Family History For You February 2017 FH4U 014 Hello Everyone, Here's hoping you had a very enjoyable Christmas and a very Happy New Year. This newsletter goes out to hundreds maybe thousands of people, I know it is forwarded on to groups, yet it is only ever the faithful few 6-10 people who ever reply. Please I am not writing this newsletter for myself, I am writing it for YOU the reader and as such I do appreciate your feedback, along with an idea of things you want to read about. If you have any ideas and or thoughts on how this newsletter could be improved I would love to hear from you. Remember I am doing this for you, not for me because I have already read, learnt and inwardly digusted [I hope] the information in this newsletter. Hope you all enjoy this issue of the newsletter, and feel able to give me some feedback, where you are, your level of genealogical knowledge, what you would like to read in the newsletter, something you are happy to write about, several people ave promised to write a short article but sadly nothing has been forthcoming. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ******************- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The U3A Network Family History Study Day at Ash in Surrey on Thursday 23rd March 2017 has again proved to be extremely popular. Even though the programme and application forms were not sent out until the end of October 2016 not only was the event full before the end of November but also additional spaces made available. If you haven't sent in your application form, don't despair totally, by emailing Heather
[email protected] with your details you can request to be added to the waiting list in case, but don’t send any payment.