Public Document Pack Sustainable Development Select Committee Agenda Tuesday, 10 March 2020 7.00 pm, Committee room 3 Civic Suite Lewisham Town Hall London SE6 4RU For more information contact: Timothy Andrew (
[email protected]) This meeting is an open meeting and all items on the agenda may be audio recorded and/or filmed. Part 1 Item Pages 1. Minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2020 5 - 16 2. Declarations of interest 17 - 20 3. Responses from Mayor and Cabinet There are none. 4. Flood risk 21 - 38 Please note: the appendix to this item includes information requested by the Committee from the Environment Agency. 5. Parks and open spaces strategy To follow. 6. Catford regeneration update 39 - 74 7. Select Committee work programme 75 - 140 Members of the public are welcome to attend committee meetings. However, occasionally, committees may have to consider some business in private. Copies of agendas, minutes and reports are available on request in Braille, in large print, on audio tape, on computer disk or in other languages. Sustainable Development Select Committee Members Members of the committee, listed below, are summoned to attend the meeting to be held on Tuesday, 10 March 2020. Kim Wright, Chief Executive Thursday, 27 February 2020 Councillor Liam Curran (Chair) Councillor Patrick Codd (Vice-Chair) Councillor Obajimi Adefiranye Councillor Abdeslam Amrani Councillor Suzannah Clarke Councillor Mark Ingleby Councillor Louise Krupski Councillor Pauline Morrison Councillor Alan Smith Councillor James-J Walsh Councillor