solo performance – Great Britain • Baker, Shopkeeper and Seller ( 2013 – present) Living statues, solo performance – Great Britain • Steampunk Lady (2012 – present) Living statue, solo performance - Poland, Great Britain, Netherlands, Romania, Ireland, China, Israel • Marilyn Monroe (2012 – present) Living statue, solo performance - Poland, Great Britain. • The Bell (2010 – present) Living statue, solo performance - Poland, Great CONTACT Britain. M: +44 7708 356 141 E:
[email protected] 1 WWW.LUTREK.CO.UK Living statues (2004-present) cont. WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES • Silver Lady (2009 – present) Living statue, solo performance - France, Poland, - AS A PARTICIPANT Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, China. • Medusa (2007) Living statue, solo performance - Germany: Berlin, Cologne.