Five-Man Committee Eyed in Township New Zone
CO. HISTORICAL ASS:i,» ?»• J. --*_- This Week COVERING TOYVN3U1P8 OP One Section HOLMDEL. atADIHON MARLBORO. MATAWAN AND , -, 16 PAGES MATAWAN BOtOUO* 92nd YEAR — 3rd WEEK National Editorial Auodittra MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 21,1960 rnu Ai Single Copy Ten Cento Headed For Boy Scout Jamboree In Colorado Longs For Hit Puppy Five-Man Committee A family, »pn«?ently rerfdinj New Shopping Mart In tba Keyporl-Malawan -area' who adopted t (mail puppy Sat- Eyed In Township urday «t |h« KUdntss Ktanels, Rahway, may b« ablt to help a Scheduled For SWS In a few years, Mafawan Town- ballot. The petition would have to A second largs shopping center eadlly expanded to a 48-lnne ION ship may have a five-member gov- be signed by 25 per cent of the •even-yearoid Fanwood boy who' for the Browntown urea, this one ip. There is double the parklno) . erning body. Mayor 'Peter J. Wa- total number of legal voters In the Is hearlbroken and pining tor Ml In Sayro Woods South, was sub-ipaco to the building area In tha' ters, In answer to questions by Mi- township, as determined by [he pre- "Tippy," - . •..:..•:•::. mitted to, the Madison Township hopping contor.the senator noted.' chael Abba'zia, a spectator, said ceding election. Mr. ind Mti. W. Hatpin, Fan- Planning board last night for con- Tha shopping center Is generally that he was in favor of Increasing wood, parents ot the heartbroken sideration, S*,n. John A, Lynch,-New In shape. A 25-fnot bisf- After Referendum boy, tild the family agrcMl to the membership of the, committee ll the referendum were to be up Brunswick', "acted as attorney for cr ronn la allowed In the back; if the expansion was warranted un- offer this dog for adoption alter tho applicants, tho Altersnlr Realty j showed.
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