Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2012 No. 10 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ‘‘CBS News correspondent Clarissa ghanistan, and the little girl, as you called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Ward found one reason in the Pech Val- can see, Mr. Speaker, is looking at the pore (Mr. PAULSEN). ley. Americans lost their lives there flag. She has no idea that her daddy is f building a base called Nangalam. When dead. She will know one day that her they tried to hand over their gains to father died to prop up a corrupt leader DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO the Afghan Army, the base went to named Karzai and a corrupt govern- TEMPORE ruin. ment, and then she will learn from the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ‘‘Army Major Guillermo Guillen, history books as she gets into high fore the House the following commu- from southern California, is frustrated. school that no nation has ever con- nication from the Speaker: ‘You’re relying on us to do all of your quered Afghanistan and no nation will WASHINGTON, DC, security for you. You need to be par- ever conquer Afghanistan. January 24, 2012. ticipating,’ Guillen told an Afghan As we listen to the President tonight I hereby appoint the Honorable ERIK PAUL- counterpart. and he talks about the state of affairs, SEN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this ‘‘On a recent patrol, some Afghan I hope he will mention that he intends day. soldiers were not wearing helmets. One to bring our troops home now, not in JOHN A. BOEHNER, chatted on his cell phone. 2014. In 2014, I do not know how many Speaker of the House of Representatives. ‘‘The United States military left young men and women have to lose f Nangalam base last February, handing their legs, their arms, and die. So I MORNING-HOUR DEBATE over to Afghan forces. But within hope both parties will come together weeks, things went badly wrong.’’ this spring and talk about bringing our The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Remember, Mr. Speaker, this is a troops home now, not 2014. ant to the order of the House of Janu- CBS national report. With that, Mr. Speaker, I will ask ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- ‘‘Enemy forces returned to roam free- God to please bless our men and women nize Members from lists submitted by ly through the valley. The Afghan com- in uniform and their families, to bless the majority and minority leaders for mander deserted. Hundreds of his sol- the families who have given a child morning-hour debate. diers followed. dying for freedom in Afghanistan and The Chair will alternate recognition ‘‘The Afghan forces that remained Iraq, and ask God to please continue to between the parties, with each party ransacked their own base. All the elec- bless America. limited to 1 hour and each Member tric wires have been pulled out. Any- [From cbsnews.com, Jan. 12, 2012] other than the majority and minority thing of any was taken. You can NANGALAM: A SYMBOL OF THE AFGHAN WAR’S leaders and the minority whip limited see the wire hanging out of the light.’’ TROUBLES to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall Mr. Speaker, ‘‘A new Afghan Army (By Clarissa Ward) debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. unit has been brought in with a new Most Americans in Afghanistan are doing f commander, Colonel Turab. U.S. offi- their best in a war that’s now in its 11th cers have nicknamed him ‘Honest Abe.’ year. Why has it taken this long? AFGHANISTAN SITUATION And he was honest to a fault about the CBS News correspondent Clarissa Ward The SPEAKER pro tempore. The prospects of the Afghan Army.’’ found one reason in the Pech Valley. Ameri- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, listen very carefully: cans lost their lives there building a base North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- ‘‘ ‘It will take about 30 years’ for the called Nangalam. When they tried to hand utes. over their gains to the Afghan army, the Afghan Army to be ready, Turab said base went to ruin. Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, on January through a translator. ‘And if they are This is one part of Afghanistan that Amer- 12, CBS Evening News did a segment on reformed and the corruption is re- ica thought it could finally leave. But U.S. just how impossible is the situation in moved,’ ’’ it will take about 10 years. troops are back, trying once again to train Afghanistan. This is something I have How many $10 billion a month do we their Afghan allies. been speaking out on for months and have to spend? How many young men Army Major Guillermo Guillen, from months and months, and I think CBS and women have to die for a failed pol- Southern California, is frustrated. illustrated beautifully just how dire of icy? History has proven you will never, ‘‘You’re relying on us to do all your secu- rity for you. You need to be participating,’’ a situation it is in Afghanistan. I will never change Afghanistan no matter Guillen told an Afghan counterpart. read excerpts from the report con- what you do. On a recent patrol, some Afghan soldiers taining examples of just how inept the This poster beside me is a wife in were not wearing helmets. One chatted on Afghan Army is. tears whose husband was killed in Af- his cell phone.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA7.000 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 ‘‘We’re not going to be here forever, you tribute has been organized and led by She currently represents southern Ari- need to take care of yourself,’’ Guillen said. the conscience of the Congress, a man zona, the Tucson area, which has the The U.S. military left Nangalam base last of extraordinary leadership and char- Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and February, handing over to Afghan forces. But within weeks, things went badly wrong. acter and a fellow representative from Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista. She is Enemy forces returned to roam freely the State of Georgia, Congressman the leading champion on border secu- through the valley. The Afghan commander . rity, energy independence, and the deserted. Hundreds of his soldiers followed. Congressman Jenkins will long be re- needs of military families and vet- ‘‘I believe there was some of (feeling of membered as a leader willing to work erans, which she knows so well because abandonment) amongst the (Afghan) sol- across the aisle, negotiate and build she is married to an active military diers. It’s probably what led to some of their coalitions on behalf of the greater , Mark Kelly, who not only flew leadership leaving,’’ Guillen said. good. He will be remembered in textile umpteen missions as a naval pilot but The Afghan forces that remained ran- sacked their own base. mills across the South as a champion also flew into space as a NASA astro- All the electric wires have been pulled out. of the industry, a defender of good-pay- naut. Anything of any value was taken. You can ing for local workers in small On January 8, when she was having see the wiring hanging out of the light. towns and communities across the re- Congress On Your Corner at a super- Just about everything else that could be gion for small businesses. He will be re- in northwest Tucson, an ordi- moved was sold for cash. membered as a champion of the Ways nary morning, and many people were Without American support, the Afghan and Means Committee for his expertise there, she was met by a madman who army refused to resupply the base. The sol- diers were living in filth. on the Tax Code, for his wisdom and not only changed her life, but ended For the U.S. military, it was an embar- leadership, with the respect he earned the life of 9-year-old Christina Taylor rassing example of what might happen when even when his colleagues disagreed Green; Dorothy Morris; John Roll, security is handed over to Afghan forces with him. And he will be remembered chief Federal judge for Arizona; Phyllis across the country, and so four months after for his legendary tough questioning Schneck; Dorwan Stoddard; and Ga- leaving, a small group of U.S. troops was during the Iran-Contra hearings, a briel Zimmerman. Twelve others, in- sent back in. scene that reflected and embodies his cluding Giffords’ staff members Ron Today, American contractors are back on Barber and Pat Simon, were wounded. the base repairing the damage, with U.S. strong will, deep character, and core taxpayers footing the bill, again. principles—his pursuit of the truth, his She was treated initially nearby and A new Afghan army unit has been brought commitment to transparency and ac- then flown to the TIRR Memorial Her- in, with a new commander, Colonel Turab. countability, and his firm belief in the mann Rehabilitation Hospital in Hous- U.S. officers have nicknamed him ‘‘Honest sanctity of the rule of law. ton. She continues to be rehabilitated, Abe.’’ Congressman Jenkins served his com- and it is remarkable how far this And he was honest to a fault about the munity and our country as a lawyer young woman has come. prospects for the Afghan army. She was a Fulbright Scholar, but ‘‘It will take about 30 years’’ for the Af- and a congressional staffer, in the ghan army to be ready, Turab said through a Coast Guard, and as a Member of the more importantly, she is my friend. translator. ‘‘And if they are reformed and House of Representatives. He’ll be You see, in the House we have a little the corruption is removed, ten years.’’ missed by his friends in Congress, by bipartisan softball team. We play folks ‘‘They understand what they’re doing. his friends he served in Georgia, by his like the NRCC young folks and the They understand what’s required. It’s just neighbors, and loved ones. DCCC young folks, and now recently getting them to do it without sup- We only hope that it is some comfort we’re are playing the press corps. She port,’’ Guillen said. to his wife of 51 years, Jo; his daugh- was a member of our team, and she was The U.S. exit strategy depends on them a really good member. doing it without support. Not in 30 years, ters, Janice and Amy; his brothers, sis- and not in ten. They have just two years be- ters, grandsons, and his entire family I wish GABBY well as she moves to a fore the vast majority of American forces are that so many share grief at this sad new direction in her life, and I pray scheduled to leave the Pech Valley—and all time. each and every morning and each and of Afghanistan—for good. Thank you, Mr. Jenkins, for a life of every evening that God will continue f to the Congress and the coun- to allow her to become a complete human being again. She is a great lady, IN MEMORY OF FORMER try. Thank you, Mr. LEWIS, for pro- a great friend of this House, a great CONGRESSMAN ED JENKINS viding this opportunity for us to honor a person we were proud to call a col- friend of the folks in Tucson and sur- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The league and friend. rounding Arizona. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Mr. ENGEL. Will the gentlewoman f California (Ms. PELOSI) for 5 minutes. yield? Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise b 1010 Mrs. SCHMIDT. Yes, I will yield to today to pay tribute to the life, leader- my friend, Mr. ENGEL from New York. THANK YOU TO MY FRIEND, ship, and legacy of our former col- Mr. ENGEL. I thank the gentle- GABBY GIFFORDS league and a friend of many in this woman for yielding to me, and I think house, Congressman Ed Jenkins. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that her taking the floor this morning My colleague, JOHN LEWIS, has Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from is the best example of bipartisanship brought many of us together on this (Mrs. SCHMIDT) for 5 minutes. that people say Congress doesn’t have floor or in other public statements to Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, today I enough of, and I think that those of us say what an honor it was to serve with really just want to say thank you to a that believe in bipartisanship need to Eddie Jenkins, how much we all young woman who for the last time in do more and more of this. learned from him. The humor as well her legislative as a Member of The attack on GABBY was really an as the intellect he brought to his work Congress will grace our presence this attack on all of us, an attack on Con- was definitely, definitely an asset to evening at the State of the Union, and gress, and something that’s really un- the work of the Congress. I’m talking about my good friend, thinkable. I’m very happy that she will Eddie Jenkins was a proud son of GABBY GIFFORDS. I think the world will be here this evening for the State of Georgia. If you heard him say it, you all know GABBY as the courageous her- the Union Address by the President. would agree, a self-described country oine who, on January 8, 2011, was met I got to know GABBY very well be- lawyer from Jasper, a public servant by an unbelievable mad person who cause my son attended the University dedicated to his constituents, to ad- changed her life and the life of so of Arizona in Tucson and graduated vancing the , hopes, and aspi- many, but I really want to tell all of us from there, and he was campaigning for rations of his neighbors down there in in this body what a great individual her, and I actually got to know her be- Georgia, and in securing future pros- and humanitarian she was for all of us. fore she even was a Member of the perity for all and opportunity for all She was sworn into office on January House. I think that all of us can say Americans. 4, 2007. She came out of the State legis- that she has been one of the most colle- It must be a true honor for Congress- lature in Arizona, so her background gial, friendly, hardworking and dedi- man Jenkins and his family that this was in the State legislature, as mine is. cated Members of Congress.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA7.002 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H119 We go out there, all of us, on both been there with us to celebrate all colleagues have, to travel throughout sides of the aisle every day and meet things Chicago, from commiserating our districts, and as the number one with thousands and thousands and with us over another Chicago Cubs loss manufacturing district in our country, thousands of constituents. I think that to suggesting the perfect restaurant for it’s no surprise that people are frus- she embodied the best of what Congress a post-concert dinner. He shares with trated and concerned about jobs and has to offer. I am sorry that she is re- us the best of the city and makes sure the economy. signing, but I know that she’s doing we better understand the world with b 1020 what she feels is best for her State of ‘‘Lin’s Bin.’’ He helps us discover new Arizona and also best for her. I know sounds, rediscover old favorites and I know that’s common because when that we all wish her Godspeed, and I provides an unparalleled soundtrack to I talk to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle and my colleagues over know we all wish her as speedy a recov- our days. on this side of the aisle about the num- ery as we can get. A celebrated fixture in radio, Lin has I know we haven’t seen the last of received a variety of honors through- ber one issue we face, they also say it’s her. She will come roaring back and out his illustrious career. In 1990, he jobs and the economy. So whether will continue to make tremendous con- was honored as Music Director of the you’re a Republican or a Democrat or an independent, I think we can all tributions to this country for years to Decade by Hard Report. come together and agree that we need come. So I want to thank the gentle- Lin’s musical sensibilities are nicely to find the common ground to spur eco- woman for doing this. I think that both summed up by his motto, borrowed nomic growth. of us standing here today shows the from the writing of Gerard Manley Hopkins: ‘‘Flesh fade and mortal trash It’s time that we work together in a American people that Congress can bipartisan way to pass legislation that work together and should work to- fall to the residuary , you and I might as well rock and roll.’’ Dubbed empowers creators and puts Amer- gether, and in the fine tradition of ica back to work. I firmly believe that GABBY GIFFORDS, we are going to make the Reverend of Rock and Roll early in his radio career, Lin sought to put to- if we put people before politics and sure that we all continue to work to- progress before partisanship and find gether. gether a radio program unlike any other. common ground, we will move our f Now, more than 35 years since he country forward. If you have an idea HONORING 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF first hosted a radio show in Albany, that is going to move our country for- 93 WXRT New York, Lin has succeeded in doing ward, I think that we ought to vote on that and so much more. it and move it forward immediately. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, today marks the 1,000th Chair recognizes the gentleman from Radio isn’t Lin’s only passion; he is also quite the accomplished foodie, day that the has Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. not passed a budget. As someone that Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, Chicago never going anywhere without a food guide in his car and his self-described ran a small business before coming to is a city of many treasures. From the Washington, sitting around kitchen ta- architecture to the museums and cul- ‘‘eating pants,’’ an outfit with enough give to accommodate another Chicago bles, Americans are wondering how tural institutions, from the sports they tighten their belt, how they bal- teams to our food, there are many, meal—oh, that Wiener Circle. His fa- vorite restaurants in Chicago include a ance their budget. many reasons to celebrate the Windy But the point there is that they have City. But with so much to do, see, and wide variety of cuisine for an even broader array of occasions. His rec- a budget. Small businesses all across eat, some of our city’s finest features ommendations have included ‘‘best the land can’t operate without a budg- do not make it onto most tourists’ to- upscale Mexican restaurant for when et. Big businesses can’t operate with- do lists. But if you want to share with you want to leave the kids at home’’ out a budget. American families gen- the visitors some of the true heart and and the very specific ‘‘best late night erally can’t operate without a budget. soul of Chicago, drive down Lake Shore steak burrito.’’ I’m sure he also enjoys And yet we here in Washington have Drive with our lake on one side and our splitting a cinnamon roll with our not had a budget in far, far, far too beautiful skyline on the other and 93 friend and his colleague, Teri long. You could build the Empire State WXRT on the radio. Hemmert, another Chicago jewel, at Building two and a half times in the I have tried to explain to my children her favorite table at Ann Sather’s Res- time that it has taken the Senate to about the vast wasteland that was taurant on the north side. even pass their version of a budget. music radio in Chicago before XRT. Lin Brehmer is a man who helps us This is just plainly unacceptable for Forty years ago, all you had was the discover the best about Chicago, and in the American public. same 10 songs on AM radio. Then came doing so, has become a Chicago treas- Put something forward. Let us know XRT, with a rich, diverse playlist, with ure himself. We appreciate and applaud where we should be putting our prior- a passion and an integrity unmatched his career as one of our city’s finest ities. And that, unfortunately, creates even today. No coincidence it became a radio personalities and most recogniz- an enormous inefficiency. Can you 24-hour station in 1976, demonstrating able voices, and look forward to the imagine trying to figure out where our city’s unique commitment to inde- music experiences and food he will help you’re supposed to spend your re- pendent thinking and an unbridled us discover in his next 20 years. Thank sources, what you’re supposed to spend celebration of art and music. you, Lin, for always reminding us why your on in terms of trying to Like many others, XRT linked me to it’s great to be alive. move your family forward without a a new world. XRT encouraged me to budget? leave my sterile environment and trav- f There is a tremendous amount of un- el to the Earl of Old Town to listen to PUTTING PEOPLE BEFORE certainty, Mr. Speaker, out there and I Steve Goodman and my first concert at POLITICS hear it from people each and every day, the Aragon Ball Room to see Mott the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The uncertainty that Washington is cre- Hoople and the New York Dolls, not to Chair recognizes the gentleman from ating. Excessive regulations, there’s no mention other famous haunts that Illinois (Mr. DOLD) for 5 minutes. question about that. We look at Dodd- played host to greats like Iggy Pop, Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, I know in Frank. In Dodd-Frank, frankly, we’ve David Bowie, Muddy Waters, Frank just listening to some of the comments got 400 rules and regulations, over 200- Zappa, Roxie Music and the like. that I’m joined by I think all of my some-odd that have yet to even be Thank you, XRT, for 40 great years. colleagues in welcoming GABBY GIF- written. What it does is it paralyzes You made me a better person. And FORDS back to this body for this eve- small businesses. People are sitting on when your kids turn their dial to 93, ning’s State of the Union Address, and their hands. They’re not moving for- they will find Lin Brehmer, ‘‘your best certainly our thoughts and prayers are ward; they’re not hiring people. This is friend in the whole world.’’ Lin has with her for a full and speedy recovery something that we here in this body been the morning voice of XRT for the as she continues to make strides. have an opportunity to change. We can last 20 years and is a Chicago institu- Mr. Speaker, this past month, I’ve provide that level of certainty, and I tion unto himself. For 20 years, Lin has had the opportunity, as many of my think that we must.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.004 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 We’re going to hear a lot about a do- year. She was also named a Universal Sally White is an excellent role nothing Congress, and frankly, I get Cheerleaders Association All-Amer- model and a wonderful example of serv- frustrated when I hear about that. This ican. ant leadership. We should all aspire to body has passed over 30 jobs bills and Sally has been involved in the Thes- work as hard as Sally for the good of sent them across the courtyard to the pian Drama Honor Society for 6 years others and for our own personal devel- other side of the Capitol where they sit and attended the International Thes- opment. I want to applaud Sally’s on ’s doorstep. Now, these pian Festival in Nebraska where she teachers, family members, friends, and aren’t partisan bills, Mr. Speaker; worked with theater students from the Thomasville community for help- these are bills like Access to Capital around the world. She is a member of ing to shape and nurture an out- for Job Creators that passed this body the National Honor Society, attended standing student. by over 400 votes. That’s wildly bipar- Alabama’s Girls State, and is a Thom- On behalf of the Seventh Congres- tisan, something that we agree upon, asville Chamber Ambassador. sional District, the State of Alabama, my colleagues on the other side of the Sally has been very passionate about and this Nation, we recognize and con- aisle and my colleagues on this side of public service and mission work. She gratulate Sally White for receiving the the aisle; and yet they’re sitting on traveled to Ecuador for 2 weeks in the Congressional Gold Medal of Service summer of 2010, planting trees to raise HARRY REID’s doorstep, and they won’t for Youth Award for her hard work, money for village schools. Sally serves even come up for a vote. This is the dedication, and community involve- as a volunteer for the summer reading frustration that I think the American ment. It is with great pride that I ask program at the Thomasville Public Li- public has. my colleagues in the House of Rep- brary and volunteers in the extended Washington needs to move forward. resentatives to join me in honoring day program at Thomasville Elemen- We need to address jobs and the econ- Sally White for her exemplary commit- tary School to assist young students omy. We need to address the out-of- ment to public service. with homework. control spending that has happened, Sally plans to pursue a college degree f yes, on both sides of the aisle. We need in either biomedical or chemical engi- b 1030 to figure out a way that Washington neering. After college, she plans to at- can tighten its belt so that we do not tend to earn a Ph.D. or NATIONAL SCHOOL CHOICE WEEK bury our children and grandchildren medical degree. Her ultimate goal is to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The under a mountain of debt and jeop- one day work in the medical research ardize the very fabric of the American Chair recognizes the gentleman from field to develop cures for this Nation’s South Carolina (Mr. DUNCAN) for 5 min- Dream. most troubling diseases. Mr. Speaker, I talk to my colleagues utes. Sally is one of 14 youth in the State Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. Mr. on both sides of the aisle, and I do of Alabama who has received the Con- sense that there is a frustration. There Speaker, all around the Hill today, you gressional Gold Medal of Service will see Members of Congress wearing a is a concern that we may be the first Award since its inception by Congress generation of Americans that leaves red button, ‘‘1,000 Days,’’ a reminder in 1979. The award provides a unique that it has been 1,000 days since the our country worse for our children and opportunity for young people to set grandchildren than we received from United States Senate has passed a and achieve personal challenging goals budget for the United States of Amer- our parents and grandparents. For me, that build character and foster commu- this is absolutely unacceptable, which ica; 1,000 days of acting irresponsibly. nity service. Unlike many other I want to pause and tell you that last is why I think that we have to find awards, recipients do not win the Con- that common ground—find the com- year on January 8, just 3 days after gressional Gold Medal of Service. They being sworn in as a new United States mon ground and move our country for- earn it. Sally earned this accolade by Congressman, we were informed of the ward. setting and achieving goals in four pro- tragic incident that happened in Ari- I certainly hope tonight we talk gram areas: volunteer public service, zona; and I want to let the gentle- about a united America, we talk about personal development, physical fitness, woman from Arizona, GABBY GIFFORDS, a vision that unites us as opposed to and explorations. In her more than 800 know that I’m going to be honored that one that divides us. This will be an op- hours of community service, she she will be on the floor with us today. portunity. And I hope it’s about jobs strengthened her commitment to pub- The prayers of my family and of the and the economy, the out-of-control lic service and realized the power that members of the South Carolina delega- spending, and making sure that hard- one individual can make in one’s com- tion and our State go out to her and working American taxpayers are mov- munity and in this world. ing forward. I had the great privilege of pre- her family and the folks in Arizona This is our time. It’s time we all senting the Congressional Gold Medal that she represents every day, and we come together to put America back to of Service Award to Sally 2 weeks ago will continue to do that long after her work. on January 11, 2012, during a student service to this country. Mr. Speaker, this week is National f assembly at Thomasville High School. I was impressed by Sally’s poise, grace, School Choice Week. All across our RECOGNIZING CONGRESSIONAL and strength and her commitment to country, students and families are ral- GOLD MEDAL OF SERVICE FOR helping others. When asked about the lying for National School Choice Week, YOUTH RECIPIENT SALLY WHITE award, Sally stated: ‘‘Receiving the a grassroots campaign dedicated to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Congressional Gold Medal of Service idea that all students, regardless of Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from for Youth Award has been a tremen- background, should have the oppor- Alabama (Ms. SEWELL) for 5 minutes. dous honor for me. I am thankful for tunity to choose the school that most Ms. SEWELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise the love and support I have been pro- effectively motivates them to learn. today to recognize Sally White, a re- vided while working towards this For too long, we have made increases markable young lady from the Seventh award. I am extremely humbled by this in spending and new standards from Congressional District of Alabama who honor.’’ Washington our focus, which have, was a recent recipient of the Congres- Sally’s principal, Mr. Kyle Ferguson, sadly, strangled our parents’ and sional Gold Medal of Service for Youth expressed the sentiments of her teach- teachers’ ability to help our students Award. ers, advisers, and mentors when he succeed. Sally is a driven, committed, and de- stated: ‘‘Sally White is without a doubt Now, with that, I want to give a termined young lady who is destined one of the most driven, goal-oriented, shout-out to the Nation’s teachers who for success. She is currently a senior at and conscientious young people that I have to deal every day with complying Thomasville High School in Thomas- have ever encountered. She is certainly with the mandates that come from ville, Alabama, and has a 4.32 grade operating at a level far beyond her Washington, D.C., while they struggle point average. She has been a member years. We are honored that she has to educate the children of our country. of the varsity cheerleading squad for 3 been with us through her high school Instead of propelling them to success, years and was captain of the squad this years.’’ the United States has fallen to 14th in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.006 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H121 the world in reading, 17th in science, call President , who to- together and make sure that those who and 25th in math, compared to other night will give us the State of the make much can have the ability to countries, according to the 2009 edition Union, the ‘‘food stamp President.’’ share those dollars but yet still make a of the Program for International Stu- For many of us who know our his- grand . I want to see us improve dent Assessment. Those numbers are tory, we might recall that in the 1940s our supply chains and logistics. I want astonishing. and beyond, there were many who were to see us get factories up and bring As proud Americans, we will not ac- on government cheese. In fact, many them down. cept the consequences of failure, of let- people I know today smile about that We restored the American auto in- ting our children fall behind the rest of government cheese and peanut butter dustry by commitment, dedication, and the world. Parents are demanding re- that they were given. They include sacrifice. At last I heard, General Mo- sults in for their children; doctors and lawyers and leaders of this tors now is the number one manufac- and Washington should listen to their Nation, teachers, people who are ex- turer of automobiles in the world. How message, which is, simply: We know panding opportunities for others. did it come about? Because Democrats how to reform education in our States; This Nation is a great country, and came together and joined around, with get Washington out of the way and we are reminded that many who start a bipartisan support, the idea that we watch us succeed. from humble beginnings can ascend to can create jobs; we can manufacture Education should be returned to the the highest office or the barons and the jobs. States, the local communities, and to leadership of corporate America. So Let me just say this: I will accept the parents, just where our Founding Fa- the negative connotation of ‘‘food challenge tonight that the President thers left it when they designed this stamp President’’ is to denigrate those will offer, and I will realize that a food great government. who receive it rather than to suggest stamp family today providing for their This is the reality we face: Our coun- that there are opportunities in this Na- children are the presidents and CEOs try, the United States of America, tion that no other country can provide. and astronauts and inventors of tomor- stormed the beaches of Normandy. We So, Mr. Speaker, I rise today to talk row. That’s the kind of Nation that we raised the flag over Iwo Jima. We about and look forward to the Presi- are. fought for and won the freedom of dent’s State of the Union as he speaks I say it always, and I will say it other nations all around the globe. We about income equality and challenges again. ‘‘Food stamp’’ is a denigrating ventured into space and landed the us, as a Nation, to come together, to term when you say ‘‘food stamp Presi- human race on the Moon. We inspired move forward on expanding jobs, such dent,’’ as if the President does not the collapse of the Berlin Wall. But be- as the President’s American Jobs Act. want to create jobs. We’re tired of the fore all of this, we invented the But I raise for thought the problem of buzzwords and innuendo about certain lightbulb, the automobile, the tele- how we will come to that point. groups, but I believe that we have a vision, the telephone, discovered the I’m looking at an article that sug- way of coming out of this. art and science of flying. gests that ‘‘Made in the USA’’ may be Mr. Speaker, now is the time. It is an Our inventions, though, are not as a relic of the bygone. It uses one of our urgency of now. It is the justice and much the reason for our greatness as most famous, one of our most imitated equality that Martin Luther King and they are the result of it, because at the companies in the world, Apple, which many other great leaders spoke of. It is very beginning, at our founding, we de- speaks to the genius of America. I will this mosaic Nation of people from all clared to the world this belief: ‘‘that never step away from acknowledging walks of life that have shown the world all men are created equal, that they that we are the inventive, the innova- we’re the greatest Nation in the world. are endowed by their Creator with cer- tive, the genius, the creative popu- I’m looking forward to pursuing that in tain unalienable rights, that among lation because we’ve been given free- the 21st century, building jobs and say- these are life, liberty, and the pursuit dom by our Constitution. But when you ing, ‘‘God bless America.’’ of happiness—that to secure these ask the question why the iPhone is f manufactured elsewhere and you hear rights, governments are instituted b 1040 among men, deriving their just powers comments about why the genius of this from the consent of the governed.’’ particular company has not been trans- ACCEPTING THE MANTLE OF The truth in that Declaration re- lated into a number of jobs, why deci- LEADERSHIP minds us that our people will succeed sions have been made to move manu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and prosper, and our students will facturing overseas, and you ask the Chair recognizes the gentleman from learn and achieve when we preserve the question where is the corporate social California (Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN) for liberty of every parent to choose the responsibility, for example, and where 5 minutes. educational environment that’s best is the generosity in terms of hiring Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- for their children. And if we do so, American workers, well, we know that fornia. Mr. Speaker, first I would just imagine how our children will lead the the international economy is inter- say to the gentlelady who just spoke world through another century marked twined. Companies once felt an obliga- that I do not doubt that the President by the rise of freedom and the innova- tion to support American workers even wishes to create jobs. The fact of the tion that freedom inspires. when it wasn’t the best financial matter is he just doesn’t know how. With that, Mr. Speaker, I want to choice. We call that ‘‘American gen- The record would suggest that. end by echoing the words of Mr. JONES erosity.’’ But I understand the bottom When I first came to this House, the from earlier when he said: May God line. year was 1979, January. We were in the bless the men and women in uniform, So it is important that we begin to midst of what history has shown us was may God bless their families, and may look at the items that the President is a failed Presidency. We had something God continue to bless the United talking about, jobs skills , and called the misery index. We had unem- States of America. to find a way to restore the modern ployment rising. We had rates f manufacturing that will bring more around 20 percent. We had, by all jobs to America. gauges, a difficult time, a time that FROM HUMBLE BEGINNINGS TO Why do these companies move over- many people looked upon with despair, THE HIGHEST OFFICE seas? In this article, it suggests be- and many suggested that the issues The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cause of the supply chain and the way were so large and the problems so great Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from factories can be put up and put down in that no President could possibly deal Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. these foreign countries. Now, you tell with it, no Congress, and the American Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. me why we can’t do that. I believe we people could not. Speaker, last week, I came to the floor can. It is all about focus and logistics. It was just prior to that time that I of the House to challenge the utiliza- And tonight, as the President expands met a gentleman from Georgia, Mr. tion of words because words matter. on his Kansas speech about how we are Gingrich, as we were both freshman Candidates who are charging each a great Nation, I’m looking for ways to Members elected. And we began talk- other with a variety of sins decided to end that income inequality, to come ing about the fact that our party had

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.008 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 not been in the majority for well over for my children and my grandchildren It’s egregious, even by current Repub- a generation, that there seemed to be a is any less than what it was for me as lican standards. lack of a vision for the future, and that a child growing up. I will not stand While there are certainly benefits to there was an acceptance of mediocrity here and allow us to act in vain so that receiving at least a high school edu- and failure and second-class status for the sacrifices of my parents, some call cation, establishing a blanket policy America. the Greatest Generation, I say one of that denies benefits to Our belief was, at that time, that we the greatest generations, will have low-skill workers who have lost their could come together with a number of been in vain. They worked hard. They jobs due to no fault of their own, with- other Members and try and at least accepted the challenges of the future out ensuring they have unrestricted ac- give voice to a new idea, a new vision, with an innate confidence in the good- cess to educational opportunities, sets a more positive vision for America. We ness of the American people, the capa- up hundreds of thousands of Americans worked together with other Members bilities of the American people, and, to fail. and formed what was called the Con- yes, the common sense of the American It seems incredibly cynical to require servative Opportunity Society because people. participation in adult education and we thought that that was a positive vi- My hope is that as we go forward in job training as a condition of receiving sion for the future of America, con- this year, those of us who seek office while simulta- sistent with Republican principles and, for both the House, the Senate, and neously eliminating meaningful Fed- more importantly, consistent with and Presidency will accept that mantle of eral support for these programs. expressive of American principles. We leadership that has been cast upon us Mr. Speaker, it is unconscionable to thought it was an antidote to what we from those in the past. put additional strings on this crucial saw leading us at that time as the lib- f relief that do nothing, nothing to ad- eral welfare state. I think history has dress the real causes of the current un- PENALIZING UNEMPLOYED shown that, with the election of Ron- crisis. It is a difficult AMERICANS ald Reagan and the embracing of the time to be unemployed in America. It Conservative Opportunity Society vi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The is a difficult time to be unemployed in sion of America, that America could Chair recognizes the gentleman from America, but House Republicans seem turn around. North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) for 5 determined to make it even more dif- We are confronted with what I be- minutes. ficult. lieve to be a failed Presidency at the Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I I urge my colleagues to join me and present time. We are confronted with rise today to express my concern that stand up against this education man- questions and some great despair in Republicans are attempting to penalize date and fight for policies that can ac- families around America for the failure unemployed American citizens who do tually help bring the unemployment of an opportunity for jobs. And I would not have a high school diploma. Last crisis to resolve. month, House Republicans included a suggest that, at this point in time, it is f appropriate for those who have visions, provision in the tax cut bill, those who are ready to challenge the which is presently in conference, to es- RECOGNITION OF CATHOLIC conventional wisdom, those who be- tablish an educational requirement for SCHOOLS WEEK lieve that America’s best days are recipients of benefits. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ahead, not behind, to come to the fore. The provision, Mr. Speaker, would re- Chair recognizes the gentleman from There are those who look at the quire recipients of unemployment ben- Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 faults of Newt Gingrich. I’d like to sug- efits to have at least a high school di- minutes. gest that he was the one person that I ploma or a GED or be enrolled in class- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, know that had a vision in this House of es to obtain such a degree. This re- starting January 29 of this year, Catho- how this House could be changed, how quirement, Mr. Speaker, would affect lic schools across the country will ini- we, working as an institution, could an estimated 248,000 workers in the tiate their annual observance of Catho- work with a President to make changes first 3 months of enactment, and dis- lic Schools Week. The theme for this and, ultimately, how this side of the proportionately affect older workers, year is ‘‘Catholic Schools: Faith. Aca- aisle could, for the first time in a gen- forcing certain unemployment recipi- demics. Service.’’ eration, actually be the majority. ents to either enroll in adult education The 2012 theme emphasizes the prin- Following his ascendency to Speaker programs or forego the benefits they ciples of Catholic school education, of the House, we actually had balanced need to support their families. This is a which families in my district and budgets. We actually had some bring- disgrace. across the country highly value. The ing down of some of the size of the Fed- In 2010, half a million workers age 50 theme focuses on three priorities that eral Government. We actually had or over who received unemployment in- are distinct to Catholic schools. Chil- some progress around the country. So I surance lacked a high school diploma. dren are taught faith, not just the ba- would say, for those who look at the For most of these individuals who have sics of Christianity, but how to have a faults of others, let’s look at their ac- worked more than 30 long years, re- relationship with their God; academics, complishments. turning to high school makes very lit- in which Catholic schools are held to This is a time when it seems to me tle sense. They are the bricklayers and very high standards. we ought to be serious about the future the carpenters and sanitation workers Earlier this year I was proud to rec- of America. We ought to be bold about and housekeepers in our communities. ognize the Nativity of our Lord Catho- the future of America. We ought to In the case of workers under the age lic School in Warminster, Pennsyl- have some confidence in the greatness of 50, adult education might be useful, vania, for receiving the 2011 National of America, the greatness of its people, but is largely unattainable. Currently, Blue Ribbon of Excellence Award. not necessarily the greatness of its State and local adult education pro- 1050 government. We need to have a good grams do not have the capacity—we b governmental structure that allows the know that—do not have the capacity to Finally, the third principle in the greatness of the American people. meet this demand. Waiting lists for 2012 theme is service, the giving of There are some on the Presidential these programs are proliferating and one’s time and effort to help others. It debate scene today who are willing to certain to worsen due to a 20 percent is taught both as an expression of faith challenge us with bold ideas. That has decline over the past decade in Federal but also of good citizenship. been done in the past and has proven funding for adult education programs Schools typically celebrate Catholic successful. It seems to me we should and $1 billion in cuts to job-training Schools Week with mass, open houses, not shrink from the future; we should programs in fiscal year 2011. and activities for students, families, embrace the future. We should, in fact, Creating an educational mandate as parishioners, and the community at be leaders of the future. a condition of eligibility to receive un- large. In addition to this year’s list of I am not one elected to this House to employment insurance benefits, Mr. activities, some schools in my district be satisfied that the future of America Speaker, is punitive. It’s misguided. will host events welcoming families

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.010 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H123 from schools with which they will be services which boost our economy. need to end it now, not 2014. Not at merging. While the Archdiocese of That means that small businesses whatever other later date the military Philadelphia contemplates its plans for across America need customers, and brass decides is appropriate. After continuing to provide students with a they need customers right now. nearly 1,900 American deaths and more rigorous academic curriculum in con- So we must extend the expiring un- than 10 years of bloodshed and may- cert with spiritual values, families and employment benefits. We can’t aban- hem, we owe it to our troops and to parishioners can reflect upon the three don the millions of job seekers before their families, as well as American tax- principles of Catholic Schools Week— they find a good job. We should also payers, to bring them home. faith, academics, service—not simply immediately add an additional 14 This war is not just a moral disgrace, as a theme but also as a guide for their weeks of tier I unemployment benefits not just a humanitarian disaster, Mr. future decisions. for the millions of Americans who have Speaker; it’s a strategic failure. We’re Mr. Speaker, Catholic Schools Week completely exhausted their benefits spending at least $10 billion every is truly a time to demonstrate the in- after 99 weeks. Far too many Ameri- month to prop up a regime in Afghani- tangible value of Catholic education. cans have exhausted all of their unem- stan that is ineffective on its best day I’m extremely grateful for the hard ployment benefits and are still unable and downright corrupt on its worst. work and dedication of the administra- to work. We must not abandon these Afghanistan continues to be racked tors, faculty, students, and parents . by poverty and violence, and my belief who’ve created an environment fos- To achieve these ends, we must en- is that by continuing to have military tering academic excellence, spiritu- sure that we protect the efficient and boots on the ground, we’re encouraging ality, and service. effective programs we already have in more animosity towards the United f place and provide strong investments States, giving the Taliban a recruit- that spur immediate job growth. And ment tool, and thus, undermining our POVERTY IN AMERICA we have the resources to do this if we security. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The commit ourselves to increasing fair- Mr. Speaker, we need a new security Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ness in taxation to ensure that the program. We need a new security para- California (Ms. LEE) for 5 minutes. wealthiest Americans pay their fair digm, an entirely fresh way of thinking Ms. LEE of California. As the founder share and enact a reasonable Tax Code about how to keep our Nation safe. of the Congressional Out of Poverty that includes financial transactions Won’t we make more friends and win Caucus, I rise again today to remind which will not only raise vital revenue more hearts and minds if we extend a this body about the crisis of poverty in but set some limits to the wild, out-of- hand of friendship to the rest of the America, which really should prick the control speculation and vulture cap- world instead of rattling the saber at conscience of every Democrat and Re- italism that nearly brought down this the first sign of trouble? publican. As we begin to consider legis- entire economy. Actually, that’s the heart of my lation for this year and budgets for the Also, we must take a bold approach SMART security platform. Why are we fiscal year 2013, we must do more to in how we allocate the large spending pennies on humanitarian aid help millions of Americans living in from our defense budgets as we bring for every dollar we’re spending on poverty. our troops home from abroad. weapons and warfare? Instead of a mili- We must do more for the millions of I’m confident that the President will tary surge, we need a civilian surge, Americans who are looking very hard speak to the moral and economic crises one that lifts people out of poverty, re- for a job and working hard every day to of income inequality and will not for- builds infrastructure, promotes edu- move up the ladder of opportunity, get the long-term unemployed, the cation, especially for women and girls, really trying to remove these very dif- poor, our seniors, our students, and the and combats malnutrition and global ficult barriers. middle class in his State of the Union health problems around the world. We must not balance our budgets on speech tonight. SMART security is a renewed com- the backs of the most vulnerable, the I hope the Republicans and Demo- mitment to diplomacy, multilater- poor, and low-income individuals, and crats in this body take heed and tomor- alism, and peaceful conflict resolution. we cannot allow any budget cuts or au- row pass the American Jobs Act for the It would support a dramatic downsizing thorize new spending on programs that good of the country. of the military industrial complex. Be- will increase poverty or increase in- f lieve it or not, consumes come inequality in America. 56 percent of discretionary spending We also must commit to taking bold SMART SECURITY: TO CREATE AN with a budget bigger in real dollars steps to reducing the devastating im- AMERICA BUILT TO LAST than it was at the height of the Soviet pact of poverty in America, and that is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The threat. And with SMART security, we by creating jobs. It’s inexcusable and Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from can reverse that. immoral to fail to take the strongest California (Ms. WOOLSEY) for 5 min- Tonight I’m told the President will possible action to bring immediate utes. sound the theme of an America built to help to those Americans in need. Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, tonight last. But no Nation, Mr. Speaker, that We cannot continue down the path when the President of the United exists in a state of semipermanent war- that leads to increasing poverty, in- States addresses our Nation from this fare can be built to last. I worry about equality, and income disparities which Chamber, we will hear some good news how we can be built to last when we focus more and more wealth in the on the national security front. The end have enough nuclear warheads to blow hands of the few and leave millions of of the Iraq war, for example, is an im- the world to smithereens many times Americans behind. With nearly 50 mil- pressive accomplishment, one that over. lion Americans in poverty and half of wouldn’t have happened if bold progres- Now is the time, Mr. Speaker. Our all Americans in low-income house- sives hadn’t called for our troops to be common humanity compels us to bring holds, we cannot wait. We must act brought home way back in 2005. the troops home from Afghanistan and now. I’m also pleased the President’s lead- implement a SMART security agenda. Mr. Speaker, poverty doesn’t just ership will make it possible for our Now is the time. hurt families and the children who military strategic review to call for f grow up in families trapped by poverty, significant reductions in defense spend- b 1100 but it costs our Nation hundreds of bil- ing. lions of dollars in lost productivity and But on both of these fronts, ending HONORING THE LIFE OF FORMER slows the Nation’s . our current wars and long-range na- REPRESENTATIVE ED JENKINS We must act to strengthen funding for tional security strategy, I’m hoping for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The programs that not only prevent hun- proposals that are bigger and bolder Chair recognizes the gentleman from ger, homelessness, crime, and maintain than what we’ve heard to this point. Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) for 5 minutes. access to education, but we all must Bottom line, Mr. Speaker, we need to Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, create initiatives to demand and end the war in Afghanistan, and we I rise to recognize and celebrate the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.012 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 life of Ed Jenkins, a fellow Georgian, a It was no sudden flight for Ed Jenkins, ingested something about public serv- dedicated public servant, and a good born in Young Harris, Georgia, to rise ice: Zell Miller, Governor, Senator; friend. I had the honor of serving on to prominence in Washington, DC Jack Brinkley, - the Ways and Means Committee along- under the dome of this great Capitol. man; Edgar Lanier Jenkins, United side Congressman Jenkins. No, it was the result of hard work and States Congressman par excellence. Born in the small town of Jasper, humble sacrifice. Isn’t it strange how princes and kings Georgia, Congressman Jenkins would Although I didn’t have the pleasure and clowns that caper in sawdust rings often describe himself as a country of serving in this body with Ed, as he and common folks like you and me are lawyer, but he was a country lawyer retired from Congress in 1993 as I was builders for eternity. Each is given a with an extensive knowledge of the tax beginning my first term, I and count- bag of tools, a shapeless mass and a set system. He was knowledgeable; he was less others from across the country of rules, and each must make your life very informed. He was an advocate for looked to Ed as a role model. Ed came as flown a stumbling block or a step- the people and industries of Georgia. to me shortly after I was elected. He ping stone. He was a champion of the South’s tex- embraced me. He was always available Mr. Speaker, I’m so glad, and the tile industry and a fierce protector of to me for advice and counsel. Not only people of Georgia and this Nation are the local economy. that, he and his friend of many years glad, that Ed Jenkins was a stepping Although often soft-spoken, Ed Jen- and his business partner, John stone and not a stumbling block for a kins bravely pressed for the facts of the Winburn, made it a point to offer con- higher, better life for so many people Iran-Contra affair. He believed the tinuous support for Democratic Mem- across this country. We mourn his loss, American people deserved to hear the bers from the Georgia delegation, year but we are grateful that we knew him truth, and he was not afraid to speak in and year out; and Ed never asked for and that he passed this way. out, he was not afraid to speak up. anything in return. f He was thoughtful, considerate, a He was a humble and able country brave negotiator and an unbelievable, lawyer. He practiced in Jasper, Geor- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND just excellent colleague. When I first gia. He was born in Young Harris. He NATIONAL WWI MEMORIAL came to Congress, he was so helpful attended Young Harris College. He was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and so caring. I learned so much from in the Coast Guard. For many years he Chair recognizes the gentleman from him. He was a good man, a decent served as an aide to former Congress- Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. human being. I never heard him say a man Phil Landrum of Georgia. He was Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, this mean thing about anyone. elected to this body, and he served is a photograph of Frank Buckles. It I only wish we had more Members of from 1977 to 1993. was taken when he was about 16 years Congress on both sides of the aisle, As a member of the House Ways and of age. He may have been 15; he may with not just his demeanor, but with Means Committee, he played an instru- have been 17. the pride he took in this institution mental role in passage of key tax ini- You see, Frank Buckles Jr. joined and this Congress. He was very proud tiatives that benefited millions of the in the great to be a Member of Congress and proud working American families. He was a , and he lied to get into the to be a member of the Ways and Means key figure in the investigation and un- Army so he could serve America in Committee, and that pride made him a covering the crimes committed during France. They called them doughboys powerful leader. the Iran-Contra affair. when they went to Europe. He drove an I can remember over the years each Ed, through his illustrious legislative ambulance so he could rescue other time the Ways and Means Committee career, always remained a passionate doughboys who had been wounded and came together for a reunion. He would and loyal advocate of the South’s man- killed on the battlefield in Flanders always show up long after he retired ufacturing and textile industry. In 1985, and other places in Belgium and from the Congress. he wrote and passed the Textile and France. I was so sad to hear of his passing Apparel Enforcement Act, which After the great World War I was over and would like to express my deepest was ultimately vetoed by President with, he came back home to the United sympathy to his wife, Jo; his daugh- Reagan, but would have rolled back the States, while 114,000 doughboys did not ters, Janice and Amy; and his entire textile imports from foreign countries return alive. family. As a Nation, we greatly bene- by 40 percent. As a conservative Demo- Many of them died from flu that they fited from his service. As a colleague, I crat from the South, Ed Jenkins often had contracted in France and died in learned so much from his example and received praise from his constituents the United States. Four million served, his friendship. for putting their interests ahead of po- 114,000 died, and Frank Buckles Jr. got He will be deeply missed by the peo- litical ideology or party affiliation. to come home. After the war was over ple of Georgia, the people of this Na- In his political life, he always em- with, when the great World War II tion. He made a lasting contribution to bodied the adage of the turtle on the started, he was in the . our country; and we must never, ever fence post, which was quoted so often b 1110 forget this good and great man. by his childhood friend, former Georgia f Governor and U.S. Senator Zell Miller. He was captured by the Japanese and It goes like this: whenever you see a held as a prisoner of war for 31⁄2 years. TRIBUTE TO FORMER turtle perched on a fence post, you And shortly before he was to be exe- REPRESENTATIVE ED JENKINS know one thing—he didn’t get there by cuted by the Japanese, he was rescued The SPEAKER pro tempore. The himself. Somebody put him there. Ed as other prisoners of war, Americans, Chair recognizes the gentleman from Jenkins always remembered who sent Filipinos, were rescued. Georgia (Mr. BISHOP) for 5 minutes. him to Washington. He spent the remainder of his years Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Ed is survived by his beloved wife of in the United States. He drove a trac- I would like to thank Congressman 51 years, Jo Jenkins; two daughters, tor in until he was 107. JOHN LEWIS and his staff for reserving Janice Anderson and Amy Dotson; two And then last year, at the age of 110, time this morning for Members of the brothers, Charles and Kenneth; three Frank Buckles died. Frank Buckles House to come to the floor to pay trib- sisters, Marilyn Thomasson, Ella Bat- had a mission before he died. It was to ute to my friend, one of Georgia’s tle, and Patti Chambers; and two see that all who lived and died and former and notable legislators, the late grandsons. My wife, Vivian, and I served in the great World War I were Congressman Edgar Lanier Jenkins. Ed would like to extend our sincere condo- remembered by this country. You see, died January 1 of this year. lences to Ed’s family, friends, and he was the last doughboy. He was the The poet Longfellow wrote: ‘‘Heights former constituents as they mourn the last American who died from the great by great men reached and kept were loss of our dearly departed friend. World War I. not obtained by sudden flight but, There must have been something This second photograph is a more re- while their companions slept, they about the water at Young Harris Col- cent photograph taken when Frank were toiling on upward in the night.’’ lege. It produced people who must have Buckles and I and others were at the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.014 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H125 D.C. Memorial for World War I vet- the worst casualty of war, to be forgot- new jobs. We see the impact in places erans. Frank Buckles and others, in- ten by your country. like Toledo, where is expand- cluding myself, Members of the Senate And that’s just the way it is. ing production at the Jeep plant, cre- and Members of this House, wanted to f ating thousands of new jobs. In Avon see that the D.C. Memorial, which was REMEMBERING CONGRESSMAN ED Lake, Ford is investing. And GM’s hot- exclusively to remember the JENKINS selling Cruze is lighting up factory from D.C., great Americans who lived, floors in northern Ohio, from Toledo fought, and died representing our coun- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and Defiance to Parma and Lordstown. try in the great World War I, to see Chair recognizes the gentleman from However, we cannot forget that coun- that this D.C. Memorial was expanded Georgia (Mr. BARROW) for 1 minute. tries like China want to muscle in on to not only honor the D.C. veterans Mr. BARROW. Mr. Speaker, I rise to the U.S. auto sector. If we want to see recognize the lifelong public service of who served, but all Americans who the U.S. auto industry in a continuing my fellow Georgian, former Congress- served in World War I. After all, it is state of growth, creating jobs and man Ed Jenkins. Congressman Jenkins on The where we have building our economy forward, Con- was born in Young Harris, Georgia. He three other great memorials to the gress must champion fair trade. was a veteran of the Coast Guard and a four important wars of the last cen- In December, the Congressional graduate of Young Harris College and tury. You see, America built the Viet- China Commission held a hearing on the University of Georgia Law School. nam Memorial, then built the Korean Congressman Jenkins represented China’s unfair trade practices. I used Memorial, and then built the World north Georgia in Congress for 16 years, that opportunity to point out exactly War II Memorial. But there is no me- serving on the Budget Committee and how the government in Beijing blocks morial on The National Mall for all the Ways and Means Committee. His fair trade in U.S.-made cars and Americans who served in the great service and his approach to service are trucks. When Congress ceded China World War I. And it is time that we do a good example for all of us today. permanent normal trade relations, pro- that, that we honor all that served, not Those who knew him and served with ponents promised that U.S. products just the few, but all of them. him remember him as a levelheaded would gain real access to the Chinese So I’ve introduced legislation along workhorse and a zealous advocate for market. This has not happened. Would with my friend from Missouri, EMAN- the interests of his district, especially you believe that a Jeep Grand Cher- UEL CLEAVER, to have legislation that the textile and poultry industries. okee costs $85,000 in China? That is will do three things: More importantly, he was willing to three times what it costs here in the First of all, it will take this memo- work in a bipartisan way to do what he United States. And why? The Chinese rial that you see in the back of this thought was best for his constituents Government has created an elaborate photograph, the World War I D.C. Me- and his country. system of protective tariffs meant to morial. At the time this photograph After Congress, Ed Jenkins served as keep U.S.-made trucks and cars out of was taken, it was in a state of dis- a member and as chairman of the Uni- China. repair. It has since been repaired by versity System of Georgia Board of Re- I asked the U.S. Trade Representa- the National Park Service which over- gents. Congressman Jenkins passed tive in December to develop a com- sees the memorial. Take this memo- away on New Year’s Day, but he is sur- prehensive strategy for addressing Chi- rial, honor the D.C. vets and expand it vived by a wife of 51 years, two daugh- na’s anticompetitive behavior. Main to include and make it the District of ters, two grandchildren, and thousands Street manufacturers are hard at work Columbia and National World War I of friends and admirers. We’ve missed creating jobs along Ohio’s north coast Memorial, maybe even give more rec- him a lot these last few years, and now and throughout the Midwest, but it’s ognition to the people of D.C. who built we’ll miss him even more. for the administration and the memorial, the schoolchildren who f Congress to get to work on the very collected money so it could be built real impact that the trade deficit has many years ago, but make it a memo- STATE OF THE UNION, JOBS AND on lost U.S. jobs. rial for all who served in World War I. TRADE estimate that for every The second thing it would do is also The SPEAKER pro tempore. The billion dollars in trade deficit, we lose designate the Liberty Memorial in Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from 15,000 jobs here. For 2011, our trade def- Kansas City as the World War I Mu- Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) for 5 minutes. icit with China alone will be close to seum, which would be in Kansas City, Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, tonight $300 billion. If we do the quick, back-of- Missouri. You see, it is the museum in the President will speak to America the-envelope math, this means that the the United States that honors and rec- and the world in the annual State of U.S. ceded over 4.3 million jobs to ognizes the history of World War I. the Union Address. I’m eager to hear China last year. And the third thing that this bill his ideas about additional job creation The entire U.S. trade deficit for 2011 would do is set up a commission so because job creation must be America’s is projected to reach an incredible $727 America can commemorate World War number one priority. billion in the red, three quarters of a I. You see, it’s almost been 100 years Back home in northern Ohio, we are trillion. China accounts for 40 percent since that war started. Not much is seeing manufacturing starting to pick of it. Congress and the President must being said about World War I. I asked a up. In Lorain, Ohio, Republic Steel is stand up for U.S. manufacturing and person not too long ago what he re- gearing up production. In Toledo, GM American jobs. members about World War I from his- Transmission and companies like BX On December 15, the Chinese Govern- tory books, and he said, Isn’t that the Solutions are bringing back jobs in the ment ratcheted up its attacks on our war where Snoopy fought the Red transportation and logistical services auto industry by levying an additional Baron? industry. And across our region, the 21.5 percent antidumping duty and a Unfortunately, too many Americans auto sector is making major invest- 12.9 percent countervailing duty on top know nothing about our history, and ments. of their already unfair practices. That it’s time we do something. And so The Detroit auto show just wrapped is why I and other Members are asking we’re going to have a commission to up, and there is much to be optimistic the President to take the Chinese be- honor World War I and all who served. about. For one, GM is officially back fore the . We This commission is not going to be on top, claiming the title as the need official action to confront China’s paid for by the taxpayers. There’s no world’s largest automaker, an amazing job aggression. taxpayer money involved in any of comeback for the American auto- While the official unemployment rate this, but it’ll be set up to make sure motive industry. Our resilient auto- is coming down here, we have a major that America remembers the 100th an- workers brought it roaring back, even fight to create more jobs in America. niversary, and that anniversary is com- after some here would have left it for ing up on us. dead. b 1120 Mr. Speaker, it’s one thing to die for Just between 2009 and last year, the In places like northern Ohio, there your country. It’s another thing, and U.S. auto industry created over 75,000 are still over 100,000 people out of work.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.016 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 Greater has over 75,000 peo- has spoken in sending our warmest re- BYRON NASH LIVE ple out of work, Toledo over 27,000, and gards to Ed’s family, and say to all of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Sandusky over 3,000. Our economy is you, you should remember your hus- Chair recognizes the gentleman from still struggling forward. We can see band and dad not only as a wonderful Texas (Mr. AL GREEN) for 5 minutes. how many jobs have been stamped out family member, but someone who came Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- in not just the auto industry, but in here, often at sacrifice, and he did so in er, this weekend, I, along with my col- manufacturing across our country due a way that indeed served this country. league Congresswoman SHEILA JACKSON to unfair trade regimes. We need Con- I would now like to yield the balance LEE attended an event in Houston, gress and the executive branch to stand of my time to someone who knew Ed so Texas. It was styled ‘‘Byron Nash up and demand fairness for our compa- well who has served as chairman of our Live.’’ This event was well attended. nies, our workers, and our commu- committee and who remembers Ed Jen- As I approached the venue, there were nities that are working so hard to build kins with such affection, the senior literally hundreds of people outside. forward this country as our economy— member for the State of New York, Most of them were young people, and it our fragile economy—keeps rebound- CHARLES RANGEL. was raining as I approached the venue. ing. While it’s rebounding forward, it Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, how I did ask one of the young people if he could do a lot better with some help much time is remaining? was going to be able to go in, and I was from the President and this Congress. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- told that there was an overflow crowd, f tleman has 1 minute remaining. that it was standing room only, and that as a result, he would have to stand REMEMBERING THE HONORABLE Mr. RANGEL. I would like unani- EDGAR LANIER JENKINS outside. But he assured me that he mous consent that we extend it to 2 would be there for the duration of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The minutes additional. This is the end of event. He was there for ‘‘Byron Nash Chair recognizes the gentleman from it for Ed Jenkins, and I did not know. Live.’’ Michigan (Mr. LEVIN) for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Byron Nash, a 24-year-old comedian, Mr. LEVIN. I want to join my col- Chair cannot entertain the gentleman’s was giving a performance, if you will. leagues in remembering Ed Jenkins— request. This performance was attended by his and Mr. RANGEL, who served with him Mr. RANGEL. I would like to request mother, Gwen Nash; his father, Mi- for all of Ed’s service, as chairman, I the Chair recognize me for 5 minutes. chael Nash; his grandfather and grand- will yield time to him after I say just The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mother, Reverend James and Mrs. Nash a few words on behalf of Ed Jenkins. as well. This event was a lively event. The Ways and Means Committee is Chair cannot entertain the gentleman’s request at this time. Byron received several standing ova- indeed a key committee, and Ed Jen- tions, and his life was spoken of Mr. RANGEL. Could the Chair tell kins was a key person. I was reading throughout the entirety of the event. some of the tributes, and one of them me what request you might entertain This, in a sense, may have been his noted what was said in the Almanac of so I can share my views for the late Ed last performance in the physical world, American Politics about Ed Jenkins: Jenkins? for you see, Byron Nash made his tran- ‘‘He was a man who must be consulted The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- sition, and this was his home-going on many key legislative issues.’’ How tleman has 1 minute remaining. celebration. It was truly a celebration. true that was. Mr. RANGEL. Well, rules are rules, There were many who did mourn his Ed Jenkins showed you could be both and they have to be followed. I had death, but we all were there to cele- gentle and strong. He did not seek the really hoped that given my long ac- brate the life that he lived. His life, limelight, but he shed light on so many quaintance with Ed Jenkins that I while it was short, was a meaningful issues. One example is the textile in- would have the opportunity to share life because the true measure of one’s dustry. He comes from an area that with his family and those that knew life is not how long one lives, but rath- once reined close to supremely in him. er, what does one do with the time that terms of textile. Unfortunately, those of us that were God gives. Ed never gave up. He introduced leg- raised in the village of Harlem have islation. It passed, but because of a b 1130 very few opportunities to meet white veto, it did not become law. But talk- In his short lifetime, Byron Nash Southern gentlemen, and it took a long ing about shining light, he did expose made a very positive impression on a while when he came on the committee the importance of the textile industry lot of young people—a lot of older peo- for me to even understand what Ed as part of the manufacturing base of ple as well. But I was proud to see so Jenkins was talking about. But it this country, and in that sense, he was many young people in attendance, so didn’t take long for me to understand very successful. He also showed his grit many young people who were there to that people are people no matter where when it came to the Iran-contra dis- pay their last respects to a young man they come from; they love, they get pute, and he took on Oliver North in who lived a life that we were, of course, angry, they work out things. Now is his strong though gentle way. eager to celebrate. I close my remarks with memories of the time I think more than ever that While his life is no longer in the Ed Jenkins when he would come right we just need somebody like Ed Jenkins physical world, we believe that his up to where I now stand, and almost in- to cross that barrier that we seem to spiritual existence is one that we variably he would say, well, I’m just a have in a partisan way, in such a deep, should celebrate continually, and we poor country lawyer. Well, that’s about hurting, partisan way in this Congress. will remember him. the only thing that he said about him- SANDY LEVIN can tell you, whenever There is good reason for his life to self that wasn’t true. He was more than our chairman Dan Rostenkowski had a symbolize something, because he a poor country lawyer. He had been an problem, there was no problem that Ed passed because of a rare type of cancer Assistant U.S. Attorney. But he had a Jenkins would not take a look at and styled renal medullary carcinoma. As lot of quiet dynamism. recognize that it was not a Democratic of 2009, there were 120 cases—I’m sure And so, as we talk about Ed, we re- problem, it was not a majority prob- more since then, obviously more, but member the many times he came forth lem, but it was a problem that the 120 cases. Victims of this type of cancer to speak in his soft but often strong United States of America really faced. live 1 to 7 months, thereabout. Not a way. He was an important part of this Since the Chair cannot entertain, I lot of empirical evidence has been ac- institution. He served his district, he will then go to Reverend JOHN LEWIS quired. This type of cancer seems to at- served his State, and he served the Na- and find out how we can work out tack those who suffer from sickle cell. tion with dignity, with pride, and with something in a faith tradition so that If his life can mean something to those civility that is too short available all of us will get a chance to know, who still live and symbolize something today in this Hall. enjoy, and love the memory of a great as we go forward, it should be that we So I join all of you from Georgia who American, the former Congressman, must do more to fight this type of can- represent that State and everyone who Edgar Jenkins. cer.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.038 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H127 His grandfather has dedicated his life his State of the Union speech, one of from the land itself, though we do love to a continuing effort to get the word our colleagues, unfortunately, will not the land. out, get the message out that this type be here, and that is Senator MARK Rather, by Your grace, America is of cancer does claim the lives of young KIRK, who served in this body as a America through its words: That all people. We can do more here in the Member of Congress for many years men are created equal, that all are en- Congress of the United States of Amer- and, before that, was a staffer on the dowed with inalienable rights—life, lib- ica to help fight cancer in general and Foreign Affairs Committee. erty and the pursuit of happiness— this specific type of cancer that is MARK, Senator KIRK, as we all know, these beautiful, necessary words. known to few. It is my hope that we is fighting against a terrible stroke God, may every word spoken and will continue to allocate resources to that he had just yesterday. I want him written from this Chamber contain an fighting cancer such that this type of and his family to know that all of our echo of those words. May our words, cancer can move to the front burner. thoughts and prayers are with him as too, be necessary and true. May our We’ve got to do more to prevent, to he battles this stroke, and hopefully he words remember and inspire the brave, educate, and to make sure that cancer will make a full recovery. compassionate action that is and al- becomes a disease of the past in our I just was devastated when I heard ways has been America’s finest prayer. lifetimes. It is my hope that Byron about it because anyone who knows Amen. Nash’s life would become the genesis MARK knows what a terrific Senator he f for us to do more to fight not only can- is, what a great colleague he is, some- cer in general but for this specific type one who has always reached across the THE JOURNAL of cancer known as renal medullary aisle in a bipartisan way and someone The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- carcinoma. that I have just tremendous respect ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- I will leave these words with all of for. When he was sworn in as a Senator, ceedings and announces to the House those who are within the sound of my I was very pleased that he invited me his approval thereof. voice here and those who may be view- to stand with him on the Senate floor Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ing at home, and especially to his fam- when he was sworn in. nal stands approved. ily: I want you to know that we will do So, again, I just want MARK and his f all that we can to make sure that he family and friends, of which I am one, not only lived a decent life—as he did, to know that our thoughts and prayers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and that is as recognized—but also that are with him as he battles this stroke. The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- we will do all that we can to fight this We have confidence that he is in good woman from New York (Ms. HAYWORTH) dreadful disease and bring it to an end. hands with the doctors and will make a come forward and lead the House in the f full recovery. Pledge of Allegiance. MARK, again, is the kind of person HONORING SERGEANT JOHN Ms. HAYWORTH led the Pledge of who epitomizes what bipartisanship is BAKER, JR. Allegiance as follows: all about, what Americanism is all I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The about. MARK was a cochair, when he Chair recognizes the gentleman from United States of America, and to the Repub- was in this body, of the Albanian Issues lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Illinois (Mr. SCHILLING) for 5 minutes. Caucus with me, has been a strong sup- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. SCHILLING. Mr. Speaker, I rise porter of the State of Israel, and we’ve f today in honor of the distinguished life worked together on a number of these of Sergeant John Baker, Jr. issues. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Born in Davenport, Iowa, but raised So, MARK, we’re with you. We’re within the 17th District of Illinois, in A message from the Senate by Ms. going to be watching, and we have con- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced Moline, Sergeant Baker served in Viet- fidence that you will recover fully and nam as a proud member of the United that the Senate has passed without come back to this body. America needs amendment a bill of the House of the States Army. His selflessness and her- you, and we’re thinking of you. oism earned him the Medal of Honor, following title: f Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple H.R. 3237. An act to amend the SOAR Act Heart as he bravely fought for God and RECESS by clarifying the scope of coverage of the Act. country. Sergeant Baker would humbly The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- say that this Medal of Honor was not The message also announced that the ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Senate has agreed to without amend- actually for him, that he had done declares the House in recess until noon what anyone would have, that the ment a concurrent resolution of the today. House of the following title: medal belonged to all servicemen, to Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 36 all veterans. minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- H. Con. Res. 96. Concurrent resolution pro- viding for a joint session of Congress to re- Though he surely never would have cess until noon. said so himself, Sergeant Baker—the ceive a message from the President. Quad Cities only Medal of Honor recipi- f The message also announced that the ent—represented all that is good about b 1200 Senate has passed a bill of the fol- lowing title in which the concurrence our great Nation. Although he is no AFTER RECESS longer with us, the I–280 bridge named of the House is requested: after John Baker, Vietnam veteran, The recess having expired, the House S. 1134. An act to authorize the St. Croix and the monument will also serve as a was called to order by the Speaker at River Crossing Project with appropriate constant reminder of who Sergeant noon. mitigation measures to promote river val- ues. Baker was and what he did for us all. f Godspeed, Sergeant Baker. God bless The message also announced that PRAYER you for your outstanding service, your pursuant to the unanimous consent remarkable courage, and your modest Reverend Dr. Kate Braestrup, Maine agreement of December 17, 2011, by the heroism. Warden Service, Lincolnville, Maine, President pro tempore and the Major- f offered the following prayer: ity Leader during the adjournment of St. Francis of Assisi advises us to the Senate and pursuant to the provi- WISHING SENATOR MARK KIRK pray constantly. If necessary, he says, sions of Public Law 106–398, as amended WELL use words. by Public Law 108–7, upon the rec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The God, our prayer today arises from a ommendation of the Majority Leader, Chair recognizes the gentleman from house of words, from a Nation rooted in and in consultation with the Chairman New York (Mr. ENGEL) for 5 minutes. words. We do not derive our identity as of the Senate Committee on Armed Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, tonight, Americans from our color or our creed, Services and the Senate Committee on when we listen to the President give from our wealth or power, nor even Finance, the Chair on behalf of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.019 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 President pro tempore announces the is: How can we multiply this story by The fact is, if we’re ever going to get reappointment and appointment of the 14 million? And I think we can do it if our financial house in order, we have to following individuals to the United we work together, House and Senate have a budget, just like families, just States-China Economic Security Re- and President, to free American enter- like businesses. It’s time for the other view Commission: prise to create jobs. body to pass a budget. It’s time for the William A. Reinsch of Maryland for a Washington cannot regulate or tax us President to call on the other body, term beginning January 1, 2012, and ex- into growth, but we can work together which is controlled by his party, to piring December 31, 2013 (reappoint- to lift burdens and bring the Federal pass a budget. I hope he’ll do that to- ment). Government to the right size to serve, night. Because the fact is we’ve got to Carte P. Goodwin of West Virginia and not to suffocate, a strong and get this country working again. It’s all for a term beginning January 1, 2012 healthy economy. about jobs. And the fact that the Con- and expiring December 31, 2013, vice I stand ready to work with our col- gress can’t operate under a budget and Patrick A. Mulloy of Virginia. leagues to pursue this. It is simple get its fiscal house in order is hin- f common sense. dering that job growth because it’s af- f fecting the financial markets in a neg- WELCOMING REVEREND DR. KATE ative way. BRAESTRUP STUMBLING BLOCKS TO So to the other body: Pass a budget. AMERICA’S ECONOMIC RECOVERY The SPEAKER. Without objection, f (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given the gentleman from Maine (Mr. CONGRESS MUST CREATE JOBS MICHAUD) is recognized for 1 minute. permission to address the House for 1 There was no objection. minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. BACA asked and was given per- Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, it is my marks.) mission to address the House for 1 honor today to welcome Reverend Kate Mr. KUCINICH. One of the biggest minute.) Braestrup to the House of Representa- stumbling blocks to America’s eco- Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, it has been tives. nomic recovery is that corporations more than a year since the Republicans In 1996, Kate’s husband, Maine State can legally buy elections and then in- took control of the House of Represent- Police Trooper James ‘‘Drew’’ Griffith, fluence policies which move millions of atives. What do the American people was tragically killed in a car accident jobs out of America which escape tax- have to show for it? We still have not while on duty. At the time of his death, ation by offshoring profits, which cash passed a single bill to create jobs. We Drew was beginning to prepare to be- in on wars, which press military indus- have had a vote to end Medicare as we come a Universalist Unitarian min- trial spending through the roof. know it. And we have had a vote to ister. Kate decided to pursue Drew’s While we pledge allegiance to the slash college fund aid for the American dream and began attending the Bangor red, white and blue, corporations, young people. Theological Seminary in 1997. She was whose only allegiance is to green, are Fourteen million Americans are ordained in 2004. selling out America; and they’re be- without jobs. Families are hurting, and Since 2001, Kate has served as the coming ever more powerful because of they need our help. Let’s get to work chaplain for the Maine Warden Service, a Supreme Court decision in Citizens now on extending the payroll tax cut providing counsel for the families of United, which effectively turns this and unemployment benefits for a full loved ones lost in Maine’s wilderness. government into an auction where poli- year. An accomplished writer and minister, cies may go to the highest bidder. Many of my constituents rely on un- Kate has authored several books, in- We must stand up for America. We employment benefits to put food on the cluding the national best seller ‘‘Here must reclaim our Nation. House Joint table and keep a roof over their heads. If You Need Me.’’ Resolution 100 is a constitutional I urge the conference committee to get Kate is a true asset to our State. Her amendment which aims at taking all started and work on it today. remarkable devotion to helping others private money out of elections and re- Forget about the tax for mil- has made her an invaluable public serv- turning government to the people. lionaires and billionaires and compa- ant and a beloved member of the com- I urge my colleagues to support H.J. nies that ship jobs overseas. Let’s cre- munity. Res. 100 so that we can break the gold- ate jobs and help the middle class, and It is my honor to welcome Reverend en shackles which are imprisoning this extend the payroll tax and unemploy- Braestrup to the House. government right now and so that we ment benefits today. can get rid of corporate influence once f f and for all. No private money in elec- SENATE MUST PASS A BUDGET ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER tions. Support H.J. Res. 100. PRO TEMPORE (Mr. STEARNS asked and was given f permission to address the House for 1 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE b 1210 minute and to revise and extend his re- of Texas). The Chair will entertain up marks.) to 15 further requests for 1-minute SENATE MUST REACH A BUDGET Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, it was speeches on each side of the aisle. (Mr. ROGERS of Alabama asked and April 29, 2009, 1,000 days ago, when the f was given permission to address the Democrat-controlled Senate last House for 1 minute and to revise and passed a budget. Back then, Solyndra WORKING TOGETHER TO CREATE extend his remarks.) was not a household name. General Mo- JOBS Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- tors was not yet bankrupt. Billy Mays (Ms. HAYWORTH asked and was er, we have now reached a thousand was still selling OxyClean, and my given permission to address the House days since the Congress of the United good friend, Tebow from Gainesville— for 1 minute and to revise and extend States has adopted a budget. It’s not no one knew about Tebowtime. her remarks.) the fault of the House of Representa- Since then, the Federal Government Ms. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, last tives. We passed a budget. We passed has added $4.1 trillion to the national November I hosted a jobs fair in New one last year and are going to pass an- debt. Our fiscal situation is in sham- York’s Hudson Valley. A thousand other one this year. The President has bles. Entitlement spending is growing local residents came to meet with proposed a budget every year, and no- while defense spending is being cut, nearly 40 local employers, all seeking body here much liked it. That’s okay. and the policies of a bigger and bigger work, of course, all offering work. He at least proposed a budget. What we government and higher taxes have not At Christmas I was very happy to re- haven’t seen is the other body at the been successful. ceive a card from one of our residents. other end of the Capitol adopt a budget When the Senate last passed a budg- She had found a job at our jobs fair. So at all. They don’t like the House budg- et, CBO predicted that the deficit for the question I have as we approach the et; they don’t like the President’s 2011 would be $693 billion. Today, it’s President’s State of the Union tonight budget. And they don’t do anything. $1.3 trillion. A budget is the first and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA7.003 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H129 most basic step that must be taken to- working hard with 27 jobs bills and job that is created, there are four peo- wards reining in historically high lev- counting fast. The only question, Mr. ple waiting for that job. So I rise els of spending and massive govern- Speaker, is when will the Senate join today, Mr. Speaker, to voice my sup- ment growth. us. port for a yearlong extension of the It is time for the Senate to do their f payroll tax cut for middle class Ameri- job. cans. f PRIORITIES AS A CONGRESS Unfortunately, my Republican col- leagues tried until the very last minute CANCER RESEARCH (Ms. FUDGE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 to raise taxes on the middle class just (Mr. HIGGINS asked and was given minute.) before the holidays. But the American permission to address the House for 1 Ms. FUDGE. Today I rise to address people spoke up and let the Congress minute.) the importance of setting our priorities know that they would not stand for it. Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I bring to as a Congress. We cannot wait for another last- this House and the Nation great news It seems that some of my colleagues minute fix. We need a yearlong exten- from Roswell Park Cancer Institute in have lost sight of what is important. sion of the payroll taxes and unemploy- Buffalo. Roswell Park is the first com- We should be focused on putting teach- ment insurance now. We cannot afford prehensive cancer institute in the en- ers, firefighters, and construction to take more risks with the incomes of tire Nation. workers back to work; creating jobs by more than 160 million Americans the Today, they are launching a clinical investing in infrastructure; improving way the Republicans did in 2011. trial to test the use of a cancer vaccine America’s schools; giving the middle Remember, we need to create jobs. as therapy to kill cancer cells and to class a tax cut; putting money in the There are four people for every one job prevent a relapse of the disease. The pockets of consumers; helping small there is. That means we need more vaccine is designed to boost the body’s businesses thrive and grow; keeping jobs. That means we need to support immune system to fight and destroy Americans in their homes; committing the President’s jobs bill. cancer cells. to our veterans and making sure they f The vaccine has shown early promise can get jobs when they return from b 1220 in treating ovarian, bladder, brain, and duty; protecting Social Security and breast cancer. The vaccine’s exciting Medicare; and making sure we are in- BUDGET potential is a direct result of many vesting in this great Nation so our (Mr. BILIRAKIS asked and was given years of cancer research. For cancer re- children have an opportunity to get permission to address the House for 1 search to be effective, it has to be sus- ahead. minute and to revise and extend his re- tained over the longer term. It can’t It’s time we take a step back and re- marks.) stop and start because you lose prom- evaluate our priorities. The American Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I am ising research and promising research- people deserve it. here today to speak about something ers. that is nearly 3 years in the making. So my message to Congress today is f Some 1,000 days ago, in April of 2009, that the only failure in cancer research NATIONAL SCHOOL CHOICE WEEK the Senate passed a budget, and that’s is when you quit or you’re forced to (Mr. HULTGREN asked and was the last time we’ve seen any attempt quit because of a lack of funding. I urge from them to set Washington’s agenda my colleagues to fully fund cancer re- given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend and rein in government spending. search in the 2012 budget. Without a budget, how can govern- his remarks.) ment set its priorities? Without prior- f Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise ities, how can American citizens have SENATE MUST PASS A BUDGET today to support National School any confidence in how their tax dollars Choice Week. (Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina asked are being used? The short answer is School choice means empowering and was given permission to address they can’t. families to make the best decision for the House for 1 minute.) With a $15 trillion debt, the United their students and helping them learn Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. States faces its greatest fiscal chal- in an environment that best suits their Speaker, today is day 1,000; 1,000 days lenge in history. Washington must find child’s needs and interests. We must since the Senate Democrats last passed a way to get its finances in order while work to ensure that every student has a budget. preserving programs for our seniors, access to quality, public education, but To put that in perspective, I asked protecting our services for future gen- some families may choose alternatives my followers and my Facebook erations, and providing our economy like charter schools, private schools, or friends to tell me what they’ve done in with the certainty to create much home schools. the last 1,000 days. I’d like to share needed jobs in America. State and local governments, as well some of the comments. The House will soon pass a budget as the Federal Government, should do One says, Between my home and my that does this, and I urge the President their part to pass legislation making it small business, over 60 monthly budg- to call for action during tonight’s easier for students to choose the school ets have been taken care of, and they State of the Union address. that best suits them. are getting harder and harder to bal- f ance. My wife and I have tried to choose Another said, Cut our family debt by the schooling that is best for our chil- HONORING JANUARY 28 GROUP $60,000 in 1 year, removed two car pay- dren, and I trust that our decision will (Mr. CARNAHAN asked and was ments, and finished my bachelor’s de- help them have the best education pos- given permission to address the House gree while working full time being a fa- sible. for 1 minute and to revise and extend ther and getting ready for a business I want all families and all students to his remarks.) launch. have that same opportunity, choosing Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, this Another said, Finished 75 college the education forum that best suits Saturday, January 28 at noon, Iraq war credits, watched over 100 films, di- their students. veterans will be honored by a returning rected 16 hours of TV, and tutored over f heroes parade in downtown St. Louis. 1,000 hours. This is significant not only because Final one. My son made one overseas YEARLONG EXTENSION OF these war veterans deserve this wel- deployment, started his second one, MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUTS come home, but because St. Louis is finished his master’s degree at Georgia (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of the first city in the Nation to hold Tech since the last budget. Texas asked and was given permission such an event. Mr. Speaker, one thing is very clear: to address the House for 1 minute.) The organizers are simply called the The American people are working hard. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of January 28 Group, a grassroots organi- The House of Representatives, we are Texas. Mr. Speaker, for every single zation which launched a social network

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.022 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 campaign to raise awareness and up to 15,000 jobs can be created in my edge today and have been for far too money to the parade and a vet- State by offshore wind, good-paying long. The last thing they need is an- erans’ resource event to follow. The American jobs that will help us regain other showdown at the Not-OK Corral. January 28 Group is partnering with our energy independence. They need jobs. They need to save or St. Louis-based veterans service orga- This is good news off our coast, Mr. go back into their homes. And for nizations, including The Mission Con- Speaker, for Maine and our country. those who have been living in poverty or those who used to be in the middle tinues, which works to help veterans f transfer their military leadership class but are now struggling to survive skills to civilian life. VISION OF AN AMERICA BUILT TO below the poverty level, they need us They say Missouri is the ‘‘Show-Me’’ LAST to help provide the opportunity to help State, but this time the compassionate (Ms. HANABUSA asked and was lift them and their families out of pov- and patriotic people of St. Louis are given permission to address the House erty and to a better life. Our President showing the Nation just how quickly for 1 minute.) is coming to us tonight to again offer you can mobilize to give back to those Ms. HANABUSA. Mr. Speaker, the us some opportunities to do all of these who have given so much to our Nation. President will deliver the State of the things and more and to restore our I salute you all, and wish you success Union tonight. I expect to hear his vi- country’s economic health. So let’s not put our fellow Americans for the returning heroes parade at noon sion of an America built to last. through another cliffhanger on things this coming Saturday, January 28, in Mr. Speaker, let’s listen together. downtown St. Louis. that are important to their well-being. Let’s remember together. We must re- Let us pass the payroll and unemploy- f member how and why we are the great- ment insurance extension, fix the CONSEQUENCES OF NOT HAVING A est Nation in the world. We must re- Medicare payment issue without BUDGET member those American values that drama, and come together to work on built this Nation. We must remember the bipartisan measures that the Presi- (Mr. GOHMERT asked and was given how, in building this Nation, the mid- permission to address the House for 1 dent will ask us to pass for our people dle class emerged and how they are our and our country. minute.) backbone and how they are our founda- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, there tion. f are consequences of not having a budg- Hard work, pride, and being a just INCLUDE PUERTO RICO IN SSI et. One of them is you don’t make and fair Nation is what makes us great. PROGRAM proper plans. How else can you explain Let us look to the past. Remember its (Mr. PIERLUISI asked and was given the Obama administration going so lessons to build the future. permission to address the House for 1 long and crying so loudly, Gee, we minute and to revise and extend his re- can’t find $10 billion to cut, much less f marks.) $100 billion? We certainly aren’t going FUTURE OF MIDDLE CLASS Mr. PIERLUISI. Mr. Speaker, today I to cut a trillion even though we in- introduced legislation that would ex- crease spending by a trillion. (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY asked and was given permission to address the House tend the SSI program to Puerto Rico, And we find out last week from the the United States Virgin Islands, and Obama OMB that there is $687 billion for 1 minute.) Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, the Guam. sitting in accounts that’s been appro- SSI provides cash assistance to blind, priated. It’s unobligated. It’s unspent, State of the Union address tonight is going to be very important, and I agree disabled, or elderly individuals who sitting there, and they’re still demand- have limited or no income. Although ing more and more money. with President Obama that this is a make-or-break moment for the middle SSI applies in the States, it does not America can’t afford it. It’s time to apply in Puerto Rico, which instead re- claw back the money before it’s spent class and those trying to reach it. And what’s at stake is the very sur- ceives a block grant to assist its most on other Solyndras and to give us a vulnerable residents. budget at the other end of the building. vival of the basic American promise that if you work hard, you can do well Of all the disparities that Puerto f Rico faces because of its territory sta- enough to raise a family, own a home, tus, this is perhaps the most harmful. CLEAN ENERGY IN MAINE and put a little bit away for retire- Puerto Rico’s annual grant is about $35 ment. We can either settle for a coun- (Ms. PINGREE of Maine asked and million. By contrast, the Nation’s try where a shrinking number of people was given permission to address the poorest State, with almost 1 million do really well while more Americans House for 1 minute.) fewer residents, received over $740 mil- barely get by, or we can build a Nation Ms. PINGREE of Maine. Mr. Speaker, lion in SSI funding in 2010. I want to talk for a minute about some where everyone gets a fair shot, he While in the States beneficiaries re- exciting developments in clean energy says, everyone does their fair share and ceive about $500 each month, Puerto in my State of Maine. everyone plays by the same rules. Rico residents receive only $70. Resi- Last week, Energy Secretary Chu re- We found out today that, especially dents of Puerto Rico are American citi- leased a report detailing the enormous when it comes to taxes, there really zens, but when it comes to SSI, their potential for tidal energy off of U.S. are different rules for the rich. Mitt citizenship is second class. coasts. There is enough there to meet Romney released his taxes. He made I hope my colleagues on both sides of up to one-third of our needs, and he $42 million over the last 2 years and the aisle will support this bill. paid at about a 14.5 percent rate be- singled out Maine, saying, ‘‘These re- f sources can create new industries and cause most of his income is in capital 1230 new jobs in America.’’ gains. b He’s right, and we’re proving it. The Look at the tax brackets. If you RETURN ‘‘SESAME STREET’’ TO Ocean Renewable Power Company of make $8,500 as a single person, you’re PALESTINIAN AIRWAVES Portland is building a tidal power in a 15-percent tax bracket. Is that (Mr. ELLISON asked and was given project in Maine that, if all goes as fair? I don’t think so. permission to address the House for 1 planned, will start producing clean, f minute.) American-made electricity as early as Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I this summer. AMERICANS LIVING ON EDGE brought a friend to the floor with me Meanwhile, we’re welcoming one of TODAY today. As we all know, this is Elmo. the biggest energy companies in the (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN asked and was This guy taught us our 1, 2, 3s, but he world to our State. Statoil from Nor- given permission to address the House also taught us tolerance and under- way is considering a pilot project of for 1 minute and to revise and extend standing. For the past several years, large-scale wind turbines that would her remarks.) he’s been doing the same thing for chil- produce clean electricity while floating Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Too many of dren in the Palestinian territories. Be- out of view off our coast. Experts say our fellow Americans are living on the cause of ‘‘Sesame Street’’ in Palestine,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.024 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H131 Palestinian kids grow up with the same low approval ratings by the American The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- positive role models as we did. public. ant to the rule, the gentleman from But recently, ‘‘Sesame Street’’ has We’ll be sitting in bipartisan fashion Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON) and the gentleman been off the air. Now Palestinian kids today, and I guess that’s good; but let’s from the Northern Mariana Islands are left watching Farfour. This is make it something more than sym- (Mr. SABLAN) each will control 20 min- Farfour right here. He’s a mouse who is bolic. Let’s think in our responses to utes. the main character of a Hamas TV this speech what is in this speech that The Chair recognizes the gentleman show. Instead of tolerance and under- we can find common ground to get from Ohio. standing, Farfour promotes violence done. GENERAL LEAVE and anti-Semitism. I have a suggestion. I don’t care if Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, This Congress approved funding for you’re a Republican or Democrat, I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- ‘‘Sesame Street’’ in Palestine last northern or southern, rich or poor, you bers may have 5 legislative days to re- year, but because of the position of cer- need roads. You need railways, you vise and extend their remarks and in- tain individuals in Congress, that need a good electrical grid for your clude extraneous material on the bill means the money is being held up. economy to flourish. We’re going to in- under consideration. There’s no Elmo, but there is Farfour, vest the money in those things at some The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there trafficking and teaching extremism. point to fix them to be world leaders. objection to the request of the gen- I’m not the only one who wants Con- Why not do it soon? Why not do it soon tleman from Ohio? gress to release the funding. Even the when it would help our economy and There was no objection. Israeli Government wants it released. help millions of out-of-work Americans Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, Let’s get good funding to the people of go to work with dignity. Improving our I yield myself such time as I may con- Palestine so that they can grow and infrastructure is the way to improve sume. strengthen their own society. Let the our economy. Today, I rise in support of legislation funding flow and give something for f that I sponsored, the World War II Me- Farfour to compete with—Elmo. morial Prayer Act of 2011. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f This legislation directs the Secretary PRO TEMPORE of the Interior to install at the World CHALLENGING US TO DO OUR The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- War II Memorial a suitable plaque or BEST ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair an inscription with the words that (Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas asked will postpone further proceedings President Franklin Roosevelt prayed and was given permission to address today on motions to suspend the rules with the Nation on the morning of the the House for 1 minute.) on which a recorded vote or the yeas D-day invasion. Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. and nays are ordered, or on which the This prayer, which has been entitled Speaker, I rise today to welcome our vote incurs objection under clause 6 of ‘‘Let Our Hearts Be Stout,’’ gave sol- colleague, Congresswoman GABRIELLE rule XX. ace, comfort and strength to our Na- GIFFORDS, GABBY GIFFORDS, back home Record votes on postponed questions tion and our brave warriors as we to this House, a place that she served will be taken later. fought against tyranny and oppression. ably and is serving ably today, to f The memorial was built to honor the 16 thank her for her courage and to thank million who served in the Armed her for accepting the challenge of what WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL Forces of the United States during an American hero is. Many have called PRAYER ACT OF 2011 World War II and the more than 400,000 her that; for in the course of this enor- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, who died during the war. mous tragedy, she stood tall and still I move to suspend the rules and pass Prior to introducing the legislation, I continues to do that today. the bill (H.R. 2070) to direct the Sec- spoke to many World War II veterans I want to thank the medical profes- retary of the Interior to install in the in Ohio and asked them if they thought sionals, the emergency medical profes- area of the World War II Memorial in putting this prayer on the memorial sionals, and many in Houston, Texas, the District of Columbia a suitable would be appropriate. The answer was TIRR, one of the best renowned reha- plaque or an inscription with the words a resounding yes. bilitation hospitals in the world. that President Franklin D. Roosevelt Furthermore, the Nation’s largest But most of all, as Congresswoman prayed with the Nation on June 6, 1944, service organization, the American Le- GIFFORDS comes back, let us give as a the morning of D-day, as amended. gion, is supportive of this legislation. gift, both on behalf of the American The Clerk read the title of the bill. The in a support let- people and this Congress, that we can The text of the bill is as follows: ter said that this legislation would bol- work together to improve the lives of H.R. 2070 ster the meaning of the memorial and all Americans. That I believe would be Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- would also give strength and encour- her challenge, and that would be her resentatives of the United States of America in agement to future generations. call. As she comes back today, serving Congress assembled, It seems to me that if the remaining the people of Arizona and serving the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. veterans of World War II are supportive American people, we want to say: This Act may be cited as the ‘‘World War II of the prayer being added, we as a Thank you, Congresswoman, for your Memorial Prayer Act of 2011’’. country should honor that request. courage and for being a model for the SEC. 2. PLACEMENT OF PLAQUE OR INSCRIPTION Unfortunately, the administration American people and challenging us to AT WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL. and the Department of the Interior do the best. The Secretary of the Interior— don’t think it’s that easy. Last year, (1) shall install in the area of the World War the Department of the Interior testi- f II Memorial in the District of Columbia a suit- fied before the Natural Resources Com- IMPROVING OUR ECONOMY able plaque or an inscription with the words that President Franklin D. Roosevelt prayed mittee that this legislation would (Mr. HIMES asked and was given per- with the Nation on June 6, 1944, the morning of ‘‘necessarily dilute the central message mission to address the House for 1 D-Day; of the memorial.’’ Now, I don’t know minute.) (2) shall design, procure, prepare, and install how the administration came to this Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, in 9 hours the plaque or inscription referred to in para- position because I don’t see how a non- the President will stand on this podium graph (1); and denominational prayer that gave sol- behind me to deliver the State of the (3) may not use Federal funds to prepare or ace and comfort and strength to our install the plaque or inscription referred to in Union address. I remember the first paragraph (1), but may accept and expend pri- Nation during one of the most pivotal time he did that. I sat in this Chamber vate contributions for this purpose. days of World War II and one of the as one of our colleagues called the new SEC. 3. COMMEMORATIVE WORKS ACT. most memorable days in our Nation’s President a liar. And that was not the Chapter 89 of title 40, United States Code, history would dilute the central mes- low mark in the partisanship that has (commonly known as the ‘‘Commemorative sage of the memorial. In fact, I think it earned this institution its historically Works Act’’) shall not apply to this Act. would do exactly the opposite and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:24 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.026 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 would only strengthen the central mes- rior to install at the World War II Me- ceedings on this question will be post- sage of the memorial. morial a plaque or inscription with the poned. To his credit, Secretary of the Inte- text of President Franklin Delano Roo- f rior Ken Salazar testified during a sevelt’s prayer on June 6, 1944—D-day. WAR MEMORIAL PROTECTION ACT hearing last year that he personally The committee considered this legisla- disagreed with his own Department’s tion in November. We have no objec- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, testimony on the legislation. However, tions. I move to suspend the rules and pass since his testimony, neither the De- I yield to the gentleman from Ohio the bill (H.R. 290) to amend title 36, partment of the Interior nor the ad- (Mr. KUCINICH) as much time as he may United States Code, to ensure that me- ministration has changed their official consume. morials commemorating the service of position on this legislation. I am hope- Mr. KUCINICH. I want to thank my the United States Armed Forces may ful after a bipartisan vote today on friend, Mr. SABLAN, and the Members contain religious symbols, and for this legislation that the administra- for pursuing this important legislation. other purposes. tion may have a change of heart. I rise on behalf of not just myself but The Clerk read the title of the bill. Fortunately, you don’t have to just of a now departed World War II combat The text of the bill is as follows: take my word for it because today we veteran by the name of Frank J. Kuci- H.R. 290 are honored to be joined by George nich, Sr. He was proud to serve this Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ‘‘Poppy’’ Fowler of Coolville, Ohio. country. He served in the Pacific the- Representatives of the United States of America Poppy is 88 years young and served 3 ater. But all veterans come together to in Congress assembled, years, 10 days, 1 hour and 10 minutes in pay respect not only to those who SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the during World served but to a President who on June This Act may be cited as the ‘‘War Memo- War II. He flew 35 missions in Air 6, 1944, as the Nation was preparing for rial Protection Act’’. Group 15 on a SB2C Helldiver as both a that D-day invasion, said the following, SEC. 2. INCLUSION OF RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS AS rear gunner and photographer. PART OF MILITARY MEMORIALS. ‘‘With Thy blessing, we shall prevail (a) AUTHORITY.—Chapter 21 of title 36, I had the pleasure of escorting Poppy over the unholy forces of our enemy. United States Code, is amended by adding at last fall on an honor flight trip to visit Help us to conquer the apostles of the end the following: the World War II Memorial, and he and greed and racial arrogances. Lead us to ‘‘§ 2115. Inclusion of religious symbols as part I became friends. the of our country, and with our of military memorials b 1240 sister nations, into a world unity that ‘‘(a) INCLUSION OF RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS AU- When the Natural Resources Com- will spell a sure peace—a peace invul- THORIZED.—To recognize the religious back- nerable to the schemings of unworthy ground of members of the United States mittee scheduled a hearing on this leg- Armed Forces, religious symbols may be in- islation, I invited Poppy to come tes- men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just cluded as part of— tify before the committee, and he gra- ‘‘(1) a military memorial that is estab- ciously accepted the offer and came rewards of their honest toil. Thy will lished or acquired by the United States Gov- out to testify at his own personal ex- be done, Almighty God. Amen.’’ ernment; or pense. Those words by President Franklin ‘‘(2) a military memorial that is not estab- Here is a brief excerpt of Poppy’s tes- Roosevelt, upon the occasion of D-day, lished by the United States Government, but timony at the hearing: ‘‘I feel, with no June 6, 1944, should not only be in- for which the American Battle Monuments doubt, that it would be appropriate scribed—as my friend in his work will Commission cooperated in the establishment of the memorial. that this prayer be inscribed in some make sure of it, with the consent of this Congress—on a plaque for a suit- ‘‘(b) MILITARY MEMORIAL DEFINED.—In this manner at the World War II Memorial. section, the term ‘military memorial’ means Those reading this prayer will be able able presence in the memorial, but a memorial or monument commemorating to recall the sacrifices made by our should also be reflected upon on a daily the service of the United States Armed military, also those on the homefront. basis to remind us of the sacrifices that Forces. The term includes works of architec- This prayer came at a perilous time, people have made for this country and ture and art described in section 2105(b) of yet it was answered in victory at a to remind us that the ultimate objec- this title.’’. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of dear cost of lives. Today, this prayer tive of those sacrifices is peace, peace within our Nation and peace among sections at the beginning of such chapter is can pertain to any military action. amended by adding at the end the following: Under present circumstances, it is also people around the world. And so it is in that spirit of human ‘‘2115. Inclusion of religious symbols as appropriate.’’ part of military memorials.’’. Now, I don’t think anybody or any- unity and in recognition of the impor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- one in this body could be more succinct tance of this legislation that I ask all ant to the rule, the gentleman from and articulate than Mr. Fowler, and I of our colleagues to join with us in ap- Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON) and the gentleman thank him again for coming to Wash- proving it. from the Northern Mariana Islands ington to testify on behalf of this legis- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, (Mr. SABLAN) each will control 20 min- lation and for being here for today’s de- I want to thank my colleagues for their support. May I ask if the minority bill utes. bate and final vote in the House. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Before I close, I also want to thank manager has any additional speakers? from Ohio. my fellow Ohioan, Chris Long, for his We do not. tireless efforts to gain support and mo- Mr. SABLAN. No, I don’t, Mr. Speak- GENERAL LEAVE mentum for this legislation. This legis- er. I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. I ask unani- lation wouldn’t be on the House floor Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, mous consent that all Members may today without Chris’ efforts. I yield back the balance of my time. have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- Like Poppy, I have no doubt that the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tend their remarks and include extra- prayer should be included among the question is on the motion offered by neous materials on the bill under con- tributes to the Greatest Generation the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JOHN- sideration. memorialized on the National Mall, SON) that the House suspend the rules The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and I strongly urge all of my col- and pass the bill, H.R. 2070, as amend- objection to the request of the gen- leagues to support this legislation. ed. tleman from Ohio? With that, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the The question was taken. There was no objection. balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being I yield myself such time as I may con- myself such time as I may consume. in the affirmative, the ayes have it. sume. (Mr. SABLAN asked and was given Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 290, introduced by the gen- permission to revise and extend his re- on that I demand the yeas and nays. tleman from California (Mr. HUNTER), marks.) The yeas and nays were ordered. will allow the inclusion of religious Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2070 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- symbols as part of military monu- would direct the Secretary of the Inte- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- ments.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:41 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.028 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H133 In 1913, a memorial that included a sacrifice to protect others and us here ther, the report includes analysis of 43-foot tall cross was placed on Mt. at home. the legislation by the Congressional Soledad in San Diego, California, as a I’m reminded of headstones at Ar- Budget Office, which found, ‘‘under tribute to the members of the Armed lington National Cemetery or images current law, religious symbols are not Forces who sacrificed their lives to de- of Normandy where symbols of per- barred from being used in any military fend the United States. In 1989, the city sonal faith and religion are promi- memorials; thus, H.R. 290 would codify of San Diego was sued over the cross, nently displayed. And even then, these current practice. According to the De- with critics claiming it violated the symbols never overshadow the purpose partment of Defense, the National First Amendment to the U.S. Constitu- and message of honoring our military Park Service, and the American Battle tion and to the California Constitution. and veterans. Monuments Commission, imple- Several remedies were attempted Now this time-honored tradition is menting H.R. 290 would not require any over the years to avoid the cross being under attack. Civil liberty groups have new memorials to be built or current removed by the courts. These included taken offense to the presence of reli- memorials to be changed.’’ transferring the property to a non- gious symbols on war memorials. They H.R. 290 is not necessary and does not profit organization, but this, too, led to are going after a cross sitting atop a appear to change current law. As a re- a lawsuit. The property was also de- hill at Camp Pendleton in San Diego. sult, we do not oppose it. clared a national memorial by Con- It’s not an official site sanctioned by At this time, I reserve the balance of gress in 2004. In 2006, Congress enacted the Marine Corps or the Federal Gov- my time. Public Law 109–272 to transfer the me- ernment, and the cross can’t even be Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, morial to the Department of Defense. seen by the public. But groups are I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman The Federal Government was sued, and pushing the Marine Corps to remove from California (Mr. BILBRAY). the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals the cross from Camp Pendleton even Mr. BILBRAY. Mr. Speaker, I am ruled that the cross was unconstitu- when the base is contributing much of truly honored and proud to be here tional. the manpower to the fight in Afghani- today as a cosponsor of this bill. This While the legislation does not specifi- stan and more recently Iraq. is a bill that will protect and defend re- The Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial cally resolve the constitutionality of ligious symbols on war memorials from in San Diego is also a cause for their the Mt. Soledad cross, this legislation Washington to San Diego. outrage. The memorial, first erected to will, for the first time, statutorily pro- I think we need to remember that honor veterans of the Korean war, dis- tect religious symbols in all war me- one thing that was a foundation of this playing a 29-foot concrete cross, is now morials and make clear Congress’ in- country was religious tolerance. And under the full ownership of the Depart- tent in the U.S. Code. this bill is addressing the fact that ment of Defense. At the base of the I urge adoption of H.R. 290, and I re- there are those who refuse to express cross are more than 3,000 plaques with serve the balance of my time. religious tolerance and are actually images and statements paying tribute Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield after any symbol, no matter how tradi- to the veterans of all wars and reli- myself as much time as I my consume. tionally accepted and how universally (Mr. SABLAN asked and was given gions. Last year, the runaway Ninth accepted by the community as a gen- permission to revise and extend his re- Circuit Court ruled that the memorial eral recognition of service and devo- marks.) is unconstitutional, overturning a tion and memorial, that they would at- Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 290 lower-court ruling. tack it if they could find a religious is a bill that would allow religious The future of the Mt. Soledad Vet- connotation in any form. symbols to be included as part of me- erans Memorial is uncertain, even Mind you, our Constitution protects morials commemorating the service of though the memorial, for all its years the freedom of religion, not from it. the United States armed services. The as a fixture of the San Diego commu- But I think that this issue is one that legislation, sponsored by my good nity, had one stated purpose: to re- has gone so far that we’re actually friend Congressman HUNTER of Cali- member those who have fought and talking about tearing crosses down fornia, was considered by the Com- died for this Nation. H.R. 290 ensures over war memorials, and I don’t think mittee on Natural Resources in July. I Mt. Soledad and any other war memo- any American across the board who commend my colleague, Mr. HUNTER, rial will withstand these attacks by al- really believes in tolerance would sup- for moving this legislation forward. lowing the inclusion of all symbols of port that. We have no objections to the bill, and religion and personal faith on war me- I reserve the balance of my time. morials established and under control I’m very honored to have four Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, of the Federal Government. plaques at this memorial in San Diego. I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman For the 131 national cemeteries under Frankly, I have a father, a stepfather, a brother, and a stepbrother whose from California (Mr. HUNTER), the au- the purview of the Department of Vet- thor of the bill. erans Affairs, there are currently 48 plaques are at the memorial at Mt. Mr. HUNTER. I thank the gentleman emblems, I believe, authorized. There Soledad. This is a family effort. I re- from Ohio for yielding and for his serv- is no for one symbol over member as a child, my father pointing ice as a veteran and for what he has another—the way that things should up at the cross at Mt. Soledad and that done for this country. I also thank the be. In the face of persistent legal chal- memorial that it symbolizes and said gentleman from the Northern Mariana lenges and the threat of more to come, it’s one of the few in the country to the Islands. it’s important that we install the right men and women who died in Korea. protection for war memorials in Fed- Now, I also was very privileged in 2006 b 1250 eral law, allowing the spirit and tradi- to be the cosponsor of a bill with an- One of the most common ways that tion of honoring our Nation’s military other Duncan Hunter, DUNCAN’s father, this Nation honors its military and war to continue. that specifically had Congress and the dead is with monuments and memo- I urge my colleagues to support this Federal Government come in to save rials. Across the Nation, from Fort legislation. this war memorial. Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, some Mr. Speaker, if you’re not going to Diego to Arlington National Cemetery, Members may be aware of specific situ- support this bill, if your attitude is there are countless markers paying ations regarding religious symbols lo- that any religious connotation any- tribute to America’s war heroes and cated on public land in California. In where in the world that is on Federal- the brave men and women who never fact, the committee report for H.R. 290 controlled property needs to be torn came home. In many cases, these mentions one of these ongoing con- down and destroyed, then you can take markers display symbols of religion troversies. that position, but don’t stand in these and personal faith—representing not It is important to note that the com- Chambers and point at religious sym- just individuals, but the shared com- mittee report also makes clear ‘‘this bols all over in Europe or in San Diego mitment and sacrifice of those who legislation does not specifically ad- and say they must come down or you serve and those who made the ultimate dress the Mt. Soledad situation.’’ Fur- will not defend them.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:41 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.031 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 If you’re going to sit in these Cham- fective ways to increase understanding and a key role protecting those park re- bers with Moses at one side, Pope Inno- public awareness of the critical role that the sources that have since been enjoyed cent and Pope Gregory on the other, Buffalo Soldiers played in the early years of by millions of Americans. Their suc- and Calvin, in these Chambers, if the National Parks. cess will be examined by this study you’re not going to stand up and de- SEC. 3. STUDY. that will focus on existing resources in- (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the In- mand that this Congress tear those terior shall conduct a study of alternatives side current national parks. plaques off these walls, then for God for commemorating and interpreting the I reserve the balance of my time. sakes, leave our war memorials alone, role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the early years Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield and don’t tear down religious symbols of the National Parks. myself such time as I may consume. just because you’re intolerant and (b) CONTENTS OF STUDY.—The study shall H.R. 1022 would direct the Secretary can’t stand the fact that there are include— of the Interior to study ways the Na- some of us that respect our war service (1) a historical assessment, based on exten- tional Park Service could commemo- sive research, of the Buffalo Soldiers who rate the role of Buffalo Soldiers. and respect their faith, but most im- served in National Parks in the years prior portantly, respect the heritage that to the establishment of the National Park Buffalo Soldiers were African Amer- has made America what it is today. Service; ican troops who served in the first na- Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield (2) an of the suitability and fea- tional parks, including Yosemite and back the balance of my time. sibility of establishing a national historic Sequoia National Park, prior to the es- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, trail commemorating the route traveled by tablishment of the National Park Serv- I yield back the balance of my time. the Buffalo Soldiers from their post in the ice. Presidio of San Francisco to Sequoia and Yo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The b 1300 question is on the motion offered by semite National Parks and to any other Na- tional Parks where they may have served; The legislation, sponsored by Con- the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JOHN- (3) the identification of properties that SON) that the House suspend the rules gresswoman SPEIER of California, was could meet criteria for listing in the Na- considered by the Committee on Nat- and pass the bill, H.R. 290. tional Register of Historic Places or criteria The question was taken; and (two- for designation as National Historic Land- ural Resources in May. I commend my thirds being in the affirmative) the marks; colleague, Congresswoman SPEIER, for rules were suspended and the bill was (4) an evaluation of appropriate ways to introducing this legislation and for her passed. enhance historical research, education, in- leadership on this issue. We strongly A motion to reconsider was laid on terpretation, and public awareness of the support this legislation. story of the Buffalo Soldiers’ stewardship the table. I reserve the balance of my time. role in the National Parks, including ways to Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. I reserve the f link the story to the development of Na- balance of my time. BUFFALO SOLDIERS IN THE tional Parks and the story of African-Amer- ican military service following the Civil Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, at this NATIONAL PARKS STUDY ACT War; and time, I yield such time that she may Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, (5) any other matters that the Secretary of consume to the Congresswoman from I move to suspend the rules and pass the Interior deems appropriate for this California (Ms. SPEIER), the sponsor of the bill (H.R. 1022) to authorize the study. this legislation. Secretary of the Interior to conduct a (c) REPORT.—Not later than 3 years after Ms. SPEIER. I thank my friend from funds are made available for the study, the the Northern Mariana Islands for yield- study of alternatives for commemo- Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the rating and interpreting the role of the Committee on Natural Resources of the ing. Buffalo Soldiers in the early years of House of Representatives and the Committee I rise today in support of this legisla- the National Parks, and for other pur- on Energy and Natural Resources of the Sen- tion, the Buffalo Soldiers in the Na- poses. ate a report containing the study’s findings tional Parks Study Act, which will The Clerk read the title of the bill. and recommendations. allow the Department of the Interior to The text of the bill is as follows: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- study the role of Buffalo Soldiers and H.R. 1022 ant to the rule, the gentleman from how they defended our first national Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON) and the gentleman parks. This is a key step in preserving resentatives of the United States of America in from the Northern Mariana Islands the legacy of the Army’s first African Congress assembled, (Mr. SABLAN) each will control 20 min- American infantry and cavalry units SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. utes. and the contributions they made to our This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Buffalo Sol- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Nation. diers in the National Parks Study Act’’. from Ohio. This bill will evaluate the feasibility SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. GENERAL LEAVE of a National Historic Trail along the (a) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds the fol- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, Buffalo Soldiers’ route from their his- lowing: I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- toric military post at the San Fran- (1) In the late 19th century and early 20th bers may have 5 legislative days to re- cisco Presidio to Yosemite and Sequoia century, African-American troops who came vise and extend their remarks and in- National Parks. The study would also to be known as the Buffalo Soldiers served in identify properties that could be listed many critical roles in the western United clude extraneous materials on the bill States, including protecting some of the first under consideration. in the National Register of Historic National Parks. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Places or designations as National His- (2) Based at the Presidio in San Francisco, objection to the request of the gen- toric Landmarks. Buffalo Soldiers were assigned to Sequoia tleman from Ohio? For several years, Buffalo Soldier and Yosemite National Parks where they pa- There was no objection. regiments traveled 320 miles along this trolled the backcountry, built trails, stopped Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, route to patrol the parklands for poaching, and otherwise served in the roles I yield myself such time as I may con- loggers and poachers, build new trails, later assumed by National Park rangers. and escort visitors. The Buffalo Sol- (3) The public would benefit from having sume. opportunities to learn more about the Buf- H.R. 1022 authorizes the National diers were among our very first park falo Soldiers in the National Parks and their Park Service to study alternatives for rangers, a challenging task these contributions to the management of Na- commemorating and interpreting the troops took on with pride after serving tional Parks and the legacy of African-Amer- role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the early bravely in the Civil War. icans in the post-Civil War era. years of the national parks. Because of the color of their skin, the (4) As the centennial of the National Park The Buffalo Soldiers were a seg- Buffalo Soldiers were all too often Service in 2016 approaches, it is an especially regated Army unit composed of African marginalized instead of respected for appropriate time to conduct research and in- American cavalrymen. For nearly 25 their service to our Nation, both on crease public awareness of the stewardship role the Buffalo Soldiers played in the early years before the creation of the Na- and off the battlefield. However, during years of the National Parks. tional Park Service, Yosemite Na- their time protecting the parks, they (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this Act is to tional Park was administered by the not only confronted racism and dis- authorize a study to determine the most ef- U.S. Army. The Buffalo Soldiers played crimination, they overcame it. They

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.033 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H135 became respected neighbors and friends SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF TAXES FUNDING AIRPORT (i) Section 161 of the Vision 100—Century of to people living in the park regions, AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND. Aviation Reauthorization Act (49 U.S.C. 47109 (a) FUEL TAXES.—Subparagraph (B) of sec- note) is amended by striking ‘‘, and they made real inroads toward ra- tion 4081(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code cial progress that were extraordinary 2012,’’ and inserting ‘‘February 18, 2012,’’. of 1986 is amended by striking ‘‘January 31, (j) Section 186(d) of such Act (117 Stat. for their day. 2012’’ and inserting ‘‘February 17, 2012’’. 2518) is amended by striking ‘‘February 1, Although they were assigned to (b) TICKET TAXES.— 2012,’’ and inserting ‘‘February 18, 2012,’’. watch over government property for (1) PERSONS.—Clause (ii) of section (k) Section 409(d) of such Act (49 U.S.C. only a relatively short time, the Buf- 4261(j)(1)(A) of such Code is amended by 41731 note) is amended by striking ‘‘January falo Soldiers helped lay the ground- striking ‘‘January 31, 2012’’ and inserting 31, 2012.’’ and inserting ‘‘February 17, 2012.’’. ‘‘February 17, 2012’’. work for some of our greatest wilder- SEC. 6. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OP- (2) PROPERTY.—Clause (ii) of section ness to be preserved forever. ERATIONS. 4271(d)(1)(A) of such Code is amended by Section 106(k)(1)(H) of title 49, United I’m proud that the Buffalo Soldiers striking ‘‘January 31, 2012’’ and inserting traveled through my district on their States Code, is amended to read as follows: ‘‘February 17, 2012’’. ‘‘(H) $3,692,555,464 for the period beginning (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments way to the parks, and I believe this bill on October 1, 2011, and ending on February made by this section shall take effect on will help shine a light on the history 17, 2012.’’. they made in the great State of Cali- February 1, 2012. SEC. 3. EXTENSION OF AIRPORT AND AIRWAY SEC. 7. AIR NAVIGATION FACILITIES AND EQUIP- fornia and in many places across the TRUST FUND EXPENDITURE AU- MENT. country. THORITY. Section 48101(a)(8) of title 49, United States All Americans from all walks of life (a) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (1) of section Code, is amended to read as follows: would benefit from learning about this 9502(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ‘‘(8) $1,044,541,913 for the period beginning often overlooked chapter in our his- is amended— on October 1, 2011, and ending on February tory. The Buffalo Soldiers’ story is ul- (1) by striking ‘‘February 1, 2012’’ and in- 17, 2012.’’. serting ‘‘February 18, 2012’’; and timately about the triumph not just of SEC. 8. RESEARCH, ENGINEERING, AND DEVEL- (2) by inserting ‘‘or the Airport and Airway OPMENT. African American troops over prejudice Extension Act of 2012’’ before the semicolon Section 48102(a)(16) of title 49, United and injustice, but about the movement at the end of subparagraph (A). States Code, is amended to read as follows: of our Nation toward a more tolerant (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Paragraph ‘‘(16) $64,092,459 for the period beginning on and courageous society. (2) of section 9502(e) of such Code is amended October 1, 2011, and ending on February 17, I thank my colleagues for supporting by striking ‘‘February 1, 2012’’ and inserting 2012.’’. this bill. ‘‘February 18, 2012’’. SEC. 9. ESSENTIAL AIR SERVICE. (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, Section 41742(a)(2) of title 49, United States made by this section shall take effect on Code, is amended by striking ‘‘and $50,309,016 may I ask if the minority bill manager February 1, 2012. has any additional speakers? We do for the period beginning on October 1, 2011, SEC. 4. EXTENSION OF AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT and ending on January 31, 2012,’’ and insert- PROGRAM. not. ing ‘‘and $54,699,454 for the period beginning (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, I have no on October 1, 2011, and ending on February (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 48103(9) of title 49, further requests for time, and I yield 17, 2012,’’. United States Code, is amended to read as back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, follows: ‘‘(9) $1,344,535,519 for the period beginning ant to the rule, the gentleman from with that, I yield back the balance of on October 1, 2011, and ending on February Wisconsin (Mr. PETRI) and the gen- my time. 17, 2012.’’. tleman from Illinois (Mr. COSTELLO) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (2) OBLIGATION OF AMOUNTS.—Subject to each will control 20 minutes. FORTENBERRY). The question is on the limitations specified in advance in appro- The Chair recognizes the gentleman priation Acts, sums made available for a por- motion offered by the gentleman from from Wisconsin. Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON) that the House sus- tion of fiscal year 2012 pursuant to the pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. amendment made by paragraph (1) may be GENERAL LEAVE 1022. obligated at any time through September 30, Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- 2012, and shall remain available until ex- The question was taken. mous consent that all Members have 5 pended. legislative days in which to revise and The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the (b) PROJECT GRANT AUTHORITY.—Section opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being 47104(c) of such title is amended by striking extend their remarks and include ex- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ‘‘January 31, 2012,’’ and inserting ‘‘February traneous material on the bill, H.R. Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, 17, 2012,’’. 3800. on that I demand the yeas and nays. SEC. 5. EXTENSION OF EXPIRING AUTHORITIES. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The yeas and nays were ordered. (a) Section 40117(l)(7) of title 49, United objection to the request of the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘Feb- tleman from Wisconsin? ruary 1, 2012.’’ and inserting ‘‘February 18, ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- There was no objection. 2012.’’. Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ceedings on this question will be post- (b) Section 41743(e)(2) of such title is poned. amended by striking ‘‘and $2,016,393 for the self such time as I may consume. I would like to include in the CON- f portion of fiscal year 2012 ending before Feb- ruary 1, 2012,’’ and inserting ‘‘and $2,295,082 GRESSIONAL RECORD an exchange of let- AIRPORT AND AIRWAY EXTENSION for the portion of fiscal year 2012 ending be- ters between the Committee on Ways ACT OF 2012 fore February 18, 2012,’’. and Means and the Committee on (c) Section 44302(f)(1) of such title is Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I move to Transportation and Infrastructure con- amended— cerning H.R. 3800. suspend the rules and pass the bill (1) by striking ‘‘January 31, 2012,’’ and in- (H.R. 3800) to amend the Internal Rev- serting ‘‘February 17, 2012,’’; and I am pleased to report that we are enue Code of 1986 to extend the funding (2) by striking ‘‘April 30, 2012,’’ and insert- currently in the final negotiations of and expenditure authority of the Air- ing ‘‘May 17, 2012,’’. completing an FAA reauthorization port and Airway Trust Fund, to amend (d) Section 44303(b) of such title is amended bill with the Senate, with only a few title 49, United States Code, to extend by striking ‘‘April 30, 2012,’’ and inserting open issues left to be resolved. I am ‘‘May 17, 2012,’’. confident that we will be able to com- authorizations for the airport improve- (e) Section 47107(s)(3) of such title is ment program, and for other purposes. amended by striking ‘‘February 1, 2012.’’ and plete negotiations and produce a con- The Clerk read the title of the bill. inserting ‘‘February 18, 2012.’’. ference report in the very near future. The text of the bill is as follows: (f) Section 47115(j) of such title is amended However, given the congressional H.R. 3800 by striking ‘‘February 1, 2012,’’ and inserting and the limited legislative ‘‘February 18, 2012,’’. days before FAA’s current authority Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (g) Section 47141(f) of such title is amended resentatives of the United States of America in expires, we will not be able to consider by striking ‘‘January 31, 2012.’’ and inserting the final agreement on the conference Congress assembled, ‘‘February 17, 2012.’’. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (h) Section 49108 of such title is amended report until February. Since current This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Airport and by striking ‘‘January 31, 2012,’’ and inserting funding expires at the end of this Airway Extension Act of 2012’’. ‘‘February 17, 2012,’’. month, it is necessary for us to pass a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.039 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 clean, short-term extension of the I rise in support of H.R. 3800, the Air- I am assured, to wrap up some details. FAA’s funding and programs through port and Airway Extension Act of 2012. This is a bill that is really a great deal February 17 at current funding levels. This bill contains a clean extension of more bipartisan than it would appear. This extension is a prudent pre- the Federal Aviation Administration’s Yes, there were some tough items, as caution to ensure that the FAA is able authority to spend from the Airport in any piece of major legislation. to continue its funding and programs and Airway Trust Fund to carry out I do regret the major reason for the while negotiations are completed and airport improvement projects at cur- standoff. This bill, it seems to me, the House and Senate consider the rent funding levels through February could have been before us long ago but FAA conference report. 17, 2012. for at least one provision which could HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Mr. Speaker, this short-term exten- have been settled, and that was the COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, sion will hopefully provide us enough provision in the bill that would have Washington, DC, January 24, 2012. time for the House Republican leader- insisted that no-shows be counted in Hon. JOHN MICA, ship to finally appoint conferees to the labor elections, the no-shows be count- Chairman, Committee on Transortation and In- FAA reauthorization bill, which we ed as for one side or the other. And in frastructure, Rayburn House Office Build- ing, Washington, DC. passed almost a year ago, work this case, they would have been count- DEAR CHAIRMAN MICA: I am writing con- through the remaining policy issues ed as a ‘‘no’’ vote against joining the cerning H.R. 3800, the ‘‘Airport and Airway with the other body, and send a com- union. Extension Act of 2012’’ which is expected to prehensive bill to the President. You know, you could argue just the be scheduled for floor consideration this Although this has been an unneces- opposite, that if you really were week. sarily difficult and controversial proc- against the union, you’re the ones who As you know, the Committee on Ways and show up. So it seems to me that was a Means has jurisdiction over the Internal ess during the first session of the 112th Revenue Code. Sections 2 and 3 of this bill Congress to move the multiyear FAA thumb on the scale, but you don’t amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by reauthorization measure, I’m pleased know how it would come out. And some extending the current Airport and Airway that the House and Senate leadership kind of compromise has been reached Trust Fund (AATF) expenditure authority recognized the importance of getting a on that. I will have to wait on that and the associated Federal excise taxes to bill completed and stepped in to help in compromise. But I’m very pleased that February 17, 2012. In order to expedite H.R. the process. we’ve moved ahead on a compromise 3800 for Floor consideration, the Committee While I will reserve judgment on a because the President had said over will forgo action on the bill. This is being final conference report, it appears as and over again he was going to veto the done with the understanding that it does not in any way prejudice the Committee with re- though we are making progress, and we bill if it had that provision in it. So spect to the appointment of conferees or its certainly need to avoid a repeat of the since we knew it was going to be ve- jurisdictional prerogatives on this or similar disastrous outcome that occurred this toed, it was up to us to get to a com- legislation. summer when the FAA was partially promise much earlier and to get on to I would appreciate your response to this shut down for 2 weeks, costing tax- other tough issues in the bill. And I letter, confirming this understanding with payers almost $400 million in lost rev- recognize that more time is needed on respect to H.R. 3800, and would ask that a enue for infrastructure investment. As those issues. copy of our exchange of letters on this mat- ter be included in the Congressional Record we move to conference, we need to One of those issues, by the way, has during Floor consideration. enact a fair and comprehensive bill to do with just how much traffic we are Sincerely, that creates jobs, furthers aviation going to tolerate at Reagan Airport, DAVE CAMP, safety, and advances our transition to with the idea that if an individual Chairman. the Next Generation Air Transpor- Member from the west coast would pre- tation System. fer the convenience of landing at HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- Mr. Speaker, I support this short- Reagan, then the whole bill should MITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND term FAA extension in the of bend in that way. I ask that we con- INFRASTRUCTURE, Washington, DC, January 24, 2012. preventing another FAA shutdown in sider—— Hon. DAVE CAMP, order to give us a few more weeks to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, produce a bipartisan reauthorization time of the gentlewoman has expired. Longworth House Office Building, Wash- conference report that the President Mr. COSTELLO. I yield another 1 ington, DC. can sign into law. minute to the gentlewoman. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Ms. NORTON. So, in winding up the letter regarding H.R. 3800, the ‘‘Airport and support H.R. 3800, the Airport and Air- bill, I ask that we keep in mind the Airway Extension Act of 2012.’’ The Com- fact that a very fragile compromise has mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure way Extension Act of 2012, and I re- recognizes the Committee on Ways and serve the balance of my time. been reached to allow the three other Means has a jurisdictional interest in H.R. Mr. PETRI. Does the gentleman have airports in this region and the eco- 3800, and I appreciate your effort to facilitate any further requests for time? nomic assumptions involved to divide consideration of this bill. Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, we up the air traffic as has been allowed. I concur with you that forgoing action on have one speaker. I also want to say that when we get H.R. 3800 does not in any way prejudice the Mr. PETRI. I will continue to reserve to these union provisions, do remember Committee on Ways and Means with respect the balance of my time. that in every society, one of the car- to its jurisdictional prerogatives on this bill dinal tests of whether or not you have or similar legislation in the future, and I Mr. COSTELLO. At this time, I yield would support your effort to seek appoint- 2 minutes to the gentlelady from the a free society is whether there is a ment of an appropriate number of conferees District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON), a right to organize a union. to any House-Senate conference involving valued member of the Transportation Mr. PETRI. I yield such time as he this legislation. and Infrastructure Committee. may consume to our colleague from I will include our letters on H.R. 3800 in the Ms. NORTON. I thank the gentleman Texas, Representative FARENTHOLD. Congressional Record during House Floor from Illinois. This compromise only re- Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I consideration of the bill. Again, I appreciate minds me of how much I regret that he rise today to do something that I don’t your cooperation regarding this legislation particularly like to do, supporting in and I look forward to working with the Com- has decided to retire. He was such a mittee on Ways and Means as the bill moves valuable chair of our subcommittee kicking the can down the road another through the legislative process. and member of the Transportation and time. But I’m excited about kicking Sincerely, Infrastructure Committee. I can only the can down the road this time. We’ve JOHN L. MICA, wish him all the good fortune his ex- had 23 extensions of the FAA bill, but Chairman. traordinarily productive years in the this time, as we kick the can down the I urge my colleagues to support this Congress have earned him. road, we actually see the end of the legislation, and I reserve the balance of road. my time. b 1310 The Transportation and Infrastruc- Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield But I thank both sides of the aisle for ture Committee has worked in a bipar- myself such time as I may consume. this short-term extension, short-term, tisan manner to come up with a bill

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:41 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.041 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H137 that I think is going to be phenomenal Let me say in conclusion, there are The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- once we get it out of the House and some tough issues on labor that have ant to clause 7 of rule XXII, the gentle- Senate conferees. It’s taken some time held us up—4 years with the Demo- woman from California (Mrs. CAPPS) to get us to the point where we can crats, the last year with us—and I want and the gentleman from New York (Mr. find the efficiencies and savings that to commend Speaker BOEHNER for his REED) each will control 30 minutes. we need and continue to provide the leadership working with the leadership The Chair recognizes the gentle- level of service we expect in our air of the Senate. The Speaker and his woman from California. transportation system in this country. staff and others have worked day and Mrs. CAPPS. I yield myself 5 min- My fear is we’re going to come up with night through the holidays and right utes. this bipartisan bill and it’s going to get up to now to conclude what I think is I rise today to offer a straightforward stalled again though. a very fair compromise. And it must be motion to provide certainty to Amer- As we stand here on the eve of the a compromise. ican families and businesses. State of the Union address, we have the This is part of our business is to do As we all know, late last month, politics of a do-nothing Congress. I the best business we can for the Amer- hope that that narrative doesn’t stop after a lot of drawn-out drama, we en- ican people and getting this economy acted a short-term extension of the this bill from moving forward as it working and getting in place the comes up and we don’t have to extend payroll tax cut, of unemployment in- framework for one of the most impor- surance, and the so-called doc fix. All this again. tant aspects of our industry. If we want This is something we’ve been able to of these provisions were set to expire to see Americans back to work, we’ll do in a bipartisan nature. Historically, at the end of last year. Payroll taxes transportation bills have been bipar- pass this legislation by the 17th of Feb- would have gone up on 160 million tisan. Let’s not let this get stopped and ruary, and then we’ll come back in the American workers. Millions of unem- have to kick the can down the road. next week or two, and we will pass a ployed people would have had their Let’s get our conferees done. Let’s get long-term infrastructure transpor- benefits cut off even though they still this passed. tation measure, and we will and we can can’t find work, and doctors would I urge everybody, my colleagues, to get Americans working. have faced huge cuts in their reim- support this extension. Let’s make it So I ask for continued cooperation to bursement from Medicare, making it the last and get the long-term bill complete this important process. harder for seniors to see a doctor. The passed for the betterment of this coun- Mr. PETRI. I have no further re- 2-month extension was not ideal, but try and everyone in it. quests for time, and reserve the bal- differences could not be resolved before Mr. COSTELLO. I continue to reserve ance of my time. the clock ran out. the balance of my time. Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, let me Now, with this short-term extension Mr. PETRI. I yield such time as he commend Chairman MICA and Chair- set to expire in just a few weeks, we may consume to the chairman of the man PETRI for working in a bipartisan must find a way to bridge our dif- full Transportation and Infrastructure way. We’ve attempted to work with the ferences and enact a full-year exten- Committee, our colleague from the other body in working on an agree- sion of these provisions, and we need to State of Florida, JOHN MICA. ment. We are very close to agreement. Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I want to do it as soon as possible, and that’s As I said in my statement, I reserve what this motion is about. thank Chairman PETRI, our chair of judgment on the final conference It simply directs the conferees to fin- the Aviation Subcommittee. I see Mr. agreement, but I certainly want to COSTELLO, the ranking member, former ish their work by February 17 so both commend our friends on the other side the House and Senate will have time to chair of the subcommittee. Thank you of the aisle for working to move this for your work. vote on the final package before the legislation forward. clock runs out on the 29th; just a date We’re here to extend FAA for the With that, I urge the passage of this 23rd time. The consequences of that certain to ensure that we get our work legislation, and I yield back the bal- can, I hope, be positive, that we can done without yet another last-minute ance of my time. conclude this long overdue and very scramble. We have a habit in this Con- important authorization. b 1320 gress of leaving our work to the last Members of Congress, we must au- minute, something we should have Mr. PETRI. I yield back the balance thorize every program. That’s part of learned when we were kids when our of my time. our constitutional responsibility. parents warned us about this long ago. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I had the privilege, when I chaired Last year, for example, was filled the Aviation Subcommittee, to write a question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. with manufactured crises and last- lot of what was in the last bill which minute deals. It led to a great deal of PETRI) that the House suspend the we authored in 2003. It expired in 2007. uncertainty about everything from tax The other side of the aisle had 4 years rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3800. The question was taken; and (two- policy to whether or not America will in which they controlled the body, 2 of pay its debts. This uncertainty has af- which they controlled every branch of thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill was fected our economy and our efforts to government, and were unable to pass create jobs. I know we can do better. I that. They passed 17 extensions. We’ve passed. A motion to reconsider was laid on know we must do better had to pass—it will now be five—but we Our economy is still in a fragile can get this done. This should be a bi- the table. state, and we must not add to its pre- partisan and must be a bicameral jobs f carious nature with yet another unnec- bill. The aviation industry in our country MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES essary dustup here in Washington and accounts for between 7 and 8 percent of ON H.R. 3630, TEMPORARY PAY- especially not about provisions we gen- our gross domestic national economic ROLL TAX CUT CONTINUATION erally agree upon. For example, ex- activity, and for us not to have passed ACT OF 2011 tending the payroll tax cut for 160 mil- lion Americans will put a thousand dol- an authorization that updates the safe- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I have a lars more in their paychecks for a ty, all of the programs, the next gen- motion to instruct conferees at the worker in this coming year. In my eration of air traffic control, things desk. home State alone, that would put $21 that are so important to have a dy- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The billion into the pockets of 17 million namic industry, and then an area of Clerk will report the motion. Californians. That’s real money for our economy that we have led in in the The Clerk read as follows: world. The biggest area of exports is consumers to spend quickly at small Mrs. Capps moves that the managers on businesses across the country, stimu- aviation. That’s huge for jobs in this the part of the House at the conference on country. the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on lating demand and growing our econ- So this is going to be the last exten- the Senate amendment to the bill H.R. 3630 omy. sion. It’s done in, again, a bipartisan be instructed to file a conference report not Now, economists from both sides effort to conclude the negotiation. later than February 17, 2012. from every perspective agree that this

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.045 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 payroll extension is critical to main- roll tax extension to get an extension to small-business America laying the taining our recovery and critical to ex- for at least a year, to extend unem- foundation upon which the private sec- tending new jobs. ployment benefits, and also to do what tor knows that there is certainty, there In addition, there is a general agree- we have to do in Washington, D.C., in is confidence in the market, and they ment about the need to extend unem- regards to our providers under Medi- have the ability to know what the ployment benefits. This affects about care with our doc fix. rules are going to be for years to come, 41⁄2 million Americans who would lose We have proposed and passed in this not on a month-by-month basis. their unemployment benefits if we Chamber before the end of the year a 1- I urge my colleagues in the other don’t get our work done in time. Never year proposal on the payroll tax exten- Chamber, in the U.S. Senate, to heed before have we allowed emergency un- sion fully paid for, a 2-year proposal on that fundamental message. We can no employment benefits to expire while our doc fix fully paid for. Those are longer, in Washington, D.C., believe unemployment remains so high. Mil- long-term solutions that have been of- that short-term policy is the best we lions of middle class workers and their fered by our side of the aisle, adopted can do for America. Hardworking tax- families depend upon emergency unem- in a bipartisan fashion before the end payers deserve better than that, and ployment benefits to feed their fami- of the year, and sent to the Senate to small business owners across America lies, to put gas in their cars, to keep act upon. need to know what the rules are with their houses warm. The reality of the situation finds us certainty and for years so that they Once again, extending these benefits in a position where the Senate has not can make the investments to put our helps create jobs, helps to grow our done its job. And my colleague from hardworking taxpayer Americans back economy. According to Mark Zandi, California is correct. A lot of it had to to work. every dollar of unemployment benefits do with the fact that the Senate ran That’s what we stand for on this side creates $1.65 in economic demand. It’s out of time, and they reverted to clas- of the aisle; and that is what I am not rhetoric. It’s a fact. sic, old political ways of doing busi- hopeful, going into this conference, we Finally, Mr. Speaker, we all agree on ness: passing legislation at 3 o’clock, 2 will be able to produce out of this pay- the need to ensure our doctors don’t o’clock in the morning, waiting until roll bill, , and see a draconian cut in their Medicare the last minute, and putting forth a our doc fix. reimbursements. Such a cut would af- product that only allowed us to kick With that, I reserve the balance of fect the health care of nearly 50 million the can 2 months down the road. my time. seniors who could lose access to their We can do better. We need to do bet- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 doctors if we don’t complete our work ter. The proposal that came out of this minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- on time. Without an extension, Medi- Chamber was a start in that right di- fornia (Ms. LEE). care physicians will see nearly a 30-per- rection. It is time that we join to- Ms. LEE of California. I want to cent reimbursement cut at the end of gether and we hit this long-term solu- thank the gentlelady for yielding and this month, and of course this is some- tion put forth for the American people also for her tremendous leadership. thing we face every year, which is why because they deserve no less. Mr. Speaker, I rise to encourage all I have always supported a permanent I would be remiss if we did not iden- the conferees on H.R. 3630 to fully con- fix to the SGR. But at a minimum, we tify the fact that we as conferees were sider the chilling effect on the econ- must include a full-year fix for this here over the Christmas break. We omy of any failure to fully extend un- program. Failure to do so will harm were here trying to champion the cause employment benefits. not only our doctors and their employ- for making sure we put policy into law, While we are all pleased to see the ees but our seniors as well. not achieve political gamesmanship or economy slowly improving, unemploy- Mr. Speaker, the American people wins. It is time for us to focus on pol- ment rates continue to be unaccept- are rightfully tired of the political icy and put politics aside. Hardworking ably high; and, yes, there are four indi- games and needless brinksmanship taxpayers deserve that today in Amer- viduals looking for every one job. This that has become all too common in ica. job recovery still has not created this body. I say it’s time to change I, for one, will join my colleague on enough jobs in our country. course. the other side of the aisle in the tre- I have participated in many job fairs Let’s begin this new year on a better mendous amount of agreement that I in my district, along with the Congres- note. Let’s begin the year by putting think we have going into this con- sional Black Caucus; and we have wit- aside our differences and working to- ference and the sentiment of getting nessed thousands and thousands and gether. Let’s begin the new year by the job done in time, not waiting until thousands of people lining up for the completing the work that we all were the last minute, coming up with a jobs that existed. People want to work. sent here to do, and let’s do it on time long-term solution of at least a year on It’s not that people are sitting around and without unnecessary drama. our payroll tax extension, at least 2 waiting for their unemployment bene- Let’s begin the new year by helping years for our doctors who are getting fits. If there were jobs, people would middle class families and small busi- reimbursed under Medicare, and take work. So we need this bridge over trou- nesses stay afloat in these tough times. care of the unemployment situation. bled waters until we find out a way to It’s way too important to wait until create the jobs that people deserve. 1330 the last minute. Millions of American b We must immediately extend all ex- workers, business owners, and families But I would have to disagree with my piring unemployment benefits. The are depending on us. The time to act is colleague on the other side of the aisle conferees should also strongly consider now. when she says that unemployment ben- adding an additional 14 weeks of tier 1 I urge my colleagues to support this efits are some sort of economic stim- unemployment benefits for the mil- motion to ensure that we get our work ulus that should be expanded. I under- lions of 99ers who have completely ex- done on time. stand, and I have read what the econo- hausted their benefits. We don’t re- I reserve the balance of my time. mists have said on the economic im- member that even with the extension Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- pact of unemployment benefits. of unemployment, there are between 2 self such time as I may consume. My point would be, if that logic were and 3 million people who will not be el- I rise today in great agreement with true, then why don’t we just extend un- igible because 99 weeks is the limit. my colleague from California on the employment benefits to every Amer- So we can’t abandon those individ- other side of the aisle. What she has ar- ican and sit back and watch the econ- uals. We have to pass, and we’re asking ticulated before us in this Chamber, omy blossom. The fundamental truth for Congressman SCOTT’s bill and my Mr. Speaker, is an instruction to the is—and it’s time to be open and honest bill, H.R. 589, to be included in any conferees, of which I am one, to get our with the American people about it— final legislative agreement. job done. I wholeheartedly agree with that the economy is not going to So, Mr. Speaker, I am pleading for that sentiment. strengthen based on government ex- this body to really understand that Also, there is a tremendous amount pansion, government spending. It’s until we figure out a way to create of agreement when it comes to the pay- going to strengthen on a commitment jobs, people want to work. It is our

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.049 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H139 moral responsibility to create this ex- in a way that would create an imme- nomic security, and they want access tension of unemployment benefits to diate 20,000 new jobs for men and to health care. I urge my colleagues, include an additional 14 weeks for peo- women in America. support the Capps motion and put our ple who have hit the 99-week mark. That will go a long way to solving families first. That’s our duty and our responsibility, our unemployment problems in the Mr. REED. I reserve the balance of and I hope that you’ll put this in our United States, not just extending un- my time. package. employment benefits. But as we take Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, up the issue of extending unemploy- minutes to the gentlewoman from Washington, DC, January 23, 2012. ment benefits, we need to do better. We Florida (Ms. CASTOR). Hon. DAVE CAMP, owe it to hardworking taxpayers of Ms. CASTOR of Florida. I thank our Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, America to come up with solutions and colleague, Representative CAPPS, for House of Representatives, Longworth HOB, reforms in our unemployment benefits yielding time and for her great leader- Washington, DC. programs that give them the tools, the ship on behalf of middle class families Hon. MAX BAUCUS, resources to be reemployed. across America. Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, I agree wholeheartedly with my col- I rise to encourage all of our col- Dirksen SOB, Washington, DC. league on the other side of the aisle leagues to get to work on middle class DEAR CHAIRMAN CAMP AND CHAIRMAN BAU- tax relief and also take this oppor- CUS: As you and your colleagues on the con- that I don’t believe the majority of ference committee address the extension of Americans wants to be unemployed. tunity to strengthen Medicare. We’re payroll tax relief and unemployment com- They want to get back to work. going to have a lot of debates over pensation benefits, restoration of Medicare So in our reforms that were passed in Medicare here in the coming year. payments to physicians, and other matter, I this Chamber before the end of the b 1340 urge you to fully consider the ongoing im- year, we talk about such things as re- pacts of the crisis in unemployment and long quiring GEDs, high school education This will be an opportunity to ad- term unemployment, not only on the mil- equivalency diplomas, high school de- dress a real shortcoming in Medicare, lions of affected individuals and families who grees so that people could have that and that is protecting our parents and are living life on the edge, but to also con- basic educational benefit that will give grandparents and the ability that they sider the impact on our nation’s struggling have to see the doctor of their choice. economy. them the tools to get back to work. We should be focusing together in a bipar- See, what will happen if the Congress While we see some slow improvements in does not act is there will be instituted the jobs numbers, unemployment rates con- tisan manner, Democrat and Repub- tinue to be unacceptably high and the rates lican, on reforms that are going to give very harsh cuts to the reimbursement of long term unemployment as well the those tools to our unemployed Ameri- rate for doctors who take care of our length of time that the unemployed are out cans rather than just giving a check. parents and take care of our grand- of work are both at record highs. There is an old adage that I grew up parents under Medicare. We simply We must immediately extend the expiring with, being the youngest of 12 children, can’t let this happen. emergency unemployment benefits to the that was passed on for generations in Democrats are interested in a perma- maximum authorized levels and we should nent fix to these Medicare cuts to doc- also immediately add an additional 14 weeks our family, which was: You give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. You tors. This is vitally important for tens of tier I unemployment benefits for the mil- of millions of our parents and grand- lions of Americans who have completely ex- teach a man or woman to fish, you feed parents all across America. And you hausted their benefits while struggling to him and her and their entire family for find work. a lifetime. better believe in the State of Florida, Far too many Americans have exhausted That is the mantra. That is the foun- where we have 3.4 million seniors who all of their unemployment benefits and are dation upon which we should take up rely on Medicare, we want to ensure still unable to find work. Abandoning these unemployment extension in this con- that the ability of the doctor that they job seekers will only further depress the ference and join hands to implement trust, that they see time and time economy and will fail to reduce our deficits going forward. again, will be there when they make as these so called 99er’s will begin to fall into that appointment in the doctor’s office. poverty and begin to be eligible for other Again, I have to highlight the fact needs based federal benefits. that what we see out of the other We’re interested in a permanent fix. With nearly 50 million Americans in pov- Chamber in the United States Senate is We think working together we can get erty and half of all Americans in low income a willingness to just achieve what is this done. households, we must take bold action now. It politically possible, to only achieve Medicare is that promise that has is only by providing these millions of strug- what could be called a political win. It been made to generation after genera- gling American families with adequate and is time to stop focusing on politics. tion of Americans; that it will be there immediate relief and a genuine long term Hardworking taxpayers in America de- no matter what happens, how hard pathway out of poverty that we can put serve us to focus on good policy. they work, what happens in their life- America back on track to prosperity and time, Medicare will be there to serve economic growth for all. Mr. Speaker, with that, I reserve the I strongly urge the members of the con- balance of my time. them, and we need to ensure that the ference committee to consider my legisla- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 doctors are there on the front lines to tion, H.R. 589 for inclusion in any final legis- minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- take care of our parents and grand- lative agreement. fornia (Ms. WOOLSEY). parents as well. Sincerely, Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, again I’m BARBARA LEE, today to support the Capps motion to heartened because, as the gentlelady Member of Congress. instruct conferees. spoke, I came to the conclusion we’re Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- This issue is just too important to in full agreement. House Republicans self such time as I may consume. get tied up in election-year politics. are in full agreement, so that gives us I would like to respond to my col- Failing to extend the payroll tax cut, hope, ladies and gentlemen. That gives league on the other side of the aisle unemployment insurance, and the us hope going into this conference that who just spoke in regard to when it Medicare doc fix will have real and what we’re going to be able to put to- comes to unemployment benefit exten- lasting effects on our Nation’s middle gether with the doc fix and how our sions. class. It will mean that fewer doctors providers are paid under Medicare is a What we have to do, in my opinion, is will be available to care for seniors and solution that will be a long-term solu- set the framework upon which jobs in the aging baby boomer generation. It tion to this situation that politically is America could be created. We just had will mean that people who have lost required to go through all the time be- an example of this last week. I so hope their job through no fault of their own cause of this doc fix situation we find our President tonight in this very will have the safety net pulled out ourselves in. Chamber comes and explains his deci- from under them, and it will mean that But I would remind this Chamber and sion to reject American jobs being cre- working families will see their pay- I would remind all of my colleagues ated through the Keystone pipeline, be- checks shrink. that we are in the midst of a fiscal cri- cause there is a project that has been Americans don’t want partisan grid- sis in this Nation that needs to be re- identified; and it will be implemented lock. They want jobs, they want eco- spected. And as we talk about making

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.051 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 sure that our providers under Medicare So if everybody is so much in agree- tleman from Connecticut (Mr. COURT- are taken care of on a long-term basis, ment, vote for this motion. What it NEY). we need to go into this discussion with says is let’s not wait until February 29. Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise our eyes wide open, and that is that fis- They gave us a leap year this year, so in support of the Capps motion, which cal crisis forces us to cover these costs, let’s not stretch it. Let’s not wait until again says that we should move as for us to be responsible in Washington, February 29 at midnight. Let’s get this swiftly as possible to resolve all of DC, for one time and pay for what we done no later than February 17 to get these issues. are doing and live within our means. this done in an orderly fashion. In support of that, I just want to That’s what our proposal for 2 years The American people are tired of a share with the body a survey that was out of the House Chamber before the Congress that has the study habits of a released by the Connecticut Medical end of year passed by a bipartisan fash- student who parties all semester and Society a few days ago. It’s the largest ion did—took care of 2 years of the doc crams for the finals. Let’s get serious, physician group in the State of Con- fix, fully paid for and offset. What we let’s grow up, and let’s vote for this necticut. It asked what the impact need to do is bring that attitude into motion. would be if the SGR 27 percent rate cut the conference to get it taken care of. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I do have to went into effect. It would be cata- I so heartily agree with my col- remind my good friend on the other strophic: 40 percent of doctors would league, the esteemed lady, and her po- side of the aisle that, on December 22, stop accepting Medicare patients; 10 sition in coming up with a long-term House Republicans were here. We were percent would close their practices; 32 solution for our doctors under Medi- sitting in the conference ready to get percent would lay off staff. But what care. But we do need to be responsible to work, and conferees on their side of was interesting was that 19 percent and we have to offset and make sure the aisle had not even been named by said they are already refusing to take that it is paid for. That is the reality of that point in time. new appointments of Medicare bene- the situation we find ourselves in in I was here over the New Year’s break, ficiaries and are curtailing access for America in the fiscal crisis we now Thursday, Friday, working on this both Medicare and Tricare patients all face, and it will be the reality of our issue in preparation for the conference. across the State of Connecticut. Nation’s fiscal prosperity going for- Where was the Senate? Nowhere to be So clearly, this is not an issue which ward if we so choose to honor it. found. So let us be straight with the can wait until the last minute. People With that, I continue to reserve the American people. Let’s be open and are already voting with their feet, and balance of my time. honest with the American people that Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I am it’s affecting access to health care lit- who’s ready to do the work is us in the pleased to yield 2 minutes to the gen- erally as we sit here today in the House House Chamber on the House Repub- Chamber. tleman from (Mr. AN- lican side. We demonstrated it at the I also would just like to remind the DREWS). (Mr. ANDREWS asked and was given end of 2011 by staying here. We may gentleman from New York that the permission to revise and extend his re- have been hurt politically or lost that measure that the Republicans passed in marks.) political battle. But you know what? December, which supposedly addressed Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, we hear The American people want us to do not this issue, paid for the SGR fix by tak- that there is agreement over some what is politically the winning strat- ing $40 billion out of the hospital ac- basic principles here. Just about every- egy, but what is the best policy for the counts in Medicare. American people. And that’s what we one thinks we should extend the middle b 1350 class tax cut for the rest of this year. stood up for. So in the name of protecting physi- Just about everyone thinks we should Maybe that message didn’t get home cian fees, they butchered the other make sure that doctors don’t see a to the men and women back in our dis- part of the system and the central part nearly 30 percent cut in the payments tricts immediately. But I can tell you, that they receive to take care of our Mr. Speaker, when I went back in my of the system in terms of hospital ac- seniors and disabled persons under district and I had the question pre- cess which provides emergency care all Medicare. Most of us think that unem- sented to me at my local church, local across this country. The American ployment benefits should be extended grocery store, why were you still down Hospital Association and others clearly at a time when there are four people there? What was the problem? What warned this Chamber and the Senate unemployed for every one job opening were you fighting for? And we went that this cut would be extremely dam- in the country. through the details of the policy that aging and catastrophic to the Amer- Most people believe that most if not we’re talking about here with the pay- ican health care system. And the fact all of this should be paid for; that is to roll tax rate, the unemployment exten- that the Senate did not just rubber- say that we shouldn’t borrow the sion, and the Medicare reimbursement stamp what the House did, in my opin- money to do these things. The amount for our providers under Medicare, and ion, shows that they acted appro- of money that’s needed to do that is they said: Well, obviously, you needed priately. about $3 out of every $1,000 that we’re to stay there to get it done. And that’s It is extremely urgent for the Amer- going to spend here. It’s significant what we have to do. We have to adopt ican health care system that we pass money, but it’s about $3 out of every the attitude of, we have been sent here and follow the Capps motion’s timeline $1,000 that we spend. to do the people’s work. It’s time not to fix this issue, frankly an issue which So here’s the idea behind this mo- for us to wait until the last minute, I has festered since the 1990s when the tion. Since there is such broad agree- wholeheartedly agree. But it’s also Republicans passed the SGR formula. ment that this middle class tax cut and time that we just do not leave town be- This is not part of the Affordable Care the other provisions need to happen, cause we’ve accomplished what was po- Act. In fact, at the time we passed the since there is such broad agreement litically possible or what was in our po- Affordable Care Act, it abolished the that it ought to be offset in part, if not litical interest. I wholeheartedly am SGR with H.R. 3662. We should follow fully, and since it’s such a relatively committed to finding the real solu- that path at the end of the day, and we small amount of money, $3 for every tions, the real policy initiatives, and should certainly follow the timeline of $1,000 we’re going to spend, let’s not that’s what we are standing for on this the Capps motion. wait until the very last minute to do side of the aisle. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- it. With that, I continue to reserve the self such time as I may consume. The history of 2011 is littered with balance of my time. I so appreciate my colleague remind- the majority waiting until the eleventh Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, may I in- ing me of the offsets on the doc fix bill. hour. And it was more than just an in- quire how much time remains on each And I would just like to remind my col- convenience for the legislative process. side? leagues on the other side of the aisle In August when the markets melted The SPEAKER pro tempore. Each and this entire Chamber that in the down, it turned out to be a crisis for side has 18 minutes remaining. House-passed bill that was sent to the the country and the global economy. Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, it is my Senate, 90 percent—90 percent—of Let’s not take that chance again. pleasure to yield 2 minutes to the gen- those offsets were recommended and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.053 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H141 supported by the President of the Congress. At the end of last year, we the last minute to get it done, despite United States, President Obama. went home. We did our work. We ex- my wife’s and my best efforts to see Now, I’m not saying that that’s the tended the payroll tax holiday for 1 full otherwise. While this behavior is com- final thing that we can agree to. By no year. We did the doc fix for 2 years. mon in households across America, it means am I saying that. But what I When I got to the airport in Dallas, is not acceptable in the workforce, and will say is that we did our work. We Texas, we got a call that the Senate it ought not be acceptable here in the found common ground with the Presi- had sent back over a bill here that was Halls of Congress. Yet, this is how the dent’s own recommendations and poli- going to pay the doctors taking care of Republican leadership has gone about cies that he supported and sent it to our seniors on Medicare for 2 months. I our business here in Congress. the Senate. At this point in time, I think, if I remember right, they had This Congress almost let the United still remind the American people who three different plans. It would either States of America default on its bills. is at the table: the House. Where is the take care for 2 months, 8 weeks, or 60 This Congress almost prevented Social United States Senate? And may I re- days. That’s the only three programs Security checks from going out to mind the Speaker and the American they looked at in the Senate. Then every American senior because they people, I say the entire Senate but, in they sent it back over here, and then wanted their way or the highway. This particular, those on the other side of they try and blame us, saying we’re not Congress almost refused to pass a mid- the aisle. for the payroll tax extension. We were dle class tax cut for Americans before With that, I continue to reserve the for it for a year; we were for the doc fix the holidays because they didn’t be- lieve middle class Americans deserve balance of my time. for 2 years. Mrs. CAPPS. I am pleased to yield, I think it is ridiculous that the Sen- one. And here we are today. The majority Mr. Speaker, 2 minutes to our col- ate cannot do their work, just like we has refused for weeks to even begin dis- league from New Jersey (Mr. PAS- haven’t had a budget out of the Senate cussions on the payroll tax even CRELL). in 1,000 days. though Democrats named their con- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, in just Mrs. CAPPS. I am pleased to yield 2 ferees several weeks ago and have been a few hours, the President of the minutes to our colleague from North ready to talk ever since. United States will be on the floor to Carolina, DAVID . President Obama has been waiting present his ideas as to how we can grow Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. for any word from my Republican col- our economy and put the American Speaker, I rise in support of the motion leagues. He’s made clear he wants to people back to work. I hope the major- to instruct and want to thank our col- talk, negotiate, and get this done. But ity keeps an open mind and rejects the league from Santa Barbara for offering the Republicans have clearly been in extreme ideology and political timid- it. no rush to get a tax cut passed for the ness that has driven the 112th Congress Last year, as we lurched from one middle class. of the United States. congressionally created crisis to an- Today, with the passage of Mrs. Need I remind my friend from New other, uncertainty plagued families CAPPS’ resolution, that will all come to York State, need I remind him that the and businesses, and the American peo- an end. The middle class will go to the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, as we move ple’s confidence in our ability to do front and center of this Congress, and into this next decade, are the biggest their work plummeted. it’s about time. We cannot wait until cause and the biggest proportion of the In the first few months of the new the last second once again. We have the deficit facing this Congress. And you year, we can right these wrongs. We chance to pass a bill that will provide are not going to—you are not going to can proceed in a deliberative, mature the typical American family earning nickel and dime us to solve the prob- manner to address our Nation’s prob- $50,000 a year over $1,000 in tax cuts— lem of the deficit on the backs of the lems. tax cuts they will see in every pay- middle class and the . It As the President will reiterate to- check. doesn’t work. You can’t figure it out. night in his State of the Union Ad- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The While the economic indicators are dress, this is a make-or-break moment time of the gentleman has expired. showing pretty good improvements, for our economic recovery, for our mid- Mrs. CAPPS. I yield 30 seconds to our the unemployment rate in my home dle class and those trying to reach the colleague. State of New Jersey is still 9.1 percent, middle class. Extending the payroll tax Mr. CROWLEY. We have the chance above the national average of 8.5. Be- cut will put an average of $1,000 in the to ensure the doctors treating seniors cause of games played by the extreme pockets of working people this year. on Medicare can continue to do so wing of the Republican Party, the pay- Let’s not play games by threatening to without having to charge them higher roll tax cut that President Obama and raise taxes on 160 million workers if fees for medical care. We have the the Democratic Congress support is at you don’t get your way on one bar- chance to continue unemployment ben- risk of expiring again. gaining chip or another. efits for those who lost their jobs by no Now, I can’t say any clearer than We should pass a full-year extension fault of their own and are actively this: $1,000 may not be a lot for mil- of the payroll tax cut right away and looking for work. lionaires like Mitt Romney paying a then move on to the President’s broad- The majority has a simple choice 13.9 percent tax rate, but it is a signifi- er jobs bill that would create jobs and today: pass this resolution and make it cant amount of money directly in the put us on a faster road to recovery. clear it’s our shared goal—Republicans pockets of middle class families in Mr. REED. I reserve the balance of and Democrats alike—to help hard- north Jersey. my time. working Americans who are struggling You don’t have to look far to see Mrs. CAPPS. I am pleased to yield 2 in this economy; or reject this bill and where we are still hurting. Just last minutes to our colleague from New continue playing the same games that month, Mr. Speaker, the construction York (Mr. CROWLEY). have become the hallmark of this do- industry unemployment rate jumped Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank nothing Congress. another 3 percent to 16 percent. Pass- my friend and colleague, Mrs. CAPPS, b 1400 ing the payroll tax cut will help grow for yielding this time and for spear- The fact is the American people don’t the economy and get the American heading this resolution which will sim- have time for these games anymore. people back to work. ply end the ‘‘dog ate my homework’’ Stop the games. Pass this motion to in- Isn’t that what we want? excuse my Republican colleagues have struct conferees. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I would like repeatedly used when refusing to do Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to yield 1 minute to my good friend more than the bare minimum that our to yield 2 minutes to my colleague from Missouri (Mr. LONG). job requires. from Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN). Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today I’m a father of three children all Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I thank the to address the issue of the payroll tax under the age of 13. My kids are the gentleman for yielding. extension—holiday—whatever you best. I love them dearly. But they are I enjoy listening to revisionist his- want to call it, and the doc fix that we like most: they don’t like doing their tory as is practiced here on the floor of address every single year here in this homework, and they often wait until the House of Representatives.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.055 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 Our friends on the other side are say- American people are saying Congress is for, what we passed in the House of ing that we haven’t done our job, that dysfunctional. Congress can’t even Representatives—bipartisan effort, we’re not doing our work. Well, let’s agree on a bill, which everyone agrees. mind you. I am waiting to see what the think about this for a second. It was And this is more reason why we should Senate has to say about this on this the House Republicans that passed the pass this and show that we should not 1,000th day of their not even passing a full-year extension last year of the be playing politics on something that’s budget. The Senate’s willingness to payroll tax and the unemployment ex- so vital to people’s lives. We should not produce a plan is critical to giving em- tension. It was the House Republicans wait until the very last minute to ployers, workers, and those seeking to that named the conferees to get this reach an agreement. reenter the workforce certainty they work done. Let’s think about who is This motion simply instructs con- need. and who is not getting their job done. ferees to finish negotiations by Feb- Again, I am ready to work on this This year marks the second year in a ruary 17; and by doing so, we’d avoid issue. My colleagues are ready to work row where the President has literally the confusion and uncertainty that on this issue. We were ready to fix this flouted the law and is delaying his happened last time when the Congress problem in 2011, where it should have budget. It’s 2 years that the President waited until the last minute for the been left, so that into 2012 we could hasn’t brought the budget on time as last extension. We need these tax provide certainty for the American according to law. Today is 1,000 days breaks for the middle class. We need people. since the other body in the United the doc fix. We need unemployment I support this effort, and let’s get to States Senate bothered to even try to benefits for those who have been hurt work. pass, let alone propose, a budget. most by the prolonged economic down- Mrs. CAPPS. Before I yield time, I We acted responsibly. We acted in turn. just want to congratulate the conferees time. And, more to the point, Mr. Let’s not play politics with people on for finally meeting today for the very Speaker, if we’re going to have a tem- these issues. I urge the conferees to first time, at least 5 weeks after they porary tax holiday for payroll taxes, quickly reach an agreement that will were appointed. So that’s the point. let’s never forget the fact that payroll not hurt the unemployed and will help I am pleased now to yield 2 minutes taxes finance Social Security. This is continue our economic recovery. to our colleague from Texas, SHEILA why we insist on spending cuts—to So again, Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- JACKSON LEE. make sure that Social Security is in- leagues to support this motion so that Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. I thank tact, remains whole. The failure to cut we don’t take this debate to the last the gentlelady from California for the spending to pay for this temporary tax minute again, make us look like fools recognition and also for the leadership. holiday means complicity with raiding and play games with people’s lives. I might say to my colleagues that the Social Security trust fund, and we Let’s pass this. Let’s do it now. Let’s whenever we come to the floor of the are not in favor of that. not wait. Let’s stop the political House to do the people’s business it is Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, may I ask, games. an important effort, and this motion to please, how much time I have remain- Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I’d just re- instruct is truly the people’s business. ing? mind my good colleague on the other I want to applaud you for framing the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. side of the aisle that we were here. The urgency of answering the call of doing WOMACK). The gentlewoman from Cali- House Republicans were here December what we need to do with respect to 160 fornia has 10 minutes remaining. 22. December 26, conferees weren’t even million Americans who need payroll Mrs. CAPPS. With that, may I just named yet. I was here Thursday and tax relief—again, tax cuts for middle remind our colleagues that we went Friday of New Year’s working on the class and working Americans, not a lurching from one crisis to another issue. discriminatory treatment of only the during the past year, first about our We’re ready to do the work. But top 1 percent being able to sing the debt ceiling default crisis, then wheth- there is one thing that we will not song ‘‘Oh Happy Day,’’ but to allow er or not we could even continue the yield on, that we have demonstrated those who get up every day, some government. Then we spent some time years in Washington, DC, of fiscal irre- working with their hands, some work- shutting down the FAA. So that’s the sponsibility. And until we came in, this ing with the genius of their minds, and reason behind this motion to instruct freshman class in November 2010, there being able to get tax relief from this conferees in terms of getting on time. was an attitude of, Don’t worry about Congress. Now I would like to yield 2 minutes how we’re going to cover it; don’t I also know that the American people to our colleague from New York (Mr. worry about how we’re going to pay for are looking for immediate relief as it ENGEL). it. relates to jobs. And I join with my col- Mr. ENGEL. I thank the gentle- That attitude has changed, and that’s league, Chairman LARSON of the Demo- woman for yielding to me. I rise in why I’m proud to yield 2 minutes to a cratic Caucus, about the American strong support of her motion, and I fellow freshman Member from North Jobs Act and the President’s initiative urge my colleagues to do so as well. Carolina (Mrs. ELLMERS). on putting teachers and firefighters, Today is a day of bipartisanship. The Mrs. ELLMERS. I thank my fresh- police and construction workers to President is speaking to us. We should man colleague from New York for work, creating jobs and cutting taxes really show it. We should really put yielding. to put in the American people’s pock- our money where our mouths are. It I’ve been watching this discussion, ets, and, as well, to provide job train- may be true, as the gentleman just said this debate going on, and I am once ing and extended unemployment incen- on the other side of the aisle, that the again amazed by the issue. tives. Republicans passed a year of a payroll I am in favor of this motion to in- But I do raise this question as we tax break, yeah, but they put poison struct. In fact, I am so much in favor of look to protect Medicare and, yes, to pills in it. They put Keystone in it. it that I wish we weren’t here talking provide the doctor fix, which is so im- They put Medicare restrictions in it. about it right now. I wish we had fin- portant to Houston, with the large We want a clean bill. We want a ished the people’s work in 2011. As my Texas Medical Center and the large year’s bill, but let it be a clean bill. Let colleague has pointed out, we were population of seniors. I join with my it be a bill that is not mixed in with here. This idea that somehow we don’t colleagues to urgently move toward anything else, no poison pills. I chal- work up until the minute, Mr. Speaker, that. But may I make it very clear lenge my friends on the other side of this is ridiculous. This is absolutely ri- that unemployment benefits are not a the aisle to do that. This is what we diculous. This is nothing more than a handout. It is not given to people who should be doing. The American people dog and pony show. have not worked. It is given to blue want it. As a conferee, I am anxious to begin collar workers. It’s given to white col- There are still significant differences the House and Senate-level meetings lar workers. It’s given to people who between the two parties on the spe- and to learn about what policy path- have worked and contributed to this cifics. Let’s resolve them. Let’s resolve way will get us to the yearlong exten- economy. For my friends on the other them sooner rather than later. The sion we are all seeking, what we voted side of the aisle to suggest in the most

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.058 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H143 insulting way to give drug tests and to we wholeheartedly agree with the gen- sent us here to address. They are right- suggest that people need a GED, I can eral sentiment that has been brought fully tired of the endless drama and the assure you people want to get a GED. to the House Chamber today, with the political posturing in Washington, D.C. But when you talk of the body politic motion that is before this body, that They know we can do better, and we of unemployed workers, 14 million peo- we need to do our work in the con- know it too. ple can’t find jobs because there are no ference. We cannot wait until the last Second of all, we pretty much agree jobs to be found, and we are working to minute. We wholeheartedly join in that on the need for the basic provisions of create jobs. sentiment, and we have demonstrated this bill—the extension of the payroll So the issue is: Help us pass the that commitment by what we have al- tax cut, a tax cut for middle class, American Jobs Act, and help recognize ready done. Our actions should speak hardworking families, an extension of that those who get unemployment ben- louder than our words. unemployment benefits, and a doc fix efits, Mr. Speaker, are Americans who The House Republicans were here on for Medicare providers for the rest of have worked, who deserve this kind of December 22, asking the Senate to the year. insurance. come back to the table and do the peo- Third, it sounds like we all want to I join in passing the payroll tax mo- ple’s work. And we are ready to do that get these issues resolved as quickly as tion to instruct and the unemployment work now. We need the Senate to come possible. There was a lot of agreement benefits. Let’s do it now. to the table in good faith, finalize this here on the floor during the past hour. package on a long-term basis, bring So I hope we can all agree now to pass b 1410 this simple and commonsense motion certainty to our payroll tax rates, Mr. REED. I reserve the balance of to instruct the conferees to get their bring certainty to our providers, how my time. work done over the next 3 weeks so they get paid under Medicare, and take Mrs. CAPPS. I am pleased to yield 2 that we can get our work done here on care of the unemployment extension minutes to our colleague from Ohio the floor and get moving to the agenda (Mr. KUCINICH). situation. But we must go into this that we know lies before us. Mr. KUCINICH. I agree with Rep- conference with our eyes wide open. I urge my colleagues to support this resentative CAPPS in that we shouldn’t We were sent to Washington in No- motion, and I yield back the balance of wait. We have to move quickly to vember 2010 because the American peo- my time. eliminate any uncertainty that Amer- ple recognized the fiscal crisis that is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ican families have in planning their coming to our shores in America if we question is on the motion offered by budget or any uncertainty that they don’t get our debt under control, and the gentlewoman from California (Mrs. may have as to whether or not they’re the habit that creates it; the spending CAPPS). going to get unemployment benefits. problem of Washington, D.C., corrected The question was taken; and the We in this Congress have certainty in once and for all, or we will not have a Speaker pro tempore announced that much of our lives, especially with the future in America. And that is unac- the ayes appeared to have it. fact that we get paid every month. But ceptable to me, as a father of two, and Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, on that I if you are out there and you have a as the father of three, the gentleman demand the yeas and nays. really tight budget or you are unem- from New York (Mr. CROWLEY) on the The yeas and nays were ordered. ployed or you are a senior trying to other side of the aisle, also indicated. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- make sure you can go to your doctor of We are fighting for our children and ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- choice, this motion that the gentle- our grandchildren who have yet to see ceedings on this question will be post- woman from California (Mrs. CAPPS) the face of this Earth. poned. has is very important because we need So I join with my colleagues in send- f to recognize that the middle class has ing a message that we will do the work. b 1420 been under enormous financial stress. The hardworking taxpayers in America With the wealth of the country accel- deserve no less. The U.S. Senate should EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE erating upward, middle class people come to the table, find a solution to REGARDING FEDERAL BUDGET have been looking for a break. these issues, and we will whole- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, If I’m right, this legislation will pro- heartedly join hands on our side of the I move to suspend the rules and agree vide up to $1,000 for the year for a mid- aisle when we do it in a responsible to the resolution (H. Res. 516) express- dle class family, which would be a way that will take care of this situa- ing the sense of the House of Rep- great break for many families. This tion in a long-term fashion, not the resentatives that the passage of a fiscal middle class tax break is imperative. short-term Band-Aid that Washington, year 2013 Federal budget is of national Unemployment benefits for those who D.C., for so long has thought is good importance. have not been able, despite their best policy at the expense of the hard- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- efforts, to find a place in the job mar- working taxpayers of America. tion. ket are absolutely essential. There are With that, I yield back the balance of The text of the resolution is as fol- 13 million people who are unemployed. my time. lows: There are a tremendous number of un- Mrs. CAPPS. I yield myself the re- H. RES. 516 employed people in my own State of mainder of my time. Whereas the Congressional Budget Act of Ohio. They are looking to see, are we Mr. Speaker, I will say to my col- 1974 established the modern budgeting proc- going to help them eliminate the un- league from New York, being here in ess; December, as you mentioned a few Whereas the President is required to sub- certainty? That is why the Capps mit a budget to Congress each year; amendment is important, because we times, it was December 22 that Senator Whereas the last time the House of Rep- move forward quickly to show them, MCCONNELL—actually several Senators resentatives passed a budget was on April 15, we are there for you. And the senior said to us, Don’t just be here, but get 2011; citizens, they want to make sure they to work. Again, I acknowledge that, Whereas the last time the Senate passed a can get their doctors of choice, and today, the conferees are meeting for budget was on April 29, 2009; and doctors want to make sure they are the first time. Whereas people in the United States must going to paid what is appropriate. In closing, I just want to make a few routinely set budgets for themselves, their So I rise to support this amendment. quick points: first, to remind our col- businesses, and their families: Now, there- fore, be it Let’s remember the middle class tax- leagues what is in this motion. It sim- Resolved, That it is the sense of the House payers. Let’s remember those who are ply says that the conference should fin- of Representatives that the passage of a fis- unemployed. Let’s remember seniors ish its work and report it back to the cal year 2013 Federal budget is of national who want to see the doctor of their House by February 17. It doesn’t speak importance. choice. Let’s remember doctors who to specific outcomes, just that we get The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- want to get paid a fair amount. And our work done and do it in a timely ant to the rule, the gentleman from let’s pass this Capps amendment. fashion. It is very clear that we need to Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, in closing, I come together and work on the prob- tleman from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) would just like to say simply this, that lems that the American people have each will control 20 minutes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:18 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.059 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 The Chair recognizes the gentleman Nation’s most difficult challenges, put- pyrotechnics and the effort to spread from Wisconsin. ting the budget on a path to balance doubt about whether or not the United GENERAL LEAVE and the country back on to a path to States would honor its commitment, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, prosperity. paying the national debt for debt that I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- We will keep working together to ad- is already incurred, which occupied too bers may have 5 legislative days within vance solutions this year, and we call much time this summer, an absolutely which to revise and extend their re- upon our friends in the Senate to get manufactured crisis, the Republican marks and include extraneous material serious about their duty to those they budget authored by my good friend on H. Res. 516 currently under consider- serve: Propose a budget; engage in de- from Wisconsin, itself, would have re- ation. bates; advance solutions. quired increasing the debt ceiling. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there I thank Congressman NUGENT for his And when you talk about decline, my objection to the request of the gen- leadership on this resolution, which ex- Republican friends have failed to move tleman from Wisconsin? presses the sense of House that passage forward with meaningful job creation. There was no objection. of a budget is of national importance. We’ve had, languishing, a reauthoriza- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tion for the Surface Transportation I yield myself 3 minutes at this time. time of the gentleman has expired. Act, which we’ve had to extend eight We welcome the President to the Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I yield my- times. And, in fact, the Republican House Chamber tonight, where he will self 15 seconds to say we must recom- budget actions to this date are cutting address the American people to assess mit ourselves to the American idea. We back on investment in water, in trans- the state of the Union. This presents must apply our Nation’s timely prin- portation, things that would put Amer- another opportunity for the President ciples to the challenges of the day, and icans to work all across America. to chart a new course. I hope the Presi- we will continue to advance bipartisan And as for bureaucratic of dent takes this opportunity to stop of- solutions and the principled reforms health care, I’m surprised my good fering empty rhetoric and broken necessary to get our country back on friend can say that with a straight face promises, to stop pushing policies that track. because, remember, his budget takes have proven to make matters worse, With that, I reserve the balance of the half trillion dollars and accepts it. and to stop dividing Americans for po- my time. He doesn’t unwind it. He doesn’t litical gain. I hope the President takes Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I change it. He accepts it. They count on this opportunity to start working with yield myself such time as I may con- it because they know that, in fact, us to get America back on track. sume. there are opportunities for us to Yet the administration has, time and I appreciate, as always, the oppor- strengthen Medicare without ending again, turned hope into disappoint- tunity to exchange views with my good the guarantee that two generations of ment. The President and his party’s friend from Wisconsin, the chair of the senior citizens have relied upon to be leaders continue to duck from the most Budget Committee, with whom I’ve able to have the Medicare payments pressing fiscal and economic challenges been pleased to work with on some when they need them. facing our Nation. Exhibit A of this items. Occasionally, rarely, we’re op- We have the opportunity to refine failure is the fact that today marks posed, but this is one of those areas and reform Medicare, to provide better 1,000 days without Senate Democrats where I do have some concerns. service for our seniors and eliminate passing a budget. When I hear my friend talk about unnecessary expenditures. There was a Having failed to put forward a cred- empty rhetoric and broken promises, I time when those agenda items, not the ible plan in 1,000 days, the President’s am reminded of what the Republican rhetoric, not vouchering this and slash- party is committing America to a fu- agenda has been to this point in this ing that, but what was required to ture of debt, doubt, and decline. In- Congress—debt, doubt, and decline. move forward to actually reform Medi- stead of dealing honestly with our big- Debt, doubt, and decline. Well, I think care, that has been bipartisan. It’s been gest fiscal challenges and providing that that’s a pretty good assessment of agreed to. It’s being practiced by certainty to job creators, Senate what had been offered up by my good health care systems in Wisconsin, in Democrats have refused to meet their friends when they had an opportunity Oregon. We know what to do. We have legal and moral obligations to propose this last year to present their vision. the opportunity to do it. Unfortu- and pass a budget. Now they attempt to lay this off nately, the Republican approach to The President and his party’s leaders somehow on the Senate. And we all this point has been to assume that it’s refuse to account for their reckless have had our frustrations with the too expensive, that we can’t do it. It’s spending spree. The lack of credible other body. But the fact is, the prob- too expensive for the Federal Govern- budget plans from the President and lem that we face in terms of being able ment, so we’re going to transfer the his party leaders raises the question: to work regular order, is that there has risk to the next generation of senior What are they hiding? Is it threats to been a decision by the minority leader citizens but taking advantage of the economic security, health security, and in the other body. savings under the Affordable Care Act. national security that would result The senior Senator from Kentucky, Now, Mr. Speaker, we’re going from their policy agenda? the job-de- the Republican leader, has been very through an exercise today that is stroying tax hikes that they continue clear. His number one priority is not largely beside the point. What we to insist upon? the bureaucratic ration- putting Americans back to work. It’s should be doing is dealing with pieces ing and denial of vital care for seniors not dealing with the challenges we face of legislation that would have bipar- that would result from their health at home and abroad. It is to make sure tisan support, moving forward, accel- care law? or the deep cuts to the mili- that President Obama is not reelected. erating health care reform, rebuilding tary that would hollow out our na- And when you start from that premise and renewing America, taking things tional defense? and radiate out, we have seen the Sen- like the work that I’ve done with my Mr. Speaker, their policy preferences ate, which has never been, shall we say, good friend from Wisconsin in terms of call for ever higher levels of govern- nimble, has slowed to a crawl. We have reforming the agricultural system that ment spending, higher taxes, a board of seen an unprecedented effort to make wastes too much money on the wrong bureaucrats to cut Medicare, and a even the most modest and mundane ef- people, doing the wrong things. We smaller military. It’s understandable forts over there require a super- could be moving forward on a construc- why they’d be afraid to try and fit that majority. tive agenda that the Occupy Wall agenda on a spreadsheet, but that is no It’s unprecedented. It is sad. The Street people and the Tea Party folks excuse for giving up on budgeting. American people deserve better. But it could actually get behind. This failure to budget stands in stark is Republican obstruction that has contrast to our efforts here in the twisted the rules of the Senate to make b 1430 House. As the law requires, we pro- it nonfunctional. Unfortunately, today, this H. Res. 516 posed and passed a budget resolution Debt, doubt, and decline. The Repub- is another sidetrack that gets us away last spring. We honestly confronted our lican budget, notwithstanding all the from doing what we should do.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:18 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.064 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H145 I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. At this I was with one of the 87 freshmen that Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, time, Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to got here last year. I’ve been here 365- as I yield time to the gentleman from the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. plus days. So what happened to that Texas, I will simply say I’m sure my SCOTT). first 600-and-some days, if we could ad- colleague, my friend from Oregon, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. dress that, when the Democrats con- knows that you cannot filibuster a Speaker, as I heard the gentleman from trolled all three bodies, the House, the budget resolution in the Senate. I Oregon speaking of debt, doubt, de- Senate, and the ? They would just state that for the RECORD. spair, decline, I couldn’t help but think didn’t produce a budget in that time. At this time, I would like to yield 2 that all of those words start with ‘‘D,’’ This is an election year. I don’t think minutes to the gentleman from Texas, just as ‘‘Democrat’’ does, and ‘‘recov- we’re really going to see a budget this a member of the Budget Committee, ery’’ starts with ‘‘R,’’ just as ‘‘Repub- year. We can talk about it all we want Mr. FLORES. lican’’ does. and ask them to produce one, but it’s Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, just like Now, Mr. Speaker, the President pre- not politically correct to budget in this America’s families and businesses, sented a budget, and that’s a fact, and country anymore. And to me, Mr. Congress must base its spending on a the House passed a fiscally responsible Speaker, that’s appalling. budget so that the Federal Government budget. The Senate defeated both of When you do come forth with a budg- lives within its means. While Ameri- those budgets and then failed to et, as we did last year, a couple days cans struggling in the Obama economy produce an alternate. later you’re going to get an ad of some- must sit down every day and produce a Republicans in the House stand will- body throwing a lady off a cliff in a budget for their families, Senate ing to work and want to move to reg- wheelchair, because that’s what hap- Democrats have decided it would be a ular process. Senator REID has closed pens in this country when you put your better political move to not produce a that door at every opportunity. plan down in writing, and that’s appall- budget for the Nation, even though the Today, we call on the President to ing. law requires passage of an annual budg- appeal to the Senate in his State of the Eighty-seven freshmen came here et. Union address tonight to ask the Sen- last year—doctors, nurses. I was one of To repeat, the Senate leadership is ate simply to pass a budget. Without a two auctioneers. Pizza parlor owner, ignoring the law and has been for 1,000 budget, there is no plan. With no plan, roofing contractor. Just like the days. that means no recovery, and no recov- A budget plan is Congress’ most basic Founding Fathers envisioned. Car deal- ery means no new jobs. responsibility of governing, but with- ers, people off the street, people that Mr. Speaker, Americans did not send out a budget, the State of the Union is have run businesses, small business us here to play the same tired old uncertain, just like the economy is people. games that Senator REID continues to today. We got here and we were told the Coincidentally, today is not only the play. They sent us here to get some- first vote we needed to take was for President’s State of the Union address; thing done for this generation. what? Speaker of the House. We voted it is also the 1,000th day since the Sen- This is my son, Wells. He’s 12 years for , Speaker of the ate last passed a budget. And without old. Our class represents over 300 chil- House, because the public sent us up surprise, yesterday, just like it did last dren and grandchildren. Now, times are here with a 25-seat majority. year, we also learned that the White tough, but Americans are tougher, so What was our second vote? A CR, a House will again miss its deadline to the future of America is bright. But continuing resolution. We looked at submit a budget to Congress. today is 1,000 days that this country each other. Continuing resolution? Oh, For 1,000 days, the Democrat-led, do- has operated without a Federal budget. yeah. We’ve got to keep the govern- nothing Senate has refused to fulfill I understand the majority leader ment open for 2 more full weeks, 14 this duty to the American people. Dur- likes to say that we don’t have a budg- days, because that’s how we operate ing this time, our national debt has et because of House freshmen, but here in Washington, D.C. And if that’s surpassed our . that’s simply not true. When we ar- not appalling, too—we were sent here And we’ve seen 35 straight months of rived in Washington, we were sworn in to change the way Washington does unemployment higher than 8 percent. just over a year ago, and America had business. That means trillions of dollars of debt operated at that time without a budget Now, you can have your three Ds— are being added to the bill our children for 678 days. Our freshman class knew doubt, despair, decline—and I think on and grandchildren will be forced to we could do better than that, and we ‘‘Hee Haw’’ they used to say ‘‘in pay. did better than that, Mr. Speaker. We agony’’—but we can also be optimistic House Republicans put together a passed a budget in the House, and we in this country. plan to put America back on a sound call on the President tonight to ask The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fiscal trajectory and to avoid a future the Senate to fulfill their job for the time of the gentleman has expired. of doubt, debt, and despair. Our ‘‘Path American people and simply pass a Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I yield the to Prosperity’’ budget will cut excess budget. gentleman an additional 30 seconds. spending while strengthening vital pro- Mr. BLUMENAUER. I continue to re- Mr. LONG. You can deal from a posi- grams like Medicare so they will be serve the balance of my time. tion of defeat and doubt and decline around for current and future genera- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, like our colleagues across the aisle like tions. I would like to yield 2 minutes to the to, but I wish I would have stepped 14 Unfortunately, Senate Democrats re- gentleman from Missouri (Mr. LONG). steps down the hall to my good friend jected this bill; and, in fact, they have Mr. LONG. I rise today to address a from Oregon’s office—that’s how far not bothered to do their job and pass a thousand days. Now, I can try to im- our offices are apart—and I could have budget for the Federal Government press you with my knowledge of a studied on how the first term of George since April 29, 2009, exactly 1,000 days thousand days and tell you things like W. Bush they worked night and day ago. Mark Zuckerberg could have invented how to figure out how to get him re- Today, I call on President Obama and Facebook in his dorm room at Harvard elected, because apparently Mr. Senate Democrats to do their jobs, pro- 71.3 times in a thousand days, but I MCCONNELL is doing something wrong viding real leadership for the American don’t think that’s going to get us any- in the Senate. people and to join House Republicans where. I could tell you that you could Mr. BLUMENAUER. I yield 2 min- in passing a responsible budget so that build 2.4 Empire State buildings in a utes to the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. we may restore America’s promise, thousand days, but that really doesn’t KUCINICH). prosperity, and security for future gen- mean anything. Those are the things Mr. KUCINICH. I thank the gen- erations. you could do in a thousand days. What tleman from Oregon for yielding. I urge my colleagues to support this I’d like to address is what you cannot On its surface, the resolution seems important resolution, H. Res. 516. do in a thousand days. to make sense about making sure we Mr. BLUMENAUER. I reserve the What can we not do in a thousand pass a budget, and that’s of national balance of my time. days? The Senate cannot pass a budget. importance. I think that all of us who

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:18 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.066 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 are here understand the underlying committees and by this Congress. It Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, politics that have made it very dif- provides us a good opportunity to look I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman ficult to bring a budget forward. at what the consequences of that from Mississippi (Mr. NUNNELEE). Of course, budgets are all about pri- spending are, to try to match it up to Mr. NUNNELEE. I would like to orities, what are our Nation’s prior- revenues, and not to engage in endless thank the gentleman from Wisconsin ities. When we get to the point of pass- deficit spending. for yielding and also for his leadership ing a budget, here’s what we ought to But the practical effect of the resolu- on budget issues. be telling the American people: that tion itself is to say to the Appropria- Mr. Speaker, 1,000 days without a the middle class will be protected; that tions Committee here in the House and budget and then 2 days ago we received the social safety net will be protected; in the Senate how much discretionary news that the President is going to that Social Security will be protected; spending will the Congress approve this miss his deadline for submitting a that benefits will not be cut; that the year. So what happens when there is budget to Congress. Rather than urging cap will be lifted; that there will be no not a budget resolution? The Congress Senate Democrats to pass a budget and privatization; that Medicare will be finds other ways to do the very same work with us to solve our Nation’s fis- protected; that there will be a fix so thing. cal problems, President Obama has that doctors can get a fair shake; that So, in fact, the Congress did not pass joined them in failing to do their job. we’ll do something about Medicare a budget resolution for fiscal year 2003, America deserves better than this. Part D, which blew a hole in the Medi- for fiscal year 2005, for fiscal year 2007; Families and businesses set budgets care budget; that we’ll begin to cut but that did not stop President Bush every day. How much money do we back our military presence around the from signing appropriation bills that have? What can we afford? What do we world, and that we start to take down added billions of dollars to our national have to go without? In Washington, we this military industrial complex that debt—along with his tax cuts for those have an obligation to ask and to an- General Eisenhower warned about so at the top that also added immensely swer those same questions. As I learned many years ago; that we’ll begin in- to our national debt. He signed those operating a small business, failing to vesting in new technologies so that we appropriation bills. plan is planning to fail. can grow the economy of the future. I don’t know whether we went a Now, 17 years ago when I lost my job Budgets are about priorities. And thousand days or a year or two then in a corporate merger, my wife and I while we still debate whether or not without a budget resolution. It would sat down around the kitchen table, we’re going to pass a budget, we need have been better if we could have made a pot of coffee and got out a to set those priorities that will enable adopted one, but the budget resolution sheet of notebook paper, drew a line America, when it finally has a budget, tends to be confused by some people down the middle and on the left side we to move forward into the future with a with the appropriations that keep the wrote this is how much we have, on the country that’s going to be serving ev- Federal Government going. This is not right side how we were going to spend eryone, not just a few at the expense of the act that Republicans from time to it. That’s a budget. Americans are sit- the many. time have threatened to shut down the ting around their kitchen tables every Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, government. night, and they have every reason to may I inquire as to how much time re- You can’t threaten to shut down the expect their government in Washington mains between the two sides? government over the passage of a budg- to do the same thing. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- et resolution. That has happened with In the House, we passed a serious tleman has 101⁄2 minutes remaining, some of our appropriation bills. It al- budget last year, and we’re committed and the side in has 121⁄2 min- most happened with the ceiling on debt to do so again this year. It’s time for utes remaining. for the Federal Government. It is also the President and the Democrats in the inaccurate, not only confusing, to mix Senate to do the same. 1440 b the two; and it is inaccurate to say Mr. BLUMENAUER. I yield myself 2 Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I reserve the that this Congress has not acted to es- minutes. balance of my time. tablish some discretionary spending It’s interesting to watch my friend’s Mr. BLUMENAUER. I yield 4 min- limits, even though a budget resolu- attempt to reframe the issue away utes to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. tion, as good as it would be to have from proposals that they have offered DOGGETT). one, has not been formally adopted. and the inartful budgetary fiscal ac- Mr. DOGGETT. I thank the gen- We did, in fact, adopt last year the tivities of this last year. It was, after tleman. Budget Control Act. The Budget Con- all, a Republican choice to halt the op- As a long-time member of the Budget trol Act proposes to set discretionary eration of the other body, essentially Committee, I certainly think that hav- expenditure limits, what this Congress shutting down the Senate, by requiring ing a budget resolution is a good idea. will spend, not just for this year but supermajorities on everything. I think it is a matter of national im- for a 10-year period in an effort to try We started the year with the threat portance. I don’t see how anyone can to get spending under control and bring of government shutdown. You recall we really disagree with the resolution, al- us closer to getting our fiscal house in went to just minutes away from having though it seems to have been offered order, which is something we very to shut down the Federal Government primarily to establish a setting for the much need to do. over a basically theological argument Republican response to the State of the I see today’s resolution as restating on the part of my friends on the other Union Address that we all look forward the obvious, that a budget resolution is side of the aisle over things like to hearing tonight. a good idea, but not adding really Planned Parenthood and Big Bird. It is important to understand what much to our attempt to achieve some Then this summer we had cast doubt the budget resolution is and what it is balance in our budget. Indeed, the last for the first time in history about not, and what difference it really debate here on the floor about instruct- whether we were actually going to makes if one hasn’t been passed for ing conferees and trying to move for- honor the requirement to pay the debt 1,000 days, 3 or 4 years, or 3 or 4 weeks. ward on the issues of unemployment, for obligations we’d already incurred. The budget resolution is not the appro- the job creation, and the payroll tax This summer the Republicans were priations act. It is a statement of our extension are much more on target willing to leave town, and we actually values and of our priorities, and I think than a resolution of this nature. shot the hostage when it came to the that it is important to try to get one We do have some serious challenges FAA: 70,000 people were idled on con- passed every year. and deadlines. We still have almost 5 struction projects for aviation; 4,000 But the most important practical million Americans that would lose employees laid off. consequence of passing a budget resolu- their unemployment benefits this year Then this fall and into the winter, we tion is to establish the level of discre- if we don’t have an extension. I’d focus had the spectacle of what should be a tionary spending, that is, to establish on those and working with the Presi- relatively routine effort, and has been the level of expenditures that can be dent, rather than a resolution that ac- a routine effort for Republicans and made by the various Appropriations complishes little. Democrats alike, dealing with things

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:18 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.067 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H147 like the extension of unemployment in- Not only do cities, States, and busi- turns, where he is paying less than 15 surance and avoiding a draconian im- nesses not function without budgets, percent due to the use of carried inter- pact with the sustainable growth rate, but American families cannot get est long after he left his former em- the SGR, the doc fix. We watched our ahead without them. Families who face ployer. These are things that we could Republican friends in the House and mountains of debt, like Washington do that the American public agrees Senate unable to communicate, and we does, never erased the red ink without with and that would help have a bal- ended up having a situation where they a plan to pay it down or a plan to stop anced approach that ultimately would just basically turned their backs on the adding to it. Families who want to save make a difference. American people and were going to in- and invest for the future cannot do so I am, as I mentioned, a little bit per- sist it was their way or the highway without a budget. Families who want plexed that we are going to continue to again. to leave a legacy for their children and beat up on the Senate, although that’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. The grandchildren come up with a blueprint always fun, to whack around the other time of the gentleman has expired. to do so. And in the same regard, we body, but the point is that the dysfunc- Mr. BLUMENAUER. I yield myself 1 should be focused on the legacy Wash- tion of the Senate is a Republican additional minute. ington is leaving for our children and choice to shut it down, require extraor- It took days for, finally, reason to grandchildren, Mr. President and Mr. dinary majorities for the most routine settle in when even the Republicans in REID. We cannot wait. of items. We see it with judicial ap- the Senate had to say, no, well, this is Mr. BLUMENAUER. I continue to re- pointments that have been cleared out the deal that we had. There appears to serve the balance of my time. of committee, that have bipartisan be a lack of accord on behalf of the new Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I yield my- support, that the minority in the other majority in the House, we’re still spin- self 11⁄2 minutes. body, the Republican Party, won’t even ning around. Here’s the deal, Mr. Speaker. We’re allow to move forward when we have a And all the time we’re dealing with going to have a debt crisis in this coun- serious crisis in a number of the areas things like this that are a sideshow try if we don’t watch it. What is going of our judiciary. when the majority of what really to happen if that happens is We have watched where there’s long makes the difference, how we spend the everybody’s going to get hurt in this on rhetoric, but when it comes time to money, these appropriation bills, the country. Europe is in the middle of just getting the budgets done for this majority of which haven’t even come austerity. What that means is they’re year, there are six major appropria- out of the Republican-controlled com- cranking up taxes on all of their coun- tions bills for this year, and we’re now mittee to the Republican-controlled trymen, slowing down their economy. 5 months into the fiscal year, that are House to be passed, when we actually And they’re pulling the rug out from languishing, that have not passed out should be working on the next fiscal under their seniors who have already of the Republican committee to the year. retired and organized their lives Republican-controlled House to at b 1450 around these programs. We want to least start the process going. So we’ll endure the sideshow. This prevent that from happening. We want Now, today in the Budget Committee will pass. It will not really do anything to preempt a debt crisis. We want to we had a fascinating intellectual exer- other than sort of trying to be the get America on a path to prosperity cise. There were four bills that were pivot point in trying to spin the issue. and deal with this debt issue, and we considered. We’re moving these items But it would be nice at some point to can’t grow the economy and create jobs to the House floor, each and every one stop the spin and the things that are unless we do that. The only way to fix of which was an interesting intellec- beside the point, and maybe encourage this problem, to prevent seniors from tual exercise, but in the name of trans- the Republicans to agree amongst getting harmed, to grow this economy, parency and simplicity and giving the themselves, come into accord between is to have a budget. American public a fuller picture, every the House and the Senate, and maybe And it’s been 1,000 days since the one of them clouds the budget picture, get some of these appropriations bills Senate bothered even trying to pass a whether it’s so-called dynamic scoring to the floor so we can see where we’re budget. It’s the epitome of irrespon- that won’t deal with important invest- going. sibility that the other body has ne- ments like infrastructure and give the I reserve the balance of my time. glected this most basic function of gov- people a great picture, but it will Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, erning. We’ve got to save this country. muddy the waters in terms of the im- I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman And in order to do that, we have to pact on legislation coming forward. from Kansas (Mr. HUELSKAMP). budget and prioritize because that’s Biennial budgets, when we can’t Mr. HUELSKAMP. Mr. Speaker, what our constituents elected us to do. move forward now with appropriations today I rise in support of the resolution With that, I reserve the balance of on an annual basis, will institu- offered by my colleague, the gentleman my time. tionalize the sideshow. We’ll do it from Florida. The jaws of the people I Mr. BLUMENAUER. I yield myself twice; we’ll require the bureaucracy to represent drop when I inform them such time as I may consume. generate more information over a that 1,000 days have passed since the I agree with the goal of my good longer timeframe that will be more in- Senate actually passed a budget; 1,000 friend from Wisconsin about making accurate. It flies in the face of what is days since Democrat HARRY REID al- sure that we deal with our long-term happening in the States—which have lowed a budget to actually be debated. problems of budget deficits and na- been referred to as the laboratories of They can’t believe that such a failure tional debt, and certainly look forward democracy—which used to have bien- of duty has occurred, yet alone that it to working together moving down a nial budgets, and the majority are can occur. path to prosperity. But we have slight- moving away because it doesn’t work, Two weeks ago I hosted a town hall ly different ways of going about this, it is inaccurate, and it requires extra in Clay Center, Kansas, and a con- and it is unfortunate because I think if work. This is part of the Republican stituent asked: How is it possible for we really had full and open debate on approach, to move in this direction. the Senate to not pass a budget? As the the floor of the House, if we hadn’t ac- Freezing baseline budgets will make constituent correctly pointed out, you cepted draconian rules that make it long-term budgeting less accurate and can’t run a city, a State, or a business very hard to be able to discuss on the make it harder to really assess what this way. Washington seems to be the floor the opportunity to have a bal- the budgetary costs and consequences only place in the world where reality anced approach that would include, for are going to be. doesn’t apply. Perhaps it’s fitting that example, eliminating unnecessary tax And then there’s a little thing that the President traveled to the most breaks for industries that no longer deals with risk adjustment that would magical place on earth—Disney need them, or adjusting the Tax Code require the current process, where World—last week. He is complicit with so we wouldn’t have the anomaly of there is an absolute accurate appraisal allowing the Senate Democrats to live where people worth hundreds of mil- of what will happen with Federal loans out a fairy tale in which is lions of dollars—the most recent exam- and their performance, but because it carried out on a whim. ple of Mr. Romney releasing his tax re- doesn’t deal with their academic

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:18 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.069 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 model, will require a risk adjustment et in almost 3 years. They can’t fathom didn’t pass a budget. I don’t think it’s premium and further budget balancing. how we can operate without a budget. too much to ask the Senate to produce And I defy any Member of the House to In truth, Mr. Speaker, you’ve heard the a budget. I know Americans don’t explain to any of their constituency, other side even say that we haven’t think so either. even pretty sophisticated people, why been operating smoothly. When I first The SPEAKER pro tempore. The this is an improvement for greater got here, we had to do a CR. That’s be- question is on the motion offered by transparency and accuracy. cause we haven’t done what we’re sup- the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. The point is it’s continuing a side posed to do in the Senate and the RYAN) that the House suspend the rules show instead of working together on House. The American people know and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 516. what the American public wants. They that, and that’s reflected in our ap- The question was taken. want a balanced solution. And if we proval ratings. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the didn’t have the vast majority of the You see, in the real world, Americans opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being people in the House and the Senate routinely set budgets for themselves, in the affirmative, the ayes have it. pledging their fealty to an unelected their families, and their businesses. I Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, on that I de- lobbyist, pledging never to increase had to set one when I was a sheriff. Un- mand the yeas and nays. taxes, we could have moved with the fortunately, the Senate doesn’t operate The yeas and nays were ordered. supercommittee and moved forward in the real world. Rather, it has be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and done something. come a legislative graveyard, even for ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- bills passed with bipartisan support. b 1500 ceedings on this question will be post- The House, however, has acted. We’ve poned. It is time for us to stop the gim- passed 27 bipartisan jobs bills that have micks, maybe work together doing been lost to the black hole that is the f what the American public wants so Senate. Some of those bills received an RECESS that we can deal with avoiding a debt overwhelming majority of support. For crisis and get us launched on a path to instance, H.R. 1070, the Small Company The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- prosperity that the American public Capital Formation Act, would allow ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair would agree with. small businesses to capture more cap- declares the House in recess subject to Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, ital in the early stages of their forma- the call of the Chair. for the purposes of closing, I yield the tion, and that passed in this House Accordingly (at 3 o’clock and 6 min- remainder of my time to the gentleman with 421 votes for and one opposed. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess from Florida, the author of this House That’s a perfect example of legislation subject to the call of the Chair. resolution, Mr. NUGENT. that should be public law, and it isn’t f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- because it’s died in the Senate. tleman from Florida is recognized for Now, I understand the Senate may b 1615 51⁄2 minutes. not agree with everything in our bills Mr. NUGENT. I would like to thank that we pass, and that’s fine. That’s AFTER RECESS the chairman, Mr. RYAN, for allowing how the Founding Fathers envisioned me to speak and allowing me to close. The recess having expired, the House it. But if you have objections, then put was called to order by the Speaker pro And I heard this is a sideshow. I don’t forth your own proposals and allow the think the American people see it as tempore (Mr. WOMACK) at 4 o’clock and normal process to work. Do not simply 15 minutes p.m. that. sit on the sidelines and decry every Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer a idea that comes out of the House of f resolution expressing the sense of the Representatives—ideas that we put for- House of Representatives that the pas- ward. REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- sage of a fiscal year 2013 Federal budg- In my opinion, there couldn’t be a VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF et is of national importance. You’ve better example of putting politics be- H.R. 1173, FISCAL RESPONSI- heard it over and over again that this fore country than the Senate’s refusal BILITY AND SECU- is the 1,000th day, 1,000 days, Mr. to pass a budget. Even those on the RITY ACT OF 2011 Speaker, since the Senate has not ful- other side have said, it’s a plan, we Mr. SESSIONS, from the Committee filled its obligation. Think about all have to have a direction. That’s what on Rules, submitted a privileged report the things Americans have done and we ask. We don’t have to agree on that (Rept. No. 112–375) on the resolution (H. been able to accomplish in the last direction; but at the end of the day, we Res. 522) providing for consideration of 1,000 days, and yet the Senate has have to have something to set our ap- the bill (H.R. 1173) to repeal the CLASS failed to achieve this basic responsi- propriators free to work with within program, which was referred to the bility under the Budget Act of 1974. the confines. House Calendar and ordered to be It’s astonishing. I’ve had two sons Rather than show Americans what printed. graduate from college, two sons go to priorities are, rather than show what war and come home again. Another son they’re willing to spend, where they f got married in that time period. And in want to cut and how much they want that time, the citizens of Florida’s to increase taxes, and whether they be- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Fifth Congressional District sent me to lieve our colossal debt is even an issue, PRO TEMPORE Washington to do this job to work for the Senate has instead insisted on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the American people. punting this issue entirely. This is not ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings That work undoubtedly includes only a disservice to the American peo- will resume on questions previously passing a budget, as this House did on ple; but, frankly, it’s irresponsible. And postponed. Votes will be taken in the April 15 based on the leadership of when you hear them say the Repub- following order: Chairman RYAN. The Senate, on the licans in the Senate are blocking a The motion to suspend the rules and other hand, hasn’t produced a budget budget, you can’t filibuster a budget in adopt House Resolution 516, by the since 2009—I believe it’s April of 2009— the Senate. The rules do not allow for yeas and nays; and didn’t even bother to propose a it. So they could, if they wanted to, do The motion to suspend the rules and budget this last year. The last time the their job and assist the American peo- pass H.R. 2070, by the yeas and nays; Senate passed the budget, the CBO pre- ple in figuring out where they stand on and dicted that the deficit for 2011 would be issues of great national importance. The motion to instruct on H.R. 3630, $693 billion. In reality, it was twice, al- Once again, we talked about spending, by the yeas and nays. most twice that, $1.3 trillion. taxes, and how we move forward. The first electronic vote will be con- When I’m at home talking with peo- The Senate Democrats had the super- ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining ple in my district, they’re astounded majority in the Senate, control of the electronic votes will be conducted as 5- that the Senate has not passed a budg- House and the White House and still minute votes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:18 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.072 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H149 EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE Kind Nadler Schilling WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL King (IA) Napolitano Schmidt REGARDING FEDERAL BUDGET King (NY) Neal Schock PRAYER ACT OF 2011 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Kingston Neugebauer Schwartz The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Kinzinger (IL) Noem Schweikert finished business is the vote on the mo- Kissell Nugent Scott (SC) finished business is the vote on the mo- tion to suspend the rules and agree to Kline Nunes Scott (VA) tion to suspend the rules and pass the the resolution (H. Res. 516) expressing Kucinich Nunnelee Scott, Austin bill (H.R. 2070) to direct the Secretary Labrador Olson Scott, David of the Interior to install in the area of the sense of the House of Representa- Lamborn Olver Sensenbrenner tives that the passage of a fiscal year Lance Owens Serrano the World War II Memorial in the Dis- 2013 Federal budget is of national im- Landry Palazzo Sessions trict of Columbia a suitable plaque or portance, on which the yeas and nays Langevin Pallone Sewell an inscription with the words that Lankford Pascrell Sherman were ordered. Larsen (WA) Pastor (AZ) Shimkus President Franklin D. Roosevelt The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Larson (CT) Paulsen Shuler prayed with the nation on June 6, 1944, tion. Latham Payne Shuster the morning of D-day, as amended, on Latta Pearce Simpson which the yeas and nays were ordered. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Lee (CA) Pelosi Sires question is on the motion offered by Levin Pence Smith (NE) The Clerk read the title of the bill. the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Lewis (CA) Perlmutter Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Lewis (GA) Peters Smith (TX) question is on the motion offered by RYAN) that the House suspend the rules Lipinski Peterson Smith (WA) and agree to the resolution. LoBiondo Petri Southerland the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JOHN- The vote was taken by electronic de- Loebsack Pingree (ME) Stark SON) that the House suspend the rules vice, and there were—yeas 410, nays 1, Lofgren, Zoe Pitts Stearns and pass the bill, as amended. Long Platts Stivers This is a 5-minute vote. answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 21, as Lowey Poe (TX) Stutzman follows: Lucas Polis Sullivan The vote was taken by electronic de- Luetkemeyer Pompeo Sutton vice, and there were—yeas 386, nays 26, [Roll No. 7] Luja´ n Posey Terry not voting 21, as follows: YEAS—410 Lummis Price (GA) Thompson (CA) Lungren, Daniel Price (NC) Thompson (MS) [Roll No. 8] Ackerman Clarke (MI) Garrett E. Quayle Thompson (PA) YEAS—386 Adams Clarke (NY) Gerlach Lynch Quigley Thornberry Aderholt Clay Gibbs Maloney Rahall Tiberi Ackerman Clyburn Gonzalez Akin Cleaver Gibson Manzullo Rangel Tierney Adams Coble Goodlatte Alexander Clyburn Gingrey (GA) Marchant Reed Tipton Aderholt Coffman (CO) Gowdy Altmire Coble Gohmert Marino Rehberg Tonko Alexander Cole Granger Amash Coffman (CO) Gonzalez Markey Reichert Towns Altmire Conaway Graves (GA) Amodei Cohen Goodlatte Matheson Renacci Tsongas Amash Connolly (VA) Graves (MO) Andrews Cole Gowdy Matsui Reyes Turner (NY) Amodei Cooper Green, Al Austria Conaway Granger McCarthy (CA) Ribble Turner (OH) Andrews Costa Green, Gene Baca Connolly (VA) Graves (GA) McCarthy (NY) Richardson Upton Austria Costello Griffin (AR) Bachmann Conyers Graves (MO) McCaul Richmond Van Hollen Baca Courtney Griffith (VA) Bachus Cooper Green, Al McClintock Rigell Vela´ zquez Bachmann Cravaack Grimm Baldwin Costa Green, Gene McCollum Rivera Visclosky Bachus Crawford Guinta Barletta Costello Griffin (AR) McCotter Roby Walberg Baldwin Crenshaw Guthrie Barrow Courtney Griffith (VA) McDermott Roe (TN) Walden Barletta Critz Hahn Bartlett Cravaack Grijalva McGovern Rogers (AL) Walsh (IL) Barrow Crowley Hall Barton (TX) Crawford Grimm McHenry Rogers (KY) Walz (MN) Bartlett Cuellar Hanabusa Bass (CA) Crenshaw Guinta McIntyre Rogers (MI) Wasserman Barton (TX) Cummings Hanna Bass (NH) Critz Guthrie McKeon Rohrabacher Schultz Bass (CA) Davis (CA) Harper Becerra Crowley Gutierrez McKinley Rokita Waters Bass (NH) Davis (IL) Harris Benishek Cuellar Hahn McMorris Rooney Waxman Benishek Davis (KY) Hartzler Berg Cummings Hall Rodgers Ros-Lehtinen Webster Berg DeGette Hastings (FL) Berkley Davis (CA) Hanabusa McNerney Roskam West Berkley DeLauro Hastings (WA) Biggert Davis (IL) Hanna Meehan Ross (AR) Westmoreland Biggert Denham Hayworth Bilbray Davis (KY) Harper Meeks Ross (FL) Whitfield Bilbray Dent Heck Bilirakis DeGette Harris Mica Rothman (NJ) Wilson (FL) Bilirakis DesJarlais Heinrich Bishop (NY) DeLauro Hartzler Michaud Roybal-Allard Wilson (SC) Bishop (NY) Deutch Hensarling Bishop (UT) Denham Hastings (FL) Miller (FL) Royce Wittman Bishop (UT) Diaz-Balart Herger Black Dent Hastings (WA) Miller (MI) Runyan Wolf Black Dicks Herrera Beutler Blackburn DesJarlais Hayworth Miller (NC) Ruppersberger Womack Blackburn Dingell Higgins Blumenauer Deutch Heck Miller, Gary Ryan (OH) Woodall Bonner Doggett Himes Bonner Diaz-Balart Heinrich Moore Ryan (WI) Woolsey Bono Mack Dold Hinojosa Bono Mack Dicks Hensarling Moran Sanchez, Loretta Yarmuth Boren Donnelly (IN) Hirono Boren Dingell Herger Mulvaney Sarbanes Yoder Boswell Doyle Hochul Boswell Doggett Herrera Beutler Murphy (CT) Scalise Young (AK) Boustany Dreier Holden Boustany Dold Higgins Murphy (PA) Schakowsky Young (FL) Brady (PA) Duffy Holt Brady (PA) Donnelly (IN) Himes Myrick Schiff Young (IN) Braley (IA) Duncan (SC) Hoyer Braley (IA) Doyle Hinojosa Brooks Duncan (TN) Huelskamp Brooks Dreier Hirono NAYS—1 Broun (GA) Ellmers Huizenga (MI) Broun (GA) Duffy Hochul Honda Brown (FL) Emerson Hultgren Brown (FL) Duncan (SC) Holden Buchanan Engel Hunter Buchanan Duncan (TN) Holt ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 Bucshon Eshoo Hurt Bucshon Edwards Hoyer Buerkle Farenthold Inslee Welch Buerkle Ellison Huelskamp Burgess Fattah Israel Burgess Ellmers Huizenga (MI) NOT VOTING—21 Butterfield Filner Issa Butterfield Emerson Hultgren Calvert Fincher Jackson Lee Calvert Engel Hunter Berman Giffords Sa´ nchez, Linda Camp Fitzpatrick (TX) Camp Eshoo Hurt Bishop (GA) Gosar T. Campbell Flake Jenkins Campbell Farenthold Inslee Brady (TX) Hinchey Schrader Canseco Fleischmann Johnson (GA) Canseco Fattah Israel Burton (IN) LaTourette Slaughter Cantor Fleming Johnson (IL) Cantor Filner Issa Culberson Mack Speier Capito Flores Johnson (OH) Capito Fincher Jackson (IL) DeFazio Miller, George Watt Capps Forbes Johnson, E. B. Capps Fitzpatrick Jackson Lee Farr Paul Capuano Fortenberry Johnson, Sam Capuano Flake (TX) Frank (MA) Rush Cardoza Foxx Jones Cardoza Fleischmann Jenkins Carnahan Frank (MA) Jordan Carnahan Fleming Johnson (GA) Carney Franks (AZ) Kaptur Carney Flores Johnson (IL) b 1630 Carson (IN) Frelinghuysen Keating Carson (IN) Forbes Johnson (OH) So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Carter Gallegly Kelly Carter Fortenberry Johnson, E. B. Cassidy Garamendi Kildee Cassidy Foxx Johnson, Sam tive) the rules were suspended and the Castor (FL) Gardner Kind Castor (FL) Franks (AZ) Jones resolution was agreed to. Chabot Garrett King (IA) Chabot Frelinghuysen Jordan The result of the vote was announced Chaffetz Gerlach King (NY) Chaffetz Fudge Kaptur as above recorded. Chandler Gibbs Kingston Chandler Gallegly Keating Cicilline Gibson Kinzinger (IL) Chu Garamendi Kelly A motion to reconsider was laid on Clarke (MI) Gingrey (GA) Kissell Cicilline Gardner Kildee the table. Cleaver Gohmert Kline

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:28 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.075 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 Kucinich Nunes Schwartz So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Issa Miller (NC) Scalise Labrador Nunnelee Schweikert tive) the rules were suspended and the Jackson (IL) Miller, Gary Schakowsky Lamborn Olson Scott (SC) Jackson Lee Moore Schiff Lance Olver Scott, Austin bill, as amended, was passed. (TX) Moran Schilling Landry Owens Scott, David The result of the vote was announced Jenkins Mulvaney Schmidt Langevin Palazzo Sensenbrenner as above recorded. Johnson (GA) Murphy (CT) Schock Lankford Pallone Sessions A motion to reconsider was laid on Johnson (IL) Murphy (PA) Schwartz Larsen (WA) Pascrell Sewell Johnson (OH) Myrick Schweikert Larson (CT) Pastor (AZ) Sherman the table. Johnson, E. B. Nadler Scott (SC) Latham Paulsen Shimkus Johnson, Sam Napolitano Scott (VA) f Latta Pearce Shuler Jones Neal Scott, Austin Levin Pelosi Shuster Jordan Noem MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES Scott, David Lewis (CA) Pence Simpson Kaptur Nugent Sensenbrenner Lewis (GA) Perlmutter Sires ON H.R. 3630, TEMPORARY PAY- Keating Nunes Serrano Lipinski Peters Smith (NE) ROLL TAX CUT CONTINUATION Kelly Nunnelee Sessions LoBiondo Peterson Smith (NJ) Kildee Olson Sewell Loebsack Petri Smith (TX) ACT OF 2011 Kind Olver Sherman Lofgren, Zoe Pingree (ME) Smith (WA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- King (IA) Owens Shimkus Long Pitts Southerland King (NY) Palazzo Shuler Lowey Platts Speier finished business is the vote on the mo- Kingston Pallone Shuster Lucas Poe (TX) Stearns tion to instruct on the bill (H.R. 3630) Kinzinger (IL) Pascrell Simpson Luetkemeyer Pompeo Stivers offered by the gentlewoman from Cali- Kissell Pastor (AZ) Luja´ n Posey Stutzman Sires fornia (Mrs. CAPPS) on which the yeas Kline Paulsen Smith (NE) Lummis Price (GA) Sullivan Kucinich Payne Lungren, Daniel Price (NC) Sutton and nays were ordered. Smith (NJ) Labrador Pearce Smith (TX) E. Quayle Terry The Clerk will redesignate the mo- Lamborn Pelosi Lynch Quigley Thompson (CA) Smith (WA) tion. Lance Pence Southerland Manzullo Rahall Thompson (MS) Landry Perlmutter Marchant Reed Thompson (PA) The Clerk redesignated the motion. Speier Langevin Peters Stark Marino Rehberg Thornberry The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Lankford Peterson Markey Reichert Stearns Tiberi question is on the motion to instruct. Larsen (WA) Petri Matheson Renacci Tierney Stivers Larson (CT) Pingree (ME) Matsui Ribble Tipton This will be a 5-minute vote. Sullivan Latham Pitts McCarthy (CA) Richardson Tonko The vote was taken by electronic de- Sutton Latta Platts McCarthy (NY) Richmond Towns Terry vice, and there were—yeas 397, nays 16, Lee (CA) Poe (TX) McCaul Rigell Tsongas Thompson (CA) not voting 20, as follows: Levin Polis McClintock Rivera Turner (NY) Thompson (MS) Lewis (CA) Pompeo McCollum Roby Turner (OH) [Roll No. 9] Thompson (PA) Lewis (GA) Posey McCotter Roe (TN) Upton Thornberry YEAS—397 Lipinski Price (GA) McGovern Rogers (AL) Van Hollen Tiberi LoBiondo Price (NC) McHenry Rogers (KY) Visclosky Ackerman Chandler Fortenberry Tierney Loebsack Quigley McIntyre Rogers (MI) Walberg Adams Chu Foxx Tipton Lofgren, Zoe Rahall McKeon Rohrabacher Walden Akin Cicilline Frank (MA) Lowey Rangel Tonko McKinley Rokita Walsh (IL) Alexander Clarke (MI) Franks (AZ) Lucas Reed Towns McMorris Rooney Walz (MN) Altmire Clarke (NY) Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Rehberg Tsongas Rodgers Ros-Lehtinen Wasserman Amodei Clay Fudge Luja´ n Reichert Turner (NY) McNerney Roskam Schultz Andrews Cleaver Gallegly Lungren, Daniel Renacci Turner (OH) Meehan Ross (AR) Waters Austria Clyburn Garamendi E. Reyes Upton Meeks Ross (FL) Waxman Baca Coble Gardner Lynch Ribble Van Hollen Mica Rothman (NJ) Webster Bachus Coffman (CO) Garrett ´ Maloney Richardson Velazquez Michaud Roybal-Allard Welch Baldwin Cohen Gerlach Manzullo Richmond Visclosky Miller (FL) Royce West Barletta Cole Gibbs Marchant Rigell Walberg Miller (MI) Runyan Westmoreland Barrow Conaway Gibson Marino Rivera Walden Miller (NC) Ruppersberger Whitfield Bartlett Connolly (VA) Gingrey (GA) Markey Roby Walsh (IL) Miller, Gary Rush Wilson (FL) Barton (TX) Cooper Gohmert Matheson Roe (TN) Walz (MN) Moore Ryan (OH) Wilson (SC) Bass (CA) Costa Gonzalez Matsui Rogers (KY) Wasserman Mulvaney Ryan (WI) Wittman Bass (NH) Costello Goodlatte McCarthy (CA) Rogers (MI) Schultz Murphy (CT) Sanchez, Loretta Wolf Becerra Courtney Gowdy McCarthy (NY) Rohrabacher Waters Murphy (PA) Sarbanes Womack Benishek Cravaack Granger McCaul Rokita Waxman Myrick Scalise Woodall Berg Crawford Graves (GA) McCollum Rooney Webster Napolitano Schakowsky Yarmuth Berkley Crenshaw Graves (MO) McCotter Ros-Lehtinen Welch Neal Schiff Yoder Biggert Critz Green, Al McGovern Roskam West Neugebauer Schilling Young (AK) Bilbray Crowley Green, Gene McHenry Ross (AR) Westmoreland Noem Schmidt Young (FL) Bilirakis Cuellar Griffin (AR) McIntyre Ross (FL) Whitfield Nugent Schock Young (IN) Bishop (GA) Cummings Griffith (VA) Bishop (NY) Davis (CA) Grijalva McKeon Rothman (NJ) Wilson (FL) Wilson (SC) NAYS—26 Bishop (UT) Davis (IL) Grimm McMorris Roybal-Allard Black Davis (KY) Guinta Rodgers Royce Wittman Blumenauer Grijalva Payne Blumenauer DeGette Guthrie McNerney Runyan Womack Chu Gutierrez Polis Bonner DeLauro Gutierrez Meehan Ruppersberger Woodall Clarke (NY) Honda Rangel Bono Mack Denham Hahn Meeks Rush Woolsey Clay Jackson (IL) Scott (VA) Boren Dent Hall Mica Ryan (OH) Yarmuth Cohen Lee (CA) Serrano Boswell DesJarlais Hanabusa Michaud Ryan (WI) Young (AK) Conyers Maloney Stark Boustany Deutch Hanna Miller (FL) Sanchez, Loretta Young (FL) Edwards McDermott Vela´ zquez Brady (PA) Diaz-Balart Harper Miller (MI) Sarbanes Young (IN) Ellison Moran Woolsey Braley (IA) Dicks Harris Fudge Nadler Brooks Dingell Hartzler NAYS—16 Broun (GA) Doggett Hastings (FL) Aderholt Long Rogers (AL) NOT VOTING—21 Brown (FL) Dold Hastings (WA) Amash Lummis Stutzman Buchanan Donnelly (IN) Hayworth Akin Farr Reyes Bachmann McClintock Bucshon Doyle Heck Wolf Becerra Giffords Sa´ nchez, Linda Blackburn McKinley Buerkle Dreier Heinrich Yoder Berman Gosar T. Campbell Neugebauer Burgess Duffy Hensarling Bishop (GA) Hinchey Schrader Flake Quayle Butterfield Duncan (SC) Herger Brady (TX) LaTourette Slaughter Calvert Duncan (TN) Herrera Beutler Burton (IN) Mack Watt NOT VOTING—20 Culberson Miller, George Camp Edwards Higgins DeFazio Paul Canseco Ellison Himes Berman Giffords Miller, George Cantor Ellmers Hinojosa Brady (TX) Gosar Paul ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Capito Emerson Hochul Burton (IN) Hinchey Sa´ nchez, Linda Capps Engel Holden Conyers Hirono T. The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Capuano Eshoo Holt Culberson LaTourette Schrader the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Cardoza Farenthold Honda DeFazio Mack Slaughter Carnahan Fattah Hoyer Farr McDermott Watt ing. Carney Filner Huelskamp Carson (IN) Fincher Huizenga (MI) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE 1649 Carter Fitzpatrick Hultgren b Cassidy Fleischmann Hunter The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Castor (FL) Fleming Hurt Mr. PAYNE changed his vote from Chabot Flores Inslee the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Chaffetz Forbes Israel ing.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:28 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA7.014 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H151 b 1656 b 2040 The Senator from Texas (Mr. COR- Mrs. LUMMIS changed her vote from JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS NYN); and The Senator from Missouri (Mr. ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ PURSUANT TO HOUSE CONCUR- BLUNT). So the motion to instruct was agreed RENT RESOLUTION 96 TO RE- The Deputy Sergeant at Arms an- to. CEIVE A MESSAGE FROM THE nounced the Dean of the Diplomatic The result of the vote was announced PRESIDENT Corps, His Excellency Roble Olhaye, as above recorded. The recess having expired, the House Ambassador from the Republic of A motion to reconsider was laid on was called to order by the Speaker at 8 Djibouti. the table. o’clock and 40 minutes p.m. The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps en- The Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Mrs. tered the Hall of the House of Rep- f Kerri Hanley, announced the Vice resentatives and took the seat reserved President and Members of the U.S. for him. REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Senate, who entered the Hall of the The Deputy Sergeant at Arms an- AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3261 House of Representatives, the Vice nounced the Chief Justice of the United President taking the chair at the right States and the Associate Justices of Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask of the Speaker, and the Members of the the Supreme Court. unanimous consent that my name be Senate the seats reserved for them. The Chief Justice of the United removed as a cosponsor of H.R. 3261. The SPEAKER. The joint session will States and the Associate Justices of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there come to order. the Supreme Court entered the Hall of objection to the request of the gen- The Chair appoints as members of the House of Representatives and took tleman from Texas? the committee on the part of the House the seats reserved for them in front of There was no objection. to escort the President of the United the Speaker’s rostrum. States into the Chamber: The Deputy Sergeant at Arms an- f The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. nounced the Cabinet of the President of CANTOR); the United States. HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW The gentleman from California (Mr. The members of the Cabinet of the Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask MCCARTHY); President of the United States entered unanimous consent that when the The gentleman from Texas (Mr. HEN- the Hall of the House of Representa- House adjourns today, it adjourn to SARLING); tives and took the seats reserved for meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. The gentleman from Texas (Mr. SES- them in front of the Speaker’s rostrum. SIONS); At 9 o’clock and 5 minutes p.m., the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Sergeant at Arms, the Honorable Paul objection to the request of the gen- PRICE); D. Irving, announced the President of tleman from Texas? The gentlewoman from Washington the United States. There was no objection. (Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS); The President of the United States, The gentleman from Texas (Mr. CAR- escorted by the committee of Senators f TER); and Representatives, entered the Hall The gentlewoman from California of the House of Representatives and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (Ms. PELOSI); stood at the Clerk’s desk. PRO TEMPORE The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. (Applause, the Members rising.) The SPEAKER. Members of the Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. After HOYER); gress, I have the high privilege and the consultation among the Speaker and The gentleman from Connecticut distinct honor of presenting to you the the majority and minority leaders, and (Mr. LARSON); The gentleman from California (Mr. President of the United States. with their consent, the Chair an- BECERRA); (Applause, the Members rising.) nounces that, when the two Houses The gentleman from South Carolina The PRESIDENT. Mr. Speaker, Mr. meet tonight in joint session to hear (Mr. CLYBURN); Vice President, Members of Congress, an address by the President of the The gentleman from New York (Mr. distinguished guests, and fellow Ameri- United States, only the doors imme- ISRAEL); and cans: diately opposite the Speaker and those The gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. Last month, I went to Andrews Air immediately to his left and right will SUTTON). Force Base and welcomed home some be open. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Presi- of our last troops to serve in Iraq. To- No one will be allowed on the floor of dent of the Senate, at the direction of gether, we offered a final, proud salute the House who does not have the privi- that body, appoints the following Sen- to the colors under which more than a lege of the floor of the House. Due to ators as members of the committee on million of our fellow citizens fought— the large attendance that is antici- the part of the Senate to escort the and several thousand gave their lives. pated, the rule regarding the privilege President of the United States into the We gather tonight knowing that this of the floor must be strictly enforced. House Chamber: generation of heroes has made the Children of Members will not be per- The Senator from Nevada (Mr. REID); United States safer and more respected mitted on the floor. The cooperation of The Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- around the world. For the first time in all Members is requested. BIN); 9 years, there are no Americans fight- The practice of purporting to reserve The Senator from New York (Mr. ing in Iraq. For the first time in two seats prior to the joint session by SCHUMER); decades, Osama bin Laden is not a placement of placards or personal The Senator from Washington (Mrs. threat to this country. Most of al items will not be allowed. Chamber Se- MURRAY); Qaeda’s top lieutenants have been de- curity may remove these items from The Senator from Michigan (Ms. STA- feated. The Taliban’s momentum has the seats. Members may reserve their BENOW); been broken, and some troops in Af- seats only by physical presence fol- The Senator from Alaska (Mr. ghanistan have begun to come home. lowing the security sweep of the Cham- BEGICH); These achievements are a testament ber. The Senator from Kentucky (Mr. to the courage, selflessness, and team- Pursuant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the MCCONNELL); work of America’s Armed Forces. At a Chair declares the House in recess until The Senator from Arizona (Mr. KYL); time when too many of our institutions approximately 8:35 p.m. for the purpose The Senator from Tennessee (Mr. have let us down, they exceed all ex- of receiving in joint session the Presi- ALEXANDER); pectations. They’re not consumed with dent of the United States. The Senator from Wyoming (Mr. personal ambition. They don’t obsess Accordingly (at 4 o’clock and 58 min- BARRASSO); over their differences. They focus on utes p.m.), the House stood in recess The Senator from South Dakota (Mr. the mission at hand. They work to- until approximately 8:35 p.m. THUNE); gether.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:28 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.080 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 Imagine what we could accomplish if Those are the facts. But so are these. Meanwhile, companies that choose to we followed their example. Think In the last 22 months, businesses have stay in America get hit with one of the about the America within our reach: a created more than 3 million jobs. Last highest tax rates in the world. It country that leads the world in edu- year, they created the most jobs since makes no sense, and everyone knows cating its people; an America that at- 2005. American manufacturers are hir- it. tracts a new generation of high-tech ing again, creating jobs for the first So let’s change it. First, if you’re a manufacturing and high-paying jobs; a time since the late 1990s. Together, business that wants to outsource jobs, future where we’re in control of our we’ve agreed to cut the deficit by more you shouldn’t get a tax deduction for own energy, and our security and pros- than $2 trillion. And we’ve put in place doing it. That money should be used to perity aren’t so tied to unstable parts new rules to hold account- cover moving expenses for companies of the world; an economy built to last, able so a crisis like this never happens like Master Lock that decide to bring where hard work pays off, and responsi- again. jobs home. bility is rewarded. The state of our Union is getting Second, no American company We can do this. I know we can be- stronger. And we’ve come too far to should be able to avoid paying its fair cause we’ve done it before. At the end turn back now. As long as I’m Presi- share of taxes by moving jobs and prof- of World War II, when another genera- dent, I will work with anyone in this its overseas. From now on, every mul- tion of heroes returned home from Chamber to build on this momentum. tinational company should have to pay combat, they built the strongest econ- But I intend to fight obstruction with a basic minimum tax, and every penny omy and middle class the world has action, and I will oppose any effort to should go towards lowering taxes for ever known. My grandfather, a veteran return to the very same policies that companies that choose to stay here and of Patton’s Army, got the chance to go brought on this economic crisis in the hire here in America. to college on the GI Bill. My grand- first place. Third, if you’re an American manu- mother, who worked on a bomber as- No, we will not go back to an econ- facturer, you should get a bigger tax sembly line, was part of a workforce omy weakened by outsourcing, bad cut. If you’re a high-tech manufac- that turned out the best products on debt, and phony financial profits. To- turer, we should double the tax deduc- Earth. night, I want to speak about how we tion you get for making your products The two of them shared the optimism move forward, and lay out a blueprint here. And if you want to relocate in a of a Nation that had triumphed over a for an economy that’s built to last—an community that was hit hard when a depression and fascism. They under- economy built on American manufac- factory left town, you should get help stood they were part of something larg- turing, American energy, skills for financing a new plant, equipment, or er; they were contributing to a story of American workers, and a renewal of training for new workers. success that every American had a So my message is simple. It is time chance to share—the basic American American values. This blueprint begins with American to stop rewarding businesses that ship promise that if you worked hard, you manufacturing. jobs overseas and start rewarding com- could do well enough to raise a family, On the day I took office, our auto in- panies that create jobs right here in own a home, send your kids to college, dustry was on the verge of collapse. America. Send me these tax reforms, and put a little away for retirement. and I will sign them right away. The defining issue of our time is how Some even said we should let it die. We’re also making it easier for Amer- to keep that promise alive. No chal- With a million jobs at stake, I refused ican businesses to sell products all over lenge is more urgent. No debate is to let that happen. In exchange for the world. Two years ago, I set a goal more important. We can either settle help, we demanded responsibility. We of doubling U.S. exports over 5 years. for a country where a shrinking num- got workers and automakers to settle With the bipartisan trade agreements ber of people do really well, while a their differences. We got the industry we signed into law, we’re on track to growing number of Americans barely to retool and restructure. Today, Gen- get by. Or we can restore an economy eral Motors is back on top as the meet that goal—ahead of schedule. where everyone gets a fair shot, every- world’s number one automaker. Chrys- Soon, there will be millions of new cus- one does their fair share, and everyone ler has grown faster in the U.S. than tomers for American goods in Panama, plays by the same set of rules. What’s any major car company. Ford is invest- Colombia and South Korea. Soon, there at stake are not Democratic values or ing billions in U.S. plants and fac- will be new cars on the streets of Seoul Republican values, but American val- tories. And together, the entire indus- imported from Detroit, Toledo and Chi- ues. We have to reclaim them. try added nearly 160,000 jobs. cago. Let’s remember how we got here. We bet on American workers. We bet I will go anywhere in the world to Long before the , jobs and on American ingenuity. And tonight, open new markets for American prod- manufacturing began leaving our the American auto industry is back. ucts. And I will not stand by when our shores. Technology made businesses What’s happening in Detroit can hap- competitors don’t play by the rules. more efficient but also made some jobs pen in other industries. It can happen We’ve brought trade cases against obsolete. Folks at the top saw their in- in Cleveland, and Raleigh. China at nearly twice the rate as the comes rise like never before, but most We can’t bring every job back that’s last administration—and it’s made a hardworking Americans struggled with left our shores. But right now, it’s get- difference. Over a thousand Americans costs that were growing, paychecks ting more expensive to do business in are working today because we’ve that weren’t, and personal debt that places like China. Meanwhile, America stopped a surge in Chinese tires. But kept piling up. is more productive. A few weeks ago, we need to do more. It’s not right when In 2008, the house of cards collapsed. the CEO of Master Lock told me that it another country lets our movies, music We learned that mortgages had been now makes business sense for him to and software be pirated. It’s not fair sold to people who couldn’t afford or bring jobs back home. Today, for the when foreign manufacturers have a leg understand them. Banks had made first time in 15 years, Master Lock’s up on ours only because they’re heavily huge bets and bonuses with other peo- unionized plant in Milwaukee is run- subsidized. ple’s money. Regulators had looked the ning at full capacity. Tonight, I’m announcing the creation other way, or didn’t have the authority So we have a huge opportunity, at of a Trade Enforcement Unit that will to stop the bad behavior. this moment, to bring manufacturing be charged with investigating unfair It was wrong. It was irresponsible. back. But we have to seize it. Tonight, trading practices in countries like And it plunged our economy into a cri- my message to business leaders is sim- China. There will be more inspections sis that put millions out of work, sad- ple: Ask yourselves what you can do to to prevent counterfeit or unsafe goods dled us with more debt, and left inno- bring jobs back to your country, and from crossing our borders. And this cent, hardworking Americans holding your country will do everything we can Congress should make sure that no for- the bag. In the 6 months before I took to help you succeed. eign company has an advantage over office, we lost nearly 4 million jobs. We should start with our tax code. American manufacturing when it And we lost another 4 million before Right now, companies get tax breaks comes to accessing financing or new our policies were in full effect. for moving jobs and profits overseas. markets like Russia. Our workers are

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:28 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.082 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H153 the most productive on Earth, and if Teachers matter. So instead of bash- sive immigration reform right now. the playing field is level, I promise ing them or defending the status quo, But if election-year politics keeps Con- you—America will always win. let’s offer schools a deal. Give them the gress from acting on a comprehensive I also hear from many business lead- resources to keep good teachers on the plan, let’s at least agree to stop expel- ers who want to hire in the United job and reward the best ones. And in ling responsible young people who want States but can’t find workers with the return, grant schools flexibility to to staff our labs, start new businesses, right skills. Growing industries in teach with creativity and passion, to and defend this country. Send me a law science and technology have twice as stop teaching to the test, and to re- that gives them a chance to earn their many openings as we have workers who place teachers who just aren’t helping citizenship; I will sign it right away. can do the job. Think about that— kids learn. That’s a bargain worth You see, an economy built to last is openings at a time when millions of making. one where we encourage the talent and Americans are looking for work. We also know that when students ingenuity of every person in this coun- It’s inexcusable. And we know how to don’t walk away from their education, try. That means women should earn fix it. more of them walk the stage to get . It means we Jackie Bray is a single mom from their diploma. When students are not should support everyone who’s willing North Carolina who was laid off from allowed to drop out, they do better. So to work and every risk-taker and en- her job as a mechanic. Then Siemens tonight, I am proposing that every trepreneur who aspires to become the opened a gas turbine factory in Char- State—every State—require that all next Steve Jobs. After all, innovation lotte and formed a partnership with students stay in high school until they is what America has always been Central Piedmont Community College. about. The company helped the college design graduate or turn 18. When kids do graduate, the most Most new jobs are created in startups courses in laser and robotics training. daunting challenge can be the cost of and small businesses. So let’s pass an It paid Jackie’s tuition, then hired her college. At a time when Americans owe agenda that helps them succeed. Tear to help operate their plant. more in tuition debt than credit card down regulations that prevent aspiring I want every American looking for entrepreneurs from getting the financ- work to have the same opportunity as debt, this Congress needs to stop the interest rates on student loans from ing to grow. Expand tax relief to small Jackie did. Join me in a national com- businesses that are raising and mitment to train 2 million Americans doubling in July. Extend the tuition tax credit we started that saves mil- creating good jobs. Both parties agree with skills that will lead directly to a on these ideas. So put them in a bill job. My administration has already lions of middle class families thou- sands of dollars, and give more young and get it on my desk this year. lined up more companies that want to Innovation also demands basic re- people the chance to earn their way help. Model partnerships between busi- search. Today, the discoveries taking through college by doubling the num- nesses like Siemens and community place in our federally financed labs and ber of work-study jobs in the next 5 colleges in places like Charlotte, Or- universities could lead to new treat- lando and Louisville are up and run- years. ments that kill cancer cells but leave Of course, it’s not enough for us to ning. Now you need to give more com- healthy ones untouched, new light- increase student aid. We can’t just munity colleges the resources they weight vests for cops and soldiers that keep subsidizing skyrocketing tuition; need to become community career cen- can stop any bullet. Don’t gut these in- we’ll run out of money. States also ters—places that teach people skills vestments in our budget. Don’t let need to do their part by making higher that businesses are looking for right other countries win the race for the fu- education a higher priority in their now, from data management to high- ture. Support the same kind of re- budgets, and colleges and universities tech manufacturing. search and innovation that led to the And I want to cut through the maze have to do their part by working to computer chip and the Internet, to new of confusing training programs so that keep costs down. Recently, I spoke American jobs and new American in- from now on people like Jackie have with a group of college presidents dustries. one program, one Web site, and one who’ve done just that. Some schools re- And nowhere is the promise of inno- place to go for all the information and design courses to help students finish vation greater than in American-made help that they need. It is time to turn more quickly. Some use better tech- energy. Over the last 3 years, we’ve our unemployment system into a reem- nology. The point is, it’s possible. So opened millions of new acres for oil and ployment system that puts people to let me put colleges and universities on gas exploration. And tonight, I’m di- work. notice: If you can’t stop tuition from recting my administration to open These reforms will help people get going up, the funding you get from tax- more than 75 percent of our potential jobs that are open today. But to pre- payers will go down. Higher education offshore oil and gas resources. Right pare for the jobs of tomorrow, our com- can’t be a luxury. It is an economic im- now, American oil production is the mitment to skills and education has to perative that every family in America highest that it’s been in 8 years—that’s start earlier. For less than 1 percent of should be able to afford. right, 8 years. Not only that, last year what our Nation spends on education Let’s also remember that hundreds of we relied less on foreign oil than in any each year, we’ve convinced nearly thousands of talented, hardworking of the past 16 years. But with only 2 every State in the country to raise students in this country face another percent of the world’s oil reserves, oil their standards for teaching and learn- challenge—the fact that they aren’t isn’t enough. This country needs an ing—the first time that’s happened in a yet American citizens. Many were all-out, all-of-the-above strategy that generation. brought here as small children, are develops every available source of But challenges remain, and we know American through and through; yet American energy, a strategy that’s how to solve them. At a time when they live every day with the threat of cleaner, cheaper, and full of new jobs. other countries are doubling down on deportation. Others came more re- We have a supply of natural gas that education, tight budgets have forced cently to study business and science can last America nearly 100 years, and States to lay off thousands of teachers. and engineering; but as soon as they my administration will take every pos- We know a good teacher can increase get their degree, we send them home to sible action to safely develop this en- the lifetime income of a classroom by invent new products and create new ergy. The experts believe this will sup- over $250,000. A great teacher can offer jobs somewhere else. That doesn’t port more than 600,000 jobs by the end an escape from poverty to the child make sense. of the decade. And I’m requiring all who dreams beyond his circumstance. I believe as strongly as ever that we companies that drill for gas on public Every person in this Chamber can should take on illegal immigration. lands to disclose the chemicals they point to a teacher who changed the tra- That’s why my administration has put use because America will develop this jectory of their lives. Most teachers more boots on the border than ever be- resource without putting the health work tirelessly with modest pay, some- fore. That’s why there are fewer illegal and safety of our citizens at risk. times digging into their own pocket for crossings than when I took office. The The development of natural gas will school supplies just to make a dif- opponents of action are out of excuses. create jobs and power trucks and fac- ference. We should be working on comprehen- tories that are cleaner and cheaper,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:28 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.083 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 proving that we don’t have to choose and more jobs for construction workers too costly. In fact, I’ve approved fewer between our environment and our econ- who need them. Send me a bill that regulations in the first 3 years of my omy. And by the way, it was public re- creates these jobs. Presidency than my Republican prede- search dollars, over the course of 30 Building this new energy future cessor did in his. I’ve ordered every years, that helped develop the tech- should be just one part of a broader Federal agency to eliminate rules that nologies to extract all this natural gas agenda to repair America’s infrastruc- don’t make sense. We’ve already an- out of shale rock, reminding us that ture. So much of America needs to be nounced over 500 reforms, and just a government support is critical in help- rebuilt. We’ve got crumbling roads and fraction of them will save business and ing businesses get new energy ideas off bridges, a power grid that wastes too citizens more than $10 billion over the the ground. much energy, an incomplete high-speed next 5 years. We got rid of one rule Now, what’s true for natural gas is broadband network that prevents a from 40 years ago that could have just as true for clean energy. In 3 small business owner in rural America forced some dairy farmers to spend years, our partnership with the private from selling her products all over the $10,000 a year proving that they could sector has already positioned America world. contain a spill—because milk was to be the world’s leading manufacturer During the , Amer- somehow classified as an oil. With a of high-tech batteries. Because of Fed- ica built the Hoover Dam and the Gold- rule like that, I guess it was worth cry- eral investments, renewable energy use en Gate Bridge. After World War II, we ing over spilt milk. has nearly doubled, and thousands of connected our States with a system of Now, I’m confident a farmer can con- Americans have jobs because of it. highways. Democratic and Republican tain a milk spill without a Federal When Bryan Ritterby was laid off administrations invested in great agency looking over his shoulder. Ab- from his job making furniture, he said projects that benefited everybody, from solutely. But I will not back down from he worried that at 55 no one would give the workers who built them to the making sure an oil company can con- him a second chance; but he found businesses that still use them today. tain the kind of oil spill we saw in the work at Energetx, a wind turbine man- In the next few weeks, I will sign an gulf 2 years ago. I will not back down ufacturer in Michigan. Before the re- executive order clearing away the red from protecting our kids from mercury cession, the factory only made luxury tape that slows down too many con- poisoning or making sure that our food yachts. Today it’s hiring workers like struction projects, but you need to is safe and our water is clean. I will not Bryan who said, I’m proud to be work- fund these projects. Take the money go back to the days when health insur- ing in the industry of the future. we’re no longer spending at war, use ance companies had unchecked power Our experience with shale gas, our half of it to pay down our debt, and use to cancel your policy, deny your cov- experience with natural gas shows us the rest of it to do some nation-build- erage, or charge women differently that the payoffs on these public invest- ing right here at home. than men. ments don’t always come right away. There’s never been a better time to And I will not go back to the days Some technologies don’t pan out. Some build, especially since the construction when Wall Street was allowed to play companies fail. But I will not walk industry was one of the hardest-hit by its own set of rules. The new rules away from the promise of clean energy. when the housing bubble burst. Of we passed restore what should be any I will not walk away from workers like course, construction workers weren’t financial system’s core purpose: Get- Bryan. I will not cede the wind or solar the only ones who were hurt. So were ting funding to entrepreneurs with the or battery industry to China or Ger- millions of innocent Americans who best ideas, and getting loans to respon- many because we refuse to make the have seen their home values decline. sible families who want to buy a home same commitment here. We have sub- And while government can’t fix the or start a business or send their kids to sidized oil companies for a century. problem on its own, responsible home- college. That’s long enough. It’s time to end owners shouldn’t have to sit and wait So, if you are a big bank or financial the taxpayer giveaways to an industry for the housing market to hit bottom institution, you’re no longer allowed to that rarely has been more profitable to get some relief. make risky bets with your customers’ and double down on a clean-energy in- And that’s why I’m sending this Con- deposits. You’re required to write out a dustry that never has been more prom- gress a plan that gives every respon- living will that details exactly how ising. Pass clean-energy tax credits, sible homeowner the chance to save you’ll pay the bills if you fail, because and create these jobs. about $3,000 a year on their mortgage the rest of us are not bailing you out We can also spur energy innovation by refinancing at historically low ever again. And if you’re a mortgage with new incentives. The differences in rates. No more red tape. No more run- lender, or a payday lender, or a credit this Chamber may be too deep right around from the banks. A small fee on card company, the days of signing peo- now to pass a comprehensive plan to the largest financial institutions will ple up for products they can’t afford fight climate change, but there’s no ensure that it won’t add to the deficit with confusing forms and deceptive reason why Congress shouldn’t at least and will give those banks that were practices, those days are over. Today set a clean-energy standard that cre- rescued by taxpayers a chance to repay American consumers finally have a ates a market for innovation. So far, a deficit of trust. watchdog in Richard Cordray, with one you haven’t acted. Well, tonight I will. Let’s never forget: Millions of Ameri- job: to look out for them. I’m directing my administration to cans who work hard and play by the We’ll also establish a financial allow the development of clean energy rules every day deserve a government crimes unit of highly trained investiga- on enough public land to power 3 mil- and a financial system that do the tors to crack down on large-scale fraud lion homes. And I’m proud to announce same. It’s time to apply the same rules and protect people’s investments. Some that the Department of Defense, work- from top to bottom. No bailouts, no financial firms violate major anti- ing with us—the world’s largest con- handouts, and no cop-outs. An America fraud laws because there’s no real pen- sumer of energy—will make one of the built to last insists on responsibility alty for being a repeat offender. That’s largest commitments to clean energy from everybody. bad for consumers, and it’s bad for the in history, with the Navy purchasing We’ve all paid the price for lenders vast majority of bankers and financial enough capacity to power 250,000 homes who sold mortgages to people who service professionals who do the right a year. couldn’t afford them and buyers who thing. So pass legislation that makes Of course, the easiest way to save knew they couldn’t afford them. That’s the penalties for fraud count. money is to waste less energy. So why we need smart regulations to pre- And tonight, I’m asking my Attorney here’s a proposal: help manufacturers vent irresponsible behavior. Rules to General to create a special unit of Fed- eliminate energy waste in their fac- prevent financial fraud or toxic dump- eral prosecutors and leading State at- tories, and give businesses incentives ing or faulty medical devices, these torney generals to expand our inves- to upgrade their buildings. Their en- don’t destroy the free market. They tigations into the abusive lending and ergy bills will be $100 billion lower over make the free market work better. packaging of risky mortgages that led the next decade, and America will have There is no question that some regu- to the housing crisis. This new unit less pollution, more manufacturing, lations are outdated, unnecessary, or will hold accountable those who broke

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:28 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.085 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H155 the law, speed assistance to home- because they envy the rich. It’s be- this town. We need to end the notion owners, and help turn the page on an cause they understand that when I get that the two parties must be locked in era of recklessness that hurt so many a tax break I don’t need and the coun- a perpetual campaign of mutual de- Americans. try can’t afford, it either adds to the struction, that politics is about Now, a return to the American values deficit or somebody else has to make clinging to rigid ideologies instead of of fair play and shared responsibility up the difference, like a senior on a building consensus around common- will help protect our people and our fixed income, or a student trying to get sense ideas. economy. But it should also guide us as through school, or a family trying to I’m a Democrat, but I believe what we look to pay down our debt and in- make ends meet. That’s not right. Republican, Abraham Lincoln, be- vest in our future. Americans know that’s not right. They lieved—the government should do for Right now, our most immediate pri- know that this generation’s success is people only what they cannot do better ority is stopping a tax hike on 160 mil- only possible because past generations by themselves and no more. That’s why lion working Americans while the re- felt a responsibility to each other and my education reform offers more com- covery is still fragile. People cannot af- to the future of their country, and they petition and more control for schools ford losing $40 out of each paycheck know our way of life will only endure if and States. That’s why we’re getting this year. There are plenty of ways to we feel that same sense of shared re- rid of regulations that don’t work. get this done. So let’s agree right here, sponsibility. That’s how we’ll reduce That’s why our health care law relies right now: no side issues, no drama. our deficit. That’s an America built to on a reformed private market, not a Pass the payroll tax cut without delay. last. government program. Let’s get it done. Now, I recognize that people watch- On the other hand, even my Repub- When it comes to the deficit, we’ve ing tonight have differing views about lican friends who complain the most already agreed to more than $2 trillion taxes and debt, energy and health care. about government spending have sup- in cuts and savings. But we need to do But no matter what party they belong ported federally financed roads and more, and that means making choices. to, I bet most Americans are thinking clean energy projects and Federal of- Right now, we’re poised to spend near- the same thing right about now: Noth- fices for the folks back home. ly $1 trillion more on what was sup- ing will get done in Washington this The point is we should all want a posed to be a temporary tax break for year, or next year, or maybe even the smarter, more effective government. the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. year after that, because Washington is And while we may not be able to bridge Right now, because of loopholes and broken. our biggest philosophical differences shelters in the Tax Code, a quarter of Can you blame them for feeling a lit- this year, we can make real progress. all millionaires pay lower tax rates tle cynical? With or without this Congress, I will than millions of middle class house- The greatest blow to our confidence keep taking actions that help the econ- holds. Right now, Warren Buffett pays in our economy last year didn’t come omy grow. But I can do a whole lot a lower tax rate than his secretary. from events beyond our control. It more with your help because when we Do we want to keep these tax cuts for came from a debate in Washington over act together, there’s nothing the the wealthiest Americans? Or do we whether the United States would pay United States of America can’t want to keep our investments in every- its bills or not. Who benefited from achieve. thing else, like education and medical that fiasco? That’s the lesson we’ve learned from research, a strong military, and care I’ve talked tonight about the deficit our actions abroad over the last few for our veterans? Because if we’re seri- of trust between Main Street and Wall years. Ending the Iraq war has allowed ous about paying down our debt, we Street, but the divide between this city us to strike decisive blows against our can’t do both. and the rest of the country is at least enemies. From Pakistan to Yemen, the The American people know what the as bad, and it seems to get worse every al Qaeda operatives who remain are right choice is. So do I. As I told the year. And some of this has to do with scrambling, knowing that they can’t Speaker this summer, I’m prepared to the corrosive influence of money and escape the reach of the United States make more reforms to rein in the long- politics. So together, let’s take some of America. term costs of Medicare and Medicaid steps to fix that. Send me a bill that From this position of strength we’ve and strengthen Social Security so long bans insider trading by Members of begun to wind down the war in Afghan- as those programs remain a guarantee Congress. I will sign it tomorrow. istan. Ten thousand of our troops have of security for seniors. Let’s limit any elected official from come home; 23,000 more will leave by But, in return, we need to change our owning stocks in industries they im- the end of this summer. This transition Tax Code so that people like me, and pact. Let’s make sure people who bun- to Afghan lead will continue, and we an awful lot of Members of Congress, dle campaign contributions for Con- will build an enduring partnership with pay our fair share of taxes. Tax reform gress can’t lobby Congress and vice Afghanistan so that it is never again a should follow the Buffett rule. If you versa, an idea that has bipartisan sup- source of attacks against America. make more than $1 million a year, you port, at least outside of Washington. As the tide of war recedes, a wave of should not pay less than 30 percent in Some of what’s broken has to do with change has washed across the Middle taxes. And my Republican friend TOM the way Congress does its business East and North Africa, from Tunis to COBURN is right: Washington should these days. A simple majority is no Cairo, from Sana’a to Tripoli. A year stop subsidizing millionaires. In fact, if longer enough to get anything, even ago, Qadhafi was one of the world’s you’re earning a million dollars a year, routine business, passed through the longest serving dictators, a murderer you shouldn’t get special tax subsidies Senate. Neither party has been blame- with American blood on his hands. or deductions. On the other hand, if less in these tactics. Now both parties Today, he is gone. And in Syria, I have you make under $250,000 a year, like 98 should put an end to it. no doubt that the Assad regime will percent of American families, your For starters, I ask the Senate to pass soon discover that the forces of change taxes shouldn’t go up. You’re the ones a simple rule that all judicial and pub- cannot be reversed and that human struggling with rising costs and stag- lic service nominations receive a sim- dignity cannot be denied. nant wages. You’re the ones who need ple up-or-down vote within 90 days. The How this incredible transformation relief. executive branch also needs to change. will end remains uncertain. But we Now, you can call this class warfare Too often it’s inefficient, outdated, and have a huge stake in the outcome. And all you want. But asking a billionaire remote. That’s why I’ve asked this while it’s ultimately up to the people to pay at least as much as his sec- Congress to grant me the authority to of the region to decide their fate, we retary in taxes? Most Americans would consolidate the Federal bureaucracy so will advocate for those values that call that common sense. that our government is leaner, quicker, have served our own country so well. We don’t begrudge financial success and more responsive to the needs of the We will stand against violence and in this country. We admire it. When American people. intimidation. We will stand for the Americans talk about folks like me Finally, none of this can happen un- rights and dignity of all human beings, paying my fair share of taxes, it’s not less we also lower the temperature in men and women, Christians, Muslims,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:28 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.086 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 and Jews. We will support policies that listing our veterans in the work of re- Thank you, God bless you and God lead to strong and stable democracies building our Nation. bless the United States of America. and open markets because tyranny is With the bipartisan support of this (Applause, the Members rising.) no match for liberty. And we will safe- Congress, we are providing new tax At 10 o’clock and 16 minutes p.m., guard America’s own security against credits to companies that hire vets. the President of the United States, ac- those who threaten our citizens, our Michelle and Jill Biden have worked companied by the committee of escort, friends, and our interests. with American businesses to secure a retired from the Hall of the House of Look at Iran. Through the power of pledge of 135,000 jobs for veterans and Representatives. our diplomacy, a world that was once their families. And tonight, I’m pro- The Deputy Sergeant at Arms es- divided about how to deal with Iran’s posing a Veterans Job Corps that will corted the invited guests from the nuclear program now stands as one. help our communities hire veterans as Chamber in the following order: The regime is more isolated than ever cops and firefighters so that America is The members of the President’s Cabi- before. Its leaders are faced with crip- as strong as those who defend her. net; the Chief Justice of the United pling sanctions. And as long as they Which brings me back to where I States and the Associate Justices of shirk their responsibilities, this pres- began. Those of us who’ve been sent the Supreme Court; the Dean of the sure will not relent. here to serve can learn a thing or two Diplomatic Corps. Let there be no doubt: America is de- from the service of our troops. When The SPEAKER. The Chair declares termined to prevent Iran from getting you put on that uniform, it doesn’t the joint session of the two Houses now a nuclear weapon, and I will take no matter if you’re black or white, Asian, dissolved. options off the table to achieve that Latino, Native American, conservative Accordingly, at 10 o’clock and 23 goal. But a peaceful resolution of this or liberal, rich, poor, gay, straight. minutes p.m., the joint session of the issue is still possible and far better. When you’re marching into battle, you two Houses was dissolved. And if Iran changes course and meets look out for the person next to you, or The Members of the Senate retired to its obligations, it can rejoin the Com- the mission fails. When you’re in the their Chamber. munity of Nations. thick of the fight, you rise or fall as The renewal of American leadership one unit, serving one Nation, leaving f can be felt across the globe. Our oldest no one behind. MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT RE- alliances in Europe and Asia are And one of my proudest possessions FERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF stronger than ever. Our ties to the is the flag that the SEAL team took THE WHOLE HOUSE ON THE Americas are deeper. Our ironclad com- with them on the mission to get bin STATE OF THE UNION mitment, and I mean ironclad to Israel Laden. On it are each of their names. security has meant the closest military Some may be Democrats, some may be Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I move cooperation between our two countries Republicans; but that doesn’t matter. that the message of the President be in history. Just like it didn’t matter that day in referred to the Committee of the Whole We’ve made it clear that America is the Situation Room when I sat next to House on the state of the Union and or- a Pacific power. And a new beginning Bob Gates, a man who was George dered printed. in Burma has lit a new hope. Bush’s Defense Secretary, and Hillary The motion was agreed to. From the coalitions we’ve built to se- Clinton, a woman who ran against me f cure nuclear materials to the missions for President. we’ve led against hunger and disease, All that mattered that day was the to the blows we’ve dealt our enemies, mission. No one thought about politics. By unanimous consent, leave of ab- to the enduring power of our moral ex- No one thought about themselves. One sence was granted to: ample, America is back. of the young men involved in the raid Mr. BRADY of Texas (at the request of Anyone who tells you otherwise, any- later told me that he didn’t deserve Mr. CANTOR) for January 23 and for the one who tells you that America is in credit for the mission. It only suc- balance of the week on account of a decline or that our influence has waned ceeded, he said, because every single family emergency. doesn’t know what they’re talking member of that unit did their job—the Mr. CULBERSON (at the request of Mr. about. That’s not the message we get pilot who landed the helicopter that CANTOR) for today on account of ill- from leaders around the world who are spun out of control, the translator who ness. eager to work with us. That’s not how kept others from entering the com- people feel from Tokyo to Berlin, from pound, the troops who separated the f Cape Town to Rio, where opinions of women and children from the fight, the SENATE BILL REFERRED America are higher than they’ve been SEALs who charged up the stairs. in years. Yes, the world is changing. More than that, the mission only A bill of the Senate of the following No, we can’t control every event. But succeeded because every member of title was taken from the Speaker’s America remains the one indispensable that unit trusted each other, because table and, under the rule, referred as Nation in world affairs; and as long as you can’t charge up those stairs into follows: I’m President, I intend to keep it that darkness and danger unless you know S. 1134. An act to authorize the St. Croix way. that there’s somebody behind you River Crossing Project with appropriate That’s why, working with our mili- watching your back. mitigation measures to promote river val- ues; to the Committee on Transportation tary leaders, I have proposed a new de- So it is with America. Each time I and Infrastructure; in addition to the Com- fense strategy that ensures we main- look at that flag, I’m reminded that mittee on Natural Resources; in addition to tain the finest military in the world our destiny is stitched together like the Committee on the Budget for a period to while saving nearly half a trillion dol- those 50 stars and those 13 stripes. No be subsequently determined by the Speaker, lars in our budget. To stay one step one built this country on their own. in each case for consideration of such provi- ahead of our adversaries, I have al- This Nation is great because we built it sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the ready sent this Congress legislation together. This Nation is great because committee concerned. that will secure our country from the we worked as a team. This Nation is f growing dangers of cyberthreats. great because we get each other’s Above all, our freedom endures be- backs. And if we hold fast to that truth ENROLLED BILL SIGNED cause of the men and women in uni- in this moment of trial, there is no Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, form who defend it. As they come challenge too great, no mission too reported and found truly enrolled a bill home, we must serve them as well as hard. As long as we are joined in com- of the House of the following title, they’ve served us. That includes giving mon purpose, as long as we maintain which was thereupon signed by the them the care and the benefits they our common resolve, our journey Speaker: have earned, which is why we’ve in- moves forward, and our future is hope- H.R. 3237. An act to amend the SOAR Act creased annual VA spending every year ful and the state of our Union will al- by clarifying the scope of coverage of the I’ve been President. And it means en- ways be strong. Act.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:41 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JA7.087 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H157 ADJOURNMENT Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 4677. A letter from the Program Analyst, cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Department of Transportation, transmitting Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I move of Implementation Plans; Oklahoma; Federal the Department’s final rule — Establishment that the House do now adjourn. Implementation Plan for Interstate Trans- of Class E Airspace; Danville Airport, PA The motion was agreed to; accord- port of Pollution Affecting Visibility and [Docket No.: FAA-2011-0766; Airspace Docket ingly (at 10 o’clock and 24 minutes Best Available Retrofit Technology Deter- No. 11-AEA-19] received December 21, 2011, p.m.), under its previous order, the minations [EPA-R06-OAR-2010-0190; FRL- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- House adjourned until tomorrow, 9608-4] received December 20, 2011, pursuant mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Wednesday, January 25, 2012, at 9 a.m. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ture. Energy and Commerce. 4678. A letter from the Program Analyst, f 4669. A letter from the Director, Regu- Department of Transportation, transmitting EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, latory Management Division, Environmental the Department’s final rule — Amendment of Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ETC. Class E Airspace; Alice, TX [Docket No.: cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation FAA-2011-0498; Airspace Docket No. 11-ASW- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive of Implementation Plans; Oregon: New 5] received December 21, 2011, pursuant to 5 communications were taken from the Source Review/Prevention of Significant De- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Speaker’s table and referred as follows: terioration Rule Revisions and Air Quality Transportation and Infrastructure. Permit Streamlining Rule Revisions [EPA- 4679. A letter from the Program Analyst, 4661. A letter from the Congressional Re- R10-OAR-2011-0767; FRL-9494-9] received De- Department of Transportation, transmitting view Coordinator, Department of Agri- cember 20, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. the Department’s final rule — Amendment of culture, transmitting the Department’s final 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Class E Airspace; Emmonak, AK [Docket rule — Importation of Live Swine, Swine Commerce. No.: FAA-2011-0880; Airspace Docket No. 11- Semen, Pork and Pork Products from Liech- 4670. A letter from the Director, Regu- AAL-17] received December 21, 2011, pursuant tenstein and Switzerland [Docket No.: latory Management Division, Environmental to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on APHIS-2009-0093] received December 21, 2011, Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Transportation and Infrastructure. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation 4680. A letter from the Program Analyst, mittee on Agriculture. of Implementation Plans; State of Kansas: Department of Transportation, transmitting 4662. A letter from the Chief Counsel, De- Regional Haze [EPA-R07-OAR-2011-0675; FRL- the Department’s final rule — Amendment of partment of Homeland Security, transmit- 9611-3] received December 20, 2011, pursuant Class E Airspace; Ardmore, OK [Docket No.: ting the Department’s final rule — Suspen- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on FAA-2011-0851; Airspace Docket No. 11-ASW- sion of Community Eligibility [Docket ID: Energy and Commerce. 10] received December 21, 2011, pursuant to 5 FEMA-2011-0002] [Internal Agency Docket 4671. A letter from the Director, Regu- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on No.: FEMA-8209] received January 4, 2012, latory Management Division, Environmental Transportation and Infrastructure. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 4681. A letter from the Program Analyst, mittee on Financial Services. cy’s final rule — Federal Implementation Department of Transportation, transmitting 4663. A letter from the Chief Counsel, De- Plans for Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Okla- the Department’s final rule — Amendment partment of Homeland Security, transmit- homa, and Wisconsin and Determination for and Establishment of Air Traffic Routes; ting the Department’s final rule — Changes Kansas Regarding Interstate Transport of Northeast United States [Docket No.: FAA- Ozone [EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0491; FRL-9609-9] in Flood Elevation Determinations [Docket 2011-0376; Airspace Docket No. 10-AEA-11] (RIN: 2060-AR01) received December 20, 2011, ID: FEMA-2011-0002] received December 4, (RIN: 2120-AA66) received December 21, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- mittee on Energy and Commerce. Committee on Financial Services. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- 4664. A letter from the Deputy Secretary, 4672. A letter from the Director, Regu- latory Management Division, Environmental ture. Securities and Exchange Commission, trans- 4682. A letter from the Senior Regulations Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- mitting the Commission’s final rule — Mine Specialist, Department of Transportation, cy’s final rule — National Emission Stand- Safety Disclosure [Release Nos.: 33-9286; 34- transmitting the Department’s final rule — 66019; File No. S7-41-10] (RIN: 3235-AK83) re- ards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Standards for Prepared Feeds Manu- Procedures for Transportation Workplace ceived December 29, 2011, pursuant to 5 Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs: Federal U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Fi- facturing; Amendments [EPA-HQ-OAR-2008- 0080; FRL-9610-2] (RIN: 2060-AR16) received Drug Testing Custody and Control Form; nancial Services. Technical Amendment [Docket: DOT-OST- 4665. A letter from the Director, Regu- December 20, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and 2010-0161] (RIN: 2105-AE13) received December latory Management Division, Environmental 21, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Commerce. 4673. A letter from the Director, Regu- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation structure. of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Dela- latory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 4683. A letter from the Program Manager, ware; Adhesives and Selants Rule [EPA-R03- Department of Health and Human Services, OAR-2011-0721;FRL-9609-2] received December cy’s final rule — National Emissions Stand- ards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Sec- transmitting the Department’s final rule — 20, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to Tribal Child Welfare (RIN: 0970-AC41) re- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. ondary Lead Smelting [EPA-HQ-OAR-2011- 0344; FRL-9610-9] (RIN: 2060-AQ68) received ceived January 6, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 4666. A letter from the Director, Regu- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and latory Management Division, Environmental December 20, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Means. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Commerce. 4684. A letter from the TTB Federal Reg- cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation 4674. A letter from the Director, Regu- ister Liaison Officer, Department of the of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West latory Management Division, Environmental Treasury, transmitting the Department’s Virginia; Revised Motor Vehicle Emission Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- final rule — Establishment of the Naches Budgets for the Charleston, Huntington, Par- cy’s final rule — Revisions to Final Response Heights Viticultural Area [Docket No.: TTB- kersburg, Weirton, and Wheeling 8-Hour to Petition From New Jersey Regarding SO2 2011-0005; T.D. TTB-99; Ref: Notice No. 118] Ozone Maintenance Areas; Correction Emissions From the Portland Generating (RIN: 1513-AB80) received December 29, 2011, [FDMS Docket No.: EPA-03-OAR-2011-0511; Station [EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0081; FRL-9609-4] pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- FRL-9609-1] received December 20, 2011, pur- (RIN: 2060-AQ69) received December 20, 2011, mittee on Ways and Means. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 4685. A letter from the Chief, Publications mittee on Energy and Commerce. mittee on Energy and Commerce. and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, 4667. A letter from the Director, Regu- 4675. A letter from the Program Analyst, transmitting the Service’s final rule — Cur- latory Management Division, Environmental Department of Transportation, transmitting rent Refundings of Tax-exempt Bonds in Cer- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Department’s final rule — Amendment of tain Disaster Relief Bond Programs [Notice cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Class E Airpsace; Winters, TX [Docket No.: 2012-03] received December 29, 2011, pursuant of Implementation Plans and Designation of FAA-2011-0608; Airspace Docket No. 11-ASW- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; 7] received December 21, 2011, pursuant to 5 Ways and Means. Ohio and Indiana; Redesignation of the Ohio U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 4686. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Indiana Portions of the Cincinnati-Ham- Transportation and Infrastructure. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue ilton 1997 Annual Fine Particulate Matter 4676. A letter from the Program Analyst, Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Nonattainment Area to Attainment [EPA- Department of Transportation, transmitting — HARP Safe Harbor Guidance for REITs R05-OAR-2011-0017; EPA-R05-OAR-2011-0106; the Department’s final rule — Establishment (Rev. Proc. 2012-14) received December 29, FRL-9610-3] received December 20, 2011, pur- of Class E Airspace; Nashville, AR [Docket 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- No.: FAA-2011-0497; Airspace Docket No. 11- Committee on Ways and Means. mittee on Energy and Commerce. ASW-4] received December 21, 2011, pursuant 4687. A letter from the Chief, Publications 4668. A letter from the Director, Regu- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, latory Management Division, Environmental Transportation and Infrastructure. transmitting the Service’s final rule — Safe

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Harbor Reporting Method for Eligible Speaker, in each case for consideration of WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. HIG- REMICs Required to Report on Schedule Q such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- GINS, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. DON- Information with Respect to REMIC Assets tion of the committee concerned. NELLY of Indiana, Mr. BARLETTA, Mr. [Notice 2012-5] received December 29, 2011, By Mr. AMASH (for himself, Mr. BUR- FITZPATRICK, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. KIL- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- TON of Indiana, Mr. AKIN, Mr. PAUL, DEE, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. RUPPERS- mittee on Ways and Means. Mr. AUSTRIA, Mr. COLE, Mr. DUNCAN BERGER, Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. COURT- 4688. A letter from the Chief, Publications of Tennessee, Mr. BENISHEK, Mr. NEY, Mr. CALVERT, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. DUNCAN of FORBES, Mr. KELLY, Mr. COSTELLO, Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule South Carolina, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. RYAN of — Deadline to Submit Opinion and Advisory QUAYLE, and Mr. GOHMERT): Ohio, Mr. NEAL, Mr. WOLF, Mr. AKIN, Letter Applications for Pre-approved Defined H.R. 3814. A bill to prohibit the Depart- Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. AUSTRIA, Mr. Contribution Plans is Extended to April 2, ment of Justice from tracking and cata- MICHAUD, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. GONZALEZ, 2012 (Announcement 2012-3) received Decem- loguing the purchases of multiple rifles and Mr. GRIMM, and Ms. ESHOO): ber 29, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); shotguns; to the Committee on the Judici- H. Res. 523. A resolution supporting the to the Committee on Ways and Means. ary. contributions of Catholic schools; to the 4689. A letter from the Chief, Publications By Mr. AMODEI: Committee on Education and the Workforce. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue H.R. 3815. A bill to require the Secretary of By Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York: Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule the Interior to convey certain Federal land H. Res. 524. A resolution expressing the — Guidance Regarding Deduction and Cap- to Elko County, Nevada, and to take land sense of the House of Representatives that italization of Expenditures Related to Tan- into trust for the Te-moak Tribe of Western the Palestine Liberation Organization should gible Property [TD 9564] (RIN: 1545-BJ93) re- Shoshone Indians of Nevada, and for other not be allowed to maintain an official office ceived December 20, 2011, pursuant to 5 purposes; to the Committee on Natural Re- in Washington, D.C; to the Committee on U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on sources. Foreign Affairs. ´ Ways and Means. By Mr. GRAVES of Missouri (for him- By Ms. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of Cali- 4690. A letter from the Chief, Publications self and Mr. LIPINSKI): fornia: and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue H.R. 3816. A bill to amend title 49, United H. Res. 525. A resolution expressing support Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule States Code, to provide rights for pilots, and for designation of the week of February 6 — Rulings and determination letters (Rev. for other purposes; to the Committee on through February 10, 2012, as ‘‘National Proc. 2012-7) received January 6, 2012, pursu- Transportation and Infrastructure. School Counseling Week’’; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce. ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee By Mr. HIMES: By Mr. SHUSTER (for himself and Ms. on Ways and Means. H.R. 3817. A bill to amend the Energy Pol- icy and Conservation Act to improve the en- SCHWARTZ): f ergy efficiency of electric instantaneous H. Res. 526. A resolution expressing the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON water heaters, and for other purposes; to the sense of the House of Representatives with respect toward the establishment of a demo- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Committee on Energy and Commerce. By Mr. HOLT: cratic and prosperous Republic of Georgia Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of H.R. 3818. A bill to direct the Secretary of and the establishment of a peaceful and just committees were delivered to the Clerk the Treasury to mint coins in commemora- resolution to the conflict with Georgia’s for printing and reference to the proper tion of the battlefields of the Revolutionary internationally recognized borders; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. calendar, as follows: War and the War of 1812, and for other pur- poses; to the Committee on Financial Serv- f Mr. SESSIONS: Committee on Rules. ices. House Resolution 522. Resolution providing By Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan: CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1173) to re- H.R. 3819. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- STATEMENT peal the CLASS program (Rept. 112–375). Re- enue Code of 1986 to allow the transfer of re- ferred to the House Calendar. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of quired minimum distributions from a retire- the Rules of the House of Representa- f ment plan to a health savings account; to tives, the following statements are sub- the Committee on Ways and Means. mitted regarding the specific powers PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. ISRAEL (for himself, Mr. granted to Congress in the Constitu- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public SERRANO, Mr. LOEBSACK, and Mr. bills and resolutions of the following TOWNS): tion to enact the accompanying bill or titles were introduced and severally re- H.R. 3820. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- joint resolution. ferred, as follows: enue Code of 1986 to modify the dependent By Mr. POE of Texas: care credit to take into account expenses for H.R. 3811. By Mr. POE of Texas (for himself, Mr. care of parents and grandparents who do not Congress has the power to enact this legis- BOREN, Mr. BARTON of Texas, Mr. live with the taxpayer; to the Committee on lation pursuant to the following: CULBERSON, Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mr. Ways and Means. Article 1 Section 8 Clause 3 SESSIONS, Mr. OLSON, Mr. BOUSTANY, By Mr. KILDEE (for himself, Mrs. By Mr. PIERLUISI: Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. SCALISE, Mr. LOWEY, and Ms. DELAURO): H.R. 3812. MCCAUL, and Mr. ROHRABACHER): H.R. 3821. A bill to reauthorize 21st century Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3811. A bill to approve the Keystone community learning centers, and for other lation pursuant to the following: XL pipeline project permit; to the Com- purposes; to the Committee on Education The constitutional authority on which this mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- and the Workforce. bill rests is the power of the Congress to pro- ture, and in addition to the Committees on By Mrs. LOWEY: vide for the general welfare of the United Energy and Commerce, and Natural Re- H.R. 3822. A bill to require the Nuclear States, as enumerated in Article I, Section 8, sources, for a period to be subsequently de- Regulatory Commission to retain and redis- Clause 1 of the United States Constitution; termined by the Speaker, in each case for tribute certain amounts collected as fines; to to make all laws which shall be necessary consideration of such provisions as fall with- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. and proper for carrying into execution such in the jurisdiction of the committee con- By Mr. RIVERA: power, as enumerated in Article I, Section 8, cerned. H.R. 3823. A bill to authorize the cancella- Clause 18 of the Constitution; and to make By Mr. PIERLUISI (for himself, Mr. tion of removal and adjustment of status of rules and regulations respecting the U.S. ter- FALEOMAVAEGA, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, certain aliens who are long-term United ritories, as enumerated in Article IV, Sec- Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. States residents and who entered the United tion 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution. SERRANO, and Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ): States as children, and for other purposes; to By Mr. ROSS of Florida: H.R. 3812. A bill to extend the supple- the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addi- H.R. 3813. Congress has the power to enact this legis- mental security income program to Puerto tion to the Committees on Ways and Means, lation pursuant to the following: Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Armed Services, and Homeland Security, for Article I, Section 8, Clause I Guam, and American Samoa, and for other a period to be subsequently determined by By Mr. AMASH: purposes; to the Committee on Ways and the Speaker, in each case for consideration H.R. 3814. Means. of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. ROSS of Florida: tion of the committee concerned. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3813. A bill to amend title 5, United By Mr. LIPINSKI (for himself, Mr. The Second Amendment to the Constitu- States Code, to secure the annuities of Fed- SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. REED, Ms. tion guarantees individuals’ right ‘‘to keep eral civilian employees, and for other pur- BORDALLO, Mr. JONES, Mr. MANZULLO, and bear Arms.’’ The federal government’s poses; to the Committee on Oversight and Mr. BACA, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. HOLT, Ms. policies barred by this bill are an undue bur- Government Reform, and in addition to the KAPTUR, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. GINGREY of den on that right. Committee on House Administration, for a Georgia, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. TIBERI, By Mr. AMODEI: period to be subsequently determined by the Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. H.R. 3815.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:51 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L24JA7.000 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 24, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H159

Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 365: Mr. HANNA. H.R. 3067: Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 419: Mr. BLUMENAUER. CICILLINE, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. MEEKS, The constitutional authority of Congress H.R. 493: Mr. MCCOTTER. Ms. CLARKE of New York, Ms. BALDWIN, Mrs. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- H.R. 547: Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. MCCARTHY of New York, Mr. SCOTT of Vir- cle I, Section of the United States Constitu- H.R. 631: Ms. PINGREE of Maine. ginia, Mr. TONKO, Mr. HINCHEY, and Ms. tion, specifically clause 1 (relating to pro- H.R. 676: Ms. HAHN and Mr. TOWNS. HAHN. viding for the general welfare of the United H.R. 680: Mr. PITTS. H.R. 3074: Mr. JONES and Ms. BUERKLE. States) and clause 18 (relating to the power H.R. 735: Mrs. ADAMS. H.R. 3096: Mr. POE of Texas. to make all laws necessary and proper for H.R. 750: Mr. FLEISCHMANN. H.R. 3130: Mr. FARENTHOLD. carrying out the powers vested in Congress), H.R. 819: Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. H.R. 3159: Mr. WITTMAN. and Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 (relating H.R. 860: Mrs. BLACK, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. H.R. 3192: Mr. ROSS of Arkansas and Mr. to the power of Congress to dispose of and AMODEI, and Mr. ROSKAM. HINCHEY. make all needful rules and regulations re- H.R. 890: Mr. FITZPATRICK. H.R. 3200: Mr. COSTA. H.R. 3206: Mr. ROKITA. specting the territory or other property be- H.R. 920: Mr. MANZULLO. H.R. 3211: Mr. MEEHAN. longing to the United States). H.R. 938: Mr. FATTAH and Ms. JENKINS. H.R. 3216: Mr. HECK. By Mr. GRAVES of Missouri: H.R. 1048: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. H.R. 3258: Mr. LOEBSACK. H.R. 1084: Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey. H.R. 3816. H.R. 3286: Mr. CUMMINGS and Mr. PRICE of H.R. 1092: Mr. COHEN and Mr. HONDA. Congress has the power to enact this legis- North Carolina. H.R. 1167: Mr. FLEISCHMANN. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3324: Ms. SPEIER and Mr. BACA. H.R. 1175: Mr. RUNYAN, Mr. COFFMAN of Pursuant to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 3337: Mr. NUNNELEE, Ms. SCHWARTZ, Colorado, and Mr. PETRI. of the United States Constitution, Congress and Ms. BERKLEY. H.R. 1218: Mr. ALTMIRE. shall have the power to Regulate Commerce H.R. 3349: Mr. KING of New York. with foreign Nations, and among several H.R. 1350: Ms. PINGREE of Maine. H.R. 3351: Mr. KING of New York. States, and with the Indian Tribes. H.R. 1370: Mr. STIVERS. H.R. 3357: Mr. DEFAZIO. By Mr. HIMES: H.R. 1426: Ms. SUTTON. H.R. 3359: Mr. OWENS and Ms. SPEIER. H.R. 3817. H.R. 1449: Ms. BROWN of Florida. H.R. 3400: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1479: Mr. MCDERMOTT. H.R. 3405: Mr. FILNER and Mrs. MCCARTHY lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1515: Mr. CLAY. of New York. Article I, § 8, clause 3 of the U.S. Constitu- H.R. 1533: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. H.R. 3423: Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois, Mrs. tion. CROWLEY, Mr. LIPINSKI, and Mr. HUIZENGA of NAPOLITANO, and Mr. MEEHAN. By Mr. HOLT: Michigan. H.R. 3437: Mr. HONDA. H.R. 3818. H.R. 1537: Mr. ANDREWS. H.R. 3462: Ms. WATERS, Mr. MCGOVERN, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1549: Mr. KISSELL. Ms. LEE of California. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1564: Mr. VAN HOLLEN. H.R. 3480: Mr. COBLE. Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution H.R. 1568: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 3510: Mr. WITTMAN and Mr. TERRY. By Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan: H.R. 1576: Mr. LATHAM. H.R. 3521: Mr. GERLACH. H.R. 3533: Ms. SUTTON. H.R. 3819. H.R. 1621: Ms. HIRONO. H.R. 3545: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1639: Mr. SCALISE, Mr. LARSON of Con- H.R. 3575: Mr. KLINE and Mr. MANZULLO. lation pursuant to the following: necticut, and Mr. ISSA. H.R. 3577: Mr. SCHRADER and Mr. MAN- Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 1738: Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. H.R. 1744: Mr. LATHAM, Mr. JONES, and Mr. ZULLO. Constitution BISHOP of Utah. H.R. 3578: Mr. AMASH, Mr. PAULSEN, Mr. By Mr. ISRAEL: H.R. 1746: Mr. GARAMENDI. RIBBLE, Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. KLINE, and Mr. H.R. 3820. H.R. 1747: Mr. OWENS. HUELSKAMP. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1783: Mr. BLUMENAUER. H.R. 3581: Mr. KLINE. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1802: Ms. SEWELL and Mr. ROGERS of H.R. 3582: Mr. KLINE and Mr. MANZULLO. This bill is enacted pursuant to the powers Alabama. H.R. 3596: Ms. SLAUGHTER. granted to Congress under Article I of the H.R. 1830: Mrs. MYRICK. H.R. 3606: Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. United States Constitution and its subse- H.R. 3610: Mr. BUCSHON. H.R. 1856: Mr. RIGELL. quent amendments, and as further clarified H.R. 3611: Mr. BUCSHON. H.R. 1936: Mr. MEEHAN. and interpreted by the Supreme Court of the H.R. 3627: Mr. PAYNE. H.R. 1956: Ms. JENKINS. United States. H.R. 3643: Mr. DESJARLAIS and Mr. MATHE- H.R. 1957: Mr. BILIRAKIS. By Mr. KILDEE: SON. H.R. 1960: Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. H.R. 3821. H.R. 3658: Mr. COLE. H.R. 1966: Mr. TIERNEY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3661: Mr. REYES. H.R. 2014: Mr. HECK. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3662: Mr. JONES, Mr. HALL, Mr. CAR- H.R. 2020: Mr. MCCOTTER. Clause 1 of section 8 of article 1 of the Con- TER, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Ms. JENKINS, and H.R. 2140: Ms. SCHWARTZ. stitution. Mr. CALVERT. H.R. 2179: Mr. COLE and Mr. LOEBSACK. H.R. 3676: Mr. GUTHRIE. By Mrs. LOWEY: H.R. 2187: Mr. CLARKE of Michigan. H.R. 3822. H.R. 3677: Mr. MCDERMOTT, Ms. SCHWARTZ, H.R. 2190: Mr. NADLER. Mr. CLARKE of Michigan, Mr. ELLISON, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- URT H.R. 2268: Mr. H . Mr. PETERS. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2284: Mr. STIVERS and Mr. ROKITA. Article 1, Section 8, of the United States H.R. 3695: Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. H.R. 2299: Mr. RAHALL. COHEN, and Ms. WOOLSEY. Constitution. H.R. 2334: Mr. BERMAN and Mr. MCHENRY. By Mr. RIVERA: H.R. 3698: Mr. HULTGREN. H.R. 2335: Mr. NUNES. H.R. 3704: Ms. SLAUGHTER. H.R. 3823. H.R. 2341: Mr. BACA. H.R. 3713: Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. MICA, Ms. PIN- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2353: Mr. BLUMENAUER. GREE of Maine, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. AMODEI, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2435: Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. MEEKS, Article I, Section 8, Clause 4, Immigration H.R. 2443: Mr. SMITH of Texas. and Mr. RUNYAN. Regulation H.R. 2464: Mr. TOWNS. H.R. 3714: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. CONNOLLY f H.R. 2528: Mr. CANSECO. of Virginia, and Ms. TSONGAS. H.R. 2595: Mr. YOUNG of Florida, Mr. NAD- H.R. 3723: Mr. LANDRY and Mr. KINZINGER ADDITIONAL SPONSORS LER, and Mr. COLE. of Illinois. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 2597: Mr. ANDREWS. H.R. 3747: Mr. LANCE. H.R. 2689: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. H.R. 3760: Mr. BACA, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 2810: Mr. CANSECO. PASTOR of Arizona, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. tions as follows: H.R. 2888: Ms. HIRONO. COHEN, Mr. LUJA´ N, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. HINOJOSA, H.R. 12: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. H.R. 2951: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. H.R. 57: Mr. BARLETTA. H.R. 2955: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia and Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. H.R. 104: Mr. SCHILLING, Mr. HONDA, Ms. JACKSON of Illinois. ELLISON, Mr. GONZALEZ, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. BROWN of Florida, and Mr. SOUTHERLAND. H.R. 2969: Ms. LEE of California and Mr. MOORE, Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. PRICE of North H.R. 114: Mr. MANZULLO. LIPINSKI. Carolina, Ms. BASS of California, Mr. CROW- H.R. 153: Mrs. CAPITO. H.R. 3028: Mr. WITTMAN. LEY, Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana, Mr. ALTMIRE, H.R. 187: Mr. MILLER of Florida. H.R. 3039: Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, Mr. PERL- H.R. 196: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD and Mr. HAS- H.R. 3059: Mr. MEEHAN, Ms. RICHARDSON, MUTTER, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. BRADY of Penn- TINGS of Florida. Mr. BERG, and Mr. MEEKS. sylvania, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. H.R. 308: Ms. HAHN. H.R. 3061: Mr. SOUTHERLAND and Mrs. CRITZ, Mr. CAPUANO, and Mr. HOLT. H.R. 361: Mrs. ADAMS. CHRISTENSEN. H.R. 3771: Mr. FILNER and Ms. WATERS.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:41 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA7.018 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012

H.R. 3772: Mr. NUNNELEE, Mr. HARPER, and CHU, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. H. Res. 507: Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. MARCH- Mr. PALAZZO. OLVER, and Mr. SHERMAN. ANT, and Mr. MCCAUL. H.R. 3778: Mr. CANSECO and Mr. MANZULLO. H. Con. Res. 72: Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jer- H. Res. 509: Mr. STUTZMAN, Mr. SENSEN- H.R. 3781: Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. sey. BRENNER, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Mr. WITT- H.R. 3785: Mr. JONES. H. Res. 25: Mr. LANGEVIN. MAN, Mr. HURT, and Mr. SOUTHERLAND. H.R. 3795: Ms. WATERS. H. Res. 111: Mr. MCCAUL. f H.R. 3796: Mr. AMODEI, Mr. POE of Texas, H. Res. 247: Mr. PITTS. Mr. GOWDY, and Mr. AUSTRIA. H. Res. 333: Mr. PEARCE and Mr. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM H.R. 3799: Mr. NUGENT and Mr. DUFFY. MCDERMOTT. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H. J. Res. 8: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. H. Res. 460: Mr. BERMAN, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H. J. Res. 13: Mr. WOLF. OWENS, Mr. REYES, Mr. RAHALL, and Ms. H. J. Res. 90: Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. FILNER, WATERS. were deleted from public bills and reso- Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Mr. H. Res. 474: Mr. LEVIN. lutions as follows: MORAN, Ms. NORTON, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Ms. H. Res. 489: Mr. COLE. H.R. 3261: Mr. CARTER.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:51 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA7.026 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE