Stml043-Endmatter.Pdf STUDENT MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY Volume 43 Elementary Geometry Ilka Agricola Thomas Friedric h Translated by Philip G . Spain #AM^S^fcj S AMERICAN MATHEMATICA L SOCIET Y Providence, Rhode Islan d Editorial Boar d Gerald B . Follan d Bra d G . Osgoo d Robin Forma n (Chair ) Michae l Starbir d 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primar y 51M04 , 51M09 , 51M15 . Originally publishe d i n Germa n b y Friedr . Viewe g & Sohn Verlag , 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany , a s "Ilk a Agricol a un d Thoma s Friedrich : Elementargeometrie. 1 . Auflag e (1s t edition)" . © Friedr . Viewe g & Sohn Verlag/GW V Fachverlag e GmbH , Wiesbaden , 2005 Translated b y Phili p G . Spai n For additiona l informatio n an d update s o n thi s book , visi t Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatio n Dat a Agricola, Ilka , 1973- [Elementargeometrie. English ] Elementary geometr y / Ilk a Agricola , Thoma s Friedrich . p. cm . — (Student mathematica l librar y ; v. 43) Includes bibliographica l reference s an d index. ISBN-13 : 978-0-8218-4347- 5 (alk . paper ) ISBN-10 : 0-8218-4347- 8 (alk . paper ) 1. Geometry. I . Friedrich, Thomas , 1949 - II . Title. QA453.A37 200 7 516—dc22 200706084 4 Copying an d reprinting. Individua l reader s o f this publication , an d nonprofi t libraries actin g fo r them, ar e permitted t o mak e fai r us e of the material, suc h a s to copy a chapter fo r us e in teaching o r research.
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