INDEX. (Family Surnames of Value in Genealogical Research Are Printed in CAPITALS; Names of Places in Itaucs
INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in itaUcs. Abbott, Charles, vs. Sir Francis Bur- BALL, HALSTED, 119 dett, 346, 356, 357 Ball, John, Philadelphia schoolmaster, Abensuer, Joseph, 85 361 Abington, 213 BALL, SUSAN. 119 Ackerman, John, receives grant of Ball, Thomas, Philadelphia schoolmas- land in Pennsylvania, 319 ter, 361, 364 Acrod, Benjamin, 269 Ball, William, 367 Adams, Brooks, 243 Ballard, Brig. Gen. Colin R., "The Adams, Charles Francis, 150, 243 Military Genius of Abraham Lin- Adams, Henry, 243 coln," by, referred to, 141-144, 147, Adel, Thomas, Philadelphia school- 148, 150, 151, 153, 155, 157, 160 master, 363 Baltimore, Lord, 293 Alcorn, James, 168 Baltimore, 34, 42 Alexander, Gen. E. P., 150 Bancacker, George, 199 Alexandria, 30 Baptists in Colonial Pennsylvania, Alfred, warship, Continental Navy, 337, 338 query regarding, 175 Baralt, Rafael, 78 Allegheny Mountains, 34, 198-200 Barclay, Rev. Dr., 358 Allegheny River, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, Barker, General, 375, 378, 379 36, 44, 53. Barker, Charles R., Colonial Taverns Allen, Nathaniel, early settler in of Lower Merion by, 205-228 Pennsylvania, 322 Barnes, Rev. Albert, 112 Allen, Samuel, 374 Barnum, David, 379 Allen, Chief Justice William, 261 Barrett, Richard, case of Augustus H. Allison, Rev. Dr., 65, 113 Beaumont against, 347, 348, 357 ALRICH, ELIZABETH, 66 Barry, John, 175 American Philosophical Society, or- Barton vs. Taylor, case of, 357 ganized, 1743, 291 Barton, Rev. Thomas, Church Mis- Amity, ship bringing English emi- sionary, 173 grants to Pennsylvania, 322 Bartram, John, 314; Journal of, Anderson, Ephraim, 139 quoted, 305 ; early settler in Penn- Anderson, Hezekiah, 135 sylvania, 333 Anderson, James, M.D., property of, Bartram, William, 305 in Lower Merion, 215, 216 Baths, Charles, 17 Andrew, Governor, 231, 233 Battle, , 131 Andros, Gov.
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