The Winter Walks trails have been created to encourage people to get out, explore, and learn more about the unique history of Stirling and how places have changed over time. Along each 1.5 hour trail there are four stops with information on the history of that location, puzzles and activities to complete. BEFORE YOU START - Review the map and make sure you know the route Winter - Take a pen or pencil to record your answers - Check the weather and take appropriate clothing WHILE ON THE WALK - Look out for traffic and other dangers - Use pedestrian crossing when available Walks - Respect guidance on physical distancing and group sizes to keep yourself and others safe The Stirling Battle Solve the puzzles and enter the draw to win fun prizes from local businesses! for kids ENTER THE PRIZE DRAW Mail in your completed activity sheet to: M Jackson, Transport Development Stirling Council Teith House, Stirling, FK7 7QA You can also help us to enhance local places for the future by com- pleting the place survey online. SEE PRIZES AVAILABLE AND SUBMIT SURVEY ONLINE: OR email:
[email protected] *Responses to the places surveys will be used to inform the devel- opment of the Walk Cycle Live Stirling. elorer 1. South of the Old Stirling Bridge 2. North of the Old Stirling Bridge 700 years ago, in the 13th century before all the buildings and roads that The English were impatient by the inaction of the Scots, so they started you see around were built, there was just the river, the bridge and some to cross the narrow bridge.