Holy Cross & St Patrick Parish Served by the Society of the Divine Saviour – The Salvatorians Parish Priest: Father Auson Kamugisha, SDS Assistant Priest: Father Dieudonnѐ Zeng, SDS Pastoral Assistants: Deacons Oluwole Alayo & Tony Wentworth The Priests House & Chapel, 1a Conway Road, Plumstead, SE18 1AQ St Patrick’s Church, Hector Street, Plumstead, SE18 1QT Holy Cross, 27 The Slade, Plumstead Common, SE18 2NB Tel: 020 3722 7573,
[email protected] http://www.stpatricksholycross.org.uk St Patrick’s Primary School, Griffin Road, Plumstead, SE18 7QG Head Teacher: Miss Mary Murphy Tel: 0208 854 3881 www.stpatricksprimary.org.uk Salvatorian Trustees Registered Charity No 231410/ Archdiocese of Southwark is a Registered Charity: 235468 Thirtieth Sunday (b) Ps Week 2 Do We See 28th October 2018 As we come to the close of Ordinary Time and we review our consideration of the faith, can we say that we have gained new insights? Have we merely acquired some information about the biblical readings, about our religious ancestors in Israel, about the ministry of Jesus and the life of the early Church? Or have our eyes really been opened; have we been enabled to leave behind whatever prevents us from living the Christian life fully, to abandon our exile or the trappings of our former lives? Have we accepted more genuinely the Christian responsibilities that are ours as baptized followers of Christ – in our own personal lives, in our families, in our relationships with others, at the workplace? To what degree have we been transformed into Christ? How open have we become to the action of the Spirit in our lives? Have we been transformed into a new creation? And do we recognize Christ in our midst? General Notices Welcome to any new Parishioners: A warm welcome to you! Please introduce yourself to others and to the priest at the end of holy mass.