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EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED. ( A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER, KENDA AREA, P.O.Haripur-713 378 DIST- BURDWAN (WEST BENGAL) Fax. No:0341-2667176/ 2660068 e-mail: [email protected] REF.NO:-GM/KENDA/MM/PUR/ENQ/15-16/MCCB/67 DATE:- 30.06.2015. Due on- 22.07.2015, At 11.00 A.M. (Website Tender) Sealed Tenders are invited from the proven manufacturer or their authorized Dealer /distributors/sole selling agents (incase manufacturer not quoting directly) for the supply of following items :- S/N Description Thermal Release (A) Breaking Capacity Pole Apprx. Quantity (415V AC) 50Hz.(KA) (No) 1 MCCB 80 25 3 Pole 04 2 MCCB 160 70 4 Pole 10 3 MCCB 200 70 4 Pole 01 4 MCCB 320 70 4 Pole 01 5 MCCB 500 70 4 Pole 02 6 MCCB 630 70 4 Pole 03 7 MCCB 320 70 4 Pole 02 1/ Tenderer shall submit offer in duplicate, in 2(Two) bid system i.e. Techno Commercial Bid (Part I) and Price Bid (Part II) . On the date of opening of Tender, only Technical Commercial Bid (Part I) Will be opened . Price Bid ( Part II) will be opened of successful Tenderers who will fulfill the terms and conditions as per the following parameters. 2/ Envelpo no.1 containing Techno Commercial Bid i,e, Part-I and the Envelop No.2 containing Price Bid i,e, Part-II should be properly sealed and put inside the bigger Envelop No.3 . Both the envelop (1 & 2 ) should bear the tender no. and date and should also indicate the heading i,e, ‘Cover 1- Techno Commercial Bid/ Cover-II- Price Bid’. In case any one of the three envelopes submitted without proper sealing, offer shall not be considered. All the sealed envelopes must bear name and address of the tenderer. All the three envelopes shall be properly sealed ONLY with sealing wax embossed with logo or monogram of the tenderers. Envelopes sealed ONLY by gum or stapled shall not be accepted. 3/ Special Note :- Any other firm, apart from the above firms, who is either a manufacturer of the tendered item authorized dealer/distributor/sole selling agent (incase manufacturer of the tendered not quoting directly) willing to participate in this tender, comply all the parameters, terms and conditions of this tender may submit their offer with duly authenticated tender document down loaded from the website www.easterncoal.gov.in & www.tenders.gov.in , o therwise the offer will not be considered. Contd. Page-2 Page-2 REF.NO:-GM/KENDA/MM/PUR/ENQ/15-16/MCCB/67 DATE:- 30.06.2015. Due on- 22.07.2015 At 11.00 A.M. Detailed Parameters of Part - I:- 1. Pre-printed terms & conditions of the tender/offer shall not be considered. 2. Tenderers are requested to submit their offer complete in all respect upon going through all details furnished in tender (NIT) and confirm compliance to each point in Part I. All the pages of tender document / offer must be signed with company’s seal. Erased and over written quotations will be summarily rejected unless correction must be authenticated with the tenderes’ signature. 3. HAND WRITTEN OFFER WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. IT MUST BE TYPED/PRINTED. 4. Inspection : Materials will be inspected at our site and if it is found with any defect or not up to the mark, same will be rejected. 5. Proven-ness criteria :- Tenderer who have supplied tendered item or similar nature of tendered item to any Area/ HQ of ECL or subsidiary of CIL, any public undertakings or any central / state govt. sector or their subsidiary will be considered as proven. To this effect, tenderer must submit with their quotation, self attested, legible and complete copy of the purchase order received from any of these Organizations. 6. Earnest Money of Rs. 12939.00 (Rupees Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Nine only) to be deposited along with the Tender as EMD in form of Demand Draft of any Bank to be drawn in favour of “Eastern Coalfields Limited, Kenda Area.” payable at Asansol . EMD shall be refunded as per company’s rules. 7. Security Deposit : 10 % of Ordered value to be deposited as security deposit within 15(fifteen) days from the date of receipt of order in form of D.D. of any Bank to be drawn in favour of “Eastern Coalfields Limited, Kenda Area.” Payable at Asansol, which will be refunded within 30 days on satisfactory execution of the supply order. For unsatisfactory performance and/or contractual failures, the Security Deposit shall be forfeited. 8. Exemption : State/ Central Govt. organization/ PSU and valid DGS&D / NSIC Registered (for Tendered Item) firm can be produce documentary evidence issued by Govt. Authority for Exemption towards submission of E M D / S D. Ancillary unit of E C L (for Tendered Item) will also be considered for exemption of E M D/ S D. They must submit of valid Ancillary certificate for the tendered item. All of above certificates and documentary evidences must be attested by Notary Public. 9 Payment :- 100 % within 30 days from the date of receipt & acceptance of consignment or Bill whichever is later. 10 Price certificate : The Tenderer have to certify on the body of their quotation that the rate offered by them is not higher than that is applicable to the DGS&D and other Govt. Organisation including C I L and its subsidiaries. 11 Guarantee / Warrantee : - You shall be fully responsible for the manufacturing guarantee/warranty in respect of proper design, quality and workmanship of the materials for a period of 12 months from date of commissioning or 18 months from date of receipt and acceptance of material whichever is earlier against any manufacturing defects/bad workmanship etc. You shall replace such consignment which may require replacement under the above condition free of cost.. 12 Delivery: - Within thirty (30) days from the date of Purchase Order. 13. FOR : Destination basis i.e. Area Stores, Kenda Area.T ransit insurance :- to be arranged by supplier. 14. Tenderer shall give declaration that they have not been banned or de-listed by Any Govt., Quasi- Govt or their undertaking or PSU. Contd. Page-3 Page-3 REF.NO:-GM/KENDA/MM/PUR/ENQ/15-16/MCCB/67 DATE:- 30.06.2015 . Due on- 22.07.2015, At 11.00 A.M. 15. All disputes are subject to Asansol jurisdiction. 16. Manufacturer identification mark should be provided. 17. Liquidated Damages : Delay in execution of order would entail imposition of liquidated damages as below:- In case of failure to deliver the material as per delivery period, Kenda Area reserves the right (a) To recover from the successful tenderer as agreed, liquidated damages, a sum not s than 0.5%(half percent) of the price of any stores which the successful tenderer has not been able to supply as aforesaid for each week or part of a week during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears limited to 10%(Ten percent). Where felt necessary, the limit of 10%(Ten percent) can be increased to 15%(Fifteen percent).at the discretion of General Manager, Kenda Area. (b) To purchase elsewhere, after due notice to the successful tenderer on their account and at the risk of the defaulting supplier, the stores not supplied or other material of a similar description without cancelling the supply order in respect of the consignment not yet due for supply. OR (c) To Cancel the supply order or a portion thereof, and if so desired to purchase the stores at the risk and cost of the defaulting supplier and also- (d) To extend the delivery period with or without penalty as may be considered fit and proper, the penalty, if imposed shall not be more than the agreed liquidated damages referred to as clause(a) above. (e) To forfeit the security deposit full or in part. (f) Whenever under this contract a sum of money is recoverable from the supplier, KENDA Area shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating, in part or in whole by deducting any sum or which at any time thereafter may become due to the successful Tenderer in this or any other contract. Should this sum be not sufficient to cover full amount recoverable, the successful Tenderer shall have to pay to Kenda Area on its demand the remaining balance. The successful Tenderer shall however not be entitled to any gain on any such purchase. 18. Price fall clause: The price charged for the stores supplied under this contract by you (if concluded) shall in no event exceed the lowest price at which you sell these stores or offer to sell the stores of identical description to any other organization during the said period of the contract. If you, at any time during the said periods reduce the sale price of such stores or sell to any other organization or offer to sell to any other organization at a price lower than the price chargeable under this contract, you shall forthwith notify such reduction of sale or offer to sell to the this office and the price payable under the contract for the stores supplied after the date of coming into force of such reduction in sale price shall stand correspondingly reduced. 19. Tenderer must mention: Brand Name, name of the manufacturer. 20. Furnish the following details for payment through e-mode. a. Name of the payee.(in block letters). b. Address of the payee. c. Bank Account no. of the payee. d. Name of Bank. e.