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True Parents giving the Blessing Prayer at the WCSF Blessing held in the United Nations building

by William Selig theme for the Convocation of World the World Association of Non-Govern- was Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, secretary Leaders as part of the 7th World Cul- mental Organizations (WANGO), more general, WCSF 2001. Deborah Moldow, he new year began with a ture and Sports Festival held at the than 800 participants from 143 nations co-chair, Values Caucus at the Unit- spectacular gathering cen- New York Hilton and the United Nations attended the international event, includ- ed Nations delivered the invocation. tered on Heavenly Father Headquarters, Jan. 26-30, 2001. ing 40 current and former heads of Opening remarks were given by Rev. and our True Parents. “Dia- Sponsored by the Interreligious and state, heads of government, and prime Chung Hwan Kwak, WCSF 2001 chair- logue and Harmony Among International Federation for World Peace ministers. man, former U.S. Vice President Dan Civilizations:T The Family, Universal (IIFWP), the Family Federation for World At the opening banquet in the Hilton see WCSF on page 18 Values, and World Peace,” was the Peace and Unification (FFWPU), and Grand Ballroom Jan. 26, the emcee 50-state Speaking Tour of America Reports from the states start on p. 5 NEW FUTURE PHOTO

New York, NY

Houston, TX Atlanta, GA , FL

Columbus, OH Portland, OR Oakland, CA Philadelphia, PA 2 Unification News March 2001 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR This is one of the two speeches that are being given on the 50-state tour. ith the end of the Cold War, new hope for peace In Search of the Origin and justice has spread rapidly across the globe. who dislikes the sexual organs? If you love? The owner of love is not man or relationships in reality have the same cen- Leaders unable or unwill- like them, how much do you like them? woman. The owner of love is God. Cen- ter. The relationship between God and ingW to acknowledge the new internation- Until now you may not have thought it tering on love and through love, God and human beings is a parent-child relation- al realities are being swept away by the virtuous to value the sexual organs, but humankind become one. This is because ship. Thus, God and man must become tidal wave of change. from now you must value them. both God and human beings absolutely one, centering on true love. As we stand at the threshold of the What will the world be like in the future? need love. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, new millennium, I believe it is time to If it is a world which values the sexual Then, what kind of love does God need? how lofty is human desire? Your mind review our traditional patterns of think- organs absolutely, will that world be good God needs absolute love. What about you? wants to reach higher than God. No mat- ing and boldly seize these new opportu- or bad? Will it prosper or perish? This is It is the same for you and for me. Just as ter how lowly a person is, he or she can nities. Thus it is my great honor to share not a joke. When God was creating human God needs absolute, unique, unchanging desire a world even greater than that of with you my life-long advocacy for world beings, into which part did He invest the and eternal love, we also need absolute, God’s desire. As a beloved son or daugh- peace and true family values. greatest creative effort? The eyes? The unique, unchanging and eternal love. It ter of God, if you say to God, “Father, In this world there are two kinds of nose? The heart? The brain? All of these seems that we all resemble God. please come!”, won’t He come? No mat- human beings: men and women. Can they organs eventually die, do they not? What God himself has characteristics of mas- ter how ugly a man’s wife is, if he really decide to exchange positions? Was your is the purpose of the Family Feder- loves her, he naturally will follow her birth as male or female based upon your ation for World Peace? If humanity when she calls. With unity centering personal desire? Or were you born that were to go beyond the traditional on true love, the husband will respond way irrespective of your personal prefer- categories of virtue, religion and any to his wife’s beckoning, the elder will ence? The sex that we are given is an other human norms, but were follow the younger’s call, and the younger absolute and is not a matter of choice. absolutely in harmony with the sex- will follow the elder’s call. None of them We did not think it nor did we want it, ual organs, earning the welcoming will ever want to separate from the but without knowing the cause, result, applause of God, what kind of world other. or process of our birth, we were born a would it be? If God is alone, does He feel lonely certain way. When we are born as a man or or not? How can we know that He feels Thus it is undeniable that no matter woman, who is the owner of our sex- lonely? Distinguished Ladies and Gen- how great a person may be, he or she is ual organ? Actually the owner of a tlemen, do you have love? Do you have not a causal being, but is a resultant husband’s sexual organ is his wife, life? Do you have sperm and eggs? Do being. Therefore, there must exist the first and the owner of a wife’s sexual organ you have a conscience? You affirm all causal being. Who is that causal being? is her husband. We did not know these things, but have you seen love? Is it male? Is it female? You can call that that the sexual organ is owned by Have you seen life? Have you seen lin- first causal being God or any other name, the opposite sex. This is a simple Portland, OR eage? Have you seen the conscience? but this causal being must exist. truth. We cannot deny this truth. Have you ever touched these things? You Here today are gathered some of the Even after history progresses for thou- know their existence, but you cannot most famous people in the world. You sands of years, this truth will not change. culinity and femininity, or positivity and touch or see them. You know them only might say, “Where is God? Show me and Every man thinks his sexual organ negativity. Human beings, who were cre- through your mind’s intuition. By the then I will believe.” But I warn you not to belongs to himself, and each woman thinks ated as the substantial object of God, were same token, even though you have not deny the existence of that causal being. her sexual organ is her own. That is why created as man and woman. When man seen or touched God, you cannot say that The topic of today’s speech is “In Search the world is perishing. Everyone is mis- and woman marry, they become sub- He does not exist. What is more impor- of the Origin of the Universe.” If we go taken concerning ownership of the sex- stantial plus and minus representing God. tant, that which is visible or that which deeper and deeper in our search for the ual organs. We all think that love is absolute, It is God’s will that when we marry, we is invisible? I am sure you realize that the origin of the universe, we arrive at God. eternal, and dream-like, but when we completely unite horizontally centering invisible is more important than the vis- We come to know that God possesses dual come to clearly understand that the own- on God’s vertical love. ible. You can see and touch money, posi- characteristics of male and female. How ership of eternal love lies with the oppo- The human body is horizontal, repre- tion and honor, but you cannot see or did the universe begin? Let us put aside site sex, the world will not remain in its senting the earth. On the other hand, the touch love, life, lineage and conscience. our discussion of God for the moment, present condition. There are numerous conscience always loves the vertical and We all have them, so why can we not see and consider humankind. It is clear that scholars and Ph.D.s, but none of them seeks the higher perspective. Thus human them? It is because they are one with us. humankind is comprised of man and have thought about this. beings irresistibly seek the point at which When mind and body maintain absolute woman, or subject and object. In the min- Can any of you deny this? If you ask they become one with the vertical stan- balance, you do not feel them. eral kingdom, molecules are composed of your parents, your grandparents, your dard of God. That point must be the cen- Do you feel your eyes blinking? Try anion and cation. Plants reproduce through great-grandparents, the original ances- ter, and man and woman must meet each counting your blinks for three hours. Do stamen and pistil. Animals live as male tors, and even God who is the origin of other at that point. Thus when every per- you count the number of breaths you take and female, and human beings as man the universe, they all will agree with this. son, who is born from that center, grows everyday? Touch the left side of your chest and woman. If we examine creation, whether This is a universal law. This truth will up through experiencing the love of a with your right hand. Do you feel some- the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, or remain even after the universe continues child, the love among brothers and sis- thing beating? You can feel the beating of animal kingdom, we observe that plus to exist for billions of years. The natural ters, and conjugal love, the mature body your heart. How many times a day do you and minus on a higher level exists and conclusion is that when you stand before represents the earth, and the mature mind hear the sound of your heart beating? develops by absorbing plus and minus God, He will judge you as righteous or centers on God. At this ultimate point, Through a stethoscope your heartbeat from the lower level. Why does this phe- unrighteous according to this immutable body and mind become one vertically and sounds like the explosion of a bomb. But nomenon take place? It is because the law. horizontally, thus establishing a base for when we are busy, we go for weeks and existing world is responsible to perfect Even the fall of Adam and Eve origi- happiness. Only at that place will God, months without feeling that. Think about human beings, who are Lords of all cre- nated in the violation of this law. Adam who is the Absolute Being, rejoice cen- it! We immediately feel a small fly sitting ation. In the mineral kingdom, plus and and Eve both erred by thinking their sex- tering on absolute love. In that place, hus- on our head, but cannot feel our heart minus, that is, subject and object, unite ual organ was their own possession. Think band and wife, who are love partners, also beating even when the sound of it is a centering on the ideal of love and thus about it. Would God chase Adam and Eve will rejoice. hundred times greater than the lighting exist. In the same way, in the plant king- away because they ate a literal fruit? God When the relationships of parent and of a fly. It is because we are one with our dom, stamen and pistil, that is, subject is not such a senseless being. God chased child, husband and wife, and brother and own body. and object, unite centering on love and them out because they did not meet the sister, which represent respectively north You may think it rude if I share this thus also exist. Medical science today most basic criterion by which the uni- and south, east and west, and front and with you, but I would like to give you an points out that even bacteria exist as plus verse functions. Because of their mistake back, unite perfectly centering on that example. You use the bathroom each and minus. with the original point of love, they could one point, an ideal, global shape is cre- morning. When you defecate, do you wear How do subject and object, or plus and not be acknowledged anywhere in the uni- ated. a gas mask? This is not a laughing mat- minus unite? By kissing? Love is not a verse. In the mineral kingdom, plant king- Thus in the East, there is a saying that ter but a serious one. If you are near some- concept but a substantial reality. What dom and animal kingdom, the positivity parents and children form one body. Fur- one else defecating, you will quickly move is the reality upon which love can settle? and negativity, that is, the sexual organ, ther, they see husband and wife, and a good distance away. But when you smell President Ford, President Bush, who is reserved for the sake of the compli- brother and sister, forming one body. What your own feces, you do not even notice it. attended the Inaugural World Convention mentary partner of love. Adam and Eve is the basis for that traditional wisdom? This is because that fecal matter is one of the Family Federation for World Peace, did not know this. It all is made possible when the three rela- with your body. Therefore, you do not feel and all of you distinguished guests are Then why do the sexual organs exist? tionships form a sphere, extending in all that it is dirty. famous but there is something that you For love. Male and female exist in order directions centering on true love. Those When you were young, did you ever do not know. You do not know what makes to find love. What are characteristics of relationships must form a sphere with taste the dried mucus from your nose? man man, and woman woman. The answer God? God is absolute, unique, eternal one center. There should be only one cen- Does it taste sweet or salty? It’s salty, is: the sexual organs. Is there anyone here and unchanging. Then who is owner of ter. Unification is possible because those right? Since you can answer, you must March 2001 Unification News 3 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR ideal through ignorance. This is my warn- precious young people in the matter of an ing to you. hour. Some people say that I am brain- Pray to find out whether Reverend washing youth, but in fact I am enlight- Moon’s words are true. No one knows how ening them with logical truth. Atheists of the Universe much hardship I endured in order to find have been silenced since they failed to this path. Even though I committed no prove scientifically and logically that God have tasted it! Why did you not feel that us. crime, I suffered through six different pris- does not exist. On the other side, Chris- it was dirty? It is because it was part of Why is that the place where man and ons to find this path. Through this truth, tians entrap us, crying heresy because your body. Reverend Moon has figured woman become one centering on God? It I am able to straighten out and educate our doctrines differ, and they try to destroy out something that no one in the world is because love is absolute, and that place knew. is where man and woman have the absolute When you cough up phlegm, you some- desire to become one. Looking horizon- times swallow it, right? What about you tally, man, who is plus, approaches that C ALENDAR who are here today? Have you ever had center, and woman, who is minus, also that experience? Be honest. Why do you approaches that center. In God also, the MARCH 2001 not feel it is dirty? Because the phlegm masculine characteristic and the femi- 4 Shin Won Nim's Birthday (2/10/88) was one with your body. We all eat three nine characteristic become one as plus 12 Jin Sung Nim's Birthday (2/18/62) meals a day, breakfast, lunch and din- and minus. That union in God, as a big- 13 Shin Ye Nim's Birthday (2/19/00) ner. If you go about twelve inches down ger plus, becomes one with a bigger minus, 21 Shin Chul Nim's Birthday (2/27/92) from your mouth, there is a fertilizer fac- namely, the union of man and woman. tory. By eating three meals a day, we are The question turns to the conditions by World Research Institute for Science and Technology (WRIST) providing raw materials for fertilizer fac- which that union can come about. Established (1984) tories. After knowing that, can you still What is marriage? Why is marriage 25 True Parents' Day (3/1/60) take food into your mouth with a fork and important? Marriage is important because Sung Jin Nim's Birthday (3/1/46) spoon? We know that there is a fertilizer it is the road to finding love. It is the road Aewon (Garden of Love) Bank Established (1994) factory in our stomach, but we live on to creating life. It is the road where the 26 Martial Arts Federation for World Peace Established (1997) without feeling its presence. Why do we life of a man and a woman unite into one. not feel it? It is because we are one with It is the place where a man’s lineage com- 27 New Ecumenical Research Association (New ERA) Inauguration it. In the same way, we have love, life, lin- bines with a woman’s lineage. History (1980) eage and conscience, but because they emerges through marriage, and from mar- 28 International Christian Professors Association Established (1981) are one with us in balance, we do not feel riage nations appear and an ideal world 43 Couples' Blessing (1969) them. begins. Without marriage there is no mean- 31 Hyun Jin Nim & Jun Sook Nim's Blessing (1987) Just like us, God has love, life, lineage ing to the existence of individuals, nations, The Sao Paulo Declaration (1995) and conscience, but He cannot feel them and an ideal world. This is the formula. by Himself. Because they are completely Man and woman must become absolute- APRIL 2001 in balance, God cannot feel them. That is ly one. Parents and children must become why God also needs an object partner. We absolutely one with God, love God, and 3 New Hope Farm Declaration (1995) understand the necessity of an object live and die with God. And when they die 4 Shin Hwa Nim's Birthday (3/11/88) partner from this perspective. When one and go to the spirit world, that is the place Dedication Ceremony for the Chung Shim Tap Memorial Tower is alone, one cannot feel oneself. But when called Heaven. But there has been no indi- & Jeong Shim Won Prayer Hall (2000) a man appears to a woman and a woman vidual, family or nation which has ful- appears to a man, the stimulation of love filled that ideal; the world and humankind 7 42 Couples' Blessing (1989) and lineage will erupt like lightning and have not established that ideal, and for 138 Previously Married Couples' Blessing (1989) thunder. You must be fully awakened that reason the kingdom of Heaven that 57 Single Blessing (1989) about this. We have lived without know- God desires is empty. All people who died Declaration for the Blessed Family (1995) ing this truth. Man has not understood until now fell into Hell. No one entered 9 True Parents' Blessing (3/16/60) that God absolutely needs His love part- the Kingdom of Heaven. ner. From this perspective, we can see that Dae Hyung Nim's Ascension Then who is God’s love partner? Is it Jesus came as Savior of humankind but 10 1265 Previously Married Couples' Blessing (1992) a monkey? If human beings are result- could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Women's Federation for World Peace Established (1992) ant, can monkeys be the being that caused He instead went to Paradise. In order to Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (1996) us? Can monkeys be our progenitors? enter the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus would 11 Un Jin Nim & Jin Hun Nim's Blessing (1986) Don’t even talk such nonsense. In order have had to form a family. That is why for life to have begun from an amoeba and Jesus wants to come again. Jesus was to 12 36 Couples of the Second Generation Blessing (1986) reach the human form, it must pass marry, form a family, serve and live with 16 Kwon Jin Nim & Hwa Yun Nim's Blessing (1995) through the gates of love on thousands God in that family, and then enter the Sun Jin Nim & In Sup Nim's Blessing (1995) of levels. Does life progress automatical- Kingdom of Heaven with that family. He 17 Day of the Resurrection of Shimjung (1960) ly? Absolutely not. It is the same with all could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven animals. The division of species is very by himself alone. Thus it is said in the Day of the Resurrection of Substance (1961) strict. Nobody can trespass the separa- Bible, “What is bound on earth is bound 18 Jin Hun Nim's Birthday (3/25/63) tion of species. in Heaven, and what is loosed on earth 22 Noticias del Mundo Established (1980) If materialists who believe that mon- is loosed in Heaven.” We must solve the 26 Shin Bok Nim's Birthday (4/3/82) keys are our ancestors crossbreed a human problems on earth. Since the disease was 27 Shin Il Nim's Birthday (4/4/81) being and a monkey, do you think a new contracted on earth, it must be cured on life form will emerge? It will fail no mat- earth. MAY 2001 ter how many thousands of years they Humankind descended from the fall. attempt it. Why will it not work? You must Therefore we dwell in the realm of the fall 1 HSA-UWC Established (1954) think about this. and cannot enter the Kingdom of Heav- 43 Couples' Blessing (1969) Then what would God need? What part en without making a foundation to rise Day of Victory Over Resentment (1974) of your body would God need most? Your above that realm. Man in the realm of the Ceremony for the Total Dissolution of Resentment (1975) eyes? Hands? Your five senses? Within fall must destroy that realm no matter Him, God has both masculinity and fem- how difficult it is. Thus Jesus said, “Who- 3 Hyun Jin Nim's Birthday (4/10/69) ininity, but to exist as Father, His being ever seeks his life will lose it, and who- 6 Professors World Peace Academy Established (1973) is that of a male subject. With this in ever loses his life for my sake will find it.” 10 Unification Theological Seminary (1977) mind, would we say that God needs a love In order to traverse this road of death, we 14 Cheonju Haebang Shik: Ceremony for the Liberation of the Uni- partner? must penetrate it and rise above by risk- verse (1999) Then who or what within His creation ing our entire lives. could be His love partner? Is it man by Your families are in the realm of the 15 36 Couples' Blessing (1961) himself? Or can woman by herself become fall. Your tribes and nations are the same. Citizen's Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland (1987) God’s love partner? What kind of partner You must struggle and win. The fall occurred 16 Ye Jin Nim & Jin Whi Nim's Blessing (1981) does God want? Does God need a part- in Adam’s family. Did Adam and Eve have Shin Yeon Nim's Birthday (4/23/90) ner with great wealth? Does He need a children before or after they were chased Day of the Love of God (1984) partner of knowledge, or one of great out of the Garden? They had children after authority? No, none of these things mat- they were chased out; they created their 21 118 Couples' Blessing (1978) ter. God wants a love partner. Thus, cen- family without any relationship to God. 22 American Clergy Leadership Conference Established (2000) tering on the place where husband and How can you go to the Kingdom of Heav- 23 True Day of All Things (5/1/63) wife become one through their sexual en without knowing this? It is not con- 30 Declaration of True Parents' East and West Victory (1999) organs, God wants to appear and meet ceivable; you cannot achieve the perfect © 2000 COURTESY OF KATHERYN COMAN 4 Unification News March 2001 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR us. But in this case, this so-called hereti- mind wants to live receiving love from the you doubt this, ask God. You cannot reject lineage 180 degrees. Therefore, True Par- cal cult is on the side of truth. universe, the nation, our village and our Reverend Moon’s Divine Principle, which ents must come and bestow marriage that Satan hates whatever is on God’s side, parents. But because people walk the contains content beyond your wildest is in a direction 180 degrees opposite, in and God hates whatever is on Satan’s opposite path, their consciences become dreams presented through logical expla- order to open the path to Heaven. side. Has anyone in the world liked Rev- dysfunctional and they feel a contradic- nations and in a well-ordered structure. Then, what did God expect from Adam erend Moon? You came here only on the tion with their own original mind. Thus If you wonder whether Reverend Moon and Eve? God expected absolute sex from basis of learning what Reverend Moon is more and more people would rather die will go to Heaven or Hell, please die and them. You world leaders gathered here doing. You did not come without know- than live, and commit virtual suicide by go to spirit world. There you will find out. tonight, please learn this truth and take ing that. taking drugs. We are witnessing the truth, If you feel upset by my talk tonight, you it back to your countries. If you start a Youth in the former Soviet Union, liv- “You will reap what you have sown,” being could go ahead and commit suicide, and campaign to secure absolute sex in your ing in an ideological vacuum, are equip- proven. you will really find out. You have to real- country, your families and your nation ping themselves intellectually with a uni- What seed did Adam and Eve plant in ize that Reverend Moon overcame death will go straight to Heaven. When there is fication perspective through comprehen- the Garden of Eden? It was the seed of hundreds of times in order to find this absolute sex, an absolute couple will sive ethics texts in middle schools, high free sex. Can that be denied? That is the path. Reverend Moon is the person who emerge automatically. Words such as free schools, universities and even in prisons. reason they covered their lower parts. Is brought God to tears hundreds of times. sex, homosexual and lesbian will natu- Three thousand six hundred schools in it not true that even children know they No one in history has loved God more than rally disappear. the former Soviet Union are using such must cover up, for example, after having the Reverend Moon has. That is why even Reverend Moon has lived an entire life texts. They believe that my teachings pro- eaten the cookies hidden by their parents. if the world tries to destroy me, the Rev- overcoming a suffering path in order to vide the only way to overcome the cor- This is a function of human nature. If the erend Moon will never perish. It is because initiate this kind of movement worldwide. rupting influence of the decadent West- fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good God protects me. If you step into the realm Now the time has come for Reverend Moon ern culture of homosexuality and free sex. and Evil were a literal fruit, then Adam of the truth Reverend Moon teaches, you to trumpet the fanfare of victory and move They are proclaiming, “We must surpass and Eve should have covered their mouths also will gain God’s protection. the entire world. Therefore, I am grateful America, which opposes Reverend When a sexual organ is used in to God. Moon!” They want to move ahead of the same way a blind person wan- The family sets the cornerstone on the America in attending Reverend Moon. ders aimlessly and without direction, road to world peace. The family also can Ladies and Gentlemen, do you it will undoubtedly lead you as its destroy that road. It was Adam’s family like God? Would God enjoy watch- owner to Hell. By the same token, in which the destruction of the founda- ing Reverend Moon doing these one will be led high up into Heaven tion of human hope and happiness took works? Can the teaching of the Vat- when he or she uses the sexual organ place. Therefore, when we establish the ican harmonize with the teaching according to the standard of God’s Family Federation for World Peace, the of Reverend Schuller, who also attend- absolute love. This is a clear conclu- road going 180 degrees opposite the direc- ed the Inaugural Convention of the sion. tion of the satanic world will be open, and Family Federation for World Peace? Today, we face a serious youth for this we cannot help but give thanks Their teachings are different. Then problem, because in the Garden of to God. Without following this road, there ask God whose teaching is true. Eden Adam and Eve planted the seed is no freedom, happiness or ideal! What is the benefit of my telling you of free sex in the shade through their I wish that you would center on the that your understanding of Jesus fall during their youth. In the Last absolute sexual organ, unique sexual and Mother Mary is wrong? But you Days, harvest time, there must be organ, unchanging sexual organ and eter- must understand one fact very clear- the worldwide phenomenon of ram- nal sexual organ, and use this as your ly: Without being loosed on earth, pant free sex among the youth. foundation to pursue God. You should it will not be loosed in Heaven. Rev- Miami, FL Satan knew that the Lord of the Sec- realize that this foundation should become erend Moon, who knew this at an ond Advent would come in the Last the foundation of love, life, lineage and early age, has devoted his life to walking or their hands. So, why did they hide their Days with the strategy to save humankind, conscience. We also have to realize that this path. lower parts? who are in the realm of the fall, by lifting the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heav- Should Jesus have married? Jesus Reverend Moon is an intelligent man. them up to the realm of absolute love, en will begin on this foundation. should have married. Is Jesus a woman I am not doing what I am doing because centered on God’s true love. Satan can- If all men and women admit that their or a man? If there is a woman saint, would I am inferior to you. It cannot be denied not find any other standard of love other sexual organ belongs to their spouse, we Jesus not desire to marry her? During that the fall was caused by fornication. than free sex, as the archangel introduced all will bow our heads and become hum- the creation of Adam and Eve, God grant- To restore the fall of Adam and Eve, it is in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, we see ble when we receive our spouse’s love. ed them their own sexual organs. Why very logical to say that we must take a that the entire world is stripped naked Love comes to you only from your part- would He have done that? Would God have path 180 degrees different from that of and being pushed in the direction of death ner. There is no love other than love for married them when they reached matu- the fall. We inherited a lineage on the path by free sex. All humanity is being forced the sake of others. We must remember rity, or not? to Hell, due to the fall. That is why the to walk this path in the Last Days as the that we can find absolute love where we The problem lies in their fall. Due to Messiah must come. archangel’s descendants. Because today’s absolutely live for the sake of others. When the fall, their blood lineage switched from The Messiah comes as the owner who humankind descended from Adam and you return home, you should expect to God to Satan. Therefore, God chased them should form the family in the Garden of Eve, who fell under Satan’s dominion in wage a war against the satanic world. out of the Garden of Eden. Originally, Eden as originally intended by God. We the Garden of Eden, Satan can boldly Wherever you may go, please try to Adam and Eve were to have become God’s must understand this clearly. It must be claim in front of God that he has a right spread Reverend Moon’s message through body, in the position of God’s bride. The logical. The Messiah first should create a to do whatever he will with all men and television or other media. You will never fall, in a sense, introduced a disease into family which serves God. Through this women in this world. perish. What force can turn around this God’s body and ideal, as Adam and Eve family, he should establish a nation. There- God knows what Satan wants. Through world of Hell? It is impossible to achieve acted like God’s enemies. Can you imag- fore, the family is the key. Centering on free sex, Satan wants to stop every last this unless our sexual organ is used in ine how much God’s Heart suffered as He the Messiah’s family, there should be an person from returning to God. In other accordance with an absolute, unique, watched this taking place? The human engrafting process. The problem is, “who words, Satan wants to destroy all human- unchanging and eternal standard cen- fall is the grave in which you bury your- can save me from this world of death?” ity and create Hell on Earth. Is not the tering on God’s true love which is absolute, self. It was an act of expropriation. It was That is why the opposite path is taken. world in which we live today Hell on Earth? unique, unchanging and eternal love. God the root of free sex as well as the origin Look at the Old Testament era. The Therefore, we will find the road to Heav- is the original owner of the sexual organs. of individualism. indemnification took place centering on en by going 180 degrees opposite the direc- Let us go forward all together for this What kind of nation is America today? the principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth tion of this Hell on Earth. When the Lord common cause. Let us become the van- It has become a nation of extreme indi- for a tooth.” Look at Rebekah, the wife of of the Second Advent comes, he will show guard which will carry out God’s true love. vidualism, a nation whose people are pur- Isaac. Isn’t she the one who stole the bless- us the 180 degrees opposite path, as a This is the very mission of the Family Fed- suing private interests, over-indulging ing for Jacob by cheating her elder son, means to save the world and lead us to eration for World Peace. Now, please go themselves, gluttonous, practicing free Esau, and her own husband, Isaac? Why Heaven. back to your homes and affirm with your sex. Does God favor these things? What would God love such a woman? How can Then what is the road that is 180 degrees spouses that your sexual organs are is the goal of such extreme individualists? we have faith in such a God? No one until opposite the way of free sex? The path of absolute, unique, unchanging and eter- They abandon Heaven and Earth, the now has answered these questions. Rev- free sex was laid because of the false par- nal. Proclaim that yours is truly your world, the nation, society, their extend- erend Moon is the first person to provide ents. Therefore, True Parents have to come spouse’s and what your spouse has pro- ed family and even their grandparents. the answers, because Reverend Moon is to straighten the wrong path. God can- tected so well until now is truly yours. Beyond that, they lose their parents and the only one who knows all the secrets of not intervene. No authority nor any mil- And please pledge that you will live your brothers and sisters. Therefore they live God. itary, economic or political powers can do life with gratitude and in eternal service as gypsies and wander around as hippies, Now, let us discover the dividing line it. It was caused by false parents. There- to your spouse. In such families, God will having no place to go when it rains and between Heaven and Hell. Is it up in the fore, it takes True Parents to cut it open dwell eternally and, centering upon them, snows. So they are driven to end their air? Where is it? It is your sexual organ. with a scalpel. True Parents should oper- the world-level family will begin to mul- lives by suicide. That is the result of indi- This is a serious matter. This has turned ate with their scalpel; that is the only way tiply. ❖ vidualism. Heaven and Earth upside down. Who can humanity can be saved. The original mind does not want to pro- deny this? This is explained in the chap- The one who sinned has to indemnify tect this extreme individualism and ridicu- ter on the human fall in the Divine Prin- the sin. It was in the family that a false lous exaltation of privacy. The original ciple, the teaching of Reverend Moon. If marriage took place which corrupted the March 2001 Unification News 5 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

ew York City Police cordoned off several blocks in front of —February 25 the Garden of Prayer Cathe- dral in the Bronx. Church White Rock Baptist Church, exemplified cheers of those assembled. Referring to I may be old, my message has the spir- buses and vans delivered the special relationship that minority a Chicago Sun-Times description of the it of youth, so please listen carefully.” Nclergy and representation from congre- clergy have with the evening’s guest tour as a “hurricane across America,” Although his speech was in Korean, with gations throughout the city. Lines streamed speaker. pastor Edwards challenged the congre- simultaneous translation, the audience into the streets as participants of all “I can identify with Rev. Sun Myung gation: “let’s begin this heavenly wind responded with warm applause and races greeted and blessed each other Moon,” Kenyatta said. “We both have tonight, that it might blow across the repeated shouts of “Amen” numerous joyfully, oblivious to the dull, gray, driz- had the misfortune of being persecuted nation.” times. His theme was: “The Path for zly afternoon. As the sanctuary and bal- and tortured. I know how he got here, Rev. Moon arrived with his wife and America and Humanity in the New Mil- cony filled to capacity, the atmosphere and I want him to know that his time several of his 13 children, together with lennium.” “When America becomes a was warm and the spirit high. By the has come.” Kenyatta, who was a body- their wives. Looking youthful for his 81 place where people of all races can live time Rev. Doris Tongo of Ark of Safety guard for Malcolm X in his youth, together in harmony, it will be a model Fellowship Church was well into the expressed confidence that God would for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth… Praise Service, and the Garden of Prayer speak to America through the tour. I ask you to stand with me in accom- Choir had the diverse congregation on “By the time he gets through al 50 plishing this historic task,” he con- its feet, overflow crowds packed the states, Rev. Moon will be one of the cluded. church basement, making do with an most honored prophets in America” Following Rev. Moon’s message, the audio hook-up. he claimed. audience rose in response. He warmly No one could have scripted a better Awards and recognition were given embraced Bishop Robinson, host pas- inaugural event for the “We Will Stand” to individuals and organizations work- tor for the evening. As Mrs. Moon joined tour. Sponsored by the American Cler- ing with youth, rebuilding families and him on-stage, clergy from all over New gy Leadership Conference, the tour’s promoting racial and religious har- York were called to the stage, where theme is “Rebuild the Family, Restore mony at the community level. The Mrs. Moon had joined as well. To honor the Community, Renew the Nation and Queens Federation of Churches, Unit- the religious leaders and emphasize the World.” A diversity of faith leadership ed Fellowship of Churches Interna- bond of heart and commitment to work will participate in each program. Keynote tional and Rev. Gilbert McKenzie, Sec- together, Rev. and Mrs. Moon present- speaker is 81 year-old evangelist Rev. retary of the Dutchess Interfaith Coun- ed gold watches to several leading cler- Sun Myung Moon. Beginning with this cil in Poughkeepsie were recognized for years, he entered following the Youth gy. Dr. Elgin Watkins of Nazarene Con- February 25 New York event, the tour their contributions to ecumenism. Grass- Cadet Corps Colorguard. Many of the gregational United Church of Christ read will visit 50 states in nearly as many roots champions Mother Daisy Berry, clergy who attended were dressed in a powerful message from Dr. Moon on days, with the finale gathering in Wash- Rev. Copernic Augustin, Rev. Ashford their robes and vestments in honor of the essentiality of sexual purity in the ington, DC on April 16th. Nimchan and Dr. Jo Anne Hickman were the occasion. Ascending the pulpit, Rev. development of true love, and challeng- Host pastor Bishop William Robin- also honored. Moon thanked all for their attendance, ing the youth in the audience. son of the Church of God in Christ, led Another special guest who graced the noted the rainbow of colors in the audi- The Interdenominational Haitian Mass his Garden of Prayer Cathedral Choir program was Rev. Jesse Edwards, Pres- ence, and warmly joked with the stand- Choir erupted into joyful and thunder- personally, breaking into joyous song at ident of the Pentecostals of Philadelphia. ing-room-only crowd. Upon learning that ous song and praise, lifting the audi- several points throughout the evening. Highlighting the purpose of the tour, he most of those assembled were meeting ence to its feet once again. Representa- Rev. Dennis Dillon, editor of “The New noted: “AIDS does not discriminate by him for the first time, he asked: “Am I tives of many of the city’s churches York Christian Times,” shared an inspi- race or religion. “Drugs, crime, and fam- young, or old; handsome, or ugly?” received door prizes. An offering was rational message. United Pentecostal ily breakdown know no race or denom- Doubting the generously shouted replies taken for the host church, and hand in Church pastor Rev. Pedro Barrios offered ination. We must come together beyond of “handsome” and “young,” he noted, hand, the gathering prayed in closing. the invocation. Civil rights veteran Rev. our differences, if we are to confront “When I was young I was more hand- —Regional report ❖ Charles Kenyatta, pastor of Harlem’s these evils effectively,” he said, to the some, but now I am more wise. Though

he event in New Jersey was a great achievement. Rev’s. Newark, NJ—February 26 Hong, Geller and Pobanz and Mrs. Sato of the Ministers adorned for her husband. And I heard race and ethnicity. Rev. Olson also read Legislature, introduced Father with fishing club did a great job. a great voice out of heaven saying, excerpts on Father Moon’s words con- great prestige and eloquence announc- Also,T David Konn of the American Lead- Behold, the tabernacle of God is with cerning faith in Jesus and why we as ing that truly a great leader has come ership Conference brought many VIP’s. men, and he will dwell with them, and Christians must become one and then before us sent by God. Our UTS President Dr. Hendricks who they shall be his people, and God him- embrace all religions. The video “We Will Stand” present- is also pastor of the New Jersey fami- self shall be with them, and be their Other speakers included a welcome ed the hope, expectation, tears, sorrow, ly church led the congregation to vic- God. And God shall wipe away all tears address from Rev. Dr. John McReynolds suffering and ultimate joy of Father and tory as the packed out the who pastors the prestigious 3000 Mother’s life in America. It highlights Robert Treat hotel with Chris- member Mt. Olive Baptist Church how the Christians came together when tian leaders. Rev. Levy Daugh- in Jersey City. In his remarks he Father went to prison in Danbury . It erty our Vice President led stated that he has worked with shows Senator Orrin Hatch standing the praise service which Father Moon for 30 years and up to proclaim with the full authority included LeLa a Persian born knows that his mission and min- of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Commit- American who sings with a istry has transformed America. tee that Rev. Moon was innocent. It mesmerizing tone. While the Dr. McReynolds is also President concludes with the American Clergy performance was going for- of the Ministers Fishing Club of Leadership Conference and the Chris- ward, 250 outstanding lead- over 300 ministers. Rev. Jesse tian leaders at the DMZ praying for ers from the American Lead- Edwards of the United Pente- peace. Dr. Hycel B. Taylor, Pastor of the ership Conference graduates costals of Philadelphia brought 2nd Baptist Church of Evanston, Pro- and American Clergy Lead- another message of the impend- fessor of Applied Theology at Garrett ership Conference gathered ing Pentecost and the atmosphere United Methodist Seminary and former to welcome Father and Moth- became rich with the spirit of joy. National President of Operation Push er and Mr. And Mrs. Hyun Jin Moon. from their eyes; and there shall be no Father was watching from the TV mon- gave the prophets call at the DMZ. “As As they entered everyone sang Amaz- more death, neither sorrow, nor cry- itor and laughing and clapping as Rev. we gaze across this damnable, demean- ing Grace and everyone’s hearts melt- ing, neither shall there be any more Edwards said that this all started with ing, demoralizing wall of the DMZ we, ed. Tears flowed and we all rejoiced at pain: for the former things are passed the Holy Spirit Association!! He said, like Moses cry out, “Let My Korean Chil- the coming of the Man of God. away.” whether you understand or not, Rev. dren Go”. He goes on to say like Jesus, After the reception, the program The invocation was given by Rev. Moon is the anointed messenger of God. Rev. Sun Myung Moon was inspired by began with a Bible reading from Reve- Don Olson one of 120 clergy that found- He went on to say that all Christians, God to bring a movement of peace. The lations , “I saw a new heaven and a new ed the American Clergy Leadership Con- if they step out on faith will understand peace that Jesus spoke about, “My earth for the first heaven and the first ference based on the inspiration of Rev. that God is in this thing and it cannot Peace” Dr. Joseph Paige former Presi- earth passed away…and there was no Moon. Rev. Olson then explained that be stopped!!! dent of Shaw Divinity School, a Kore- more sea.” And I John saw the holy city, he as a Lutheran was proud to be a Rev. Dr. Albert Steele pastor of Sem- an war veteran, is standing there with new Jerusalem, coming down from God part of the group which includes mem- inary Baptist Church, who is also a tears streaking down his cheeks as one out of heaven, prepared as a bride ber clergy from every denomination, Representative of the New Jersey State see NJ on page 7 6 Unification News March 2001 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

lergy and community lead- ers were standing with Rev. Bridgeport, CT— February 27 Sun Myung Moon in Bridge- port, Connecticut as he made necticut Post to be 1200, gathered in to what is being addressed. I would racy and communism, the systems that the third stop on his 50 state the evening at the Arnold Bernhard have thought that (myself) a few years dominated the world during the past Cinter-faith tour entitled: “We Will Stand! Arts and Humanities Center on the ago, but not today.” century, relied too heavily on materi- Rebuild the Family, Restore the Com- campus of the University of Bridgeport A multiple church choir led by Dr. alism. After the defeat of communism, munity, and Renew the Nation.” to hear Rev. Moon deliver the speech Angela Moses of the New Life Taber- he warned, America must not merely In preparation for the evening event, entitled, “The Path for America and nacle in Brooklyn, New York led a spir- continue on the path of materialism tour co-sponsor The American Family Humanity in the New Millennium.” Rev. ited songfest that featured her own and selfishness, but seek God’s will to Coalition (AFC) held its first ever local- Jesse Edwards, President of the Unit- choir and a number of local singing make the Kingdom of God on Earth. ly sponsored conference ed Pentecostals of groups from the Bridgeport area. The That will only come about, he explained, with some one hundred Philadelphia, set the evening’s entertainment also included when we learn the value of living for clergy and community tone for the program a Tai Chi demonstration by Master Ai the sake of others. One UB faculty mem- leaders from through- in a moving message, Peng Cheng, three-time All-China Cham- ber noted that he “was amazed the 80 out Connecticut in atten- stating, “a spiritual pion. year-old Korean was so dynamic and dance. The topic was awakening is begin- Rev. Moon, founder of the Profes- powerful for the nearly two hour pres- the new White House ning to occur sors World Peace Academy, which entation.” initiative to work with throughout America acquired the University in 1992, Essay contest winners were award- faith-based organiza- and we all need to lis- embraced the crowd with extempora- ed cash prizes for their articles on how tions in delivering serv- ten to God and work neous remarks prior to his prepared to achieve harmony amidst all the diver- ices to the community. together for Him.” text. His humor, however, carried a sity we find in the United States, such Featured speakers Rev. Fauntroy, message. He joked that the name “Bridge- as between religions, races, and eco- included civil rights pio- who now pastors New port” stands for the “bridge” that con- nomic groups. Grassroots champions neer and former Congressman Rev. Bethel Baptist Church in Washington, nects heaven and earth and that “Con- of family, racial reconciliation and reli- Walter E. Fauntroy and David Caprara, D.C. and chairs the black leadership necticut” means to “cut the connec- gious harmony were honored by Rev. President of the AFC and former Assis- roundtable, delivered special remarks tion” to Satan, urging his listeners to Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han tant Secretary of Housing and Urban and introduced Rev. Moon. Fauntroy, strive to accomplish these. During the Moon, as a total of sixteen awards were Development under . Many a protégé of Dr. Martin Luther King and speech he often departed from the pre- given out to those working with street participants came away with new ideas architect of home rule in Washington, pared text to interject comments about gangs, feeding the homeless in church on how their organization might ben- DC, referred to the gathering as, “the the University of Bridgeport (UB) and soup kitchens and fighting urban unem- efit from this influx of government aid most important conference happening make light-hearted remarks about his ployment through economic develop- and make a difference in their own in the world today. (Rev. Moon) may be incarceration in Danbury several years ment. communities. an issue for some, but increasingly peo- ago. see CT on page 7 A full house, estimated by the Con- ple are looking beyond who sponsors Rev. Moon noted that both democ-

ver 1,000 guests filled the main ballroom at the Boston Boston, MA—March 1 Park Plaza Hotel for a night of blue ribbons and tran- Reverend and Mrs. Stanley Edwards of dence Rhode Island. He has received mad’s Temple #11 in Dorchester, East- scendental love, on this the Dorchester, . Rev. Edwards wide recognition for his work on the ern Regional Representative of the Nation O5th stop of the “We Will Stand” tour on is Bishop of the New Testament Church radio and video relating to women’s of Islam since 1985, and National Con- its way across all of America. of God and has carried out his ministry studies and the psychiatric rehabilita- sultant to the Regional Ministers of the The evening started at 6:00 PM, with in Somerville, Cambridge and Dorch- tion of earthquake victims in Armenia. Nation of Islam. Minister Mohammed the enormous ballroom rapidly filling ester for over thirty years. He and his His work has brought him to over forty has spoken at a number of recent AFC to capacity. The Master of Ceremonies wife are active in a local youth ministry countries during the past 28 years. and FFWPU events in Boston. Minis- for the evening was James B. Edgedy, and operate a food pantry for the com- The twenty five person Interfaith ter Mohammed welcomed Father Moon who welcomed the guests and enthu- munity. They have two children. Choir (composed of congregants from to Boston and acknowledged the impor- siastically acknowledged the presence The first Community Service Award Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, area mem- tant contribution made by him to the of over 80 ministers and 148 “Young was presented to Reverend Richard bers of the Family Federation for World Million Family March. held in Wash- Heroes” and their families (Young Heroes Wright leader of the Emmanuel Bap- Peace and Unification and others) per- ington, D.C. last October. of New England is an awards program tist Church in Worcester and Mrs. Shirley formed a traditional gospel song, titled Special remarks were also offered by now in its third year). He explained that Wright, Director of Worchester’s Human “Pass Me Not” prior to beginning the President Merlin R. Jenson, of the Mass- Father Moon’s first address in Boston Rights Commission. Together, they have main program. The choir includes a achusetts Mission of the Church of took place in 1972, and that this would founded the Martin Luther King Jr. Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints be the fourth. Child Development Center, The Mar- (Mormon Church). President Jen- An initial musical offering was per- tin Luther King Jr. Business Endow- son spoke briefly on the importance formed by “MlT/Wellesley Toons”. The ment Center and “HEART’ an after of Family and read the Church of 19 singers in the group are students school project for children. The cou- Latter Day Saints Proclamation on from two outstanding schools, the Mass- ple was awarded the “Isaiah Thomas the Family. He also referred to the achusetts Institute of Technology and Citizen of the Year Award” for Cen- magnificent Mormon Temple that Wellesley College. Following the musi- tral Massachusetts in 1999. has recently been opened in Bel- cal performance, an invocation was The second Community Service mont, Massachusetts. offered by Rev. Jerome T. Edgerton of Award was presented to Archbish- Reverend Jenkins then introduced the Rush AME Zion Church in Cam- op Dr. Timothy Baymon of the Grand Cynthia M. Gray of the Historic bridge. Cathedral Church of Christ Charles Street AME Church. Ms. Following dinner, Dr. Irma Tuuli from (Springfleld, MA). Dr. Baymon is Gray, a soprano with extensive edu- Boston University welcomed the “Young President of World Council of Bish- cational and professional creden- Heros of New England”, explaining the ops and is responsible for develop- tials, sang a powerful version of “How spiritual basis for love as the primary ing the leadership in a large num- Great Thou Art” and received a stand- motivation for public service. ber of churches throughout the ing ovation from the SRO (standing The first award of the evening was Northeast US. Dr. Baymon attended diverse mix of ages, races, as well as room only) audience. the Young Hero Crystal Award, pre- the event with almost thirty members church affiliations. Former Massachusetts State Sena- sented to 16 year old Jami Lynn Soya of his congregation. (Because his group James Edgerly then introduced Rev- tor William Owens offered welcoming of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Ms. Soya arrived late, they were unable to be erend Michael Jenkins, the President remarks to Father Moon. His remarks was acknowledged for the continuing seated at a banquet table. However, of the Family Federation for World Peace acknowledged Father Moon as the only care she had provided to her hospital- they were rewarded later in the night and Unification, who presided over the leader who has clearly broken the color ized friend Melissa Allen for the five when several members won valuable remainder of the program. barrier that tragically has divided races months prior to her death last Janu- door prizes.) Following an introduction by Rev- and ethnic groups in America. ary as a result of a severe head injury. Finally, the Patriot Award was pre- erend Jenkins, special remarks were Rev. T.L. Barrett, Jr. Superinten- Since Melissa’s death, Jamie has raised sented to Mr. Michael Kaprielian, Past offered by Minister Don Muhammad, dent, Church of God in Christ of Chica- funds for a scholarship fund she has President of the Viet Nam Veterans of from the Nation of Islam. Minister go, introduced Father Sun Myung Moon. established in her friend’s name. America. Mr. Kapnelian is from Provi- Muhammad is a founder of Muham- The Family Award was presented to see MA on page 7 March 2001 Unification News 7 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

hiladelphia was a great suc- cess. The pastor, Bishop R.T. Philadelphia, PA—March 2nd Jones went to Korea in the mid eighties. He was lost to New Life Tabernacle Choir and set the Tabernacle's pastor W. Wilson Goode, us for many years. When I church on fire. Bishop Figueroa gave preached briefly to now a Baptist min- Pwalked into his office he said, “I know a rousing inspirational message and the audience of ister. Goode stated you guys! I was at the rock of tears in Rev. Jesse Edwards testified without approximately 800, that he disagrees Korea!” There are literally thousands hesitation that Father is the anointed diverse in color and with Father Moon on of ministers who are waiting for a blessed leader that God has sent to unify all faith. theology, but wel- family to come to their church on a Christianity. Dr. Angela Moses comed a chance to monthly basis and rekindle the old fire. Rev. Edwards attended the lunch brought her Gram- talk about religious- Bishop Billings of the World Bishops with Father and Mother in Florida and my award winning based community Council contacted him for us. The Father shared deep insights about "New Life Taberna- programs. Church is a beautiful church. Jesus and Christianity. When Rev. cle Choir" and set The American Lourdes Swartz did an excellent faith Edwards said I agree, Father was so the church on fire. Leadership Confer- based workshop with former Mayor deeply relieved. He was very gently Bishop Eric ence, one of many Wilson Goode. David Caprera was on sharing some of the most difficult things Figueroa gave a organizations Father hand. Rev. Hong, Rev. Geller, Rev. to understand. When Rev. Edwards rousing inspirational and Mother Moon Pobanz and Rev. Izumi had a great con- affirmed it Father said, “Because of message. have founded, spon- tingent of high level ministers. Father the Christian leaders with me on this Reverend Jesse Edwards a Philadel- sored an afternoon forum on faith- was totally welcomed. Bishop Eric tour I’m feeling significant hope for phia Pentecostal preacher testified with- based initiatives. Mrs. Lourdes Swartz Figueroa (who led the 2000 voice choir America. If you had been with me like out hesitation that Father Moon is the and Mr. David Caprera were the organ- with Dr. Angela Moses at MSG) was on this 30 years ago America would not anointed leader that God has sent to izers and Mayor Goode was one of the hand. Also, Dr. Moses brought her have declined.” unify all Christianity. prominent attendees / participants. Grammy Award winning choir called Bishop R. T. Jones Jr., Christian Speakers also included former Mayor —Regional report ❖

gy failed in this responsibility, then upon its arrival in Boston, the bible as each came up onto the stage. MA African-American clergy would need had been personally signed by all of The “Young Heroes Committee’ con- from page 6 to take full responsibility. the ministers, inscribed with “Cham- tacted community service organiza- Father Moon was greeted with a Mr. & Mrs. Bernard DeLory of the pions of God”, and dedicated to Rev- tions and churches throughout Mass- standing ovation. His speech, from text St. Joseph Catholic erend Sun Myung achusetts, and invited them to nomi- was “The Path for America and Human- Church presented Moon and Dr. Hak Ja nate “Young Heroes” to be recognized ity in the New Millennium”. He began flowers to Father and Han Moon. In a brief at the event. Those selected had demon- his speech by stating that he knew Mother Moon. Gold ceremony on stage, strated exemplary and consistent com- Massachusetts well because of his watches were then the large bible was mitment in caring for others. oceanic undertakings in Gloucester presented personally given to Father and With the stage filled with children, and Provincetown. Furthermore, he by the beaming host Mother Moon by a number of prizes and gifts were dis- referred to the extensive persecution couple to selected min- Archbishop Baymon, tributed based upon raffle type draw- and misunderstanding that he had isters. The recipients representing all the ings. These included cash awards for received in Massachusetts in the past. were Rev. Harold K. eighty ministers in three of the Young Heroes, gold watch- During his speech, Father Moon Dutille (First Freewill attendance. es for six ministers, and then gift cer- repeatedly added spontaneous com- Baptist Church), Rev. Dr. Anthony Guer- tificates for others in the audience. ments to the text. He chastised Chris- Jerome T. Edgerton ra, Visiting Scholar Although the children and remaining tian leaders for limiting their concern (Rush AME Zion at the Harvard Divin- members of the audience were tired, to the needs of their own congregation, Church), Rev. Eduardo Yarde (Mt. Sinai ity School then read the entire text of the gifts created an atmosphere of fur- and admonished them to make their Baptist Church), Rev James Archer a second speech by Father Moon, “In ther excitement. lives straight and pure in the eyes of (Adventist Congregational Church), Search of the Origin of the Universe”. The program ended with a selection God and then take responsibility for and Rev. Dr. Thomas Mayers (St. Mark’s At the end, Rev. Jenkins congratu- by the New England Interfaith Choir, America. He made clear the role of Episcopal Church). lated all of those remaining in the audi- some final remarks and a prayer by Rev. Jenkins then invited all of the ence for their perseverance. Christine Reverend Michael Jenkins. America as a modern day Israel, and ❖ explained that God had no choice but ministers up onto the stage. Prior to Okano, Youth Coordinator of FFWPU —Regional report to use America in the central role of the event, a large leather bound Bible was invited onto the stage. She read saving the world. Father. If white cler- had been ordered from England and the names of each of 148 “Young Heroes”

faculty members must have met me at religions, but that the determining fac- Pastor Robert H. Genevicz of the Strat- CT least once unless you were just hired tor is the quality of one’s love.” Rev. ford Baptist Church was asked to pres- from page 6 yesterday.” She interviewed Rev. Faun- Minty De Kock of the Creative Word ent flowers to Mrs. Moon at the con- An article appeared the next day in troy intently for over 15 minutes, and Power Ministries in New Haven, who clusion of the speech. He got so excit- the largest local paper, The Connecti- despite past misgivings, she acknowl- has established several churches in ed on stage he actually gave her a big cut Post, on the event. Even this some- edged the evening’s interreligious theme, South Africa as well as in the United hug, much to the delight of the audi- time skeptical The reporter, often crit- and the family values focus of Rev. States, likened the gold watch he received ence and surprise of Mrs. Moon. Com- ical in the past regarding Rev. Moon’s Moon’s address. from Rev. Moon for his community ing off stage he could only beam and involvement in the Bridgeport com- Rev. Sandra Steele of the Solid Rock work to the gold, frankincense and proclaim, “I am surprised beyond my munity, wrote a very accurate report. Pentecostal Church in Middletown, myrrh that the three wise men brought wildest dreams, this is super, super She quoted Rev Moon when he asked, Connecticut said that the most mean- to the baby Jesus. He also said he was wonderful!” “Who loves UB more than I do?” and ingful point that she gained from Rev. ready to go anywhere to testify to Rev. —Regional report ❖ when he joked, “I believe all the UB Moon’s talk was that, “in heaven there Moon, “Anywhere, anytime!” are not different places for different The usually reserved and dignified

bible told about coming down from life, they only cared about delivering on the plaque that Father and Mother NJ heaven!! He spoke from his heart with God’s message, even if it meant their are the True Parents of all !! Another from page 5 Rev. Peter Kim translating. The clergy head would be cut off.” Therefore, I do organization The Phillipine Benevolent couldn’t help but shout. They said, “Go not care about what happens to my life, Missionary Association, led by Dr. Ray of the Clergy is praying in the back- on Father Moon. Speak the word!!” Then I must deliver the message of God. If Ledda was sent by the 4 million mem- ground, “Forgive our debtors as we for- Father turned to his text and lifted our America heads the call of God and ber Christian organization which hails give those who would trespass against hearts. At some points he departed from repents and unites to lead the world to from Mindanao in the Philippines. They us. Lead us not into temptation for his message proclaiming that this was God America will be blessed.” received a revelation that the coming thine is the Kingdom and the Power his final gift to America and that his During the awards presentation of Jesus would be realized in America. and the Glory, forever, forever, forever, message was very serious. If Chris- Father and Mother were touched by They kneeled before Father and Moth- Amen.” tianity does not head his call and unite the presentation of Rev. Phillip Thomas er and presented a special plaque of When Father came on stage the audi- as one, America will perish. As with the and his father, Dr. Phillip Thomas Sr. recognition calling them the fulfillment ence was ready. He immediately depart- prophets of old Father cried out, “The Representing the Church of God and of their revelation. ed from his text and said, New Jersey prophets did not care about their own Saints denomination they proclaimed —Regional report ❖ is actually the New Jerusalem that the 8 Unification News March 2001 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

he Florida family should be greatly appreciated. With just Miami, FL— March 3rd over 30 FFWPU families a according to Jesus teaching. Love Your America. Don Olson and Rev. Dr. Leo Beato, both 2000 seat church was filled. Enemy. He taught that John 3:16 is Later that night, we had a very casu- testifying to the need for rebuilding the Tom Iverson, a great Patri- the most central pillar of the Bible. “For al dinner with Father. Rev. Barrett is family, restoring the community and otT and his wife Edy totally supported God so loved the WORLD that he gave one of Father’s sons and totally joined renewing the nation, all under the guid- the event. David their son was with his only Begotten Son.” in as his Christian son. Father told Rev. ance of Father Moon. Professor (and True Parents when Tom made the tran- He asked if anyone was willing to Barrett to travel throughout America Reverend) Elaine Kyle from Florida Com- sition. We are so proud of these great sacrifice their son for the sake of the to build this united patriotic movement. munity College spoke of her healing Americans. Tom held on in Florida until World. If you aren’t, then you can’t move Rev. Barrett was so moved and grate- and life change through the words of Father and Mother had safely arrived God’s heart. Just as with the Chicago ful to Father. He talked about how many Rev. Moon and his teaching, the Divine at the church. Just at 7:00 pm when December 16th meeting with the Chris- of the 3500 leaders that came to Chica- Principle. Amazingly enough, all kept Father arrived Tom could finally con- tian leaders, the ministers got more go are talking about Father’s words, their comments within the three minute clude his battle victoriously. We are inspired the more Father brought out especially about concave and convex. limit. It was short and sweet, yet brought seeing a new American patriot emerge. the harshest teachings of the Bible. With that report, Father shared deeply the congregation to heartfelt applause, Tom, the blessed families, the Chris- about the meaning of the mar- even bringing them to their feet at times. tian leaders both white and black riage of Adam and Eve and how Pastor Arthur Jackson III said he are forming a new Nation. Jesus was to marry. Rev. Bar- happily offered his church for this cru- The Rev. Arthur Jackson pas- rett said, “Even as a little boy I sade. Although attacked by many min- tors Antioch Baptist Church. A always wondered why Jesus did- isters by phone, letter and email (with new 2000 seat cathedral was just n’t have a family”. God has truly hundreds of attachments), he completed. It was absolutely of the prepared the ministers for such stood strong. Tall and handsome, he highest quality and totally mod- a time as this. has stood with many notable contem- ern. The mega-churches are join- Thanks to Rev. Dae Hee Hong. poraries of the African American Com- ing us. It just a week ago that Rev. 30 families brought a great vic- munity but was struck with such warmth Jackson was under severe attack. tory in Miami. Rev. Gary Chidester, and conviction from this experience. However through a conference call Rev. Gunter Freystatter, Lily Kato He said his church was founded and with Rev. Barrett, Bishop Billings, and all community leaders includ- built in order to accomplish what was Bishop Stallings and others he ing Publio Delarosa gave great happening today: racial harmony, gained great strength. Also, when joy to God. rebuilding the families, and uniting the he read the words of Father on —Michael Jenkins Family of God. Jesus it sealed the battle for him. The 95 voice choir immedi- Proclamations were given from 9 He knew he was on the side of right. ately erupted into a joyous cho- cities, including Miami’s mayor and The Florida event was wonder- rus of praise as the clock struck Dade County’s mayor. Governor Jeb ful. The Lutherans, Rev. Beato and Rev. One minister said to me afterward that 6:00 p.m. Saturday, March 3,2001 at Bush had sent a proclamation for all Olson gave introductions to the ACLC all of his life as a minister he read and the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church citizens of Florida to recognize this day and why they see Rev. Moon as the cen- knew about those teachings but never, of Carol City. Crowds had begun to for this event. tral figure bringing all of the people in 40 years had he heard someone enter when the doors opened at 5:30, The energy never lagged as Rev. Jesse together. Then Rev. Jesse Edwards preach it. He was so grateful to Father. filling the main sanctuary. Many who Edwards took to the podium. As a white again brought a great moving of the He feels now that he must take up the were milling around outside, and more Pentecostal, his words rang true with spirit. Rev. James Bush who was also cross and save the family and the nation. crowding the entryway chatted excit- this audience of believers of all races, a Florida State Representative gave the Many of the key 120 ministers sat edly, and began to surge forward to eliciting shouts of “Amen!” and Preach invocation. Awards were given to out- on the pulpit area behind Father caus- their seats. Under bright blue skies and on Brother!” “The Holy Spirit is in the standing citizens; Sgt. Matthew Locke ing him to turn around and hit them 90 degree temperatures, hundreds had Room!” Rev Edwards exclaimed. The who has been working with Lily Kato on the head and talk to them over and driven here by car, vans and buses from choir burst into hymn, and all take to on PLA was awarded for teaching in over again. Father touched Rev. Jack- throughout the Miami-Fort Lauderdale their feet once more! It is now time for public schools. son’s cheek and said do you believe area, from West Palm Beach, from the video presentation , right on sched- Speaking Hands, a group of deaf what I say. Rev. Jackson, who has only Tampa, Orlando and even Jacksonville, ule. children, did an awesome praise dance known us for a few weeks, smiled and Florida 6 hours away. 180 ministers The spirit is just right as Father and with their hands. (about 30 young and pastors in colorful robes and Mother enter the sanctuary from their people). Rev. Filus, and a group of garbs signifying religious orders waiting room behind the altar. Every- young boys who were taken from filed into the first three rows, rep- one is on their feet, clapping and shout- the streets and now live as Chris- resenting over 30 denominations ing. Father wandered extensively from tians, performed “Tear Down The and faiths. Although mainly African- the text, drawing spontaneous shouts Walls.” The faith based action com- American initially, gradually white of “Amen!”, cries and laughter from bined with the vertical line of faith faces and even yellow faces appeared throughout the masses. From elderly through the word and worship expe- among those who filled this famous deacons to young newlyweds, faces rience is really starting to take Dade County Church who had seen were changing from rapt in awe, to shape. During the video, Rev. Jack- many well known national digni- grins, to serious looks of commitments son (who is probably in his 30’s) taries of African American culture and concerns. It lasted over two hours, leaned over to me and said I want speak. But tonight, there was an a Father sharing with his sons and to join this, count me in. even more incredible event, the pas- daughters. He really did not want to Father gave an incredible deliv- tors of South Florida had invited go. He called as many as possible to ery of the word of God. His mes- the Rev. Sun Myung Moon to bring come to the altar to get photos taken. sage to the Clergy: “You have to die the “We Will Stand” 50-state speak- When he had to go, there was a defi- for your congregation and for other ing tour to the Antioch Missionary nite feeling of sadness and longing. clergy. Are you willing to die even Baptist Church. Rev. T.L. Barrett, Jr. rose to the occa- for your enemy? That is the most said yes. After Rev. Michael Jenkins preached sion to read Hoon Dok Hae, Father difficult thing.” He told the clergy that Father brought a total revival. Father from Ephesians and gave an intro- Moon’s words of “In Search of the Ori- they must realize how serious their is really praising the black communi- duction of the American Clergy Lead- gin of the Universe.” Afterwards there position is. Many do not live for any- ty saying their time has come. They will ership Conference’s purpose for the were lottery drawings for ministers to thing beyond their church and denom- take the central leadership role in Amer- “We Will Stand” tour, he turned over get watches, and congregants to win ination. That’s why they can’t change ica as long as they live straight before the microphone to Minister Rasul prizes. There was a thunderous finale society. God. Minister Rasul Muhammad, Region- Muhammad, leader of the Nation of with hugs and sharing, loud banter Father also emphasized the reality al Minister of the Nation of Islam said Islam of Florida and Latin America. another hour into the night. of the spiritual world. Without know- “Amen.” He also spoke earlier saying, Being from a third-generation Baptist There were 180 ministers, with 250 ing the spiritual world, a minister can’t “This is the movement of all God’s peo- preaching tradition, he immediately total dignitaries and VIP’s in the audi- possibly succeed in his mission. He ple. We are grateful for Father and Moth- resounded the walls with his exhorta- ence of 2500, a successful event by called on the ministers to follow Father er Moon. This is the Million Family tion of change needed in America with anyone’s measure. and become “Prophets”. We must speak Movement. We are going to establish a its drug culture, family breakdown, —Regional report ❖ the truth - no to adultery and free sex. new America with all races living togeth- racism and moral disintegration in gen- No to racism, no to denominational er as one family. “ Pastor T.L. Barrett eral. But he gave a message of hope, division. Father said there are no Bap- Jr. closed out the meeting with read- of messianic hope, in the person of the tists in heaven or Presbyterians as a ing Father’s second message and call- Reverend Sun Myung Moon. And this SUBSCRIBE TO THE group. There are only those who live ing on all to join the ACLC and move was followed by Lutheran Pastors Rev. UNIFICATION NEWS March 2001 Unification News 9 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

n a sunny Sunday afternoon a crowd of over 2,600 peo- Atlanta, GA—March 4 ple gathered at the Renais- sance Concourse Hotel for United Pentecostals Church in Philadel- ful bouquet by Rev. Grafton Pressley and Shelton, Executive Director of the Jeri- a magnificent interfaith pro- phia, Pennsylvania. his wife, Carol Pressley. He is the retired cho Road Project in Atlanta. Ogram. It was SRO (standing room only) Dr. Greer addressed the need for unity Senior Pastor at the Decatur First Unit- Mr. Jim Conway, the past President as a beaming Father Moon in the com- within the body of Christ, Rev. Bansa ed Methodist Church, and one time super- of the General Ray Davis Chapter of the pany of several ministers from different affirmed that “God has anointed the work visor over the entire North Georgia dis- Korean War Veterans received an award Christian denominations was warmly of Father Moon, Rev. Jenkins shared on behalf of Korean War Veterans. The welcomed to the peachy state of Geor- the spirit and activities of the Amer- award was presented by Dr. Chang gia. ican Clergy Leadership Confer- Shik Yang, the North American Con- Family renewal, racial reconciliation, ence, and Rev. Edwards challenged tinental Director of the Family Feder- and inter-religious cooperation were the everyone to look beyond their racial ation for World Peace and Unification. themes. and denominational differences to Mr. Ed McAteer, the Founder and After a brief reception with hors d’oeu- work together to end racism and National President of the Religious vres, the master of ceremonies, Reverend divorce. Roundtable, received an award for Thomas Cutts, Regional Director of the Proclamations and congratu- bringing moral values to public poli- American Family Coalition, began the latory letters were received from cy and for promoting Christian and formal program at around 3:30 p.m. Lieutenant Governor Mark Taylor, Jewish cooperation. It was his organ- The Rev. Vernice Austin, Pastor of the Mayor Bill Campbell of Atlanta, ization that galvanized the religious Union City United Methodist Church, Mayor P. Hillard of East Point, community around then-Governor Union City, Georgia, offered the invoca- Mayor Burns of Stone Mountain, Ronald Reagan as candidate for U.S. tion. and from the counties of Clayton President. Mr. McAteer was also instru- Several choirs sang during the pre- and DeKaIb. mental in the founding of the Moral liminary program and banquet. The Top Rev. Charles Sanders, Pastor of the trict. Majority. He was presented his award Garden Academy choir, from Bayou la Southwest Congregational Church in Mr. Yong Sam Yang was presented an by State Senator Donzella James. Batre, Alabama sang the Battle Hymn Atlanta offered a prayer for unity. award for his work with young people, Dr. Harris Travis and his wife, Mrs. of the Republic and was directed by the State Senator Donzella James of the and for his facilitating racial reconcilia- Georgia Travis, received recognition for Rev. Joshua Cotter. 35 Senate District of Georgia, formerly tion between the Korean and African their 37 years of marriage and their min- The Cathedral of Divine Love Choir and quite familiarly, welcomed Father American communities. Dr. Al Stewart istry to young people and to couples. He filled the hall with the Holy Spirit. and Mother Moon to Atlanta. the Founder and President of the Insti- is the Senior Pastor of the historic Zion The Rev. Elay Kasongo led a Choir Father Moon’s keynote address began tute of the Christian World presented the Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia. composed of black, white, and Asian with impromptu remarks that lasted award. State Representative Henrietta Turn- singers from the Atlanta Family Church. about an hour. He then read spiritedly Plaques congratulating and saluting quest, the Governor’s Floor Leader, pre- There were also performances by a group from his text, inserting a few remarks Father Moon and the tour were presented sented the award to the Dr. and Mrs. of Japanese missionaries, the Southwest here and there as Mr. Peter Kim gave by two national Korean community lead- Travis. Several other presentations were Congregational Church, the Welcome simultaneous translation. Dr. Charles ers, Mr. Kyung Hwan Kim, the President also made in appreciation to Father and Grove Baptist Church, the Quality Liv- Carpenter, the Director of Pastoral Care of the Atlanta Korean Association, and Mother Moon. ing Services, Light of the World Ministries, at the Southern Regional Hospital in Mr. Jun Shik Ru, the Vice President of Father Moon himself then presented and the Second Chance Gospel Ministry Atlanta, remarked that the speech was the Korean Commercial Association of gold watches to Bishop Willie Malcom, Choir from Mobile, Alabama directed by so fascinating that it felt like the two America. Rev. Charles Carpenter, State Senator Evangelist Loretta Handy who sang a hours were only about forty minutes. Freedom, Faith and Family Awards Donzella James, Rev. Charles Sanders, stirring original song. It was a deeply profound message. At were presented to five community lead- and Bishop Jonathan. A drawing for four Four preachers spoke before the keynote one point, he asked which was more ers. The first was a posthumous award more gold watches was then held. address ; Bishop Jonathan Greer, Pas- important “love”, “life”, or “lineage” ? The to the Rev. Dr. Hosea Williams for his Dr. Charles Carpenter, the Director tor of the Cathedral of Divine Love in audience answered “love”, but Father risking his life in the Civil Rights Move- of Pastoral Care at the Southern Region- Atlanta; the Rev. Connie Crawford Bansa, Moon stated that lineage has the most ment and for his continued work with al Hospital, concluded the program by Pastor of the Church of the Living God value. He spoke about the Heart of God, the Hosea Feed the Hungry Program. The reading some passages from another of of Chicago, Illinois; the Rev. Michael and God’s longing for grandchildren. He award was presented by Bishop Man Ho Father Moon’s sermons, “In Search of Jenkins, President of the Family Feder- was drenched with sweat by the end. Kim, Southeast Regional Director of the the Origins of the Universe.” ation for World Peace and Unification; Following the speech, Father and Moth- Family Federation for World Peace and —Regional report ❖ and the Rev. Jesse Edwards, Pastor of a er Moon were presented with a beauti- Unification, and received by Mr. Cedrick

he city of Columbus truly discovered the Rev. Sun Columbus, OH—March 5 Myung Moon ; the year 2001. to stone Pentecostal Church Choirs infused New Psalmist Baptist Church from This ninth city in the nation- a preacher! Father Moon spoke about the atmosphere with holiness. Toledo brought a busload of his own al “We Will Stand” tour was 2 hours, impromptu, and the crowd Rev. Jenkins remarks began with church members and gave a powerful warmlyT welcomed by 1400 plus native loved it. People clapped their hands an explanation of the purpose, theme, testimony regarding his own experi- “Buckeyes” (Ohioans) who jammed the and shouted “amen” several times and vision of the Tour. He was also ence with Father Moon. main ballroom of the Columbus Hilton. throughout. The essence of his mes- very clearly proud of the tour torch Following the brief biographic video, A well attended VIP reception was sage seemed to be that “Now is the time bearer and main speaker, the held prior to the pre-program which for family not church”. Overall, he truly Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The began at 6:00 PM with an invocation struck a chord with everyone in atten- invocation given by Bishop given by Bishop Wilson Jemison, Pas- dance. His prepared speech was read Fred Marshall, Vice-President tor of the Church of the Living God. after this, at 9:40PM. of the Interdenominational Min- A soulful musical selection followed, There was also a second, brief read- isterial Alliance, and pastor of sung by the choir of the Church of ing, by Rev. Oscar Crawford of New the Free Baptist Church recalled Christ Apostolic Church. Salem Missionary Baptist Church who the initial anointing of Father Rev. Allan Roberts, pastor of St. himself had brought 150 guests. Moon, “a man still standing James Pentecostal Church; Dr. William As the evening drew to a reluctant for what is right and who has Craig, pastor of Christian Home Min- close, Father Moon and Mrs. Moon, never given up.” istries Church, and Dr. Joseph Rus- received gifts from the former Presi- Proclamations were read sell of Faith Ministries Church each dent of Liberia and the Korea War Vet- from the Mayor’s office, the gave a 3-minute inspirational presen- erans Association. African Peace Foundation and tation on topics in line with the theme Five gold watches, were awarded by various ministers. of the tour —- national unity and rec- Father Moon to five outstanding min- Dr. Hycel Taylor, originally from the guest of honor was welcomed warm- onciliation, faith-based problem solv- isters and in addition there was a draw- Columbus Ohio, now in Chicago, gave ly by the very attentive audience. Almost ing and character education. The Lit- ing for several more watches for all a powerful and moving presentation three quarters of the audience had tle Tigers demonstrated some martial ministers in attendance. on why ministers of different faiths are never before seen or met Father Moon arts moves and just prior to the entrance Bishop Brehon Hall closed the pro- standing together in these times and according to a query posed by him at of emcee, Rev. Michael Jenkins, a few gram with a prayer. on this tour with Father Moon the start. musical selections by the St. James —Regional report ❖ Pentecostal Church and the Corner- Bishop Brehon Hall, pastor of the Talk about an invitation to preach 10 Unification News March 2001 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

he ministerial charisma and evangelical fire that have char- Houston, Texas—March 6 acterized his preaching for the past 55 years were still firmly by his decision to be the host, and together to stand for faith and family. ed his church he was in the kitchen serv- evident as Father Sun Myung he defended Father Moon’s right to believe Following Father Moon’s keynote ing these lost souls himself. It seemed MoonT addressed the gathering at Pleas- and to teach whatever the Lord Jesus address, fire fell from Heaven as renowned right to accept his offer even though the ant Grove Missionary Baptist Church revealed to him to believe and to teach. Gospel artist Ms. Vickie Winans embla- church wasn’t perfect...a little small on Tuesday, March 6, 2001. Pastor Jackson’s openness and his unwa- zoned our souls with her powerful and (around 500 to 700 seats) and a little The crowd of over 3,000 people was vering confidence were magnificent to masterfully controlled singing voice. run down. We tentatively accepted his receptive and embracing as Father This historically memorable event generous offer but kept hoping for some- Moon stood in the pulpit and deliv- was concluded with an altar call by thing really dignified and more befitting ered his remarks regarding God’s Auxiliary Bishop John Jackson. A our Father. Through amazing miracles nature; humanity’s condition result- mass of people came forward to pray and the hard work of our Rev. Curtis ing from the Fall of Adam and Eve; that the Holy Spirit would, with Walker and his mile-a-minute wife, Lori, the lack of worthwhile leadership in authority, pour out upon America we got a beautiful church 11 days before professional clergy; and how the to anoint righteous leadership, to TF’s arrival. value of blood lineage exceeds the awaken our citizens, and to remove Rev. Curtis and Lori were instrumental value of love and the value of life. wickedness from our land. in the whole event. They, with their many Getting to this moment, to this Without a doubt, this is a new past contacts and their good relation- podium, at Pleasant Grove there had beginning, and the times of harvest ships among the clergy and civic lead- been at least one miracle in the and of jubilee have come upon us. ers made some of the things we offered process. —Regional report Father possible. And their ability to work The congregation’s pastor, the I spent three weeks helping in hard with great faith was inspirational. Reverend Charles Lewis (C. L.) Jack- Houston for True Father’s speech. Sometimes it was so intense. We were son, had agreed to host the event I took all four of my kids with me. blessed to receive a CARP team of older only 14 days earlier, on the night of The two boys (17 and 16) joined up second generation kids who joined up February 20, 2001. That agreement had behold with the second generation bus team with our own younger bus team and been obtained in response to a request C. L. Jackson and his 5000-seat, lead by D.J. Brewer, our regions own were incredible, and a flock of J-mis- by Reverend Curtis W. Walker of the domed sanctuary are known all over 47-year-old teenager. She has a second sionary sisters who freed the English- Houston Family Federation for World Texas, throughout the United States, gen. school - Family Federation Acade- speaking members to do visiting and Peace and Unification and the Ameri- and around the world. my - and she mobilized all 15 of these phone calling by serving as servant of can Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC). Outbursts of “Hallelujah!” and “Praise kids. They handed out flyers by the 10’s servants and keeping the place running The request occurred at an evening cer- God!” reached the ceiling as the atmos- of thousands, literally, and stuffed 3 or physically. emony held in honor of Rev. Jackson’s phere was charged by energetic Gospel 4 thousand invitation letters to minis- Rev. Hernandez’s lovely wife, Yuri, wife, Mrs. Betty Jackson, First Lady of renditions from Ronnie McGee and the ters all over Houston. led the domestic team. With so few peo- Pleasant Grove M. B. C. as he and Rev. Baton Rouge Metro Mass Choir; from They visited churches all Sunday long ple doing so much, it’s astounding that Walker stood side by side. Houston’s own Ms. Betty Washington; in groups...my son proudly proclaimed it came off well. TF seemed happy dur- The Houston Family Federation com- from Barbara Mitchell and Robert C. that he sat through 10 hours of church ing his speech, but it is always a diffi- munity had scrambled to secure a mega- Wright of God’s Properly; and from the one Sunday. And finally they made hun- cult job to cut through the spirit world church for more than three weeks. A Pleasant Grove M. B. C. Mass Choir. dreds of phone calls to ministers to see every night in a new place. We didn’t fill 600-seat sanctuary, the Depnest Evan- Through the Reverend Jesse Edwards that they got , and READ, the letters we the place and I was so sad about this gelistic Baptist Church, had been obtained, and Archbishop George Stallings, until I learned that Father had count- and its head, Pastor Ernest Williams, God spoke mightily His crusade ed us a big success because of the had said, “Reverend Moon is more than message, which set the tone for the heart of unity among us members welcome to hold his event here. My church keynote to come. The vitality crack- and the good, open-minded minis- is his church.” led through these two spiritual ters whom he met there. It was 1/2 Despite this humble and precious giants as their words rained like to 3/4 full and, considering that the offer, a larger venue was needed and brimstone to warm the hearts of all place holds 3500 comfortably and was also sought. Rev. Curtis’ wife, Lori, who sat beneath the sound of their 5000 nicely packed, I think it was in a dream, had already seen Pastor C. voices. good. L. Jackson’s sanctuary as the place God The array of Texas’ congrega- The next day at Hoon Dok Hae had chosen for the “We Will Stand” engage- tional and social leaders who put True Father was beautiful. He was ment. That inspiration led to the “chance” their labor and sweat behind this effort had mailed out. My girls (15 and 9) helped strong and healthy-looking. Speaking audience with Reverend C.L. Jackson. included Rev. Rufus Kyles (COGIC); Rev. in the center baby-sitting the 20 or more very deeply and lovingly to the 40 or so His acceptance and permission came Charles Keys (Baptist); Minister Robert kids that came to the center so their par- of us who were there. Now I am back in with no hesitation whatsoever. Muhammad (Nation of Islam); Dr. Bobby ents could help with the speech in dif- Oklahoma to help here to make Father’s During the ensuing two weeks, C. L. E. Mills (Dept. of Health; ICC Alumnus); ferent ways. Rev. Mark Hernandez pulled visit a joyful one. Arkansas and Louisiana Jackson continuously promoted “We Will Rev. C. J. Phillips (St. Phillips M. B. C., the lions share of the weight. Doing need your prayers as they have so few Stand” to the congregants of Pleasant Dallas); and many others. graphics for the flyers, writing official members. Though Bruce Biggin has a Grove, as well as to radio listeners through- In the end, more than 20 congrega- letters and designing the programs as good foundation in Arkansas, the 120 out the Houston metroplex. He stood tions representing 8 denominations came well as the jobs of finding a church, hotel, minister there also backed down in the working with VIPs, inviting ministers, face of negative press. Bruce got pneu- working with HQ and you-name-it. monia as well but is now getting better. vBJbjzGvBJ Thank goodness Rev. John Jackson Please pray for these two states. came down from Dallas to share the load On the whole the press has been Come Fly b with him. Also our regional director Rev. incredibly good. Nothing like the old B Jung and his family came...his older days, thank God and TP’s spiritual foun- the World with kids joined the rest of the second gen- dation. I’m off the Oklahoma City for the J j eration on the bus team. His wife was next 3 weeks so I’ll be in touch after April INC. always taking our hands, sincerely lov- 5. You can’t imagine the miracles we GOGO WORLD,WORLD, INC. z ing us up while we took turns jumping have seen our beloved brother Jesus b from frying pan to fire and back again. and spirit world perform. I urge every- Special fares to Chung Pyung and Jardim, Brazil There was a minister in Houston whom one to offer help to your region or state We have low rates for travelling to all of Asia G we expected would invite Father to use to make a victory for this tour. The Chris- j his church since he is a 120 minister tian ministers who respond are so kind Let Go World guide your travel today! who went to DC for the big inaugural and open. I know there is a lot of money z Your international AND MULTILINGUAL travel service! v conference and received the gold watch. involved and it seems as though some Japanese, Spanish, French, Filipino, Korean and English spoken. He got cold feet so when I arrived from of these ministers are only there for that, B Oklahoma they were in the throws of but remember that every gold watch is G New Yorker Hotel, Suite 522 • 481 - 8th Ave. looking for a new church. one of Uncle Laban’s goats and Esau New York, NY 10001 • fax (212) 629-3648 One lovely minister offered without will eventually be well and truly melt- ☎ (212) 967-8080 ☎ (800) 327-3667 hesitation to invite Father to his church ed. J ❖ v e-mail: [email protected] and his heart was beautiful and pure. —Claire Bowles He runs a homeless shelter and food bjzGvBJb kitchen for the poor and when we visit- March 2001 Unification News 11 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

he beautiful New Salem Mis- sionary Baptist Church was Minneapolis, MN—March 8 filled to capacity with close to 1000 people as Father Moon to lead us to the Kingdom Of God. gathered closed their eyes in memory of shone his flashlight upon the stage. and company brought the “Some have called Father Moon a cult fallen warriors(both Korean and Amer- Father Moon was heard to say, “Please spiritT and message of the “We Will Stand” leader, and I say to them, they said the ican) who had died in Korea. don’t leave”. Bishop Stallings also went tour to Minneapolis. same thing about Jesus. Father Moon then came to the podi- out into the audience saying “Be at peace, The event opened with the New Salem “Some have said that he is a false God is in control.” Baptist Church Choir. prophet and I say to them this prophet As more flashlights surfaced and can- Reverend Ford, an American Clergy gets a triple A rating from the clergy dles were lit, the stage was bright in the Leadership Conference( ACLC) found- that know him. He is triple A; Anoint- warm glow of candlelight. Large cande- ing member gave the invocation. ed, Appointed and Approved by God.” labras were placed behind the podium Reverend Dr. Jerry McAfee, the host A brief video introduction followed by Reverend McAfee. minister welcomed everyone proclaim- his remarks. Father Moon continued to read his ing that “We welcome Father and Moth- As it concluded and images of Dr. message, injecting comments now and er Moon and are honored to have them Joseph Paige shedding tears at the again as the remaining crowd moved up with us. We are Christians and we must de-militarized zone which still sepa- closer. come together and stay together.” Rev. rates North and South Korea, along Shouting praises to God and His Word, McAfee had never met either Father or with several pastors releasing doves many people stayed. It was truly mov- Mother Moon. there, began fading from the screen; ing. Some, moved by it all, began to cry. Archbishop George Augustus Stallings at that very moment the Korean War Nothing could stop the preacher or the of the Imani Temple in Washington, D.C. Veterans of Minnesota Chapter #1 message. gave a stirring sermon to pave the way Honor Guard Procession hoisting the um. The atmosphere was electric. Sud- At the end many cheered for Father for the keynote address. American flag, the Minnesota State Flag, denly, at 9:00 pm with about 20 min- Moon...and themselves. “I may be a Catholic but I am also a and a Korean War Veteran banner led utes more to go, the lights went out. For Rev. Harold White stated it well, say- Baptist because I baptize, I’m a Church Father Moon and the host pastors to the 30 seconds there was panic. The micro- ing, “We stood for what is right. We will of God in Christ Minister because I am front sanctuary of the church. phones were out. You couldn’t see any- stand with Father and Mother Moon. with the church of God that is in Christ The congregation and visiting clergy thing. A transformer had blown plung- Through the midnight of darkness, God Jesus, I’m Lutheran because I love Mar- all rose to their feet as this glorious pro- ing the whole neighborhood into dark- has brought Father and Mother Moon tin Luther. I am a member of the body cession entered. It was a powerful vision ness. as a light to guide our way toward the of Christ. of pride and solemnity stirring all patri- At first there was silence and then a Kingdom of God.” “Father Moon is the anointed prophet otic hearts. young girl’s scream. Some of the audi- —Regional report ❖ that God has sent us to come together. Mr. Bob Pellow of the Minnesota Kore- ence fled into the night. There was con- God has raised up this mighty warrior an War Veterans played taps as those fusion and even despair until an usher

eattle was at it’s best on Fri- day, March 9th. Unlike the Seattle, WA—March 9 normal prodigious rainfall of this Pacific Northwestern sea- denomination, but a call for people to the Christian Orthodox Church of Spring- “If we really love God, can we describe port, this was an outpouring participate in the church of their choice. field, Massachusetts and President of Him in detail? Do we love God’s body? Sof faith, hope, love, and a focus on the We need to unite together as a com- the World Bishop’s Council served to His heart? The essence of love which is family as presented by the “We Will Stand munity of families of faith in order to introduce the keynote address by Father the source of power in the universe? To Tour” criss-crossing the whole of Amer- restore the moral fiber of our nation as Moon. what degree do we love God? In what ica in a fifty one day blitz. a whole. The beginning point of restora- Archbishop Baymon referenced the context? Father Moon noted that peo- Heavy Friday rush hour traffic was tion must come from individual fami- situation in Micah, Chapt. 7, when Micah ple hesitate to specify an answer, but but a small obstacle for the hundreds lies, centered on God’s ideal” felt a desperate need based on the uni- the truth is that we love God because of religious leaders and their flocks who The mood for the evening was set versal problems of his time: Not many of the unity of mind and body which filled the Grand Ballroom of the Hilton beautifully by the Sun Hak Choir , an good men were left; Leaders were cor- comes from God. Hotel and Conference Center at SeaT- FFWPU choir of youth under the direc- rupt: People had no confidence; Parents “God cannot regain His lineage through ac (Seattle/Tacoma) to participate in an tion of Nancy Kubo and the Total Expe- and children were in conflict. free sex. God needs absolute sex! For evening of revival and restoration. Archbishop Baymon noted the par- this reason, the Messiah must come to Highlighting the program with his allels to today’s situation and expressed establish True Parents”. “I was told this unique interfaith appeal was a his confidence that just as God sent secret by God. As a result: I began the keynote speech from 81 year a message of guidance and hope in holy wedding to begin to perpetuate fam- “young” Rev. Sun Myung Moon, those days, God has also now raised ilies centered on true love, true life, and affectionately referred to as “Father up a man and a woman who are will- true lineage to gain back the genera- Moon.” ing to stand to rebuild His ideal here tions for God. An early afternoon seminar on the Earth. He identified Father “You may be angry at these words, conducted by Stephen Lazarus and Mother Moon as two chosen by but anger is not the answer. We must from the Center for Public Jus- God. Archbishop Baymon directed humble ourselves to receive these words. tice on the specifics of the Faith- the audience to recall the words in The ultimate goal of humanity is to build based Initiatives programs pro- Matthew 10, that those who stand a true family centered on true love, true posed by the Bush Administra- will be despised and reviled by the life, and true lineage.” tion preceded the evening masses. He then challenged the audi- At this point Father Moon noted that fellowship. According to Dr. David ence to stand to rebuild the family he had already spoken for an hour- Burgess, the program coordina- and go beyond doctrines of faith by longer than the speech he was sched- tor, approximately 50 clergy and working in the community, no mat- uled to give! Although the speech itself community leaders participated ter what others may think. lasted for another 90 minutes as Father in the seminar. rience Choir directed by Pastor Pat Wright Father Sun Myung Moon then pre- Moon often enhanced the text with expla- These attendees were later joined by Archbishop Delnier Tripp Robinson sented the keynote address, “The Path nation and illustration, very few people over 1200 other clergy, community lead- of the Anglican Church from Auburn. for America and Humanity in the New in the audience left before the end. ers, congregation members, youth com- Washington, gave the invocation for the Millennium” from a prepared text. The program ended with several gifts munity volunteers, and faith oriented main program. In his prayer, he noted Some extemporaneous and inspired of appreciation to Father and Mother citizens in a celebration and revival of the significance of this time in human comments preceded his text. Address- Moon from several groups in the audi- community spirit and commitment history and requested that God’s bless- ing the over 100 Interfaith clergy and ence. Several awards were also pre- focused on the faith-centered family as ing be upon us and the generations to community leaders sitting in the first sented by the event committee to honor the key building block to restore the come. five rows of the audience, he began by the “Hopes of the Future”-young peo- community, society, nation, and world. This was followed by proclamations asking them if they loved God. Follow- ple in the community who have volun- Michael Jenkins, President of the from the Consul General of the Sey- ing the resounding “Yes!” he asked them teered their time and energy for those Family Federation for World Peace chelles, the Seattle City Chamber of if they loved God. Responding to the in need. (FFWPU), noted during the afternoon Commerce, Sen. Paul Shinn, King Coun- silence, he noted that we hesitate to —Regional report ❖ press conference, “This is not a wit- ty Executive Ron Sims, and Seattle Mayor answer because we have heard about nessing effort for any one particular Paul Schell. God, but we have not actually seen God Archbishop Timothy Paul Baymon of nor spoken directly to Him. 12 Unification News March 2001 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

he beautiful setting of Salt Lake City was the fourteenth Salt Lake City, UT—March 10 stop of the “We Will Stand” non-stop express tour for of love and respect for one of the world used his suffering to deepen his expe- a family values and revival ‘s great faiths as well as all faiths. rience with God and to become a truly standing ovation as he entered the acrossT America. It was a banquet-style The opening prayer was given by great world religious leader. room. He had the audience laughing event with around 600 people in atten- Rev. Dr. David Randle, who works as Following their presentations, Sen- and applauding as he began his remarks, dance. president and executive director of the ator and at one point Entertainment was provided by the United Church of Christ Wellness Health Howard commented that 40-person strong, Mountain West and Lifestyle Education Center. Stephen- he felt very com- Chorale; The Goodman Family, a well- Two wonderful nationally known son, gave a fortable with known Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- guest speakers, Dr. John Covey, Direc- most affec- everyone, ter Day Saints family of singers who tor of the Home and Family Division tionate although his gave a multi-media singing presenta- of the Utah based Franklin Covey Com- introduc- message might tion; and the talented wife pany and brother / partner of Steven tion to the make many of the local Regional Director for the Covey of “ 7 Habits” fame ; and Dr. keynote uncomfortable. Family Federation for World Peace and Robert Woodson, Sr., President of the speaker. Father Moon Unification (FFWPU). The Goodmans National Center for Neighborhood Enter- Senator spoke for over a are the pride of Utah and the LDS prises and author of “The Triumphs of Stephen- half hour off-the- church as they have performed through- Joseph”, preceded the keynote address. son testi- cuff in his intro- out the world with Mr. Jon fied at how ductory remarks, audiences that Covey, present- he had receiving much have included ed an excellent attended applause and Pope John Paul II talk of “The 7 an Ameri- attentive audi- and the Queen of Habits of High- can Leadership Conference (sponsored ence response. England. ly Effective Fam- and founded by Father Moon) and was A prepared text “The Path for Amer- As is well ilies”. He also truly inspired. The Salt Lake City Tri- ican and Humanity in the New Mil- known, Salt Lake recognized bune quoted him as saying that “As lennium” being carried throughout the City is the center Father and the LDS members go to General Con- tour was then read with simultaneous of the Church of Mother Moon for ference once a year for inspiration and translation by Mr. Peter Kim. Jesus Christ of their effective strengthening of faith”, he felt that the A dear “young” friend from bygone Latter Day Saints work in the “American Leadership Conference was days, Dr. Cleon Skousen, 92, sat appre- (Mormons)and Family move- like a General Conference for political ciatively in the audience and was rec- there was much ment. leaders.” ognized. anticipation and Dr. Robert He was also quoted in the papers Finally, Father Moon received a spe- even anxiety over Woodson gave a as saying, “In the LDS faith we have cial VIP invitation to hear the Mormon the coming of “God very stirring the Articles of Faith. Rev. Moon epit- Tabernacle Choir Radio Broadcast as ‘s prophet.” “Why speech and omizes someone who has lived the 13th well a guided tour of the hallowed main is Rev. Moon coming to preach to us?” brought the audience together. He com- Article of Faith, which states that one Temple. Unfortunately he was not able was a reported behind the scenes’ com- pared Father Moon to Joseph who, must be Honest, and True and Holy.” to attend at this time as “he had to be ment of at least one Mormon leader or although he was imprisoned by his He added, “In fact although Rev. Moon about His Father’s business” and was two. brothers and sold into slavery, came is not a member of the LDS religion he gone in a flash, headed west to Ore- gon. All this apprehension was to be laid out as the leader of Egypt and the sav- embodies this 13th Article so well that ❖ aside as Father and Mother Moon came ior of his family. Father Moon has also I would call him a real Latter Day Saint.” —Regional report and brought their unique expression been imprisoned falsely and yet has Father Sun Myung Moon received

he “We Will Stand”, the tour, Portland, OR—March 11 swept into Portland, Oregon and the Doubletree Hotel, represented as well — Catholic, Ortho- Millennium” from a prepared text with can never forget how he was saved by Jantzen Beach overlooking dox, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Church Mr. Peter Kim giving fast-paced, simul- three Korean women. They dragged his the majestic Columbia River of God in Christ, Baptist, Methodist, taneous translation. unconscious body into their house and withT the power of the Holy Spirit. Muslim, Buddhist, to name a few. Some Even some people who were in the put a mat over him. When the Chinese “Never had this many ministers of participants were sent to the restau- hotel for a different purpose heard talk kicked in the door, they sat on him different races and denominations gath- of “God” and came into listen and pealing onions. His encounter with ered in one place in harmony,” observe. Father and Mother Moon has deep was the comment of a TV news The presentations after the meaning to him. reporter after the event. The ban- speeches to Father and Mother Gayokla, a Native American who had quet hall was bursting at the seams. Moon were quite original. A group spoken at the Million Family March, Reverend Williams of the A.M.E. of Native Americans gave them a orchestrated a beautiful bridge cere- Church in Portland gave the invo- 150 year old tomahawk, beauti- mony with white brothers and sisters cation. fully framed. The Korean War vet- in the audience. The Korean War vet- A humble Jesuit priest, Father erans presented a framed picture erans moved by the spirit of reconcil- Ohno gave a beautiful reading not- of the veterans’ memorial that Moth- iation, forgiveness, and love then also ing the tradition in the Jesuit sem- er Moon had supported at the time came on stage. It was truly amazing. inary of having readings during of her tour two years ago. They crossed over, hugged and walked the meal. When he read the Beat- Gold watches were presented to down the steps hand in hand. Many itudes the room was completely Bishop Walter Scott and Bishop of the Native Americans were dressed still. W.G. Hardy who had attended Inter- traditionally so it had an awesome, “Blessed are the poor in spir- national Confer- serious, and shocking it... blessed are the peacemakers.. ences of the Cler- feel to it. blessed are those who are perse- gy(ICC)in the years This intimate and cuted for my name’s sake...” rant for the meal because of the over- past, sponsored by truly wonderful ecu- During the meal there were also per- flow, yet still the feeling was like one Father Moon. The menical, revival meet- formances from the Unity Choir of the big family. watches were given for ing ended with a great Cornerstone Community(Church of Reverend Leroy York gave a few their exemplary serv- gospel group that had God in Christ) and Kids of the King- remarks prior to the introduction to ice to God and everyone on their feet. dom, a youth dance group. A beauti- the main speaker for the evening. Humanity. Both have No one wanted to go ful solo expressive worship dance was Bishop Robinson, the Anglican Bish- children in the min- “home” even though the also performed prior to the keynote op gave a warm introduction to Father istry so the watch- program was somewhat address. Moon which included praise for his es(and torch)will lengthy. There was such a wonderful mix of unique teaching on lineage. passed on. —Regional report ❖ people in this “upper” room — white, Father Sun Myung Moon then pre- Bishop Hardy was black, red, and yellow. So many dif- sented the keynote address, “The Path wounded as a soldier ferent denominations and faiths were for America and Humanity in the New in the Korean war and March 2001 Unification News 13 50-STATE SPEAKING TOUR

he “We Will Stand!” Banquet & Revival program at the Oakland, CA—March 12 Oakland Convention Cen- ter in downtown Oakland “This is a new millennium and it’s New can only be described as time for a new message,” he said, “and Millennium” in Korean, with simulta- “magical”.T Rev. Moon is the man to give it.” neous English translation by Mr. Peter The Oakland Tribune’s headline After a brief biographical video, Rev. Kim. Additional remarks were inter- was “Rev. Moon Stirs Up Fans in Jenkins introduced Father Moon to jected throughout. It was hard for any- Oakland “ with a second proclaim- an enthusiastic ovation and welcome. one to believe that here before them ing, “Moon: Man, Woman Only Half Wasting no time, Father Moon, launched stood a man, 81 years....old. A Person”. Across the bay, The San into an animated and impromptu talk In the end, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon Francisco Chronicle reported 2000 about his joy at visiting the San Fran- (Mother Moon) joined her still beam- religious leaders had jammed the cisco/Oakland Bay Area again. “God ing husband on stage and received flow- Oakland Convention Center ban- intended men and women to be togeth- ers and gifts of appreciation with him. quet hall, the headline blazing proud- er as heterosexual pairs - man and Gifts were presented by the ACLC of ly, “In Oakland, Moon Stresses Fam- woman together - he stated, and “there No. California, the Inter-racial Sister- ily.” are many (here in the Bay Area) who hood Project, the San Francisco Kore- Prior to Father Moon’s ascent to do not accept the pair system for an Seniors Association, and Interna- the stage, the audience enjoyed a human beings.” tional Refugees Services, Inc. chicken banquet with lively soulful denominations and reaffirmed the tour One minister was heard to shout out Father and Mother Moon then pre- selections from the Christian Fellow- themes of working together to rebuild “Preach Father Moon, Preach”, during sented gold watches to 3 area minis- ship Church Choir. Rev. Kevin Thomp- and strengthen the family for the sake the course of these remarks. ters for their outstanding work in the son, of the local Family Federation for of this nation. Both testified that it is After his extended impromptu speech, community. Several more gold (plated) World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) Father Moon who has been the cata- Father Moon then began to read “The watches were given to other deserving then introduced Rev. Michael Jenkins, lyst and inspiration behind this “rebuild Path for America and Humanity in the clergy. Five others from the general President of the FFWPU as master of the family” movement. audience received a watch by lottery ceremonies. After another lovely musical drawing as well. Dr. William Perry, Pastor of Gospel selection from a local trio, South- The True Family Values Ministry Harvest Institutional Church of God in ern Light, Rev. T.L. Barrett, Super- of No. California also presented Christ, and a founding member of the intendent of the Church of Christ “Sacrificial Love & Service Award” American Clergy Leadership Confer- in Chicago, and co-convenor of the plaques to four outstanding people ence (ACLC) gave the invocation. Rev. ACLC, rose to the podium. In a from the area for their religious Jesse Edwards of the United Pente- powerful evangelical style, he praised and/or community service. costals of Philadelphia and Pastor Con- Father Moon for his sacrifice and Bishop Larry Magathen of the nie Crawford Bansa of Chicago, (both perseverance in the face of great Church of God in Christ, another also members of ACLC ) gave rousing persecution and misunderstand- local ACLC clergyman, gave the and eloquent statements on tearing ing to travel the 50 states promoting closing prayer. down the walls between the races and the family. —Regional report ❖

he “We Will Stand” tour Chicago, IL—February 28 spread its strong embracing arms to the “City of Broad Yellow school buses lined the streets and war, all of which resulted Shoulders” reaching the Life outside the church for blocks. from Adam and Eve’s refusal Center Church of God in Pastor T.L. Barrett welcomed every- to practice the science of mar- ChristT of Pastor T.L. Barrett on Chica- one with grace and humor. riage. “ go’s South Side. The True Family Values It was a cool Wednesday evening. Missionary Choir and the The “We Will Stand Tour” was Voices of St. Mark Choir developed by Father Sun Myung both gave musical per- Moon and other clergy members formances that astound- who wanted to “tear down the walls ed the crowd. of racial and denominational divides.” A ten minute video pres- After October’s Million Family March, entation “We Will Stand” sponsored by Nation of Islam Min- led into Father Sun Myung ister Louis Farrakhan, the interfaith Moon’s speech. group formed the American Clergy Father Moon spoke for Leadership Conference and planned an hour and a half. this national tour. His extemporaneous “It is neither white Americans or Starting Sunday in New York City, remarks were translated by Mr. black Americans. The true master of this was the fourth stop on the road Peter Kim. America is the person who loves Amer- of an amazing interfaith and revival It was like a “family night” and ica as God does.” crusade reaching out across the an entirely natural feeling perme- At one point, as Father Moon spoke height and depth of America. ated the atmosphere. regarding relationships between men The pews were packed to the rafters Pastor Howard Randolph in a state- The audience responded enthusi- and women, one young couple stood with over 2,000 people in attendance. ment to the assembled shared : astically. transfixed listening. The young woman Folding chairs lined the aisles and “As believers in the word of Christ, “Who is the master of America?” tried to pull her boyfriend to leave, but even the vestibule accommodated the we must do all we can to rectify sin and Father Moon asked. he shook her off. standing room only crowd while more misinformation that has spread in Father Moon then read from the filled the basement fellowship hall and today’s world. We must practice a prepared text, urging his listeners dining room. color blind mentality when judging to make sure that they listened to Some outside in overcoats, despite our fellow man. The family is the the second speech as well because the freezing Chicago winds, stood for building block for all that is good. “ many points were very important. awhile to at least peer through the glass Lillie Muhammad, chairwoman of Award plaques and gold watch- windows and catch a glimpse or feel of the Council of Mothers, Nation of es from Christian Bernard Jewel- this historic event. Islam, in remarks to the congregants ers of Paris were awarded to three said in part : Chicago community leaders in recog- “The people of the world are indeed Give a nition of their service to the com- looking for guidance as the inevitable munity by Father and Mother Moon. consequences of sin leave both men Gift Subscription Flowers were presented and the and nations in a state of despair. It chill over Chicago had all but dis- to the is our duty as Christ-conscious cit- appeared. izens to awaken fallen humanity from UNIFICATION NEWS —Regional report ❖ the nightmare of violence, murder 14 Unification News March 2001

by Nicholas Chisha Zambia RYS’s School for he Religious Youth Service (RYS) and the International Relief and Friendship Pro- ject have been active in Zam- Children of AIDS Victims bia throughout the year put- The Interna- On arriving at the tingT together a variety of programs and tional Relief and work site, the IRFF Field projects. Among the most timely of these Friendship Foun- Director, Mr. Massimo programs was the construction and dation (IRFF) and Trombin heard about a opening of a primary school for chil- the RYS decided senior teacher of the dren whose parents or guardians had to team up and Orphan Schools who recently died due to HIV/AIDS. This work with the daily made a long and project was the 4th Africa Rising Pro- local community hard walk to reach the ject which is a part of the IIFWP’s desire so that a perma- compound in order to be to promote among youth leaders and nent structure able to teach. Mr. Trom- peace makers both intra-Africa and could be raised. bin then decided to inter-continental cooperation. From December donate a bicycle to the The Zambian chapter of RYS decid- 15-21, an inter- school to help this teacher ed to open a school because of the trag- national team of and others. This gift was ic reality that many innocent children fifty RYS volun- received with great joy in communities were losing all chance teers that includ- among the school com- for a proper education because of the munity. by the city council. Work continued The District Educa- with the actual building of the class- tion Officer was so happy with the work room, an office and a storage room. that he offered a full scholarship from During the project a number of high the Ministry of Education to train one officials came to the site including the of the school teachers. This will be very mayor of the city of Ndola, the District valuable in lifting the quality of the edu- Education Officer and several religious cation offered at the school. leaders. Knowing how the communi- The result of this year’s combined ty longed for this school, they were RYS and IRFF effort is that the chil- impressed by all that IRFF and RYS dren will get an opportunity to learn could accomplish in such a short time and receive and education that can help and viewed the project as important them rise above the misery of subsis- for the future development of the com- tence living. No longer will classes need munity. see ZAMBIA on page 16

ed Zambian youth leaders from desperate situation of poverty that various religions went to Ndola orphans face. City to help in construct a new The school for the orphan children school building. During their was started by the local community stay, each of the volunteers before any actual building was con- worked hard to give substance structed. Local children began to gath- to the dream of the commu- er for lessons under the shade of trees nities children. and in other make-shift situations. Nat- Throughout the work, RYS urally, heavy rainfall and other situa- participants were joined by tions arose to make it difficult to have many community volunteers regular instruction. For this reason the as they labored together. The community sought to have a perma- work began with the clearing nent structure constructed to fill the of the plot of land that had need. been allocated for the school The IRFF at work in Hungary by John Gehring Values and Community Service” in were: “What does it mean to work in a were active in organizing the work of Debrecen and Budapest the IRFF made team?”, What does peace mean for you? the volunteers. Students from a local RFF has officially been registered presentations concerning its interna- Participants engaged in lively dis- primary school joined in the work which in Hungary this year and is now tional work and its recent environmental cussions in small teams and gave reports was to clean one section of the Tétényi undertaking its official work yet project.. of their opinions. This provided a foun- Plain of the species do not naturally the foundation of the IRFF began IRFF is concerned with creating a dation for greater trust and helped pre- belong to this area. in Hungary a decade ago with inter- safe and healthy environment for future pare the volunteers for the task ahead. With a variety of tools in hand the Inational cooperative efforts generations Ferenc Kecskés, a biol- volunteers went with the Religious Youth and in many ogist and botanist gave after the plants Service (RYS) and the nations this a view of the work of that the botanist Forum Ost. Some of the is a pressing Green Future Associa- directed with the past projects which IRFF issue. In tion and he also words, “these was involved in include Budapest, explained the flora and have to go”. The the building of a Peace the IRFF fauna of the Tétényi area work lasted all Garden at the Orphans helped and shared why it is morning and into Village in Fut, construct- organize and currently a protected the afternoon with ing a shelter in Pec for recruit vol- area. axes swinging, battered women and build- unteer work- Following an after- shovels digging ing a shelter for homeless ers on a one noon slide presentation and paths pro- men. In Tatabanya , five day cooperative program with the Green as an introduction to the IRFF, Ms. tected from intruding cars and bicy- schools had volunteers work on both Future Association. Erzsébet Tomka, a photo artist’s, showed cles. Even with a short work period a construction and restoration projects. This program began on Saturday an exhibition concerning this year’s huge area was cleared and we felt that The IRFF Hungary chapter was offi- morning with a presentation by Mr. IRFF project in Uganda in which she we had achieved our goals. cially introduced and registered on Octo- Massimo Trombin, the IRFF Director took part. A common dinner conclud- The program concluded with a time ber 14-15 in Budapest and on Novem- of Field Operations. He spoke to the ed the evening a common dinner. for reflection and sharing our experi- ber 10th in the city of Pécs. Pecs is cur- volunteers and gave an introduction to On Sunday morning at 9.30 the vol- ences along with a time for celebrating rently serving as the national help the listeners understand more unteers arrived at the Tétényi Plain with a pizza-party. Education, train- headquarters of IRFF. On December clearly how to work cooperatively and Research House and were they meet ing, environmental work, fun, sharing 3rd as part of the IIFWP sponsored con- organize meaningful programs. Among by Péter Mészáros and Ferenc Kecskés and friendship; surely this was a very ference on the theme: “Implementing the questions that volunteers discussed the Presidents of Green Future who special weekend for all. ❖ the Culture of Peace: Universal Human March 2001 Unification News 15

by Dr. David Earle —Birmingham, UK The Substance of Peace: rom December 5th -16th, 2000, Dr. David RYS and India’s Interfaith Orphanage Earle, project coordinator of Legislative Assembly who represents Fthe Religious Youth Ser- the Anglo-Indian community in Andhra vice (RYS) traveled to Pradesh, and Mr. C Dautunga, State Hyderabad, Andhra Commissioner for Juvenile Homes, Pradesh (South India) to have given invaluable support from the visit an Interfaith Chil- outset. More recently, on David’s lat- dren’s Home which has est visit in December, one of the rul- been established there ing party’s (Telegu Desam) seven cab- with a large measure of inet ministers, Hon Vijaya Rama Rao, help and support from Minister for Roads, Buildings and Ports the people of Birming- paid a one hour visit to the Children’s ham. Currently, 23 Home to officially open it, present gifts orphaned and semi- to all the children and address the 100 orphaned children, all members of the local community who from the Dalit or so-called had gathered for the occasion. This ‘Untouchable’ communi- was no small thing from the minis- ty and from Hindu, Mus- ter’s side, as there had been a car bomb lim and Christian back- assassination of one high-level gov- grounds, are being cared ernment official one week earlier, and all VIP’s are currently considered tar- for and pro- ‘untouchable’ from Andhra Pradesh gets by a Marxist-oriented group (Nax- vided with an while on a study visit to United Col- alites) who are trying to use violence educational lege of the Ascension in the Selly Oak to pursue their political aims. It was opportunity Colleges. He invited David and Patri- wonderful to see the top and bottom which would cia Earle to visit rural communities of of Indian society coming together as otherwise be the untouchables in remote parts of the children came forward one-by-one denied them. Andhra Pradesh in The project is February of 1998, a pioneering and out of that visit cooperative the idea of this proj- venture ect for Communal between peo- Harmony was born. ple of differ- Development. ent faiths and During the last two castes, and is and a half years, a attempting to wide variety of indi- make a con- viduals and organ- izations have donat- ed money to fund the project. Dona- tions have come from Hindu temples, Christian churches, a Jewish synagogue, Muslim and Bud- dhist families, from Sikh men and women in the business to receive a gift from Mr. Rama Rao, community—fusing together the col- for some of the children the first time lective goodness of so many people. in their life to have such an experi- The building work began in December ence. 1998, when a Religious Youth Service Future. In addition to maintaining project brought 36 young people togeth- the progress of the Home and children, er, 18 from India and 18 from ten other during the next year we hope to take countries to begin digging the foun- the project to another level by raising dations—quite literally—for the Chil- the money to build some simple guest dren’s Home. It was a sight to behold! accommodation which will provide an Since that time, the building work has opportunity for young people to go to gone on steadily to the point where, Hyderabad, spend several weeks with tribution to the search for true ‘Com- in June 2000, children began to arrive the children, help at the local school, munal Harmony’ in India. from the slum visit other local insti- Background. The origins of the and village tutions, do some Children’s Home lie in Birmingham, areas, and sight-seeing, etc, and where interfaith dialogue and action started a new generally experience have been developed by a number life at the Home life in another culture. of organizations and individuals in and in the local Perhaps this build- recent years. The RYS carried out government- ing work could be the two very successful service proj- recognized focus for another RYS ects in the inner-city districts of school. project there. Saltley, Nechells and Small Heath Ministerial If you know of any- in August/September 1996 and visit. The proj- one who would like to September 1997, working in coop- ect has been be involved in this kind eration with CSV Environment, able to develop, of activity, please let Urban Renewal and Focus Hous- overcoming David Earle know! ing Association. Also, committed many difficul- Dr. David Earle, women from many national, reli- ties along the RYS Project Coordi- gious and cultural backgrounds way, because of nator, 123 Bournbrook have been meeting, discussing and strong support Road, Selly Park, Great sharing together every month dur- from certain key Britain B29 7BY. E- ing the past seven years at meet- people in Hyder- mail : David@rysb- ings organized by the Women’s Fed- abad. In par- ham.fsnet.co.uk ❖ eration for World Peace (WFWP). ticular, Ms Della This work was discovered by a Godfrey MLA, a Rev Wilson Singham, himself an member of the 16 Unification News March 2001

he 12th As Friends Project participants (Asian Friendship and Ser- when they arrive vice Project) will take place Upcoming Projects of RYS an take them to in Sri Lanka on April 16-21 the orientation. in Sri Lanka. This project ditions during the project. This Summer we have two major To understand more clearly about willT have a village level service project Last years project in Sri Lanka was projects that will involve volunteers. the purpose of these projects please but will also work to promote and con- completed with the cooperation of the On June 16-29 the 8th Friendship review the RYS Goals and Vision found tribute to providing an environment for Lions Club and the IRFF. At that time America’s Project will take place in at the RYS website. (www.rys.net) dialogue and friendship among the var- participants constructed a one room Guatemala with the support of RYS Those candidates who would like to ious ethnic and culture peoples of the school and created a school playground volunteers. Volunteers will be spend- participate can receive an application island nation. for village children. ing a substantial part of their time help- form the RYS office at [email protected]. The project site will be in the Gam- The project fee is $ 100. This will ing with the construction and restora- IRFF and the RYS will sponsor the paha District which is 20km. (12 miles) cover your room and board and pro- tion of two medical clinics in the rural service and education project under away from Colombo and RYS and IRFF gram expenses. For those in develop- area. The orientation will take place in the theme: will work with staff and volunteers from ing nations the fee will be greatly dis- Guatemala City. Culture of Peace 2001: Youth, Vol- the Sarvodaya movement. The work counted. The Guatemala project will be open unteers and Environment involves building of an extension to a The 2nd Regional Alumni Service to both English and Spanish speaking The year 2001 has been designated preschool in a village of poor low-caste Leadership Training session will be held participants. Travel needs to be cov- the “Year of the Volunteer” by the Unit- people and renovation work of a Bud- from 21-23 April in a beautiful site for ered by participants. A fee of $ 350 is ed Nations. The IRFF is promoting an dhist temple which includes cleaning about 20 selected participants. asked but scholarships are available international service project with the and painting in the same premises. Alumni training fee will be US $ 50 for those in developing nations. cooperation with RYS and the Mayor RYS Sri Lanka expects 40-50 youth per person. Last year a team of eighty volunteers of Vlone, Albania. Forty international participants from home and abroad for For on site information please con- from fourteen nations helped with widen- volunteers will join in a project that will this project. It is expected to visit a few tact Mr. Ravi Galhena at: For an appli- ing a local room and constructing the include an environmental element and religious places of importance and an cation please contact the RYS head- beginnings of a school for newly set- a strong public service aspect. unique place of Sri Lankan ancient tra- quarters at: [email protected] tled migrants. The work aspect of the program will From Aug 9-22 the 5th Africa Ris- be a combination of tree planting and ing Project will take place in Kenya landscaping and improving a public nity for young people to form friend- where RYS and the International playground in the City of Vlone. ships, enjoy themselves, and develop ZAMBIA Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF) The project will be near the South- physically while learning the value of from page 14 will help construct a new medical ern Coast of Albania and have partic- team work and cooperation. The club to be held under a tree or be canceled clinic. ipants from various faiths including; also has activities that work to promote on account of the rain! The IRFF and In both projects their will be pro- Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Unifi- the value of community service and RYS have the hope to work with this grams of cultural and educational cation. sportsmanship. community to help it reach a level where exchange as well as great opportu- We are welcoming potential partici- In addition, a very active Chess Club they will have a full school and clinic nities to have experiences with the pants to apply. has been formed for youth under the functioning. local community. For more information and applica- age of eighteen. Both clubs are exam- Additional Activities in Zambia In an The cost of this project is $ 350 tions please contact RYS or the IRFF ples of the practical outreach that the effort to provide positive activities for which includes room, board and local email address at: ❖ Nicholas Chisha :is the co-ordinator football club for youth under the age of ed to cover their own air fare. On all of RYS/IRFF in Zambia. ❖ twenty. The club provides an opportu- projects, when informed, we will meet JOINtheOCEANPROVIDENCE! IfYouLovetheOceanandknow the21stcenturyistheOcean-Era Join us to become Captains, Boat-builders and Sales Representatives True World Marine boat building factory in Little Ferry

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100 Luis Munoz Marin Blvd, Jersey City, NJ www.mastermarineusa.com “Good Go” TE/286 A quality “fish-around” design March 2001 Unification News 17 WCSF 2001 by Reverend Sun Myun Moon The Kingdom of Heaven: Who Will This is Closing Banquet Address at the 7th World Culture and Sports Festival, January 29, 2001, The New York Hilton, New York City. Enter It, and How Will They Get There? worst of slander and curses, because it the service of God as our King and Mas- responsibility, God did not intervene would like to give you world lead- destroyed Heaven and Earth. God’s ideal ter. We can enter there, but only as fam- directly to rectify their mistake. For that ers a precious gift in words this of love was to have settled perfectly begin- ilies. reason, we find in history that the Lord evening. I speak from the truth found ning at the place of first love, through The ultimate ideal of all living beings has appeared as the second Adam and through immense suffering on a the marriage of the man’s love organ and is to become the object partner of God’s the third Adam, in order to indemnify journey begun in my youth. This the woman’s love organ. That point, cen- true love and live with God. To ascend the mistake of the first Adam and per- Ijourney has brought me to the bound- tering on man-woman love, establishes to a higher place in Heaven, live as God fect the ideal of true parentship. In this less world of Heaven. Tonight I will speak the perfected object partner of God. That lives, investing your life for the sake of way, everything should be restored. Until about the principles of the spirit world point is the nucleus of the universe. If others. The one who sacrifices himself then, God waits anxiously. This is the that we enter after death, a world GRAEME CARMICHAEL real story behind his- no one can ignore. I would also tory: it was a provi- like to introduce some aspects of dence of restoration to life in the Kingdom of Heaven, the liberate God’s aching realm everyone desperately wants heart. to enter. As a result of the Fall, I have done my the first human ancestors could absolute best to fulfill not wed each other with God’s the mission of True blessing. They fell while they were Parents. I paid no still growing up, by disobeying God attention whatsoever and committing adultery with to my welfare or sta- Satan. Satan became an adulter- tus. To build a church er, and our problem lies in the fact was not even my goal. that they inherited Satan’s blood I had but one goal: to lineage. walk all the way to lib- According to the principles of erate God’s heart from creation, man is to enter the King- pain and help Him real- dom of Heaven after he lives the ize His wish. In other life of the Kingdom of God on Earth. the axis connecting God with the love for the sake of his family, his family for words, I have invested myself totally to We live the Kingdom life on Earth through organs of man and woman is broken, the the sake of his tribe, his tribe for his set God free from agony, to establish Him establishing the unity of mind and body, entire universe shatters. nation, his nation for the world, the world as the Lord of the universe, and to set the unity of husband and wife and the Since the marriage of man and woman for Heaven and Earth, and Heaven and the foundation for humankind to serve unity of children. By inheriting God’s lin- is the original spring of love, it becomes Earth for the sake of God, is the closest Him as the King of the cosmos. eage, we were supposed to connect this the original palace of love, the original one to God. He or she will stand as the Do you think that this task is easy? directly to the spirit world. How? palace of life and the original palace of object partner of God’s true love. God, I had to make Satan surrender both in The very moment a true bridegroom lineage. Our longing for freedom and the Creator of the universe, has been Heaven and on Earth. I had to tear down makes love with his true bride for the happiness springs from there. What’s sacrificing Himself for the sake of the all the walls and even bring Hell to an first time is the moment that the per- more, all individuals, families, tribes and universe more than anyone. Thus, to end. We cannot liberate God’s heart fection of husband and wife is achieved. peoples originate there. The foundation encounter Him and live with Him, we through true love unless we prepare all The palace of love on Earth, that is the for peace and the Kingdom of God in need training through a true love life, a people on Earth and in the spirit world center of Heaven and Earth, begins in Heaven and on Earth take root in love. life lived for the sake of others. Although to receive God’s blessing in freedom. that first moment of making love. Through Through the union the love organs, man God is the King of knowledge, the King Satan has to recognize this work offi- this love, the original place (palace?) of and woman are blended completely. This of power and the King of wealth, He does cially, and it has to accord with the law love is created for the first time. The life love relationship produces the fruit of not ask us to bring Him those things. of the universe. Satan has enjoyed his and blood lineage of humankind begin good or of evil. We must comprehend the God is waiting for the one who lives for ruling power over nations in this world. from that point of love. From the same infinite value of our love organs. The way the sake others in the spirit of true love Therefore, we are challenged to set con- point, a nation is born. The veritable of Heaven teaches us that whether we here on Earth! ditions through victories that transcend Kingdom of God in Heaven and on Earth are a man or a woman, we must never Many people rattle off words about nations and the world itself. too begins with the opening of that door misuse them. God’s absoluteness, omnipotence and This is a day to rejoice. I have set these of first love. Incited by Satan’s false love, Adam glory. Nonetheless, through my lifelong conditions and on the 13th day of Jan- When a man and a woman become and Eve committed adultery and became search for truth, I have found that to be uary this year, I held the coronation cer- one through love and create children, a false couple. As false parents they way off the mark. God lost His loving emony for the Kingship of God in Korea. they substantiate the invisible God in formed a false family and transmitted children as a result of the first ances- That was the greatest day of celebration visible form. Love is the power that can sin to their children. The providence of tors’ Fall. If your children are impris- in all human history. We liberated God’s combine and commingle blood. Then salvation is a providence of restoration. oned, can you live in glory? God’s heart heart for the first time. He could start what is the axis for this mixing of blood? We have to root out that very mistake of is in the deepest pain. What’s more, God His new history based on the might and It is the place in which the love organs misusing love and restore true love. had to give Satan the beautiful creation power of true love. This is the dawn of of husband and wife meet and make the Through God’s true love, the restored that He made for His children. From the the new age, in which humankind in first love. That is a power station, the Adam should take the true parents’ posi- moment He lost His object partner of Heaven and on Earth can attend the lib- very plant for the generation of the power tion and engraft humankind to himself. love, the God of true love became the erated God in gratitude. From now we of true love, the power of true life, the A man and woman perfected through God of loneliness. God was never in the will easily witness the living God and power of true lineage, the power for the true love shall establish a true family position to exercise His power as the Lord often notice helping hands from the spir- Kingdom of God on Earth through the with God’s blessing. of the universe. God never had the chance it world. true family, and the power for the King- Man is to build an ideal family and to display His authority as the Creator I urge you to study about the spirit dom of God in Heaven. Thus, the wed- perfect his spirit self while living on Earth. of all things. Meanwhile, fallen people world with greater eagerness and to ding of Adam and Eve, who were in the We then enter Heaven in the spirit world. often boast of themselves for nothing. receive the God-centered blessing so position of God’s substantial object part- Our original hometown is the Kingdom Even though He is the owner of all that that you can build a true family. I also ners, would have been God’s wedding. of God in Heaven, where our spirit lives has breath, God was never able to reveal encourage you to prepare for your eter- They would have brought God’s libera- in God’s love for eternity. The Fall closed His pride. Being the author of the prin- nal life through living unselfishly. The tion and freedom, and God Himself would our spiritual senses. This is why we do ciples that guide the universe, how can time has come that people who work have sung and danced. not know about our spirit self or about God move freely in the fallen world, the hard will feel the hand of Heavenly for- Knowing this should fill us with awe Heaven in the spirit world. Unlike ani- world of non-principle? Humankind, liv- tune, with which the limited power of and terror over the holiness of the first mals, we possess a spirit self. We should ing with all degrees of distrust and dis- human beings cannot compare. Those love. When the first love is corrupted, we know about the world of Heaven that we obedience, even ignore God and mock who live the life of a filial child, a patri- destroy the palace of love, the palace of inevitably will enter. The family is the God as non-existent and dead. God has ot, a saint and a divine son or daugh- life, the palace of lineage and everything school, the training center in which we endured this long history in a heart of ter before the living God, with a hum- that was to have blossomed forth. This can perfect our heart. Family life guides agony. Truly, His waiting has seemed ble and self-effacing attitude, are the is the dreadful reality of the Fall. Through us to master ourselves for the sake of endless. most fortunate. At the advent of the era it we lost the Kingdom of God in Heav- sharing love with others. Thus, the fam- This tragedy transpired because Adam of God’s Kingship, I pray that you will en and on Earth. Heaven and Earth ily is the base upon which we can build and Eve fell while they were growing up, promote God’s Kingship. May we work turned into Hell. Throughout history, the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of and became false parents. Out of pro- in partnership to build the world of heart man’s love organ has symbolized the Heaven is where we are intoxicated in found respect for their freedom and and culture transcending nations. ❖ 18 Unification News March 2001 WCSF 2001 session was the presence of the cur- Canada, and continued the discussion young people we see assembled in this WCSF rent president of Comoros who warm- on, “The Family, Universal Values and place.” from page 1 ly embraced everyone. As a sitting head the UN.” Panelists included: H.E. Luis Former President Nena said, “as the Quayle, and Dr. Wally N’Dow, Secre- of state, there was added security in A. Lacalle, former president of Uruguay; leaders of the future of your nations, tary General of WANGO. the building, but it was Rev. Moon, H.E. Jacob Nena, former president of we congratulate you on your commit- Vice President Quayle called on the founder of IIFWP, who really set the Micronesia; and the Rt. Hon. Lloyd San- ment to renew your vows to your spous- world leaders to “rededicate ourselves tone for the entire event with his land- diford, former prime minister of Bar- es. One of the responsibilities as young to our families, to the values that make mark message. bados. couples and leaders of the future is to “We are meeting in the United Nations,” lay the foundation of your children in our families strong, to involving our- World Peace Blessing selves in the communi- your family. Your qualities of leader- ty so we can achieve After lunch, the ship and your commitment to your part- world peace.” He said, “world peace blessing” ner will be blessed by the good Lord.” “Let us refer to this UN began precisely at 2:30 Pastor T.L. Barrett, Jr., Life Center meeting as the chapel p.m. and featured 210 Church of God in Christ in Chicago of world peace.” couples petitioning the asked the spiritual leaders attending world leaders to affirm to stretch forth their hands and bless United Nations the profound signifi- the couples. “We thank you, dear Cre- Headquarters cance of families as a ator,” he said, “supplier and sustainer On Jan. 27, the venue universal value in their of the universe for allowing us to come changed to the United respective nations. together from many different countries Nations headquarters. Congratulatory remarks and cultures to engage in sincere, cre- The dignified sur- were given by current ative dialogue on our one point com- roundings created a fit- Comoros President mon agenda, and that one point agen- ting stage for the august Assoumani Azali; for- da is world peace...we ask your bless- gathering of interna- mer Guyanese prime ing upon these couples who lives will tional delegates. The minister Hamilton be eternally blessed.” conference co-sponsors Green; and former Others leaders in attendance includ- welcomed the partici- Micronesian president ed: Rabbi Izhak Bar-Dea, chief rabbi, pants, including: Amb. Jacob Nena. Rev. and Ramat-Gan, Israel; H.H. Devendra Kirthi Nejad Hosseinian, Mis- Mrs. Moon wore beau- Bhattarakji, president, Jain Digamber sion of Iran; Amb. Hus- tiful robes patterned Jain Muth, Humbuja, Karnataka, India; sein Hassouna, League after the royal garb in Khamba Lama Dambajav, Khamba of Arab States; Amb. ancient traditional Lama, Tashi Choe Ling Monastery, mem- Rashid Alimov, Mission Korean history. ber of council of religious affairs under of Tajikistan; Amb. Mokhtar Lamani, said Rev. Moon, “which was established The Hon. Hamilton Green, current president of Mongolia; Rabbi Erno Organization of the Islamic Conference as a temple of peace. We must all do mayor of Georgetown, Guyana said, “We Lazarovits, director of foreign relations, to the UN; and Amb. Makarim Wibisono, everything we can to support the Unit- gather here for the noblest of causes, Central Board of the Federation of Jew- Mission of Indonesia. The session mod- ed Nations, so that it can be a true to pray and plead at this highest inter- ish Communities, Hungary; His Emi- erator was Tajeldin Hamad, organizing instrument of peace that fulfills its national forum and building for global nence Sheikh Al-Amin Osman, Mufti, co-chair of the Convocation of World founding spirit. Humanity is at a time decision makers to guide us to the State of Eritrea; Amb. J. Reuben Sil- Leaders. when we must give priority to the com- boundaries of light and a better world verbird, ambassador, Indian Village of st After a break, the morning session mon good that transcends nations. Not in the 21 century for the delightful, Europe, Austria; Singh Sahib Bhai Man- continued with remarks by Rev. Dr. only government institutions charming, intelligent, and courageous jit Singh, Jathedar, Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman, WCSF; but also non-governmental Takhat Sri Kesgarh Nobel peace prize laureate and leader organizations of each coun- Sahib, Anandpur of the Solidarity Movement, H.E. Lech try must participate in the Sagib, India; and Dr. Walesa, former president of Poland; effort for true love and true Billy McCormack, H.E. Azali Assoumani, current presi- families. Otherwise, we can- pastor, University dent of Comoros; Rev. Dr. Sun Myung not bring about world peace. Worship Center, Moon, co-founder of WCSF; and Mr. I would like to ask you to founding board mem- Ridha Bouabid, Office of the Interna- take active part in the true ber of the Christian tional Organization of la Francophonie love movement of seeking to Coalition. to the UN. live for others and the true The Blessing was President Walesa, a father of eight family movement so that we particularly exciting. children, spoke passionately about the may build a new world with All of the couples were importance of family, human rights, a culture of heart.” dressed in their col- democracy, and reminded the partici- After a break, the next orful national and pants to be ever vigilant against total- session was chaired by Rt. ethnic dress. The itarianism and the protection of our Hon. Edward Schreyer, for- assembly room was civil freedoms. A great bonus for the mer governor general of see WCSF on page 20

WANGO and the Center for the Glob- al South (American University) convened World Association of Non- sessions at the UN and the New York Hilton simultaneous with the Convoca- tion of World Leaders. Governmental Organizations (WANGO) ession 1: “Dialogue Among ways to Peace; Dr. Nikos Sioglou, Aris- national Space Sciences Organization; Session 6: “Towards a New Global Civilizations: The Role of totelion of Italy; Eleni Siamatra, Aris- D. Funmi Olonisakin, office of the social Compact for Africa? New Ideas, New NGOs.” Speakers included totelion of Greece; and Prof. Ian Hall, representative of the secretary gener- Concepts.” Amb. Mustapha Tlili, sen- Dr. Wally N’Dow; Dr. Sulay- Bloomsbury International Society. al for children in armed conflict; Prof. ior fellow, World Policy Institute, New man Nyang, Howard Uni- Session 3: “Dialogue Among Civi- Hans Peer Duerr, former director, Max York was the moderator. Panelists includ- Sversity; Dr. Nicholas Kittrie, Eleanor lizations: The Role of NGOs.” Dr. Cheryl Plack Institute of Physics; and Dr. Jean ed, Ruth Engo, African Action on AIDS; Roosevelt Institute for Justice and Peace; Lau, former Secretary of State, the State Krasnow, executive director, Academ- Prof. Ian Hall, Bloomsbury Interna- Clovis Maksoud, American University; of Nevada was the moderator. Panelists ic Council for the UN, Yale University. tional Society; and Prof. Solo Dowuona- Prof. Roger Millet, Webforce Interna- included, Amb. Alioune Sene, Geneva; Session 5: “Information Technology Hammond, New York University. tional; and Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Academy Under Kirdar, former senior advisor to at the Service of Human Development Session 7: “Science and Spirituali- of Future Science. Prof. Albert G. Mil- UNDP administrator; Dr. Kathryn and World Peace.” Mr. Jerry Glenn, ty in the New Age: Conflict or Conver- bank, professor of international law at Williams, FKRW International; and Dr. executive director, American Council gence?” The panelists included, D. J.J. Princeton chaired the session. Farouk Mawlawi, former chief, DPI/NGO for the United Nations University was Hutak, Academy of Future Science; Session 2: “Olympic Youth Leader- Unit, UN Headquarters. the moderator. Speakers included: Joe Gloria Firmage, National Space Sci- ship: The Bridge to the Future of Dia- Session 4: “Democracy, Development Firmage, CEO, Project Voyager; Hans ences Organization; and Audrey Kita- logue and Democracy.” Mr. Richard and World Peace: Can We Achieve a Peter Duerr, Max Planck Institute of gawa, advisor to the special represen- Jordan was the moderator. Panelists Workable 21st Century.” Panelists Physics; and Dr. Shalini Venturelli, tative of the secretary general on chil- included: Dr. David Randle, director of included: Mr. Rodney Henderon, direc- associate professor of communication dren and armed conflict. ❖ WHALE Center; Monica Willard, Path- tor of humanitarian relations, Inter- policy, American University. March 2001 Unification News 19 WCSF 2001 The Significance of the WCSF by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak Assembly 2000 in August 2000. At that cation. There were 650 attendees this True Parents were proud of the coro- time TP gave a keynote address. Mr. time. This meeting was named “World nation ceremony of God’s Kingship in An excerpt from a report given Sun- Heath, former Prime Minister of the Peace Blessing,” not the usual meet- front of many Prime Ministers. We also day February 11, 2001 at the Korean United Kingdom, the former Presidents ing. The theme was “Dialogue and Har- have to be proud of it wherever we go. National HQ of Costa Rica, Who liberates God? rue Father has been prepar- Africa, and so on Who is full of pain? ing for this World Culture attended the meet- 4 Saints attended Sports Festival and bless- ing. the ceremony in the ing his whole life. Interreli- After that the spiritual world, and gious International Federa- UN assembly was in the physical tionT for World Peace was founded for held in October. world 4 represen- teaching God’s words universally. The The UN is slow to tatives bowed to existing governments cannot solve the work, and needs God and True Par- global problems by themselves. complicated prepa- ents uncondition- The new tradition of International ration before act- ally. Hoon Dok Seminar started. 200 to 300 ing. When we held The UN blessing religious and political leaders attend- WANGO meeting, was held on 1/27, ed. We can now realize peace of human many NGOs that is the 14th day beings and reconciliation between reli- attended. after the coronation gions. We have already ceremony of God’s The mission of the UN to realize completed the edu- Kingship on 1/13. peace has changed as time went by. cation of leaders of 12 religious repre- There was an ideological antagonism more than 190 nations. We can con- mony of Cultures.” It is difficult to make sentatives attended the UN blessing. between theism and atheism and the tribute to the creation of peace and harmony between cultures, so dialogue Religion represents past, political lead- threat of nuclear war had to be new culture by the method which the is necessary. It is possible only for True ers represents present, and 210 cou- addressed. Then, globalization time UN cannot do. The guests of the UN Parents to attain this. The blessing cer- ples represent future. The representa- came, and the informational revolu- blessing consisted of Prime Ministers emony was also held as the practice tives of past, present and future gath- tion occurred. There was much oppo- and Presidents, the leaders of Mongo- of dialogue and harmony of cultures. ered in one place. The representatives sition to circumstances such as pover- lia and the Marshall Islands, etc. Peo- Ethnic costumes are the symbol of of 191 nations would attend the UN ty and women’s liberation. ple from 191 nations gathered and did the cultures. 210 couples attended the blessing, but due to visa problems they Finally there is the clash between Hoon Dok Hae. UN blessing. We emphasized that man came from 136 nations. The represen- cultures. This clash is far more violent The President of Kenya paid his and woman build the ideal family pay- tatives of Islam, Christianity and Bud- than that of politics. In this way the respects to True Father. The leaders ing attention not to be criticized by the dhism gave a speech. In their speech mission of the UN has changed. of Nigeria and Estonia attended. Many secular world. Congratulatory speech they expressed how much Rev. Moon incumbent presidents attended the was changed to the keynote address surprised them. The age of the realm TM gave a speech in the UN in 1996, ❖ and a full-scale leadership started at meeting being accompanied by their of the incumbent president to make of 4th Adam opened. followers, and signed the blessing appli- the blessing an event of World Peace. IIFWP Panel Sessions ession One A: “Co-sponsors’ Session Three A: “The Relationship elists included: Dr. Norman Bailey, for- governor general of Canada. Panelists welcome.” Speakers includ- among Religion, Culture, and Civiliza- mer White House economic advisor included: Dr. Karim Ahmed, president ed: Amb. Hadi Nejad Hos- tion: A Multi-Religious Inquiry,” was under President Reagan; Rev. Walter of Global Children’s Health and Envi- seinian, Islamic Republic of sponsored by the Inter-Religious Fed- Fauntroy, former U.S. delegate to con- ronment Fund; Dr. David Schmidtz, Iran; Amb. Hussein A. Has- eration for World Peace. Dr. Frank Kauf- gress; and Dr. Norman Kurland, pres- professor of philosophy, University of Ssouna, League of Arab States; Amb. mann, director, World Peace Institute ident, Center for Economic and Social Arizona; and Dr. Elizabeth Willott, assis- Rashid Alimov, Mission of Tajikistan; chaired the session. Speakers includ- Justice. The session analyzed the role tant professor of entomology, Univer- Amb. Mokhtar Lamani, Organization of ed Iman Haitham Bundakji, Islamic of the nation-state in economic devel- sity of Arizona. The panel evaluated var- the Islamic Conference; and Amb. Society of Orange County; Dr. Yudit K. opment to encourage the transforma- ious global trends shaping our civi- MakarimWibisono, Republic of Indone- Greenberg, Rollins College; Dr. Jame- tion of our societies based on distribu- lizations and the fundamental issues sia. The session moderator was Mr. son Kurasha, University of Zimbabwe; tive justice, economic empowerment, of environmental ethics and conflict Tajeldin Hamad, organi- and broad ownership. resolution. zation co-chair, Convoca- Session Four A: “Dia- Session Five A: “The University and tion of World Leaders. logue and Harmony the Hierarchy of Values,” was sponsored Session One B: “Open- Among Civilizations: by the World University Federation and ing Plenary.” H.E. Azali Scholarly Perspectives,” chaired by Dr. Marcelo Alonso, Florida Assoumani, current pres- was sponsored by the Institute of Technology. Speakers includ- ident of Comoros; Rev. Dr. Professors World Peace ed: Dr. William Kilpatrick, professor of Chung Hwan Kwak, Chair- Academy. Dr. Hans van education, Boston University; and Dr. man, WCSF; the Hon. Dan der Giessen, Universi- Larry Phillips, associate professor of Quayle, former U.S. Vice ty of Bridgeport chaired counseling and human services, Uni- President; Nobel peace prize the session. Panelists versity of Bridgeport. The scholars dis- laureate and leader of the included: Dr. Stephen cussed the critical role of the universi- Solidarity Movement, H.E. Healey, director of the ty in modern society in the dialogue Lech Walesa; Mr. Ridha world religions programs among the civilizations and peoples. Bouabid, Office of the Inter- at the University of Session Five B: “Dialogue Among Civ- national Organization of la Bridgeport; Dr. Harold ilizations: The Role of Women,” was Francophonie to the UN; Saunders, Kettering sponsored by the Women’s Federation and Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Foundation; and Dr. for World Peace, and chaired by Mrs. Moon, co-founder of WCSF. Hernan Lopez-Garay, Motoko Sugiyama, vice president, WFWP The moderator was Amb. Makarim Universidad de Los International. Speakers included: Prof. Wibisono, Mission of the Republic of Rev. Junsei Terasawa, Buddhist monk; Andes, Venezuela. The panel evaluat- Lan Young Moon, associate professor, Indonesia. and Dr. Andrew Wilson, Unification The- ed the view of Samuel Huntington’s The Sun Moon University; Amb. Purifica- Session Two: “The Family, Universal ological Seminary. Clash of Civilizations, and discussed cion Angue Ondo, ambassador of Equa- Values and the UN,” was chaired by Rt. Session Three B: “The Role of the alternatives in the form of political lib- torial Guinea to Cameroon; Dr. Unna Hon. Edward Schreyer, former gover- State in the Economic Transformation eralism which promotes dialogue among Huh, congresswoman, Korea; Ms. Dawn nor general of Canada. Panelists includ- of Society to Build a Culture of Peace,” civilizations. M. Lemonds, Soroptimist Internation- ed: H.E. Luis A. Lacalle, former presi- was co-sponsored by the Summit Coun- Session Four B: “The Global Envi- al; Ms. Annanad Jasani, BBC London; dent of Uruguay; H.E. Jacob Nena, for- cil for World Peace and the Federation ronment: Trends, Challenges and Oppor- and Prof. Angela Remane, University of mer president of Micronesia; and the for World Peace. Chaired by Mr. Anto- tunities,” was sponsored by the Water- Mozambique. The session discussed Rt. Hon. Lloyd Sandiford, former prime nio Betancourt, president, World Insti- land Research Institute and chaired by ways for women to take initiative and minister of Barbados. tute of Development and Peace; pan- the Rt. Hon. Edward Schreyer, former see SESSIONS on page 20 20 Unification News March 2001 WCSF 2001 President Assoumani Azali of Comoros I would also to like to introduce some The conference officially concluded WCSF summarized the essence of the gath- aspects of life in the Kingdom of Heav- Monday morning. During lunch, True from page 18 ering, “Each of us — men, women and en, the realm everyone desperately Father met with about 100 high-level all who are responsible for families — wants to enter… guests including the heads of state for totally filled so the conference partici- we have a responsibility to assume. It “I urge you to study about the spir- about 90 minutes. Father asked if any- pants had to watch the event via closed is in the family where we will find the it world with greater eagerness and to one had a question. One woman asked circuit TV in another room. At the con- best remedy to heal the world. We have receive the God-centered blessing so what he specifically wanted each par- clusion, the couples and conference to educate our children. We have to that you can build a true family. I also ticipant to leave with. It was a perfect participants received a chocolate bar instill in them the values of dialogue encourage you to prepare for your eter- question. Father said he hoped the with the words True Love inscribed on and mutual respect. Let us teach our nal life through living unselfishly. The guests would leave with a better under- it. Once the newly blessed couples left, children to help each other and to love time has come that people who work standing in three areas: 1) the exis- then the participants returned to the tence of God, 2) the reality of spirit assembly room and the conference world, and 3) how the spirit world resumed. exists. Panel Sessions Meanwhile, the rest of the guests heard President Lech Walesa speak There were numerous panel ses- passionately about the end of com- sions sponsored by various organi- munism and his hopes for the new zations, including, the Inter-Religious millennium. He called himself a “rev- Federation for World Peace, the Sum- olutionary in my life,” and said the mit Council for World Peace and the political activities in Poland had a direct Federation for World Peace, the Pro- influence on the eventual dissolution fessors World Peace Academy, the of the Soviet Union. Waterland Research Institute, the On Monday, January 30, Rev. and World University Federation, the Mrs. Moon celebrated their 81st and Women’s Federation for World Peace, 58th birthdays, respectively. The con- the Youth Federation for World Peace, ference participants were treated to the International Conference on the entertainment at the Manhattan Cen- Unity of the Sciences, the Religious ter featuring performances by the New Youth Service, the International Relief York City Symphony, Japanese Drum Friendship Foundation, the Unifica- Dances, Mr. and Miss University Inter- tion Thought Institute, the Federa- national Beauty Pageant Contestants, tion of Island Nations for World Peace, a martial arts presentation, the Little the Federation of Peninsular Nations one another. And let us build the spir- hard willful the hand of Heavenly for- Angels of Korea, and a presentation for World Peace, the Federation of Con- it in this way for future generations.” tune, with which the limited power of from the United Federation of Church- tinental Nations for World Peace, as At the evening banquet, Sunday human beings cannot cooperate. Those es. The grand finale featured songs by well as a program hosted by the World night, WCSF founder, Rev. Moon said, who live the life of a filial child, a patri- the grown sons of Rev. and Mrs. Moon Association of Non-Governmental Orga- “I would like to give you world leaders ot, a saint and a divine son or daugh- — Hyo Jin Nim, Hyun Jin Nim, Kook nizations (WANGO), and Center for the a precious gift in words this evening. ter before the living God, with a hum- Jin Nim, and Hyung Jin Nim. The par- Global South. I speak from the truth found through ble and self-effacing attitude, are the ticipants left the next day for all cor- Conclusion immense suffering on a journey begun most fortunate. At the advent of the ners of the world filled with love and a There was general agreement among in my youth. This journey has brought era of God’s Kingship, I pray that you heavenly mandate. me to the boundless world of Heaven. will promote God’s Kingship. May we William Selig is the Deputy Director the participants that the event con- ❖ tributed greatly to the UN’s theme of Tonight I will speak about the princi- work in partnership to build the world of the Federation for World Peace. dialogue among civilizations. Current ples of the spirit world that we enter of heart and culture transcending after death, a world no one can ignore. nations.”

Service and the International Relief SESSIONS Friendship Foundation. Dr. Kathy Win- from page 19 nings, IRFF was the moderator. Speak- ers included Dr. Marie Rene, founder be actively involved in decision-mak- and director, Haitian Academy; and ing areas that particularly affect women, Rev. John W. Gehring, international such as war, violence and conflict. director, RYS. Working in small teams Session Six A: “The Empowerment to draw from the experience and expert- of Youth through Character Education,” ise of panelists and international par- was sponsored by the Youth Federa- ticipants, this session studied the dynam- tion for World Peace and chaired by ics of how to create successful models Alan Saunders, director of education, for partnership and development. Free Teens. Speakers included, Dr. Gilda Session Seven B: “Values, Science, Alarcon Glasinovich, UN representa- and Unification Thought,” was spon- evolution-creationism controversy. school of educational studies, Univer- tive of World Information Transfer; and sored by the Unification Thought Insti- Session Eight A: “Island Nations and sity Sains Malaysia; and Dr. Heung- Mr. Mussie Hailu, regional liaison office tute. Dr. Cheryl Lau, teaching fellow, the United Nations in Partnership for Soon Park, chairman, department of of the World Peace Society. The speak- Harvard University was the moderator. Lasting World Peace: Exploring Issues international and United Nations stud- ers addressed the importance of the Panelists included: Dr. Sung-Bae Jin, in Education, the Environment and ies, Sun Moon University, Korea. The character education movement in the president, Unification Thought Insti- Sustainable Development,” was spon- panel discussed the unique value of context of contemporary morality and tute of Korea; Dr. Yoshiyuki Amemiya, sored by the Federation of Island Nations peninsular nations as bridges of peace ethics. professor of physics, University of Tokyo; for World Peace. Mr. Hiroshi Matsuza- between the continental powers of the Session Six B: “The Dark Side of the Dr. David A. Carlson, associate pro- ki, president, FINWP was the modera- world. Internet,” was sponsored by the Inter- fessor of world religions, Unification tor. Speakers included, H.E. Steingrimur Session Eight C: “Continental Nations national Conference on the Unity of the Theological Seminary, New York; and Hermannsson, former prime minister, and the Furtherance of World Peace,” Sciences, and chaired by Prof. Tor Rag- Dr. Jonathan Wells, senior fellow, Dis- Iceland; Sir James Mancham, found- was sponsored by the Federation of nar Gerholm, professor of physics emer- covery Institute. A new model of sci- ing president, Seychelles; and Sir John Continental Nations for World Peace itus, University of Stockholm. Panelists ence, Unification Thought was the ref- Compton, former Prime Minister, St. and chaired by Amb. Phillip V. Sanchez, included: Donna Rice Hughes, vice pres- erence point for the panelists who dis- Lucia. The panel discussed the feasi- publisher, Noticias del Mundo and Tiem- ident of marketing and public relations, cussed issues of conscience, and the bility of a confederation of the 50+ island pos del Mundo. Panelists included, H.E. Enough is Enough; and Dr. Richard sovereignties, which belong to the UN, Sixto Duran-Ballen, former president, Rubenstein, president emeritus, Uni- particularly in dealing with global warm- Ecuador; and Dr. Thomas Ward, dean versity of Bridgeport. The discussants ing and the HIV/AIDs epidemic. of the International College, Universi- reviewed how parents, citizens, and Session Eight B: “Dialogue Among ty of Bridgeport. The panel analyzed the legal and technological commu- Civilizations: Peninsular Nations Per- points of commonality between the con- nities can protect itself from the sub- spectives,” was sponsored by the Fed- tinental nations in terms of language, versive effects of the internet with its eration of Peninsular Nations for World ethnicity, religion, trade, ideologies, ability to corrupt the social and moral Peace, and chaired by Dr. Gordon L. etc., and sought to identify geo-ties fabric of any society. Anderson, secretary-general, Profes- based on these common challenges for Session Seven A: “Forging Work- sors World Peace Academy. Speakers the new century. ❖ able Partnerships in Development,” included, Dr. Mustapa Bin Kassim, was sponsored by the Religious Youth March 2001 Unification News 21 Springtime in Barrytown

by Shawn Byrne mit. Thee are secluded lakes like North to be a seminary to train leaders for plaques to mark these unforgettable Lake where you and your family can the Unification movement. This is now events. pring is here. The crocuses swim off nice beaches, boat, fish, bar- a popular place to pray. The great over- Let’s leave the lagoon behind and and forsythia have awakened becue, play or camp overnight in your arching trees serve as a canopy that follow Father’s Trail. It zig-zags, descend- from their winter sleep. Spir- own charming “keyhole” campsite under opens to the starlit sky as you pray at ing sharply. Let’s stop a while at the itually, UTS Barrytown is the great pine trees. And you can hike night. There are shaded benches near- “oasis” where a dedicated boulder also stirring and budding out its trails which follow the contours of by in the grove. And, a little beyond, reminds us that students baked pota- Sin new ventures. One of these is that the mountain and present to your eyes the soccer field. Here and elsewhere toes at a campfire here and ate them the seminary is throwing its doors wide a feast of forested and fertile landscape you will notice trees planted and ded- with Father who spoke with them for open to welcome guests who would like threaded through by the gleaming Hud- icated by each graduating class. hours. Here as elsewhere around the to come for refreshment, relaxation, son River. There also you can discov- Let’s follow the rustic roadways past grounds, there are seats where you meditation, personal and family barns and residences and down may rest, read, converse, pray or med- vacation or retreats, organized the steep incline to the pond, itate. There are even exercise stations and unorganized. We welcome monument to the strenuous for the more energetic. As we contin- you to come. efforts of the early students ue past here, the trail settles into a Perhaps you will come to Bar- who scooped it out. And home quiet woodland walk. rytown by the New York State today to carp and perch, to We complete our walk on Father’s Thruway, in which case you will geese and duck. There you can Trail where it ends at the Gate House get there quickly. And then you fish if you like. There you can and return to the seminary through will have saved for another day skate in wintertime. And there the front field. Past Massena House is the experience of the fine colonial are dedicated rocks and seats Dr. Jaekil Park’s “hanging gardens,” homes that give so much char- to remind you that this is where an area that he and some of the Kore- acter to the area. To mind come Father often sat and talked or an students cleared and planted. It the riverside estate mansions of simply contemplated the peace- slopes downwards toward the river that FDR, the Vanderbilts and Eleanor ful pond. Past the pond are glistens silvery through the trees. And Roosevelt’s Vallkill at Hyde Park, trails radiating in different it offers a vista of the Catskill Moun- as well as the Mills Mansion at directions, uphill and down- tains beyond. Further on past the gar- Staatsburg. Further north you hill through glade, field and den and set back from view behind the can visit Clermont of Livingston fame. er torrents tumbling down aboriginal forest. The thickets teem with white- grotto is a rustic cabin with an outdoor If you’re lucky enough to be there on mountainsides, waterfalls, cascades, tailed deer; you can see them in the eating area marked by the long “Last July 4th, you and your family can enjoy flumes and rock-encased natural swim- quiet evenings. Mother’s Trail is near- Supper” table—a nice, secluded place the delicious treat of picnicking on the ming pools. You can cook your hot dogs by, meandering through the wood, criss- for a picnic with your family. And near- green sward that slopes sharply to the and hamburgers on rocks in the rush- crossing the rushing brook. by is the most wonderful swing a child Hudson River in the company of hun- ing creeks or wade between them to Let’s retrace our steps past Apple could imagine. dreds of other families. There’s plenty cool your feet. Smell the pine, beech Cottage and Harvest House, past the Let’s enter the seminary building of room to play and to bask in the sun- and maple trees that overhang and offer swimming pool towards Father’s Trail. now. Actually, there a two buildings set behind the lofty Catskills, tracing shade. There are deep pools at the feet You will notice the great boulder that parallel to each other, connected by paths of gold across the river. You can of foaming waterfalls into which you marks its entrance, dedicated by grad- third “causeway” building. The front enjoy the banks of fire lilies and the can see the very adventurous plummet uating students. Walk down the shad- building facing the entrance circle and multitude of pleasure boats on the river. thirty or forty feet from cliff or tree. ed trail under the forest canopy toward looking towards Massena House is now And when darkness falls, you will be There are mysterious canyons carved the lagoon. Here plump carp plop in our conference center. It includes guest treated to one of the best fireworks dis- by mountain creeks. In fall contem- the still waters. In wintertime ice-boats rooms and dormitories. The rear build- plays you are likely to see. Neighbor to plate the gold and russet colors of the skim its frozen surface. Their “sailors” ing continues to be our seminary. To Barrytown is the stately Blithewood at trees. In winter these mountains are are usually willing to give you a fast the right as we enter the conference Bard College, Montgomery Place where paradise for skiers and snow-board- and frozen ride. You will notice the rail- center is the Spartan laundry room. you can pick your own fruit, and Masse- ers. road embankment that creates the Above it is the health center. Nearby na House at Barrytown itself. Travel All of this is simply the frame. And lagoon and, beyond it, the river and are the offices of the president, vice south from Kingston and visit some of within it is set the work of art that is mountains. You may often see sailboats president and financial comptroller. the existing or former monasteries and Barrytown itself. As you enter its main and speedboats there. And there are Over the entrance is the chapel, the convents that line route 9W. And in gate, you may notice the rocks set there the great tankers carrying their gigan- heart of Barrytown. In this quiet space Barrytown itself treat yourself to the by former president David S. C. Kim tic burdens upriver to Albany or rid- made sacred by so many prayers and luxury of a stroll with your family on to commemorate True Parents and the ing high and light as they return. Here by True Parents’ visits and speeches Poet’s Walk. Enjoy its open fields, its members of the True Family. You will is where Father in years gone by sat at Commencement exercises, the lime- groves, its rustic seats, its harmony. drive by the lawn where, on summer and directed the hunt for carp in the stone altar-table with its suspended Follow its trail to where it drops steeply evenings, you may see deer graze or, lagoon. Here is where brothers and sis- halo-ring immediately compel our atten- off and offers a panoramic view of the in the fall, watch them feast on apples ters plunged through knee-deep mud tion. Set high in the walls are the stained- Hudson River north towards the Rip and peaches fallen from the fruit trees or paddled above it on their backs to glass windows for which the chapel was Van Winkle Bridge, south past the leap- there. You will notice the river through chase and catch the carp stranded at originally designed. Towards the altar, frogging arches of the Kingston-Rhinecliff the trees to the west and beyond it the low tide behind the restraining nets. they depict scenes from the life of Jesus. Bridge and westwards to the massif of comforting presence of the ever-watch- They carried the carp in their arms to To the rear are scenes from the life of the Catskill Mountains. ful mountains. In the fields you will shore and transferred them to the pond You may want to take a cruise on sometimes spy wild turkeys. There’s as symbols of restoration. There are see UTS on page 22 the Hudson from Rondout. Or take your often a woodchuck going about his children to Jeto’s ballpark and go-cart business. More rarely you may see a center near Kingston. Or enjoy the thrills shy coyote, here and there a rabbit, a and spills of the Zoom Flume Water- raccoon and—it must be admitted—an park in East Durham. Or visit the fine occasional skunk. There are plenty of New York State Museum in Albany. squirrels and chipmunks to entertain Sunshine Flowers Corp. In the town of Red Hook itself, you you with their amusing antics and To Serve You, we will go that Extra Mile can relax in the ambiance of farms with choirs of birds are always there to sing their fields of corn and herds of cattle for you. grazing in verdant pastures beside pris- Let’s look around some of Barry- tine creeks. There are plenty of orchards, town’s 250 acres. As you drive up the Toll Free: some where you can pick your own rise to the parking circle, you will of fruit. You can find some vineyards, too. course see the seminary building on If you come in the Fall you will be treat- your right and Massena House on your ed to the flight and honking of flocks left. We will return to them. For now, of geese as they arrow their migrant 1-800-786-8062 let’s look around the grounds. Just 1-800-786-8062 path overhead. past the seminary building near the The nearby Catskill Mountains are “Lourdes” grotto erected by the Chris- a wonderful recreational resort area. tian Brothers who originally built Bar- Full Service Up there you can easily find trails that rytown, we come to the Rock of Deci- will take you to the top of Overlook sion, a boulder that marks the place Mountain, for instance. You can visit where Father in 1974, after much con- Fresh Flowers and Supplies the Tibetan Monastery near its sum- sideration, decided to buy Barrytown 22 Unification News March 2001 STF: Mission Desperate for God by Mo Sook Park asked to sign a pledge that they would pictures as proof: of my life, in many ways he was just a “persevere through the next mission • Build a shack church like father’s vague symbol to me. But after going ave you ever wanted to without complaint”. The decision was first church that all of your members through the past three days of D.F.G., have an experience that up to them. The sheet was passed can fit it. Then say a prayer inside it. my heart has grown warmer towards could help you come a lit- around and without hesitation each • Establish a sym- our True Father, tle closer to feeling Father’s participant signed their name. bolic holy ground. slowly breaking heart? Have you ever won- They set off on the road the next • Street Preach Chap- down and softening Hdered what it must have ter One of the Divine it up. I am able to been like to be in Principle see True Father Father’s first shack • Raise money for more as a human church which he built each meal and motel being and I have out of ration cartons? rooms. more love for him.” Have you ever had to • invite 3 people in “I know that what walk many miles on foot need to eat a meal with I’ve been through in wondering where you your team. the last three days were going to sleep that • Bring $300 dollars doesn’t even com- night? Obviously there as an offering to the pare to what Father is no way we can dupli- monument. has been through. cate the path that our One would never be But through this, I True Father has walked able to forget the faces am able to have a or really understand all of the brothers and sis- better understand- the suffering he has ters as they approached ing of what our True endured. But we can the Washington Mon- Parents have been Newly shaved in DC try to understand by doing things sim- ument. All five teams through. Through ilar to that which Father has done. gathered and rejoiced this I am able to Which is exactly what the members of morning, still unaware of what they in victory. They had pio- have much more CARP / STF (Special Task Force) have what they were about to do. The tem- neered and accom- respect towards him. done to start off their new year. perature was below zero in the wind. plished their mission! A group with their replica of I’m actually start- Mission D.F.G. is what we called it. “During the whole car ride I was so Mission D.F.G. Each Father’s first church ing to see him not It stands for “Desperate for God”. The nervous. I had no idea what our new brother and sisters face just as one great mission was to get from their desig- mission was. So I didn’t know how to shone brightly knowing that they were being, but little by little, as a real par- nated city to the Washington Monu- prepare myself internally. But then I able to do it all for God. Each person ent.” ment within a three day period while thought about Father and how he never made it safely and each felt the victo- “I saw a bit of Father’s course…how fulfilling a series of “Heavenly Tasks”. knew what was going to happen. All he ry in their hearts. No one gave up. Each this movement wasn’t just given to him, With nothing but a sleeping bag and a could do is trust in God. So that is what team accomplished each task without but he had to go through literal hell to back pack full of windchimes, five teams I tried to do,” stated one participant in fail and they had beautiful pictures to reach the position and the level that of five members set off. The purpose a testimony after completing the mis- prove it. We even had team of brothers he’s at now.” was to symbolically fulfill Father’s course sion. As soon as the who took the mission a step further “Basically, I feel like these past few in order to lay a foun- team arrived in their and shaved their hair off, looking like days ere days of great laughter for God. dation for their vic- designated cities, they Father when he was released from Joyous laughter. He would just look at tory in 2001. It all had 10 minutes to only Heung Nam. Although us and say, ‘Look began at UTS during take with them their they knew that the mis- at my sons and their end of the year Divine Principle, Holy sion was only symbol- daughters!” God’s Day Workshop. Salt, a picture of True ic, they now could come One could only Signs were found Parents, a disposable a step or two closer to imagine the joy all along the hallways camera, some wind- our True Parents’ heart. Heavenly Father of UTS making mem- chimes and their sleep- Following are excerpts must have felt to bers of the STF and ing bags. As soon as of the testimonies given watch His children the Second Genera- their ten minutes was by the members upon persevere through tion workshops won- up, the van drove away their return. such a mission. der what “Mission leaving them with a list “I read about Father’s Even more, the joy D.F.G.” was. No one of tasks that they had life so many times, but that comes from knew what the mys- to accomplish. No food. this was the first time I hearing his children tery mission entailed. No van. No money. Only felt this great, perse- realize and voice With only a few hints God. They only had God vering, strong love for what they have given by the organiz- and the brothers and God and our Father.” learned. Truly price- er, when it came time sisters on the team. “I really felt the heart less. ❖ for the STF members As a team they were of a pioneer.” F. Penhard street to receive their new asked to accomplish the “Although True Par- preaching Creating a symbolic holy ground missions, they were following tasks and take ents were always a part

many a laugh has been enjoyed at post- classrooms of the seminary, professors’ a couple or as a family, or come alone. UTS graduation concerts. Outside the Do offices, administrative offices, students’ You can get your meals in the dining from page 21 Jang the hallway wall is lined with study rooms, the multi-media center room and use our facilities for recre- plaques listing each graduate of UTS. and a computer room, plus some recessed ation. The day is yours to spend as you Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, the Nearby is the recreation room where sitting areas. On the upper floors are will. We offer short informal evening founder of the Christian Brothers who you can play a game of ping-pong or the students’ dormitories. In these areas programs of a spiritual and pastoral built Barrytown in the 1930s as a novi- pool. especially we meet faculty members as nature which you can avail yourself of tiate for aspiring Brothers and a school Returning to the entrance, walk with well as staff and students from every if you wish. Later we will offer semi- for boys. Behind us as we turn we can- me through the long corridor running continent. nars related to marriage and family. not help but notice the serene blue past the student lounge, the bookstore, This completes our tour of Barry- We can do this soon in response to stained glass windows in the organ loft. the conference room, the kitchen and town. Let’s go to the dining room now group requests. Or, of course, you can In this chapel, students have been grad- into the dining room. This is the “cause- for a cup of tea or coffee while we talk bring your own seminar leaders. uated and sent forth to mission for a way” that links the two main buildings about what we offer in our conference The cost is very reasonable. We want quarter of a century. of Barrytown; it’s the bar on the “H.” center. to make it as easy as possible for you Leaving the chapel, we walk down Beyond the stairs from the dining room We are throwing our conference cen- to come. Wonderful as the location and the stone-flagged corridor to Lecture lie the library and its offices. Here, ter open to families. We want you to its environs are, the best is the spirit Hall l. Now it houses an historic exhi- among 54,000 volumes, you can browse know that, as of now, you can come and the brothers and sisters here. So bition of CAUSA’s achievements. Below peacefully, pursue research or medi- and stay here for a few days at any time — come to Barrytown! it is the tate in one of the easy chairs that face or for a week or so during seminary For more information, contact Cliff Do Jang where students have shed the lawn and grove that frame the Rock break periods. Cubicles and some pri- Yasutake at UTS, 30 Seminary Drive, their sweat as they trained in the art of Decision. For an energetic change of vate rooms are available for families in Barrytown, NY 12507. Tel: 845-752- and martial spirit of Won Hwa Do and pace, you can stroll down the corridor, the refurbished dormitories which, as 3026; fax: 845-758-2156; utsfin@val- where tears have been shed in prayer descend the stairs and shoot some you remember, are no longer part of star.net. ❖ by the hundreds attending Reverend hoops in the gymnasium. the seminary but are reserved for con- Sudo’s workshops years ago. Here also Upstairs from the library are the ferences and guests. You can come as March 2001 Unification News 23 MESSIAH: A Great Testimony from Dr. Pak

by Mark J. Tobkin which ultimately led us to the Unifi- timony, as he is my “boss”, and also For me, reading MESSIAH brought cation Church. Last October we felt because some of them had previously me back to my early days in the Church, ESSIAH, written by Dr. compelled to write to them again, but met him. Also, I felt that Dr. Pak’s tes- and reminded me why I joined in the Bo Hi Pak is a memoir this time focusing on the true heart of timony pertaining to his first encounter first place. It is a clear testimony to and living testimony of God, Sin, and Salvation. As it was the with the Divine Principle would shed God, and His unwavering search to my friend, my elder 2nd such kind of letter in as many some light (for my family) on some of find true men and women. It is a tes- brother, and a living dis- years, we found the contents to be very the questions I had been asking myself timony to our True Parents and their Mciple of our True Parents. The MES- difficult to write, and we found our- when I first met the Church. never-ending quest to return this world SIAH took me back in time, a time selves re-drafting it numer- The books were back to God. It is a great witnessing which partially reflected experiences ous times. It literally took sent to me, and I tool for all. of my own, as they were experiences us 3 months to write the received them with- MESSIAH, volume I covers the peri- which sometimes were directly or indi- letter. It was pure Divine in a few days after od from Dr. Pak’s birth in 1930 to 1977 rectly intertwined with Dr. Pak in a Principle in a pre-digest- they were ordered. when he was called to testify before limited way. And I’m sure that this ed form, and it ended up It was on “Super the House Subcommittee on Interna- would be the case for many of our mem- being 12 pages long. We Bowl Sunday” that tional Organizations. Volume II is being bers, even though our experiences may were planning to send it I distributed all of translated and will hopefully be pub- have varied depending upon the cir- to 21 people (our dad, 9 the books and let- lished by the end of the year. Volume cumstances of our encounters. brothers and sisters, and ters, as my elder II will take off from the Fraser hear- I found myself spell-bound by its 11 close relatives). We brother had had a ings and include Dr. Pak’s unique insid- contents, as I understood for the first knew that it probably family gathering at er’s view about the visits to Moscow time, many things that I had not pre- would be the most diffi- his home, prior to and North Korea. Volume I and II have viously known about Dr. Pak. It was cult letter to be received. my departure back already been published in Japanese like awakening to the true reality of I have been living and to China. It was a and Korean and are selling well in those Peter, back in Jesus’ day, versus the working in the P.R.C. for great opportunity countries. image I may have conjured up in my the past 11 years, and I to take each “fam- MESSIAH should not be confused mind of him from the limited writings, had been planning to fly ily head” aside, and with a collection of speeches that was written by others. The MESSIAH con- back to America in mid present these to published by HSA-UWC in 1999. Those tent came from the actual source. January of this year, at them personally. were collected speeches given in the I have known Dr. Pak for over 26 which time I was planning I have not yet public arena as well as inspirational years, and have had the great fortune to deliver the letters. About heard responses messages Dr. Pak gave at East Garden to work with him on a number of prov- 2 weeks prior to this I had heard about from all of the family, however, two of and other in-house venues, and are idential projects throughout this time. Dr. Pak’s book, and I had the occasion our sisters (one church, and one non- available separately from HSA publi- As an American, I feel that Dr. Pak to meet with him in Korea, on some church member) said that they “could- cations. understands Americans amazingly well, business matters. He gave me a copy n’t put it down”, and that it was one Dr. Pak is very interested to hear and he has a profound, deep love for of Volume I of the English edition (Vol- of the few books that had ever really from brothers and sisters and has set America and the American people. The ume II was still being translated), and held their attention. One of our nieces up his own email address. Please con- reasons for this became abundantly a 3-volume set of the Korean edition and her husband, who have been very tact him with your comments and sug- clear to me through reading MESSI- (for my wife, as she is Korean). Dur- negative (students of C.A.N.), wrote us gestions at [email protected]. AH. His early childhood years, his expe- ing the remaining days before I flew to a very “rude” letter, and told Paul & I MESSIAH: My Testimony to Rev. riences during the Korean War, his mil- America, I took the time to read the not to write to them again about any- Sun Myung Moon, Volume 1 by Dr. Bo itary training at Fort Benning, Geor- contents of MESSIAH, and to my amaze- thing relating to UC teachings. How- Hi Pak was translated by Timothy Elder gia, his discovery as to why America ment found it to be a perfect compli- ever, in response to this, another one and published by University Press of had been so richly blessed, his sub- ment to the letter Paul & I were send- of our sisters (a non-church member) America. (411 pages) is available in sequent discovery of the Divine Prin- ing to our family. When I arrived in said that she had heard of the “rude” paperback for $14.95 from: HSA Pub- ciple and resultant understanding of Minnesota (my home state), I called letter, and that it prompted her to read lications, 4 West 43rd Street, New York, God’s hope for America, all served to around to find where I could purchase “our” letter, even though she “hates” NY 10036 212 997-0050 x 250 or create an indelible impression upon more copies, but found that I had to to read (anything… not because it is www.hsabooks.com him. He became a man destined with go directly to the publisher. I ordered UC related). Her and her husband’s Mark and Yong Ja Tobkin live in an incredible mission, and he happens 25 copies (including one for each of my response was that there was nothing China. They have 3 children: Jennifer to be living in our time. 3 children + 1). The total amount was at all wrong with what we had written, (17), Joshua (15), and Jefferson (14). My brother Paul and I had written a bit beyond any budget that I may at that actually it was very good. She Jennifer is attending an international a letter to our family and some rela- have had, however, I felt that one could- said that she’d probably gradually get school in the P.R.C., and Joshua & Jef- tives one year ago last December, not n’t put a price tag on the cost of poten- around to reading MESSIAH, as she’s ferson are attending the Sun Hwa Mid- explaining the Divine Principle, but tial “rebirth”. Also, I felt that my fam- now quite interested in whatever sup- dle School in Korea. ❖ explaining the experiences we had had ily would be interested in Dr. Pak’s tes- posedly made our niece so angry. Living with the Every Day God reviewed by Michael Inglis religion. It may be senger David and Tacco speak of hearts are the expression of the divine partially blind, but God’s way to develop this rela- heart. Until we as a people have con- n Every Day God, David and Tacco it has got us to where tionship. nected with the divine, the divine will Hose share with us the God they we are today. The Love is truly that way. In I Am always be blocked. This is the parental have come to know, a wise and book then moves Here there is simply love which challenge of communication. caring parent. This book was born onto the waters of flows from the heart Rich and varied, the in the crucible of pain that they of God and is always teachings in Every Day Ifelt after Tacco was accidentally shot within each of us. God, lead us to the and paralyzed. That pain has cut through Every Day God All is insepara- divine source. Well the slough and confusion, that pain by David and Tacco Hose. ble, all is with- worth reading and then has opened a door to the soul. They Paperback, 178 pp. $14.95 in us at the very well worth picking up invite us to come in. center of ourself, the cen- now and again for fresh In the first chapter, Being Your Hon- ter of our spirit. inspiration. est Self with Me, they share that hon- the individual heart. The need to move Yet the world is poor in Every Day God by esty is needed as the foundation stone beyond an age of group identity, reli- spirit, there is pain every- David and Tacco Hose to a life of spirituality. Without hon- gious or national, into an age of indi- where. In the conclusion is available in paper- esty there are only slogans, and God vidual being. In this new age God is of the book David and Tacco back for $14.95 from: is tired of slogans, tired of fear, tired calling all of us to have a one on one. lead us to know that God HSA Publications, 4 of humanity’s deep sleep. The book Calling each of us to a higher level of would heal if He could. But West 43rd Street, New develops with a discourse on awaken- consciousness. What is this new con- there is a breakdown, and York, NY 10036 212 ing from the long sleep and the impor- sciousness? It is a heart to heart, day the breakdown is in the 997-0050 x 250 or tance of spiritual appetite. We need to by day relationship with the divine. In human heart. The human www.hsabooks.com ❖ want our daily bread. the chapters Downstairs, Upstairs, A heart is the conduit of the There is a discourse on the role of Richer Vein and A Farewell to the Mes- infinite divine heart. Our 24 Unification News March 2001 UB NEWS the sixth floor of Wahlstrom Library, that 100 percent of the moneys will go delivered to NFIA. The breakdown is UB Helps Victims the Career Services office on the sec- directly to the victims,” said Clough. as follows: UB students, faculty and ond floor of the Student Center, and Anyone in the University community staff: $771.79; the community: $705.00; of the Indian Marina Dining Hall. Hitesh Patel is or the community at large wanting to Fairfield University students, faculty making the donation boxes and has donate may send checks to UB, care and staff: $1225.00; Fairfield Univer- earthquake offered to head the on-campus cam- of the office of Administration and sity Greek student club: $300.00. paign. Finance. Checks should be made out By Michael McCarthy Both Alex and Clough are trying to to the NFIA Earthquake Relief Fund. poll the Indian students here at UB to UB, Fairfield University, and the UB Honors the he University is taking the lead determine if anyone has lost family Bridgeport community will be working in coordinating a fundraising and/or homes. At present they have together to keep track of how much Ambassador of Teffort in Fairfield County for vic- not found anyone. Clough will be con- money is taken in for the relief effort. tims of the earthquake in India. Der- tacting other schools in the area and The deadline for donations is Thurs- Turkmenistan rick Alex, from the Admissions office, has been given the names of some busi- day, February 8. Clough will then mail and Judie Clough, from career servic- nessmen who may be able to help. the moneys to NFIA who will incorpo- By Maya Atanassova es, are the contacts for donations. However, she wanted to add that she rate the UB contributions with other The government of India and the would welcome any person or group donations. NFIA has already raised n December 6, 2000, the Uni- state of Gujarat, where the earthquake that would like to join Alex and her. $29,000 in donations from the DC area. versity of Bridgeport honored occurred, have requested donations of “I would really like to stress the fact A total of $3001.79 was raised and OHis Excellency Saparmurat Niya- money, as opposed to clothes. This is zov, president of the Republic of because it would cost more to send the Turkmenistan. The Permanent items and delivery to the correct area Welcoming the Representative of Turkmenistan is problematic. The two governments ambassador (center) to the United Nations, Ambas- will be working in conjunction with sador Aksoltan Ataeva, accepted National Federation of Indian Associ- the honorary degree on behalf of ations (NFIA) in Washington, DC, a the president of Turkmenistan at national umbrella organization for var- a convocation luncheon at Walde- ious Indian groups. mere Hall. University President All donations will be hand-carried Neil Salonen and his wife, Rebec- to India by the president of NFIA and ca, hosted the event. Among the the head of a national Gujarati organ- guests that attended the lunch- ization and turned over to a local non- eon were Dr. Stoyan Ganev, pres- profit group in Gujarat that is direct- ident of the New England Center ly involved with assisting the victims. for International and Regional Presently, the military has contained Studies; Chris Corcoran, direc- the area and there is very limited access. tor of public affairs; and James The exact date of delivery is not yet set. Garland, associate vice president Communication, however, has been for university relations. established between the two groups. The event marked the start of On campus there are three areas for new educational cooperation and donations: the Admissions office on cultural exchange between the University and the Republic of Turkmenistan. Upon bestowing the degree, President Salonen said that UB is proud to be one of the most cultur- ally diverse universities in the U.S., and that he would be proud to wel- come students from Turkmenistan as well. The visit was followed up by Dr. Ganev’s exchange visit to Turkmenistan, where he participated in a United Nations conference and signed an agreement on cooperation between the State Uni- versity of Turkmenistan and UB. The agreement outlines the general frame- work for exchange of students and fac- ulty between the two institutions. Dr. Ganev commented, however, that con- crete steps are yet to be planned. Known as “the Kuwait of Asia,” Turk- menistan is the world’s fourth-largest producer of natural gas, and the most influential Caspian Sea country. A peaceful policy of neutrality and non- intervention in a region torn by polit- ical and religious conflicts has estab- lished Turkmenistan as a regional bridge-builder between Russia and the Caspian countries. “We are the only nation who has formal diplomatic rela- tions with Afghanistan, and whose neu- trality has been recognized by a UN resolution,” commented Ambassador Ataeva. Upon receipt of the honorary degree, Ambassador Ataeva said that it has been a great honor for her to receive recognition from the University of Bridge- port, whose broad international out- look has provided her with valuable experience and knowledge. ❖ March 2001 Unification News 25 Long-Term Benefit of Blessed Wives Workshop by Daniela Wetherall indeed blessed by incredibly mild and After the singing Father emptied his life should be. beautiful weather which allowed us to wallet completely by giving not only to Day after day I pondered on the pro- ver a month has already rejoice even more so in the Heavenly the mothers but to the children too. He found message I had received and imag- gone by since I returned nature that surrounds the site. Roses was with us for an hour only but we ined living a life pure in every single from the 5th Blessed wives were in blossom everywhere and the felt as if he had always been there. Just action and always aimed at doing good workshop in Chung Pyung, colors of the autumn leaves left our before leaving, those of us who were for others, which ultimately is what but I often feel as if I were hearts suspended in awe. Despite the sitting in the front row got closer to True Parents ask us to accomplish, i.e., Ostill there. A few days after arriving at surrounding beauty, though, nothing him and heard him saying, “When you live for the sake of others. the workshop site, I started having the could really ease our These two feeling that every day was worth ten personal path of events fully shaped years of life with Heavenly Father, and restoration in Chung the remaining time He indeed assured me that our atten- Pyung. The first week of my “210 years” dance there did have that immense or so was indeed “hell- in Chung Pyung. value. ish,” but hell with God With that heart I I had heard about the workshop is definitely more bear- could see the many about three weeks prior to my actual able than without God angels surround- departure and even though I want des- and even though at ing the Tree of Love; perately to go, I seriously doubted that times I found myself I could converse it would have ever been possible. We wishing that Kimpo daily with the cus- had just bought and moved into our airport was a lot clos- todian angel who house and the UC grandmother who er, I determined to be had been assigned lives with us had already made plans victorious in over- to me upon my to visit her family in Colorado for ten coming all the differ- arrival; I could hear days, exactly at the time I should have ent aspects of my fall- the voice of my been leaving. Between finding the money en nature that were brother Daniele and the loving people who could take becoming clearer and who had died a care of both Lucas (4 years old) and clearer day by day. get tired, think about the reality of our year before I was born, asking me to Mimi (2 and a half), I could only but It is always astonishing how Heav- eternal life in the spirit world. When I be liberated since I had forgotten to do venture into prayers with a desperate enly Father seems to be so incredibly feel tired, I think about spirit world and so; I could receive Daemonim’s loving heart, promising God that I would have close when we are put in a difficult sit- my tiredness disappears!” He then lov- “ansu” on the head; and most of all I indeed met Him in Chung Pyung. Need- uation and I can certainly say that I ingly kissed us good-bye and we all could prepare myself to be reborn less to say, where there is a will there had the most profound spiritual expe- dashed out to bid True Parents farewell. through True Parents ‘ Grace Nation- is a way! I will always thank Heavenly riences in the first two weeks of the The second event took place a cou- al Blessing and learn day by day how Father for credit cards and in this case workshop. There are two particular ple of days after Father’s visit. It was to become a true daughter of God with I also thank the many people who got events that highlighted that time and well after 10 p.m. and our bodies had no evil in my heart. Not only has my “volunteered” by Heaven to help take gave new meaning to my life. The first not yet adjusted to the intense and attitude remained the same, but my care of our kids. And I thank my hus- one is when Father came to visit us arduous schedule, and while Mrs. Gil enthusiasm for this wonderful life has band for his wonderful support and only two days after our arrival in CP. Ja Sa Eu was introducing the new grown stronger every day since I have sincerely apologize to the children, for After bowing and greeting True Par- Divine Principle manual I was truly returned home, and dealing with the I indeed put them through a gruesome ents, Mother left and Father told us fighting to keep awake. At one point I daily challenges does not burden me schedule. It is with many tears in my that even though he had very little time remember hearing Mrs. Eu share a but give me even more reason to try prayers that I would often think of True to spend with us since he was prepar- poignant experience she had had with and be absolutely strong, absolutely Mother and her incredible sacrifice at ing to return to America, he had to Father shortly after joining our Church. faithful, absolutely loving and absolute- having to leave the True Children in come and see our “crying faces” because She had asked Father how he could ly obedient. This life is no longer a the hands of “strangers” and just con- of the challenging situations he knew say that he was the Messiah since he dream. It is true and real, thanks to centrate on Heaven’s Will! That thought we were facing. But with his loving had “two ears, two eyes, one nose, and Heavenly Father, True Parents, True often comforted my heart and even smile he uplifted us all and said, “Instead one mouth like us” and Father answered, Family and Daemonim and thanks also though I had pictures of my family with of tears, all I can see are your beauti- “The difference is that there is no evil to the wonderful family they gave me. me, I trained myself day after day not ful and smiling faces!” He then asked in my heart.” Upon hearing this I com- Daniela was blessed to Roger Wether- to look at them unless I met sisters I those sisters who had their birthday pletely perked up and felt as if I had all in Korea in 1989. They have two chil- had not met in a long time and who on that day to come out and sing a been given a completely new insight dren and live in the U.S., near Bridge- wanted to see the photos. song. About eight sisters came and not only on the reality of True Father port University. ❖ During the 5th workshop we were some had very little children with them. but also on what my personal goal in

the ancient Sumerians pronounced any- ries. Happily, all is not lost! gravity, but people who break them will NOT thing, although scholars can read the In the tradition of the Brothers Grimm, reap the consequences. from page 26 language to some extent. No one knows seven members of my writer’s group This is one of the Principle’s key what the builders of Tiwanaku called contributed six (out of fifteen) wonder- insights. Far from getting dragged into are quite handy with the jargon of it, either. Tiwanaku is what the Aymara ful short stories to a new children’s some harsh Throne Room for afterlife physics, astronomy, and archaeology. Indians called it, but they did not build anthology. Just published by Yard Dog Judgment, we are creating our own Each guest, no matter how absurd their it. Sitchin takes two pronunciations that Press, it has the rather unusual title eternal future, slowly but just as sure- claims, is given a warm and uncritical are both unknown and assumes that Stories That Won’t Make Your Parents ly. reception. they are same! That assumption then Hurl. Editor Selina Rosen sums up the Even so, the idea of personal license One of Bell’s most popular guests is becomes key evidence. theme: “If you misbehave, the conse- (as opposed to true freedom) is very author Zecharia Sitchin. Dale Gillis, That kind of ignorance is why archae- quences will be dire!” (Personally, it was appealing. Please note: the actual result, another member of my writer’s group, ologists don’t even bother to reply.—Dale my first paid sale.) if Relativism prevailed, would be the is an analytical chemist. Here, he applies Gillis © 2001 You can get it from Amazon.com or end of civilization. People are fallen, the same sort of rigorous logic to one I’ve met adults who became defen- order it through a bookstore. Better and when authority is removed, chaos of Sitchin’s books: sive at the merest hint that their favorite still, buy it directly at, www.yarddog- results. The shrewd and the brutal Let me give one example of what is ‘non-linear thinker’ is actually mistak- press.com. would dominate. wrong with Sitchin. In his fourth book, en, if not a charlatan. With so much Yes, God demands our obedience. Lost Realms, Sitchin adds to his claim CONCLUSION invested in what they thought was eso- For Unificationists, this entails a lot that the Sumerian gods were aliens by teric or cutting-edge knowledge, they Without a Creator God, morals would more than following some vague pre- extending their presence into South Amer- were terribly disappointed. be nothing but a social consensus; arbi- cepts. We cannot personally accomplish ica. Other ancient astronaut theorists trary rules to be imposed upon others. everything asked of us, but as our Rev. had made use of the ruin of Tiwanaku CHILDREN’S LESSONS So, are moral laws an imposition? You Kevin Thompson likes to say, “If every- on the shores of Lake Titicaca. Here The fairy tales of every culture were bet. Are they needed? Urgently! one did something, then everything Sitchin does so as well. designed to give their children a good Parents know about physical absolutes, would get done.” Sitchin claims that Tiwanaku means foundation in life. In Europe, the Broth- such as heat and gravity, that their The Bible is filled with the tragedies Tin City in Sumerian. The aliens, “gods,” ers Grimm collected the most famous adventurous toddlers do not. Wise par- of rebellion, and the blessings gained needed tin and set up a mining opera- of these tales. Scary witches and track- ents also understand the moral laws by obedience. God is everyone’s par- tion in that area. This claim then becomes less forests made their moral lessons their rebellious teenagers may be ignor- ent, and because His Will is based upon foundational for the story Sitchin tells unforgettable. ing. I’ve never yet heard a mother answer profound love and knowledge, obedi- in this volume. Nowadays, liberalism and political “yes” to Dr. Laura’s trademark ‘Would ence leads us to harmony and great Does Tiwanaku mean Tin City in correctness have leached the moral You Want Your Daughter To?’ question. blessings. ❖ Sumerian? Actually no one knows how authority from American children’s sto- Moral laws aren’t as spectacular as 26 Unification News March 2001

PAUL meaningless. The perception of “being CARLSON ABSOLUTELYNOT right” was sufficient grounds for vio- lence. It is important to remember that Mr. Carlson is involved with ALL forms of measurement are created marine aspects of the The late scholar Allan Bloom, in his action. Every major religion upholds by human beings, to be used upon other Providence in the Bay Area tome The Closing of the American Mind, the Golden Rule, and some version of human beings. discussed the ruinous effect of Rela- the Ten Commandments. Monotheists With our limited understanding of his month’s article springs tivism on higher education. Writing in understand that this flows directly from self and cosmos, all that we can state from a discussion engaged the 1980s, he noted that his students our Creator. with clarity is that, at some point, the in by my on-line writer’s denied having, or even needing, any Morality is also the basis of secular cosmos came to exist. And that, possi- group. Our initial subject heroes—while secretly envying Mick law, and therefore of civilization itself. bly, it may cease to exist. Beyond this, was science vs. mysticism Jagger. People who deliberately break laws are all ideas are the subjective, individual and,T as usual, it branched out all over regarded as criminals. On the other opinions of billions of lifeforms. TRUTH and LAWS the place. I’ve invited two of its mem- hand, those who can’t even compre- Opinions are not right or wrong— bers, Dale Gillis and F.R.R. Mallory, to A recent article in Skeptical Inquir- hend laws are subject to special psy- they’re simply yours. A possession of contribute to this article. er, the magazine for debunkers of frauds, chiatric and legal remedies. the individual, struggling as an indi- discussed ‘truth.’ It said that truth, as vidual, to form a constantly changing RELATIVISM REPRESSION? encapsulated in scientific theorems, is perception of the cosmos. —F.R.R. Mal- The mystical, or non-scientific, world- an objective absolute. Next, it recount- Some people react strongly to the lory, All Rights Reserved ©2001 view has been called Relativism, and ed how new theorems emerge, toppling very concept of morality. They claim Mallory is a prolific writer for the its aspects range from venerable philoso- the ‘established’ truth. It then discussed they’re being “repressed,” in both per- ‘alternate lifestyles’ scene. These folks phies to daily lifestyles. My thanks to Epistemology, claiming that philoso- sonal and social ways. place great emphasis on personal respect Richard Lewis and Dr. Tyler Hendricks phers haven’t been able to formulate My fellow writer F.R.R. Mallory is an and tolerance, especially for the [to put for explaining it in these pages. any clear definition of ‘fact’ or ‘truth.’ eloquent advocate of this view. In the it politely] exotic or unusual. It seems Relativism, in its modern form, (Apparently these folks, most of whom best Socratic tradition, I’ve asked her they’re also quite worried about a revival emerged from popular confusion over are atheists, want plenty of wiggle room.) to state the case in her own words: of the Salem Witch Trials, or whatev- Einstein’s famous Theory of Relativi- My opinion on this subject appeared Criticizing someone’s personal beliefs, er modern form such nasty activities ty. People have generalized Einstein’s in a letter in Mercury, the journal of ideas, feelings, or opinions is a form of might take. term to encompass relationships, ideals, the Astronomical Society of the Pacif- imposition; an act of subtle aggression. and even facts. As in: “Hey man, every- ic. The cosmos has fundamental laws, These challenges are almost always EXPERTS thing’s relative.” Einstein could have such as gravity. No matter how loud- forums for verbal, mental, and emotional When applied to new or scientific- dubbed his idea the Theory of Invari- ly you repudiate that law, you’re still assault. sounding claims, Relativism can have ance, because it states that the speed going to get the same result when you Often a challenger will suggest that outlandish results. Without an objec- of light does not vary, no matter how step off a ledge! “all of society” agrees with them. This tive standard of truth, everything becomes fast the source of the light is moving. Moral laws are just as absolute, being becomes intimidation. In the religious a matter of personal opinion. Secular In other words, it sets forth a whole rooted in inescapable human realities arena, when individuals live outside the laws are mocked. Real experts—in any series of absolutes. such as love, respect, and unselfish dominant culture, they may be subjected subject—are dissed. Peculiar beliefs to extreme brutality, to punish them for become widespread. the “effrontery” of simply not believing. Stay up late for a couple of nights We interpret so-called “divine law” to and listen to radio’s Art Bell Show. A suit our individual goals, and to excuse parade of self-assured ‘mystical’ and atrocities. ‘alternative’ celebrities will appear. Many The intent of the challenger, here, is see NOT on page 25


ROOMS FOR RENT Coming to Orlando Florida for business, fund-raising, or coming for fun to Disney World? The Kissimmee Center has extra rooms just visitors. Rates $25 per couple children extra. Fund-raisers $5 per person. 9 mi. from Disney. Call Jeddie King at 407-846-8256 305 Madison Ave. #1166 dec jan feb mar apr New York, NY 10165 Useful Internet Addresses Unification Church: unification.org Family Federation: familyfed.org HSA Bookstore: hsabooks.com Unification International: www.tongil.or.kr Brunhofer & Balise, LLP Unification Outreach: www.unification.net Bridgeport University www.bridgeport.edu Certified Public Accountants HeartThread: www.futurerealm.com offices located at: UTS: www.uts.edu PO Box 555 Ocean Church oceanchurch.org Monument Beach, MA 02553 Sun Moon University: www.sunmoon.ac.kr 508-759-7865 PWPA: www.pwpa.org fax: 508-7597540 World CARP: worldcarp.org & Pure Love Alliance: purelove.org 287 Farview Ave. HSA E-Directory: users.aol.com/HSAUWC Paramus, NJ 07652 Unification Archive: www.Tparents.org 201-599-9899 726 ICRF: www.religiousfreedom.com 201-599-2328 (fax) Religious Youth Service www.rys.net [email protected][email protected] World University Federation www.wufed.org Providing corporate, individual and The World of Heart worldofheart.org not-for-profit organizations Int. Religious Foundation [email protected] accounting and tax services Please let us know of any mistakes or potential additions.

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