Alumnus, Summer 1968
ill liMN liS IIOBEHEAD STATE UNIJIEBSITY Alumm Awards . Membership Growth ... Highlights '68 Awards Banquet J'OLl/IIE 5, NUMBER 2 Sl/IIMEB ISSIIE 1968 All f Ill AUS ALUMNUS ti/IHJ/11111 fTtrl 11/JfRf/T/ Published quarterly by the Morehead State University Departments of Alumni Relations and Public Relations on the campus of ~ l orehea d Stale University \\ ith the belief that an informed alumni bod~ · is of great significance to an institution. Subscriptions are awarded to all contributing members of the .\ lore head State University Alumni Association. J\ lember of the American Alumni Council. Ronda! D. H art, Editor Hoger Jones .\!arlin Huffman Asst. Editor I Art Director .\lanaging Editor IIIII tl ~ t, ttiUI 2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A bout The Cover Lucien Hice, President, 140.5 .\laple Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 !larry \\'eber, First \ 'ice President, 8.507 Robin Hill Drive, Alumni a wa rd recipients and member hip g rowth illustra te Fern Creek, K~. 40291 the g rowing par ticipa tion in Arlene Shadrach Tackett, Second \ 'icc President, 1:3 Sycamore St., Alumni and Univer ity affairs. Florence, Ky. 41042 J. C. Gibson lmmedial(' Past President, J\ lt. Orab. Ohio 45154 Honda! D . ILlrt , Executive Secretar~· -Treasurer, .\lorehcacl State Universih· EXECUTIVE COUNCIL .\fcrl Allen, 126 College View Ct., J\ loreheacl, Ky. -!0351 J\ (ar·s hall Banks, Duplex 3, Apt. 6, Lakewood Terrace, .\lorehead, Ky. -!0.3.51 Dr. \\'illiam Blai r, 1252 Stafford Ave. , Paintsville, K~ · · 41240 Anna Carter, 236 Universit:· St., Morehead, Ky. -40351 Hoy Caudill, Hillcrest Road, Route 1, Morehead, Ky. 403.'51 J o~ ce Chaney, 420 \\'.
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