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jLc2- >7 //^^a/ The HAZARD FAMILY of RHODE ISLAND f- I \t. 3 >' s ^ i ^ 'i^-fA -if «: •• ' / .'. .> • • • • • ••.. • • . -• .:•• ,«: • • :< • ••.; . 'I s. ■ •. •• ■ • ^. •.'• • ;,:•.•• • *'■■ '• • .■*tn ^ Table of CONTENTS, together with a LIST of the PORTRAITS, FAG-SIMILES, etc. AUTHOR'S NOTE . FIRST GENERATION Portrait of WtUiam Coddimton SECOND GENERATION . * * To fate fage THIRD GENERATION . .. FOURTH GENERATION . ! ! ! ] Portrait of Abraham Redwood . ! [ To face page Facsimile of Signature of . ] * Facsimile of Signature of Thomas Hazard FIFTH GENERATION Facsimile of Signature of Thomas Hazard ('« College Te/s ") Facsimile of Signature of Thomas Hazard ("Nailor TVct") Portrait of Abigail Hazard Facsimile of Signature of Thttmas Hazard ("Virginia Taw") To face fage Facsimile of Signature of Freeman and Mercy Perry , , Portrait of S/anton Hazard SIXTH GENERATION ., ! !! ! To face fage Facsimile of Signature of Thomas Hazard ("Bedford 7Vw*") Portrait of Isaac Peace Hazard . , Facsimile of Signature of Thomas Rhodes Haszard \ To fact fage Facsimile of Signature of William Haszard , Facsimile of Signature of George Hazard Peckham . Facsimile of Signature of William Peckham . Facsimile of Signature of Thomas C. Hazard ("Fiddle-head ! Facsimile of Signature of George Hazard . SEVENTH GENERATION .. .* ! Portrait of Rowland Gibson Hazard . » , , Portrait of George Starr Hazard . To fate fage Facsimile of Signature of Benjamin T. Peckham To fate fage Facsimile of Signature of Benjamin Robinson . Portrait of Oliver Hazard Perry .... To fate fage Portrait of Matthew Calbraish Perry . To fate fage Portrait of Augustus George Hazard .. To fate fage Portrait of Samuel Rodman , . EIGHTH GENERATION . ! 1 To fate fage Portrait of Isaac Peace Rodman .. ... To face fage Portrait of Mary Peckham Rodman .... To face fage Portrait of John G. Hazard . To fact fage NINTH GENERATION . TENTH GENERATION . ! ! A Map of the Southern Part of Rhode Island, showing the Chief Localities this Book mentioned in To face fage The Index . ... " s -ir f ^ ^ r' Qr^ I AUTHOR^S NOTE. compiler of this volume, who is a descendant of the Hazard endeavored to make a scientific, formal or final his- torical work, but simply a collection, more or less complete, of genea- ® T [®l logical data in relation to the Hazard family. Such sketches of individuals have been inserted as the writer has been able herself to compile, or readily to obtain from sources of information open to everyone. Thefacsimiles and portraits have been, as is often the case in books of this class, secured where it was possible to secure them, without always bear- inz a striSi relation to the importance of the individual represented. In many cases where it would have been desirable, owing to the eminence of the person w question, ^to have Ziven them zreater distinHion by this means or by a very full biographical sketch, it has not always been possible to do so; while, in other cases, less known members of the family have obtained a fuller treatment, owing to sources of information more readily available. Of the defers of the volume the author herself is more fully aware than the reader can be; but she is also more cognizant of the many difficulties which have pre vented the perfeHion which she wished to obtain. , , d 7 r ^Valuable assistance has been given to the compiler of the records by Mr. Feleg F. Pierce of JVickford, Or. Henry E. Turner of Newport, the late Mr. Stanton Haza^ of Westerly, Mr. H. J. Cundall of Prince Edward Island, and Mr. James N. Arnold. Thanks are especially due to Mr. Thomas Crombe, Town Clerk of North Kinzstown, and Mr. Howard Perry, who holds the same office in South Kingstown, for unvarying kindness and great assistance in searching the manuscript records of which they are the custodians. It should here be said, in passing, that the references to the Rhode Island Colonial Records allude to the printed volumes, not to the %7hrJfso her indebtedness to Mrs. William D. Moss of Westerly, for permission to copy the interesting portrait of Captain fiftiton Haz ard; to Mr. Rowland Hazard of Peacedale,for his kindness in furnishing the por traits of his father, Rowland G. Hazard, and of his uncle, Isaac Peace Hazard, to the President of Brown University for permission to reproduce the T'he Author's Note. Oliver Hazard Perry and General Isaac Rodman^ now in the dining-hall of the Col lege; to Dr. IVilliam Elliot Griffs for permission to use the plate of Matthew Cal- braith Perry; to Mrs. Richard K. Randolph of Kingston, for the use of the water- color sketch of her great-grandmother^ Abigail Hazard Watson; to General John G. Hazard^ for the use of his portrait;to Mrs. Bond of Springfield,for the portrait of her father, Augustus Hazard; to Mrs. William Woodward,for the portrait ofSamuel Rodman; and to thefamily of Mrs. Baldwin, for the portrait of their mother. The arms of the English Hassards, or Hazards, appear on the title page and are taken from those given in the "Reminiscences of Thomas R. Hazard." The portrait of Coddington, first Governor of Rhode Island, and of Abraham Redwood, as well as others of the older portraits, more or less in a direll line of ancestry, have been added at the suggestion of Mr. Berkeley Updike of Boston {himself a descendant of the family), who has carried the book through the press, and to whose care it owes its form ofpresentation. ^It only remains to express gratitude above all to one whose kindness has caused this work to be printed; but whose charaHeristic refusal to allow her name to be mentioned as so doing, will disclose her to the friends of the author. li I i '•s-: Itr '•^-vv«' ^ w L 'r<ij -s ^ THE HAZARD FAMILY O F RHODE ISLAND 1635-1894 Being a Genealogy and Hiftory of the IDefcendants of Thomas Hazard, with Sketches of the JHorthies of this Family, and Anecdotes Illuftrative of their Traits and alfo of the Times in which they Lived 4EnibrilM(f)'& toitf) ^ortratt^ ana fafc^imiie^, ana toitJ) ia^ap ana ^nacr CAROLINE E. ROBINSON BOSTON for t^c 511utljor MDCCCXCV Copyright, i8^6> hy Caroline E, Robinson. All rights reserved. i F- ik; m THE HAZARD FAMILY OF RHODE ISLAND jpirst (generation^ rsssss^aiTHOMAS HAZARD, the progenitor in the United States of America, was bo™'n 1610; he died . 1680; he married, ist, Martha ,who died in 1669 He ma T tied ad Martha, widow of Thomas Sheriff; she died in 1691. His name is first found in Boston .^""'"''YBoston Two In 1618, March ac, he was admitted freeman of years later he was admitted freeman of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. In .639, April a8, he and eight °'bers signed the following nreparatory to the settlement of Newport, Rhode Island. It is g J Is whose hands are underwritten to propagate a W.Newport, an acre and for inevery .640, acre March laia. ta,oeptemocr he was appointed z, iujy, a ^^^ber of the General Court of Elections. In 1665, he was for \®bort time in Newtown^ fellow,"lrsoFeIn his will Droved executrix, 1680, and his he wife gives Martha, her" all whom movable he calls and immovablehis Deiovea e^staje,« yo I The Hazard Family housing, goods, cattle, and chattels, etc.'* To his son Robert he g^es is. To his daughters, Hannah Wilcox and Martha Potter, wife of Ichabod hotter is. There is a long line of descendants from this daughter Martha, and Ichabod Potter, with frequent intermarriages in the Hazard family. In the early history of the family it was almost an exception to find a Hazard who did not marry a cousin, and it is a curious fact that the lines in which these marriages were the most frequent, were often marked by the strongest men and women, both men- tallyThLe and few physically. meagre facts are about all that can be f^nd at the ^esent day, of the foundertounaer ofor thetne j-iaz-aiuHazard familylAimyy ini.. Amerma But Thomas R Ha^y'^.. ^ Recollections of Olden rimes, has given an account of the family that goes back even beyond the name; its European founder being the Duke deCharante,living about io6o, on the borders of Switzerland. From the Duke de Charante he has given an interesting account of the changes in the name, until towards the close of the eighteenth century, when it was, and still continues to be, written Willis R. Hazard, a descendant of Jonathan Hazard of iNewtown, Long Island (according to whose opinion Jonathan was a son of Thomas Hazard, but by other authorities a nephew), has given us the chief characteristics of the family, and although his account was intended for the descendants of Jonathan of New town, it is equally applicable to the Rhode Island family. He says: The Haz ards are a strongly marked race, handing down and retaining certain peculiarities from generation to generation. One is, a peculiar amount ofor pride,priae, anuand a pronouncedproiiuuii^i.^ ,..iaw^w..«w..ww,independence, coupled with a c a PhysicallyTV. • 11 they.1 are strongly1,. marked. GenerallyV speakinVisnpakincr. t^ythev are of good statureyVy® anaand vigorous framesiramcs withwiui rather a» .^v^-wwsquare head, high—o- forehead,- brown^ . 'ru-iwy eyes, straight^ \ . or... aquiline!ir_.. nose, and xiAtV,with will^will shownchown bybv a firmlyfirmlv set jaw.iaw. Their complexion is fair, a little inclined to florid. zj a r«rr,;itr I'ewFew familieslamiiies in jvauucRhode Island »i.arw.ahave a brighter ------record than the Hazard, family, where, 'rif greatness. •is not__z always found, sobrietycnKri#»rv. honesty,honestv. and integrity make even thetne Lmblestnumoiesc livesiivcs, worthwuitu studying ; and when casedon^d a retiring,for his^^nthusiastic unpretentious admiration'for modesty combined the old withfamily greatness, tree, that he still must sends be par-out vigorous shoots after more than two hundred years of growth in America.