
CONTENTS 2 迪士尼青少年團隊的話 A Message from the Disney Youth Team

3 我們的理念 Our Mission

4 感謝函 Testimonials

迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 10 Disney Youth Education Series

12 幼稚園組 Kindergarten • 迪士尼「動」的奧秘 How Things Move • 迪士尼動畫教室 Disney’s Animation Magic • 迪士尼創意故事教室 Disney’s Creative Storytelling

16 小學組 Primary • 迪士尼動畫教室 Disney’s Animation Magic • 迪士尼科學行動 Synergy in Science 推介課程 • 迪士尼STEM體驗行 Disney’s STEM Exploration Recommended

22 中學組 Secondary • 迪士尼物理世界 Disney’s World of Physics • 迪士尼通識探索之旅 Global Perspectives: An Adventure in Liberal Studies

26 中學及專上程度組 Secondary School & Post-secondary • 迪士尼工作體驗坊 Disney’s Foundations for Career Success • 迪士尼款客服務體驗坊 Disney’s Hospitality in Practice

迪士尼畢業慶典 30 Disney Grad Days

迪士尼樂園探索之旅 32 Disney Theme Park Adventures

迪士尼演藝日 34 Disney Performing Arts

公開表演體驗 Public Performance Experience • 合唱團 Choir • 管弦樂團/樂隊 Orchestra / Band • 銀樂隊 Marching Band • 舞蹈團 Dance Ensemble

36 演藝工作坊 Performing Arts Showcase • 樂隊及合唱工作坊 Band & Choir Showcase • 舞藝坊 Dance Showcase

其他活動計劃 38 Other Activities

全校課外活動策劃 Whole-school Outing Planning 迪士尼教職員體驗日 Disney Teacher Experience Day

40 報名方法 How to Apply

44 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 迪士尼青少年團隊的話 A MESSAGE FROM THE 我們的理念 DISNEY YOUTH TEAM OUR MISSION

親愛的校長及老師: 華特.迪士尼先生曾說:「孩子們的思維及創意就是我們最大的自然資源。」

「夢想成就無限可能!(If you can dream it, you can do it!)」,是「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」 迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃,以互動方式帶領學生學習,啟發思考,發揮創意。 自二○○六年於香港推出以來,發展至今的靈感和基石。香港迪士尼樂園一直以「實現夢想」為宗 旨,致力為學校和青少年團體締造奇妙的學習體驗。 全方位學習 — 從實際體驗中學習 「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」為本地學生度身訂造的課程,透過不同活動及實踐機會,啟發學生 啟發創造力和想像力 全方位發展,同時與校內課程緊密銜接。這一切除建基於計劃在美國迪士尼樂園推行超過三十年的 擴闊興趣 成功經驗外,亦有賴本地校長和教師的專業意見。 於安全環境中學習 時至今日,「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」為每年數萬位幼稚園、小學、中學及專上程度學生帶來 獨一無二的互動學習體驗,為他們訂立明確清晰的學習目標,讓他們置身結合靈感、創意和歡樂的 建立自信和發揮團隊精神 環境中學習。 締造兼具娛樂、教育的開心難忘經歷 作為你的教育伙伴,我們誠意邀請你和我們一起走進香港迪士尼樂園的活動教室,共同啟發學生的 無限潛能,鼓勵他們追尋夢想! Walt Disney once said, “The greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.” Dear Principals and Teachers, Disney Youth Programs strives for excellence in education by inspiring your students with Our philosophy of “If you can dream it, you can do it!” has served as the inspiration and cornerstone in the development of Disney Youth Programs at Hong Kong since Life-wide learning — Learning from practical experience the launch of our unique Disney experiences for schools and youth groups in 2006. Creativity and imagination enhancement Based on feedback from local educators and leaders, like yourself, as well as leveraging over A broadening and deepening of interests 30 years of success from our US-based Disney Parks, Disney Youth Programs curriculum at is created with students at the forefront of the development process, A safe, nurturing learning environment ensuring content and immersive activities are relevant and purposeful. Heightened confidence and team spirit To date, Disney Youth Programs has engaged more than tens of thousands of students each A memorably entertaining and fun way to learn year from kindergarten, primary, secondary and post secondary levels, with a clear focus of placing students in an innovative, creative and fun environment. While learning, performing, or celebrating, we aim to create life-long memories for teachers and their students. As your education partner, please join us in our living classroom at Hong Kong Disneyland to inspire, motivate, and offer your students new reasons to dream.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Disney Youth Programs

2 | 迪士尼青少年團隊的話 A Message from The Disney Youth Team 我們的理念Our Mission | 3 迪士尼樂園一向予人歡樂和難忘的印象,如果能將歡樂結合學習元素,寓快樂於學習,那將是一個很好的經歷。 感謝函 我校一向重視 STEM 發展,幾年前喜聞香港迪士尼樂園的「迪士尼科學行動」,課程適合小二至小六的學生,歷 年來我們都有安排學生參加。成效更是超乎預料,課程除了滿載歡樂和難忘體驗外,更充滿探究和創意,我們的 學生都覺得在樂園裡學習,是一個難得的學習體驗。後來,我們又發現「迪士尼物理世界」課程適合初中學生, TESTIMONIALS 於是我們便安排高年級的「科學大使」參加,當作資優培訓。一如所料,效果甚佳,課程深深啟發了學生對 STEM 的興趣,對升中銜接十分有用。我相信「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」的團隊並不會就此止步,我正引頸以待他 們發展更多富創意和創新的探究學習計劃,期望學生能透過他們編製的 STEM 課程,發揮創意,愉快學習。

蔡世鴻 中華基督教會協和小學(長沙灣)校長

在這個瞬息萬變的資訊世代,我深信教育界亦應不斷革新,才可以與時並進,持續為學生提供 優質教育。現今教育鼓勵多元學習,「迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列」的中學課程內容豐富創 新,正好配合不同年齡層學生的需要,提供多元化的教學活動及嶄新題材,讓學生在迪士尼 自 2010 年開始,我校幼稚園及小學學生一直參與香港迪士尼各式各樣的活動,當中包括 奇妙的環境裡,活用課堂知識,發揮個人潛能,啟發學生的全人發展。 創意故事教室、「動」的奧秘、畢業慶典和畢業聚餐等。本校一直很欣賞香港迪士尼所 提供的活動,由策劃、安排及跟進都一絲不苟。看到他們的專業團隊安排細心入微,主 動聯絡溝通,並能以學生利益為重,與帶隊老師衷誠合作,貼心安排每一個環節,令每 邱少雄 校長, MH 次參與活動的家長、老師和學生,都有嶄新的期待和驚喜!迪士尼學習指導員更會以靈 新界校長會主席 活、輕鬆、生動並深入淺出的講解及互動方法教學,讓學生在愉快輕鬆的氣氛下,享受 活動所帶來的學習樂趣。 其中,在「迪士尼創意故事教室」活動中,學習指導員帶領幼兒置身童話故事世界,穿梭優美的旋律中, 九龍地域校長聯會一直致力推動九龍區校長的持續專業發展,帶領學校和老師為教育界作出重大 體驗故事中的主角小熊維尼、與「小小世界」各國小人物共舞;並帶領學生發揮想像潛能,觀察不同的故 貢獻。我們深信優秀而專業的教學團隊有助推動優質教育,而「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」 事元素,沉浸在這夢幻王國的氛圍裡,與主題融為一體! 內容豐富實用,由科學、動畫以至物理課程均緊貼學校課程及學生需要,配合其導師生動有趣 「迪士尼『動』的奧秘」和「迪士尼科學行動」則能引導學生對科學的探索,培育學生的探究精神,激發 的教學方式,帶學生走出課室,進行全方位學習,不單提高了學生的學習興趣,更大大提升 學生的求知慾,埋下了對科學求知的種子。 他們的學習成效。 「迪士尼畢業慶典」活動中,活潑的學生穿著畢業袍穿梭在色彩繽紛的夢幻樂園裡,幻化成一幅唯美的構 本會與迪士尼青少年團隊十多年來合作無間,每次都讓我們深深體會到迪士尼團隊正面積極的 圖。畢業聚餐活動安排在華麗氣派的宮殿中,看到各式各樣的擺設和食物的排場,讓我們深深體會到香港 態度以及不斷求進的創新精神,歷年來為我們製作了一個又一個充滿創意的奇妙體驗。本人特 迪士尼樂園對每個細節的完美追求,令每位參與者盡享悠閒奇妙之旅,有賓至如歸之感。 別期待今年香港迪士尼的教職員體驗日,迪士尼青少年團隊繼續以其創意啟發各校長和老師探索更 多新的教學模式及課外學習題材,幫助提升本港教師的專業,為學生帶來更多有趣的學習體驗。 黃慧貞 玫瑰崗學校校長 張漪薇 校長, JP 九龍地域校長聯會主席

多年以來,本人以不同身份角色參與香港迪士尼樂園青少年團隊活動,獲益良多。 香港迪士尼樂園能夠充份體現在全球化社會下,跨國企業如何立足香港,並擁有全球視野,實踐企業創新精 我們相信「夢想成就無限可能」。這是我們參加「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」的主要 神。本人曾參與多項香港迪士尼樂園青少年團隊活動,包括「物理世界」、「通識探索之旅」、「工作體驗 原因,不單是孩子,也讓任何年齡的參與者或旁觀者,都感到夢想及幻想的重要,甚 坊」、「款客服務體驗坊」等等。以上活動內容多元化,亦為參與者提供難能可貴的體驗式學習(Experiential 至是重拾追求夢想的熱情。 Learning) 之旅,充實學生的學習經驗。 在此感謝迪士尼青少年團隊帶給我們的學生和老師一個充滿創意和互動的夢幻體驗。 事實上,除了親身體驗外,學生在參與過程中有進深學習,至為重要。現時教育界重視「STEM」、「生涯 團隊經驗豐富,而且對迪士尼人物故事瞭如指掌,能夠舉一反三,令孩子百分百投 規劃教育 (Life Planning Education)」、「價值教育 (Values Education)」發展,香港迪士尼樂園正好回 入活動,從中得到無窮樂趣。常言道:「孩子五分鐘的體驗,勝過大人整整一年」, 應相關訴求,讓學生在相關活動中得益。譬如,在「迪士尼物理世界」活動當中,學生可學習不同遊樂設 孩子從今次活動得到的畢生難忘的經驗,以及對發掘周邊事物特別之處的興趣,可謂 施背後的科學原理,也能夠經歷迪士尼「幻想工程師 (Imagineers)」如何將「STEM」、工程學與創新意念 受用終身。 結合起來,為大眾提供難忘體驗。另外,學生可以藉「迪士尼工作體驗坊」認識跨國企業的規模及運作, 孩子透過活動,能夠學習到故事的背後人物和遊戲的創作,絕非在傳統培訓活動上所能體會到,實在是值 並理解何謂企業家精神。還有,迪士尼更加是一個絕佳全球化事例,讓學生透過參與「迪士尼通識探索之旅」 得推介!期待迪士尼青少年團隊在未來的日子能發展更多具創意及創新的探索學習活動及計劃,讓學生發 明白全球化、本地化的發展,有助他們探索全球化課題。 揮他們無限的創造力,盡展所長。 本人亦得以有機會協助設計部份香港迪士尼樂園青少年團隊活動,並提供專業意見。過程中,本人對香港 再次感謝迪士尼青少年團隊的細心照顧及安排,讓學生能在舒適、愉快的環境中進行學習。 迪士尼團隊如何重視學生建構知識及培育正向價值觀,特別深刻。故此,本人誠意推薦老師、學生積極參 與相關活動,期望他們在當中得到寶貴的多元學習經歷。 張麗華 比諾教育機構 / 幼稚園 / 幼兒園校監 許承恩博士 港九新界幼稚園教育協進會主席 教育局總課程發展主任(全方位學習)

4 | 感謝函 Testimonials | 5 We have been working with Disney Youth Program since their inception of the youth programmes. With 前年八月,我們香港中文大學市場系碩士項目的 120 位學生參加了香港迪士尼訪問活動。期間,迪士尼青 a specialisation in performing arts, Rave has been one of the forerunners for designing performing arts 少年團隊安排了其收入管理和分析總監 Mary Ann Say 為我們的學生做了一次精彩的演講。在該個講座上, learning journeys for students across Asia and thus, the inclusion of a Disney Performing Arts (DPA) Mary Ann Say 講述了迪士尼如何運用大數據來對迪士尼的定價、消費者服務以及酒店運作進行管理。同學 programme in our student’s travel is definitely a must! 們在演講之後也積極提問,更在講座結束後開心暢玩香港迪士尼。同學都表示這次活動寓教於樂,收穫很 Disney Youth Program is one of the few educational platforms in the world to focus on students’ 豐富。感謝香港迪士尼為我們安排了這次豐富多彩的活動,讓我們獲益匪淺。 experiences instead of fun in a theme park. Students can benefit from Disney team’s professionalism of presenting, performing and entertaining - from the time they step into the Park, the warm reception 沈浩教授 by friendly facilitators to pre-show briefings, warm-ups and ready for show in a timely and professional 中大商學院市場學系院長 manner are some of the unique learning opportunities for the students. 香港中文大學 The services rendered by Christine and her team have been second to none and thank you very much for the past decade. With their excellent services, they have given us more confidence to focus on designing and delivering overall travel experience for our clients and we look forward to many more years of collaborations! I am pleased to learn that Hong Kong Disneyland has launched a new Youth Program for the youngsters in 2019-2020. In my experience of the Disney Youth Programs with my fellow students, I found it Steven Phua beneficial and inspirational. The DYP team was proactive and dedicated to stimulating participants’ Co-Founder of Rave Group International Singapore interest and curiosity through program activities. The wide-ranging program content not only gives participants a practical experience but also motivates them to develop interpersonal skills and critical 今年是新中國成立 71 周年、香港回歸祖國 23 周年,為進一步加強內地與香港之間的溝通、 thinking. 關注青少年藝術教育的普及與提升學生審美和人文修養,魅力校園在 2019 年暑期再次走 進香港,第十一次參加香港迪士尼樂園在原野劇場為魅力校園團隊專屬打造的活動,由 Shaun S P Cheung 樂園來自世界各國的專業舞蹈員與我們上千莘莘學子一起全身心地投入這場舞蹈盛宴。 Programme Leader 香港迪士尼樂園為魅力校園的孩子們獨家編製的活動,幕幕精彩非凡、震撼人心。這個 Fashion Image Design 歡樂的活動,以寓教於樂的宗旨,通過國際化藝術和美的形式,與孩子進行精神上的藝 Department of Fashion and Image Design 術交流碰撞。著名的香港迪士尼大型歌舞劇《獅子王慶典》的主演們更現場獨家分享「如 Hong Kong Design Institute 何成功創作經典舞蹈及舞劇」的藝術表演心得,讓參與的師生親身體驗震撼新奇的表演,收 穫舞蹈藝術夢。 過程中,迪士尼青少年團隊真的非常貼心,為我們構思整個活動流程,勾勒每個環節的細節,讓我們 的每一個參與成員都有機會認識香港迪士尼樂園世界級的歌舞表演;並透過與樂園不同國籍的舞蹈演 Our school has joined the Disney Grad Days program for almost 8 years! Each year, we invite our graduates 員見面及互動,了解他們努力為公開演出所做的準備;也為每個學生提供了一個難能可貴的演藝交流 and their parents to join the program as we think that it is a great opportunity to create precious memories 機會,奠定了每個學子心中成為頂尖國際級表演者的理想。 for the children. It is a touching moment for parents and teachers to witness the children marking major 最後,魅力校園活動組委會代表全國所有的藝術團體,感謝香港迪士尼樂園為孩子的成長用心打造的 milestones in their life journey. The program also provides a platform where parents and their children can 舞蹈體驗坊。為了讓更多的孩子能站在這個夢想的舞台上,我們將與香港迪士尼繼續攜手合作,不遺 spend a day at Hong Kong Disneyland to have lots of fun and joy together. 餘力地持續創新,為實現更多孩子的藝術夢想而努力不止! The Disney Grad Days program really gives children a unique and enjoyable experience in a “magical” theme park on a meaningful day. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our graduates a bright future 郭海霞 ahead. 魅力校園創始人

Betty Choi Principal of St. Nicholas’ English Kindergarten 非常感恩這 13 年來,SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院能夠持續參與「迪士尼青少年團隊計劃」。而每 次的活動,都很榮幸能與迪士尼青少年團隊合作無間,竭力設計多元化活動,讓小朋友在 香港迪士尼樂園度過無數愉快時光,收穫珍貴回憶。 譬如前年的「主題樂園舞藝坊」,本院小朋友可在華麗的迪士尼故事劇場,享受全港獨家 本校為了使幼兒有一個歡樂的畢業慶典,安排了一連串的慶祝活動,當中最特別的環節便是遊 優先體驗,包括與《魔海奇緣》的慕安娜及多位迪士尼朋友見面;《優獸大都會》朱迪與 覽香港迪士尼樂園。 阿力齊齊興奮舞動;更獲貼心安排與演藝人員跳舞、互動,吸收表演心得;又深入了解「迪 士尼魔法書房」的魔法裝置;最後更特設頒獎環節,嘉許小朋友。 香港迪士尼樂園是幼兒夢想的樂園,裡面的迪士尼朋友造型可愛、生動有趣,米奇老鼠、 回首過去,本院多次於香港迪士尼參加匯演、表演工作坊等大型活動,每次均反應熱烈。其中, 米妮老鼠、唐老鴨、白雪公主、愛莎女王、小熊維尼、高飛等……都是幼兒的好朋友。在 去年 4 月的「復活節樂園巡遊工作坊」,學員化身《胡桃夾子》小兵,於睡公主城堡外重現這齣經典芭蕾舞劇, 樂園裡,他們能夠夢想成真,與這些迪士尼朋友拍照留念。當我看見幼兒展現著燦爛的笑 場面盛大,至今仍然令人回味。 容,在樂園內拉著家長和老師興奮地玩各種機動遊戲時,我就知道以香港迪士尼樂園為畢業 旅行的目的地,是最佳的選擇。 愛跳舞的小朋友,無論參加巡遊匯演,或接觸專業表演人員,均獲鼓勵要奮發向上,向更高目標進發。相信 他們長大後,將會與樂園內每位哥哥姐姐一樣,散播正能量,積極為下一代分享快樂,造福社會。 在此,本人十分感謝「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」的所有工作人員,在他們專業和誠懇的服務下,使本校能夠 順利舉辦一個既難忘又充滿歡愉的畢業旅行活動,連家長亦給予正面的肯定和讚賞。 再次感謝香港迪士尼樂園多年來支持本院,用心照顧每一位小朋友。期待我們繼續合作愉快,為廣大兒童提 供更多嶄新活動,創造更多優質親子時光,讓更多孩子得到「愉快 ‧ 專業 ‧ 成長」的體驗,成為思想正面、 具有影響力及對社會有貢獻的 Star Leader,向身邊人持續發光發熱! 黃書碧 香港教育大學幼兒教育碩士專業協會主席 陳遠航 SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院院長

6 | 感謝函 Testimonials | 7 The experience with Disney Youth Programs (DYP) started when I helped to The Hong Kong Women Teachers’ Organization (HKWTO) has a long and endearing coordinate a group of young Vietnamese students to perform at Hong Kong relationship with Disney Youth Programs (DYP) and Christine NG, the officer-in- Disneyland in 2017. The dedication of the DYP team and the professionalism in charge. It all started in 2009 when I first became aware of DYP and the availability handling the large group was excellent and amazing. Upon returning to their of DYP Principal/Teacher Experiencing Day. Christine and her highly efficient team homeland, the children were readily engaged in their performing arts studies. quickly collaborated with HKWTO and organized two such trips for around 110 They were all self-motivated after their unforgettable and incredible journey with teachers on April 25 and May 9. Close to a decade came and went. On December 8, Disney Performing Arts (DPA) program. Feedback from teachers and parents was 2018, another similar programme was conducted for 60 teachers. so positive that it was clear the program had an uplifting impact on these young Our organization aims to enhance professional excellence of teachers, especially that of participants. women teachers. We believe that teachers must be eager to learn in all aspects and not just in subject- Seven years ago when I founded the Ukulele Association, I never dreamt that our ukulele members specific matters. The DYP Principal/Teacher Experiencing Day is one golden opportunity of first-person could perform at Disneyland one day. The ecstatic experience at Hong Kong Disneyland in 2017 had immersion in DYP for three hours before the educators are to confidently recommend it to their students cast a magic spell on me. In June 2019, 25 young ukulele performers together with 20 parents made and parents. On each occasion of the three trips, Christine and her team were all well-rehearsed in the history by becoming the first ukulele team from Malaysia to have a Disney Grad Days program and procedure and yet the smooth delivery was neither routine nor mechanical but accentuated by warmth also take part in the Disney Performing Arts Program of the Disney Youth Programs, celebrating the and attentiveness. magical moments with ukulele music. Education for our students in this competitive world is no longer limited to the four walls of the school The philosophy of the Disney Youth Programs Team – “If you can dream it, you can do it” – will be campus but should be life-wide. Disney Youth Programs, originated in the USA but refined for local the guiding motto of our ukulele members for the rest of their lives. Dreams keep life going because students, offers a diversified, creative, relevant and practical curriculum and immersive activities for dreams really do come true if you believe and start pursuing them. students to learn in the safe and fun-filled environment of Disneyland. The varied needs, abilities and interests of students from kindergarten, primary, secondary to post-secondary are carefully attended to Thanks Disney Youth Programs Team. “Keep Strumming. Keep Life Going.” with sincere and unceasing consideration of participants’ views and feedback. Kelly Teh Bee Teen No wonder, Disney Youth Programs is the one off-campus learning activity listed in the calendars of many local schools. Founder of Malaysian Association of Love for Ukulele Music In closing, I wish Christine and her team decades of even more prosperous growth of Disney Youth Programs.

香港課外活動主任協會一直與香港迪士尼樂園青少年活動團隊保持緊密協作關係。「迪士尼青少年團隊 Pauline Chow Lo-sai 活動計劃」題材多樣化,內容涵蓋不同的學習範疇,每項活動都以配合中、小學學生的學習興趣及現今 English Language Teaching Consultant 課程發展的需要而設計;相關的課程通過導師生動有趣的指導及教授,再配合樂園內不同遊樂設施及機 Chairwoman of Hong Kong Women Teachers’ Organization (HKWTO) 動遊戲等進行活動,讓參與的學生能親身於樂園內進行實地的體驗學習,從過程中獲得不同的知識及理 論,協助建構豐富的學習體驗,進一步提升學生學習動機,鞏固學習效能。 本會致力推動全港中小學教師專業發展的培訓,亦定期與香港迪士尼青少年團隊協作舉行教師培訓工作 孩子的世界充滿了「童話」和「夢想」,儘管這些「夢想」在大人的眼裡有時是「天真」,但在孩子的眼裡卻 坊,讓教師可親身參與及了解課程的設計理念;大部份曾參與課程的教師更對課程設計及內容都表示讚 可以把所有的不可能變成可能,把所有的幻想變成事實。孩子們相信夢想,所以我們相信「夢想成就無限可 賞。本人歷年有幸參與多項體驗課程,深信課程能對學生的學習帶來積極及正面推動的作用。對於現時 能」!這就是我們參加「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」的出發點。 的教育發展不斷變革,而近年社會越趨重視創意、科技及環保等議題的推動,相信學生透過參與「迪士 感謝迪士尼青少年團隊帶給我們一個充滿創意和互動的夢幻體驗。學習指導員全情投入,經驗豐富,對小朋友 尼青少年團隊活動計劃」的活動,將有助他們建立國際視野,亦對啟發日後升學或就業帶來幫助。 有耐性,當然他們本身對迪士尼人物故事瞭如指掌,帶動了孩子們投入,引領小朋友們從活動中發掘不少樂趣; 而且不單是孩子,也讓我們的老師和家長義工們都感到夢想及幻想的重要,甚至是重拾追求夢想的熱情。 陳國柱 期待迪士尼青少年團隊在未來的日子能發展更多具創意及創新的探索活動及學習計劃。在此感謝迪士尼青少年 香港課外活動主任協會主席 團隊的細心照顧及安排,讓學生在舒適、愉快的環境中學習。 香港中國婦女會馮堯敬紀念中學聯課活動主任 香港中文大學香港教育研究所兼任講師 陳福如 蘇浙小學家長教師聯誼會主席

8 | 感謝函 Testimonials | 9 Please scan the QR code for more 迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 information. 請即掃二維碼參閱 Disney Youth Education Series brings knowledge to life, 有關詳情。 DISNEY YOUTH transporting your students to gain a deeper understanding of how classroom principles and theories create magic and excitement EDUCATION SERIES at Hong Kong Disneyland every day. This is interactive, hands-on learning at its best! Our specially trained Disney facilitators use stimulating experiences and captivating materials to cover a range of topics suitable for all interests and ages. 迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列令課本知識變得生動有趣,讓學生了解樂園內有趣事物 The unique learning module “Dream It, Do It” is embedded in all Disney Youth 的設計原理,充分體現活動教學精神。我們為不同年齡及興趣的同學設計各項課程 Education Series programs, which encourages students to create, innovate and pursue 及活動,以樂園設施為教材;並由經驗豐富的迪士尼學習指導員帶領互動學習,鼓 their dreams with Hong Kong Disneyland. 勵同學思考,發揮創意。 Disney Youth Education Series 整個系列富有獨特的學習元素“Dream it, Do it”,讓學生從 Kindergarten 香港迪士尼的奇妙國度裡啟發夢想、創造力和想像力。 How Things Move (4 to 6 years old) 迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney’s Animation Magic (4 to 6 years old) Disney’s Creative Storytelling (4 to 6 years old) 幼稚園組 Primary School 迪士尼「動」的奧秘(4至6歲) Disney’s Animation Magic (P.1 to P.6) 迪士尼動畫教室(4至6歲) Synergy in Science (P.1 to P.6) 迪士尼創意故事教室(4至6歲) Disney’s STEM Exploration (P.3 to P.6) Recommended 小學組 Secondary School Disney’s World of Physics (S.1 to S.6) 迪士尼動畫教室(小一至小六) 迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列證書 Global Perspectives: An Adventure in Liberal Studies (S.2 to S.6) Disney Youth Education Series Certificate 迪士尼科學行動(小一至小六) 將香港迪士尼樂園變成 迪士尼STEM體驗行(小三至小六) 推介課程 Secondary School & Post-secondary 活動教室,啟發無限 Disney’s Foundations for Career Success (S.3 to S.6 and Post-secondary) 中學組 創意,令夢想成真… Disney’s Hospitality in Practice (S.3 to S.6 and Post-secondary) 迪士尼物理世界(中一至中六) Imagine Hong Kong 迪士尼通識探索之旅(中二至中六) Disneyland as a living Program Details: 中學及專上程度組 classroom, where Eligible Participants Students in kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, post-secondary, 迪士尼工作體驗坊(中三至中六及專上程度) creativity runs free, education institute, youth association, scout group and parent-teacher 迪士尼款客服務體驗坊 (中三至中六及專上程度) minds are constantly association inspired and dreams Group Size Minimum group size of 15 students come true… Each group of 5 students for kindergarten and each group of 15 students for 課程資料: Primary, Secondary School & Post-secondary must be accompanied by at least 對象 幼稚園、小學、中學、專上及大學程度、教育機構、青少年制服團隊及家長教師會 1 teaching staff

人數 每組最少15人或以上 Duration Kindergarten programs : 2 hours per session 每5名幼稚園學生/15名小學或中學及專上程度學生,需由最少1位教職員陪同出席 Primary, Secondary & Post-secondary programs : 3 hours per session (All sessions can be arranged in the morning or afternoon, subject to availability) 時間 幼稚園組:每項課程約2小時 小學、中學及專上程度組:每項課程約3小時 Language Cantonese or English (Putonghua is available for selected programs) (所有課程均可安排上午或下午時段) Entitlement One Disney Youth Education Series facilitator-led program* 授課語言 廣東話或英語(普通話只限個別課程) One Disney Youth Education Series certificate Continue to explore the park on program day 課程包括 由迪士尼學習指導員帶領迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列*

「迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列證書」一張 *Program content may include rides and attractions to enhance the program experience, and is subject to change without prior notice due to park operations. 可於課程當天繼續留園體驗 *The available language of designated rides and attractions are subject to availability. *For respective program application form, please refer to P.42-43. Magic Access, Main Entrance Pass (MEP) and Cast Complimentary tickets for all participants, are not applicable to “Disney Youth Education Series”. * 為提升學習體驗,課程內容或會包括體驗遊樂設施,遊樂設施會因應樂園營運而有所更改,恕不另行通知。 All participants should enter the park at the same time. Teaching staff should approach Guest Relations Building for the admission procedure upon arrival and * 指定遊樂設施的提供語言須視乎情況而定。 then proceed to designated assembly location. * 有關活動之申請表格,請參閱第40至41頁。 所有參加者持有之「奇妙處處通」、正門入口通行證及演藝人員免費樂園門票,均不適用於「迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列」。 所有參加者須同時進入樂園。教職員請自行到賓客服務中心辦理門票換領手續,然後前往指定集合地點。

10 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 11 幼稚園組 KINDERGARTEN 迪士尼「動」的奧秘(4至6歲) HOW THINGS MOVE (4 TO 6 YEARS OLD) 學生將化身為主題樂園科學家,透過親身體驗遊樂設施 的強烈動感,加上輕鬆有趣的互動學習過程,明白物體 Discover the principles of “how things move”. This interactive program casts students in the hands-on 動力來源,以及基本動力學原理。於課程中,學生們可 role of young theme park scientists, as they learn how energy helps power Hong Kong Disneyland’s 學會分辨不同運動及能量形式,更可置身樂園中最受歡 attractions! Students are given the opportunity to explore multiple forms of energy, identify different 迎的遊樂設施,體驗能量與運動的關係。 kinds of motion and ride on Hong Kong Disneyland’s most popular attractions to experience energy at work. 學習目標 Learning Objectives 分辨不同物體運動形式 Identify multiple types of motion 分辨不同能量傳遞方式 Identify different ways that energy can be supplied 設計及製作遊樂設施模型 Design and construct a model of a ride 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. 下午時段:下午2時 Afternoon session: 2 p.m. 課程時間 大約2小時 Program Duration Approximately 2 hours


透過迪士尼動畫教室,學生能夠深入淺出地領略動畫製 (4 TO 6 YEARS OLD) 作的概念,自己動手製作動畫,將靜止的圖像活現地動 Our facilitators fascinate your students with amazing insights that enable 起來,探索動畫箇中奧妙,更可於香港迪士尼樂園 them to grasp comprehensive basic animation skills. Best of all, students 遊歷迪士尼動畫的創作旅程。 animate their own Disney character and witness their creative journey 學習目標 through the attractions at Hong Kong Disneyland. 識別不同的顏色和圖案 Learning Objectives 利用活頁動畫製作簡單的動畫 Identify different colors and shapes 利用連環圖說明動畫的基本概念 Create simple animation with a kineograph Describe the basic concept of animation with a flipbook 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 下午時段:下午2時 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. Afternoon session: 2 p.m. 課程時間 大約2小時 Program Duration Approximately 2 hours

12 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 13 幼稚園組 KINDERGARTEN 迪士尼創意故事教室(4至6歲) DISNEY’S CREATIVE STORYTELLING (4 TO 6 YEARS OLD) 投入香港迪士尼樂園,置身奇妙場景,在歡樂的音樂氣氛下學習趣味十足的說故事技巧,發揮無限創意, 讓故事的趣味無盡釋放;透過融會運用說故事的種種元素及技巧,學生們都能創造出屬於他們自己的獨特演 Stories are all around us, and there is no better place to be immersed in stories than Hong Kong 出! Disneyland! Through magical attractions, storybook settings and musical backdrops, students discover the art of storytelling and experience how these elements come together in a performance of their own 學習目標 creation. 探索言語以外的溝通方法及說故事時表情變化的技巧 Learning Objectives 藉著說故事去表達創意 Explore non-verbal communication and emotional expression in storytelling 探索故事情節的多種編排技巧 Discover storytelling as a form of creative expression 透過小組合演木偶劇,探索創意說故事的技巧 Explore story event sequencing 透過重點練習,創造出屬於自己的小型表演 In small teams, explore creative storytelling through puppetry 學習成為有禮貌的觀眾 Experience focused practice to produce their own mini-performance 在香港迪士尼樂園景點實地體驗,觀察不同的 「故事元素」如何融合,並構成獨特的迪士尼風格 Identify behaviors that will make them a good audience member Experience a Hong Kong Disneyland attraction to observe how story elements work 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門 together in Disney-Style

學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 下午時段:下午2時 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. 課程時間 大約2小時 Afternoon session: 2 p.m. Program Duration Approximately 2 hours

14 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 15 小學組 PRIMARY SCHOOL 迪士尼動畫教室(小一至小六) DISNEY’S ANIMATION MAGIC (P.1 TO P.6) Primary students love this unique opportunity to unravel the secrets behind Disney’s world famous animation, 在動畫藝術教室,學生可了解經典動畫製作過程,探討動畫藝術及歷史。同時,學生亦可透過製作留影盤,發 and delve into the rich artistry and history of the genre. After creating a thaumatrope, exploring their creativity 揮創意,創作屬於自己的動畫作品,嘗試成為真正的幕後製作人員。 at the and more, students develop a newfound appreciation for this special art form! 學習目標 Learning Objectives 認識組成動畫的各種元素 Articulate various elements of the animation process 以簡單幾何圖形繪畫迪士尼卡通人物 Draw a Disney character using simple geometric shapes 描述3種應用視覺暫留的早期光學裝置 Describe three early optical devices that operated on the principle of persistence of vision 製作留影盤 Create a thaumatrope 以筆記簿繪畫連串動作過程,製成動畫 Create a basic animated sequence using a flipbook 解釋視覺暫留產生過程 Articulate the physical process of persistence of vision 學習計算60分鐘動畫所需畫面格數 Calculate the number of frames required for a 60-minute animated film 描述樂園不同動畫人物外貌及個性 Describe the roles/categories played by animated characters 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門

學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 下午時段:下午2時 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. 課程時間 大約3小時 Afternoon session: 2 p.m. Program Duration Approximately 3 hours

16 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 17 小學組 PRIMARY SCHOOL 迪士尼科學行動(小一至小六) SYNERGY IN SCIENCE (P.1 TO P.6)

協同作用的原理,就是同心協力,令整體力量大於個體力量總和。學生透過互動課程,了解迪士尼幻想工程師 Working together! That’s the principle behind the interactive fun of Synergy in Science. Students gain a 如何利用協同作用,創造米奇幻想曲、瘋帽子旋轉杯及獅子王慶典等遊樂設施,從中領會科學與創意的微妙協 thorough understanding of how Walt Disney Imagineers use synergy to create attractions where the whole is 同關係。 greater than the sum of its parts. Come discover the role this scientific truth plays in Mickey’s PhilharMagic, Mad Hatter Tea Cups and Festival of the Lion King! 學習目標 Learning Objectives 明白協同作用的定義 舉例說明協同作用 Define synergy 領略結合不同事物,完成更大任務,而單獨則無法做到 Demonstrate an example of synergy 突破規限,帶來靈感、創意及發明 Recognize that when parts are put together, they can do things that they could not do on their own 觀賞立體電影的視覺原理 Recognize that ideas, innovations and inventions are the result of breaking down limitations 說明如何在劇場中展示立體影像 Understand how it’s possible to watch movies in 3-D 解釋及分辨不同種類「表演元素」 Demonstrate how the illusion of 3-D is created in a theater experience 令不同「表演元素」發揮協同作用,帶來更深體驗 Define and identify various types of ‘show elements’ 識別及欣賞創意,從而結合科學及科技,創出精彩表演 Understand how show elements are synergized to enhance the experience Recognize the creative spark necessary to effectively combine science and technology, in order to produce extraordinary show results 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門

學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 下午時段:下午2時 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. 課程時間 大約3小時 Afternoon session: 2 p.m. Program Duration Approximately 3 hours

18 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 19 小學組 PRIMARY SCHOOL 迪士尼STEM體驗行(小三至小六) 推介課程 DISNEY’S STEM EXPLORATION (P.3 TO P.6) Recommended Discover the wonderful science at work in every attraction at Hong Kong Disneyland! This course allows 在香港迪士尼樂園內,每個遊樂設施,背後都蘊藏著奇妙的科學原理。本課程讓學生從理論到親身觀察及體 students to develop their interest in STEM topics by exploring science theories and conducting simple 驗,再透過簡單的實踐,培養學生對STEM學習的興趣和好奇心,鼓勵發揮創意,提升解難能力,發展他們的創 experiments. The activities will inspire creativity, strengthen problem-solving skills and motivate students to 新思維。 develop innovative thinking for STEM learning.

學習目標 Learning Objectives 認識力學、比例和視覺的STEM元素 Discover the STEM elements in mechanics, ratio and vision 了解不同橋的構造 Explore bridge structures 了解比例在生活上的應用及設計中常用的黃金比例 Uncover golden ratio around us 探索樂園內的遊樂設施如何產生向心力及離心力 Understand centripetal and centrifugal forces through park experience 認識視錯覺如何應用於日常生活 Understand the application of optical illusion in life

集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門

學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 下午時段:下午2時 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. 課程時間 大約3小時 Afternoon session: 2 p.m. Program Duration Approximately 3 hours

20 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 21 中學組 SECONDARY SCHOOL 迪士尼物理世界(中一至中六) DISNEY’S WORLD OF PHYSICS (S.1 TO S.6)

讓學生親身體驗香港迪士尼樂園的遊樂設施,從中 Discover the vast world of physics on a whole new interactive level in Hong Kong Disneyland. Students 體會科學與創意的啟發性結合。學生更會參與一連 understand how science and creativity come together in the design of our most thrilling attractions. 串實驗,引發他們對物理學的興趣,並將科學理論 Through various experiments, their minds can be enlightened at the same time. 應用在日常每一角落。 Learning Objectives 學習目標 Discuss and demonstrate the effects of friction on movement 討論及展示物體移動所產生的摩擦力 Illustrate inertia 闡明慣性 Introduce potential and kinetic energy 認識勢能與動能 Define speed 闡釋速率 Illustrate pneumatic and its application 示範氣體力學及其應用 Discuss factors that may influence the design of a roller coaster 闡明影響過山車設計的各種因素 Discuss the definition of an electromagnetic spectrum 闡釋電磁波譜 Articulate how a glowing effect is produced using UV light 闡述以紫外線產生的發光效果 Demonstrate a compression wave 認識壓縮波 Articulate the principles of sound 闡述聲音的特質 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. Afternoon session: 2 p.m. 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 下午時段:下午2時 Program Duration Approximately 3 hours 課程時間 大約3小時

22 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 23 中學組 SECONDARY SCHOOL 迪士尼通識探索之旅(中二至中六) GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES: AN ADVENTURE IN LIBERAL STUDIES (S.2 TO S.6) 以香港迪士尼樂園為例,讓學生以議題探究方法認識世界,為加入全球社群作好準備。活動過程利用批判思 考方法及工具,引導學生擴闊視野,了解人類所面對的挑戰及機遇,並通過小組活動,鼓勵學生應用集體研 Using real-life examples at Hong Kong Disneyland, this program empowers students with essential 討方法分析資料,從而找出解決問題的方法。 knowledge through the “issue-enquiry” approach, paving the way for them to become integral parts of the global community. We employ critical thinking skills, tools and techniques that broaden their 學習目標 perspectives on the unique challenges and opportunities that face today’s global citizens. Students work in teams, apply problem-solving techniques to analyze information intelligently. 闡述香港與全球社群的關係 闡明不同文化互相交流的結果 Learning Objectives 解釋觀點不同的價值 Discuss how Hong Kong is part of the global community 闡釋普世價值,如同情心與同理心的重要性 Identify the possible outcomes of interacting cultures 應用發問技巧,深入分析資料 Discuss the value of differing viewpoints 透過集體研討,運用多角度思考,發掘不同解決方案 Discuss the importance of universal values, such as sympathy and empathy 運用批判思考,為現實生活中的問題尋找解決方法 Analyze information through constant questioning 完成課程後每位學生可獲「迪士尼通識學習錦囊」一本。 Use various brainstorming methods, multi-perspective thinking skills to develop solutions Utilize critical problem-solving skills in real world situations Each student will receive a “Disney Liberal Studies Learning Passport” after the program. 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門

學生人數/ 小組 15–18 學生/小組 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 18 students/ group 下午時段:下午2時 Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. 課程時間 大約3小時 Afternoon session: 2 p.m. Program Duration Approximately 3 hours

本課程誠邀「香港通識教育教師聯 會」擔當顧問角色,並由資深通識 教育科老師提供專業意見,撰寫及 設計課程。 We are proud to invite Hong Kong Liberal Studies Teachers’ Association, an organization of experienced Liberal Studies teachers, to be our program consultant to advise us in program and activity design.

24 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 25 中學及專上程度組 SECONDARY & 迪士尼工作體驗坊(中三至中六及專上程度) POST-SECONDARY 讓學生親身體驗,並從迪士尼演藝人員身上發掘自律及自我推動的價值,並藉此剖析迪士尼公司的成功之 DISNEY’S FOUNDATIONS FOR CAREER SUCCESS 道。當學生準備由校園踏入社會之際,更要在這個關鍵時刻,為理想的職業好好裝備一下自己!透過認識獨 (S.3 TO S.6 & POST-SECONDARY) 特的迪士尼公司文化,學生能充分拓展個人技能,提升競爭力,在事業上締造更美好的成就。 While students are engaged in the process of discovering elements that contribute to success as a 學習目標 Disney Cast Member, they learn the value of self-discipline and self-motivation. Students travel the path 明白第一印象的影響性 from school to work exploring personal preparation for career interest, the unique Disney business culture, and the expansion of individual skill sets to create a variety of career opportunities. 尊重自己及欣賞別人的好處 學生更可透過參觀迪士尼公司的後台工作間,從而探索更多迪士尼文化:包括職位招聘過程、公司歷史和 Learning Objectives 傳統,以及工作環境等 Discover the impact of first impressions 了解培訓的重要性,透過討論,明白培訓、工作態度及工作環境等元素息息相關 Learn the benefits of respecting and valuing themselves and others 識別及界定工作的正確態度 Explore Disney Culture: hiring process, heritage, traditions and work environment 透過與迪士尼領袖面談,明白保持良好工作態度的重要性 Discover and discuss the role of training and its relationship to work attitude, job expertise and 明白將學會的技能終身受用的好處,從而在往後的工作上把握每個機會,令事業有更好發展 exceptional work environment Recognize and identify appropriate and inappropriate work behaviors 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園正門 Converse with a Disney Leader to learn the importance of displaying proper work attitude 學生人數/ 小組 15–17 學生/小組 Discover how skills can be transferred from one job to another, allowing them to make the most out 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 of whatever opportunities come their way 下午時段:下午2時 課程時間 大約3小時 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance Student Capacity/ Group 15 – 17 students/ group Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. Afternoon session: 2 p.m. Program relates to Career and Life Program Duration Approximately 3 hours Planning Education for Students.


26 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 27 中學及專上程度組 SECONDARY & 迪士尼款客服務體驗坊 POST-SECONDARY (中三至中六及專上程度) DISNEY’S HOSPITALITY IN PRACTICE 迪士尼為世界知名品牌,獨特的專業款客服務享譽全球。透過「迪士尼款客服務體驗坊」,香港迪士尼樂園 (S.3 TO S.6 & POST-SECONDARY) 度假區為有志投身款客服務業的學生提供理想學習場地。學生將於度假區內實地考察,認識款客服務專業領 域的日常運作和所需技能。課程精心設計多元化活動,讓學生掌握款客服務業的基本運作概念。在富經驗的 As a renowned brand in the hospitality industry, Disney’s high standard of Guest service has achieved 演藝人員指導下,學生將分析迪士尼款客服務的特色,並深入探討行業的營運管理模式。 international acclaim. “Disney’s Hospitality in Practice” turns Hong Kong Disneyland Resort into the best real-world classroom for students who are interested in learning more about the Disney Difference in 學習目標 approaching Guest services. Students will get the chance to observe the daily operations of hospitality 於香港迪士尼樂園酒店及主題樂園體驗款客服務業的工作實況 services in the Resort and learn about the required skills in the industry. Various interactive activities are designed to give them an overview of the basic aspects of hospitality services. Under the guidance 透過與專業演藝人員的互動分享,領略款客服務業工作的樂趣和挑戰 of veteran Cast Members from the Resort, students will gain invaluable insights into the uniqueness of 學習世界知名度假區對賓客服務的基本概念及營運技巧 Disney Guest services and acquire a better understanding about the operation and management of an 通過互動遊戲感受迪士尼品牌獨有的殷切貼心服務 integrated resort. 建立款客服務業所需的正面價值觀及思維 Learning Objectives 完成課程後每位學生可獲「迪士尼款客服務錦囊」一本。 Observe the daily operations of hospitality services at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and within the Theme Park 集合地點 香港迪士尼樂園酒店前台 Explore the fun facts and challenges of the industry, through real-life case sharing and interaction with Cast Members in the Resort 學生人數/ 小組 15–24 學生/小組 Understand the service keys and operation basics in a world-class resort 集合時間 上午時段:上午10時 Discover the Disney Difference through interactive games and discussion 下午時段:下午2時45分 Establish positive values and a Guest-orientated mindset, which is required in excelling within the 課程時間 大約3小時 hospitality industry

敬請預留足夠時間乘坐度假區酒店穿梭巴士前往課程地點 - 香港迪士尼樂園酒店。 Each student will receive a “Disney Service Keys” after the program.

課程備有職業生涯規劃教育元素。 Assembly Location Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Front Desk Student Capacity/ Group 15 –24 students/ group Assembly Time Morning session: 10 a.m. Afternoon session: 2:45 p.m. Program Duration Approximately 3 hours

Please allow sufficient time to reach to the program location at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel by resort hotel shuttle.

Program relates to Career and Life Planning Education for Students.

28 | 迪 士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series | 29 全體同學與畢業米奇一起留影, 共同見證學生的畢業榮譽!

Please scan the 迪士尼畢業慶典 Celebrate your students’ QR code for more graduation with our information. 請即掃二維碼參閱 DISNEY GRAD DAYS unforgettable special 有關詳情。 photo session!

Walt Disney was a great believer in nurturing young talents. In the past 30 years, Disney continues to honor his memory by celebrating the accomplishments of young scholars. 華特.迪士尼先生非常重視年青一代的培育,在過去30年,迪士尼不斷與青少年 In continuing our founder’s dream, Hong Kong Disneyland inaugurated Disney Grad Days 一同慶祝學術上的成就。為延續華特.迪士尼先生的理念,香港迪士尼樂園於2009年 in June 2009, to honor students’ academic achievements and celebrate this milestone 正式推出迪士尼畢業慶典,與您一同見証您的學生生命中的一個重要時刻, event in their lives. 為他們展開人生旅程下一站而隆重舉行的啟航儀式! Disney Grad Days 「迪士尼畢業慶典」 Eligible participants: Students in kindergarten, primary school, 對象:幼稚園、小學、中學、專上及大學程度、 secondary school, post-secondary, education institute, youth 教育機構、青少年制服團隊及家長教師會 association, scout group and parent-teacher association 1 Group Size: Minimum group size of 15 students 人數:最少15名學生或以上 Each school receives 每間學校可獲得 One Group photo with Mickey in Graduation Cap and Gown 全體同學與身穿畢業袍及戴上「四方帽」 (an 8R photo with frame) 的米奇拍攝畢業合照 3 One 20% off merchandise coupon for each New (8R相片連相框一套) teaching staff who attends Disney Grad Days 所有出席教職員均可獲8折商品 全新 Each graduate receives 購物優惠券一張 One Mickey “Mortar Board” Graduation Hat 每位畢業生可獲得 One Disney Grad Days Graduation Button 米奇「四方帽」一頂 One Group photo with Mickey in Graduation Cap and Gown 「迪士尼畢業慶典襟章」一枚 (an 8R photo) 全體同學與身穿畢業袍及戴上「四方帽」 One Disney Grad Days Certificate 4 的米奇拍攝畢業合照 One Hong Kong Disneyland 1-Day Ticket (8R相片一張) One 20% discount merchandise coupon New 「迪士尼畢業慶典畢業證書」一張 *Graduation gowns should be self-arranged *Venue is subject to change without prior notice 香港迪士尼樂園1日門票一張 *For respective program application form, please refer to P.42-43. 2 8折商品購物優惠券一張 全新 Magic Access, Main Entrance Pass (MEP) and Cast Complimentary tickets for all participants, are not applicable to “Disney Grad Days”. All participants should enter the park at the same time. *畢業袍需自行安排 米奇「四方帽」 「迪士尼畢業慶典襟章」 *拍攝地點如有更改,恕不另行通知 1 3 Mickey “Mortar Board” Graduation Hat Disney Grad Days Graduation Button *有關活動之申請表格,請參閱第40至41頁。 Disney’s Grad Party Package at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel 所有參加者持有之「奇妙處處通」、正門入口通行 2 「迪士尼畢業慶典畢業證書」 4 全體同學與身穿畢業袍及戴上「四方帽」的米 證及演藝人員免費樂園門票,均不適用於「迪士尼 Disney Grad Days Certificate 奇拍攝畢業合照(8R相片) Lunch Party Package includes: 畢業慶典」。 Group photo with Mickey in Graduation Cap International buffet lunch 所有參加者須同時進入樂園。 and Gown (an 8R photo) 2 hours serving of soft drinks and orange juice 香港迪士尼樂園酒店迪士尼畢業派對套餐 Use of two wireless microphones and one set of LCD projector with screen One Disney souvenir per student 午宴派對套餐包括: 晚宴派對套餐包括: Complimentary fresh floral centerpiece per table 國際美食自助午餐 國際美食自助晚餐、 西式晚宴或中式晚宴 Merchandise Discount Coupon for each guest 2小時無限量供應汽水及橙汁 3小時無限量供應汽水及橙汁 Complimentary car parking spaces 無線麥克風兩個及液晶體投影機一部連屏幕 無線麥克風兩個及液晶體投影機一部連屏幕 Dinner Party Package includes: 以供使用 以供使用 International buffet dinner / Western set dinner or Chinese dinner 每位學生獲贈迪士尼精美紀念品一份 每席鮮花擺設 3 hours serving of soft drinks and orange juice 每位賓客獲贈商品折扣優惠券 每席鮮花擺設 Use of two wireless microphones and one set of LCD projector with screen 每位賓客獲贈商品折扣優惠券 於香港迪士尼樂園酒店免費泊車 Complimentary fresh floral centerpiece per table 於香港迪士尼樂園酒店免費泊車 Merchandise Discount Coupon for each guest 還有更多! Complimentary car parking spaces 請致電 (852) 3510 6868或電郵 [email protected] 聯絡商務活動策劃演藝人員了解詳情。 More privileges to uncover! Please contact Business Solutions & Events at (852) 3510 6868 or [email protected] for more package detail.

30| 迪 士尼畢業慶典 Disney Grad Days | 31 投入各大主題園區,盡情體驗遊樂設施、 現場娛樂節目及無盡驚喜! Please scan the 迪士尼樂園探索之旅 QR code for more Explore multiple unique worlds at Hong Kong information. 請即掃二維碼參閱 DISNEY THEME PARK ADVENTURES Disneyland, filled with dazzling attractions, spectacular 有關詳情。 entertainment and magical surprises!

每個校外活動都是一次奇妙的探索之旅!您可在香港迪士 尼樂園,置身滿載奇妙故事的童話國度,與學生一同慶祝 特別節日或其他重要日子! Every school outing should be an amazing adventure. At Hong Kong Disneyland, you can celebrate special occasions with 於2020年隆重開幕的奇妙夢想城堡將揭開嶄新里程,帶來 your students through immersing in different Disney stories. 一個個迪士尼公主的動人故事,將迪士尼公主們從重重考 驗與歷難中蛻變成長的故事一一如實呈現眼前。城堡開幕 The monumental unveiling of the Castle of Magical Dreams 後,隨之而來的是全新令人目不暇給的夜間及日間精彩表 in 2020 will bring to life the motivating stories of Disney 演節目 ,將加倍豐富學生的校外活動體驗。此外,讓您的 princesses drawing strength from trials and tribulations. A 學生投入「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」及「鐵甲奇俠飛 new nighttime spectacular and an exciting daytime show 行之旅」的互動體驗遊戲,從中感受Marvel超級英雄們堅 毅抵禦邪惡勢力的堅定意志而獲得啟蒙;或透過熱情澎湃 that follow the Castle opening will exponentially enrich 的大型現場表演如「獅子王慶典」和「迪士尼魔法書房」以及一系列節慶活動,體驗為人稱道的迪 amazing school outings. Let students emulate Marvel Super 士尼創新精神,啟發思維。 Heroes’ determination to battle evil forces at “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” and “”, or be stimulated by renowned Disney creativity through high-energy live 準備就緒,帶領您的學生出發前往香港迪士尼樂園,實現您的終極校外活動,一次不一樣的探索體 驗,將為您的學生們注入一股奇妙力量,激活課室學習氣氛! entertainment such as “Festival of the Lion King” and “Mickey and the Wondrous Book” as well as seasonal offerings. 活動資料 Get ready for the ultimate school outing to Hong Kong Disneyland that will work magic for re- 對象 幼稚園、小學、中學、專上及大學程度、教育機構、青少年制服團隊及家長教師會 energizing classroom dynamics and guarantee a unique exploration for students! 人數 最少15人或以上 活動包括 「迪士尼樂園探索之旅全方位學習錦囊」一本 「迪士尼樂園探索之旅證書」一張 香港迪士尼樂園1日門票一張

*有關活動之申請表格,請參閱第40至41頁。 所有參加者須同時進入樂園。教職員請自行到賓客服務中心辦理門票換領手續及進入樂園。

1 1 迪士尼樂園探索之旅證書 Disney Theme Park Adventures Certificate

2 2 迪士尼樂園探索之旅全方位學習錦囊 Disney Theme Park Adventures Life-wide Learning Passport Program Details Eligible Participants Students in kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, post-secondary, education institute, youth association, scout group and parent-teacher association Group Size Minimum group size of 15 students Entitlement One Disney Theme Park Adventures Life-wide Learning Passport One Disney Theme Park Adventures Certificate One Hong Kong Disneyland 1-Day Ticket

*For respective program application form, please refer to P.42-43. All participants should enter the park at the same time. Teaching staff should approach Guest Relations Building for the admission procedure upon arrival and enter the park.

32 | 迪 士尼樂園探索之旅 Disney Theme Park Adventures | 33 Please scan the QR code for more information. PUBLIC PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE 請即掃二維碼參閱 迪士尼演藝日 有關詳情。 Disney Performing Arts is a unique program designed to inspire DISNEY PERFORMING ARTS performing arts students and community groups, by allowing instrumental, vocal and dance ensembles to showcase their talent in front of an international audience. As performers, your students will gain lifelong lessons in teamwork, discipline and artistic growth. “The Art of the Disney Show Entertainment Passport” provides 公開表演體驗 post-performance, self-guided experiences which take your students on a learning adventure throughout the Park, as they 迪士尼演藝日為學生提供珍貴獨特機會,於世界各地 identify key elements in Hong Kong Disneyland’s live performances 賓客面前盡展才華。香港迪士尼樂園將化身成舞台, which contribute to the excellence in storytelling through the 讓團隊可表演合奏、合唱或舞蹈等,從而吸收珍貴演 performing arts. 出經驗並培養紀律及團隊精神。 Choir Orchestra/Band Marching Band Dance Ensemble 在表演後,您的團隊成員將獲發「迪士尼表演藝術錦 Eligible Students in kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, post-secondary, education 囊」,讓他們欣賞迪士尼專業舞蹈員,歌手及樂手精 Participants institute, youth association, scout group and parent-teacher association 湛表演的同時,亦能詳盡了解迪士尼優秀演出的主要 Age Group 4-18 years old 6-18 years old 元素,領略箇中技巧,進一步提升造詣。 Group Capacity 20-80 performers 20-80 performers 20-80 performers 20-50 performers Showtime 20 minutes 15 minutes 合唱團 管絃樂團/樂隊 銀樂隊 舞蹈團 Performance Main Street, U.S.A. Designated Hong Kong Disneyland 對象 幼稚園、小學、中學、專上及大學程度、教育機構、青少年制服團隊及家長教師會 Venue★ Town Square Parade Route 表演者年齡 4-18歲 6-18歲 Audition Submit a high quality video recording of the group performance Requirements 表演人數 20-80人 20-80人 20-80人 20-50人 Submit a photograph of performance costume (Costume should be tidy and uniform, and should not consist of jeans, shorts or sandals) 表演時間 20分鐘 15分鐘 Submit a song list with duration of each song.# 表演場地★ 美國小鎮大街小鎮廣場 香港迪士尼樂園指定巡遊表演路線 Entitlement Disney Performing Arts experience One “The Art of the Disney Show Entertainment Passport” 甄選細則 遞交聲畫清晰的演出錄像短片 遞交演出服裝照片 (請所有表演者穿上整齊服裝,恕不接納牛仔褲,短褲或沙灘拖鞋) One “Disney Performing Arts Certificate” Continue to explore the park on performance’s day 遞交表演曲目表,並列明每首曲目名稱和表演時間# Remark Groups must arrange their own musical instruments and Each ensemble will transportation of any instruments to be delivered to prepare 1.5-minute 迪士尼演藝日奇妙體驗 活動包括 and from the assigned performance venue. performance with music 「迪士尼表演藝術錦囊」一本 Guests are not allowed to carry musical instruments provided by Hong Kong 「迪士尼演藝日證書」一張 while experiencing the park. Disneyland. 可於表演當天繼續留園體驗 Hong Kong Disneyland does not recommend storing The performance will be repeated for 演出團隊需自行安排樂器及交通工具運送樂器來往演出場地 香港迪士尼樂園將提供迪士尼 musical instruments at the baggage storage. 備註 approximately 6 times for 主題表演音樂予通過甄選的團 遊覽樂園時,賓客不可攜同樂器 the designated parade 隊作選擇,以準備約長1.5分鐘 香港迪士尼樂園恕不安排寄存樂器 route. 的表演單元 Performance will be on 演出期間,舞蹈團隊將於指定 bricks pavement, please 巡遊路線重複約 次表演單元 6 wear appropriate footwear. 表演將在磚鋪成的路面進行, Choreography should 故請選擇合適的表演鞋 progress in forward motion. 表演須以邊跳邊前行方式進行 ★ Performance venue subject to change without prior notice. # Except Dance Ensemble. ★ 表演場地如有更改,恕不另行通知。 # 舞蹈團除外 Hong Kong Disneyland is committed to ensure the safety of Guests at all times. Under certain circumstances and according to guidance from the Hong Kong Education Bureau, Hong Kong Disneyland may cancel performances based on safety assessments and the nature of the performances. However, performing groups 香港迪士尼樂園在任何時候都以賓客的安全為上。根據香港教育局的指引,在某些天氣情況下,基於安全評估及表演性質,香港迪士尼樂園或需要取消表演, will still be welcomed to visit the Park in accordance with Park Operations procedures. To receive the latest updates from Hong Kong Disneyland, performing groups 但表演團體可因應樂園的運作情況,繼續暢遊樂園。表演團體應在指定的時間及地點集合,以獲取香港迪士尼樂園的最新消息。而有關樂園之運作詳情,請瀏覽 should gather at the pre-assigned gathering point and time. For details of Park Operations, please visit Weather Tips on http://park.hongkongdisneyland.com. http://park.hongkongdisneyland.com之「天氣小提示」。 *For respective program application form, please refer to P.42-43. *有關活動之申請表格,請參閱第40至41頁。 Magic Access, Main Entrance Pass (MEP) and Cast Complimentary tickets for all participants, are not applicable to “Disney Performing Arts”. 所有參加者持有之「奇妙處處通」、正門入口通行證及演藝人員免費樂園門票,均不適用於「迪士尼演藝日」。 All participants should enter the park at the same time. Teaching staff should approach Guest Relations Building for the admission procedure upon arrival and then 所有參加者須同時進入樂園。教職員請自行到賓客服務中心辦理門票換領手續,然後前往指定集合地點。 proceed to designated assembly location.

34 | 迪 士尼演藝日 Disney Performing Arts | 35 適合大型團體及全校師生參與活動! Suitable for big group and whole school events! 演藝工作坊

樂隊及合唱工作坊 舞藝坊

年齡 4 – 18歲 PERFORMING ARTS SHOWCASE 活動地點 原野劇場 或 迪士尼故事劇場 Band & Choir Showcase Dance Showcase 參與人數 500人或以上(包括學生、老師及家長)* Age Group 4 – 18 years old 報名詳情 活動以非定期形式舉行,詳情請向迪士尼青少年團隊活動代表查詢 Venue Theater in the Wild or Disney’s Storybook Theater 詳情 才華洋溢的香港迪士尼樂園樂隊和舞台表 香港迪士尼樂園的舞蹈員將親身與同學分 Group Size 500 or above (including Students, Teachers & Parents) * 演歌唱員將會登場,分享他們由學習音樂 享成為國際級表演者的秘訣,並示範不同 至公開表演的經歷,讓學生體會世界級表 種類的舞蹈風格。學生們更有機會與舞蹈 Application Detail Non-periodical programs, please contact Disney Youth Programs’ Representative for 演水平,並認識公開演出前應作的準備。 員一同互動,於專業的藝術表演中學習知 more details 全場師生更有機會一同合唱,感受逾千人 識。 Details Hong Kong Disneyland Band and singers Dancers of Hong Kong Disneyland will 歌聲的感染力。 from stage show will take the stage take the stage to demonstrate techniques 活動包括 體驗演藝工作坊 to share their personal experiences as in mastering dance moves. In the 「迪士尼表演藝術錦囊」一本 professional performers and their tips in interactive gathering, they will share with 「迪士尼演藝日證書」一張 preparing for world-class performances. students the magic in becoming world- 可於工作坊當天繼續留園體驗 Students will even get to feel the class performers. exhilarating magic of singing in full chorus 如少於 人參加,請向迪士尼青少年團隊活動代表查詢。 * 500 around the theater.

Entitlement Performing Arts Showcase One “The Art of the Disney Show Entertainment Passport” One “Disney Performing Arts Certificate” Continue to explore the park on program day

*For participants fewer than 500, please contact Disney Youth Program representative.


Participants can enjoy a variety of rides and watch amazing Disney’s shows. 參加者更可於樂園內 It is recommended to watch the “Festival of the Lion King” stage show, “Mickey and the 暢玩各種遊樂設施及欣賞巡遊和表演。 Wondrous Book” in order to get the most out of 建議參加者自行欣賞「獅子王慶典」、「迪士尼魔法書房」,有助於掌握以上活動的內容精髓。 the showcase.

凡參加迪士尼演藝日之公開表演體驗或演藝工作坊均可獲得「迪士尼表演藝術 錦囊」一本、「迪士尼演藝日證書」一張及全新8折商品購物優惠券一張。 Students who participate in Disney Performing Arts’ Public Performance Experience or Performing Arts Showcase will get one “The Art of the Disney Show Entertainment Passport”, one “Disney Performing and new one 20% discount merchandise coupon.

1 「迪士尼表演藝日證書」 2 「迪士尼表演藝術錦囊」 “Disney Performing Arts Certificate” “The Art of the Disney Show Entertainment Passport” 1 2

36 | 迪 士尼演藝日 Disney Performing Arts | 37 其他活動計劃 OTHER ACTIVITIES 全校課外活動策劃 WHOLE-SCHOOL OUTING PLANNING 為配合「全方位學習」校本政策,香港迪士尼樂園度假區努力為學校妥善籌劃奇妙不凡的大型活動。秉承 In order to meet the purpose of “Life-wide Learning”, 迪士尼的優質服務、積極創新的優良傳統,加上樂園世界級的娛樂項目,迪士尼團隊定能為你的活動無論 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort strives to organize 在活動構思、籌劃和執行方面提供一站式專業方案及服務,全面配合學校需要,締造無限奇妙可能的全校 unforgettable large-scale events for your school. With 活動。 our event planning expertise, creative excellence and world-class entertainment, our Disney specialists will be 一站式專業服務(學生人數須最少300人): able to provide one-stop professional service for your 課程編排 event from concept, planning to execution, facilitating your school needs, and make the school-wide event 活動前考察 purely magical. 活動簡介會 活動籌備 A One-stop professional service 餐券折扣優惠 (minimum number of students is 300): 當天課程以外之行程規劃 Educational Programs 課程證書 Pre-visit 學習資料/錦囊 Pre-event Briefing Pre-event Preparation Discount on Meal Coupons Itinerary Planning in addition to Day Program Program Certificate Learning Material/Passport

迪士尼教職員體驗日 DISNEY TEACHER EXPERIENCE DAY 為了配合終身學習的教育方向,香港迪士尼樂園度假區現提供「迪士尼教職員體驗日」,旨在通過了解和 In order to support the life-long learning culture in education, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort offers the 學習度假區的各種教學資源,為教師帶來快樂和互動的學習體驗。 Disney Teacher Experience Day, aiming to bring teachers a happy and interactive learning experience through understanding and discovering various teaching resources at the resort. 對象 所有校長及教職員 (包括幼稚園,小學,中學及專上程度) Eligible Principals and teaching staff (kindergarten, primary school, 目的 為教職員了解樂園內不同教學資源以幫助日常教學工作,啟發學生 Participants secondary and post-secondary school)

報名詳情 詳情請向迪士尼青少年團隊活動代表查詢及規劃 Objective Facilitate teaching staff to understand different teaching resources in the park to help with daily teaching and inspire students 最少參與人數 30 Application Please contact Disney Youth Programs’ Representative for more 活動內容 探索樂園內不同教學資源及講座,包括環保、企業社會責任、 Detail details (只供參考) 迪士尼幻想工程師分享、客戶服務標準、領袖訓練分享、談判 技巧、活動設計、藝術、表演藝術及舞台製作等 Minimum No. 30 體驗迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 of Participants Program Details Explore various teaching resources in the park and seminar (for reference only) of different topics e.g. environmental protection, corporate social responsibility, sharing by Disney Imagineers, customer service standard, leadership, negotiation skill, activity design, performing arts and stage production Experience Disney Youth Education Series (Y.E.S.)

38 | 其他活動計劃 Other Activities 其他活動計劃 Other Activities | 39 報名方法

活動 迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 迪士尼畢業慶典 迪士尼教職員體驗日 迪士尼樂園探索之旅 迪士尼演藝日

第1 步

下載申請 表格

1. 下載及填妥申請表格 1. 下載及填妥申請表格 1. 下載及填妥申請表格 2. 代辦申請之旅行社或機構須獲得學校書面委任。委任信須以學校 / 團體信箋遞交, 2. 請根據機構類別提交適用的申請文件,詳情參閱申請表 2. 代辦申請之旅行社或機構須獲得學校書面委任。委任信須以學 並附有學校 / 團體蓋章及授權人簽署。 格。 校 / 團體信箋遞交,並附有學校 / 團體蓋章及授權人簽署。 3. 提供下列資料,用作表演甄選之用 合唱團、管弦樂團 / 樂隊及銀樂隊: a. 聲畫清晰的演出錄像短片 b. 演出服裝照片 遞交文件 c. 表演曲目和表演時間 舞蹈團: a. 聲畫清晰的演出錄像短片 b. 演出服裝照片 c. 請聯絡迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃索取表演之音樂 ( 共 11 首 曲目供選擇 ) ( 註:所有甄選資料恕不退還 )

遞交方式 傳真至:(852) 3550 1448 或電郵至:[email protected]

遞交時間 請於擬定活動日的最少 6 星期前遞交 請於擬定活動日的最少 4 星期前遞交 請於擬定活動日的最少 8 星期前遞交

第2 步 迪士尼青少年團隊活動代表將於收妥申請表格及所須文件後,以電郵方式發出確認通知及以下文件: 迪士尼青少年團隊活動代表將於收妥申請表格及甄選資料,並於申請 活動確認通知 ( 請於指定日期前確認人數,當收到確實人數後,「樂園門票協議書」將以電郵方式發出 ) 學校 / 團隊通過甄選後 4星期內,以電郵方式發出確認通知及以下文件: 確認通知 活動確認通知 ( 請於指定日期前確認人數,當收到確實人數後, 「樂園門票協議書」將以電郵方式發出 )

1. 簽署樂園門票協議書,並需附有申請學校 / 團體蓋章 確認申請及 2. 以現金繳付:渣打銀行 ( 賬戶號碼:447-166-15919) 並將存款收據以傳真或電郵遞交作確認 繳付活動 以支票繳付:支票抬頭「香港國際主題樂園有限公司」,存入渣打銀行 ( 賬戶號碼:447-166-15919) 費用 並將存款收據以傳真或電郵遞交作確認 ( 請勿郵寄現金或支票 ) 3. 以信用卡繳付:詳情請向迪士尼青少年團隊活動代表查詢

遞交方式 傳真至:(852) 3550 1448 或電郵至:[email protected]

第3 步 確認收妥所有文件及活動費用後,申 確認收妥所有文件及活動費用後,樂 確認收妥所有文件及活動費用後,申請學校/團體將收到樂園門票確認通知書,以便於活動當日換領門票及餐券 請學校/團體將收到樂園門票確認通 園門票、學生相片換領券、活動手帶 ( 如適用 ) 最後確認 知書,以便於活動當日換領門票及餐 及餐券 ( 如適用 ) 將於活動前以郵寄 券(如適用) 方式發送至申請學校/團體

活動當日,於香港迪士尼樂園的正門 ( 不適用 ) 活動當日,於香港迪士尼樂園的正門入口之賓客服務中心出示附有學校 / 團體蓋章的樂園門票確認通知書 *, 入口之賓客服務中心出示附有學校 / 團 領取門票及 方可領取已預訂之門票及餐券 ( 如適用 ) 體蓋章的樂園門票確認通知書 *,方可 餐券 * 恕不接受電子版本 領取已預訂之門票及餐券 ( 如適用 ) * 恕不接受電子版本


40| 報名方法 How to Apply 報名方法 How to Apply | 41 HOW TO APPLY

Disney Youth Disney Theme Park Disney Grad Days Disney Teacher Experience Day Disney Performing Arts Program Education Series Adventures

Step1 Download application form

1. Complete the application form 1. Complete the application form 1. Complete the application form 2. Travel agency representing a school must obtain the school’s written appointment. The Appointment Letter should 2. Please submit applicable application documents according 2. Travel agency representing a school must obtain the school’s written be written by the applying school/organization with its letterhead, authorized signature and seal. to your organization type. For details, please refer to the appointment. The Appointment Letter should be written by the applying application form. school/organization with its letterhead, authorized signature and seal. 3. Provide mandatory audition materials (Remarks: All audition materials are non-returnable.) Required documents For Choirs, Orchestras/Bands and Marching Bands: a. A high quality video recording of the group performance for audition purposes b. A photograph of performance uniform or costume c. Please submit song list with duration of each song

For Dance ensembles: a. A high quality video recording of the group performance for audition purposes b. A photograph of performance uniform or costume c. Please contact Disney youth programs for music demo (11 songs available)

Submission Fax: (852) 3550 1448 or Email: [email protected] method

Submission At least six (6) weeks prior to your preferred visit At least four (4) weeks prior to your preferred visit At least eight (8) weeks prior to your preferred visit period

Step2 Upon receipt of completed application form and required documents, Disney Youth Programs’ Representative will revert Upon receipt of completed application form and approval of audition the following documents via email: materials, Disney Youth Programs’ Representative will revert the following documents within four (4) weeks via email: Notification Program Confirmation (Please confirm the group size by the specified date. Group Ticket Sales Agreement will be issued via email after the confirmation is received.) Program Confirmation (Please confirm the group size by the specified date. Group Ticket SalesAgreement will be issued via email after the confirmation is received.)

1. Sign Group Ticket Sales Agreement with applying school / organization seal 2. By cash: deposit to The Standard Chartered Bank (Account Number:447-166-15919) Comfirmation and submit deposit slip by fax or email as confirmation By cheque: payable to “Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited”, and payment deposit to The Standard Chartered Bank (Account Number: 447-166-15919) and submit pay-in slip by fax or email as confirmation(Please do not mail cash/cheque) By credit card: please contact Disney Youth Programs’ Representative for details

Submission Fax: (852) 3550 1448 or Email: [email protected] method

Step3 Upon receipt of the required Upon receipt of the required Upon receipt of the required documents and payment, Disney Youth Programs’ Representative will email the confirmation letter for park documents and payment, Disney documents and payment, tickets, tickets and meal coupons (if applicable) redemption Final Youth Programs’ Representative will photo redemption coupons for email the confirmation letter for students, event wristbands and confirmation park tickets and meal coupons (if meal coupons (if applicable) will applicable) redemption be couriered to the designated coordinator

On the day of your visit, bring along Not applicable On the day of your visit, bring along the printed copy of the confirmation letter* with school/organization seal and collect the park the printed copy of the confirmation tickets and meal coupons (if applicable) for your group at Hong Kong Disneyland Guest Relations Window located at the Main Entrance Redemption letter* with school/organization seal * Electronic copies are not accepted of the park and collect the park tickets and meal tickets coupons (if applicable) for your group and meal at Hong Kong Disneyland Guest coupons Relations Window located at the Main Entrance * Electronic copies are not accepted

For Performing Arts Showcase, please contact Disney Youth Programs’ Representative for application details.。

42 | 報名方法 How to Apply 報名方法 How to Apply | 43 條款及細則 TERMS & CONDITIONS

1. 迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列之課程均以粵語或英語講解,如欲以普通話進行活動,校方須於申請課程時向迪士尼青少年團隊活動計 劃提出。 2. 迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃之門票不可升級 (1日標準門票優惠、小童1日門票及長者1日門票除外) 。 3. 所有香港迪士尼樂園之門票及餐券不可轉讓、退換、退款或轉售。 4. 如未能於付款到期日前繳交活動費用,所有已預定之活動將有可能被取消。詳情請參閱活動的樂園門票協議書之條款及細則。 5. 課程內容如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。 6. 活動日期將由香港國際主題樂園有限公司(“本公司”)作最後決定。 7. 如欲取消活動,必須以書面形式,透過電郵至[email protected]或傳真至(852) 3550 1448通知。如於原定 活動日期前14日內取消活動,均須繳付手續費 (每取消15名參加賓客,手續費為港幣$500)。 8. 嚴禁於樂園作商業用途的攝影、錄影、任何紀錄、廣播或傳送。香港國際主題樂園有限公司及/或香港迪士尼樂園管理有限公司可能 在樂園範圍內拍攝、攝影、錄影、錄下或複製任何進入樂園人士之影像及/或聲音。香港國際主題樂園有限公司及/或香港迪士尼樂園 管理有限公司有權將此等影像及/或聲音用於任何用途而毋須向賓客繳付任何費用。 9. 不可携帶食物、含酒精飲品及罐裝或玻璃裝飲品進入樂園。 10. 於惡劣天氣情況下或若香港教育局宣佈停課,本公司將保留活動改期或取消的權利。安排詳情請參閱以下表格。 11. 詳細條款及細則,請參閱有關活動之申請表。

1. All courses in Disney Youth Education Series are conducted in Cantonese or English. Special request for Putonghua should be made in advance with Disney Youth Programs. 2. Disney Youth Programs tickets and meal coupons are non-upgradeable (Except Additional 1-Day General Admission Ticket at special rate, Child 1-Day Ticket and Senior 1-Day Ticket). 3. All Hong Kong Disneyland Park tickets are non-transferable, non-refundable, non-exchangeable and not for re-sale. 4. Program maybe cancelled if payment is not settled by the payment deadline. For details, please refer to the Terms and Conditions indicated in the Group Ticket Sales Agreement. 5. Course content is subject to change without prior notice. 6. Final visit date is subject to HKITP’s discretion. 7. In case of cancellation of event, written notification is required by email at [email protected] or fax at (852) 3550 1448. A cancellation charge will apply at the rate of HK$500 per 15 guests cancelled if the cancellation is made less than 14 days before the scheduled arrival date. 8. Photography, videotaping, recording of any kind, broadcast or transmission at the Park for commercial purposes are not allowed. Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited and/or Hong Kong Disneyland Management Limited may photograph, film, videotape, record or otherwise reproduce the image and/or voice of any person who enters the Park and use the same for any purpose without payment to any person. 9. Food, alcoholic beverages and beverages in cans or glass may not be brought into the Park. 10. HKITP reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event upon inclement weather conditions or if the Education Bureau of Hong Kong announces a suspension of schools. For detailed arrangement, please refer to below table. 11. For detailed Terms and Conditions, please refer to respective program application form.

惡劣天氣活動安排 Inclement Weather Arrangement

迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列、迪士尼樂園探索之旅、迪士尼畢業慶典 迪士尼演藝日# 天氣警告信號 Disney Youth Education Series, # Disney Theme Park Adventures, Disney Grad Days Disney Performing Arts Weather Warning Signal 幼稚園 小學 中學 所有表演參與者 Kindergarten Primary Secondary All Performance Participants

活動將如常進行。 活動有可能取消。 Continue as scheduled. Subject to cancellation.

活動需延期進行 ,並於原定參觀日期起計之三個月內重新安排活動時間。 Reschedule within 3 months after the original date of the program.

活動將如常進行。 Continue as scheduled. 活動有可能取消。 活動需延期進行 ,並於原定參觀日期 起計之三個月內重新安排活動時間。 活動將如常進行。 Subject to cancellation. Reschedule within 3 months after Continue as scheduled. the original date of the program.

活動需延期進行 ,並於原定參觀日期起計之三個月內重新安排活動時間。 Reschedule within 3 months after the original date of the program.

# 香港迪士尼樂園在任何時候都以賓客的安全為上。根據香港教育局的指引,在某些天氣情況下,基於安全評估及表演性質,香港迪士尼樂園或需要取消表演, 但表演團體可因應樂園的運作情況,繼續暢遊樂園。表演團體應在指定的時間及地點集合,以獲取香港迪士尼樂園的最新消息。而有關樂園之運作詳情,請瀏覽 http://park.hongkongdisneyland.com之「天氣小提示」。 # Hong Kong Disneyland is committed to ensure the safety of Guests at all times. Under certain circumstances and according to guidance from the Hong Kong Education Bureau, Hong Kong Disneyland may cancel performances based on safety assessments and the nature of the performances. However, performing groups will still be welcomed to visit the Park in accordance with Park Operations procedures. To receive the latest updates from Hong Kong Disneyland, performing groups should gather at the pre-assigned gathering point and time. For details of Park Operations, please visit Weather Tips on http://park.hongkongdisneyland.com.

44| 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 迪士尼青少年 團隊活動計劃 DISNEY YOUTH 課程概覽 PROSPECTUS PROGRAMS 2020-2021

(852) 3550 3678 (852) 3550 1448 www.hongkongdisneylandyouthprograms.com [email protected]

熱線服務時間 星期一至五 上午9時至下午5時30分 星期六、日及公眾假期 休息

Hotline Service Hours 迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 迪士尼畢業慶典 Mon – Fri 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sat, Sun and Public Holiday Closed Disney Youth Education Series Disney Grad Days

迪士尼樂園探索之旅 迪士尼演藝日 Disney Theme Park Adventures Disney Performing Arts 掃描了解更多 2020/06 Scan for more