Congressional Record—House H123
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January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H123 from schools with which they will be services which boost our economy. need to end it now, not 2014. Not at merging. While the Archdiocese of That means that small businesses whatever other later date the military Philadelphia contemplates its plans for across America need customers, and brass decides is appropriate. After continuing to provide students with a they need customers right now. nearly 1,900 American deaths and more rigorous academic curriculum in con- So we must extend the expiring un- than 10 years of bloodshed and may- cert with spiritual values, families and employment benefits. We can’t aban- hem, we owe it to our troops and to parishioners can reflect upon the three don the millions of job seekers before their families, as well as American tax- principles of Catholic Schools Week— they find a good job. We should also payers, to bring them home. faith, academics, service—not simply immediately add an additional 14 This war is not just a moral disgrace, as a theme but also as a guide for their weeks of tier I unemployment benefits not just a humanitarian disaster, Mr. future decisions. for the millions of Americans who have Speaker; it’s a strategic failure. We’re Mr. Speaker, Catholic Schools Week completely exhausted their benefits spending at least $10 billion every is truly a time to demonstrate the in- after 99 weeks. Far too many Ameri- month to prop up a regime in Afghani- tangible value of Catholic education. cans have exhausted all of their unem- stan that is ineffective on its best day I’m extremely grateful for the hard ployment benefits and are still unable and downright corrupt on its worst. work and dedication of the administra- to work. We must not abandon these Afghanistan continues to be racked tors, faculty, students, and parents 99ers. by poverty and violence, and my belief who’ve created an environment fos- To achieve these ends, we must en- is that by continuing to have military tering academic excellence, spiritu- sure that we protect the efficient and boots on the ground, we’re encouraging ality, and service. effective programs we already have in more animosity towards the United f place and provide strong investments States, giving the Taliban a recruit- that spur immediate job growth. And ment tool, and thus, undermining our POVERTY IN AMERICA we have the resources to do this if we security. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The commit ourselves to increasing fair- Mr. Speaker, we need a new security Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ness in taxation to ensure that the program. We need a new security para- California (Ms. LEE) for 5 minutes. wealthiest Americans pay their fair digm, an entirely fresh way of thinking Ms. LEE of California. As the founder share and enact a reasonable Tax Code about how to keep our Nation safe. of the Congressional Out of Poverty that includes financial transactions Won’t we make more friends and win Caucus, I rise again today to remind which will not only raise vital revenue more hearts and minds if we extend a this body about the crisis of poverty in but set some limits to the wild, out-of- hand of friendship to the rest of the America, which really should prick the control speculation and vulture cap- world instead of rattling the saber at conscience of every Democrat and Re- italism that nearly brought down this the first sign of trouble? publican. As we begin to consider legis- entire economy. Actually, that’s the heart of my lation for this year and budgets for the Also, we must take a bold approach SMART security platform. Why are we fiscal year 2013, we must do more to in how we allocate the large savings spending pennies on humanitarian aid help millions of Americans living in from our defense budgets as we bring for every dollar we’re spending on poverty. our troops home from abroad. weapons and warfare? Instead of a mili- We must do more for the millions of I’m confident that the President will tary surge, we need a civilian surge, Americans who are looking very hard speak to the moral and economic crises one that lifts people out of poverty, re- for a job and working hard every day to of income inequality and will not for- builds infrastructure, promotes edu- move up the ladder of opportunity, get the long-term unemployed, the cation, especially for women and girls, really trying to remove these very dif- poor, our seniors, our students, and the and combats malnutrition and global ficult barriers. middle class in his State of the Union health problems around the world. We must not balance our budgets on speech tonight. SMART security is a renewed com- the backs of the most vulnerable, the I hope the Republicans and Demo- mitment to diplomacy, multilater- poor, and low-income individuals, and crats in this body take heed and tomor- alism, and peaceful conflict resolution. we cannot allow any budget cuts or au- row pass the American Jobs Act for the It would support a dramatic downsizing thorize new spending on programs that good of the country. of the military industrial complex. Be- will increase poverty or increase in- f lieve it or not, the Pentagon consumes come inequality in America. 56 percent of discretionary spending We also must commit to taking bold SMART SECURITY: TO CREATE AN with a budget bigger in real dollars steps to reducing the devastating im- AMERICA BUILT TO LAST than it was at the height of the Soviet pact of poverty in America, and that is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The threat. And with SMART security, we by creating jobs. It’s inexcusable and Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from can reverse that. immoral to fail to take the strongest California (Ms. WOOLSEY) for 5 min- Tonight I’m told the President will possible action to bring immediate utes. sound the theme of an America built to help to those Americans in need. Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, tonight last. But no Nation, Mr. Speaker, that We cannot continue down the path when the President of the United exists in a state of semipermanent war- that leads to increasing poverty, in- States addresses our Nation from this fare can be built to last. I worry about equality, and income disparities which Chamber, we will hear some good news how we can be built to last when we focus more and more wealth in the on the national security front. The end have enough nuclear warheads to blow hands of the few and leave millions of of the Iraq war, for example, is an im- the world to smithereens many times Americans behind. With nearly 50 mil- pressive accomplishment, one that over. lion Americans in poverty and half of wouldn’t have happened if bold progres- Now is the time, Mr. Speaker. Our all Americans in low-income house- sives hadn’t called for our troops to be common humanity compels us to bring holds, we cannot wait. We must act brought home way back in 2005. the troops home from Afghanistan and now. I’m also pleased the President’s lead- implement a SMART security agenda. Mr. Speaker, poverty doesn’t just ership will make it possible for our Now is the time. hurt families and the children who military strategic review to call for f grow up in families trapped by poverty, significant reductions in defense spend- b 1100 but it costs our Nation hundreds of bil- ing. lions of dollars in lost productivity and But on both of these fronts, ending HONORING THE LIFE OF FORMER slows the Nation’s economic growth. our current wars and long-range na- REPRESENTATIVE ED JENKINS We must act to strengthen funding for tional security strategy, I’m hoping for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The programs that not only prevent hun- proposals that are bigger and bolder Chair recognizes the gentleman from ger, homelessness, crime, and maintain than what we’ve heard to this point. Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) for 5 minutes. access to education, but we all must Bottom line, Mr. Speaker, we need to Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, create initiatives to demand goods and end the war in Afghanistan, and we I rise to recognize and celebrate the VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.012 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 life of Ed Jenkins, a fellow Georgian, a It was no sudden flight for Ed Jenkins, ingested something about public serv- dedicated public servant, and a good born in Young Harris, Georgia, to rise ice: Zell Miller, Governor, Senator; friend. I had the honor of serving on to prominence in Washington, DC Jack Brinkley, United States Congress- the Ways and Means Committee along- under the dome of this great Capitol. man; Edgar Lanier Jenkins, United side Congressman Jenkins. No, it was the result of hard work and States Congressman par excellence. Born in the small town of Jasper, humble sacrifice. Isn’t it strange how princes and kings Georgia, Congressman Jenkins would Although I didn’t have the pleasure and clowns that caper in sawdust rings often describe himself as a country of serving in this body with Ed, as he and common folks like you and me are lawyer, but he was a country lawyer retired from Congress in 1993 as I was builders for eternity.