4/9/2018 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - clarification of permit requirements for NMMJM non-invasive survey techniques Konishi, Kathy <
[email protected]> clarification of permit requirements for NMMJM non-invasive survey techniques 1 message Jodie Smithem <
[email protected]> Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 4:08 PM To: Jennifer Frey <
[email protected]>, J Zahratka <
[email protected]>, Carol L Chambers <
[email protected]>, Jason Malaney <
[email protected]>, "Williams, Jack D -FS" <
[email protected]>, "Silva, Andre M -FS" <
[email protected]>,
[email protected], Chad Smith <
[email protected]>, "Jackson - DNR, Tina" <
[email protected]>, "Stuart, James N., DGF" <
[email protected]>, Holly Hicks <
[email protected]>, Sarah Lehnen <
[email protected]>, Megan Goyette <
[email protected]>, "Houlette, Shannon - FS" <
[email protected]>, "Hattenbach, Steven - FS" <
[email protected]>, "Trujillo, Robert - FS" <
[email protected]> Cc: Vanessa Burge <
[email protected]>, Kathy Konishi <
[email protected]>, Susan Millsap <
[email protected]>, Mary Richardson <
[email protected]>, David Smith <
[email protected]>, Alison Michael <
[email protected]>, Terry Ireland <
[email protected]> All, At the beginning of the optional discussion session on the second afternoon of the recent NMMJM Science Update meeting in Durango, CO, the group asked if a Federal permit was required to conduct non-invasive survey techniques for the jumping mouse, such as track-plating and camera stations. We reached out to biologists and permit coordinators in other FWS regions where similar methods are used for other listed small mammal species, and the consensus was that permits were not required for non-invasive survey techniques.