Teach the Square…And the Rectangle
f e a t u r e Teach the square…and the rectangle eaching these two geometric needs of ancient civilizations. familiar and trusted shapes, they Tshapes is like a line from an (Some believe the square symbol- represent order and stability. old song: “You can’t have one izes civilization.) Ancient peoples Because a square has four equal without the other.” needed to measure plots of land, sides, it can also be said to sym- The square and rectangle go build structures, collect taxes, bolize the seasons (spring, sum- hand in hand—maybe not like describe constellations, and create mer, fall, winter), cardinal direc- “love and marriage” or “horse calendars, all of which required tions (north, east, south, west), and carriage,” but perhaps best numbers, shapes, and calculations. and the elements (fire, water, air, understood in terms of the other. Of the basic geometric shapes in earth). Children have undoubtedly had today’s world, the rectangle is the In nature, we see no naturally experience with the two shapes in most common. The rectangle and formed squares or rectangles. objects all around them. They its square soul-mate form the Trees, branches, and leaves, for begin learning geometric shapes structure of most buildings. As example, are uneven, rounded, in a more formal way in preschool z T and are usually expected to know gae how to make and take apart N shapes by the time they finish kindergarten. by susa oto Texas Child Care has posted two ph previous articles on teaching geo- metric shapes: Go round: Teach the circle shape in Spring 2015 and Teach the triangle in Spring 2017.
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