Baden-Baden and Environs from Bædeker's Rhine
194 Route 34. BADEN. a monument to M. Rindeschwender, a patriotic native of Baden. Gerns bach, see p. 199. The train now crosses the Murg. Farther on, between Rastatt and Oos, the hunting-seat Favorite (p. 200) lies in the midst of shrubberies. 00s is the junction for Baden-Baden, which is reached hence in 10 min. - 34. Baden and Environs. Hotels. *VrcroRIA, in the Leopolds-Platz. *BADischer: HoF (with baths), at the entrance to the town, quieter than the others. *ENGLIschER Hof, near the Promenadenbrücke. *EURoPäischer Hof, opposite the Trinkhalle. These four are of the first clas: R. 1"|2 fl. and upwards, L. 24, B. 42, D. incl. W. at 5 o'clock 1 fl. 48, A. 30 kr. — “STADT BApeN, at the station, similar charges. – #HolländischER Hof and Hôtel. D’AMERIQUE, both in the Sophien - Str.: RUssischER Hof, in the Prome naden-Platz; DEUTscher Hof, Lange-Str. ; *ZÄHRINGER Hof (with baths), Lange-Str. ; FRANzösischer Hof, at the corner of the Wilhelms-Str., near the Trinkhalle ; HôTEL Roy AL; *HIRsch (with baths), Lange-Str. ; *DARM st KDTER Hof (with baths), Gernsbacher Str. ; St. PETERsBURGER Hof (with baths), in the same street, good cuisine. Average charges in all these: R. from 'i ſi..., ii. ſs. B. 36. D. at 1 o'clock 1 fl. 13, at 5 o'clock 1 a. 36 km. — BAIRIschER Hof, opposite the station. – RITTER, Gernsbacher Str.; DREI KöNIgE and *STERN (with restaurant) in the Lange-Str. ; *STADT STRAssBURG, at the end of the new promenade, somewhat remote, R. 1 fl., D. 1 fl. 3 STAHLBAD (Hôtel Garni), Lichtenthaler Str., R.
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